#should i be funny and tag this as langblr
fatherdmitri · 10 months
me casually learning modern greek after studying classical greek in college and the pronunciation of everything throwing me for a loop
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helenstudies · 2 months
I don't think I've ever said it here but my area of interest in linguistics is etymology, actually! I love reading about words and how they came to be. Unfortunately, since each and every word has their own little garden path they took in the course of history, it's hard for a person to keep track of them. At least etymology of words in my target languages are well-documented but that's not really the case with Burmese.
Burmese is a Tibeto-Burman language and like most other languages, it is a beautiful entangled mess. Old Burmese is a mix of Mon, Pyu and Pali languages. Modern Burmese is heavily influenced by languages of our neighbouring countries: which if you don't know are China, India, Thai, Bangladesh and Laos. [Side note: I think people have a general idea of where those five countries are but most people have no clue where Myanmar is. We're squarely in the middle of those five.] Anyway, I've been looking for etymology books on Burmese but they're not widely available to the public. The only source you can easily look up is Wikitionary but they're not that credible and also wikipedia is banned in Myanmar. And yes, you should be mad about that. Other than that, I love comparative studies about languages but I've never thought about what languages do I want to compare and study about. It'll come to me one day, I hope? For now, my thing is learn languages and read a lot about etymology.
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linguilo · 4 years
language learning confession #435345
I learned how to remember the Tagalog word for smile because it looks like ngipin (teeth) + titi (dick) = ngiti (smile)
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hungarian-words · 6 years
Almost every post here (so far)
For the people who are leaving and for those who don’t want to scroll through 150 posts. I tagged some triggers I know of (like alcohol or GIFs), but I wouldn’t claim it is 100% foolproof.
(reblog) means it is a reblogged post, (by OP) means the post was made by me. The videos and such are not my work :D
Nov 13: The Day of the Hungarian language. 17 Hungarian expressions. Why is this language difficult/easy to learn? (reblog)
The Hungarian Language. Incredible YouTube video by Langfocus. Basic grammar explained. [CC] (reblog) Or: watch it on YouTube.
Stuff you should know about Hungarian part 1. The alphabet. (reblog)
Why Hungarian? (reblog)
Hungarian is actually a very logical and rational language [meme]. (reblog)
A German’s opinion about how OP sounds like when he speaks Hungarian (by OP; short post)
Hungarian language moodboard (reblog)
Top 100 most frequent Hungarian words [with IPA] (reblog)
625 words in Hungarian (reblog)
Numbers 0-100 (by OP)
Ordinal numbers 0-100 (by OP)
Fractions 0-100 (by OP)
How many forms of the word “baszni” are there and what do they mean? Vulgar but educational ;). (reblog)
Three words for home - itthon, otthon and haza (reblog)
Dog vocabulary (by OP)
Tantárgyak / School Subjects (reblog)
Literature in Hungarian (reblog)
Hungarian Vocabulary - Work (reblog)
Sounds that Hungarian animals make (by OP)
Some Hungarian verbs that can take many coverbs -  part 2 (reblog)
A guide to sounding Hungarian – contracted words (reblog)
Guide to sounding Hungarian: shortened words (reblog)
Harry Potter vocab in Hungarian (reblog)
Avatar: The Last Airbender vocabulary (by OP) 
Hungarian slang terms (reblog)
Hungarian slang & everyday language: #1 general stuff (by OP)
Hungarian slang #2: party (by OP; alcohol, drugs, smoking, vomiting)
OMG! equivalents in Hungarian (by OP)
Hungarian LGBT+ vocabulary. main focus on LGB identities (by OP)
Expressing time: Days (by OP)
Nice things to say in Hungarian (reblog)
Weird/funny Hungarian expressions part 1 (reblog)
5 expressions with body parts in Hungarian (reblog)
Useful phrases/Hasznos kifejezések (reblog)
Figures of speech + words that are (almost) the same in Hungarian & German (by OP) 
[Hungarian] Vowel Lengthening (reblog)
[Hungarian] Vowel Harmony (reblog)
Névelők / Articles (reblog)
Személyes névmások 1. / Personal pronouns 1. (reblog)
Jelen idő első rész/ Present tense part one (reblog)
Főnevek ragozása első rész / Conjugation of nouns part one (reblog)
The Hungarian diminutive suffix -ka-ke (reblog + addition by OP)
Kötőszók első rész/ Connective words part one (reblog)
Kötőszavak második rész / Connective words part two (reblog)
How to learn a language (reblog)
hearing your target language from early on is so important (reblog)
The reason why you need to understand a culture to learn a language (reblog)
I dont think a lot of people realize how big a part of languages culture truly is (reblog)
free online dictionary by Akadémiai Kiadó offering Hungarian to/from English, Spanish, German, French and Italian (reblog)
