#shorts shortstory horror action
upwords1990 · 5 months
"Riveting, pulse-pounding, and thoroughly readable,
MIRROR IMAGE would make a great Netflix series!”—Vincent Zandri
Mirror Image: A Collection of Short Stories About Horrific People and the Price They Paid for Their Evil Actions https://a.co/d/7yZxGVs
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cjpromotionsmarketing · 5 months
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"Riveting, pulse-pounding, and thoroughly readable, 
MIRROR IMAGE would make a great Netflix series!”—Vincent Zandri
#horror #shortstories
Mirror Image: A Collection of Short Stories About Horrific People and the Price They Paid for Their Evil Actions https://a.co/d/7yZxGVs
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writersstories · 11 months
The Short story of emily
The Hort story of Emily
In the early 2000's ,in the quiet town of Willowbrook, lived a woman named Emily. On the surface, she appeared to be an ordinary young woman, working as a librarian and leading a seemingly unremarkable life. However, unbeknownst to everyone around her, Emily had a dark secret - she led a double life as a cold-blooded murderer.
Emily's story began years ago when she was just a teenager. She had always been fascinated by the macabre and had a morbid curiosity about death. As she grew older, her fascination turned into an obsession, and she began to experiment with her newfound interest.
It all started innocently enough. Emily would visit the local cemetery late at night, wandering among the tombstones, imagining the lives of those who lay beneath. But as time went on, her curiosity grew stronger, and she began to crave a more intimate connection with death.
One fateful night, Emily met her first boyfriend, Daniel. He was a charming and charismatic man who swept her off her feet. They fell deeply in love, and for a while, Emily believed she had found happiness. However, her dark desires soon resurfaced, and she found herself unable to resist the urge to take a life.
Emily carefully planned her first murder, ensuring that no one would suspect her involvement. She lured Daniel to a secluded spot in the woods, where she ended his life with a single swift blow. The rush she felt in that moment was indescribable, and she knew she had found her true calling.
As time went on, Emily continued her double life, maintaining her innocent facade during the day and indulging her murderous desires at night. She would meet new boyfriends, fall in love, and then, when the time was right, she would take their lives. Each murder became more calculated and precise, leaving no trace of her involvement.
However, as Emily's body count grew, so did the risk of getting caught. The local police began to notice a pattern - a string of unsolved murders, all involving Emily's former boyfriends. Detective James Anderson, a seasoned investigator, became determined to solve the case and bring the killer to justice.
Emily's double life began to unravel when she met her latest boyfriend, Alex. He was different from the others - kind, caring, and genuinely in love with her. As their relationship deepened, Emily found herself torn between her love for Alex and her insatiable desire to kill.
One night, as Emily prepared to end Alex's life, she hesitated. For the first time, she questioned her actions and the darkness that consumed her. She realized that she couldn't continue down this path, forever haunted by the ghosts of her victims.
In a moment of clarity, Emily confessed her crimes to Alex, hoping that he would understand and help her seek redemption. To her surprise, he did not recoil in horror but instead embraced her, vowing to stand by her side.
Together, Emily and Alex turned themselves into the police, revealing the truth behind the string of murders that had plagued Willowbrook for years. Emily faced the consequences of her actions, accepting her fate with a heavy heart.
In the end, Emily's story served as a reminder that even the darkest souls can find redemption. And as the town of Willowbrook began to heal from the wounds inflicted by her double life, they learned the importance of compassion and forgiveness, even in the face of unimaginable darkness
#shortstories #readingtime #writingcommunity #giveitatry
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fortey · 5 years
Kyoku’s Dance
The sun hadn’t risen yet, and most of the other guards were snoring loudly.  A noise that turned out to be Senya talking in his sleep woke me.  I almost cut his head off before I realized what it was.  I’m starting to think maybe I shouldn’t sleep with a murasame in my hands anymore.  Better safe than sorry, I suppose.
