#shinchiro tokyo revengers
m4nj1r0s · 4 months
Hiii okay I'm obsessed with your TR headcanons! May I request relationship headcanons for Shinichiro Sano? Maybe with a stoic/ calm and collected reader? Thank you if you do 💖
Shinichiro Sano with a stoic/collected reader headcannons
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I’m so sorry for the rlly late reply I was sooo inactive recently but tyy! It’s a little short but hope you like it :)
- Admires you a lot, since he’s quite literally the opposite.
- Before you guys started dating, he used to sneak glances at you with a massive blush on his face. You were just so pretty even whilst you did the most boring things on earth.
- Unfortunately, his little ‘glance’ ended up w/ him staring at you for a good 10 mins and he’s scared you think he’s a weirdo :(
- You probably do ibsr
- Whenever he’s around you he tries to act nonchalant like in the gif, but internally he’s freaking out. Poor boy doesn’t want to ward you off because he likes you sm.
- Given his track record with girls, it’s safe to say he goes to Wakasa. You two are similar, and he wants to try and figure out what you’re thinking.
- Wakasa actually gives him genuine advice, probably because he’s gotten so much second-hand embarrassment from Shinichiro asking girls out before 😭
- Has a whole ass notepad where he jots down things you tell him about yourself. Even if it’s the smallest thing.
- “So, you had a vanilla milkshake whilst you were on vacation 3 years ago?”
- “Correct.. Why are you writing that down?”
- Read a romance novel to try and figure out how to confess to you and he decided to do it on a day that was rainy so you two could have a cute first kiss in the rain moment right after you said yes, breaking your stoic demeanor and also confessed your undying love to him.
- Assuming you said yes ofc..
- Wakasa shut it down almost immediately after Shinichiro told him tho 🙁
- So he opted to ask you out whilst you two were hanging out in his motorbike shop during the sunset.
- “So you’ll actually go out with me???!”
- “Don’t make me repeat myself.”
- Mf was literally jumping for joy
- Naturally after you guys start dating you’ll hang around with Wakasa, Benkei and Takeomi more. Which is fine, since you and Wakasa have similar personalities and you get along with Benkei & Takeomi.
- Shinichiro was happy that you got along w/ his friends but he does get jealous easily. Especially when you and Wakasa form a good friendship :(
- He’s not upset you two get along, but he’s going with you anytime you hang out.
- He gets jealous pretty easily, and then he gets insecure when you seem to be so nonchalant.
- Do you get as jealous as he does when he talks to girls?? (they only talk to him to ask for directions)
- Mikey and Emma adore you, though they were ASTOUNDED Shinichiro brought someone as cool as you home as his girlfriend.
- They crash your guys’ dates sometimes, but you guys don’t mind.
- Shinichiro loves to hand-feed you, and this mf WILL even if you try and stop him.
- “..Move that spoon away from my face.”
- “Honeybuns, you have to eat!-”
- Literally the king of making the cheesiest, corniest nicknames for you and he genuinely thinks they’re cute.
- They range from Honeybuns, Pookie, SNOOKIE, Sugarplum, Sweetiepie and Cinnamonbun.
- Yes, he literally calls you cinnamon bun sometimes 😭
- But he is a gentleman. Will hold open doors for you, make sure you have a helmet if youre going on his motorbike, tie your shoelaces for you and on those rare days you’re too tired to walk he will carry you.
- I hc he’s actually strong, but js can’t fight for whatever reason. So he’s pretty good at lifting things up, which is useful if you ever want to rearrange furniture :)
- Has a fun little game where he tries his hardest to catch you off guard and will randomly kiss you, but the thing is he always does it at the worst time 😭
- One time he came up behind you and wrapped his arms around your waist and you punched him 😭
- “Why would you punch me, Cinnamonbun?!”
- “..My bad.”
- You’re his savior when he gets injured though. Whether it was in his shop, or Mikey and Emma ganging up on him, you always tend to his injuries and your calmness also relaxes him in turn.
- Has a cringe t-Shirt with your face on it that says ‘If Lost, please return to:’ 🫠
- He thinks it’s cute!..
- In conclusion, he will be extra cheesy if you’re stoic <3
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sh1nch1r0 · 4 months
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Shinchiro x Reader
Part (2/2)
After u told him u were pregnant Shin immediately goes into Dad Mode,hes also very protective of you and watches every step that u do around the house….both of u can’t wait to meet ur baby
Tw:Child birth,Complications,Angst,Many Pregnancy and Medical Terms,Birth,Shinchiro beeing a Dad😭🥹
U heard Shins car pulling into the driveway of ur home as u were sitting on the couch reading a Parenting Book that he had bought a couple of weeks ago.It was so sweet watching him go into Dad Mode,he not only buys parenting books,he also read that if u hold up the Belly of a pregnant person that it reliefs their back cause Babys can get heavy.He did that ever time u cooked or bushed ur teeth cause then he could feel ur tense and exhausted body relaxing against his own.
4 Months have passed since u told him and ur belly grew bigger and heavier by the day,u also had less energy and swollen feet that hurt and cramped a lot so on some days u could barely get up from ur shared bed or the Couch.And unfortunately today was one of these Days.
The Door unlocked and u heard Shins voice in the Hall shouting ur Name and that he was home.He expected u to run into his arms but as u didn’t he was concerned,he finished putting of his shoes and getting into his comfy house slippers.He then rushed into the Living Room where u were.
“Hey Honey how was work?” u asked and sat up a bit straighter,only to be met with not only back pain but also a cramp in your leg which made u hiss in pain.
“Is everything alright?” he asks concerned and sits at the end of the couch.
“My feet are killing me and my back to…” u whine and u lay ur head down on the arm rest.Beeing Pregnant was not easy you knew that but being that exhausted and in pain all the time was blowing ur expectations.
“Can i help i any way Love” your Husband asks and leans forward to put a hand on your Belly.
“No but thanks,i did not make dinner today or i couldn’t make any cause i am trapped on this couch” Shin could hear the disappointment in ur Voice,he knew that u thought it was ur duty to clean and cook and do house work cause he was Working his ass of to pay the bills.Never in a million years would he expect anything from you he lived alone before and hey he was still living and thriving he knew how to handle a household on his own.
“Honey i will make us dinner,and please dont feel guilty for not doing anything cause u are already doing so much for me”he says and presses a kiss against ur forehead.
“What am i doing for your right now?” u ask him cause the only thing u did today or since u were on maternity leave was getting dressed,making breakfast when u could and sitting around till ur pain was better and that was never ur were always in pain the last two months.
“U are growing a Human from scratch that is what ur doing Love,u don’t need to do anything around here i will do it okay.U should rest and relax”he says with a serious look on his face.
“But i am your wife i should help my husband out,i mean u pay for everything”you say and look at him with a sad and disappointed expression.
“U are my Wife.Not my mum.My mom cooked for me washed my clothes and stuff okay.And u are my Wife u are the love of my life for gods sake u should not feel forced to do stuff like that i can do it myself,if u want to do these things fine but never do it cause u should as a Wife” this man will be the death of u he was so understanding and sweet all the time that you would marry him again any day.
U gave him a thankful look and he was off to change before he cooked both of u dinner.
U tought the Days were the worst part and that everything will be better at night u were so wrong.Not only did ur body hurt like shit ur Baby also kicked u every chance he or she got.It hurt but it was also a sign that there was a life growing inside of you but this life could also be a little bit gentle with the person that was living on the outside you tought.
And so u were awake at 3 in the Morning kicking the cover off of u cause u were too hot and the other moment to cold.And to not wake up Shin who had to get up earlier than he usually does cause Mikeys Racing Team needed new bikes and stuff u wandered off into the nursery.
It was painted in neutral colours cause u did not know the gender yet the crib was built and the Chainging table and a Rocking Chair.U smiled at the thought of Ur Husband brining home this Chair u had voiced to him that u wanted a rocking Chair in the Nursery to read Books to ur baby and he got u a beautiful one with a pattern that matches the colours.
In the next weeks both of u would find out the gender of the Baby both of u did bot care about the gender of the baby “at least our Baby is healthy and happy” Shin always said when u asked him if he wanted a Girl or a Boy.But u knew that Shinchiro wanted a Girl just like Draken and Emma.
