#bad lanaguage
dankovskaya · 1 year
The short story for this week is long as hell compared to basically all the past ones and we’re supposed to post in the forum by well. Today but I’m not even halfway done reading it.
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knockyasocksoff2022 · 7 months
A Ranpoe Thought
It just occured to me to wonder what language Poe writes his manuscripts in.
If in Japanese, then they're just for Ranpo. He puts all that time and effort in just for Ranpo, even learning the language just for him which is very sweet.
But, he also has to work with a publisher (I think he mentions deadlines in one of the voulmes) so I'd assume they wouldn't want Poe to write novles that could only be read people who speak Japanese or have to take the time to translate them.
Which means Ranpo must be capable of reading complex stories in English. And he learnt English just for Poe. This is something that says a lot to me because of how lazy Ranpo likes to be (not even knowing how to use trains). Even if Ranpo is smart and comes ot things naturally, English is still a really hard to learn lanaguage so if he learnt it just for Poe that means a lot.
Also it's funny to think that he speaks perfectly but likes to let people think he doesn't and the ADA is scrambling because they don’t speak English that well and they need a translator and Ranpo’s just sitting there snacking and then in perfect English he says “Uh oh, too bad no one here speaks English. What are we gonna do!”
The ADA is shook.
Ranpo takes payment for his translations in candy. Everyone is at his mercy if he doecides to play around with the wording for entertainment.
All in all, just Ranpoe learning each of their native languages for each other.
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absolutebl · 2 years
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bl trope du jour 
peeling shrimp
aka peeling prawns or unwrapping shrimp (innuendo intended) 
This one belongs to Thailand & The Philippines. 
Above pictured: 
Seven Project 
Love By Chance (possibly the origin of this one for Thai BL) 
Paint With Love 
Secret Crush on You
Cupid’s Last Wish 
My Day the series 
Unforgotten Night 
Final image is how they peel prawns in Thailand. Having done them this way myself, I can say with confidence it is the most effective way to peel a cooked shrimp (without using your fingers) that I have ever encountered. Very elegant and little loss of meat. 10/10 would recommend learning. LIFE SKILL. 
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Between Us
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Only Boo!
Never Let Me Go as a whole scene about this trope: 
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And they revisited it in their installment of Our Skyy 2.
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Bonus the GL version in Bad Buddy. 
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Bad Buddy plays this again in their Our Skyy 2 instalments.
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worstloki · 3 years
So, um, I haven't watched a single episode of Loki and from what y'all are saying it's not worth spending a single penny over. But I'm just buzzing around mostly confused and I'd like to know what's going on. Where can I pirate this crap?
go wild and do try to have fun !
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captainderyn · 4 years
Ah yes the love languages
1. Acts of service
2. Words of affirmation
3. Physical touch
4. Quality time
And 5) ordering the Witcher books for each other
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sweetiejunie · 4 years
Txt reaction to having a s/o that speaks another language
Genre: fluff
💕 Request: Hi I wanted to make a request if you don't mind. Could you make a reaction with txt having a foreign S/O (full request: [X])
A/n: thanks for the request!! Sry it took awhile and i hope your feeling better bub 💜 hope u liked this! I decided to choose a different lanaguage for each of the boys so sry if got anything wrong 🥴
Another language
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Language: Urdu <pakistan>
There were days yeonjun knew you had a bad day, and he wouldn’t mind sitting and just letting you rant to him
He actually found it quite funny and entertaining
Cause halfway through your rants, sometimes you had the habits of saying some words and phrases in your native language, urdu
Of course, he couldn’t understand it but most of the time he can’t help but smile and laugh a bit cause he just found it so cute
“I swear to god yeonjun. Sometimes she’s just so annoying. Seriously, damn bey waqoof.”
“Hey, hold on, i have no idea what you just said,” he laughed lightly.
“Oh, i just said she’s an idiot,” you replied nonchalantly, causing him to laugh a bit harder
“Don’t laugh at me,” you pouted
“I’m sorry, my love. It’s just sometimes you’re so cute when you rant, i cant help it.”
With that, he gave you a small kiss, smiling and listening as you continued to rant
By the end of your rants, yeonjun practically had a new vocabulary list, containing just swear words he heard you say in urdu. And of course, he would use them on the other boys every now and then just to confuse them.
