#ship :  solas & lavellan. in another world.
vitaeplaysda · 24 days
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Finally a complete set with all my planned Rooks! It's just a first take, depending on the CC and the game and how I will feel in the next months they will change for sure. Also the clothing is all random. Purple because... it's Rook. Time to go back to Elgar'dad, commissions and other artworks. I will talk about them under the cut!
◆ Nadir "Lil'Rook" Lavellan
Elf ◆ Transmasc nonbinary ◆ he/they Antivan Crows ◆ Orb/Knife Mage (Spellblade)
My little baby, my firstborn, the first Rook I designed. Used to work as a lil kid in Skyhold's kitchen, until he met the demon Enfenim in that abandoned library hidden there, befriending him (it's another OCs of mines, check my pinned!)
Long story short he gets adopted by my Lavellan after his magic manifested, in the kitchens. Near boiling oil. The left side of his face and shoulder is covered in burn scars. Still he grows up to be a great but VERY unlucky mage, to the point he considers himself bad news and slowly starts to embrace this side of him in a selfdeprecating way. After yet another incident, he leaves her mother and their community, deciding he wants to make just one single good thing for her: finding Solas. Hiding his identity he ends up joining the crows, finding out he's quite good as an assassin. Relationship wise I brutally ship him with Elgar'nan, but more specifically he's in a weird... double triangle romboid (?) relationship with also Sulenan and Bellara??? (aka Sulenan also has a relationship with all of them but Bellara and Elgar'nan don't deal with each other.... unless the game will state otherwise >:D) He's hella young, in his early twenties, but usually fakes his age and tries to pass as someone older. He's also the shortest elf you'll ever meet.
◆ Saara(?) "Rook"
Qunari ◆ female ◆ she/her Veil Jumpers ◆ Bow Rogue (Arcane Archer)
She's meant to be the real Rook, you know, the one who Varric recruits. Qunari who was taken in by a (very open minded) Dalish clan. I'm still unsure if she was born in the Qun or not, in any case she embraced the elven culture as her own. She can be considered diplomatic and understanding, a good bean. The idea behind her is linked to the Qunari having metallic like skin... I wanted to make a golden one since they're usually grey in games. I'm not sure about the name Saara just because I remembered now Sera has a very similar sound. We shall see if I'm going to change it.
◆ Sulenan
Elf ◆ Male ◆ he/him Shadow dragons ◆ Two handed Warrior (Slayer)
I idealized him as a... mortal form Elgar'nan would use to mingle and learn the hell has happened while he was gone but he became a whole unique character. A Liberati of dalish origin, he's one of the angriest characters I have, hating humans for what they've done to his people and their rotten society, hating the chantry for its comforting lies, hating the elvhen gods because... well apparently they're evil now. In the end he's just very lost and heartbroken, desiring only for things to get better. Alas he's also practical and knows you gotta make your hands dirty if you wanna achieve anything. Headcanon wants Elgar'nan can control him through Vallaslin, I also fantasized about Sulenan sharing the same blood of his god. He feels comforted by Bellara's presence tho, his "Official" relationship it's going to be with her. For the headcanon chaotic one check LilRook above 👀
◆ Anarca
Qunari ◆ Agender nonbinary ◆ they/them in game but any pronoun works Mourn Watch ◆ Staff Mage (Deathcaller)
It's just... chaotic. Take the Dnd core rules and turn them into a person. They're unpredictable, at times taking a kind choice, while another time they will act in scary ways. It isn't like they don't like rules and push against them, for Anarca rules simply aren't part of their world. Beside their peculiar behavior, Anarca loves to experiment but mostly they want to have *fun*. You want to see the skeletons dance? You'll have that. Look wise people are always scared as they're extremely tall, most of their face half covered by hair with just their horns poking out.
◆ Veronica
Elf-blooded Human ◆ Female ◆ she/her Grey Wardens ◆ Shield Warrior (Champion)
Melancholic gal whom had to join the wardens in order to survive not so different from the Hero of Ferelden and also the token human (?) of this group. While she has a rooted sense of duty which made her a good warden, she still misses and fantasizes about the kind of life she would have gone through if she stayed among nobles, instead she had and still has to fight monsters and to come into terms with her Calling being closer than not. The idea was to have her romance Emmrich, letting her coming to term with the concept of death through him.
◆ Raibeart
Dwarf ◆ Male ◆ he/they Lords of Fortune ◆ Daggers Rogue (Sabouter)
The cheerful and funny guy of the group but also the most clueless one. Honestly he doesn't know why he joined the Veilguard... he probably doesn't even know he's part of the Veilguard. Still, he isn't one to ask complex questions to himself or others, somehow he's able to work with whatever is at hand, navigating through every situation, hopefully bringing a smile on people's face in the meanwhile. He's goofy but still charismatic and enthusiastic, a disney princess in the body of a burly pirate drawf.
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kcwriter-blog · 8 months
Another Take on Solas' Conversation About the Dalish and Other Things
I know I’m preaching to the choir, but I’ve been seeing enough negative takes on Solavellan and Solasmancers in general on my dash that I feel the need to vent a little. I realize that most negative takes boil down to “I hate this ship and there is something very wrong with you if you like it” and I mostly ignore them but this time I have a few thoughts to share under the cut.
As far as I can tell, the dislike starts with the conversation between Solas and the Inquisitor about the Dalish. Apparently, this comes off as condescending? I’m pretty sure the people that use that word don’t know what it means. The way Vivienne speaks to the Inquisitor is condescending. Solas is just angry and bitter. 
If he were being condescending, the conversation would be more along the lines of “My dear, I understand that having grown up among the Dalish, you are going to be a bit biased, but really you can’t possibly believe that the Dalish know everything there is to know about their history.” Condescension is being simultaneously polite and catty. It’s The Game.
Back to the conversation. Solas tells Lavellan on the way to the Temple of Ashes that his dealings with the Dalish did not go well. He tried to tell them about their history, they didn’t like what he had to say because it contradicted their beliefs, and they tossed him out on his “flat” ears. He also says that the Dalish did not believe he was one of them. 
He’s understandably bitter but not entirely for the reasons we think. Yes, part of it is about ego, but mostly it’s about how closed-minded the Dalish are. Solas hates closed mindedness. He values curiosity and he is willing to debate ideas. He went to the Dalish because as the self-proclaimed keepers of elvish lore and the people searching to reclaim their lost history, he thought they would not only listen but be excited to learn more. They weren’t.
When Lavellan asks about his views on elven culture, he lashes out. Not because he thinks she’s stupid but because he expects her to be as closed-minded as the Dalish he has already met. 
Lavellan for her part can react in several different ways. People that don’t like the romance assume that the top option where she calls him ha’ren is her agreeing with him. It isn’t.
I used to work in human resources back in the dinosaur age. My job was to listen to employee complaints and keep them from suing the company. I was taught how to make an employee think I was on their side without actually agreeing with them. That’s what I think the top response is. She needs his expertise. She needs him to be on her side. Antagonizing him doesn’t help her so she decides to diffuse the situation. 
She addresses him respectfully. Then she says, “If the Dalish have done you a disservice.” She isn’t saying, “Yeah dude they were jerks.” She is saying If (a conditional) which roughly translates to “I wasn’t there. I don’t know what happened, but you seem pretty upset.” She isn’t agreeing just acknowledging his feelings. 
She continues with “I would make that right.” She knows he’s upset because they didn’t listen to him. It costs her nothing to say, “I’m willing to listen and keep an open mind.” That’s all she is saying. She doesn’t say she is going to believe him. She is not going to go out among the Dalish and preach the gospel of Solas. She’s just willing to listen. 
She then turns it back on him. She asks a question. “What course would you set for them?” Again, she’s not agreeing with him. She’s simply asking him to stop bitching and figure out how the Dalish could do what he is suggesting.
The end result is that Solas apologizes, recognizes that there isn’t a way for the Dalish to do what he wants them to do and settles down. Is he still salty? Sure. He also recognizes he shouldn’t take that out on Lavellan. 
Most of Solas’ conversations with Lavellan run along the same lines. He tells her about the pre-Veil world, she says “It sounds like it would be wonderful.” Again, not agreeing that it was, just that the way he describes it sounds wonderful. There are a lot of other examples. 
Basically, Lavellan is smart and canny. She can meet Solas as an equal on his own ground. She is willing to admit he knows stuff she doesn’t and to take his advice if it seems sound. She doesn’t have to, and yeah, he can be salty about that, but the only reason we don’t know if your other advisors disapprove of you disagreeing with them is that their approval system is hidden. 
You can disagree with him and still gain enough approval to trigger the romance etc. All you have to do is ask questions, keep an open mind, help other people and be merciful when you sit in judgement. It’s not that hard. 
I’ve heard it said that he treats her like a child who doesn’t know anything. Hello? Is there another Fade expert in the house? Does your Lavellan know everything there is to know about The Fade, spirits and demons? No. No more than she knows about spying, the nobility or directing an army. No one thinks what Cullen tells the Inquisitor is condescending or treating her like she is a child or an idiot. Also Solas does know a lot of things she doesn‘t because he was there. He is sharing that info. He won’t share it if you don’t ask him questions about it. 
Another charge. Solas is cold. He is certainly aloof but in his post-Fade kiss conversation with Lavellan he is almost playful. He is concerned about where it might lead but he is almost happy. He admits he isn’t usually thrown by things that happen in dreams, but he is “reasonably certain we are awake, now and he would enjoy talking.” That’s not someone cold and aloof. That is someone reaching out.
Another charge. Solas makes Lavellan chase him. Nope. As attracted as Solas is to Lavellan he would much rather she focus her attentions elsewhere. That’s why he asks for time to think. He’s hoping she will wander off and flirt with someone else. Lavellan drives the relationship. He gives in against his better judgement. It isn’t a game to him.  
