#ship: king of adarlan & dorian
acourtofquestions · 20 days
Anyone else get The Bolter vibes from Celaena/Aelin?
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mneiaifics · 2 years
Throne of Glass: Biding Time, Chapter 1
Originally Posted October 17, 2019 on AO3
At first, there was peace--the day was saved, the evil defeated, the bright future shining ahead of them--but peace could not last in a world so broken. And Dorian is sent back decades earlier, to just before his world of glass starts to shatter, to fix what is already long lost. Post Kingdom of Ash Time Travel AU
Ships: Erawan | Duke Perrington/Dorian Havilliard, Kaltain Rompier/Dorian Havilliard, Aedion Ashryver/Dorian Havilliard, King of Adarlan & Dorian Havilliard, Chaol & Dorian Havilliard.
Warnings: Dark, Character Bashing, PTSD, Cannibalism, Character Death, Possession, Manipulation, Canon-Typical Violence, Canon-Typical Bigotry
Dorian awakens to the familiar, horrible chiming of the clocktower's bells. He lies in bed, heart racing, trying to convince himself it's just some bad dream.
For the bed is one he recognizes, one that hasn't existed in years. The same with the room around him. The same, he knows, if he looks out the window towards the clocktower he can feel, pushing sluggishly against his magic. And the glass palace that is surely there, as well.
Fix this, Hollin had said, staring at him with horrifying black eyes that Dorian knew weren't from possession. You ruined it all, so you'll be the one to fix this.
His brother had killed himself, then, adding his blood to their mother's, activating the last of the wyrdmarks he'd carved. There had been no time to stop it, no time for Dorian to use his magic to prevent...whatever it was.
And now he was here. In a younger body. In an earlier time period.
Guards rushed into the room and he flinched, barely refraining from reaching out with invisible hands to push them back out. These, he reminded himself, were not the possessed guards that eventually filled the buildings and grounds. These were Chaol's men.
"My prince! We heard a shout!"
Dorian blinked at them, before taking a deep breath, shaking his head. "It was nothing, just a bad dream."
That explanation didn't seem to satisfy them, but they left. And he, seeing the rays of sunlight beginning to reach through the horizon, slid out of the bed.
He spent long moments running his hands over the clothing in his wardrobe, styles he no longer wore, fashions that had not been seen in years. After choosing what he thought was a neutral enough outfit, he hurried out, heading straight towards the library.
First, he'd find all of the books on wyrdmarks he could and bring them back to his rooms, hide them among his collection so they were unnoticeable. Then he had a sword to collect.
And then--he paused, eyes going up towards his father's rooms--and then he had to decide what he would do about the Valg. About his father and Erawan.
After seeing Yrene do it, Dorian knew he could burn out the prince within his father, but Erawan...he wasn't so sure. Not when the Valg king still had two of the keys in his possession. And if he took out the prince in his father without taking care of Erawan, it would give too much warning.
Already there were experiments being done. Already there were forces being gathered.
He'd dropped the books off in his room, the ones he could find, and was on his way towards the room that would be Aelin's in another life when a page caught up to him. "My prince," the boy murmured, bowing, and motioning towards the glass castle. "Your father is...concerned by your absence."
Dorian mentally cursed as he followed the boy back towards the castle and the council meeting he'd overlooked. As king he'd set his own schedule and would not have forgotten such a thing, but as prince he was still at the mercy of his father's often abrupt planning.
Or, abrupt-seeming. He had no way of knowing how many of these were scheduled to distract them all of them from what the Valg were doing.
Duke Perrington was there, just the sight of him, even as innocuously human-seeming as he was, set Dorian on edge. He had to clamp down on the untrained magic stirring in this body, on the expression of distaste he wanted to make.
"So kind of you to join us," his father ground out in reprimand as Dorian took his seat.
It was only halfway through the meeting, as they began to wind through a report on wine exports, that Dorian realized what meeting this was. Of course Hollin would send him to this exact moment.
When his father announced his 'need' for a Champion, Dorian felt a sinking in his stomach. He glanced up, accidentally catching Perrington's gaze, and for a moment he swore he could see the gold lurking behind the black.
Original Author's Notes:
I just love time travel fics lol I feel like I should specify (if the summary didn't do so) that this is Dorian attempting a fix-it not for what happens in the books, but for the dark future that comes after all of the dust settles. Because the world is REALLY fucked up by that point and it's hard to imagine all they needed to do was kill two Valg and suddenly everything is going to be puppies and sunshine. Anyway, also you should heed that this is DARK. Dorian already has a pretty massive amount of PTSD and shit to deal with at the end of the series and he's coming off of a bunch more awful stuff happening, so he's gonna be a little OOC. The actual events, the details and stuff, of his past (post canon until he gets sent back) will come out as the story progresses. And anyone who knows my ASOIAF fics and my obsession with Starks having Other blood can already guess that this is going to do a lot of delving into Dorian (and Hollin) having Valg blood and what that means for them. This will update infrequently and just a warning but I'm not sure I'll finish because this isn't really my fandom.
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skyfallscotland · 3 months
So...Heir of Fire, final thoughts/running commentary:
Aelin and Rowan are becoming slightly more interesting
There’s no way that necklace is in the river 🙄 Click on Aelin, obviously Arobynn has it
Oh my god, is Chaol actually telling Sorcha everything??? We don't even know this girl, who cares if Dorian likes her?
"I think that this kingdom could use a healer as its queen" babe, you've known her five minutes settle down
Starting to realise why some people who love this series might have had some reservations about Fourth Wing because a lot of this is ringing some very specific bells 😬
I still love Manon so much 😭🖤
Still shipping Chaol & Aedion 🥰🥰
And also Chaol & Dorian 👁️👄👁️
I knew Sorcha was sus AF! (Ok I thought she was significantly more sus, but still w/e)
Chaol going back for the dog?? AND THEN BOOKS??? IDC what anyone says, I’m now on the Chaol defence squad
Um also, Aelin being like 'it's cool, I'm going back as Celaena so it's stealth'....does the King of Adarlan not actually know who she is? I just thought this whole time he knew and was just finding everyone else's cluelessness amusing. Like an overlord with a favourite toy. The man enslaved a whole continent practically...surely he knows???
All in all, this one was definitely better than Crown of Midnight, so I'll keep reading I suppose. I did kind of groan when I found out we were going back to fucking Rifthold though. Like, girl please 😭 we had better not be going back in that fucking castle or imma lose it.
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aho-dapa · 1 year
You know what I find so hypocritical of aedion and aelin, especially in heir of fire and queen of shadows, is that they are both literal mirror images of chaol
In heir of fire, aedion throughout the whole book is saying how he would serve aelin to his dying breath and even argues with ren that he would never become king in her stead. But aedion’s fierce loyalty already mirrors chaol’s for dorian. They literally have the same motivations, just for different people.
He and chaol even argue about their respective loyalties. Everyone always questions chaol’s loyalty to the king of adarlan, but hasn’t it always been to dorian? With the hope and promise that dorian would someday become king? Aedion even says that he’d kill the citizens of adarlan if he had to (because of the grief of watching terrasen fall) right to chaol’s face? Like???
*cough cough* this may or may not be the reason why I ship aedion and chaol because they have good conflict chemistry but yeah
(I also don’t understand sjm’s characterization of chaol being disgusted by aelin killing people WHEN HE’S LITERALLY KILLED SOMEONE IN THE FIRST BOOK LIKE?? also, apparently it really messed with his head?? But we don’t get any lingering trauma in the next books, then because of this he just becomes a hypocrite in the later books?? Like what happened to him not caring/looking past her assassin identity?)
Alsoooooo, when aelin gets mad and thinks about how she doesn’t understand why chaol served the king of adarlan like?? She literally worked under the King of Assassins?? The guy who saved her only to use her, the guy who basically killed sam?? Someone she still works with after she knows this even if she hates his guts? Like??? Also I get it if she’s working with him to trick him later?? But also, like, why doesn’t chaol get this same nuance?? Also, in the start of queen of shadows it’s not like chaol is still working for the king of adarlan, who we can guess has also lost his title, and is working with the rebels (to, at the very least, save dorian) like???
Edit: this one felt obvious but also AELIN ALSO SERVES THE KING OF ADARLAN LIKE?? so it’s only okay when you do it? Okay okay, I see how it is
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zoyaofthegardvn · 1 year
If you’re comfortable, maybe some smut with Manon asks Elide? But with Elide as the top and Manon as the bottom?
Jealousy, Jealousy
A/N: I would love to! They're one of my favorite Throne of Glass ships! Thanks so much for requesting, anon :)
CW: Smut! 18+ plz.
Angst, to fluff, to smut!
Elide can't help the pit growing in her stomach as she watches Manon. They're on a diplomatic trip to Adarlan, and Elide hates how friendly the King, Dorian Havilliard, seems to be with Manon.
Elide knows that they were almost a thing, during the period of time Elide was off searching for Queen Aelin and she and Manon had gone separate ways. Manon has told her, several times, that it resulted in nothing because she could only think of her.
But, Dorian doesn't seem to know that Manon's committed now, dedicated to Elide. She wonders if the King, whom she would have considered a friend, even cares. She wonders if it's as obvious to her lover as it is to her.
Of course it is. Manon is too damn smart to not notice.
And at the thought of that, the pit in Elide's stomach grows when she considers the possibility that Manon doesn't mind the attention, the flirting. Maybe she even wants it.
She shakes the thought from her head, brows scrunching as she watches Dorian lean his arm on Manon's shoulder, as she sees Manon laughing at whatever (probably terrible) joke he's just told. She knows Manon loves her. But, Manon hadn't ever been committed before she came along... does she regret it, now?
The longer she thinks about it, the more she goes from sad to angry. She's frustrated, and annoyed, and after days of enduring this, she's fed up.
It isn't until Dorian tugs on a loose piece of white hair that's fallen from Manon's braid that Elide reaches her breaking point.
She slams the stack of papers she had been shuffling through onto the table. Queen Aelin, who had been watching Elide watch them the entire time, sighs and reaches for Elide's hand. Manon's attention has shifted, entirely focused on her girlfriend now. It's like she has a special sense for Elide, knowing when she's on the move. She sees Elide yank her hand from Aelin's reach, she sees her reddened face and her scowl, and she sees her turn and walk quickly towards the exit.
The doors open with a loud creak, and they slam shut as Elide storms off.
Immediately, Manon's concerned. Shrugging off the heavy arm of the pest that is Dorian Havilliard, ignoring him calling her name in question, she heads toward the table where now just Aelin sits.
Her once enemy now reluctant friend just shakes her head at Manon, clearly annoyed. Manon decides not to approach her, to save herself from whatever sarcasm she's loaded with today. Clearly, something's happened. Manon won't play he said she said by asking Aelin, she'll go directly to the source.
Opening the doors, in a much less dramatic fashion, Manon spots Elide at the end of the lengthy hallway. She's walking fast, almost sprinting.
Manon calls her name, but she does not turn around. She keeps her head down, avoiding the stares thrown her way by the castle staff.
She turns the corner quickly, hoping to escape before Manon catches up with her. She thinks that yes, maybe she's overreacting. Maybe she's a bit too jealous. But Manon is the same woman that ordered the Thirteen to guard Elide like a hawk when she thought Petrah Blueblood might have been flirting with her.
