anisaanisa · 1 year
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Inuyasha, Volume 50, 2007, Rumiko Takahashi ☆
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neutronstarchild · 2 years
Hatred is a strong word. But that is all that Shishinki can feel. Hatred at the dog demon who took everything. His grand technique stolen and sold, but that was not enough. He was now a man without a face. So he would take from Tōga’s sons, too late to kill the father.
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0rqcles · 4 months
Although he may not be widely recognized, I have noticed that there is a lack of fanfiction featuring this particular character. Therefore, I have taken it upon myself to write one 👍. I have been diligently working on it for quite some time, although I must admit that I am currently experiencing writer's block.
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shishinki · 29 days
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— phantom of the what? shishinki’s mouth twisted into a snarl. despite his show of disgust by the human’s words, he found them strangely funny, enough to continue their back-and-forth at any rate.
  — is this some kind of joke? if so, you can rest assured... he said, removing his mask to reveal the part of his face that had been mauled from him, centuries ago, by the incredible luck of a dad-blamed dog.
  — that there are no ghosts of any sort around here, he continued, ignoring his assistant standing next to him, whose very existence was ghost-like.
  — and what is this opera that you speak of? the word opera rolled off his tongue like sandpaper. had she been taking—or worse, making—him into some kind of fool? / @ka-go-me
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casliveblog · 8 days
Custom Toonami Block Week 179 Rundown
The Witch from Mercury: Suletta’s mom is talking with Elan’s handler and I still have no idea how they can have Elan shouting about how he’s cursed to pilot a Gundam and burning his soul apart and all that shit and not have the school recognize it when Suletta does one Senbonzakura and they crack down on her without any other proof. Turns out Suletta and Elan are gonna have a Space Duel which is conveniently beneficial for him with more speed and range and Suletta has to piece together a space engine from a bunch of parts the House happens to buy lying around. Meanwhile Guel’s in trouble for going out and getting his brother’s suit wrecked last time so he’s kicked out of Fancy House and is the Black Coat Chazz Princeton phase of his character arc where the rich asshole learns empathy by ceasing to be rich. We learn Elan isn’t Elan but one of several people that have been forced to wear Elan’s face and be enhanced to be good at piloting presumably because the real Elan is shit at it and they can’t risk their CEO heir dying or worse being bad at something, but the real Elan plays no other part in this episode so I’m gonna continue to call this guy Elan because going by his designation number seems counter-productive for the message of the episode. Anyway Elan’s basically slowly dying because of the whole soul-burning thing and/or his enhancements so it’s kinda like a Rei situation where they just swap out a new one whenever one of them dies of this shit or is lucky enough to serve their term which Elan needs one more fight to do and they’ve done this FOUR TIMES, like four separate people have either died or been permanently crippled to keep up homeboy’s image that he’s good at mobile suits. Suletta breaks into Elan’s dorm and sings him Happy Birthday over the PA in a weird callback to what her father did in the first episode and this just kinda pisses him off more. The fight starts and Suletta says if she wins she wants to learn all about Elan and immediately they’re off into deep space. The first part of the fight kinda goes how I expected it to since even with Elan’s stunguns, if one part gets hit the others can protect it until it comes back online. She basically plays a good defense and turns into an enhanced speed mode to catch up to him and eventually does some weird kind of counter-EMP thing that forces Elan into a flashback that reminds me of the NewType stuff from the main series and I hope that’s not where this is going cause none of that shit ever made sense to me. But yeah, after all the shouting about how he’s an empty vessel and how Suletta gets all the cool powers with none of the angst and a full slice of life series, Elan realizes he has like 1% of a backstory somewhere in there and that’s enough for him. The next part is REALLY hard because right when we get to the ‘oh they’re all friends now’ part of the slice of life show that always happens after a big fight… Elan fucking dies. Like he agrees to go out to meet Suletta and Mio so they can hang out and do shit but the House has decided since he didn’t win and get them Miorinne and his health broke down faster than they thought during the fight that they’re just gonna kill him and go with the next Elan doppelganger. The part that really gets me about this is that Elan presumably told them when he was going to meet them and it was right when he was scheduled to be executed and to me that means that he knew he was going to die and wanted someone to be thinking about him in his last moments and… god that’s hard, dude got one scrap of a backstory and immediately died taking solace in the fact that someone was thinking of him.
