#Verse: Hero in Training: Main
glitteringxchaos · 2 years
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@celestiialnotes​ asked: ❛ you’re not a very convincing liar. ❜ - Denki to Sero 
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“Awww c’mon Denks! You know I can’t tell you what I’m getting you for a present. That would just ruin the surprise! Of course I’m gonna lie when you’re sitting there trying to guess. All of your guesses were totally wrong, by the way.”
The dark haired male laughed as he ruffled Denki’s blond locks, then pushed his head away lightly with a wide grin. There was no way he was going to tell the other what he’d gotten him for Christmas. The surprise was all part of the fun, after all. And it was too well hidden for the other to go looking for it, he’d made sure of that. Denki was just going to have to wait to open it on Christmas like everyone else did. Besides...listening to him try and figure it out time and time again was entertaining to say the least. Some ideas were far too plain, and others were just so outlandish they made Sero cackle.
“I’ll tell you this much...even if you guess right, I’m going to tell you you’re wrong, because I’m not spoiling the surprise. So guess away, because I’m. Not. Telling.”
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princelyshoto · 22 days
tag drop as I am rapidly attempting to follow people back and check out blogs. I AM A SNAIL pls forgive me.
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withachanceoflaxus · 11 months
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tag drop iii.
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the-cat-and-the-birdie · 10 months
Cute Spider Society Headcanons:
[a long post of random headcanons about the fun stuff at Spider Society HQ - all cool things for your Spidersona to do]
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There's absolutely regular talent shows and battles of the band every quarter or so.
Spider-people usually aren't the most popular back home on their Earth's, so Miguel permits having shows and activities like this so Spider-people can bond and relieve stress between Canon Events
Hobie has won multiple times - His and Gwen's band won last quarter, BUT they don't always win. MetroSpider is another past winner.
The rule is Spider-members only. But if your powers help your music, you can use them (ie, Hobie can play guitar without an amp-)
Training is a HUGE thing.
And it's mandatory even between missions. Time trails, Web strength testing, problem resolution training, weekly classes - It's a lot.
Your training schedule isn't always the same, and your classes are determined by your skill, specific powers, and universe
Money isn't used on campus. It's banned actually, and mostly useless when everyone is from a universe with a different exchange rate, political climate, tender etc.
Instead, The main currency is based on a points system connected to training/missions.
The more missions you do, or the more you train (therefore making you a better hero to your universe), the more points you earn
Things like the cafeteria and dorms are completely free. But points can be used to earn perks like suit upgrades, or things from the commissary
The Commissary is a store on campus where you can buy authorized items from other Earth's.
They have everything from training materials like mechanical webbing - with different properties/effects - to leisure things like cool video games from Margo's world or music from other time eras, vintage things from old universes, etc
Points can also be used for a number of other stuff such as:
Extra jumps on your watch. The more missions you do, the more jumps you can buy, allowing you to go to other universes on your off time (to hang with friends)
Suit Upgrades. Your suit is surveyed and upgraded for free at joining, and it gets upgraded with every class you gain (C Class -> B Class -> A Class -> etc.)
However, you can use points to upgrade or even just redesign your suit. There is a Suit Center where fashionable and genius Spider-people will help you design and adjust your suit based on your universe and villains
There's support groups, a lot centered around Canon Events.
For teens and young Spider-people there's an Educational Program
It can be done part-time with active mission work or full-time on campus
You train in multiversal research, Spider genetics, and other technology such as Doc Ock technology and Green Goblin biology
You can be offered a job on campus after completion - Margo is a graduate of this
If your participate in Educational Program, Lyla will be your mentor and you'll report to her
Educational students live in separate dorms, and the program is kinda intense, but VERY fun
There are different focuses in the program
Spider-Geneticists have a short residency after, they help take Spider vitals and oversee Training
You can also specialise in Spider-medicine - in which you work in the Infirmary
There are some CRAZY (secret) Parties all over the Spider-verse.
Disco-Spider loves a good party. Her and Pavi through insane ragers, a new one in a different universe everytime
Miguel has no idea
But partying on the walls and ceiling while Spider-people play super-human live shows in the world's craziest mosh-pit -
Spider-parties hit different.
It's one of the only time everyone is unmasked around each other
There's a really loose dress code
You DO NOT have to wear your suit 24/7. What is someone gonna do, rat you out in your universe?
Everyone is in their suit for ATSV cause Miguel asked them to be completely professional that day (as an intimidation tactic)
That's why Jess, Gwen, Peter, and Hobie are all fine showing their faces as soon as they get to campus.
If anything it's usually seen as weird to be wearing your mask all the time
Casual clothing is allowed. Skirts and dresses without anything underneath aren't allowed (you'll be upsidedown.)
You're expected to have two suits (one main, one spare - you get these at joining) for missions and a separate training outfit for your classes
There's super sports teams
Spidey Football (European not American) expands the rules to all four walls with a ball engineered to stick like Spidey-people do
Track & Swing Team - which Pavitr is a star member of
A small swim-and-dive team for the swimmers, and a small Roller Derby league for the skaters
Pavitr is also a star on the gymnastics team
There's also things like ballet groups, though Gwen doesn't take part
There's a REALLY GOOD Glee club. Spider-strength gives some crazy lung-capacity.
Disco is on the Glee club, and they take it very seriously
Living on campus doesn't threaten your home verse - you'll still be on call!
Lyla monitors all universes for anamolies - sending Anamoly Teams of 2-6
However if your universe experiences a non-anamoly, your watch will be pinged for a mandatory report, and you'll be sent to your universe to handle it
As such, your watch is like a doctor's pager. You can be called for anamolies or your universe at any time (If you're an active member in your universe, living on Society Campus, or have a contact negotiated for that. Class S members like Hobie can negotiate to be Selective Active members)
There's a little underground Spider-market
If you ask Hobie, he can definitely hack your watch for you.
If your Electro has been beating your ass, you can get your hands on electro-resistant webbing without spending points.
The Society has a small group of people willing to trade you for anything you've got, or even just help you out for the hell of it.
You just have to know where and who to ask
There's a couple Spideys that don't pay electric because someone hooked them up with a super clean Futuristic generator
MJ's, Black Cats, Osborns, and Deadpools are allowed on campus with clearance, a daypass, and a chaperone (their Spidey)
Only for short periods, or if they're super injured. An MJ might pop in when Peter forgets his lunch.
Aunt Mays are not.
It's considered very rude to call them by their 'base names' - ie. calling MJs 'Mary-Janes' or calling Black Cats 'Felicias'
Not all MJs are Mary-Janes
Though, using the term 'a Parker' is common on campus to refer to large Peter Parker population
Roughly 45-50% of the people on campus are named Peter.
There's other 'groups' - such as 'Not-Parkers' (Non-Peter iterations like Pavitr), and 'Duplicates' (Hobie Brown, Gwen Stacy, MJs, Felicia Hardy NightSpider etc)
Though calling them these things are way less common or accepted than calling someone a Parker ('Not-Parker'is neutral. 'Duplicate' is offensive)
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susagnon · 4 months
and have not: Jammingwhey's darkness
Kaminari has been portrayed as a light-hearted character, but I think there were a lot of interesting - and unfortunately lost - opportunities to explore the darker corners of his mind, similarly to what we got with Kirishima. We know that they exist, because we were shown a bit of his feelings of inadequacy, before he got his pointer shooter, and a bit of his fears, when we got the short ship scene between him and Jirou during the PLW. I appreciated those moments, but I would have liked to see much more of that.
Apparently, Kaminari seems to take a lot of comfort in Ojiro’s tail. According to BNHA’s wiki, he also confides in Ojiro himself. It isn’t known, what exactly he confides to Ojiru about. But apparently, Kaminari has some stuff to confide about...
For example, I was fine with Aoyama being the UA traitor. To me, that plotline did feel coherent. However, I’m also intrigued by fanon’s musings about Kaminari as the traitor. Especially the idea of Kaminari injuring Kirishima while fleeing, after he's accidently discovered by the latter. Juat imagine the potential of that drama! Bakusquad being dented! Bakugou feeling enraged and hurt! Jirou feeling hurt and enraged! The fallout of demoralization and emotional pain for all of 1-A!
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Imagine a similar expression when !traitor Kaminari gets caught red-handed. And electrocutes one of his closest friends in order to escape.
I expected, then hoped for Kaminari' promotion to temporary main cast, similar to what Kirishima got during the Shie Hassaikai arc. Unfortunately, that hope remains unfulfilled.
I won’t get into the potential of his quirk because I’m not very well-versed in quirk-technicalities.
I do find this hypothesis from other fans convincing: At some point, Horikoshi noticed that the power potential of Kaminari’s quirk was too OP - which at some parts, could have broken the story. In order to prevent that, Kaminari never received any extended major screentime. In turn, we got deprived of Kaminari-focused character development.
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Everyone, say "thank you, animators!" - A rare instance of Kaminari looking badass.
At the very least, I would have liked to know Kaminari’s motivations for going through rigorous training in order to become a professional hero. As far as I remember, we never learned about them.
