#shingo and leona's outing day
blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1021: (Not) A Coffee Shop Date! (King of Fighters)
12:04 p.m. at Athena's Coffee Shop.........
Leona: (Smiles Softly at Shingo While Sitting in Front of Him in their Table) I must say, you've improved a lot since our last spar, Shingo-Kun.
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly at Leona) Thanks! I think I'm starting to believe that way too. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth While Smiling Sheepishly) Though, to be completely honest, I... didn't really think I was able to keep up with you at first....
Leona: Perhaps, but your performance today did play a part in increasing your stamina and agility fairly well. (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) However......
Shingo: Hm?
Leona: There are a few things I think you need to work more on....if you don't mind me pointing them out to you that is.
Shingo: (Happily Shakes his Head) Not at all! (Quickly Got his Noteopad and Pen Out of his Pants Pocket) I'm all ears! (Taps the Button on his Pen)
Leona: (Giggles Softly) As prepared as ever I see~ (Simply Nodded Before Getting a Bit Serious) Very well. Firstly, let's go over your primary fighting stance. It doesn't look too bad like last time, but I believe there's still have room for more improvement.
While Shingo begins to listen closely and writes down every critiques and pointers Leona gives him, his three co-workers/gal pals stares at the duo behind the cashier counter in a mid distance.
Athena: (Squeals in Excitement) Oh my ggoodnessss!!~ Are you girls seeing what I'm seeing right now?~
Hinako: (Clasps her Hands Together and Puts Them Beside her Head in a Cute Fashion) They're having a lovely coffee date together, aren't they?~
Malin: Looks like it to me. (Crosses her Arms With a Cheeky Grin on her Face) Did not think a military babe would suit our goofball's style~
Athena: I didn't either. But I've already pictured a hundred different scenarios on how their relationship could play out and they're all romantic!~
Malin: (Turns to her Boss Next to her) Doing another psychic ability of yours, 'Thena?
Athena: (Smiles Sheepishly) Telepathic predictions. I couldn't help myself.....
Malin: (Smirks Teasingly at the Pop Idol) Oh really? Like how you couldn't help yourself by using your psychic vision to peep at the boy's locker room?~
Athena: (Immediately Blushes Bright Red) T-That was one time, Malin, and it was an honest accident!!
Malin: Sure it was!~
Athena: MALIN!~
Hinako: (Shushes Athena and Malin) Girls, we have to maintain level of our voices. They'll hear us!
Athena: (Quickly Clasps her Hands Together in Embarrassment While Whispering) Right! Sorryyy!
Malin: (Rolls her Eyes) Fiiiiine.
Back to Shingo and Leona
Leona: And that....seems to be all the critiques I could think of giving you as of right now. (Smiles Softly) Other than that, keep up the good work in your training
Shingo: (Happily Salutes to Leona) Will do, ma'am! And can I say that you would make a really fine coach one of these days, by the way~ (Playfully Winks at Leona While Finger Gunning at her Direction)
Leona: (Giggles Softly) Funny you mentioned that. I'm actually coaching Iori and Shun'Ei to help have a better control of their powers.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) Oh really? That's cool!....I-Iori isn't causing you any trouble, is he?
Leona: I...would be lying if I say that our first session didn't start off rocky at the time...B-But rest assured! He has gotten more cooperative overtime, recently even.
Shingo: ('Sighs in Relief') If you say so. That guy really terrifies me.....
Leona: I can tell. (Frowns a Little in Worry) Your hands would start to shake whenever his name is mentioned. Has he really caused you that much trouble in the past?
Shingo: (Quickly Smiles Sheepishly) Yeah, but I-It's fine! Really. The past's the past, you know? I'm sure I'll get over it. Eventually.
Leona: If you're certain....
'Ringtone Ikari Warrior's Theme (KOF14) Plays'
Leona: (Looks Down at the Screen on her Phone) Hm. It's Ralf. (Picks her Phone up From the Table as She Gets Up From her Seat) Do you mind if I take this in private? It might be important.
Shingo: Not at all. Take as much time as you need
Leona: (Simply Nodded) Thank you. This won't take long, I promise. (Answers the Call While Making her Way Outside) Hello? Leona Heiden is speaking.
Shingo watches the door close as he takes a sip.of his coffee. At least until a simple sound of the word "Hi" starts to starle him enough into almost spilling his hot beverage. As he carefully places his cup back down, turns to his three gal pals standing and smiling right next to his seat.
Shingo: Oh. (Smiles Softly at the Trio) Hey girls. What's up?
Malin: Ohh not much~ (Puts on a Cheeky Smirk on her Face) Just making sure you're well acquainted on your little coffee date with your ladyfriend outside~
Shingo: Oh thank- (Eyes Immediately Widened at the Realization) Waiiiit a minute. You guys think Leona and I dating?
Athena: (Happily Nodded) Yep!~ Or at least we hope you two are~
Hinako: She seems like a really nice girl~
Malin: With a hot, thicc bod to boot~
Shingo/Athena/Hinako: MALIN!
Malin: What!? She's a full package! (Pats Shingo on the Arm) And those muscles of hers are almost as built as yours are, big guy.
Shingo: ('Sigh') Thanks, Malin....But seriously girls, Leona-san and I are just here hanging out, as friends. Nothing more than that.
Hinako: Really? You two seem to enjoy each other's company fairly well.
Shingo: Yeah, definitely. But that doesn't mean we're instantly going to fall head over heels for one another. Leona already has enough in her plate as it is to worry about that kind of stuff.
Athena: (Grabs her Chin While Thinking) That is true.....But have you ever thought of being in a relationship with her before? (Wiggles her Finger at the Blue Boi) Be honest.
Shingo: (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth a Bit Bashfullly) Well, I mean....I guess I did thought about that once we left the gym together....(Sighs Again While Placing his Head on the Palm of his Hand) But then I remembered K' telling me that I'm out of her league.....not entirely wrong.
Malin: ('Scoffs') Oh please. What would a lazy slacker like him know about romance anyways? If there's one person who would have a shot with a girl like that, it would most definitely be you!
Shingo: (Eyes Slowly Starts to Widened) You....really mean that?
Hinako: (Smiles Softly) Of course. You're sweet, earnest, hard working.
Athena: (Happily Hugs Shingo) And the biggest goofball we all know and love~
Malin and Hinako joins in on the hug too.
Shingo: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness as He Accepts the Hugs) Aww you guys~ Thanks. But I still want her and I to be friends for now, you know?
Athena: We understand. Just know that if you ever need any advice on the dating scene, don't be afraid to come to us for help, okay?
Hinako: Us ladies has plenty experience for this sort of stuff, you know?~ (Playfully Winks at Shingo)
Malin: (Shrugs) I don't really care for that romantic crap, but- (Eyes Suddenly Begins to Widened) Shit! Military babe is coming back inside!
Athena: (Eyes Widened as Well) Oh! Well...(Looks Back at Shingo) Let us know if you need anything from a text and we'll help out from there, 'Kay? Loveyoubyeee!~
Before Shingo could say anything, a pink light begins to surround the three girls as they disappear out of sight, causing the goofball to sigh for the third time before Leona comes back to their seat.
Leona: (Seats Back Down at her Seat) Apologies for the delay. Ralf has been taking cooking classes as of late and wanted to know few ingredients for a cake he's making.
Shingo: Oh it's no problem. Did not take your commander for a cook though. When did he started taking classes?
Leona: A few weeks ago. He was terrible at it at first, but he has started to improve overtime.
Shingo: Cool, cool. (Takes Another Sip of his Coffee) So uhh....Leona-san?
Leona: (Turns her Attention to Shingo While Sipping on her Own Cup of Coffe) Hm?
Shingo: This....(Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth While Shyly Looking Away) Might be the most outlandish question for me to ask, but.....have you ever thought about dating before? Like...ever?
Leona: (Raises an Eyebrow) Dating?
Shingo: Yeah, you know....Like being in a romantic relationship and whatnot. (Chuckles Awkwardly) I mean! Granted, you don't HAVE to answer that question if you really don't want-
Leona: Oh no it's fine. I don't mind you asking me that at all. I usually don't think about it too often and would brush the thought of it off on my mind, entirely. Even still....
Shingo: Hm?
Leona: It....(Starts Blushing and Smiling a Little) would be nice to fall in love with someone, experience a few date activities here and there....maybe even form a stronger connection between one another overtime if it goes successful. (Frowns a Little While Sighing) But given everything I've been through over the years, I doubt there's anyone that would be interested in someone like me....
Shingo: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Shock ) Are you kidding!? Any guy in the world, would be stupid NOT to give someone as great as you a chance in the dating scene!
Leona: (Taken Back by Shingo's Sudden Outburst) Y-You....really mean that?
Shingo: (Quickly Nodded his Head) Absolutely. You're smart, helpful, strong, pretty, cute, and you're really fun to hangout with, 'least I think so anyways....(Immediately Shakes his Head) B-But that's beside the point! The fact of the matter is that...(Stood Up From his Seat and Points at Leona in a Determined Like Manner) YOU Leona Heiden, are the textbook example of a full package!!!
As the sound of customers talking among themselves is still present and the blush slowly begins to show up on the Ikari Warrior's Cheeks, Shingo stood there for a few seconds before his eyes starts to widens and mentally hears a broken glass as he realizes what he just said.
Shingo: (Immediately Sits Back Down While Blushing Bright Red) T-T-THAT WASN'T WHAT I MEANT TO SAY! I-I mean, I did meant what I said about you being great and all, b-but not the full package part! I don't even know where that came from let alone meant it, which I CLEARLY didn'tbytheway! (Clasps his Hands Together and Bows his Head for Forgiveness) Pleasedon'tbemadeatmeeeee!!!
'Heh heh heh'
Shingo slowly brings his head up to face his inevitable fate...only to see Leona laughing wholeheartdly at him, with no trace of malice anywhere near the sound of her voice.
Shingo: (Almost at a Loss For Words) L-...Leona-san?
Leona: (Finally Calms Down her Laughing) My apologies~ (Wipe a Single Tear From Off her Eyes) It's been a while since I've laughed so loudly like this. It felt great.
Shingo: So....does this mean you're....not mad me for what I said?
Leona: (Smiles Softly) Of course not. I was surprised, sure, but I was never mad at you to begin with, Shingo-Kun. If anything..... (Starts Blushing Again While Flipping the Back of Her Haira bit Shyly) lt...actually makes me happy to hear you think so highly of me. So....thanks.
Shingo: Y-Yeah. No problem. (Smiles Sheepishly) What kind 0f friend I would be if I didn't? ('Heh') Can we.....not tell K' about what happened once we get to his place later on today? He's never gonna let me live it down.....(And I really don't want to buy more than five bags of beef jerky on the way to the store.....)
Leona: Don't worry, I won't tell him anything. So long as you keep being the kind,superiorly cuter person you are of course.
Shingo: ('Sighs a Back in Relief') Yeah....I can do that- Wait. Cuter-
A pink light reappears in front of Shingo and Leona's table revealing itself to be Athena, Hinako, and Malin wearing sombreros and holding a few shopping bags in their hands.
Athena: ('Sighs Heavily in Relief') Ohhh thank God we're finally back home....(Turns to Leona Before Happily Waving at Her) Oh hi Leona-Chan!~
Leona: (Simply Nodded to the Pop Idol) Athena. You've been well.
Shingo: Yeah, where did you guys went off too?
Athena: Oh we just went on a few detours and sightseeings here and there.....
Malin: (Points at Athena Next to Her) Little Miss Psycho Pants here kept teleporting us around the globe. (Rolls her Eyes) As per usual....
Athena: (Immediately Pouts at Malin) How many times do I have say I'm sorry!? I panicked!
Malin: (Glares Back at Athena) Yeah? Well, think and warn us next time you start doing that crap! I nearly threw up in my bags....
Hinako: ('Sighs') Anyways....(Smiles Brightly at the Duo in Front of Her) How is your time together going along?~
Shingo: Pretty good. Nothing too eventful happening on our end.
Leona: Shingo-Kun called me a Full Package.
Shingo's eyes and mouth immediately widened in shock and disbelief.
Athena/Hinako: (Drop Their Bags on the Ground Before Gasping Loudly and Turning Their Heads Directly at Shingo) YOU WHAAAAT!?
Malin: (Smirks Very Devishly at Shingo) You don't say!~
Leona: Really? You seemed very confident when you said it.
Shingo: Well-Yeah, but- I mean- See, the thing is, I-
Malin: Enough chatter! (Pulls a Chair From a Nearby Table and Place it Next to Leona as She Sits Down on it) Give us details, woman!
Athena and Hinako rapidly nodded in agreement as they lean their heads a little closer to the Ikari Warrior member.
Leona: (Taken a Bit Back From the Sudden Request) If...you insist I guess. It all started when I walked back in the shop and.....(Continues to Tell the Girls What Happened)
Shingo: (Slumps his Head Down on the Table in Embarrassment) (What has my life turned into? A misery pile of secrets?)
???????: (Are you quoting Dracula right now?)
Shingo turns his head to see Athena staring at him.
Shingo: (Huh.) (Slumps his Head Back Down) (I guess I am....) (Eyes Starts to Widened Again Before Turning Back to Athena) (Hey, wait a minute. How are you able to read my thoughts right now?)
Athena: (Smiles Brightly) (Psycho powers, silly!~ I've always been able to do this. Plus, your mind is already like an open book sooooo....)
Shingo: (Groans While Slumping his Head Down Yet Again) (Don't remind me.)
Athena: (Gently Rubs her Friend's Back) (If it makes you feel any better, we've got you a few souvenirs from our unexpected trip~)
Shingo: (Quickly Got his Head Up Again) (Really?)
Athena: (We'll give them to you after Leona finish telling us about the "Full Package" situation, 'kay?)
Shingo: (Sighs Heavily in Defeat as He Slumps his Head Down One Final Time) (Fiiiiine, I'll wait and listen....Just...please don't laugh me too loudly....)
Athena: (We'll try~)
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rygoespop · 2 months
The King of Street Fighters: Terry vs Luke (Chapter 6)
Announcer: Ladies and Gentlemen, the second round is about to begin!
The crowd cheer
Announcer: First up, he’s known as The Legendary Wolf, hailing from South Town, fought in the fifteenth KOF Tournament, and saved Metro City from Shadaloo, please welcome, Terry Bogard!
Terry: Ok! *he enters the Macho Ring*
Soon, many TVs from South Town such as the Cafe began to pick the broadcast, and inside the South Town Cafe were the other Fighters (Andy, Joe, Blue Mary, Rock, B. Jenet, King of Dinosaurs, Kyo, Iori, Haohmaru, Duo Lon, Leona, Ralf, Clark, Whip, Antonov, Angel, Ryo, Yuri, Najd, Shermie, Gato, and Darli Dagger) were watching and they couldn’t believe
Najd: Is that?
Andy: Joe, that’s Terry!
Joe: *spat his drink out* Terry?! He’s in a tournament?!
Blue Mary: I can’t believe I’m seeing Terry on TV
Rock: Where is Terry at?
Soon, other TVs in South Town soon picked up, such as one in a TV store, where the younger fighters (Kula, Chris, Shingo, Hinako, and Meitenkun) were watching
Shingo: Go Mr. Bogard go!
Soon, others pick up the fight, evenly in Africa where Mai and Elena were watching
Mai: So that’s where Terry is, ooooh I’m gonna beat him!
Elena: Now my friend, that’s not the way
Scene cuts back to the Macho Ring in Metro City as the Crowd cheer for Terry, their hero
Announcer: And his opponent, he’s an understudy of the leader of The Street Fighters, Guile, he’s known as the son of the late Robert Sullivan, give it up for, Luke Sullivan!
Luke: Alright, let’s get it! *he enters the Macho Ring*
The crowd cheer for Luke
Terry: Are you ready Luke?
Luke: Ready as I’ll be, winner gets to be Player One
Terry: Heh heh! You read my mind! You kinda remind me of Rock
Luke: Who’s Rock?
Terry: It’s a story for another day
Announcer: Contestants ready?
Terry and Luke: Yes! *both get in their fighting stances*
Announcer: Begin!
Terry: Power wave! *uses Power Wave on Luke*
Luke: Sand blast! *uses Sand Blast to counter*
Both Power Wave and Sand Blast clash, causing both Terry and Luke to stumble back
Terry: Heh, our moves are similar! *charges at him*
Luke: Yeah! *charges too and throws a punch to Terry*
Terry: Whoa! *throws a kick quickly to combat*
Soon, both Terry and Luke exchange punches and kicks at each other
Terry: Face it Luke, I’m gonna be player one when I win!
Luke: I doubt that!
Terry: Burn Knuckle! *uses Burn Knuckle on Luke*
Luke: *stumbles* Now this got interesting!
Terry: Heh! Come on!
Luke: Rising Uppercut! *uses Rising Uppercut*
Terry: Power Dunk! *uses Power Dunk to combat against Luke’s Rising Uppercut*
Soon, both Power Dunk and Rising Uppercut clash, leaving to a struggle, until a small explosion occurred
Announcer; What happened?! Who won?!
Soon, the smoke cleared, revealing Terry to have won, and Luke defeated
Announcer: I don’t believe it! Luke Sullivan lost, the winner is Terry Bogard!
The crowd cheered, as well as the fighters back in South Town all watching what happened
Andy: Yes! That’s my brother!
Joe: Go Terry!
Blue Mary: Well done Terry!
Rock: I knew he can do it
Haohmaru: Yes!
Evenly Mai and Elena watched it, Mai was a bit impressed
Mai: Hmmm, I guess I misjudged Terry
Back at the Macho Ring
Luke: Ow, that smarts
Terry: Hey, you ok? *holds his hand for Luke*
Luke: Yeah *takes Terry’s hand*
Terry helps Luke back up
Luke: Damn! I’m impressed, your moves are incredible.. Well a deal is a deal, you get to be player one in any video games played by me or Jamie
Terry: Ok!
Announcer: The next round, Ken vs Jamie!
Ken: *smirks* Bet your ready
Jamie: Don’t get cocky old man
Scene cuts to black
To be continued
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Title: Vampire’s Kiss (Chapter 34: Crimson Twilight. Part 2)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Leona Heidern, Kain R. Heinlein, Chizuru Kagura, Kusanagi, Goeniko, Chris
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi (main one)
Genre: AU, BL, Supernatural, Fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, Adventure, Slow-Burn, Eventual Romance, Dark Themes, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Human/Vampire Relationship, Human/Demon Relationship
Summary: This vampire already has bad luck on his side, yet he decides that his next prey going to be a certain redhead vampire hunter. However, the very little he knows how this encounter will end…
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Some time has passed. It was late evening, and one certain redhead was already tired. Unfortunately, his bed is still occupied by slumbering Kyo, and, who knows, how long he will take – a day, week, months, perhaps, even more?
Of course, Iori could grab a pillow and a blanket from the closet. However, waking up again with an aching body does not sound that good. More so, what if that stupid vampire would accidentally step on him? So, he decides to wait as long as needed.
Meanwhile, Yagami searches for suitable clothes for his unexpected guest. After finding a more or less fitting outfit, the redhead places the neatly folded clothes at the corner of the bed. Hopefully, that stupid vampire won’t kick them out during his sleep. Or so, Iori expects as he brings the chair near the bed. After sitting down with his arms and legs crossed, he observes Kyo.
Eventually, the redhead could feel how his eyelids get heavier. Yet, when he closes his eyes for a second, that short moment becomes into five, ten minutes, or even more than a half-hour.
Despite such a struggle to stay awake, Iori keeps resisting the urge to wake up the brunette. After all, maybe it would be for the better to let this nocturnal creature to let him restore the energy. Besides, even as an experienced vampire hunter, Yagami has never waken up the resting vampire before. More so, by knowing that dark creature lives inside Kyo, Iori does not wish to summon it and alert the entire Hunter Guild.
For sure, that is the very least thing which he needs to deal with now. Although, no matter how much Iori despises ‘Nagi, he wonders what if this vile creature never existed. Would he have been able to meet Kyo and treat him the same way as now? If ‘Nagi never appeared, the brunette would be dead by the hand of Kain and slowly rot under the water. Therefore, he would not get such an enormous bounty on his head as well.
Although, what is Kyo to Iori, anyway? For sure, if the vampire was Yagami’s mere target and he never knew about the bounty on his head, Iori would have killed him during their first meeting and moved on. So, was it only the suspiciously generous reward for eliminating the vampire that made Iori stop and have mercy on Kyo?
As the redhead closes his eyes and shakes his head, he realizes it might not be the case. The vampire hunter has never striven to become wealthy or famous and live a carefree life. If he did, he would not be questioning why sometimes, the Hunter Guild offers a considerable bounty for an easy catch and would take the money for granted.
Perhaps, believing that if the monster has a huge bounty, then it must be powerful enough to stand a chance to challenge the redhead. On the other hand, during their first encounter, Iori was superior to Kyo, who was as strong as a low-rank monster. So, the vampire couldn't even give a satisfying fight, nor looked like an intimidating foe.
However, even if the brunette got heavily injured and was aware that he'll get finished by the strike of Vampire Killer, he kept that determined look and firing gaze. It was the first time someone made the redhead hunter feel such a sparkling excitement. For sure, sparing the nocturnal creature’s life was not a mistake.
Even during the training sessions with the brunette were more than satisfying. Like never before in life, Yagami felt so alive. Iori knows – someday, he does not need to hold back and give his all like Kyo does when they clash each time. Maybe that feline-like vitality and behavior made the brunette so desirable as well. For this reason, the redhead hunter swore he will not allow anyone else to harm or have Kyo.
Overall, even if ‘Nagi never existed, Iori knows deep inside that the encounter with the Kusanagi’s heir would be unavoidable and destined to happen.
But for now, the sudden chattering noises return the redhead to reality. Even the vampire’s fangs show up when he lets out these noises during his sleep.
Yagami only rolls his eyes ‘‘Not again. Why do you have to act like this?’’. Unfortunately, there is no reply from the Kusanagi, who remains silent. Eventually, the nocturnal creature’s fangs disappear. One thing would be if the brunette is a nekomata, at least, then the redhead could understand why Kyo made these noises. However, he is not.
‘‘Are still hungry even after I sent you these blood bags… How much do you need to eat? You stupid vampire…’’ — Iori adds in a calm yet scolding tone. After Yagami sighs, he continues watching over the vampire until he falls asleep.
A couple more hours have passed. Finally, Kyo starts waking up with a silent groan. After sitting up, he lazily looks around with his still sleepy eyes and notices peacefully resting Iori on the chair.
‘‘Yagami?’’ — The brunette addresses the hunter in a sleepy voice. Yet, he gets no response from the redhead. ‘‘Why are you like this? At least cover yourself. You’ll catch a cold just by wearing that…’’ — Or so, Kyo comments on Iori’s worn long white shirt and red pants.
However, when the vampire feels the chill against his skin, he checks on himself. All his sleepiness is gone upon seeing himself like this.
