#shinsun writes
theshinsun · 3 years
Tell us a line from your latest wip then tag as many people as there are words.
Tagged by @ruluxe who said anyone could do it :)
The fact of the matter is, he's got a massive, sparkly gay crush on Midorima Shintarou -- micro-something-or-other engineering major, eternal wet blanket and certified screws-loose weirdo  -- and he has no fucking idea why.
— everything under the sun, chapter 4 (“the less I know the better”)
Tagging @ahobaka-trash, @hadenxcharm @spaztictwitch, @hybristophilica and I know u did this already but @gaytaiga (do people actually tag the number of words in the line good god I don’t have that many friends)
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wildflowertips · 3 years
No one asked for this, but here are some of my favorite Kagakuro fics.
Something shifted by WriterRose
In a world where it’s not uncommon for humans to be able to take the form of an animal, Kagami tries to solve the mystery that is Kuroko Tetsuya; the shifter without a scent and an animal form that no one - besides the Generation of Miracles - has seen. [Animal shapeshifter AU, takes place during Season 1]
l love this fic so much. I have re-read it so many times. Contains jealous GOM, fluff, and the writing is so good! It’s a series called Shapeshifter AU. It’s still going.
Baby, The Angel Shouldn’t be Dancing with the Devil by stainedhearts
The streets of New York will always remember Kagami Taiga and Kuroko Tetsuya. Mafia AU
Story is still going but it’s inspired by banana fish 😭 Everyone is obsessed with kuroko and i love it sm. Contains graphic violence. (also author is my friend irl & i gotta support the bestie 😫🤍)
Love And War, And Zombies by Shinsun
With an epidemic taking hold and squeezing the life out of the world, the remaining members of the GoM (and co.) band together to survive, but when loved ones become monsters and the group starts falling apart from the inside, it's no longer as cut-and-dried as killing zombies and staying alive.
This fic made me SOB. This story contains kagakuro & aokuro 👀 and zombies and broken hearts
Murder On The Key by Saira (cakessan)
When Momoi Satsuki's body is found five years after her disappearance, Special Consultant Kagami Taiga is called in to work the revived cold case. As the case unfolds and leads him to the world of professional basketball, Kagami finds himself looking to Momoi's old friends to help him uncover her murderer. Kagami is forced to navigate new acquaintances, deal with his complicated past, eat too many burgers, and maybe even solve some crimes.
contains Kagakuro, aokise, and midotaka. i love this fic so much too. it’s going thru editing atm tho
Down by the rice fields by seafoamist
Kagami Taiga is on the verge of having his dreams come true. Being picked for the NBA draft is more than he could have dreamed of! With the draft roughly four months away, he's determined to get in as much training and playing as humanly possible! Except, his father and Alex have decided it's time for him to take a break - for two months!?
Taiga begrudgingly decides to travel back to his homeland Japan to visit his grandparents, who live in a remote village within the foreign country. There, he meets Kuroko Tetsuya, a boy who claims to love basketball just as fiercely as Taiga does - even though there's not a single basketball court in Kamikatsu. Over the next two months, Taiga gets to know who Kuroko really is as a person, and he discovers more about himself than he'd ever thought possible. A story about how our dreams can lead us down paths we never even imagined for ourselves.
this story i absolutely love bc friends to lovers 😩
Milkshake fairy by wonusaku
It's no secret that Kuroko likes the vanilla milkshakes at Maji Burger, so it doesn't come as a surprise when he receives them as treats from his friends here and there. What does surprise him is that someone from Seirin is on a mission to buy him those milkshakes every week after practice.
Absolutely fluff and taiga is absolutely in love with kuroko
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szivtalan · 4 years
character ask: kagami, momoi, alex and himuro 👀👀👀
!!! omg thank u Ceru! u might be one of my favorite mutuals <33 (putting this under a read more just so I can speak at lengths about each individual character)
Why I like Kagami: this is where I sarcastically ask “why DON’T i like him” but that’s literally the next question so; he’s everything i want to be and more. He has the determination and the willpower to make his own dreams come true, he’s gay as shit, he��s tall and buff and well-adjusted, mature enough to live on his own at an annoyingly young age, he’s funny and dumb and a total himbo as well as an excellent advisor bc of how grounded he is.
Why I don’t: I’m... not really good with explosive people. Violent men with loud voices especially scare me, and I’d think I’d flinch around him a lot and that would make me rlly anxious.