           Leaving the guard quarters silently I notice that Maki, the night watch, is also sleeping.  He boasts more about being a great warrior than the greenest rookie, yet here he is, sleeping.  Probably thinks as the others do; the enemy is all but defeated, they will not attack. That is fool talk.  My last count had three enemy ninja unaccounted for within the Nuriko Mountains, and they may have more garrisons I have not seen.  It only took one to eliminate the Shogun and his entire honor guard.  Thirty-five men slain.  These fools don’t even care.  None of them have even seen the enemy face to face.  They fight the Nagaaki clan, from the north, allies of our enemy.  I have seen the enemy.  I have killed the enemy.  When they come, they will come for me, and I will dance with them again.
           Using a shuriken, I cut Maki’s belt without disturbing him.  Lord Akobe will wake him in the morning.  Maki will gather himself quickly to bow and lose his breeches.  I hope I don’t give myself away by laughing too hard.
           Leaving Maki behind I exit the guard barracks through the rear door and breathe in the crisp, salty air.  I had never seen the ocean before this, in all my years.  Part of me was actually glad to be transferred here, despite the stories I had heard.  The scenery was beautiful, my old teacher told me, but the men here were lazy and the enemy had a major outpost under construction just beyond the mountains. He was right, except about the outpost. It wasn’t under construction; it was already built.  I am the only person that I know of who has been there and escaped.  That is why the enemy presses on with such force against us. They do not let anyone escape. They will return for me, despite what the others say.  I know it.
           The men here, even Lord Akobe, look at me strangely because of it.  I have seen them, was captured by them, and lived to tell the tale.  A woman doing this, when so many men could not.  That is not the way it is supposed to be. They do not say it to me, but they think I should be dead.  If no one else escapes, why did I?  I tell them I was lucky, which is untrue.  Luck had little to do with it.  I am not one who dies easily.
           Several times I have tried to train the men here, teach them the ways of my clan, the Shiori Dok, but they do not listen. Senya tries, but he does not truly understand.  He is too rambunctious and undisciplined, too young.  I think he is only trying to impress me, as so many here have tried. I was some kind of legend before I even arrived.  People told me stories about myself when I got here, about many fantastic feats that no human could do but somehow I did. When I deny the rumors, it only breeds more.  They follow me around because they think I have the gods’ luck. The enemy will not harm them with me around. I think the opposite.  I know the enemy wants me back and they will go through anyone to get me.  I have told Lord Akobe this; he dismisses it.  I almost pity him.  He is the Lord here, the enemy will make a point of having his head when they show.
           “Kyoku?  Is something wrong?”  I recognize the voice and stop any outward reaction of being surprised.  Turning, I see Senya rubbing his eyes with one hand and scratching his backside with the other.  He doesn’t even have his sword belt on.  My clansmen would be disgusted.  Most would have drawn their sword by now and given Senya a token scar to remind him of his foolishness.  I must be getting soft.
           “I am waiting,”  I say.  Senya gives me that look that says he doesn’t believe.  I have seen it many times and it no longer bothers me.
           “Lord Akobe assured us that the demons will not return.  All the southern clans have closed in on them.  You should take this time to relax before your clan finds another war to send you to.”  I try not laugh at him.  He speaks to me as though I were one of the Craven, a coward who runs from war.  My clan is the clan of war; our purpose is the dance of battle.  I fear the boredom of Senya’s life more than any battle.
           “All bodies are not accounted for.  The enemy will return.  They want me back.”
           “Are you really so valuable?”  he asks, mocking but in jest.
           “You don’t understand.  I didn’t understand until I saw them.”
           “Then explain it, why don’t you?”  he says, approaching me.  I shake my head and look back at the ocean.  Vibrant colors light the horizon as the sun slowly rises.  I hope I get to see this again sometime. My people reserve little time for simple pleasures.  The pleasure of war is usually enough, but sometimes I wish for more. Perhaps someday, if there is no war left for me to fight.
           “Lord Akobe will be coming soon from Shido city. Make yourself presentable.”  He hears the command in my voice and leaves quickly.  Lord Akobe had warned me twice against ordering his soldiers. It is not my place, but he warns gently.  He fears me. I could have this whole clan under my control if I wanted to, and he knows it.  Lucky for him I have no use for them.
