#shippuden opening parody
gaaleeceo · 1 year
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Boruto: A Legend Reborn by Terraijn
Anime » Naruto Rated: T, English, Adventure & Drama, OC, Boruto U., Sarada U., Mitsuki, Words: 16k+, Favs: 16, Follows: 18, Published: Nov 20, 2018 Updated: Jul 6, 2019
8Chapter 5: Who are you?
Disclaimer: The following is a non-profit fanbased parody. Naruto, Naruto Shippuden, and Boruto: Naruto Next Generations are all owned by Masashi Koshimoto.
Chapter 5: Who are you?
(15 Years Ago)
It was a splendid view. The clear skies and the fresh breeze made him feel so peaceful. Sitting on the hill with the large tree was something he did regularly. He could see everything, feel everything.
How he wished it would stay like this. The thought of this beautiful land someday dying and withering away saddened him.
"Dear? What are you thinking about?"
Just by hearing her voice, those thoughts left his mind. He turned to her as she approached him, babe in arm.
"Ah. Just admiring the nature." He reached out and let his love put their child in his arms. He stared into the eyes of his greatest pride.
As his wife sat beside him, he played with the baby's fingers.
"You have so much respect for this land." she said. He smiled a bit, and looked into her eyes.
"Well, what can I say? I swore to protect this world. To protect the people I love."
He held the child closer to his chest. "There is nothing I wouldn't do to spare you both of any burden, no matter how-"
He stopped short. His wife looked at him in concern. "What is it?"
He could feel it. It was coming, and he knew it. He hurriedly took his child and gave it to his love.
"Run home. Lock yourself in and hide. Do not open the door for anyone until I get there."
"Why? What is happening?" she asked.
He looked over the horizon, sensing the danger getting closer.
"My past is coming back to haunt me." he said.
Konoha Hosiptal - Present
He sat up with haste. What happened, where was he, how did he get here, was he in a bed? The thoughts racing around his brain made his head hurt. He shook it off, and attempted to climb out of the bed. But then, he was hit with pain all over. He decided to stay in bed.
All he could do was stare at the white walls, white ceiling (that came with a plain beige ceiling fan), and look out the windows. He could at least feel the breeze, which calmed him down a bit.
Then, the door opened, and a man walked in. He seemed to be an old man, his gray hair and soft wrinkles making him look non-threatening. Still, he didn't lower his gaurd.
"Ah! You're awake." he said, smiling. "How are you feeling?"
He didn't answer the man's question, and instead asked his own.
"Who are you, and where am I?"
"You can call me Dr. Iroshi." he replied. "Or just doctor if you like."
The man then grabbed a clipboard from a desk in the far corner, and began writing something. "As for the where," he said, "welcome to Konoha Hospital."
'The hospital?' he thought. 'What the hell happened to me?'
His thoughts were interrupted by a loud knocking on the door.
"Hey let me in!" someone said. "Open up already."
The doctor opened the door, and a kid walked in. He had bright blonde hair, and blue eyes, and a smile on his face. And, most notably, two whisker marks on each cheek. He also had a cast on his right arm.
The kid approached the bed with a grin on his face. "Hey, finally awake huh?" he said. "You must've been hurt pretty bad to have been alseep for that long."
Asleep? Hurt? Just what happened to him. His brain tried to remember why he was here, but to his shock, he realised that he couldn't remember anything. Not his name, or where he was, or even a birthdate.
He could feel his heart pounding in his chest, as he just stared at the blonde kid. He didn't recognize him at all.
"Who are you?"
The kid smile shrank a bit. "What do you mean? You saved my life!"
He did? He had no memory of that, surprise surprise.
"Maybe this'll jog your memory." he said, reaching into a bag. He pulled out a box and opened it, taking out some yellow diamond shaped crystal. He could feel power eminating from it. He reached out to touch it-
"Boruto!" someone yelled.
Another person entered the room, this time a girl with black hair, black eyes to match, and red glasses to cover 'em. A kid with pale blue hair, paler skin, and snake eyes followed walking behind her.
"Sarada?" the kid, presumably Boruto, asked.
The girl, Sarada, marched up to the other, Boruto, and hit him in the head. "I told you not to run off on your own."
"Ow! Sorry, but I had to get here quickly before Doc scared him off with his needles!"
The girl kept arguing with the blonde kid, while the doctor was telling everyone to be quiet. And why did the snake eyed kid keep looking at him like that? He was beginning to feel anxious. He had to get of there.
He tore off the wires connected to him, and opened the window. He quietly took a step out the other side, then another, and jumped out the window. Mitsuki watched him go but said nothing. He decided to see how this would play out.
"C'mon Sarada, I was just trying to show a little gratitude."
"*Sigh* You knocked on every door on the this floor, and the last one before this one when you should've just waited for the nurse to tell us."
"Well, at least we found him." he said gesturing towards the bed.
"...Boruto. He's gone."
Sure enough, Boruto turned to find nothing but an empty bed.
"...Was it something I said?"
- Konohagakure Streets -
He didn't even know where he was going.
All he knew was that he had to figure out where he was and, more importantly who he was.
He suddenly got the feeling he was being watched. He turned around. Of course he saw nothing but it felt like everyone was staring at him. Probably because they were.
He realized he was still wearing a hospital gown. If he wanted to blend in, he'd have to find normal clothes.
He darted into an alley and hid behind a corner. He looked around. There wasn't much, except for a dumpster and rats. Gross. Luckily for him there were clothes lines above the alleyways. He ditched the gown and climbed the ledges to reach the lines.
He grabbed a long sleeved black shirt and gray sweatpants. He didn't have shoes, but at least he could blend in better. He rejoined the busy street, blending in with the crowd. No one would give him a second glance.
Unbeknownst to him however, three genin were looking for him. Team 7's Boruto, Sarada, and Mitsuki.
"I'm sure he's around here somewhere." Boruto said, scratching his cast. "He couldn't have gone far."
"Well we better find him." Sarada said. "He needs to answer some questions."
"I'm sure he will turn up eventually." Mitsuki said.
Boruto reached into his pouch. He pulled out the bag he had put the crystals in. Easier to carry around than a box.
'It happened again. They started glowing again at the hospital, but I haven't been able to get them to work since that day. And why did dad give them to me? I mean, there's no way he knows what these can do, or he would've never given them to me.'
He was so busy thinking that he bumped into someone, not paying attention to the sea of people ahead of him.
"Woah. Sorry about that." he said. "I wasn't watching where I was-" his eyes widened. "You!"
It was the kid from the hospital. He almost didn't recognize him, what with the new clothes on him. Boruto put his arm around the kid's shoulders. "Hey we were looking for you! Why'd you run off like that?"
The kid took Boruto's arm off of his shoulders and continued to walk off. He didn't want to deal with, whatever this was.
He didn't get far, however because Sakura grabbed his arm.
"You don't think you can just walk away do you?" she said. "We have questions for you."
"Leave me alone." he said.
She shook her head. "No can do." She put her thumb to her headband. "As a shinobi of Konohagakure, it is my duty to protect this village from any threat."
Was he a threat? Did he do something bad? Maybe he was a criminal. He felt the back of his shoulder getting warm.
Boruto stepped in front of Sarada. "Geez, Sarada chill out. You're freaking him out." He turned to the kid. "Look, we just want answers. You help us and we'll help you."
He put his hand out to him. "Deal?"
The kid stared at him. Maybe it wasn't a bad idea. He wanted answers too. After all, he had nowhere else to go, not that he could remember if he did.
He glanced at Sarada. "Is she gonna be there?"
"She? I have a name you- mmph!"
Boruto covered her mouth with his hand. "Don't worry I'll make sure she plays nice." he said smiling. "You hungry?"
- 5 Minutes Later -
"Wow. You can really eat huh?" Boruto said.
Indeed. Everyone at Ichiraku ramen, including Team 7, watched as this random kid downed bowl after bowl of ramen. The food was going down and no one was quite sure where he was putting it. This kid had an appetite.
'He's worse than Boruto.' Sarada thought.
He quickly finished off another bowl and went to grab another one, but Boruto stopped him. "Let's take a break."
The kid put down his chopsticks. "Fine. But I gotta ask you, are you gonna be able to pay for all this?"
Boruto gave a small smile. "I don't have to paywhen it comes to these things."
The kid raised an eyebrow. "What? Are your parents famous or something?"
"Well my dad is the Hokage." he said. "But it actually has to do with winning a lifetime supply of ramen, so-"
"Wait." he said, stopping Boruto. "What'd you say?"
Boruto scratched his cast. "My dad is the Hokage, leader of Konoha."
'Hokage?' he thought. His shoulder was getting hot like fire, and his head was starting to hurt. "I feel like I remember hearing something about him."
"Yeah, the village is always talking about him, Seventh this, Seventh that."
He wasn't sure if that's how he felt familar with the word. It felt like it was sitting in the back of his mind, but he couldn't remember. Figures.
"Okay, first question: who are you?"
That was a good question. Of course he couldn't answer it. He doubt they'd accept his amnesia story. And it seemed like the more he thought about his amnesia, the worse the pain in his shoulder got.
He looked at Boruto. "Why was I in the hospital?"
