#should i expand on this a bit more ..
wasyago · 10 months
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they've evolved <3 crazy what 4 months on a boat with a bunch of idiots can do to a person
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jisuhyucks · 8 months
rating: 18+, mdni
warnings: inexperienced!sub!stepbrother!kai, he’s obsessed with your tits
stepbrother!kai who barely knows a thing about sex but immediately gets a hard-on when he gets to see your tits :( you inviting him into your room to watch a movie and he can’t stop his eyes from flickering down towards them .. nd then when he realizes you don’t have a bra on so he can see your nipples poking through your shirt his dick instantly hardens!!! whenever he gets a boner because of you he doesn’t even know how to fix it, so he just has to wait until it goes down :( poor baby tries his best to hide it, but his face tells you that something’s wrong… he practically jumps when you ask “you okay, kai?” with a subtle brush of your fingertips against his leg… you swear that you heard a whimper slip from his pink lips. “hyuka, what’s the matter?” you’re very clearly concerned, worried that there might be something wrong. he manages to blink back his tears and through teary eyes he looks up at you and mutters a shaky “it hurts…” “what hurts? can you show me?” he hesitates, but eventually moves his arms to reveal an obvious tent in his pants :( “need you to help me, please? don’t know how to fix it on my own…” you practically melt at his voice, how could you say no to him? it would be mean to leave him to get rid of it by himself …
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pumpkinrootbeer · 5 months
Eugene was truly the best boyfriend. saw his girlfriend get broken up with, and immediately had a revenge glow up. Imagine being Cassandra seeing your ex girlfriend's boyfriend and he's wearing a golden choker with the just deepest v neck known to man, the world's sluttiest gloves, and a thigh garter. I'd have to give up then and there.
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yardsards · 1 year
a pet headcanon of mine is that after they're done with the sigil removal, emira expands her horizons and starts studying the psychological side of healing, pulling in some resources from the human realm and combining it with boiling isles methods (i imagine the field of psychology in the boiling isles, while existent, was often pushed aside as just a lesser branch of the healing coven back when belos was in charge. i do imagine there's often magic like the memory tweezers involved)
and i imagine she ends up focusing in on like, art therapy and self-expression, because she knows how important that can be, after having her individuality stifled so hard when she was young
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Quick Thoughts - The Phantom of the Opera - April 15, 2023 (Evening)
The main trio was Laird Macintosh, Emilie Kouatchou and John Riddle
It’s hard to find a word that accurately conveys the feeling in that theater. It was a mix of love, joy, enthusiasm, sorrow, and grief. 
The cast seemed sharper somehow? So many extra little details.
I KNOW, every write up I do, I always go on about how much I love Nehal Joshi’s Andre but the man always delivers.
John Riddle’s Raoul seemed more boyish and charming than my recollection? He had such good chemistry with Emilie.
Raquel cracked on the opening Hannibal cadenza and just immediately redid it. Such a Carlotta move.
She was also somehow funnier and sharper than her baseline? That slow head turn after the line ‘These things do happen!’ was so hysterical. 
Despite the numerous times I have seen Phantom, I’ve never seen Emilie opposite a Phantom that wasn’t Ben Crawford. It was very interesting to see Laird and Emilie play off each other.
The main thing I remember from the first lair is how Laird’s phantom threw his fedora into the wings like it was a frisbee.
Oh also just how much despair and shock Laird’s Phantom felt at the first unmasking.
Nehal Joshi somehow makes the speech before the Il Muto ballet funnier every time. This time he tripped over himself in his haste to get down stage. I think what makes this so funny is that as the scene goes on he just gets more and more disheveled. 
Emilie’s Wishing was absolutely incredible. It practically stopped the show.
I swear, during the second unmasking, Emilie was going in for a kiss.
The Final Lair was something else.
It was just... so good.
Laird broke the kiss and the look of joy and wonderment on his face afterwards. His right hand was blocking the lower half of his face but I swear that man was smiling.
OKAY, so the ring return - EMILIE SAID I LOVE YOU BACK
But it was so quiet, it was almost as if we all imagined it, so it made Laird’s second ‘I love you’ so heartbreaking.
Yes, Laird looked out at the audience again in this performance when he was about to cover himself with the cloak. It’s (most likely) the last time for him as it is for us.