‘‘The heck?’’ — The brunette cracks a nervous smile. After swallowing the saliva, Kyo looks under the blanket.
‘‘Just what the heck happened when I was unconscious? ’’ – He tells himself while covering his mouth with the palm. As the nocturnal creature covers himself with the blanket, he turns his head towards the redhead ‘‘Oi, Yagami! Wake up!’’.
For sure, Iori wasn’t too glad that his blissful sleep was disturbed. As the redhead stretches out, he complains in a sleepy voice, ‘‘You do not have to be so loud, you stupid vampire. Do you know what time it is now? You’ll awake the entire guild.’’.
Yet, Kyo just dumbfounded stares at Yagami ‘‘Huh?’’. The brunette continues in a slightly indignant tone ‘‘It’s not important right now. What am I doing here?’’.
‘‘So, can you recall anything after you turned into a bat?’’ — The hunter asks.
Meanwhile, Kyo lowers his gaze, and after a momentary pause, he explains, ‘‘I’m not sure how it happened. Even in the past, I never transformed into a bat or anything else. Like hell, I could control this. I was just about to run the errands. But, suddenly, I felt dizzy and had a strong headache. Of course, I was shocked how everything around became so big! Hell, when I looked around myself, I noticed that instead of arms, I had leather wings and no matter what I wanted to say, it would be just squeaking noises. However, I was scared that Kagura might try to kill me like a pest! So, after struggling for a bit, I flew away.’’.
For sure, Iori was in disbelief. Yet, as soon as the vampire finishes telling his story, Yagami comments, ‘‘I still don’t understand. How did you find me?’’.
‘‘I’m not sure either. However, in that form, my sense of smell was so strong. So, after sensing a familiar scent, I knew that it could be only yours. When I followed the traces of it, I ended up here. Besides, I wanted to see you.’’ — The brunette honestly replies.
The last part of the vampire's story catches the redhead hunter’s guard off. For now, he tries to look cool while keeping his arms crossed ‘‘You could just wait until I return. I even asked for that fool Yashiro to send you food so that you do not need to starve while I was gone.’’.
‘‘But that blood was too old, and it had started to clot. So, it was something similar to when humans drink spoiled milk. You can say that the last time I had a meal was before you left.’’ — Kyo complains in a slightly gloomy tone.
Iori only facepalms at such reply ‘‘So, you came all the way here just to get blood from me, you stupid vampire?’’.
Kyo gets dumbfounded for a moment. Soon enough, he speaks up in a thoughtful tone ‘‘You got it wrong, Yagami. I could never even dare ask you for it when you are still injured. All I wanted - is to see if you are doing well and how long left until you recover. Then I would leave you because you still don’t want to see me. After all, you got injured and nearly got killed just because of me. It’s my fault that you ended up like this!’’.
For sure, seeing how the guilt drags the vampire down makes the redhead feel bad for him. When Iori deeply exhales, he begins to scold the brunette ‘‘Tsk, do I look like someone who asks for pity? Do you think that I am that weak? Keep that for someone else. Even if I lose my limbs or end up dying, I would be able to put you in your place. Nor, I let anyone lay a finger on you ever again. At least not under my dead body.’’.
After a short pause, Yagami begins to confess in a determined voice, ‘‘Are you still thinking about that fight? The only fight you should care about is when you will be facing me as equal, Kyo. Until that day arrives, I’ll wait as much as needed. However, you should also prepare yourself and become even stronger than before, losing your so-called vampire form. It is the only thing which I ask you.’’.
The little flame sparkles in the brunette's eyes when he hears the honest hunter’s answer. As Kyo smirks, he backfires in a nearly teasing voice ‘‘You seem obsessed with me, Yagami. At this point, I won't be surprised if you would allow me to drink all your blood to satisfy yourself with something that may never happen. I wonder if you have ever been so passionate about anything else like this. Yet, be careful about what you ask. ‘Cos I don’t want you to whine or complain when you’ll be under my foot, Yagami. So, instead of doing nothing, how about you start to practice your lines? You know, I wouldn’t mind if you start from earlier to use phrases like ‘Yes, my lord’, ‘As you wish, my lord’ or simply referring me as ‘Kyo-sama’ would be fine too.’’.
‘The oh-so-feared vampire lord is too full of himself and just begs for the touch of the Vampire Killer.’ — Or so, thinks the redhead as he stares at the Kusanagi with such an annoyed look on this face. So, he decides to let the nocturnal creature taste his own medicine.
‘‘How about our naked king Kyo-sama shows a class and bless us, mortals, by starting doing such simple things like putting something on? Let me leave you a hint. I left some clothes for you at the end of the bed.’’ — Iori backfires.
Kyo instantly realizes that all this time when he was speaking to Yagami, only being covered by the blanket. For sure, his face and ears were burning from the embarrassment. Lastly, Kyo indignantly addresses Iori ‘‘You didn't explain how I up like this, you idiot! Just, what have you done to me while I was unconscious?!’’.
‘‘I should be the one asking why after you turned back, you landed on my bed like this, you stupid perverted vampire… Just put the clothes on already.’’ — Or so, the redhead replies.
As Iori stands up and walks towards the bathroom, the vampire’s voice stops him ‘‘Where are you going now? Where are you going now?’’.
‘‘I’ll be back soon. Ah, and make sure that I’ll have a place to sleep. Like I’ll let you occupy my room, you stupid vampire.’’ — Iori says before shutting himself inside the bathroom.
Meanwhile, the nocturnal creature checks for what the redhead left for him. It's not too much, yet, it was better than nothing.
‘Hopefully, I won’t sink inside these…’ — or so, tells to himself Kyo as he studies the left white t-shirt, a pair of underwear, and gray pajama pants before starting to put them on.
After a while, Yagami finally returns. However, as he walks close to the bedside, he addresses the brunette ‘‘Move. I need space.’’.
At first, Kyo just gives a puzzled look, yet, he listens to this demand. After Iori gets into the bed, he turns away from the brunette. While Yagami covers under the blanket, he adds in a faster tone, ‘‘I’m not gonna make a move on you or anything. And since you know this now – don’t get any weird thoughts. Good night!’’. Lastly, he turns off the light and closes his eyes.
For sure, the Kusanagi gets even more confused. Yet, he only whispers, ‘‘The heck, are you talking? Or did you also hit your head?’’. The vampire begins to wonder what might cause such unusual Iori’s behavior. On the other hand, Kyo feels relieved that Yagami is fine and now, it was good enough for him. In the end, he is the only one who is awake. Yet, he can finally have a chance to observe one of the rarest sighs – peacefully resting Iori. Or at least when during his sleep, he turns towards Kyo.
It is a late afternoon. Yet to someone, it is just the beginning of the day. Gladly, the cup of freshly made coffee begins to work on Iori. More so, it’s one of the things which keeps him returning to the Hunter Guild, aside from receiving rewards for the captured monsters. So, for now, without any need to rush, the redhead enjoys the coffee while sitting at the bedside.
Meanwhile, one certain vampire feels bored because Iori ignores him. Yet, he refuses to disturb the redhead’s peaceful moment and waits until he finishes his cup. Therefore, Kyo searches for something to occupy himself. Besides, since Yagami allowed him to check the bookshelf, the brunette uses this chance. For sure, most of the Iori’s library contained various monster encyclopedias and some other books.
Yet, one thinner tome with golden corners catches the vampire’s attention. So, with no second thought, Kyo picks this book.
The brunette’s eyes sparkle with an innocent excitement and curiosity upon realizing what kind of book he picked. It’s a photo album. As he flips through the pages, he notices various photos of Iori and his most important moments in the Hunter Guild. From the day when he joined the guild when he was just a teen. While in another photo, he looks annoyed when cheerful Yashiro is in the same shot. Then, there was a shot of the young redhead with his first caught monster. Along with many other pics from the life in the guild, there were photos of early training days when Iori attempts to crack a whip.
As Kyo processes further, he notices the pictures taken, presumably when Yagami’s parents got married and, of course, the photos of him. For sure, it’s still unbelievable that even someone like Iori was once a child. The longer Kyo studied these pictures, the more he got these warm feelings. The vampire is excited to observe the Iori’s life path through these photos. But, when the brunette’s curiosity gets caught by one photo, he cannot figure out who was one person.
“Hey, Yagami! You never tell me that you have other siblings. Who is this cute little girl?” — The Kusanagi addresses the hunter.
Iori only lifts his one eye-brow. While the redhead finishes his coffee, he replies, “What are you talking about? I was a single child in the family.”
Yet, Yagami hears the vampire objecting, “Then, who is this small child?”.
As the hunter puts the cup on the night-drawer, he patiently asks, “Come here. Let's see what you got here.”.
After Kyo closes the album, he walks toward the bedside. When he sits next to Iori, he skips through pages. As the brunette spots the right photo, he points at it “This one.”.
Suddenly, the redhead's eyes widen, and his cheeks dye in a reddish color. As he covers his face, Iori remains speechless. Just after a short pause, the redhead replies in an embarrassed voice while facepalming, “You stupid vampire…”.
For sure, such a hunter's reaction surprises Kyo, who just dumbfounded stares. Suddenly, he realizes who was that little laughing girl in the photo. Yet, all he could do - was silently stare at the hunter.
After the redhead lifts his head, he speaks up, “This is me, you fool. Happy now?”.
Yet, the vampire defends himself while rubbing the back of his neck, “Well, you cannot really blame me that it's hard to tell the difference of who is who when you are a baby. Besides, you looked so happy in these pics.”. After Kyo puts aside the photo album, he adds with a determined look on his face, “It's nothing that I ask for you to force yourself to smile more often. However, it would be nice if you would show me how you feel. I am not sure how it would be possible to make you do this now. But don't think that I'll give up until I see it!”.
In the end, Yagami turns his head to hide his cracked poker face and grabs the empty cup. When he stands up and is about to leave, he hears Kyo's voice, “Oi, did I say anything wrong?”
“I just need to take this out, and I'll return. So, you better not to open the door to anyone or attract any of unwanted attention, got it?” — Or so, Iori replies as he turns his head to face the vampire. Lastly, the brunette is left alone with his thoughts. Perhaps, seeing the hunter so flustered was like an unexpected discovery. Of course, Kyo could also have teased Iori. Yet, he might just end up being covered in coffee grounds instead and without seeing another side of Yagami.
But for now, Kyo feels the temptation to take one of the redhead's photos and keep them as a lucky charm. Instead, he decides not to, and he closes the album and puts it back to the one from the bookshelves.
Firstly, Iori may scold him. Secondly, the brunette decides to wait until the right moment comes so that he could have that first-handed experience like noticing all sides of Yagami. And so, the rest of the evening was pretty calm.
It is nearly midnight. The brunette leaves the shower feeling refreshed and notices the resting Iori. When Kyo is about to look up for the spare blanket and pillow, the sudden pain spreads across his body. Hell, even his eyes glow in crimson red, and his fangs appear.
‘Why of all times it has to happen now?’ — Or so, the brunette thinks while he holds his one arm. Once again, his instincts act up. Yet, it was a while since he had any food at all. Eventually, the vampire begins to let out quite pitiful growling noises.
‘Damn, could it wait until Yagami wakes up? Shit…’ — Kyo murmurs as he shakily approaches the redhead.
The vampire is aware that he gets scolded by Iori, yet, he wants to avoid feeding on the hunter while he is in a deep sleep nor without his consent.
As Kyo sits on the bedside, he gently shakes Yagami’s shoulder, ‘‘Oi Yagami. Wake up.’’. Lastly, he prepares himself for the worst-case scenario.
For sure, the redhead is not happy that his dream got interrupted. He only rolls to another side and completely hides under the blanket. Unfortunately, the redhead feels how the vampire places his hand and gently pushes him again. Finally, Kyo gets the hunter’s attention.
‘‘What do you want?’’ — Iori murmurs in a sleepy voice.
After he leaves the cocoon made of the blanket, the redhead hunter turns to face the pestering fellow who does not give him the rest. For sure, seeing nothing but the glowing crimson eyes in the dark alerted Yagami at first. Yet, once he leans to turn the night-lamp on, he realizes who disturbs his rest. It is the brunette who stares at him with such a guilty yet demanding gaze while his sharp fangs show up. As Iori sits up, he facepalms ‘‘What’s wrong with you?’’.
The nocturnal creature just silently replies ‘‘I need it.’’
Yet, the redhead lifts his one eye-brow.
Soon enough, the vampire adds ‘‘I need your blood so badly.’’.
‘‘Haven't you had any blood bags when you were at the Kagura’s shop?’’ — Iori scolds him.
Yet, Kyo defends himself ‘‘These couple ones in the freezer were barely enough to heal my wounds. And I threw away the rest of these blood bags, which Kagura received from that hunter because I thought they were also spoiled. More so, the transformation into a bat drained a lot of my energy. I avoided asking you because it’s still the wrong thing. So, I decided not to do it and wait until you return. I endured it as long as I could. However, my body demands any nutrition so badly that I cannot wait any longer, even until tomorrow. I cannot just feed on you while you’re asleep. So, even a couple of drops from your wrist should be more than enough until the next day.’’.
Lastly, he takes the hunter’s wrist into his hands and gives him an asking gaze.
Yagami only sighs and brushes his hair from his face. Then, he addresses the vampire in a determined voice ‘‘What if I have died just a couple of days after I was carried to the guild? Would you still wait and starve yourself to death? You should tell me earlier, Kyo.’’.
After hearing these words, the brunette lowers his gaze. Suddenly, Iori brushes Kyo’s hands away. All he could hear was the hunter’s strict voice ‘‘You cannot have it from this spot.’’.
For sure, the Kusanagi has never felt so betrayed in his life-spam. Even his eye color returns to the former one, and that lively sparkle is gone. Yet, no matter how he may be upset, he cannot bring himself to blame the redhead hunter for this. It is his decision, and it’s only up to him what he wants to do with his body.
‘‘Come here. I think that you are finally ready to drink from this spot.’’ — Suddenly, Iori addresses Kyo in a calm voice.
The brunette dumbfounded stares at Yagami. Yet, there is no way that the vampire could disobey such a request. As the vampire gives him a bewildered look, he takes the hunter’s elbow into his hands and replies in an unsure voice, ‘‘But would it be comfortable for you, Yagami?’’.
Yet, Iori objects in a calm voice ‘‘The wrong spot again, you stupid vampire. Do I need to point it out for you?’’.
After realizing what kind of spot the hunter meant, the vampire widens his eyes and swallows the saliva. Yet, he asks in a slightly nervous voice ‘‘Are you sure that it’s alright?’’.
‘‘Why won’t you check by yourself?’’ — The vampire hunter suggests while he comfortably leans against the wall.
Without any second thought, the brunette accepts Yagami’s invitation. As he crawls close to Iori, he could sense that the redhead is slightly nervous. So, after sitting on his knees, Kyo gives a shy look ‘‘Are you not afraid that I might not be able to hold back? You know, it would be difficult for you to stop me when I’ll drink from there.’’.
After Iori turns his head to expose his neck, he briefly replies, ‘‘Just do what you need to do before I change my mind.’’.
The brunette exhales. While Kyo unbuttons the first few buttons of the hunter’s shirt, he explains, ‘‘I don’t want to ruin your clothes and waste even a single drop of your blood.’’. After sliding down the shirt from one of the shoulders, Kyo strokes the redhead’s neck and comforts in a nearly purring voice ‘‘You are so stiff. Relax because it would be easier for both of us.’’.
The nocturnal creature places his other hand on Iori’s shoulder. While the same hand stroked his neck, it slides down to the upper arm. When the Kusanagi’s face leans closely to Yagami’s neck, he inhales. For sure, just the hunter’s blood scent alone has such a strong effect that it already drives mad the vampire. Even his eyes began to glow in bright crimson red.
While the redhead feels the ticklish sensation of the nocturnal creature’s hair and his breathing against his skin, he wonders whenever the vampire is hesitant to take his life force. Nevertheless, his further thoughts are interrupted by the sensation like two sharp needles pierces his skin. For sure, it makes him gasp and let the sudden groan. Without realizing it, Iori throws his arm on Kyo’s back and sinks his fingers into the vampire’s back.
For sure, the brunette can feel the hunter’s nails deeply scratching his back through the thin t-shirt. He tries to avoid moving too much and damaging the redhead’s neck. Yet, the Kusanagi arches his back and closes his eyes. After their bodies pressed against each other, Kyo starts to feel Iori’s heartbeat. Somehow, Yagami’s warmth and rhythmic pulsing calm him down and make him forget about the pain. It even gives him a sense of comfort to him and relief.
More so, Iori completely entrusts his body to Kyo while being so vulnerable in front of him. The nocturnal creature could even barely hold back his emotions. There are simply too many of them at once. Finally, Yagami trusts him enough to let him drink from the most intimate spot, and the taste of the hunter’s blood is like a divine treat. He was thirsting for it for too long, like a wanderer in the desert seeking the water. After Kyo closes his eyes, tears run down his cheeks. Hell, he even begins to let out purring-like noises.
Meanwhile, the redhead gets drowsy as the vampire slowly drains him. Eventually, he lowers his arm. He isn't sure how long the vampire will feed on him, yet, he refuses to push Kyo away. At least not until the brunette is satisfied and full. Besides, it appears that the brunette too much enjoys drinking from him.
‘Does Kyo always acts like this towards his prey?’ — suddenly, such thought disturbs Iori. However, his so-called ‘stupid vampire’ surprises him. The redhead can feel how the same hand, which holds his upper arm, now wraps around his back, and the same hand on his neck moves down to his back as well. Iori doesn't mind such an affectionate gesture and allows Kyo to do as he pleases. He only silently murmurs, ‘‘You should focus on feeding on me, you stupid vampire.’’.
Soon enough, the Kusanagi with-draws his face from the hunter's neck. Kyo just concentrates his blissfully calm gaze at the dark blood slowly running down from the bitten spots. However, just before Yagami says something, the brunette begins to lick the crook of Iori's neck and then trace it to his neck.
However, Iori is alert at the sensation of how Kyo's tongue masterly works in the bitten neck's area.
Even so, Yagami manages to speak up through a groaning voice, “The fuck, are you doing?... Enough already.”.
One thing was when the vampire cleaned his left wounds in the wrist and hand areas and another thing when he does it now. Hell, the fact that he is still in a nocturnal creature's embrace leaves him at the brunette's mercy. Currently, Kyo cannot hear him, and his desire to savor every single drop of the hunter's blood is much stronger. So, who knows how long the brunette feasts on him.
Fortunately, it doesn't last long. Soon enough, Kyo with-draws his face from Iori's neck and stares at him with his calm and blissful amber eyes. For sure, that gaze mesmerizes the hunter, and he gets tempted to touch the brunette. And thus, without realizing it, the redhead’s hand reaches the Kusanagi’s cheek ‘‘Did you have enough?’’.
Kyo just closes his eyes and delightfully smiles. Yet, as his knee brushes the hunter’s inner thigh, he accidentally touches a suspicious bulge. Suddenly, the brunette widens his eyes, and he asks in a concerned tone ‘‘Do you always keep your whip with you? Wait… It cannot be… That’s not it, is it?’’.
The nocturnal creature is bewildered by the sudden realization and comments in such disbelief ‘‘I don’t get it… How? Is it because of me?’’.
However, the redhead hunter gets alerted and blushes after such a point out. For sure, it must be the vampire’s secretly used charms, right? There is no other explanation for why his body acts up like this. So, before it gets much worse or he gets mocked by the brunette, he has to escape. Or so, Iori tries to convince himself.
‘‘Get off, you fool!’’ — Yagami addresses Kyo while indignantly staring at him. However, no matter how hard he struggles to run away, the Kusanagi corners him. After a while, Iori gets tired by resisting and turns his head away. For now, he simply refuses to admit how he is defeated.
Meanwhile, the nocturnal creature softens his gaze and comforts the hunter ‘‘Calm down. You might hurt yourself.’’. As he lowers his arms, the brunette speaks up in a calm voice ‘‘I know you might be disgusted and ashamed. Perhaps you even hate yourself because of how you reacted towards someone like me. However, if it stays like this, it might become too painful. So, endure it for a while. You can even close your eyes and imagine someone else doing it. I have never done it for anyone else, or at least with a man, but I-I’ll make sure that it will help you to feel relieved. Besides, if it is you, then it should be okay, I think. So, let me take the responsibility.’’
At this point, Iori realizes that it might be useless to argue with Kyo, nor after the confession like this. For now, he just murmurs ‘‘You stupid perverted vampire…’’. As he returns his gaze to the brunette, the redhead addresses him ‘‘Do you think that you will get away by seducing me?’’. As Iori grabs the Kusanagi’s t-shirt with one hand, he brings him closer. Lastly, the redhead suggests, ‘‘How about I’ll let you taste your own medicine before you make another move, huh?’’.
Yet, Kyo cracks a bitter-sweet smile ‘‘I’m sorry, but I cannot risk your life. What if you also end up like that person?’’.
After releasing the t-shirt, Iori raises his eye-brow ‘‘What are you talking about? Are you afraid?’’.
The brunette softens his gaze and explains in a gentle tone, ‘‘I cannot let anyone die on me again. This is why. You know, when I was still participating in those underground tournaments, there was one person who, let’s just say, took a more in-depth interest in me. So, I accepted this person’s feelings ‘cos why not?’’.
For some reason, Yagami begins to feel irritated and angry, knowing that he has to share the vampire with whoever it is. Yet, he listens further to the brunette’s story ‘‘Of course, since we started dating, I kept in secret that I am a vampire. So, I had to even time from time pretend to eat human food. One day, we decided to take our relationship to another level, and then, it happened.’’.
Unfortunately, the redhead’s patience is running out, and he is already on the verge of choking the Kusanagi for being such a bastard and telling about his affairs. However, he decides to wait until the vampire finishes telling his story, and only then he'll throw the nocturnal creature through the window.
However, once Kyo senses the murderous aura around the hunter, he asks, ‘‘Oi, you’re okay? Don’t tell me… Are you jealous? You know, you have no reason for that. Anyway, at least let me finish.’’.
After taking a deep breath, the vampire continues to explain, ‘‘You know that vampires have two or three times sharper senses when we are in human form, right? Or how we activate our awakening form when we are in great danger? Then, our skin can absorb the life force just from a single touch. So, I accidentally transformed into my awakening form. You know, the very next moment when I opened up my eyes, I was genially in shock. Seeing a wrinkled skin bag in front of you, which was once a living creature, was not a very nice view. Yes, I got the life force. However, at what cost? So, ever since that day, I avoid getting into any relationship with anyone. Hell, I cannot risk anyone's life ever again. I lost my awakening form, but I may still hurt someone if that dark creature takes over my body.’’.
When Iori finishes listening to Kyo’s story, he facepalms and sighs ‘‘So, just because you couldn’t control your vampire form, you decided to run away instead of trying to change anything…’’. After brushing his hair, the redhead continues to lecture the vampire ‘‘You keep causing trouble to me… But it seems that you will need to train to control your power as well.’’.