"Okay I guess you're asking the questions." Boruto replied. "Um, short version- You were knocked unconcious fighting a demon, who was about to kill me until you blast lightning at it, and then passed out."
The kid blinked once. "What?"
"Okay, long version it is."
Boruto retold the events starting from him finding the kid, to watching the demon being killed by lightning.
"And then I dragged you to the hospital and I passed out there. That was a week ago."
As much as it shocked him to have been in a secen day coma, he was more confused over the "demon" and his supposed "lighting power."
Maybe they were crazy. Maybe he was crazy. But the longer he thought about it, less crazy it seemed. Somehow, deep down, he knew it was true. The question was why couldnt he remember?
"Alright." Sarada said. "You got your question answered. Now I want an answer." She stepped in front of him.
"Who are you?"
The kid was getting nervous, the pain in his shoulder getting worse. "I... I..."
OOOH DAMN! Cliffhanger? You must hate me right now. I know I do.
Boruto: Dude. Are, are you okay?
Yeah. Yeah I'm just, dealing.
Boruto: Okaaay, buddy I'll just, I'll just do the thing. *Ahem* Alright everyone that's a rap for this chapter be sure to follow the story to get those updates, and review! Reviewing is important I think, I wouldn't know.
Chapter 5B: Revival
Deep down, past the cracks of the world, lived darkness. Demons wreaked havoc and fed off of the darkest parts of humans. Hatred. Pain. Misery. Chaos. Fear.
He lived past the lava, the Mazoku, even further down than the great beasts, hidden from the world, which is another story...
In the deepest, darkest pit of the entire world, lived the most chaotic, evil force of all existence.
Encased in a prison built by the gods themselves, he was forced to lay dormant, trapped in a weak form. He could barely stand it. To be made of nothing but shadow... IT INFURIATED HIM!
He had been waiting for so many years. Twice, he had come close to his goal, but twice, he had been stopped by the heroes created by Kami.
But now? He made sure they wouldn't get in the way. There werenoheroes.
Now he could enact his revenge. He would be free once more!
Just then, a figure appeared. It was a person. It walked towards Enma and kneeled before him.
"Master. I come with news." they said. The person was covered in a dark cloak covering their body, but Enma already knew who he was.
"The beast you sent, Fear. It was, destroyed."
Underground, it was practically on fire. But the figure had never felt colder as Enma's powers affected him.
"One of the five elementals used their power to-"
The underground shook, and rocks fell from above.
Those damn, elementals, were still alive? It made no sense. He was certain they were dead!
"How is this possible!?" Even in a whisper, his voice boomed in anger. Yet the cloaked figure remained still and calm.
"One of them activated the rune stones. It seems they were found after all." they said. "They were able to release their power and destroy the demon."
Damn Kami. Even his influence on humanity wasn't strong enough to keep the power of the elements hidden in the shadows forever.
"But how can they fight?" he said. "They should be dead!"
"It seems as if your power really has weakened. Because all it did was send them into a short coma." he stepped forward. "But their powers have gone. You have nothing to worry about." He gave a menacing smile.
"You fffool. Even iff they are powerless, even iff they cannot face me now..."
His prison began to shake violently.
The prison stopped shaking.
He heaved a breath, and expelled black mist from himself. It began to solidify and take shape, being brought to life.
It had four limbs, and stood on all, and its limbs were large and thick. Then its body, quite large, took form resembling a pig. No, more of a warthog. For its tusks were long and jagged. Its eyes blood red. Eminating, darkness.
A giant warthog. It dug into the ground with its hooves. It breathed actual darkness. The cloaked figured stared.
Enma's form turned back to the cloaked figure. "Where doesss the ffirsst element hide?"
Enma looked upon what he had made.
"Hhatred.. he breathed. "Ffear hasss fffailed. Take hisss placcce and kill thossse mortalsss."
The beast squealed and started to jump above the rocks and caverns until it was out of view.
"You sshall continue monitoring the mortals until my revival is complete."
"Yes Lord Enma." the cloaked figure stepped back into the shadows and disappeared.
Yessss. It was almost time...
- Chapter End -
Hey guys I konw this chapter was short but thats because I wanted to explore the villain side of the story, before continuing the main story.I am working on Chapter 6 which woll be soon, and not like five months or anything hehe...Anyways be sure to follow for updates and review to show love, and I'll see ya next time!
Chapter 6: Power
- Konohagakure: Ichiraku Ramen -
"Who are you?" asked Sarada.
"I... uh I..." he stuttered.
Why was he freaking out about this? They were trying to help him. He didn't know them, but then again he knew nothing other than what he was told moments ago.
For some reason he felt like there was this small but powerful voice telling him to run. It made his shoulder hurt more. (Why was that happening?)
No memory, no answers. It seemed like a lame answer to tell people when they really needed what they thought he could give. But what was he supposed to do? It wasn't his fault he had amnesia.
Or maybe it was and he just didn't remember.
'Okay. Just, tell the truth.' he thought. 'They seem like reasonable guys.'
"I don't know."
Just then, he felt a small rise of killer intent aimed towards him. 'Crap.'
"What do you mean you don't know?"
"Okaaay, Sarada, I got this." Boruto said. 'Man, she is really ticked today.' He looked over at the kid. "You don't know?"
The kid shook his head. "I can't remember a thing from before I woke up at the hospital. Not a name, not a past. Nothing."
Boruto looked him in the eyes for a while. It kinda made him uncomfortable.
After a long silence, Boruto turned to his food. "I believe you." he said.
Hearing that caused a wave of relief to wash over him. Maybe he was right about this kid.
Sarada still looked at him skeptically. "Well, if Boruto trusts you... then I guess I trust him." she said, giving him a small smile.
Mitsuki gave him a thumbs up.
"Well, we're gonna have to name you something, dude." Boruto said.
Name him? What was he, a puppy?
"Let's see... you have lightning powers, so how 'bout, sparky?"
'Well that isn't degrading at all.' he thought. "No." he said.
Boruto closed his eyes and slunked back in his seat. "Man, this is hard."
Sarada sat up in her seat. "How about Raijin?"
Boruto opened one eye. "Huh?"
"Raijin." she repeated. "It's a thunder god."
"You wanna name me after a thunder god?" he asked. "Isn't that a bad omen or something?"
"How about Jin for short?" Mitsuki suggested.
Jin. A name he could call his own. It was simple yet it felt like it was worth everything to him. It was like a piece of himself had come back. One step closer to becoming whole.
"I like it. Jin." he said.
"Jin it is then." Boruto said.
There was a long pause after that. He decided to break the silence.
"So... now what?" he asked.
Boruto said nothing at first. He looked over at Sarada who gave him a look. He looked back at Jin.
"Now, we go to my dad."
- Hokage's Office -
*Knock Knock*
Naruto looked over to the door. "Come in." he said.
The door opened and in walked his advisor, and close friend, Shikamau Nara, who was surprised to see Naruto already taking to someone.
"Shikamaru," he said, expecting the worse. "One moment."
He turned back to the person he was talking to. A large, muscular person with dark hair, a sword sheathed at his side, and a scar tracing from his eye ymto his chin.
"Actually, lord Hokage, I've said enough for now. But I do hope you take my suggestions very seriously." he said before excusing himself.
After Gankora made his exit, Shikamaru approached Naruto.
"Sir, if I may ask, what was that about?"
Naruto sighed. "He was telling me some forms of preparation to better defend the village against, whatever it is we're dealing with here."
"You don't really believe his demon story do you?"
"Shikamaru, we live in a world with talking animals, mind control, beasts the size of mountains, and literal gods. I don't know what crazy or normal anymore."
"Yeah, well I heard he's brought in that team of his."
Naruto had met this "team." At first, he thought he was being punked. Four kids, prably sixteen, seventeen years old, were what he had been given, and they were pretty weird.
They didn't names, not real ones anyway. Gankora just called them by their codenames. Flame, Aqua, Tornado, Boulder. They were pretty young and he brought this up to Gankora, but he assured Naruto that they were the best he had.
Naruto wasn't sure if that was good or bad.
"What do you have for me?"
Shikamaru handed him a stack of papers, which Naruto reluctantly accepted. "Well, since the attack seven days ago, there were have been an increasing number of civilians being driven crazy by fear. The villagers are taking up more space in the asylums than the crazies ever have. And it just keeps rising."
Why was this happening? Naruto was completely clueless. In all his life, he had fought Shinobi, Akatsuki members, tailed beasts, even his own hatred given form.
But this was different. He had never seen nor felt such helplessness in his village ever. Not even when it faced its worst times, which he feared would pale in comparison to what could happen if he didn't figure this out.
He stood from his desk and approached Shikamaru. "Have the Anbu disvovered the reason for this, hysteria?"
Shikamaru shook his head. "The only leads we have are the statements from the civilians who were driven crazy, and they weren't much help." He walked over to Naruto's desk and pulled out some sake from his boss's alleged "hiding spot."
He saw the look he was getting from Naruto. "What? Did you forget how much smarter I am than you?"
Naruto chuckled. "Of course not. Remember that time we sparred during our academy days? You didn't want to fight at first but then I yelled at you to 'get off your lazy ass' and you reluctantly got in the ring."