           Turning my head, I notice a shift in the wind, bringing a new smell to my nose, something sour and old.  Decayed.  The smell the demons bring with them.  They are not human, not anymore.  And they are close by.
           My hand twitches at my side, toward the exposed hilt in my scabbard, and a movement catches my eye from the barracks entrance. I parry left and catch a glimpse of the thing standing there, grinning at me from behind its blade. The eyes are dead and unmoving, one of them is off kilter, looking down and to the right.  I recognize the gold and grey flecks of color throughout the dark iris. I see the same eyes reflected in my own blade, my eyes.  The eyes of my brother.  I did not think I would ever have to dance with him; he was my first teacher, but he is one of them now.  This should be interesting.
           He lunges at me in a hasty manner, quite unlike the brother I knew.  He would never be so clumsy.  Of course, in those days, he was still alive.  This thing has been dead a long while.  Its flesh is a strange shade of pale purple, and I can see a hole in its chest.  My brother was killed by the enemy and brought back by them, to fight at their side.  That is why their numbers do not decrease, the dead are added to their ranks.
           I sidestep his feeble attack easily, lashing out with my own sword and removing his left arm.  It doesn’t seem to phase him.  He simply turns on me and attacks again.  Whatever evil force drives him, it aims to take my life at any cost. I cannot let that happen.  This time, I remove his head.
             Distantly, I hear the alarm gong.  It must have been sounding for some time now, I just did not notice. The enemy must have attacked the rest of the base as well.  They may have been entirely comprised of my clansmen.  If they were, I suspect I am the only survivor.  Even if the rest were as sluggish as my brother, these men cannot compete.
           I enter the barracks quickly, running through the corridors looking for a fight.  I hear distant sounds of battle, but none close.  The gong has stopped.  I approach the guard quarters and slow.  A figure in the hall stops me.  It is Maki, lying against the wall.  He never even unleashed his blade from the look of him.  Blood flows from the wound in his chest.
           The door to the quarters is open.  Bodies are scattered about, piled on top of one another, some with weapons drawn, but not many.  Senya lies next to the open door, his throat slit, a surprised look on his face. There is dark blood on his sword blade. At least he wounded his attackers.
           A sound draws my attention and I turn.  One of the devils stands at the end of the hall behind me, one of my clansmen.  He is not as rotted as my brother had been.  I take a step forward and the devil is joined by another, then another.  Soon the hall is full of them, at least fifty, all smiling their dead smiles, glassy eyes focused solely on me. I was their target from the beginning.  None of them utters as word as they approach me.  They will not have me without a fight.
           I run to meet them, my sword dances its own dance as I avoid the attacking blades, slicing and piercing dead flesh. The first dozen fall quickly, but not quick enough.  More devils come, forcing me back.  I cannot fight them all, I know, but I will not submit.
           Suddenly my father is before me, the greatest warrior I have ever known, his katana blade flashing like lightning as he attacks. I dishonor myself by letting out a cry of despair as he strips the murasame from my grip, ending my fight. His dead mouth pulls back into a wider smile as I lower my head, ready for the death blow.  It does not come.
           Dead hands take hold of my arms and legs.  A rope is tied about me, binding me tightly and a soiled cloth is tied over my eyes.  More cold hands take hold of me and lift me up.  I struggle briefly, then something crunches into my skull and all goes black.
           “Wake up, my dear.  You are needed.”  My head is pounding and I am not sure if the voice I hear is real or not.  Whichever it is, neither is good.  “Wake or you will die now.”  The voice is not one I recognize, it is female, and she speaks strangely.  Her accent suggests one who is used to the old tongue.  I lift my head and open my eyes, light and shadow swarms before me in dizzying patterns.  I take a deep breath and my eyes manage to adjust.
           I do not recognize my surroundings.  It is a dungeon, that much is obvious.  Cold stone, dripping water, torch light. Shackles line the walls, I am fixed in a pair at the wrists, hanging nearly a foot from the ground.  I have been stripped of my clothes.  I see the one who addresses me standing not far off. She is young and has very pale skin, contrasting her night black hair and eyes.  Two of the devils stand with her, one was my father, the other was Senya. The woman smiles at me.  