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thebitcher69 · 9 months
Revisiting Resident Evil Village (a full analysis)
Resident Evil Village is the continuation of Ethan Winters’ story. It follows from Resident Evil 7 in a linear fashion and ends up vaguely erasing the constant feeling of tension and turning up the amp on campiness. The game itself had a couple sections where I did feel scared but unlike the game before it I was not constantly terrified. It does better in my opinion as a survival game than as a survival horror game. In this analysis I will evaluate all of my good, bad and mediocre opinions on the plot, characters, terrifying sections and the game's tone. 
The plot:
Resident Evil Village follows Ethan Winters after his seemingly new normal life after Louisiana  is destroyed by someone who was meant to be his friend (Chris Redfield). His main quest is to find his daughter in a form of medieval village similar to the main village in Resident Evil 4 (There are quite a few similarities throughout the game). The village surrounds a giant castle which is Ethan’s first goal. After defeating monsters of multiple kinds within the castle, Ethan is informed that his child has in-fact been split into multiple pieces and is being kept by the various lords. Ethan’s quest now is to find the disassembled parts of his daughter and hopefully put them back together again, while facing creatures of many types repeatedly throughout his quest. Eventually he manages however, he does not make it out to see her survive. This game is incredibly tragic, a perfect end to Ethan’s story instead of making him a character who never dies due to plot armour. This also prevents the game from ever bringing him back and giving other characters motivation for Resident Evil 9. It prevents the curse of a character slowly becoming worse the more they are brought back throughout the series. 
Character Analysis:
Ethan Winters:
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Ethan is now more well versed when it comes to dealing with harsh areas like this. Not only does he have his experience in Louisiana but it is also implied that he did training with Chris Redfield after that. He is now a dad, well settled with ‘Mia’ and enjoying his life. Until it is all thrown out of the window by Chris. Who kills ‘Mia’ and kidnaps both Rose and Ethan. Then Ethan is thrown back into an awful situation like Louisiana, trying to both escape and get his daughter back. He is still more normal than the average Resident Evil protagonist, when Leon came back for Resident Evil 4 he had undergone intense training to turn him from a S.T.A.R.S rookie into a government agent well versed in combat. However, Ethan is still a normal dude with his only training being gained from just being thrown into the Baker residence in the previous game. Like I said in my analysis of Resident Evil 7, this makes him relatable and fun to play as. This also makes him funny, he has stupid one liners that you doubt he’d have if he was massively trained. Again comparing him to Leon, Ethan is more relatably funny due to his reactions, whereas Leon doesn't have much of a reaction and simply tells a joke. Ethan is a tragic hero, going to insane lengths to save Rose yet he cannot see her grow up after saving her. He chooses to kill himself to save her making him relatable to any parents who are playing the game. He only has character growth through this game and makes the game more fun.
Chris Redfield:
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Chris is another character we play as in the game, in a small section after Ethan 'dies'. There isn't much to be said about him apart from how tough he seems to be. Hardened by constant military training as well as constantly dealing with bioweapons. However, we see a soft side to Chris when Ethan hands him Rose telling him to care for her. Chris wants to save him, get him back to his home. He may also feel a small amount of guilt to storming his house and making all of this happen. Chris is set up as the main character for the next game, finding a bioweapon in a helicopter.
Lady Dimitrescu:
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Lady Dimitrescu was likely the driving force behind Resident Evil Village's marketing campaign. Many people who had never played Resident Evil before played this game simply for her. I'm going to refrain from discussing her appearance and attempt to simply discuss her character. The first time we catch a glimpse of Lady Dimitrescu, she is arguing with Heisenberg over who gets to 'take care' of Ethan. She makes a point that she is the most loyal to Mother Miranda yet is the first of the lords we battle as Ethan. When we see her after that she begins simply taunting Ethan. She wants to eat him and savour his taste, commanding her daughters to string him up for her. We come close to her but not fighting her occasionally at the beginning. However, it is only after we kill one or two of her daughters that she begins to stalk Ethan throughout her castle. Before she begins stalking him we see her get angry at Mother Miranda's decision to keep him alive (pictured in the GIF above). She was clearly beginning to doubt Mother Miranda's power and her decisions. The only reason I believe she continued to hunt Ethan was because of pride and grief due to him murdering her daughters. Eventually Ethan makes her mutate into a dragon format. This is her boss fight, a disgusting dragon form who attempts to kill and eat Ethan throughout. After finally managing to take her down, she tries to bring Ethan with him yet he survives. She is rather tragic with her end, and the fact she served Mother Miranda yet her home was left unprotected and her daughters were murdered by Ethan's rampage. She is completely centred with her pride and that is the reason she attempts to murder Ethan when her loyalty to Mother Miranda is clearly wavering anyway.
Bella, Cassandra and Daniela:
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The three daughters of Lady Dimitrescu don't have many defining features. Their main one is corruption, being addicted to the taste of Ethan's blood. They aren't too hard to deal with when it comes to their boss fights and again their connection to their mother is greatly tragic. Listening to Lady Dimitrescu shout in pain when discovering one of her daughters can be rather heart-breaking to hear.
Donna Beneviento and Angie:
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Donna and Angie are made known to be the same character yet their actual personalities are very split. This leads to show that Donna may have a split personality disorder or only be able to showcase her true personality through Angie (her puppet). Donna herself is shy, either invisible completely or covered in a cloth. The only times we see her face is when Ethan eventually kills her and a portrait of her in the main house. The rest of the time she is Angie. Donna herself only has one line where she tells Ethan that she can't let him take her part of Rose. This again shows that the only reason she has to stop Ethan is because of the punishment she will face at the hands of Mother Miranda. Angie however, is very cocky and quite a nightmare to deal with. Her voice is annoying and she serves the purpose of irritating the player. However, her boss fight is pretty easy, its just a glorified game of hide and seek. The only issue with her area is the entire concept of the basement which I will touch on later. All in all, the worst part about these two as a collective is how annoying Angie is.
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Moreau is the disgusting creature of this game. A bundle of flabby skin, eye like pustules and weird tentacles that leave his body. As well as a babbling voice, constantly vomiting and the general area he lives in. It all combines to make him truly disgusting and unsettling. While I don't believe he is the most disgusting enemy in the entire Resident Evil series, he still makes me almost retch at the sight of him. Moving away from the pure body horror that he is. He again is tragic. With an unrequited love to Mother Miranda even though she decides to push him down. The other Lords also bully him, referring to him as a freak or ugly. The entire reason he attacks Ethan is because he wants to be better than the other Lords. His character is on the basis of being better as he has always been put down. Even Ethan constantly insults him, and its obvious why considering his appearance. Moreau also hunts Ethan through the water being quite easy to fight once the water has been drained. After he has been killed, he screams for Mother Miranda, swells up and explodes. As Ethan says, even in death he is disgusting.
Karl Heisenberg:
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He is the final lord and as the Duke says 'the most dangerous' . His powers are incredibly interesting compared to the rest as he can control metal. He is also increasingly intelligent compared to the other Lords. Building a robotic army through his factory. He also is very against Mother Miranda. He wants to utilise Rose's power and team up with Ethan in order to crumble Miranda's empire. He is also constantly testing Ethan, from their first encounter where he tests his survival skills without weapons till sending Ethan to the Lycan den to retrieve the final piece of Rose. He wants to see how effective Ethan will be at defeating Mother Miranda. He is simply misunderstood, a child roped into Miranda's corruption and he wants to break away from that. Yet Ethan doesn't see this and not only murders him but with the help of Chris he destroys Heisenberg's entire factory and army. Heisenberg is not in anyway a villain, he classes as an enemy in my eyes but never a villain. He has no malicious intent originally, he only seeks out to murder Ethan after he refuses to help him kill Mother Miranda. His boss fight is one of the most interesting boss battles throughout the entire Resident Evil series, it isn't too hard or too easy but it is really fun to do.
Mother Miranda:
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Mother Miranda has been mentioned multiple times throughout this review. She is the main antagonist, the others can be argued as simple enemies not villains. They are all vaguely tragic yet Miranda isn't. She is likely one of the most important villains and possibly even one of the most important characters in the entire Resident Evil series! On the basis of her importance in Resident Evil 8, she takes the form of Mia at the beginning in order to get close to Rose. She wishes to use infant Rosemary Winters to resurrect her own daughter who tragically met her end. She is a very mysterious character till right at the end. An old woman who is seen as a devout worshipper while Ethan talks to and about her was actually Mother Miranda in disguise. To me this kind of seems both self-centred and insecure. Mother Miranda believes herself worthy of worship, yet must do it herself in order to gain the others trust. The other two times we see her before the end, is killing a villager in a field and deciding Ethan's 'fate' when it comes to which Lord can kill him. She is rather mysterious till right after Ethan kills Heisenberg. When she reveals herself to him and 'kills' him. However, her entire place in the series originates before the first game. Without, Mother Miranda, Umbrella corporation would have never been founded by Oswell E. Spencer. She also influenced him to develop the T-virus. It is revealed that Mother Miranda discovered the umbrella symbol that Spencer adopted as the logo for his company. Without Miranda the entire series would practically crumble. With her importance it will be interesting to see how they beat her character in Resident Evil 9.