"And then I beat you in one move. I wouldn't call that smarts really. I just wanted it to be over as fast as possible."
"Bullshit." He said. "You knew exactly how and where I was gonna move before I did. You play your opponents before the match even begins. That's why you're my advisor."
Naruto dropped his smile. "That's why I'm worried about this village's future. If you can't figure this out, how can I? I was the dumbest kid in the class after all."
"That's not what I saw."
Naruto looked at him, confused.
"I mean you were annoying, and pretty dumb. But I always cared more about how you never gave up, never backed down, or most importantly never let your friends down. That's why I always looked up to you."
Naruto rubbed the back of his head. "C'mon man don't get all mushy in me."
Naruto walked over to a cabinent. It had a seal that prevented anyone but him from getting in. He released the seal, and reached inside for something. "If you ask me, I may need one of my special drinks."
He pulled out a small chest, similar to one he had given his son on his birthday. Almost identical.
Shikamaru walked over. "What's in it?"
"Just a something that Gaara sent from Suna. I keep it around for when things get, overwhelming." He opened the chest.
"...What the-"
"That doesn't look like Sake." Shikamaru said. "Are those...?"
"Ninja playing cards. The ones I got my son. For his birthday..."
"So, if you have his cards, then he must have your sake."
Naruto was silent for awhile.
"Uh, Naruto?"
"Hinata's going to kill me."
- Konoha Streets -
"Mom is gonna kill me."
The kids had finally left Ichiraku, making their way to the Hokage's office.
"What are you talking about?" Sarada asked.
"I'm not allowed to eat anything before dinner, or I'll ruin my appetite. I'll be too full to eat dinner, and when she finds out that I broke the rules I'll be so busted."
"Why don't you just throw it up?" asked Mitsuki.
"Dude. Gross."
Jin walked behind the three, not knowing how to operate in their dynamic.
'These guys,' he thought, 'are idiots.'
"Oh I just remembered!" yelled Boruto stopping in his tracks. He turned to Jin behind him and pulled out the bag of crystal shards from his pouch. He fished out the yellow one and handed it to him.
"Try and make this work." he asked.
All Boruto got in response was a blank look. "Um, you know summon lightning or something."
"I told you I have no recollection of the last time I 'summoned lightning' or whatever. I don't know how."
Boruto rolled his eyes. "Dude, you gotta try. Who knows, if you shock yourself, maybe it'll restore you memories." he said jokingly.
Boruto smiled but Jin wasn't. Instead he mockingly threw his arm up to the sky. Nothing happened.
"Look, if you think I'm just gonna be able to get this thing to work just by holding up my hand, then-"
A thundrous boom echoed throughout the streets. Everyone outside stopped suddenly, startled by the sudden noise. Then, slowly, it started to rain. One drop at a time until, it turned into a shower.
"Huh." Sarada said.
Jin stared at the shard. It was glowing again. Maybe it was the energy coursing through his body but he felt kinda, excited. Heh, okay maybe making it rain (literally) wasn't the coolest, but it was something.
He turned to Boruto. "What kinda lightning did you have in mind?"
Boruto smirked.
- Training Grounds -
From a good distance away, a shadowy figure watched them. He stood among the sea of people, who were trying to get out of the rain, and studied the group of kids.
He followed as they ran to a secluded area. A clearing in the forest, with a river at one side. Training ground 7. The rain had already let up in this area, but puddles and mud were spread out.
He could grab the bag of stones right then and there and he doubted they'd be able to do anything about it. But that was too easy. Plus, he wanted to see how powerful this kid was. He wanted to know if this kid could channel the true power locked inside of him. He was curious.
Plus even if he couldn't handle the strength that was locked inside of the boy, what were contingency plans for?
He noticed they were talking, but he couldn't make it out. He put his hands together.
"Earth Style: Creation." he said picking up a handful of dirt. He channelled his chakra into the dirt, and it began to take shape. A bird.
He closed his eyes, and he could see what the bird was seeing. He commanded it to fly closer to the group. It followed and flew on a branch close to them all. No one seemed to take notice of it.
Sarada and Mitsuki sat against some logs whule the others did their thing.
"You ready?" Boruto asked. He recieved a nod in response.
"All right, let's see what you got!" yelled Boruto. He took took out two kunai and threw them in the air. Tiny parachutes tied to them allowed them to fall slowly.
As they fell, Jin aimed the shard at the kunai. Nothing happened. The kunai descended to the ground.
"It's not working." he said.
"Boo!" Mitsuki said. Everyone turned and looked at him.
"Why?" asked Jin. Mitsuki only smiled.
"Maybe we're thinking about it wrong." Boruto said.
"What do you mean?"
"You're trying to use the shard as a weapon, but what if it's more like a tool?"
"Not following you."
Boruto walked over to Jin. "Instead of using this," he said pointing at the shard. "use these." He pointed at his forehead and his chest.
Boruto picked up the kunai and walked back over to his position. "Ready?"
"Yeah." Jin said. He put the shard in the pouch with the others.
"Breathe." he told himself. "Focus."
Boruto threw the kunai into the air. Jin closed his eyes. He could feel his heart beat. Hear the sounds of the birds, the winds. His body felt energized.
The shadowy figure watched through the birds eyes, leaning forward in anticipation.
From inside the pouch full of shards, the yellow one started to glow, as electricity began to build up around it.
Then he opened his eyes, which sparked lightning. He thrust his hand forward, the energy building inside-
"C'mon." he groaned. "Lightning lightning lightning!" Jin watched his hands do nothing as the kunai dropped to the ground, untouched.
He dropped his arms, and grabbed the pouch, throwing it on the ground. "It didn't work! What a surprise!" he yelled.
He dropped to his knees, and let his arms fall to the ground.
"Hey, it's okay. We can work on this together." Boruto said. He reached his hand towards Jin's shoulder. "We'll figure this-" *ZAP* "Ow!"
Boruto pulled his hand from Jin's shoulder. 'Was I just shocked?' He looked over to Jin and could feel the anger seeping off of him.
"Why won't it work?!" he yelled.
Over the grounds the sky began to darken once more. Only instead of rain, the air began to feel discharged. Sarada and Mitsuki began to run over.
"You said I had to 'use my head'!"
He punched the ground and suddenly a training log was struck by lightning. It exploded and bits of it caught fire.
"My 'heart'!" He punched the ground again causing more lightning.
Boruto looked around the grounds. "Uh Jin, pal, calm down okay?"
"No!" he yelled back. "No memories! *UMPH* No life! *UMPH* NO POWERS! *UMPH* *UMPH* *UMPH*"
Each punch to the ground caused a massive surge of energy to escape Jin's body as more and more lightning and thunder struck the grounds.
Team 7 was frozen in place, except for Boruti. He stepped towards Jin.
"I hate my amnesia. I hate these stupid shards." he turned towards Boruto, his eyes, almost empty like. "And I hate YOU!" Jin raised his arms and struck Boruto with lightning. Boruto was knicked back into Sarada.
"Boruto!" she yelled. She rolled him over and raised his head.
"*cough* Present." he choked out, before passing out. "Nonono wake up!" Sarada said.
Then just as fast as it came, the anger was gone. Turned off instantly. Jin slowly rose up, dizzy and disoriented.
"*Groan* What the hell?" He rubbed his eyes and looked at all the damage. "Did I... do this?"
He turned towards Sarada and Mitsuki who were crouching over their teammate. "Boruto! Wake up!" Sarada said. She turned to Jin. "What did you do?"
"I... I don't know. Let me help him, I can-"
"No! Just get out of here."
"But I, I didn't..." he stammered. He turned to Mitsuki, but he wasn't smiling anymore.
So he did what he did best. He turned and ran. Far, far away.
The bird on the tree brach crumbled to dust, and the shadowy figure opened his eyes. "Well, I suppose that's one way of exhibiting power." He turned around and began walkimg in the direction Jin went in.
He reached into his cloak and pulled out a dead rabbit. "Good job Hatred. You really know how to do your job." He threw the rabbit on the ground in front of some bushes, and just as quickly was pulled into them by a pure black warthog that devoured it whole.
"Now, go have some fun." The cloaked figure said. The warthog squealed and ran back into the bushes towards the village.
"Now," he said, "to raise some hell."
He walked off, but unknown to him, hidden in the trees, watching him, was a silver haired ninja.
Author: Oh yeah chapter 6 is here and done. What do you think Boruto?
Boruto: Did you just kill me off?
Author: Whoah chill. Can't you read? It said you passed out. You're not dead.
Author: What the? Who the heck could that be?
The author goes to open the door and at the slight turn of the handle, the door is kicked in and knocks him over. Hinata runs in and starts to crush Boruto in a hug.
Hinata: Oh, my baby! Are you okay?
Boruto: Mom? What are you doing here? You're not in this scene.
Hinata: You get electrocuted, so I came as soon as I could! Here I got you some medicine.
Boruto: Author? End this please, now!
Author: Blah blah bleep dee do.
Boruto: Dammit. Well, I guess that's a wrap for thos chapter. Be sure to- Mom stop. Be sure to Favorite, Follow, and Review if you want to see more! See ya- ow Mom!- next time!