Another comment is that you have to work hard and break down a lot of barriers to romance him. Um, yes? He is constantly saying he has trust issues. If Lavellan wants to pursue a relationship knowing that, then she only has herself to blame for the outcome. 
I’ll just end by saying I was in a truly toxic, emotionally abusive relationship. Not the kind of relationship where you get a drink with friends and say “Yeah he was totally toxic.” The kind of relationship where you need professional therapy to deal with it. If anyone is going to be triggered by that romance it would be me. I’m not. I know what it is like to be condescended to, to have someone constantly say or imply that you are incompetent and worthless. Solas doesn’t do those things. He is impressed by her, he admires her, he thinks she is competent enough to go to when he needs help. He tells her that. Trust me, an emotional abuser does none of those things. 
Anyway, thanks for listening. 
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queenaeducan · 2 years
Red lyrium for the future long fic for the WIP asks? 👁️
WIP Ask Game! @ziskandra
so!!! ian, the lavellan i ship solas with, is a companion and not inquisitor. before we ever shipped them his writer, joly/@/theshirallen, had his first meeting with the herald happen during In Hushed Whispers.
one of the first things we decided was it'd be neat if, w/ solas being a dreamer, they met and fell in love in dreams during the year before the herald pops back out of the time hole. so this fic is kinda that story + what happens in the year we missed. solas ends up giving information to alexius to buy himself time, escape attempts are made, blighted sons lose their humanity.
it's an exciting WIP b/c i get to explore the companions' lives outside the herald's influence (even if they are in jail) + build a world that is ultimately destroyed by the herald when she reappears.
i've shared snippets for this a few times b/c i've been pretty consistently happy with what i have written for it. here's the start of the second chapter, wherein solas is searching for blackwall's dream in the hopes of plotting an escape attempt but instead winding up in ian's (a stranger's) dream:
Dreams are sacred places, not to be trespassed lightly. They are the purest distillation of one’s brief existence in the world, populated with the faces of beloved friends and scorned enemies, and thus resist a stranger’s influence. But to those who have known the Fade as a home, entering requires no more than a delicate touch. Unfortunately, something being easy does not make it right. Unfortunately, Solas has little choice but to try. He steals in as a shadow, his shape silhouetted opposite a wall lined with sconces. Blinking in and out of existence as he passes between them, he blends into the shadows, and emerges into the light imbued with greater strength. His feet land on quarry cut stone, finding their stride as the dream comes to better know him. For a moment he thinks he walks Redcliffe Castle halls, perhaps in another time and place, but the walls bear not a single banner emblazoned with the Guerrin crest, or the conquerors who came before them. Instead, they lie bare, save the flicker of candles to light his way, and every so often he passes a statue with narrowed eyes that seem to track his movements. Though where they expect him to go is a mystery. The hallway turns, and turns, winding in a loop that extends into infinity. Each door he passes is either firmly shut or exists in a haze, dissipating into fog the farther his eye ventures beyond the crack between the panel and the frame. I am getting nowhere, he thinks, and the room around him agrees. As he stares down the far end of the hall, the space around him tightens, pressing in close, stone pressing weight across his shoulders, as if to say: there is no escape. But they have not yet invented a cage that can keep him, no trap his wits cannot not save him from. He presses on.
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lyntergalactic · 3 months
i'm one of those writers who delights in reading and writing all kinds of things. i love all the DA NPCs and am a huge multishipper so feel free to get creative in my inbox. i prefer prompts that aren't dialogue/sentence starters, but other than that... go ham.
also if you're nabbing a prompt from a prompt list, please copy paste the entire prompt into my inbox so i don't have to have the list open in another tab.
if you want to learn a bit about my PCs, check out this dreamwidth post or scroll further down for a very brief run-down on some of their canon relationships. i'm also cool with writing default protags though they... may grow into new PCs, i make no promises lol
specifics i'm especially feeling this week:
ships: juniper/solas, iris/sebastian, hadley/cullen, alistair/zevran, blackwall/inquisitor, blackwall/the warden
platonic pairings: blackwall & alistair, bull & solas, varric & solas, cassandra & solas, linden & solas (it's a solas kind of week, okay...) hadley & alistair, hawke & varric, iris & fenris, fenris & sebastian
prompt lists/types: h/c tropes, a softer world, non-sexual intimacy, things you said, prompts from poems
canon character relationships:
hadley amell - romanced leliana but they break up a few years pre-inquisition; eventually gets together with cullen; very close friends with alistair, zevran, and nathaniel; was close with anders and misses him muchly; adores shale and sten and the feeling is... potentially mutual??
iris hawke - romanced sebastian and they've got a queerplatonic thing with fenris; has another weird queerplatonic thing with anders; loves carver to bits and pieces and has an... Interesting relationship with him; pretty much considers varric family; surprisingly friends with cullen.
juniper lavellan - romanced solas; adores her little brother and tag-along linden; very close with dorian, cole, and bull; has a bit of a fraught relationship with sera; admires cullen, cassandra, and varric.
linden lavellan - seriously looks up to bull and varric; has Mixed Feelings about solas; wants to be a little like viv when he grows up; he and more human!cole have a cute puppy crush thing on each other by the end of the game timeline
laoise cousland - romanced alistair; besties with leliana and zev; surprisingly close with nathaniel? and is friends with oghren after he sobers up; has a weird relationship with anora that blossoms after laoise and alistair take the throne
catherine trevelyan - romanced cullen; looks up majorly to vivienne and cassandra; loves hanging out with varric and dorian and solas because she's a nerd. started off slightly intimidated by bull but now they're bros.
the mega prompt list dreamwidth post
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lillotte17 · 2 years
For a solavellan prompt? Guilty Solas post defeat when he and Lavellan are trying to build a new life and Lavellan getting a bit fed up with the self-pity, but it ends with mutual comforting.
Solas sits by the fire outside a large aravel, making a brave attempt at a pot of herbal tea with trace amounts of elfroot. The smell of the drink is not a bad one in and of itself, but it cannot help but be reminiscent of the taste, which he still finds abhorrent no matter how it has been prepared. He has been accused on numerous occasions of being incapable of making a decent cup of tea, to which he takes exception, as he would argue that it is fundamentally impossible to make a ‘good’ cup of tea.
Regardless, it seems to be one of the few things he has ever tried to learn which he has failed to excel at, but Aili is resting, and if she wants a soothing beverage, his are the only hands available to put to the task.
He gazes through the steam rising from the kettle, past the little clearing where they have made their camp, and out into the dense line of trees surrounding them. The colors of the sky shift, pale rainbow hues reflecting the reaches of the Fade just beyond. Not Veiled, but held. Dreams and reality seeping into one another gently, without either being overrun or locked away. Eventually, things will return to how they had once been. The world will slowly grow itself back into its magic and its wonders. Spirits and physical beings will have chances to learn how to live in peace and understanding. No more darkspawn hordes and Blights. No more Evanuris. No more Dread Wolves to burn away the past in chaos and destruction.
They live in seclusion, as they must, for now. Not everyone is as merciful as the former Inquisitor, and his crimes are numerous and ancient; the cause of so much suffering across countless ages. The weight of them is still suffocating most days, but he has done all that he can do to make it right. To live is his atonement. To carry the past and everything that was lost within his heart like a beacon, scorching the space between his lungs until he turns to ash. He will remember, and if the ones who come next ask him for the truth, he will give it to them. And if they curse his name, he will carry that, too.
Even if it breaks him.
He is accustomed to solitude, and lean living in the wilds, but with the loss of his agents, and his Heart at his side, it all feels new and bright and strange. Their single land ship is less of a home than he had claimed in the days of the empire -not a single floating crystal spire or an attendant to be found- and it is more of a home in some ways, too. They never stay in one place for more than a few months together, but he has a rhythm and a pattern and a place here. One of his own choosing. His own making. Quiet and peace and a freedom he has not known since long before he took up the mantel of Fen’Harel.
“Are you out here burning water again?” Aili asks in a thin rasp from the entrance to their tent. She looks mussed and haggard. Swathed in blankets and holding more in her one remaining arm.
“You should be resting,” he chastises without much heat. “I will bring your tea when it is ready.”
She snorts.
“As if you’d recognize when tea was ready.”
“Regardless of quality, my attempt is all there is to be had,” he reminds her archly. “Surely you were not so desperate for some boiled leaves that you felt the need to get out of bed to supervise.”
“…You were gone when I woke up.” Her voice is soft. Just shy of shaking. “You know I hate that.”
Solas lets out a huff, surprised and nearly offended.
“You think that I would abandon you now?” he wonders, “Today of all days?”
The beat of silence that follows stretches out long enough to make them both frown.
“…If you left, I do not think it would be your choice.” Aili says at last.
“It would not.” Solas agrees readily.
“But you did not think you had a choice when you sought to tear the Veil down, either.” She reminds him.
He sighs and glances away.
“But whatever the cause…I do not think I could bear to be without you again.” Aili tells him, her voice breaking on the last word.
He looks back at her, his expression wounded and worried, extending his hand in wordless offering. She shuffles towards him slowly, even with healing magic, she is sore and exhausted. She has no free hand available to grasp his fingers with, so she passes him the bundle she had been carrying, and sinks down onto the grass beside him with a long exhale of breath.
Solas freezes, caught off guard at the sudden offering, as he looks down into the blankets at the tiny sleeping face of his daughter.
It is not his first time holding her, of course. His hands were the first to receive her into this world. He had cut her cord, cleaned her gently, and passed her into her mother’s waiting arms. Her little pointed ears are still slightly bent from the manner of her arrival, and her features are a bit flushed and flattened, but there are still obvious traces of both himself and his Heart in every inch of her.
“You would endure without me, Vhenan.” He tells her softly. “You are the strongest most vibrant person I have known. If it came to it, I know you would find the means of keeping yourself and our daughter safe from harm. Even if you had to do it on your own.”
