yakult-kettle · 9 months
I don't feel like writing my whole thoughts on each of these but FWIW
Here's some media I engaged with this year that I enjoyed/struck me and I thus recommend to people:
Games -Death Stranding (GOTY to me) -Inscryption (1st Act is supreme to me) -How Fish Is Made (FREEEE) -Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog (very good srsly)
Movies/Shows -Moon (sci-fi thriller, 2009) -Perfect Blue (the last of Satoshi Kon's (RIP) work I hadn't seen yet) -Bunch of "older" films I'll lump together: Soylent Green, Westworld, Arsenic and Old Lace, Dracula (Christopher Lee) -The Green Knight (artsy, 2021) -Aardman Documentary 'A Grand Night In' -Dark Crystal: Age of Resistance (please release a DVD) -'Dennou Coil' and 'Orbital Children' (same director so. strong character writing imo especially as far as 'realistic kid' attitudes) -Trigun (with friends! holds up well - earned the classic label) -One Piece Live Action (actually kind of ...good??)
Books -Dark Archives (2020, Rosenbloom) -Dostoevsky Short Stories (Eternal Husband in particular was gripping) -History of the Comic Strip (Couperie, Horn, et al., 1968 - I re-read this every so often it's truly fascinating) -Unsure if it was this year or last year I went on a Philip K. Dick binge but various of those short stories...
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pugsandbrimstone · 7 days
Rage post
I just wanted to say something on here since the shitlogs on twitter don't listen.... if you make fun of fangirls for feeling attraction to a character and go as far as to call them r***ists you're a piece of shit if you sweep the whole situation under the rug instead of apologizing you're a piece of shit, if you send fans after people you don't like you're a piece of shit, if you fetishize $H you're a piece of shit, you go and try and entertain children after all the heinous shit you've done you're more than a POS you're a creep :) I doubt people will realizes who this is referring to-
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ask-dark-monita · 1 year
"SHITLOG!" Bowser says to Mario
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"Really? This is-a-embarassing, even for-a you, Bowser. Please grow up and stop with the childish-a insults."
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hoghtastic · 5 months
Alex Shitlog Panterson
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fruitsxdreams · 1 year
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"Fuck the police! I rule the streets, ya fucking shitlogs!"
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toneyowen · 1 year
Terminus (1987)
Truly a masterpeice of shit. It rules. German-Fremch schlockhouse rip off of a about a hundred different thing, lemme run em down:
Knight Rider if Kit could suck you off with his human mouth.
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I legit could stop right here
an annoying kid who is the best video game boy but the moral is that the only winning move is unplugging your brothers controller
some evil German doctors who got into the dress up chest
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Mad max bus that looks almost exactly like the Winnebago in spaceballs
At one point the bus is going off a jump and the computer says "ooooooh SHIIIIIIT!!!"
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Karen Allen is the protagonist for the first half then dies in the lamest way and is replaced by French rockstar Johnny Hallyday. I don't remember how or why that happened but I do know his kids contested his will because in France it's illegal to disinherit your children. Also he covered itsy bitsy teenie weenie yellow polka dot bikini but in french so it's called Itsy Bitsy Petit Bikini off the record Inoubliable Johnny Hallyday
Johnny Hallyday has the robot arm from ToTK
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Good shit: nasty practical effects, supoib costumes (half Mad Max, half Logans Run), incomprehensible plot, and a very confusing dashboard Siri who is funny and hip half the time, but then gets real sulky and uses a dumbass robot voice. I think they recast the robot and did a bunch of ADR because the movie was boring as hell when it was just silent driving punctuated by boring robot voice. The van mouth is worth the price of a mission.
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Oh yeah it was also like Speed.
The part I hated most was when the movie itself was at it's terminus!!! Also the mutant clone kids with pneumatic codpieces covering their shame and presumably drinking the piss away so their gennies ain't get pisslogged and shitlogged. The director mustve been all uhh yeah, this is movies and art and I actually really LIKE it.
Soundtrack also sucked so bad but was actually good as hell.
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"I toss the dice and skin the cat/and I always pay the fine
So we'll settle up even-steven/when we reach the end of the line"
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You skin the cat, you pay the fine
Terminus of the review
I give Terminus a...
