#shoutout to Teeth for corrupting me!
nb-n0v4 · 2 years
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“There is only one rule, keep the lights off.” 
Corrupted Sun! Taking inspo both from my Eclipse and the absolutely dope version of Eclipse from William Rabbit Official’s “Five Night’s at Freddy’s: Security Breach - DLC Uncertain Past” video on yt! Man that vid is cool
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Six becomes Five
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Shoutout to average-crk-enjoyer whose tags on part 1 of Six becomes Five itch my brain right
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As you struggled there, locked in a what was basically a shoving match with Shadow Milk Cookie, you wondered what was running through his mind. Nothing you could comprehend, you were sure. Even back when he was still a hero, helping those around him, he was spontaneous and wild.
Now, as you struggle against him, you can't but miss that part of him. The part of him that wasn't corrupted, that was kind and loving.
And as you stared at him, you couldn't help but wonder. Pure Vanilla Cookie had his Soul Jam, albeit much weaker. Would your dear friend turn out just like Shadow Milk Cookie?
That brief falter gave your opponent lunge forward and shove you away. You grunted, slamming the end of your scepter into the ground to stop yourself from skidding too far.
"Sparkling Joy Cookie-!"
"Reader Cookie." You snapped at him. "I chose the name Reader Cookie, and you will at the very least call me it, Shadow Milk Cookie!"
"That's not your name!" Shadow Milk Cookie seemed distraught despite his grin. "How are you still under their control?!"
You didn't know whether to feel uncomfortable or annoyed.
You opened your mouth to argue back, when a familiar shot of light magic shot past you and struck Shadow Milk Cookie in the chest, sending him stumbling back. You turned your head, eyes wide to see-
"Pure Vanilla Cookie!" You gasped, magic swirling as you shrunk down. You ran over to him and gently grabbed his shoulder as he abruptly stumbled, and his staff looked at him with worry.
"What are you thinking, are you alright?!" You fussed over him, eyes glancing at his Soul Jam, which was considerably fainter.
"I wasn't going to lose you," Pure Vanila Cookie spoke, his voice faint, far from the normal softness it held.
You gritted your teeth. "I told you to run, Pure Vanilla Cookie! I can handle him-!"
With a gasp, you switched to your giant form once more as shadows lashed out at you and Pure Vanilla Cookie. You cradled him close to your chest, and glared at Shadow Milk Cookie.
However, that glare faltered when you saw the look of pure rage on his face. Gone was his grin, replaced with a menacing scowl.
Your eyes shoot to his Soul Jam, and notice how fiercely it's glowing. Oh, by the Witches, was Shadow Milk Cookie.. draining Pure Vanilla Cookie's power?!
"HIM?!" Shadow Milk Cookie erupted in pure rage, and you barely hand time to put up a barrier of magic as his shadows lashed out, trying to wrench Pure Vanilla Cookie from your grip.
You didn't think twice. You shrunk down to more manageable size. It's not your normal one, but one where you could still easily hold your dear friend. Then?
You fled.
"You're crazy!" You hissed at Pure Vanilla Cookie as you ran from the Silver Tree, dodging and weaving through any enemies that lashed out. "You're actually crazy! Why did you come back?!"
"I couldn't leave you alone," Pure Vanilla Cooke reiterated, his free hand gently gripping your shoulder. He managed to crack his eyes open to look at you, a small smile on his face. "Not when you had that look on your face, my friend.."
"Look..?" You furrowed your brows, some of your magic shooting away spores.
"That guilty look.." Pure Vanilla Cookie glances down. You stiffen a bit. "That look where you feel terrible for.. not revealing something important."
He closes his eyes, and his body falls limp in your hold. "Pure Va- Pure Vanilla Cookie?!"
You skid to a stop and manage to duck behind a pillar. You press your head against his chest, your breathing slowly growing frantic.
He's still breathing. He's unconscious, but he's breathing.
You exhale shakily and resume running. You were going to beat Shadow Milk Cookie for this..
Unknown to you, the Cookie had a similar plan, but towards the one you ran off with. He saw the look in your eyes when you fussed over him. When you gently held him close.
Shadow Milk Cookie clenched his hands and gritted his teeth.
"This. Isn't. Over."
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taglist: @snail-noodle @average-crk-enjoyer @looking4userthatworks @ori-stole-the-cheese-again @sqiddgie @justalittledumb @ax0lotly
Headcanon that the Beasts can draw power from the Ancients' Soul Jams, since they used to belong to them. I will abuse this hehe.
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heiayen · 6 months
to think that we could stay the same lumine x gn!reader
summary: “Whatever it will fix? Will it fix the world around us?” You made a wide gesture around yourself, at the world you learned to love and enjoy that now was ruins, and then you pointed at yourself, “Will it fix us?” of foolish love and apologies, of ruined world and warmth that will never come back.
tags: MAJOR CHARACTER DEATH, hurt/no comfort, reader dies but the scene isn't detailed, this is... kind of abyss!lumine but to be perfectly fair, this fic is also very canon divergence.
notes: jfc shoutout to @kopidense who is the one and only reason this fic exists!! okayy sooo this! is for secret santa event for @mafuyuslover!! it was absolutely a pleasure to write and once again massive thanks to kopi!! i kinda went in different direction than yours but... the end is the same. silly. this fic just took my soul i fear. anyways. happy holidays i come with angst.
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"...why are you crying?"
Gaze into the abyss for too long, and it will gaze back. That’s what you learned, after spending centuries hunting her. Searching every nook and cranny, letting your mind be corrupted with desperation and despair, grabbing the dark, clawed hand reaching you from the abyss. 
When did your adoration for her turn into the need to bring her down? To bring her to her knees, to yell out all your sadness and longing for something, that will never come back. For the days full of light and warmth, with Lumine holding your hand, fingers intertwined, Aether looking at you two with a smile, still alive– 
You looked at her. Once, you would whisper poetry into her lips, of your never-ending love for her, your hopes of always staying together because, oh, so much you defeated together, surely there was nothing that could ever separate you. 