My favorite thing is that Europe is spooky because it’s old and America is spooky because it’s big (reblog; long post with people telling about their experiences with people from different continents; absolutely worth reading)
How fast does the train go? (reblog)
European culture is hating all other European nations (short, funny post) (reblog)
Eastern Europeans are all Slavic!!!!!! (reblog; funny, not-100%-serious post)
don’t talk shit about my shitty country (reblog; very short, funny post)
Eurovision 2018:
Reaction of Hungarian musicians on making it to the ESC Grand Final 2018 (reblog)
I do appreciate the fact that the Hungarians finally resolved the “english or your own language” dilemma (reblog; funny post)
In the early days, Eurovision was a sober contest (reblog)
English translation of Viszlát Nyár (reblog)
How to write dates in Hungarian (by OP)
Hungarian name order (by OP)
How to clap in the theatre (by OP, who thought it wasn’t universal. he spent a lot of time making that post tho so it’s here; includes a GIF)
You can see this decal on some glass doors of the CBA supermarket in South Slovakia. It says “We also speak Hungarian”. Little history about Hungary 1920. (reblog)
Eastern European school canteen moodboard (reblog)
Teaching you about early Hungarian culture in meme-format (reblog; short post)
Portraits of Székelys (reblog)
Májusfa/Maypole (reblog)
Most Studied Foreign Language other than English in Lower Secondary Education, 2016. (reblog)
Ballagás (by OP)
Hungarians and English - what accent do we speak? (by OP)
Ukrainian family member about Hungarian cuisine. Hungarian version here.  (by OP; short post)
Hungarian history in Hungarian (advanced) (by OP;  first part of a long video-series about Hungarian history; advanced vocabulary required to understand)
About Hungarian literature. short post; interesting facts, well-known writers & poets. some vocab. (reblog)
Sports in Hungary short post; interesting facts. some vocab. (reblog)
Judit Czinkné Poór is a Hungarian artist and pastry chef that creates the most incredible cookie art I have seen. (reblog; pictures of very nice looking cookies)
“Budapest and the country” (reblog)
Starbucks-os minta alapján: Pilvax Kávéházi kávé Sándornak/Like Starbucks: Coffe from Pilvax for Sándor (reblog; history; március 15)
A chart with Hungary in the middle (reblog)
Excerpt from Kincskereső Kisködmön (by OP)
The pain of the Hungarian keyboard, illustrated in meme-format (by OP)
Hungarian Despacito parody by famous Hungarian YouTubers of Pamkutya (by OP)
What does the C. K. stand for in Louis C. K.’s name? (reblog)
Hungary is not a real place. Despite being Europeans, Germans can’t differentiate between Hungarian and Italian flags. (reblog + addition by OP)
Hungary is not a real place. Despite being Europeans, Germans can’t differentiate between Hungarian and Italian flags. Tourists can’t, either PART 2 (reblog + addition by OP + addition by another reblog)
i’ll never understand why we don’t call countries the names they actually call themselves (reblog + addition by OP about how other countries call Hungary + what we call them)
Freddy Mercury wanted to buy this cool Hungarian building (reblog)
Polish vs Hungarian: How to pronounce “s” and “sz” (reblog)
“Leesett a tantusz” (reblog)
In Hungarian we don’t say.... #1 (reblog; alcohol mention)
In Hungarian we don’t say... #2 (reblog)
In Hungarian we don’t say... #3 (reblog)
The word “madárlátta” (reblog)
slang: lepkefing (reblog; short post)
bolgár vs bulgár (reblog; short post)
Head or tails? in Hungarian (reblog)
Raccoon in Hungarian (reblog)
What the Hungarian word for “to explain” literally means (reblog)
Bundáskenyér. Literal and actual meaning. (reblog)
The slang word “letüdőzni” (reblog)
szabi vs Szabi (reblog)
addition to mapsontheweb’s map on how European languages say “wolf”. Some of the countries south from Hungary call it a word that means something else in Hungarian (reblog + addition by OP)
Budapest near the Danube at night (reblog; pictures)
Lake Balaton (reblog; pictures)
Kecskelyuk barlang, Hungary (reblog, picture)
Queen concert in Budapest; Freddy Mercury singing a Hungarian song (reblog)
Nehéz nyelv a magyar.../Hungarian is a hard to learn language... [Hungarian captions in the post, no translation] Original YouTube video (by OP)
Pom Pom Meséi: Gombóc Artúr/The Tales of Pom Pom: Gombóc Artúr. [ Hungarian captions in the post, no translation ] Original video (watch it before it gets taken down again) (by OP)
An excerpt from the Czechoslovak film Funebrák (1932) showing us how Hungarian sounds like to them + they parodize our csárdás dance + Markos György makes fun of Russian, while also mixing in some Hungarian words (by OP)
90 years after her great-grandparents left Hungary towards Brazil, Marina visits her ancestors beloved land. The original video has English captions, OP added Hungarian captions in reblog (reblog + addition by OP. OP promised to make a video description in the tags. he lied.)