“Do not ask it of me.” Aili says, the tone of her voice is commanding and insistent. She grips his sweater with her one remaining hand, pressing her face into his shoulder, and breathing him in deep. “I have endured enough. We both have. Just because I never found the limit of my reserves doesn’t mean they don’t exist. I deserve a life of peace with the man I love. And our child deserves to know her father.”
Solas smiles, but it makes him ache to the very marrow of his bones.
“And I do not deserve either of you.”
  Aili frowns at him.
“It’s a little late to be talking like that, isn’t it?”
“Do not misunderstand,” he hurries to clarify, “I have regrets beyond counting, but you -either of you- could never be one of them. My desires are unchanged. My love for you has only deepened with time, as I knew it would. And I know it will continue to do so, even as the long years pass us by, and our daughter grows. It is simply that… My actions have stolen the very joy I covet now from so many. It was not my intent, but I do not suppose my intentions mattered very much to those who suffered and died because of the Veil I wrought, or the orb I allowed Corypheus to find. Or all the things that came after.”
She lifts her hand to touch his face. The touch is gentle, but the emotion in her violet eyes is intense and solemn. Her thumb traces the sharp angle of his cheek as she considers how to respond.
“I think…you are right,” Aili tells him with a sigh. “Your intentions will mean little to those who have been lost or injured in the chaos that followed the creation of the Veil. But…I do not think any amount of self-flagellation would appease them, either. Killing you will not give them back their lives, or heal the other wounds that may have been inflicted. The revenge of it may taste sweet for a moment, but it would not fix the things that were broken.”
A tear slides down his face, but she brushes it away. He takes a deep shuddering breath, accepting her words without rebuttal. His arms tighten around his sleeping daughter and she squirms slightly, making a vague noise of protest.  
“You always give yourself too much credit, Ma sa’lath.” Aili chastises him quietly while checking that the baby is not about to wake. “I suppose with a name that means ‘pride,’ you cannot help it much. You are not innocent in the tragedies that befell the world, but that does not make you guilty for all of them either. You made mistakes, and some of them were terrible. Some may not even be forgivable. But you helped people, too. You healed those who were hurting. You freed thousands from slavery. You saved my life more times than I can count. When you saw that you were wrong, you changed. You stopped. You tried to fix the things that had gone awry. I do not think that it is necessary or wise for you to forget the errors that you made in the past, but… I would ask that you try to remember the good you have done as well. I know I do.”
“The misjudgments far outweigh the acts of altruism, I’m afraid,” He sighs.
“Well…you could change that,” Aili points out, smiling faintly. “What’s the use of living forever if you can’t spend that time growing into the person that you want to be? Once things settle down, there’s nothing stopping us from wandering Thedas helping people where we can.”
“You do not wish to rejoin your clan?” Solas wonders.
“I…accepted the fact that I could never go back to them a long time ago,” Aili says with a shake of her head. “I miss them all, but even if your infamy were not an issue, the former Inquisitor is still a target for plenty of idiots trying to make a name for themselves. I’m their First, and I have to protect them, even if it means staying away.”
“And I am sorry for that, too.” He bows his head.
“Don’t be.” She shrugs. “It is…not the life I thought I would have, but it is not a bad one. You are my clan now. Both of you. It is enough. More than enough. It’s everything.”
Solas leans forward and kisses her cheek tenderly.
The baby wriggles, waking in earnest this time. She squints up at the brightness of the sky with the same violet eyes as her mother. Solas pulls the blanket up higher to give her some shade, rocking her slightly as Aili hums to her and offers her fingers as a distraction. The baby does not seem overly distressed for now, merely observing the world around her as best she can, and wondering at it all.
“I…hope I can teach her well enough to avoid the sorts of mistakes that I made,” Solas says after a few quiet moments of watching her.
“You are an excellent teacher,” Aili grins, “But I also think it would be almost impossible for anyone else to repeat your mistakes, Ma sa’lath. You’re a tough act to follow.”
“Suppose I…” he frowns, a deep line of worry furrowing his brow, “What if I continue to make mistakes? What if something else goes wrong, and I try to fix it, only to watch the world shatter and she-”
“Shh,” Aili soothes, “She will teach you, too. Our daughter will grow and change along with this world as it comes back into its magic. You will learn to love and care for it through her eyes. She will not lead you astray. Ma ghilana, Da’vhenan.”
“Ma ghilana, Da’vhenan,” Solas echoes, smiling down at his daughter’s face.
She offers him a pleased sounding burble in reply.
“…Ghilani.” He suggests softly.
Aili smiles, warm and bright.
“Ghilani,” she agrees.   
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felassanis · 2 years
"Small" checklist of things I want in Dragon Age 4:
Better hairstyles is obvious
Better looking armour is also obvious. Give me more variety other than "shitty trench coat a school shooter would wear"
A Varric romance. If this is going to be the last game he appears I do not see why you can't throw the dwarf lovers a bone Bioware
Combat similar to Dragon Age 2. I prefer button mashing and getting to whack enemies with my staff than holding trigger while a boring animation plays.
Put Kieran in the plot, he has so much potential. Or at least some kind of revisit to Flemeth taking in the Archdemon soul or what it means that Solas may have that very soul too. Just something with the Archdemon we fought in DAO.
Let us wear Antivan Crow armour.
Please pay homage to the background we pick in character creation. I really don't want another instance of Lavellan suddenly going brain dead when visiting and ancient elven ruin and suddenly having amnesia about their culture and history. Make the world react to our race. Make characters make comments about our class. If our elven protagonist goes to an alienage, don't have them be utterly oblivious to the squalor most elves live in. Because they would be AWARE.
An update from our Warden. I don't really expect the warden to make an appearance because that is insanely tricky. But another letter, or a character updating us on where they are at. Like say, if Zevran makes an appearance in da4 and he was romanced, have him explain if the Warden has gotten any closer to curing the Taint.
Piercing options in the character creation.
A resolution on Anders.
Honestly you know what would be sick but also unlikely but I'm gonna put it here anyway NAVAL EXPLORATION AND COMBAT. I see some concept art featuring what looks like underwater exploration and it reminded me of Black Flag. And if Isabela is back, then it can be her ship we explore by.
More demonisation of the Chantry. Inquisition, as much as I do like that game, leaves such a sour taste in my mouth over the attitude towards the Chantry. It is a powerhouse of abuse and hatred. an instigator of genocide and cultural appropriation and for it to be treated like a sick puppy that just needs to go to the vet is terrible. Going to Tevinter, somewhere that just disregards the Chantry, should offer an environment where we can finally explore how bad the chantry is.
Blood magic specialisation and more exploration towards its positive uses.
Antivan Crow origin.
Divinity Original 2 mechanic where magic and bombs can inflict elements onto the environment. So like, if you make it rain and then cast an ice based power. The puddles will turn to ice and make enemies slip. Spicing up combat.
Also divinity original sin 2 mechanic where you can romance anyone because your idea of attractive might not be same as your player's. because Fane was the best romance and you nearly skipped out on Solas being an option so....can't really trust you to decide who we can and can't romance.
For Dwarven players. Make the camera cut half their face off its so funny.
Speaking of dwarven players please try and work with propertions. Even if that's making new animations for love interests to bend down or pick up their dwarven lover during kiss scenes. Believe me the game will look better for it and your fans will appreciate it when their small dwarf doesn't suddenly GROW.
Also, more romance scenes in general? Idk it feels like such a drag when you wanna romance a character but across 40+ hours of gameplay you only have 3 romantic cutscenes.
More personality. The Inquisitior was so wooden and I would love a system like the blue, purple, red dialogue wheel to make a come back because as simple as it was IT WORKED. Hawke felt alive especially purple. And have companions COMMENT on your disposition. Have serious characters call you an arsehole or hide their smiles when your character is being snarky.
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enby-hawke · 2 years
Sandwiched Heart
Ship: Cullen/Lavellan, Solas/Lavellan
Tw: mild violence
Words: 1052
Read on A03
The tears streamed angrily from Brhris’ face, her fist still bruised from punching Solas. He had told her the truth about the vallaslin and that hurt; hurt that her history was stained with such darkness. Hurt that her legacy was built on a mountain of lies.
The truth was like a dagger in the back, but she’d pull that dagger out and wield it. She fought hard to be blessed with June’s vallaslin. Brhris wasn’t the strongest with a blade, but her hands had always been crafty, and her fingers were calloused from fixing bows, carving toys for children, and weaving clothes for the winter. She toiled countless hours perfecting her art, trying to keep what little remained of the patterns they knew alive.
Was it all a lie? Was every story a facade? Did she really care when those stories gave her strength? Was her strength a lie? Brhris found herself questioning all she knew, and usually, she would have wanted to confide in Solas, but he broke her heart in half. When she refused to have her tattoos removed, he pulled away from her, and while he said that her decision wasn’t the reason for his, she could not imagine how it could not.
So she punched him, made him bleed for breaking her. And he just took it. He didn’t even bother to get up from the puddle he had fallen in, and for some reason that made her angrier.
She didn’t know how long she’d spent crying in her room, refusing to come out. Was it one day? Two? But eventually, she knew that Corypheus could only benefit from her moroseness so she found herself strolling the Skyhold gardens. Her face was a mask of composure for anyone who saw her, her golden eyes unreadable.
Brhris found herself watching a bee pollinate an embrium flower, uncaring that her heart was just shattered and her world turned upside down. It just worked with purpose as it gathered up its pollen. Brhris resolved herself to follow its example.
“They’re quite pretty.”
Brhris turned her head to find Cullen sitting next to her on a bench, a book in one hand and a sandwich in another.
Brhris found herself staring only at the flowers for if she stared at the Templar too long she would feel dizzy and that would only confuse her already broken heart. “Yes,” she said noncommittally, not offering more conversation.
Cullen shuffled uncomfortably, flipping his book open, and began to read, but she could feel his eyes wander back to her. She wasn’t sure she liked his eyes on her. It did thrill her, she couldn’t deny that, but he was a shem. He couldn’t possibly help her carry her Dalish legacy and that wasn’t something she could compromise on. But still, there were these little moments like this…silent, quiet, where his presence was just comfort.