Nothing could. You foolishly believed in it, and yet were proven wrong.
"There you are..." You gritted your teeth, looking at the woman you once loved. Maybe you still did. A part of you did, drowned by the grief of losing her. "I've been looking for you for so long..."
Lumine raised her chin, her steel gaze meeting yours. A little broken, tears threatening to spill out, lips twisting into something akin to a frown.
"You didn't answer my question." 
And yet nothing seemed to match her gaze. Not the gentleness of her voice, causing goosebumps on your skin. How you missed her voice, how you missed hearing it, the softness directed at you and only you. 
In Lumine’s hand, a sword materialized. The same she used to put down every enemy daring to attack you, to raise its own weapons at you. None of them had the time to react before meeting the sharp blade of a lover.
And yet this time, her fingers barely gripped her sword. 
You materialized your own, gripping it tight. 
“[Name],” she repeated, her voice losing its softness and gaining cold in its place. 
You really didn’t want to cry. Not in front of her. 
"I am not." Yet your voice broke and you felt first tears drop from your eyes into your cheeks. 
Her eyes softened.
She approached you slowly and you couldn’t help but just let her, despite everything screaming at you to move away, no, don’t let her get any closer–
She reached out her free hand to cup your cheek, but she froze mid-air. Her eyes looked all over your face, looking for anything– something telling her what to do, and you only continued looking at her.
Her thumb swiped at your cheek, meeting a lone tear falling from your eyelashes.
“I didn’t mean for it to end… like this,” Lumine said softly, her palm gently cradling your cheek, her eyelids dropping slightly, tiredness evident in her features, now that the stern mask she wore on her face broke down even further. “I’m sorry.”
Something also broke down in you.
“Sorry?” you breathed out, eyes widening in sudden anger, “You’re sorry? After leaving me completely alone, for centuries and centuries, and the most you say is… sorry? You can only apologize as if it would change anything?”
(Something else screamed in you, wanting to throw yourself into her arms, cry into her shoulder, and act as if everything was fine again. To ignore the blade in her hand, sharp as always.)
She stifled a gasp and moved her hand away as if burned, eyes wide at your words. She took a step back and let her hand fall to her side. She opened her mouth to speak, but you were faster.
“What will an apology do, Lumine?” you asked her, forcing your voice to sound stern, blinking the tears away, not wanting to show any more weakness.
She didn’t answer. 
“Whatever it will fix? Will it fix the world around us?” You made a wide gesture around yourself, at the world you learned to love and enjoy that now was ruins, and then you pointed at yourself, “Will it fix us?”
Her eyes were now wide, brows furrowed and lips twisted, the mask broken completely. 
Was she finally feeling the centuries-old sadness that you lived with for the past years? 
(Could she? Though Lumine lived for millennials, you were sure, could she feel even the tiniest drop of your sadness? Could she?)
“Answer me.”
That seemed to throw her out of whatever state of shock she was in and she took a deep breath, looking down.
She stepped back.
“...I had my reasons.”
“Reasons?!” You burst out, in complete disbelief that something like having reasons could be an acceptable excuse for all the pain that her absence caused, “Fuck your reasons, Lumine! Whatever could be possibly–”
“I had hoped that the next time we met, it would be in a better place, with no need to bring out our weapons,” she said quietly and you wanted to laugh, “Where I would tell you of my journey and why I made all these choices. And none of them was easy.”
When she looked back at you, there was– something in her eyes– newfound intensity and hurt underneath it. It hurt to look at her, sudden fear climbing its way to your mind.
She gripped her sword tighter and now it was your turn to step back, raise your weapon higher.  
“I never wanted to end it like this,” her tone was sincere, you could easily tell, yet you found it hard to believe.
“If you never wanted it to end like this, then… gods!” you yelled in frustration, “Why couldn’t you just do something else?! Was leaving me and this world to ruin the only possible choice?”
“I never told you, because I knew you wouldn’t understand my choices, not until you would see the truth of this world for yourself,” Lumine said, her voice loud and harsh to your ears.
“What truth? Of what world” you interrupted her, ”The one that your very hand led to ruin?” 
And that seemed to take her aback for a moment, lips parting and closing before she spoke again.
“...I’m sorry, [name].” She raised her sword, as if ready to lunge at you.
You blinked.
“You’re going to what, kill me?” you barked out, a smile of disbelief tugging at your lips. But silence was the only reply you got, and a terrible realization started to settle in.
“...you’re going to kill me.” 
There was only silence.
With her first move, your fate was sealed and her blade meet your own.
(It was only when your cold body was lying in the pool of your blood, completely lifeless, Lumine allowed herself to cry for you, not for the first time in the past centuries and certainly not the last.)
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taglist: @ryuryuryuyurboat
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2goth2moth · 3 years
Hey, can I request a blind date with a monster but they end up going home 👀 things get steamy
But then the monster's like "oh no, umm I gtg cuz I'm not human and they'll definitely find out now" kinda vibes?
(so it's basically human reader x shapeshifter in a universe where monsters are hidden)
You can come up with your own reasons for whatever ✌️ (any gender is fine) (I like were/minotaur monsters but you can pick any that you see fit)
Oof, ouch, this got a little more angsty than I wanted it to. I'm sorry! And I'm sorry it took so long. I hope you still enjoy ;-;
Pleasant Surprises (M!Werebear x GN!Reader, NSFW)
Fun fact about me: Picking the xenomorph from Alien in a game of Fuck-Marry-Kill with @xo-philia when we were younger was my monsterfucker awakening! So I couldn't resist putting that in when I had to think of a movie.