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skrs-cats · 8 months
have you read the lion blaze self harm scene? kinda sh ig he basically lets …ratscar i think like scratch him up bad by holding his powers back. interesting to me what’re ur thoughts? (idk if that’s the right definition, i’ve always defined it as having someone/yourself injure your body with the intent to hurt) sorry if this is a downer, i just know your a lion blaze enthusiast and wanted to know your thoughts
ohhh yes i do actually. its one of the few scenes i remember better bc i actually own the book where it happened.
to elaborate on the scene more, it happens after he has an argument with cinderheart, who claims they shouldnt be together since he's part of the prophecy, how his destiny is to save the clans (and coincidentally not get hurt) and them being mates would only be distractions
lion's rebuttal? instigate a fight w a patrol near the shadowclan border, disallow himself to fight back, and force the wounds to get inflicted on his body, as a show that he CAN choose to get hurt. that he CAN choose what kind of 'destiny' he should have. ive put my own thoughts about it under read more bc this got long (unsurprisingly jkhasdkjfhd)
i spent like a solid few minutes re-reading the chapter to gather my thoughts on it LOL i remember not thinking much about it when i was a kid, but i think its interesting to analyze now!
what was attempted to be written, at least, piques me bc its about lion trying to prove that they can exist outside of the narrative the prophecy has given them. which is funnily ironic, since the start of the chapter is of him having self doubts regarding saving the clans when they found out theres a fourth cat, how that basically means that the three of them wouldnt be enough, how his destiny might have changed. reading this chapter just gave me a new can of brainworms but ill try not to delve into it too much bc its gonna get way messier LMAOOO
to go back to lion purposely getting himself hurt, i dont think he's the type of person who would do that for the sake of it, unless as a really dumb way to prove a point. but it makes me think he really doesnt have much of a care of whether he'd get hurt or not. a severe lack of self-preservation, and all that. cats back at camp react to his wounds w all around shock, he's herded into the med den all the while he acts like he'll be fine. i dunno if the shock from the cats is just bc theyre just so used to seeing him NOT hurt, or if his wounds were really that bad. but either or both still pretty much gives me a lot to think about. homeboy doesnt know the limits of his body, and that makes for interesting scenarios of how he manages to deal w that after losing his powers
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densitywell · 5 months
that "Orym made his deal contingent on all of the Hells coming back from Ruidis alive bc he knows Imogen's probably gonna be absorbed into Predathos and turn on them" take truly one of the "he would not fucking say that"s of all time
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I’m just thinking about the first scene that we saw Dustin in and how it was about how his grades weren’t that good. And then when he meets up with Mike, Dustin says something along the lines of Mike failing Spanish (if I remember that correctly). Now I’m just stuck thinking about how that would be a perfect way to show how traumatized these kids are. Their trauma is affecting their home life and school life in ways that they don’t totally understand or comprehend. Failing classes or lower grades would be an amazing way to show that they’re not doing okay at all. Especially when you add into the fact that they’re all considered nerds. Like it would be such a good contrast to how their peers see them vs how they actually are. Also in that first scene Dustin immediately lied to his mom without even a second thought or feeling guilty over it. Dustin has lied in the past to his mom but it’s clear to see that he doesn’t like lying to her and feels guilt over that. Now he’s completely used to it and it’s become second nature that he doesn’t even blink to do it. When his mom asks Dustin where max and him are going; he just tells a little lie and leaves. He doesn’t even try to make her less anxious or shows that guilt he once felt doing that. I think it’s so interesting that they could have shown this. It’s Dustin’s first scene and they’re telling us so much without actually telling us. I just wish they could have expanded or even written a couple of more lines to show how everything has changed their dynamics with the ‘outside’ world like their own home lives or school lives!
