#shit yall turns out maybe I missed tumblr???
otterknits · 2 years
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HI EVERYONE IT’S ME AGAIN, turns out we’re all coming back to tumblr after all??? anyway please enjoy a recent FO, Tiny Essek aka Draw Me Like One of Your French Traitors (hashtag criticalrolespoilers??)
gdi this browser doesn’t have xkit, literally unplayable
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antiwhores · 2 years
I need another part to bakugous partner with a mask. Like what would happen if he found out it was her that he’s passed in the street so many times? Also ur writing is amazing!
Bakugou’s sidekick with a mask - Part 2.
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Yall going crazy on this shit so you already KNOW i got you with a part two. Also thank you very much 💪🏾 there was more requests but tumblr only allows 10 pics. This shit took so long help me bruh. I felt like I should get a little more heartfelt to complete this. Enjoy and shit.
Bakugou has never seen your face in the 3 years of you being his sidekick. No one has, not even the coworkers. As his crush on you manifests into something more, so does his need to see what’s behind that mask. Little does he know he’s seen you bare faced before. He goes running for answers and love.
Dryhumping/masturbation (quickly mentioned), tiniest bit of angst, insecurities, make out sessions, fluff, love shit, good endings frfr, cute shit, read it pls it took so long.
Tags: @jazzylove @justagirlthatlikesanime @ktc1001 @kunkunieee @theacademix @dracosapples @ahahadumbo @ghostwasnothere4u @ruther-furd @gardenofedensbooks @dynamightsdaydream @sam-chwan @coldnachodreamer @izukusgirlfriend
Part one 👇🏾👇🏾👇🏾
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Bakugou never thought that in his hero years he’d be obsessing about anything other than being number 1. But now he’s obsessing over the possibility of seeing his sidekicks face, and even fucking kissing it.
Bakugou’s curiousity started to paw at his mind, and worst of all, his work preformance. He would find himself spacing out, trying to imagine what you looked like.
Did you have small lips? Big? Was your nose plump or skinny? What kind of facial expressions did you make? What shape are your eyebrows? Do you have freckles or dimples? Maybe you blush chronically. Maybe you think you’re ugly so you cover yourself up. Maybe you think you’re deathly hot so you cover yourself up for protect
He started to look at you more often during patrols and fights. He should be looking for sudden attacks or danger, sure, but the most dangerous thing to him currently is the possibility of missing your face if it was flashed mistakenly.
He starts to notice the little things about you. Like how your costume fits you and how it highlights your personality. You tilt your head to the side slightly when you’re confused. Sometimes you reach up to scratch your nose but you sigh when you realize that you’re covered up. Sometimes you touch him with familiarity and care laced into your palms. An arm pat, shoulder pat, hair scruffle (when he’s sitting down), a forehead touch to check his temperature, a hand rub when he’s about to blow up, etc.
He feels bad for how those touches make him feel.
You come up to him one day to give him a report on the mission you guys are about to be assigned to. You throw yourself on his spare chair, sighing heavily and dramatically like you always do.
He glances at you before clicking his tongue and looking back down at his papers. “Don’t be rough on my damn chairs.” You roll your eyes, “Sorry Grandma.”
He dismisses your comment with a scoff and a half hearted glare. You get up and start to do your daily, pointless rounds of his room. You touch everything that you could reach from the windows to his desk. He’s asked you why you do this everytime before but you can’t answer questions that you don’t know.
“What do you have for me?”He turned around to face you. You notice the creasing of his eyebrows and the eyebags to match. You wondered if he was stressed over the rise of crime and work. You definitely were and you weren’t the boss of an agency.
“We’ve gotta go out on Thursday afternoon for a special mission. Very important mission too. They said they’d cut off your left toe and skin me if we failed.” You lied about that last part, it was just something to ease the mood. He only sighed, completely ignoring the last comment. Weird. “Damn, that was my shitty scheduled break.”
You began to feel even worse for him. His shoulders were stiff and his arms rubbed his temples roughly. You tried to think of ways to fix this. What would a loving and caring, none sarcastic, friend do? You didn’t know, you were an idiot, so you guessed
You did the first thing that came to mind that wasn’t slightly rude. You bent down and wrapped your hands around his neck, pulling him into a tight hug.
He was startled as hell, you were pretty sure he almost hit you when his reflexes kicked in. “H-Hah? What’re you doing?!” He was stiff around your arms and his hands hovered away from you like you were acidic.
“Im giving you a hug, you dumb ass bitch.” His breath hitched in his throat when you buried your face into his neck. He smelt good, sweet and earthy.
He’s ashamed to admit your innocent actions ended in him fisting himself whilst he moaned your name at 3 am. You were so warm and soft. You smelt so good too. He could feel you breath against him. The soft exhales tickled his neck so damn good. Its like he was intoxicated by the hug you gave him and he craved more. Way more than he could get by just being your boss.
He’s been starting to see that girl out lately. The one who almost died for some cheesecake.
She works as a server for a local cafe sometimes. He learns she has ties with the owners and just likes to help out.
When he first saw you again he forgot his entire order. Not cause you’re goregous (well maybe a little bit), but because he’d been interested in you after that day. He wanted to know if you made it out okay. He wanted to talk to you and degrade you for your stupid actions. He wanted to get to know you as a person. And most of all, he wanted to know where you got that good ass cheesecake.
“Can i get a Caramel Macchiato with no cream- THE FUCK?!“ When he looked up from his wallet you were casually taking his order. His lip curled, “WHAT?! YOU AGAIN?!”
You almost slipped up and responded back with a ‘HELL YEAH’ but you caught yourself. Bakugou was a smart cookie. If you spoke to him, he’d almost immediately know who you are. I mean, you’ve been speaking to him nonstop for years now. So instead you just gave him a thumbs up and a goofy smile.
After you took his order, he forced you to come sit with him during your lunchbreak. He proceeded to lecture you for about 45 minutes about safety and priorities. You just nodded aggressively, which he got mad at. He thought you were mocking him. You were, but it was still a rude assumption.
He left with his heart aflutter after you went back to work. He shouldn’t feel this attraction towards you. He was in love with another girl for Christ’s sake! Yet he couldn’t stop himself from coming every single day after that and making you sit with him so you two could communicate. Turns out, he knows sign language and so do you. So it works out in the end.
Your conversations are chaotic and random. Sometime they’re chill, sometimes they’re weird and utterly stupid.
‘So… like you don’t put toilet paper down when you pee in public restrooms?’
“No. You fucking dumbass. I don’t sit down when I pee. I have a dick.”
He starts to get suspicious of you and… you. Same race, same energy, same personality. Something was going on here and he was gonna piece it together.
So one day he talked to you about it.
“You know,” He began, eyeing you closely to look for a reaction. “You remind me of my sidekick, like a fucking lot.”
If you were lying, you were good at it cause the only thing he saw to indicate panic was an eyeshift. ‘Is she hot?’ You signed. He sighed, “I don’t fucking know. She never takes off her mask. No one knows what she looks like.” You took a sip of your tea slowly. ‘Thats crazy’
He didn’t think he could be any more attentive to you before this but life has a lot of suprises. He started to compare your habits to the coffee shop girl. He pieced things together until he was almost sure that it was you.
But then he wasn’t sure. Cause he saw the both of you in the same place.
He was at a distance but he could see well enough. His sidekick was there greeting and gifting something to his cafe girl.
He lost all hope that you two were the same person after that. He dropped the idea entirely.
Too bad he didn’t know that your friend wanted to try on your costume and you let her for fifty bucks and one of her infamous muffins. Shes built just like you so its an easy mix up lucky for you.
Bakugou continued his routine of chill time with cafe you and quality fun time with sidekick you.
Until one day, into the late 4 years of knowing each other, you both were at a party with some of the heros that Bakugou knew. He invited you cause he was planning on telling you how he felt. He couldn’t hold it in anymore. He didn’t need to see your face, he just wanted you to see him.
He forced you to come outside with him with the excuse that he needs you to give your stupid input on something. He took you to his car and started to drive away.
“What the hell? Bitch are you kidnapping me?” You giggled at his groan. “No idiot, I’m taking a break from everyone. And didn’t you say you needed someone to help you move in? Im gonna help.”
His eyes were focused on the road but he oh so wished to just look over and see your reaction for his own validation. You did recently move homes and ever since you’ve been complaining to Bakugou about all the work. Being the dumbass you are, you leaked your address to him casually like you couldn’t give less of a shit. And you didn’t.
“Theres not a lot of stuff left, you don’t have to-“ He clicked his tongue, gripping the steering wheel. You felt something was wrong. He was off. You knew your partner and he was never this… intense to you unless something was wrong.
“Well maybe I just want to!” His tone was harsh and impatient. Nothing new to anyone but it was out of place. Something was bothering him and you were sure of it.
His whole body tensed when you put your hand on his shoulder. “Katsuki,” The use of his first name faded out everything. It rolled off your tongue smoother than butter like you handcrafted it yourself. Usually you’d stick with a random nickname. Some of his highlighted ones are:
Cucaracha cachonda (he had no idea what that mean not does he know how to speak Spanish but it sounds offensive
Katsu/Kat/Kugo(His favorites, its only used sometimes though)
Brian (He literally cannot explain this one, you just started calling him that and its so funny to you)
Big boss/boss man/ B-man
Homie hopper/whore/slut (He has never “homie hopped”, nor is he a whore, you just call him this to piss him off)
Twin (you look nothing alike.)
And many other names that come and go. But when he was really geniunely upset at you, its always his firstname.
“Whats wrong?” Your voice was soft but not in the pitying tone he hated, but the ‘Im not gonna break this moment’ way. You were always good at treating him like he wanted.
He pulled up in your driveway while you waited for him to speak. He couldn’t piece the words together even though he had spent days constructing them. You turned the car light on to illuminate the dark. You waited. Like you always have done for him.
“I just…“ He gave up on words, he was always better with actions anyway.
He grabbed your top and pulled you towards him. His eyes sqeezed shut so hard he started to see particles behind them. And he kissed you. He kissed you like there wasn’t a mask keeping you apart. Like the thing under his lips were yours and not fabric. And shit, kissing a literal mask felt way more exciting than he thought.
He pulled back away from you as quick as he was there. His blush was furious and he refused to look at your unmoving, stunned state.
The truth was, you liked him too. How could you not? He was your bestfriend, your best costumer, your best boss, and your best partner. He was your number 1.
So your unmoving state wasn’t because you didn’t reciprocate his feelings, like Bakugou was beginning to think, but because you were suprised that he would like you back.
You vowed to never confess to him. It wasn’t hard to admit he was out of your league. He was out of everyones league. He was carved like a greek god and looked like every single beauty standard was based off of him. One of the most desired men on the earth. Rich and famous. The number 2 hero. A symbol of victory and strength.
And you were a faceless hero that wasn’t even in the top 20. You weren’t ugly or even average but you also weren’t fucking godsent like him. You weren’t rich. And you hid behind a mask to avoid people reading you. The only way you got courage to talk to Bakugou as the real you was because he had no idea who you were. It was like talking to him with another mask on. You were still anonymous in a way. The mask made you confident and unbreakable. You couldn’t bring yourself to even think that he would like you back.
Was he playing you? He didn’t even know what you look like. How does he like you back? It made no sense.
Bakugou slammed his hand on the steering wheel, you jumped out of your thoughts at the bang. “Say something damn it!” “What’re you trying to do?” Your voice was unsteady and insecure. He had never heard that before, it stopped time.
“Are you trying to play a sick joke? Cause it’s not fucking funny to play with my feelings.” He was confused but you continued. “What? Did you find out that I liked you and decided to fuck with me?”
You didn’t know why you were getting so defensive. Insecurity placed with distrust you figured. “What? No-“ You interrupted him, “Well if you think you can just get me to sleep with you just so you can see under the mask than you’re wrong. Goodnight.”
You were overreacting. You couldn’t stop yourself. You were out of the car and stomping to your apartment before you could even register it. He was calling after you, demanding you come back and listen to him.
Reject before you get rejected.
You stomped to the door and unlocked it. You quickly shuffled in and attempted to slam the door. A large, strong hand stopped it halfway. He pushed himself inside and locked the door.
“What the fuck?!” “Would you just listen to me!?” He was yelling now, you wanted to cry.
He grabbed your shoulders, “I’m not doing this to see you without your damn mask!” He sounded offended, rightfully so. “I fucking love you, alright?!”
Your heart was racing and your eyes expanded behind the mask. You couldn’t believe it. Your feelings being recognized and returned seemed too damn easy. “What-“ “I’ve liked you for almost 3 years now! I just took long as hell to accept it! I do like you and I’ll put it on my fucking life!”
You were frozen in your spot between him. “But it doesn’t make sense. You’ve never seen my face-“ “Yeah well it’s a good thing you have a personality.” He sassed. “I can’t believe you’d think that I would use you like that!” You went into defense mode, “It was the only reasonable answer to me! I don’t know if you know this Katsuki but you’re way out of my fucking league.”
He has never been so offended from a compliment. He opened his mouth to say something, an insult maybe, but he closed it. “Do you like me y/n.”
It was more of a statement than a question. Like it wasn’t your choice to answer, he was demanding you to. Its in these moments you’re glad for the mask. You probably look so disgustingly vulnerable right now, it makes you sick. Who knew being confessed to by your long time crush would make you question your self worth.
You put your head down and smelled him. He was rather close to you now that you thought about it. He had you against a wall with his hands holding your shoulders in place.
Now or never, you thought.
You nodded to him- well more like to his shoes from the direction you were looking. He tilted your chin up to look him in the eyes. Were his eyes always that intense and bright?
“Words.” He commanded. Fuck, this was getting to hard. “I love you too… for four years now.” Your mouth was dry from the words. You felt exposed.
He was suprised, four years. Fucking wow. His heart was racing, maybe even faster than yours. He wanted to kiss you again. And he meant you, not the mask. But he was afraid that’d come off as your original theory of him doing this just to try and see you without the mask.
He flushed his body tight against yours, hugging his arms around your waist and burying himself into your neck. “Mmm,” He groaned, “I wanna kiss you so bad right now. I’ve been wanting to touch you like this for forever.”
