#shinrin kamui
hinomaru6 · 1 month
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roninreverie · 23 days
Kamui Woods' tragic backstory that was made into a documentary
I've got side character brainrot, so watch me make it everyone else's problem. Help me come up with some more ideas, or let me know your favorite theory!
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He is a tree who gained a Quirk and sentience
(Kind of like what happened with Principal Nezu)
Personally am not a fan of this theory because I feel like his name and ambitions would be a little different or people would mention it more as jokes/jabs/or from flat-out astonishment.
But I'm not ruling it out.
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His home faced the tragedy, he just lived through it.
He is from Kagoshima Prefecture, so using the vague location as a clue:
He could be from Yakushima:
(AKA, the island inspiring the forest in Princess Mononoke - could tie into his name translation "God of the Woods")
Has a vast forest with some of the oldest trees around
See: Yaku-sugi (Jōmon-sugi).
Has a lot of hot springs (not relevant, just happy for him)
Native with rhododendron
(See costume: if flowers are supposed to be rhododendron and not roses).
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He could be from the Mangrove Primeval Forest on Amami Island:
Amami has the Kanoya Rose Gardens
(See costume: belt attachment is made of roses)
2nd largest forest of mangroves in Japan
(Lot of trees, water, and kayaking)
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* Both areas are near active volcanoes and subject to typhoons:
Is tragedy related to typhoons, floods, volcanoes, or another type of natural disaster?
See driftwood compatibility: If ships/ water are involved, his wood Quirk could've allowed him to float to safety for several days, being enough hope in the face of tragedy to spark the documentary.
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Pirates/ boat-related tragedy, also includes being marooned, held hostage, and gives him a newfound sense of justice against villains.
Buuut I feel like he would have maybe joined a mariner-related field if his hero origins involved pirates.
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Wood was harvested for harsh winters without consent like a sort of body-farm situation that was eventually liberated.
Like if he had bad parents or his whole family was a part of some sort of servitude angle?
He only started counting his birthday/ age recently, so there are a number of reasons why he never celebrated it?
(A little too dark for me, and may be a little influenced by the DNA chambers Yamato Tenzo grew up with in Naruto.)
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Abandoned in the woods and grew up as a little feral nature child.
Also plays into the "just started counting my age" angle.
EDIT: from the prototype sketch rough translations, this kind of sounds like what happened, though I don't know if the tragedy ends there or with his adopted family.
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Related to his appearance.
Shinji is very secretive of his appearance, mainly his mouth area that is constantly hidden by a mask or scarf. It's possible, he just likes his privacy, buuuut... theories anyway:
He could be made of wood all over, have branch/limb-like teeth that are unsettling to others, a nutcracker jaw, Ghibli Forest Spirit face, or have a nod to a skin condition like Epidermodysplasia that he was ridiculed for as a kid, so now keeps his face hidden?
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That's all the theories I think I've got. Feel free to share more if you have ideas too!
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veg-hotwings · 2 years
Inaccuracies to Japanese culture in MHA fanfics
Necessary (?) disclaimer: this is just my personal taste, so don't come at me pls. If you have some pacific inputs, tho, I'd be thrilled to read them.
Mind that most of this stuff is because I have a major degree in Japanese culture and language, and I've lived and studied there for some time, so I'm quite sensitive to how people write about Japan. I'm not saying that the way I experienced Japan and its culture is how everybody perceives it, still there are many things that clash with what I studied and lived.
I know My Hero Academia is set in the future and that it's not real, but you can see through the manga that some cultural things didn't change in MHA's setting, so that's my starting point.
I know that people write because they like it, to enjoy themselves and nobody is forced to do researches about Japan; still, some things itch me nonetheless.
I'm saying this, but it doesn't mean that I can't enjoy the ff I'm reading because of these inaccuracies, I do most of the time, especially if it's well written.
Now, let's get to it:
I lost count of how many times I've read about Hawks travelling from the HPSC (which presumibly is near Musutafu, Shizuoka (22) Prefecture, where the UA is, or Tokyo (13) to Fukuoka (40) and vice-versa like it was nothing more than a stroll. They're not round the corner, it takes time to get there, even for the fastest hero (2 hours by plane from Tokyo, 5 hours by shinkansen).