Charlie Chaplin cutting a mans beard in tune to Brahms Hungarian dance no 5 (reblog)
Vidéki szavak - pesti füleknek – Words from the countryside - for the “ears” of Budapest. Hungarian captions & English translation in the post (by OP)
Romeo and Juliet: Verona (by OP, after he found the “sparkly Hungarian fandom” tag)
Spongebob opening. Link to video in the post. Hungarian captions + translation in the post (by OP)
OP has seen video about future English, talks about Future Hungarian, adds video about Hungarian animated series Mézga család/The family Mézga (reblog)
saying “I love you” when you’re bilingual (reblog + addition by OP; screenshot of a tweet)
playing a game of sports in a foreign country and forgetting in what language you should yell (by OP; short post)
when translating just doesn’t work #1 (by OP; short post)
when translating just doesn’t work #2 (by OP; short post)
how to make memes after article 13 (reblog)
fiókát találtam, mit tegyek? (reblog)
Hungarians (=OP) are unable to watch The Flintstones without rhymes (by OP)
How not to translate “turkey” into Hungarian (reblog)
How not to translate “üzemen kívül” into English (reblog)
How not to translate “üzemen kívül” into German (reblog)
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glueandpaper · 6 years
thanks for tagging me @imkatehale​ :) (and sorry for the late response)
— bold the statements that are true about you, italicise aspirations —
APPEARANCE: I am 5'7" or taller · I wear glasses · I have at least one tattoo · I have at least one piercing · I have blonde hair · I have brown eyes · I have short hair · My abs are at least somewhat defined · I have or have had braces
PERSONALITY: I love meeting new people · People tell me that I’m funny · Helping others with their problems is a big priority for me · I enjoy physical challenges · I enjoy mental challenges · I’m playfully rude with people I know well · I started saying something ironically and now I can’t stop saying it · There is something I would change about my personality
ABILITY: I can sing well · I can play an instrument · I can do over 30 pushups without stopping · I’m a fast runner · I can draw well · I have a good memory · I’m good at doing math in my head · I can hold my breath underwater for over a minute · I have beaten at least 2 people in arm wrestling · I know how to cook at least 3 meals from scratch · I know how to throw a proper punch
HOBBIES: I enjoy playing sports · I’m on a sports team at my school or somewhere else · I’m in an orchestra or choir at my school or somewhere else · I have learned a new song in the past week · I work out at least once a week · I’ve gone for runs at least once a week in the warmer months · I have drawn something in the past month · I enjoy writing · fandoms are my #1 passion · I do or have done martial arts
EXPERIENCES: I have had my first kiss · I have had alcohol · I have scored the winning goal in a sports game · I have watched an entire season of a TV show in one sitting · I have been at an overnight event · I have been in a taxi · I have been in the hospital or ER in the past year · I have beaten a video game in one day · I have visited another country · I have been to one of my favorite band’s concerts
MY LIFE: I have at least one person I consider a “best friend” · I live close to my school · My parents are still together · I have at least one sibling · I live in the United States · There is snow right now where I live · I have hung out with a friend in the past month · I have a smartphone · I have at least 15 CDs · I share my room with someone
RELATIONSHIPS: I’m in a relationship · I have a crush on a celebrity · I have a crush on someone I know · I have been in at least 3 relationships · I have never been in a relationship · I have asked someone out or admitted my feelings to them · I get crushes easily · I had a crush on someone for over a year · I have been in a relationship for at least a year · I have had feelings for a friend
RANDOM SHIT: I have breakdanced · I know a person named Jamie · I have had a teacher with the last name that’s hard to pronounce · I have dyed my hair· I’m listening to one song on repeat right now · I have punched someone in the past week · I know someone who has gone to jail · I have broken a bone · I have eaten a waffle today · I know what I want to do with my life · I speak at least 2 languages · I have made a new friend in the past year
(I should also tag 9 people to do this tag, but I don’t really know anybody in the langblr community so I’m gonna skip this task.)