The Duke:
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There isn't much to really say about the Duke apart from him being even more mysterious than Mother Miranda. He aids Ethan throughout the game, not only selling or purchasing items from him, but also informing him about Rose being inside the jars and rescuing him after Mother Miranda 'kills' him. He has an entire mystery around his motives and who he is. He even alludes to being friends with the Merchant from Resident Evil 4, which is possibly a simple reference to the similarity of the games or it could be a small part of lore dropped in to connect the games. People even believe that the Merchant and the Duke are the same person, however I doubt this theory is true. There is also an entire mystery around how a man his size can get around with the amount of stuff he has. He is also never attacked throughout the game either by basic enemies or the actual villains, which is strange as he constantly assists Ethan. I understand that his lore is more revealed in the Rose DLC, however I unfortunately have not got around to playing it yet (so I wont talk about Rose).
General enemies:
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The Lycans are the first enemies we encounter in the game. At first they are slightly mysterious, tugging an animal corpse away from Ethan. Then we get our first main battle. Where Ethan gets chased around a small portion of the village by multiple Lycan's and a giant bearded Lycan until a bell rings and they all leave. This is again similar to our first main encounter in Resident Evil 4, where Leon is chased by both Ganado's and a Ganado wielding a chainsaw, until a bell rings and they all retreat into the church. The Lycans then begin roaming the village constantly throughout the game, having multiple versions getting harder each time. From Lycan's with armour, crossbows or even giant wolves we will occasionally encounter. Ethan even gets the last part of Rose from the Lycan den, where we see them roaming around and eating seemingly human flesh. There is again a mystery with the Lycan's as we see a villager transform into one after seemingly being bitten. Personally, I think Resident Evil 8 took a gamble with all of these iconic villains, from werewolves to vampires. I enjoy the versions of zombies from the first few games, however the Lycan's can be pretty scary to deal with especially in your first playthrough.
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In my opinion the Moroaica are the scariest villains in the game. In general they are freaky and always manage to take me by surprise. They occasionally pop out of the ground or turn around corners as you walk through. In the dungeon of the Dimitrescu castle you can hear their heavy breathing as you walk through the halls and they in general make the area really tense. These go back to Resident Evils roots of zombie like beasts that stumble and groan as they chase after you. There is a winged enemy similar to these that also appear around the Dimitrescu castle, they aren't as scary however they are quite difficult to deal with. There is also a giant version of these that sucks to deal with unless you have countless landmines.
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The Soldats are definitely the most difficult regular enemies in the game. They not only are bullet sponges but they also manage to cover up their only weak spot. They have weapons that can practically be one-shot kills. They are examples of Heisenberg's intelligence as he made his own intelligent army that aren't basically mindless like the Moroaica and Lycans. They also have giant armoured versions that have jetpacks and double saws. Another version of the Soldat is a boss called Sturm, who has a giant propeller and the only thing remotely human about him is his legs. All versions of them make for genuinely difficult fights and a hard time when you are low on ammo traversing through the factory.
Area analysis:
The Village:
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The village is generally a strange area. The entire place seems abandoned and empty, without a trace of life. Parts of the village are destroyed and many doors are left open throughout. It shows there was a small struggle as the villagers fought for their lives. Many homes are completely destroyed and have scratch marks across the walls showing the rampage of the Lycans. There is also a level of uncertainty with a small church all dedicated to Mother Miranda even though she is actively murdering people in the village. The village appears self sufficient, with livestock and crop fields. It all bears a striking resemblance to Resident Evil 4 as both villages are seemingly living in the past.
The castle:
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The castle is again like the Village. There is an eerie emptiness to such a large area. However, we are made incredibly aware that the Dimitrescu sisters and Lady Dimitrescu are stalking you through the castle. The castle contains multiple old puzzles that are similar to the old Resident Evil games. There is a piano puzzle and multiple puzzles that require you to examine items. Almost everything is a riddle that requires you to use your head, however they aren't that hard to solve after a while of doing these puzzles. The castle requires you to walk through the same areas multiple times and each time the difficulty gets amped up with multiple Moroaica in each area.
The Beneviento house:
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By far the scariest area in the game is the Beneviento house. It has the same feeling as the Baker house, with peeling wallpaper and in general an eerie feeling. This is also without mentioning the scariest part of the entire game. The basement. At first it is a simple puzzle area revolving around a doll based on Mia, and revealing to Ethan that his marriage has more problems than expected. Then after Ethan goes down a dark well we hear a loud crash and a baby screaming. Going back upstairs we find the most disgusting pile of flesh that resembles a foetus. It babbles at Ethan and cries when he runs away. The grossness of this enemy as well as the fact all our artillery has been taken from us makes this encounter one of the scariest in the entire Resident Evil series. After this area, we play hide and seek with Angie in a doll ridden area of the house. Dolls are already pretty freaky but them glitching around and occasionally attacking with giant knives makes for a very creepy encounter.
The windmill/lake:
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There isn't much to say about this area apart from it being disgusting. It is constantly covered in gunk from Moreau, and multiple boxes Ethan opens are covered in maggots and grubs. It is a bit underwhelming after the horrors of the Beneviento house, but it is still gross in general.
The Factory:
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The factory brings us to a dingy area full of incredibly difficult enemies around each corner. At this stage in the game Ethan is low on ammo and the difficulty of the game has been amped. It is very interesting especially with the propeller monster constantly being a threat. There is quite a few small puzzles in this section and it becomes an interesting part to playthrough.
My conclusion:
Personally this game does not live up to Resident Evil 7. It is quite campy and fun to playthrough however does better as a survival game than a horror survival game. The characters are all interesting and for my personal tastes there is a lot of fanservice if you know what I'm saying. The lore is also incredibly interesting with the fact that Mother Miranda is one of the main reasons Umbrella Corporation was founded. It makes for a fun yet tragic game throughout. The ending is sad but is a fair way to end Ethan's story and connect back to Chris for the next game. Overall in my opinion this game is a 7/10.
Again I am interested in hearing your opinions and ratings of the game, as well as anything I may have missed when it comes to the lore.
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sanjisluvbot · 1 year
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Imagine really living in a world with super powers? Going to school to learn all you can about using your quirk to help people. Fighting villains who threaten the peace and false sanctuary of the world.
You spent hours day dreaming about it and reading comic books. That’s how it should stay, imagine living in THIS universe and people had super powers… funny but not funny haha funny absolutely terrifying.
“ You know what I like this Y/N, I feel like you’re really going to make this into something wonderful for the spring news paper ”
“ Thank you Mrs. Montgomery, I think the student body will enjoy a fun story about becoming a super hero or vigilante considering all the new books and movies coming out when this is published.”
She smiled at you and sent you off your way, the school was now partially empty and the creative writing club was spending time after school to put together the first edition of the newspaper.
You had an entire week of Christmas break to write and let your creativity flow free. The snow fell as you made your way home and it gave you a child like joy, so you made a wish.
If there is a high power somewhere in the universe, I want my story to come alive this Christmas so I have something wonderful to publish on the newspaper.
After arriving home and eating dinner you decided to develop your characters. Research was important for making well written characters so you spent the next few hours writing and reading about different powers and superhero’s across the multi verse. You stumbled upon a series that sparked your inspiration like no other.
My Hero Academia
In this series 80% of the world is born with super powers that they call quirks, and they have high schools specifically meant to create future hero’s. The main character reminded you of yourself, born without powers but way more ambitious than anyone else.
Y/N are you coming?
Huh where?
Your eyes opened, when did you fall asleep? I was just watching the newest episode of My Hero and-
“ Y/N are you dressed we’re going to training soon!”
“ Yeah be right there”
Mother sounds weird, and what training is she talking about?
Taking a look around this wasn’t your room at all, it was like you were in a customized hotel suite with everything personalized to your liking. Looking at your clothes you were in some kind of costume as well. You weren’t home and nothing was making sense, was that even your mother calling you just now? You grabbed your phone and headed to the door clasping onto the knob without opening. Voices could be heard outside it sounded like there was a bunch of people in front of your door.
You opened it and were met face to face with the meanest mug. “ Bakugo?”
“ Let’s go you’ve been locked away since last night I was gonna barge in and drag you out myself ”
“ What? ”
“ Are you thick let’s go ” he angrily grabbed your hand and all but dragged you down the hall as the others followed. Everything looked exactly how it did in the show, you were amazed was this some type of Lucid dream?
“ Why do you look like that?”
“ Huh? I look like what”
“ Like you’ve never been here should I get you medicine or something ” Bakugo’s kindness surprised you a great deal be was standoffish even with his friends for the most part.
“ Bakugo why-”
“ Again with Bakugo? What happened to Tsuki?” He whispered turning away from you with a reddened ears.
“ Yeah my fault… Tsuki”
When you were all at the training arena it was as if using a quirk was second nature to you. You felt like you were truly super human, like you were finally alive. The second part of training you were paired off into teams, you were paired with Bakugo which gives you the chance to figure out the extent of your relationship.
Walking down the hall together yiu we’re thinking of a way to bring anything up without giving away the fact that you really have no clue what is going on when you noticed him looking over his shoulder every few second.
“ What are you looking at?”
You looked over your shoulder to find no one just the regular UA halls. Turning to him he was starring at you intensely, was he angry? He licked his lips and placed his hands on your hips pulling you close.
Okay now I get it.