Favorite episode: it’s a toss-up between the Seirin fam visiting his place for the first time (is it where Kuroko confesses his love to him and then passes out in his arms? idk), and the onsen episode. I also loved all his plays against Kise and Aomine. AND the training camp w him running a lot in the sand.
Favorite season/movie: season 2 probably because he’s not a jerk anymore, but he’s still on his way to shed off any asshole behavior stuck to him. And I actually liked Last Game?
Favorite line: “There’s no such thing as useless effort.” and “This is our drama and we write the plot.” because he’s so ridiculous.
Favorite outfit: all of his casual fits... comfy but manly is my Jam
OTP: AoKaga....they’re truly soulmates, star-crossed lovers, canonically brought together by fate.
Brotp/otp no. 2: KagaKuro, I love them
Head Canon: I have several collections because I think too much about this boy, but here’s something I think about his family: he doesn’t know what happened to his mom. He never asked, because it wasn’t relevant, and he didn’t want to inconvenience his dad by questioning him. Occasionally, as a kid he felt like he was missing out on something (seeing other kids with their moms, feeling like they’re being treated with much more gentle care because they have moms), but as he grew older he realized that nurturing behavior shouldn’t have been limited to only a mother, and that he was just straight up neglected without any regards to missing a parent in his life.
Unpopular opinion: I never realized this was an unpopular opinion but I’m glad he went back to America at the end of Last Game. Obviously, it’s sad that he had to separate from the others, but I felt like Japanese basketball has always been just a stepping point to him, and now that he’d beat the best of them, it was time to move on. And it also warms my heart that him getting scouted in the US gave Aomine hope to aim big, too. I felt like both of them would’ve felt trapped in Japan with their skill sets.
A wish: I want him to be happy and gay and to confront Himuro and tell him how hurt he was by how he treated him and probably do the same to his dad too
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: ....whatever I’d say Shinsun has probably written it/will write it, but I don’t want him to forget about the GoM just because he becomes a world-famous athlete.
5 words to best describe them: sweet child with anger issues
My nickname for them: not mine (it’s Sypha’s) but “Kags”, Kagami, Tigerboy, Kagababe, Baby
Why I like Momoi: she is SO nurturing and sweet and she cares so much about her boys!! I’m sorry it always turns into “how they remind me of myself” but actually I get feeling like a background character and being the moral/emotional/physical support of those who are more talented or in any way better than you. I feel a strange kind of kinship with her and also,,, feminine girls make my heart stop, and it doesn’t get more feminine than Momoi. Added: Aomine aside, the Touou team wouldn’t worth shit without her skills tbh, and she’s not in any way less than the GoM. Also, I appreciate her being the one person to try to keep their friend group together.
Why I don’t: Analytical People Scare me like!! how do u know stuff people are Unknowable!! I usually am also irked by her pointing out Riko’s breast size but I can just pretend that’s in a gay way (maybe Momoi likes girls with small boobs and she’s just bad at flirting) (also I don’t exactly liked her calling Aomine a “ganguro” but I have too little knowledge on the use of this word to say exactly why)
Favorite episode (scene if movie): uh the one where Aomine made her cry? It really came through how much love she actually has for her friends at that one.
Favorite season/movie: she was great in all of them!!
Favorite line: I can’t remember the exact quote and Google isn’t really helpful either but the one where she made Kuroko promise they’ll always play together or something? Or that they’re gonna beat Aomine?? idk?
Favorite outfit: I like all of them but mostly I just appreciate her wearing so many hoodies, she looks so cute in them
OTP / Brotp: it’s both AoMomo. I feel like the have the most special and strongest bond in the entire series.
Head Canon: She’s never been shown to do, but I feel like she wears Aomine’s clothes a Lot. Also, they definitely have sleepovers To This Day.
Unpopular opinion: Momoi is good at basketball and she loves playing!!! But try being successful in it when ur opponents are Giants and Way More Buff than you are
A wish: I wish people appreciated her more!! Both in fandom and in canon. She’s an amazing person and she has her own skills and strengths that are rarely explored or even mentioned anywhere.