“Have you eaten, yet?” Cullen was a man of war, but she was surprised at how gentle he always was. He had a softness in his eyes that shouldn’t soothe her, but it did.
Her stomach growled, answering his question and she found a flush on her cheeks. He laughed good-naturedly and broke his sandwich in half. “It’s just ham and cheese, but you really shouldn’t run on empty.”
She took it even though the combination didn’t sound that appetizing, but she still felt comforted by the gesture. She shoved a piece in her mouth, wrinkling her nose at the mayonnaise, and said, “this tastes like halla shit.”
Cullen choked out some of his food laughing, and then covered his mouth politely. “I’m sorry, Inquisitor. I’ll ask the chefs to prepare one of your usuals.”
He started getting up to do just that when Brhris grabbed his hand. “Wait, don’t.” She saw that he was looking at their intertwined fingers and she let go, not realizing what she had just done. “Sit. I’ve eaten worse. Plus it's bad manners to waste food when offered.” And to prove a point she stuffed a huge bite in her mouth and started chewing.
Cullen slowly sat down, watching Brhris turn a shade of green. “Are you sure?” he raised a thick blond eyebrow.
Brhris swallowed and then gagged. She looked at the sandwich frowning. “This white stuff’s like semen. How do you eat it with a straight face?”
Cullen coughed again, choking on his sandwich. She found a welcome laugh reaching her belly as she watched Cullen bump his own chest and swallow. “Maker’s Mercy, the things you say, Inquisitor...” his cheeks were flushing as he set his sandwich aside. “I don’t think I can finish.”
Brhris laughed a second time, only stopping when she noticed a pair of wolfish eyes staring at her. When she turned, she saw Solas watching her and Cullen, a tenseness set in his jaw.
But when their eyes met something changed. Suddenly Brhris remembered all the pain she had been hiding from but swallowed the tears down her throat. He would not see her cry.
He looked away and turned back into a corridor into the castle and Brhris was left feeling empty and lonely again.
The scar on Cullen’s lip stretched to a thin line as he watched Brhris watch Solas. “Are you alright?”
Brhris glared at him with hard eyes because if she didn’t tears would start leaking out. “I don’t need you to take care of me!” she snapped.
She immediately regretted it when the guilt bloomed on Cullen’s face, and he hunched into himself. “I’m sorry, Inquisitor, I overstepped. It won’t happen again.”  He snapped up his book and closed it, taking the rest of the sandwich, and bowed deeply to her like the professional he was. The professional she wasn’t.
Brhris watched his footsteps retreat back into the castle. She didn’t know why she was feeling so guilty. It wasn’t like she hadn’t done everything to keep Cullen at arm’s length before. This was just more of the same.
And yet he was always so patient with her. So gentle with her. He let her breathe when Solas took her breath away. And she was so confused that in her lowest moment that Cullen somehow made her forget and make her laugh.
She put the sandwich in her mouth and took another bite.
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rosella-writes · 3 years
Rosella's Recs
I thought it time I finally make a compilation of some of the fics I've enjoyed recently. Sometimes you read something and just need to shout it to the world! In this one I'll share fics that focus on some rarely-touched-upon subjects, characters, or pairings that really tickled my fancy.
but I never had a name (and I never felt the same): by mafalda_157 (@darethshirl) Rated G. In which Merrill meets Audacity, and the tangled, beautiful relationship that results from it. This fic really captures the dreamy, treacherous land of the Fade in my opinion, as well as hammer home the otherworldliness of spirits and how very different their outlook is from "normal" people's perceptions of right and wrong. Audacity is a chillingly fascinating character here and I absolutely love them, and Merrill's character voice almost brought me to tears. It's a feast for the soul from beginning to end.
doldrums: by mafalda_157 (@darethshirl) Rated G. This fic had me simultaneously howling with laughter and internally cringing at every turn. Dorian makes the mistake of discussing slavery with Lavellan, and accidentally alienates his newly-found friend. He's lonely and cold in Haven, and to offend the Herald only adds insult to injury. Dorian's internal monologue (and external monologue, let's be real) is just absolutely perfect here, and he both shatters me and heals me. Absolutely lovely and heartwarming and funny all around, and has become one of my all time favorite comfort fics.
let me occupy your mind (as you do mine): by mafalda_157 (@darethshirl) Rated E. When I finished the Eight Little Talons in Tevinter Nights, I immediately made a beeline to AO3 to find fics for my new favorite Antivans, Teia and Viago. At the time of looking, however, there were none. Since then, this little beauty was written, and boy does it deliver. It's sweet, it's fluffy, it has assassin shenanigans in Orlais, and it has two little murder hobos hopelessly in love with one another. Some of the hottest smut I've ever read, 10/10 cannot recommend enough!
Two Elves and a Vint: by cellophaneflowers (@melisusthewee) Rated T. In which Quinn Trevelyan doesn't need help so much as help when it comes to wooing our favorite Seeker of Truth. I loved reading him struggling with his pride and his need to please his lady, especially through Dorian, Sera, and Solas's eyes. To see each companion deal with Quinn in their own, very unique ways was a pleasure, and I couldn't stop grinning by the end.
The Many Faces of Wisdom: by cellophaneflowers (@melisusthewee) Rated G. This fic singlehandedly made me ship Solas/M!Trevelyan. In which Solas goes searching for remnants of Wisdom in the Fade after the events of All New, Faded for Her... and finds it. This idea was fascinating to me, of the spirit being reborn in a not-quite-familiar way, and yet still just enough of Solas's friend to make it difficult to let go. Wisdom-Curiosity-Purpose is just delightful here, morphing between its different aspects as it tries to figure out what to Be, and the face it chooses tells us more about Solas than Solas ever wanted to know. Beautiful, heartwrenching, angsty fic with a fluffy, fuzzy core.
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vitaeplaysda · 2 months
Where else you can find me?
◆ @diesvitae main art tumblr ◆ @karmicblackhole personal tumblr
You can find me on Twitter/X with the same names!
#veilguard spoilers ; #datv spoilers
Active ask challenges I'm taking:
[Veilguard Hype Ask] - [OCs Emoji Ask] - [OCs Relationship ask]
All my Dragon Age Characters and Ships can be found below the cut!
(Images will be added on a later date...)
◆ ELINAN of clan LAVELLAN Female (she/her) Dalish Elf Mage (Rift Mage)
We all know how the storyall know how the story goes. She starts at the First of her Clan and due fate she unwillingly becomes the Herald of Andraste at the head of the Inquisition all while falling for the Dread Wolf himself. What is less known is her heritage, of her grandmother falling for a mysterious tall elf with purple eyes when her clan was close to the Tirashan forest, a color she inherited among the superior height compared to the other elves. Fascinated by Solas's stories about the spirits and feeling useless in front of his pain when he lost his friend to corruption, Elinan found herself wondering if there was a way to heal demons guiding them to a road of redemption without killing them. It would later become her primary mission in life, all starting with Enfenim and Cole, bringing her to create a safe place of healing and knowledge in some elvhen ruins hidden in a secret location. As the Inquisitor, she never believed in the Chosen of Andraste idea, but was glad to play along as it gave her the power to help others. This is because she's a people pleaser by nature, working hard to the point of getting several burn outs in order to perform perfectly in every occasion. Understanding that role was no longer needed and with other goals in mind, she disbanded the Inquisition, disappearing completely in a matter of months. She spent her following years between journeying Thedas to learn the different approach to spirits among the various cultures of the world and helping those in need in her haven, and with time she ended up being known as the Shepherd, for spirits, demons and mortals alike or anyone in need of healing or guidance. Knowing that begging Solas would never move him away from his plans of destruction, Elinan decided to show him there was another way, a kinder way of coexistence between The Fade and the mortal races. Still her heart ached for him, unable to forget the love which united them. The Anchor, while removed, still poisoned her. Beside the scarring on her left arm's stump there were no visible physical issues left behind, but it changed her magic, giving her the same powers of a Somniari.
◆ ENFENIM N/A (he/they/it) Ancient Elf/Fear Demon Mage (Arcane Warrior)
Appearing first as a Fear Demon haunting the Emerald Graves, it was clear for the first moment he wasn't a corrupted spirit from a Rift but much more, he was able to wield a sword and staff just like a mage. Haunted by his lack of memories cursing unlucky travelers to the same fate and an even worse death, after meeting Elinan he starts a journey of healing and redemption by learning he could regain his memories by acting driven by his old purposes: protection of others and the pursuit of knowledge. As the years went by, his look mutated from the arachnid humanoid of his demonic form to one of a beautiful ancient elf. Apparently he was born when Arlathan fell after the creation of the Fade. A spirit of Knowledge from Vir Dirthara was driven mad by the loss of its purpose, instinct making it search for the last source of comfort it remembered: a guardian who's seen all what he had to protected gone and failed his purpose as well, possessing and corrupting him in the creature of Fear he has been for centuries and more. In more recent times he acts as bodyguard and partner to Elinan and is a father figure for Rook. He's also an Archivist in the safe haven he has been building with the ex Inquisitor.
◆ "LITTLE ROOK" Non-Binary (he/him) Elf Mage
There isn't much known of Rook's past but he appeared in Skyhold working as a servant when he was just ten years old. A curious and chaotic child, he always had issues following orders despite having a visceral need to get people’s love and approval. One day, hiding from his duties, he ended up in the small abandoned library near the kitchens, where Enfenim resided while still having the appearance of a fear demon. Somehow the two befriended each other, and in those moments spent together, the child learned how to write and read both elvhen and common. "Little Rook" is the nickname Enfenim gave him, as the kid had deep black eyes and hair, was fair skinned and his clothes were always covered in dirt, making him resemble the bird which was a common sight in Thedas. The kid was also quite small and shorter compared to other elves of his age. Months after the victory against Corypheus, Rook manifested his magical powers in the worst case possible as fire erupted from his hands while he worked in the kitchen, close to a pot full of oil. While the event caused no victims but several injuries and was classified as an incident, Rook got scarred both in body and mind, burns covering a good part of him and the sense of guilt lingering, making him believe he was doomed to always create chaos. After the event Elinan officially took him as her apprentice, but seeing him more like a son, a sentiment she shared with her spirit companion. He left Skyhold with his family after the end of the Inquisition, with the goal to find Solas one day and reunite him with his mother.