You shivered at his words, a long yet short debate ran into your head. The results could be detrimental but whatever. When were you ever completely cautious? “Close your eyes.” Its like he was intoxicated by your proximity, he couldn’t think straight. He hummed a “hmm?” He wasn’t listening, he put his full focus into remembering this feelings of warmth and completeness.
“Katsuki, close you eyes.” It wasn’t timid this time, a demand. He couldn’t bring himself to care enough to argue with you when he was moving to the other side of your neck to inhale there too so he did as told.
He heard you rusting with your mask, pulling it up but not all the way. “Keep your eyes closed.” He could practically see the blush through your words. You grabbed his face lightly, practically pulling him from your neck.
He was about to complain but the feeling of your moisturized lips silenced him. The kiss was soft at first but he couldn’t hold himself back so it progressively got more heated. His tongue slipped into your mouth, ignoring your sharp inhale. You gasped when he picked you up and wrapped your legs around him.
Theres spit dribbling down your chin and you’re blushing so hard you start to think that the mask can’t even cover it.
His hands are placed on both of your asscheeks. He holds you up effortlessly, like you’re nothing but a feather to him. You flinch when his hands grip at your ass unintentionally. You accidentally rut your hips into his at the intimate touch.
Its like a switch was flipped when you did that. He groaned against your lips, a drawn out fuck excaping his mouth.
He had completely forgotten that he had to keep his eye closed when he pulled back. You squealed before covering up the bottom half of your face up again with your hands.
He looked startled as well, mutting a curse word before he put you down. “Fuck, my bad.” He wasn’t sorry. You looked away from him, “s’fine.” Where was all your condescending confidence?! This was starting to make you mad.
“Can I see?” It was blurted out before he could stop it. So much for respecting her boundaries.
You thought for a long moment. FUCK! You needed to man up! You needed to just take this leap and if you tumble, blame a higher power with no correlation whatsoever!
“Fine, needy bitch.” You mumbled. You slowly took away your hand to let him see. Even though it was only your lips, your heart was racing.
He didnt say anything for a long time, it worried you. His head was filled with thoughts.
Her lips. Do I know those lips? So pretty. I get those lips everyday. I wanna see the rest. Will she show me rest? Fuck. Shes so hot. Why am I going crazy over lips? She makes me crazy.
“Can I see the rest?” He was too far now not to ask. Even if you said no it was worth a try.
You thought for a long moment. He noticed that you press your lips together when you think. Fuck it, you thought.
You ripped the mask off so quickly that you had to close your eyes to adjust to the new sight.
He was speechless. You were fucking gorgeous. He didn’t know that he had a type but apparently his type was you. Your e/c eyes were now his favorite color. Everything fit on your face perfectly and you were more than he ever expected. You were his, someone who he’d look at everyday and still feel overwhelmed by their looks.
He couldn’t bring himself to speak with the way he oogled at you. The words were lost in his mouth again. After 4 fucking years he’s finally seen you. And you lived up to every expectation. You started to get nervous with how long he stared. He finally spoke after a lick to his lips.
“You’re beautiful-“ Realization slapped the shit out of him, “WAIT WHAT THE FUCK?!” You flinched, “DAMN COULD YOU NOT BE MORE SUBTLE IF IM UGLY-” “YOURE THE CHEESECAKE GIRL!”
Your face goes blank, a look he loves and knows. “Oh yeah… suprise!” His eye twitches, “So I’ve known you this whole damn time?! And you didn’t fucking tell me?!” You giggled mischievously, “Yep, thanks for the chats customer.”
His fist clenches, “If you weren’t so damn beautiful I’d fucking murder you right now.” “Oh stop it Boss man, dont flatter me.” “No wonder I was so goddamn obsessed with you at the cafe, you were literally my girl.” “Nah, I’m wearing the pants in this relationship, youre my girl.” “Die.”
He loved the way your mouth moves. He loved the way your expressions matched. He loved the way that this was just his secret. He loved the way you revealed yourself to him. And most of all he loved you.
Your mask was suddenly unnecessary with him. You didnt need it anymore. And the facade you put up was dissolved. This was a new chapter in your life. One that would change you and him for the better.
And it made everything worth it.
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vintagelacerosette · 1 year
Tag game catch up ✨️
I'm doing some tag games & picrews I've missed 🫶🏼 and I was tagged by these dearhearts Macy @celestialmickey Cross @crossmydna Evie @energievie Laurel @lupeloto Anna @rereadanon Ling @lingy910y Cherry @too-schoolforcool Ajax @transmickey Lyle @milkovetti Vey @look-i-love-u Coralie @shinygalaxyperson Becki @francesrose3 Ri @tanktopgallavich Jay @surviving-maybe Michelle @michellemisfit Deanna @deedala Julissa @heymrspatel Paola @mishervellous Melodie @sirrudo Thanks y'all 🥰
Name: Myn
Pronouns: She/they
Where do you call home? Sydney
Favourite animal: Cats, ducks & otters i can't choose 🐈‍⬛️🦆🦦
Cereal of choice: Gosh I love american cereal I gotta say I'm now a cinammon toast crunch fiend & lucky charms used to be my fave haha
Are you a visual, auditory, or kinesthetic learner? Kinaesthetic/visual
First pet? A tank of fishes but I also count a black & white stray cat we took in which we named Gato & oh how i miss him
Favourite scent? Something woodsy or citrusy
Do you believe in astrology? Kinda like I believe some aspects but wouldn't take it so literally in life
How many playlists do you have on spotify/apple music? I'm not one for playlists but I do have like 8 music ones on youtube lol
Sharpies or highlighters? Hightlighters all the colours yall 🌈
A song that makes you cry:
A song that makes you happy:
and finally, do you write/draw/create? if so, use this as an opportunity to shamelessly (😉) promote yourself! Yes I draw & make crafts which you can check out on my tag myn's art 💘 I also definetly gunning to write fic omg the amount of gallavich plot bunnies I have may be in the double digits??
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Last week tag game tuesday ✨️
Name: Shermyn
Age: 26 (27 in 12 day!!!)
Favorite color: Pink
Beverage of choice: Yukult I shot em back like shots lmao
Do you have push notifications turned on for tumblr? I do & for some ppl's blogs too. It can be a lot lol
Opinion on fireworks? Pretty & loud 🎆
Favourite childhood toy? This stuffed bunny I had since I was a kid which I use play pretend like they were real & to pet it so softly 🥰
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The store you shop at the most: uhhh maybe ubereats lol does that count 😅
Do you swear a lot? As an aussie fuck is like a brother to me
Favourite trope: Sexual attraction at first sight then falling in love
An album with no skips: Infinity on High by fall out boy
If you could play any instrument, what would you choose? something whimiscal maybe a lyra or ocarina or a steel drum
Your biggest pet peeve: Getting told I'm being disrespectful bc I have a tone that was 'hard'
Favourite time of day: Sunset
and finally, did you drink water today? Yes indeed!
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I'll still tag some loves if they wanna play 💘 @ian-galagher @scarcrosseduntouched @bekkachaos @sisitrip @darthvaders-wife @suchagallabitch @iansw0rld @arrowflier @milkmaidovich @auds-and-evens @callivich @mikhailoisbaby @creepkinginc @mikcrymilkovich @sleepyfacetoughguy @suzy-queued @gardenerian @sickness-health-all-that-shit @stocious @shameless-notashamed @mmmichyyy @xninetiestrendx @intotheblindinglight @skies-below @notherenewjersey @psychicskulldamage @silvanshadow
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treecut-place · 3 days
Just gonna leave a few requests here, I’m fine with waiting for them
I’d love to see
Leafpool x Hollyleaf
Leafpool x Jayfeather
Leafpool x Lionblaze
That’ll be it for now
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Oh hey I like leafholly :3
No warrior name since they came out looking pretty apprentice aged, but a few names I could think up for them would be Juniperskip, Juniperbranch, Juniperleaf (now they're all leaves..), Junipershine, Junipershade, Juniperheart.............
Also uhh *looks at the date of the last Everything* long time no see huh. I did not forget but Damn did Things Happen
To anyone wondering I/we're doing fine! While this blog has been put off on somewhat of an unofficial hiatus, list of things that have occured to the entity running this includes: quietly left the general wc fandom (I'm still into it it's just... the fandom........ scary), deleted outlook-rock, got into rain code, experienced ego death, became a big boy rain code blogger, turned out to be fictionkin, the nefarious personality disorder came (or was there all the time but I ignored it lmao), turned out to be a system, on all levels except physical is most likely not the same person(s) yall know from the early 20s wc profic resurgence but there's lots of memories of it, got into akuma kun, got into a bunch of shit actually, acquired cool mutuals, healed from the horrific trauma of being called a ribosome at wattpad, got even more queer uhhhh etcetera etcetera basically life went on at least for me
But aughhhh I kinda miss the profic wc fandom. It feels like just less and less people are really posting anything, and I don't really know exactly how much the general tumblr fandom has shifted but from what I can gather it's still heavily leaning into the more anti side as usual. But ever since I kinda branched out more, I feel way safer and just. Better. Than when I was just mainly posting cats
But yeah, uh!! Yomi (one of our Guys. proooobably was around in our wc days? can recall most people we sorta got to know back then) has actually recently made a wc sideblog, @/snakerocks! He's the only one that plans on posting abt cats in the near future, and while it's mainly his some others are also allowed to occassionally also post on it as guests lol. The blog is private so it doesn't come up in search results (unless you type it all the way) so he doesn't have to worry about fuckwads getting pissy about whatever he posts like they use to on public blogs. Sooo if ur enchanted with our wcposting you can go follow and ask him whatever, shipping or character or au/rewrite wise or whatever, no matter how random................ So yeah!
Anyway concerning this blog: I definitely won't delete it, I may continue to just post on and off whenever I feel like it, maybe it's gonna be slow and rare as always, maybe i'll get a sudden burst of kitty inspiration and get more active, I dunno.
I hope you all are doing well, whatever you are doing now <33
- ashley & Yomi
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jiyansthesis · 2 years
x reader (gender neutral)
summary: not only did you and michael have to run in the rain to the nearest hotel after missing the last bus, there was only one bed and one blanket
yall do not know how unbelievably mad I am bc tumblr won't let me reply to your comments smh I SEE THEM N I SWEAR I'D RESPOND IF I COULD
not proofread
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you scowled, water dripping down your hair and creating a small puddle on the floor. shivering, as you paid the person at the front desk.
michael was also in the same boat as you, clearly annoyed as he strung out the rain from his jacket.
"think you could pay faster? I'm not getting sick today," michael scoffed.
"hey, dipshit, tell that to her," you pointed at the woman taking her time looking for a key to give you.
he rolled his eyes, and as soon as the lady held the key out, he snatched it and made his way to the hallway of rooms.
you thanked the attendant and rushed after him.
michael hurridly unlocked the door and swung it open, only to stand there in confusion.
"what's wrong?" you asked, and then you saw it once you made it to the door.
"oh, for fucks sake."
the two of you had took hot showers, but only after arguing who would go first. you had decided you were just going to take the clothes that the hotel had graciously offered you and make a break for the bathroom.
he definitely was pouting by the time you came back, jacket and shirt discarded.
you jumped in surprise at him being shirtless and turned around.
"hurry up and get into the shower," you tried to not look at him as you hung your wet clothes in the closet.
he laughed and only when you heard the door shut did you let out a breath of relief and sink onto the bed.
"man, he really does work out," you said to yourself.
"I heard that!" michael called from the shower.
"heard what?" you yelled back, embarrassed.
he needs to stop laughing.
"I can sleep on the floor," he offered as the two of you sat on opposite sides of the bed.
"as much as I hate you, I'm pretty sure this floor is super dirty." you flung you legs onto the bed, laying down. "we'll just put a pillow in-between us."
"why? can't handle yourself?" he smirked.
you raised an eyebrow. "you wish. I couldn't handle myself when I was with your dad."
you let out a snicker as his eyes widened.
"maybe you should be the one to sleep on the floor." michael grabbed the blanket and pulled it over himself.
"I'll think about it," you said as you took the blanket from him.
he whined and tried taking it back.
"turn off the lights first, and I'll let you have it back." no you weren't.
he furrowed his eyebrows and got up, walking over to the light switch like a kid putting back something they really wanted.
the room turned dark, and michael jumped onto the bed.
"now give me the blanket."
"never," you rolled yourself up in the blanket so he couldn't take it from you.
"I will personally throw you on you the floor," he threatened.
"I bet you-" you let out a screech as michael grabbed onto you and began unrolling you.
"THIS IS MY BLANKET!" you tried getting away from him.
"psh, we both paid for this room. it's whoever keeps it." he kept unraveling the blanket.
you began thrashing around until michael crawled on top of you and straddle you so you wouldn't be able to stop him.
"this is going to be my blanket."
you tried to stop him, but he successfully managed to get the sheet and cheered.
and that's when the two of you noticed the position you were in.
"oh shit, my bad," he scrambled off of you as you felt your face heat up.
"it's alright," you responded, flipping over to look at the wall, back to him.
the next few minutes were silent until michael threw a bit of the blanket onto you, scooting closer.
"you looked cold," he mumbled.
"thanks," you turned over to face him. you didn't realize how close he was. your lips were almost touching, and you could see a few freckles dotting his cheeks.
"think you need that pillow now?" he teased.
you hmmphed, "I think we both know what's about to happen. just kiss me already."
he acted like he was thinking about it.
"and why should I?"
instead of answering him, you closed your eyes and pressed your lips against his for a second before turning back around.
"because now I won't kiss you for longer than that."
"hey, I'm sorryyyy," he shook you, but you were fake snoring.
"pleaseeee," he begged.
you looked towards him to see him giving you puppy dog eyes.
"who could say no to that?"