Yet, his poker face gets cracked by the Kusanagi’s demanding gaze, ‘‘What do you want from me? Are you still obsessed with that, you stupid perverted vampire? Fine. Just this time only. But you better try not to make any sound or tell anyone else about it, got it?’’.
While the vampire gives a suggestive look, he replies in a playful tone ‘‘I wonder who should be saying this ~’’.
As Kyo leans closer to him, Iori can see how his partner is nervous and unsure. Yet, the brunette starts by removing the blanket, which covers the redhead’s lower body. Gladly, Yagami never wears pajama pants, only a long white shirt. So, at least now, it’s one inconvenience less.
Before going for the next step, the Kusanagi briefly enjoys the view in front of him. No words could ever describe how he appreciates how pleasing the redhead looks wearing only a loose long shirt. Yet, Kyo softens his gaze at visible scars on Iori’s chest. As his fingers trace down the lines of his scratch marks, the vampire could feel them even on his chest.
‘‘What is it with you? You are the one who left them.’’ — The sudden hunter’s voice returns the Kusanagi into reality. After Iori slides his hand under Kyo’s t-shirt, he comments, ‘‘Too bad that your wounds heal too fast. Otherwise, I would have marked you. Perhaps, then it would warn anyone to stay away from you.’’.
As Yagami’s hand slides from the brunette’s abs up to his chest, he remarks while massing his chest ‘‘Too bad that you could only bear that foolish demon’s mark…’’.
For sure, it makes Kyo let out purring-like noises. However, he shows no sign of giving up to the hunter. Nor how he focuses on someone else instead of him. So, the nocturnal creature places one hand on Iori’s neck while he begins to lick behind his earlobe. At least it helped to shut down the hunter and makes him feverishly breathe while the brunette just silently chuckles.
As he continues to tease his partner, the Kusanagi’s other hand moves down to the hunter’s lower regions. At first, Kyo hesitates to slide his hand inside his partner’s underwear. The brunette even impatiently looks at Iori, waiting for his approval. After a second, the vampire closes his eyes and pulls Yagami into a passionate kiss. Lastly, Kyo throws his arm over the redhead’s shoulder.
After he got inside Iori’s mouth, Kyo’s tongue explored every little part of his partner’s mouth. At first, only the brunette lets out the sweet sighs between catching his breath, yet soon enough, Yagami also gives up to that pleasure.
Meanwhile, the brunette’s other hand pulls out already throbbing, rock-hard Iori’s dick and strokes it. Eventually, his hand movement becomes faster and rougher. Hell, Kyo could feel that Iori soon will reach the climax.
Suddenly, the Kusanagi lets out an adorable gasp when the redhead starts to rub his groin. He can perfectly feel Iori’s touch even through the clothing material. Even so, the brunette’s hand could barely concentrate on the current task.
Soon enough, Yagami pulls out the semi-hard Kyo’s member and lets him have the same treatment he’s been going through. Even just observing the lewd expressions which the vampire excites Iori. For sure, the vampire didn't lie about his sensitivity. But the hunter hasn't expected that Kyo is this sensitive just from a single touch. Who knew, that just a slight stimulation could make the vampire nearly reach orgasm.
In the end, the Kusanagi rests his head on the hunter’s shoulder while letting those lovely moans. Soon enough, both nearly reach their limit. Yet, Kyo is the one who cums first and collapses on top of Iori, and second later, the redhead also climaxes.
Some time passes by. The vampire slowly begins to regain his breath. After sitting up, he notices that Yagami has passed out and is covered in their semen. Perhaps, he should have gone easier on Iori. Or so, Kyo wonders as he observes the unconscious man. However, the brunette understands that he cannot leave Yagami resting like this, and he needs to look after himself. So, before leaving the bedside, the Kusanagi gently strokes Iori's cheek while whispering, “Don't worry, I'll return soon.”.
Once the brunette washes down and changes him into fresh clothes, he makes sure that Iori lays comfortably in bed. Finally, Kyo can take a break too.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 33 Link
Chapter 35 Link
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layanor · 6 years
★ Playable Characters★  Sakura, Dan, Honda, Hugo, Dhalsim, Akuma, Sagat, Balrog, Vega, M.Bison, HeavyD, Lucky, Brian, Syo, Gai, Bao, Momoko, Chin, Kensou, Athena, Terry, Andy, Joe, Mary, Mai, Freeman, Marko, Yamazaki, Eiji, Billy, Yuki, Asuka, Maria, Kyoko, Kisarah, Chonshu, Chonrei, Duck King, Li Xiang Fei, Alfred, Shion, Hayate, Lee, Jazu, John,Amanda, Mature, Vice, Adel, Rugal, Ralf, Leona, Clark, Mr. Big, Krauser, Geese, Kyo, Benimaru, Goro Daimon, Kusanagi, Chizuru Maki, Iori, Chris, Yashiro, Shermie, Shen, DuoLon, Ash, Rock, Jenet, Griffon, Gato, Hotaru, Shingo, Oswald, Maxima, K', Kula, K9999, Angel, Foxy, Candy, Kasumi, Hinako, Malin, Elisabeth, King, Nameless, Vanessa, Ramon, Set, Lin, Todo, Silver, Tung Fu Rue, Saisyu, Heidern, Ryo, Robert, Yuri, Takuma, Mr. Karate, Chang, Choi, MayLee, Jhun Hoon, Kim, Ryu, Ken, Chun Li, Guile, Sean, Nightmare, Blanka, Yurika, Cammy, Fei Long,  ★ NON-Playable Characters★  Evil Ryu, Orochi Iori, Omega Rugal, Clone Zero, Zero, Krizalid, Magaki, Mizuchi, Sachiel, Orochi Leona, Orochi ★ BATTLEBET ★  This game was made as a fan project for KOF. As I streamed the game for stress testing, more and more people came to watch it fight itself. So I decided why not make a game of it? Using the idea that SlatyBet does and improving on it, BattelBet was born! Thank you, everyone, for the support of this project! Your funding has made this a reality! ★ Fight a Base ★  FAB is one of the oldest fighting game communities "even before Shoryuken.com" and has been keeping track of the history of fighting games for years! They recently opened up a discord to get everyone in one place to chat and FIGHT EACH OTHER O THE DEATH! Maybe not death... I made that up.. JOIN OR DIE!!! https://ift.tt/2BsipRV ★ The King of Fighters - BATTLEBET ★  This King of the Fighters game is base on KOF 2k2 UM with Dream Cancels. Other modes will be added later. This is a fighting game like Street Fighter, Mortal Kombat, and Injustice. It has over 100 characters in it. That is even bigger than Marvel vs Capcom!  ★Combat Modes★ The current plan is to have 3 or 4 modes.  1 Stock - MAX Mode lv 1 2 Stock - MAX Mode lv 2 3 Stock - MAX Mose lv 3 Each Max Mode level will last longer than the next. They will also gain the ability from other games. Such as Health Recovery, Armour, Just Defence, and others!  ★ What is Mugen?★  It is a fighting game engine that you can make your own game for free!. check out https://ift.tt/2MFXO0U for more info! ★ My Game Info ★  All characters are SNK art style and play like KOF2k2UM with Special and Dream cancels. I am doing cosmetic edits on the characters now to make it feel more like a real game. All pallets will be updated to KOF 2K3 colors on each character.  ★ What is done ★  - Day and Night stages are coded into the Commen1 - Characters have the same button layouts - Real KOF pallets "Selectable Colors" - All character have win comments from the games they are from and extra ones - Theam music for each character - All characters have AI - 54 characters converted ★ What I am doing now ★  Currently, I am looking at every character and updating them.  - Making sure animations interact with water correctly  - Removing EX moves  - Writing a move list for each character - Adding in proper sparks if needed - Fixing issues - Making sure they have at least a KOF 2k2UM Move set.  - Removing unofficial moves - 80 character left to update *possibly more* ★ Want to help? ★  Want to help me make this game? Or reporter errors you see in the game? Leave me a message here or email me at [email protected] Multistreaming with https://restream.io/ Multistreaming with Restream.io
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blackhakumen · 11 months
Mini Fanfic #1149: First Ever Pocky Game Attempt (King of Fighters)
3:54 p.m. K and Kula's Apartment..........
Leona: (Looks Down a Small Box of Different Color Coded Sticks Shingo's Holding in his Hand) So these are the Pocky Sticks you've been telling me about, Shingo-Kun?
Shingo: (Happily Nodded) Yep!~ One of Japan's finest snack treats with three different flavors. I....didn't know which one of these in particular you would like, so I picked the box with the most variety.
Leona: I see. (Picks up One of the Sticks Out of Box Before Examining it a Bit Closer) And the challenge states that I eat one end of the stick while you eat on the other simultaneously?
Shingo: (Nodded Some More) Yep-Yep! It's pretty simple really. Whoever's mouth comes off the Pocky or gets to the middle first loses. And if.....(Starts Blushing While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) we reach to point of the both of us kissing, it'll be automatic tie.
Leona: (Snickrs a Bit) What's with the flustered face for, darling?~ You do know we've kissed many times before, right?
Shingo: Yeah, but this is the first time we're gonna do the Pocky Challenge, as an official couple! (Starts Twiddling his Fingers a Bit) I wanted it to be a little special....or worth your time at least, you know?
Leona: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) Your sweetness alone is worth every bit of my time being spent.
Shingo: (Smiles Back) Yours too~ Now let's get started.
Leona: (Nodded To his Commend) Right! Shall we do this on the count of three?
Shingo: Yeah-yeah. (Starts Leaning a Little Closer to his End of the Stick) One......
Leona: Two..........
Shingo/Leona: Thr-
Before either side could even begin the challenge, Kula suddenly jumps up in the middle out of nowhere and takes a single, huge bite of the pocky completely, leaving the couple. In question flabbergasted.
Kula: (Gushes Happily on the Pocky She's Eating as She Slowly Floats Down at Towards her Seat) Mmm it's so delicious, i love it!~
Shingo: (Comically Glares at his Blue Haired Friend) What the heck, Kula!?
Leona: (Gives Kula an Older Sisterly Glare on her Face) What did we say about eating someone else's snacks without asking first?
Kula: (Clasps her Hands Together While Putting on a Apologetic Look on her Face) I'm sorry!~ K was telling me about what pockies looks like that I couldn't help but to taste one for myself.
Leona: (Pinches the Bridge of her Nose While Groaning in Annoyance) Of course K has something to do with nonsense....
?: To be fair.....
The trio turns to see K munching on one of the pockies while holding a box of them in his hand.
K: She did asked me about them beforehand. (Quickly Raises his Hand at Shingo, Abruptly Sopping Him From Yelling Out his Name) And before start blowing up a casket, I only wanted to taste one for myself and so far.....(Continues Munch While Nodding in Approval) Mm. These aren't half bad.
Shingo: (Takes a Very Deep Breath Before Gritting his Teeth, Trying his Hardest Not to Blow an Actual Casket) Well, K', if you REALLY wanted to.know what they tasted like, then why haven't you asked me to buy you a box WHILE I was at the store at the time?
K': Phone was charging.
Leona: (Raises an Eyebrow, Unconvinced) Really? And what was stopping you from texting him while it was charging.
K': (Shrugs) Thought never occurred at the time, I dunno.
Shingo scrunches his hands in anger as he tries to approaches K', only to be stopped by Leona when she place her hand onto his shoulder and shakes her head at him, calming him down instantly as he sits back down in his seat and lets out a sigh of pure defeat.
Shingo: Glad you enjoyed the Pocky, K'. Truly.
K': Thanks, but I rather saved my appetite for our movie night coming up. (Turns to Kula While Lifting The Box Up a Little) Want the rest these, Kula?
Kula: (Let's Out a Gasps Before Turning to Shingo and Leona) Can I really have rest of them?
Shingo: (Smiles Sheepishly at Kula) Sure.
Leona: (Smiles as Well) Knock yourself our, Kula.
Kula: (Let's Out a Happy Squeal Before Hugging the Couple) Thank you, thank you, thank you so much!~
Kula rushes over to K' as he gives her the rest of the pocky sticks for her to eat.
K': If you lovebirds need me, I'll be in the kitchen seeing if Bogard got the pizzas yet. (Makes his Way to Kitchen With a Pocky Munching Kula Following Behind) I'm starving.
Shingo/Leona: 'Kay.
Shingo: ('Sighs Heavily') I love these two, but they can be a real headache sometimes......
Leona: Kula isn't too difficult to deal with at times. (Rolls her Eyes) Which is more than I can say for K' oddly enough......
Shingo: Tell me about it. Sorry that our first ever Pocky Challenge had to end like that. If I've known that would happen sooner, I would've brought two boxes instead of just one.
Leona: (Gives her Boyfriend a Reassuring Smile) That's quite alright, Shingo-Kun, I'm not opposed to trying again next year. Although, I do believe there's an alternative we could both do while making up for lost times. (Pulls Out a a Lipstick From her Pocket)
Shingo: (Eyes Widened a Bit in Genuine Surprise) Wait, timeout. You actually wore makeup before, Leona-san? I never even noticed.
Leona: I usually wear a few on some occasions. (Carefully Puts Lipstick onto her Lips) Even then, I wouldn't say I was ever completely fond of them to begin with.
Shingo: (Starts Blushing a Bit) Oh, well....I-I think you look amazing, with and without 'em on, ypu know?
Leona: (Smiles Softly) Why, thank you~ It means so much to hear you say that. (Smile Turns into a Seductive Smirk) As reward for your undying kindness, allow me to give you the loving and comfort you very much deserve, dar~ling-
Shingo: (Quickly Sticks his Hand Put Before Getting Up From his Seat) Wait! Before we start doing ANYTHING, let me do some stretches first, i-if ypu don't mind of course
Lrona: Not at all. Stretches can be beneficial for one's body in the long run.
Shingo: (Starts Stretching his Arms.....) Right? (.....Then his Back.....) It's super important! (.....Then Squats Down and Stretch Both his Legs Out) Helps you get more flexible resilient for years down the road with no strings attached. (Gets Back Up on his Feet)
Leona: How are you feeling right now?
Shingo: (Place his Hands onto Both his Hips With a Proud Smile on his Face) ('Whew') I feel like I'm falling a bit behind from my stretching routines there, but other than that, I'm feeling pretty good for the most part. Ready whenever you are-
Leona immediately pulls Shingo in a very loving kissing on the lips before pulling away for a second, leaving her boyfriend love struck in complete awe.
Shingo: W-W-Wow......That....might be our best kiss yet.......
Leona: (Taking a Bit if a Breather) Y-Yeah......I-I think so too.....But we are NOT done yet, mister~
Shingo: Yeah? Well....G-Give me your best shot, ma'am! No holding back!~
Leona: Gladly~ (Resumes Back to Making Out with her Boyfriend on the Sofa)
K': Oi, lovebirds! Rock says he'll be here in a few minutes with the pizza. (Walks Back Into the Living Room) I even convinced him to buy you two a new pack of Poc-
K' looks down to see Leona kissing all over a lovestruckend Shingo Yabuki's face before letting out his signature sigh.
K': (This is a very unsurprising turn of events and icky one nonetheless. (Shrugs) Eh. I'll let 'em be for now. It's the least I can do for ruining their little game.)
K walks back to the kitchen, leaving the couple alone in their session without either of them even noticing their friend's presence in the first place.
Happy (Yet Another) Belated Pocky Day, Everyone!~
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blackhakumen · 10 months
Mini Fanfic #1156: Nightly Christmas Shopping Around Southtown (King of Fighters)
6:45 p.m. at Southtown's Stanfield Mall: Clothes Store........
Rock: So that's what a onesie looks like, huh?
Shingo: (Happily Shows Off a Blue Colored Cat Onesie He's Currently Wearing in Front of the Dressing Room) Yep! Comes with various different sets and colors: cows, horses, elephants, lions, King of Dinosaurs, you name it and they're probably selling a few of them elsewhere. I'm thinking of getting another cat one for Leona-san for Christmas this year so we can match. Different colors though, I'm hoping Teal colors are still in stock.....
Rock: (Nodded in Agreement) Yeah, I can see her wearing something like that on her off days. You two would look more like a cuter pair than you are already.
Shingo: More like cuter trio. We can't forgive about Heather in the equation. Check it! (Presents Rock Another Onesie, Kitten Size)
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly) They actually cat sized onesies too?
Shingo: I know, crazy right? I just found out about it after I left the house. It's looks so adorable~ (Presents Rock a Wolf Onesie in his Other Hand) I even got you cool wolf one if you ever wanna join in on the club.
Rock: (Smiles Sheepishly) I'll.....give it some thought later, bud.
Few Minutes Later at the Candy/ Sweets Shop
Rock: (Picks Up a Tall Looking Candy Cane From Out of a Barrel) How about we give the girls this candy cane? It's nothing too special, but I have no doubt she'll enjoy it regardless.
Shingo: (Nodded in Agreement) Sounds good. (Shows Rock Four Chocolate Bars in his Hands) We could also give them these Willy Wonka's Chocolate Bars as a bonus, but we're gonna have a find a really clever hiding spot for all of them.
Rock: ('Sigh') That's easier said than done really. Kula has a nose of a bloodhound.
Shingo: ('Sigh') So does Naomi.......You think Terry still have that Mini Fridge of his?
Rock: Probably? I'll have to ask him tomorrow. But for now, let's try and hide them somewhere neither of their noses can find.
Shingo: Right.
Few Minutes Later at a Sunglasses Store
Rock: (Sighs While Looking for the Coolest Looking Sunglasses They Have in One Selection) I swear, of all the things he could want for Christmas this year, why does it have to be pair of sunglasses? (Turns to Shingo) Doesn't he already have enough of them back home or something?
Shingo: (Shrugs) Probably. Even then, that won't stop him from getting more.
Rock: (Forms a Bit of a Teasing Smirk at Shingo) Sounds like a certain someone else I know with notebooks.
Shingo: (Starts Pouting at Rock) Hey, at least I use my notebooks for strategic and research purposes. K' has a million sunglasses under his belt and I have YET to see him wear anything different than the one he's wearing now!
Rock: True, but you can't deny some similarities you guys have from each other
Shingo: ('Scoffs') Oh please. (Crosses his Arms Together While Turning Away) I'm way more mature and proactive than that mopey, lazy bones wishes he would be!.....(Slowly Turns Back to Rock) D-Don't tell him I said any of that, okay?
Rock: Help me bake a few treats for the party in a few days and I'll pretend this conversation even happen. (Put his Hand Out)
Shingo: (Gives Rock an Agreement Handshake) Deal.
Few Minutes Later at the Pet Shop Store
Rock: (Looks Down at Some of the Items He Got inside the Basket He's Carrying) Okay. I got one two marten plushies for Itokatsu to play with, a star-shaped chew toy for Antoine and a mini Terry costume for Ukee to wear.
Shingo: You know, I always keep forgetting you guys used to have monkey for a pet.
Rock: Yeah, it has been a while since we last saw him, but I heard from Uncle Andy that he's been doing great in hus and Aunt Mai's place as of late. Speaking of which.....(Pulls Out a List From his Coat Pocket) After we leave here, we gotta head to the Besuty Shop to get a hair spray for Aunt Mai, a Swan Soap for Mary, and a Sakura Flower hairpin for....(Clears his Throat a Bit While Blushing) Hotaru.....
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) D'awww~ You're buying your girlfriend a Christmas gift already?~
Rock: (Sighs While Rolling his Eyes) Don't start. She told me was going to get me something days ago, so I figured I would try and return a flavor. I just hope there's still some more left in stock. Heard they ran out quicker this time of year.
Shingo: Then we'll just have to get it before anyone else does. Im sure sure it won't be that hard to do, right?
An Hour and a Half Later at the Beauty Shop
'Door Opens'
Rock and Shingo jumps out of the store in an exhausted state.
Rock: (Starts Panting Along with Shingo) Thank.....GOD.....we got out of there......
Shingo: Right!? It was like.....a freaking WARZONE in there!.....
Rock: And those perfumes.....Who idea was it spray them all over the place!?
Shingo: I dunno, man.....But those ladies in there.....REALLY weren't holding any punches at all.....
Rock: They didn't. (Pulls Something Out From Inside. Bag) But at least we got what we were looking this whole time- Ah dammit! I got the wrong flower!
Shingo: (Takes a Look at the Rose Shaped Hairpin Rock's Holding) Well, you can never go wrong with anything rose related.
Rock: ('Sighs Heavily') I guess....At least it's better than coming out here empty handed. I'm never going back in there for as long as I live.
Shingo: Neither will I. (Notices a Bench Sitting Right in Front of Them) Wanna go sit down for a bit? I'm too exhausted to walk now....
Rock: (Gets Himself Up From the Ground Before Helping Shingo Up Afterwards) Sure. We could use a bench break right now.
The duo makes their way to the bench and sit themselves down, exhaling plenty amount of relief from out of their systems.
Shingo: Don't know about you, Rock, but I think I might be done with Christmas shopping for now
Rock: The list is near completion, so we'll get more done in a day or two. Maybe have K' and Kula tag along next time around.
Shingo: I'm down with that motion. It'll give me more time to think about something special I wanna give you this year.
Rock: (Turns to Shingo) You don't have to go out of your way to do that for me, even if it is for the holidays.
Shingo: (Turns to Rock) I know, but you're the first new friend I've ever made since I've moved here. So I wanna show just how much I appericate you and our friendship so far, you know?
Rock: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) I appericate you too, man. Our friendship alone is more than enough of a Christmas gift for me to have going forward.
Shingo: (Heart Starts Melting in Happiness as Well)
Rock: (Shrugs) Buuuut if you still insist on getting me something regardless, then I won't stop you. Just don't get me something too expensive, yeah?
Shingo: (Starts Smirking a Bit) Give me a hug and I'll get you cheapest looking jacket known to men.
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly) Sounds good to me! (Gives Shingo His Much Need Hug) Thank you.
Shingo: (Hugs Rock Back) No problem. Happy Holidays, Rock Howard Bogard.
Rock: You too, Shingo Yabuki. You too.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
What the Ships Say About You Part 2.
Been a long while since I've done this, but let's get this shipfest started, shall we?
Wolf x Isabelle: You've always had a thing for werewolves and bad boys. So much so that you believe that you could fix either one of them if you were to ever given the opportunity.
Samus x Chun-Li: Your interest in crossovers outweighs your interest in hot, badass women who could easily kick your ass within seconds.
Giovanni x Spike x Crusher: You just want Spike and Crusher to be happy and fulfill their dreams into dating their own boss. And really, who wouldn't?
Mario x Peach: Any interest you have in video games outweighs your fondness of married couples.
Vector x Vanilla: This is kind of similar to Mario x Peach, but you may or may not also have interest in older, mature women, not that there's anything wrong with that inherently.
M&M (Moxxie x Millie): You just want a wholesome marriage or you're just a slut for violence and Men. Getting. Pegged.