And so, Elide can't bring herself to care about how she's acting.
The castle, though, is a maze. Elide can't seem to navigate it no matter how many times she's been shown countless routes in, out of, and through the space.
She's turning down hallway after hallway, unsure if Manon is behind her, and she can't decide if she wants her to be or not.
Finally, finally, she spots a door she recognizes. It leads outside, to an open area, a pond, some seating, and a little stone path that leads to a Garden? Maze? A mere walkway? Elide isn't sure what to call this part of the grounds. Adarlan isn't a very green place, not like Terrasen. It's all manmade, the garden unnatural. But she's been out here once or twice before, it's a nice place to wander, to get lost. The King often hosts gatherings here, but the weather is chilly and it'll be dark soon.
It's empty, save for the single guard that stands at the door.
He offers Elide a nod, knowing she's permitted to go almost anywhere she chooses. And, Elide thinks to herself, he must be able to tell she's upset, frustrated. A bear not to be poked.
The cool air is a welcome comfort to her flushed skin, hot with anger. The sounds of the pond are gentle on her ears, drowning out the sound of Manon laughing at his jokes, his stupid, silly, man jokes. Whatever that means.
Her fast pace doesn't let up, though. She ventures deeper into the path, hoping to walk it off, to be alone. And, maybe a small, tiny part of her wants Manon to have to work to find her. If she's even still looking.
Her doubts are put to rest when she doesn't even make it out of sight from the garden doors when she hears, "Elide Lochan, come back here!"
Oh. Manon sounds angry. Pissed. Livid.
Elide stops for a second, she shoots a glare over her shoulder, meeting her girlfriend's angry golden stare. Manon bares her teeth, lips curling into a snarl.
"ELIDE! What are you doing?" She spits out.
Elide rolls her eyes, and keeps walking. Her pace picks up again, and she keeps going, keeps turning, until she's swallowed by the shrubs, the statues, the vines.
Manon is hot on her heels, however. She can hear her stomping towards her.
"Gods damnit, Elide, stop!"
Manon's footsteps pick up. Now, she's jogging to catch her lover, who is pissing her off beyond what she thought she was capable of.
When she finally catches up to her, she grasps Elide's upper arm, whirling her around to face her.
Elide goes to protest, but before she can, Manon's in her face, roaring, "What do you think you're doing!?"
Again, Elide opens her mouth to speak, and again, Manon's cutting her off. "Are you insane?! It's cold out here, you've got no coat on, and you stormed out of the council hall without a word to me! You ran off, you could have been lost o-or... hurt! What is wrong with you!? I need to know where you're at, at ALL times, this is not our home, Elide!"
Elide rolls her eyes, and tries to pull her arm from Manon's hand, but Manon just tightens her hold.
"Do you really not trust me in your boyfriend's castle?" Elide finally sneers, realizing she isn't getting out of this. She isn't getting the chance to cool down, like she initially wanted. But now that the fight is here, she welcomes it.
Her question immediately shuts Manon up. She watches her pale eyebrows furrow, her mouth twisting into a scowl. She says nothing, for a moment, and again Elide tries to release herself from her hold.
At the movement, Manon uses her other hand to grab Elide's other arm, holding her directly in front of her.
"That's what this is about?" Manon scoffs, as if Elide didn't see anything she need worry about.
Elide feels her anger begin to boil again, and she hiss out, "Of course that's what this is about! Go back to him, then, in his cushy little castle if it's too damn cold out here!"
It's Manon's turn to roll her eyes, but she visibly grows less angry. In fact, she looks amused.
She smirks at Elide before speaking, "You're jealous of him?"
Elide scoffs, "I am not jealous!"
At Manon's raised eyebrow, she speaks again. "Okay, yes, I am jealous. And it isn't just about him, it's about you!"
Like this is all one big joke, Manon asks, "Oh?"
Elide brings her hands up, and with one hard shove, she frees herself from Manon's loosened grip.
"You knew he was flirting with you, and you didn't do anything!"
"Elide, st-"
"NO! How do you think that made me feel? Knowing that before you and I were together, you were almost with him! How am I supposed to feel when I see him touching you, making you laugh, tugging on your damn hair!" Elide can feel tears welling up in her eyes, she's so gods damn angry.
She takes a step back, and then two, putting space between herself and Manon.
Manon's face has softened, now. She doesn't look amused anymore, and she doesn't look angry.
She looks... guilty. It's a look she's never seen on Manon's face before, and she almost feels bad for putting it there. But she's too hurt to do so.
"It might be nothing to you, Manon, but it means a lot to me when my girlfriend doesn't say anything about us. When she doesn't stand up for me and our relationship." Elide curses herself when she hears her voice crack at the end, afraid that Manon will find her silly for her emotions.
The space is near silent, the only sounds are Elide's hard breathing and the trickling water of the pond.
Manon doesn't take her eyes off of her, and her heavy gaze makes Elide lower her own, too upset to even look at her.
She hears Manon take slow, shuffling footsteps, until she can see Manon's boots right in front of her.
"Elide..." Her voice is quiet, gentle, softer than Elide's ever heard from her.
Elide doesn't move. She doesn't lift her head.
"Elide, please, look at me."
Again, she remains still. Her eyes close, and she tries to remain focused on her breathing. On keeping the tears that have gathered from spilling over.
"Baby, please, I'm sorry."
Manon almost never apologizes. On the rare occasion that she has, it's only ever been to Elide, the only person in the world she's afraid of hurting.
So, though it isn't the first time Elide's heard Manon say 'I'm sorry,' it still catches her off guard.
Finally, she raises her head to look at her girlfriend. Manon's brows are slightly furrowed, and her lips are in a bit of a pout.
She takes another step towards Elide, and again, she grasps Elide's arms. This time, she's gentle, running her hands in soothing motions, up and down Elide's arms then down to her hands, Manon frowning as she holds them, feeling how cold they are.
Elide watches her through blurred vision, until she just gives in, allowing a few silent tears to leak from her eyes, run down her cheeks.
Manon feels like she's been punched in the gut at the sight. "I am so sorry, my love. I didn't realize how much it would bother you."
Elide sneers at that, "Of course it would bother me, Manon."
Manon nods, ashamed of herself for the first time in her long life.
"I-I just... He's a King, Elide. A true, rightful King. A good King. H-He isn't King Dorian Kin Slayer. He's just... King Dorian Havilliard."
Elide goes to stop her, "So wha-"
"Elide, everyone loves him. No one fears him. He has... power, so much of it, power that would never be challenged, his decisions are law...and... I-I don't know. I want him to like me, to respect me, to never question my authority as Witch Queen because my claim would not go so easily unchallenged."
Elide just stares at her, a questioning look on her face. She's still beyond frustrated, but truly, she never thought Manon would want to hurt her, that she was knowingly upsetting her.
Manon takes a deep breath in, and breaks eye contact with her, too embarrassed to see her reaction.
"It's the same reason I put up with Aelin's sarcasm, her insufferable attitude. I'm Manon Kin Slayer, Manon Witch Killer. I've done so much damage to the people I'm leading, a-and... Dorian and Aelin have only ever done what's right, what's best. I want them to like me, Elide. I want them to see me as one of them because the second they don't, they could take me down. Together, they could take out a Witch Queen, and the Witches, too."
Manon looks down at their hands, and she feels relieved when Elide offers a squeeze, urging her on. "I hate when he flirts with me. His jokes aren't funny. His outfits are so, so obnoxious. And his hair is just ridiculous," Elide smiles a bit at that, though Manon does not see.
"And, he's my friend in a way, yes, but he is a diplomatic partner, an ally, above all else. I feel no affection for him. I never have, I never will. Even when he... when he had made it clear how he felt for me, all those years ago, I never once returned those feelings, or implied that there were any. Because you, Elide, are all I could think about. You're all I do think about."
Elide nods, but still, she does not speak. At the silence, Manon finally looks up.
"Elide, I am so, so sorry. I am not someone that cares about what people think of me, or at least, I try to be. But sometimes... sometimes I feel so undeserving. Of this position... of you. It is not easy to admit."
Elide sighs, and she squeezes Manon's hand again. "Manon, I... thank you, for telling me this. I know it isn't easy."
Manon's face looks pained, because no, it isn't easy. But she'll do anything to make sure she doesn't lose the only person she's ever loved like this. "He is, truly, just someone that I work with. That we work with, because you are involved in all things that I do. I am sorry that I let him get away with the flirting. I had hoped, foolishly, that you would not be bothered because you knew how utterly in love I am with you, that I have eyes for no other."
"Manon..." Elide begins, but Manon is cutting her off.
"But I was wrong to think that, it was wrong, so wrong, of me to assume that. It's my job to show you every single day how committed I am to you, and I will never, ever, allow any doubts to fill your head again. I will never let you down again," she steps just in just a bit more, close enough that their chests are almost touching, "I'm really sorry, Elide. Please, forgive me. I'll put him in his place, I swear to you, it will never happen again."
Her face is so determined, so sure, and yet, Elide can tell that she's anxious, waiting to see if she'll scream at her, tell her to leave, tell her that they're over, that she can't forgive her.
But Elide would never, ever do that. Especially not over something like this. It took a lot out of Manon to be able to admit her insecurities, and Elide, though still a bit hurt, is proud of her girlfriend.
Elide leans forward, resting her forehead against Manon's, who bends her head down to meet her. She watches her eyelids flutter closed, relieved that she hasn't lost her love today.
"Manon," Elide whispers, "I was really hurt today, as I have been the past few days, watching him flirt with you while you said nothing."
Manon grimaces, but she doesn't say anything, knowing that it's Elide who needs to speak now.
"But... I knew that you didn't want to hurt me, I know that you love me. But, I deserve to be stood up for, the way that I stand up for you."
Manon opens her eyes, golden gaze looking into Elide's dark one. "You do, Elide, you do. I'm sorry."
Elide gives her a soft smile, shushes her, and leans in, giving her a small, quick peck on her lips. When she pulls away, Manon tries to follow, but Elide drops her hands in favor of cradling her face.
"Manon, let me finish," Manon nods her head, waiting for her to go on.
"I forgive you, love. I know that you're sorry, and I trust you to make sure it doesn't happen again. And... thank you, for telling me how you feel about all of this. I didn't know you felt that way," Elide pauses for a moment to stare into Manon's eyes, rubbing her thumbs along her cheekbones, "but I am really proud of you for being able to admit it to me."
Again, she gives Manon a quick kiss. "You are the best Queen the Witches could ask for. You are not your past, you are so different from the girl your grandmother tried to mold you into. You are harsh, yes. Stubborn, and cold, and quick to anger," Manon laughs, but she doesn't interject, "but you are also passionate, and protective, and fierce and dedicated. Anyone who denies your grace, your leadership, your complete dedication to the Witches is just wrong. I'm sorry you've been feeling this way, but I promise you, Manon, you are admired. You are already respected. You have nothing to prove to anyone."
Manon wraps her arms around Elide's waist, pulling her in for an embrace. She tucks her head into Elide's neck, breathing in her comforting scent.
"Thank you, Elide. I love you, so much. I'll do right by you, I swear it."
Her voice is muffled, but Elide hears it all the same. She rubs Manon's back and says, "I know you will, my love. I love you, too."
They stay like that for a moment more, and then Manon's pulling away, holding Elide by the waist. "We need to go in, little one. It's too cold for you to be out here."