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Language: Chinese <china>
You were his crush and yes, he knew you spoke a different language
But did that stop him? Well, it almost did. But with yeonjun and beomgyu’s constant persuasion to at least try and talk to you, he eventually gave in
With yeonjun having a dictionary in hand and beomgyu having google translate with 4g, they were going to make this work
After wondering around the library for a bit, they finally spotted you sitting at one of the booths in the study room
“Stop drooling and go talk to her,” beomgyu shoved soobin forward
“Just say this,” yeonjun chimed in, showing him some words in the foreign language
With the game plan, soobin approached you and said, “你好,亲爱的。<ní haǒ,qīn aì dè>”
He immediately panicked when he saw your shocked expression, turning back to yeonjun and beomgyu, who were now holding their stomach, trying not to burst out laughing
“What on earth did you idiots make me say?!?” He whisper yelled, glaring at them
Beomgyu showed him the translation on his phone ‘hello, my darling’
In conclusion, soobin really hates his friends sometimes
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Language: Spanish <spain>
The first time he heard you speaking in spanish, he would be so intrigued
He always loved listening to you talk in your native language and the more he heard you talking, the more he wanted to learn it
Every now and then he would ask you how to say something in Spanish or when he came across a word and would ask you what it meant
One day he came across the phrase ‘te amo’
Like always, he went to ask you what i meant
But the moment he asked you, he realised that you were starting to blush
Thinking he said something R- rated, he couldn’t help but smile and chuckle at your reaction
“Why? What did i say?”
When you didn’t respond, he would just probe again, “come on baby, tell me. Was what i said really that bad?”
“I love you,” you replied in a whisper, your face a bright shade of red by this point.
“What?” Confused and shocked at you sudden confession
“You said ‘i love you’.”
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Language: Dari <afghanistan>
He opened the door to your apartment and heard you in the kitchen, singing along to a song you were playing
The thing was, it wasn’t the normal songs you played when you were with him
It wasn’t in korean or english, it was in Dari
You probably didn’t hear him enter since you were still singing
He never heard you speak in your native language much, so he took to opportunity to just stand at the doorway for a while, listening with a smile on his face
And that was the day he wrote it on his bucket list to learn some Dari so he could sing to you
I mean his motivation was his passion — singing. And you, the love of his life. He couldn’t give up that easily
After a couple weeks of hard work, and a little a lot of help from google, he finally learnt the song you were singing
When he finally sang the song to you, before he could even finish the last line, you pulled him into a hug, telling him how proud you were of him
All his hard work payed off, from the start he knew he loved you like no other
Huening Kai
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Language: Italian <italy>
When he found out that you spoke another language, he knew that he had to learn the basics if he ever wanted to meet your parents
So, thats when he decided to ask you to teach him some common phrases and words
He knew that having to learn Italian would be hard, but he loved you so he tried his best
And things were going well. For the most part at least
“Kai, are you still paying attention?”
“Y/nnnnnnn. Im tired, this is hard. Can we go sleep?” He whinned, “i really want to learn, but its been hours.” :(
“It hasnt been that long,” you replied, turning to your phone, only to realise it had been 3 hours. “Oh, sorry Kai.”
Folding his arms, he leaned back in his chair, pouting as you gave him a small kiss. “Va bene, y/n.”
I guess he was paying attention, more than you thought he was
Well, even if kai didn’t master italian, you had no doubt your parents would still love him
On another note, my exams are finally over 🎉🎉 if everything went smoothly ill finally be graduating after my internship ahhhhhhh cant wait
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idyllicstarker · 4 years
Skylar’s || M A S T E R L I S T
-> is continually updated with each new work
-> each section is in order with newest works first (to the best of my ability)
last updated: 28.06.22 (needs to be updated)
-> all works with sexual content will be marked with an asterisk (*) no matter how implicit or explicit, for more information look in the warnings section and the rating for each work
-> ratings: (G) general audiences; (T) teen and up audiences; (M) mature; (E) explicit
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Peter’s summer adventure
G | (au) peter just wanted to pet the pretty horse, how was he supposed to know the ranch belonged to a grumpy old man named tony?
warnings: some foul lanaguage, explicit age difference (peter is 18 and therefore above the age of consent)
The perfect... cheater
T | when tony keeps dissapearing with no explanation, the only possible cause leads in one direction... right?
warnings: angst! implied sexual content, foul language, cheating accusations
Tony’s disturbing obsession
T | the definition of obsession is to preoccupy or fill the mind of (someone) continually and to a troubling extent. if only someone managed to notice the ‘troubling’ before it was too late.
warnings: an unhealthy obsession with a person, mentions of mental instability
Peter’s fear of thunderstorms
G | since peter could remember, he’d never liked when it was storming outside. but maybe this time it wouldn’t be so bad, not when Tony’s around to keep him safe.
warnings: none
Little!Peter’s bad day
G | some days things just don’t go right. for Peter, that can be overwhelming. at least he has a great daddy to look after him.
warnings: ddlb, little!peter & daddy!tony, one use of foul language
Selectively!mute Peter’s confession
G | how does one tell their mentor, that looks at you like you’re kid, that you’re in love with them? especially when you don’t usually speak.
warnings: mute!peter, very minor sexual implications
“It’s what you need”
M | (au) peter just wants to see Tony live!
warnings: alcohol addiction, mention of rehab, cheating accusations
Stalker!Tony & Victim!Peter
M | (au) it started with the feeling like he was being followed, but it quickly turned into something much more sinister.
warnings: dark!tony, implicit references to sexual themes, stalking, implies kidnapping
It’s not jealousy!