           “Glad to see you listen well.  My name is Ky-Lin.  I believe I know you, but not your name,” she says, tilting her head curiously.
           “Kyoku, of the Shiori Dok,” I say.  The woman’s full lips part into an ecstatic smile and she claps her hands like a child.
           “How glorious! You are the very last of your kind you know.  The Shiori Dok put up a fight the likes of which I have never seen, they were magnificent. And you, Kyoku, the last of your kind, the only to have ever escaped my stronghold, you are the most magnificent of all.  You will be my prize, the greatest of my warriors, if only you will join my army.” Her smile becomes curious again, asking the question.  I consider spitting in her face, but decide against it.
           “You have killed my clan and my family.  I have failed in my duty.  I am a warrior no longer, least of all for you.  It is better to die,” I say.  There is no doubt in my mind that my wish will be granted. Ky-Lin smiles at me and takes the dagger from Senya’s blood stained belt.  A thought occurs to me.  I have no choices.  Her army is the dead.  When she kills me, I will surely be stripped of my soul, and my will.  I will be one of them.  An abomination.  I begin screaming long before the dagger slices my throat.  With my dying breath I curse her and she laughs.  Slowly, everything becomes black again.
              The road is quiet.  The woods are quiet.  Everyone must die.  A twig snaps, a guard at the barracks lifts his head and walks around the side of Lord Akobe’s carriage.  He sees nothing.  There is a swish, a flash of metal, his head falls to the dirt road.  Everyone must die.
           Two more guards are dead before an alarm is sounded, then the others come.  They all die. Everyone must die.  The last is Lord Akobe.  In my mind, I see his face.  I have known him before.  I will kill him.  The murasame in my hand moves swiftly.  He gasps something, a word perhaps.  “Kyo” it sounded like.  It does not matter.  His head hits a wall, then my foot as I walk by.  Outside to the silence, to the road.  There are others waiting for me.  I lead them.  I point with my sword, towards the human city.  Shido.   Everyone must die.                                                          
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salvatoreharan · 3 years
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I Am The Mausoleum - Chapter 2 - Motel (on Wattpad)  A man awakens in a field. He has no memory of who he is or why he is there. All that he has is a wallet full of cash and a deep cut in his chest that pulses green. He has many questions... Who stabbed him? And why can't he feel anything? 
I Am The Mausoleum is a 9 chapter novella with themes of mystery, horror, action, and discovering who you are if your old self is dead. 
Updated weekly on Sunday evenings PST, follow this supernatural tale and discover your true self. 
Cover art by Simple-illust https://www.deviantart.com/simple-illust
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Tales From Archeleon's WIllow Volumes 1-8 are available on Amazon for both Kindle and Paperback
Book 1
Book 2
Book 3
Book 4
Book 5
Book 6
Book 7
Book 8
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And speaking of surprises...here's the first of them.
At the moment, DARKENED SOUL: PIECES OF A DARKENED PUZZLE is ON SALE for 99 CENTS!!! Mostly short stories, but the backstory for Aidan, the main character in my new book DARKENED SOUL: WITCH'S ABYSS, can be found here in a dark novella.
‘Are you doing what you want to do…or are you simply another piece of a darkened puzzle? Your own actions predetermined by powers higher than you?’
One novella.
Six short stories.
Darkened Soul: Pieces of a Darkened Puzzle explores these questions as the futuristic dystopian world introduced in Darkened Soul presents itself in this new collection of tales.
In the novella, “Pieces of a Darkened Puzzle,” the young witches Aidan and Serena Worthhill live a life in hiding in the city-state of California. However when the teens dive into the secrets of their past, they unearth revelations about their family. Not only does the truth potentially aim the evil Nosferatu at them, but there are far-reaching consequences that lead to tragedy.