Elide nods. She's freezing, but too stubborn to admit it.
Because she can never help herself, she kisses Manon again, before pulling away and giving her a wicked look. "I know something that could warm me up."
When they get back to their room that they had been given for the duration of their stay, Elide pushes Manon up against the door the second it closes shut.
Her mouth is on her, their lips tangled together in a wet, hot, passionate kiss.
Manon nips at Elide's lower lip, tugging at it as she pulls away so they can catch their breaths. Elide smirks at her before going back in, hand reaching up to the back of her neck, pushing her deeper into the kiss. Elide sucks on Manon's tongue before she breaks the kiss, in favor of trailing her lips downwards. She kisses her chin, her jaw, the spot below her ear. Then, she attaches her lips to her neck, sucking a mark and soothing it with her tongue.
Manon's panting, and she grabs Elide by the hair to bring her up for another searing kiss before she starts walking the both of them backwards, toward the bed.
Elide pulls back and stops their movement, spinning them so that Manon's the one with her back to the bed. At her confused look, Elide smiles and says, "I'm the one that needs to show you who you belong to, I want to lead us tonight."
Manon looks surprised for a second, before it turns to pure, feral delight.
"Yeah, kitten? You wanna show me who I belong to?" She purrs.
Elide bites her lip and nods, placing her hands on Manon's shoulders and guiding her backwards. When her legs hit the bed, she falls down onto it, and watches as Elide takes a few steps back.
"Watch me undress, and do not touch..." Quickly, Elide adds, "that means yourself, too." Manon narrows her eyes at the command, and when she doesn't respond, just watches Elide with a hungry gaze, Elide says again, sterner this time, "No touching, Manon! Say yes."
With a playful roll of her eyes, Manon says "Yes, kitty, I won't touch."
Elide hums in approval, and reaches behind herself to pull the laces of her dress. She doesn't break eye contact with her lover as the dress comes loose, and Elide works it off her arms, over her hips, down her legs.
Manon's eyes roam her body, now just clad in underwear and a band across her chest.
Elide pulls those off, too, starting with the fabric covering her breasts. They hang heavy, aching with the desire to be touched. Manon's eyes are locked onto her pretty pink nipples, until she slides her underwear off and Manon's gaze falls to the apex of her thighs.
"You're so beautiful, Elide." Her voice is strained with want.
Elide takes a few steps forward, her lips parting to reveal shining wetness.
"It's your turn. Clothes off."
Manon nods, smirking at the authoritative tone in her girlfriend's voice.
She pulls her tunic over her head, ripping the band from her breasts eagerly. She pulls her boots off, then stands for a second to pull her leather pants down her legs, her underwear dropping, too. She goes to move towards Elide, but Elide takes a quick step back, tutting at her for nearly breaking her rule.
"I said no touching, Manon, lay back on the bed."
Manon growls in frustration, but listens, quite enjoying her bossy lover for the evening.
When she's settled on the bed, propped back on the many pillows, bare and wanting, she asks, "Are you going to come here, little one? Let me warm you up?"
Elide smiles, and shakes her head. "Not yet."
She moves to stand directly at the foot of the bed, eyeing Manon's perky breasts, the white dusting of hair between her legs.
"Spread your legs, Manon."
She does, revealing her pink, warm wetness.
"Good," Elide's voice is sultry as she speaks, "now watch as I touch myself to the sight of you."
Manon raises an eyebrow at the command, but does as she's told. Elide watches her closely, making sure her hands don't wander her own body, or that she doesn't reach for her.
Manon's eyes never leave her curves, eyes flitting back and forth from her tits, over the plush expanse of her torso, to her wet heat, down her thick thighs.
Elide brings her own hands up to her chest, cupping her breasts, pinching and twisting her own nipples. She watches Manon's hands twitch, eager to be the one groping her. She runs her hands down her waist, her hips, until she's dipping a hand down to her wet cunt.
She places a knee on the bed so that she can get better access, and she starts copying the movements Manon usually uses on her, pleasuring herself at the sight of her naked lover.
"Fuck, Elide, does that feel good? It can't feel as good as when I fuck you." Manon's voice is thick, laced with desire.
Elide shrugs, like she hadn't ever considered it. Again, Manon growls in frustration, narrowing her eyes to golden slits, resisting the urge to snap at her, to take control. Instead, she does as Elide instructed, gripping the sheets to occupy her hands.
"Good girl." Elide purrs.
Her middle finger rubs circles on her clit, and her other hand continues to play with her breasts. She keeps her eyes trained on Manon, her eyelids hooded from pleasure.
She feels herself growing wetter, and she picks up the pace, adding her pointer finger to the circling and rubbing.
"Do you like watching me touch myself, baby?"
Manon hisses, "I'd rather be the one doing it, kitty."
Elide laughs a bit, then dips her two fingers into her entrance. "Mmm, I'm sure you would, but I'd prefer you watched right now, like I had to watch you flirt with someone else."
Manon's brows furrow, her voice taking on a dangerous edge. "I did not flirt with him, you know that."
Elide smirks, knowing she'll likely pay for riling Manon up later. But, for now, it's too much fun.
"Same difference." Elide gets one last look at her girlfriend's scowl before she's tilting her head back, giving in to the pleasure she's giving herself.
She thrusts her fingers slowly for a moment, then she picks up the pace rather quickly, eager to give herself an orgasm so that she can have Manon do it next.
She curls her fingers in a 'come hither' motion, hitting that spot deep inside of her, the spot that only Manon can reach so well. Her moans are soft and sweet, and when she feels that coil in her stomach approaching its release, she brings her eyes back to Manon, who is gripping the bed, white-knuckled.
Her eyes lock on Manon's cunt, dripping onto the sheets, puffy from desire. The sight is enough to send her over the edge, into a soft, short, climax. She continues a rhythmic pumping, riding it out, sighing as she comes down from her high.
Elide pulls her fingers from her still pulsing cunt, and places her foot back onto the ground.
"Come here, baby."
Manon wastes no time, eagerly rising to her hands and knees, making her way to the foot of the bed. She sits on her thighs in front of her, and before Elide can even tell her to, she's grabbing her wrist, bringing the two fingers she's just came around to her mouth, sucking on her fingers, licking her essence from her digits. She keeps steady eye contact while her warm tongue works Elide's fingers.
Manon smiles while releasing her fingers with a pop, then she's surging forward, grabbing the back of Elide's neck, bringing her in for a passionate kiss.
Elide groans into her mouth, her hands grabbing Manon by the waist, bringing her naked body flush against her own.
She pulls back slightly, Manon pulling her lower lip between her teeth for a brief second before letting go.
"I thought," Manon kisses her again, "I told you," again, another kiss, "no touching, Manon?"
Manon groans, kissing down Elide's neck, leaving hot, wet marks in her wake.
"Let me touch, kitty, please, I've learned my lesson." Her mouth then begins sucking a mark on the top of Elide's right breast.
Elide resists the urge to point out that making her watch her touch herself was hardly a punishment, especially compared to Manon's punishments. But truly, she wants Manon's hands on her, so she just hums in response.
Manon's hands reach for her tits, tugging and tweaking both of her nipples, then grasping her breasts, squeezing them and kissing along her cleavage.
She pulls her mouth from her body briefly, wraps her arms around her, then she's pulling Elide onto the bed with her.
Elide squeals in surprise, propping herself on her hands as she takes in Manon's form underneath of her.
Manon bites her lips, eyeing Elide's breasts swaying in her face. She goes to flip them over, to have her girlfriend underneath her, now. But Elide doesn't let her, pushing her arms back down to her sides.
"I'm still in control here," she leans down, right next to her ear, before adding, "little witch." Manon groans, and Elide gives her earlobe a gentle nibble.
She sits back, straddling Manon's upper thighs. She grasps her tits, massaging them and tugging on her nipples the way she did to her's. She eyes her chest, thinking of how much of an empty canvas it is.
"I'm going to mark you, baby, I want everyone to know who you belong to." Her head dips down, latching onto a nipple while her thumb and forefinger pinch her other one.
Manon arches her chest into her mouth, a smile evident in her voice when she says, "Oh, are you, kitty? I think I like when you're possessive."
Elide releases the breast in her hand, giving Manon a playful smack on the side of her thigh. Then, she moves her mouth to her other nipple, sucking harshly before pulling away to trail kisses across her chest.
She starts at the top of her chest, sucking a mark, using her teeth, soothing the angry red spot with her tongue. She follows this pattern across the tops of her breasts, down between them, and even sucking marks into the undersides of her tits.
She pulls back to admire her work, her lips swollen and wet. Manon had started bucking her hips halfway through Elide's ministrations, and she was properly desperate now. Her chest is moving rapidly, heaving with desire.
Her pale skin, Elide thinks, looks so beautiful littered with the hickeys she's just given her. She wouldn't mind giving her one everyday, so that they're a permanent reminder for Dorian, for anyone.
"Do you think you've proven your point yet?" Manon asks with a smirk, equally obsessed with how her chest now looks.
"Hmmm, I don't know, Manon, do you feel like I have? Like I've made you mine?" Elide knows she's just baiting her at this point, but she can't help but love when this cruel, wicked, scary little witch admits how whipped she is for her.
Manon bucks, hard, but Elide keeps her pinned to the bed, squeezing her thighs around her hips and thighs.
"Of course I know I'm yours, like you know you're mine, what a stupid question." Her voice is dark and dangerous, eyes brewing with annoyance.
But, Manon can never stay too angry at her lover, the sole person she loves more than anything in this world. All is soothed when Elide plants a sweet kiss to her lips.
Then, Elide's sitting back up, and she begins shuffling up Manon's body.
Her eyes go wide, and she asks, eagerly, "Are you gonna ride my face, kitty? You finally gonna let me make you come?"
Elide snorts, she really can't help but antagonize Manon at this point. "Are you gonna make me come, baby?"
Manon growls, biting Elide's inner thigh and bringing a hand up to smack her ass. Elide gasps and jerks, before scrunching her face in mock anger and tutting at her girl.
Finally, finally, she lowers herself, sitting on her girlfriend's beautiful, delicately carved face. Manon gets to work like a woman starved, immediately flicking Elide's clit with her tongue, licking a stripe from the hood of her clit to her wet, dripping hole. Elide grasps the headboard for support, moaning as Manon sucks her clit into her mouth.
"Fuck baby, that feels good."
Spurred on by the praise, Manon starts working harder, alternating between licking into her and sucking on her bundle of nerves. She dips her tongue into her entrance, feeling her tighten in pleasure, wetness gushing out to coat Manon's face. Her nose nudges her clit while she fucks her with her tongue, and Elide's eyes are rolling into the back of her head from the pleasure. No one can make her feel as good as Manon does, not even herself.
Again, she's feeling that coil in her lower belly. She starts bucking her hips, and Manon's grasp on her thighs tighten, urging her to ride her face in earnest. She trails her hands to Elide's ass, squeezing her generous curves, pulling them apart, then landing a gentle smack onto one of her cheeks.
Elide is shamelessly moaning and groaning, riding Manon's face rapidly, chasing her high. "I'm gonna come, baby, fuckkk, just like that."
Manon needs her to come, she needs it to fill her mouth, coat her face, linger in the back of her throat for days.