G | clingy and jealous!tony leads to some soft reassurance and cuddles.
warnings: mention of the word ‘sex’ but no explicit sexual scenes or sexual content, explicit age difference (peter is 18 and therefore above the age of consent), alcohol consumption
Cheek kisses and jealousy
T | when tony catches peter kissing mj’s cheek at the avengers party, he doesn’t take it very well
warnings: mention of the term ‘exhibitionism’, mention of harassment but no details
Touching his hair
G | the team find it strange that peter is actually able to touch tony’s hair
warnings: very, very implicit reference to something sexual if you squint
It’s just a tattoo:
Part one*
Part two*
part one: M | (au) when tatoo shop owner!tony refuses to let his boyfriend peter get a tattoo, the younger male can’t understand why.
warnings: light smut (not central to the story), daddy kink, slightly fem!peter, one mention of the word homophobia (not explicit homophobic behaviour), foul language
part two: E | (same au, connecting storyline) what happens when some interesting information finds its way into the hands of peter, who really didn’t think the love of his life had it in him to cheat.
warnings: explicit smut, daddy kink, slightly fem!peter, explicit mentions of depression and antidepressants, foul language, explicit cheating / having sexual contact with someone other than your partner
Rooftop Patrol:
Part one*
Part two*
Part three*
part one: E | who knew rooftop patrol could be so fun?
warnings: sexual content, some foul language
part two: E | a continuation of part one.
warnings: sexual content, slight feminisation of peter, emetephobia, some foul language
part three: E | a continuation of part one and two (can be read as a stand alone if you don’t mind some insignificant details being confusing!)
warnings: sexual content, some foul language
Bad boys get on their knees*
M | peter’s had enough of tony acting all high and mighty and brings him down a level or two
warnings: sexual themes, sub!tony & dom!peter, implied toxicity in a relationship
Stress relief*
E | after two months without sexual relief, tony is pent up and incredibly bitter. peter offers to help relieve a bit of that stress.
warnings: sexual content, rimming, implicit reference to erectile dysfunction, foul language, age gap relationship
Too good to be a bottom*
E | although peter and tony have been dating for a while, and their sex life is more than satisfactory, peter can’t help but wonder what it would be like for them to switch roles. His initial proposal was met with hesitance from his partner, but maybe tong would like it a bit more than he’d bargained.
warnings: sexual content, bottom!tony & top!peter, foul language
Bottom!Tony goes into sub space*
E | honestly, i can’t explain it any better than that
warnings: sexual content, bottom!tony (sub!tony) & top!peter (dom!peter), evident sub drop, and references to dom drop, a healthy dosage of aftercare,
“Use your words big boy”
G | touch-starved tony wants to be the little spoon tonight, but doesn’t quite know how to ask
warnings: none
Peter meets Rhodey
G | my take on how exactly rhodey meets tony’s new intern
warnings: none
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Their baby
E | (au) dealing with the death of their unborn baby, tony and peter struggle to come back to a sense of normality whilst also trying to keep themselves sane. please read the warnings for this one
warnings: angst! stillborn death (death of a baby), graphic description of self harm, major character suicide, not a happy ending
1, 2, 3, 4
T | there are four steps to being tony stark’s accessory
warnings: angst! one mention of sex
“Come on, let’s go on a drive”
G | when peter stresses about his exams, tony tries to help
warnings: one use of foul language, one comment with implict sexual connotations
-> Winter flu
G | when Peter gets sick, tony looks after him
warnings: emetophobia warning
My own introduction to bottom!tony*
E | literally just porn without plot with bottom!tony & top!peter
warnings: sexual content, evidently tony is still domnaint and peter submissive, foul language
A bad, bad man*
E | did someone ask for tony stark safe wording? no? well you’re getting it anyway
warnings: sexual content at the beginning, inc. quite rough and heavy sex scenes (not necessarily explicitly narrated, but I do say what is going on e.g. so he hit him), reference to choking kink, and clear dom drop (reference to sub drop but not narrated)
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STARKER | moodboards
DDLB camboy AU
Autumn lake house retreat
Young!Starker Camping during Fall
DDLB long distance au
Dressmaker!Peter x Single dad!Tony
Poet!Tony x Baker!Peter
Young!Starker Valentine’s Day
Autumn aesthetic
Domestic life
Coffee shop
Mermaid!Peter x Pirate!Tony
Painter!Peter x Photographer!Tony
| moodboards (+drabbles)
Londoner!Peter & New Yorker!Tony
collab with @mrstarksbaby
T | (au) moodboard + drabble
“it began a little game between them, they’d trade pictures. if peter sent a bus, tony would send a yellow cab”
warnings: sexual content towards the end (i rated it teen because it warns you before you get to it)
M | moodboard + drabble
basically what came to mind when I thought of sunflowers 🌻
warnings: sexual content towards the end
Student!Peter x Teacher!Tony
M | (au) moodboard + drabble
warnings: implied sexual content, foul language
-> Young!Tony Stark aesthetic
T | (au) moodboard + drabble
warnings: foul language
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Inside Peter’s phone
Inside Tony’s phone
Breaking News: Tony Stark cheating allegations
-> || Part two
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Skylar'sSongSeries | moodbards + drabbles based on songs
Skylar'sWinterSeries | all things winter and christmas themed
SFSummerBingo21 | collection of works following a bingo square with prompt fills
unfortunately i took a break and this was never continued, i finished one prompt which you can find below
Ignited passions* | Fill: Incest
E | (au) warnings: sexual content, brother/brother incest, underaged peter, foul language, come eating
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lupinblacktheone · 3 years
What we want, have and need - prologue
Notes: Hey, there! This is a part of my Cobra Kai long fic that I'm posting on AO3. You can read the rest here! I hope you like it!
