#should add more later
thekatebridgerton · 27 days
So this is another episode of stories I want to read and I don't have the energy to write because it's 2am and I still can't sleep: real enemies to lovers past life au
And I mean I want a real enemies to lovers Bridgerton au where the Bridgertons straight up killed their love interest in the most Brutal way possible because they were that bad. Maybe its a past life in a fantasy world where the Bridgertons were dark overlords and their enemies were a powerful band heroes trying to defeat them who were killed by them to maintain power. But when the heroes died, the Bridgertons realized that there was nothing woth conquering anymore without an arch enemy and pretty much destroyed the world
But then the reincarnation happens and it's 1800 regency England and the spouses immediately recognize the people who killed them in a past life and go like ' nope, I don't like people who murdered me in my past life 'while the Bridgertons themselves don't know why they feel drawn to these people who keep fighting/avoiding them.
Kate knows Anthony murdered her in her past life, she remembers and he doesn't, in her past life she was a powerful mage who saw her friends die one by one trying to eradicate the Bridgertons and faced off with Anthony in a brutal final battle, in this life she's trying to protect Edwina from the vultures of the ton and he's trying to get close to Kate, for someone unknown reason. she's going to shoot him one of these days and struggles with the knowledge that in this life he's done nothing to deserve it. he's all she ever trained to destroy in her past life, in this one, he's just a foolish man, how can she let go of old grudges if he keeps frustrating her so much and trying to get on her good side
Sophie was a saint with healing powers in her past life, she's a maid in this one, big deal she can get trough this. Her plan is to reach spinster age, hunt down Phillip or Simon and start her own medicine practice. Except that the guy who killed her in her past life somehow found her first, he's offering to help her get a job as a maid in his house ( serving his other 7 muder happy siblings? No thank you) she's trying to avoid him, found work with Lady Danbury, and he thinks they're soulmates just because she nursed him that one time. Seriously if she wasn't honor bound as a healer in her past life she would have left him to die!! Why wont he get away from her.
Penelope was killed in the least violent way, past life Colin was almost gentle when he killed her, so she's always had a soft spot for him. She was willing to let the past life lie and be his friend until he said he'd never court Penelope Featherington!. As if she would want him to! That idiot!. In her past life she was a paladin who never married and had her life cut short by Colin..She's going to save up her LW money, buy herself a husband and move far away from her former executioner... Wait a minute! He should take responsibility for that, she didn't even have a first kiss in her past life because of him! He should give her one! She's determined not to die a virgin in this life and she's going to make it Colin's problem if he keeps sniffing around her business!
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purgatory-jar · 2 months
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Who's excited for tonight's episode???? I am!!!
A lil bit of buck/tommy as a good luck charm for tonight!
Want something like this? Commission me here: x
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moodlesmain · 1 year
Hi. Look at this.
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I just spent two days straight making a digital conspiracy board trying to piece together my favourite genre that isn't really a genre and more just a very particular niche which doesn't really have a name.
If you want to look I reccomend downloading and zooming in on the image to read everything LMAO, I want to try and convert it to a page on my neocities at some point so its easier to view but for now you guys just get a big ol' jpeg. You're welcome :)
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sleepis4theweak · 19 days
Came across this post the other day and realized I relate to it a bit more than I initially thought....
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doomed siblings... save me doomed siblings...
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qsmprambling · 10 months
I'm trying to think of things Bad has said to the islanders, not just to chat, about his characters species or lore:
Dapper knows about Bad's grim reaper lore and has been spoken to about it a lot - Dapper is a grim reaper in training. Baghera and Pomme know Bad is 'Jim Beaver' and Cellbit overheard Bad and Dapper talking about grim reaper stuff (and got advice directly from Bad about the dangers of ressurection), but it seems like none of them realise this isn't a prank or is not canon.
Bad said to Mike that in 200 years they'll all probably be dead, but he'll still be there. Mike said he kept forgetting Bad wasn't human, and Bad responded "Yeah! BadBoyHalo lives forever!" And then talked about how lonely it can get because everyone you loves dies and leaves you alone.
Spoke to Dapper about how their family is very long lived, saying he will live forever, Skeppy will live forever because he's diamonds, and Dapper will live a long life because he's a dragon. (Pomme was nearby but may or may not have heard)
Spoke to Dapper and Pomme about how lonely it can be when you live 1000+ years and how important a friendship with someone who lives as long as you do is.