Emma had told u that she thinks that its a Girl cause “girls steal away their mother beauty” .Which u could not believe cause Emma was Glowing her entire pregnancy and she gave birth to a Girl.But u lost ur glow the past few months which made u a bit self conscious and sad.But ur Sister in Law always reminded u that u were Beautiful and Perfect and that there was a Baby growing under ur heart and that ur Body was working overtime.She also said that the “Pregnancy Glow” faded away after the 4th Month and that some Women just not have it or they experience it at the end of their Journey.
“Just imagine Me ur Dad and you sitting here playing something with you or reading…” u whisper to ur belly and the baby kicked u as if it could understand you.
“I see you agree my little one..” u say and put a hand on your belly and u felt another kick.The kicks always reminded u of the Moment when ur Husband felt the first kick of ur child.
The Evening was hot and it started to rain when u and ur lover sat down at the couch he was sitting behind u and held ur belly gently.The feeling of his body against urs was a familiar one and one that made ur soul feel at home.
U both just sat there in peace the only sound was ur synchrone Breathing and the Rain from outside.But then u felt a sudden kick it was a light one but u felt it.
« Did u feel that too » he whispers from behind you.
« Yes our baby kicked me »u whisper back.
« Wow….nature is truly a miracle hmm » he humms and kisses ur hairline.
« Thank you Love » he whispers after a bit of silence.
« For what » u ask.
« For giving me the Chance to be a father and have a family,i am so grateful for you i love u »he says and pulls u closer against his chest.
This was one of the best moments in ur pregnancy so far,u smile to yourself and rub ur belly gently.
„Is the little one keeping u up?“ a deep and sleepy voice asked u and u turned around.
The darkness of ur home revealed ur lover who looked so done with life and sleepy.
„Yes she keeps kicking me“u say.
„She?…do you know something i dont know“he asks with his arms crossed.
„No but i think its a girl…..something in me says its a girl“u say and get closer to him.
„I mean i have nothing against that if its a boy i wouldn’t be disappointed the only thing that matters is that they are healthy“ he pulls u closer to him and kisses ur lips gently.
„Lets get u back to bed okay?“he says sleepily and u agree.
Back in bed the kicking started again and u were awake another time.
„Hey my little one in there“ Shin whisper to your belly as he notices ur discomfort.
„Ur mom out here is trying her best to grow you, could you please let her sleep“ he continues,and to ur surprise the kicking stops.U moth to him „it works keep going“ and so he does.
„So when u are older one day,Daddy will take u for a ride on his bike and ohh…one day u will have a bike of ur own i have a good one in mind but u can of course choose one yourself love.“a kiss was pressed against ur belly and with Shinchiros voice and the relief ur body experienced now u fell asleep quickly.
Those five months passed quickly,and things got better ur backpain was not that strong and ur feet were quiet normal.And to ur and Shins luck both of u found out that u are having a little baby girl.
As both of u found out Shin cried happy tears and u did too.And after that nothing could bring the smile from shins face his wife was having a little girl and he will be a girl dad soon.
Both of u decorated the Nursery in different shades of pink to make it look girly,and everything seemed perfect but that exact evening u noticed that ur Backpain was worsening and that u had several abodem pain……
It was normal ur midwife had told u ur Body was prepping for Birth and u had something called Braxton Hicks which were false contractions that prepped ur body for the extreme pain of labour.But as the days go by ur false contractions seemed to get worse.They came in 1 to 2 hours and they were so painful that u either need to grab on the nearest thing for support or sit down.
„Love,i know its just these false contractions but please lets go to the gynaecologist and let him check if everythings okay“ ur Husband suggested as u were holding onto him for support as u breathed trough a contraction.
„Okay but he will tell u the same thing as the midwife“u tought.
But ur doctor told u that u were indeed in real labour and that u had to be rushed to the hospital.
It was a shock for both of u cause the baby then would be one and a half weeks early which was not good cause the babys development was not fully completed before the 40th week of pregnancy.
The Sky was foggy and a Storm was building up outside of the Hospital windows.
U were placed in the maternity ward and the doctors did their best to delay the birth cause the risk of ur baby having complications or u having complications while birth were a bit too high to risk.
U felt like u were going insane in this room u hated hospitals,the smell and the vibe were uncomfortable to you.
But ur Room was a bit more colourful and it had a light that was not too bright and the light color was warmer but it still felt like a hospital.
U were placed on an IC with Tocolytics this medication could delay birth and it seemed to be working well.Cause ur abodem pain reduced a bit.And ur Baby girl she was still kicking u but u could not complain cause u were afraid if she did not she may be dead.It hurt but u at least had a sign that she was okay and alive.
And ur Husband he was glued to you he stayed at the hospital with you he was with u the whole two days u were now here,u begged him to go home to shower and get a bit of comfortable sleep but he refused.In the end both of u agreed that one night but only one night he will sleep at home but in that time Emma and Draken will stay with u for a bit so u agreed.
As she saw you Emma was in tears u looked stressed and tired ur hair was greasy and a mess and the Robe they gave u was very uncomfortable.
So she proposed the idea that she will wash ur hair and help you get dressed while Draken was bringing theier Child to Mikey and his Girlfriend.
And after a proper hairwash and after u changed into leggins and a Shirt from ur Husband u felt a bit more human and a bit more like yourself.
Emma tried to get u away from ur worries.
„Her Birthday was really nice but her amazing aunt was missing“she told u about ur Nieces Birthday,that u sadly missed cause u were already a day in the hospital and u could not leave.
„I am so sorry Emma“ u whisper.
„Heyy no need to be sorry we are talking about ur Babys and ur Life and Health here she will always be your niece and you will always be her aunt“she coos and lays her hand over yours.
„Shin visited us in the late afternoon,he told us about u and that he needed to go back to you before you wake up.“ she tells u.
„He really Loves u dear,i have never seen my half brother so happy“ her smile was soft and her hand was now holding yours.
„Emma i am scared shitless“ u confess and Emma gave u a small laugh.
„No need to be,u will get trough this and ur baby will too you know why?“ u chook ur head in response.
„Cause u are her mother and u are a strong woman“ she answeres you and u give her a exhausted smile.
And with that u drift of into a well needed slumber.
Ur Baby was not breathing as they handed her over to you.Her face was pale and her Body lacked any kind of heat,ur world crashed in that moment.U screamed out of pain,pain cause u lost the one thing u loved as much as ur Husband.It was all too much for ur body and everything around u went dark.
A Hand was placed on your Arm and two familiar eyes looked into yours.
„Are you okay Love“ ur Husband asks as u wake up from ur Nightmare.It was a Nightmare was it if not u would loose ur mind.
„Am i still pregnant,is she still alive….Shin tell me“ u say as u panicked.
„Hey…u had a bad dream yes,and u are still pregnant and our baby is doing well“ he assures you and he shifts from his Chair at ur bedside to the mattress u were laying on.He took ur hand in his and pressed a kiss to every finger of ur Hand.
„We will get trough this baby“he says in a calm tone.And leans against ur frame,u craved his presence so much right now u just wanted him closer to you to just hold you close and kiss u.But the IV made that Impossible.
„Shin please hold me“u say and u were close to tear,u shifted a bit to the right for him to lay beside you.And like that u drifted off into a peaceful slumber.While he was beside you.
The Birth was now only two days away from ur calculated day and the risk was lower that something happens to you and the baby so they got u off of the medication and now u needed to wait.Till u were ready to finally give birth.And as the Doctors finally confirmed that it was time u were a bit relieved that ur pregnancy will be over and also a bit sad.
The Birth was going without any complications and Shin was there every second he held ur hand and u almost broke it by squeezing it so hard,and even if u did he couldn’t care less.Shin knew that labour was painful and exhausting and he tought he could handle it well.But hearing u scream for ur life did things to his heart that almost broke it into pieces.But as u pushed a final Time and u heard a loud cry.Both of u we’re relieved she was here ur Baby Girl was finally here.U looked up at Shin and you could see the tears in his eyes.
Ur newborn was placed on your bare chest moments after,she was perfect she has black hair like Shin and beautiful eyes like you she was the perfect mix of both of u.
« I am so proud of u,i am so proud of u of both of u,had to go tough so much »Shin says in a quiet tone to not upset the newborn who was slowly drifting into sleep.He strokes over her head gently and kisses the top of urs.
« Shes perfect Shin » u say exhausted.
Both of u were glad to be home after such nerv wrecking Days.