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: her falling out with her boys ;-; I do not want that
5 words to best describe them: strawberry sweetheart to steal ur heart
My nickname for them: Satsuki :> I feel like it’s a little too much to call characters on their first names sometimes but hers is so cute I can’t
Why I like Alex: yet again another woman with an extensive skill set. I love her persistence and again I appreciate getting disillusioned and finding your way back to the thing you love. Also it’s just sweet that she did that by teaching (again, something I can relate to)
Why I don’t: the whole “kissing children” thing rubbed me the wrong way but again, just like Momoi’s obsession with comparing breast sizes, it’s just bad/sexist writing from Fujimaki probably
Favorite episode (scene if movie): adshg any and all where she expressed that Himuro and Kagami are equally important to her <33 that shit makes my heart burst
Favorite season/movie: she only appears towards the end of s2 and in s3 so... I guess s3?
Favorite line: its so Bad that u literally can’t find the iconic quotes of these iconic ladies anywhere but... her story on finding her passion again through teaching kids, and anytime she mentions her fondness of Kagami and Himuro.
Favorite outfit: her iconic olive green coat with the short red shorts... wtf was that I loved it.
OTP: she doesn’t really interact with people her age but I’ve heard she’s shipped with Masako Araki and I’ve seen some seriously good fanarts and like... Yes Good I’d Love To See It
Brotp: I feel like her and Himuro would be that sassy pair that Kagami tries and fails to contain and they get into all sorts of weird, absurd situations asdjs what I’m trying to say is Kagami has to bail them out of jail from time to time
Head Canon: fck me if I’m wrong but she’s the lesbian single mom of the two gay kids she reluctantly adopted from the streets
Unpopular opinion: it’s more like another headcanon, but she can dunk and she taught Kagami how to do it.
A wish: I’d love her to coach the Seirin fam more!! Pls let her be part of her children’s lives (she could also judge streetball games between the goms it would be fun)
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: anything about her being romantically involved with her pupils makes me.................no
5 words to best describe them: Beautiful Beach Blonde Basketball....goddess
My nickname for them: Alex!! sometimes An Icon
Why I like Himuro: em dash Asdgsdj I’m joking, I’m becoming more and more fond of the boy. Once I realized that he shouldn’t have been the “bigger person” in that situation and one year doesn’t really mean much when you’re that young and that hurt, I realized he’s actually a good and hard-working kid and I’m sorry for giving him so much shade. Also I really like his snark and sass, but that might not even be canon at this point tbh
Why I don’t: I’m still sort of irked by him beating down on Kagami because he was envious/mad, but I realized the aspect of that situation that Really got to me was how devoted Kagami still was to him after all that. That devotion was what felt toxic, nothing that Himuro actually did to him.
Favorite episode (scene if movie): the time they met up w Kagami just to exchange a dramatic socially distancing bro fist and a few encouraging words.... gays be Like That
Favorite season/movie: I really didn’t mind s3 Himuro
Favorite line: apparently he’s said some iconic stuff that I don’t remember (and my sources don’t seem really legit) but I’m gonna say “let’s see you become number 1, bro” because again, that’s just so ridiculous and endearing. On one hand he really went from loathing Kagami to rooting for him and wanting him to reach his full potential and on the other, honey ur  like 17 stop speaking like That
Favorite outfit: his knitted V-neck sweaters and the black coat with the white fur.... boy’s got all the fashion sense that’s missing from Kagami
OTP: can I say.....AoHimu asdfh I ship 3/4 of these characters with Aomine what does that say about me
Brotp: KagaHimu. They can be sweet, but I’ve only ever seen Jake write them really well
Head Canon: I’ve been entertaining the idea of....trans Himuro.....
Unpopular opinion: everyone thinks that Kagami is the violent kid and Himuro is the chill, sweet child who’s somehow wound up with this mess of a fiery tiger, but it’s actually Himuro who taught Kagami how to fight and Kagami learned quite a lot of aggression from him
A wish: I feel like Himuro should’ve gotten a separate episode to explore his thoughts, feelings and past. He had so much potential as a character Is2g
An oh-god-please-dont-ever-happen: him quitting basketball would fucking destroy me. I’d be devastated for others too, but it would really pull on my heartstrings if he just dropped the only thing he’s been so passionate about.