The world above and the world below unfold in the short stories that follow. In “She Walks in Shadows,” Jonathan and Ursula, the Nosferatu from Darkened Soul, engage in a game of one-upmanship that take a deadly turn when they encounter the ancient Titania. In “One or the Other,” Angela Hillworth’s desire to be a normal mother clashes with her witch heritage as witches are hunted, forcing her to make a heartbreaking decision. Then in “Where Were You When…,” a reporter’s need for a scoop results in her discovering an underworld…and the people who guard it…
Come into a world where fantasy, sci-fi, and horror meet. A world where the question arise…who pulls the strings: Nosferatu, human, witch…or someone else.
As above…so it is below…
#speakingof #speaking #surprisebitch #surprises #sale #99cents #discount #shortstories #witches #aidan #fantasy #backstory #darkenedsoul #magic #magicks #novella
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adeledowns · 4 years
Love and Trust Their Only Weapons #KindleUnlimited #ParanormalThriller #ParanormalRomance #ShortStories #Horror
Love and Trust Their Only Weapons #KindleUnlimited #ParanormalThriller #ParanormalRomance #ShortStories #Horror
For Hunter and Rosa, Love and Trust were their only weapons.
FREE in Kindle Unlimited or Buy for Only .99!
I’m excited to share the new cover for KISSES FROM LILLITH, my paranormal short read. If you like vampire stories with lots of action, I hope you’ll one-click the link to this book.
Let me know if you like the new cover and if you enjoyed the story. Your opinion…
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chipslater · 5 years
(via https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=9sZmFYsOPwo)
The Cats of Ulthar ♦ By H. P. Lovecraft ♦ (Horror) ♦ Full Audiobook
Title:  The Cats of Ulthar
Author:  H. P. Lovecraft
Genre(s): Horror & Supernatural Fiction, Short Stories
Language: English
Read By:  jpontoli
Librivox Recording
More H. P. Lovecraft audiobooks found here: https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL_FVJ7kWYJDj_AzWne2FNXApOVRIf2J9z
An unnamed narrator, while gazing upon his pet cat, begins to reminisce about a law in the town of Ulthar which forbids the killing of cats and relates the story of how this law came to be. The tale begins with the introduction of an old cotter and his wife who delight in trapping and violently killing any cats who venture onto their property. The people of the town are too afraid of the couple to speak against these acts, so they instead focus their efforts on keeping their felines from approaching the cotter's house. One night a caravan of travelers from a distant land arrives and passes through the village. They bring with them an orphan named Menes who, having lost his family to a plague, has only a small, black kitten to keep him company. After being unable to find his kitten on the third day of his stay, Menes hears the stories of the old cotter and his wife, and decides to take action.
Menes spends time meditating prior to unleashing a prayer that affects the shapes and movements of the clouds in the sky. The caravan leaves Ulthar that night, shortly before the townspeople notice that all of their cats have gone missing. The townspeople suspect both the old couple and the wanderers, but the innkeeper's son Atal witnesses the felines circling the property of the cotter. The next morning, the cats have returned to their owners well-fed, but the cotter and his wife have vanished. When the townspeople explore their abandoned house, they discovered nothing more than two skeletons that have been picked clean. The local burgesses, after reviewing the evidence and stories of the townspeople, decide to pass a law that forbids the killing of cats in Ulthar. Summary by wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Cats_of_Ulthar
Visit me on Tumblr at https://www.tumblr.com/blog/chipslater
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#Horror  #Audiobook   #HPLovecraft   #TheCatsofUlthar #ShortStories  #ShortStory  #Supernatural   #Fiction
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upwords1990 · 5 months
"Riveting, pulse-pounding, and thoroughly readable,
MIRROR IMAGE would make a great Netflix series!”—Vincent Zandri