She groans against her wet heat, the vibrations shooting tingles up Elide's spine. Her tongue flicks faster, harder, against her clit, back and forth and up and down. Again, her tongue makes its way into her, and Elide comes with a long moan, throwing her head back, playing with one of her own tits. She clenches down on Manon's tongue, and Manon guides her to keep her hips moving, letting her ride out her second high of the evening.
As she comes down and her breathing evens out, she climbs down Manon's body, resting on top of her. Manon's hands come up, combing through her hair, rubbing her back.
They rest for a few minutes, saying nothing, just enjoying being wrapped up in one another. Manon presses kisses to Elide's hairline, enjoying the sight of Elide's full ass that she can see over the top of her head.
Eventually, Elide breaks the peace, lifting herself back up to yet again straddle Manon.
Manon gives her a questioning gaze before asking, "Aren't you tired, kitty? Lay back."
Elide smiles at Manon's attentiveness, bending to kiss her lips. She pulls away and rests her forehead against her's, whispering into Manon's mouth, "I think I've got another in me, and I wanna see you come, too, baby."
Manon is, of course, not complaining. She captures Elide's lips again before she's sitting up. She moves off of Manon momentarily, grabbing Manon's knees and spreading her legs. Then, she climbs back on top of her, this time, straddling only one of her legs.
Her pussy is wet and warm as it meets Manon's thigh, and she gasps at the slight overstimulation. She looks down at her witch, who is staring at her like she's hanged the moon.
"You're a beast, woman." Manon rasps, eager to watch Elide come yet again.
Elide laughs, running her hand from Manon's collarbones, over her chest, down her toned stomach, and then finally, to her poor, untouched pussy.
"I think you deserve to come, too, even though you weren't very nice today." Her tone is playful, amused at how well Manon's behaved.
Manon nods her head, spreading her legs even more. "Touch me Elide, show me how good you make me feel, how good only you can make me feel."
Elide starts by rubbing slow circles into her clit, watching as her eyes flutter at finally having some sense of relief. At the same time, Elide begins moving her hips slowly, easing herself into it after the intense orgasm she had just had.
Manon's breasts bounce just the smallest amount due to Elide's rocking, but it's enough to make her mouth water, never being able to go without the taste of Manon's skin for too long. She leans down to suck on a nipple, tugging on it with her teeth before doing the same to the other.
Manon is so, so slick, it's easy to rub her, to pick up the pace. She gets firmer, then adds a second finger, dipping down to her entrance. She teases her opening, only pushing in the smallest amount, before gathering more wetness and returning to her clit.
Manon is groaning, trying to move her hips but unable to with Elide's weight on her.
"Are you this wet, just from seeing me come?"
Manon eyes Elide, watching as her cunt leaves a trail of wetness, smeared on her thigh with every move of her hips. She watches her breasts sway and bounce, her thighs flex as they do the work.
"I only get wet for you, kitty, you know that."
"Hmm, I suppose I do."
Elide's pace quickens, riding her thigh fast and rough, the feeling of overstimulation has fled and been replaced with the burning desire of another orgasm.
She brings her fingers to Manon's entrance, inserting two with ease, Manon's cunt eagerly sucking her in. Her thumb continues to rub her bundle of nerves as Elide thrusts, curling her fingers, reaching Manon's G-spot with ease.
Manon groans Elide's name, throwing her head back and squeezing her eyes shut. She's clenching, and Elide can tell she's as close to coming as she is, but she just needs a bit more.
Gently, as not to stretch her too much, Elide inserts a third finger. To Manon's delight, judging by her gasp and how tightly she squeezes around her fingers.
"Feels so good, Elide, I'm gonna come."
Putting more weight onto Manon's thigh, Elide gives herself more pressure, steadying herself with her other hand on the side of Manon's ribcage.
"Me too, baby, you're so fucking sexy."
Manon brings her eyes back to her lover, the goddess in her lap. Their gazes meet and Manon says, "Yeah, you gonna come for me? Gonna make me come, kitty?" She bites her lip as Elide nods, pace quickening yet again.
She rides Manon's thigh furiously, thrusting and curling her fingers, hard. Her thumb rubs passionate circles on Manon's clit, until finally, Manon comes with a shout of Elide's name, back arching off the bed, cunt clenching wildly, wetness gushing onto Elide's hand and wrist.
Just seconds after her, Elide comes, too. Her chest is flushed, and she's panting from the immense pleasure she's had in just one night.
They both catch their breathes, and Elide pulls her fingers from Manon's pulsing cunt slowly, then lays on the bed next to her.
She cuddles up to Manon, who turns to face her, throwing an arm over her waist.
Manon breaks the silence first, rubbing her nose along Elide's, saying, "That was so gods damned hot, my love."
Elide smiles, eyes droopy with sleep. "Hmm, should I be in charge more often?"
Manon grows serious, kissing Elide's forehead. "I don't plan on ever, ever, making you question my loyalty again. I know I already said it, but I am sorry, Elide... as fun as this night was," a smile returning to her voice as she finishes.
Before she can fall into the slumber she's now craving, Elide shushes her, saying, "I know Manon, there's nothing to forgive anymore. It's alright. I love you." Then, she burrows deeper into Manon's chest,
Before she finally slips under, she hears Manon say, with a sweetness reserved only for her, "I love you, too, Elide."
A/N: This ended up being a lot longer than I really intended it to be, so I am so sorry for how long this request took! I also started it off with some angst, which I also hadn't originally planned for lol. But I hope this works, and again, thanks so much for requesting! :)
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pvrkacciosan · 1 year
The Heart of the Lioness: ☽⋆16⋆☾
The Witch Who Was
The Heart of the Lioness Masterlist
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The Coastline air blew cold across the ships deck, but the wind did little too cool the sweating bodies on board. Despite the chill, the sun was blisteringly strong above them. The rays going unnoticed by those training on the main deck, unfazed by the reddening of their skin.
Brielle watched Alexi drop and roll across, a small half sword in hand, Gavriel poised a stance away. Vera with her dark hair pulled back as she copied matching each of Rowan's hit. It was relentless.
Training with immortal warriors with centuries of fighting experience was no easy feat. Brielle could remember when she would come to visit her brother before she was blood sworn, It was Gavriel and Rowan who oversaw her training before she settled into her immortality. They hadn't been easy on her then, just as they weren't on her spies now, nor did she expect them to be.
She trained her spies to peak condition, spying was easy but getting away if you'd been caught was the harder part and getting caught in their line of work was not an option.
Alexi swung upward for her brother, he spun backwards, dodging with the ease of a snake delivering a lethal blow to its prey. Vera seemed to have more luck, preempting Rowan's advance, she tripped him up with the tip of her blade, Rowan went down with a thump and a curse, but was quick to his feet when she swung for him once more.
"You trained them yourself?" The King of Adarlan was watching the fighting as he questioned her, his young eyes tracking the movement and advances of each Fae body whirling and launching into an attack.
"Each of us train our own soldiers, Brielle's spies are no exception" 
The smirk spread onto her mates face before he'd even finished his sentence, Brielle couldn't help admiring the beauty of his expression when he tilted his head to look at her. The air in her throat begun to swell, the smile of Fenrys Moonbeam would officially be the death of her, no glorified song of her death for around a campfire. A hand slide into her own, she could feel ever callus and perfect imperfection on his hands. She squeezed, and he returned it, turning back to watch the sparring.
"So how far is your reach of spies?"
When she slide her gaze to Dorian once more, she lifted a brow to meet him when he finally moved his attention from the fighting, 
"Revealing my stretch of secrets would be betraying my own advantages. I am still in operation, much more work can get done in the shadows of the world then global beliefs suggests."
Brielle couldn't entirely decipher whether the look evident on the kings face was sprouted from fear or curiosity.
"Do you act out of Rifthold at least?"
"The Capital of Adarlan? Of course" The first part of her statement made Dorian feel slightly inadequate in his knowledge, as though asking such questions were for those without common sense. Brielle gestured her head towards the nimble body of Alexi as he leaned backwards, the angle an unnatural sort of bend for ones back whilst standing on both feet. "Alexi is the division commander for our guild in Rifthold"
Dorian looked back towards the young Fae spy, who continued to hold his own out against her brother. 
"And... The Pride?" Brielle could see Fenrys smirk from the corner of her eyes, she cleared her throat before looking back to the Young King. His expression wary.
"Alexi and Vera are part of the seventeen Pride members, Yes." There was a breathy gasp on her other side, Fenrys clearly tried to hide it but she had already heard the surprise it implored, She had never openly admitted to the exact number of members there was within the ranks of The Pride. There was once more then seventeen, but the ages had made her learn the difficult lessons.
"That many?" Dorian's voice jumped up a notch, with shock, His eyes had widened within their sockets, Brielle couldn't help the spark of excitement his expression shot through her, No one in this damn world knew exactly what Creatures lurked around every corner, nor how many of them answered to her, through nothing other then loyalty.
"Does Maeve know that you are the one in control of them?"
Aelin's voice was soft, too soft for the reputation she wielded, almost as wild as her own. Brielle watched as the queen stalked across the deck towards where they stood, her toned body eating the distance with ease. Her strides causing the swish of her hip to pronounce itself.
"She knows of my Spy court, She gave it to me. But no, I do not believe she suspects of my leadership within the Pride."
Aelin stepped up beside her, Dorian moving to stop the squeeze. Brielle noticed how Aelin watched Alexi and Vera with a tilted head; fascination.
"Are they mostly Fae?" Aelin watched the sparring for a second longer before she finally turned back around, "The Pride" she confirmed,  Brielle straightened at the question, it felt odd to be openly disclosing information about her most trusted members, The Lioness's Pride.
She hadn't entirely decided whether she was going to answer, but the words were already leaving her lips, 
"Many believes so. Most of them are, some have been serving me long before either of you were born" she tilted to Dorian and Aelin's direction, both watched her with expressions of thought. Taking in every word she was giving them,  so trusting already. She could have laughed.
"There are few amongst us that are not Fae, It's beneficial to have people from all corners of the world"
"How many were there when Terrasen fell?" Aelin's question struck something in her heart, her body flushed and her head light. 
A thumping began in her ears, like a pulse it hammered harder and harder. The air was tightening around her, there was a clash of iron from where the group continued to train. Her chest ached when her heart jackhammered inside, the body to her side moved into her view, only just enough for her to take notice of him once more, Fenrys placed a gently hand to her back, reminding her of his presence. 
She wanted to scream at everyone to leave them alone, if only so she could curl up to his side and be safe once more, but the waves rocked them, she fell into his lightly but the jostle broke the pulsing.
"Only six of them are still alive today" six of her closest friends, she hadn't seen many of them in years but if she called, they would  come, no questions. Isaiah, Theron and Vera being the only ones she had seen recently.
No on spoke, as though taking a moment to respect the fallen spies. She had more the day the Kingdom fell, but many were lost.
"Did you profit from it?"
 There was a tone of anger in the queen's words, a tone that tore something inside her. A voice screaming in her head, how she could ever insist that profit could be made like that.
"Did we get profit off those who had no home, had lost family and were at the risk of being run down by soldiers? No. We took them, as many as we could into the shadows we called home and got them out as quickly as we could and have been doing so ever since."
"Nothing, ever? You didn't make them buy their freedom" Aelin had turned towards her now, the flame inside her burning bright, She hadn't been there, she had been a child, This girl had no right to the accusations she was sprouting.