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trippy-dejun · 3 years
HAPPY NEW YEAR!! 2021 Recap+my moots. 🌈✨
So, idk if any of yall remember when my account had a very soft purple theme to it. I made this blog when I was 17, following a pretty bad breakup in February because I found that writing helped me a lot. My blog changed as soon as I turned 18 because the soft theme wasnt really the right vibe and I wanted to try my hand at writing more smut (obviously I like writing angst and more fluffy stuff now and shitposr constantly). I started my blog back in March (dont remember the date) and since then, I never thought I would have as many moots and close friends like I do now. My lovely moots generally hear from me more and I’m so glad that I have them. I’m so thankful to have all you lovely amazing beautiful, and talented people in my life. I also am SO SO sorry if I forgot someone and if I remember tomorrow I will add whoever I forget. Thank you to every single one of you for making my first year on tumblr amazing!
Now for my precious lil moots 💜
@junjungsunwoo My precious little nana counterpart or better known by my I love our facetimes, especially when we call when I’m sketched out about driving places at night or me bugging both you and your sister on facetime. I dont think you know this but you are seriously someone that makes me feel really safe. Safe unless I try to steal sunwoo (and I wont). I am so freaking glad I joined the crackerz discord and joined so many collabs when I first started. I seriously love you so much and deadass you are one of my closest friends online and offline. Deadass a ride or die. Ps- you’re literally gorgeous 💕
@yuta-senpai sweet and slightly cursed sierra 💜 anothwr super gorgeous and amazing personnnn I miss talking to you so much. You are the only moot to know e x a c t l y where I live. I’m so glad we became friends and I still have a lot of screenshots from our cursed kkt conversations. I seriously cant thank you enough for getting me into oneus and dongkiz. I love you so much. I miss hearing about your fansigns and clowning you about minhyuk. I remember joining the frat boi nct collab and being super excited. I think we got closer in crackerz too but i have the memory of a goldfish so I dont particularly rememvsr how long ago it was. But I love how many inside jokes we have and you’re like another big sister to me. I cant wait to talk to you again!!
@symoneismeh MY CHILD ❤️❤️ PROTECT THIS ONE AT ALL COSTS. I remember when this sweet little baby first followed me and was interacting a lit with my posts. Sy’mone, you are literally the sweetest most wholesome person I have ever met. I love the writing sessions we have on discord and talking about anything and everything. Absolute sweetheart.
@daegalfangirl hello my beloved kaydence ❤️❤️ Absolute sweetheart. Idk why but something about kaydence randomly appearing on discord makes my day and I love showing her how genuinely happy I am to see her. Again total sweetheart and I just love her to pieces
@taemin-jaemin/ @babycheese-6v6 : Sarah babyyyy hiii. Sweet baby sarah. Another one I think I randomly joined a collab from that ended up being a fun person to pester. Seriously, this kid puts up with so many antics between me and @jimineos. I never tell you this much but I love talking to you and wish we talked more. I’m so grateful to have you as one of my sweet little moots. You’re so adorable and sweet.
@yeongwvnhi / @chxngyunie : YUGIYUGIIIIII loml ❤️ absolute sweetheart but like where the fuck did they go. yugi is also pretty dear to me because they were one of the first friends I made here. They are super chill and fun and I love making gay jokes with them.
@jimineos my cursed queen, jules ❤️❤️ I met this absolute baddie through baby sarah and we both found our love for writing completely cursed shit while annoying sarah. I love you babyyyyy I wish we talked moreeee!! Maybe we could make a sideblog of cursed writings one day? Highkey love this bitch so much and every time I talk to her she makes me smile and laugh.
@jeontaeil oh my fucking god. I looked up to Charlie so much when I first started writing again. I am so glad that we’re moots and I love the small convos we have and love simping over jake with her. Literally one of the coolest moots ever!! She was one of the first people I ever followed on tumblr and was lowkey one of the blogs that made me want to start writing again. I can’t thank her enough and I can see us being pretty good friends. Charlie is insanely talented and I’d love to get to know her more. Literal queen.
@jaesspresso another one that I first followed here. I have some of the best conversations with Camellia. She’s a beautiful person inside and out and so so talented. She’s one that is like another sister to me and I’m so grateful to have her.
@teailtime has been here for me for some time and puts up with my bullshit. I appreciate her so much and I’m so glad we are moots. I never proper thanked her so now is a really good time to and I did send her an ask and maybe going to slide in dms and say hi. I miss you!!
@intokook another one I would absolutely love to talk to more. Ivy seems so cool!! I have only talked to her a handful of times but her blog is so cool!! I wanna say she was the first or second person I ever followed here but I dont remember haha
@127-mile was one of the first moots. I wanna say I followed her back when my account was a less problematic soft stan account. Emi was so so nice to me when I started out and I’m so so grateful to have been in collabs with her!
@jenossslut Billie!! Hey I always want to reach out to you and say hi but never know what to say. Youre so chill and sweet and I wanna be friends with you.
@oddlittlefandomist my other partner in crime ❤️ I see you in my notifs all the time and never know how to say hello lmao. I believe we bonded over being theatre nerds at some point. You’re a really cool and funny and I love that you encourage my chaos. Sometimes seeing what you put in the tags of posts makes me smile a lot
@hachanbaecon anna ❤️ love her so much!! She’s another one I met through crackerz and I feel like we have chaotic chats anytime we talk. She is also not only super talented but DROP DEAD GORGEOUS
@trashlord-007 MY BELOVED TANAAAAAAA OMFG 💗💗 She tags me in tag games a lot and fun fact: I have A LOT of tag games in my drafts that I somehow forgot to post :’). I really appreciate it because I like being included in getting to know more people. I love and respect tana so so much
@jaxminskale emoLYYYY oh my god where did you GO I miss youuuuu! Okay but absolute sweetheart again. I miss talking to her on discord and she is absolutely amazing.
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quillsink · 3 years
oh! btw, how did your first day go? :)
Okay a Lot of Stuff happened so I’m going to ramble because I have no one else to talk to lol so prepare for a shitload of info!
I dragged myself out of bed at 6am (ugh) and half awake got dressed and ate breakfast lmao, then managed to go outside the apartment complex to where the bus was and haul my school bag in there! We had to get like temperature checked which was Weird but yeah!
So basically these two guys were sitting behind me right, they must’ve been a bit older than me, like 11th grades maybe? And they were talking with this one boy sitting across the aisle from me who must’ve been in like primary school right
And these motherfuckers are. Trump supporters?? What?? I low-key thought they were joking at first but then I realised they were serious and I was like what the actual fuck man 😭
Anyways, they were talking about whether Democrats or Republicans were better and I wanted to annoy these trump supporting idiots so I turned around and said, “Why do you support the US government in the first place? Just tear it all down and have anarchy, it’s much better” THEIR FACES LMFAOOOO
But yeah then they ignored me and kept talking lol, they called Biden mentally ill and were ableist fucks and then moved on to talking about Obama. They said he invented “identity politics“ (???) and I was low-key scared they were gonna start being transphobic but they weren’t!! But they were racist so :)
So these absolute shitstains started talking about how?? Obama?? Was actually white?? (what lmao) and said RACISM DOESNR EXIST IN US ANYMORE?? HELLO?? SIRS? WHAT THE FUCK?
So I turned around again and was like “sorry did you miss george floyd being killed or” and they said “well the police wouldve killed a black or a white equally so :/ and it was just one killing :/“ at which point i gave up bc these idiots are beyond saving lol
Also they called black people “blacks”?? Wh??
Anyways yeah I hate them lol so that was an interesting start to my morning!
Anyways we had to assemble in the basketball court before going to class so I sat there and went through the tumblr messages yall sent cuz I was nervous akdjakdkd
Anyways yeah then I went to class!! Not all my friends were there but two were which was great, we managed to talk :DDD
Class was boring as fuck lol, I finished everyhting within the first few minutes and just sat there staring out the window akdjakdkf 😭
Soo we had maths where I finished all the work in like 10 minutes, English where I planned an essay about amrev in like 5 minutes, geography where I couldn’t find the classroom for like 20 minutes lol, and PE where we did stretches and stuff, physics where we learnt about electricity and then french and yeah!!
Oh also the guys in my class were making anti feminist jokes so uh. I guess all the cis guys in my school are just bigoted freaks?? Ah well 😭 
So ye school was decent!! I was bored af lmao and half asleep the entire time but my friends were there so it wasn’t too bad!! Thankfully I wasn’t as dysphoric and I thought I’d be because I wore the biggest size of the uniform my mom bought and basically tried to forget I had a physical form lol. So ye, it was pretty good!! Boring but not as bad as I’d expected :))
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ivyglow · 3 years
psa + deactiv for a bit
I had some time to read what some people were saying out there and it really saddens me how many “I’m lgbtqia+ and I don’t see anything wrong with the tweets” or “at his age I used to say the same things”, this shows us two things 1) some of you were/are really privileged for not understanding that this is systemic violence, therefore, the person who said the slur doesn’t need to mean it in a bad way because it’s a slur no matter the context and 2) some of you think that just because something happened in the past you don’t need to apologize or recognize your mistakes, which is awful, I’m sorry. 
Being a black girl and having a white mother taught me a lot about acknowledgment, just a couple years ago I started calling my mom out in some of her actions and she made me a lot of questions, we discussed a series of topics and her view on racism has been amplified, just a couple months ago she came to me and she apologized for something she did when I was a five years old kid, she said she was sorry if she ever made me feel bad about my skin, or my nose or anything regarding my blackness, she apologize for things she realizes were wrong to my sister too (and my sister is white, so this isn’t only about the “woke” subject as some people try to make it seem). I’ve never asked my mom to apologize, she also never asked me to forgive her, but I’m sure if she was a public person and something came out about her hurting someone (intently or not) she would apologize, because this is how we grow and this is how we acknowledge our mistakes. We understand that we’re inserted into a bigger space and this space influences how we react to some things, but when we have the opportunity to do better: we do better. 
Systemic violence such as racism and homophobia don’t necessarily need the other part to mean harm, because again: it's systemic. Slurs were wrong back then and they still wrong nowadays. It doesn’t mean that because you used it back then you’re a homophobe now, but it means that you hurt someone at the time and how you react and respond to this situation now says something about who you are in the present. I’m so so sad with people saying they used to say it therefore it's not a problem or that he was a kid. Yes, it was something “common” to SOME of you at the time, but it doesn’t mean it was right and if any of you ever get the opportunity to apologize to someone that was around you at the time: please, do. Yes, nols was a teenager at the time, but as a white, rich boy he gets to have the “space to grow” and make mistakes that bipoc and some lgbtqia+ never had. My brother has the same age as Nolan, and he wasn’t excused for his mistakes -no matter how small they were- because he was a black kid.
When I say publicly talking and apologizing, addressing the issue, I mean it so people can see that no matter if for some it seemed ok back then, it wasn’t. Some of you didn’t felt personally attacked by the slurs, which is fine but to say that it wasn’t harmful reduces the feeling of a whole group to your own feelings, it makes exactly what those acts of violence do: it treats us as homogenous. 
I’m completely fine with people supporting him, I really am, it wasn’t my intention to make everyone angry with my first post, I was addressing an issue that was brought to me in my ask box, saying how hockey culture is not something that starts on the nhl or isn’t influenced by the majority there (white, rich, cis, etc). Whoever took the time to read the whole thing saw that I said everything people are repeating there: he was a teenager, probably space, where he grew up, didn’t really introduce him on social issues, people probably never called him out on that at the time and so on, but this doesn’t change the fact that slurs aren’t ok. It strikes me as some of you still live in a fairytale where we get to have bad guys and good guys, but we're human beings and we need to start understanding that someone can do something bad in the past without necessarily being a bad person (that goes from problem to problem, of course). You say you want to change hockey culture and that you want to do better but when a bipoc/lgbtqia+ points an issue and wants to debate it y’all are quick to choose the one who has the same view as you and use it (@someone is gay and didn’t felt affected by it, therefore, it isn’t a big deal!!!), and it's just curious, honestly.
You also feel as if you have the right to come to my inbox and say hateful stuff, question my views and point a finger at me. I’m not perfect nor I expect any player to be, I’m well aware they are mostly white rich men, and the environment they grew up in is completely different from what we would expect as the ideal, but it doesn’t mean that we’re gonna simply ignore issues. That being said I’m not answering about this topic anymore, its tiring and stressful especially when people already have everything out there, and what I keep doing is basically repeating myself in different ways just so yall get your message. I’m not here to educate, this is supposed to be a safe space for me, yet I do talk about these topics because I know we need it more around here. The fact that some of you choose to block me (when we never really talked!!!), point me as a problematic blog, or diminish the topic, shows a lot about hockey culture (that is very present between the fans, not only in the league).
When you start to realize that part of the discomfort we feel while dealing with these issues is the key to changing the situation we’re gonna start going somewhere, while you keep diminishing it and trying to make excuses we’ll be stuck.
I recommend you to read mia’s rant about it here. Also, take some time to read about the nwhl situation here.
I’m leaving for a while, maybe a day or two or maybe a week, I’m not sure, I just need some time to get my energy back, I deal with this shit every day irl, I shouldn’t have to feel bad in here. I’m really thankful for all the supportive people and I’m really sorry for the hateful anons or the people who felt like I was attacking them or their fave, that wasn’t my intention (especially because nols was my fav too, but I personally felt kinda off, maybe in a different time I wouldn’t feel off and that's ok too). Anyway, I hope I see y’all soon in a better vibe than that (those last lb’s were really good for me btw! you guys are amazing) and if you miss me that much (jk) you can ask for my discord acc to my tito ( @barbienoturbby ). love yall <3 mel 
I’m turning my anons back because of all the named anons I had and I know some of them don’t have a tumblr acc but please: don’t send in shitty things/hate, just go live your life the way you want and leave me in peace. 
sorry for the long rant, I just felt like clarifying things because besides the asks there are people blocking me and unf me like crazy which is ?????
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Dinner for Three
Pairing: Maxwell Lord x Valerie Lord x Black!Fem!Reader
OneShot: This is just a non-canon fic! This is basically placed AFTER the timelines of this fic, just a fun little side ficlet surrounding you and the lords after yall get together in celebration of Valentines day!