Lea x Isa: You've been the Yaoi fandom for years now and your ideal relationship is that one meme of two guys sitting in a hot tub together.
Dark Pit x Misako x Kyoko: You saw the original ending of River City Girls and instantly wanted the two girls to find happiness elsewhere or you just want Pitto to be loved. It's a win-win for you either way.
Banjo x Kazooie: You're a sucker for the friends to lovers trope, so much so that you could care less if they're from a different species, as long as they're happy together.
Shingo x Leona: Either you want a lovable goofball and a silent, tough girl to hook up one day or you just want good things to happen to Shingo and Leona respectively. And really, who wouldn't at this point?
Aqua x Terra: Your ideal relationship is Team Moms and Team Dads.
Dedue x Mercedes: Basically the same as Aqua x Terra but with a little more wholesomeness and spice to add up the flavor. That and/or you want Deude to live a happy, peaceful life once.
Terry x Blue Mary: You just like seeing couples who causally hangs out with one another or your a slut of Men. Getting. Pegged but not so much as you originally were for M&M.
Krohnen x Angel: You've grown tired of the "Will They or Won't They?" Bullshit (Andy x Mai/ Ryo x King) to the point of your interest gets instantly set on the Angsty Bad Boy and Ditzy Hot Girl dynamic or you're a just Vegeta x Bulma fan.
Krillin x Android 18: You're a firm believer of this ship being one of the best ships the Dragon Ball series has the offer or you just think Krillin deserves a W for once and not get joked on a lot on internet which is too much to ask apparently....
Broly x Cheelai: You either really like Super's version of Broly and want good things to happen to him in the long run or you just want a giant teddy bear to hug on a daily basis.
Ridley x Dark Samus: You're an incel who only got lucky.
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blackhakumen · 1 year
Mini Fanfic #1132: Cuddly Date Night (King of Fighters)
9:45 p.m. at Yabuki's Residence's Living Room........
Leona: Unbelievable~ (Cuddling Under a Blanket With Shingo on the Loving Room's Sofa While Smirking Seductive at Him) Cuddling with the Colonel's daughter at the comforts of your own home?~ (Starts Snuggling Up on Him) How very scandalous of you indeed!~
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly and Ticklishly by his Girlfriend's Snuggles) Easy for you to say!~ Snuggling up with your cute boyfriend in his own home is a pretty rebellious move on your end, ma'am~
Leona: (Raises an Eyebrow While her Smirk Starts Getting a Little More Wider) You're cute you say?~
Shingo: (Eyes Begins to Widened at the Realization of What He Just Said) Cute? H-Handsome! Handsome. W-What I meant to say that you're snuggling up with handsome, cute- Ah dang it! (Starts Pouting a Little While Twiddling his Fingers) Can we start over? I messed up on a few lines......
Leona: (Giggles Softly) Shingo!~ There's nothing wrong with being labeled as "cute". It's one of many traits I love about you~
Shingo: ('Sigh') I know, but I wanted to sound more cool and rebellious like you did a second ago.
Leona: Well, I'm flattered you think highly of me amd performance~ (Smiles Sheepishly) Though, to be honest, I don't think I have what it takes be an actual rebel.....
Shingo: Same. I'm too chicken to cause trouble on purpose for the life of me....
Leona: (Shrugs) It's seems we're both too pure for this troublesome world I suppose.
Shingo: I don't mind the sound of that. As long as we're in this together.
Leona: (Smiles Softly) Of course~
Shingo: (Gives his Girlfriend a Kiss on The Lips Before Sighing in a Relaxed Manner) I'm so glad I have the day off tomorrow......
Leona: (Frowns a Bit in Worry) I take it your day at work today was stressful this time around.
Shingo: ('Sighs a Bit Heavily') Yeah....Something like that. Rude customers constantly rushing us to get their orders done, I had to break up a fist fight shortly after while having a cup of coffee thrown at my face.
Leona: Oh no. Was it hot and scolding?
Shingo: No, it wasn't fortunately, but it wasn't any less annoying that's for sure. Then after that, some big guy with glasses starts barging into the shop, and rather than order his drink like any sane person here, he instead starts going around demanding us to bring Athena out and give him a Psycho Ball across the face!
Leona: (Genuinely Couldn't Believe What She's Hearing Right Now) Why....couldn't he asked for an autograph instead? That would've clearly been more safer.
Shingo: THAT'S WHAT I'VE BEEN SAYING!! But when i tried to tell him that and Athena's busy at the moment, he started yelling at me about how I'm just some common slave worker who doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as her, let alone be associated with her establishment to begin with!
Leona: (Forms a Darken Glare on her Face) You don't say......
Shingo: (Quickly Calms Leona Down) N-N-Now hold on, Leona-san! There's no need for you to worry! Really!
Leona: (Slowly Calms Herself Down) Are you sure?
Shingo: Positive! I mean, sure, what he said was upsetting and it almost made me wanna punch the guy, but lucky for him, Malin and Hinako were able to kick him out before another fight happened. 'Thena even went out of her way to make caramel tea to help calm my nerves before it was finally time for me to clock out for the day.
Leona: ('Sighs in Relief') That's good to hear. I'm happy we have to day to ourselves tomorrow.
Shingo: You're off too, Leona-san?
Leona: (Simply Nodded) That's right. Father insisted I take the a day or two off to a change.....(Smiles Softly) And luckily for you, I'm more than willing to spend every moment of with you, darling~ (Starts Snuggling Up on Shingo Some More)
Shingo: (Smiles Back While Blushing) Yeah~ How was your day, Leona-san? I hope it wasn't as bad as mines.
Leona: (Giggles Softly) Don't worry, it wasn't. It went a lot better than I expected it would go actually.
Shingo: Nice! Did anything exciting?
Leona: Not really? I was tasked to train and instruct some of the new recruits in the lower ranks while Ralf and Clark were away to their mission.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened in Genuine Surprise) You did? That's so cool! What did you taught them?
Leona: Only the basics: How to prepare themselves in the battlefield, how to aim and shoot at the target precisely, how to blend in with their surroundings without begin seen by the enemy, and so fourth.
Shingo: Were you nervous?
Leona: A little, but it didn't take too long for me to work up the courage to the take the lead fortunately. It also helps that the recruits were all cooperative throughout the whole ordeal.
Shingo: That's good. Does it feel like something you wanna do again sometime in the near future?
Leona: I suppose, but only when I'm ordered to do so again. I don't think I have the capabilites become a full fledged leader just yet.
Shingo: That's understandable. Leadership takes a lot of work from what I've heard.
Leona: You've heard right. It takes years of building trust and forming a strong connection with your fellow comrades into becoming one. Both qualities I must learn if I were to ever lead again.
Shingo: (Gives Leona a Reassuring Smile on his Face) Don't be afraid to give it your all. I know you'll become a great leader one of these days.
Leona: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) And I know you'll become even more a stronger fighter than you are now. Which is why we are going to the gym and train first thing tomorrow morning.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened Again) On our day off!?
Leona: (Gives Shingo a Stern, Yet Cute Looking Pout on her Face) Don't act suprise, mister. You know as well as I do that we've been falling behind in our training sessions as of late, thanks to our work schedules.
Shingo: ('Sigh') True. And I have been wanting to try out a few new moves I've came up recently.....Can we go to gym at 10am instead at least?
Leona: I suppose we can do that. But ONLY if you give me more of your loving for the reminder of the night. That's am order
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) Yes, ma'am~ (Starts Kissing on Leona's Cheeks)
Leona: (Giggles Ticklishly by her Boyfriend's Kisses) Shingo-Kun, you adorable dummy! Slow down a bit, will ya?~
Shingo: (Stops Kissing Leona For a Second Before Chuckling Some More) What?~ You said it was an order.
Leona: (Starts Calming Herself Down From all the Giggling) I did, I did. But you haven't given me the time to prepare myself yet.
Shingo: Right. Sorry about that. Take as much time as you need, 'hon.
Leona: Thank you. (Takes a Deep Breath Before Smiling Brightly Again) Okay! Now I'm ready~
Shingo: One kissing session coming right up!~
And so Shingo resumes back to kissing Leona on the cheeks, causing her giggle amd smiling even more ticklishly than she did originally under his embrace as the movie they were previously watching, continues to play the whole time.
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blackhakumen · 7 months
Mini Fanfic #1178: Stroll Down the "Wedding" Lane #1: Shingo x Leona (King of Fighters)
*Heavily Inspired by the Group Date Cafe's: The Big Day Segment From Persona Q*
?????? In Unknown Area.......
Shingo: (Groans in a Bit of Pain Before Slowly Getting Himself Up From the Ground Him and Leona Has Just Now Fell On) Geez... That might've been the nastiest fall I've taken so far.....(Help his Girlfriend Up as Well) Are you okay, Leona-san?
Leona: (Simply Nodded as She Accepts Her Boyfriend's Help) I am, yes. (Looks Up at the Pitched Black Ceiling Above Her and Shingo) Though, I can't say i have the slightest clue as to why that "Soulmates Questionaire" we've participated brought us here....
Shingo: Probably to mess with us. I have seen a few pranks aired on game shows before. But definitely not to this extreme.....
Leona: (Turns to Shingo) ('Sigh') Well, either way, it's best that we stick close together in this, Shingo-Kun. There's no telling what they got in store for us now.
Shingo: (Nodded in Agreement) Right. But.....Where exactly are we anyw-
The sound of all the lights getting turned on one by one was loud enough to ring the couple's eardrums in surprise, causing Shingo to get startled and hug onto Leona's shoulder next to him, as they turn around to see the room reveals itself to have blue, aurora filled skies, flower filled field, a vine carrying a portrait from the ceiling, and a road with a few sets of heart shaped wooden tunnels going up ahead, while the sound of organs suddenly starts playing out of nowhere.
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Shingo: (Starts Looking Around the Place Along with Leona in Surprised and Confusion) What....the.....heck.......
Leona: Is this what the Questionaire has been leading us down to?
Mechanical Voice: It seems you have reached your destination.
Shingo gets startled once again by the mechanical sounding voice as he and Leona quickly positioned themselves in their battle stance, with the former shaking a little.
Leona: Who goes there!?
Shingi: S-Show yourself please! We won't fight you if you do! Hopefully.
Leona: (Simply Nodded) That's right. (Forms a Bit of a Menacing Glare on her Face) Unless you try and hurt Shingo-Kun.
Shingo: (Heart Starts to Melt a Bit by Leona's Protectiveness Over Him Before Firing Up and Hardening Up his Fighting Stance as He Develops Protectiveness of his Own) Or if you try and hurt MY girlfriend too! So try it, bucko! I throwdown with robots before! I DON'T GIVE A FUCK!!!
Leona: (Gasps at Her Boyfriend's Sudden Use of Outburst and Profanity) Shingo-Kun!
Shingo: (Lowers His Pent Up Anger into an Awkward Look) Sorry.....I was overselling that, was I?
Leona: A little bit, yeah. Just leave the Intimidation tactic to me for now on, okay darling?
Shingo: ('Sigh') Yes, ma'am.
Mechanical Voice: Please excuse my sudden intrusion. But I believe that this is a path where two lovers who met their destined partners discuss their love for each other. What could be waiting up ahead?
Shingo: That's what I wanna find out......
Mechanical Voice: The only way to find is step forth, hand-in-hand and embrace what this road will have in store for you up ahead. Now, please step forth.
Shingo: Is this really our only option here?
Leona: (Starts Looking Around the Area) Considering there's not a single exit present here, I'm afraid it may be the case. It's best that we do what it says for now and keep moving ahead.
Shingo: 'Kay. But uh.....(Turns Away While Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) You....wanna hold hands along the way? Y-You know! Just in case we get lost or....something crazy happens.....
Leona: (Giggles Softly as She Gently Grab Hold of her Boyfriend's Hand, Making him Blush Instantly) Shingo-Kun, you are always welcome to hold my hand whenever you like~ We're dating, remember?~
Shingo: I know. I was just......Being a gentleman is all.
Leona: And I appericate very much, my dear~ (Kiss the Top of Shingo's Hand) Now, come. Let's get this charade over with and find our friends so we can head home and cuddle for the rest of evening. Sounds good?
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly) Perfect! Let's go!
The couple finally does what the voice says and take a few steps forward before it came back and speak again.
Mechanical Voice: Suddenly, all in attendance hear an announcement.
Shingo: (Raises an Eyebrow in Confusion) An announcement?
Leona: (Raises an Eyebrow in Suspension) Of what exactly?
Mechanical Voice: Up ahead, they see a bride and groom's joyous commemorative photograph of their undying love and passion for one another.
Leona: Bride and groom?
Shingo: I think it's talking about that picture over there.
Leona: (Squints her Eyes at the Portait Shingo's Pointing her To) Is that right? (Makes her Over to the Portrait Along with Shingo) I wonder it's doing in a place- (Eyes Slowly Starts to Widened at What is In Front of Her and Shingo) Like.......This?
Shingo: Oh.....my god.......
The surprised looks duo's faces are present as they see a portrait of Leona dressed in a black tux like dress, carrying Shingo in his arms, who is dressed in a white wedding dress.
Shingo: WE GOT HATCHED!? HOW!? WHEN!? I-I don't remember doing any sort of proposal!! I DON'T EVEN HAVE A RING ON ME TO GIVE!!!
As Shingo continues to ramble on while walking and pacing back and forth, Leona suddenly starts to notice something was off about the portrait itself as she starts taking a closer look.
Leona: Hm. As I expected. (Turns Back to her Boyfriend) Shingo-Kun, I-
Shingo: This is insane! I mean, I know I dreamed about getting married one day, but now!? I'm not even close to being prepared a wedding!
Leona: Shingo.
Shingo: Oh God, and what will everyone in our circle will say?
Leona: Shingooo.
Shingo: I mean, our friends will be happy for us regardless, but what about our families!? My mom is gonna KILL ME to kingdom come, I'm never gonna hear the end of it from neither of my sisters, and only God and OROCHI knows what the Colonel's gonna do to me once he FINDS OUT-
Leona: (Places her Habd onto Shingo's Shoulder) Shingo! Calm down for a second, okay? The portrait of us is fabricated and fake. (Shows Shingo the Portrait) See?
Shingo does as his girlfriend says and takes a more thorough look at the portait, realizing how off it really looks.
Shingo: You're right......This looks completely photoshopped and everything. (Eyes Widened Again) Wait, so why did they put me in a dress then!?
Leona: As a little joke maybe? Not that I mind really. (Smiles a Little) I think you look wonderful in that dress. (Playfully Smirks) Almost like a princess in a way~
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) I doubt it. But thanks. I think you could pull off that dress way better than I ever could. Then again, you would look pretty great tux too.
Lrona: (Grabs her Chin) You think so? I'm not sure I could pull the attire off honestly....Speaking of which, why does this have me carrying you to begin with?
Shingo: Probably because they think of you as the Strongest Lady in the World. (Forms A Bit of a Seductive Smirk on his Face) I like do~
Leona: (Giggles Once More While Blushing) Honestly, Shingo-Kun!~ Are you trying to constantly flatter me?~
Shingo: (Playfully Shrugs) Eh. It is Valentine's Day. Gotta make sure my girlfriend feel loved and appreciated somehow.
Leona: (Heart Begins to Melt in Genuine Happiness) You're so sweet~ But Shingo-Kun.
Shingo: Hm?
Leona: (Starts Twisting the Side of her Hair a Bit Bashfully) I-If you don't mind, could you.....carry me in your arms for a bit? I wanna see how much your muscles has improved as of late. (Smiles a Bit) As....well as see how strong my sweetheart of a boyfriend truly is~
Shingo: (Smiles Brightly) Carry me first and you got yourself a deal.
Leona nodded in agreement as she picks Shingo up off his feet at ease, leaving him struck in awe.
Shingo: Wooooah.....See? (Happily Hugs Leona) I told you that you're The Strongest!~ (Pulls Away For a Bit) I'm not too heavy for you, am I?
Leona: Not at all. It's like carrying a couple of grapes around, you're fine.
Shingo then carries Leona shortly after.
Shingo: Gotcha! (Starts Wobbling a Bit Before Catching his Balance Completely)
Leona: (Giggles Some More) Goodness~ You really have improved a lot.
Shingo: Only cause I have the best teacher abd prettiest training/sparring partner in the world~ i don't think I would ever get this far if it weren't for you.
Leona: (Smiles Softly) I'm glad to be of assistance. (Gives Shingo a Kiss on the Cheek) (My sweet prince~) (Suddenly Notices Something Up Ahead) Shingo, look! (Points Shingo Towards that White Door Ahead)
Shingo: (Eyes Starts Widening at What Leona's Pointing Him To) No way! The door! Is this the exit we're looking for this whole time?
Leona: Only one way to find out
Shingo nodded in agreement as he gently puts Leona back down on his feet before the two started sprinting over to the door in question.
Mechanical Voice: The long-awaited moment has finally come. The bride and groom are finally about to enter. The final moment of hesitation has arrived before you are about to be wed.
Shingo: Bride?
Leona: Groom?
Shingo/Leona: (Eyes Widened at the Realization) BE WED!?
Shingo: So that Questionaire we took and this entire room has been setting us for a WEDDING this whole time!?
Leona: (Grabs her Chin Again) That would explain the portrait had us wearing marriage attires.....
The Mechanical: Through your own free will, you decide to vow eternal love to one another.
Shingo: (Starts Getting Angry at the Invisible Mechanical Voice) What free will!? You practically brought us here to begin with!!!
Leona: (Gently Place her Hand onto Shingo's Shoulder Again) Calm yourself, darling. I'm sure if we open these doors, it'll reveal itself to be the exit-
The doors automatically opens itself up, revealing a bright, breath-taking altar with the sound of organs playing "Here Comes the Bride" throughout the entire room itself, much to couple's surprise.
Leona: Or.....not.
Mechanical Voice: You must vow your unwavering love one another, in sickness and in health. Now, vow your newloly found love!
Shingo: (Couldn't Believe What is Happening Right Now) My god. They're actually making us get married right now......
Leona: Well....If this really is the only option to go by....(Let's Out a Sigh) Then we might as well fave the music head on.
Shingo: (Eyes Widened Before Turning to Leona) Are you sure about this, Leona-san? I don't want this to ruin your military career. (Turns Away While Frowning) Or.... have me slow you down completely........
Leona: (Gently Brings Shingo's Face Towards Her While Softly Glaring at Him) Shingo Yabuki, don't you ever say that again! You could never slow me down. Not in a million years.
Shingo: But what about your job at the Ikari Warriors?
Leona: I can balance my occupation as a soldier and being a wife the best i can. Besides, if there's anyone I'd be happy or rather glad to be married wirh by forced.......(Smiles Softly at Shingo) It's you.
Shingo: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness Again) Me too~ I mean, I want to get out of here as much as you do, but.....(Gently Grab Hold of Leona's Hands, Staring at Her Woth Sincere Love in his Eyes) If this wedding thing is really happening and if we're gonna spend the rest of our lives as married couple, then I'm more than ready to face it head on with you, Leona Heidern.
Leona: (Heart Starts Melting as Well as A Single Tear Starts Falling Down on her Face) As do I, my lov-
Shingo and Leona's eyes begin to widen up yet again at the very familiar face responsible for yelling.
Shingo/Leona: Kula!?
Rock: (Quickly Steps into the Room Along with Blue Mary With Very Relieved Looks on Both Their Faces) Shingo! Leona! Thank God, you two are okay.
Mary: You will not BELIEVE how many stairs we have to go down to find you two!
K': (Walks into the Room While Panting a Bit) Yet.....Far....too many.....stairs......(Let's Out an Exhausted Sigh While Wiping the Sweat Off his Forehead) I swear, this HAS to be the last time we get wrapped up in the crap, right? Please let it be the last time.
Rock: (Snickers a Bit) Wow, K', I didn't take you for the guy who gets tired out that easily.
K': (Glares at Rock) Well, maybe if we didn't highball our asses all the way down here, I wouldn't be like this, now would I? How the hell neither of you are not weak in the knees yet?
Rock: Cuz unlike you, Mary and I actually took the day of our regular schedules to work out.
Mary: (Happily Nodded) Yep! Never skipped workout day!~
K': ('Tch') Whatever. (Turns to Kula) What's your excuse?
Kula: (Place a Finger on her Chin While Thinking) Uhhhhhh.....My love and care Shingo and Leona brought me here? (Smiles Brightly)
K': Bullshit.
Kula: (Comically Glares at K') It's not!
Leona: (Giggles Softly at K and Kula's Usual Banters) We love you too, Kula.
Shingo: (Very Happy To See his Friends Again) You guys seriously came all the way down here on foot? We didn't even see any staircases around this place.
Rock: That's because it was alllllllll the way over there. (Points Shingo and Leona Towards the Staircase Located in Far, Far, Far Distance From the Altar) It's a miracle we have Kula use her breezey wind to help keep us cooled off before running down here.
Mary: Luckily, before we did all of that, we also managed to catch the crooks who's been operating this entire "Romantic Love Show" as one of their many get-real quick schemes. (Points to the Three Men Tied and Taped Up Together, Whimpering)
Shingo: So.....this whole wedding thing is fake after all?
Leona: As in....really, really fake.
Rock: Yep. It's been a sham this entire time. Kinda easy to tell really.
K': As if either of you would fall for something like that in the first place.
Shingo and Leona immediately starts blushing while looking away from the others.
K': (Eyes Widened in the Realization as He Lowers his Shade Down From his Face) Oh my God, you two actually this was all real, wasn't it?
Shingo: (Immediately Glares at K' Along with Leona) NO!
Leona: Of course not! We knew it was fake this whole time!
Shingo: Honest!!!
Rock: (Playfully Raises an Eyebrow) You sure? Cuz you two seemed pretty ready to get hitched once we got here.
Kula: (Smiles Brightly While Clasping her Habds Together) You two would make the most cutest married couple in all of Southtown!~
Mary: (Crosses her Arms While Giving the Duo A Soft Motherly Glare) Yeah and youngest one at that. Look, we know you guys love each other very much and we're happy for you 100%, but please wait until you're little bit more older to make these kinds of decisions, okay?
Shingo/Leona: ('Sigh') Yes, ma'am.....
Mary: (Simply Nodded) Good. Now, if you kids will excuse me, I'm gonna call my workplace and ask them to bring a helicopter or a jet over to get us outta here. (Walks Out of the Room with her Phone in her Hands) I am not going back to those stairs with those crooks in my care........
Shingo and Leona watches Mary walk out before letting out biggest sigh of relief they've ever made in their lives.
Rock: (Chuckles Lightly) Long day, wasn't it?
Shingo: You have no idea......
Leona: As eventful as this day was, I'm glad it's coming to a close.
Shingi: Not quite. (Forms a Bit of a Seductive Smirk on his Face to Leona) We still have a scheduled cuddle session to do once we get back home, remember?~
Leona: (Giggles Once More) Yes, of course~ (Gives Shingo a Kss on the Lips) Happy Valentine's Day, Shingo-Kun~
Shingo: You too, Leona-san~
K': Hey, save that kissing once we get back home, future married couple.