5 words to best describe them: gender-non-conforming emo child
My nickname for them: Himu, Tatsuya, Tatsu
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tensionnie · 7 years
things to love about wooshin aka kim wooseok
his eyesmile- it's like admiring a galaxy of stars when he smiles genuinely I'm really in love seeing the glow in his eyes period
him eating- a heartening, reassuring sight knowing he's eating well plus the way he eats is so adorable. Also his love for ramen blesses the world
smiling with his teeth- a very, very rare sight but when he reveals his neat pearly teeth with his lips curving into this perfectly glorious angle oh what a ray of sunshine
when he misses his mum- this doesn't sound like a good thing, but it is endearing to see him value his family a lot even when he is really busy, I believe his mum is very proud of such a beautiful kindhearted filial hardworking son
(and of course) how he loves his mum a lot- there are so many examples to illustrate this. For instance he was at the airport lately and decided to shop for lipsticks for his mum, how heartwarming. And also he wrote this quote as his profile motto: "when the tree wishes to be calm, the wind doesn't stop blowing. when the child wishes to be filial, the parents are no longer there." which really shows how much effort he wants to put in to be able to care for his family while he can, and this serves as a huge reminder to us too
his cooking- (actually more because I'm a major foodie I can't help it but) he cooks amazingly well e.g. chicken stew and his members were full of praises of it
when he looks serious focusing on something- for instance when a fan gave him this bts album and he flipped and studied his idols so intently it's SO cute
his rapping- will never EVER forget him rapping to bts' i need you and dope, it's really good tbh
his singing- and of course not to forget his soft, mellow voice which manages to make me feel so calm and blessed always
his (original) voice- as in when he talks in his normal voice it tends to be lower in pitch and my heart skips a beat
his (higher pitched) voice- as in when he gets super excited playing games/missions e.g. when he answers quizzes, or tries to catch hwanhee blindfolded; it always gets me laughing
basically I love his voice as a whole
his airport fashion- always turns the airport into a runway due to his simple style and model vibes
him wearing hanboks- it's always great to see your idol wearing traditional Korean clothing so of course, and also he looks adorable wearing them: red, purple, blue, pale grey so far, and he slayed in them all
him playing with kids- he loves children, not just his little cousins, and the way he hugs and kisses them lovingly is so heartwarming
his acting- I ain't particularly fond of this most of the time (because I prefer his genuinity), but hey he majors in acting and I feel his effort is really paying off if not soon, looking forward to see more natural acting by actor wooseok
when he wears masks at the airport- I don't know why I like this, but it relates to how his beautiful eyes become the focus and as mentioned I really, really adore his eyes
his fingers- slim and pretty, perhaps even more than that of girls'. I still have no idea if it's because he plays the piano (I still have yet to find out if he can really play the piano) but damn, definitely a masterpiece
him sleeping- (especially when jinhoo sang him to sleep ohmygosh my heart is warm) looks really peaceful I wish I could hold him and say sweet dreams my dear child
him pouting- needless to say, adorable squishy cheeks ahh
the way he looks at honey10s- gentle as ever
his poetic tendencies- when he writes something profound (even I don't understand sometimes) like in a poem or short prose it really gives me feels (sometimes emo); my favourite poetic prince indeed
his (sometimes lame but) cute presence on fancafe- when he responds to or mentions a member (hint shinsun) randomly it amuses me to no end, really
when he takes charge emceeing among the members- a helpful member who respects his hyungs and dotes on his dongsaengs, he makes good use of his expertise in emceeing (e.g. saying comments to liven up the mood, signalling the positions where they should stand) to keep the show going
when he is a soft respectful maknae in the gaming team- and they all go aww at how adorable he is I'm sure
his gaming- it's super amusing watching him play, he's so serious and thus his expression while gaming is so so cute HAHAH i want to game with him too
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theshinsun · 4 years
*final countdown music*
Title: Ain’t No Rest
Author: Shinsun
Pairing: AoKaga
Rating: E for explicit content
Summary:  Life is tough for a single parent…especially a high school dropout parent living on odd jobs and gambling basketball named Aomine Daiki. Life gets even tougher when actual, challenging opponent Kagami Taiga appears and proceeds to fuck all of his shit up.
"You sure about this, kid?"
Daiki looks at the ancient, smashed up, sans-side-mirror wreck parked in the lot before him, and then back at Kagetora-san's face.
"Psh. 'Am I sure'?" he scoffs. "Aren't you the one always hassling me to just sell it for parts?" 
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theshinsun · 3 years
Title: The Night We Met
Author: Shinsun
Pairing: AoKuro
Rating: T
Summary: After Touou’s overwhelming victory against Seirin, Aomine is transported back in time to the night he and Kuroko first met. Trapped in the past, as he relives his old Teiko days knowing full well how things turn out, he can’t help wondering if there’s a purpose to his being sent back… of if it’s all part of some cosmic joke.