◆ ABIGAIL "GALE" HAWKE Non-Binary (they/she) Human Rogue (Duelist)
Born to the Hawke family between both sets of twins, Abigail was the trickster of the family, always playing pranks, unable to be stopped with a tongue as sharp as their blades. Somehow they always knew a friend, always found the information needed and the way they got all these connections, well it was rarely legal or at times even sane. As they were quick to move, they were also quick to fall in love, counting people like Varric, Isabela or even the Arishok on their list of crushes. But alas between a battle and a bottle of wine, Fenris was the one to finally win their heart, his history sparkling a need to do good and help in them. After the events of Kirkwall, keeping track of their movements was hard as ever, at times they were by the side of their lover freeing slaves, some others they were in the places you would least expect them. Like Skyhold. Or the Fade. From which they thankfully escaped, traveling again to no one knows where.
◆ MARIAN HAWKE Female (she/her) Human Warrior (Reaver)
The canon female Hawke offered by the game, twin of Garrett and older sister of Abigail. She has a kind and patient soul, the only one truly able to deal with her brother's rage. She falls for Merrill, with whom she lives, helping her take care of the Kirkwall's alienage. She also takes care of the family Mabari: Holdfast.
◆ GARRETT HAWKE Male (he/him) Human Mage (Force Mage)
The canon male Hawke, twin of Marian and older brother of Abigail. While he was a sweet, shy and sensible kid in his youth, Garrett grew more harsh and angrier as he was unable to deal with the tragedies of his life. What mages had to suffer in Kirkwall fully turned him into a cynical bastard but also did let him fall in love with Anders, considering him his soulmate and his loyalty for the man unbreakable. As Anders got forced to live in exile after the events in Kirkwall, Garrett embraced the same fate, ready to follow him until the end of days. Little is known about his whereabouts but at times he still writes to his twin sister.
◆ AILIS COUSLAND Female (she/her) Noble Human Warrior (Champion)
Ailis was the last surviving scion of the Cousland family, a girl who preferred swords and training instead of learning more feminine arts, something reflected by her quite muscular and imposing look. Becoming a Warden wasn't just a way to survive the purge of her family but an honor she accepted gladly, possessing a strong sense of duty toward her people and Ferelden itself. In her journey she became a close friend of Loreen and Leliana, falling for Alistair's sweetness. He especially guided him to become a stronger man, to the point he took his rightful role as King of Ferelden with Ailis acting as Queen. With Kali vouching for Loghain recruitment as a warden and Alistair refusing to fight by his side, Ailis remained by his side, leaving the party, fully dedicating to her role of monarch for the years to come. She owns a Mabari called Grace.
◆ AERON MAHARIEL of clan SABRAE Male (he/him) Dalish Elf Rogue (Ranger)
You will hardly find among the Dalish someone so taken by their role as hunter as much as Aeron. Marked with Andruil's vallaslin, this man dedicated his full life to the hunt, almost to be considered weirdly obsessed by it. Still he's aware his lack of fear and recklessness aren't something to be proud of and he blames himself only for what happened to Tamlen. Becoming a warden wasn't a choice but his only means to survive, still it didn't come without benefits, having the chance to know Morrigan being one of them. He often jokes about how he won her over due to his good look but in truth they simply bonded by their common childhood experiences. He also got to hunt and kill monsters of every kind, fulfilling his bloody needs quite easily. In the end, he performed the ritual, and Kieran is his son, one he loves dearly despite him containing the soul of an archdemon and being forced to live away from him. Still when the time came, Aeron followed Morrigan through the Eluvians, hoping their fate was going to be better than Tamlen's. During his return to the Brecilian Forest, he tamed a wild wolf which became his main companion, and he gave him the name Harellan, as a taunt to the Dread Wolf.
◆ VALDA SURANA Female (she/they) City Elf Mage (Blood Mage)
Shy and sweet, Valda always found comfort in books and learning, interacting little with her peers first and wardens later. Despite her apparent lack of interest for others, deep inside she cared deeply about other living beings, believing she could find a way to help everyone if she focused enough on her studies. Her control of the magic arts was sublime but the fight against the Archdemon, despite ending in victory, made her fear she wasn't enough, to the point she started studying Blood Magic as well. Surprisingly she found an affine soul in the Architect, enough to make her join him in his research for a better solution both for mortals and darkspawn alike.
◆ LOREEN TABRIS Female (she/her) City Elf Rogue (Shadow)
Life in the alienage was harsh, but for a time Loreen was happy, ready to marry a lovely man, ready to contribute to her community. All until that fateful day which took away all of that from her, including her softer side, exchanging it all with a blazing rage and the need to change things for good. Nelaros's ring was always on her index finger after, and she would never took it off. As a Grey Warden she was merciless against her enemies, but able of kindness for those who truly deserved it and a strong leader for the party amongst Ailis and Kali with whom she grew close. Kali understood her pain being a dwarf commoner and Ailis seemed eager to help the elven cause despite being a human noble, ready to use her role to truly change things the best she could. Leliana became a new source of comfort first, and her lover later, one to whom she proclaimed eternal loyalty, even when she became Divine. After the battle with the Archdemon and the chaos with the darkspawn civil war, Loreen became Warden-Commander and Arlessa of Amaranthine.
◆ KALI BROSCA Female (she/her) Commoner Dwarf Warrior (Guardian)
Despite having been born a casteless commoner, Kali always had the aura of a noble with duty, honor and hard work being the pillars of her life, but most of all, she cared for her sister Rica, making sure she could life a happy life. For her, she was willing to push back her morals and work for the Carta, even if it ended up in a disaster, which would eventually change her life for good. Amongst the Warden she was able to fulfill her call, taking a role of leadership in her group. Being practical and hating to have blood spilled for no reason, she was the one to vouch for Loghain's life and even let the Architect go unharmed with Valda even if it wasn't a decision she was proud of. He found a common soul in Sten, but despite the attraction which was strong for both of them, she had to let him go to follow what his Qun demanded of him, even if the two still shared letters with each other, all formal but with much more hidden between the lines. Just like Loreen, she was promoted as Warden-Commander and is the only one in their group to fully dedicate herself to the Grey Wardens after all their adventures.
◆ HIVER Male (he/him) Qunari (Ex Saarebas) Mage (Spirit Healer)
Being born into the Qun as a mage is something no one should experience, especially when you feel deep down all is wrong. And you dare to voice it. Since his magic manifested, Hiver's life has been a nightmare. Collared, tortured, treated like an abomination, lips sewn and when that didn't work, his tongue was cut as well. Then came the war between the Qun and Tevinter. Venatori captured him like a wild beast to be used freely at their whim. Lost and suffering, his control over his magic was lost, creating a blizzard in the middle of the desert in the Hissing Wastes. That's when the Inquisition and Lavellan found him. That's when he found people who saw him as a person, not as a dangerous tool. She called him "Hiver", the word for winter in the Orlesian language due to that storm of ice he called upon. She taught him how to control his magic, how spirits weren't dangerous monsters but could be allies, many ready to help. His true nature flourished, his kind heart no longer having to hide. Elinan called a teacher to have both of them learn sign language and a spirit of Learning became his main companion, filling in as an interpreter when there was the need. After the Inquisition got disbanded, he followed Elinan, becoming one of the healers in the safe haven she built.
DRAGON AGE: INQUISITION Elinan/Solas - Elinan/Enfenim - Enfenim/Elinan/Solas (polycule v.)
DRAGON AGE II Abigail/Fenris - Abigail/Varric (forbidden) - Abigail/Isabela (ended) - Abigail/Arishok (in their fantasies LMAO) Marian/Merrill Garrett/Anders
DRAGON AGE: ORIGINS Ailis/Alistair (king and queen) Aeron/Morrigan Valda/theArchitect Loreen/Leliana Kali/Sten
DRAGON AGE: THE VEILGUARD LilRook/Elgar'nan (just in my dreams lmao)
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roguelioness · 3 years
writing tag game
Tagged by @ejunkiet, @noire-pandora and @thevikingwoman - thank you ♥
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
68. The number would be higher if I transferred a bunch of my tumblr fics there, but I haven’t gotten around to it (and I don’t know if I ever will!)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
 A Whole New World  (Dragon Age, Solas x OFC)
Deja Vu Jamais Vu  (Mass Effect, Thane Krios x OFC)
For Goodness Bakes (Dragon Age, Solas x Lavellan)
The Dread Wolf Took Her (Dragon Age, Solas x Trevelyan)
A Single Arrow (Dragon Age, Solas x Trevelyan)
(side note: I’m very surprised by the last two! Both of them were written when I first joined the fandom and I’m not very fond of them, but I haven’t deleted them because they show me how far I’ve gotten along in my writing journey. I’m also rather surprised that some of my other longer works haven’t gotten as much attention... oh well!)
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I answer most comments (with a noticeable exception). I struggle with replying to comments but I try to do my best to do so - getting a comment makes me incredibly happy and I want to let the commenter know just that :D
5. What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
A lot of my angstiest works were also my very first works, haha. I temper my angst with fluff these days :) 
That being said, here are some:
Solas ends up killing Trevelyan - A single arrow
Post-Crestwood feels - Rue
Solas loses Lavellan to his plans - Solace sought
Solas and Lavellan lose to Falon’din - In the grip of death
Some of those are better than others (a couple make me cringe, but that’s part of the writing journey I suppose!)