*If you want to read the rest of the fic so far here's a link to my masterlist where you can find Rip Out Our Seams & Stitch Us Together*
Word Count: 2k
Warnings: profanity, some groping going on and kissing. That's about it! Fluff and talking of self-worth.
Summary: It's Valentine's Day, you decide to treat Valerie to a nice homecooked dinner, Maxwell joins you when he returns home from work.
If the formatting is fucked im sorry tumblr fucked this like three times today im just trying to get it POSTED for you all.
Tag List: @captainsamwlsn @themarcusmoreno @cinewhore @thesadvampire @ithinkhesgaybutwesavedmufasa @readsalot73 @holographic-carmen @honestlystop @thecrimsonsquire @phoenixhalliwell @that-chick212 @phantomnae @goldafterglow
If I forgot to tag you I'm so sorry please let me know!
Notes: BIG thank you to @ficsilike-reblogged who bought me a kofi! I know i was meant to do asomething shorter but i couldn't help myself! Also my usual big thanks for the ever lovely @teaofpeach for editing for me you are an absolute treat my dear ily <3
(i coudn't find any good lasagna gifs the TRAGEDY)
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“What in God’s name are you wearing?”
You turned around at the shocked voice to see Valerie standing in the kitchen doorway, red painted lips dropped open.
You grinned and planted your hands on your hips with pride. “My Valentine’s Day outfit! You don’t like it?”
Her face fell flat as she looked you up and down; the main culprit of her disdain was the shirt you wore, buttoned neatly and covered in hearts. “Hon, you look like a cartoon character.”
You wiggled your brows. “A sexy cartoon character?”
“Remind me again why I love you?”
Hearing the word ‘love’ from Valerie Lord would never not send your heart into a frenzy. It had been months since the gala, since they had told you about their feelings with courage brought on my champagne and their own confessions to one another.
They finally had each other, why couldn't they have you as well?
Of course, that didn’t mean there wasn’t a… learning curve. When it came to the relationship, Valerie was bad at sharing her feelings. Sure, she’d say when she didn’t like somebody, or when she thought certain food tasted bad or when Maxwell’s new cologne smelled like rat shit. But she wouldn’t tell you when she was sad, insecure or felt like she wasn’t enough for the both of you.
Maxwell was too concerned with the outer view of the relationship, as he had been with Valerie since they got married. It was suspicious of course, for him to be seen leaving with a “mystery woman” without his wife around, so he took certain precautions. When out and about, he would take too much time fretting over the cameras and questions than you.
These precautions nearly cost them your relationship, their sweet girl who brought them together and showed them love and care and made them realize while they couldn't live without each other, they couldn’t live without you as well.
But now, they knew this. That you weren’t a fling who could be replaced. Your nimble fingers had stitched their beating hearts back together with a golden thread they wouldn’t dare untie from your own.
You turned away from the heiress and back to the stove as you stirred the red sauce in front of you.
“As abhorrent as that shirt is-” Her voice purred in your ear as her arms slid around your waist and pulled your back flush against her- “I love you in those jeans.”
You chuckled and kept your eyes on the task at hand as you slowly stirred. “As much of a compliment that is, Mrs. Lord, why don’t you keep those hands to yourself until I put this on the stove, alright?”
She hummed, contemplative before pressing her lips to the crook of your neck. “So mean to me baby.”
Her hands toyed with your belt loop, a painted nail hooking your shirt and slowly sliding it out from where it was tucked.
You sucked in a sharp breath. “Valerie.”
“What? Can’t I show my pretty baby some love on Valentines day?”
“Not while I’m cooking on a hot stove, little-miss-gropey.” A quick slap to her wrist with the wooden spoon made her yelp and yank her hands away from you.
You turned and pursed your lips. “Aww, poor baby, want me to kiss it better?”
She grumbled under her breath, taking in the splattered food on her wrist from the spoon before swiping her finger through it and bringing it to her mouth.
“Maybe you can kiss my ass instea- Oh, damn that’s good.”
Her eyes widened and you couldn’t help but laugh at the sight of such a high and mighty woman licking the back of her hand.
“Is that-”
“Basil?” She hummed at the taste. “I’m glad you enjoy it. It’s my father’s recipe.”
Valerie watched you as you cooked. Methodically adding each ingredient while humming along to the radio and swaying from side to side. 
“You don’t talk about him much.”
Valerie knew you were different than her and Maxwell. Your childhood wasn’t full of flashing cameras, propping questions, and hiding tears behind fake smiles to reporters. When your father was brought up in conversation, you didn’t bristle or change the subject. You would smile. 
She wasn’t jealous of that joy. That love you had from your family. She’s grateful for it, that amongst the struggles you had, there was also support and happiness. 
“He doesn’t come up in conversation often.” Valerie’s hands once more wrapped around your waist, but simply settled at your hips. Her body was flush with your own and she let her head rest on your shoulder, gently swaying with you as you continued to cook. 
“Tell me about him.”
She saw the small smile that graced your lips, mourning and grateful all at once as you spoke of him. 
“He used to say that as people, we’re a collection of those around us. The ones we’ve loved. All their little mannerisms and tics become a part of who we are. And that we do the same for other people who love us.” 
As you slowly set the pasta onto the bottom of the pan and began to layer the sauce, she wondered who you were an amalgamation of. Was the way you tilted your head back as you laughed from an old flame? 
Was the way you sang and shook your hips from a best friend when you were young, who you wished had been more?
Were the soft kisses you press to the tip of their noses something given to you? Or an act of love learned by watching your parents?
Did you have anything of hers? Of Max’s? 
Did they have anything of yours? 
“I see it in you and Max, yanno.” You stepped back to open the oven and settle the pan on the top rack before shutting it. “You both do a lil’ nose scrunch when you get angry.”
“What?” She drew back from your body, unintentionally wrinkling her nose in the process. “We do not.”
You pulled her close to your body again. Your arms settled around her waist as you slowly moved side to side. You hummed along to the smooth voice of Grover Washington Jr. that danced from the radio and filled the large kitchen, empty except for the two of you. 
“Sure do. You're also both very boujee-”
“A touch temperamental-”
“I’ll give you that one but-"
“As well as emotionally constipated-”
“Excuse me?”
“And yet-” You hummed, letting your head drop forward to rest against hers, nose bumping against hers in a gentle caress- “I can’t help but love you both every damn day.”
Her blue eyes widened, before she groaned and shoved her face into your shirt. 
“You fucking sap.” She lifted her head to yours and kissed you. The melody curled around you as she wrapped her arms around your neck and tugged you flush against her. A soft moan broke from her lips as you ran your hands over the plush skin of her ass. 
You pulled away long enough to press a kiss to the tip of her nose, giggling when her face scrunched up in response. “Happy Valentine’s Day, Val."
Valerie Lord never thought she’d have this. This love and security. The ability to smile and kiss and dance on a Sunday night in the arms of a lover. She didn’t think she’d ever have a day where she felt love, a love she wasn’t afraid to admit. 
Especially to two people. 
The pair of you danced in silence, listening to the lyrics that serenaded the way you spun her and the laugh that bubbled up her chest her perfect, pinned, blonde curls came loose. 
And darling when the morning comes
And I see the morning sun
I wanna be the one with you.
When Maxwell came home, he noticed how quiet the house was. No chatter or footsteps along the hardwood floors. He knew what day it was, of course he did. He wasn’t an idiot. Valentine’s Day wasn’t a special day with the Lords. It never had been. 
But of course, that was before they met you.
Maxwell never saw that love with his parents. His mother was cold and cruel, and while his father was a good man, he knew he didn’t love her. He didn’t blame him for it. But now he felt it. The way his heart would hammer against his ribs so hard he wondered if you could hear him. The way all his stress and anger would melt away the moment Valerie’s hands held his face in a grasp like that used to carry a bird with a broken wing. 
He didn’t think it was possible to love. To desire and need somebody as much as he did you two. Now he did, and he wouldn’t go back to a life without it for all the money and power in the world. 
The sound of smooth sax caught his attention. Slowly, he set down his briefcase and followed the music until he found himself in front of the kitchen. 
This. Maxwell thought as he watched the two of you, your eyes shut as you held one another in a close embrace as swayed. This is why he did it all. 
The long hours, the greuling work and idiotic employees. If he could come home to this everyday, it’d all be worth it. 
He leaned against the doorway, watching you two until your own eyes opened and met his. 
“Happy to finally have you with us monopoly-man.”
He snorted at your lovingly crude nickname. “It was a long day at work.” Gone was the fake ‘apple-pie-and-picket-fence’ accent he forced himself to use at work when he spoke and you loved it. To see the real Maxwell was a privilege, one you would never take for granted. 
“Every day at work is a long day for you.”
Before he could retort, his wife unwrapped her arms from you and walked over to her husband. Valerie cupped his face in her hand and led him to her lips with a soft moan. Maxwell melted into the kiss with ease, all thoughts of work and conference calls vanished into thin air as his wife’s fingers carded through his hair. She pulled away with a wet pop and ran a thumb over the smudged lipstick on his face. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, dear.”
Maxwell let his hand run over her bottom lip with a lazy smile. She was magnificent like this. Not preened or pinned or posed. She was messy and unkempt and happy. She never looked more breathtaking than in those moments. 
“Happy Valentine’s Day, honey.”
Her eyes flicked over his crisp suit and her sweet smile was replaced with a groan. 
“Son of a bitch you fuckers are matching!”
You shrieked with laughter while Valerie pointed an accusatory finger at the heart-covered tie that lay on her husband’s chest. 
“You tacky traitor!”
You leaned over and pressed your lips to his cheek, his hand coming to rest at the small of your back. 
“Aw don’t worry, Max. She’s just jealous she isn't matching with us.”
Valerie reared back. “I’ll be caught dead before I ever-”
“Alastair sent them to us.”
A moment of silence passed before she spoke again, more offended than annoyed. 
“And he didn’t send one for me?”
Maxwell smirked at his wife, fishing out a small white box and presenting it to her. 
“Our son knows his mother wouldn’t be caught dead in anything with gaudy patterns.” He opened the box and she took in the red heart earrings with a smile. 
Which was ultimately ruined by you. 
“Aw, he boujee just like his mama!”
Before either one could snap back at you, a small ding sounded through the kitchen and you moved quickly over to the oven. 
“You know-” Maxwell spoke as he put the earrings on his wife with gentle hands- “We have a chef for a reason.”
You brought out the pan and set it onto the stove, taking in the savory smell with a proud smile. 
“Well, fine then. Go get your cook to make you dinner if you want to complain.”
“Wait. Wait, no that not- that’s not what I meant- I’m starving, please.”
Valerie moved around her husband, taking a bottle of red wine and bumping his hip with hers. “Just set the table Maxwell, we both know how you can make it up to her later. It’s a special day after it all.”
Her husband loosened his tie and grinned at you in a way that made you think he wanted to eat you for dinner instead of the meal you prepared. 
“Lovely idea, darling.”
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and then i sent you another one but stupid tumblr made me forget😡 but i got another idea, chris wanting to be your boyfriend so bad that one day he simply calls you baby or something intimate that he hasn’t called you before and he’s like shit, maybe you are with his family and everybody is like 🤭💕
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Chris couldnt help but stare across the backyard where you were helping Lisa set up the table, the sundress you picked for the bbq was really cute, and he couldnt help himself from staring as you laughed hard at something his mother said, nodding at her words while you put down the bowl of potato salad. Scott didnt miss it however and he lifted the grills cover to flip the chicken sizzling on the grate. 
“So when are you just gonna ask Y/N out man?” Scott asked so bluntely that Chris sputtered taking a swallow of his beer, his ears turning bright red. 
“I dont know what your talking about Scott.” Chris tries to cover for himself, and doing a piss poor job at it as Scott smirks, lowering the grill cover again. 
“You know, your a bad liar. Always has been. Only person you could ever fool was mom.” Scott states while taking his own beer. “Even Carly and Shanna know you have feelings for Y/N.” 
You have been friends with Carly for years, so you and Chris both grew up together. He had developed a crush on you many years ago, but never acted on it. And now, it was still strong as ever. You just made him feel... special in the most normal of ways. You never treated him any different cause of his success, no. You saw him for just who he was. He couldnt help but develop feelings for you. 
“Shes just Carlys friend Scott, our friend.” Chris blatantly lied again and Scott gave an eye roll, finally pulling off the bbq chicken. “Right, whatever you say. Just dont wait forever, m’kay? CHICKENS DONE” Scott called out, and the two brothers made there way to the table. 
You enjoyed spending time with Carly and her family. You just fit right in with all the family dramatics that made up the Evans siblings. Even Lisa took right to mothering you. You always look forward to seeing Chris to, when he wasnt busy promoting his latest movie or diving headfirst into some other project. Today though, he had time off and was back home in Massachusetts for a time. And much to your enjoyment, he brought Dodger, whom you been sneaking treats to him under the table. Giving him nose kisses and shushing him from letting Chris know what you were doing. 
So here you were, going around the table with a paper plate, scooping a handful of chips, spearing some of the meat the guys grilled, and about to reach for a spoonful of salad, when Chris went in first to take it. You pull back, and he scoops out a spoonful, remarking without even thinking “You want some of this babygirl?”
What did he just say?! 
Theres a stunned silence around the table and it doesnt click to Chris what he had said till he repeated the words in his head. Babygirl... he seriously fucking called you babygirl, and this time it wasnt just his ears that went red. His whole face did as he glanced around the table, one by one, each person broke out in a grin. Scott of course with a smug ‘told you’ grin, his sisters looked like they couldnt be contained, and his mom had a soft smile of acknowledgment of her sons feelings for a close friend. His glance at you, showed you biting your lip to keep from grinning and nodding. 
“Yea Handsome, how about you put some of that tater salad on my plate.” You couldnt help teasing him back, and he groaned a bit, dropping the spoon full on. Everything resumed to the usual chatter and everyone acted as if nothing had happened. Later, once the party died down, and Chris was sitting out alone in the yard, thinking about what he done, you moved to join him in a nearby chair. 
“Hey, I wanted to ask you a question.” You say, screwing off the top of a beer and letting it rattle on top of the table top. “You wanna go out one night? Just the two of us. We can call it a date.” You grin at him, and he chuckled, looking down at his bottle. 