Shingo/Leona: (Comically Glares at K'Dash).OH MY GOD, SHUT UP ALREADY!!!
Happy Valentine's/Single Awareness Day Everybody!!!
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1064: Finally Meeting the Sisters (King of Fighters)
10:34 a.m. at the Yabuki's Residence's Dining Room.......
Shingo: (Gently Rubs Leona's Shoulders as He Instructs Her to Breathe In and Out) Breathe in. Out. That's it, there you go.
Leona: (Takes Another Deep Breath Before Speaking) I'm sorry.....I wasn't expecting to meet one of your sisters so soon. Or ever for that matter.....
Shingo: (Smiles Softly) Hey, it's fine. (Starts Rubbing The Back of his Head Back and Forth) If anything, I should apologize for not mentioning them to you beforehand.
Leona: The thought never occurred to either of us at the time, so it couldn't be helped really. ('Sigh') Still, I hope make a good enough impression to them......
Shingo: Just stay as calm and level headed as possible and be yourself. I know you have what it takes to impress her because your name is Leona Heidern: a proud member of the Ikari Warriors and the one that stole my heart.
Leona: (Heart Begins to Melt in Happiness as She Turns to Her Boyfriend Next to Her) You really do have a way with words, don't you?~
Shingo: (Smiles Sheepishly) I really wouldn't say I have a lot if ways with words personally. But I do wanna make you happy.
Leona: You're already making me happy, by being here with me.
Shingo: And I'm not gonna leave anytime soon! I love you too much to do that.
Leona: (Giggles Softly) I love you too, darling~
Shingo: D-Darling?
Leona: (Eyes Starts to Widened Once She Immediately Realizes What She Just Said) S-Sorry! I was thinking about what sort of nickname to give you for the time being and that was the one that came to mind. I really didn't mean to blurt it out to you like that.....
Shingo: N-No, no! It's okay, really! I don't mind it at all! In fact, I think it's a great nickname for me.
Leona: (Turns Back to Shingo) It is?
Shingo: (Gently Place a Hand on Top of Leona's) Yeah. It has a nice ring to it. I....haven't come up with one of my own to give you yet, but I hope you like it whenever I reveal it to you.
Leona: (Smiles Softly) I'm sure I'll adore it very much, just as much as I adore you~
The two newly begins to slowly lean towards each other for the kiss, until the sound of the door opening startles the both of them simultaneously before quickly going back to their spots.
Tsubaki: (Walks Out of the Bathroom as She Makes her Way to the Dining Room) Okay! Got my hair dried and done, now we can start our interrog- I mean, our talk~
Shingo: (Facepalms Himself) Tsubaki, can you please go easy on Leona-san here. She's nervous enough as it is.
Tsubaki: (Rolls her Eyes) I'm not going to scare her straight, Shingo. I just wanna have a nice chat with your girlfriend is all. Promise.
Shingo: (Raises an Eyebrow at his Older Sister) Really? Then how come your hand is behind your back?
Tsubaki: (Looks at her Hand Behind her Back Before Quickly Moving it Away and Turning Back to Shingo) You're seeing things-Anywho!~ (Sits Down at her Seat as She Turns Her Attention Towards Leona) Let's finally get to know each other, Leona Heidern, is it?
Leona: You....heard of me before?
Tsubaki: (Happily Nodded) Yeah. Shingo told me quite a lot about you lately. Mostly about how strong, kind, and very pretty you are-
Shingo: Tsubaki!
Tsubaki: What? I can't help everything you tell me, Shingo. Your words are not my own, you know?
Shingo lowers his head down on the table and groans in frustration, all while Leona gently rubs her hand on his upper back and shoulder to help calm him down.
Tsubaki: As I was saying, you're among the few people around here he talks about the most. By the way, don't mean to go off topic for sec, but I love how your hair looks.
Leona: You do? (Gently Grabs The Side of her Hair as She Weaves it Down a Little) I haven't really done much to it besides wash, dry, and brush on most occasions.
Tsubaki: Hey, if it helps making it look this good, then you deserve every compliments you get. Meanwhile, mines gets more duller in each minute of the day....
Leona: (Smiles Softly) I'm not much of a hair stylist myself, but I think yours look good all things considered.
Tsubaki: Ermm.....I still say otherwise. (Smiles Softly) But I really appericate the compliment. And I can't tell you how happy I am to see my little brother find someone he could love and cherish. (Tears Suddenly Starts Appearing in her Eyes)('Sniff') So happy.....
Leona: Tsubaki-san?
Shingo: (Rolls his Eyes) Oh God, here we go.....
Tsubaki: Sorry....('Sniff') (Takes off her Glasses as Starts Wiping Away Her Tears) It's just so hard to see my baby boy growing so fast.....
Shingo: (Eyes Widened in Disbelief) Baby bo- Tsubaki, I am literally the middle child of our family!!
Tsubaki: (Terafully Glares Back at Shingo) Yeah, but even before Naomi came into the picture, I always have to be the one watching over you and keep your out of every single trouble you SOMEHOW keep getting yourself into! Especially those King of Fighters Tournament you keep participating!
Shingo: (Immediately Stabds Up Frim his Seat) You do not drag KOF into this!!!
Tsubaki: (Got Up From her Seat As Well) ALREADY FEW SECONDS LATE ON THAT, TWERP! You always come home with new injuries and scars on your back!
Leona: (Scars?)
Tsubaki: (Pinches the Top of her Nose) And don't even get me started on that incident on the bridge!.... (Turns Back to Leona) He haven't told you about that yet, did he?
Leona: (Simply Nodded) He has. (Gently Grabs The Top of Shingo's Hand) And it worries me greatly.
Shingo: (Turns to Leona With Genuine Surprise in his Eyes) Leona, I-
Tsubaki: Exactly! Like, I know this is your passion and I'm proud of you for sticking by it and everything, but I can't go through a day without worrying about you 24/7! It's starting to get impossible at this point...
Leona: If it helps make you feel any better, Tsubaki-San, I've been helping Shingo improve his combatant skills as of late.
Tsubaki: You have?
Shingo: (Quickly Nodded With a Hopefully Smile as He Placebhis Arm Around his Girlfriend) Y-Yeah, it's true! Leona and I would train with one another whenever both of us have any freetime.
Leona: And he improved a long since then. He still has a long road ahead of him mind you, but I can assure you with upmost certainty that your baby boy is in your good hands!
Shingo: Yea- (Turns to Leona With a Soft Pout) H-Hey!
Tsubaki: ('Sigh') If you're really that certain, then I guess I have no choice but to take it to great value.....(Smiles Softly) Still, I'm really enjoying your company so far, Leona-san.
Leona: (Smiles Back) I enjoy yours as well. (Lightly Bows at Tsubaki) I hope we can continue to get along in the near futu-
?????: HEY!
Leona: (Turns to the Booming Voice With Confusion) Hm?
Shingo: (Eyes Widened in Grimamce at The Sound of a Familiar Voice) Oh no.....
Tsubaki: (Turns to the Source of the Familiarity) Ah, welcome, Naomi. How was the sleepover last night?
Naomi: (Standing in Front of the Front Door With her Hands on her Hips and a Glare on her Face) Peachy. (Points at Leona) YOU!
Leona: (Slowly Points at Herself) M-Me?
Naomi: Yeah, you! Are you the girl that's dating my brother right now!?
Leona: That....I am, yes.
Naomi: (Squints her Glare at the Blue Haired Girl) Then I only have one thing to say.......
Naomi slam one of her knees down on the ground and reach her hand out at Leona before asking.....
Naomi: Would you please do the honors of taking care of my big brother as his newly wedded wife!?~
'Dead Silence'
Leona: (Eyes Slowly Starts to Widened By Youngest Sister's Words as Blush Begins to Appear on Both of her Cheeks) W-W-W-W-Wife!?
Shingo: MY WHAT!?
Naomi: Your wife. Honestly, onee-san, try and keep up for once.
Naomi: Isn't it obvious? Tsubaki and I can't keep you groundee forever, you know? (Turbs Back to Leona) You see, my onee-san is a very sweet and hardworking boy. But he's more clumsy, thick-headed, and reckless than the two of us in this house combined and it's really starting to get annoying actually.
Shingo's jaw dropped on the floor in complete disbelief by his little sister's blatant insults about, all whe his girlfriend is still flustered and confused by a very...very unexpected proposal she was given by her boyfriend's little sister of all people.
Tsubaki: (Smiles Brightly) But now that you're in the picture and judging by your looks, I'd say you're totally a keeper!~ So whaddya say? Wedding at the church? Forest? Sunset Beach? I can play the role as your Maid of Honor-
Tsubaki: (Smacks Naomi Upside the Head) Will you knock it off already!?
Naomi: (Rubs her Head as Sje Winces in Pain) Owwwwwwwwww! (Glares at Her Big Sister) Geeez, Tsubaki, what the heck was that for!?
Tsubaki: To give you a reality check. (Crosses her Arms) You know as well as I do that these two are too young to engage in marriage!
Naomi: (Turns Away With a Pout) Oh please. It's not that big of a deal....
Tsubaki: It is to me, damnit!! Do you have ANY idea how mom would react if her only boy got married out of the blue like that!?
Naomi: (Turbs Back to Tsubaki With a Glare) She would be ecstatic! Like any parent would! (Forms a Sly Smirk in her Face) And besides, at least Shingo HAS someone to fall in love with, unlike a certain someone I knooooow~
Tsubaki: (Gritting her Teeth in Anger) And what is THAT suppose to mean exactly?
Naomi: I'm not gonna beat around the bush. You're boring, uptight, bossy, and a reeeeeal stick in the mud. If you keep this up, you'll never gonna get yourself a guy or girlfriend at this rate. Living the rest if you life alone with gray hair and wrinkles all over your face-
Tsubaki: THAT'S IT!
Tsubaki tackles her younger sister to the ground as the two get themselves into a headed scuffle leaving their only brother in a deadpinned state.
Shingo: ('Sigh') And they're off. Again.....(Turns to Leona) Are you okay, Leona?
Leona: (Takes a Deep Breath as She Calms Herself Down) Yeah......I think so.
Shingo: You wanna get out of here already? I doubt they're gonna stop anytime soon.
Leona: That will be for the best really.
Few Seconds Later Outside of the Yabuki's Residence.....
Shingo: I am so sorry about my sisters. They can be real headache most of the time, but they do mean well. In more ways than none......
Leona: (Smiles Sheepishly) That's okay, really. I'm just glad I had the opportunity to meet the both of them on a short notice. They're a colorful bunch.
Shingo: (Rolls his Eyes) Colorful is putting it lightly.....(Smiles Softly) But I'm glad they're taking a liking a to you. Now, I have to hope and pray that your folks would like me too.....
Leona: (Lightly Pouts at Shingo) Hey. What have we talked about earlier?
Shingo: ('Sighs in Defeat') Not to worry about it....B-But-
Leona: (Gently Holds Shingo's Hand) But nothing. There's no point into worrying about something so trivial as pleasing one's approval. (Smiles Softly) All I care about right now to is being with someone I love. And that's you.
Shingo: (Heart Begins to Melt in Pure Happiness as He Gently Squeezes Leona's Hand) Same. So, now that we're out here, do you wanna maybe go by Rock's place for a visit? I'm pretty sure him and the others are probably worried about us as we speak Well, mostly everyone. I doubt K's ever worried.....
Leona: (Giggles Softly) I'd be surprised if he is~ But yeah, I'd love to. It's a date.
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blackhakumen · 2 years
Mini Fanfic #1040: Evolving Friendship (!?) (King of Fighters)
7:45 p.m. In the Sidewalks of South Town......
Kula: (Walking in Between Rock and K') Come oooooooooonnnnn!~ Tell me what you got me already!!!
K': (Holding Two Shopping Bags on One Shoulder and a Small Size in his Hands) Nope. You're gonna have to wait and find all that out on Christmas Morning like the rest of us.
Kula: But that's still a few weeks away, it'll take forever! Come on, you gotta at least give me another hint to what the gifts are or something!!
Rock: (Smiles Sheepishly at the Ice Princess) Sorry, Kula. We gave you every hint we can think of at the moment.
K': And one of us are too tired and annoyed to think of anything else to give you. So you're shit out of luck tonight.
Kula: But you guuuuuyyyyyyysss!~
Leona: (Giggles a Bit at Kula While Walking With Shingo Behind the Rest of the Gang) She seems energetic about her gifts this year~
Shingo: (Chuckles Lightly) Yeah, she always get like that whenever we go Christmas shopping together. We usually give her hints to try calming her down with.....minimal success. (Looks at Kula Still Bugging K' and Rock in.the Distance While Letting Put a Soft Sigh) I swear, that girl keep reminding me of Naomi every time I look at her.....
Leona: (Turns to Shingo) Your younger sister?
Shingo: Yep. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) I'm gessing cuz they're both hyperactive spoil?...Which reminds me.....(Turns to Leona) Do you wanna meet my sisters one of these days? They can be much at times, but I'm sure they'll take a real liking to you once you get to know 'em a little more.
Leona: (Grabs her Chin) I'll have to check back on my schedule for more freetime....(Smiles Softly) But it would be an honor meet your family one of these days.
Shingo: (Smiles Back at Leona) Sweet. Just a few words of advice: stay calm and collected, be yourself, and you'll do fine from there. Hopefully. Also, let me know when to chime in whenever Naomi suddenly starts asking you a million questions. The last thing I want you to do is feel overwhelmed.
Leona: (Gives Shingo a Reassuring Smile) It's fine. I don't mind answering questions she plans to give me, so long as it isn't too personal.
Shingo: That's good to hear. (Looks Up at the Bright Stars in the Nightly Skies Before Letting Out Another Sigh) I'm really glad Christmas is almost around the corner. The lights, decorations, the songs, the entire theme and history based around the holiday it......I couldn't help but to feel warm inside, you know?
Leona: (Simply Nodded in Agreement) Agreed. It does have a nice, cozy feel to it as each day passes. Which makes celebrating the holiday all the more rewarding in the end. (Quickly Realizes Something Before Reaching Out For Something in One of her Shopping Bags) Oh! Before I forget, here.
Shingo: (Turns to See a Small, Wrapped Gift in Front of Him) Hm?
Leona: (Shows Shingo his Christmas Present While Holding it With her Two Hands) I managed to get this for you before we left the mall together at the last minute. I wanted to give you something as a token of our friendship......(Immediately Comes Back to Reality) B-But please don't open it just yet! (Turns Away Shyly While Blushing a Little) You should wait until Christmas morning to do so....if it's.....not too much to ask, of course.
Shingo: (Stares at Leona For a Brief Second Before Nodding at Her and Receving the Present Given to Him) Yeah, sure. I can wait till then. (Starts Looking for Something From Insode One of the Shopping Bags of his Own) In the meantime, I got something for you as well. (Pulls Out and Gives Leona a Small, Teal Present Wrapped in a Gold, Silk Bow While Rubbing the Back of his Head Back and Forth) It's not really anything to write home about, but I do hope you like it all the same.
Leona: (Looks Down at the Gift Given to Her Before Smiling Softly at It) I wouldn't worry too much about that really. I'm sure I'll end up loving it regardless. Though, I do like how the box itself looks.
Shingo: (Immediately Starts to Beams Up a Little) You do?~ The lady from the jewe- I-I-I MEAN! The mall, let me pick the boxes of my choosing, so I chose the green one. I....didn't know exactly what your favorite color would be, but I have heard the color itself represents earnest, logical, supportive, and accepting. Something describes you perfect, at least to me anyways.
Leona: (Stares at Shingo in Genuine Awe Before Placing the Present on her Chest and Smiling at Him).......You really are too pure for this cruel world.
Shingo: (Blinks Once or Twice at What Leona Just Told Him) Huh. You might be the twelfth person to ever told me that so far. (Grabs his Chin While Thinking) Or was it eleventh?
Leona: (Raises an Eyebrow in Playful Curiosity) You don't say?~
Shingo: Yeah, It's true. Well, I mean, some of them might've worded it a bit differently, but I am for sure certain that the words "pure" and "for this world" are in the same of each sentences! Whether they meant it as compliment or not is.....debatable to be honest.
Leona: (Giggles Softly) Well, I, for one, can assure I mean the upmost sincerity in those words. Your sweet, optimistic nature would always find a way to brighten up everyone's day. Even mines.
Shingo: (Smiles Sheepishly While Blushing) Aw~ Thanks. (Starts Scratching His Cheeks a Little) I always figured it would be more of an annoyance if anything.
Leona: Well, it's not. And I refuse to think otherwise about one of my dearest friends.
Shingo: You really think highly of me, do you?
Leona: Of course. You're one of the few people I genuinely enjoy spending time with, as well as inspired me to try being more open to myself and my surroundings. It......makes a lot more happier and bless to know that I have someone like you in my life, which is why I will always value our friendship more than anything at the moment.
'Sniff Sniff'
Leona: (Looks Up to See Shingo Already in Tears) Shingo-Kun?
Shingo: ('Sniff') (Spread his Arms Wide Open) Permission to give hug?
Leona: (Giggles Once More Before Giving the Young Man a Loving Hug) Permission granted~ I'm not going anywhere.
Shingo: ('Sniff') Thank you. For being my friend and everything, Leona-san. ('Sniff') You're the coolest person in world! (Sniffs One Last Time Before Pulling Away For a Brief Second) PLEASE do not tell Rock I said any of that cause I might've told him the same thing at one point in the past!
Leona: (Giggles Some More While Rolling her Eyes) I promise not to say anything, Shingo-Kun. (Pulls Shingo Back into Their Hug) You have my word. I think you're the coolest person in the world too by the way.
Shingo: ('Scoffs') Yeah right.
Leona: It's true~ (Forms a Playful Smirk on her Face) Do you honestly think I'm the kind of person that would make up lies?~
Shingo: (Stares at Leona For a Few Seconds Chuckles Lightly) Nah. You're way too honest to do that. At least compared to-
?: HEY!
The duo turns to see K' standing in front of his opened apartment door with an impatient Glare on his Face.
K': Are you two gonna keep hugging each other in the cold or are you going to come in here already?
Leona: R-Right. (Finally Let's Go of Shingo Before Clearing her Throat) We'll be on our way. (Makes Her Way Up the Stoops)
Shingo: (Follows Leona Behind) Sorry to keep you guys waiting!
As Leona and Shingo make their way inside the apartment together, they were suddenly stopped by Kula midway to the living room.
Kula: (Playfully Wiggles her Finger) Nuh-uh-uh!~ You two aren't going anywhere until you look at what's above youuuu!~ (Giggles Very Mischievously Before Sneaking Her Way Back to the Living Room)
Leona: Look at what is above.....(Slowly Looks Up at What is Above Her and Shingo) us?
Shingo: (Eyes Widened at Something Very Familiar Hanging Down Above Him) Oh God it's Mistletoe. (Turns to Leona) Look, I know it's tradition and all, but w-we don't have to any of this you really don't want t-
Before Shingo could even finish speaking, he felt Leona's warm hand placed on his right cheek as she gives a soft kiss on the other. It didn't take long for her let go and put on the most sincere, bright smile she could ever give to the young man in front of her.
Leona: Merry Christmas, Shingo Yabuki. Thank you for everything.
Shingo stood there and watches Leona walk away speechless as he slowly places his hand on the kissed cheek and begins to blush bright red, resembling that to a color of a tomato.
Shingo: S-S-S-S-S-S-S-
Rock: (Places an Arm Around Shingo's Shoulder) She kissed you under the Mistletoe, didn't she?
Shingo: (Nodded To the Question While Still Stuttering)
Rock: And now you're debating if you're starting to develop feelings for her or not.
Shingo: (Continues to Nod and Stutter to the Second Question)
Rock: ('Sigh') Yeah. I feel your dilemma on that one, bud. How about we make some hot coco together? It could help put your mind off of this for a few minutes or so.
Shingo: (Slowly Comes Back to Reality) Y-Yeah. (Walks Woth Rock Towands the Kitchen) Coco sounds great right about now.......
As Leona made her way to the living room, she suddenly stops midway, drops down in a standing, fetal position, and begins to fluster at what has just happened a a minute or two ago.
Leona: (Goddammit Leona Heidern, what have you done just now!? Pulling a stunt out of the blue like that!....I know it's tradition for one person to kiss another under the Mistletoe together, but It was never my intention to leave Shingo-Kun stunned and confused like that! I didn't even have common decency to ask for his consent or anything!! H-Have I truly made things awkward for us? A-And what are these mixed feelings I'm developing right now? I mean, I adore spending time him thus far and I meant every word I said about outside, but-)
????: Oh Leooooooooona~
Leona immediately shrieks and jumps out from her position and onto the floor before seeing Kula happily waving at her with a grin on her face.
Leina: ('Sighs Heavily') Oh....Kula, it's.....you.
Kula: Yep. And don't worry. I won't say a word about what happened to anyone. (Places her Hand onto her Chest) Kula Diamond's swear. Buuuuuut.....(Puts on a Sly Smirk on her Face) You do realize we're gonna have to talk about this eventually, riiiight?~
Leona: (Sighs Once More Before Putting Hand on her Cheek While Blushing Again) I'm aware.....
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Title: Vampire’s Kiss (Chapter 31: Unreachable Sin. Part 17 of 18)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Leona Heidern, Kain R. Heinlein, Chizuru Kagura, Kusanagi, Goeniko, Chris
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi (main one)
Genre: AU, BL, Supernatural, Fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, Adventure, Slow-Burn, Eventual Romance, Dark Themes, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Human/Vampire Relationship, Human/Demon Relationship
Summary: This vampire already has bad luck on his side, yet he decides that his next prey going to be a certain redhead vampire hunter. However, the very little he knows how this encounter will end…
AO3 Link
It was already a late afternoon of a new day. Nevertheless, it was hard to tell it thanks to the black-out blinders, which kept away even the slightest ray of light. Finally, one certain vampire hunter started to wake up. However, when the redhead opens his eyes and suddenly sits up, the sharp pain spread across his chest, made him instantly grasp around the wounded area and briefly groan. As Yagami deeply breathes, he remembers what happened the previous night. Surely, even in the fights against the most ferocious and high-rank monsters, Iori was never that close to being on the verge of death like he was accidentally triggering Kyo’s worst memories. More so, if he was in the middle of the battle, at least the redhead would instantly take care of any beast, who will dare to attack him but now… Perhaps, it was just this brunette’s self-defense reflex.
Nevertheless, for the first few seconds, Yagami saw in the vampire’s glowing crimson eyes a pure desire to kill and feast on his new prey. Iori even feared that his life would be taken by the nocturnal creature, who, in the end, gave up to his primal instincts. Yet, to his surprise, Kyo was fighting against his nature and at the same time wanting to desperately save him. Why?… Instead of that, Kusanagi's heir could just satisfy his hunger and get all the needed life force to have his revenge against whatever demon took his powers, but he didn’t. Hell, the brunette has even shown his most vulnerable and sensitive side to the hunter. ‘‘That stupid vampire… why he can’t stop being such a trouble-maker?’’ or so, murmured to himself, the redhead hunter.