Ships: Lawrusso; Sam/Robby; Past! Amanda/Daniel
Relationships: Robby Keene/Samantha LaRusso; Johnny Lawrence/Daniel LaRusso, Robby Keene & Johnny Lawrence; Robby Keene & Daniel LaRusso; Samantha LaRusso & Daniel LaRusso; Samantha LaRusso & Johnny Lawrence; Amanda LaRusso & Samantha LaRusso; Samantha LaRusso & Eli "Hawk" Moskowitz; Miguel Diaz & Samantha LaRusso
Warnings: Bad lanaguage and mentions to alcohol.
Edit: I've edited this post to put the cut. Feel free to contact me to provide feedback about it.
"Sam and Robby have been best friends for a while now. They would love to improve the relationships with their (single) parents, but it doesn't seem possible, so Robby gives Sam his father and Sam gives Robby her father in exchange."
Welcome to the LaRusso household, where Daniel is preparing quite a meal for his family with pasta, sauce, vegetables and shrimp. He hears the sound of high heels approaching him. His wife, Amanda, is wearing the gray suit she chose in the morning.
“Are we expecting someone?”, she asks, picking a tablespoon to taste the sauce.
“Yeah. Samantha LaRusso. I trust you know her.”
“Ha-ha”, Amanda rolls her eyes. “You’re so funny.”
“That’s why you married me, remember?”
“I’m having second thoughts about that”, her expression goes humorless.
A red alert shines and echoes on Daniel’s brain. He’s thinking of something to say, but doesn’t get to do it.
Amanda, on the other hand, is fully capable of doing whatever she wants to do. She chooses to pour wine on a glass, trying to get her mind in order.
The school counselor is worried about Sam’s social circle. He says she doesn’t have many friends, although she’s pretty talkative outside school. During her follow-up sessions, she has said – more than once – that she’d like to reconnect with her careless father and absent mother.
It hurts to be referred as “absent”, but she knows it’s true. Being a parent and managing the biggest dealership in a 6-state area is demanding. Even before their wedding day, Daniel and Amanda discussed the question “How many kids do you want?” a lot. And when they opened the first LaRusso Auto Shop, Daniel grabbed her arm and said:
“I want only one child.”
Amanda was of the same mind. They promised to take excellent care of their future child. A year later, Sam was born and her parents felt blessed by that little girl who slept peacefully in their arms.
The sacred promise was broken and all the efforts in the world wouldn’t fix it if she and Daniel didn’t try to do it with all of their hearts. Maybe Daniel has a better chance than Amanda.
She takes a sip, not looking up from her lap. Daniel turns off the fire and joins her.
“What are we toasting?”, he’s smiling as he sits by her side, but the joy dies when Amanda frowns.
“I don’t know… failure?”
“What do you mean?”
“I want a divorce.”
Daniel’s eyes widen open and his throat chokes on unfinished words. Asking “Are you serious?” will be no good. They have been together long enough for him to know she’s deadly serious.
He doesn’t sound mad or upset. He’s truly confused, resembling his 20-year-old self. Amanda really loved that kind, cute and smart boy, but he grew up to be a wise, gentle and stubborn man. Daniel is that classic “when-he-has-an-idea-no-one-can-get-it-out-of-his-head” character. She managed to endure this for all these years, but enough is enough.
“Because I can’t keep up with you anymore. I can’t live another ten years cleaning up your mess, especially when it comes to our child.”
“I know I haven’t been around for them lately, but I will fix things up with Sam, I swear.”
“Ok, but what about me? When was the last time we went out for dinner or talked outside work?”, she breathes and counts to nine, he tries to formulate a coherent answer, however, Amanda isn’t willing to hear it now. “I can’t live waiting for you to decide you want to be a real husband.”
“I’m sorry I failed you.”
“It’s too late for you and me, but it’s not too late for you and Sam. Do not throw this chance away.”
“I won’t.”
“We’ll see about that.”
She jumps off the counter and promises to be back for dinner. Daniel rests his hands on the cutting board and exhales tiredly. He can’t do that relaxing kata right now, but he can search his mind, willing to conjure up some Miyagi wisdom.
His sensei would have advised him to talk to Amanda. Even if he won’t try to convince her to change her mind – he respects the woman too much to compel her to stay in a broken marriage –, they should take some decisions concerning their future.
Sam comes back from wherever she was with a shiny smile on her lips and hopping around.