"If you call a lifetime of constantly sneaking around, risking my life all the while worrying for everyone around me and taking every death under my care to heart as though they were personal lashes at me then yes I profited. If so you have a fucked up definition of the word profit"
Fenrys grabbed for her arm, pulling her back slightly, Dorian who looked way too uncomfortable pushed his way between them, 
"No one is discrediting what you did to help those people" he faced her, dark hair falling down over his brow, 
"Ten years, I got those people out, as many as I could take, carrying some of the kids on my back, dragging those too weak to walk, but not once did I falter in trying. At least I did that, what did you do, oh Great Aelin Galathynius? "
Brielle knew she had said the wrong thing once the word were in the air, but she felt like ripping out Aelin's tongue for her words and the young Queen looked about ready to do the same for hers.
"You dare speak to her like that?!" the voice of her nephew flew through the air, Brielle didn't even give him the chance at another word, drawing a sword from her belt, she raised it enough to lay it at his throat, he halted in his approach.
"Shut it, Pup, I ain't gonna take it from you right now"
The others finally turned to them, Alexi and Vera were panting for breath, both looking on with expression's of confusion. Gavriel and Rowan on the other hand, didn't looked nearly as shocked, but rather concerned as though they had heard every word spat between the two females.
"You two need to cool off" Rowan folded his arms, his body relaxed as though he didn't care for the argument he had just walked into the middle of.
He wander closer slowly, edging for Dorian to move aside, 
"Rowan I don't think—" Fenrys tried to reason from beside her, but Rowan fired him a quick look, it only took a second before Fenrys crumbled, sighing, 
Rowan got in front of Aelin, he began to run his hand along every edge of her body, then the weapons began to drop to the deck, Brielle frowned before she felt hands at her waist, Fenrys spun her around till she faced him, she tried to scowl at first but he didn't make eye contact with her, instead he too followed Rowan's lead, hands moving to loosen ever weapon Brielle had strapped to her body.
The coldness of the gaps the weapons left on her body made an itch build in her hands, she couldn't help but hate the vulnerability that shot through her.
But still Fenrys continued to pluck off every one of her weapons, his fingers dipping in to unstrap the knifes tucked under her breasts, 
Brielle tried not to think about the touches that lingered, even with his head titled down to avoid her gaze she could see Fenrys' smirk, her nipples hardened beneath her cotton shirt when he left a hand there to ease himself down onto one knee, 
His hands finally moving down to pull the pinpoint blades off her thigh, the whole world could've fallen away in those seconds when he eased down onto his other leg, fully kneeling to her now, his hands moving further down to loosen the concealed daggers near her ankles.
Something; a pulsing tightened in her stomach, the breath swelling in her throat. In fact she didn't think she was breathing at all. 
From his position at her feet, Fenrys looked up, still smirking as he run a hand up along the inside of her thigh, Brielle inhaled sharply through her nose, he didn't look away this time, then he slipped the knife hidden there into his hand and stood. He was still a head taller then her and still smirking when she craned her head back to keep the eye contact.
"Good luck, Sweetheart"
Her head was a mess of mushy goop, she could hardly remember the reason he was taking the weapons from her in the first place.
His hands braced themselves against her waist, turning her around to face Aelin once more, He knew exactly what he had been doing, If there wasn't other people present on the main deck Brielle would have resorted to other means to blow off some steam. Judging by the heated look Fenrys was watching her with, she knew he would have been more then happy to oblige her.
Damn Fae male. She needed to focus, but she could smell him, Which was distraction enough, but shaking her head she moved over to where Rowan and Gavriel had previously been training with her spies.
"Oh this is just what we need," her nephew snarked from the sidelines of where they had positioned themselves, Aelin watched her cousin, Brielle looked across to see Alexi and Vera glowering across to the young Northern Commander.
"Clearly you don't know proper entertainment if it slapped you across the face" there was a hint of under toned anger to Vera's words, but she smiled to the shifter when Lysandra lulled her head back to laugh. It lightened the tension threatening to crack above them all on the deck, But Brielle turned around, facing the Heir of Fire once again.
The younger Fae female began to circle her, Brielle mirrored her movements, They had both been trained by Rowan, but she had years of experience against Aelin. Brielle couldn't deny there was a spark of excitement in her chest, that quickly replaced the growing desire Fenrys had stirred awake within her.
"Believe it or not, your not the first immortal female I've fought" Aelin, seemed to use words as a means of distraction, covering her intentions with conversation.
"Are you referring to Yellowlegs or Blackbeak?"
Aelin froze for a fraction of a second, a window for Brielle to move, striking forward her threw a fist for Aelin's face, she blocked with her forearm, 
There was a squeak of surprise from the crowd forming around them, the ships' crew gathering to watch the fighting.
Aelin wrapped a hand around Brielle's forearm, below her elbow. Twisting it around so it was behind her back at an awkward, rather painful angle Brielle had to grit her teeth to stop from growling out in pain, Aelin gave a hard shove, Brielle catching herself on the deck.
She caught Rowan shifting nervously on his feet a few paces from them, Brielle slowly rose, taking her time to see if Aelin would strike while her back was turned.
"How do you know about that?" She turned to face the other female.
When Brielle laughed, Aelin swung for her, dodging downwards Brielle jabbed a fist into Aelin's unprotected side, she sucked in a breath but as Brielle rose back up Aelin landed a sharp punch to her jaw, the tang of blood bloomed in her mouth. 
"How  do  you  know?" Aelin asked again, voice calm, despite the fire in her eyes. There she was.
The girl Rowan had rebelled for. The Assassin so many people feared the mere name of. The girl who had outwitted Maeve in the last year. The Queen who was going to save them all. The Queen Brielle would die to follow. The Queen who was Promised.
"The same reason I now track Lord Westfall"
Dorian took a step closer before Gavriel grabbed him by the elbow, the king ripped his arm from her brothers grip, moving into her line of sight.
"You hurt him?" there was a lethal threat in the young King's words, one which was accompanied with the coil of his magic.
Carefully she let her power seep from her, Dorian stiffened then Aelin followed. Brielle wiped at the blood that now trickled down her chin like water, reaching into her pocket she felt for the metal there, glad Fenrys hadn't pulled it from her seamless pocket.
She scanned the brass pin quickly before tossing it towards the king, releasing him from her hold he caught the object with both hands.
He took a second to examine it before an expression of realisation flickered onto his features. He made a move towards he, but she snapped the leash back into place. Pinning him with a stare.
"No harm will come to him. If anything he will be safer this way." Once she had addressed the king, the Lioness turned to Aelin, she took two steps closer.
Releasing both Royals from her hold, Brielle was glad when neither moved on their own, 
"The only thing I gained from those ten years since your kingdom fell." she paused, watching as a flicker of emotion wept into Aelin's eyes, "Was a family."
Brielle cast her eyes back around to Alexi and Vera, then to Fenrys and Gavriel. When she turned back to face Aelin once more, she could recognise the look the queen was now analysing her with, an understanding only people like them could comprehend.
"But if you ever insinuate that I did what I did for profit again, then I don't care who you are, or who will come after me. I will kill you, I've killed men for less before, don't make the mistakes they made, Aelin Galathynius" 
The space between them, sharing breath, was stricken with such tension, but atlas Aelin tilted her head, lowering her gaze in submission to the Lioness.
Just when Brielle went to open her mouth, there was a yell form a crew member that quickly turned into an uproar of voices that curled around them, Aelin's expression snapped back into place and she began to shoulder her way through the crowd, Brielle only paces behind her.
Men had began to scramble about, Fenrys appeared beside her and Brielle could notice the white hair of Rowan beside Aelin, Crew-men continued cursing as they raced along the deck, 
"What is that?" Vera was pushing her way towards them, when Alexi stopped, face going a stark stricken kind of white, 
"Oh for Gods sake, Not again"
Brielle could smell the anticipation rolling from her spies, as not to far in the distance, flying straight towards them was a Wyvern, the distinct white and red of a certain well known Iron-Teeth Witch astride its back.
The ship deck blurred into a panic, men ran, and screamed as they did, turning the decking in a untrained warzone, untamed by even the yells of Gavriel and his son, both who were too similar to not try to command the raging chaos stirring to life around them.
Fenrys gave Brielle's hand a quick squeeze before he took off, she was quick to haste at his heels. Once he realised she was following, he held out a hand. Keeping her close as he weaved through the panic.
Fenrys only dropped her had when he reached for a bow, passing one to her, he grabbed one for himself and led her up onto the top landing of the ship.
They wordlessly worked around one another, The aerial beast let loose a roar that shook the blood within her veins, Fenrys held out an arrow for her, taking it Brielle notched the arrow and drew up the string to her cheek, Her mate exchanged a quick look with her, Their play was simple. He would aim for the rider, and she the beast.
There was rapid footsteps behind them, and yelling from the Captains on the ship, there was a swell of root cold magic behind them and the noise of a sword being drawn just as Aelin's voice boomed across the whole ship, an echoed so loud it could only have come from a Queen.
Brielle lowered the aim, before she drew out the arrow, but Fenrys still beside her kept his anchor point exactly where it was, knuckles still at his face.
The Wyvern soared above them all, it banked against the wind, rolling around the ships side in a mighty arch, close enough for Brielle to spy the magnificent muscles that stretched to keep the gigantic beast in the air.
The rider on its back was floppy, her body limp as she slide off the saddle and barreled straight for the frigid water below. Brielle didn't give way for shock, didn't get the chance as Dorian pushed through between her and Fenrys, there was a clang from Damaris as it clattered from the Kings hand, seconds before he dove straight over the railing.
Brielle shot forward, discarding her longbow to the deck beside Damaris. Grabbing onto the wood she leaned over to watch Dorian as he swam for where the Witch lay lifeless in the water, the shredded red cloak that clung to her like a pool of blood on the surface of the water.
Crew members ran to the railing, from all direction, hanging over the side to get a look at the King as he swam back towards the boat with the Blackbeak heir slung under an arm while he swam.
There was a shadow below them in the water, a sea dragon slunk down before she raised her body up, Lysandra must have jumped over the side to assist the King.
The minutes seem to speed up when Lysandra hauled the two up the side of the ship, a group already there to receive and help the King back aboard.
Brielle grabbed Fenrys and the both took off down the ladings to the others, they had pulled the Witch over the railing first, as Dorian leapt over a second after.
Her body was soaked in ocean water and blood, the metallic scent poring into the air, Rowan and Gavriel began to work on the gashes across her stomach when Brielle got there.
She landed down between the two males, already helping Rowan to bind and halt the bleeding, 
"This was done on purpose" Gavriel whispered beside her, Brielle stopped moving long enough to look at what had caught her brothers eyes, he shot her a worried look before he plucked the iron shard from the wound on Manon's abdomen
"Is she going to live?" Dorian asked as he wrung out the water from his cloths.
"We need to move her, and start healing otherwise she will bleed out completely" Brielle's hands were covered in the Witches blood as she applied pressure to a secondary gash in her side, the blood was still warm as it seeped between her fingers.
There was nothing more to be said as Dorian shouldered his way through the crowd, he picked the Witch up with minimal effort, Brielle couldn't help but wonder when the King had such time to train.