6. What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
Most - of not all - of my stories these days are happy endings. I refuse to have it otherwise!
For Goodness Bakes is my happiest ending so far, I think. There are some rough patches but it ends in a very fluffy way. The Inquisition Job also has a happy ending, which for a Cullenmance is to be expected, but it’s still fun :)
7. Do you write crossovers? If so what’s the craziest one you’ve ever written?
I don’t think I’ve written crossovers so far, but I do have a Stardew Valley/Dragon Age one planned for the future.
8. Have you ever received hate on a fic?
Yes. A Whole New World had a period where I would get negative comments, and anon hate on Tumblr. It’s part of the reason I had to turn on comment moderation, and why I don’t respond to comments for that fic.
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
Oh gosh, yes. Are there different kinds of smut? I have no idea. I try to write hot, emotional smut, but whether that comes across I don’t know.
10. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not to my knowledge, no, and I hope that isn’t the case. Writing is so hard and takes so much effort, it would be such a slap in the face to have something stolen. I hope people don’t do that - what a terrible thing to do.
11. Have you ever had a fic translated?
12. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No. I imagine it would be quite tricky planning out characters and plot? Would each author write a chapter? Not sure how that would work, but I wouldn’t be opposed to it if there was a good way to go about it.
13. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Solavellan, though if I’m being honest, it would be a tie between that and Solas/Trevelyan. There’s just something about an ancient elven god falling in love with someone who belongs to the race he believes caused the downfall of his people... I haven’t written it because I would be terrible at it, but it does capture my imagination.
14. What’s a WIP that you want to finish but you don’t think you ever will?
My very first longfic (now deleted) was a Solas/Trevelyan soulmate AU that suffered from the too much syndrome, and as a result I had to can it. I have a soft spot for it because a lot of ideas I had in that story I’m proud of, but I just don’t think I can finish it - it would take way too much work, and I have other ideas that interest me more.
15. What are your writing strengths?
Plot. And dialogue, maybe.
16. What are your writing weaknesses?
Emotion. I know what the character feels but it’s quite the challenge for me to show it. I’ve been trying to work at it but it takes a lot of effort. 
Description is another part that I struggle with - I often wish I had a way with the pretty language/phrases I read.
17. What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m guilty of doing this! One thing I’ve come to realize is that having a different language in the middle of a story can be quite immersion-breaking, so lately I’ve tried to use only words/phrases that are part of canon and are well known. I’d much rather use italics to depict a different language - it does the same job but won’t leave the reader struggling to translate.
As far as using other languages - might be an unpopular opinion, but I don’t see the harm. Ideally, it would be good to have a native speaker help with the translations, but translating itself takes time and effort and should be appreciated.
18. What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age.
19. What’s your favorite fic you’ve ever written?
Oh man, I don’t want to choose - I put in a lot of effort into all of them and I love them the same! (The one-shots, on the other hand, are a different story lol).
This might be strange, but I’m quite proud of Resurrection. It’s a very different story idea and writing style, and I’m pleased with how it turned out. I’m also happy with Succumbing, a Solavellan vampire AU that was my first attempt at writing horror. Lastly, my DAI:NPC ficlet series is a very self-indulgent attempt to explore the random characters you encounter in Inquisition (though I’ve had to pause it on account of not having screenshots - maybe I can pick it up again at some point!)
Tagging @ma-sulevin, @kagetsukai, @wickedwitchofthewilds, @redinkofshame, @bearlytolerant, @shannaraisles, @galadrieljones, @cleverblackcat, @hoochieblues, @rhetoricalrogue and anyone else who wants to do it (consider yourself tagged!)
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emerald-amidst-gold · 3 years
Writing Tag Game
Thank you so much for the tag @noire-pandora! <3
Time to show people just how much of a baby I am in the fanfic world~! >:3
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
A total of ten! Mainly because I lump drabbles together for easy access!
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
....273502 words so far. :3 I like words. Words are good. Words are friends. 
3. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
Emerald Eyes Amidst Golden Vows (the very first rendition!) - 48 kudos
Emerald Eyes Amidst Golden Vows - Bound Brighter - 24 kudos
A Dragon’s Hope - 15 kudos
Dragon Drabbles - 13 kudos
Poetry of Wolves - 11 kudos
(Honestly, the progression of style change in each of these fics is terrifying to me. I look back on the last one, and I’m like, ‘Oh my god.’ X’D) 
4. Do you respond to comments, why or why not?
I do, on occasion, respond! Though I may use a lot of words while writing, when it comes to communication? I suck. XD But, I do get extremely, extremely excited whenever I see a comment in my inbox, and I do go back and re-read them when I’m feeling down about my writing! I usually respond when a person asks questions, but I try to read them as rhetoric since I don’t want to spoil too much! X3 So, to everyone who has left me comments on my fics: THANK YOU. I do really appreciate and adore them. :3
What’s the fic you’ve written with the angstiest ending?
Many of my short fics (those ranging from one to two chapters) all end relatively happy. I like angst, but I also enjoy making characters that are usually somber and stressed a little lighter. :3 If we want to get technical, then the first several chapters of my main fic all have rather angsty endings because the beginning of Fane’s journey is...heh. It’s not easy, and it’s not supposed to be. 
Although, now that I look, a very old fic of mine called ‘A Dragon’s Guilt’ has a rather angsty ending. Basically, Solas’ frescoes in the rotunda send Fane into a momentary spiral, and it was me playing with Adamant possibilities before he was ‘set in stone’. Panic attacks and mixed memories galore! :D
What’s the fic you’ve written with the happiest ending?
*rifes through my fics* Uhhhh... All of them? :3 Okay, okay! No, if I had to choose it would have to be...one of the short stories in ‘Dragon Drabbles’. It’s a four part story (and my first hand at smut >:3) that’s titled ‘Existence is Not a Sin’. It starts off angsty, but by the end it’s so sweet, so sickeningly sweet that I’m like, “...How did I write this?” X’D ...I’m actually thinking of re-writing a lot of my previous fics just to see if I’ve improved with writing! :D
Do you write crossovers? If so what is the craziest one you’ve written?
I do not write crossovers, but I’m open to the idea! Sadly, my brain hyperfixates on one thing at time, so my imagination is limited. X’D
Have you ever received hate on a fic?
I haven’t, and I’m very grateful that I haven’t. To be honest, when I started writing and posting, I expected to get hate (prepare for the worst, you know?) because I was doing something that wasn’t really the ‘norm’ for a lot of people. After all, people are entitled to their own interpretations and mine some times don’t link up with someone else’s. I understand that, and I respect that, but some people...don’t offer the same courtesy. All I’ll say is, if you don’t enjoy my content, don’t read it. We’re all adults, so shrug your shoulders, say, “Not for me”, and move on. Just know that if you do leave a hate comment, you will receive no reply, no fuel. So, don’t waste your time and don’t waste mine. Simple as that. I’m here to share and make people smile, not argue. :3
Do you write smut? If so what kind?
I have. Once, and I for the life of me can’t figure out how to do it again. X’D I’m very into soft intimacy; gestures and actions that speak a thousand words. Close positions (missionary, straddling, etc.) and a lot of eye contact with some healthy crying in the mix. *winks* I’m kind of inching towards a theme of ‘body worship’ when it comes to Fane and Solas because those two.. *sighs* They really need to shown that they are beautiful people; inside and out.
Have you ever had a fic stolen?
I have not. Thank God. XD All I’ll say is this though, you steal my fic, my son and claim them as your own? *gets close to the screen* I will track you down and demand a talk. Don’t steal other’s hard work. Don’t. Writing is not easy, and it takes weeks, months, years for authors to pump out their inspiration, so don’t steal that labor just because you want to say you could. Same goes for drawings and pieces of art. Don’t.
Have you ever had a fic translated?
I haven’t! English is my first language, but I understand some French! :D 
Have you ever co-written a fic before?
No, I haven’t, but the idea is intriguing to me sometimes! I’m just a tad unreliable due to how my mood ebbs and flows. I have very long dry spells. X’D
What’s your all-time favorite ship?
Solavellan! >:D While I write solely M!Lavellan/Solas, I do support all genders and orientations for the ship! Because I didn’t get into the ship because of what I saw, it’s what it meant to me. 
What’s a WIP that you want to finish but don’t think you ever will?
*side eyes my main fic* LISTEN. It’s coming! I swear. I’m just having intense writer’s block with my main fic, and I’m not sure why. That’s why I’ve been messing with prompts and drabbles. X’D There’s also my modernAU, too.. *sweats* TIIIIIME! WHERE ARE YOU?!
What are your writing strengths?
Describing emotions. I like emotions. Emotions are nice. :3
What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue. Mainly because Fane...doesn’t speak much at the beginning of his journey. He’s very curt, short, so I have hard time incorporating other’s reactions to him. I’m getting better though, I think! :D
What are your thoughts on writing dialogue in other languages in a fic?
I’m for it! Sometimes that little splash of altering dialect can draw someone in and establish a connection! Language connects us, and it’s never too late to try and learn so as to reach out to another! :D
What was the first fandom you wrote for?
Dragon Age, my beloved~ 
What’s your favorite fic you’ve written?
A short story of mine called ‘Blood in the Snow’. It was one of my very first fics and it was the first time I was like, ‘This Lavellan is my muse. I can do so much with him.’ It was just so fun to write a vulnerable moment for Fane, but still keep him locked up. ...It was also where I went, ‘Oh. This is Solavellan Hell. I wasn’t meant to go there, but I DID.’ X’D
Tagging: @oxygenforthewicked @little-lightning-lavellan @dreadfutures @the-dreadful-canine @rosella-writes @aymayzing @drag-on-age @varric-tethras-editor and anyone else that’d like to play! (no pressure, of course! <3)
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wanderingnork · 2 years
for the different shipping meme, dragon age!
lowkey otp: Warden/Architect. There’s like no content but I don’t care, it just has so much going for it. You have to know, though, I almost couldn’t choose? I love so many ships in this fandom, most of them pairings between side characters or total crackships, that I had a laundry list of faves going before I threw in the towel and just picked the one I’ve actually written.
highkey notp: boy howdy Cullen/Samson is not remotely my cup of tea. Like if you’ve gotta ship Samson with another Templar, Ser Delrin Barris is right there.