Inuyasha The Final Act: So in the most convenient “Someone wants to train a technique and the guy to teach them how just kinda shows up” in a series full of those, Shishinki comes up to Sesshomaru now that he’s semi-mastered the Meidou Zangetsuha. Turns out Sesshomaru’s Meidou is huge but not full, as everyone who passed high school geometry knows the circle is the strongest shape so Shishinki’s small full circles put Sesshomaru’s huge 90% circles to shame. Shishinki’s pissed because Sesshomaru’s dad did the shonen protagonist thing and stole the Meidou Zangetsuha right from under him and used it to almost kill him. It’s said in Yashahime that the combined fatigue from Shishinki and Ryokutsei fights is what finally did Inuyasha’s dad in but also like… Ryokutsei was sealed away, has Shishinki just been hanging out for the past 100ish years until Sesshomaru got good enough with Meidou to be worth coming after? Like usually there’s some handwave about why the bad guys haven’t been around but apparently Shishinki’s just been jerkin off for a century and not caring about Naraku rending the countryside asunder despite the Meidou being the perfect counter to him and Shishinki probably easily being capable of beating pre-Hakurei Naraku. Anyway Shishinki tells Sesshomaru that Tessaiga and Tenseiga used to be the same sword but if Tessaiga kept the Meidou Zangetsuha then Inuyasha would just like die because Meidou’s too strong for him, like what happened with Dragon Scale but worse. Now there’s some mental gymnastics here because this revelation gets a lot of gears turning in several peoples’ heads at once and it’s a little hard to follow. Sesshomaru realizes the Meidou is a strong technique and he’s the only one capable of utilizing it fully but at the same time, breaking the sword into two isn’t anyone’s first instinct so while it seems like it was a good faith gesture so both his kids would have something, it immediately strikes Sesshomaru as suspicious. Eventually the real reason becomes clear to Sesshomaru but is hidden from the audience as he unleashes a full Meidou after Tenseiga resonates with Tessaiga that envelopes Shishinki. Shishinki figures it out too and laughs that Sesshomaru’s father played a cruel joke on him and yeah it’s kinda fucked up. Inuyasha’s just like ‘okay you got your own cool sword now, stop giving me shit and let’s just be awkward vaguely angry siblings’ and Sesshomaru refuses and resigns himself to always being Inuyasha’s enemy since he now knows Tenseiga can’t be complete without Tessaiga, only one of them was meant to have their father’s weapon.
Castlevania: It’s a new season and it’s time to catch up with how everyone’s doing after a small one month timeskip. No word from Isaac but I assume he’s doing well lynching racists and assembling an army of zombie racists. Alucard is slowly going insane from solitary confinement and is kind of ridiculously attached to the two people he knew for like a week a month ago but given he’s presumably been stuck in Castlevania most of his life and he’s literally just murdered his last living relative by his own hand it’s understandable he’s clinging to whatever little connection he has left and kinda just losing it. Carmilla returns home to the Girl Squad™ and these always feel kinda forced like there’s just a squad of all girls for the sake of it because they specifically hate men and have some vague form of solidarity given their Lifetime Original Movie style backstories, but at least her sisters’ personalities seem to be somewhat more abrasive than her own and like I said last time, Carmilla will probably be a more interesting main antagonist than secondary one considering she’s now a united front instead of playing politics and actively ruining Dracula’s chances for victory. Also Hector’s still around, like idk maybe I’m more of a petty person and less than attached to my own life but if some bitch was like “I’m going to treat you horribly but I also desperately need you to stay alive” the perfect method of revenge seems pretty obvious, like he has some leverage he’s just too much of a bitch to even try using. Meanwhile Sypha and Trevor make absolutely no bones about them basically being married now and explicitly saying they’re fucking, I appreciate them laying out the terms of the relationship clearly for the audience like that’s a nice thing they’re not pussyfooting around it. They kill some monsters and make their way into town dragging one of its corpses as a trophy and they just barely scraped by having a huge problem because apparently the local church are like the one holy institution that were Dracula sympathizers and they don’t like the monsters either but they aren’t gonna be happy when they inevitably figure out they’re talking to two thirds of the squad that killed him, I mean technically Alucard killed him but Sypha still blocked his Noble Phantasm and Trevor cracked his sternum or some shit. So yeah, good setup everyone’s back at their new homes and ready to start cleaning up the messes of the remaining plot.