There was yelling from Aelin as she commanded people to move aside, taking the Witch below deck, Gavriel and Rowan behind them.
Pushing up to stand once more, Brielle watched the crowd slowly disperse, despite the noises flowing up from below deck, a hand slide along her back.
"I do believe you were checking Dorian out, My love"
A smile graced her cheek, the type to hurt your cheeks when you held it for too long, a hand curled around her side, turning herself around Brielle pushed her face into his chest. Fenrys gave her a squeeze when he wrapped both arms around, pulling her impossibly closer to him.
"I wasn't" Brielle whispered, her voice muffled against his chest, she might have... observed but not. Okay maybe she might have, but she wasn't going to admit that.
"You know I wouldn't believe you even if I didn't think you were lying"
She laughed, a contrast action despite what had been happening minutes prior to their interaction. She still hadn't removed her face from his chest when she felt him press a kiss to the top of her head, pulling away lightly Brielle met his stare.
"I love when you do that"
"Do what?"
"Laugh" Brielle could have mocked him then, but he continued before she had the chance.
"Like you actually laugh, it felt like I haven't heard it in years." She closed her eyes when he cupped her cheek, 
In truth, she wouldn't admit it, but she was clinging to him right now. She was physically clinging to him, but it as more then that. Some instinct was screaming at her to not let go, call it a survival instinct perhaps.
 Brielle couldn't tell whether he knew or not, but he didn't let go of her either. She was drowning and he was the lifeline, for all her planning and preparations, this may all go tits up and there were things Brielle wasn't willing to risk or lose. 
This male in front of her, was one of them. Maeve had taken so much from her, this task she had been given, she couldn't complete it, and it would cost her everything. The world  quietened  around them and Aelin emerges with Rowan and Gavriel, and Brielle knew.
Somewhere in her heart she knew what she was going to do and no one knew a damn thing about it. That thought should have torn something inside her, but instead she gave a small laugh, and when Fenrys smiled down at her once more, resting his forehead to hers. She didn't worry for what it was going to cost her, for she was doing it for them. 
All of them. So cling to him she did, for it may be one of the few chances she has left. 
. . .
Taglist: @dreamiezpsycho@lunaralaraspace@mis-lil-red@mali22@the-fae-are-taking-over
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ofcatnaps · 1 year
 ‘Ship Bias’ {curious about your top five!}
send 'ship bias' and i will tell you up to 5 of my preferred ships for a muse !!
elain archeron. - azriel. i know that it's a point of contention for the fandom, but i think az and elain choosing each other despite all odds is something i really love. they're passionate and they developed a tentative friendship even before she was turned fae, and i loved watching her fall in love with him. - lucien vanserra. he's her mate, he's trying to be good to her. they've got a long way to go to reach communication that works for them, but they can work. - eris vanserra. i'm not remotely sorry about this, and i blame @alicxnte almost entirely for this being one of my ships. i love them together, i love their passions. - dorian havilliard. think of how cute this is?? crackship gone wild, and i fucking love elain as queen of adarlan. - ruhn danaan. another crackship where she gets to explore that wildness and freedom that ruhn would offer her. daenerys targaryen. - robb stark. i just... always loved the king in the north with the queen in the east. it's one of those things that has just always resonated with me, and i wish they'd have gotten to meet and learn of one another. - jon snow. i prefer him to be a son of stark and not a targaryen, as i still believe aegon is young griff. so in those instances, i believe they would be a good match. - daario naharis. precious daario who loves her so dearly, who truly would keep picking flowers for her and loving her no matter what. - sansa stark. i love me some queen loving and they would have been an unstoppable duo. - margaery tyrell. like the above, i think dany and marg would have literally taken westeros completely by storm. it's beautiful. rey kenobi. - ben solo. i'm not ashamed of being a filthy reylo, and i have and always will have it as my primary ship for rey. i am especially fond of tlj reylo more than tfa/tros, but that's pretty typical. - finn. they're just *so cute together* and i love them to pieces. i am pretty convinced that finn leans gay but i think he and rey are just... so soft. - poe dameron. in the right circumstances, poe and rey are super cute. - jannah calrissian. i looooove jannah and rey is very gay for her. very gay. - rose tico. cute little engineer ladies being cute and engineery. bryce quinlan. - connor holstrom. i loved connor from the moment i met him and bryceconnor is one of the softest most precious things i ever experienced and i wanted more of them. SO MUCH MORE. - danika fendyr. they're the image of "friends to lovers" pipeline and it deserves more recognition for it. - aidas. the pretty pretty prince of hel has always been fascinated by bryce and she has been fascinated right back. - hunt athalar. mostly from hosab, bc in hoeab i'm still cross at him. she needs time. - tharion ketos. look at them!! look at them!! merboy was so cute and he sent her an otter! padmé amidala-naberrie. - sabé/tsabin. their closeness and care for one another is transcendent and i love them so deeply. i am especially fond of aus where padmé lives. but they have been through so much. - obi-wan kenobi. having them raise luke and leia together is one of the softest verses i have and i really love them. plus... obi was so pretty, how could she not? - dormé. they are so close to one another in their young adult years. she's so loyal.
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pearblossommina · 1 year
ToG Read-a-Long, Queen of Shadows, day 12
you two!!!! You are so powerful and full of friendship!!!!!
“Rowan shifted, his leg flashing in agony as he exchanged his limbs for wings and talons. He loosed a cry, shrill and raging. A white-tailed hawk soared out of the small opening, past Aedion.”
Y’know, I just realized. Now that magic is back, Aedion probably has another form, too!
I want someone to bite him on the neck and teach him how to shift
What form will he take! He was already deemed a “wolf” but since daddy is a mountain cat, perhaps he’ll be a cat, too?
Um ok
That’s a TWIST
So do I believe it, or is this a cunning last-ditch effort to try and get mercy from the good guys?
I gave a hard time believing that the All-Powerful Dark Lord would be satisfied instilling a minion as the King of Adarlan just to be a Duke but
Duke Perrington IS a pretty despicable person so, maybe this is true?
How odd, how very odd.
I say let’s kill him anyway to be safe
“Chaol is alive,” the king murmured through his emaciated hands
(you can’t kill him he’s filled with the spirit of pure, totally platonic love)
“The scent of pine and snow hit her, and she realized how they had survived the fall.” Rowan saved them! And Dorian and Chaol are together again!
This is so utterly amazing ahhh my heart
I love this
Can we all please hug and kiss now! And roll around in the grass, and feel joy and laughter and friendship!
"If you loot, if you riot, if you cause one lick of trouble," she said, looking a few in the eye, "I will find you, and I will burn you to ash." She lifted a hand, and flames danced at her fingertips. "If you revolt against your new king, if you try to take his castle, then this wall"-she gestured with her burning hand-"will turn to molten glass and flood your streets, your homes, your throats."
Chill out, queen!
They just lost one tyrant, lol, no need to come at them with such ferocity, RELAX
“She was barely inside the oak doors before she collapsed to her knees and wept.”
Please don’t cry
I love you! Everyone loves you!
Look what you’ve DONE today. Look at all that you’ve achieved. It was a miracle, YOU are a miracle, and now!
You need to rest; so you will be ready for the shower of love and joy that’s coming your way.
(SJM: do you feel a growing spark of hope in your heart?
Me: Yeah! Yeah, I finally do! Thank you!
SJM: *writes about Elide in eminent danger*
Me: why?)
YEAH that’s it MANON go save your GIRL
(My whole heart) (I am shipping them so hard)
(I know I’m fucking insane but in this moment it feels real)
“And Manon’s golden eyes glowed as if they were living embers as she looked at the two guards gripping Elide. As she beheld the disheveled robe.”
Omg Kaltain. 😭
Baby, no!
I have hated watching you suffer. I have hated every minute of it. I love you for being willing to sacrifice yourself, but you don’t deserve to end your story here. I just want to feel happiness, oh honey. I want you to come with them!
“Kaltain unleashed the last of her shadowfire, tipping her face to the ceiling, toward a sky she’d never see again.”
my heart
That was incredibly satisfying to read lol
I’m so glad most of the characters are still alive and everyone’s THEMSELVES again. I couldn’t ask for anything else.
(Except maybe Kaltain to go on living)(and become best friends with Aelin and match her, flame for flame, and maybe they could paint each others nails and gossip about boys)(and everything would finally calm down and everyone could just be happy)
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starfallkaz · 5 years
Incorrect ToG #4
Fenrys: why does this damn court gossip so much
Dorian: haha, sorry that’s just my mother’s courtiers, you know how they are lol. They’ve got nothing better to do with their time
Clusters of people whispering: I heard Fenrys does car commercials in Wendlyn, at least that’s what the king says
Guards mumbling: according to the king Fenrys’s wolf coat looks like freshly fallen snow
Courtiers giggling: His majesty constantly talks about the fae warrior, Fenrys, he’s quite taken with him
Aelin, loudly talking: Dorian loves when Fenrys has his hair pushed back, says it’s super sexy
Dorian, laughing nervously: ahaha
Fenrys: ...right
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feycienblog · 5 years
Dorian: I’m straight.
Chaol: *walks in room*
Dorian: straight-ish
Chaol: *smiles*
Dorian: Never mind
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yabai-korra · 3 years
The reasons why we're getting Manorian book
There has been a lot of speculation whether SJM is going to favor us with book/novella about Manon Blackbeak and Dorian Havilliard, recently I saw some fans doubting it, so here's a list of logical reasons why it's happening.
1. It's SJM
This woman writes two 500+ pages books per year, for her it would be a piece of cake.
2. There have already been books focused on side characters
a) Chaol and Yrene - Chaol was one of the most unpopular characters before Tower of Dawn (which made me love him hehe) and she still wrote a 600+ pages long book about him, just imagine what she'd do with the most popular character (Manon) and one of the most popular ones (Dorian).
b) Nesta and Cassian - this is ship is the closest to Manorian equivalent in ACOTAR series, aka starting from a physical relationship that develops into a sentimental one. Also 6th ACOTAR book will be focused on a new characters (most probably Elain)
3. Favoritism
SJM has talked multiple times about her love for these two. When asked about her favorite TOG character, she said Aelin, but Manon was a close second place and she said that she absolutely loves writing her.
In another interview, when asked who she would go on a book tour with and a few similar questions, she answered Dorian.
Now, I haven't seen all of her interviews ever and I'm not sure how much she loves Nessian and Cahorene (seems to love Nessian a hella lot tho), but it's definite that Manorian are some of her favorite characters and it's just logical that she would write about them.
4. Unfinished story/Unresolved feelings
Ships at the end of TOG:
Rowaelin - married
Elorcan - engaged
Lysaedion - engaged
Chaorene - married with a baby on the way
Nestaq - engaged
Manorian - hug and "we'll see"
All the ships basically got engaged in the last chapter (it's not like I didn't like it hehe) and their stories, romantic-wise, were pretty much finished and they have no unresolved tension between them. Manorian on the other hand, have enough of it for all the ships lol.
KOA spoilers ahead!
Keep in mind, Manorian relationship was mostly a sexual one, and they don't quite yet have a way of communicating their feelings properly. So there is a lot of unaddressed between them, even though they obviously care a lot about each other.