“How’s the taste?”, Daniel asks after the girl sneaks a shrimp
“Excellent, just like the whole LaRusso menu.”
The father can’t help giving the daughter a quick lecture on the right way to boil the perfect pasta while she helps him, picking up the necessary tools to finish cooking.  When they’re done, Sam solicitously signs up to call her mother – maybe because she sees something unusual on him.
Amanda shows up three minutes and twenty-four seconds later. The woman grabs knives and forks on the drawer.
“What do we tell her?”, Daniel whispers, holding her elbow.
“The truth, of course. She’s fully capable of understanding the reasons why we no longer can be together.”
Daniel agrees and Amanda notices that little pity look he had when she wouldn’t allow him to pick what they would watch on college movie nights.
“Hey”, she stops him from returning to the dining room. “We can tell our child we’re getting a divorce. We’re Mandy and Danny.”
“We can sell anything to anyone.”
The table is set up and the smell is in the air. Sam is clearly happy – wherever she was and with whoever she was, she had an excellent time.
“Your mother and I have something to tell you”, Daniel speaks, his eyes on Amanda.
“What is it?”
“We’re getting a divorce”, Amanda answers.
Sam remains silent as they explain what lead them to decide for ending their marriage. She doesn’t dare asking what will be of her, although she starts thinking about what she wants – she’d like to stay in the Valley until she graduates, if it’s possible.
“Are you going to sell the house?”, Sam isn’t sure of where the courage to say this comes from, but now the phrase is out in the open.
“We’ll discuss this later. But it doesn’t matter what we decide, you are free to choose where do you want to live.”
They finish the meal with no further conversation.
“Is it ok if I have dinner at Aisha’s place on Friday?”, the younger LaRusso lady whispers, looking around to check whether Daniel is around.
Amanda puts the dishcloth down. She knows Sam has been spending a lot of time and sharing many meals with her friends – in order not to stay home, perhaps –, but prior to going there, the girl would just let her parents know she was leaving. Asking for permission with so much advance is an unexpected move.
“Yeah, yeah. Sure”, the mother smiles. “Will you sleep over?”
“I don’t think so”, she looks away. “But if I change my mind, can I stay there?”
“If her parents are okay with it.”
“Thanks, mom.”
“You’re welcome.”
When the last glass goes to the cabinet, Sam climbs the stairs, grabbing her phone to call her best friend.
“Hey. How are you?”, the child asks.
“Everything is falling apart”, she cries, shoving her tiny fist on her mouth to avoid a sob.
“What do you mean?”
“My parents are getting a di-divorce.”
Even though their parents are “divorced” – they never were married, anyways – since they were born, they spare no effort to comfort the girl.
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Hey I’m really sorry if this sounds ignorant, I promise that’s not my intention at all but I was just wondering if it’s offensive to call someone with autism “autistic”? One of my friend’s brothers has autism and she informed me that I shouldn’t refer to him as autistic (which I completely respected but I see a lot of ppl use the term so I was just curious!) Side note— I’m obsessed w your stories you’re so talented!!!💕💕💕
Hi friend! Thank you for your sweet note. As for the question — Don’t worry, this is a very confusing topic for one very big reason: It depends on the person’s preference! I default to using “autistic” versus “with autism” because I prefer it. I know other people with autism who feel differently. It is completely up to the person how they want to be identified. There is no right or wrong answer.
That being said, there is a lot of discourse around this. Originally, person-first language was proposed and promoted by allistic (non-autistic) caregivers. Essentially, the idea was that people should refer to us as “people first” rather than defining us by our autism. This is based on the idea that autism is a negative or shameful thing. It is also strange when you consider the flip side (I do not refer to others as “people with allism”). I choose to believe most people mean well in this, but it has troubling connotations.
Autistic-run advocacy groups, on the other hand, tend to prefer identity-first language. This is because those of us who prefer “autistic” tend to take the view that our autism is a defining trait. It shapes our view of the world and all of our interactions within it. We want people to acknowledge it as a part of who we are, the same as any other identity (such as a bisexual woman, versus a person with bisexuality and womanhood).
But the best answer is to always refer to someone how they want you to, or how they refer to themselves (obviously not reclaimed slurs). Both are completely valid and involve a deeply intimate decision that is often molded by our experiences as autistic people/people with autism.