“ You looked great earlier, I told you training with me would help. Can I get my promised reward?”
“ Reward?” Your hands felt clammy and your cheeks were hot. What did he want as a reward..
“ yes, a kiss? I missed you yesterday you started acting strange when everyone was watching a movie.”
“ O-oh yeah no don’t worry I’m fine must’ve been a headache Yanno?” He smiled softly and his hands wondered further making you Yelp.
You were now inches apart and your hands glided to his face. You’ve kissed people before but something about these red eyes made you so nervous. You closed your eyes and connected, his lips were so soft why did everything just feel right here.
“ Sorry to interrupt you two but the arena is waiting”
To be continued possibly
I was inspired by another story I’m working on and I think a regular Isekai to step away from the Yandere for a bit !
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melonlthawne · 8 months
Oooh, how would meloni raising Thad change things? Bc I’d imagine it’d change a lot lol
HI. sorry this took a bit. im notoriously terrible at answering asks or like anything at a practical pace so i had to get my brain into the mood to answer. but thanks for sending i really appreciate it!
so yes the short answer is that A LOT changes. i think the main aspect here is that thad is actually raised as a wanted, loved child with his own thoughts and feelings that matter versus president's thawnes upbringing of him only being useful when he can be used as a tool to terminate bart or hurt the flashfam. though meloni definitely wasn't expecting another child in this au, she welcomes thad in with open arms knowing that if he's raised by eobard, thad won't be loved and she would never want that if she could help it. so the best option she has is to take him home and raise him herself.
she's not the best parent ever. no one is. but if there's one thing meloni can ensure she does is make sure thad knows hes loved and appreciated no matter what his origin is. when thad is older she probably explains the complex situation to him so that he doesn't have to find out in some other way that could be traumatic.
assuming things go to plan, mel would encourage thad in any way she could much like how she does with bart canonically in the very little time they have together. in this au/verse, bart's rapid aging either doesn't exist or is solved when hes still a baby which makes things a bit more normal though i imagine raising any speedster child can be a nightmare at times.
i'm sure some traits that thad has typically still show up, like him being very dedicated to whatever his tasks/responsibilities are, maybe being a little unintentionally rude or blunt, and he and bart would probably still bicker and fight a lot but not physically or to an extreme degree. just like typical sibling junk. but because from the moment they got him thad isn't "trained" to be evil or whatever he probably just ends up in a sort of chaotic good position or maybe even chaotic neutral but NOT evil. he still has the potential to be bad just like we all do but it would only end that way if he has some other influence outside of mel bart & don that is frequent and persistant enough to outshine mel's well intentioned upbringing.
he'd probably still end up as a hero. idk if he'd still be inertia maybe cause its just a cool ass name but maybe with a different suit that isn't inverted-color impulse since he has his own life now and has different interests and thoughts outside of his genetical coding being identical to bart. he's allowed to become his own person no matter what his dna says. he's not constrained to JUST be the better or inferior bart/bart-clone. and meloni and don would make sure thad always knows he is his own person and he's not just an extension of bart. they may be brothers but they are not the same person.
i could probably ramble even more on this and i will probably. i have that fic i plan on touching after like a year and a half of nothing. i have a surgery coming up and a buttload of time to recover so i might get some writing done soon. if you're interested in this stuff, keep an eye out! plan to get more art and writing in this verse asap : )
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not-poignant · 10 months
What is the best order to read your works?
It really depends on what you like, anon -> Because I write across quite a few different genres!
If you like original stuff:
If you like contemporary / slice of life, then you might want to start with the Spoils universe, specifically Spoils of the Spoiled and subsequent stories!
If you like omegaverse, you might want to start with the Underline the Rainbow universe! (Careful though, this one's unfinished!)
If you like epic fantasy, you might want to start with the Fae Tales Verse, which is the main canon, with Game Theory as the first story.
If you like epic fantasy but you want to read a standalone instead of something over a million words long, that has a happy ending and is an OT3 (i.e. M/M/M), you might want to read The Wildness Within!
If you like epic fantasy but you want it to be a standalone and you want it to be really dark incest between two brothers that ends up having a hopeful ending despite going to some truly twisted places, you might like Strange Sights!
If you you like epic fantasy but want to read a standalone, and features diplomacy, meeting strange, alien cultures, and dealing with fae who have very unique ways of doing magic and interacting with the world, as well as childhood sexual abuse recovery, and a Mage trained by his father figure who also happens to be the King of the Unseelie fae, you might like the Lone Wolf series, and especially The Nascent Diplomat! (Careful though, this one's unfinished).
If you like fanfiction:
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as space opera and military / political plots, you might enjoy The Golden Age that Never Was!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as classic fairytale fantasy elements, fights between Good and Evil, and obstacles that the heroes need to overcome, as well as a villain-turned-antagonist-turned-antihero, you might like From the Darkness We Rise and its direct sequel, Into Shadows We Fall! This is a GREAT introduction into the Fae Tales universe too!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as epic fantasy in an elves/humans/etc. style world that's similar to DND, you might like Stuck on the Puzzle!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as dark science fiction with an android/human relationship, you might like Eversion!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world (and if you ever do, you can just ask me), as well as awesome fantasy/magic worldbuilding, ghosts, and exorcisms as well as fantasy BDSM, with two older lovers, you might like The Beast that Chose Its Own Bridle!
If you like fanfiction where you don't need to know much about the original world, as well as contemporary slice of life about enemies-to-lovers in a small country town you might like The Wind that Cuts the Night or even A Stain that Won't Dissolve (careful though, this one's unfinished!)
But I have no idea what kind of things you like to read or why you're here, or what you've read already (most folks who find me here have read something of mine already, if you haven't, then the above is a pretty good primer - just be aware that I put BDSM in everything, that it's all m/m and that there's always trauma recovery and hopeful or happy endings and you're good to go!) and some folks who like some stories don't read other stories, so there's no point saying 'this is my favourite' or 'this is the best place to start' when it has all the things you hate in it! You know what I mean?
I can't do much off a single sentence, I'm afraid, and because I've written so many different series, across different genres, I have over 5 million words out there, and it's not all in the same series, and it's not all focusing on the same thing. :D
But who knows, maybe you found something this way!
I don't know if you like the dark stuff or if you're uncertain about the dark stuff. If you love kink or don't know how to feel about kink. If you find trauma recovery really squicky or if you're okay with it. And I can't make blanket recommendations on a reading order when I've written millions of words across multiple series and genres.
So I'd much prefer to target recommendations specifically to what you like, anon, because we are not all the same, so I wouldn't give everyone the same reading order to my works :D
Happy reading, if you find something you like, let me know!!
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glitteringxchaos · 2 years
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@detonizing​ asked: [@denki!] Really, he doesn't know what possessed him to stop and wonder. He doesn't usually make it a habit to care about what extras do or don't do with their time ( but a part of him knows. knows that extras wasn't an accurate descriptor anymore. that they stopped being extras a long time ago ) So, he pauses by the common room couch to mildly kick at the legs, gaining the occupant's attention " Oi dumbass. Since you're frolicking around here, you're all done with this week's assignments, huh? " It was a challenge more than a question, promising consequences if the answer was unsatisfactory ( even if the consequence was just a strict homework session ) 
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With one headphone in as he listened to music - watching some strange, multicolored swirling background that he’d found that made his brain tingle like there was a low current of electricity running through it - Denki had been completely unaware of his surroundings until Bakugou lightly kicked at his legs, causing him to sit up fast enough that he almost fell off the couch with how out of it he’d been. Flushing slightly in embarrassment, he carefully situated himself back onto the couch and crossed his legs under him before grinning sheepishly up at the other as he ran a hand through his hair, trying to come up with an answer that wouldn’t get him in trouble. They’d had assignments? Welp...he couldn’t exactly lie and say yes, because Bakugou knew him well enough to know there was no way that was possible.
But he couldn’t come out and say that he’d forgotten there had even been assignments to begin with, either. Though technically that wasn’t entirely his fault...right? He always had a harder time remembering things whenever he overused his quirk, and if he shorted himself out? Bye bye short term memory. Still, that wasn’t an excuse and he knew it. He was trying to get better, it was just...a LOT sometimes. So instead, he just chuckled nervously, grabbing his fidget spinner from where it had been laying next to him and starting to spin it rapidly between his fingers as he rubbed the back of his neck.
“Heeeeyyyyyy Kacchan! I thought you were...uh...busy this evening. I was just relaxing for a while, that’s all. Ohhhh hey can you help me with them? C’mon man pleeeaaaasssseeeeeee??? You know I suck at math, and English grammar is so hard! I’ll do anything you want, just please help me!”
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theherosvillain · 1 month
Welcome to The Hero's Villain!
A superhero-verse filled with ambitious teenage supervillains, righteous government-trained heroes, sketchy yet kindhearted medics, and all shades of morality in between!
Excerpts from The Hero's Villain
Character Guide
Hero League FAQ
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Wren Argent / The Phantom Prince
(they/them) / (he/him) / what are you, a cop?
A telekinetic, genderqueer teenage supervillain who's trying to expose a conspiracy and get their mom out of prison. Ambitious, sarcastic, sometimes arrogant; will do whatever it takes to protect their loved ones. (Main protagonist of The Hero's Villain.)