And speaking of geography, let's put the Todorokis' mansion on the table. It's in Musutafu, so Endeavor takes his car to his agency and Shoto to school. This is relevant because of Endeavor's position in the hero society, he needs to live near the biggest cities to have such high case closure rates. Hawks was raised in the outskirts of Fukuoka, so it just rubs me the wrong way when I read childhood friends AU where little Keigo and Touya casually meet. I know it's an AU of a fanon ship (which I love), but it just doesn't feel right to me. I can't picture the Todorokis, the perfect family, speaking in Hakata dialect, living far from the capital or from UA. Keigo was an outcast, these two realities collide.
Shiketsu too. This school is in the West (in the Kyoto (26) area, I suppose), so it wouldn't be possible for AU Touya to just go to school there by car, he'd need to take a long train ride or to move to Shiketsu's dorms.
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Sometimes there are just so many references to US culture I wonder if I missed a tag placing the story in the US instead of Japan. I understand that it's easier for a lot of people to find the story entertaining this way, but Japan is an important part of the story itself. The Hero culture and hero names too are often US-inspired, but not always, think about Tsukuyomi, Shinrin Kamui or even Deku.
Colleges in AUs are often treated too much like stereotypical US colleges. I even read about red paper cups for party drinks like it's what you find on every campus in the world. I've asked some friends studying at university in Japan and they confirmed that the depition was quite off.
This applies to music too. Everybody almost always uses English or American songs, and I get it, we understand the lyrics, they speak more directly and deeply to the reader. But Japan has a huge music culture and sub-culture, and it'd be nice to see that sometimes.
At times I've read about western style wedding ceremonies in the woods, but it's very odd in Japan. We can assume Endeavor and Rei's wedding was celebrated according to the Shinto rite (Endeavor's quite traditional in that sense), but usually Japanese people who want a western wedding do both the celebration and the reception in specific halls (結婚式場 kekkonshiki-jō); there are ads everywhere in Japan for these places. It's not uncommon that couples celebrate with both rites though (Shinto and western) but in different places and not always on the same day.
On a minor note, sometimes characters that are related are just too physical with each other. In the MHA universe they canonically seem more open to physical contact than in present Japan, but still sometimes it's just too much. It's not common to hug even your own children (my host family confirmed this to me, just saying).
We all know Japanese is a complex language, but I just can't when I read a parent in a fic using a suffix like "-kun" to their own child. That's not how it works. "-kun" is used among male pairs (excuse Iida, he's just too formal) outside the family unit (this is a key concept in Japanese language, the distinction between "inner" circle, called uchi, and "outer" circle called soto). So no, Rei can't call Touya "Touya-kun". And neither Natsuo, who calls him Niisan (older brother). The ""exception"" (more or less) is "-chan". Parents call their kids (in kindergarden, until primary school usually) -chan with an abbreviation of their name, like Katsuki > Kacchan. For girls it's just a cute, intimate thing (think about Tsuyu calling everybody -chan and requiring her classmates to call her so, that's why Izuku is so uncomfortable using that nickname).
And speaking of abbreviations, too often they're based on Western ways to create them. The best example of this is Fuyumi 冬美. Her name's kanjis are fuyu (winter) and mi (beauty), so her nickname should be "Fuyu" and not "Yumi" like I read 90% of the time. Maybe it sounds foreign to you, but it's correct. Touya too. Adding an -o (Toyo) is so US/Australian, it sounds so strange to me. Shiggy, Nat, Toy, Keigs, Dabs, Dabsters... they're all western-style nicknames. I'm fond of them, but they sound strange if I stop and think that the story is based in Japan.
Housing: fire escapes are not as common as one could think. There are often external stairs in small apartment buildings, but they're public, in the sense they're used by tenants to reach their floors. Same for balconies. There's not a balcony culture in Japan, it's more of a European thing, and usually only big houses have them. This is the one I always close an eye on and that bugs me the least, but it's not very accurate.
Money: this is so funny. I swear I've read about dollars. In Japan. Dollars. Sometimes I've also read yen treated like it was dollars, while completely disregarding the exchange rate (usually 1$ is 132¥ more ore less), or giving things the wrong prices (like a cigarette pack worth 200¥ when it costs roughly 450¥).
Driving: in Japan they drive on the left side of the road, but I can't recall a single fic where the driver's seat was appointed to be on the right side of the car.
It's really not a surprise that "Paper Mountains, Glass Seas" is my favourite series ever.
Apart from being wonderfully written, it makes Japan so tangible and recognizable. @bittermoonswrites goes all the way talking about expats life, language, culture, art in such a human, relatable and itimate way it's unreal.
It's a more adult fic, with contemporary themes, and I don't look for this kind of accuracy all the time, especially in canon-verse fics, but it's so nice and refreshing when I read about small, precious details that ground the story in Japan.