My rule of thumb is always to not correct an autistic person on their decision about themselves. Otherwise, I encourage allistic people to use identity-first language unless corrected by a person with autism. It avoids the problematic history of person-first (heavily associated with Autism $peaks) and normalizes the idea that “autistic” is not a bad word or thing to be ☺️
There is a lot out there on the differences if you look up identity-first versus person-first lanaguage. Also note that this is unique for every condition. The same rule does not apply to everything or everyone. If you are ever unsure, you can ask. They might even ask you not to mention it at all, which would save you time, anyway! 😅
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deafmatteo · 3 years
Hello, im sorry if i come of as rude but i wanted to ask for an opinion from people from hoh and deaf community. I'm thinking about starting to streaming games and art, but I'm really dysphoric about my voice and was thinking about using sigh language and text to speech aps as a way to communicate. When it comes to proficiency i have a certificate in polish sigh language and know basics of american. Would that be rude or offensive if i used sigh language? Im sorry if its a bad idea, i wanted to get an opinion from a couple of people before doing anything/gen
hi there! it’s not rude at a;! i would say that it’s perfectly fine for you to use sign lanaguage because it’s not a language that’s just exclusive to deaf/hoh creators.
obviously, don't claim that you're an expert and that you're teaching sign language by any means because hearing people shouldn't teach sign language but! i think that issue will be non-existent because it's clear that your streaming content will be about other things.
hope your streaming content goes well! 🖤/gen
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hqwkeyes · 5 years
Man With a Plan
Pairing: Steve Rogers x Reader
Word Count: 970
Warning(s): fluff, lanaguage, flirty/bold Steve (kinda? that’s not a warning anyway)
Summary/Request: Prompt #2
A/N: This is another old request that I had in my inbox. I told you I’d be writing them all soon! I actually like this one a lot. I hope you do too! Thank you for requesting it!
Masterlist // Buy me a coffee!
Steve Rogers is many things, and at the very top of that list would be a good man. Just below it, though, would be an excellent strategist, which explains what’s going on right now.
“I move seven paces forward, then Y/N moves forward six, and lastly, Sam moves four,” Steve says.
“Damnit, man, we’re playing monopoly, not planning a mission,” Sam says, both joking and slightly annoyed. “And your plan sends me right to jail. I thought we were friends. That ain’t fair.”
“All is fair in love and war,” you chime in with a smirk on your face. Steve’s plan puts you on his least expensive property.
“Just roll the damn dice,” Sam grumbles.
Steve rolls a seven, and Sam throws his hands up in frustration. The super soldier wears a satisfied grin as he moves his piece seven spaces forward, landing on Park Place. He hands the money to pay for it to you, the acting banker.
“Too bad no one really lands on that one, though,” you note passively as you take the dice in your hands, and an expression you can’t quite decipher takes over his features. The look on Sam’s face, though, is too easy to read. He’s so pleased with your comment that he’s practically beaming.
You shake the dice in your palm for a few seconds before gently tossing them onto the center of the board. Twelve. A small smile finds its way onto your face as you move your piece forward, landing on Chance. You pick up a card, then put it beside your money.
“Did you really just get a Get Out of Jail Free card?” Sam asks.
“Maybe,” you tell him as you grab the dice and pass them to him.
Much to his dismay, he rolls a four.
“All according to plan,” Steve jokes as Sam begrudgingly moves his token to the Jail space on the board.
“You’re up Steve,” you say, looking up at him, but he was already looking at you, his gaze soft.
The next few rounds of rolling the dice go by. Thankfully, Sam rolled doubles on his second roll and got out of jail without having to pay. Unfortunately, though, four rolls later he ended right back there, all according to Steve’s plan once again.
“You know, I’m getting really tired of you and your plans,” he told the captain, exasperated.
You weren’t exempt from Steve’s plans either though. That roll just happened to be lucky, because after that you landed on all of his properties, including Park Place. You’ve been growing more and more frustrated as you lost money, especially because it seems like he’s been making eyes at you for most of the game. You conclude that he must be doing it mockingly, which makes you a little angry.
As Steve just predicted, Sam rolls an eleven and goes bankrupt, and you consider the possibility that the dice are fixed.
“Six,” Steve fake coughs, as you roll the dice on your next turn. Steve grins broadly as the dice show a two and a four.
“You know what, Rogers? I have a plan. You can go fuck off to I don’t care where with your damn plans, and I’m gonna go have a glass of wine or three,” you nearly shout at him.
He stands up from his seat, which was beside yours, and you realize that, during your outburst, you must have gotten to your feet. He’s so close that you feel his breath fan out over your face.
“You know, I would, but kissing you sounds like a better plan,” he says gruffly, and you nearly stumble backward in shock.
“That’s the best plan you’ve come up with all day,” you say without thinking, surprising Steve as well as yourself.
Slowly and gently, he cups the back of your neck in his hand as he leans in. Your eyes close as he grows closer, and you feel him still about an inch away from your face.
You can feel the question radiating off of him: “Do you want this?”
You answer him by brushing your lips against his.
And then his lips are on yours, and he’s kissing you like you’re a glass of water and he’s dying of thirst; like you’re oxygen and he’s suffocating. One of your hands cups his cheek, the other grasping onto the blue Henley that’s straining against his chest. He has you pulled flush up against him, kissing you with such intensity, and yet a gentleness. It’s not like anything you’ve ever experienced, and when you both part for air, you find yourself desperately craving more.
As you’re about to lean in again, you catch Natasha’s red hair in your peripheral vision, and pull away a bit to turn to her. It takes a fraction of a second for Steve to catch on as well, turning his attention toward Nat as well. She stands there with a satisfied smirk on her face, and Sam, Wanda, and Tony all peek out from behind her.