Chapter 7: Awakening
8 Days Ago...
Naruto was in a hurry.
He had spent a little too much time at the office and he need to leave for his son's party before it got too late. Unfortunately, his office had been swarmed with people who's property had been damaged or worse.
It seemed to be the work of some gang, but the Jonin he had sent to investigate had turned up with no evidence backing that up. And it only made thungs take longer. At least he had gotten Boruto's present. He took a wrapped box (A/N Im Chapter One, it was a chest, but I changed it, cause, let's be honest, this makes more sense to have.) out of his bag and opened it. Ninja playing cards. He examined the cards, making sure they were all good and "powerful".
The things kids were into nowadays.
'I need a drink.' he thought to himself. He put the cards on his desk and opened a drawer. He then reached inside and deactivated a concealing jutsu, revealing a box. He opened it up and took out a small bottle of sake. 'Thank you Gaara.' Naruto thought to himself.
He poured himself a glass and took a sip, when suddenly, the door opened. Naruto spit out the sake, and hurriedly shoved the sake bottle in the wrapped box on his desk.
He seemed to have had hidden everything, just as someone walked in. An Anbu member, wearing a mask resembling a wolf, and a bandana that covered his hair.
"Lord Hokage," he said, "I hope I'm not disturbing you."
"No, not at all, what is it?"
The Anbu approached the desk and handed him a stack of papers. "These are the reports for the damaged properties, as ordered."
Naruto frowned. "I thought I wasn't getting these until tomorrow."
"Well, the Jonin finished their reports at about 8:03, so-"
Naruto stood upup. "Wait, did you say 8:03?"
"Hai, Hokage-sama."
Naruto checked his watch. It read 7:27. He tapped it, and the numbers glitched and changed to 8: 12.
"Oh no, I'm gonna be late!"
Naruto grabbed the box, but tripped as he was getting up.
"Hokage-sama!" the Anbu said, going over to help him. He picked up the box for Naruto and handed it back to him.
"Hehe, thanks." Naruto said, as he hurried on out. He pulled out the keys and tossed it ti the Anbu. "Do me a favor and lock up for me will you? Just give the key to the secretary, Akane, kay?"
And just like that he was gone. "No problem." he replied under his breath.
The Anbu took off his mask and headband. "Ugh, that was stuffy. How do they wear those?"
He reached into the inside of his Anbu vest and pulled out am exact copy of Naruto's gift box.
"That was almost too easy." he said aloud. "Is he really a Hokage?"
"*Skrrt* Yeah, and he's hella strong, so hurry up and get outta there. *Skrrt*" said a female voice in his ear.
The fake anbu pressed a communications device in his ear as he responded. "Whatever Aqua, this guy's a joke. I thought for sure he'd catch me switching the real box for the fake."
"*Skrrt* Well, I would've, because you're definitely not as fast as Shock." said a male voice.
"Put a lid on it Flame."
He opened up the box and pulled out the sake accidentally thrown inside. "Guy even mixed up what he was supposed to put in it."
"*Skrrt* Tornado, stop screwing around and get out of there before someone walks in! *Skrrt*" a tough grisly voice yelled over the comms.
"Okay, okay. I'm going." he said. "Geez Boulder." He was about to put the sake back in Naruto's secret drawer, when he decided it'd be more fun to mess with him.
He put the ninja playing cards in the secret compartment and kept the alcohol. He put his mask and bandana back on and exited the office, locking it up and giving the key to Akane the secretary.
Once again he spoke to the comms, as he exited the building amd walked through the streets of Konoha. "Sensei, mission accomplished." he said.
"Good work, Tornado." said a gruff voice on the other end. "Phase one is complete. Keep an eye on the target, but do not engage."
"Yes, Gankora-sensei." he responded, following Naruto closely and silently. "You got it."
- Present Day • Forest -
Jin kept running and running
What had come over him? He had been trying to use these stupid powers of his, when suddenly, it was like he was engulfed in hatred.
Why? Why did he hurt Boruto?
"Just get out of here already!"He couldn't get those words out of his heads. He felt sick, and tired, so he stopped in his tracks and looked around. Where was he?
There was a fallen log close by, so he walked over and sat down. He buried his face in his hands contemplating what he would do.
'Should I go back? I have to, right? Except I'd probably be taken in for almost killing the Hokage's son.' He looked at his fingers, and without thinking, started making electricity dance around his hands. Shocked (A/N No pun intended.), he watched it as he felt the energy flowing through him.
Then, his shoulder began to burn intensely. He looked at his shirt, torn from the electricity, he guessed, and saw the symbol on his chest, glowing hot white. He realised what he was doing, and stopped. "No more." he said. "This had to stop."
"But why would you wanna stop?"
Jin immediately stood up. He looked around, but there was no one but him.
"Look up."
Jin looked up, and saw a cloaked figure standing up on a tree branch.
"Wh-who are you?"
"I'm here to help." the figure said from behind him.
"Ah!" Jin yelped. He turned around and staggered backwards, away from whoever this was.
"What do you want?" he said.
The figure stepped forward, but Jin held up a hand.
"Stay away, unless you wanna get fried." Jin said.
"Oh, like your friend back there?" he replied. He saw the surprised look on his face. "Oh yes, I saw that. I could feel it really. And I imagine the whole village felt it too."
Suddenly, he was on another tree branch above Jin. "What a horrible crime, killing the Hokage's son. Tsk, tsk, tsk."
"I didn't kill him!" he yelled. "I just-"
"No, you're right, it was probably much worse. Brain damage, paralysis, maybe even stopped his heart for a few minutes."
"Shut up!" he yelled, lightning charging up from his arms. His shoulder felt like fire, but he grit his teeth.
Then, the cloaked figure was in front of him. Jin was so shocked he stumbled backwards and fell on his behind as his lightning stopped.
The stranger walked around him, examining him, and he saw the marking on Jin's chest, right over his heart. A seal, written in the kanji form of lightning.
"You have power, I can feel it." he said. "But you can't control it can you?"
Jin picked himself off the ground, and faced him. "That's none of your business." he stated.
"Maybe so, but I can help you."
The mysterious stranger was suddenly behind him again, and he grabbed Jin's shoulder, focusing chakra into the seal.
"Art of the Seal removal!" he said. Chakra poured into Jin, and he almost collapsed from the feeling. Yet, he felt so much lighter, and his head felt clearer.
And that's when everything went black.
When Jin woke up, it was dark.
No, not dark. It was completely pitch black, as if the forest had been swallowed up by it.
He was laying on his back, and he felt something dripping on him. Drip, drip.
And just then the surroundings changed. The blackness was replaced by wood and tile. Walls took shape and the void above him became a ceiling. He was in a house.
Drip, drip. Drip.
He stood up. What was a void of darkness had turned inti a large home. He saw through a window, and their seemed to be a larg field outside, reaching a forest.
'Where am I?' he thought.
Drip, drip, drip.
"I thought you fixed that dear."
Jin turned around, and he saw a beautiful woman standing five feet away fromfrom him. She had a frown on her face, and she brushed her brown hair aside, tucking it behi d her ear.
"Um, I think I'm lost." he said.
The lady walked towards him, and out of instinct, he stepped aside. Sure enough, she walked right past him, to a tall man he had just now seen.
He was handsome enough, and he had a face that seemed to have been toughened, as if he'd seen many battles in his time. He had white hair which seemed odd to him, considering he looked to be only middle aged.
"Gomen, Haru. I guess I'm not the best handy man." he said wrapping his arms around her waist, and pulling her close.
"Maybe not, but you're so good at other things." she said, kissing him. At that moment, a baby's cry could be heard from another room.
Jin felt awkward just standing there. He walked over to the couple and tried to talk to them."Um, excuse me." he said facing the man.
"I'll get him." the white haired man said. He walked away from his wife, and Jin attempted to grab his attention.
He almost lost his footing as the man walked right throught him.
"What the heck?" he nearly yelled. He touched his chest. It felt solid. He reached over to the brown haired lady, attempting to grab her arm, but his arm passed right through her. He began to sweat. He felt kinda sick.
That's when the man came back with a bundle in his arms. A baby, cradled in the arms of his father."Oh, my god." he said. He didn't know how, or why, but he felt it. He knew exactly who that was."It's me." he said.
The man brought the baby, Jin, to his wife. She held him carefully as the man put an arm around them both. 'Is that really me?' he thought. But deep down he knew that was him. His head started to hurt.
'Then are these...' he thought.
He stepped forward. "Mom? Dad?"
And then everything was black again.
10: Sad News
So, a few things.
1. I'm quitting the story.
I know I know, but I just think that somewhere along the road the plot just got too crazy and weird, and I was really just trying to fill in all the stuff I left unexplained, while at the same time not really explaining things, at...all?
It became complicated for me to keep up with, like Kingdom Hearts complicated. I could see that the story was going in a direction that was different than what I had originally planned, and it began going all over the place. There were changes to the story, and when I made these changes I felt like it was too late to change anything after the chapters were published.