“I should have asked you a long time ago, not you finding out like that and coming to ask me you know.” 
“Well Im asking now Chris. And want to know something? Ive always really liked you to.” 
He looked at you surprised, and you two fall into a longer conversation. 
At the window the three siblings are trying to listen in, and Lisa comes up behind them, smacking all three back of the head. “You three get out of your brothers business! I didnt raise yall like that!” which sent the three of them scattering and rubbing the back of there heads, and Lisa herself takes a peek, excited for her oldest son. 
A/N- Poor boy, he didnt mean to drop it over the picnic table, but whats done is done and we all know your gonna find it hella cute. XD 
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roguish-gallery · 4 years
Did you ever make that joker tier list, I always like seeing what people think of all the different ones. Though if they put Romero last I can no longer respect them.
LMAO I DID! I think I’ve made it kind of obvious in this blog but I... don’t... particularly... care... for... the joker.... unless he’s, y’know, fun to watch. Cause he’s a clown, and clowns are supposed to be entertaining. But since you politely brought it up, and and because I have a deep respect for mutual Romero-lovers, I guess this would be a good time to explain my rankings and just discuss my general thoughts on each clown:
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General Thoughts:
For the most part, I don’t really care for the Joker. This is hardly an uncommon opinion here on tumblr, but I definitely fall on the side of the fandom that feels that he gets too much attention from DC. I get WHY they use him so often for films and comics, and I don’t have anything against *most* folks who consider them their favorite Batman villain, but at this point he’s used more for shock value and as a crutch instead of anything interesting. Like, instead of giving attention to the other Rogues, writers (at least for the comics) will try and make up some bullshit story that they can shoehorn the Joker into, ‘cause it sells. It’s tiring, and I feel like the character has lost his meaning; I can only read so many stories about the Joker, I don’t fucking know, wearing a suit made from dead babies and Jason Todd’s flayed corpse before I get sick of it.
I’m at the point where I’ll like any Joker who’s just fun to watch. I genuinely respect those who prefer darker interpretations of the character, but that isn’t me; I vastly prefer the lighthearted takes on him, because... at this point... writers who use the “cleaner” version of him tend to be more creative, since they actually have to write a Joker story that doesn’t rely on gore/torture porn.
Joker Baby: Self explanatory. Joker Baby is thematic, thoughtful, and intense. Everytime I watch this video, I shiver with fear and pleasure; something primal in me awakens whenever Joker Baby runs his fingers through his spray-on dyed hair, and ends up smearing green paint on his forehead- it represents the inner turmoil, the chaos, that resides within the disturbed body that is Joker Baby. Nothing can ever hope to top the artistic and cultural impact Joker Baby has had on society.
Batman Ninja: I genuinely believe that Batman Ninja is one of the most fun, organic, and creative things to come out from the Batman side of DC comics in like... hmmm... a decade, maybe (I could talk for hours about how much I love this movie but that’s something for a future post). This Joker is easily, and unironically my favorite interpretation of the character, period. I love his energy, his design, everything. This is the most fun I’ve ever had watching a Joker on-screen, and for that I’ve gotta give the film credit where it is due.
Batman ‘66: I looooove Caesar Romero. Batman ‘66 in general is one of my favorite pieces of Batman media, and I absolutely adore this Joker. The show is pure, genuine fun, and it’s nice to turn my brain off and watch a show where the entire cast was allowed to goof around. This Joker is just a cute, goofy little clown-man who likes to commit crimes, go surfing, turn Gotham’s water reserve into gelatin, and have wild orgies with Penguin, Catwoman, and the Riddler. I massively appreciate the hustle. I love his little mustache and his facial expressions. I’d give him a chaste little kiss on the cheek if I could.
The Batman: EXTREMELY CONTROVERSIAL TAKE BUT. I think TB!Joker is better than what people will give him credit for. I can only imagine how stressful it must have been to be the first Batman cartoon to follow BTAS and the writers for this show knew they were gonna be fucked no matter what they did with the Joker, so they just decided to try something completely different with him. Personally, I appreciate the new direction- he has a fun, unhinged energy. I’ve placed him higher than BTAS/BTNA!Joker simply because The Batman was the show that got me into the Rogues in the first place, and I’m just a bit closer to this Joker because of it. Also his vampire form was cool as FUCK in Batman Vs. Dracula and the scene where he gets drenched in blood at a blood bank is fucking awesome.
Batman the Animated Series/The New Adventures: Everyone loves BTAS’s Joker, and I’m no exception. Mark Hamill is fucking great, and the writers clearly knew the character well enough to create a version of him that can be fun and threatening. As an aside, I unironically like his redesign in BTNA- I remember Hamill mentioning somewhere that he thought it was neat that this Joker looked more like a shark (I’ll see if I can find a source on that... I think he said it in an interview with Kevin Smith?) and I kinda agree with him. the redesigns in the final season are hit or miss, but I didn’t get why so many people bitched about the Joker’s new look.
Batman Unlimited: Hear me out... Hear me out... Clown... funny... and cute... He wears a little crown and gives Solomon Grundy a little smooch on the cheek and it is as delightful as it sounds. Yes the Batman Unlimited films literally only exist to sell toys but that doesn’t mean I can’t enjoy them on some ironic level.
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Lego Batman: He’s a gay icon. He has the range. Enough said.
White Knight: This is just a genuinely good, original take on the character, and the art in White Knight is absolutely gorgeous. 
Arkham: My friends and I joke that this Joker is basically a more unhinged version of BTAS! Joker and... yeah. I’m glad Hamill and Paul Dini got to fuck around with the character more, but I never really dwelled on the Joker parts of the games like I might have for other characters. I definitely liked him the most in Arkham Asylum, as he was more fun to watch. Arkham City was fiiiiine, but I think I replayed the game so much that I kinda got fatigued with everything about it. Genuinely hated his part in Origins, and I was pissed that he stole the attention from Black Mask and Bane (who’s the best fucking part of Origins IMO). I’ll admit that I... Haven’t... played... Knight yet (I have it on PC but my laptop is too wimpy to run it) but like... He’s dead at that point, so I’d assume he isn’t the main point of that game anyway. I love Mark Hamill and the fact I can personally beat the shit out of this Joker, so he’s ranked up pretty high for those reasons.
Batman ‘89: TBH this Joker should be a rank higher, but I’m too lazy to hop onto PicsArt to change it. NIcholson was an excellent choice, and I apprecaite how this Joker makes use of the playful and unhinged aspects of the character. Also, his outfits are cute, and I love the museum scene.
Brave and the Bold: Technically this Joker SHOULD be ranked higher since he’s literally based on the more lighthearted comics in the 60′s but... ehhh... I haven’t really watched BATB so I don’t have any strong opinions on the show and how it handles the character. he’s ranked this high through beause I appreciate what they were going for.
Golden Age: The quality of comics are always subjective, based on the creative team behind them. Some I’ll like more, others less so, It’s kind of hard to rank the pre-52 comic version of the Joker because of this.
Killing Joke: Read it, didn’t care for it. I acknowledge how massive the impact this comic had on... everything, but just because I recognize how important this graphic novel is, doesn’t mean I have to like it.
The Dark Knight: Ledger did an excellent job with the role, but uhh... I’m kind of sick of the alt-right chuds who are out there sucking this Joker’s dick. The fanbase definitely ruined the character for me.
99′: Eh
Endgame: No
Suicide Squad: NO
Death of the Family: Hate him. Despise him. Lame stupid dumb little edgy bitch.
Gotham (Jeremiah): I don’t particulary care for Gotham in general, but the only reason I ranked this Joker over Jerome is beause I thought it was kinda funny to see that they made him a little rat-man, and I liked watching all the fujoshi on here cry and complain that they can’t ship this version of the joker with the pre-pubescent Bruce Wayne in the show bc he’s too ugly.
Gotham (Jerome): stop shippping this freak (who is fucking eighteen years old) with a literal twelve year old child. what the FUCK is wrong with yall.
The Joker (2019): I don’t plan on watching this film, nor will I ever. I know this is ironic, coming from someone who runs a Rogue blog, but stuff that focuses primarily on a character’s deteriorating mental health makes me reaaaaallllllyyyyy anxious (it’s kind of a phobia) and considering that I don’t particularly the Joker, I have no reason to watch something I know will only give my dumb ADHD-ass intrusive throughts.
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maidenof-thesea · 4 years
Snakes & Butterflies | Part XII
Pairing: Jimin x Reader
Genre: Soulmate Au!, Fluff, Angst, Smut (in the future)
Words: 5k (WHEW!)
Warning: minor swearing
Note: Yall I tried posting this earlier but tumblr was not cooperating with me! UGHH! Anyways here’s part 12 for those who have been waiting! This time it’s extra long! I didn’t realize lol. Hope you enjoy <3
Reminder: * conversations in Korean *
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“I mean you don’t have to if you don’t want to,” Y/N stammered, her face flush and she waved her hands nervously. “I just wanted to see how the snake may look since you are a lot older now..”
“You know what my Mark looked-looks like?” I said feeling my heart drop to my stomach. “I don’t remember showing you my Mark when we were kids..”
“That’s weird,” Y/N said as she tilted her head in contemplation. “Maybe it really was a dream but I could have sworn that you had a snake and Jungkook had a hawk.”
How does she know this?
Ever since I could remember, our parents told us that we were never supposed to reveal our Marks to humans...because they were so completely different from our soulmates. Hoseok and Yoongi hyungs’ Marks don’t match at all..just like mine and hers never matched either. Was I too perhaps having issues with my memory?
“Now that I think about it…” Y/N muttered deep in thought. “I don’t think I’ve seen any of the guys’ Marks…”
I opened my mouth to say an excuse or anything as to why none of us had shown her our Marks but I only stammered for words. I never really thought as to what we would say, I don’t think any of us have honestly.
“Oh!” Y/N said in realization. “Jungkook mentioned that you guys took a pact. Similar to wearing a purity ring..but like the opposite..”
If it was even possible her face was even more red but this time she looked like she was on the verge of tears from embarrassment. She’s so cute. I go to pat her stroke her cheek but she stops me by grabbing my wrist and she’s refusing to make eye contact. Maybe it's not from embarrassment. 
“Y/N, are-”
“I’m gonna take that shower now,” Y/N says abruptly as she hops off the counter and swiftly exits the laundry room, leaving me all alone. 
“Similar to a purity ring but like the opposite”
“Why would Jungkook tell her that?!”
But it was true at the time. You were quite busy during college. 
“That was probably her first kiss…” I muttered softly to myself as I sat on the couch. I could hear music coming from her room and the sound of running water. “She must think I’m some sort of player or something..”
“Why would she think that?” Seokjin hyung said from the hallway. His arms are full of groceries. I quickly got up to help him. The rest of the guys following him in a line, their arms full of groceries.
“How are you guys back so quick?” I ask, ignoring his question. What time was it? I lost track of time!
“We did online ordering, we just went to pick it up basically,” Taehyung said, wiping his forehead from the sweat. “Man it’s hot.”
“I still don’t think that lady gave us good cabbage,” Hoseok said with a slight frown as he placed the said vegetable on the counter. 
“Hyung said it was fine babe,” Yoongi replied. “Trust the chef.”
“Where’s Yuki?” Namjoon muttered already heading to the porch.
“Namjoon!” Seokjin yelled. “Don’t think of escaping! We need to make 3 months worth of kimchi and side dishes! We need everyone to help!”
Namjoon does a 360 spine and heads straight into the kitchen, his expression sheepish. The hyungs start chit chatting and whatnot. I sat down on the couch once more and I found myself listening, water was still running and her music was still playing. I was hoping they would be gone a little longer so I could have a chance to explain myself
“Noona in the shower, hyung?” Jungkook asked, carrying a huge bag of rice without so much as sweating. 
“Yes,” I answered feeling my face turn a bit red. “Did you tell her about our pact?”
“Umm..” Jungkook said nervously. “I did...should I not have?”
“Don’t worry,” I sighed, pushing my hair back. “I’m not upset.”
“But?” Jungkook asked, his eyes wide with curiosity.
“I just didn’t want her to think I’m a player..”
“Trust me,” Hoseok said from the kitchen. “I’m sure you didn’t made it obvious yesterday.”
Yoongi and the hyungs laugh and I shove my face in the nearest throw pillow, sighing in frustration. 
“Did something happen?” Taehyung asks and I could tell he was genuinely curious but his mischievous side was showing once more. “Why are you so worried she thinks you’re a player?”
“Yea,” Seokjin said also. “Why Jimin? And don’t avoid the question again!”
We all hear the music turn off and her door open. Yuki darts for the nearest exit and from the expression on Y/N’s face, I could tell she wanted to do the same thing. Her eyes looked a little swollen and her cheeks were flushed. Her lips...were swollen as well.
“Hello Princess,” Hobi said with his signature sunny smile. “Are you ready to make kimchi?”
She smiles and nods and I could tell it’s genuine from the way her eyes spark. Will she ever smile like that for me again?
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“Jimin and Y/N have been avoiding each other,” Jungkook says as he fills another bucket with water to soak the napa cabbage. 
“It’s more like she’s avoiding him,” I mutter as I wait for him to finish, so I could fill my bucket. Why did we have to make so much kimchi again?
“Oh,” Jungkook says as he glances once more at Y/N, who is cutting the cabbage while Namjoon sprinkles kosher salt and massages it. Jimin, who is on the other side of the island, is helping Seokjin hyung make sigeumchi namul which is blanched spinach that is seasoned later on. Both Yoongi and Hoseok are making kongnamul muchim or seasoned soybean sprouts. 
“Do you think he made a move?” I asked and Jungkook almost got whiplash from how fast he turned. “What’s with that reaction?”
“Do you think hyung would do that?” Jungkook said, his eyes unreadable. Not really answering my question.
This kid...does he really have feelings for her?
“Isn’t that part of the plan?” I ask nonchalantly, carefully watching Jungkook’s expression. “I mean I know none of us care that she’s human..but the council won’t be as forgiving. Nonetheless we still want a happy ending for them right?”