“Each of you owes me twenty bucks,” she tells them with her eyes still trained on you and Steve.
You and Steve exchange confused looks for a moment, but then you’re lost in his eyes, oceans of sapphire and sea foam that make your heart lurch when they find yours. When you come out of your daze, you find Steve gazing at you in adoration. And then he seems to break from his own reverie because his lips are on yours again within seconds.
In the background you hear your friends shouting to “get a room” so you pull away.
“Don’t worry,” Steve whispers in your ear. “I have a plan.” And then he’s scooping you up in his arms and carrying you from the room, leaving behind your astonished friends.
Masterlist // Buy me a coffee!
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faeriehope · 5 years
The (Not) New Kid in Town
Last night I redownloaded tumblr after being off of it for a long time. I came back and had this feeling that tumblr was bad for me because of so much that I associated with my old account.
It was suggested to me to instead make a whole new account and start fresh! So, that’s what I’ve done. You can still view my old blog (@ronirene), but this will be my main from now on. I want to start anew and go back to the things about tumblr that I love.
Let’s be friends!
This is just a collection of things that I like—BTS, Buffy, film, Japanese lanaguage, Art, ect. Ect. Ect. I’ve decided I won’t really separate them like I sort of did on my last account. Whatever goes, goes. But it will most likely be mainly BTS or whatever media I’ve recently consumed (right now that being The Untamed/mdzs)
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Tell me a story
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“Dad, will you tell me a story about the Avengers?” Philip asked his father. The child sat up in his bed and looked at his dad with pleading eyes and smile. “I promise I will go right to sleep after the story.”
Steve chuckled. “You were supposed to be asleep an hour ago, Buddy. You got school early and your mother gets mad at me when you stay up past your bedtime.”
Steve began to put the covers over his sons body.
“Im not tried yet!” Phill yelled pushing the blankets off. “Please daddy, just one story!”
Steve sighed.
“Fine, but after you have to go to sleep.” Steve told him.
Phil smiled, “I promise!”
Phillip then moved to one side of the bed as Steve sat next to him.
Steve kisses his sons head and Phillip cuddled up to his father. Philip rested his head on steves chest. Steve stroked his child’s hair, in a soothing manner.
“This is the story of how the avengers first met. There was an idea to bring together extraordinary people to protect the people of our world. They brought together eight very different people with different skills and abilities-“
“And you were one of them of course!” Philip interrupted with a smile. “Cause you kick ass better than anyone!”
Steve couldn’t help but laugh.
“Watch your lanaguage.” He told him sternly.
“Sorry dad. So this is the original team in this story? The one that had iron man, black widow, Thor, hulk and Hawkeye. Right?”
“Yes! But when we first met we argued so much and our personalities all just clashed. we ended up arguing with each other more than actually trying to solve the problem at hand. The world was being attacked by creatures that none of knew anything about and the invasion was being run by an evil god called Loki. We honestly didn’t even believe in ourselves, but one person knew what we were capable of, he had faith in us. He wasn’t a superhuman or a genius or a god...he was just a man.”
“Was it nick fury? Or Hawkeye?” Phillip asked excitedly.
“No none of them.” Steve answered, shaking his head. “He died trying to save Thor. then with his dying breathe he told Loki that he knew the avengers would win, he told him we had the advantage. Then he used a weapon to blast Loki. He let us all see that we were fighting for something much bigger than our selfs. We were fighting for people like him and that we were a beacon of hope to those in trouble. His name was Phil coulson.”
“Wow! Is that why I’m named Phillip? Am I named after him.”
Steve hugged his son. “Yeah. Without him the avengers wouldn’t have become what they did. We needed him to open up our eyes. I want you to know something. You may not have powers. But you have something much more valuable. You have heart, kindness and brains. Your gana make something out of your self and your gana be great!”
“I wana be a hero like you, dad! I wana fight alongside the avengers and save people!”
“You could do that someday if you put your mind to it and work hard.”
“ There are a lot of hero’s without powers, right? like police men and fire fighters..and mom! Moms the biggest hero without powers! She’s my second favorite hero! Don’t worry dad your still my favorite hero. One time she saved Howard stark from being in prisoned. Another time she beat a bad guy with a stapler and another time-“
“Okay, enough excitement time for bed.” Steve told his son. He ticked him into bed and kissed his forehead.
Steve walked toward the door.
“Tell me more about Coulson.”
“Sadly I don’t know much more about him. He was an agent of for shield, the same organization your mom runs. He was very loyal to the organization.”
Philip frowned.
“Do you think he would be proud of you guys? What the avengers did.” Phillip asked.
Steve pauses for a moment and thought about the question. They had great triumphs as well as failures. They always did what they felt was right though and tried to save as many as they could.
“I think so.” Steve replied
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hismoodsandfeels · 5 years
Episode #1 - Pilot
It is 1.22am - on a Sunday night, or Monday Morning, if we are being specific
He is typing on his 8 years old Macbook and he is wide awake. He has to wake up at 6am for work.