When Dapper called tik-tac-toe an archaic game Bad said "Just because your father is 11,000 years old...!" (Confirmed this as canon to chat which matched up with previous info he gave)
When talking about Foolish's Capybara portal, he warned him it probably wouldn't be safe to leave it open because he didn't know what could come through. There was reference to a demon coming through and destroying everything. When Foolish asked if this was something that happened before, Bad said he knew of 'another island' with a demon problem. (Another day he vaguely referred to Max about people not knowing what they would get when they did summoning rituals and when Max said he knew what he was going to get, Bad said "Yeah I think people thought they knew what they were getting too...". It doesn't seem like Max picked up on this and it was more for the ghosties)
Dapper wrote on a sign to Baghera that Bad was 1000+ years old, and Pomme corrected he was more like 11,000+. Not sure if Baghera accepted it as a joke or lore since they were talking about the doctor saying he had dementia beforehand.
Richarlyson asked how hired Bad as a grim reaper if he has a rockstar background when he was going to show them Muffin (Not sure if Richas canonically knows Bad is a grim reaper or if this was out of character)
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berrythefish · 1 year
soo hanahaki disease au...
i haven't seen much for this and have been really craving one and I really really like angst
Its just really a y/n just developing feelings for sun/moon (which surprised them) and gets the disease. Y/n then tries to convince themselves that they can't be feeling for a robot that way and try to reason with themselves to snap out of it
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They try to cover it up at first but becomes difficult after a while (constantly having to excuse themselves to run off and deal with the flowers) since they interact with the daycare attendants all day. So they start to distance themselves from the daycare attendants which only causes sun and moon to worry about them.
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sun and moon also crush on y/n but keep it on the down low. They try to help y/n but only end of making things worse for both of them. Just pure angst obviously.
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Y/n reasons with themselves that Sun is just a robot, an ai and it is weird and unacceptable to feel that way towards a machine
Sun/Moon are new to this feeling and are conflicted since it's not in their programing. They do accept it later on but think that y/n deserves better then them.
Someone help these two
Do have more details but it's late and this is just a late night ramble. I'm okay with sharing this much for now. I just want my daily dose of angst
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fragonreal · 3 months
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a full of my previous pfp my first pixel art too, actually @plaugeoffur inspired me to try pixel art super cool person :^)
anyway do you guys like my new pfp :3
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faceless-es · 5 months
Okay y’all, you gotta hear me out on this one. I know it’s 5:27AM but… I have a theory.
We see the girl from Harrow right? We see her hanging out with Kotoko and there’s this friendly and casual banter (Kotoko putting her hat on and ruffling it). Again, later we see the same girl who rushes over to greet Kotoko happily like she usually would, but then is shocked/terrified. Kotoko is in for the kill. My theory? The young girl follows Kotoko around, and this ends up leading to her kidnapping, causing Kotoko to feel immense guilt over what happened when she should have protected her.
Thank you for listening, I will go to sleep now.
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spaghettiandart · 11 months
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becauseplot · 7 months
Hi hello yes more thoughts about this hgduo pre-canon, hunger games/wars au(??) because my brain is rotating them at incredible speeds. (Obligatory cannibalism tw because yeah the lore do be like that.)
Bad originally finds Cellbit while the kid is trying to use a dagger to carve up a body to eat---key word trying. Bad stands back and watches him struggle for about thirty seconds before speaking up: "You're holding that wrong." (The kid jumps about two feet in the air. "WhhUH---") "Also you're not supposed to carve with a dagger, silly. You should really be using a knife. Here." And Bad passes him one of his hunting knives.
Bad mentally dubs Cellbit "Dagger-Kid" because he doesn't know Cellbit's name. When Cellbit later admits he doesn't know his name either, Bad officially dubs him "Dagger-Kid" or "Dagger" for short. ((For the rest of this I'll be calling Cellbit "Dagger")) ((Also I'm not 100% on this name yet but we'll see.))
I should note that I also think it would be funny that every time Dagger does something notable or reveals a new quality about himself, Bad tries to give him a new name. Like, they scavenge a piece of chocolate off one of their victims and Dagger loves it, so Bad tries to suggest, "Oh oh! What if we called you 'Sweets'! Or 'Chocolate'? 'Coco,' maybe?" all of which Dagger (playfully) rolls his eyes at. Bad rotates through nicknames regularly, but Dagger personally sticks with the first name Bad gave him.
Dagger was on his own for two months before he met Bad. He is injured and half-starved and utterly exhausted. The first time they make camp together, Dagger promises he'll take the first watch, but he nods off before even Bad can fall asleep. It's the first time Dagger has felt safe enough to truly relax, so his body just crashes. He sleeps for twelve hours.
This one's honestly more of a general qsmp headcanon I have but it goes here too: Bad teaches Dagger how to throw knives (for combat) and how to do knife tricks (for fun). Current-day Cellbit still remembers how to do the tricks, and he'll often use them as a way of fidgeting when he's thinking---with a pen or pencil instead, though.