And Shin was the best dad ever,he fed the baby when you couldn’t,he changed her diapers,rocked and read her to sleep and what u found the cutest were the talks he had with her before bed.
U were fresh out of the Shower when u got down and u saw ur husband standing in ur living room the front to ceiling windows open so the coolness of the rain could go into your too warm home.He stood there and rocked her too sleep.
“Daddy will always protect u,and ur daddy will always be there when u need him and so will ur mommy”he coos to her and gives her a kiss on the forehead.
“And when ur older u can play with ur Cousins,they are very exited too meet u next week”he continues to whisper to the sleeping newborn in his toned arms.
“U have a very loving Family and they all love u very much but ur Mom and i love u way more than them”and with that he notices u standing behind him.U get closer to him and lean ur head against his shoulder and look down at the Human both of u made out of love for each other.
“Thank you” he says quietly and u lean up to kiss him.The sound of the rain calmed all of u down which was all needed.Ur Future was bright with a Family like that and u could not wait for more moments like this to come.
Thank your for reading this fic.And i think my Browser now thinks i am pregnant 😀😭
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torasplanet · 10 months
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𝙨𝙪𝙢𝙢𝙖𝙧𝙮 ; fucking your little brother's role model while they're just outside is probably something you shouldn't do but shinichiro was just so cute that you couldn't help it!
𝙬𝙖𝙧𝙣𝙞𝙣𝙜𝙨 ; smut, public sex?, oral (m receiving), backshots, p in v, slutty!reader kinda, reader is draken's sister, shin being pussy drunk, loser!shin, kinda short, smoking, unprotected sex, shin's weak ass pull out game, reader skin color not mentioned
marls notes 2 u(*´▽`*) ; one of my all time fav tr writers liked my rinnie post AND reposted it(≧∇≦) !! literally had me giggling and kicking my feet yall :3
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The sound of the bell ringing as the door opened gained Shinichio’s attention as he worked on a bike in the front of the shop, he looked up to see who walked in and the cigarette nearly fell out of his mouth with how his lips parted. There stood probably the most beautiful woman Shinichiro had ever seen, you. You stood there with the sunlight shining behind you like you were an angel staring at him with a delightful look on your face, his eyes trailed to your side seeing your little brother, draken standing right next to you with your hand on the side of his head pressing his face into your lower torso as an act of affection but he had an annoyed look on his face obviously not enjoying it.
You must’ve been his sister, draken did say you might come around one day because of how worried you were about where he was going all day after school “You’re Shinichiro right?” You asked tilting your head slightly while you both continued to stare at each other, shinichiro’s cheeks turned a bit red as he continued to gaze at you and your body “Uh yeah.” The smile on your face grew at his response, his voice was hot. He was hot and his voice matched it, you decide then that you need him.
“Cool, I told Kenny I had to meet you or he wouldn’t be able to play.” You said nodding slightly, draken frowned at your comment and began to grumble something about how they weren’t ‘playing’ and how he told you not to call him that in front of people but you didn’t care. You were too busy staring at the Sano man who still hadn’t broken eye contact with you, the only time he did was when his eyes trailed down to your chest. Shinichiro put down the wrench in his hand and looked at draken “They’re out back.” He told the small blonde boy who almost ran out the door before he remembered to look at you asking for permission silently, he knew how strict you were about asking for permission “You heard him, go.” You didn’t have to tell him twice, draken quickly ran out the front door circling the building shouting for Mikey and announcing that he was here which made a giggle escape you as you broke eye contact with the black-haired male to watch your brother.
Shinichiro reached for the rag that was draped on the handle of the bike as he used the opportunity of you not looking at him to observe your body and drool at how your clothes hugged your shape so perfectly “So uh, what’s your name?” He already knew your name, Draken told him but he wanted you to tell him.
To start a conversation y’know?
“[Y/n].” You said watching as the scrawny man wiped his hands free of any grime or oil that had come from the bike, you slightly bit your lip at the sight of his veiny pale hands as you walked closer to him very slowly “That’s a pretty name.” Shinichiro said taking the cigarette out of his mouth before putting it out on the floor he was kneeling on and tossing it behind him, he’d remind himself to clean that up later but right now, he wasn’t moving an inch away especially with you getting closer to him.
“Thank you, y’know shinichiro’s a pretty name too.” You said smiling widely at the compliment and how Shinichiro chuckled lowly at your reply, he was so cute! Him calling your name pretty shouldn’t have meant that much to you because it was just a simple compliment but for you...it was enough to let him fuck you in the back room of the shop after only a few minutes of small talk.
Your hands planted on the flat table black oil getting all over them as you rocked back and forth making the table shake and your breasts that were held by your lacy bra bounce, Shinichiro’s hands held a firm grip on your hips as he relentlessly pounded into you moaning and groaning about how good you felt while he eyed your smooth back as it arched with every harsh hit to your cervix “F-fuck! Shin…!” You moaned out throwing your head back while trying to keep yourself steady while you stared up at the tools propped up on the wall above your head with your lidded eyes full of lust and small tears, it was just so good.
Your shorts were discarded somewhere on the floor along with your panties and shirt leaving you only in your lacey black bra which Shinichiro was dying to rip off, your legs were shaking as you tried to keep standing and not fall to the ground and Shinichiro’s were too, fuck he hadn’t had sex in a while and his legs were cramping but he was not stopping at all. You felt too good for him to stop now “S-so good…! Mhm, f-fuckkkk, baby.” He moaned out running a hand up your smooth back making shivers run down your spine, your face nearly hit the tools on the wall from how violent his thrusts were but you continued moaning like a porn star like your brother, his brother, and their other little friends weren’t outside of this shop right now hanging out. You almost felt guilty for doing this whenever you occasionally heard the fits of giggles and yelling that came from them, key word, almost.
You heard a lot about Shinichiro Sano, the former leader and creator of The Black Dragons. Mainly from your brother who clearly looked up to Shinichiro a lot and he didn't deny it, he told you how he thought Shinichiro was cool for his motor skills but everything else you heard was how he was a loser who got no girls, how he spends most of his time in his shop working on bikes and you were expecting an actual loser, an ugly guy, and thought that this meeting would be short and you’d be quickly to leave but when you caught a glimpse of what he looked like the moment you stepped through the door. You knew you weren’t leaving, not without something from him like his number anyway. You were getting much more than his number.
It didn’t make sense to you how this hot man didn’t get any girls. No one wanted this man? He was hot, and cute, and god did he know how to fuck but their loss, more shin for you;)
“Ow! B-Be...ngh...careful!” You whined through your pitiful moans as Shinichiro delivered a harsh slap to the fat of your ass, he opened his eyes and looked down at you with sweat bullets running down his forehead and nearly closed eyes “Sorry...fuck, beautiful, just–ugh–can’t get enough of ya’.” He responded retreating his hand back to your hip, your hands flew up from the table and onto the wall and the tools covering them in the thick black oil that your palms were coated in. Your cunt tightened around him as you let out a large high-pitched yelp, god you haven’t even known him for twenty minutes and you were already nearing your edge.
But what you didn’t know is that Shinichiro had been holding back for a while so you didn’t think he was a loser for cumming so fast, he was going to wait until you came but this wasn’t really that effective on his part because it’s like holding back and the warmth of your throbbing cunt killed most of the brain cells he had, he wasn’t thinking, there was nothing to think about other than this magnificent pussy of yours. Shinichiro didn’t care about his brother and his stupid friends, he couldn’t give a single shit if they walked in here right now, he’d probably keep going.
Your lips parted forming a small ‘O’ as you breathed heavily “Shit, shit, shit! M’...cumming!” You shouted with your nails digging into the tools on the wall causing you pain but the pleasure overrode it. These words were like the lottery to him as he looked up at the ceiling seeing stars as he felt you cum all over him, he wanted to pull out and spray thick ropes onto your back and that stupid fucking bra he couldn’t take off but he couldn’t and ended up cumming inside, it’s not like he was incompetent, it was just too hard to see anything with the white spots he was seeing.
“Oh my fucking god.” The sano male muttered as he looked at your cunt leaking a mixture of your cum and his own, you were so damn beautiful and his cock sprung up once again when you turned your head to look back at him with a tired face, you glanced down at your back which you expected to be covered in cum before looking at him once again with a tired and evil smile growing on your face and it made him wonder what you were planning to do or say. What he was about to hear would probably put his loser ass in a fucking coma. “Want more.” His eyes widened at your statement and he looked at you like you were crazy. 