It started off as simple. I wanted to write a cool story with a familiar cast loved by its fanbase with action and mystery, but it took me to weird turns where I couldn't focus on one thing and ended up going to do something else. I felt myself asking questions to things I should already know and that made feel like I was doing everything wrong.
Long story short, the story is finished. too much and I dont think i can go back after i already messed several chapters up. And it wouldnt be fair to just start over and try again so it has to be like this.
However, if there is anyone out there who feels like they cant let it die or something, then feel free to use the story and continue it. Or hell, go back and change whatever you think will make it better. Me? Im done.
I did say i had a few things to say sooo...
2. NaruHina Project
I am working on a new story thats different from this one. I wont go into too much detail, just enough to get you excited I hope.
Basic premise really, it will follow the Naruto series pretty closely except for certain changes that end up pushing Naruto and Hinata together, ya know?
I am sorry that Im ending A Legend Reborn, it was fun at first, but like I said before I feel like I messed it up in ways that make me wanna just let someone else fix it if they want. Does that make me a quitter, yeah it probably does, but I think it deserves to be treated by someone who can do better. In a way thats kinda poetic. Damn, i might use that line in the future.
Well, anyways, I might post a chapter or two sometime soon, but I think if I take it slow and organize myself a little, then Ill probably wait till its all done to post it. Who knows, maybe Ill even like what comes off the pages?
Oof. I sound like a depressed onion.
0 notes
twilightvolt · 5 years
My Favorite Anime OPs and EDs from 2010-2019
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No one asked for this, but i’m doin’ it anyway cuz there’s so many songs out there that i’ve never heard anyone talk about. like, y’all sleep on Yu-Gi-Oh! apparently. lmao
Going by release year, here’s all the OPs and EDs i can remember that i luv (and still do to this day). i may or may not have gotten all the years right. hell, i’m not even sure i got the OP and ED numbers right.
It’ll go by: Song Name - Artist (Name of Anime and Which OP/ED it is) an asterisk means i REALLY like it above the rest.
Hopefully this’ll help introduce you to some new jams you missed out on! ^  ^
Going My Way! ~Road to Tomorrow~ - Masaaki Endoh (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds OP5)*
Close to You - ALvino (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds ED4)
Future Colors - Plastic Tree (Yu-Gi-Oh! 5Ds ED5)
Gravity 0 - Aqua Timez (Star Driver OP)*
Never Give Up! - Sonar Pocket (Digimon Xros Wars OP)*
Period - Chemistry (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OP4)*
Rain - SID (Fullmetal Alchemist Brotherhood OP5)* THE. FEELS.
Uragiri no Yuuyake - THEATRE BROOK (Durarara!! OP)* Y’all remember this one? Lmao
Trust Me - Yuya Matsushita (Durarara!! ED)
Ice Cream Syndrome - Sukima Switch (Pokemon Zoroark: Master of Illusions ED)*
ChAngE - Miwa (BLEACH OP12)
Calling - FLOW (Heroman ED)*
SHIVER - the GazettE (Black Butler II OP)
Samurai Heart (Some Like it Hot!) - SPYAIR (Gintama ED17)* And on this day I realized….SPYAIR is lit.
New World - Twill (Digimon Xros Wars OP2)
Masterpiece - Mihimaru GT (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP)
Boku Quest - Golden Bomber (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED)* I luv watching the actual ending sequence. It fits my cyber aesthetic to a T.
Setsubou no Freesia (Longing Freesia) - Daizystripper (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED2)* I’ll be completely honest, this song has been my favorite anime theme over most, if not all others, ever since. It’s kinda held a special place in my heart as it’s got memories of what transpired during 2012 that i don’t think i’ll ever forget. From the summer trip we took down south to me creating my very first OCs, Takuya and his Charmander partner Drake, on paper, i’ll luv this song with all my heart. ^  ^
Lovers - 7!! (Seven Oops) (Naruto Shippuden OP)
Counter Identity - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Soul Eater Repeat Show OP)*
Ai Ga Hoshii Yo - Shion Tsuji (Soul Eater Repeat Show OP2)* WANTCHU WANTCHU, I WANT CHUU~
SHINING STAR - 9nine (Star Driver OP2)*
Crossover - 9nine (Star Driver ED2)
Sky's the Limit - Shihoko Hirata (Persona 4 the Animation OP)
We’re Not Alone - coldrain (Rainbow Nisha Rokubou no Shichinin OP)
One Reason - Fade (Deadman Wonderland OP) I can bet you right now half of y’all forgot about this show. I mean i did. Lol
Mayonaka no Orchestra - Aqua Timez (Naruto Shippuden ED16)
Hacking to the Gate - Kanako Itou (Steins;Gate OP)* THIS SONG CLEARED MY SKIN AND RAISED MY GRADES.
Ranbu no Melody - SID (BLEACH OP13)* That main chorus tho. N o i c e .
Core Pride - UVERworld (Blue Exorcist OP)
Mask - Aqua Timez (BLEACH ED30?)
Soul Drive - Color Bottle (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP3)*
Wild Child - Moumoon (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED3)* Whenever I hear this song, I either think of school shenanigans or, if school isn't a thing in their world, a high school AU. Lmao
Unbreakable Heart - Hideaki Takatori (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP4)
Artist - Vistlip (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED4)*
Stand By Me - Stereopony (Eureka Seven AO ED)* Ok I know some people don't wanna remember AO, but hear me out here. Lmao 
Brave Blue - FLOW (Eureka Seven AO OP2)*
Key Plus Words - Shihoko Hirata & Yumi Kawamura (Persona 4 the Animation OP2)
Harukaze - SCANDAL (BLEACH OP15)*
Crossing Field - LiSA (Sword Art Online OP) I like making SAO jokes as much as the next guy, but let's be real here. Crossing Field was still a pretty good song.
STAND UP! - Twill (Digimon Xros Wars Hunters OP)* Hunters sucked, but the OP slaps.
Kyomu Densen - ALI PROJECT (Another OP) This show gave me a temporary fear of umbrellas, but this OP is good.
Complication - ROOKiEZ is PUNK’D (Durarara!! OP2)
Light My Fire - KOTOKO (Shakugan no Shana III Final OP)
Mite Mite Kochichi - Memoiro Clover Z (Pokemon Best Wishes ED3)
Dualism of Mirrors - Petite Milady (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL OP5)
GO WAY GO WAY - FoZZtone (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED5)
Challenge the GAME - REDMAN (Yu-Gi-Oh! ZEXAL ED6)* I swear to god, this should’ve been the final OP rather than Wonder Wings. I really don’t like that song.
Oh, and if you wanna hear more of the lead singer's voice, he's the lead singer of GIRUGAMESH. They didn't do any anime songs while they were still active afaik, but totally check it out if you like J-Rock.
Sakura Mitsutsuki & Genjyou Destruction - SPYAIR (Gintama OP13 and Gintama: The Final Chapter OP)*
After Cherry Blossoms (all quartets lead to the?) - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Yozakura Quartet: Hana no Uta OP)*
Non-Fiction Compass - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Yozakura Quartet: Tsuki ni Naku OP)
Sayonara Memory - 7!! (Seven Oops) (Naruto Shippuden ED)
BLOODY STREAM - Coda (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Battle tendency OP)* I mean, how could i NOT put this song on here? Lmao
Be An Arrow! - Rica Matsumoto (Pokemon Best Wishes! OP2)
Natsumeku Sakamichi (Summerly Slope) - Daisuke (Pokemon Best Wishes DA! OP)* While the Black & White series was absolutely terrible, I can thank it for spawning some nice OPs.
Egao - Ikimono-gakari (Pokemon Genesect and the Legend Awakened ED)
Take Your Way - Livetune adding Fukase (From SEKAI NO OWARI) (Devil Survivor 2 the Animation OP)* I swear I will never get tired of this song.
Be - Song Riders (Devil Survivor 2 the Animation ED)*
Watashi no Bara wo Kaminasai - ALI PROJECT (Rozen Maiden 2013 OP)
Moshimo - Daisuke (Naruto Shippuden OP)
Burn My Dread ~Spring of Birth~ & More Than One Heart - Yumi Kawamura (Persona 3 the Movie #1 Spring of Birth OP and ED)*
Eden - Aqua Timez (Magi: the Kingdom of Magic ED)*
Out of Control - Nothing’s Carved in Stone (Psycho Pass OP2)*
HERO -Kibou no Uta- - FLOW (Dragon Ball Z: Battle of Gods ED)
Silhouette - KANA BOON (Naruto Shippuden OP16)* Everyone rise for the weeb national anthem.
BelievexBelieve - Bulletrain (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OP)
ENAMEL - SID (Black Butler: Book of Circus OP)
Masayume Chasing - BoA (Fairy Tail OP15)
STRIKE BACK - BACK-ON (Fairy Tail OP16)*
Burn! - Bulletrain (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OP2)
DAYxDAY - BLUE ENCOUNT (Gintama OP)* Before Polaris, there was this. lol
Goya no Machiawase - Hello Sleepwalkers (Noragami OP)* I swear Noragami has great taste in OPs. lmao
Fate is in Our Hands - Lotus Juice (Persona 3 the Movie #2 Midsummer Knight's Dream OP)* Y'all know Lotus Juice makes EVERYTHING badass.