Word count: 3430
Includes: Mild angst, mild hurt/comfort, size kink, fur, frottage, minor scent kink, blowjobs with copious amounts of cum, very minor (blink and you'll miss it) pain kink, less-than-ideal communication in sexual situations
Going on blind dates is a little like rolling dice. They always started in the same place, everyone had their little superstitions and rituals to try to make them come out right, but more often than not they ended with uncomfy kisses, awkward goodbyes, and an unspoken hope that you never had to see each other again (okay, the metaphor isn’t perfect, but the foundation holds true). Sometimes, however, blind dates turned out great, a perfect six (or whatever it is you needed to roll), and you ended up really liking the person.
Sometimes blind dates ended with you making out with a massive cutie on your couch after dinner.
The two of you had been introduced by a mutual friend, and had hit it off the minute you met. Characteristically uncomfortable small talk over mid-afternoon coffee smoothly turned into raucous laughter and flirtatious touching between bites of cheap greasy pizza on the hood of his car. You had no idea how the very attractive mountain of a man- Arthur, he’d said in a voice that seemed far too sweet for his intimidating figure- would react when you’d purred a suggestive (but not explicit) invitation to him, but his ears flushed and he stammered out a “yes” before taking your hand and following you inside. You wasted no time leading Arthur to your couch and sitting down next to him.
“So,” you said, “what kind of movie do you want to watch?”
“I like horror.” His voice was a rumbly baritone that distinctly reminded you of brown sugar. “And anything science-y.”
You wracked your brain for any good scary science movies that you had already watched and wouldn’t get distracted while watching again.
“How does Alien sound?”
It was a safe option, as far as you were concerned. It was a good film, a classic in both scary and science-y departments, and you’d seen it enough times that staying focused on the task of “seduce the hot guy on your couch” wouldn’t be too hard.
“I’ve seen it before…” Shit, maybe he wanted to watch something new. “But I always like rewatching it.”
You cheered internally, but kept a calm exterior as you went through the motions of setting up your TV. As soon as you did, you stood up to turn off the lights. “Anything I can get for you?” You asked, running a very flirtatious hand over his shoulders as you passed behind him.
A tiny shiver went through him at your touch, and you relished in it. “N-no, I’m good for now. Thank you, though.”
Your heart squeezed a little at his very pink ears and the blush staining the back of his neck.
God, he’s so cute.
It was impossible to deny yourself a longer-than-entirely-appropriate moment to take in the very pretty flush before flicking the lights off. With the room now dark, you made your way back to the couch. You sit down as close to Arthur as you dared. Warmth soaked through the inches between your bodies, and you had to physically resist the urge to move closer to him. Trying not to jump him right then and there was taking up so much of your brain-power that you didn’t notice his hand creeping towards you until a warm pinky brushed up against your thigh. You stifled a jump and turned to see his handsome, bearded face staring at you, bathed in the light from the TV.
“Is this okay?” He asked, just barely moving his fingers against your clothed leg.
You excitedly shifted in your seat so that you were facing him, kneecaps touching. “Are you kidding me? I’ve been actively holding back from kissing you for hours!”
“Oh.” His eyes went wide. “You can, if you want. I, um. I’d like you to.”
That was all the invitation you needed to dart forward and press your lips to his. It was quick and chaste, and you pulled back almost immediately. Arthur was frozen, awestruck, for several seconds before he shook himself slightly. He moved towards you cautiously, eyes darting nervously around your face, before cupping your jaw in his free hand and kissing you. His lips started moving against yours almost as soon as they touched, the motion a sweet push and pull between you, his beard just scratching against your face. The warm pinky against your leg became a large hand that rested on top of it, squeezing in time with the kiss. You hummed, pleased, and teased the seam of his lips with the tip of your tongue. Arthur’s hand tightened on your thigh and he opened his mouth to you. The kiss turned sloppy, tongues slipping together with slick, filthy sounds.
Arthur’s hand traced a firm path from your thigh to your hip, where it held tighter and stayed for several heated seconds. You pulled away from the kiss, your lips separating with a wet smack. He chased after you with a little whine, dropping his forehead onto your shoulder and lowering his other hand from your jaw to your hip. With another little noise deep the back of his throat, he began nosing against your neck and along your collar. You had to stifle a giggle at the feeling of his facial hair tickling your skin.
Stilling him with a hand to the back of his head, you carefully threaded your fingers through his hair and pulled him back. His eyes stuttered shut and he let out a barely-audible groan, hands twitching on your hips. You grinned and tightened your grip experimentally, very pleased with the strangled moan that he let out.
“You’re so hot,” you cooed to him
“You are too,” he panted, eyelashes fluttering with each pull of your fingers, which hadn’t let up yet.
The sight was too much for you. With a murmured “come here” you pulled him back to you, kissing him fiercely. It was rough, messy, all clacking teeth and noses bumping into each other. The sounds of your mouths moving together was obscene, and you could feel saliva slipping out where your lips met. You kept your hold on his hair, pulling his head this way and back to control the kiss, little spark of arousal went through you with each breathless moan that fell from Arthur’s mouth to yours. His hands kept gripping into your hips, growing tighter with each second that passed.
“Do you want me in your lap?” You asked, backing off just long enough to get the question out.
Arthur didn’t even bother doing that, nodding without breaking the kiss. Before you could even start to move, his hands slipped under your ass and he bodily moved you until you were straddling him. He was so warm beneath you, and you couldn’t help but grind down against him. The feeling of his cock, hot and impossibly hard beneath you, was intoxicating, and you rocked against him, groaning into his mouth with each motion. You could feel his bulge swell even more where it lay against the inside of your thigh. Somewhere in the back of your mind you distantly thought that getting him any harder should have been impossible, but you were too caught up in the feeling of wet, messy kisses being pressed to your jaw and neck to care. His body was moving under you, slight little shifts that you could feel echoing everywhere that he was pressed flush against you. The collar of your shirt was pulled down and away from your shoulder, the tip of his nail dragging against your skin, and he bit down on the newly-exposed skin, biting and sucking until you were whimpering in his lap, grinding down over and over again until you could feel your climax approach all too fast. Both of his hands had returned to their places on your waist, and they bit in as he pulled you to him, his own hips bucking up to meet yours every time. He had stopped his assault on your neck, no doubt leaving a dark, tender bruise behind, and his mouth lay slack and open against you, desperate moans and hot saliva spilling out. All of a sudden, ten pin pricks of sharp, impossible pain bloomed where his hands lay, and you came with a wail, hips stuttering to a stop against his.