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momoirokoibito · 4 years
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honyakukanomangen · 6 years
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BnHA collaborates with CharaDri!! with the theme of Pro Heroes vs Villains. Exclusive themed food and merchandise will be available at the Akihabara and Osaka Nihonbashi stores from 17 Nov to 5 Dec.
Source: Official Twitter
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Kamui Woods: There are better things in the world than alcohol.
Mount Lady: Yes, but alcohol sort of compensates for not getting them.
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y-re-n · 6 years
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insomniamagic · 6 years
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Happy birthday, Shinrin Kamui (20.5.2018 - BNHA). You are a hero in need of a break, as anyone else who fights villains on day to day basis. There is nothing else I can wish you than what I already wished for others like you - a bit of a calmness and peace in this world. Or socks, if that´s what you prefer ;)
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palettepainter · 3 years
Do all your older kids have hero names
I actually answered an ask like this ages ago and I wanted to just copy and paste/link the ask here, but for some reason I can't seem to find it.
Thankfully I did write the list down in my phone so I'll just write them here again (ships that are written like this means it's OC x Cannon):
Oruka (Gang Orca x Lady Dolphin), Hero name: Oruka
Ryunosuke (Centipider x Bubble Girl), Hero name: Ryunosuke
Rekkei, (Fatgum x Kumo), Hero name: Knuckle Duster
Shosha (Hawks x Miruko) Hero name: Gado (roughly translates to guardian)
Hana (Snipe x Midnight), Hero name: Sharp Shooter
Kiru (Setsuno x Tengai), Hero name: Switch Blade
Furora (MT Lady x Kamui), Hero name: Shinrin (roughle translates to nature)
Okami (Hounddog x Shizen), Hero name: Silent Howl
Jaakuna (Compress x Kashu), Hero name: Magic hero: Phantom
TJ (Fatgum x Kumo), Hero name: Arachidy
Koneko (Jeanist x Ragdoll), Hero name: Stringer
Taimatsu (Todoroki x Yaoyorozu), Hero name: Ignite
Yurei (Mimic x Yukubo), Hero name: Paranormal hero: Ghost
Nikko (Mirio x Amajiki), Hero name: Lady Hyrbid
Hoseki (Shoji x Hagakure), Hero name: Helping hero: Shein (roughly translates to assit)
Kita (Kaminari x Jiro), Hero name: Shockwave
Senshi (Kirishima x Mina), Hero name: Acid Hero: Molten
Yari (Tetsuetetsue x Kendo), Hero name: Gauntlet
Jizuko (Monoma x Pony), Hero name: Rocket Launcher
Toshinori (Deku x Uraraka), Hero name: Comet
Subarashi (Deku x Uraraka), Hero name: Draguna
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mph--rp · 5 years
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Three years following the graduation of one particular group of UA students, the city of Mustafa Japan is in a period of peace. For now.
The graduating classes are all working toward keeping the city safe while making their way in the world! All of them doing their best to keep the hard-won peace. They’ve faced many trials and hardships in their young lives; the rise and fall of the League of Villains and the ultimate down fail of the horror known as All for One. We are looking for members who are friendly and want to contribute to our setting! We are looking to collaborate with our members to make our group fun for everyone! Whether you’re here to ship, make drama, or fight crime! We want to hear from you!
Now seeking:
B students (Most wanted!)
Aoyama Yuuga 
Hagakure Tooru
Sato Rikido – Sugar Man
Shouji Mezou - Tentacole
Mineta Minoru  (We will be very picky about this one)
Fukukado Emi – Ms. Joke
Inui Ryō – Hound Dog
Ishiyama Ken - Cementoss 
Maijima Higari Power Loader
Space Hero Thirteen
Awata Kaoruko – Bubble Girl
Fourth Kind
Hakamata Tsunagu – Best Jeanist
Mizushima Masaki- Manual
Sakamata Kugo – Gang Orca
Kamihara Shinya - Edgeshot (Requested!)
Nishiya Shinji - Shinrin Kamui
Takagi Ken – Rock Lock
Takeyama Yu – Mt. Lady
Todoroki Enji - Endeavor
Usagiyama Rumi - Miruko
And many more found on our master list: https://mph–rp.tumblr.com/masterlist
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hinomaru6 · 6 years
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Idolish7 17 | Hinamatsuri 8 | Boueibu HK 8 | BnHA 46 | MSO 9 | Rokuhoudou 8 | Code:Realise 13
Idolish7 17 (FINAL)
The culture clash here is hilarious! It’s pretty obvious this unknown guy is Douglas, though.
