#shimura headers
alieinthemorning · 5 months
Set Me Free [Shigaraki Tomura | Shimura Tenko]
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Content: Angst, Established Relationship, Hurt No Comfort
Pronouns: None
Header: @/seraphicghost
Reblogs: Let me know that you enjoy my work and want to see more, so don’t forget to like and reblog (and comment in the tags. I love seeing people’s rambles in the tags)!
This work’s concepts, plot and original characters are my own which means I do not allow any sort of creative theft nor do I allow my work to be entered into any sort of A.I. bots. Thank you for respecting my space and boundaries.
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Sometimes you think back to when times were simpler.
When you were just an average civilian, working a boring job, clinging onto the thin thread of your life.
Until you met a very special person.
Shigaraki Tomura.
To meet the leader of the league was a feat in its own.
To continue living after is unfathomed.
But now,
Now you wondered.
“You should’ve just killed me, I could’ve been a nameless body in an abandoned cemetery. You could’ve set me free.” You kept your tone flat so as to not give away the biting cold your heart felt.
He didn’t react and you weren’t sure he actually heard you until, “I can still do that if you want.” He flexed his fingers. “I’d rather not but…”
“You’d rather not? Or is he stopping you?”
You’d seen the doctor’s documents. After the operation, he wouldn’t be himself anymore.
He would be Him.
“What?” Obviously he didn’t know.
But who were you to tell him?
So instead of responding, you simply stood and
Not long after you saw him on the news with headline
You turned off the tv.
And think back to simpler times.
“You were the one who held my heart, Shimura Tenko.”
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Ko-Fi | Commission | Masterlist
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alphian-hcs · 1 year
How ya doing! If your taking requests can you do heizou and Xiao's ideal date?
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[Image credit: Lauphine on Hoyolab]
[A/N] AAA First request! I woke up this morning and was so happy i got a request lol- but thank you for the request! Honestly spent all day pondering over Heizou's lol.
Also- the headers are made by me, and as you can see i TRIED (keyword, tried) to write their names in the writing of the places their nations are based on, but i havent practiced japanese in a hot minute, and Xiao's was nerve wracking considering i have to concept of the space for the character.
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Xiao is the less romantic type. He probably wouldnt even realize he was on a date considering he tries to avoid mortals so often.
His ideal spot to hang out with you is probably on the peaks of Minlin/Huaguang Stone Forest.
Xiao would probably bring little snacks for the two of you to eat as you watch birds pass by or talk about your days.
He just wants a peaceful time with nice scenery around, no matter the time of day.
Though if you were scared of heights, he would take you (begrudgingly) through Liyue, looking out at the harbor and talking. He wouldn't just want to take you to Wangshuu in, since that's often where you would meet before the little dates he does.
All around, he would want a peaceful date where you can just enjoy eachother's company!
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Ok, so im just going to say it. Night dates. He HATES the food at the Tenryou commission, so he wants dates at night, so he can escape the food and instead go out and get a nice dinner with you, his beloved s/o!
Definitely a fan of dates where you can sit and eat, but also have a good view.
His favorite spot to go with you is Shimura's, since you can watch the stars if you want, or for the scenery. Just imagine- a nice bowl of udon, with some petals and leaves falling around due to the trees.
Heizou would also love for (on the days he doesnt work) his s/o to go with him to an escape room, or somewhere they can test their intellect/knowledge.
Though during the escape rooms, he would love to tease his s/o occasionally, not so much as to get them mad- just enough to get them a bit flustered. After all, he is the detective of the tenryou commision! These escape rooms are a cinch for him, but he loves to do them with his s/o nonetheless.
Heizou would just generally love to get away from his duties with his S/o, and have a fun time, whether it be eating, doing escape rooms, or just being in eachothers presence.
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shi6nya · 4 years
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like or rb if you save/use :)
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kamuianiki · 3 years
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gintama girls • manga icons.
like or reblog if u use please. 💘
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shigashigashig · 3 years
All For One kink headcanons
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Dumbificaion: To put it simply , he loves watching you go dumb and lust drunk on his cock. Will hold your face with his hand and watch as you smile idioticly from being absolutely stuffed with his cock. Will probably talk down to you while your all brain dead. "Thats a good girl, such a good girl. You like my dick that much sweetheart?" And "oh baby come all around my cock just like that, yeah thats my good little puppy." Thinks its adorable how much control he has over you. He likes that he has the power to totally turn off your brain with just a good pounding.