[softly] don’t notp: I’ll give this spot to Lavellan/Solas. Most portrayals I don’t like, but I see the appeal of the ship and I have read a couple that I very much enjoyed. Also, I salute all those in general who are willing to let Solas break their hearts. In that respect, we’re all in the same boat!
highkey otp but I’m scared of saying it: none, if I like it I’m not going to be out here hiding it. No shame for any of my ships, no matter how wild (Feynriel/Varania is currently top of that list, but it’s subject to change).
highkey otp and anyone on my tumblr knows it: any Adaar/Solas and Anders/Fenris. Just give me all the content. Let me WRITE all the content. Both of the ships just good. Potential for growth! Personal change! Challenging each other to be better! Or worse, if that’s what you want! Surprising common ground!
Plus, you know, I’ve just got a real thing in general for “supernatural being of phenomenal cosmic power falls in love with someone who’s Just An Average Guy and realizes the true value of the world.” And a thing for warriors going out of their way to be chivalrous shields in battle for their glass cannon mage lovers. And height differences. And mutual “I don’t know how to love someone/how to be loved but I want to figure it out with you.”
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queenaeducan · 3 years
8 & 10 love for ian & solas
ship meme | @gaysolavellan
8. Who is better at comforting the other?
In the beginning it would be Solas. To be fair to Ian, I don't think he'd necessarily be bad at comforting Solas, but Solas up until the point of Wisdom's death is doing a good job at pretending that comfort isn't something he needs. And even while he's putting up that front Ian still does offer him a lot of comfort, but the beginning of their relationship from Solas' POV almost by necessity brings him some internal strife just b/c of the things Solas is grappling with in accepting the nature of the world around him.
In addition to that, Solas has experiencing dealing with trauma and trauma responses from his time as a rebel leader. A lot of the comfort he grants Ian is validating his emotions and his experiences, and not being off-put by things Ian's been taught are wrong about him. Even in one of their first conversations where things end sour between them, Solas is still offering some degree of comfort by simply listening to Ian and being undeterred by Ian's stutter. It's not enough to save Ian from crying, but the fact that they both listened to one another has greater ramifications on their relationship going forward than either realised in that moment.
As they grow closer (and as Solas learns how to let him) Ian does learn how to comfort Solas, too. He's probably one of the only still-living people who can and the only one who knows Solas' own traumas with the intimacy that he does. Not to go way into my own personal Solas headcanons, but there are things Ian knows about Solas that Mythal never knew because rebellion distanced their relationship and he was always trying to make her think the best of him, there are things Ian knows that Felassan never knew because he was the rebellion's figurehead and thus needed to keep himself together for the People.
10. Do they prefer verbal or physical affection?
Solas prefers physical, but at the start of their relationship he needs verbal. One of the big things I stress when I write Solas is that without the Fade he's lacking a dimension, a physical sense that he relied upon more than any other. While he can use expressions and inflection to determine how people feel, it's never as certain as it was before the Veil, it's harder to tell if it's real.
Solas and Ian share their first kisses outside of the Fade, their first dream together happens later than it does in-game for Lavellan and Solas. When Joly and I wrote their first kiss Solas asks if he can kiss Ian, and then waits for Ian to invite him to kiss him again, because well. I like when people ask before a first kiss I think it's very romantic, but also because Solas is lacking a cue that makes him uncertain. So towards the beginning of their relationship verbal affection/assurance is something he needs, but as he becomes certain in what he is to Ian he needs it less, excepting tumultuous periods such as after Ian's personal quest where he's of the mind that Ian will want to end things with him. He did, after all, go directly against Ian saying he should remain Tranquil.
Ian is also physical over verbal, but needs both. That has more to do with anxiety than Fade-induced doubt. He's a very physically affection friend and it's how he expresses love, but for his own sake of mind he needs to be told nice things, as well. This becomes more true on bad days. He needs the reassurance that comes with "I love you" or as mentioned above, validation and reassurance that his trauma doesn't spoil him. Or, on a lighter note, he needs to hear Solas say he's enjoying himself to trust that Solas is enjoying himself.
Thankfully verbal affection is often Solas' first instinct.
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theharellan · 3 years
What is “Home” to a Wanderer’s Heart?
A series of flash fics written for @rare-egg-hunt featuring Solas and Ian (non-binary, he/him), a companion Lavellan written and conceived by @theshirallen. The ship is canon divergent and doesn’t follow the exact trajectory of canon Solavellan. I wasn’t aware of this event until like, yesterday, so this is all I have time to prepare, but if this happens next year I’m looking forward to being able to contribute more!
You can read more of these two in an AO3 collection featuring fics/roleplays.
Indomitable Focus
Hands which tremble in the slightest wind hold steady now, magic coursing through Ian’s fingers and bleeding into the mortal world. He holds creation itself in his hands, stitching sinew and mending broken bones, turning a month’s bedrest into an afternoon’s. Solas watches, tongue held behind his teeth. Some questions find their answer that evening around the fire, as they speak in quiet tones of magic, and his eyes drift to watch the shape Ian’s lips make around his words. Others wait months before they’re satisfied, indulged at last by the weight of those same hands placed lovingly upon his waist.
Paint Stains
There is colour in the dream where their fingers interlocked, the sides of his fingers painted with the memory of Ian’s touch.
The head which once lay upon the softest patch of grass, the crook of his arm its only relief, now rests upon the pillow of Ian’s thigh. Eyes flutter shut, leaving open the chance for bare fingers, relieved of their gloves, to trace the slope of his cheek down to his lips turned in the shape of a smile meant for him alone.
The pillow beside him still bears the impression of Ian’s head, but the sheets have forgotten his warmth. Evenings of quiet conversation become desolate and bereft of any sound save the creak of the bed frame as Solas turns to face the wall. On the floor below Ian sleeps more soundly than he ever has before, dreams locked behind the sun-shaped scar upon his brow.
With each spoken word he unveils himself, with each lie unravelled the weight of the hands at his waist lightens, loosens, their once sure grip now questioning who they hold. Is it courage or selfishness that he reveals himself now? Is it dread he sees in Ian’s eyes? The last strands of twilight are swallowed by the stars, his hopes vanishing with the onset of night.
Through the Eluvian
It comes alive at his touch, magic dancing beneath his fingertips, opening paths once forbidden to his like. Skyhold’s shadow stands at his back, yet no distance, no matter how vast, will untangle him from its memory. He lingers in the paint strokes on the wall, in the lessons impressed upon the Inquisitor’s mind, in the space between Ian’s heart and the blackened jaw that now dangles around his neck.
What will they call you?
Fen’Harel. The name follows him like a dead friend through the camp of his fellows. It is not a title invoked with intent to harm, yet it settles over him like an ill-fitting cloak. He pushes open the flap of his tent, and from inside another name greets him, spoken in the voice he treasures most: “Solas.”
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fenharel-babe · 3 years
I'm back in my Solavellan feelings and want to talk about my lavellan and Solas. I saw these prompts and decided to post that now. I'm going to answer each one (other than the nsfw ones) and here we go. Putting it under a keep reading just in case no one cares lol.
For the Fluff:
1. What are things they both find funny?
Solas and Bloom both love when Cassandra and Varric banter. They just find it hilarious because Cassandra is nice at some points but she can be angry while being funny. They just find both of them too funny.
2. If they could each describe each other in one sentence, what would it be?
Solas describe Bloom as, "A complicated woman," and Bloom describes Solas as, "A complicated man." They're both complicated on the surface and they just stick to that description. But if people ask for what do they like about each other, then OH BOY!!! They could go on a rant.
3. If they complimented each other, what would they say?
Solas would compliment Bloom by saying how she always notices the good in people. She always tries to make people feel better, help them heal, and just help people in general. She cares for people and the way she sees the good in people, and it makes him love her.
Bloom would compliment Solas by saying she loves hearing him ramble and how adorable it is. Solas rambles and we ALL know it. He'll talk about the fade or magic for hours and Bloom loves to hear all of it and she finds his passion adorable.
4. What would be their ship name?
Blas because it's close to blast and Bloom will blast you away if you ever hurt her family. It has Bl from Bloom and as from Solas lol.
5. What activities do they enjoy together?
Hmmm...they enjoy a lot of things together. I guess the one thing they could mainly enjoy together is reading. They both like to read and find it fun. But the part they both enjoy the best is reading to each other. Like Lavellan is resting her head in Solas's lap and he's reading whatever to her or Solas is resting his head in her lap and she's reading to him. It's comfortable and that's an activity they like.
Another one is taking naps together.
6. What is/are their love language(s)?
Physical attention. I believe Solas does like it when he gets physical attention. He's like...however old and he's definitely touch starved, but only for the person he loves: Bloom. They both like getting physical attention and like holding hands, kissing, hugging, nsfw things, and they do like words. They love being told "I love you" from the other and it brings them so much comfort. They love it when they comfort each other.
7. Write a ~300 word love scene for them.
Solas was looking at Bloom again. She was resting on the couch in the Rotunda, few pieces of hair falling in front of her face, and was slightly snoring. He worked in the Rotunda all the time and she would visit him all the time. Even before they confessed to each other. They love being together, so if she was ever stressed, she would come here and check on him. He would accept the attention and he would give her as much comfort as she needed. This time, she came because she had a bad dream. She was being chased by demons and was witnessing Solas's death in the future that Alexius tried to make. He knew she suffered from the mere memory, so he would never shun her away. He would do whatever she wanted and this time she just wanted to be in the same room with him.