I can’t believe they’re doing these songs! I’ve known about these songs for a while, since they made waves a few years back – I think Memories Melodies’s music video was animated by Studio Bones and Leopard Eyes by NAZ.
Come to think of it, they never really show idol shows from the fans’ perspective, so this girl’s shots (Aya’s?) are a new thing for the entire genre…
Huh? Wait…this is the real Aya! Oh my gosh!
Well, that’s the end of another show. See you around.
Hinamatsuri 8
Where is “home” for Hina, though?
Geesh, the continuity on this show…what they’re saying right now means the opening of the episode was in medias res, dangit. Stop being so confusing.
I don’t really care about Ikaruga, I care about the “Standing Sushi Bar” in the back more…sorry, Ikaruga.
A few episodes, Hina really was homeless…hmm, continuity’s back in action here.
“Hurray for Psychic Powers” – I was reminded of a book that once appeared in Kado. Unfortunately, that book’s name is Ningen Manzai with all kanji, so it’s not a very close reference if it’s intended to be one…
“Ma Monthly” – Well, wouldn’t you know it? Boueibu collabs mean something here! See, this magazine is a parody of Monthly Mu, which (for some arbitrary reason) decided to team up with Boueibu back in 2016. Hinamatsuri even parodies the magazine’s logo properly! Amazing!
More namahage gags. C’mon, they wouldn’t escape me. They’ve been appearing for a while now, those.
Last time an anime character had a master the same age…*thinks back* That would be Ore Monogatari, with Saijou! Man, that was a while ago. If you don’t count the “same age” bit though, you have OPM and BnHA, which are a lot more fresh.
Jojothan’s (sic)? Is that a Jojo reference, a Johnath…aww, it doesn’t seem to exist. Dangit.
Hitomi’s going to take the dog in, isn’t she?
Even Hina’s shirt says “byebye”…geez, this is kinda saddening already.
Now Hina’s shirt says “sayonara”…why did they poke a hose through her nose, anyway? It made me laugh, sure, but…it’s stupid anyway.
What does Hinamatsuri do without “Hina”, anyway?
Oh, so that’s the significance of that part (post-credits sequence, ep 1)! I didn’t like that part, so I wished to never see it again, but now that it has some significance…it can stay.
I don’t think I’ve seen that image of Nitta with the hand to his head, with the vases on the side before…it must be new.
Normally Hina’s in the seat next to Nitta, right? Oh dear. Also, Utako’s missing and you can see Nitta’s sister in the bar shot as well. The rock singers who wanted to go to the Budokan with Hina are in the back, too, although there may be some people I don’t recognise in the bar shot as well…
Jinsei wa Survival = Life is Survival, not Life is About Survival…
Boueibu HK 8
Summer episode! At least it doesn’t sound as bad a fanservice episode than episode 7 did…(for Astral’s sake)
Karurusu brought back En’s old “What did you say?!”, but now there’s a rakugo background! (small LOL)
I can’t believe Manza tried to push his glasses up in the bath (LOL). Is this what glasses-wearers have to go through?
These seem a little too specific…and to Wakura’s sadistic taste for that last one…to be anything Kyoutarou thought up on his own. (i.e. They probably actually happened.)
Huhhhhhh…I think we finally had an actual woman appear on this show…amazing! (The Osomatsus’ mother, she has a name but I forgot what her name is.) Must be Osomatsu-kun from the ‘60s or ‘80s though, because that sure as heck ain’t the “gets episode 1 pulled from Crunchyroll” Osomatsu-san. I watched the entire season one of that thing, remember?
That dot point looks like a shell for some reason. It’s just two circles put together though. My brain must be in a summer mood from the episode, eh?
I know there’s one jellyfish where you have to cure the sting by peeing on it…oh sorry. I’m falling into Mahou Shoujo Ore’s “crass jokes” trap…
Dougo…likes natto? Weird. Plain weird.
I almost thought they were going to go camping just to fulfil the gap left by YuruCamp, but I guess the audience for YuruCamp and Boueibu doesn’t really cross over. I’m such an anomaly in that case, huh? I still want to know Pinecone-chan’s VA, come to think of it…
Like, c’mon! I can’t even break down that joke (Rashio Taison), it’s too obvious from looking at his name in furigana!