Overstimulation: This plays into his dumbificaion kink. He wants to push you pass your limits. He'll make you come time after time until you're at the point where litterally sobbing and begging him to stop. Even when you are at that point he'll still push you further. "Oh come on now, you can take more can't you? Or are you really just that pathetic?" Yeah, if you can't take all that he gives you he'll insult you and put you down until your begging him to try again.  He's an ass. If you do manage to get through the Overstimulation and torture he puts you through, he'll praise you like there's no tomorrow. Runs his fingers through your hair while telling you how good you are for him. How adorable and important you are. This man loves making you come over and over and over until your legs are shaky and your mind is numb.
Lingerie / lace: This man is one classy mother fucker. So he wants you to represent that too. He's rich, very rich. So he'll buy you a new set of pretty lacy lingerie for each time you guys have sex. He'll put in on the bed and expects you to have it on for him when he gets back in the room. He loves the way the lace wraps your body and makes you look like a pretty little present for him to tear into. His favorite colors of lingerie to get you is black, pink, and red. He thinks thoes colors are the most sexy on you. He knows your body like the back of his hand. So he knows what style of lingerie to get you to make you not only look the best to him, but to yourself as well. He wants you to like how you look as much as he likes how you look, and he likes how you look QUITE alot.
I have more headcanons than this but I didn't want the post to be too long. Let me know if you'd like more!
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hijitae · 3 years
All That Heals Holds Hope
New HijiTae fic by yours truly:
All That Heals Holds Hope
Settling for removing just his helmet, Kondou sets it down on the space beside him and then looks above Hijikata’s hairline. “Ah, here she comes! Haha, I wouldn’t have expected that!”
Hijikata turns toward the aisle, as a waft of plum perfume greets him. “What, is she an alien—” He stops, as Tae walks fully into view and his jaw drops slightly.
Summary: Snack Smile is engaging in the Halloween spirit by having all its hostesses dress up in a variety of costumes while encouraging customers to do the same. Kondou drags Hijikata to the cabaret club where Tae is dressed as a Hyakka member for the night and causes Hijikata to unintentionally look twice at her. Maybe three times. Seven times now. He’s lost count, damn it.
Click the title for the AO3 link if you’re interested in reading.
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animangaedits · 7 years
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gintokiarts · 4 years
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— [¥] ; please like or reblog if u save ©®
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my-hero-academicons · 4 years
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@thatspongebobkidmeme asked: hiiiiii i love your icons so much, i actually have one as my icon rn lol, but i was wondering if you could make a shigaraki header? preferably in black and white? ty so much, you’re amazing and you’re work is amazing too!!!
tysm!! here’s some shigaraki headers <3
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wtfuckyungsoo · 5 years
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i love this boy
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messy-anime-icons · 5 years
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currently I've been reading the manga of gintama and I have to make a few headers of my fav ✊😔
gintama manga headers 🎎✨
reblog/like if u like or save ✨🎐
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sblackeditie · 5 years
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like or reblog if you save; credit @hexploseriot
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kamuianiki · 4 years
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tsukkisacchi + kyuutae matching icons. 🌸
like or reblog if u use pls.♡︎
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kyojinicons · 6 years
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please like or reblog if u save ♡ ྀ  
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hijitae · 3 years
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New HijiTae fic by yours truly:
Sometimes Fate Grants Second Chances
Tae found it all very fascinating, but still wondered why she had woken up with this ability to detect the red string of fate in others. Then, a thought occurred to her – why hadn’t she looked down at her own hand to begin with? To see if she was experiencing the same phenomenon? She had been so caught up in checking every passerby for a red thread that she hadn’t taken the time to inspect her own hand. With a flutter of nervousness in her stomach, Tae glanced down…
…and saw a single red thread tied around her littlest finger.
Summary: Tae wakes up one morning and notices a strange sight: there are red threads attached to everybody, including herself. Curious, Tae follows the thread in order to find out who is attached at the other end.
Click the title for the AO3 link if you’re interested in reading.
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waterrr · 3 years
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# like/rb if save/use,, headers and icons by me.
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