One Hand, One Heartbeat - Yumi Kawamura (Persona 3 the Movie #2 Midsummer Knight's Dream ED)* I swear I literally feel like crying every time I hear this song. It's just that powerful.
Unravel - TK from Ling Tosite Sigure (Tokyo Ghoul OP) Ok, lemme explain. I used to hate this song cuz I thought TK's singing voice was whiny as hell. But after a long, LOOOOONG time, it finally started to grow on me. I think it's because of all the song covers I've listened to and, after understanding the meaning behind the lyrics, I appreciate this song a bit more nowadays. 
V (VOLT) and MEGA V (MEGA VOLT) - Yusuke (Pokemon XY OPs 1&2)*
daze - Jin ft. MARiA from GARNiDELiA (Mekakucity Actors OP)
Monochrome - Dancing Dolls (Soul Eater NOT! OP)
Saigo Made ii - Aqua Timez (Gintama ED15 i think?)
Getta Ban Ban (Mad-Paced Getter) - Tomohisa Sako (Pokemon XY OP3)*
XY&Z - Rica Matsumoto (Pokemon XY&Z OP)*
Raise Your Flag - MAN WITH A MISSION (Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans OP)*
Hello, World! - BUMP OF CHICKEN (Kekkai Sensen OP)*
Sugar Song and Bitter Step AKA the song everyone makes fan animated parodies of it’s opening sequence - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Kekkai Sensen ED)
Kirifuda (Trump Card) - Cinema Staff (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V OP4)
Speaking - MRS. GREEN APPLE (Yu-Gi-Oh! ARC-V ED4)* before Great Escape from Attack on Titan and Inferno from Fire Force, there was this OP and ED. both of which i feel are better songs. lmao
Tweedia - Rei Yasuda (Pokemon Hoopa and the Clash of Ages ED)*
Diver - KANA-BOON (The Last: Naruto the Movie ED)*
Butter-Fly 2015 - Kouji Wada (Digimon Adventure Tri. OP)
Sono Chi no Kioku ~End of the World~ - JO☆STARS ~TOMMY, Coda, JIN~ (Jojo's Bizarre Adventure: Stardust Crusaders OP2)
Lapis Lazuli - Eir Aoi (Arslan Senki ED)*
Clattanoia - OxT (Overlord OP)*
L.L.L. - MYTH & ROID (Overlord ED)
Nazo 2015 - La PomPon (Detective Conan OP41)* Hearing this brought back memories of hearing the original during my childhood back when Cased Closed was still a thing.
Just Fly Away - EDGE of LIFE (Gundam Build Fighters Try OP2)
Flyers - BRADIO (Death Parade OP) Like Another, this was one of those where i wouldn’t have touched the show itself if my anime club didn’t watch it.
X.U. - Hiroyuki Sawano (Seraph of the End OP)*
Hikari - ViViD (Magi: the Kingdom of Magic OP2)
DiVE!! - Amatsuki (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters OP)*
Ai - Ami Wajima (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters ED2)
The Day - Porno Graffitti (My Hero Academia OP)
HEROES - Brian the Sun (My Hero academia ED)
RAGE OF DUST - SPYAIR (Gundam Iron Blooded Orphans OP2)*
Believe in Myself - EDGE of LIFE (Fairy Tail OP21)*
CRAZY NOISY BIZARRE TOWN - THE DU (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OP)
Chase - batta (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OP2)* Screw the haters. This song is a bop.
Great Days - Karen Aoki & Daisuke Hasegawa (Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure: Diamond is Unbreakable OP3) As you can see, i luv all of Jojo Part 4’s OPs. lmao
Kaze no Uta - FLOW (Tales of Zestiria the X OP)* Zestiria may have been the most uninteresting experience i’ve had in the Tales series, but at least it’s OPs are straight fire.
Dream Lantern, ZenZenZense, Sparkle and Nandemonaiya - RADWIMPS (Various themes from Your Name) I'm still miffed that they didn't kiss at the end. >:v
Brave Shine - Aimer (Fate/Stay Night Unlimited Blade Works OP)*
Starting Over - Mr. Children (The Boy and the Beast ED)* Mamoru Hosoda never ceases to make me smile and/or cry, huh?
KINGS - angela (K Project OP) i don’t even know how i remembered this one. I watched K at my local anime club years ago cuz one of my friends suggested it. I barely remember what it was about, though. ^  ^’
Vision - Kusou Linkai (Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V ED5)
Light of Hope - Unknown Number (Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V OP5)
Pendulum Beat! - SUPER DRAGON (Yu-Gi-Oh ARC-V OP6)*
Peace Sign - Kenshi Yonezu (My Hero Academia OP2)* SURE IT’S POPULAR, BUT IT’S POPULAR FOR A REASON.
Datte Atashi no Hero - LiSA (My Hero Academia ED3)
Little Pi - Ange☆Reve (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters ED3)
Perfect World - Traffic Light (Digimon Universe: Applimonsters ED4)*
With the Wind - Hiroaki “TOMMY” Tominaga (Yu-Gi-Oh! VRAINS OP)* I’ll be honest, this one took some getting used to, but now i luv it!
Fake Town Baby - UNISON SQUARE GARDEN (Kekkai Sensen and Beyond OP)
Tonari Au - THE ORAL CIGARETTES (Sakurada Reset ED)*
Rain - SEKAI NO OWARI (Mary and the Witch's Flower ED)* I really liked the movie and I just luved the fantasy vibes given off by the instrumentals in this song.
Baton Road - KANA BOON (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations OP)* Y'all say Boruto is trash, but at least the theme songs still boppin'.
Boku wa Hashiri Tsuzukeru - Melofloat (Boruto: Naruto Next Generations ED3)
FEED THE FIRE - coldrain (King’s Game OP)* Thank you Fire Force for introducing me to this wonderful band. ;w;
PAiNT it BLACK - BiSH (Black Clover OP2)* Never thought I'd ever find a band actually named bish. Lmao
Black Rover - Vickeblanka (Black Clover OP3)
Guess Who is Back - Kumi Koda (Black Clover OP4)* Now, if this ain't a bop fit for a triumphant return like "SURPRISE BISH I'M BACK." then idk what is. Lmao
Gamushara & Tenge Tenjou - Miyuna (Black Clover OP&ED5)* i’m mainly referring to Gamushara, but i luv Tenge Tenjou too.
ODD FUTURE - UVERworld (My Hero Academia OP4)*
Make my story - Lenny code fiction (My Hero Academia OP5)*
The Future is Now - Straightener (Digimon ReArise OP)* Yes, I know I'm cheating cuz it's a video game, but it's an opening sequence much like an anime, so yeah.
Breath - Porno Graffitti (Pokemon the Power of Us ED)
Katharsis - TK from Ling Tosite Sigure (Tokyo Ghoul OP3?)*
Here - JUNNA (The Ancient Magus Bride OP)
Renai Circulation - Kana Hanazawa (Bakemonogatari OP4) Imma be honest, i found this song through those Coldplay mashups and other memes. Lmao
I Wanna Be - SPYAIR (Gintama Shirogane no Tamashii Hen OP)
Hana Ichi Monme - BURNOUT SYNDROMES (Gintama Shirogane no Tamashii Hen ED)*
Inferno - MRS. GREEN APPLE (Fire Force OP)
Veil - Keina Suda (Fire Force ED)* This ED gives me feels and i luv it. ;w;
MAYDAY - coldrain (Fire Force OP2)* This sounds like a song i’d hear at Hot Topic and i feel blessed. lmao
Nounai - Lenny code fiction (Fire Force ED2) I swear this anime doesn’t have a single song i don’t like. I’m not kidding. lmao
Nemureru Honou (Sleeping Instincts) - YURiKA (BEASTARS ED2)*
Kawaki no Ameku - Minami (Domestic Na Kanojo OP)
Touch Off - UVERworld (The Promised Neverland OP)* This show was too creepy for me to continue, but I luv it for what it is. Also NAA NANANANANANAA NANANAAAA~
Sangenshoku - PELICAN FANCLUB (Dr. Stone OP2)* Sorry, but Good Morning World didn’t totally do it for me. I luv this OP way more tbh.
Suisou - Megumi Nakajima (Hoshiai no Sora OP)* The bits before the chorus are just so good.
1•2•3 - After the Rain (Pocket Monsters 2019 OP)
Dark Crow - MAN WITH A MISSION (Vinland Saga OP2)
MOTOR CITY - Kenichi Asai (No Guns Life OP)
Game Over - DATS (No Guns Life ED)
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thelovelysinner · 7 years
My little Narutard heart loves this so much and makes me want to go back and finish watching Shippudding... thank you for this gloriousness @symbolicattachment,I watched it twice to catch everything and lip-synched like Volrutard trash I am :')
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recentanimenews · 5 years
THE GREAT NARUTO REWATCH Goes New Places in Episodes 155-161!
Welcome to the Great Crunchyroll Naruto Rewatch! I’m Kevin Matyi and I’ll be your host for this week as we make our way through all 220 episodes of the original Naruto. Last week we went through some filler practically buzzing with action, then started the Curry of Life arc in Episodes 148 - 154. This week, we concluded Curry of Life and had several rapid fire stories involving Naruto in new teams and the Leaf village infiltrated by impersonators in episodes 155 - 161.