Axton Vale
A cutthroat yet surprisingly honest businessman who walks the fine line between crime lord and villain.
Loren Bruce / Doctor Professor
A dryly sarcastic medic who retired from his work in organized crime in order to start his own medical practice. Beloved throughout Jet City's criminal underworld for their discretion and compassion.
Vivienne Thorn / Amoret / Moonsable / [et al.]
A shapeshifter who's only ever known a life of solitude and espionage on behalf of the Hero League.
Drew Sawyer / Shadow
A jaded young former hero, incarcerated and longing for his villainous glory days. (Main protagonist of The Shadow and the Moon, a spin-off of The Hero's Villain.)
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AU Masterlist:
For the sake of brevity, these are the ones I've posted writing for.
(Try Not To) Kill All Your Friends - In which the Phantom Prince is forced to become the apprentice of Axton Vale. A "bad timeline" AU of The Hero's Villain.
Crime Polycule AU - A crack AU where Axton Vale is married to Loren Bruce and Vivienne Thorn and they're raising a child together.
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theuntamedangel · 5 months
The longer BNHA goes on, the more I start to ask this question.
Is this a story worth telling?
It brought up some interesting things to think about like what it really means to be a hero and if villains really are evil or people that society failed.
But then comes the muddled messages, characters that barely do anything significant other than to be plot devices, the overhyping of one character that ruins the purpose and development of the main character, and the inconsistencies and conclusions that characters come to that makes little to no sense.
Then you just have a story that just goes NOWHERE!
Because let's be honest, how much will society actually change by the end of it all? How will it treat quirkless and those with less than stellar quirks? And will they actually allow people like Bakugou to become heroes all because they "try really hard"?
Hi there, @theloganator101 First off, thank you for the question.
Also, TLDR.
Long before, I had made a somewhat similar post, talking about the same points. What makes a hero a hero? Because it's more than wearing a cape and punching issues and problems into submission. Bad guys simply go to jail and rot till their dying breath. And why is the world of BNHA so black and white? So 'this is good and this is bad'? We have a very compartmentalized version of human society. But you and I both know very well that human nature, human social interactions are the most complex and difficult things to understand. And even though I had seen these flaws in the series much earlier, I was still forgiving of the author because I genuinely thought he would eventually come around and explain why things are they way in the BNHA verse. But that NEVER happened at any point in the series so forget about Hori addressing these issues now because BNHA as a whole doesn't matter.
It's a no brainer to say that the job of a 'hero' is to save the day. But what about those who are the victims of school bullying? (cough cough BkDk is a totally normal and a healthy relationship, you're just a homophobe if you dont ship them) or those who had to keep their voice and entire existence heavily suppressed because your marriage was just a means to an end? (Endeavour is a loving husband, a doting father and a hard working hero) What about those kids who are victims of child abuse, child neglect and discrimination? (the Todoroki kids, Shigaraki, Toga and heck, even low key Spinner grew up in loving and healthy households). The Creature Rejection Clan was created to combat racism and All Might, someone who's name itself reduced crime in Japan by a half simply by existing, did NOTHING against the CRC. I thought 'heroes' were meant to protect the weak and deliver justice to the evil doers irrespective of who or what they are. I thought that's what's really meant to be a hero, to be defenders of mankind. Because lets face it, what's the difference between a villain who kills and a hero who abuses his family members on a physical, mental and an emotional level? What are the required criteria to judge these very two damnable actions with a bias attitude?
Which brings me to another question: Why are the students at UA high only taught martial or physical training? Don't they have special classes where they have to moral education classes or something along those line? Besides the rigorous physical training they need to fight against heroes, they have normal, regular-degular academic curriculum. These so called heroes-in-training are well educated in the art of understanding the topography of a battle field but the system has FAILED to educate the kids to understand why villains are the way they are. The entire system, the root itself, the very foundation of the hero society, FAILED to protect what they claimed to be. People like Toga, Dabi, Overhaul, Spinner, Shigaraki, Twice, Stain, Magne, are all nothing but the products of the hero society, the actual end result of this superficial, celebrity-like lifestyle of hero worship. But many fail to see beyond the stars and shimmers of this artificially constructed world.
The above points are heavily tied to Stain's ideologies. He didn't put up arms and struggles against the hero society for nothing. He knew what he was doing.
This may not be the answer that you're looking for but the way I see it, the MHA story shows us a horrifying representation of our already dark and twisted world but that's where it stops. It wants to do nothing with it because the story doesn't know where to go with it and how to go about doing it. It started something it couldn't finish. It created issues it couldn't solve. So the plot choose a different path to tread upon: focus on the popular people from the hero society who are highly questionable and romanticize their words and actions. It doesn't matter if you faced quirk discrimination or worse, became a butt of ridicule for not having any quirk at all. So long as a bully has given a half baked ''apology'' and works hard to be a hero to satisfy their own ego, it's all good at the end of the day. Self worth issues, self inflicted bodily harm, lack of self worth received by the victim (definitely NOT Izu because Bk treats him with utmost respect and comradery), all melt away due to the power of 'apology' and friendship. It teaches us that celebrity worship, fake sense of heroism, the desire to be the top at the expanse of others are to be treated with normalcy because the show must go on no matter what. The other message is that it's ok be a wife beater and a bully so long as you're doing it for heroism, name, fame, recognition.
Our priorities in the MHA universe are all messed up. We don't even have an inkling of a thought about how Izu feels about quirkless discrimination and the manga is wrapping itself up. So all the answers we can provide ourselves with regarding the matter will be head canon.That's why the main message of the story is that it fails on so many levels in terms of writing a morally upright story. The main hero of our story is nothing to offer, no words of hope and encouragement. That's the other message it has conveyed to us. I'm not saying this, the manga has proven to us time and again what i just said. The other thing it hammers home is the fact that, so long as you're a hero, your unjust behavior will be swept under the rug by your school and higher authorities. The message that MHA time and again conveys is that it loves hypocrisy and double standards. These are the solid reasons as to why the plot cannot logically and cohesively march forward.
"With great power comes with great responsibility" and the MHA verse failed to understand this concept by becoming the very thing the villains are condemned for in this series. That, my friend, is the general message of the story. That, my friend, is the moral lesson of the MHA verse.
#MHA critical thinking #bk is a bully #Izu deserved better #Izu is the protagonist not Bk #Izu matters Bk doesnt #Hori cant write shit
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psychologeek · 11 months
Psy's masterpost
Like my writing? Came here for a prompt and wants more? (update: 06.05.24/
I HAVE AO3! PsycholoGeek feel free to look. (I love comments. Just saying 😜)
Writing Tags:
"my additions" (adding to others)
"my writing" (og/long adds)
"my poems" (poems)
Not all my writing is there, of course.
Fic Recs (personal favourites)
Who am I (to disappear) - DC, Cass-centric, 22k words. Who am I (to disappear) - David Cain tried to create a weapon. Weapon forge themself into something new. (Many names, they\them Cass). Ft. Kid!Jason, Mayan mythology, and the many forms of communication. It also has an extended version. I highly recommend reading the fic first, and THEN going for.the EV, as it contains spoilers and lose the emotional damage and delight you may get.
Witwat and the Jin - Batman, 2,245 words. Damian had a brother, once. (H/C. Happy ending.)
Grave Promises - Batman, 2,111 words. Healing and recovery and disability isn't a tragedy.
Sing Me To Sleep - DP*DC 19k words. Tws in tags. Tim and healing (it gets worse before it gets better. But it gets better.)
A list of my fics (complete and WIPs) undercut:
Completed one-shot:
Who am I (to disappear) - David Cain tried to create a weapon. Weapon forge themself into something new. (Many names, they\them Cass). Ft. Kid!Jason Todd, Mayan mythology, and sign language. (Stand alone, technically prequel to "Sweet Dreams", but no need to read.)
Grave Promises (Batman, 2,111 words) - very important to me. Life, recovery, and disability is not a tragedy. Barbara kill the Joker, but it isn't the focus.(Barbara Gordon focused.)
Do You Understand?  ( Encanto, 330 words).c
Witwat and the Jin (Batman, 2,245 words) - Dami-being-Dami and slowly understandings.
Just short of a fairy tale (I told myself that I wouldn't be scared) (Batman, 770 words) - urban fantasy. Jason Todd centric.
Sing Me To Sleep - DP*DC (19k words). After fired from Robin, Tim had enough. He's done with life. Clockwork said "not today, bitch" and got some good old ectoshot. Ft. Jazz Fenton as an older sister TM and the 3Ds as their usual chaotic selves. (I wrote the second half, chapters 2-6. A bit heavy, but I hope I did well with the subject.)
Hold Them Close -DP*DC (12k words). I wrote the first chapter+Fanart. Danny escaped Vlad and his experiments with bb!Ellie, and flew straight up-up-and above. In the watchtower, our heroes sees a monster and (what they think is) a child in distress. Misunderstandings and whump, with the last quarter of the fic as comfort and fluff :)
Main serieses:
Sweet Dreams - (DC, 3 works, 1 complete. ~17k words). Reverse Robins + Badman verse (inspired by @byrambles fic). Batboy's younger brothers were taken by the Batman who defeated his father. Trying to protect them, he promise his loyalty to the newcomer. But even though he assure him he is perfectly trained, and can properly punish the kids to surrender, the man isn't impressed. In which there's Misunderstandings and sadness (first fic). The series deals with trauma and the ongoing issues it causes, and shows how it changes you. TW: Include suicidality+mention of kid's suicidality, flashbacks, mentioned past child sexual abuse, dissociations, Whump and angst with eventual comfort. I don't go in details about their past, but it's important to notice that the first 2 fics contains HEAVY (but non graphic) themes.