Your eyes were closed tightly, chest heaving as you slumped over onto Arthur’s chest. He continued to grind his hard cock upwards, but it was much gentler now, slow rolls of his hips as one of his hands stroked your back. As you came down from your orgasm, you distantly noticed that the TV had stopped (stupid old piece of shit, never worked properly). You also realized just how uncomfortable the wetness of your pants was becoming, and you went to pull back. The hand that was caressing your back locked around your body. You shifted around, testing the give of his arms. Fully immobilized, but not necessarily complaining, you kissed his neck indulgently and wriggled your hips a little.
“As much as I’m enjoying this,” you purred into Arthur’s ear, “I really fucking want to suck you off.”
You startled back as far as you could at the sound of his voice. The sweet brown-sugar baritone was shredded, gruff and way raspier than it had been.
Way raspier than it should have been, you thought.
You tried to pull back again. His arms didn’t budge. “Arthur, what’s up?” You asked gently.
A deep, quiet whine was his only response. “Did I do something wrong?” He tightened his grip on you, and your ribs groaned in protest. Your heartbeat began to climb as you squirmed again. “Arthur, let me go, you’re hurting me.”
The vice-like arms around you flew away from your body, a deep sigh of relief escaping your lungs. You went to pull back again, to look in his face and ask what was wrong, but his strangled voice stopped you in your tracks. “I’m sorry! I just… I didn’t want you to look at me.”
“Why? I’ve already seen you.”
“Not really. You wouldn’t be here if you had.” He sounded like he was about to cry.
Your heart squeezed painfully at the sound. Without a second thought, you leaned your face into the heated skin of his neck. You could feel hair there, thick and soft, that hadn’t been there before. “Whatever it is, I’ll do my best to not freak out. Or I can close my eyes and you can go, or calm down, or whatever you need to do. Just tell me what you want.”
“I want...I want to tell you,” he said, in that shy near-whisper of a shared secret. “You can look at me.”
Slowly, slow enough for him to tell you to stop, you shifted back to look at Arthur in the face. Whatever it was that you had been expecting, it wasn’t this. Thick, dark hair- no, now that you saw it up close it was very clearly fur- covered his face and neck, darkened his temples, sprung from his arms and hands. His jaw had broadened and lengthened, forming a sort of muzzle, and his canines had grown, pushing insistently at black-edged lips. Large claws tipped his furry hands. His gaze was dropped to his lap in what was clearly some combination of fear and shame, but…
You were undeniably intrigued by what you saw. Intrigued, confused, and more than a little aroused.
“I’m a werebear.” Despite the new gruffness, his voice sounded fragile. “I’m a monster.”
You shook your head emphatically and leaned forward to put your arms around his shoulders. “I was going to say that you’re gorgeous, but sure, let’s go with that.”
Arthur blinked at you in confusion. “You’re not scared. Or disgusted.”
“Why should I be?” You asked. “You backed off when I told you to, you clearly don’t want to hurt me…”
“But I’m a monster!” He cut you off, heedless of how his hands moved to rest on your thighs. “I’m not normal, I’m not human.”
You silenced him with a finger to his lips. “And I don’t care. I like you quite a bit, if you couldn’t tell. This is just something fun and extra. I’m not going to run screaming for the hills, although I would like to know more about it, at some point..”
“Yes,” you said, all playfulness abandoning your face and voice, letting every ounce of sincerity you had in you spill over. “Really.”
Those large, furry arms wrapped around you, cradling your body against his in a warm embrace. You leaned into it, your hand rubbing the back of his neck. Hiccupping breaths stuttered through his chest and into you.
“Thank you,” his voice rumbled where it was tucked against your neck.
You shifted your weight in the hug, trying to ease the pressure on your knees, and felt his cock against the inside of your thigh. “Still hard?” You teased.
Arthur’s eyes shot open and he pulled away, face stained red under the fur. “Oh damn, I didn’t… shit, I’m sorry.!”
“Don’t apologize,” you cooed, careful not to brush his heated length. “Do you want me to help you with it? I did tell you how much I want to blow you.”
Seconds passed and you questioned whether you had crossed a line, staying stock-still until he nodded his head. “Yes, please.”
He sounded shy when he asked, and you couldn’t help but kiss the tip of his nose before slipping backwards off his lap to the floor. Now that you were level with his crotch, you could really take in just how big he was. The bulge in his pants had seemed large when he was under you, but in front of you it was massive. His thighs were thicker than they had been before, robust muscle and fat dwarfing your hands as you slid them up to his straining zipper. His body heat seared your palms through the fabric. You couldn’t help but wonder how you hadn’t noticed him shift beneath you. Without arousal clouding your brain, you could properly marvel at just how significant- how beautiful- his newly monstrous form was. Your hands paused over his fly and you looked up at him, staring through your lashes, silently waiting for permission to continue.
“Please touch me,” Arthur begged, his hips bucking up slightly.
You smiled at him, scooting forward and turning your head to kiss the inside of his knee, before slowly undoing his fly. Letting your fingers graze over him with maddening softness every time you could, you slid your hands up through the soft fur on his abdomen to push the bottom of his shirt out of the way. A groan escaped his mouth as you scratched over his stomach, into the warm, musky fur on his pelvis, and pulled the waistband of his boxers down just far enough for his dick to spring free, almost hitting you in the face.
The way he had pressed against the zipper of his pants had not done him justice. His shaft was easily the length of your forearm, the head flushed red and glistening with pre-cum. It bobbed and twitched with each minute movement of his body, a lewd display that you thought you could watch for hours. The base was surrounded by a nest of curly fur that you desperately wanted to bury your fingers- or your nose, dear Lord- into. A moment later, the euphoric realization came over you that you could.