You needed more of him, you couldn’t just settle for some sloppy backshots! You didn’t expect him to cum inside of you but now that he had, you craved more. More of his dick, you felt like you would die right here if you didn’t “Huh? More?” Shinichiro questioned as he watched you turn your body around before you lowered yourself to your knees in front of him with your legs spread slightly, his dark eyes lowered down once again gazing at how his cum continued to seep out of you and onto the ground with some smeared on the inside of your thighs. He made eye contact with you and you were looking up at him through your lashes with a sweet look “If that’s…okay with you?” You said continuing to look up at him from your spot on the floor completely ignoring his cock that was in front of your face.
Shinchiro wasn’t that lengthy but what he didn’t have in the length department, he made up with his girth, and boy did you feel all of that thickness when he plunged himself into you. It was like he was re-shaping your walls “Y-Yeah, of course!” Shinichiro said more cheerfully than he wanted to as you put your hands on his clothes thighs as his pants were only lowered a bit, he loved the idea of going at it again but that bra…he wanted–no, he needed it off.
“But, can…can you take off your bra?” He requested nervously making you smile and giggle a bit, he was acting like a virgin! Maybe he was but there was no way a virgin could fuck that good. You hummed in response before reaching your arms back and undoing your bra strap before letting it fall to the ground in front of you and Shinichiro’s mouth was agape at the sight, he was definitely rock hard by now “Glad to see you think m’ pretty.” You said looking at his dick that was standing up straight practically sitting against his lower abdomen, you reached to grab it but remembered the oil all over your hands, Shinchiro didn’t. He didn’t care if you covered his cock with that oil, he just needed you to touch him “Forgot about the oil, sorry.” You said quietly wiping your hands on his jeans before lowering your mouth onto him taking him in with no problem whatsoever.
His head flew back with his black hair springing everywhere “Fuck, m....my god.” He moaned as his hand flew to your head as you bobbed your head up and down, your nose pressing into the messy nest that was his black pubes with your hands remaining on his clothed thighs “God, are you always this straight-forward?” Shinichiro asked looking back down at you trying his hardest not to moan as he got that sentence out, you giggled on his dick sending vibrations to it before you pulled off momentarily to reply.
“No, just f'you. You were too cute, couldn’t resist.” You didn’t even give him a chance to respond before you were back sucking on his cock like it was oxygen, you weren’t…really a whore but you weren’t exactly a virgin mary either. But you never let a guy do this much on the first time you met, hell not even the first week but Shinichiro was special, he was really cute and his dick was too! You had no issue being his little cock whore.
Shameless moans and sucking noises echoed into the atmosphere and Shinichiro began to get dizzy and he was seeing stars once again, Jesus, you were really trying to suck his soul out of him weren’t you? Though he wasn’t complaining, not at all and his pathetic whines and groans were evidence of that. “Fuck! Wanna cum on...y-ou. All on you, will you let me baby?” He wailed with a tight grip on your head as he felt your tongue swirl around his cock and his bright pink tip, you nodded and hummed not removing your lips from around his cock enjoying the taste of yourself and his cum that was left on him. He felt a smile growing on your lips as his back arched slightly at the vibrations you were sending to his dick.
God, he was cumming already and you knew it. You wiped your right hand all over his pants to get rid of any oil that was left on there before removing your lips from him with a thin string of saliva connecting you to his tip. Your hand replaced the warmth and moist place that was in your mouth as you began to jerk him off while looking up at him smiling at his moans and his red face. 
The sano adult eventually came and came all over your face and tits, he tried to regain a steady breathing pace as he looked down at the beautiful sight that was you as you scooped some of the cum that was on your chest before popping your finger in your mouth humming at the taste. He continued to gaze at you even when you looked at him.
“So, wanna go on a date?”
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©torasplanet .ᐟ reblogs and likes are very appreciated! pls do not repost!!
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Meddling Friends (Kids) (Flufftober 2023 Day 7)
Pairing: shinichiro sano x female reader
WC: 1440
Warnings: none
Summary: shinichiro is lonely so emma, mikey, and izana take matters into their own hands
Note: idk how dating apps work but this idea was just too cute to pass up
“How tall is he?” Emma asked as she, Mikey, and Izana stared at the bio page of the dating app they downloaded on their older brother Shinichiro’s phone. They were currently huddled on the couch as they discussed it seriously.
“Like, six feet,” Mikey responded.
Emma hummed thoughtfully before typing, “I’ll put six foot two.”
“But that’s lying,” Izana argued.
“It’s for Shin’s sake,” Emma defended, “Now I need some interests, uh…”
“Motorcycles,” The three teenagers said at the same time and Emma diligently typed it out. Then she sat back thoughtfully, “Is that really all he has going for him?”
“Pretty much,” Mikey shrugged.
Emma shook her head, “We’ve gotta come up with something else… How about ‘I like to take long walks in the park and enjoy nature’ or something like that?”
“But that’d be even more lying,” Izana sighed.
“Do you want him to get a girlfriend or not?” Emma snapped, “This is Shin’s only hope, so we have to make him look good.”
“Put ‘loves kids’, some ladies like that stuff,” Mikey added, “And it’s true.”
Emma agreed and put it down, “Now all we need are some pictures.”
She went through his selfies and found the best photos of their older brother and added them to the profile. Then she smiled in satisfaction as she hit the finish button.
“Alright, it’s done!”
“What’s done?” Shinichiro’s voice sounded from the doorway causing the three siblings to jump in fright.
Emma was the first to recover as she proudly held out the phone, “Your dating profile!”
“I’ve been looking everywhere for this thing,” Shinichiro said as he took the phone back, then his sister’s words registered, “Wait, what dating profile?”
He looked down and his eyes widened at the sight of the dating app that hadn’t been there before.
“We took the liberty of making you one,” Izana explained, “You’re welcome.”
“Well I’m deleting it,” Shinichiro replied.
“No!” Emma tried to take the cell back, but he held it high in the air out of her reach. Mikey had the perfect solution and jumped on his older brother’s back, wrestling him to the floor as it became an all-out brawl for the phone. Just then his cell dinged with a notification, causing everyone to perk up.
Emma gasped excitedly, “Someone’s interested!”
“Really?” Shinichiro couldn’t keep the delight out of his tone as he sat up and looked back down at the device. He clicked on the notification and the dating app showed your bright smiling face. He made a noise, sounding impressed.
“She’s cute,” Mikey commented, peeking over his shoulder to see your picture.
Emma quickly scanned your bio and gasped again, “She sounds perfect for you!”
“You think?” Shinichiro found himself asking as he also looked over your information. “Well what do I do?”
“I think you swipe to match,” Izana explained, taking the phone and doing just that. Then he handed it back and continued, “Then you just message her.”
“Message her?” Shinichiro repeated in surprise, “What would I even say?”
“Well most people start with a hello,” Izana said like it was obvious.
“No! Do a joke! Show her you’re funny!” Emma advised.
“Is he though?” Mikey questioned blankly.
“I can be funny,” Shinichiro argued, furrowing his brows.
Before he could think of something to say, you sent the first message. 
“Is that her? What’d she say?” Emma asked.
“She said ‘hey’ with a smiley face,” Shinichiro answered, “Quick what do I say?”
“Just say it back,” Mikey shrugged, “Come on, you’ve held a conversation before.”
Ignoring that last part, Shinichiro did just that and soon you were replying.
That was the start of many messages shared between you and Shin. You two seemed to hit it off really well and had quite a bit in common. He found your mannerisms endearing and just genuinely enjoyed talking to you.
However, after about a month, Shinichiro still had yet to ask you on a date, the whole reason why the younger Sano siblings downloaded the app in the first place. Which is exactly what led them to take matters into their own hands once more.
“Have you guys seen my phone?” Shinichiro asked one day as he walked into the living room only to see Emma, Mikey, and Izana huddled around it again. “What are you doing?”
“Talking to (Y/n),” Emma replied nonchalantly, being the one actually holding the device.
“What?! With my phone? Did you at least tell her it was you?”
“No,” Mikey answered bluntly, and before Shinichiro could get his phone back, the phone dinged with a message.
Emma read it first and squealed excitedly, “She said yes!”
Shinichiro was lost, “Yes? Yes to what?”