The unresolved things between Manon and Dorian:
"“And if I asked you to stay?” / “I’d need a very convincing reason, I suppose.” / “Because I don’t want you to go.” - they just fucked and Dorian left for Morath later, which impacted Manon a lot but they haven't discussed it
"I even care about you." - Manon got up and left
"There is only one witch who will be my queen." - Manon doesn't know about this
Manon saved Dorian from Valg demon even when Aelin couldn't. It was the worst thing to happen to Dorian and he still bears scars from it, yet he didn't have an appropriate situation to thank Manon for it
Dorian knows that Erawan lusted after Manon, which got him pissed of course, and he didn't have a chance nor time to ask Manon about it. It might be nothing, but if I were Dorain and my girlfriend who doesn't show feelings was locked up with a crazy guy who has a thing for her, and have seen the way he treats women, I'd be concerned. Erawan was a Valg king, a tough opponent even for Manon. If he had done something to her, and he had plenty of means and opportunities and wish to do so, Manon would never openly tell anyone (maybe Asterin) about it, because it would imply opening up and being weak, which is Manon's worst fear. Again, SJM, as the Queen of Foreshadowing, wouldn't just randomly throw in the main villain having a thing for an important character, everything in her books always has a meaning and purpose.
"Would you miss me if I didn't [come back]?" - Manon didn't reply
This is how SJM described Manorian marriage: "She would be his wife, his queen. She was already his equal, his match, mirror in so many ways. And with their union, the world would know it." - and you're telling me it's not deserving of its own book? Not just that, Manon asked Dorian for marriage and they, again, just had sex, with Dorian loving the idea but deep down knowing that Manon would feel caged in a marriage. And that attitude won't just change out of the blue. It takes time and development which is something SJM writes amazingly.
With the Thirteen gone, beside Abraxos Dorian is the only creature Manon cares about.
Dorian's mortality (although as you'll see in point #6 I'm sure he's not human)
The dreaded "You could just marry each other." / "We'll see." (Thanks Yrene :)
5. Foreshadowing
Listen here, SJM IS THE QUEEN OF FORESHADOWING. She thought of a detail (Dorian's dad's name) in the first book that would matter in the last book. Of course, there are many many many more examples of that, but if we got "We'll see." then we'll fucking see it happen.
6. Unresolved things about Manon and Dorian as individual characters.
Manon and Dorian and both pretty broken at the end of KOA.
Manon lost the Thirteen, the only people she cared about. That is a huge trauma that needs to be addressed, especially with someone so reluctant to show feelings and heal like Manon.
Dorian can't be human?? He has fae abilities due to his relation to Gavin and Elena even though he's not even called a demi-fae. He possesses powers no one else does, phantom hands for example, which he didn't steal like shape-shifting. And Maeve pointed out that due to his father being possessed by Valg when Dorian was sired, it's possible he got some of the Valg abilities. (Also she said that he's stronger than Aelin) The main villain, especially written by Queen of Foreshadowing, wouldn't just let drop it there and that's it. Also not to mention Dorian's own struggle with depression and self-worth.
They have both just become rulers of their kingdoms, completely new to it. Dorian has spent a big part of KOA imagining what kind of a king he wants to be (one that will have a witch queen hehe) and it was a major point of his character. And addition to that affecting them as characters, the future of Adarlan and Witch Kingdom could make a good plotline.
7. Other TOG characters
Although pretty much all the readers would die to see Chaorene baby, Lorcan in Perranth, Aelin and Rowan ruling Terrasen, Lysandra and Adeion officially adopting Evangeline, Nesryn and Sartaq becoming Khagan and Empress of Antica, all of these don't make enough of a plot on its own. They are great side-plots.
We know all of these characters love each other and are happy together, there isn't that much to be added to their personal stories other than kids. (same way Feyre and Rhys got a baby in Nessian book) Manorian however, they haven't even kissed without it leading to sex, they hugged at the end of KOA and it was the pique of their relationship. Their relationship is merely at the beginning, whereas others have pretty much reached their ultimatum (ofc SJM can decide to add some drama with betrayal, kidnapping, pregnancy etc. but for now everyone is good and settled beside Manorian)
Not to mention the way other relationships would affect them. Chaol, Dorian's brother, and Yrene, Manon's wannabe bestie and Manorian shipper, would bring their baby to meet his/her uncle Dorian and aunt Manon, and imagine Manon with a baby lol.
SJM loves Aelin and other characters way too much not to give us an insight on them as married couples, but since her books are huge and it's her, it needs a plot with drama, addressing traumas, repressed feelings, worldbuilding, and sex, and Manorian's got all of that.
8. Abraxos
We need more Abraxos, that's just a fact.
Wow that was a long one. Anyways, in conclusion, we're getting that Manorian book. Pretty sure it's gonna a book rather than a novella (TOD was also planned as a novella but then guess what) because there is just SO MUCH possible content.
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acourtofquestions · 1 month
Sarah J. Maas really does a good job as a writer when it comes to guiding the reader into the opinion you want them to have for the best emotional investment in the story. … It’s never going to be 100% unanimous (often it’s fun in a way because everyone has their own interpretation, favorites, etc.) however I think her fandoms have more generally conclusive agreements & that’s a pretty impressive feat saying how often her characters & their relationships change; they are built, destroyed, & rebuilt again. The ability to twist the story (even starting with the Beauty and the Beast comparison within A Court of Thorns and Roses is impressive). And I say this as a fan who tends to be PRETTY loyal to my favorites, her books have been an exception.
Tamlin (the beast) is at first a VERY hesitation drawing character, by the time one finally starts to like him; it still feels off (& confusing because isn’t he “supposed to be” the main love interest? “Shouldn’t you” like the MAIN LOVE INTEREST?) then when you finally start to think you love him, your all in on the ship, it starts BREAKING YOUR HEART, until one page changes everything & you now LOATHE HIM FOREVER. 1 book, 7 chapters, & the reader goes through it WITH Feyre.
Rhysand (the beauty😂😊😘) goes from a “who is this tall dark “beautiful” stranger”, to holy**** he’s the one decapitating people😅 & now everyone is terrified of him (for & with Feyre), so the hatred officially starts, until it presses pause because it’s just straight up confusing (“what am I supposed to feel?”) and start getting confused by all the feelings for him; one second he’s annoying, then hilarious, then everyone is drawn to him, until you can’t tell if you like or hate (or love to hate) him. AND THEN SOMETHING IS DEF UP AND YOU NEED TO KNOW WHAT RIGHT NOW so you spend all this time guessing & waiting & brooding & pining—until you think you understand him & “even if it’s fucked up you love him” & then you REALLY do LOVE him and your just WAITING for Feyre to realize it too… And then EVERY shoe drops; you never knew anything, now you know EVERYTHING, & they are officially ENDGAME… until that gets too literal & now your crying CAUSE IT CANT END & thankfully it doesn’t! It just begins 80 times over for Fae Infinity (depending on how that whole death bet bargain goes😅).
Sam we fall for him (even knowing from DAY 1) how it ends; we fall for him because she did; and he did love her. Truly, steadily, from the beginning—to the end. They had something real, a beautiful promise (to be kept… & betrayed, not by them but by the very universe) born among sorrow but not out of it. Something good, built by them. We fall for the assassin, the boy, the best friend; the one that should’ve gotten to be the one or at least gotten more time… the first love, always love, & un-ended one because it’s ending came without a goodbye & before it even had a chance to begin…
Dorian the beautiful & forbidden prince — the good boy, to one day make a good king & a good man; the dreamer you fall for because he wants to make the world better & just might be a better benevolent ruler; ever-looking for his equal to rule by his side. The forbidden affair, yet always almost promised to be — the Daughter of Terrasen & the Son of Adarlan — enemies to friends to lovers (& friends again) burdened with glorious purpose & dark powerful pasts. The might have been; two sides, same coin… seen by all… seemed fit to be…
Chaol the opposites attract; magnets always in orbit always moving toward this; them. The love that brings life, back to-well-life. The guard & The Assassin; the killer & the protector; the prophesied end to evil rule, a woman scorned & hell-bent to burn the crown to the ground — the one who gave everything for an ideal, a good man, given to protect it at the cost of his very life & all he knew; the daughter of ruin & the fallen — the son of ruiners who destroyed to survive, yet survived nonetheless. A truly good man in a world of evil, a goodness that makes her believe again. A resilient sun, she blazes among deaths darkness, he watches her like Icarus. They are the goodness that came out of the ashes. Opposites yet the ones that understood (even to a fault). It was always meant to be… right?! — Their story. You see & fall for yet ANOTHER future, their “brood of children” & running away together. Until…
Rowan I have yet to meet him but from the little (trying to stay spoiler free) he is her match. Though I was strongly team Chaol… and Dorian… and Sam… I am sure I will fall once again…
There is something genius in that
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mneiaifics · 2 years
Throne of Glass: In Hiding
Originally posted on October 28, 2019 at AO3
Summary: Iron suppressed magic, but his magic had been suppressing something else.
Ships: King of Adarlan & Dorian Havilliard
Warnings: Mild blood, Dark, Book 3 spoilers
Dorian thought he would keep feeling worse as the amount of iron in his body rose, but instead he just felt...different.
He hadn't thought he was used to magic enough to tell that it was harder to access, so it was hard to say it was that. And at times that coldness inside of him seemed to be expanding when he had expected it to shrink.
But then one day, during his morning sparring with the guards, he was sliced across the arm with a too-sharp training sword. He paid it no mind, at first, waving off the guard's concern and heading back towards his rooms.
He didn't mean to run into his father, certainly, and not when a slow-growing near-black stain showed so clearly against the white of his sleeve.
Dorian stared dumbly at it, wondering what of Sorscha's potions could cause blood to darken, then glanced at his father. He didn't know his exact thought process, had never, but assumed he, for a moment, wondered if Dorian had been harming his possessed soldiers.
And then the cut throbbed and the stain grew and Dorian was clutching his arm, throwing out a quick goodbye, and rushing to his room.
It was no real surprise that his father followed, finding Dorian shirtless as he tried to stem the blood.
"This is why you're seeing that healer." It wasn't a question, so Dorian didn't bother giving an answer. "I thought you might be dallying with another peasant."
The king pulled the cloth from Dorian's hand and took up cleaning the wound himself, sniffing at the blood. "What have you been doing to yourself? Your blood stinks of iron. You must know that's not truly suppressing anything."
He flinched, thoughts fumbling around his mind. "I...we thought it might work. We've been trying different combinations."
"Iron is for magic. Magic of this world." His father's tone was the scolding one he used to use before assigning Dorian a month worth of dance lessons. "It won't change your nature."
His father smiled at him, holding up the dark-stained cloth. "What happened? Did you get a cut and you noticed how dark your blood became? Or that healer did?" He shook his head, his free hand stroking through Dorian's hair in a disturbingly sentimental gesture. "You don't even know what you are, just that you should be scared. My fault, I suppose."
Dorian was frozen in place, too worried about what lay under the sudden affection his father showed. It seemed like he was talking about something other than Dorian's magic, but he couldn't even begin to guess what it was.
But something tugged at his mind, something about black blood from those books on magic, history, and his ancestors that he'd gone through for clues.
"Stop taking whatever vile concoctions you've been on," the king ordered. "And stop spending so much time around that useless healer."
"Or?" Dorian couldn't resist pushing, just a little.
His father smiled, a dangerous look. "Or I'll introduce you to being a Valg with her very painful death."