Liminal Skills for the Living Dead - also known as "therapy verse". DP x DC xover. AKA Anger Management! Fake dating for fun and profit. Enter family, friends, and Wikipedia explanations of some necessary skills as titles. Jazz is her autistic with anxiety self. Jason is a crime lord with anger management issues.
Or: in which THERE'S THERAPY!! (6 works - 4 are complete. ~30k words)
Lost and Found (if this wings could fly) - also known as "FF AU". DP x DC xover. Jazz and Jason as childhood mutuals. (4 complete works, ~10k in total. more to come)
(also some other things. Feel free to look, ask and comment!)
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my tears ricochet (lt. bradley “rooster” bradshaw)
a/n: the juxtaposition of this piece to the fic i’m writing for these two that’s inspired by mine??? THIS IS GROWTH BABY! these two have come so far. not here though. they’re still in their angsty era. i haven’t written a fic in this style in a hot second but it was necessary. 
summary: A collection of moments from the early years after Rooster cut Rebel out of his life, as told by them.
inspired by “my tears ricochet” by taylor swift
part of same mistakes-verse
main masterlist | top gun: maverick masterlist
warnings: swearing, angst, brief mentions of death, i actually did research for this one, did you know it’s called a winging ceremony because i didn’t, my other general Navy inaccuracies, take a shot every time i say wondered, Coyote/Hangman/Phoenix/Rooster all went to TOPGUN together and i won’t be changing my mind, this is probably just a Rooster character study, is this poetic genius or have i just been listening to too much folklore, a run-on sentence
word count: 3,190
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i didn’t have it in myself to go with grace/and you’re the hero flying around, saving face/and if i’m dead to you why are you at the wake?
The first time you saw him, it felt like everything stopped. You had just turned to glance to see the latecomer to the ceremony when you heard the door open and saw him. You weren’t even sure it was him. But your breath caught in your throat all the same as you waited to be called up to the stage for your pinning ceremony. As he turned and faced the crowd, pointedly looking forward, you took in his tall stature, his brunette hair, you knew it was him. You turned around to face the Commanding Officer who was speaking, willing yourself to pretend he wasn’t there, to forget the fact that your ears were buzzing and your heart rate was rising. 
Why was he here? Why was he here? All he’d done since the day he’d left was trash your name, trash your Dad’s, to every friend of yours from high school. To anyone who knew your family who would give him the time of day. To anyone who would listen. You weren’t sure what you or your Dad had done to warrant his hatred but you knew you returned his hatred all the same. The confusion and hurt that had surfaced after he first left had quickly morphed into anger while you were at UCSD and as you enlisted in the Navy, that anger had taken hold. It broke your Dad’s heart, Uncle Ice’s too (although he’d never say it) at how quickly the anger and hatred had taken root in your heart, building a home there. Still, you couldn’t shake it, struggling to see past the clouds of emotion to the person who used to be your best friend. 
A cursory glance at your father and godfather showed you that they had yet to see the brunette and you took a shaky breath, turning back around, determined not to let him ruin this for you. You’d worked too hard for this day. You’d fought past all the anger, all the hatred, all the spite, using it all as fuel to prove to him that you belonged here just as much as he did. That you deserved your wings just as much as he did, no matter what kind of insults he’d thrown. 
A friend of yours, Petals, glanced at you. The two of you had quickly bonded, being two of the only girls in your training class. Ignoring her concerned look, you forced yourself to tune back into the ceremony, the CO now calling aviators up to the stage, along with their guests. Soon enough, it was your turn and you stoop up from your seat, making your way to the stage. 
“She is originally from San Diego, California and attended the University of California, San Diego. Pinning her today is her father Pete Mitchell.” Your Dad, dressed in his own uniform, followed you up to the stage. You hadn’t been sure if Uncle Ice would be able to make it to the ceremony and so Ice and Sarah stayed in the audience, although you knew they supported you on or off the stage. Your CO handed the wings to your Dad and your Dad smiled at you as he stood, waiting to get the all-clear from your CO to pin the wings on your uniform. 
“Don’t cry.” You whispered, already seeing the tears in his eyes. “You’ll make me cry.” He chuckled softly and takes the few steps to carefully attach the wings to your uniform. He pulls you into a tight hug as the crowd claps. 
“Proud of you kiddo. Always proud.” He whispers and you squeeze him in response. 
“I know Dad. I know.” You pull away, turning to shake your COs hand and you shake a few other officials’ hands as you walk off the stage. (If you were to look out into the audience, you would’ve seen the way Bradley was softly smiling at you from the back of the room.) You sat back down in your seat, Ice reaching out to squeeze your hand as you walked past. The rest of the ceremony passed without event and afterwards, there was a big party held. People milled around, talking to one another before heading out to the reception and you smiled brightly at Ice and Sarah as they walked towards you, Dad in tow. Ice hugged you first, and he held you for a long time. He squeezed you and then stepped back, taking you in. Sarah pulled you into a hug next, and although this one was shorter, you felt her love. 
“We’re proud of you kid.” Uncle Ice says and you smile at him. A man appears over your Dad’s shoulder and he turns, face lighting up. You glance behind you to see Bradley still hanging by the door, talking to an official, probably someone he knows. Your brain registers that the man talking to your Dad is someone who was part of their TOPGUN class and you turn back around, shaking the man’s hand. He turns back to your Dad and Uncle Ice, chatting with them. Sarah’s looking at you out of the corner of her eye, studying you ever so closely. 
“Are you alright?” She whispers and you shake your head. 
“Bradley’s here.” You whisper and you both turn to see him by the door. He’s already looking. 
“Go talk to him.” She whispers back as he slips out the door, all too aware he’s been caught. You hesitate only for a moment and then find yourself following him, squeezing past other pilots and their families as you try to catch up to him before he’s gone again. Just like the day he left. He glances behind him at the sound of the auditorium door opening and shutting again. He slows as you approach, coming to a stop and turning as you finally reach him. You’re slightly out of breath, the tall man able to make much longer strides than you ever would be. Neither of you says anything for a moment, the words hanging in the air. 
“I’m proud of you-”
“Why are you here?” Your words are harsh and he visibly flinches. He pauses and then swallows. 
“I- I don’t have a good answer.” He admits, hanging his head. You shake your head, scoffing. Your anger is coming off of you in waves, crackling in the air. 
“You don’t get to do this. You don’t get to just show up here and tell me you’re proud of me, like you haven’t spent the last six years trashing me, trashing Dad, acting like you didn’t tell me I was dead to you.” He sighed, shifting uncomfortably. 
“I hate you.” The words make him visibly deflate. “Stay away from me.”
and i can go anywhere i want/anywhere i want, just not home
Deployment was the worst. It was probably your least favorite part of the job, which as why as your career had grown, you had shied away from them more and more, finding yourself stationed on bases faraway more and more, because at least with bases came stability, and stability ever so slightly eased the intense longing for home that’d been aching in your soul since the day you’d stepped foot in boot camp. 
Still, it never got easier, and the first time you’d deployed had, by far, been the worst. 
Over the years, you’d gotten used to being far away from Uncle Ice and Dad, both ever-so-busy, both constantly traveling. You’d grown up with your Dad leaving for deployments months at a time, going all the way around the world. This was different.
You were brand new to this squadron and most of them had been flying together for a while now. They were indifferent to you, not caring to make friends with you. It could be worse, but didn’t make it any less lonely. 
Dad was also deployed, halfway across the world from you, making what little communication you had even smaller. Uncle Ice was busy, and you knew he did the best he could, Sarah too, and yet your soul still ached. 
You missed him. You missed home. 
Deployment was the worst. That much Bradley had learned from very early on in his Naval career. The tiny ship bunks, the constant awareness that you were in the middle of ocean, never being able to talk to those back home, deployment rarely had it’s upsides. 
Still, he hadn’t had a home to go back to, not since the day he had left. Didn’t have any family to miss, anybody who would mourn his loss if he weren’t to return. 
It was ironic really then, that he was traveling the world for the Navy, following in his father’s footsteps, doing what he loved to do, all without his family. All without the family that had made him want to be here in the first place. 
and you can aim for my heart, go for blood/but you would still miss me in your bones
He missed you.
He’d never admit that, of course, but it didn’t change the fact that he did. 
The two of you had been the best of friends, looking out for each other in the way friends are supposed to, in the way best friends do. You were his best friend in every way of the word. He cared about you, and over time his feelings for you had changed. Changed from seeing you as his little sister and best friend to something more. He held out hope that maybe you returned them. 
Which is why your betrayal had hurt so bad. Why it had made him so angry. After everything the two of you had been through together, the fact that you stood by your Dad, supporting Maverick in his decision to pull his papers, it was unforgivable. 