Speaking of which, where is he, wondered Yagami. Once he leans towards the night table and turns on the light, the room was brightened by the warm tones of orange light. Yet, no sign of the brunette. Perhaps, he is once again hanging around the inn. So, it’s time to check where this could be a trouble-making vampire. But first, he needs to get up and change his clothes. And thus, a good half-hour has passed.
After leaving the bathroom, the redhead noticed one certain brunette placing a few rolls of medical bandage and antiseptic spray bottle on the table. Of course, the sound of the opening door made Kyo turn his head, yet he gently greets Yagami ‘‘Oh, so, you are awake already?’’. When he noticed how the medical bandage around Iori’s chest managed to get stained, this vampire narrows his gaze and sighs ‘‘Good thing that I took these with me. So, sit down and let’s change this old bandage.’’. However, Yagami objects in a chill tone ‘‘There is no need. It’s just a small scratch.’’. Such a reply didn’t satisfy the brunette, who now takes one of the rolls into his hand and walks closer to the redhead. As he gently points the roll-on Iori’s chest, the vampire starts to lecture him while giving such a sour look ‘‘ ‘Small’ he says… It doesn’t matter what kind of size, ‘cos if I can smell your blood scent, then other vampires or monsters will be able as well. Think, what are we gonna do if you’ll attract a lot of unwanted attention on the way? You’ll just hurt yourself. So, the sooner your wounds will heal, the better.’’.
After placing his other hand on the hunter’s lower back, the brunette closes his eyes and pushes him towards the bedside ‘‘Hurry up and sit down, you big idiot.’’. One thing is for sure, the redhead wanted to tease this vampire when he tries to look serious, yet he decided that it can wait for another time. So, for now, he allows Kusanagi to take care of him.
Some time has passed. Surprisingly, the vampire did a decent job. Perhaps, in the meantime, while Iori was still asleep, Kyo was learning how to treat wounds. Nevertheless, all this time the brunette was pretty calm aside when he noticed his made wound across the hunter's chest. Just then, this nocturnal creature avoided looking at it and just quickly covered it with the white medical bandage. When Kyo finishes tying the knot on the bandage, he speaks up “There. That should do… I think.”. After the brunette stands up and leaves the bed, he tidies up the dirty bandage. Meanwhile, Iori starts to look for his black vest.
Once Yagami buttons up the vest, he slightly lifts the blinder to check whenever the sun has hidden behind the horizon. It was the time when these two should take their leave. So, after picking his long red coat from the closet and putting it on, Iori hears the vampire’s slightly concerned voice ‘‘You sure that you won’t catch a cold just wearing that? How about you should check the nearest shop and get something warmer?’’. As the redhead turns around to face Kyo, he irritated look ‘‘We already wasted more time here than we should. Who knows, whenever something else happened to you after that light entered you. So, put on your jacket and let’s leave this place.’’. Of course, the brunette wanted to backfire, but he knew that it is pointless to argue with a stubborn idiot. That’s why, after rolling his eyes, Kyo picks his jacket and puts it on. As soon as they leave the inn, they straight-ahead go to pay a visit to Chizuru.
It was a calm night, and the crescent moon and stars were ruling the sky. Only the light breeze was disturbing the nocturnal silence by the rustling tree leaves. More importantly, there were no encounters against any monsters or suspicious types on their way. So, upon reaching the shop of one certain witch, Yagami knocks into the door ‘‘Open the door, Kagura! There is something I need to show you.’’. However, no answer, so, the redhead refuses to give up and now adds in a serious tone ‘‘There might be something wrong with Kyo. So, show up before I’ll-’’. ‘‘Before you’re what, Yagami? You don’t need to be so loud.’’ interrupted the calm and polite voice behind the door. It was followed by the ebony-haired woman opening the door and greeting two familiar faces ‘‘What exactly happened? Anyway, come in.’’.
After they entered the shop, Yagami approaches the counter while looking for something in one of his coat’s inner pockets. Once he takes out the pile of alchemy texts, he handles them to Kagura. Meanwhile, the jet-black-haired witch flips page after page, she gives a questioning look to the hunter and asks in a stricter tone ‘‘Where did you get these? Did you know that these texts contain taboo topics and forbidden rituals? You should get rid of them as soon as possible. Who knows what may happen if it fell into nefarious hands…’’. Now the Kusanagi speaks up ‘‘And this is why when we found them in some sort of necromancers’ cave, Yagami wanted to give them to you. He told that you would know what to do with these.’’.
However, no matter how Iori tried to sound serious, but there was sensible concern in his voice ‘‘Anyway, you can do whatever you want with these texts, but first check Kyo and fix him. There is something wrong with him.’’. It was followed by the brunette giving him a surprised and indignant look on his face. Yet, just as this nocturnal creature opens his mouth to say something, the hunter stretches his arm and covers the vampire’s mouth while silencing him with a strict look ‘‘Shush. I need to know this.’’. Soon enough, it was followed by these two making a scene. Meanwhile, Chizuru just silently observed and waited how these two grow-up children would sort between themselves, yet it seems that it might take a whole night if no longer… That’s why she knew that she had to step to calm them down.
So, once she puts the texts on the counter, the ebony-hair woman interrupts their argument ‘‘Enough! If you come here just to argue, you can leave before I turn you into hairy toads.’’. Surely, it got their attention, and now the vampire makes big innocent eyes and defends himself ‘‘It’s not my fault that Yagami makes a big deal out of nothing. All I did was just slashing that giant bat into a half and then some sort of blue orb entered me. But I swear, even after we left that cave, I was okay!’’. However, it piqued this witch’s curiosity, and she asks Kyo ‘‘Did anything like this happened to you in the past?’’. The brunette honestly replies while rubbing the back of his neck ‘‘As far as I remember, nope. This is the first time.’’. After clenching his hands into fists, Iori impatiently asks ‘‘Is it anything serious or not?’’.
Now, the black-haired witch takes a deep breath and replies while resting her chin on her knuckles “It sounds like he may awaken one of the rarest abilities, which can only have a highest-rank of vampires or demons. However, very few can fully use it. When a demon or monster kills their target, there is a very low chance that they might absorb the enemy’s soul and use their abilities for a brief time being. You hunters are familiar with the term ‘Power of Dominance’, aren’t you? That’s why I want to see for myself if it is a case like that.”.
After looking towards the brunette's side, she addresses him “Kusanagi, I need you to cooperate with me. There is one thing, which I need to confirm. But first, Yagami should stay outside until it's done.”. All of a sudden, the redhead hunter slams his hands on the counter and indignantly speaks up ‘‘What a hell do you mean by that!? Why can't I?’’. ‘‘It is a magical ritual, which requires precision and accuracy. One tiny wrong step and you’ll damage the Kusanagi beyond the repair and destroy his mind. So, I don’t want you to disturb me.’’ calmly replied the witch. It seems that it would be pointless to argue any further with this woman, so, Iori shakes his head and turns away. Just before taking his leave, the redhead hunter adds ‘‘ Do as you want… Yet, you won’t get rid-off me so easily.’’. Perhaps, the redhead was that desperate to know what is happening to Kyo that he leaves the rest in Kagura’s hands. Either way, Chizuru gave a relieving smile ‘‘Thank you.’’ and it was followed by Yagami closing the door.
Finally, they were left alone. However, the brunette doubtfully stared at the ebony-haired woman, who comforts him ‘‘You have no reason to be afraid, Kusanagi. I’ll put you to sleep, first. So, close your eyes and relax. Once you’re awake, it will be over.’’. Of course, Kyo was still not sure how this will end, but he decides to have a faith in this woman. After closing his eyes and exhaling, the nocturnal creature impatiently awaits for whatever Chizuru has planned. Now, this witch starts to silently cast a spell, and soon enough the tiny glowing orb appears on her index finger. When she pushed the platinum-colored orb inside the brunette’s forehead, Kyo instantly feels like a rag-doll on the ground.
Meanwhile, the redhead hunter was leaning against the wall near the door, yet the sudden noise from the inside made him lift his head. He wanted to check if anything happened to the brunette, but he changed his mind, mostly because of what kind of curse this witch can spell. That one time of getting electrocuted by that barrier was enough to realize that it is wise not to get on the bad side of Kagura. That’s why, for now, he would just patiently wait.
Now, the ebony-haired woman sits on her knees and after placing her hand above the Kusanagi’s chest, she starts to cast another spell. It was followed by a silver-colored magical circle that appears under her hand. Eventually, the nocturnal creature’s body started to float in the air. However, Chizuru gets alerted once she senses the enormous amount of dark energy surrounding Kyo. All of a sudden, the brunette opens his eyes, which were glowing in cold and piercing crimson red. After taking a better look at the brunette, Kagura noticed that his skin and hair had become darker. More so, his sharp fangs and nails showed up. Yet, it felt like an entirely different creature was in front of her.
After 'Nagi breaks the magical circle and manages to stand up, he delightfully gazes at his new prey “Hello~”. Surely, it made Chizuru widen her eyes and crawl backward as far as she could from the vampire, who was approaching her. After reaching the counter, this woman looked nothing more than defenseless, despite directly staring at the dark brunette without showing any sign of being afraid. However, this witch's reaction entertained the dark brunette, who just chuckles “What's wrong, aren't you the one, who woke me up?”. Now, ‘Nagi mockingly comments ‘‘You’re barely even worth to become my food. But I guess that you’ll do for now, even if you are a worthless half-breed, woman.’’. Yet, Chizuru didn’t give up the nocturnal creature’s provocation and moves her hand towards the vampire. Just when the dark brunette is about to bend down, he dumbfounded widens his crimson eyes.
All of a sudden, the blinding shock wave was sent his way. Unfortunately, ‘Nagi couldn’t avoid the impact. Yet, his defense reflexes were fast enough. That’s right, the menacing creature managed to shield himself with his arms. Even so, it was followed by his face twisting in pain and barely being able to stand. It was only a matter of seconds when his knees would give up on him. When he was harshly panting, the dark brunette growls at Kagura ‘‘Damn… You shouldn’t have done that! I would have finished you quickly, but now… You’ll fucking pay for this!’’.
Meanwhile, Chizuru just gave a judging gaze and warned him in a serious tone ‘‘It was just a warning. Give up and leave Kusanagi’s body before you’ll get harmed. I won’t hesitate to use the full force of nature against you.’’. However, as the vampire reveals his bare fangs, the sound of a door slamming behind him gets his attention. It was followed by the angry voice of a certain redhead hunter ‘‘ What a hell is going, Kagura!? Where the hell that demonic energy came from?!-’’. Surely, upon seeing Kyo like this shocked Yagami at first, yet it was changed by the hunter’s furious gaze and taking the whip into his left hand.
Now ‘Nagi greets the redhead in nearly singing voice ‘‘Oh, look, who decided to show up~ How about let’s play before I’ll feast on you, human?’’. It was followed by the dark brunette’s sharp nail slash. However, it seems that the ferocious creature missed his target, and nearly lost his balance. Despite that, Iori showed no mercy for this vampire and now punches the ‘Nagi into the guts. Surely, while the dark brunette was groaning in pain, Yagami unleashes the Vampire Killer. It was only a matter of seconds when the nocturnal creature was wrapped around the hunter’s whip. However, the more this ‘Nagi struggled to escape, the more deeply the burning pain spread inside his body.
Despite that, the redhead just pulled his whip tighter while observed this creature resisting and shrieking. All of a sudden, Yagami got alerted by Chizuru’s voice ‘‘Yagami, catch this!’’. Fortunately, his reaction was faster, and he managed to catch something small inside his hand. After opening his palm, the redhead notices a small silver cross. Once again, Kagura addresses him ‘‘Hurry up! Press it against Kusanagi’s head.’’. Of course, he doubted this idea, but if that will help Kyo return to normal, he had no other choice. After kneeling, the redhead hunter placed the small cross against the brunette’s forehead. Now, this nocturnal creature lets out the last groan before he completely lost consciousness and stops struggling.
Lastly, as Iori unwraps his trustworthy weapon from Kyo’s body, he noticed how the brunette was turning back to that same trouble-making vampire, which he knew. Meanwhile, the ebony-haired woman was getting closer, she speaks up ‘‘Help me to carry him inside the hut.’’. Just as the hunter throws the vampire over his one shoulder, he gives a serious look ‘‘You better have a good explanation for this.’’. However, of all possible times, Iori felt a sharp pain across his chest. Surely, it concerned Chizuru and when she stretched her arm towards the hunter, Yagami quickly responds ‘‘No. I’ll manage on my own. So, stay away.’’. After shakily standing up, Iori starts to carry the vampire and with Kagura leaves the hut. Just what in the world happened when these two were gone, or so, wondered the ebony-haired witch until they reached the door of the hut.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 30 Link
Chapter 32 Link
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Title: Vampire’s Kiss (Chapter 27: Innocent Sorrow. Part 4 of 5)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Leona Heidern, Kain R. Heinlein, Chizuru Kagura, Kusanagi, Goeniko, Chris
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi (main one)
Genre: AU, BL, Supernatural, Fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, Adventure, Slow-Burn, Eventual Romance, Dark Themes, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Human/Vampire Relationship, Human/Demon Relationship
Summary: This vampire already has bad luck on his side, yet he decides that his next prey going to be a certain redhead vampire hunter. However, the very little he knows how this encounter will end…
AO3 Link
Unknown amount of time has passed~ It was a fine evening accompanied by the dancing stars in the sky and the crescent moon, which shines above the lake. Meanwhile, Kyo was still drowned in the bottom of the lake and only a singly fishes swims through him. As time went, even the water plants started to surround him, with some even touching against this brunette's body. It was a disgusting slippery feeling, but this Kusanagi doesn't mind that much. At least, someone were close to him.
More important, he even got used to being embraced by the calm rhythm of the water movement and such calming sounds. Hell, he even forgot about seeing that illusion or made a promise to that creature, like that was just a dream. However, all of a sudden he could hear a sound of heavily splashing water in a distance somewhere above him. This brunette had no idea what it was, but at least that added some variety of his new routine being day by day trapped. Soon enough, there was even the ray of the light surrounding a silhouette of a scuba-diver, who swims deeper into the depths of cold water. However, this Kusanagi didn't have even the slightest hope that this fellow is aware of his presence or even find him.
Nevertheless, after wandering for a while, the diver points the flashlight at a rather big vertical object. Was it is some sort of ballast or thrown away sandbag? Now this man swims closer to take a better look at his discovery. It seems he so shocked that this diver nearly dropped the only source of light in his hand. There was even a fear in this man's eyes, visible through his diving googles, but even if he was shaking, he pokes a found dead body and desperately hopes for any response. No answer from the tied up brunette. The diver only with-draws his hand as fast as it touched something dangerous. Now this man rapidly swims to the surface of the water. He was afraid, but he felt that he needs to warn his friends. Maybe they could be next victims by the merciless killer.
After the scuba-diver finally reaches the surface of the water, he was holding into the wall of the large motor-boat. Now this man removed his scuba snorkels and googles while catching a breath. Surely, this kind of behavior wasn't unnoticed by the other couple of people on this boat. One of them was a middle age woman with a long bleached curly hair wearing a wine color lipstick and the other one was a man in his thirties having a short spiky brown hair. Of course, these two helped their friend to get into the boat and the brunette diver, asks in serious voice ''Whoa, what just happened? You look awful!''.
However, when the fellow diver shakes his head, he announces in nervous voice ''Shit… You won't believe what I found! The...there is a corpse of a young man in the bottom of the lake! So, does anyone have a knife? We need to pull him up! He…his feet are tied to something! Fuck… Why this has to happen… What if we are next?''. It seems that the redhead woman still remains with having a cool mind, and she frowns. Even so, such a stressing out only started to get on her nerves, and now she gives strict commands ''Then what are you waiting!? Let's take him out and call the cops. Why are you two here? Move! We need to act quick!''. Surely, none of these men dared to oppose this woman and after everyone puts the snorkels and googles, they dive to the action.
A good hour has passed and this trio reached the land along with the picked corpse, which had such a pale skin and nearly blueish one around the hands while his wet hair were sticking against his cold face. More so, from staying too long in the water, Kyo's skin also was so terribly cold and got wrinkled around his hands, the neck, probably even under his clothes as well. Even his sharp fangs disappeared and his gaze was already lifeless and empty.
After these couple of men lay down this brunette's body, the same man who noticed him first, comments in concerned and pitying voice ''Poor little guy… These criminal scums are nothing more than a cowards picking up their fights against the weak and the children. Why they have to be left unpunished and to this day taking innocent lives? Parents' hearts probably going to be torn apart from sorrow when they learn about such a cruel fate of their son while these nasty bastards maybe enjoying themselves.''. Now he bends down and covers this Kusanagi's eyes with his palm and shuts them down. After he stands up, this guy felt how his shoulder was patted by his brunette friend. Right now, they removed the air tanks behind their backs.
However, the bleached blonde woman, asks them ''Can you two stay here for a bit? I need to change clothes, and I'll get the phone. So, I should return soon.''. It seems that this couple only nods and without commenting, watches how this lady goes. Soon enough this woman shows up with a phone in her hand, and it seems that she already changed her diver outfit to her regular black tank top, white jacket and the frilly white skirt. Now she addresses her supposed friends ''I called the police. They should arrive any time soon. So, for now all we have to do is wait. By the way, are you staying here or what? 'Cos I don't want to stay any close to a corpse. It gives me bad shivers.''. Apparently, while this trio wasn't paying attention to the corpse and just chatting together, they did not realize about the rising threat.
All of a sudden this Kusanagi's palm twitches and now his skin slowly was getting smooth again and regaining a normal color tone. Soon enough his both palms briefly twitches, and he suddenly opens his eyes. Apparently, his face shown no emotions or expression. Despite that, even his gaze was indifferent and empty, but these eyes were glowing in a deadly red. Right now, this brunette suddenly moves his upper body up so unnaturally like he was pulled by an invisible strings. However, for a brief time he freezes in this position. Lastly, Kyo returned to his senses, however, now he realized that something was wrong. He tried to move any of his body part, but it was useless.
Even so, he involuntarily clenches his palm into a fist and then relaxing it when he didn't think of doing that. It felt like he could still see what is happening from his own perspective, to hear or feel, however, his body was being manipulated by some kind of force or power. Now this brunette instantly remembers the made promise while he was in the bottom of the lake and now realizes, who controls him. That's right, it seems that this what 'Nagi meant, and he wasn't joking around. But even knowing this wasn't assuring thought at all. More so, he perfectly knew what this darker brunette planning to do and that scared him.
After Kyo was made to forcibly stand up like a rag-doll, he was with his head and hands being hang down, however, soon enough this brunette's upper body rapidly leans backwards. Apparently using someone's else body as it was his own wasn't a simple task for Kusanagi, but it didn't take long time to figure out how to use it as his own. Even if he couldn't control the mimic muscles, 'Nagi still felt satisfied by what he is capable in this body. This darker was now being able to walk while managing to keep the balance. These unsuspecting fools don't realize about their doom, or this is what kind of threat in singing voice echoed inside Kyo's head.
Once Kyo was behind one of the men's backs, who were light-heartly joking with their friend, he reveals his razor sharp nails. Now with one sudden strike, this vampire slashes this man. The fellow diver harshly fells on the ground while the stream of blood splashes on this Kusanagi. The fallen victim's friends only widen eyes in terror as they start to run. Unfortunately, this brunette caught the brown-haired diver and with another slashing strike beheads this man. As the body fells like a rag-doll, the blood was splashing a fountain from this man's neck. However, Kyo manages to catch the head by the hair and now after lifting it into the air, starts to drink that dark crimson liquid. His eyes started to glow in excitement.
It felt like water for the person, who thirsted for too long in the desert, however, this brunette's face still remains indifferent while he greedily gulps each sip. Nevertheless, while this nocturnal creature was wiping his mouth with a jacket's sleeve, his gaze was now fixated at the escaping woman, who desperately cries out for the help. Poor lady was pretty far away from that blood-thirst monster, however, she hits the ground by accidentally tripping over the popped out root of the tree. As soon as this blonde shakily gets up on her elbows and lifts her head, she freezes in despair and her lips were trembling and silently begging for the mercy. She even started to crawl away.
Apparently, this nocturnal creature was faster, and now he stands in front of his next victim. After kneeling down, this vampire grabs this woman by her throat and stands up. She tried to remove this monster's arm from her neck and even attempted to scratch it with her nails. However, it was only a futile effort. This lady was now afraid to move even a single muscle of her body when this brunette grabs her by the shoulders. Now after he opens his mouth and reveals his sharp fangs, this vampire sinks them into this woman's neck. Couple seconds and this lady's life was snatched away by this feasting on her a blood-thirst killer. However, during the whole time Kyo just observe how he was staining his hands with innocent people's blood while by being under Kusanagi's will.
After a while this brunette tosses away this woman's body and wipes his mouth with his jacket's sleeve, however, 'Nagi's was still not happy. ''It was not enough, and it was barely an appetizer. We need more.'' or so this dark being's voice inside his head demands him. It didn't matter what this Kusanagi felt or thought, for this darker brunette satisfying hunger and feeling the thrill of crushing someone's life by his hands were more important. Now this nocturnal creature seeks for more innocent souls to play with. However, after wondering for a while, Kyo found a small town where he knew will become the center of massacre by his own hands.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 26 Link
Chapter 28 Link
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Title: Vampire’s Kiss (Chapter 25: Innocent Sorrow. Part 2 of 5)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Leona Heidern, Kain R. Heinlein, Chizuru Kagura, Kusanagi, Goeniko, Chris
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi (main one)
Genre: AU, BL, Supernatural, Fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, Adventure, Slow-Burn, Eventual Romance, Dark Themes, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Human/Vampire Relationship, Human/Demon Relationship
Summary: This vampire already has bad luck on his side, yet he decides that his next prey going to be a certain redhead vampire hunter. However, the very little he knows how this encounter will end…
AO3 Link
A month has passed since then~ No new attacks or being targeted by either hunters, either by angry mob. Finally, this vampire had a temporal peace of mind and even started to enjoy of being able to mind his own business without being bothered by pesky types. Besides, tonight was such a fine evening and this brunette planned to hang out with a couple good friends, so, after stretching out, he puts his sport's jacket and was off to go.
It seems that the city was drowned in the light of streetlamps, neon signs and colorful ads, lastly, just being full of life. More so, being mixed in the crowd also helped to get unnoticed like any other human, who were just either rushing home after having a long day at work, or simply enjoy this evening alone or surrounded by a good company. However, for this brunette it was also a good way to seek out for his next prey, because even if the crowd of countless people passing by, he could easily sense a person from having such an appetizing scent of blood to rather those, whom even this vampire should avoid.