He is a 29-year-old gay who just quit his job (and career) because he does not want to do accounting anymore.
He has been single for close to 3 years and it was a 6.5 years relationship.
He is glad he is single because this way, he is exempted from all the relationship dramas that he sees and hears about, on Twitter, from his friends, Instagram. 
Occasionally he has dreams about being attached, or he is dating someone. (3 in total so far) Each time he woke up feeling happy (and a little sad that it was just a dream). This indicated that despite feeling gleeful that he does not have to deal with such drama - at his very core, he wants a boyfriend.
He does not fit into your typical Singaporean gay look. He dislikes having short hair, he dislikes wearing A&F/Hollister. He dislikes going to the gym (even though he has a gym membership which he pays close to $160 a month for).
He is not your average cute Singaporean gay, although he thinks he is not bad looking (with the right angle).
He is full of nonsense - his latest? Wearing eyeliner because he likes the look. And obsessing over French culture/style/language.
And because of these reasons, he thinks he will never find a boyfriend who appreciates him for that. Everybody wants the boy-next-door guy with a pleasant and possibly a non-snarky attitude. Everyone wants a boy with short cropped hair and fit body. 
He knows he probably will have better luck if he changes these things about himself, even a friend commented so. However he does not want to because he felt that it is who he is and he does not want to be another basic cookie cutter gay running around Fitness First.
Moreover, he has seen his fair share of cute boys with zero personality.
He enjoys Twitter because he thinks it is unpretentious, it is funny, it is witty and it actually makes him laugh. Unlike Instagram where everyone is showing their best self. He is on Twitter every other hour. In fact, he has made several good friends through Twitter.
He enjoys learning languages (that sounds nice to him), Japanese and his latest attempt (on Duolingo) is French. Il apprend le français sur DuoLingo. He thinks being able to speak multiple languages is a superpower and he is on a quest to amass more. Just like Thanos wants all those 6 infinity stones, His goal is to be able to hold a conversation in 6 lanaguages - Japanese (Meh), French (Not a bit), German and Russian (zero knowledge), English and Mandarin (very fluent). Let us give him until 2022.
As for his circle of friends. He is very grateful to have them. They get his jokes, he felt like he does not have to hide anything from them. And they also are mostly single.
Apart from this group , he is secretly envious of his 2 wildly popular friends. They have zero problems getting dates and getting attached. 
He is currently worrying about his impending tax exam which is happening on Thursday. He feels that he is ok-prepared and he will do fine if the exam questions are what was in the notes given instead of from the thick textbook (seriously, who has time for this?)
He has many things that he wants to learn, do, read, for instance - learning Japanese, French, drawing, sketching, learning Photoshop, Illustrator.
He is just a speck of dust in the vast universe, but he knows he matters to some people. 
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kirakiraproject · 7 years
Question 50
“If you were able to go back in time to relive a part of your life without being able to change anything, which part of your life would you choose?”
1st gen~
Ali: Alllllll of it!
2nd gen~
Juju: I'd go back to when i was younger to learn more lanaguages, when you're young, you tend to learn thingss quicker 😃
Mizuki: There are many beautiful moments in my life that I would like to relive once again. One of those beautiful moments that I will always remember was those times I spent with ”my” dog, Nicke. He wasn’t really my dog, but my teacher’s. I met him everyday at my driving school. He was so calm. I used to have him on my legs when I did my homework. He will absolutely be my favorite dog forever. I really hope to meet him again soon. Also those lessons I had with his mom were all so fun and enjoyable. I would like to relive them too. 💖
Setsuna: I would go back to the time before I got my mental illnesses and relive my childhood, where I don't have to worry about anything.
3rd gen~
Eira: Hmm, I don't think I would! I believe my best days are still ahead of me!
Erina: I would go back to the time I was 2 years old, just after I learned to read. I was learning more and more everyday and it felt like a blessing for me 💚
Hiyori: My birth.
Swyong: There is one instance it would be to have refrained from a particular choice that seemed right to do at the time but overall turned out to be really bad and resulted in being used stressed and put-down often. I could do without that memory-- otherwise nothing else i would change. 😊
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blizzardfluffykpop · 5 years
Hii, so it's me your svt anon ! Actually it's my first time doing this kind of event so i don't know what to do haha. Hope you're doing well, I see you're a multifandom like me ! Also sorry for the upcoming mistakes, english is not my first language and feel free to correct me ! :)
Awww well I hope I make your first time as an anon enjoyable so you'll want to do more! They're so much fun believe me :) this is my first time doing a seventeen one tho :) I'm doing good how about you? I hope you're doing well!! Ommgg wait what other groups do you like? Oh man English is my first language... and I was today years old when I found out that's how language is spelt... and I've always wrote it as lanaguage... so um yee yee I guess... I'm being honest I wont catch mistakes and even if I so I'll just figure out what you mean :) dont worry about it :) ( I am really bad at spelling and I get my homophones mixed up like pair, pear, and pare) also what's you're first language if you dont mind I always think that's so cool :)
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