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finnishfun · 7 years
11 Questions Tag
I was tagged by @languagesandshootingstars, thank you! Rules: post the rules, answer the 11 questions, make up 11 new questions, and tag 11 people.
1. What is your favourite kind of tea? Mint green tea or anything with ginger
2. Are you interested in any minority, endangered, or dead language(s)? Probably something spoken in Finland, like Northern Sami? (since @languagesandshootingstars posts about it :)) 3. Do you collect anything? If yes, what? Not specifically, though I have quite a lot of Snoopy stuff :) 4. What is your favourite book about learning languages? Hmm, not sure there’s any I can think of right now, but it would be interesting to read one. (Maybe I should look at some resource lists) 5. What do you think would be the best way to encourage and inspire the langblr community to become more active? Personally new people always inspire me, the more people are interested in languages the better. And everyone making good content of course :) 6. What are you dressing up as this Halloween? Not dressing up lol, but if I did I would make up some funny costume? If there was a langblr Halloween party, we could all dress up as something related to our target languages (but I probably wouldn’t be Santa :D) - btw, wasn’t there a post about this earlier? :) 7.  Which branch of linguistics do you find the most interesting? I loved linguistics in general when I first learnt at uni, later I kinda lost interest with specific classes but I liked the applied linguistics classes. 8.  What Hogwarts house do you belong to? Hufflepuff
9. What kind of content would you like to see more in the langblr community? Hmm, maybe more random stuff about culture/the countries where the languages are spoken? 10. What is the bravest thing you have ever done? I’m not really brave lol. Personally it was sort of a brave thing for myself to move to my own place. 11. If you could travel to one city in a country where your target language is spoken, which one would you go to?  Right now I’d love to go to Helsinki again (I was there this time last year)
My questions:
1. What’s your favourite kind of candy? 2. Have you read any books in your target languages, if yes which? 3. If you could re-live one experience in your life so far, what would it be? 4. What’s the hardest thing in your target language(s) you found so far? 5. Have you ever stood in line for something for a long time? What was it? 6. What is one thing you’d buy if you had the money? 7. What was your childhood dream job? Bonus if you actually achieved it :D 8. Shower or bath? 9. What’s your favourite thing about studying languages? 10. Name one situation where you successfully used a target language (other than English) 11. What’s your favourite thing about your native language?
Tagging @sprachtraeume, @wishispokesuomea, @byesexualmonster, @perkeleet-paassani, @floralsphere, @aspa16, @kaz-studies, @languagesandfrens, @studeep, @educaution, @languagemadness
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gofod-alle-rymd · 7 years
11 questions
I got tagged by @languagesandshootingstars :3
Questions: 1. What is the next language textbook/dictionary/book in your target language you want to get?
ooh, I dunno. Probably Genki 2 workbook and textbook
2. Do you think sign languages should be taught as a mandatory school subject?
yes! I did sign language choir when I was in primary school, and it was really good! I wished it’d been available to continue it up the school
3. What kind of languages are you too intimidated to learn?
Russian. I’d never go to Russia, as it is I’m too intimidated. And if I was to try Chinese I’d not want to learn it by myself
4. At what time during the day are you the most productive? 
Either mid morning to mid afternoon, or late at night
5. Have you ever had a native speaker of your target language as a penpal?
Only people I message with online occasionally
6. Do you have any pets? If yes, tell me a little about them. If not, would you like to have one and if yes, which animal?