Aomine had fully expected to wake up back under the tree at school. Back in his proper timeline, with only a half-remembered, confusingly bittersweet dream to point to for the sickening ache in his chest. But when he opened his eyes the next morning, he was in the same bed he’d closed them in, his fingers on the pillow in front of his face still a good deal shorter than they ought to be.
Is this a Beautiful Dreamer situation? he wondered as he dragged himself to the edge of his bed, squinting at his skinny hairless legs and undersized feet that dangled toward the floor...
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theshinsun · 4 years
Here it is! The moment you’ve been waiting for!
this time on euts:  Kagami attends his first official college party as a college student... featuring a forgettable face, a man of many sparkles, a baby lumberjack, and two trucks having sex.
Title: everything under the sun
Chapter Title: nothing to lose
Pairing: AoKaga
Rating: T
Summary: College is a strange and awkward and beautiful time no matter where you come from. For some, it’s a new beginning, for others, just a continuation of the same old struggles.
Or, Kagami has no idea what he's getting into when he agrees to meet the rest of Kuroko's friends.
There are basically three reasons people go to parties: boredom, free food, and an excuse to get out of the house.
Everything else, all the gratuitous human interaction, dancing, drinking and getting laid or blazed (or both), are just the natural results of deciding to go. But it comes down to those three things.
Now, Taiga’s not saying he won’t take free food, but usually he ends up going because he’s given no other choice...
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theshinsun · 3 years
euts 2!! give it up for euts 2!!
today on euts:  Everyone prepares for their first day of classes in their own ways... featuring rodent bites, a terrible car being driven terribly, a brief discussion of gender, and some functional alcoholism.
Title: everything under the sun
Chapter Title: I look quieter than I feel
Pairing: AoKaga
Rating: T
Summary: College is a strange and awkward and beautiful time no matter where you come from. For some, it’s a new beginning, for others, just a continuation of the same old struggles.
Or, Kagami has no idea what he’s getting into when he agrees to meet the rest of Kuroko’s friends.
"Can I ask you guys a favor?"
"I don't know, can—?"
"Of course," Tetsuya cuts in, before Takao can finish. "What do you need?"
Takao flicks his empty salt packet at him, but Tetsuya is too concerned with the wealth of dread in Sakurai's downcast eyes to retaliate.
"Can you help me go off the grid?"
Ogiwara snorts into his soda can, and immediately recoils. " Fuck, it went up my nose, that hurt..."
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theshinsun · 3 years
Eyyy I’ve been sitting on this one since last summer, figured it was finally a good time to post the first part!
Title: The Night We Met
Author: Shinsun
Pairing: AoKuro
Rating: T
Summary: After Touou's overwhelming victory against Seirin, Aomine is transported back in time to the night he and Kuroko first met. Trapped in the past, as he relives his old Teiko days knowing full well how things turn out, he can't help wondering if there's a purpose to his being sent back... of if it's all part of some cosmic joke.
The heat wave the week before the Inter-High was hands-down the hottest and wettest it had been all summer. The moment the sun crept up to bake the dewdrops off the grass, the air became a thick, heavy cloud that was difficult to move through let alone breathe, pressing in obtrusively like a screen of sweaty hands. By noon the heat was so intense that even the insects stopped droning; the blacktop a sizzling wasteland that could grill bare skin and melt the soles of shoes that stood still on it too long.
It was the humidity that got to Aomine more than anything...
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theshinsun · 3 years
He’s here! The man himself!! At long last!!!
this time on euts:  Classes begin, and so does a brand new subset of Kagami’s troubles... featuring Sakurai as his very own incarnation of Icarus, and Aomine as himself.
Title: everything under the sun
Chapter Title: now I’m melting through the floor
Pairing: AoKaga, others
Rating: T
Summary: College is a strange and awkward and beautiful time no matter where you come from. For some, it’s a new beginning, for others, just a continuation of the same old struggles.
Or, Kagami has no idea what he’s getting into when he agrees to meet the rest of Kuroko’s friends.
There's a guy sleeping at Taiga's table. Loudly.
He'd come into class looking for a seat in the front because he had thought, he had hoped, that it would be the surest bet for the people around him to not act like total shitheads. He'd chosen this table specifically because it was mostly empty, with its only other occupant being, you know, asleep. But it's starting to sink in now, as it probably should have before, that college really is a different ball game than high school. Here you get shitheads at both ends of the room...