But for now, this Kusanagi continued heading to the destination place, right now even the hunting can wait. However, just because he was half spacing out, this brunette ended up going to a completely different direction. Apparently, it was one of the biggest parks, which was separated from the noise of the city by the taller trees. Of course, it was also a well-known place for couples, who also wanted to get away and relax by enjoying the little touch of the nature and gardens. Secondly, in the evening, this park was enlighten by light decorations, which reminded of the stars and flowers, and the street lanterns to lighten any wanderer's road.
Surely, this brunette could simply turn around and rush his step since he had no reason to stay here. However, all of a sudden he stops walking after this brunette hears an ear-piercing scream of a young woman. This vampire knew that he shouldn't interface since it wasn't any of his concern, on the other hand, humans are already insensitive to each other by being blind and deaf when a completely stranger to them is crying out for a help. Besides, he perfectly understood that no living creature of this world will ever care about him as well. Nevertheless, instead of ignoring this incident and moving on, he decides to follow the direction of voice.
Once again this voice cries for help, but this time it grows louder and more pathetic, lastly, being suddenly cut. Kyo could sense that he was not that far away, so, he naively hoped that he may still able to save this gal.
After this vampire reached the scene, he noticed how a group of middle age men in their late forties cornered their prey, who was a young nun, who barely reached her eighteen's. More so, it seems that this maiden's black and white veils and coif have been stripped away and revealed her long and wavy dark color hair. Poor gal's face was twisting in pain and fear as her arms were forcibly being held behind her back by one tall and massive man. Now this gal only closes her eyes and cries as she was about to get violated by that man and hearing a mockery ''Look at this bitch! Already shaking hips…Ya wanna get fucked so badly, huh?!'', however, just when another man was getting closer and about to touch this nun's lower body part, he was disturbed by the indignant voice of one certain brunette ''Oi, leave her alone, you old pervs!''.
Of course, the mob stared at this Kusanagi approaching these men while he was keeping his hands in the sport jacket's pockets and giving a furious look on his face. Despite that, one of these thugs laughs like a hungry hyena ''What's ye problem? Mind your own business before I'll beat shit out of you! This slut needs to -'', the further talk was disturbed by an upper cut, which sends this man on the ground while he coughs in blood. Apparently, Kyo's punch was that strong that it broke this thug's jaw and made him choke on his own teeth mixed with blood while it looked that the eye-balls could jump out of the eye-sockets.
Just when the rest of the gang prepared to attack this impostor, the tall man, who pressed this maiden against his body, rises his hand and commands in serious and deep voice ''Not yet.'' and after sadistically smiles, adds in insulting tone ''It seems that this horny brat wants to join us.'', now this man addresses this brunette in the same voice ''Wait for your turn 'til we fill that whore or you wanna take her place like a good boy? Scram!''. Surely, Kyo didn't show any wish to give up and asks in serious tone ''I won't repeat twice. Let her go.''.
However, such an insolence only annoys and rises the anger of the mob. Nevertheless, even if Kyo felt how there was a gun pressed against the back of his head and the blade pointing at his throat, he still remains unaffected by this threat and now just listens how these men barks at him ''The fuck is your problem, kid?!''. Now this brunette sharpens his gaze and remains silent while the leader of these men, who holds poor gal as a hostage, insults in low and deep voice ''Where all your guts now? I bet ye already shat your pants. So, go and change them, kid, before your brain will be blasted.''.
Now one of the men lowers the knife, which was so closely to this brunette's throat, waiting how this young man reacts. Nevertheless, this Kusanagi didn't give into the provocation and instead of answering, he just smashes with the elbow the man, who was behind this brunette, into the guts. As soon as this man nearly loses the balance Kyo smacks him without turning back. However, just before the guy in front of him stabs him, this brunette hits this thug's stomach with his knee. Surely it was enough to make such a big man fall on his knees. Now this Kusanagi kicks this guy into his chest until he harshly hits the ground. So, now only one is left, and it should be a piece of cake, or so, thought this brunette observing how this massive man brings the knife to the poor nun's throat.
Of course, this vampire now tries to negotiate in as calm voice as he could ''It's over, you fool. I suggest you to give up and not cowardly hide behind this woman. Besides, how should I tell you that it's wrong to abuse innocent people just because you're an asshole?''. However, the leader of these men just sadistically smiles while in a voice full of malice answers ''This is where you're wrong, you little piece of shit… If you want this bitch that much, I'll give it to you!'' and now rips-off the tunic of this maiden. This long-haired gal only freezes in fear and sudden humiliation as her pale skin was revealed, which was only covered by a white bra.
However, when this woman widens her eyes in terror and screams, that tall man picks the knife into his hand and with one sudden movement slices her neck. As the blood was splattering, he pushes this nun towards Kyo until her dead body leans on him. This brunette was dumb-founded as he catches this corpse in his arms. As this vampire smells the sweet scent of the dark red liquid and how it was so warm and a soaking into his clothes and covering his skin, his eyes started to glow in crimson red and his sharp fangs shows up. Eventually, even his knees gave up on him while he hugs the dead body. All this seemed so unreal and fake, like this nocturnal creature could see him from distance, without recognizing who he was.
Even so, now the leader of these street thugs was with-drawing and fells on his back, he yells ''… G-Get away from me! Monster!'' yet a second later that voice was full madness and laughter, now this man continues ''A bloody killer! A…and the rapist! He...help me! He's going to kill us!''. Apparently, even barely conscious thugs hoped to escape as well, however, once that massive man notices someone walking behind him, his eyes were still full of despair yet eventually sparkling with mixed excitement ''The…the hunters. Of course! They would show up! I'm... I'm saved!''.
Apparently, the supposed savior was a blond vampire hunter in white, who seemed like a divine being, carrying a sword to declare the lord's judgement and slain all the creatures of the night. A man in his mid-twenties with the face of an angel and long blond hair, wearing a long white coat, gray pants and black gloves while carrying a broadsword in the sheath behind his back. That's right, he was the legendary veteran hunter, the ex member of the Hunter Guild - Kain R. Heinlein.
Even this man's stance was calm and proud. While he was getting closer to his new target, the leader of the thugs rushes on his knees and begs for mercy in pitiful voice ''Sa-save me! I'll pay you as much as you want, just save me from this monstrosity!'', it seems that this blond only slowly closes his eyes and frowns. Once this blond open his eyes, he answers in a voice filled with utter disgust for this pathetic creature ''Shut up, pig. You are so annoying.'' and after he takes out his trustworthy weapon, he beheaded this man.
While the rest of the members tried to fled away, without even being able to react, they met the same unfortunate fate as that criminal. Kyo was still in shock and still feeling like out of the touch with the surroundings. However, as the blond hunter was in front of this brunette, he points the tip of the blade at this vampire and stares at him down for a while with a delightful gaze as a viper finally cornering a small and helpless animal. The atmosphere only grows more tense and heaver. Even this Kusanagi could sense the intimidating and piercing gaze, yet all he could do is stare back while already a cold dead body was still pressed against him.
Finally, the blond breaks the deadly silence in a polite yet cold voice ''Here you are, little murderer. You thought that I won't notice your perfectly exposed vampire energy? What a lazy creature are you… You haven't even put any effort to hide yourself.''. However, all of a sudden Kain was alerted for a brief moment like remembering something important and now cracks a smile ''Wait a minute… I think I saw you before.'' now this hunter chuckles and continues ''Aren't you that same brat, who watched me killing one of your little friends? Have you had a fun watching it before cowardly escaping?''.
Nevertheless, this vampire's lips were shaking as he tried to say something, but in the end, it was only like a voiceless prayer. Kain only enjoys observing how his target barely doing anything, and now he comments with slightly teasing ''Do you think you will get away by making these pitiful eyes, vampire? You are just making me laugh.''. Finally, this Kusanagi indignantly declares from the top of his lungs ''I DID NOT MURDER HER! All I wanted is to help this woman. I swear!''. Surely, such a confession surprises the hunter, but it seems that he just casually replies ''I know, you don't need to bark as a dog. More so, you failed. However, do you think that anyone else believe in such a low-life as you? Even if this woman would be alive, will you be able to get away and live peacefully? You'll be seen as nothing as a blood-thirsty monster being chased until you're dead.''.
It seems that this vampire started to return to his senses, but even if he knew that he may be just another victim of Kain, Kyo gently lay down the corpse on the ground and once he returns his gaze to the hunter, he just gives a stubborn look. Apparently, this blond remains chill and puts his sword into the sheath. Once he kneels down to face this vampire eye to eye, he suggests ''Even a low rank monster as you can be still useful. Vampire, if you do as I say, I may release you someday, and I'll pretend that we don't know about each other.''. This Kusanagi had enough and when he silently growls at the blond hunter, he releases a quick punch at this arrogant bastard's face.
Unfortunately, Kain's reaction was faster. He catches the thrown fist at him. Now while having such an indifferent look on his face, he holds his sword by the handle below this brunette's arm and concentrates his strength into it. One sudden strike with the handle, and it was followed by the cracking sound of broken bones. Poor vampire only could scream in pain and once the hunter let his arm, this brunette fells on the ground while curling into the ball. While his face was twisted in agony, and he was whining, the blond says in strict tone "Who gave you a right to decide something on your own? You are going with me." and now he uses the sheath of his trustworthy weapon to strike into the guts of this brunette.
Even if Kyo's consciousness nearly faded and his vision was fading, he could still vaguely hear how this hunter says something before he grabs this Kusanagi's back of his sport jacket's collar and after standing up, dragging him somewhere.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 24 Link
Chapter 26 Link
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Title: Vampire’s Kiss (Chapter 22: Unreachable Sin. Part 13 of 18)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Leona Heidern, Kain R. Heinlein, Chizuru Kagura, Kusanagi, Goeniko, Chris
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi (main one)
Genre: AU, BL, Supernatural, Fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, Adventure, Slow-Burn, Eventual Romance, Dark Themes, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Human/Vampire Relationship, Human/Demon Relationship
Summary: This vampire already has bad luck on his side, yet he decides that his next prey going to be a certain redhead vampire hunter. However, the very little he knows how this encounter will end…
AO3 Link
It was still a middle of the night when the hunter and this brunette left the forest. A silent night when the countless stars were dancing in the sky while the platinum moon was carefully observing. However, even on such a fine and quiet time, this redhead hunter was restless and couldn't find the peace of mind, despite that his face looked so chill and calm. He can't understand what exactly happened after that fight - what was that light and why it entered inside this vampire's body? Why there was an enormous amount of dark energy around this brunette? Was Kyo holding off all this time and lied about losing his powers? Was it his true face, and he's just using this redhead while waiting for the moment when he could kill him as his personal prey?
One thing for sure, Iori knew Kyo not too long nor too well. So, he doesn't really know when this vampire is acting and when he is truly himself. However, why this brunette with such a concern warns when he might attack or possibly cause any harm to this redhead? For being a vampire, who are known as nothing more than a perfect killing machine, he sure shows too much affection or his vulnerable side to the hunter. Even so, there was something that keeps this redhead drawing closer to Kyo, yet he couldn't exactly understand what. Was it unintentional charms of the vampire, which were used to lure into a deadly trap?
Despite that should be any of these nocturnal creatures' primal instincts, unfortunately, Kyo didn't look smart enough to use them for hunting, or so noticed Yagami as he spends more time observing this Kusanagi. So, being wrapped around this brunette's finger purely because of his natural abilities was out of the question. Nevertheless, there was something that not only caught the attention of Iori, but also peaked his curiosity, just after their first encounter. However, without even feeling it, Iori's curiosity grew into a desire to see Kyo's awakening full potential, even if that meant not allowing anyone to approach or touch this Kusanagi, just Yagami himself. Even, if it meant sacrificing himself.
It seems that a supposed to be a natural killer, who should mercilessly take anyone's life just to fulfill his hunger, gives a purpose and a will to live for this redhead. However, right now his further thoughts were interrupted when all of a sudden he felt how someone places a hand on his shoulder "Are you okay? You sure that nothing happened to you, Yagami? You're spacing out.".
Iori just closes his eyes and removes this brunette's hand from his shoulder and after opening his eyes, calmly explains "Mind your own business, you stupid vampire. I'm just a little tired, that's it. So, we need to hurry up and return before the sun rises.". However, Kyo objects in irritated voice "We can handle these books another time. So, if we return straight to Kagura's shop, you gonna rest on the floor or leave again, you idiot. Unlike me, you need to get a proper sleep. That's why we should find the nearest inn so that you can over-night and then handle these books later. These waited for a long time inside that cave, so, now it can also wait for another day.".
This redhead could swear that despite someone entering inside this vampire, Kyo looked like nothing has changed about him at all. However, Yagami only replies in serious tone while keeping his hands in his coat's pockets "And how are you exactly going to leave during the day time? I need to know as soon as possible what was that thing entered inside you and whenever you're going to freak out again.". Nevertheless, this brunette tries to remain as chill as possible.
Yet after cracking a smile, this vampire places his hand on his chest and indignantly declares "Listen, I'm perfectly fine! So, there is nothing to worry about." after removing his hand, Kyo softens his gaze and continues in a calmer tone "Besides, I can wrap myself in a blanket or hide in the closet when the sun rises. So, for once, can you let yourself to relax a bit?". It seems that this stupid vampire won't give up so easy, and it would be simply pointless to continue to argue with him, or so Iori thought as he rolls his eyes and walks through this brunette. After looking back at this vampire, this redhead's long coat rustles by the wind, and now he prompts Kyo in slightly irritated voice ''Are you going or what?'' .
The hunter knew that he can't drag this nocturnal creature together to the Hunter Guild, so, now he hoped that maybe in the nearest inn or hotel, there wouldn't anyone else, who can sense the presence of this nocturnal creature.
After a while they entered through the wooden door and followed by ringing of the small bell and footsteps of these unexpected wanderers. Of course, it didn't take long enough to show the never-resting owner, who was now behind the reception counter.
Apparently it was a long-haired redhead woman in her mid-twenties, wearing a black long-sleeved body-stocking shirt, which revealed her well-build abs and completely revealing her shoulders. It also had wide-cut in the chest area. However, it seems that cleavage was covered by beneath that shirt and around her bust with several layers of medical bandage. Along that she wore black leather pants with widening shanks. Now this woman's silver-gray eyes were fixated on newly arrived guests. Behind that calm and serious gaze, there was a lingering tempest. There was simply something that was ticking her off about this pair, but this redhead couldn't put a finger on it.
Despite that there was one outstanding detail about this redhead woman - there were visible snow-white horns on her head, which were triangle-shaped and reminded cat ears. However, this lady just swooshes her long silky hair with her one hand and after she closes her eyes and deeply exhales through her nose, she opens her eyes and greets these visitors in serious and deeper tone ''Welcome to our small but cozy inn 'Lilium' whenever you're looking for the shelter from the wind or rain. How can we help you?''.
Of course, as Yagami approaches the counter, he comments in annoyed and slightly treating tone ''And what does exactly a diclonius1 doing here? Where is the true owner of this place?''. Fortunately, so-called diclonius just mockingly smiles and briefly chuckles. After she placed her elbow on the counter, she leans forward and grins ''Hey, big bro, you sure love to judge, ain't you? What if these are a simple decoration?~ So, why don't you think twice before you speak up, or I may ask you to leave nicely while you can?''. However, Iori kept his poker-face and when Kyo tried to step out, this vampire was gently pushed away by the hunter.
Now the redhead hunter warns in cold tone ''You should hide better or cut these horns completely, woman. If the other hunters will find you, they'll mercilessly kill you.''. This diclonius mocking smile was gone as her face darkens, now she counter-attacks in strict voice ''Listen you, mister hunter. If you dare to lay a finger on one of our customers, I'll make sure that your head and body parts will be delivered separately to each known guild as a warning.''.
Unfortunately, as this redhead diclonius gives a sadistic look to Iori, this hunter felt how he was lifted into the air and wrapped by an invisible force. He could even swear that he could sense how an invisible hand was placed on his throat and slightly choking him. Surely, Kyo couldn't stand and watch this quietly, so, as he frowns and reveals his fangs, this vampire charges at this diclonius woman. However, he was sent back flying by the strike of an invisible long arm. Upon crashing on the ground, this brunette groans in pain, and he was about to get up, this vampire heard a warning from this woman ''Don't interface, boy! Your precious friend needs to learn one thing.'' yet he ignored this request and while slightly shaking on his sides, stood up. All of a sudden this Kusanagi felt how a pair of invisible fingers went through his forehead, even if physically he looked perfectly fine.
Now this vampire widens his eyes as he froze in the same spot as these invisible fingers were inside him. All this brunette could do is listen to the deeper yet ice-cold voice of this woman ''I don't want to finish you off, because even if you're not one of us, but you are still one of the human hated kind. Yet I cannot promise you anything, if you stand in my way.''. While Iori was struggling, he gave this woman a stubborn look, yet it seems this diclonius wasn't affected at all.
She only closes her eyes and sighs, after opening her eyes, she addresses Yagami ''This place is a neutral zone for all monsters, demons and human alike. So, I won't tolerate any hunter's presence, who just come here to slaughter everyone. Besides, haven't you, humans, without any reason aside hatred or for your personal excitement killed or caused enough suffering? So, I suggest you to leave before I'll blind you and torn your arms apart.''.
It seems that when this diclonius was focused her attention on Iori, the invisible fingers were still inside Kyo's forehead. Even so, this nocturnal creature stand up and takes step forward. All of a sudden the sudden invisible arms aims at his chest and carefully enters inside his chest. This Kusanagi was alerted and prepared for the worst as this hand reached his lungs and heart.
However, this woman widens her eyes and now feels the unbearable ache her left eye. She could swear that this pain was sent through the invisible arms which were piercing this brunette. What a hell was wrong with vampire boy? He didn't look that he would possess any power at all, but there was an enormous amount of dark energy deep inside him, which didn't seem to belong to this brunette. It felt like something lived inside him, someone, who was the true owner of this dark and malicious aura, or so, this diclonius woman thought while felling on her knees and hugging her arms. Right now she could barely breathe, even her voice was shaky and soundless.
So, through her shaky lips movement she told in barely hearable voice ''don't come close to me…leave, leave me alone…why you have to be so cold and cruel?…merciless killer…''. Eventually, her invisible arm released Iori, who fell like a sandbag on the wooden floor while the hand inside this brunette's chest was removed. All she could do is deeply breath.
When Iori managed to stand up, all of a sudden another femine concerned voice echoes through this place ''IRENE!''. One thing for sure, this voice returned so-called Irene to her senses, and now she looks toward the direction of that voice and scolds in calm and deeper tone, as nothing has happened before ''What are you doing here? Shouldn't you suppose to be sleeping. *sigh* It's the middle of the night, you know. So, go back to sleep…''. Apparently, it was a young brunette woman in her early twenties with a longer fringe brushed on the sides and having long hair, which reached her lower back and were loosely tied. Despite looking half-asleep, her gaze was warm and innocent. This lady wore a deep blue color pajama and light material gray bathrobe.
As this lady rushes towards the counter, ignoring the guests, and after getting inside, she softly narrows her gaze fixated at the redhead diclonius while holding her arm. Now she speaks up with eyes-wide open ''I heard a loud bang. That's why I wanted to make that you're alright…''. Irene only closes her eyes and sighs, after opening them, she replies in calm tone ''You worry too much, Sonia. Besides, one stupid hunter storms in and puts a big show. So, all I wanted to do is to give a calm warning, that's it.'' .
Of course, Yagami rolls his eyes and face-palms, these stupid women were getting on his nerves and were so annoying, yet it seems that Kyo stepped in this time and asks this couple politely ''Can you sort out between yourself later? We're looking for a room for a couple days. Do you have a spare one or not?''. Surely, the redhead hunter was surprised by such a request and this brunette could notice the slight pinkish color in Yagami's cheeks, whenever he thought it was the lighting effect or not.
However, despite that Iori indignantly objects ''Excuse me, but he meant two rooms, not a single one!''. This vampire just gave a questioning look for this hunter and comments ''The heck? You have too much in your pocket just for a couple nights? I'm just trying to save your money, you idiot! Plus, it would be cheaper.'' now Kyo returned his gaze to the inn-keepers and added in as calm tone as he could make ''Please, ignore him, he just had a hard day. Besides, we can perfectly fit into a single room. So, there would be no issues sharing it.''.
It was followed by Iori placing his palm on the counter and demanding ''So, how much for two rooms?'', this vampire frowns and counter-attacks ''For a single one?'' after this brunette gave a determinant look for Yagami and stubbornly fights-back ''Why you have to be like this, you dumb-ass? Besides, you were nagging all the way how you wanna keep an eye on me. But now you have a problem by sharing the same room? Give me a break...''.
Surely, Sonia could feel the growing tension between these two, and couldn't help herself, but just start to get nervous. However, just when Irene placed her hand on this long-haired brunette's shoulder, this lady felt a bit relieved. So, now she interrupts this quarrel in louder voice ''Um, can you keep your private life for yourselves? You're disturbing our guests' rest. Let me first check the guest book. Then you can do whatever you want when you get the keys.'' surely, despite this woman's big eyes, her gaze was strict. Fortunately, it helped to silence this pair. Besides, there was also a menacing aura, which maybe the younger woman didn't sense around this redhead diclonius, who now wraps her arm around this Sonia's shoulders.
After this long-haired brunette bends down and takes out a very thick and heavy looking journal, she places it on the counter. When she finds the bookmark, she opens this guest book and now carefully scan through opened pages. Once points the finger on a certain spot of the page, she tilts her head and addresses this couple ''We do have a single vacant room left. So, it's completely up to you whenever you want it or not.''.
When this vampire gives to Iori a demanding look, he knew that it was pointless to argue further and now after he faces these women, he asks them ''How much we own you for that?'' and thus, Kyo felt relieved knowing that this redhead finally listened to him.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 21 Link
Chapter 23 Link
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Title: Vampire’s Kiss (Chapter 15: Unreachable Sin. Part 6 of 18)
Fandom: King of Fighters
Characters: Kyo Kusanagi, Iori Yagami, Shingo Yabuki, Orochi, Yashiro Nanakase, Leona Heidern, Kain R. Heinlein, Chizuru Kagura, Kusanagi, Goeniko, Chris
Pairing: Iori Yagami x Kyo Kusanagi (main one)
Genre: AU, BL, Supernatural, Fantasy, Gothic Fantasy, Adventure, Slow-Burn, Eventual Romance, Dark Themes, Hurt/Comfort, Fluff, Human/Vampire Relationship, Human/Demon Relationship
Summary: This vampire already has bad luck on his side, yet he decides that his next prey going to be a certain redhead vampire hunter. However, the very little he knows how this encounter will end…
AO3 Link
This redhead began to slowly open his eyes. It was simply too bright. What kind time of the day is right now? How long did he dozen out? However, right now he felt how something warm was wrapped around him. Once Iori looked around him, he noticed that it is already late evening and that someone placed a warm blanket on him. Another thing, which caught his eye is that there were no visible trace of that annoying woman. Was she gone? Like it is matters right now, or so thought this redhead.