“Yea,” Jungkook sighed and grabbed my bucket to fill it. “I guess I’m just worried about how she would react...this whole time she thought-she never imagined having a Soul-”
“YAH!” Jin yelled, making all of us jump. “Does it take two of you to fill buckets with water?”
“Sorry!” Both of us answer and I immediately head back with one of the buckets, almost tipping the bucket in my haste. Y/N sees this and her eyes widen in surprise.
“Careful!” She says running towards me. She quickly grabs the bucket and we both maneuver it to the kitchen.
“I’m sorry Noona,” I say with a lopsided grin. “I didn’t mean to almost wet the floor.”
“What?” She replies. “Oh! I don’t care about the floor, you could have slipped if it spilled! You’re okay right?”
Instead of replying I simply nod, I really didn’t know how to reply honestly. Her eyes were filled with concern and honesty. I’ll admit a part of me felt pleased that she was concerned, almost like a doting mother. She smiles in return and quickly heads to Jungkook, warning him not to fill the bucket too much. Unable to help myself, I smile to myself biting my lip in the process. When I look up, Jimin is staring at me with a piercing gaze, almost as if to say ‘what are you so happy about?’. I shrug and it seems to annoy him even more. 
“Hyung,” Yoongi asks, mixing the sprouts in a ceramic bowl. “Why are we making so much again? I mean I know there’s eight of us, but it’s not like we’re gonna eat Korean food all the time.”
“I’m making some for Y/N too,” Seokjin replies. “She’ll have plenty after we leave.”
“W-What?” Jimin stutters and almost loses his footing. “Leave?”
Both Jungkook and Y/N walk back in and both of their smiles disappear quickly after hearing Jimin’s panicked tone. Jimin’s face turns white and he looks back down at the bowl of spinach in front of him. 
“Just thinking about the end of our vacation makes me sad!” Hoseok sighs and he wipes a non-existent tear from his eye. “You’ll miss me right Y/N?!”
He runs to her and rubs his cheek against hers. She laughs and pats his head, cooing in the process. I glance at Jungkook who is staring in concern at Jimin, who seems to have regained his composure. Yoongi pats his back to comfort him. 
“Let’s not think about the end,” Namjoon says as he places the cabbage to soak in the water. “Let’s enjoy what we have in this moment.”
“Yea!” I say cheerfully. “Hyung are we gonna make jap chae too?”
“Oh!” Y/N exclaims, her eyes lighting up. “I want to learn how to make those glass noodles! Jennie never got her mom’s recipe for me..”
We all laughed at her eager expression and her and Jin hyung came to an agreement to exchange recipes. Hyung was curious about how to make tamales and posole. After a couple of hours, Jin and Y/N had successfully made not only  jap chae but also Korean macaroni salad. 
“All this is gonna take time to ferment..” Jimin mutters rubbing his stomach. He must be hungry. “What are we gonna eat for lunch?”
“How about Noona’s famous pasta?” Jungkook suggested with his dimple smile. Jimin looked hopeful at Y/N and she nodded and proceeded to pick up the dirty mixing bowls, Jimin and Jin proceeded to help her but she shooed then away.
“Rosa is on her way,” she explains. “I told her to come a little late because we tend to clean at this time.”
“Plus,” Y/N said, clasping her hands and pulling her phone out. “And I quote, ‘Tell those boys that if they don’t give me their dirty laundry to wash, that I won’t show the handsome one how to make flan or arroz con leche’”
“YAH!” Jin yells with a bit of blush. “Bring hyung your laundry! I need those recipes!”
And just about all of us scramble up the stairs, racing to our rooms, not one of us wanting to get between Jin hyung and his recipes. 
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After making the creamy alfredo sauce from scratch, I was about to put the pasta to boil just as Rosa made her way into the house. Both Jungkook and Jin are following her like ducklings. Jungkook was smiling his signature dimple smile and Jin was slightly pouting. What was this tactic called again? Ago? Ego?
“Aegyo?” I questioned myself. Both Jungkook and Jin both glanced at me with the same expression: shut up!. I chuckled and threw my arms up in the air. “¡Doña Rosa! ¡Ya llegaste! ¿Como estás?” (“Madam Rosa! You’re here! How are you?”).
“Bién míja.” Rosa replies with a slight chuckle, fully aware of what we were all doing. “¿Estás concinando?” (“I’m good my daughter. Are you cooking?”).
“¡Sí!” I say with a smile as she pats me on the head. “¡Estoy concinando pasta!” (Yes! I’m cooking pasta!”).
“¿Me puedes salvar un plato para mi?” (“Could you save a plate for me?”).
“Claro que sí Doña.” I reply and she smiles and puts on gloves to start washing dishes. (”Of course Madam”).
Both Jungkook and Jin’s eyes were wide in surprise. Jungkook was stammering and Jin’s mouth was open wide in shock.
“N-noona you can speak Spanish?” Jungkook asked. “Why don’t you speak it more often?”
“I am half latinx Jungkook from my Mom’s side,” I answered, sticking my tongue out and he smiled a sheepish smile.
“What was that?” Jin said curiously. “Was that a latinx version of aegyo?”
“Something of the sort..” I say with a slight smirk.
“What did you say to her to get her to smile?” Jin said with a sparkle in his eyes.
“Listen closely my padawan,” I said, causing Jungkook to laugh and Jin to be confused. “Latinx women love to be called ‘Doña’ which is basically equivalent to ‘Madam’ or ‘lady boss’.”
“So respect?” Jin asked with a tilt of his chin. “I guess I understand that…”
“Plus you have to be cute,” I reply with a smirk. Jin gasps dramatically and Jungkook almost rolls on the floor with laughter. Then Jin grabbed the nearest towel to whack me with, making me run out into the living room, with him right on my heels. “Yoongi save me!”
“Wha-” Yoongi says sleepily. “You’re on your own Princess!”
“Come here and admit I’m cute!” Jin says climbing over Yoongi and the couch. 
“Listen!” I say hiding around Namjoon who was reading something on his phone. “These aren’t the droids you’re looking for!”
“You can’t hypnotize him Y/N-ie,” Hobi says from the ottoman clutching a plush pillow to hide himself. “Trust me I’ve tried!”
“Once someone calls hyung ugly,” Namjoon whispers. “He won’t stop until you admit he’s not.”
“ADMIT IT!” Jin yelled. 
“But I didn’t call you ugly!” I yell desperately, jumping over the couch almost tripping over Yoongi. “I just said you weren’t cute!”
“Oh god this is almost as bad as when Jin and Taehyung were arguing over who was more handsome..” Yoongi whispered to Hobi who nodded in agreement. Just then both Taehyung and Jimin-a shirtless Jimin- came in through the porch, Jin taking full advantage of me being distracted threw the towel straight at me. 
“JIMIN!” I yell as I run to him for security instinctively. “Save me!”
Without hesitation, Jimin met me halfway and stood in front of me protectively. 
“W-what are you doing hyung?” Jimin says with slight fear in his voice. “We could hear you from outside..”
“She said I’m not cute!” Jin explains trying to reach around him. 
“But you aren’t cute hyung.” Jimin says.
And almost everyone in the room was quiet and Jin looked as red as a tomato. The only sound we could hear was Rosa humming as she swept the kitchen. 
“Do you want to die?” Jin said quietly. I had no idea what he said but I felt Jimin’s heartbeat increase. Jin took one step closer and I heard Jimin gulp. From the shadow I could tell Jin raised his hand-
“Oppa!” I say clutching Jimin’s arms, who froze. “You’re too handsome! You ooze sex appeal! I mean ‘cute’ doesn’t define you! You’re more than that!”
Once again the room went quiet. Jimin was as still as a board but I could hear his breath. He was breathing deeply as if he was angry, but before I could ask, Jin’s attitude was completely different.
“That is very true!” Jin laughed obnoxiously. Clearly what I said was going straight to his head. He was completely unaware of everyone rolling their eyes. “I am very handsome!”
“Yes hyung you are,” Namjoon said sitting next to Yoongi. And they all began to talk like normal, leaving me and Jimin to gather our bearings. Once I unclutched my hands from his arms, I realized that what I was actually clutching a tattoo sleeve cover. Jimin then turns around and looks at me with unreadable eyes. I gulp nervously and attempt to walk away but he catches me by the collar of my shirt.
“Did you get my text?” Jimin whispers. I look at him in confusion and he sighs.
“Sorry I left my phone in the kitchen..”
“It’s okay,” Jimin says with a smile that makes my heart skip a beat. “I’m hungry, can I have some pasta?”
“Yea,” I say, not being able to meet his eyes. “Do you want shrimp or broccoli?”
“Shrimp!” He says excitedly and almost as if it’s natural for him he clutches my hand and leads me to the dining room. 
“¡Míja!” Rosa says from the kitchen. “The pasta is ready!”
“Coming!” I reply. “I’ll be back with a plate for you.”
“Me too Noona!” Taehyung and Jungkook both yell sitting down at the table. 
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“Yah,” I say with annoyance. “Can’t you guys eat later, I’m trying to talk to her here.”
“Ah,” Namjoon says entering the dining room as well. “Sorry I’m hungry too..”
“Oooh is Jimin trying to have alone time with Y/N?” Hobi says tugging a disgruntled Yoongi into the room as well.
“Jimin,” Jin says seriously. “Don’t yell at her too much, it’s not her fault she finds me attractive!”
I glare at him while everyone else rolls their eyes and yet again he is oblivious to his own obnoxious self. Y/N then enters the room balancing two bowls in her hands. I get up to help but Jungkook beats me to it and places the two bowls in the middle of the table. 
“I’m gonna get some paper plates,” she says. “Oh and I also made a quick salad earlier and I didn’t have time to bake garlic bread but I have some Hawaiian rolls if-”
“That’s fine babe,” I say following her into the kitchen, ignoring the way Jungkook’s eyes widened. I grabbed the plates from her and she quickly grabbed the bowl of salad and packet of hawaiian sweet rolls. Once she places the stuff on the table, I quickly grab her and make her sit next to my chair.
“But the dri-” 
“I got it,” I say smiling. For some reason her catering to the guys is pissing me off. I grabbed the lemonade and water bottle. Rosa is now in the living room vacuuming. I wave hello and she smiles and waves back. I see that Y/N placed a plate aside for her. 
“I love her pasta,” Rosa says. “My son loves it too…”
“Oh,” I said. Her son? “It’s that good?”
“Yep,” she sighs. “One year he only wanted to eat her pasta, nothing else. Kids huh?”
I nod in agreement and bow to her in goodbye. Silently relieved that it was kid and not some other punk. By the time I got back everyone had started eating without me.
“This is delicious Y/N!” Hobi says and Yoongi nods in agreement. “Best pasta ever!”
She smiles and grabs a plate to serve some shrimp pasta, then she places a roll on the plate as I sit next to her. With a slight blush, she passed me the plate and I felt a little pleased that she served me herself. 
“Do you want water or lemonade?” She whispers and I quickly look at her, but she isn’t looking in my direction. “Hm?”
“Water,” I reply and she serves me a cup and hands it to me. Before she could serve herself, I grab the bowl of broccoli pasta out of Namjoon’s hands and put a big portion on the plate. “Here, you like broccoli right?” 
“Yes,” She replies with a blush. “Thank you.”
“Here!” Jungkook says, causing us both to jump. “You like lemonade right Noona?”
This little shit.
“Thanks Kookie,” She replies with a smile. There it is again. That smile. 
“Do you still like avocado with hawaiian rolls?” I ask and she glances at me in surprise. 
“You remembered that?” she asks with an embarrassed smile. “Yea I do.”
“Do you want me to go get some avocado?” I ask and she waves her hand and tries to stop me from getting up. Namjoon tugs me down also.
“It isn’t a competition,” He says and Y/N glances at me in confusion and I smile and gesture for her to eat and she does. “You don’t need to compete when it’s clear you already won.”
I gulp and nod. He’s right, technically I already won. She’s mine. She’s mine right? I look at her and I can’t help the feeling of peace that overtakes my being at seeing her eat. The way she twirls the pasta onto her fork, they way her throat moves as she swallows. On second thought, I think I was feeling everything but peace at this moment. 
Jin pulls out a bottle of wine that both Yoongi and Jungkook are excited for. Y/N gulps nervously and I grab her hand under the table and I feel her relax. She then accepts the glass of wine from Jin and sips curiously. Her face scrunches and she shakes her head. I laughed at her expression along with my brothers who were also watching intently. But slowly throughout dinner, her glass of wine was slowly becoming empty and she was laughing along with Jin and Taehyung’s antics. Once more the feeling of peace overcame me. This must be what Jungkook was feeling. The feeling of home. 
“Y/N,” Taehyung asks, his cheeks flushed. “Who was your first love?”
A little taken aback by his question, Y/N stammers cutely and looks everywhere but me. Cute.
“Yea,” I say playfully. “Who was your first love?”
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“Why do you guys want to know?” I say feeling a slight buzz from the wine. Knowing full well I’m slightly tipsy, these guys are fully taking advantage of my state. 
“It’s a simple question!” Taehyung defends himself. “Fine! I’ll tell you who my first love was!”
“Oh this is gonna be interesting,” Jin says with a slight chuckle.
“My first love was a manga character!” Taehyung says and almost everyone laughs “Hey don’t laugh at me! I’m serious!”
“Which manga character?” Jungkook asks. 
“Sakura!” Taehyung says cutely. “She was soo cute!”
“Oh my god,” Jimin says. “From Naruto?”
Taehyung then cheers and flashes us his box-like smile. Then he turns to me and gestures for me to go next. If we’re talking manga characters…
“Kazehaya Shouta,” I reply with a content sigh. And almost all of the guys stayed quiet and were confused.
“That’s really specific..” Jimin mutters from next to me. His expression is solemn. “I don’t remember anyone by that name..how about you Jungkook?”
“Neither do I hyung,” Jungkook replies. “Who is this Kazehaya guy Noona?”
“Are you serious?” I asked with a giggle and almost all of them were really confused. Only Namjoon seemed to be deep in thought. “You guys don’t know Kazehaya-kun?”