Emma simply handed his phone over to her older brother with a smug smile on her face. “You have a date tomorrow!”
“You didn’t,” Shinichiro sounded breathless as he snatched the phone out of her hands. His heart was pounding in his chest as he looked over the messages of them asking you out by pretending to be him and you enthusiastically agreeing.
“It’s at the zoo at ten o’clock tomorrow morning,” Izana explained.
“You’re welcome,” Mikey added.
Shinichiro didn’t know what to do or say. It’s not like he could cancel the date because he didn’t want to seem like he wasn’t interested- he was very interested. He was just surprised you said yes.
So Shinichiro sucked it up and decided that he would make it the best date ever.
The next morning you both met up at the train station and made your way to the zoo. You were wearing a cute outfit and Shinichiro just put on a pair of nice jeans with a crisp white shirt that Emma insisted he ironed.
The date was going a lot smoother than Shinichiro thought it would go, much to his relief. You both laughed and joked as you went around to see the animals. There was even a point where you took the initiative and started holding his hand.
Finally, you suggested stopping somewhere for lunch which he agreed. You found a nice little restaurant and were currently waiting for your food.
“So is there a reason we’re being tailed by three kids wearing sunglasses, all pretending to read a newspaper?” You asked lowly out of nowhere, startling him.
Shinichiro furrowed his brows and you subtly nodded your head to the side, gesturing to a table not too far away. And sure enough, when he looked over he saw Mikey, Emma, and Izana sitting at the table, peeking over a big newspaper while wearing sunglasses. When they noticed they had been caught, they quickly ducked their heads behind the paper.
“They stick out like a sore thumb,” Shinichiro felt a wave of irritation as his eye twitched. They really don’t trust him to do anything, huh?
“I take it you know them?” You asked as you took a sip of your drink.
“Those are my siblings I was telling you about,” He replied with a huff.
“The ones that made your profile?” You tipped your lips up into a teasing smile, “And asked me out for you?”
Shinichiro buried his face in his hands and groaned, “Yes.”
You started giggling despite his distress.
“It’s not funny,” He whined, peeking at you through his fingers which made you laugh harder.
“It’s hilarious,” You responded, then when you gained some semblance of control, you grinned at him, “And actually really sweet. It just shows that they care about you.”
At this, Shinichiro lowered his hands, “You’re not weirded out?”
“Nah,” You shook your head, then you shrugged, “Do you wanna invite them to join us?”
“But what about our date?” He questioned.
“Do you want to spend the rest of our date being watched like zoo animals?” You countered, “Come on, it’ll be a nice bonding experience.”
Shinichiro felt a soft smile grow on his face, “You’re so cool.”
“I know,” You said sweetly.
And so you and Shinichiro invited the three teens to join you. They didn’t seem the slightest bit guilty for crashing your date as they immediately started asking you all sorts of questions to get to know you better. Shinichiro watched in fascination and adoration as you clicked with his siblings without hesitation.
They suggested going to the aquarium which was nearby and you walked with Shinichiro, holding his hand and laughing as Emma, Mikey, and Izana started pointing out fishes that they claimed looked like their older brother. Despite all the teasing, Shinichiro felt so grateful towards his younger siblings for meddling in his love life and leading him right to you.
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hanmasghost · 2 years
My brother in Christ
Shinichiro x very rich boyfriend
Please and thank you <3
“Like me”
Author’s Note:
Omg… is that- A POST FROM HANMASGHOST?!?! Yes. Yes it is. (Also sorry I’m just now doing your request)
Pronouns: He/him
Word count: 581
Warning(s): none
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Manjiro was really excited for tonight. He has been waiting all week to meet Shinichiro’s boyfriend and today is finally the day. Everyone had already noticed his impatience throughout the day and asked him if something was up, but he was just so excited. His big brother actually had a boyfriend. Like a real significant other. It was unreal.
And when Shinichiro walked in with an arm wrapped around a man’s waist he didn’t expect it to be a dude in an expensive ass looking suit. It was a dark red and black suit accessorized with a gold watch, earrings, and necklace, Shinichiro wearing a similar one. Never in his life did he ever think his brother would get a girlfriend or a boyfriend, much less one that looks so — so rich.
The man sat in the outside of the booth, across from Manjiro, and next to his brother before reaching a hand out to the blonde kid. “Nice to meet you, Mikey. I’ve heard all about you.” Smile dropping to clarify to Manjiro that he’d heard all ‘good things’ about him and nothing else.
Manjiro nodded and shook his hand. “Alright! Mikey now you’ve met Y/n, my boyfriend. So what do you think?” Shinichiro asked, doing jazz hands pointed towards Y/n, like Manjiro didn’t know who he was talking about.
Manjiro, feeling hungry and the urge to be annoying, smiled cheekily at his brother. “Hm… I don’t know, I’m hungry.” He stated flatly, facing the window, glancing to the side to see both the older male’s reaction.
Y/n looked to his boyfriend before he said he’d be right back and that he had to make a phone call. Leaving Manjiro and Shinichiro alone for a few moments.
“What the hell was that about Mikey?”
“Just testing him.” The younger one of the two smiled.
“By seeing if he’d buy you food?”
“No, to see if he’d ask what you wanted… also to see if he’d buy me food.”
Shinichiro sighed at his brother. As he did so Y/n came back, wrapping an arm around Shinichiro and handing Manjiro a menu with the other. “Order what you want, kid. As of today both of you get anything you want from here for free.”
Manjiro looked up from the menu in his hands as quickly as possible as Shinchiro stared wide eyed at his boyfriend.
“Babe don’t tell me you…” Shinichiro started.
“Bought the place and took ownership? Yeah, that’s exactly what I did.” Y/n smiled. “Now, order what you want okay?”
Manjiro immediately went to browse the menu as the two boyfriends started whispering to each other.
“Babe you didn’t need to do that.”
“But he’s your brother, I want him to like me.”
“He would’ve liked you either way!”
“Also please stop buying places for my siblings, wasn’t buying Emma a skating rink and Izana a pizza place enough?”
“You forgot the road we met on.”
Shinchiro deadpanned.
“You bought that?”
“I’d buy an island for you.”
“You’re joking right?”
“Y/n… don’t tell me you bought an island.”
“Hey uh… Mikey keep looking for what you want, I uh… I need to make a phone call.” Y/n said as he pushed himself out of the booth again, immediately getting on the phone.
“Y/n you!- ugh…” Shinichiro pinched his nose.
Mikey looked up to his brother before smiling. “I think he likes you.”
Shinichiro laughed, “I can see that.”
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sokonoi · 2 years
how they send nudes — tr edition
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never ever ever ever sends nudes. 
always sends them when he’s very horny, hasn’t seen you in awhile, or is intoxicated. 
never sends a video, it’s always 2 pictures. 
usually with him holding the base of his pinkish cock
the second photo consists of what you did to him a.k.a cum on his pants 
he’s usually frantic not bothering to even pull pants down fully only unzips the front pulling his cock through the tiny hole
leaves a mean msg afterwards something along the lines of “this is ur fault” 
the king 
he sends not explicit videos, but basically porn films & does it regularly 
this man always catches the golden hour
making sure you see his glistened sunkissed abs and all
not much of a groaner, he’s a panter. 
calls your name in breathy pants & whispers 
he’s a pretty boy what do expect?
sometimes he cums untouched 
he’s shy about it, but when you get needy he does it. 
the lighting is always low, but the groans whew jehova and all his witnesses it’s too good
his voice is so soothing. 
he makes sure you can hear him clearly always
he’s the sweetest and always makes sure to give you affirmations & aftercare at the end of the video. 
especially if he’s busy at the moment & can’t text back.