So Rashio is like the snowman from season 2…and the volleyball guy from season 2…maybe Kurotori? I don’t remember his school circumstances anymore…
They used CGI on the plane…? If they did, I barely noticed it until I played the scene again.
Oh wait, that’s a Studio Comet plane…ahaha…(look at Studio Comet’s logo for the joke explanation)
*crashes head on wall* Martha Shirahone…*eyes blank*…Martha Shirahone…Martha’s a girl’s name!!! Does that mean Astral wins?! My pride and the Boueibu status quo have both been wrecked if Martha (sic) really is on the non-binary spectrum…and it’s not some weird Engrish typo…Poor boy though, he spent 4 years depriving himself of one of his favourite things to prevent himself from being teased. (Okay, this “Martha” spelling’s going to annoy me for a while, so I’m going to revert back to “Maasa”…)
Interestingly, Maasa seems to be using a standard vinyl umbrella and not a “student-council-worthy” one. Update: Nope, this one’s sanctioned by the British Royal Family.
Eh? What’s with this monster’s face? He doesn’t have one, does he? I know what the kanji on his face is, but…I think this might be a first. A monster without a face whatsoever.
Is it just me, or did they get CGI for those clouds as well…?
Wait, so even Karurusu is against the idea of fighting this monster? Mr Enthusiastic’s kinda selfish, eh?
Kyoutarou’s still wearing his school swimsuit. But this definitely reminds me of Dark Aurite with the lip coloration...
Wakura so obviously followed Ryoma’s voice instead. It’s pretty much what Astral termed a “nutshot” for MSO ep 8, only it’s…meant to be kinky (I’m not feeling it, y’know?). I’m just vaguely miffed right here that they could be trying to put a cheap joke in Boueibu.
Ooh, nagashi somen with its bamboo…thingy…looks cool. Oh, but Ibusuki…no wonder Ata likes this kind of noodles.
Karurusu’s flag says “summer” on it.
It’s a bit blurry, but the bus says “campground” as its destination.
I wonder if that “spirit of fear” thing was a joke? I’ll come back and find it later. Update: There’s no joke there in Japanese…the word for “spirit of fun” sounds like kyuuki and then “spirit of fear” is just dokidokishiteru (which is just a word for the heart pounding, suggesting nervousness in this case).
Hey, someone (Ryoma) noticed Taishi’s angry outbursts for once!
What, the monster has a mouth, so he does kind of have a face…? (I’m confused…what constitutes “face” with this guy anyway?)
Karurusu…he dab! (…Kind of.)
Full transformation sequence again…*sigh*
Noticeably, you can only see Ryoma nodding when the Rajio Taiso monster asks if you can do rajio taiso outside of summer. I’d assume this is because Ryoma’s the one with the grandpa who does it all year round, but it might just be a space constraint. You never know with these things.
There’s another pun I need to go back to – “I feel radio calis-cleansed”. That can’t have worked in Japanese…Update: Uh, there was actually one here. It seems to be a pun on taiso.
Aw, Rashio’s so happy. Even if I think the staff have reached a new low with the “petty” on the monsters this time around, just seeing that smile lights up my face too.
Why do I feel a Madoka moment coming on right here with Karurusu’s promise?
It’s a Kagerou Project-style time loop, but for August 31st! Yikes! This is going to get confusing…
Yeah, it’s better not to think about time loops, Kyoutarou. You’re right.
Is “firework” a verb? Or is that wasei-eigo? Or slang? Or both? More things to not think about there…methinks. Update: Dougo says “hanabi taikai shimashou!” (literally “let’s do a fireworks tournament!”), so it’s not wasei-eigo, nor is it a verb. It’s just an unconventional subber’s choice.
They censored a big sign in the preview! But Crunchyroll doesn’t have episode 9 yet because of the French Open! Dangit!
I love how the blue bars randomly go “La la la laaaaa!”…LOL. But it also says “they find party dice in the clubroom…” (because it’s bushitsu kara dete kita no wa party saikoro).
BnHA 46
“Those acts are the same as those of villains.” – Actually, that would be the acts of vigilantes…*thinks about the Vigilantes manga*
Because Kouta’s letter was in hiragana, I could understand most of it…eh, my skills are pretty shabby after all. I couldn’t even understand the last line much.
“like a pair of tight jeans” – LOL, Best Jeanist seems to love a good jeans pun, eh?
Come to think of it, Gran Torino doesn’t have a number to his hero status, right? He’s just an ol’ fart after all, even if he’s mighty skilled.