Jujutsu Kaisen: It’s the finale of the Shibuya arc and Kenjaku’s full plan is finally clear. Unlike Geto who wanted to make only Sorcerers and Yuki who wants to rid the world of Cursed Energy, Kenjaku is essentially making the world a macrocosm of Yuji and Mahito’s fight, using Mahito’s technique to basically do Big Bang from Static Shock (or the A-Day thing if you want a Marvel example) and give thousands of normal people the ability to use Cursed Energy overnight and allow the chaos and violence that ensues to be the catalyst for the evolution of mankind. And just to top it off he just unleashes a fuckton of Cursed Spirits all over just to seal the deal. Now with Gojo unable to keep the most corrupt parts of the Jujutsu government in check and the world reeling from untold destruction with a bunch of new superpowered muggles thrown in the mix including Megumi’s until now irrelevant sister, THAT’S a fucking way to end a season, damn. Meanwhile Yuta’s finally arrived back in Japan and there’s a lot of “previous protagonist syndrome” as I like to call it, like we tend to elevate people that were protagonists in other installments because we went through a full journey with them (ie Red in Pokemon Gold/Silver or any of the previous Jojos in new Jojo parts) and despite Yuta only being like one year removed from the kid that had never held a sword before and somehow Rey Star Wars’d himself into beating the second strongest Sorcerer in the world, there’s a lot of hype because he’s been gone so long, like I’m not complaining just kinda analyzing how the Previous Protagonist Syndrome effect works because it’s kinda fascinating how it feeds off our added familiarity with him. But yeah now that the government’s off the rails, they’ve classified Kenjaku as just Geto 2 and giving him the same order of execution but also excommunicated Gojo even though he’s still in the hypercube, reinstated Yuji’s death penalty and most bafflingly, ordered the death of Jujutsu High’s Headmaster for supposedly orchestrating the Shibuya incident with Gojo and Geto and like bro he wasn’t even there. I also like how even though Gojo’s sealed they just excommunicated him like they didn’t say he has to die whenever he gets free because freeing him is a crime but I also doubt they’re confident in being able to kill him. Meanwhile Yuta’s ordered to be Yuji’s executioner which executions are weird in Jujutusu Government because you usually have to take people into custody first and shit but guess since Yuji got away after Shibuya they were just like ‘idk just go find him and kill him I guess’ so yeah good old new protagonist versus old protagonist shenanigans, that’ll be fun. Also just kinda surprised that Yuta has no connection to Kenjaku’s Bang Baby plan and seems to have just kinda grown powers on his own due to his distant bloodline relation to Gojo, like you’d think that’d be a plot point and Yuta just awakened early or something.
Delicious in Dungeon: The other group from a few episodes ago finally wakes up and thanks to the shady guy that saved them now think the main group robbed them, they also mention later that some of these guys look familiar to the main group and given they’re in the Opening there’s probably something to that. Now we’re in a new level and I just get Made in Abyss vibes whenever they talk about going to a new floor, anyway Senshi’s a dirty dirty man so he can’t do the waterwalking spell and almost gets killed by his supposed pet Kelpie so they end up carving her up and Laios and Chilchuck avoid some Sirens and rescue that second group again to make some porridge out of their dropped shit. Marcille makes soap out of the Kelpie fat and since Senshi is someone who appreciates when someone takes the time and effort to hand make something he agrees to stop being a dirty hobo so they can use magic to cross the lake. Next they fight a giant kraken and end up using the Waterwalking spell as a neat callback to make sure it can’t dive underwater and they just kill it but  can’t eat the actual creature so they end up eating its stomach worms which is really kinda gross. And Laios is the first person to actually get sick from one of the things they ate because he basically eats raw ringworm because he’s a dumbass like I’m surprised it took this long. But there’s a big All is One, One is All message about how stuff eating other stuff is the circle of life so yeah.