“OH!” Namjoon says in surprise. “From Kimi Ni Todoke?”
“Yes!” I say excitedly. “I thought we were talking about manga characters so he’s the first that came to my mind!”
“What anime is this?” Taehyung asks in confusion. “A romance one? Cuz I swear I’ve seen all of them!”
“It’s called From Me to You,” I reply. “I watch that anime and read that manga every year and I still love it!”
“So this Kazehaya guy is the main character?” Jimin asks and he looks somewhat relieved but also a tad bit annoyed.
“Yes!” I giggle. “His characteristics were so good, he was so pure..”
“I don’t think Taehyung meant man-” Yoongi laughs.
“Y/n?” Rosa says with a small smile. “I just finished cleaning the rooms, do you mind putting the clothes to dry for me?”
“Of course!” I say getting up quick, only to lose my footing. Jimin reaches over my chair and grabs me by the waist and forces me to sit down. 
“I’ll do it,” he says with a small smile. “Thank you Rosa!” 
All the others also thank her and Jin walks her out and thanks her for her recipes that she wrote down for him. My phone then pings a message from Kakaotalk and Jimin’s name is on my screen.
Jimin [7:32pm]: hey can we talk?
Jimin [9:04pm]: meet me at the beach in 5.
Jimin [9:04pm]: bring a jacket.
I gulp nervously. Of course he wants to talk, we kissed and everything. I asked about his Mark, and it was clear that he didn’t want to show me, then I remembered Jungkook mentioning the pact but really I was just conflicted about how I felt. 
Then I should just tell him how I feel..everything…
The rest of the guys are watching Family Guy in the living room, so I take my chance to dash in my room to find a jacket. Yuki stares at me from my bed that has a fresh set of sheets and comforter. I rub her head and she starts to purr. 
“Yuki?” Jungkook calls for her and I hear the bag of treats shake and she quickly darts out of the room. I remembered that Jungkook wanted to teach her some tricks. 
“Teach her how to sit!” Taehyung says.
“No,” Namjoon says “how about a handshake?”
And they continue discussing different tricks and this is my chance to dart out but as soon as I step into the kitchen to use the back door, Yoongi and Hobi both appraise me with knowing eyes.
“I thought you guys were watching Family Guy?”
“Jin told us to wash dishes,” Hobi asks with a smirk. “Going somewhere princess?”
“I wonder where Jimin disappeared to?” Yoongi asks Hobi too with amusement in his tone. I rolled my eyes and opened the back door and they both whistled and laughed. Once I’m outside, the ocean breeze is quite cold for the summer, but it feels good. I head to the path that leads to the beach and my phone buzzes, the security app detecting my movement. I duck once I hit the bay windows and I laugh at myself. Why am I hiding?
Because you want to be alone with him
I stop once I realize that is exactly what I wanted. I wanted no interruptions, no Jungkook or Taehyung for that matter. Feeling my heart pound in my chest, I gulp nervously and continue down the sand path towards the beach. There Jimin is once again, shirtless but wearing tattoo sleeve cover and once again I stop in my tracks. I look down at my simple outfit and I start to feel self conscious. How does he look so majestic just standing under the moonlight? It's not fair. I feel like this moment should be preserved. I take out my phone and I take a photo of him...feeling a little guilty for not asking for permission. 
“Can I take a picture of you too?” Jimin says, looking over his shoulder with a slight smirk. I feel my face turn white in horror at being caught. “It’s okay I don’t mind.”
“I’m sorry I should have asked first,” I said with a slight blush, hoping that it was too dark for him to notice. 
“I guess we’re even,” he says ruffling his hair. “I didn’t quite ask you for permission to kiss you earlier..”
“Oh…” I say lamely. 
“I really am sorry…” Jimin says not meeting my eyes. Who do I feel like he wasn’t quite honest about that? “I can’t promise it won’t happen again though…”
“What?” I said in shock. “Jimin-”
“I know you think I’m a player because of the pact and with what happened with Melanie,” Jimin continues. “I’m not going to lie to you that I do have that reputation but-”
“Jimin,” I interrupt him and I step closer. “It’s okay… I don’t care about all that.. I mean I’m not one to judge, I don’t know your circumstances and it’s your life, as long as you're safe and happy..I’m okay with it.”
“There’s no but..”
“You walked away from me earlier Y/N,” Jimin sighs, also stepping closer. “There is a but.”
“It’s embarrassing..” I say covering my face. “Because I know you aren’t like that…at least I hope you won’t be like that to me…”
“Like what?” Jimin says grabbing my arms from my face, and pulling my chin to meet his gaze. 
“I’m not okay with being another conquest,” I whisper, feeling tears pool in my eyes. I hear his slight gasp and I see his mouth open but I continue. “But I can’t ask you to take me seriously, it wouldn’t be fair to your Soulmate. I don’t have the right...I’m just a childhood friend even if you were my first love..”
I felt my legs become wobbly but almost as if I was possessed, my voice came out strong.
“You were my first love,” I say meeting his eyes. “I don’t want to be just a summer fling, although everything feels intense with you, I probably wouldn’t be able to say no if that’s what you wanted.”
Jimin stares at my face intensely and I feel my heartbeat through my ears. Why isn’t he saying anything? Was I misreading him? Does he really only just want a physical relationship? Am I emotionally ready for something like that? Let’s be honest though...if that’s what he wanted..all he wanted from me, I would do it even if it would bring me a world of hurt later on..I know I would regret it if I didn’t.
“Okay.” Jimin says with a brilliant smile. “I want to be with you Y/N.”
It was at that moment my legs gave out and I let out a wavering breath, as if I was holding it all day. I probably was. Jimin crouches in front of me and caresses my cheek. It felt like fire followed his ministrations. 
“Can I kiss you?”
“You don’t have to ask.”
And for the second time that day, our lips met once more and like the waves behind us, they moved in sync, almost as if they were meant to. Hours...days could have passed us but all that mattered was the man clutching my face with tears running down his cheeks. 
I knew that one day he would find his Soulmate and it hurts whenever I think of that but I couldn’t let him pass me by. For once in my life, I felt greedy. I wanted this man, all of him even if he isn’t mine.
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theycallmegothboy · 4 years
1-100 >:DDDD REVENGE!!!
FELIXXXXXXXXXXXX >:(( 1. Spotify, SoundCloud, or Pandora?  -spotify  2. is your room messy or clean? -it’s pretty messy i guess  3. what color are your eyes? -blue and grey
4. do you like your name? why? -yeah it’s fine 5. what is your relationship status? -single 6. describe your personality in 3 words or less -certified intrusive thot 7. what color hair do you have? -brown and rn it’s red 8. what kind of car do you drive? color? -i dont have a car 9. where do you shop? -hot topic, goodwill, target 10. how would you describe your style? -comfy emo 11. favorite social media account -of mine, probably discord or youtube 12. what size bed do you have? -twin >:(( 13. any siblings? -i have 1.5 brothers  14. if you can live anywhere in the world where would it be? why? -probably vancouver, idk canada seems lit 15. favorite snapchat filter? -i like the one with devil horns and a tail but its cute 16. favorite makeup brand(s) -i dont wear makeup 17. how many times a week do you shower? -i used to shower every day, but i dont do anything that gets me dirty so like maybe 3 times but if i leave the house then i shower 18. favorite tv show? -stranger things 19. shoe size?  -8 or 9 20. how tall are you? -5′6 with shoes >:(( 21. sandals or sneakers? -sneakers wtf 22. do you go to the gym? -lol no 23. describe your dream date -making some pie or something together and then eating the pie and then sitting on some rooftop looking at stars 24. how much money do you have in your wallet at the moment? -quite a bit actually but i’m saving up for a phone lol so soon it will be like maybe 10 dollars lmao 25. what color socks are you wearing? -not wearing socks but the ones i had earlier were white (ankle length) 26. how many pillows do you sleep with? -just one but it sucks 27. do you have a job? what do you do? -NO BUT IM TRYING TO GET A JOB BUT THE FUCKIN PEOPLE THERE ARE GHOSTING ME AND WONT REPLY TO MY EMAILS SO LIKE SBJHBJS 28. how many friends do you have? -like 4 lmao 29. whats the worst thing you have ever done? -idk nothing super bad but i do a lot of small shit that makes me feel guilty when i realize what i did 30. whats your favorite candle scent? -juniper rosewood 31. 3 favorite boy names -leo, clay, charlie 32. 3 favorite girl names -ivy, uh... idk thats all ive got 33. favorite actor? -no clue 34. favorite actress? -no clue 35. who is your celebrity crush? -not a celeb but i’d smash danny phantom 36. favorite movie? -nightmare before christmas or edward scissorhands 37. do you read a lot? whats your favorite book? -no, but my fav book is probably the prince and the pauper? idk 38. money or brains? -CASH MONEYYYY jk probably brains but if your entire personality is being “smart” like fuck off lmao   39. do you have a nickname? what is it? - a bunch of people call me son (see #49, #100), some call me rat, dumdum, goth boy
40.how many times have you been to the hospital? -just once i think when i was birthed. i also went once with my brother cause he kicked some scissors i left out on the floor and it sliced his toe the fuck open and he needed stitches and i watched him get the stitches and almost passed out :/ 41. top 10 favorite songs -please dont make me do this i dont have it in me 42. do you take any medications daily? -yea i take 20mg of vyvanse but i need to get it raised to 30 cause 20 is Not Enough 43. what is your skin type? (oily, dry, etc) -i got some dry fuckin skin yall dont even know 44. what is your biggest fear?  -it depends. the dark is a pretty constant one though 45. how many kids do you want? -like 2 or 3 eventually 46. whats your go to hair style? -in my face, looking stupid 47. what type of house do you live in? (big, small, etc)  -it’s pretty small 48. who is your role model? -i dont fuckin know lmao  49. what was the last compliment you received? - “i belive in you, my son, you’re an amazing human being“ (same friend mentioned in #100, not actually a parent of mine) 50. what was the last text you sent? -”no it’s a raccoon“ YOU GET NO CONTEXT LMAO 51. how old were you when you found out santa wasn’t real? -i dont think i ever hardcore believed in him, maybe i did though i remember sleeping under the tree one christmas eve waiting for him but i was like “oh yeah that makes sense“ i guess 52. what is your dream car?  -i honestly dont give a shit as long as it actually fucking works 53. opinion on smoking? -cigarettes? fuck no that’s nastyyy. weed? that’s fine i guess but wait till you’re like 18.  54. do you go to college? -no. am sophomore n highschool 55. what is your dream job?  -musician/palentologist 56. would you rather live in rural areas or the suburbs?  -fuck the suburbs lmao, but also im tired of rural, so like.. semi urban?? 57. do you take shampoo and conditioner bottles from hotels?  -no but i take the little soaps >:)) 58. do you have freckles?  -yes 59. do you smile for pictures? -awkwardly, yes 60. how many pictures do you have on your phone?  -dont have a phone but i have like 12 on my computer currently. 4 are of me, the rest are of my cat or random shit 61. have you ever peed in the woods?  -yes 62. do you still watch cartoons?  -cartoons these days kinda suck but like if they were good fuck yeah i would like gravity falls can come hang yknow? 63. do you prefer chicken nuggets from Wendy’s or McDonalds? -i had nuggets from mcdonalds today so i guess them? i dont really care 64. Favorite dipping sauce?  -i got sweet and sour but i dont like it that much. that schezuan sauce was great 65. what do you wear to bed?  -wouldnt you like to know? ;))  66. have you ever won a spelling bee?  -NO ive only been in two. the first one i misspelled the word “turmoil“ cause i had never heard it before and the second one i spelled the word “owed“ as “ode“ cause i was thinking like ode to joy and then i felt like a big Fool afterwards :(( 67. what are your hobbies? -lol what hobbies 68. can you draw?  -i am physically able to draw, but not well, no 69 (haha). do you play an instrument? -yeah i play a few 70. what was the last concert you saw?  -i saw Chicago in either georgia or tennessee i cant remember in like 2016 71. tea or coffee? -hot coffee, iced tea. NOT the other way around. (i love both though) 72. Starbucks or Dunkin Donuts? -starbucks 73. do you want to get married? -sure why not 74. what is your crush’s first and last initial? -dont have a crush 75. are you going to change your last name when you get married?  -idk maybe 76. what color looks best on you?  -i dont know but i wear black a lot and that’s pretty dope 77. do you miss anyone right now? -yeah  78. do you sleep with your door open or closed? -closed 79. do you believe in ghosts? -on the fence. not 100% “oh my god look at these gHoSt oRbS i need to sage my house!!!“ but i accept that there’s some things i wont understand about the world and that i have no answers to. i wouldnt be surprised if there are, and i wouldnt be surprised if there aren’t. 80. what is your biggest pet peeve? -whatever my adhd decides i viscerally hate with a firey passion right at that moment  81. last person you called -my brother (the 1 of the 1.5 from #13 and the one who sliced his toe in #40) 82. favorite ice cream flavor?  -chocolate is dope 83. regular oreos or golden oreos?  -regular double stuff. if you say golden, mint, peppermint, or thin oreos i’m gonna have to euthanize you, i dont make the rules.  84. chocolate or rainbow sprinkles? -rainbow cause it’s prettier  85. what shirt are you wearing?  -queen shirt from hot topic 86. what is your phone background? -i didnt get a phone between question 60 and now but my computer one is some mountains with the moon in the background 87. are you outgoing or shy? -really depends on who i’m around 88. do you like it when people play with your hair? -YES FUCK AAAAAAA (this girl played with my hair literally once in middle school and i was like oh shit and i had a crush on her until the end of middle school true story,,, so ashley if you’re out there-) 89. do you like your neighbors? -to the left they’re fine and their dog is nice but idk what happened to the horses so that’s sus but that’s where our cat came from so they can hang  guess, behind me they’re fine but their boys are loud, to the right they’re fine, and even further to the right are the dope neighbors and waaaaaaaaaay far to the right is a llama and he’s dope as hell 90. do you wash your face? at night? in the morning? -whenever the fuck i remember to/have the energy 91. have you ever been high?  -i dont think so but i wouldnt put it past myself 92. have you ever been drunk?  -not that i can remember, no 93. last thing you ate?  -sloppy joe from a can 94. favorite lyrics right now -”not gonna waste my life, cause i’ve been fucked up“ 95. summer or winter?  -fall. fuck you 96. day or night?  -night but i like it when it’s actually night and it doesnt get dark at like 4 fucking pm cause that makes me depressed 97. dark, milk, or white chocolate? -dark is good, milk is fine, white is only suitable for fancy stripes on chocolate covered strawberries 98. favorite month?  -i vibe with september 99. what is your zodiac sign -sagittarius (was almost a scorpio but i was holding out >:))) 100. who was the last person you cried in front of?  -in person, my mom like 6 months ago, on a discord call, my friend (i love you by the way, you’re the best,,, i dont think he has tumblr but im just putting it out there) like a month or so ago. i hate crying in front of people, i turn into such a hyperventilating snot monster which is not suitable for human gaze and thats the real tea :/
felix this took like 2 hours of my life i will never get back i hate you and i hope you’re happy with what you’ve done <3 <3
also anyone who wants to stalk me, enjoy this information that im handing to you on a silver platter :)) <3
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loxbbg · 4 years
The Scarlett Hero
Chapter 3: The USJ can suck my nonexistent dick
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Disclamer: This was originally written for an OC but for tumblr I made it x reader
After being jammed packed in the bus and people being loud and excited for the USJ you just talked with Shoto. You would’ve gone on my phone but you accidently didnt plug it in so it's at 50% and  you’d rather save it. The whole hero vs. villain task really had you tired causing you to knock out when hitting the bed.