This set of episodes continues our wade through the insane amount of filler that pads out the original show before transitioning into Shippuden. However filler isn’t inherently bad. During this week’s episodes, we finally got to watch Naruto take a leadership position and see both how bad he is at being a leader and how much he’s willing to adapt to the new position after realizing his own failings. And that’s without even mentioning the mini-arc that’s basically just a Western movie-style revenge plot with outlaws and bounty hunters. 
This is the first time that Naruto has gone completely away from an arc-based structure to more one-shots and mini-arcs, so let’s see what the Crunchyroll Features team thought about this week’s episodes and Naruto in general.
We started this week with the Kurosuki family trying to kill our main characters with boulders, then using the “Black Tornado jutsu,” also known as a bunch of dudes with claws sitting on each others’ shoulders and spinning really fast. We’ve seen some awesome jutsu and some really silly ones throughout Naruto, what have been some of your most and least favorites?
Paul: I actually liked the absurdity of the “Black Tornado Jutsu”, but I gather that I was supposed to take it seriously, which I absolutely did not. My favorite Jutsu remains Kakashi's Copy Jutsu, because of the many supernatural powers we've seen so far, it seems most emblematic of the shinobi tradition of spying, mind games, and dirty tricks. I also enjoyed Tenten's weapon summoning Jutsu in these episodes, because it was fun to see her work people over with tonfa, a kusarigama, and a quarterstaff.
Joseph: I’m still a big fan of Ino’s Mind Body Switch technique, even though it leaves her vulnerable. The Black Tornado jutsu was just unintentionally hilarious.
Danni: I’m also going to have to go with Tenten’s weapon summoning jutsu as a favorite conceptually because of the cool possibilities that summoning weapons at will creates. As for least favorite, the award easily goes to Sexy Jutsu.
Noelle: Black Tornado Jutsu works in the sense that it’s purely comedic, even if the source material is trying to make it serious. As for favorite jutsu overall, the Raikiri is just so cool to me, even after all this time.
Jared: The worst is easily Sexy Jutsu. Which of course we saw come back up multiple times in this set of episodes. I’d completely forgotten about Tenten’s weapon jutsu and then this set of episodes showed it off again and I saw it in Ultimate Ninja Storm as well this week and it reminded me of how cool it was.
Kara: I’m with everyone else on Sexy Jutsu, but I will give a nod to the Cheesecake Jutsu. As for my favorite, I’m still where I was all the way back in the early episodes with Haku’s ice mirrors.
Carolyn: Black tornado jutsu vaguely reminds me of the really dumb tornado arms in The Flash. That being said, Shikamaru choking somebody out with his creepy awesome shadows is a good one. And still a fan of the bugs.
The first half of this week’s episodes wrapped up the Curry of Life arc. How do you feel about the conclusion to Ranmaru and Raiga’s story, the seemingly miraculous/deadly powers of the Curry of Life, and the arc’s story in general?
Paul: Between the ill-explained properties of the Curry of Life, Rock Lee going full Muppet at one point, and the sheer number of people getting hilarious launched off of cliffs, the conclusion to the Raiga and Ranmaru story arc struck me as total clown shoes. I was pleasantly surprised that they didn't make Ranmaru die tragically, but Karashi's redemption felt far too easy for a guy who is portrayed throughout as a cowardly back-stabber who's also a willing accomplice to a deranged murder-cult.
Joseph: This was hands down one of the worst storylines yet. It was about two or three episodes too long, and the way it used Rock Lee was just annoying. I wouldn’t have minded Raiga as much if he would have stayed down, but by the time round two came around, I was mostly checked out.
Danni: It honestly felt so stupid and nonsensical that it was like I was trying to watch those episodes with a hundred degree fever. Did they just forget that Ranmaru can’t walk there at the end or am I really going crazy???
Noelle: I feel like any sort of philosophy they were trying to impart was lost by the fact that everything ended up being mostly gag. Even the parts that were trying to be firm ended up being gag, and it’s hard to take something seriously when it itself isn’t being serious.
Jared: This really felt like the show is just hammering home the idea of "Here’s the greatest hits from the series thus far." Somebody needs to make a Time Life parody of the filler as “The Greatest Hits of Naruto, But Worse”. I was happy when it was over because this arc just wasn’t good.
Kara: I’m kind of relieved to hear the bizarreness is genuine and not a result of my brain trying to cope with three weeks’ worth of viewing after coming back from vacation. I think the main problem was they tried to double-dip and have the actual Curry of Life be both serious and silly itself. You can’t, buddy. You can’t. The bubbling evil sludge-curry can either be a gag or it can be miraculous. You can’t have it both ways and expect it to work.
Carolyn: I thought the life-saving curry was … kinda dumb. And I had zero emotional investment in Ranmaru and Raiga’s story.
After the Curry of Life, we got a mini-arc and two one-offs that bounced between the extremely serious story of a bounty hunter trying to prove his innocence to the slapstick of some random guys trying to impersonate Guy and Lee. How did you feel about each of these mini-arcs?
Paul: I enjoyed the Wild West-style diversion of the hunt for Gosunkugi, although parts of it felt under-written, such as when they see the giant golden bell and instantly intuit that the bell is Gosunkugi's target. I also liked the practice training mission episode because it showed the Genin passing on their knowledge to the youngest ninja cadets, and I enjoyed the slapstick episode of the Rock Lee / Might Guy impersonators getting hazed by the whole Leaf Village, so overall the filler was more tolerable this week.
Joseph: On the opposite end of the spectrum from the Curry of Life, I actually thought the wild west bounty hunter arc could have used a couple more episodes. It seemed to end kind of abruptly, but overall it was okay. My favorite of the one-offs was the corny Japanese comedy duo stylings of the Rock and Guy impersonators.
Danni: They were all very brief which was very welcome. The longer these filler arcs drag on the more their writing seems to fall apart. It’s hard enough to stay invested in them as is, so their brevity is very welcome. If we really have three more seasons left without any main story, I’m all in on the rest of Naruto just being short, episodic misadventures.
Noelle: Agreeing with everyone else here: short but sweet. Without the manga behind it, it’s hard to come up with lengthy stories, especially lengthy stories on such a last minute basis like most anime end up being. Short but substantial enough episodes really do work in the series’ favor, particularly when they’re trying to pad the runtime.
Jared: The show becoming a western was not something I was at all expecting, but I found it to be alright. Especially since it didn’t overstay its welcome like other parts of the filler have. Imposter Lee and Guy was the right kind of dumb and was good comedy which it feels like we haven’t really had in a while.
Kara: Wild West anything gets a thumbs-up from me, so I was happy. The “Just kidding, I heard everything and actually you’re fine” ending was a bit abrupt but I also don’t know how else they could have tied it up without dragging on. As for the impostor episode? That’s the stuff. It’s actually funny, it’s short and sweet, and it also reminds you just how OP our protagonists are when placed against normies.
Carolyn: The bounty hunter stuff was actually kind of fun for me. I did enjoy that a little and I felt like it was almost a return to the early Naruto episodes in terms of being goofy and comedic in parts. Sorta the same with the Rock and Guy impersonators, I didn’t hate that. But then eventually it became sort of annoying.
The recent filler arcs have all followed the basic formula of “Naruto joins up with another team to go on a mission.” How effective has Naruto interacting with more non-Team 7 characters been as a storytelling tool? Is there anything you want to see happen, while sticking to the same formula?
Paul: Since Sasuke's not around, I think it's good for Naruto to team up with other supporting characters, because it gives the rest of the cast an opportunity to show off their development. The impersonators episode makes me wish I could see Naruto training Taijutsu with Rock Lee and Might Guy for real, because I'm not sure how those three personalities would bounce off one another.
Joseph: I think it opens the opportunity for some interesting team-ups. Plus it’s like… what else are they gonna do? This filler has been somewhat tolerable like Paul said, but it also shows just how mediocre Naruto can be without a strong spine of a narrative behind it.
Danni: I like the idea of sticking him with these other teams because it opens up the possibility of showing some underutilized characters in action, like with Hinata in the bug arc. It hasn’t always worked out that way, but it’s better than the alternative.
Noelle: I think it’s better in theory than execution, but it’s still a fine theory regardless. Due to the large cast, only to get larger, there has to be more to the characters if we’re meant to care about them beyond just a couple of quirks. Even if it’s non-canon, letting Naruto have interactions outside his close circle is needed to make the story more believable.
Jared: It gives all these other characters a good chance to be shown off and see what they’d do with Naruto, but it feels like we’re getting to a point where it’s becoming old. You just expect there to be Naruto and a few others now for every single mission as that’s the only way they can justify doing them. Though they really should just do a "Naruto trains with Guy and Lee" episode for real.
Kara: I really enjoy seeing how the other Hidden Leaf ninja have grown, especially when it comes to their individual skill sets. Plus, let’s be real: Naruto needs to be able to work well with as many different people as possible if he’s sticking with this whole Hokage end goal. So this is good for him in the long run, too.