Frieren: Beyond Journey’s End: So there’s no real getting around this but this is basically an early One Piece episode in disguise. The group continues traveling and rescue a bumbling bum of a man named Sein and have to stop in his village when Stark gets poisoned only to find out Sein is a ridiculously good Priest, like everyone that joins their group is always already ridiculously good at whatever they do because even Frieren doesn’t have time for Training Arcs. Sein is despondent and believes he’s too old to become an adventurer despite his regrets of not joining his ambitious friend when he was younger. He has combined feelings of apathy towards adventuring since he believes said friend is now dead and of obligation to his older brother who declined Heiter’s offer to travel to the Capital to stay in a familiar place with Sein. Seeing a bit of herself in the reluctant adventurer, Frieren resolves to recruit him to the crew and fulfill his lost dreams with gusto that would make Luffy proud. It takes a LOT of arm-twisting and Frieren’s super secret Joestart family seduction technique to finally get him to get over himself and I was honestly plenty surprised he actually joined them since I don’t remember seeing him at all in any promotional materials, like it’s one of those sneaky things you expect to have spoiled for you by the internet age, like when Toph joined Avatar it was weird to suddenly have a new party member be introduced and join like halfway through the series but that turned out pretty well. Still I get the vibe this is more like Tracey from pokemon since it doesn’t seem permanent and he has his own side goal but it’ll be interesting to have an adult along for the adventures (Frieren doesn’t count, she’s a thousand year old child and she knows it).
Vinland Saga: This kind of feels like the season finale right here given how it bookends the farm arc but we do have one more episode after this. Canute has Thorfinn and Einar by the balls and tells them he’s not backing down and if Thorfinn’s not going to assassinate him like Askeladd did his father then there’s nothing he can do about it. And Thorfinn’s just like “Yeah good point, I mean I guess I could run.” And this kinda floors Canute like it’s really funny to watch him break down in laughter after all his time scowling like Thorfinn injected a little levity into his heart that he hasn’t seen in years. Thorfinn goes on to say that he won’t fight and he’ll keep avoiding violence as long as he can and find someplace for the weak and peaceful that have no place in Canute’s kingdom, saying even just cleaning up after Canute’s plan is too much work for a non-king like him so as a King Canute should do a better job of leaving fewer people that need to flee war and slavery. This is enough to get Canute to pull out and we really get a good view of how Canute was overreacting since using a gentler hand actually keeps the English from revolting and solves the army crisis without needing to murder people over wheat. He just got it in his head that “I’m the king I have to do the hard thing” but the hard thing wasn’t the real answer, or more aptly the real hard thing was thinking about a complicated problem more complexly. Thorfinn redoubles his resolve with Einar to create a nation free of war and slavery and they set off with Leif back to Iceland. Olmar basically takes over the farm and all Snake’s men become farmers as well (I mean they’re probably still gonna need guards and shit, just cause you don’t murder people doesn’t mean you let everyone steal willy-nilly but they did say they didn’t have much work to do as guards anyway) Thorgil sees Canute’s retreated and just tells everyone to fuck off and goes to look for another war to fight, Ketil gets to be a douche another day and surprisingly Sverkil lives a while longer, like I thought for sure we were gearing up for a gut punch of him dying of old age but nope, just still old. I also think Olmar’s seen with the girl whose dad lost his hands so I think that’s hinting at them getting together which is a nice little thing. But yeah, Thorfinn’s FINALLY going back to Iceland for a little epilogue to the season, good way to bookend the two seasons that are currently out with returning to where it all started.