I don't have any with me now at uni but I do have some at home. Four cats, three chickens and a dog! The cats are three girls, Tilda, Maisey and Myfanwy, and one boy, Toby. He’s the youngest at 8 months and a grey main coon, the girls are mogs. Tilda and Maisey are black and white sisters, are twelve years old but act like chalk and cheese. Myfanwy is a 3 year old tortie, and a barn cat. They’re all very talkative and will sit in a row in the mornings with the dog to be fed strips of ham. If you say who it is for they will be patient until their turn. Charlie the dog is short and fluffy, and he loves cuddles. He’s very patient. The chickens are really funny and sweet. They follow you around the garden and warble a lot. They love strawberries. I miss em ;w;
7. What was your greatest language related accomplishment this year?
I got into the uni of my choice! I didn’t think I’d do it
8. What kind of candy do you like the most?
Scottish tablet. Its the best
9. If you could change one thing about the langblr community, what would it be?
More textposts in target languages about whatever you want! I need to do this more myself haha.
10. What do you want for Christmas?
Some cute t shirts 
11. Which Hogwarts house do you belong to?
Slytherin :3<
My Questions! 
1) what is your favourite thing about Langblr? How has it helped you with your target languages?
2) what’s your favourite type of notebook?
3) do you like plants?
4) most confusing grammatical structure to you?
5) favourite way to immerse yourself in language
6) best food you’ve discovered in the last six months?
7) favourite cultural aspect of where your target language is spoken?
8) what’s easier, speaking or writing and why?
9) do you like to watch different types of programs in different languages
10) at what point do you feel ready to try a new language?
11) if you could change any choices in your education, what would it be
I tag @historyandlanguages @nondescriptusername @noerttiprinsessa @fractalrainbow @linguafreund @canadianscholar @ceci-studyblr @svensklangblr @vivalajuwa @sveriyeah @learnwelsh
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smallstudyblring · 7 years
Tumblr media
Lately I have received many DMs asking for advice on how to get noticed, how to get followers or advice on similar matters from people who have just a couple posts, if anything. So cheers on you guys for taking the first step, and I hope I can help you more throughout your journey! Now, onto the post: advice on how to start a studyblr.
Also, it’s going to be a long post. Therefore… Welcome to our GUIDE TO START A STUDYBLR
There are many reasons you might be thinking about getting started. You might be looking for some extra motivation, wanting to motivate others, the aesthetic or just to give it a try and see if you like it. Everything is a good reason to start posting!
First, let’s get one thing straight: the Aesthetic™ , AKA MacBooks, muji pens and moleskine journals should not stress you. Yeah, it’s cool. But you don’t need any of these things to start a studyblr. Just that curiosity that pushes you to learn and motivation to start one. Also, take small steps! Your goal might be achieving The Aesthetic, but that takes practise and hard work, not MacBooks or expensive ink. You can handletter with stabilos. Or with Milan markers from the corner shop. So no, you don’t need loads of money to start a studyblr: just start posting.
A good place to start is deciding if your studyblr is going to be a side blog or a main blog. For the newbies: you can only like, follow and make asks from your main blogs, but you can only have a blog with several authors and protected with a password with your side blog.
Then, you should choose a URL. Most people just use their name and add “studies” or “academics” or something like that, like @emmastudies or @juliasacads. You can go more imaginative, like @studytherin or @brainiakk, but it would be good if your URL is related with studies in some way, it will be easier to find.
You are going to need an icon. This icon is going to be your presentation card, so it better be good, following your taste and aesthetic and related to studies. People are going to see your posts reblogs by other people in their feed, and the only thing they will see of you, apart from the post itself, is your icon. So no pressure.
Some good places to create your own icon are canva or PicsArt, but canva is easier to use and has some great ready-to-wear templates, so I’d go for that one.
TIP: if you use letters in your icon, make sure they’re big enough to be seen when the icon is in use.
Your appearance is how people see your blog when they’re in the app. Your theme is how they see it when they’re either logged into Tumblr and decide to stalk you or searching specifically for your prompt blog in a web browser.
Here you have @studylex’s appearance in the app:
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And here you have the blog when you look her up/click on her username from your computer:
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Her blog is so pretty because of her theme. If she didn’t have a theme, that’s how blogs look:
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Yeah I know that’s an empty blog I created to show this. But you get the idea: a theme does wonders.
Themes are custom designs, which have a code you can change to make the blog look more according to your likes. You can choose among an almost infinite amount of them, and they are usually customizable from a tool bar, so you won’t have to learn programming for it. If you want to though, take a look here.
As I said before, themes are really varied so you don’t need to customize them much. You can find themes just by searching “Tumblr themes” in Google, or using this link, this one, or this one.