You wasted no more time before ducking your head in and pressing an open, messy kiss to the underside of his length. Trailing your mouth along the thin skin, you happily made your way to that gorgeous dark fur. The feeling of nuzzling into it was unbelievable, the strands silky and thick on your skin, that lovely musk filling your senses and making your head go a little fuzzy. With a little moan, you pressed in closer, licking and kissing constantly, letting saliva slip out of your mouth to wet the base of Arthur’s shaft. You carefully tucked your fingers under the waist of his underwear to pull his balls free. They were covered in a dusting of that same fur, heavy and hot where you cupped them in your hands. You made your way back up his shaft, pausing indulgently to suck on the skin of his balls, relishing in the way that Arthur’s thighs quivered where they bracketed your shoulders. Clear, slick fluid dribbled from the head of his dick when you ran the tip of your tongue around its base. A drop fell to your face and you wiped it clean with the back of your hand.
“Oh shit.” His voice came out rumbly and strangled when you delicately lapped pre-cum from the prettily flushed head.
A quick glance upwards showed his bottom lip caught between wickedly sharp teeth, face reddened and eyes shut tight. You mentally promised yourself that one day, if Arthur gave you the chance, you would edge him until he cried with just your mouth.
This was not that day.
In a single swift motion, you stretched your mouth as far around his cock as it would go. You could barely take a quarter of the length and your jaw began aching in seconds, but all you could think was how damn good his heated flesh felt against the inside of your mouth. A moan broke free of your throat, sending vibrations down his massive cock. More pre-cum squirted directly into the back of your mouth and he bucked his hips up, only slightly, but still enough to make you choke around him and draw tears to your eyes.
His balls tightened where they were still cupped in your hands, and you could tell he was close. As disappointed as you were that you couldn’t keep going longer, you knew that he had already been close to his climax when you were dry-humping each other like a pair of horny teenagers. Besides, your jaw was really starting to hurt from where it was gaped around his huge girth. Pulling back far enough that his cockhead just barely rested against your lips, you paused for several seconds, never letting the slick tip leave your skin, smearing a combination of spit and pre-cum onto your mouth and cheeks. You panted, catching your breath for a few moments before you took him back in. Suckling delicately at his tip, you relished in the bursts of pre-cum that shot into you before steeling yourself, relaxing your throat, and swallowing his shaft as far as it would go.
Arthur cried out, the sound deliciously caught between a growl and a wail. His breaths turned ragged, control fraying from arousal and the effort it took him not to fuck upwards into your mouth. You desperately wanted him to feel good, and began working him over aggressively. You bobbed your head up and down, copious amounts of spit sliding down his shaft, gagging as you took him down as far as physically possible. Swallowing around him when his cock hit the back of your throat, your mouth rippled around him and you rolled his balls in your hands.
“I’m...fuck, I’m gonna cum!”
With a great deal of effort, you pulled your tongue back and probed it into the slit at the end of his head. Clearly the intrusion, coupled with the slick pressure of your mouth and loving caress of your hands, was too much, and it pushed him over the edge of his climax.
Salty, bitter cum shot down your throat in thick ropes, making you choke again. You swallowed as much as you could, but it was just too much, and you pulled off, coughing. His orgasm kept going, longer than any you had ever seen before, covering your face and torso with sticky cum. It dripped from your body onto the tile beneath you, spilled from the corners of your mouth, hung in creamy drops from your eyelashes.
A huge, clawed hand carefully wiped the spend from your eyes, moving to cup the back of your head. “Are you okay?” Arthur’s voice was gentle and concerned under the animalistic rasp.
You nodded tiredly, leaning into one of his thick thighs. Exhausted from the excitement, your eyes began to slip closed, your breath evening out into the shallow rhythm of sleep. The last thing you felt was a sweet kiss on your forehead and Arthur’s deep rumbly baritone.
“We’ll talk when you wake up. I promise.”
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kurosukii · 3 years
𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐡 𝐡𝐮𝐬𝐡
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pairing: kuroo tetsurou x f!reader
summary: your best friend has been dying to know the guy you’ve been fooling around with since your twenty-first birthday; you wish you could tell her, but the mystery man is no other than her father.
genre: smut, age gap, best friend’s dad au
warnings: 18+. DILF KUROO. dubcon, manipulation, slight somnophilia, spanking, pussyjob, alcohol consumption, dumbification, hair pulling, virginity loss (...social construct), oral (f receiving), overstimulation, size kink, corruption kink, daddy kink, daddy issues, dirty talk, degradation, praise, unprotected sex, nipple play, creampie, cumplay, multiple orgasms, breeding kink, choking, spitting, mating press, clit spanks, begging, fingering, slight exhibitionism, finger sucking, tie kink(?? he makes you wear his tie so...)
word count: 5.2k
author’s note: for @sugawara-sweetheart’s decadence collab! thank you so much for letting me join! shoutout to @stopisa for that ✨lovely✨ dilf convo. (dilf kuroo AAAAAAAAAAAAAA) (let me know if i missed any warnings!) (MINORS DNI)
º thank you @meiansmistress and @ssrated1volleyballplayer for editing and beta reading <33
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[12:24 PM]
“come on! you have to tell me who he is!”
you grip the handle of your spoon harder than normal, hoping your best friend doesn’t see your reaction.
you open your mouth to say something, but she cuts you off with a comment that makes shame and embarrassment burn through your body.
“you guys were really loud last night! well, you were. i didn’t hear so much as a peep from your man—well aside from the occasional murmurs, which i’m pretty sure was dirty talk…” she trails off, looking lost in thought.
you squirm and wince at the wet pool between your legs. the wet pool being cum that he told you to keep warm just before he left.
she sees your discomfort and laughs at your predicament, clearly thinking it was the aftermath of a hard night of fucking—it was, but she didn’t need to know about the sticky cum that was still inside your pussy.