“Sho why don't you just talk to her, you make her sound so scary she's just a girl like me.” Recently Shoto has been ranting and raving about Kiyoko, you thought maybe he had a crush on her.
“Yeah but you're different Y/N, you're my best friend I haven't even talked to a girl like that ever. The only girl I talked to was you and my sister.” You  loved  Sho. You really did but it shouldn't be this hard.
“Do you want me to help you?” He took a double take.
“You're gonna embarrass me. Just tell me what to say when we get off and I will.” He's hopeless, But you still helped him out. When yall walked out of the bus he had pulled Kiyoko aside. Not 5 minute later you  saw her taking his phone typing her number out probably.  He turned around as normal as ever walking to me.
“I'm genuinely surprised you got her number.” He glared at you, making you chuckle.  
“You know I love you Sho come on before they throw a fit about us being slow.” You jogged catching up to our classmates.
“Lemme show you how easy it is.” Walking up to Bakugou tapping him on his shoulder, he turned around not startled but annoyed until he saw who it was.
“Oh hey, Kobayashi um whats up.” The tips of his ear were turning red. Did you make him nervous? Since you've met him you've been observing his interactions with his friends even though he claims to have none, his teachers and, with you.
“I was just wondering if i can have your number.” You held everything in you, so your face won’t turn pink. His ears looked like they were burning red. His friends around him looked shocked, has no one ever asked for his number before.
“Gimme your phone.” He stuck his hand out for you to hand him your phone. He took it, putting his number in. Shocking them even more, ‘why is this something to be shocked about’ you asked yourself.
“Thanks I'll call you.” You began to walk away.
“Oi aren't you gonna put yours in!?” You smirked, turning around your confidence returning. You pulled out your phone in front of him calling his number. He smirked, picking up.
“Hello.” He answered
“Did I,or did I not say that I would call you.”
“Well at least I got your number now idiot.” You hung up walking over to Shoto over hearing Bakugou's friends say something about finally getting someone who will match his shit.
“Was that your odd way of flirting”’ Shoto smirked after being the last to get into the USJ building.
After entering, Aizawa told yall how your training will go for the day .A few moments afterwards portals appeared opening to villains.  
“Is this part of the training?” Kaminari yelled
“Everyone get back!” Aziawa yelled, taking some steps back  until an eree voice called out.
“What no symbol of peace. I thought he would be here today. Huh maybe if we kill these kids he’ll show up.” He scoffed. We became worried until Bakugou and Kirishima jumped into the portal appearing in front of them. You almost screamed but you didn't want to show any weakness. Seconds later they appeared back in front of you. Bakugou looked up at you to show that he's okay.  He walked up to you taking you by the wrist.
“I wanna keep you in my sights.” Looking back at Shoto to see that he was next to Kiyoko, both trying to figure out what the hell was going on. You stopped Bakugou from walking getting a look at our surroundings, were in a standoff someone has to make a first move.
“Bakugou-.” He cut me off mid sentence.
“Katsuki you can call me Katsuki, but don't tell anyone I said it was okay” He whispered you didn't even know he could do that.
“Okay. Katsuki, what did you see when you went in the portal?” You wanted to know what kind of portals it was.
“It was like falling and dark.” You nodded. Those portals can keep you stuck forever if not open. Enji made us study different types of quirks including portals when y'all were 12.
“Shit.” All of a sudden you were all scattered throughout USJ. Looking up from the bushes you were portaled too. Katsuki was standing over you. How did you even miss him?
“OI get up we have to get the others. I think they're sending people after us.” He picked you up. Looking around you saw Kirishima standing away looking guard.
Different villains began to surround us.You were anticipating this, finally a real hero vs villain fight. After 20 minutes we stood there ready for more but no one came.Leaving the space cries were heard from other students watching Aizawa fight.
“I am here.” All Might yelled causing you to release a sigh of relief you didn't know you were holding. Shoto and Katsuki and Deku were fighting, helping out All Might. Noticing some students carrying Aizawa-sensei’s limp, bloody body up the stairs.
“Kiyoko-chan!” Ochaco said as she broke through the group to meet Yoko at the top of the stairs. Yoko seemed uneasy as she watched the fight below.
“Yoko!” You shouted with relief to see that she's okay. She noticed me and smiled before running to me and hugging me.
Y/N  Are you okay?” you nodded towards her.
After some of the villains were caught and others escaped you were all met back where it all started. Katsuki told you to go while him and Izuku fought along  All Might.
After finding Shoto with Yoko you gave him a hug even though you knew he could handle himself. It was still scary since it was real.  
“Are you okay?” I asked him
“Yeah that was easy. Are you? Gotta make sure my number 2 is alright.”
“Pff as if. I'm fine Kastuki and Kiri had my back over there. It was way too easy.” Some people looked around, shocked at the use of Katsukis first name. You looked over at him and gave him a smile while walking to the bus sitting in the same place you did with Shoto. Pulling out your phone shifting to the messages on it looking down the contact name blonde sent me a message.
‘Hi’ Looking back a couple rows to see him looking at me with a slight smile if you squinted. Looking back at your phone the conversation started to flow out of us after one simple.
‘Hi Katsuki’
Taglist: @fukyouthink
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sortagaysortahigh · 4 years
This is personal so yall can keep scrolling idc fr
Honestly Idk if its the colleigate depression, seasonal depression, depression depression, adhd, anxiety, job stress, my fingers being unusable or what. But I think ive officially hit the last straw and I have no motivation to write at all. Like genuinely I see no point in writing because while I do think my writing is bad-horrible even,i literally gag when I have to reread something I’ve written-i still used to love writing but lately I don’t really think I love anything.
Like ik Im a huge shit posting bitch, and I love to rant and I talk about things im very passionate about and yall know i be oversharing and shit like that but I just kind of lost all of my compassion for things, and the entire reason I’m posting about this is because its one of the realities of mental illness. My depression in combination with my adhd have gotten so bad that I genuinely cannot focus on anything anymore, I zone out and then my mild depressive episodes turn into major depressive episodes. I dont get those random surges of energy that I used to, and honestly I miss it. I miss being able to work with my mental illness and not having it work against me.
I do love everyone who follows me, whos constantly interacted with me, the people that still tag me in everything and that im in groupchats with. I genuinely love all of you because truth be told when this quarantine started the shitty ass boat show and it’s fandom really kept me afloat. Like i had just gotten better, I was thriving, it was finally getting hot outside and my seasonal depression was finally plummiting, but then my uni shut down and I was really spiraling so I said fuck it and watched that horrible fucking show, and decided to come back to tumblr and see what the fandom was like and im honestly so thankful for that.
This isnt one of those dramatic ass “im leaving tumblr” posts, its literally just me sitting here struggling to type because my hand is fucked up at three in the morning. I need somewhere that I can talk about my mental health and shit like that without it being attached to my real identity if you get what I mean, only a handful of you know how I look, know how my voice sounds, know where I’m from, etc so it’s like this is a safe space for me because of the anonymity it provides me. In my day to day life I’m so busy, I have people constantly talking to me about ten million things, i have to host events and meetings and be a TA, I have to be featured in instagram lives, I have to represent organizations and my university. I have so much more ahit to do and people know me, they know that version of me and I’m genuinely not comfortable with showing most people the 110% real version of myself that I’ve partially shared with yall.
Like people don’t know about my weird ass fandom fixations or my shitty writing or the fact that I eat ass. People don’t know how annoying and obnoxious I can get, like people don’t really get that vibe from me but it’s like on this blue hellsite-ive always been able to be that version of myself and in the past like 8 years that ive been here I’m glad.
But of course this is where I talk about the fact that I’m not myself right now, idk what the fuck is going on in my life and for once I’m actually afraid of what’s gonna happen in the future. I’m nit addaid of change, I love that shit, but this year, being in college, being black, being latinx, being a woman, being a lesbian, like all of these things that ive been so comfortable in are starting to feel like icky? Like i don’t know myself anymore-I don’t know the bitch I see when I look in the mirror and I don’t even know what I love to do anymore because it feels like I’ve grown numb to the world around me.
Idk, things just feel off. Maybe it’s the calm before the storm-or maybe I’m already in the storm. Whatever the fuck is going on has me questioning a lot of thing about myself.
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mx-casket · 4 years
Oop yall I'm feeding you a heaping helping of trauma sandwich! Since my mom has of yet to find my tumblr I can speak freely about this bullshit!
Note I really dont want this to be a callout post these are just things that have happened recently that get under my skin. Shes very sweet to other people but it seems like to younger people she can be especially rude especially if she has an established connection to them i.e. friends of mine, me, younger working people(she wouldn't have a connection to them but she does show a pattern of being harder on younger staff) Shes gone through a divorce and I'm willing to give her the benefit of the doubt on a lot but at some point this stops being "oh! You did something out of ignorance more then likely! You didnt mean to be rude or overrate! I'm sure you'll do better next time!" To "this is what I expect from you. I expect you to be this rude off of wild assumptions and fleeting feelings." I love my Mom. But there are days I truly dont think she really genuinely thinks of me as a human with feelings. I think she views me as her. As some kind of second chance for her. As a mini me.
We're gonna go through these in no particular order. I'd prefer not forcing you to read three hundred thousand words of my mommy issues so I'll try to be striaght to the point.
Recently she made a pretty fucked up remark to me. Since I've been a wee child I have had blonde hair and my mom really favored dumb blonde jokes when I was tiny. Sometimes directed towards me. She ment fun and games I'm sure but ended up causing some bad feelings as you can imagine. Well recently she made a blonde joke in front of me again and well I really didnt take it well. I asked her not to do it again. She apologized said she wouldnt. Then out of nowhere says "dont worry honey you're actually a beautiful red head!" (She has red hair. For context she had blonde hair as a kid and it turned red over time. My hair has yet to change to red thankfully. Tho she has suggested I dye it red more then once). I told her this made me super uncomfortable. I felt like she was trying to erase a part of me. I got no apology for that.
Recently went to a cave for my birthday. They're pretty prevalent around here and I love rocks so me, my brother, my best friend and my mom all went to this cave. We're using Google Maps on my moms phone and we missed a turn. I didnt mind until mom started getting more and more angry as time went on. At one point saying "I'm already over this trip" really fucking rudely. It made me feel awful. I tried to make sure the whole trip she was okay. I tried my best. But I still feel like I failed. And I really just feel like a piece of shit for not picking something closer and something that we all knew. I'm scared to take anymore trips with her that are over an hour long. She freaked out as soon as one thing went wrong and fuck man. That hurt. Felt like she didnt want to enjoy that trip. But then said she enjoyed it so much. Kinda ruined the whole experience for me :/
This one other people might agree with her on but I feel its important for me to put this in here. Personally I dont enjoy wearing bras. They're itchy, they never fit well, they cut into me ect. Ect. So I stopped wearing bras after quarantine started felt much better. Not only about my self image but felt a lot freer and not to mention more comfortable. And she recently has shown a distaste for my decision. She asked me "why dont you wear bras anymore" and I explained they were uncomfortable. She told me that when I started going to college again I'll have to start wearing them again. Now mom has never gone to college and this statement just came outta the blue. I've never heard anyone on my college campus say there was a rule against not wearing bras but alright mom. And her reasoning for this line of thought? "Well when I was in school a girl wasnt wearing a bra and had a white tank top on and she got sent home". Now gamers, I am 21 years of age. Going to college. And no where in the year and a half of me going to college has anyone giving a mcfuck about a tittie being out under a shirt. My response? Let me ask you something, am I in highschool? "No" am I wearing a white shirt rn? "No" theres the flaw in your logic. And what was her reaction to her daughter who would know much more about what the rules of a college campus considering shes gone to college??? "We'll see" in a very matter of fact tone. Like???????????????? You'll see what?????? Me not wearing a bra in front of my professors and no one caring because we're adults and we understand bras arent necessary for me to be see in public?????
Thank you dear reader for getting to the end of my bitch feast! I'm probably gonna worry about her finding my tumblr now. But even if see reads this I think I'm okay with that. It's not that I'm surprised by this anymore. I'm not surprised when these things happen but like can you not plz????? I just wanna live my life with some good vibes. And that's hard to do when all you give me are bad ones. I wanna include you in my life! I love you! But I have to spend mass amounts of my time avoiding you because being around you makes me feel awful. If feels like with every bit of negativity you're sinking me a little further down.
Maybe I just shouldn't take it so personally. I dont really know anymore.
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