We haven’t seen Mt. Lady or Shinrin Kamui (“Forest Kamui” would probably be his English name, but it’s in katakana…and it sounds stupid, to boot) in a while, come to think of it.
I didn’t think Iida was going to go with them! Wow, what a twist!
I always thought having two Kirishimas in the same season was funny enough (Ryoma from Boueibu and Eijirou).
Kamino? Because the subbers spelt it with a C, that seems like it should be a reference for some reason…Update: Yep, it is!
What’s up with the roses around Todoroki? Are you trying to make the fangirls squeal like this is some shoujo manga? Yeah, right! (laughs in the background anyway)
Aizawa looks really different in a suit…hmm, I normally like men in suits but I’m kinda iffy on suit!Aizawa. *ponders for a second* I prefer his old style more, actually.
Noticeably, Michiru uses koitsu (“this guy”) to refer to Ore. It does tell you something about how Michiru views her enemies.
What’s up with Mohiro in a dress? Princess Peach parody?
Even Saki’s ahoge goes “Oh!”, LOL!
A heart shake for the yuri fans…and stupid glasses for my entertainment. (Thank goodness you’re still catering towards me, show…)
That joke about murdering Hyoue completely went over my head…I get what it was trying to do, but…not funny, man. Not funny.
Michiru uses the –ssu ending that Dougo and Yumoto use, too…
Oh…dear. I think we have more than enough of the word “Happy” with Happy Kiss…now this mascot, too???
I thought Hyoue’s surname was “Kuroda”? Or is that just my imagination? Update: It seems I made it up…
U-Uh, hey…so this was their real intention with those eyecatches, huh? Another “draw me like one of your French girls” memes is in order! Wait, but Ruka’s magical girl form isn’t doing the right pose…aww.
It seems Ruka isn’t into the Magical Girls (it’s implied she’s into Michiru instead), but Michiru’s into Ore…just as Astral guessed.
If that sentence didn’t make sense, it wasn’t meant to! It was just a bunch of long English words thrown together…although “jihad” certainly isn’t English. I wonder if any religious people will get angry at that word being used so casually, though? (I didn’t expect to laugh so hard at these guys. Konami’s my favourite character – of course he is, considering the karaoke episode - but I think I have an appreciation for these guys now.)
LOL, me and Astral like to complain about how thinking up new attack names takes an hour or so…so we totally know your feel, Michiru.
If you look at the scene where PRISMA are shown to attack, it says bokasuka, which apparently means “lots of hits and punches in succession”. It’s basically like subbing it “fistfight!”, “kapow!” or something.
Happy-chan doesn’t even have a body in tiny form!!! What??? (LOL)
Can we please stop with the montages?! A show is better when people bother to animate stuff, alright?!
Happy-chan went “doukashira?” (-kashira is a female sentence ending) which made me laugh because it’s a contrast to that head of his.
Happy-chan doesn’t even have hands…I’m not sure how he’s meant to live like that, y’know?
That catchphrase has less impact the second time around, it seems.
Hmm…so it was actually foreshadowing for Michiru’s love, huh? I thought it was pandering to tsundere stereotypes…
As much as I laughed at the ol’ kick to the face, are Happy and Kokoro really brothers? Or is this just filler after all?
Oh, this new ED is “We’re Not Magical Girls” by the Mahou Shoujo unit (Saki/Sakuyo)!
You can spot a tiny magical girl figurine with pigtails on Yamo’s desk if you watch at the right time.
PRISMA’s song is called “Love/Attack!”
They actually got a next episode preview narrated by demons?! (LOL) This is a new level of weirdness, and I’m actually glad to have heard it with my own ears (because I’m trembling with laughter right now because of it). But…they talk at the end! They can speak?! Whatttttttt?!
Rokuhoudou 8
Gure’s got stud earrings. Don’t think I’ve noticed them before…
It appears to be a florentine and not a “florentin” like the subs say. It is just missing an “e” though…
Happy, happy! I think Karurusu got me into the spirit of being happy all the time…or at least happier than I used to be, anyway.
Seriously, this middle school kid acts like a Boueibu monster, it’s hard not to make a comparison.
Gure’s so goofy, I’m laughing as much as I normally do for Boueibu or MSO…Rokuhoudou isn’t normally like this, that’s all.
“good way to sober up” – It sure doesn’t seem that way for Tsubaki, though…poor soul.
That style with the lips…it’s so un-Rokuhoudou, and yet it still works! I can’t think of what it reminds me of, though, because it seems to remind me of another anime or manga and I can’t put my finger on it. Update: Maybe MSO? That’s the closest thing I can think of that matches right now.