“he clearly fucked your brains out! at least one of us is getting dick!” she exclaims, her lips forming into a pout as she takes her finished bowl of ramen to the sink and rinses it with water.
yeah, you are getting dick—not just anyone’s dick, however, because it’s her father’s.
your stomach churns at the thought, not from disgust, but from guilt and shame. you are way past getting disgusted with what you’re doing and who you’re doing it with.
not when her father never fails to make you cum at least three times in one night, not when he calls you his good girl and cockslut, and certainly not when you called him over last night because you were so pent up and you needed your daddy’s cock.
last night…
“you’re such a cockslut,” kuroo growled, his balls slapping against your ass as he delivered a hard thrust that had you creaming and moaning all over his cock. you bunched the sheets in your hands, wincing with slight discomfort when he folded your body in half while he pounded relentlessly inside you.
“you should see how dumb you look with your eyes all crossed and teary while your tits are bouncing everywhere.”
you squealed when he roughly flipped you on your stomach, large hands grabbing your hips as he entered you once more. he lifted one hand and slapped your ass in sync with his thrusts.
“so drunk on my cock now, huh? can’t live without it, hm?” kuroo taunted you, one hand squeezing your hip while the other spanked your ass until it was burning with pain. you moaned words incoherently, tongue lolling out as drool seeped from the corners of your mouth.
“daddy! more, please!” you moaned loudly, toes curling from the pleasure.
“you’re brave for calling me over, knowing that only a thin wall is separating you from my daughter’s room,” he hissed, pounding your pussy from behind.
“but i guess that doesn’t matter to you anymore as long as i fill this dirty pussy with my. hot. cum—fuck!” he ended each word with a hard thrust, cursing when your tight cunt clamped down on him.
“faster, daddy! your cock’s filling up my pussy so well—oh my god!” you screamed, partly aware that you shouldn’t scream his name, for fear that your debauchery with your best friend’s father would be revealed too soon.
kuroo indulged you, teeth bared as he pushed your back into a deeper arch, making his cock reach places he hadn’t before. you winced when his large cock teased the entrance of your cervix. it was always a trip taking him—no matter how many times he fucked you, his cock always stretched your pussy wide open.
“w-wait, it h-hurts daddy!” you whined, moving forward to escape the brutal thrusts of his hips so you could adjust your position. he growled in disapproval, tightening his grip on your hips as he roughly pulled you back on his dick.
“take my cock. i know you can do it, whore.” he hissed, moving your body back and forth on his cock like you were a fuckdoll. you moaned from both pain and pleasure as kuroo guided your hips, fingers leaving bruises on your skin.
you cried out when kuroo tugged your hair from its roots, pulling your body upright until your back met his sweaty chest. “yeah that’s a good fucking pussy. come on slut, squeeze daddy’s cock,” he whispered in your ear, teeth biting your earlobe.
“d-daddy i can’t—i’m going to cum!” you squealed, voice cracking as your body started shaking from your fast approaching orgasm.
“i’m going to cum too, baby—and don’t you fucking dare waste my cum,” he growled, wrapping his arms around your body.
you fell forward on your shaking arms, sheets bunched tightly in your fingers as moans and whimpers freely fell from your lips.
“i want it to stay inside your dirty cunt until tomorrow,” he ordered you, reaching for your arms and holding your wrists in one hand, the other slapping your already swollen ass.
you cried out when your face was smothered by the sheets, drool staining the pillow as the headboard continuously thumped against the wall. your body shook with his thrusts, breasts swaying with the movement.
“i want you to look my daughter in the eye and have a normal conversation with her—just like you always do—while you’re thinking about how slutty you are with her father’s cum inside your pussy.”
that was last night. a couple hours ago, if you were to be specific, since kuroo fucked you until you passed out on your bed. you only woke up when your best friend practically broke the door down—bed empty of him, thank god—saying that she made lunch. she looked pretty disheveled herself and she blamed it on your headboard hitting the wall all throughout the night.
you buried your face into the pillow to cover your guilty expression, groaning at the movement because your body was aching all over. she laughed and left you to your own devices, still recovering from him.
he has a crazy appetite for a man his age, to be honest. he may be an older man but he fucks like a teenage boy who recently discovered sex and became hypnotized by the pleasure of it. you lost count of how many times your best friend—his daughter—almost caught you and him fucking around in the apartment, their house, and even his car.
it wasn’t always like this though. there was a time when you only saw him as a fatherly figure and not someone who regularly uses you as a cocksleeve.
maybe it was the way he looked so good with a five-o-clock shadow, or how even with salt and pepper hair, he still acted youthfully. perhaps it was his signature cocky grin that lured your younger and more impressionable self towards him.
in truth, it was your daddy issues that led you to him.
you met your best friend the summer after high school. you bonded quickly over your common interests and quickly learned that it was just her and her dad. she confided in you and told you how lonely he was and she hoped that he would meet a nice and loving woman to take care of him. you comforted her and reassured her that he would meet that woman. if you only knew.
you couldn’t help but admit to yourself how envious you were of her and her father’s relationship, seeing as the one with your own was non-existent. you couldn’t wait to meet him, hoping that he would treat you as his second daughter since your best friend was basically your sister.
she failed to tell you—because why would she?—that her father is an attractive and charming specimen of a man his age. his eyes would crinkle at the sides when he laughed and his feline eyes would always look at you with warmth and tenderness.
you sigh as you put your chin on your fist, the sounds of dishwashing and humming filling your ears as you play the events that eventually led to your risky love affair with her dad.
you really feel ashamed, but it wasn’t your fault that her dad is so good to you. from the moment you met him, he made you feel so loved and appreciated. it was obviously innocent and familial at first, until it turned to something darker, more carnal.
his glances gradually became lingering and he started giving you sly winks that left you burning with desire. you tried so hard to fight it too, but you were too weak against his sweet talk and honey voice.