👄👄👄/🧱🧱🧱🧱 🚐🚐
3 gross mouths out of 4 brick walls getting crashed thru by 2 wasteland busses
One sentence review: Terminus sucked shit but was actually pretty awesome
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~~•=•~~ This has been Toney Owen's™ Own™ Opinion Zone™ ~~•=•~~
And as we always say here in the TOOOZ...
" Opinions are like assholes, mine is the correct one."
—a quote by toney Owen
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unwanted-animal · 2 years
Got a week long Twitter ban for this after Matt Walsh screamed and pissed himself saying trans people “sterilize and castrate” children so thankfully I’m here now to say I hope he fucking dies. I hope someone kills his ass dead. I hope he trips on a rock and cracks his head open on the pavement so the peanut-sized little shitlog he crawls a brain spills out.
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itlogarts · 4 years
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cherrieluu · 3 years
me when characters look over they shoulder uhrmdmf......
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.... respectfully
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pumh · 7 years
Bon Nadal a tothom! ✨✨ Cultural side-note: In Catalonia we have a magic log (Cagatió) who shit presents for the children after they have beaten him up with a stick! The real magic of Christmas! #christmas #magiclog #shitlog #cagatio #hithimhard #hithimharder #shitpresentsforall #merrychristmas #catalanculture #catalanrules #christianvillacañas
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surjologyofficial · 4 years
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If you are not feeling good, just know you are a part in one of the most imp. times of human history
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infectbait · 2 years
im reading up on gender essentialism for my college class and this quote i feel the need to share, “ Mumsnet is to British transphobia more like what 4Chan is to American fascism. The tendencies were already there, but a messageboard to amplify them and recruit people to the cause never hurts.” source
everybody knows 4chan is full of racists and the likes and the british version of this is mumsnet. ive been lead to this site multiple times, this parenting forum for parents, by following articles about terfs and transphobes and shitlogs on trans people and i feel its important that people know to steer clear 
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blackbatpurplecat · 4 years
I'm guessing you're not a fan of the new Batman movie. May I ask why? I'm not judging, I'm just curious.
No problem. ;-)
With The Batman we’re getting yet another Batman remake. Batman is like DC’s Spider-Man - they make a new one every 4 years. I’m a huge Batman fan and even I am getting so overfed with and tired of him! Or rather of that misinterpreted version of him. By now, Batman’s just a copy of a copy of a misinterpretation.
Nolan’s version was boring and not the comic book character. Then we got Snyder’s which was dumb and not the comic book character. Now we’re getting brutal killing machine Batfleck one more time - in a Flash movie none the less which will already feature Keaton as an old Batman in a similar way the bad DC tv shows ALREADY DID IT by introducing Iain Glen AND (finally) Kevin Conroy as old Bruce Waynes - while Pattinson is about to be released.
So around the same time, we’ll get 3 Batmans who will all brood and look tortured. Groundbreaking.
So far, Pattison’s version looks exactly like the last 6 movies (Nolan’s shitlogy, BvS, SS, JL) in my eyes. It’s the same edgy angsty pseudo realistic shit we’ve been chewing on for almost two decades: The rinse-wash-repeat story will take place in a modern New York City-city, Bruce will be suffering and moping over his dead parents, some Rogues he’s never encountered before will show up, he’ll fight them with excessive brutality, we’ll get a Batmobile and a Batwing inbetween, maybe they’ll sprinkle in hints or cameos of SurferDude Man, fast running Spider-Man or Model Woman to establish that the movie is part of a bigger shitty universe, and at the end, Bruce will still be mopey and never have smiled once. The End. 
Maybe it’ll be different - I hope it will be, PLEASE prove me wrong!!! - but this is how I feel right now.
It’s all the same with a different cast; no style, no soul, no fun, only gray, serious rEaLiSm, and I’m sick of it.
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angel-nero · 7 years
Yo, btw, an anti called me, someone who just turned 19 an adult™ 👀 that means that now 18 yo's are valid adults as it always should have been rite?
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aasim: *gives a legit theory as to how the walkers came to be * mitch: nah almond joys 😂😂😂😂
Aasim: -and that’s why I think it’s an airborne disease that we’re all infected with. That’s why we all turn, no matter the way we die! What do you think?
Mitch: Almond Joys.
Aasim: wut
Mitch: I think some scientist asshole was eating that shitlog candy and playing around in radioactive waste and he dropped it and ate it anyway and now the dead walk the earth.
Aasim: That’s fucking stupid, Mitch.
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captorations · 6 years
dude. why are you roleplaying as karkat in my inbox
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