Now he tried to turn his head to see how this vampire was doing. Unfortunately, even one slightest movement and now he felt how badly his nape was in pain. Not to mention when he leaned forward, his back was in pain as well. Yet this hunter ignored it and still stands up through silent groaning. Once he was on feet, he placed his hand on his nape and began to rub it. Well, it’s no one’s fault that he fell asleep in such a place or position yet it’s been really awhile since he slept that well. Maybe he was more tired than he though.
Nevertheless, Yagami decided to check how is this stupid vampire. The hunter only sighs - Kyo was still in his slumber and didn’t shown any signs of waking up any time soon. Probably this brunette was more physical and emotional exhausted than Iori expected. In any case, he’ll wait as much as it need. However, all of sudden he was alerted and turned his gaze towards the squeaking noise of opening door.
Apparently, it was only Chizuru, who has left the study room. When she noticed the hunter, she calmly asked ‘‘Oh, you’re finally awake? How are you feeling?’’ but when she points out where was left Yagami’s coat, she smiles and adds ‘‘My, you sure are considerate. However, you need to take care of yourself as well. No matter how you may be though, but you are still a human, Yagami.’’. Surely, this redhead was not happy about this comment yet he holds back from fighting back.
However, he briefly replies ‘‘Just mind your own business. I’ll stay here as much as it needed. So, at least not until this stupid vampire wakes up.’’. Unfortunately, the ebony haired woman strictly says ‘‘ You don’t need to worry about. He doesn’t need to be observed whole day, at least for this week. That’s why you can carry on your routine like usual. Besides, this shop is surrounded by magic barrier. So, I would be aware if anyone getting closer. If you were worried about this vampire’s safety, then rest assure, he is in safe hands.’’. It seems the hunter didn’t wanted to give up to this annoying woman, so, now he negotiates ‘‘Very well, but don’t you think you gonna get rid off me so easy! Then I’m going to visit here until he recovers. Like heck, I’ll leave him alone!’’. Of course, Chizuru could only sigh and silently enjoy observing how Yagami behaves like a stubborn child. This redhead even forgets about this coat and before his leave, he turns back and declares ‘‘I’ll be back! So, be glad that I have unfinished business with other pesky bastard. ’’ and after he gazes for the last time at Kyo, he left the witch’s hut.
Besides, the only place where Iori could get more food for this slumbering brunette, was the Hunter Guild. After all, who knows how this stupid vampire going to act once he is awake. So, being prepared in advance, shouldn’t do any harm. That fool Yashiro may already forgot about his sent request, so, if he wanted these potions so badly, he may already got them. In any case, right now dealing with his mentor was very least concern of this redhead.
After a while, he finally reached the Hunter Guild but once he was inside, he noticed that the guild is still so lively as ever despite it is a late evening. So, who were checking notice board for news and bounties, who were preparing for new journey or just returned and, lastly, one pesky silver-head, whom Yagami very least wanted to see. Once he was noticed by Yashiro, he was greeted in casual manner of this veteran hunter, who approached him and pats Iori’s shoulder ‘‘ Yo! Look who is back?~ Why took so long? Did Yagami-chan was bullied by some nastier monsters on the way? You look awful. What happened to your coat?’’.
Apparently, this demon hunter wasn’t even planning to go on next hunt any time soon, because of his more casual outfit. At least he didn’t carried his trustworthy sword - Demon Slayer, plus, for once he putted a shirt and does not wear that shabby coat as well. However, this time, an innocent question like that made this redhead annoyed - No, you dumbass. Just stumbled across one abomination, who cowardly back-stabs and escapes like a shameless asshole. Then woke up in with killing spine, of course, I’m fine~ - Or so this redhead kept in his mind. However, he only answered with keeping his poker-face and in cold tone ‘‘Mind your goddamn business…’’.
After such a adorable reply, Yashiro with-draws his hand from Iori’s shoulder and shakes his head ‘‘So, you got into another fight again, but now you lost it, didn’t you?’’. Heck, that idiot surely strikes into right spot of this redhead whenever he intended or not. Yagami only turns his gaze away from his senior and remain silent. It seems that after couple minutes of awkward silence, this silver-head begins to give a good session of lectures ‘‘How many times I told you to not to loose your temper over small details? Whoever it was, surely was merciful enough to spare you. ’’.
Iori just cracks a smile and then without looking back murmurs ‘‘That stupid bastard…’’, of course, Yashiro gave a questionable look, but continued to listen further. Right now this redhead lift his head and says clearly ‘‘I met Kain. He look exactly the same like years ago before being banished. It seems that he might be a same kind as you-’’ however, before finishing what he wanted to say, he felt a menacing aura from his senior, which was followed by his vest being grabbed roughly. All of sudden Iori was lifted by this silver-head’s one arm into the air with no sweat. Heck, now this redhead’s face was twisting in pain from this unexpected attack.
However, once he noticed Nanakase’s pissed-off face, he knew that now he crossed the line yet Yagami didn’t tried even to resist, just waiting how this going to turn out. This demon hunter only stares silently and now threats in deep tone ‘‘Don’t you dare to compare me with that human scumbag. Even demons do not commit such a crimes as this arrogant trash.’’. Certainly, it was one of rare cases when this silver-head shows his serious side yet each time it awakens Iori’s primal sense of fear. Heck, no matter how he looks at it, he was simply too weak compared to this veteran hunter, no matter how many years he was trained by him.
One thing sure, this redhead was smart enough to understand that Yashiro was definitely a super natural being and opposing him would only lead to the death. However, at this moment, this redhead refused to show any signs of fear or struggle and now just stares back. Apparently, this silver-head had enough and after he sighs, he lowers his arm which holds the fellow hunter. Finally, Yagami was released yet he landed on his knees. Hell, he never felt so defeated and now just when lowers his head and bits his lower lip.
Yashiro now spokes up in more forgiving tone ‘‘I hope that you didn’t mean to say this. In any case, what happened? ’’ when this redhead stands up and fixes his clothes, he replies ‘‘He caught a vampire and was dragging him to abandon storage.’’, now this demon hunter chuckles and answers ‘‘So? No one forbids even fools like him to join another guild and hunt down a wanted target.’’. However, right now Iori continued telling his story but now it sounded more concerned tone ‘‘There was some sort of magical circle and when he placed vampire in the middle of circle, he was about to stab him…I broke that bastard’s wrist. However, aside that now he now can use a blue flame, the vampire was unable to move no matter what. He was like paralyzed…’’.
This silver-head only scratched his chin and sighs after listening to Yagami, calmly answers ‘‘I see…So, Kain is still causing problems as usual and striving for more power…However, what kind of demon did he slain to get such a ability? More so, this vampire caught your attention, isn’t he? Is he was your target? It’s unusual for you to fight with other hunters for a mere bounty. Besides, no monster is able to recover after this, just silently suffer in agony, unless…At least can you tell me what have you done to this vampire? ’’.
However, Iori’s poker-face was cracked and now he was confused as a child who is being caught by doing something wrong yet not sure how to escape from punishment. He could swear that he felt a pressure from his senior like being judged for what he going to say. Nevertheless, he need to answer quickly, otherwise, Yashiro might suspect him. So, after swallowing saliva, Yagami briefly answers ‘‘…I killed him. Move, I just need to rest.’’ and now this redhead without a word walks by this demon hunter and went to upstairs floor, where was his room. Once Iori was out of sight, this silver haired hunter just cross his arms and shakes his head at such a behavior of his disciple. Now he tells to himself in humming voice ‘‘Liar…Yagami-chan been acting so weird recently~ You thought I wouldn’t notice that oh-so-hidden bite mark?…There is same vampire’s scent all over you, you idiot…Just don’t lower your guard or else you might get hurt~…’’.
It was a dawn of new day. However, this vampire hunter couldn’t rest all night and just managed to get couple hours of sleep. So, surely, it was more than enough for him, or so he convinced himself. Besides, right now was the best chance to sneak out, ‘cos that annoying idiot wouldn’t notice. That’s why despite still feeling lazy, this redhead forced himself to get up and just get ready.
A good half hour has passed~ Once he left the room, this hunter straightforward went to exchange for blood bags. However, it seems that he was lucky to get couple bags yet the shopkeeper gave him a weird look before leaving. Just what was her problem? It shouldn’t be anyone’s concern what and how much he can buy, or so, thought this redhead. According this shopkeeper, only after couple of days she should receive the rest of these value bags. So, it means that now he has to stay in the Guild for awhile. Of course, Yagami wasn’t too happy, but at least it was better than nothing.
That stupid vampire better not awake without his notice, ‘cos who know what he might be up to or how he would behave. Maybe the first thing what he could do is rabidly attack the first visible person on sight and feast on it. Hell, then it would mean that this hunter would have to fight probably against strong creature, but filled with nothing more than pure instincts and, unfortunately, finish up like any other target. One thing if it would be just a mere frustration over the investment and hard work which was for naught. After all, it would be only the matter of the time when this redhead would find another high-ranked enemy.
However, it’s not the point in this case! Yagami knew that there was something special about Kyo. Even if this vampire lost his oh-so-great powers, for what he is, he sure shows a huge potential, which makes Iori interested in this brunette. That’s why this redhead willing to do anything to make sure that Kyo would be in his best shape as soon as possible and finally defeat him. He can’t just wait for that day when this brunette would be giving his best, then probably Yagami could finally have the most satisfying and thrilling battle. Maybe then he could understand what it feels like to be alive.
Would be worth to sacrifice everything for that temporally moment tho? What he would do when he would achieve this? One thing for sure, killing off Kyo instantly is not a choice. It would be the same as dying along with this vampire. Besides, this brunette probably without realizing attracts Iori like drawing closer to him. Is it because he was just a better treat for this vampire? May be, may be not. In any case, at least for awhile, it would entertain this hunter and would give a temporally purpose in life - protecting Kyo from any threat including his vampire’s instincts. So, having something to trick this brunette’s hunger might calm him down.
And thus, the hunter has waited for these two days to pass. Before leaving his room, he looked in closet for thicker coat, because he cannot stock these blood bags under his vest. The suspicious bulge around his chest area would attract unwanted attention, plus, dealing with Guild master would be just a waste of time. Once he found a similar coat to his previous one, which one was a long dark crimson coat, which had a black fur collar and had a white crescent moon sign on the back side. Unlike previous coat, this one also had a black leather straps to close his coat. After all, it was designed for harsher weather and was more sturdy as well. So, once he puts this coat, Iori left his room and went to the guild’s shop. After visiting the same shopkeeper, Yagami got the rest of the blood bags and now once he opens his coat, he places two bags inside left chest side inner pocket and the rest couple into right side’s. At least it should be a safe spot and, hopefully, it won’t attract unwanted attention. However, speaking of devil, before he opens the entrance door of the Guild, he was spotted by a familiar face. Not again…thought this redhead while he rolled his eyes.
Apparently, Yashiro was approaching him. From that outfit alone, you can tell that he might be planning to go out somewhere and at least it’s more or less decent - white t-shirt, black leather jacket and black pants, and, of course, behind his back his trustworthy sword - Demon Slayer. While holding his hands inside of pants’ pockets, the silver-head cheerfully greets him ‘‘Yo! Are you already leaving? Did you find another target? ’’ of course Yagami replied in his usual manner ‘‘Mind your business.’’ and now walks through the door, ignoring his mentor’s presence.
The sky was dyed in orange and little by little changing into purplish color and leaving the grayish Hunter Guild building and courtyard dyed with orange tone - the day was slowly dying and the night was taking over. There was only a small breeze, which makes hunter’s long coat’s hemline slowly flap by being caught by the wind. It felt like being finally free and getting closer and closer to the slumbering vampire. Unfortunately, all of sudden he felt that someone may following him and he didn’t like it at all. Once this redhead stops walking, he turns back and now frowns.
‘‘Will you ever stop it? It’s so annoying…’’ said Iori in irritated tone, however, the demon hunters only sighs ‘‘You know you are not the center of the world, Yagami-chan. So, what’s wrong wanting to visit good couple of friends? Besides, you should be more careful, otherwise, you may find problems just around the corner.’’. That's it, Yagami's patience was almost gone, but he didn’t bother to say anything back and just continued on his way.
An hour has passed~ Finally, this redhead reached the witch's shop. However this time he walks by the shop and went straight behind. Just when his fist lightly touched the door, there was short buzzing noise and all of sudden he fell down with a small groan. Hell, this redhead’s whole body was weakly twitching yet he could barely move. Whenever it is a curse or not, it won't stop this hunter. He just cletches his fists and while ignoring this pain, tries to stand up. After several attempts, he fails each time yet he does not give up.
Fortunately, a familiar witch noticed him struggling. Of course, she just sighs and approaching the hunter ‘‘What are you doing here, hunter? You sure are impatient…’’, once she offers a her hand to stand up, Yagami stubbornly brushes it away. While this redhead slowly stands up, Chizuru adds ‘‘You should have checked the shop first instead of storming here.’’. When this ebony haired woman reached the door, she stretches her palm and after closing her eyes started to cast a silent spell. Once she opens her eyes, she revealed the invisible barrier, which was glowing in platinum light and surrounded this hut. As it appeared, now it was gone. After opening the door, she prompts Iori to go inside.
Right now, he was greeted with the familiar view once the lights were on. It seems that Kyo was deeply sleeping while still being under the cover of hunter’s other coat. However, Yagami began to undone the straps of his coat and after opening it, he was looking for something inside his inner chest’s pockets. When he picks up couple of blood bags from left side and couple from right side, he addresses Chizuru ‘‘Where I can keep these? ’’ after he notices her being confused, continues ‘‘It’s for that stupid vampire…just in case, he needs it.’’.
When this witch sighs, she replies ‘‘Sure thing. I’ll keep them in study room. ’’, but now she chuckles ‘‘But what are going to do with two coats? Don’t tell me you’re going to wear both, hunter?’’. Of course, Yagami tried to keep his poker-face despite being caught by such a unexpected question and now he replies ‘‘None of your concern. It’s not like the last time when I would need your help. Besides, I planned to sell this anyway. So, if it is worth anything, keep it. Maybe some amateur would need this.’’. After he was done with removing current coat, he handed over to the witch along with the food for this brunette.
Unfortunately, this ebony-haired woman didn’t liked this kind of attitude yet she backfires with the demands ‘‘You sure are generous to give away so easily such a fine coat, even if you slightly aware of it’s cost. Yet since you arrived here, you won’t be sitting all day and do nothing. Until this vampire awakes, you will be helping me in the shop. Don’t worry, I won’t give you over-complicated tasks. As a hunter you can catch any beast or just do lil fetch work. So, since because I’m so kind and smart, I am even forgiving your loan for the very precious potion~’’. This annoying woman surely knows how to get on the nerves of this redhead yet she was right. Who knows what kind of spell or curse she can cast, for now he would lower his ego and play along with Kagura’s setted conditions, or so decided Yagami. Besides, now he can stay closer to Kyo and will be at the moment when he wakes up. And thus, another week full of various tasks has begin. Hopefully, soon the promised day should arrive.
It was a calm cloudless evening, the moon was shining bright, however, instead of silver light, it was dyed in light pink color, along with sky being in purplish color. However, only a swarm of bats disturbed the silence of the night, who flied across the sky. It was the time when creatures of the night rise.
In the familiar hut, a certain redhead was just sitting in front of table and observing how this vampire was still slumbering. However, soon enough his eye-lids becomes more heavier. Maybe Kyo would be still resting even tonight, or so thought Yagami before dozing out. Couple hours has passed. However, all of sudden this redhead was back on his senses upon hearing a weird screeching noises. Without any second the hunter looks toward the side where was the beastly sound.
Apparently, this vampire was awaken from his sleep. However, there was something off about him - even if it was for a brief moment, but he was radiating a huge amount of dark aura. It was enough to make this redhead’s blood froze and realize that he was dealing with more terrifying monster even than SS rank ones, which he encountered a few times. Without realizing he immediately stand ups. His hunter’s instincts made him reach out his whip - Vampire Killer. While holding the rolled whip in his lifted left hand, he carefully observes this creature. Although, Kyo was stretching his arms in bed, but couple of details has caught this hunter’s eye.
First of all, these sharp nails looked sharp enough to shred his victims into pieces with slashing strike. Secondly, when this brunette was still yawing, Yagami noticed that now vampire’s fangs and glowing crimson eyes were more intimidating and cold like they belonged to the perfect merciless killer. However, this redhead could swear that for awhile Kyo’s hair was pitch black and his skin a bit darker, now he grasp Vampire Killer more tightly. Once he several times quickly blinked and after rubbing his eyes with other hand, he looked again at Kyo.
In the end, it was same old stupid vampire - there wasn’t any dark aura, which surrounded him, anymore. Perhaps it was only a trick of the light making this brunette look a bit different than usual. Yet one thing for sure, this redhead could sigh and lower his weapon. However, right now this brunette look down and now was dumb-folded. Upon taking this cover into his hands and studying it, he notices that it was someone’s coat. Right now, he doubtfully asked ‘‘What a hell is this?’’ after brief moment, he turns his gaze and now notices the hunter and now he is alerted ‘‘Oi, what are you doing here? Just…Just what were you planning to do with that thing?’’.
While anxiously waiting for the answer, this brunette just silently gazes at the hunter, who was getting closer to him. However, once he was so close to bed, Yagami placed his whip back to his right side of the belt and stares at the vampire. After awkwardly pause, this redhead spokes up with trying to keep his cool ‘‘So, you finally awake? You sure took long enough…’’ and fixes his shirt. It seems only now this brunette had realized that all the time while he was asleep, he was covered with hunter’s coat. Of course, it only leaves him more unanswered questions about this hunter.
Nevertheless, Iori clenches his hands into fists and begins to scold him ‘‘What were you thinking by acting so recklessly? You didn’t even bothered to put any effort to fight back. Ending up like this…Did you wanted to die so badly?! ’’, of course, at first Kyo had not even the slightest idea why he was accused like this. However, a quick flashback when Yagami shown up before his own execution, made this brunette lower his gaze. How much this hunter saw before that moment? Why he cares this much? wondered this vampire. Even so, Kyo honestly replies ‘‘I was looking for you.’’. This redhead was surprised by such a unexpected answer and now remain speechless.
Despite that, this brunette continues to confess ‘‘ You did something to me and like heck, I asked for these changes. Of course, maybe you know what is happening me!’’, this vampire bends his arm and after taking a deep breath, concentrates his gaze on his palm. His hand was shaking for the moment, but all of sudden the sharp nails shows up. However, there were no blood traces on this brunette’s nails yet it was still painful. Kyo tries to ignore the pain, however, his voice and gaze betrays him. While in shaky and in gloomier voices, he continues ‘‘This is not suppose to happen, not in this form…Your blood is slowly changing my body. Even my prey’s blood nearly lost it’s flavor and doesn’t satisfy my hunger as before.’’.
However, this vampire turns his gaze to the hunter. Once Iori’s eyes met Kyo’s, he was captivated by this nocturnal creature and couldn’t look back. No, vampire’s eyes weren’t glowing in familiar crimson red, these dark amber eyes were like drawing him closer to this brunette. Heck, Yagami even felt how all of sudden his heart nearly jumped out his chest and now he swallowed saliva. This brunette adds now in melancholic yet gently tone ‘‘Even only once tasting your blood, but…I think I’m slowly getting addicted to it. That’s why I needed to see you as soon as possible. I knew that you might be around that bar where some human was killed. Of course, you would-’’.
Iori just sit down on bed next to vampire and grabs Kyo’s wrist. Of course, he was speechless at such a gesture of the hunter. While one hand holds this brunette’s wrist, with other one, Iori gently brushes this brunette’s hand and carefully studies his sharp nails. Yagami just sighs and while keeping a poker-face, he says ‘‘You? Murder with these? You stupid vampire…don’t make me laugh. I knew it couldn’t be your job even in million of years. So, didn’t even bothered to suspect you in the first place. Hell, it was only a mere werewolf. That annoying dog was a waste of time and barely got any better bounty for it.’’.
After releasing this brunette’s wrist, this redhead adds ‘‘In any case, you need a weapon to protect yourself. However, first, you need some food. Like heck, I would want to be sucking dry while I’m resting. Speaking of witch, how come that annoying woman is not here? Just wait here.’’ when Yagami stands up, he went towards the study room. After couple times of knocking on the door, this redhead asks in irritated tone ‘‘Hey! Kagura! Just open the the door! Kyo is awake.’’ - no answer. this redhead tries his luck again - same. That’s it! If this woman does not answer, then it can’t be helped, than checking by himself.
However, when he was about to open the door, he heard a familiar voice ‘‘I heard it! Just a minute.’’ and now behind the opened door stood Chizuru. It seems that she was staying awake all night - these black circles under her eyes proved that she had restless night. Apparently, she didn’t even minded closing the door of study room when she left. Despite that she looked glad seeing that the poison has successfully left vampire’s body. After she approached Kyo, who was still in bed, she asked in calm tone ‘‘How are you feeling? Did you had a good rest? ’’.
At the beginning this brunette gave a questioning look, he didn’t knew this person yet he didn’t felt any threat or danger from this mysterious woman. Now Kyo asked ‘‘How long did I sleep this time? Did I have done anything while I was asleep?’’, this ebony-haired woman sighs and calmly replies ‘‘You do not need to worry about it. But you slept for nearly two weeks. It is still impressive how quickly you recovered. However, Yagami mentioned that you are feeling hungry, aren’t you? This hunter surely brought you a lot of food.’’. Then Chizuru addresses the hunter ‘‘Can you get the blood bags from the study room? You know where it is, right? This time you can go inside. After all, you personally wanted to give it by yourself to this vampire.’’, of course, this redhead wanted to object to this woman since he was in dept, but also cast another deadly spell.
When he went to get the package, Chizuru introduced herself to Kyo and just asked couple of questions about his well-being and other details for filling the journal. After Iori returned with blood bags wrapped in blue tissue, his behaviour has slightly changed. It seems that it was a harder task to give these bags, because this with was here, so, now this redhead tried to keep his poker-face, but now he turned his gaze from vampire and while stretching his arm in which one was the blood bags, he told in nearly understandable voice ‘‘Here.’’. After he felt how vampire took these blood bags from his hand, he once again looked at Kyo.
Apparently, Kyo didn’t told anything yet carefully holds this package. However, this ebony haired woman interrupts before her leave ‘‘In any case, I need to go. If anything happens, just knock into the door. Good night and take care.’’. If she was right, then she doesn’t need to worry about them and just let them have their time. After all, it seems that this hunter doesn’t have any vile ulterior motives what to do with this vampire and just maybe cares too much than he should. With that in mind, she closed door behind her and after sitting in front of writing table, she works on her notes until falling asleep.
Chapter 1 Link
Chapter 14 Link
Chapter 16 Link
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