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mattodore · 3 months
okay so because previous anons asked about sex, I wanna ask about aftercare, how they act after sex? oh and i’m curious how their sex life change after being together for a while
xoxo <3
their aftercare isn't always aftercare-101, if i'm honest. theo is very bad at it and doesn't really... ever... do that for matthias. and matthias may be very good at giving aftercare but theo is incredibly resistant to it. i mentioned earlier that theo really gets off on praise, but... he also flinches away from it. he's so twisted up about so much of what he wants and he's really, uh... well. he makes it really hard to get close to him and offer comfort despite how much he desires it. matthias can't say certain things without scaring theo off (and i mean, like, theo will quite literally run away), so he has to talk around what he wants to say and what theo needs to hear to prevent theo from bolting before he can bring him down.
matthias takes a long time cleaning theo up and massaging his muscles after, and he'll hum or talk to himself in polish so theo knows he's still there touching him (but isn't stirred before he comes to himself on his own by english he can understand). when he's finished, he'll ask theo very simple yes or no questions that let matthias know how theo's feeling without outright asking how he's feeling. he also checks on theo throughout the day, but he has to be even more subtle there or theo starts to feel smothered. is your body okay? do you want me to get you dressed? does your head hurt? do you want me to read to you? he focuses on asking about the physical and what theo wants to do rather than theo’s emotions. matthias has learned that asking if theo's feeling okay after is a quick way to trigger a very, very negative response in theo. it's one of the reasons why i think matthias is constantly asking theo in the heat of sex how he's feeling, because that's when theo is so preoccupied by the physical aspect that the emotional effects leak out without him fighting to keep them in. it takes a few months for theo to get comfortable with the feelings he has after sex with him before matthias can really give him proper aftercare. that’s why the sex they have early on is never anything too crazy. matthias coaxes theo into a better place first.
​i also think it’s important to clarify that it’s not like they’re always having kinky sex. still, theo usually needs physical touch after vanilla sex as well. matthias himself always craves conversation afterwards, so he waits for theo to stir awake (because he often falls asleep after sex) or come back into his body fully to talk to him.
as for changes to their sex life after they’ve been together for awhile… i believe i've talked about this before, but their sexual dynamic turns on its head after a few years. theo starts to take control of the reins and gets more comfortable asking for and doing what he wants. with theo he just has a lot holding him back and it's only after he's grown as a person and worked past a majority of his intimacy issues that he can act on the desires he's been burying waaay down. there's a sort of brattiness that theo starts to have a lot of fun with during sex—a lot of pushing and prodding, withholding, insulting... matthias is having the time of his life lmao, like he loves being challenged and pushed around. matthias takes on a more submissive role during sex as they age, which is fun for him. plus it's kind of the dynamic they've always had outside of sex anyway. of course, there are never any set roles in their sexual life so i'm not saying that it's always like that, but theo enjoys telling matthias what to do and how to do it. they have a lot of fun with it.
#river dipping#asks#anonymous#oc extras#nsft#theodore doe#matthias evanoff#a burning house to live in#echthroi#finally done..... actually patting myself on the back for being able to answer all of these in a day and a half like#normally being asked anything abt my ocs takes me forever to get to bc i just take everything so seriously#......................................exhibit a: this reply jnjhkjfnghk#my ocs are just really complicated so i feel like i have to really expand upon each new bit of information#like theo is NOT ! well adjusted in the slightest#and while matthias can read people very easily it doesn't mean that there aren't times where he messes up#theo is very closed off and he will lash out at the slightest thing that spooks him#and he also... is not really experienced in having good sex yk? so he's so bad at aftercare which i guess is like. well.#good thing your partner is someone who's used to being left to his own devices after experiencing major physical and emotional stressors#matthias can usually take himself out of a scene just because of the nature of his past...#but i think theo does pick up on what matthias does for him after awhile and he tries incorporating it into 'aftercare'#but................. i don't think he really understands what all he should be saying and doing for a few years like not until he's#domming matthias more frequently and has taken the time to look at The Internet lmao jkfjnhkjn i imagine it shocks him a bit#matthias may be good at sex but he does have his blind spots and those normally involve himself… so he never told theo that what he does#for him should be reciprocated………… additionally matthias is very much a giver not a taker#like he doesn’t expect or even really want theo to ask how he’s feeling. but that doesn’t mean he doesn’t need that.#….have been rereading this for the last thirty minutes idk why this is what i’m like Yikes ! about responding to 😭#whatever post ‼️ theo isn’t good at sex i’ve said it before who can be surprised he gives zero aftercare
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junjunjunko · 5 months
if it is a sex cult, it's completely impossible for me. I don't really like being touched and nothing will make me change on this. if it's more ritualistic and sacrifices to a diety than I might be open to learning more.