One of Dagger's natural talents is stealth. He's not as quiet as Bad, but he's definitely good at it; his cat-hybrid traits definitely lend him a hand here, too. It's the main way Dagger survived before meeting Bad, stealing supplies out of camps while people were sleeping.
Bad, being a demon, doesn't need to eat, drink, or sleep as much as mortals do, and certainly not as much as a teenage boy. To him, it only seems practical that he gives himself smaller portions of their rations, or takes longer nightwatch shifts. But Dagger (who can scarcely imagine ever being not hungry or not tired, much less at the same time) is still grateful and feels somewhat indebted to Bad, even after Bad explains.
Dagger (a cat hybrid and a little more than a bit messed up) bites to show affection. Usually Bad's arm. Any normal guy would be injured by the force of Dagger's bite---Dagger doesn't really seem to understand that not-biting-hard is an option---but Bad doesn't really mind it.
(The truth is that deep down Dagger really wants to hug Bad, but he knows Bad isn't a very cuddly person, and yeah Bad might give him a hug if he asked but he's too afraid to ask so all that affection stays bottled up until it rises rises rises and he just doesn't know what to do with it anymore and it needs OUT---)
Bad thwacks Dagger upside the head with his tail whenever Dagger is being a "little rapscallion" and eventually Dagger starts retaliating. His tail isn't as long or flexible as Bad's but he definitely does try.
Bad has a lot of stories to tell. Some true, some made up on the fly. He's always liked telling stories, and Dagger is a captive audience. He learns Dagger loves mysteries, and suddenly, all of his campfire stories are about spies, and detectives, and red-string cork boards and espionage.
The thing Dagger fears the most is that one morning he'll wake up and Bad won't be there because Bad decided Dagger slowed him down and thus abandoned him. He thinks about this near-constantly. (The thing Bad fears the most is that one morning he'll wake up and look at Dagger and start caring like he used to a long, long time ago. He does not think about this at all.)
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It’s late and I was about to roll over and go to sleep but I was just hit with the idea that Jason grew up alone
As in, though growing up in park row and having built a small community for himself, he doesn’t have many things to track his progress of growth. He doesn’t have any pictures or him losing his first tooth or any elementary school art projects to look back on. He doesn’t have any tiny little Knick knacks or like a favorite stuffed animal that he got to keep into adulthood. He’s childhood is filled with so much death and loneliness so quickly that all the people who would have told stories about all of the silly little kid things he did to adult Jason aren’t around to reminisce with him. So once those memories and outlooks on Jason are gone then they’re gone forever
And then later on: after Jason died, Bruce took down all the memories of Jason like he was trying to erase him from their memories. Bruce probably tried to purposely forget memories of them together and destroy photos and other objects of Jason from the ~2.5 yrs Jason lived at the manor because they were too painful to deal with therefore those memory markers are Also Gone
And then finally in the last chunk of his childhood, Jason’s catatonic and then on his world tour still mainly alone. And he’s so mission focused, he’s not building actually “coming of age” memories and social skills for the adult world and all that jazz that would be so crucial to entering the real world as a young adult. He doesn’t have his senior year project or stupid memories with stupid friends doing stupid things. He doesn’t have memories of being able to just being a person because everything has always been about needing to stay alive and survive
Like his favorite memory is Bruce Putting. Off. His. Mission. To stay inside with Jason when he’s sick. Him doing the bare minimum of putting Jason first when he’s ill is Jason’s favorite memory from childhood. And it’s so sad that one act of basic kindness is all Jason latched onto as a child. Because people putting him first was and still is a rarity. And people being nice to him isn’t a thing. So Bruce choosing to stay with Jason when Jason was so ready to think Bruce would just leave for patrol stuck with him because, for once, he was the more important thing
And then he gave up that memory!!!!!
I’m so emotional over the fact that Jason has nothing to look back on to see how he’s grown and changed. Like does he even remember what he looked liked at certain stages of his life??? There’s nothing to show for it. And the possibility that he Could Of had Something to show for his life except that those almost memories were stolen from him and the memories he Could Of had were destroyed
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ceruleansol · 1 year
So I’m workin on a lil (Vash x reader) somethin….
Nsfw to come once I finish and make this a whole other post
The routine noises are comforting. It starts the same every evening from where you sit resting against the armrest of the couch, reading the book he bought for you that month. Over the course of your five-year-long relationship, you learned the various ways Vash expresses and needs to receive love.
One of the ways he gives love is by gift giving, in which he studies you in detail and makes sure he enables every one of your passions. Every month he either buys you a book based on your preferences or picked out by himself for you to try. If he sees a pretty rock on the ground or has time to stop by the local crystal shop, he brings you crystals to add to your ever-growing collection. By the time you've added another passion or hobby to your repertoire, he's already created another mental list of ideas of what to gift you.