Dorian felt sick, he just sat there and let his father leave without trying to protest.
"I'll send one of my own healers to deal with that cut, though our kind aren't prone to infection." His father paused just inside the door, glancing back at Dorian. "I didn't think you were mine, but since you are...I hope you realize how this will change things." His look was pure malicious glee. "We'll talk in the morning."
Original notes: Idea I had while writing Biding Time, that the iron in Dorian's blood stream during Heir of Fire did suppress his magic…but by doing so made the part of him that's Valg stronger.
Idea I had while writing Biding Time, that the iron in Dorian's blood stream during Heir of Fire did suppress his magic…but by doing so made the part of him that's Valg stronger.
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Join us for a week of celebrating Daddy Phantom Hands, Dorian Havilliard!
Becca ( @aurips​​ ) and Gigi ( @moononastring​​ ) are hosting a week to celebrate the new King of Adarlan and a character who has captured all of our hearts, Dorian Havilliard . A week long event where you can post edits, art, or simply write out your thoughts in response to the prompts given!
When is it?
12.06.2021 to 12.12.2021
How to participate:
Follow us here to see and share everyone’s creations! You can also feel free to follow our personal accounts but not necessary :)
Starting December 6th, you can post your work to go with the prompt according to each date!
Tag us @dorianhavilliardweek​ and use the hashtag #dorianweek or #dorianhavilliardweek
We would love and encourage you to create every day, however this is not necessary. 
December 6th - Favorite friendship
Dorian is one of the most charming characters in the entire series and has created some amazing friendships for this reason. Showcase your fave friendship of his
December 7th - Fave ship
And with the charm and his flirting ways, Dorian is quite the shippable character. Who’s your favorite pairing?
December 8th - Song Association
Is there a song you think reminds you of Dorian? let us know!
December 9th - Modern AU or Book AU
We all love a good au right? Feel free to display Dorian in a modern setting or since he’s a bookworm place him in any book fandom. You can put him in as many aus as you’d like (yes you can include a romantic pairing for the au as long as Dorian is apart of it.)
December 10th - King of Adarlan 
Highlight Dorian being King. Make an edit, talk about him as a ruler, or just a simple headcanon.
December 11th - Fave quote/scene
Dorian has said some amazing lines through out the series and has had some equally impressive moments. Whats your favorite?
December 12th - Free choice
Today is your day to create whatever you’d like. Wanna repeat a day, make a headacanon, write a fic, or do a completely different prompt go for it.
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malulls · 3 years
The Darkest Part of the Sea- Chapter 1
Manorian Pirate fanfic
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The Narrow Sea, nowdays
Dorian Havilliard was tired of the haze. He was tired of the gray landscape. He was tired of many things.
It wasn't like he had never sailed around the Dead Islands, when hunting pirates and stolen treasure that was inevitable. But he had never been this far, and never for this long.
After two weeks of seeing only caves and the sickly color the sea had acquired, he would be glad never to set foot in that miserable place again. The dark gray sand of the beach, the relentless presence of clouds that hid the sun, and the black rocks made Dorian feel like he was in a horror story.
Dead Islands. The place definitely lived up to its name.
— How many caves are left? — asked the prince, looking away from the ocean to the green-eyed woman beside him.
— After that there are only two more.
Ruby tilted the map toward the lantern hanging above them both, in an attempt to get a better view through the fog.
— It better be here. If we go to the other two, we'll get too close to the Western Wastes coast.
Dorian sighed, looking at the map and wishing he could find what he needed on that old piece of paper.
— Then we better start praying.
No one was stupid enough to go anywhere near the Wastes. Apart from the Dead Islands, after a stretch of sea and the last place anyone would dare to step, the Western Wastes were a death sentence. Whether because there was absolutely nothing there but sand and sun, or because of their murderous inhabitants. Nobody knew much about them, apart from the fact that they were impeccable thieves, capable of extorting an entire ship in minutes and disappearing leaving only blood in their trail.
— We are too close to the rocks — shouted Ress from somewhere behind them. — I can see the cave from here. This is the closest we can get.
Everyone on the deck turned to the prince, waiting for his orders. He had never cared about this, there he did not feel the weight of these stares as he would at court in Adarlan. Until that trip.
— Drop the anchor, — he shouted, and the crew stirred, all shifting and fiddling with the sails.
A second ship, much larger than that one and clearly from the Royal Navy, anchored close to the prince's ship, a little further away from the cave because of its size. The captain had already put the boats in the water and his sailors were rowing toward the cave.
Dorian rolled his eyes every time he faced that ship. He had warned his father how stupid it was, sending a ship that size was practically begging for an attack. But of course, the king didn't listen.
— I have lost count of how many times you have rolled your eyes since this started. They're going to go down this way.
The prince looked at his best friend and captain of the guard, who was currently his second in command. Before, Chaol Westfall rarely accompanied him on trips. However, when the captain's father had begun to hint that he wanted him to return to Anielle to be a lord, he had boarded Dorian's ship without looking back.
— Can you blame me?
Chaol didn't say anything. They both knew the answer, that journey was being a nightmare in every possible way.
The crew didn't take long to prepare, those who would stay prepared to leave quickly in case of an attack, and those who would go, grabbing their lanterns and as many weapons as possible.
They were in thieves' territory. And any worthy thief would give anything to get their hands on what they were looking for.
— Ruby, I want you and Ress to get the boats ready. Three of them, and you take the last one, just like the last time.
He imagined she grimaced, as she did every time Ress' name was mentioned, but Dorian could barely see her in the haze. Even her light brown skin and long chestnut hair looked gray there.
— Stay with Ress, help Ress. Why do you hate me?
Dorian made the most serious expression he could and put a hand on her shoulder.
— We don't hate you, we're always putting you close to the love of your life.
— I hope you know that the only reason I'm not going to punch you is because Chaol is watching.
Despite everything, the prince managed to smile, especially after the grimace his friend made. Probably the last one he would give before he went down into that cave and everything went to hell.
He and the captain of the guard went out in the first boat, doing their best to avoid the rocks that seemed to be all along the shore. The sea, always icy, was at least calm this time. The tide there was always either extremely low or extremely violent. On the Dead Islands, there was no halfway.
The cave was much larger inside than they expected, with several tunnels that made it necessary to separate. Dorian took seven people, which was almost half of his crew, while the captain of the other ship took ten. Useful to search in such a large place, reckless if they didn't want to draw attention.
But he supposed that none of those men wanted to stay on the ship and be the first to die in case of an attack. Especially after losing so much. Besides Dorian's ship and his crew of twenty people, his father had insisted on sending two more, not small and discreet as the prince had suggested. The result was many more attacks than they should have suffered, from which the prince's ship was usually able to escape because it was smaller and faster.
They were sailing through the Narrow Sea, a lawless place that belonged to no territory, and was therefore full of pirates. They lost an entire ship in those five months of travel. And most of the crew of the other one.
— Did you find anything? — Chaol's voice from the other side of the cave brought the prince out of that haze of thoughts.
Dorian shook his head.
— Nothing.
His lantern was almost out of oil, and the humidity of the cave was unbearable, but he was still praying to whatever god was listening that they didn't have to go to the other two that Ruby had shown him on the map.
The sound of a water trickle echoed through the rocks. He tilted the lantern toward the back of the cave and the sound, squinting his eyes to where he hadn't looked yet. Something reflected in the light and sparkled there.
— Wait.
The walls were not smooth in that part of the cave, they were full of grooves, some so deep they had spiders' webs. The more he walked, the more the glow increased, almost as if it was calling to him, until it stopped in front of a fissure as large as his arm. The light became even stronger there, staining the prince's face and the cave gold.
— Chaol... — His whisper echoed like a breeze through the stone walls.
He held up the lantern beside Dorian, cursing as he saw the dozens of coins scattered on the floor. The opening appeared to be a small corridor, for he had brought the lantern as close as he could and still could not see the end.
— Look — Chaol said, groping the stone wall. — There's a line here. Too perfect to be natural.
— Do you think...
The two dropped their lamps, and the prince took a pick from his backpack, fitting it into the stone fissure. Chaol counted to three and the two of them pulled, minimally moving the wall of the place.
— This is going to be a hell.
— Yes, but it will still be faster than trying to find someone in these mazes.
The two of them pulled again. And again. And again. Their arms were burning, and their palms were red, but they managed to push the stone away enough for Dorian to pass, although he had almost dislocated his shoulder entering the tiny corridor.
A path of gold coins covered the floor and some stones, as well as dust-covered gems. Water dripped from the stalactites, spreading a strong smell over the metal and the rocks. None of this caught his attention.
The prince's eyes were glazed on a hollow in the wall, large enough to fit a small box. There were three jewels in it. There was not a grain of dust or spider web in a perfect circle around them. Maybe it was just the reflection of the lamp, but they even seemed to radiate a faint light.
The first ring seemed to be made of diamond and had an emerald in the middle. The second was white gold with a pink stone between two pearls. The last one was the most detailed, made of silver and circled by an ivy design, with a sapphire in the middle.
The captain of the guard cursed more times in those thirty seconds than Dorian had ever heard him curse in his entire life.
They had found it. The oldest treasure in the world. The Seven Rings of Mala.
A wedding gift from her husband, Brannon Galathynius, that he had forged himself. The old stories said that you could still feel the remnants of their love in those jewels. And they found three of them.
After months and so many deaths. How they left Terrasen and ended up in the hell of the Dead Isles, Dorian had no idea.
The two exchanged a look, emerging from their state of shock, and were quick to pack their things in a leather bag, leaving without looking back. It was an effort not to rush out, they both taking tense steps as fast as possible through the tunnels, eyes shooting to every corner as if something was going to jump out of the shadows of the walls. Only when they were in the corridor leading to the exit did Dorian dare to say:
— We found it.
The people who had disembarked slowly began to appear as his voice echoed through the rocks, coming out, perplexed and relieved, from tunnels he hadn't even seen, Ruby and Ress quickly positioned themselves beside the two.
But they didn't even make it to the cave entrance.
— Yes. — said a soft, sensuous, and completely deadly voice. — Thank you for finding it for us.
@positivewitch @awesomelena555 @darklingswhxore @gwynethhberdara @wandererbyheart @notyournymphetish @thisloveseternal @rubyriveraqueen
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longsightmyth · 4 years
Chapters: 50/50 Fandom: Throne of Glass Series - Sarah J. Maas Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Dorian Havilliard/Chaol Westfall Characters: Aelin Ashryver Galathynius | Celaena Sardothien, Dorian Havilliard, Chaol Westfall, Philippa Spindlehead, Nesryn Faliq, Kaltain Rompier, Nehemia Ytger, Georgina Havilliard, King of Adarlan (Throne Of Glass), Arobynn Hamel, Hollin Havilliard Additional Tags: Reimagining, Rewrite, Celaena is effectively three different characters at least, but not in a multiple personality way, Writing Exercise, Characters will be added as they appear - Freeform, as will ships, Violence, I'd say canon-typical violence but let's be honest with ourselves, do not copy to another site, Do not post to another site, Suicide, the minorest of characters and very little detail given, Murder Series: Part 1 of Truthteller Summary:
As a wrongly imprisoned shopgirl, Lillian can only wait to die. As an assassin, she has other options.
(A Throne of Glass reimagining-as-writing-exercise)
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