I never said it was a sex cult w
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ghostclangen · 20 days
How is Marshlily coping with Heartjump’s death?
answering this ooc since it's not directed at her- sorry if you were looking for art (and for that matter, sorry to the person who sent her an ask literal months ago, i didn't see it until it was too late LOL)
anyway, in-game, she didn't grieve for him technically; because he's not her biological son, they didn't get the automatic platonic love/strong platonic like that family members usually get. so she coped pretty fine lol.
in the actual story universe, though, I think she would have been heartbroken about it (though not to a disabling degree). while he was more her charge than her son in terms of dynamics, she cares deeply about her clan and is a very loving cat, and she feels her emotions deeply and sincerely. and the thing is, she had the curse for all but the last two moons of his life; she missed out emotionally on her bond with him. so really, more than anything, she's grieving the relationship with him that she never had. it makes it easier in some ways, since she's not mourning someone she was super close with, but how do you really deal with that? it's not a very good tradeoff. more than acute grief, it's something that haunts her.
so i guess the answer is ... she's okay, she's coping, but she's got a lot on her mind, especially since her two closest friends are still recovering from the death of their own son, so she'd feel bad relying on them.
ty for asking!! i hope that's illuminating haha
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dapperrokyuu · 7 months
Read ~60 chapters of Chainsaw Man today, WHEWWWWW-
#dee p thoughts#overall review so far: pretty good. author's style is very distinct and potentially offputting/unhinged so I 1000% get someone not liking#this for that reason. theres a lot of food for thought to chew on among it so I enjoy it tho. but I do think the plot in terms of arcs and#how they tie into character development/progression can be very...fast and sudden? couldve used more time to make the progressions more#gradual and natural feeling imo which is where I think the anime expanding on scenes enhances this. ex: aki's care for power and denji is#very sweet but it also feels a bit sudden in terms of...well how to word this? like it ultimately MAKES SENSE but the turning point makes i#feel like his care stems from them almost dying reminding him of himeno as opposed to. caring about them afdadljbkndlkj- yes its establishe#that aki views denji kind of as a little brother but they couldve had the trio cook a little longer imo like at that point I dont really#feel aki has had much connection to power either tbh but...I get it I get why lol-#THO I WILL GIVE THAT THE SUDDENNESS FEELING MAY STEM FROM ME READING ~60 CHAPTERS YEAH. just like? denji's relationship with makima has mor#gradual progression than the trio's imo which makes sense but we should strengthen the trio bond for extra impacttt-#thinking deeper I do think aki has individual moments with denji and power has individual moments with denji so its probably the lack of ak#interacting with power that makes me feel the trio isnt fully baked lol. kind of just shown annoyance and then happiness at her not throwin#vegetables and now you dont want her to die I guess thats what makes me feel something is missinggg#which makes sense at the end of the day I guess? whats important is their relationship with denji not each other? but eh still I guess we'l#jot this down as a personal preference of mine
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risingsunresistance · 10 months
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TRUE!!! the original post was just made in reference to things that had inspired my own design and a wish to see more variety among the masked long-haired braided human designs that were absolutely DOMINATING the place at the time (nothing wrong with that, love those ones and i've drawn a few myself, just came from a perspective of missing seeing the truly unique designs that made me associate the design with the artist ;-;) but yea it definitely applies outside of just him. and outside of just pigs, looking at random animals can be a great reminder of how varied and weird some stuff can actually be :D
one of my favorite ocs, who i have drawn a grand total of two times bc i have been very lazy with art lately, actually ended up happening only because i got inspired by my own post fkjdhg
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even tho it's a full year old at this point, still a pretty good drawing imo. i like his face :]
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babirusa btw if you couldn't tell. he's a zombie piglin who has been withered :0
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shi0n · 4 months
i think i will name my mice ophelia, viola and juliet.. all characters from shakespeare plays.
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soysaucevictim · 11 months
I swear, making entire different sets of ASCII/Unicode for text/lettering was a damn mistake.
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This shit. Constantly. Gets. Past. Spam. Filters. =_=
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baelavelaryon · 5 months
was sitting here like: man i am SO funny tonight what is up with me i'm on a roll!!! ... i'm just a bit drunk
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