And he’d been quick to turn, letting everyone from high school know just what kind of person you were. They had turned too, which maybe now he kind of regretted. He’d let the anger color his choices and now maybe they’d been the wrong ones. He wasn’t sorry for cutting you out, but he had no right to take your friends away. Especially now that you were at UCSD, meaning you either hadn’t applied to the Naval Academy or had been turned away. Maybe your own application had even been pulled by Maverick. And yet the hurt was still fresh, and he saw little reason to try to change the outcome, to make amends. 
Still, he worried. He’d heard from friends from high school what was going on with you, and while he feigned indifference to the knowledge that his best friend was floating through life untethered, lost and angry and confused, it worried him. The way you were acting was so unlike you that it was scary.
April had seen right through him. She always had, maybe always would. And she told him as much, reminding him that there was always time to fix the mistakes, to rebuild the bridge. 
He never would, his anger still much too strong, but it didn’t change the fact that he missed you. Missed you so much it hurt.
and i still talk to you (when I’m screaming at the sky)
The sound of waves crashing onto the shore filled your ears as you sat on the beach, lost in thought. Tomorrow, you would graduate from USCD, and soon you would leave for boot camp. You swallowed your tears, trying to keep the anger at bay. This was a good thing. This was what you wanted. You had your whole life in front of you. It shouldn’t matter. 
But it did. It did matter. To you at least. He should be here. Should be there tomorrow, in the audience. He should be there to celebrate this with you. He should’ve been here to cheer you on this whole time. You had done it without him, but that didn’t mean you had wanted it to be that way. 
You desperately tried to blink back the tears burning your eyes. You wanted to talk to him. Wanted to give him a hug. Wanted to yell at him. Wanted to scream at him. Wanted to ask him why he had done this to you. Wanted to tell him how much you missed him. 
You sigh, laying back onto the cool sand, the night stars twinkling above you. 
You wondered what you would say to him if you ever saw him again. 
and when you can’t sleep at night (you hear my stolen lullabies)
He missed the sound of your voice most. Sure, there was a lot about you he missed, although he’d never dare say those words out loud. Your smile, the sound of your laughter, your godawful dance moves, he missed very part of his best friend. But it was the sound of your voice, talking to him about your day, singing in the car with him, whispered hush of late night conversations, sleepy murmurs as the two of you fell asleep on the couch, it was that he missed the most. Because despite it all, you had always been there and the sound of your voice had become somewhat of a comfort. Despite it all, you had always know just what to say and when to say it (and when to call him out on his bullshit, to hold him accountable). 
He tossed and turned, longing to pick up the phone, to hear your voice one more time. Your last words to him were burned into his memory, the echo of the empty hallway on that base, the anger aflame in your eyes, the way you had said I hate you and he had known you meant every word of it. He shifted again, rolling flat onto his back as he stared up at the wooden top of his bunk, the sounds of his roommate snoring quietly filling the air. 
He breathed out through his nose, wondering what you would say to him if he could talk to you. Wondered what you would do to assuage the guilt and anger that simmered in his chest, wondered what you would tell him about his inability to fall asleep most nights. Echoes of your voice bounced around his head, snippets of different conversations from years long past following him. 
i didn’t have it in me to go with grace/and so the battleships will sink beneath the waves/you had to kill me, but it killed you just the same
He didn’t like to think about it. And yet, he often wondered. He wondered if you were safe, if you were happy, if you had moved past your friendship with him. Wondered where you were stationed and if he’d cross paths with you again. He wondered if you would ever accept any apology if he were to give it, if you would give an explanation if he asked for it. Wondered if something happened to you, if anyone would tell him. Would anyone call? Or would he live life none the wiser that his best friend had passed on? 
They would tell him, right? He hoped they would, that despite him cutting them out, that Maverick or Ice would call. Someone would, right? 
He had lost you the day he left. He always hoped he wouldn’t lose you for good. 
and you’re tossing out blame, drunk on this pain/crossing out the good years
He’s tired. But not just, tired, exhausted. This exhaustion is bone-deep, lingering in his soul, no matter how much he sleeps. 
The sound of the Hard Deck is familiar, something he welcomes. He watches Phoenix, his wingman, in the corner next to Hangman. His ever-loyal lap dog Coyote stands nearby, watching his wingman bicker with the fiery pilot in front of him. Normally, he’d be over there, taking part in the bickering but tonight, he just can’t bring himself to. A drive earlier in the afternoon meant to clear his head took him past your house, address given to him by a friend from high school. It was a cute little place and for a brief moment, he had wondered what would happen if he were to stop. To pull into your driveway and knock on the door. If you would open it, or would Maverick. What would be said?
The sound of someone drunkenly climbing into the chair next to him brings him out of his thoughts. He glances over, seeing a fellow pilot from his TOPGUN class. Petals is her callsign, although he’s unsure as to why. He doesn’t know her well, although he thinks he could. She’s kind, a comfortable air following her. 
She sighs and then looks up at him. “Why do you hate her?” He frowns, eyes narrowing.
“What’re you-”
“(Y/N)? She doesn’t have a callsign yet.” He shakes his head, confusion running through his veins. Other emotions he doesn’t want to examine. “She should soon though, hear she’s being looked at for the next TOPGUN class already.” 
“How do you-”
“Flight school. Why do you hate her?”
“I’m sorry, how do you know that?” His eyes widen, baffled by the conversation. He’s maybe said three sentences to her since they’d gotten to Miramar, so why was this happening? Coming up now?
She shrugs, the words flowing freely in her drunken state. “Mentioned you today when I saw her. She got upset. Why do you hate her?” 
So you were in town, then.
He gapes at the girl in front of him, the weight on his soul crushing him even more. “I- I don’t-” He sighs, folding his hands on the table. He needs a drink. “It’s a long story.” 
She studies him for a moment and then looks away, glancing across the bar at her own wingman who’s calling her over. “It’s not my place-”
“Then don’t.”
She continues on anyways. “I don’t know what you’re keen on blaming her for but it’s more than likely misplaced.” 
He snorts, shaking his head, the anger threatening to overwhelm him again, flagging down the bartender. He needs to be drunk for this. “Yeah, I’m not so sure.” 
“She’s a good person.”
“The hell she is.” The words are out of his mouth before he can stop them. Does he really mean them? 
She sighs, climbing off the chair. “If you want to cross her out, cross out the friendship you had Bradshaw, that’s on you.” 
“I don’t think you hate her as much as you say you do. But even if you do, maybe you should re-examine why you tossed her out of your life, why you’re throwing the blame on her.” He opens his mouth to respond but her figure is already retreating into the crowd of the bar. 
Once again, he has been left alone. 
Wasn’t that what he wanted?
and you’re cursing my name, wishing i stayed/look at how my tears ricochet
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romancomicsnews · 4 months
5 Non-MCU Characters I'd love to see in Deadpool & Wolverine
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Superbowl Sunday saw the return of everyones favorite Merc with a Mouth Deadpool in the trailer for his upcoming new movie Deadpool & Wolverine.
And as usual, Marvel hooked me.
Some fans have seen it as a return to form for the MCU, others as business as usual for Ryan Reynolds, and some just couldn't get over the little bit of Wolverine we got.
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Myself, I was mainly focused on one thing. Aaron Stanford.
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For those not in the know, this clip from the trailer shows Aaron Stanford returning as minor villain and asshole Pyro from the original X-Men Films. He was a sidekick to Magneto, and has a rivalry with Iceman in those movies.
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The return of Pyro from the X-Men films confirms what most fans expected: we will see old heroes and villains from the Fox era, not just Wolverine.
And while a few have been already revealed through casting news or set photos, there are plenty more in store for us, I'm sure.
This got my head gears turning, so I decided I'd look back on the old Fox films to see who I want to return, even for the briefest moment or cameo.
None of these have been confirmed officially, so you are spoiler free from here on out. But I must warn, once I put this ideas in your head, you may be mad if they don't show up.
5. Animated Deadpool Voiced by Donald Glover
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*sigh* The project I wish existed.
In 2017, Donald Glover was in development and given the green light on an animated Deadpool show. The show was to premiere on FX in 2018. However, for unknown reasons it was cancelled, and never debuted, leaving fans and Donald Glover displeased.
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After the success of films like Spider-Verse, and Glovers involvement with Marvel, having him come in for a scene where he fights with or against Ryan Reynolds Deadpool could be a fun nod to the fans and maybe give the project the boost it needs to somehow come back.
But alas, I'm still hoping Spider-Verse will bring back Spectacular Spider-Man, so what do I know?
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4. X-23
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If there is a character ripe for a spin-off from the old X-Men universe, it was definitely X-23.
It's surprising to me she hasn't been revealed as a main member of the cast. She's a character I think few people talk about anymore, but was a crucial part of the film. I'd say Logan is up there and one of the best superhero movies.
Dafne Keen and Hugh Jackman made Logan such an impactful moving film. I'd love to see where the character has gone since Logan, and see how them reuniting effects the film.
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Not to mention if she fought Deadpool, it would be one hell of a good (and kind of funny ) fight.
3. Apocalypse
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Do I like this character? Absolutely not.
Do I want him here just for the Moon Knight jokes? Yes.