“I know you did so good for me.” 
marry that man
aesthetic photos & their always in black n white. 
close up of his cum covered tip 
or your panties wrapped around the base, rarely sends videos hates his voice. 
even though you happen to think those pretty whimpers are golden. 
always asks you what you thought of it.
he needs your validation ASAP
another pretty slut
always does it to tease, the sound is always off 
he’s sick
even uses a fleshlight, shaped like your pussy
of course he’s not that mean :(
inupi is almost always standing in his videos 
cutting it off just before he cums.
this guy is so unserious 
and he almost always does it to surprise you 
wakasa always does an outfit of the day
but, somehow it ends up with his dick out.
he’s get’s his full body in it, so you able to see the curtain of hair 
and the way his brows furrow when he’s getting ready to cum 
cums on your stuff, when he’s mad at you for making him so hard 
it gets him off strangely.
his face is never in the videos the camera is always angled toward the stuff he’s defaced 
Sometimes he’ll rut his hips into the panties or your satin pillow. 
he hips shake desperately as he cums 
koko cums alot, nice thick ropes of it too
no wonder he loves facials…
he’s the sweetest, most perfect man to ever live. 
the set up is cute… he’s alone in his bed the angle is perfect 
mitsuya always makes it known in his videos that he’s thinking of you.
he whimpers your name endlessly. 
eyes are screwed shut with only you on his mind 
his cum oozes out like a fountain dripping onto his closed fists 
almost always says “hope you enjoy pretty girl.” 
before sending it your way
his videos and pictures are gold, they’d have to snatch it from your dead hands in order to get it. 
the only con is his feet, they’re like there and he doesn’t bother to crop them out
doesn’t gaf either 
on the good side, you get to see those beefy tattooed thighs in all their glory
he doesn’t send ever, but when he do
pls go to a quiet room bc its raunchy 
spit, slapping, edging, and dirty talk are through the wall. 
his groans are deep and loud as ever & can be heard even at low volume
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꩜ 🄯⠀posted⠀؛⠀sokonoi ─‌ like or reblog.
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peppersapro · 3 months
Thinking about the tokyo rev boys as suggestive lyrics…
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RAN, chifuyu, SHINCHIRO, baji, shion
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SANZU, hanma, Taiju, Draken, RAN , smiley
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CHIFUYU, mitsuya, HAKKAI, takemitchi , NAOTO, inui
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BAJI, hanma, RAN, sanzu, MUCHO , smiley
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CHIFUYU, kazutora , MIKEY , hakkai , IZANA
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SANZU, kokonoi, SHION, rindou , SHINCHIRO
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RAN, mikey, SANZU , taiju , SMILEY
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RINDOU, wakasa , IZANA , Angry
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higxchi · 1 year
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“someone is following me”
genre: head-cannon/imagines
summary: you telling them that someone is following you
include: haitani brothers, sanzu, wakasa, shinchiro and kazutora
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Haitani brothers / Haruchiyo Sanzu
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Imaushi Wakasa / Shichiro Sanzu / Hanemiya Kazutora
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sanzusslutt · 9 months
Izana: Hey, shinchiro?
Shin: Yes?
Izana: Can a person breathe inside a washing machine while it's on?
Shin: Where's Mikey?
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queenofcringe · 5 months
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Mikey is a spitting image of Sakurako. I bet he's reminded of her every time he looks in the mirror 😭
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Shinichiro: We should invent pick up lines for friends
Shinichiro: Like, for example sometimes I'd like to go and say: 'Hey, excuse me, did your father sleep with my mom? Because you're like a brother to me!'
Takeomi: What.
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m4nj1r0s · 9 months
Slightly!Yandere Shinichiro general headcannons
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Note: I went off-track a little with cute moments 😭
- SIMP. You’ve probably heard it 100 times, so let me be the 101st, he is a SIMP.
- Has your picture as his lock screen and Home Screen, has a polaroid of you two in the back of his CLEAR phone case, another polaroid in his wallet and a framed picture of the two of you in his shop.
- Looks at you with love-hearts in his eyes whenever you’re talking. It could be about the economical state of the world and he’d still listen intently just because you’re the one saying it.
- Everyone says he doesn’t have any skills with girls, which is true, but he is genuine and that’s already better than the majority of men.
- Will hug and kiss you in front of his friends because he literally does not care what they think. They’ll all probably groan and tell him it’s gross.
- Has accidentally blown a puff of smoke in your face from a cigarette and when you started to cough he panicked. Got you a cute teddy bear to say sorry though.
- Has your skincare and makeup routine memorized, and products. This man knows your shade and the brand you use for foundation and concealer. Always stocks it up for you when he sees you’re running low. Loves to watch you apply skincare and makeup and will get flustered if you ask him to put it on for you.
- Is always so gentle with you. He hasn’t hurt you, and won’t ever. Not even accidentally. You’re the best thing that’s ever happened to him!
- Benkei and Takeomi give him bad girl advice. Wakasa knows better but he’s never around when the other two give Shinichiro advice… When he tries it with you, he gets genuinely shocked when you tell him you don’t like whatever he tried.
- One time, he asked you if you were on your period because you were mad at him, and when you asked him why the hell he would ask that, he replied “Takeomi told me that you’d think I was attentive and knowledgeable about women’s hormones if I asked you!!”
- They’re probably the reason he doesn’t get girls tbh
- But he has you, he doesn’t need anyone else.
- He does get jealous super easily. He doesn’t even know how he pulled you in the first place, but he WON’T lose you.
- Has and will use his connections from the Black Dragons to beat anyone who tries to get with you. He’s not going to get his hands dirty (probably because he doesn’t know how to) if he has people to do it for him.
- Celebrates every little milestone in your relationship. Expects you to remember as well. Like, what do you mean you forgot this is the anniversary of the first time he fed you?!
- Dreams of a nice, domestic life with you in the future whenever he sees you with Emma and Mikey. He wants 4 kids and a nice house by his grandpa’s dojo.
- Mikey and Emma LOVE you. You’re their big sister now! Especially Emma. It’s hard for her in an all male household, so you’re her rock when it comes to things her brothers and grandpa don’t understand.
- Emma loves to do girl things with you, like face-masks, doing nails and gossiping about boys you guys like. Although it’s only really Emma who talks about boys she likes, since she’ll get grossed out if you talk about Shinichiro in a romantic manner. That’s her stupid, goofy older brother after all..
- Mikey is constantly asking you if Shinichiro is paying you to pretend to be his girlfriend because you’re wayyyyy out of his league! Shinichiro is a bland 4 and you’re a 10!!
- Mikey and Emma definitely crash your guys’ dates sometimes. Especially if you guys are going on a picnic or to the mall.
- Grandpa Sano likes you as well, you’re keeping Shinichiro from getting into trouble and being a goof. Although, most of that is just how he is.
- Mikey definitely introduces you to Draken as his big sister. And Draken probably sees you as his big sister too, you guys probably do have cute moments.
- One time, you saw Draken sat on a bench on his own and you took him to the convenience store and got him candy to cheer him up and talk about why he was looking down. Mikey joined you guys half-way through with a bag of dorayaki (no, he did not share).
- All in all, you guys are a cute ass couple and the kids all look up to you two.
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sh1nch1r0 · 4 months
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Shinchiro x Reader
Part (1/2)
U and ur Husband are invited to see the Baby of Emma and Draken for the first time,Shin always wanted kids of his own but he and you never talked about that.But then he voices his desires to you and u confess ur little Secret to him.
TW:Childbirth,Body Shaming,Pregnancy,Angst but Comfort,Draken beeing a good Husband (he really is hes the best)
Draken opened the Door for you and greeted both of u.
“How is Emma doing”was the first question u asked her husband.
“Shes okay,but u better ask that herself shes upstairs”he says and u gave ur Husband a quick kiss and make ur way upstairs.
Emma was in her and Drakens Bedroom she was sitting on the Bed,u knocked at the open Door and as she looked at you u saw that she was Crying.U closed the door and sat beside her,her Arms flew around u and she started crying even more.
“Hey whats wrong ” u ask her and she looks up at you.
“I am so Ugly and Fat i can not look into the mirror anymore without crying” she says and and u put ur arms around her.
“Emma first of all u look beautiful u are the most stunning Mom i have ever seen and second of all u just gave birth ur body needs to rest and needs time to heal” you take her hand in yours.
“I mean look at me i am not that skinny and hmm pretty average looking and i unsterstand how you feel cause i am beeing myself a huge critic everyday i always find someting wrong with myself,i feel ur pain and everyting but let me assure you u are beautiful as always and u dont need to worry.And to be fair i always wanted to look like u u are just perfect you know that ” tears were now falling from your face cause u were insecure about and your looks and ur body your whole life.
“Sorry my Hormones are going crazy ”she then apologizes.
“No need to apologize but the same goes for u i wil tell Draken ” u teaseingly say and she gives u a frown in response.
After ur Deeptalk both of u go down and see the that Mikey and Izana have arrived.