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ka-go-me · 14 days
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╰☆╮White Bishop
You are a White Bishop. There is something you believe in, be it an oath, a phrase, a promise. It's what keeps the bishop on the diagonal path it takes on the board. You live by this creed and infect others with it. You are empathetic, able to feel others' pain like it's your own, and offer advice or help to them. But be careful, because every bleeding heart runs out of blood eventually. Every leader crumbles to the next generation eventually.
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tagged by: @adversitybloomed (thanks luv~! 💗💚) tagging: @shishinki, @fairlybeloved, @peculiarbeauty, @scvereignreigned, @dualfated and YOU
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hahaalaine · 1 year
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Shishinki's brain is definitely gone now
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wikiablogger · 3 years
ShiInu is the term used to refer to the romantic relationship between Shishinki and Inuyasha.
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whimsical-elegance · 5 years
Hey kimi, did you kill shishinki? :P I always heard looks could kill but DAMN! ;3
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[皮肉❀]::                             “Ha! Never got the chance to. Not that I would have anyway. I may be very sarcastic and sharp tongued, but I don’t like getting my hands dirty in violent affairs. Though I will admit~ he may have run off--because I was more woman than he could handle!”
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sharkangelic · 5 years
“Ha, Sesshoumaru. Looks like your father didn’t like you very much!” - Shishinki, in the manga
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shishinki · 29 days
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hell was dark and quiet. shishinki discovered just how much as he fell free through the nothing of infinity, space and time folding into him without cease.
  his body had failed him, as had his mind. he could neither move nor think, his being trapped in an interminable vertigo of folly and shame. what once was his meidō zangetsuha had been taken over by another, one more complete, causing him to be spirited away to the very realm he had consigned so many before.
  and then everything stopped. he felt life spring in his bones and with that newfound élan vital, he voiced his discontent.
  — would this be my end, then spare me not your haste! shishinki yelled out to nowhere, not expecting any kind of rejoinder. / @enshijou
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ncohi · 6 years
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@deathgud  asked:            Shishinki  or  Ryukotsusei
❝  He  is  known  as  Shishinki  ,  the  ogre  of  death.  ❞
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deathgud · 6 years
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shishinki’s smol child assistant
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animextotal · 8 years
InuYasha: Gabo Ramos participará en el doblaje
InuYasha: Gabo Ramos participará en el doblaje
Gabo Ramos (mejor conocido por darle la voz de Ash Ketchum en Pokémon) ha confirmado a través de su cuenta de Facebook que estará participando en el doblaje de inuYasha, más específicamente en el personaje de Shishinki. El doblaje para Inuyasha Kantetsu hen empezó el pasado mes de julio el cual sigue doblándose. Hasta el momento no se sabe cuándo terminará el doblaje o donde se transmitirá el…
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apocodinodraws · 8 years
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“Be gone, pest.” “Now, is that any way to greet your savior, little miko?” If I mess with this any more I’m gonna over work it to death. Dedicated to @kusariigama for playing Shishinki, who I was indifferent to until I got to roleplay with him. Seriously, he is amazing at making plots and breathing life into characters. YOU’RE SUCH A SWEETY BABE AHHHHHH ;v; Thank you for always listening to me screech about how much I love Kikyou, and being a wonderful friend. You inspire me so much!
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shishinki · 26 days
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there was no knocking at death’s door—shishinki hated how that idiom became so widespread, as it was not entirely accurate.
  death was not only a door. death was a space, a place where all life, material or non, goes to waste inside an endless hell. and as its reeve, shishinki ferried wayward souls into the underworld, with all the sarcasm that had become his impress.
  — you’ve met with a terrible fate, haven’t you? he asked, unable to contain a snicker as he did. it was a cliché to be sure, but he loved posing the question to those in his care. its recipient was a young woman, tawny-haired, who looked as though she had undergone quite the crucible, as had everyone who crossed over into the afterlife. / @waraningyo
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