Mirror Image: A Collection of Short Stories About Horrific People and the Price They Paid for Their Evil Actions https://a.co/d/7yZxGVs
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upwords1990 · 5 months
"Riveting, pulse-pounding, and thoroughly readable,
MIRROR IMAGE would make a great Netflix series!”—Vincent Zandri
Mirror Image: A Collection of Short Stories About Horrific People and the Price They Paid for Their Evil Actions https://a.co/d/7yZxGVs
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upwords1990 · 5 months
"Riveting, pulse-pounding, and thoroughly readable,
MIRROR IMAGE would make a great Netflix series!”—Vincent Zandri
Mirror Image: A Collection of Short Stories About Horrific People and the Price They Paid for Their Evil Actions https://a.co/d/7yZxGVs
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upwords1990 · 5 months
"Riveting, pulse-pounding, and thoroughly readable,
MIRROR IMAGE would make a great Netflix series!”—Vincent Zandri
Mirror Image: A Collection of Short Stories About Horrific People and the Price They Paid for Their Evil Actions https://a.co/d/7yZxGVs
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upwords1990 · 6 months
"Riveting, pulse-pounding, and thoroughly readable,
MIRROR IMAGE would make a great Netflix series!”—Vincent Zandri
Mirror Image: A Collection of Short Stories About Horrific People and the Price They Paid for Their Evil Actions
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Tales From Archeleon’s Willow Volumes 1-8 are available on #Amazon for both #Kindle and #paperback Book 1 https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Archeleons-Willow-Heros-Sin/dp/1729659772/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_2?crid=1OJR14DXPI6R8&keywords=tales+from+archeleon%27s+willow&qid=1557163968&s=gateway&sprefix=Tales+From+Arch%2Cgarden%2C286&sr=8-2-fkmrnull Book 2 https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Archeleons-Willow-Dangerous-Beginning/dp/1722795395/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_4?crid=1OJR14DXPI6R8&keywords=tales+from+archeleon%27s+willow&qid=1557163968&s=gateway&sprefix=Tales+From+Arch%2Cgarden%2C286&sr=8-4-fkmrnull Book 3 https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Archeleons-Willow-Itward-Dooms/dp/1729662013/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_3?crid=1OJR14DXPI6R8&keywords=tales+from+archeleon%27s+willow&qid=1557163968&s=gateway&sprefix=Tales+From+Arch%2Cgarden%2C286&sr=8-3-fkmrnull Book 4 https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Archeleons-Willow-Scaletta-Sisters/dp/179432870X/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_6?crid=1OJR14DXPI6R8&keywords=tales+from+archeleon%27s+willow&qid=1557163968&s=gateway&sprefix=Tales+From+Arch%2Cgarden%2C286&sr=8-6-fkmrnull Book 5 https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Archeleons-Willow-Mother-Needed/dp/1794329404/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_7?crid=1OJR14DXPI6R8&keywords=tales+from+archeleon%27s+willow&qid=1557163968&s=gateway&sprefix=Tales+From+Arch%2Cgarden%2C286&sr=8-7-fkmrnull Book 6 https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Archeleons-Willow-Jacks-Tutorial/dp/1797426184/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_8?crid=1OJR14DXPI6R8&keywords=tales+from+archeleon%27s+willow&qid=1557163968&s=gateway&sprefix=Tales+From+Arch%2Cgarden%2C286&sr=8-8-fkmrnull Book 7 https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Archeleons-Willow-Guardian-Wishing/dp/109229015X/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_9?crid=1OJR14DXPI6R8&keywords=tales+from+archeleon%27s+willow&qid=1557163968&s=gateway&sprefix=Tales+From+Arch%2Cgarden%2C286&sr=8-9-fkmrnull Book 8 https://www.amazon.com/Tales-Archeleons-Willow-Vol-Revival/dp/109653763X/ref=sr_1_fkmrnull_1?crid=1OJR14DXPI6R8&keywords=tales+from+archeleon%27s+willow&qid=1557163968&s=gateway&sprefix=Tales+From+Arch%2Cgarden%2C286&sr=8-1-fkmrnull
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mjwpub · 5 years
The Apex
#TheChroniclesoftheParasitic #TheSouthBeachSlayer #AmericaAmerikkkaАмерика
Available at http://www.amazon.com/author/michaeljwilliams305
and at https://mjwpub.com/other-purchasing-options/
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