It started to get dark outside when u had a moment with the Couples precious Baby Girl alone,the rest of the people was cleaning up cause Emma insited on cooking for all of u but u forced her to sit down and rest so u cooked dinner.And after that Emma and Draken offerd to do the Dishes and both of them did not take a no as an answere from u.
U stood in theier Wintergarden and looked into the stars with ur niece,she was a bit unsettled when u first hold her but now the Newborn looked up at u and listened to you explaining Star conselations and astrology to her,she did not understand and could not understand what u were talking about but she listened to your voice carefully.
“U like listening to me talking about this hmm.....other people find it boring”u coo to her,and she lets out a cute giggle.
Shinchiro was at the Kitchen Counter watching u and the Baby interact,when Draken brought him out of his staring.
“She wil be a good mom” Draken says and Emma agrees.
“I mean she wants kids and i do too but we never talked about it.”he says and looks over to you again.
“Just get her Pregnant Shin” Mikey says as he walks closer.
“MIKEYYY” Emma and Draken say at the same time.
“What its the truth get her pregnant already u are not the youngest after all Grandpa” the blonde says which earns him a death glance from his older brother.
“I will talk to her when we get home” he says and leaves the three of them alone in the kitchen.
Shin was now standing beside you,he looks down at his niece and sees her sleeping in your arms.
“She fell asleep just moments ago”u say and look up at him,his eyes had a sprakle in them that could not define.
“I love u Honey”he says and wraps his hands around ur belly,his head was resting on your shoulder.
“I love u too Shin” u say and u put your hand over his which was still resting at your belly.
After a few minutes like that u and Shin brought the Baby to bed which Emma and Draken aprecciated very much,and so the evening at theier house was coming to an end now.U all said goodbye to eachother and so Shin and u left.
The car ride was silent till ur Husband decided to speak.
“Seeing u with the Baby.....it got me thinking if we could be that one day” he says and his eyes move from the road over to you.
You just nod and agree to him,if only he knew that in a couple of months he was going to be a father.
Cause u were pregnant a couple of weeks along already and u wanted to wait for the perfect moment to tell him,which was like hell cause u could not keep secrets for long.
U found out that u were pregnant on your day off cause ur period was suppossed to be over this week but u never got it,and u suspected that there was something wrong already cause when u and Shin ate at a Fancy Seafood Restaurant a couple of days ur body did not like what u were eating and as soon as u arrived home u had to go to the bathroom.Shin had no idea that i was cause there was a new life growing inside of you,he tought that u just ate someting bad or raw.
But somewhere ur body and ur mind knew that something was up,and the two lines on the Pregnancy Test confirmed that.
After u took the test u went to your doctor to check if it was a real pregnancy and if everything was alright and he confirmed that u were really pregnant.And as u saw the little dot on the Ultrasound you could not believe it,u and ur Husband are goint to be parents soon.
U were brought out of ur memories when the car stopped in ur Drive way and Shin called ur name,u got out of the car and both of u walked into your home.
“I am going to change i will be there in a couple of seconds” u say as Shin was already in the Living Room waiting for u to come and cuddle.
U got upstairs and got changed in some sweats and a Shirt from your Lover.But as u wanted to put the shirt on you looked in the mirror and u saw a small bump forming at ur belly,u looked at it and put ur hand over it.U were really pregnant u could not believe it, u continuied to get dressed and as u wanted to walk out of the bedroom something held u back,and u stopped in ur tracks u had the Ultrasound picture under a Book on your nighstand and teh test in your Nightstand.Was it really the perfect moment to tell him or should u wait.
U heard ur name beeing called from down the hall where Shin was now standing.
“Honey are u alright” he asks you and comes closer.
“Yes but i need to tell u something”u answere him and pull him into your shared Bedroom.
He just stood there with wide eyes and u motioned him to sit down on the bed.
U pulled the Picture out from beneath the Book and u also opened ur drawer and took out the Pregnancy test.
Shin was in a state where he looked at the floor,cause he was afraid what will u tell him,did u want a divorce,did u find someone new,was he not enough.His overthinking ended when he felt the Matress shift and u sit down beside him,u took his hand in urs and looked at him.After a few seconds he looked up into your eyes.
“U remember when we were at the restaurant and i got sick afterwards”u say in a calm voice and he just nodded not breaking the Eye contact with you.
“It was not because i ate something bad but i was because there is a secret that i am hiding from you” u say and reach behind u where the picture and the test were.
Shin nodded again and then he felt something in his hand,as he looked down he saw a pregnancy test and a Ultrasound Picture.He took the test in his hands and he could see two obvious lines on it.
“You are going to be a Dad”u whisper and look over to him and put a hand on his shoulder.
He looked over to you after looking at both of the items u gave him and u could see tears in his eyes.
“Honey...i am so happy....your pregnant....we are going to have a family soon” he says and hugs you tightly.
U both cry tears of joy cause u were both so happy.
After ur emeotional hug and ur confession u stood up from the bed and your Husband got behind you he rested his hands against ur belly.
“I noticed that ur belly was a bit swollen ” he whispers in your ear and kisses ur cheek.
Which made u chuckle, u closed ur eyes and leaned back agaisnt him.U opened ur eyes when u felt the fabric of the shirt beeing lifted.He had his hands on your bare belly now and was troking the little bump.
“U are the best thing that has ever happened to me u and your baby ” he says and u are grateful to have such a man in your life.And he will for sure be a great Dad.
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vinamari · 1 year
❥ 𝙺𝚒𝚜𝚜𝚎𝚜.
Sometimes distractions are needed to get attention
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♡ ʀɪɴᴅᴏᴜ ʜᴀɪᴛᴀɴɪ
The screen of the computer was quite blinding. You couldn’t understand how he could stare at it for such a long time without it burning his eyes or maybe your eyes were worse. It was hard to tell. But either way, the brightness of the screen made it extremely difficult for him to pay attention to you, therefore wanting to take matters into your own hands. Slowly getting up, as you trailed over to where he was sitting, you place your hands on his shoulders, pressing down slightly.
Taking away his attention from the screen, he looks up at you wondering how long you had been in his room for. He watches as you dip down all while moving his blonde locks from his face, and gently kiss him, just as gentle, Rindou closes his eyes and kisses you back. After a moment, you pull away and lean against him again, wrapping your arms around his neck while he hugs you tightly. He pulls you closer by the waist, burying his face in your hair, breathing you in with relief. He didn’t know how much he had been stressing or why he wasn’t saying anything. However right now, he didn’t mind the distraction.
♡ ꜱʜɪɴɪᴄʜɪʀᴏ ꜱᴀɴᴏ
Laying on the couch you watched as the black haired man practically fell on top of you, a tired smile adorning his face. He shuffled around before he finally settled into your lap, cuddling up to you with his head resting against your chest. You felt a warmth spread through your heart when you saw how happy he was just laying there, looking so peaceful and relaxed. His eyes were closed while he nuzzled deeper into your body.
It couldn’t be helped but to bring your hand to caress his face, stroking his soft locks softly. It only made him snuggle even more closer to you. Your fingers danced over the hair skin that covered his face until they reached his lips, brushing it lightly. You leaned down and pressed a soft kiss onto his upper lip. As you pulled back his onyx eyes fluttered open and he looked up at you with pure affection. His gaze softened, before pulling you down once again. This time his lips brushed yours gently, and you reciprocated the action, leaning towards him to deepen the kiss.
♡ ʜᴀʀᴜᴄʜɪʏᴏ ꜱᴀɴᴢᴜ
The blue eyed male had been visiting you today for about half an hour now. You were surprised he came especially without his mask, most times it would be you who would visit him. Currently he was helping you bake some treats for you both to enjoy later, secretly glancing at him every now and then you looked at the two diamond scares at the corners of mouth. Something he would hide from everyone, even you on most occasions.
You took out the first batch of dough you baked and put in a new batch inside the oven. Your boyfriend stood beside you with his arms crossed while looking at the clock. You couldn't help but notice how pretty he had looked in the moment with his pink hair gathered into a ponytail, with strands of hair framing the sides of his face perfectly. Seeing as you glanced at him, he stared right back as if to tell you to come closer. Shifting your body towards him, he brings out his hand to tilt your head upwards. Taking in your features he places his lips on yours. It wasn’t much, but you melted into the soft feeling of his lips against yours. After a couple seconds he pulls away leaving you slightly dazed and flustered. “The cookies seem to have turned out well”, he says casually eating one not minding your flustered state.