Hey, come to think of it, doesn’t this guy look like Shishigami from Inuyashiki? Their outlook on life is mostly the same, too! (from what little I know about Shishigami in passing)
Uh…Gure? Didn’t anyone teach You about stranger danger?!
The delinquents…are in the duck boating club?! Well, that was a surprise…
This pretty much became my favourite episode, even though Tokitaka’s still my fave Rokuhoudou boy, LOL.
Code:Realise 13
Since I don’t know whether to denote this as the final episode or not, I won’t note it as anything…
Isn’t Cardia Lupin’s girl? Hands off, Impey!
The newspaper Herlock’s holding has an ad for animators…wuh? In the Code:Realise Victorian era? No way, Jose!
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momoirokoibito · 4 years
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honyakukanomangen · 6 years
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Keyframes of heroes from the upcoming Episode 47.
Source: Official Twitter, Official Instagram
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palettepainter · 4 years
Hey what are your guy's quirk names and/or hero names
Drawing that out would take me ages so I’ll just write down here what their quirks and hero names (if they have on) so far. This list will only be including my MHA NG’s that are open to my ask blog 
Oruka (Gang Orca X OC): Orcinus - he can do whatever an orca can even on land, orcinus grants the user enhanced strength and speed, especially in the water. It also comes with the power to produce hypersonic waves that can paralyze targets instantly  
Hero name: Oruka 
Ryunosuke (Bubble girl X Centipeder): Venom bubble - Ryunosuke’s quirk works similar to his mothers, only he can create bubbles from the palms of his hands which are made from venom as a side affect of his slight centipede apperance he got from his father.
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet* 
Rekkei (Fatgum X OC - adopted): Strong arm - strong arm allows the user to rotate their shoulders repeatedly, allowing them to throw an assault of powerful punches. From his biological mothers side he also has increased speed and hearing
Hero name: Knuckle Duster
Shosha (Hawks X Rumi): Fierce wing - Fierce wing grants the user two large wings covered in feathers in which the user can manipulate freely at will using their mind
Hero name (may change): Gado, translates to guardian
(Any NG’s with their name like this is a NG to one of the MHA villain's (including the Hasaikai), in my NGAU the LoV consists only of Compress, Dabi, Spinner and Toga (aged up), they’re a much more minor group of villians now since their downfall but I figured the league would still attempt to try and take down the hero system, but they do so in a more discreet way by sending their kids into UA as sort of spies)
Jin (Toga X Mustard): Blood control - Blood Control allows the user to manipulate their own blood after it has left their body.Once the blood is out in the open air, the user can freely control its flow and movements, as well as harden it to immobilize foes. Blood Control also appears to allow the user to go unaffected by levels of blood loss that would normally be fatal.
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Hana (Snipe X Midnight): Homing -  Homing allows Hana to control the trajectory of her projectiles with perfect precision. As affect of her mothers quirk, whatever bullet she uses will burst with a sleep inducing aroma once it collects with something
Hero name: Sharp shooter
Furu (Bakugo X Sero - adopted): Vibrate - Vibrate allows Furu to create vibrations or shockwaves, which can travel through virtually any medium, most notably she uses this ability to shake things she touches with her hands. Vibrate allows Furu to control the speed and strength of her vibrations, including how long the intervals are between tremors
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Kiru (Setsuno X Female hero): Razor sharp - Razor Sharp allows Kiru to produce large blades from his body. Kiru’s blades can come in a variety of shapes and sizes, and from any part of her body. These blades are strong enough to cut through metal pipes (which are commonly made up of steel or iron), and durable enough to withstand a point-blank explosion.
Hero name: Sword hero: Switchblade 
Furora (Kamui X MT Lady): Nature - Nature allows Furora to produce and control any plant life from her arms and allow it to grow to extreme sizes. By touching a different plant she will be able to make that plant grow out from her arms, if she hasn’t been able to touch anything of nature then she will only be able to produce bark from her body life her father
Hero name (may change): Nature hero: Shinrin
Okami (Hounddog X OC): Dog - Dog gives Okami an increased sense of smell to the point he can tell how many people were inside a forest from outside. It also gives him the characteristics of a dog, including fur, claws and sharp teeth
Hero name: Tracking hero: Silent Howl
Yurei (Mimic X OC): Poltergeist - Poltergeist allows Yurei to telekinetically manipulate objects and people close to him.