The set of different sketching pencils will arrive in the mail next week—with the specifications that it is a gift, so the price isn't showing.
What is more notable, however, is his need for quality time and physical touch. He will insist it's for you. He is hellbent on serving you and making sure you're comfortable, secure, and protected. It is innate and in his nature. Many a late and stressful night for the both of you has he chosen, unprompted and without complaint, to do the cooking or the cleaning or the laundry. But he'll also ask in that soft and sweet voice if you want to join him. He needs to take care of you and have you with him, but you know the real reason.
The noises continue in the bathroom down the hall that stretches straight ahead of you, the light bleeding sideways out of the cracked door. And it's by such repetitive routine that each tell paints a clear picture in your mind of him methodically undoing his prosthetic and placing it onto the countertop, a relieved breath following suit before he begins to tug his shirt over his head.
The door then opens like it does every evening where he steps out with only his pants remaining. It is this sight of him in particular that especially warms your heart and increases your fondness for your lover. No one else gets to see him in such a vulnerable state. Only you get to hold the weight of his trust and witness him and all his scars.
His eyes soften when he sees you with the book and he smiles. "Hey," he says as soft as his gaze and raises a hand to get your attention, though he's never lost it. "Wanna shower with me?"
He's met with only a growing smile on you at the familiar question, and so he pushes himself past the doorframe.
You watch him in adoration of his lean stature, the marred skin across his chest that reaches his back, the angle of his shoulders, and the gentle yet playful manner in which he steps toward you.
When he stops, his shins are against the couch between your legs, and he grins down at you. He nudges your leg with his to coax you out of the stupor he's surely noticed you in.
Blinking back into reality, you're met with the realization of how your head reaches the height of his abdomen when you sit down like this.
You know it well, just as well as he knows you; Vash gives what he needs to receive, and you intend to make sure he always gets as much as he gives.
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justcallme-ange · 5 months
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Comics: Pinning Butterflies - DSMP Comic - Sam tells someone about his new "hobby". Little Comforts - DSMP Comic - Promises made while Techno and Dream are in prison.
Tags: #My art - All my art posts
#RivalsDuo/#Rivals Duo - Gen Rivals duo content
#AccidentalHumanAU - [Master Post] Techno through shenanigans becomes human - hilarity ensues
#RivalsChildhoodFriendAU - [Master Post] What if Techno and Dream met as children?
#Dreamnoblade/#c!dnb - Any and all dreamnoblade posts
Fic Rec: Kindness is not Transactional - by Temporarily
Five Remarkable Attempts on Techno’s Life - by Kurozaya15
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aetsiv · 22 days
What do you think about Percabeth or Perachel?
hi, thanks for the ask!
i personally prefer perachel over percabeth. my main reasoning for this isn't that i absolutely despise percabeth, i in fact think there was a lot of good potential in the ship and richard just messed all up. i could get by some of annabeth's treatment to percy in the early books since they were still rather young but i feel she just didn't mature that much throughout and kept calling stupid and what not and generally not showing much appreciation to him.
once again, i don't believe annabeth to be a bad character but instead a product of riordan's shitty writing for female characters. i honestly won't even get into the whole judo flip scene and everything percabeth had going in hoo because there were so many problems with it-- if you want to see anything relating to problems on hoo relating to percabeth, I'd recommend checking the "anti percabeth" or "hoo crit" tags as there are tons of posts relating to that. the most i'll say about percabeth on hoo is that i feel like annabeth generally got somewhat more abusive and possessive, starting treating percy even more so like he's stupid, percy's character was for the most part reduced to him being annabeth's boyfriend.
like i already mentioned, i much prefer perachel. i mainly enjoy it because rachel and percy's relationship both platonic and romantic is so healthy. percy enjoys being around rachel and feels like he can relax around her, doesn't have to worry all the time about what she'll think if he says or does something. rachel sees percy's intelligence and doesn't constantly berate him for small things, shares things in common with him (unlike annabeth and percy mainly only bonding over being demigods), and sees him as more than a demigod. they also have a well developed friendship and have actual bonding time unlike percabeth who only bond when they're forced to go on quests (i.e. them going to the beach).
i don't have anything against percabeth shippers (unless you think the judo flip was cute and romantic) and i think people should be able to ship whoever they want since it doesn't affect anyone else. i'm really sorry if this is a bit incoherent or has mistakes in grammer and sentence structure, i'm pretty tired right now so i'm not exactly thinking straight.
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jjongho · 2 years
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mingi / ateez: guerrilla (2022)
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toxooz · 3 months
Lil red hottie: "all it takes is ONE rat!!"
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