it was a year or two later that he finally made a move on you.
you figured that with a job that caused him to be in constant public eye, he would avoid fooling around with girls that were decades younger than him, but even with the heavy implications of a scandal, it still didn’t stop him from devouring you.
it all started one night when he invited you guys over, claiming that he missed the both of you. your best friend told you to go first because she was going to be out for her tutoring session. you internally shivered at the thought of being alone with him, not knowing what was going to happen once you were confined in a small space.
the sexual tension was so thick when you arrived and next thing you knew, you had your back on the dining table, legs spread in the air, with his mouth sucking and slurping on your pussy. you came with a scream of his name, cumming so hard for the first time in your life that your body ended up convulsing.
he had laughed at how blissed out you looked. “you taste even better than what i imagined, baby. thanks for the meal,” he purred, winking at you and leaving you to process what happened, hand wiping off the juices from his face as he went back to cooking dinner.
his daughter finally showed up and your face burned the entire time, unable to look her in the eye because not only did her father make you cum minutes prior, but he also was a tease and had his fingers inside your panties while talking to her, fingers slowly tracing circles on your clit.
the topic of conversation was your living situation. he was never happy about how the two of you wanted to live alone together because he insisted that it was better if you guys lived with him. at first you thought it was him being overprotective, but you came to understand it was because he wanted easy access to you.
he ended up fucking your throat that night out of sheer frustration, punishing you for being a bad girl and wanting to be away from your daddy.
you partly hoped it was a one time thing, but you were proven wrong when you had a movie night and your best friend dozed off on the long couch housing the three of you.
kuroo was under your blanket and between your legs in an instant. your shorts hung off of one ankle while he pushed your panties to the side.
“daddy! we shouldn’t be doing this—fuck!” you moaned as his lips sucked your clit into his mouth, tongue lapping up your slick.
“guess you just have to be quiet then, kitten,” he teased you. you arched your back and bit your lip to muffle your scream when he inserted a finger in your dripping cunt while his lips played with your clit.
you had no idea how your best friend didn’t wake up to the sounds of your muffled moans and whimpers, but that thought went away when you started riding her father’s face and cumming all over his mouth.
you became needier after that, eventually losing the hesitancy of being pleasured by him. instead, you anticipated the times when he would make you cum.
the deal was sealed on the night of your twenty-first birthday.
night of your birthday…
“hey girl, the postman came and said this was for you!” your friend slurred, clearly having had too much to drink for just a small and intimate celebration for your twenty-first.
you’d been buzzing the whole day, both from the alcohol and anticipation of what was going to happen later. you woke up to numerous happy birthday texts until you came across the one you’ve been so excited to see. your cunt gushed when you saw your daddy’s text, letting out a little moan at what he said.
happy twenty-first, kitten. you better be wearing my gift when i come over because i’m going to fuck your little pussy tonight.
you sucked in a breath as your face flushed. you held the smooth black nondescript box that was elegantly wrapped with a crimson satin ribbon. you had a pretty solid guess of what was inside and your best friend had as well, because she wiggled her eyebrows and teased you. you sighed, like father, like daughter.
how you were still able to look her in the eye after everything you’ve done and what you’re going to do with her dad is beyond you. his mouth, tongue, fingers—soon to be his cock—truly hypnotized and consumed your conscience and only left neediness in its wake.
you ducked your head to hide the embarrassment on your face while the rest of your friends that came over jeered and whistled as you walked towards your room to leave the box on your bed for safekeeping.
you left it sitting in the center of the bed and went back to the living room to enjoy, skin tingling the whole time in anticipation for your daddy...
you closed the door after saying goodbye to the last group of people and turned to your best friend. “thank you for the lovely little get together,” you thanked her shyly.
“you’re welcome, darling, but i’m sure the main event is just about to happen. tone it down a little, yeah?” she smirked at you, eyes glinting with mischief as she giggled on the way to her room.
you sighed, the guilt that was momentarily forgotten reared its head once more when you were finally alone in your room. it went away again when you studied the gift kuroo gave, nimble fingers leaving light touches on the box settled on your lap as you untied the ribbon.
you rummaged through the white crepe paper until you saw pieces of red lace that were as red as the ribbon that tied the box. he always loved the color, so it wasn’t a surprise that the lingerie he gifted you was of the same shade. your fingers shook when you took them out in front of you. these can barely cover anything, you gulped.
you caught a tinge of gold in the corner of your eye and saw that there was a white card peeking out amongst the paper. the card was lined with gold embellishments and there was a short message printed in red.
kitten, wear these for me. - k.t.
and who are you to not follow daddy’s orders?
you placed the garments at your side and set the box on the floor. you began to undress, removing your cotton bra and panties which you threw on the floor, somehow landing inside the open box.
your naked body was exposed to the cool air and you shivered, head buzzing and eyes slightly drooping from the alcohol you consumed. you took the lace with delicate fingers and gasped upon inspection of the panties.
you were taken aback by the design because not only did it lack enough cloth to cover your entire lower region, but they were crotchless. your mouth dried at the obscenity, hazy mind playing images of kuroo rutting into you without having to remove anything.
that was most likely his intention after all. you slowly stood up from the bed and softly moaned at the slickness between your thighs, pussy clearly excited and aching for his dick. you slipped your legs through them and grabbed the matching bra. you moaned when you clipped it on, nipples hardening when the lacy pattern rubbed against them.
you might as well be wearing nothing with the way you barely felt the fabric against your sensitive skin. you yawned as you laid on your back, the numerous glasses of wine you drank finally caught up with you.
you tried to fight it, you really did. but you were fighting a losing battle with your eyes and besides, you were only going to close them for a bit. you’d wake up before your daddy comes over, right?
you ended up dozing off. you woke up with a moan, alcohol already flushed out of your body. you slightly squirmed as you felt something wet on your tits and a moving pressure in your pussy. you slowly opened your eyes and found a large body looming over you.