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Insecurities (Flufftober 2023 Day 11)
Pairing: shinichiro sano x female reader
WC: 1254
Warnings: light angst? shinichiro is in his feels, hurt/comfort
Summary: shinichiro is feeling insecure about your relationship
Note: i just wanna give this man a hug so bad
Shinichiro liked you. He liked you so much that he was almost certain that it was love. You were his first serious relationship- actually, you were his first ever relationship. After twenty rejections in a row from other women, he thought it was a miracle that you said yes. You two have been together for a couple of months now and things have been going great. They have been the best months of his life.
Then why did he feel so depressed? Truth be told, he felt like he wasn’t good enough for you. He believed you were so far out of his league and you deserved better. It was something his friends would always joke about and he couldn’t help but begin to believe that they were right.
His thoughts became darker as they started circulating in his brain, making his insecurities grow.
‘You’re so lame.’
‘What a total loser.’
‘She’s only dating you because she feels bad for you.’
That one really bothered him the most because his friends had told you about his past experience (or lack of) with women. At first, people thought Shinichiro had paid you to pretend to be his girlfriend out of desperation, but when they found out there was no such arrangement, they jumped to the conclusion that it was out of pity.
It all came to a head three days ago when you two had gone to a party for one of your friends. Even Shinichiro could see the chemistry between you and your friend was undeniable. It was a huge blow to his ego how you just laughed the guy’s obvious flirting off instead of telling the dude to leave you alone. Like, sure, you informed your friend that you had a boyfriend, but your friend just jokingly said “He doesn’t look like much competition.”
You left pretty shortly after that, apologizing to Shin for your friend’s behavior repeatedly. Logically, Shinichiro knew you wouldn’t cheat on him. He trusted you wholeheartedly. But it still bugged him.
Instead of communicating all of this, however, he started withdrawing himself and spiraled into a depression. His texts with you turned to one-word answers and he used the excuse that he was busy as he locked himself into the shop, drowning himself in work to keep him busy. He was currently there right now, he didn’t know what time it was, he just knew it was late.
When you entered the back where he was fiddling with a motorcycle, he didn’t even light up like he usually did. Instead, his frown deepened.
“What are you doing here?” Shinichiro asked bluntly.
“Mikey told me you haven’t been feeling well,” You explained, “I thought I would check in. I brought takeout, it’s in the office.”
“M’fine. Not hungry.” He mumbled, continuing to work on the bike. You continued to observe him, picking up on his tense demeanor right away.
“You don’t have to lie to me. I’m here if you need to talk, ya know,” You pointed out.
Shinichiro sighed, “I know.”
You pulled up a short stool to sit on and you nudged his shoulder. “Come on, if you keep your feelings bottled up it’ll fester and make everything worse.”
He sighed again and stood up from his seat to move away from you. You watched him go over to his tool cabinet and put away his tools. Your boyfriend stood there for a moment, and you could tell he was fighting himself over something.
“Why are you with me?” He finally asked. His voice was so quiet you almost missed it.
“Because I love you,” You responded immediately.
Shinichiro turned to you looking upset. “But why? You’re so pretty and smart… and I’m just a loser.”
“Don’t talk about the love of my life like that,” You interrupted, “Don’t let your brain lie to you.”
“But it’s true,” He argued, “Everyone says it.”
Silence fell over you both as you tried to think of something to say. You were just so surprised that he felt that way. Couldn’t you see how much you adored him?
“If it’s any consolation, I think you’re pretty great,” You told him with a gentle tone, hoping to make him feel a little better.
Normally Shinichiro would be over the moon at this revelation, but his mind was just being so loud. So instead he scoffed bitterly and muttered, “You’re just saying that.”
A look of hurt crossed your face and you stood up, coming closer until you were standing right in front of him.
“I’m not lying, Shin. I think you’re awesome!” You insisted. Then you lifted your hand and started counting on your fingers, “You’re charismatic, handsome, funny, super caring, and passionate. I mean, what’s not to love? I’m really lucky that I get to call you my boyfriend, I don’t know what I’d do without you.”
Tears started to well up in Shinichiro’s eyes. He wanted to believe you, he really did. He could see the sincerity in your eyes and you’ve never lied to him before. So why couldn’t he believe it?
Your gaze softened as the first teardrop slid down his cheek. His lip quivered and he dropped his head as he hastily rubbed his eyes to stop the waterworks, but the tears kept falling. It made him beyond frustrated, he felt like such a loser crying in front of you like this. 
But you didn’t think any less of him. Watching him cry and look so broken made your own eyes water. You wished he could see himself the way you did. Shinichiro truly was an amazing guy to you. He was a genius when it came to motorbikes and the way he genuinely cared about his siblings and friends always warmed your heart. You loved every single thing about him and wouldn’t change him for the world. 
In a flurry of emotions, you surged forward and flung your arms around him, causing him to pause. You squeezed him tighter, hoping you could convey how much you loved him with such a simple gesture.
“I love you so much, Shin. You’re so special to me and I’ll remind you every single day if I have to,” You promised, burying your head in his chest.
His eyes widened and he was certain you could hear his heart hammering in his chest. After the shock wore off, he quickly returned the hug. He took a deep breath and closed his eyes, feeling more relaxed as your embrace released endorphins in his brain. God he really loved you.
“Thank you,” Shinichiro said quietly, “I love you too.”
You pulled away slightly to look at him, “I mean it, I’ll always be here for you. Just talk to me and I’ll help. We’re partners and partners communicate with each other; we work through it together. Promise you’ll start doing that?”
“I promise,” His lips tilted up in a soft smile.
You then held up your pinky to him, “Pinky promise?”
It was so childish, but he found it endearing, so he linked his pinky with yours and nodded in determination. With pinkies still intertwined, you leaned in for a soft kiss which he happily responded to.
You kept your promise and stayed by his side, beating back his insecurities with a stick. You quite literally reminded him every single day how much he meant to you, and he was sure to put in just as much effort. It didn’t matter what anyone else said, Shinichiro loved you and you loved him.
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reallyromealone · 2 years
Warnings: suicide attempt, mourning, heart break, angst
(name) was so tired.
All he wanted was to see him.
The real him.
(Name) changed after the death of his lover, his white t-shirt in his hands as he cried into the empty void.
"Always and forever..." (Name) mumbled as he closed his eyes, another sob breaking through him.
When he opened his eyes... He couldn't recognize where he was.
He wasn't in the apartment that he and shinichiro rented together but in a small bedroom.
On his wall... Were pictures of family and friends, everyone happy... Everyone alive...
"(Name)?" A voice rang out and (name) turned fast to see the love of his life "why are you crying?"
"Shin..." (Name) sobbed out as he took in the love of his life and went to reach for him... To see he was living.
He could feel the warmth from the black haired mans skin as the world crumbled "no! Wait please!" (Name) sobbed as he was lifted from the ground and shinichiro closed his eyes, looking like he was sleeping as the world changed back to the world he knew.
"No..." (Name) wanted to throw up as his brother busted in, worry clear on his face as he saw (name) on the floor looking traumatized.
"I-I saw him... He was right there!" (Name) said crying into his brother's arms, completely losing it as his brother comforted him.
(Name) was distant as he tried to continue his life, no longer having that spark he once had.
He tried to be there for his loves siblings, support and care for them and he seemed to help them greatly but at the cost of his own wellbeing.
He was helping Emma with her hair when he felt it.
The pull.
The feeling of being ripped from his life like last time.
It was raining and before him... Was shinichiro.
He looked so broken.
"Shin...?" (Name) was unsure as he stepped towards the man who turned to look at him and (name) realized... He was standing on a ledge.
"No.." (name) cried as he raced to the man who pushed himself off and their fingers barely touched as the black haired man teary eyed called out to him to help him.
And he was back in Emma's room fixing her hair.
(Name) felt like he was being ripped from his life constantly, like he was forced to another time and space.
And he wanted to scream.
Everyone thought he was just not handling it well and couldn't blame him.
"Its not your fault... You know that right?" Shinichiro said softly and (name) wanted to cry "I'm sorry... I'm just trying to make a better world for all of us" (name) listened to his loves words.
"I love you (name)" shinichiro said softly and (name) was silent before whispering "I love you too" as his world reverted back.
And he was alone again.
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