I actually think theres a good Apocalypse in Oscar Isaac somewhere. Having Deadpool and Wolverine at one point face the X-Men's Thanos sounds pretty cool, and Isaac is a great comedic and dramatic performer who deserves another shot.
I wouldn't mind a CGI version that looks more comic accurate, like Beast in the Marvels.
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But again. I really just want Deadpool to say "So are you Steven or Marc?"
2. The Human Torch
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Similarly, I want the Captain America jokes.
But if there's one thing we can all agree on, it's that Human Torch was by far the best part of those Fantastic Four movies.
There's just so many things you can do with it!
We can have him in the frosted tips, in a new Fantastic Four uniform. Maybe even have him fight Pyro, stop a fire guy with a fire guy. Or have him come out from behind a train like Captain America in Infinity War, but it's Johnny.
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Having Evans play across Reynolds even for a bit would make so many fans happy and get more cheers then No Way Home.
Besides Evans has done a cameo in a Shawn Levy film starring Ryan Reynolds once. He can do it again.
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1. Legion
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The rumored main villain of this film tends to have a very particular vendetta with Charles Xavier. So why not use his son to acquire power?
Legion is the acclaimed show from Noah Hawley starring Dan Stevens as David Haller, a mutant with schizophrenia and basically unlimited power.
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Dan Stevens is incredible in this show, and I think bringing in such a powerful X-Men character would make for some fun interactions and extreme stakes. Not to mention the insane visuals, all while delving deep into the psyche of both are protagonists.
While I doubt all of these characters show up, if one or two do, I'd be extremely happy. We'll just have to wait and see.
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Thank you so much for reading! Please consider following, and check out my socials and other sites here! And let me know: Who do you want to see in Deadpool and Wolverine?
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bloodpen-to-paper · 1 year
Review Blurbs: Spider-Man: Across the Spider-Verse
General Thoughts:
-From what I've seen the animation had like "how are the animators not in a psych ward" insane levels of attention to detail so go look into that cause there's always some new amazing tidbit of info circulating about the movie-making process
-Music score was fantastic, it always did well setting the atmosphere of the scenes and bringing you into the moment (my favorite sequences was Gwen's intro and the Mumbattan segments)
-I'm obsessed with how they choreographed the fight styles, especially for Gwen and Pavitr who had very stylized movements (Gwen's is based off ballet and Pavitr fights using Kalaripayattu)
-I liked how Miles' theme song (What's Up Danger) felt a bit more fitting. In ITSV, Miles was very new to everything and questioning if the hero lifestyle was what he wanted. Now, not only was he so committed to doing things his way that he derailed the entire Spider Society with success, but we also meet Earth-42 Miles who is seemingly very fearsome. To the Spider Society, potentially to the entire multiverse even, they face a danger in the form of Miles Morales.
-This movie was Gwen's movie, full stop. Her and Miles shared the spotlight, she wasn't just a side character this time. I haven't seen people talk about this as much and they should cause Gwen's story was so beautifully crafted and that intro/final scene were some of the best parallel sequences I've ever seen in a movie. Her story and even the storytelling in the music and her "starting a band" were so well done, people have been doing analyses on the music change in the intro vs the final scene and how the music correlates to Gwen's personal growth and just ugh. More Gwen appreciation please (this isn't even getting into the trans allegory literally there was so much to her story so pay tf attention please and thank you)
-Adding on, part of the reason I loved the above point was also cause not only is ITSV's main female character given a big spotlight to shine in, but it served an important narrative purpose of giving the movie a hopeful and satisfying ending, because right now Miles' story is in its sort of Rising/Climax stage. The final act of Miles Morales' story has only just begun, and the movie set it up so damn well cause I know me and everyone alive are dying to know what's gonna happen next with him and Earth-42 Miles. Gwen's arc wrapped up and gave us hope as Miles' story was taking a dark turn, and that hope is what's gonna lead us forward until its his turn to shine in the light once again.
-Loved the new characters, I enjoyed Miguel having layers to his methodology and morals (some people pointed out possible reasons for him acting as aggressive as he did and it makes a lot of sense, but at the time it was just like "why tf is Miguel slamming Miles into a train and screaming at him for not wanting his dad to die papi chill💀")
-Jessica is underrated and I love how they did her character. She's very responsible and definitely has a tough love approach, but she's very human. I laughed out loud when she said she wasn't bothered by being pregnant in this line of work cause the guy she screwed was hot like she is so fucking real omg. Jessica also had a similar attitude to Miguel, but she has a personal connection with Gwen that I think grounds her more. I wish we had more of her mentorship towards Gwen and I hope to see it in the next movie (maybe even a baby reveal👀)
-I don't think anyone mentioned it but Spider-Byte always looked a bit different/off in all her frames and I'm like 99% sure that's cause they used a different animation style to give her that glitched/cyber punk effect which is just so damn cool
-Honestly all the female characters deserve more recognition, fandom still has a huge male bias and it shows cause Gwen, Jessica, Spider-Byte and Lila deserve way more love
-Hobie was without a doubt my favorite character this movie. He's a real punk and I cannot be grateful enough cause I am fucking done with people who ain't actually punk using it as an aesthetic, he's here to show how its done (others have made plenty of observations on him so go check those out cause they're very good)
-Not much to say about Pavitr personally but I adore his character design, definitely my favorite next to Gwen's (he also taught me that chai tea does not exist and is in fact just "tea tea" I'M SORRY I DIDN'T KNOW I'M SOUTH AMERICAN NOT SOUTH ASIAN😭)
-I'm surprised by how engaging Spider-Verse continues to make their villains. Doc Ock was fantastic, and this time around The Spot was a great subversion of expectations. He's silly and from the trailer release to the beginning of the movie, you think he's a joke character to set the mood. Then he starts to become actually sinister and you're sitting there thinking "the movie literally called me out for this and I still managed to fall into expectations". Very good job making a villain character not only feel like a threat, but by doing so in an unexpected way that really rips the rug out from under you. I want to study the story writers' minds like I'm being tested on it
-The return of the OGs was so nice, I wasn't as invested in Into the Spider-Verse admittedly but I felt it when Peni made a reappearance to tell Miles his dad had to die. Shit hit me in the soul (I'm also obsessed with Noir so very happy to see them both back)
-I saw people saying that Spider-Verse was copaganda and I'd like to withhold any definitive stances until Beyond comes out, but it definitely felt like they were holding back when it came to criticisms of Gwen's dad. Remember, it could very well be that the writer's behind Hobie "hate the AM and PM"/wears blue fucking laces Brown were told by higher-ups to cool it or the movie wouldn't get released so don't immediately go after them, learn from the writer's strike to use critical thinking and wait for more info. Hopefully they can address that more after audience reviews come in so we'll see.
-All the scenes where Miles would almost reveal he's Spider-Man to his parents/did reveal it had me stressed lmao, they did a great job making the audience feel the weight and tension of the moment
-The ending was the hypest shit like it was so good I couldn't even be mad about the cliffhanger I was just in awe
-I actually thought towards the end that they might do a two-parter but then I was like "nahhhhh they wouldn't" and then they did that. We very much entered a "final stage" towards the end so I'm wondering how the creators will space it out and what they'll do for the next movie. Either way I am "beyond" hyped
I only have like two criticisms cause this movie was pretty fucking good, but its never bad to look at what even a masterpiece like Spider-Verse could do better so future projects can take note. Having said that:
-I understand it was for authenticity's sake, but the live-action segments were a bit jarring after being in animation for so long. I would've animated those segments as well or done some form of 3D so it blended in. Every other character was animated so it felt weird when suddenly Andrew Garfield and Donald Glover were on screen (even Tom Holland's spidey was animated). A minor nitpick, but I can respect the boldness in really committing to the meta-mindfuckery of the multiverse
-Gwiles as a ship was never really my thing, so you can understand my surprise when I felt like they actually kinda improved on it since the first movie ("boy has crush on girl because she's pretty and a girl and we're supposed to root for it" is my least favorite trope [*cough cough* cause its what straight dudes like *cough cough*] so its no surprise when Gwiles in ITSV did absolutely nothing for me). Having said that, the movie pushed a tad too hard for it imo. Pavitr was the classic "shipper" character made to push the ship forward and make it super obvious to the audience that its what the movie wants you to root for, and I and many people are not about that. If you need to tell your audience to support a romance then you're not doing it right.
-As sort of an add-on to the above, I think Hobie and Gwen were hinted as having dated during Gwen's time working under Miguel? Which like... why? Literally why. It made no sense and did nothing for the characters or their relationship, they could easily just be friends and nothing would change. This plot point was also never mentioned again after its initial reveal (from Pavitr to cause "drama" for Miles I think) and quite literally nothing came of it. No drama (thank fuck cause that was not what I or anyone went to this movie for), no development, nothing. It was just thrown in and never used. So uh... yeah, don't do that. Thanks.
Final Thoughts:
Across the Spider-Verse was definitely a step-up from the first movie, I was far more engaged and I found very little to criticize from it. Animation, music score, characters, all 10/10, and above all, its action sequences kicked ass and restored the good name of the superhero genre. Watch this movie, and I highly recommend doing so in theaters because it is a perfect example of how movies are not just entertainment, but an experience to remember.
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