Carolyn: This is part of why I felt like it was a return to the earlier episodes, as we get to see more of the Hidden Leaf characters. And I am here for it.
By now, I’d hope that we’re all well acquainted with the flow of Naruto’s story, and especially its filler material. Imagine that you were in charge of the show for a few weeks and have been given full creative freedom to take the show in whatever direction you want, except for progressing the story. In a paragraph or two, pitch a Naruto filler arc. Some things to help prompt ideas (you don’t necessarily need to answer all of them):
How long’s the filler (an arc, like the Curry of Life, a short like the bounty hunter story, or a one-off like Naruto leading Team Konohamaru)?
What’s the mission?
What’s the team, and how do you expect them to work off of each other, both in personality and combat?
Is there any connection to the main plot?
Any one-off characters or groups?
Any Mcguffins (weapon, scroll, jutsu, etc. needed to beat the bad guy, but is rendered unusable by the end so that no one ever has a reason to bring it up again)?
Paul: I'd pitch a three episode filler arc where Naruto and company would have to do something non-combat related and outside of their shinobi skill-set. For example, they learn of a legendary oracle whose knowledge of the future would allow them to inquire about Sasuke and Orochimaru. However the only way to get an audience with the oracle is by defeating several other teams in a women's only flower arranging competition, forcing Naruto to disguise his gender and team up with Ino and Sakura. In the end, the oracle would be revealed to be a fraud created as a publicity stunt by a small town trying to revitalize their local economy.
Joseph: My arc would be a three to five-episode story about how Kiba and Akamaru get wind of a small clan of ninja who are attempting to summon creatures like dogs, frogs, and other animals as familiars but are doing so in abusive ways. They’re essentially raising them through Pokémon style battles, so Kiba recruits Naruto, Choji, Ino, Rock Lee, and Sakura to help put an end to it. This gives them an opportunity to split into two teams of three for recon and side battles against rival ninja. When Kiba ends up using Akamaru to win a fight of his own, he learns he might not be so different from the ninja here. Rather than pummelling them all, perhaps he just needs to show them the right way to train their would-be sidekicks.
Danni: One thing I’d really like to know more about is what it was like when Jiraiya, Tsunade, and Orochimaru were a team, so I think my filler would be a single episode arc of Tsunade recounting a mission they went on together back in the day. It would showcase their teamwork as jonin before they were legendary ninja and the friendship they shared despite the cracks that were starting to show. Their mission would be to investigate a series of gruesome murders in a small village. Their search would lead them to a powerful ninja who has been conducting experiments to reanimate the dead with failed results. What he has managed to create are mindless, malformed husks that the three ninja have to fend off before taking down their master. In the end, of course, Orochimaru ends up stealing the killer’s notes and later refining them.
Noelle: Hm, this is tough! I think what I’d like most is maybe a two-parter or three-parter just focusing on the girls on a mission. They’re around and the fillers seem to be trying to flesh them out more, but I’d like a segment where they’re all working together, and they can all show their strengths. Also, girl bonding besides the usual shonen stuff! I’m not too sure about the details, but something that requires either espionage or brainpower (for Sakura and Ino) with a good mix of combat (for Hinata and Tenten).
Jared: Let’s go with a two episode story since you don’t want it to be too long or too short. Naruto, Sakura, Rock Lee, and Tenten go to a pro wrestling show in the village. Shenanigans happen to where a prominent team gets hurt so Naruto and the gang have to fill in. They face off against a masked champion who’s been running roughshod over everyone. Naruto’s group fights valiantly, while not using their various jutsu, but are ultimately defeated. They go backstage and find the champion unmasked and it turns out it’s Kakashi. It turns out he was on a mission to infiltrate a travelling pro wrestling promotion because there were rumors they had ties to Orochimaru, but then Kakashi was too good and became champion.
Kara: I’m thinking a single episode for mine. Sakura is on the verge of a breakthrough for her latest medical jutsu but can’t seem to crack it. Tsunade assigns her a mission to clear her head, and sends her off with Naruto and Rock Lee to clear a nearby village of an infestation of venomous rodents (the rare something-or-other rat, purple with red glowy eyes, you know). The mission turns into a bout of oneupmanship as Naruto and Lee attempt to outdo each other to impress Sakura, going into more and more dangerous situations at the request of the locals. Once the infestation is cleared, the two are basically worthless between venom and self-inflicted injuries, requiring Sakura to focus up and step up her healing—finally managing to make the jutsu from before work.
Carolyn: FILLER ARCS ARE 3 EPISODES MAXIMUM. Mine would be 1-3 episodes for sure. I think at this point, given how very little the ladies have to do, I’d do something dumb and fun where all the guys get kidnapped or stuck up a tree (dumber is OK for filler) and then the girls all save them through friendship and fierce ninjutsu. Is it forced feminism? Sure. But also kind of earned at this point. Also, there’s no doubt Rock Lee would just be there cheering them all on the whole time because he is the best good boy.
As usual: highs, lows and any honorable/dishonorable mentions.
Paul: My high point was when Konohamaru, Moegi, and Udon totally narc on Naruto for ruining the training mission. I was expecting them to do the typical thing where they lie to Tsunade for his sake and grow closer, but the speed and efficiency with which they (rightfully) throw Naruto under the bus for being a crappy instructor was exquisite. My low point was the conclusion of the Raiga and Ranmaru story-line, where even though there was some nice animation with Rock Lee's drunken boxing, it felt like the writers had completely lost the thread of the narrative. Honorable mention: Sazanami’s katana having a rifle stock instead of a hilt. That was a cute detail.
Joseph: My low point was definitely the Raiga story. They did Rock Lee wrong in the climax, and the whole thing was just not interesting to me at all. High point goes to very fake Rock and Guy.
Danni: My high point was when the Hokage Mt. Rushmore faces all held their noses when the imposters got covered in poop. It got a legitimate laugh out of me. My low point was the entirety of the Raiga/Ranmaru arc. Literally the entire thing.
Noelle: High point I have to say would be the unintentional comedy. It’s not good (at all) but I am the type that laughs at bad movies. This was a gold mine for me. Low point would be whenever they try to play the gag, especially in the curry arc, way too seriously.
Jared: High points would be the ridiculousness of the Lee and Guy imposters, going full western for a few episodes, and also them parodying the OK Corral as an episode title. Low would probably be the end of the Raiga story as it just fell completely flat.
Kara: High point was getting Wild West action in my ninja show. That was a thing of beauty. Honorable mention goes to Sakura’s ��encouragement” of the Guy and Lee imposters. 160-odd episodes down the road, I love any reminder that Inner Sakura is just Sakura now. The low point was watching the Curry of Life arc waste a perfectly good Zabuza/Haku parallel on some super-confused gags.
Carolyn: I think my high and low point are both the same. That “hit me with your best snot” pun. I mean ...
COUNTERS: Bowls of Ramen: 1 bowl, 3 cups “I'm Gonna be Hokage!”: 3 Shadow Clones Created: 87 Total so far: Bowls of Ramen: 50 bowls, 9 cups “I'm Gonna be Hokage!”: 55 Shadow Clones Created: 635
And that’s it for this week! Remember that you’re always welcome to watch along with the Rewatch, especially if you’ve never seen the original Naruto! Watch Naruto today!
Here’s our upcoming schedule: - Next week, JOSEPH LUSTER brings us to the Land of Birds! - July 5th, DANNI WILMOTH gets nautical in the Land of the Seas! - July 12th, JARED CLEMONS leads us to the Hidden Village of Star!
Epsiodes 148 - 154: The Forest is Abuzz With Ninjas
Episodes 141-147: Mizuki Strikes Back!
Episodes 134-140: The Climactic Clash
Episodes 127-133: Naruto vs Sasuke
Episodes 120-126: The Sand Siblings Return
Episodes 113-119: Operation Rescue Sasuke
Episodes 106-112: Sasuke Goes Rogue
Episodes 99-105: Trouble in the Land of Tea
Episodes 92-98: Clash of the Sannin
Episodes 85-91: A Life-Changing Decision
Episodes 78-84: The Fall of a Legend
Episodes 71-77: Sands of Sorrow
Episodes 64-70: Crashing the Chunin Exam
Episodes 57-63: Family Feud
Episodes 50-56: Rock Lee Rally
Episodes 43-49: The Gate
Episodes 36-42: Through the Woods
Episodes 29-35: Sakura Unleashed
Episodes 22-28: Chunin Exams Kickoff
Episodes 15-21: Leaving the Land of Waves
Episodes 8-14: Beginners' Battle
Episodes 1-7: I'm Gonna Be the Hokage!
  Thank you for joining us for the Great Crunchyroll Naruto Rewatch! Have a great weekend, and we'll see you all next time!
  Have anything to say about our thoughts on Episodes 155-161? Let us know in the comments! Don't forget, we're also accepting questions and comments for next week, so don't be shy and feel free to ask away!
Kevin Matyi is a freelance features writer for Crunchyroll. He's been watching anime for as long as he can remember, and his favorite shows tend to be shonen and other action series.
  Do you love writing? Do you love anime? If you have an idea for a features story, pitch it to Crunchyroll Features!
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