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theshinsun · 4 years
welp... I got home and immediately wrote until 3 am, but I hit my day 1 goal.
idk if I’ll be posting euts’ chapters as it updates or, since it seems to be falling together pretty out of order, I’ll start posting after it’s finished, but if you want to check my progress it’s got a project page here.
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theshinsun · 4 years
There it issssssss! The somewhat scientifically-accurate freshwater merman AU!
(+ corresponding concept art)
also as requested, @ceruleanshockwave, @hadenxcharm
Title: To The Gills
Author: Shinsun
Pairing: AoKaga
Rating: E for explicit sexual content
Summary:  While on summer vacation at his father’s lake house, Kagami Taiga comes across an unusual creature stranded in the lake by a storm. Bringing him in and helping to treat his injuries leads to some unexpected developments.
....Ya freaks.
“Are you… I mean… are you a for-real mermaid?”
Aomine snorts, “A mermaid, seriously?”
“What else would you call a creature that’s half human, half fish?” Taiga asks defensively.
“I’m not half anything."
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theshinsun · 4 years
*huge deep breath* Alrighty I’m gonna call this one done, at the risk of having it go on for another 20 pages
Title: Ain’t No Rest
Author: Shinsun
Pairing: AoKaga
Rating: E for explicit content
Summary:  Life is tough for a single parent…especially a high school dropout parent living on odd jobs and gambling basketball named Aomine Daiki. Life gets even tougher when actual, challenging opponent Kagami Taiga appears and proceeds to fuck all of his shit up.
“Taiga, Tatsuya!” Reo calls as soon as he lays eyes on them, raising a hand that’s still clutching a blue microfiber cloth between its polished fingers in a wave. “A pleazure to see you, as always. ‘Ow was the game?”
“Total domination,” Tatsuya says dramatically, spreading his arms in a wide arc, before nudging Taiga in the ribs with one elbow. “We’re unstoppable when we really work together, little bro.”
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theshinsun · 4 years
I lied and kept this a huge-ass block of text. I apologize for that but not the content herein... brace yourselves, shit goes down.
Title: Ain’t No Rest
Author: Shinsun
Pairing: AoKaga
Rating: E for explicit content
Summary:  Life is tough for a single parent…especially a high school dropout parent living on odd jobs and gambling basketball named Aomine Daiki. Life gets even tougher when actual, challenging opponent Kagami Taiga appears and proceeds to fuck all of his shit up.
“Hey, asshole!”
Daiki doesn’t turn at first, since, last time he checked, there are plenty of other assholes that work in this warehouse who could be coming under accusation. When the guy called Daishou stalks around the pallet jack and glares right up into his face, though, he does pause...
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theshinsun · 4 years
*gently breakdances* what’s good y’all this story hasn’t updated in six years... anyway after that prolonged hiatus here’s the conclusion!
Seems rather appropriate for the current state of the world, heh.
Title: Love And War, And Zombies
Author: Shinsun
Rating: E, for blood, gore, and some sexual content
Pairing: KagaKuro and (unrequited) AoKuro
Summary: Zombie apocalypse AU. With an epidemic taking hold and squeezing the life out of the world, the remaining members of the GoM (and co.) band together to survive, but when loved ones become monsters and the group starts falling apart from the inside, it’s no longer as cut-and-dry as killing zombies and staying alive.
Kuroko’s breath came in short, harsh pants, sawing in his chest. He could barely keep up with the brisk pace Hyuuga and the others had set, now that he had turned to running instead of being dragged along, but he was rested and fueled by just as much fear and adrenaline as they were, and his endurance hadn’t flagged yet...
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theshinsun · 4 years
I… got sidetracked this quarantine.
Title: Hoist the Colors Author: Shinsun Pairing: AoKaga Rating: M for some mature content Summary: The night that Kagami Taiga, a nobleman’s son, decides on a whim to spare the life of a pirate, he has no idea what consequences might result from his actions. When he finds himself accidentally on board the Rising Tyrant, a pirate vessel captained by the notorious Aomine Daiki, four years later, it finally starts to click. Enjoy! ——————————— There’s a man hiding in his room. Badly. Pressing his body flush to the wall behind the tall mahogany wardrobe as if he can just melt into its shadow and disappear, his face contorting in a dismayed grimace as the light falls on it. His dark skin glows almost orange under the fluttering flame, his eyes cutting frequently between Taiga and the window on the other side of the room, but he doesn’t move a muscle as the sound of thumping boots draws closer…
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