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Jaakuna (Compress X OC): Magic - Magic allows the user to produce a glittery pink like dust from the palms of their hands, they can either create it slowly or create it in a mini explosion from their hand. Jaakuna can either teleport through this dust, or harden it at will to create bridges or platforms 
Hero name: Magic Hero: Phantom
TJ (Taishiro Junior - Fatgum X OC): Arachnid - Arachnid grants the user the abilities of a spider, TJ can produce strings of webbing from his wrists, climb buildings with ease and is also gifted with a spider sense that alerts him of danger. As a side affect of his fathers quirk he can also store up energies from others attacks and use that energy to make his own attacks stronger
Hero name (may change): Arachidy
Koneko (Jeanist X Ragdoll): Fiber master - fiber master allows Koneko to control all types of cloth, being capable of telekinetic dominance over the threads that compose them. Targets are unable to resist its power as long as they are wearing clothes.
Hero name: Stringer
Taimatsu (Todoroki X Yaoyorozu): Hellflame - Hellflame is an extremely powerful quirk that allows Taimatsu pyrokinetic abilities. Taimatsu is able to create large fire blasters to incinerate his opponents, as well as cover his body in flames. Changing the temperature of the flames is possible as well, which means that their damage output is capable of increasing or decreasing depending of Taimatsu’s wishes.
Hero name: Fire hero: Ignite
Nikko (Mirio X Amajiki): Manifest -  Manifest grants Nikko the ability to enhance his limbs with the characteristics of anything he consumes. Nikko manifesting Takoyaki into tentacle fingers. Nikko can manifest certain traits of any food she’s eaten while it's still active within her digestive system.
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Hoseki (Shoji X Hagakure): Invisible limbs - Invisible limbs lets Hoseki create two extra pair of arms from her back. These limbs start off invisible when she first creates them but they gradually become visible once they’re fully formed. These extra limbs are much more larger and powerful then her normal arms, and she can easily carry a person with them
Hero name: *doesn’t have one yet*
Kita (Kaminari x Jiro): Electric wave - Kita can produce an electric wave to the rhythm of his heartbeat. Using his earlobes shaped like headphones he can plug them into a variety of objects and also extend them to long lengths. By plugging his earjacks into an electrical appliance Kita can take away electricity and store it in his body to make his attacks stronger
Hero name: Electric hero: Shock
Senshi (Kirishima X Mina): Acid -  Acid allows Sneshi to create corrosive liquid from his skin, his skin being naturally resistant to the acid he produces. As an affect from his fathers quirk Senshi can harden his acid to make protective shields or weapons
Hero name (may change): Crafting hero: Molten
Yari (Tetsuetetsue X Kendo) - Iron fist: Steal fist allows Yari to turn the skin along his arms to steal, as an affect of his mothers quirk he’s great at hand to hand combat and can also grow his fists to large sizes
Hero name: Iron Gauntlet
Jizuko (Monoma X Pony) - Copy cannon: Jiuzko can shoot off a total of six of her horns as a time to create horn missiles, her horn grows back instantly though she can only control up to four of her horn missiles at a time. By touching someone Jizuko can copy their quirk, and the affects of those quirks will change the power levels of the horns she shoots off. For example copying Yari’s quirk qill turn her horns into iron. Jizuko can copy multiple quirks at a time, and the affects of those quirks will continue to remain active even when Jizuko isn’t using them. The more quirks she copies the shorer the time gets for her to use them before the affects of her quirk wear off
Hero name: Rocket Launcher
Runa (Tokoyami X Tsuyu) - Harpie: Harpie allows Runa to gain characteristics of a bird when she pleases, she can turn her arms into wings and her feet into claws which allow her the ability of flight and allow her to grip more securely onto objects. This quirk also gives her enhanced speed and accuracy - however, if her dark shadow is outside of her body Runa will be unable to alter her body, and like Tokoyami, her quirk grows stronger in the dark.
Hero name: Twilight hero: Eclipse 
Toshinori (Deku X Uruaka) - Gravity: Similar to Uruaka’s quirk Toshinori can decrease gravities affect on objects with his right hand by placing all five fingers on the object, however by using his left hand he can increase gravities pull and make an object heavier. Toshinori can control the movement of objects he uses his quirk on and can cancel the affects at will
Hero name: Comet
Subarashi (Deku X Uruaka) - Fire breath: Fire breath allows the user to produce flames from their mouth, Subarashi can control the direction and temperature of these flames as well as their size.
Hero name: Draguna
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hinomaru6 · 7 years
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