You will have probably noticed the description most people in Tumblr have, and (although this part is very easy) you might be wondering what to put there.
Most studyblrs do something like this description by @chemathetics:
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It says their level of studies, their subjects, their name and sometimes their age. Usually also their Hogwarts house because everyone is a fan of Harry Potter, and it’s surprising how much you know about one person once they tell you their Hogwarts house.
Most studyblrs also have a tag they track. If you are going to do this, it should also be specified in the description. 
TIP: Make sure you tag is not something like #hello because then you’ll go crazy trying to deal with the amount of posts using that tag.
You will also see some people using links in their descriptions, usually to their answered asks and their original posts. This way (taken from @studytherin’s blog)
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Although some themes have options to do this, the best way is to use a tag system to keep your blog well organised and tidy, and add the links to your tagged “x” posts. If you browse https://blogname.tumblr.com/tagged/tag, you’ll see. To create a link to a specific tag inside your blog and add it to your description, do that, you will have to use HTML and insert it into your description from the edit option of your theme. THIS WILL NOT WORK IF YOU TRY TO ADD IT FROM THE APP. I will soon make as post with basic HTML functions, but here’s what you will have to use anyway: 
link text
In the url part, add https://blogname.tumblr.com/tagged/tag. In the link text part, whatever you want to be shown in your description link.
Then, of course, you will have to be careful to keep a good tag system. Think about the things you want to separate and DON’T FORGET WHAT TAGS YOU ARE USING!! Also, be careful for typos.
Some tags you can use to organise your blog are #original for your original posts, #inspo for those posts that make you want to sit down and study, #bujo for your bujo posts… yeah, you get it.
TIP: Since you specified that the link will go to the posts tagged #tag INSIDE YOUR BLOG, theres no problem if you use a simple tag (the #hello example would work here, the link would only display the #hello tagged posts INSIDE your blog)
You said it: your blog looks awesome. Now you should get started on the content. Firstly, your intro.
Here’s how a normal studyblr intro looks like:
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Your name and age (if you are comfortable enough)
Your study level
The subjects you are taking and what you will be posting about: for example, if you are going to be a langblr or a sciencblr.
What made you want to start a studyblr
A little insight into you: do you like reading, watching movies, comics, a music group…
Some stdyblrs that inspire you. You shouldn’t fill your post with 100 names, but maybe up to 50 people its fine. You should just add @theirusername , and they will receive a notification and very likely reblog your posts and welcome you in some way. Thats one of the coolest parts of the studyblr community: how supportive it is.
#newstudyblr: some people track it
#intro post
#studyblr,#studyspo, etc
The tag system in tumblr is to be taken into account too: only the first five tags show up in most people’s search engines. This means that you can use as many tags as you want, but most people people will only be able to find your post using the first five tags. So, use them well!
TIP: tag it first with what it is: #bujo, #langblr, #studyblr. Then use the next few tags for tags other people track, so they will be able to find your post. You can add your organization tag past the five tags, because since its a search inside your own blog, the five tag rule doesn’t apply. You can add as many funny tags as you want later, like #im so bored.
There you go! You published your first official post as a studyblr!! Now, how should I keep it alive, gaining followers and reblogs and making studyblr friends?
Your intro post should work pretty well with that: with the personal information you provided (what you like, etc) people with similar interests might message you. With your study level and subjects, people who are doing similar things/running similar blogs will follow you. With tagging people, your post will be reblogged and reach a wider number of people. So your intro post will get you your first followers. Now you just have to stay active! The studyblr community is incredibly nice, so you can message most studyblrs anytime, and ask them how they’re feeling that day, or make some asks about how they take pictures or stuff like that. There are also a lot of networks and studygroups you can join that will help you meet other studyblrs. Don’t hesitate joining them!
The key to keep your blog alive is to keep posting. I know its hard to post original content everyday, but reblogging content is easy, so do it! Be careul to reblog only studyblr related stuff. I love harry styles, but I have another account for that. Original content is what gives your blog its true meaning, so DO NOT JUST STOP WITH IT. And again, if you dont reach the level of @emmastudies or @juliasacads‘s original posts just yet, do not lose faith! Those amazing looking posts take practise! Ask them for advice and keep trying, having a studyblr is not just about posting nice stuff, but also about becoming better and better.
I wish you the best with your new studyblr!
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