She groaned in her sleep and it made him worry. He marked the page he was on in his book and went over to her. He knelt in front of her and pulled the pieces of hair back behind her ear. She moved slightly and it made him freeze, but she didn't move again and he was relieved. He looked at her closer now and he got to see the sight he loved. He loved to see her at peace, something he rarely got to see, and when she slept he got to see it. It made him feel happy and he just staring at her made him feel blessed. He leaned forward and kissed her forehead gently. He hoped she wouldn't wake, but she did.
She opened her eyes and smiled when she saw him. "Hi, vhenan."
Solas blushed at that word and decided to kiss her again to hide it.
8. What were their first impressions of each other?
Bloom found Solas as interesting and she really wanted to know more about him.
Solas found her as rude and distant. Only to realize she's just anxious and actually loves almost everyone.
For the Angst:
9. Have they made each other cry?
Have you seen the ending of Trespasser??? YES!! They have. They never used their words to hurt each other and make them cry, but their actions have. Solas leaving made Bloom cry, Bloom having a dream of Solas being dead made her cry, and seeing him again in Trespasser made her cry.
Now, Solas cried a lot. He hides it, but he does cry a lot. He cares for Bloom a lot, more than he thought he would, so seeing her hurt? It makes him upset. One time, she was knocked out for quite awhile because she used a lot of her energy, and Solas was so concerned and he cried. So yes they cry about each other a lot.
10. Write a ~300 word argument scene for them.
I can't exactly do this one because they rarely argue :(.
11. What causes them to fight?
Umm...the only thing that could make them fight would be Solas telling Bloom to do something she doesn't believe in. Solas telling her that she's too kind hearted and almost implying she's weak. That would really hurt her and she would argue. It would be a short argument because she would leave since she doesn't want to argue. They would both come together soon and they'll explain their side and almost always feel better.
12. Do they have differing political opinions?
Yeah. I'm not good with the politics in like DA, but it's obvious they do bc he's Solas and she doesn't know the things he does, so they do have different opinions. It's why they avoid that topic lol.
13. Name something they would never do for the other person.
Bloom could never let him destroy the world. Like she would never help him. Does she love him with her entire soul? Yes. But she can't destroy the world.
Solas would never just forget his past for her. You can take this as in he has to destroy the world or just that he can't stop the mission of at least sharing the word of his people. He just can't forget his past.
14. What would be a dealbreaker?
Destroying the world is a deal breaker for Bloom lol. Or just anything regarding to hurting people for the fun of it.
Deal breaker for Solas would have to be her hating on his old life. Like?? Excuse me?? Bloom would never but still. If he had someone do that then he'd have to leave them.
15. What are traits they dislike in one another?
Bloom doesn't like the way Solas is constantly not looking at other peoples POV. He just thinks about his past and sometimes needs to be reminded not everyone is like him and he needs to think about it like them.
Solas doesn't like the way Bloom is always sacrificing herself.
16. If they broke up, what would be their opinions of each other?
They would still love each other. They have broken up like twice already now. First in DAI and then again in Trespasser (not rlly but ya get it?? He left her once and then he did it again lol). They would still love each other and wouldn't move on. They would still believe that they are a good person (Even if Bloom's opinion of that good person is in doubt) and almost have the same opinions.
For the Depth:
17. What senses (sights, smells, feelings, etc). remind them of each other?
Bloom is reminded of him when she sees green clothes. She's reminded of his clothes he would wear, how she would take them off in the heat of the moment, and how she would sometimes sleep in them. And!! Seeing wolves or animals would sometimes remind her of him. He liked animals and talked about them and since he has a jawbone, if she saw a wolf she'd immediately think about him. The smell of the woods would remind her of him.
Solas is reminded of her when he sees anything blue or ginger. Blue was her favorite color and she almost always wore blue clothes, and her hair was ginger. Seeing anything ginger would remind him of her, her hair, and how he would run his fingers through it when she was stressed or sad.
18. What would be their love motto?
"To love is to understand each other, trust each other, and want to protect each other."
19. If they could each write a single line in their marriage vows, what would they be?
Bloom: "You make my fire brighter and make me feel like I can do the impossible."
Solas: "You understand me and see things in me I can't see myself."
20. What is a promise they have made to each other?
To love forever. Solas knew he wouldn't love anyone like he loves her and she knew she wouldn't love anyone the way she loves him, so they made a promise.
Away from their love, it's a promise to always be true to each other...even though that promise is very sad...because you know-
21. How have they changed each other for the better/for the worse?
I think they've both changed for the better. Bloom slowly learns she can't sacrifice herself and that it's okay to love someone no matter what. Solas learns that everyone is suffering in their own way, how precious people are, and how to love again.
22. If their lives were what was originally intended at birth, would they have still fallen in love?
Umm...Bloom was meant to be a hunter and stay in a clan, so I doubt they would have met. BUT if they ever did, they most likely still would have fallen in love. Bloom was still the same no matter what. He probably would adore her more because she can fight physically and also use her magic.
23. Write a ~300 scene between them with no dialogue, only body language.
They were in her bedroom, getting undressed for bed, and he finally wrapped his arms around her. Bloom felt relief when Solas wrapped his arms around her. She had been through a stressful day, so to feel his arms around her, it made her feel safe. The warmth he radiated brought her peace, and then the coolness he gave her made her feel even better. Anything involving him made her feel loved, so to just feel him made her happy.
Uhhh....I can't write just body language. I need to write dialogue so my bad. Take 79 or 80 words lol.
24. What is something they have each had to forgive the other for?
Bloom has to forgive him for trying to destroy the world lol.
Solas doesn't really have anything to forgive her for. She's always been careful around him, not overstepping boundaries, and they rarely fought. He just feels the need to forgive himself and understand why she forgives him.
Anyways yeah take this!! I might do more prompts like this. I just love them so much. I might do Cullen and Elle and Julian and Cassandra!! And there's not much proofreading so :))).
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bdafic · 3 years
Roses Where Thorns Grow // Playlist
Over the five years I spent writing Roses Where Thorns Grow I listened to a ton of music, periodically tucking away songs that connected with the story. Consider this a a glimpse into Ellana’s character and history, as well as a companion piece to, “Part One” of Roses Where Thorns Grow. 
Best listened to in order with the little blurb about what each represents for Ellana or her relationship with Solas as it progresses over the fic. There are some small spoilers for her backstory if you haven't yet finished the story. I absolutely adore fic/character playlists, so I’m happy to finally have a chance to share my own!  Enjoy! 
[ Full playlist - Spotify version // Full playlist - YouTube version ]
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1. As The Crow Flies - Timothy Vajda Ellana’s earliest years she can only recall in pieces. A difficult, solitary, life deep in the forest. When a harsh winter takes everything it leaves her family no choice but to move on with what little they have. 
2. Last Kind Words - Geeshie Wiley They were good to her, and they were good to each other.
3. Sinking Ship - Wild Child Tragedy took everything from her: history, identity, her sense of safety, and even her name. When she’s found and rescued, the men bring her to a strange place to live among strangers: Clan Lavellan Though they are good to her, she feels alone.
4. Anvil - Lorn Years pass. She adapts: growing, thriving, creating -- she becomes Dalish. She learns the bow, to forage, to be one of many, to be proud. She learns new stories to replace the ones she can’t remember. She forgets.
5. Run Boy Run - Woodkid Ellana finds her calling as a hunter and a spy. Her time is spent exploring deep corners of the wood, wandering old ruins, or watching bustling cities from afar. Often alone, always unattached, the way she’s always liked it: no real home to call her own. Her skill is unmatched, and when she’s chosen to watch a Conclave she sees it as a gift. Her feet itch to explore.
6. A Thousand Eyes - Of Monsters and Men All is not what it appears to be. Something terrible happens, and once more she alone survives a tragedy. Taken in among strangers, this time as prisoner and pariah. Everyone is watching her. They whisper and stare. They want answers, reparations, and justice... and she has nothing to ease their pain.
7. Nature Boy (acoustic) - AURORA Adjusting to life in a foreign land is difficult; few care enough about an elven stranger to ease the transition. In a sea of uncertainty one face shines above the rest. Another elf, alone, who brings with him vast and storied experience. He gifts her tales of spirits and forgotten places and when he speaks of the old ways it makes her heart leap. They dance around a budding affair of stolen glances and shy smiles, and she starts to question that old vow to stay alone...
8. Everybody Wants to Rule the World - Lorde The breach is sealed and she is hailed a hero: the Herald of a foreign God. But her power is stolen and there are those who want it back. Monsters stalk her steps. They will raze the land in search of the Anchor.
9. I’ll Keep Coming - Low Roar The attack on Haven. Ellana loses the fragile peace she fought so hard to obtain. Broken, cold, and starving -- but undefeated -- she carves a path through the snow and tells herself she’ll make it back. There is more to do.
10. All is Full of Love - Björk She falls for him. He yields with the softest touch. He is beautiful and brilliant, strange and compelling, and his kiss is a revelation. They will bring each other joy.
11. Technicolor Beat - Oh Wonder Back and forth, up and down, there is pain with the pleasure. He runs and she pursues. He gives and she takes. When they finally come together it is wonderful... 
12. Soon We’ll Be Found - Sia … but love is never that simple.
13. Who Are You, Really? - Mikky Ekko Revelations. Events were already unfolding when she stumbled into them -- something bigger than she ever could have known. Now she’s a part of his stories, too.  
14. The Moon Will Sing - The Crane Wives There is so much to know, so much to feel. She is angry and betrayed. Confused and hurt. Too deeply in love to stop now.
15. Here With Me - Susie Soh, Robert Koch It fits and it feels right, but it hurts and they crash and pick each other back up again. It’s terrible and wonderful... and never easy. They’ll keep trying
Other Playlists: [ Roses Where Thorns Grow, Part II ] [ Coda / Prologue ] for what comes after. [ Solas ]
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