“do you know how long i’ve been waiting to fuck you?” kuroo asked, lips pulling away from your clothed nipple with a pop when he realized that you were finally awake.
“three fucking years. yet you had the audacity to be asleep when i arrived? i’m going to wreck your slutty pussy, whore,” he growled as he scissored his long fingers inside your pussy faster. you cried out in pleasure, hands reaching for his wrist as you tried to slow his movements.
“d-daddy, i’m sorry!” you cried as you arched your back. he just grunted and removed his wet fingers from your cunt. you whimpered at the loss because his fingers always felt so good when they moved inside of you. he stared you down instead, large hands loosening his red tie—you noticed that it matched the lingerie you were wearing—and promptly removed it.
he bit his lip as he reached down and made you wear it instead, cock twitching in his pants as he reveled at the sight of you wearing his gift, and in his favorite color no less. he unbuttoned his white dress shirt, muscles rippling from the movement.
even though he didn’t play volleyball all that much anymore, he still maintained his toned body. if it weren’t for his salt and pepper hair, you wouldn’t think he was decades older than you. not that it mattered, anyway.
“you look so sexy in red, kitten,” he whispered, the sound of his belt unbuckling mixing with your heavy breathing. you gulped when you saw that he wasn’t wearing any underwear, eyes widening at the sheer size of him. he stepped out of his pants and smirked when he saw your reaction.
“fuck, your pussy is so pretty. can’t believe i waited this long to fuck it,” he hissed as he spread your legs, your crotchless panties baring your pussy to his eyes, making them twitch under his scrutiny.
he groaned as he rubbed his hard cock on your slit between your folds. you moaned at the stimulation, thankful that he didn’t thrust inside immediately because that would’ve been more painful than pleasurable.
“i was e-eighteen when we first met, y-you could’ve fucked me—oh that feels good—any t-time you wanted to, why didn’t you?” you stuttered as you shivered from the pleasure his slick cock was giving you.
you planted your feet flat on the bed as you took hold of his cock and humped it with fervor, moaning at the slick sounds it made with your lower lips.
kuroo hissed at the increase in stimulation, warm hands grabbing the back of your thighs and folding your legs toward your chest as he thrusted faster between your folds. you moaned louder as you let go of his throbbing cock to bunch the sheets in your fingers.
“you know what they say, good things come to those who wait,” he grunted, hips thrusting faster, making your pussy wetter and slicker.
“besides, you were still a shy and innocent girl back then—until i corrupted you, obviously,” he teased you as he moved one hand to your mouth, inserting his fingers between your lips. you moaned as you sucked, slightly tasting yourself on his fingers.
“i don’t think you could’ve handled this big...fat...cock,” he grunted as he clenched his jaw from the pleasure.
“but now? now you’re my little whore who’s about to know what it feels like to get fucked by a man,” he growled, separating himself from your body. you whimpered, arms reaching out for him but he held your wrists in one hand and placed them above your head.
“you’re already dumb when i fuck you with my mouth and fingers...they’re nothing compared to my dick,” he said frankly, fingertips lightly teasing your puffy clit, aching from the lack of release from the continuous stimulation of his cock. he let go of your wrists and moved his hand to your thigh, fingers circling your skin.
“i-i don’t think your cock will f-fit daddy,” you said in a small voice, staring at his twitching cock.
“nonsense baby, i trained you to deepthroat me, remember?” he reminded you, memories of all the times you sucked his cock filling both your minds.
“i’m going to train this pussy as well. you’ll be begging me to never leave your cunt after i’m done with you,” he declared, positioning himself between your legs again.
“now hump my cock again, kitten. faster this time,” he ordered you, fitting his cock between your lower lips once more.
“yeah just like that—fuck,” he groaned when you ground your clit with more force on his shaft. you cried out at the movement, pussy gushing out more of your juices.
“you like that, hm? like how you’re making my cock wet with your slick?” he taunted you, fingers squeezing the skin of your thigh as he rutted his hips faster.
“can’t wait for me to—shit—bottom out in that tight cunt?” he growled, basking in the heat emanating from your pussy.
you moaned loudly, hips rolling as the knot in your lower stomach threatened to burst. your breasts were freely swaying with each movement your hips made. you threw your head back as your mouth fell open, uncaring of the volume of your cries and whimpers.
“i’m cumming, daddy!” you screamed, pussy clenching around nothing as you drenched your daddy’s cock with your cum. kuroo followed suit, groaning loudly when he released his cum all over your stomach, staining the front of your barely-there panties.
“such a dumb cockslut, you came by just humping my cock?” he teased you. your face warmed in embarrassment, hiding your face in the pillows. kuroo chuckled, honey eyes glinting in mischief. well, he came by just humping your pussy, so he was one to talk.
he spread your lower lips, puffy clit exposed to the air. you shivered at the chill but quickly yelped when he spanked your clit a few times.
“d-daddy!” you exclaimed but he just laughed at you. “just wanted to slap your clit, baby,” he chuckled, hand slapping it once more.
you tried to squirm away from his spanks but he held you in place. he held his throbbing cock with one hand and guided it back to your clenching hole. he rubbed the tip against your sensitive clit before inserting his cock in your pussy.
“t-too big daddy!” you cried out, tears forming in your eyes as his cockhead went past your tight muscle.
“shh baby, i know you can do it. you can take my cock, yeah that’s a good girl,” he cooed, palm flat against your stomach with his thumb rubbing the skin. you sucked in a breath as he slowly slipped his cock inside your virgin pussy inch by inch.
“i’m gonna fuck you so good with my fat cock that you won’t even care if my daughter catches us,” he growled when he bottomed out. you whimpered at the force of his sudden thrust and the implication of what he said. he only let you adjust to his large cock for a few moments before he started thrusting lazily.
“you’d like that, wouldn’t you?” he taunted you as his thrusts increased in speed and strength. you moaned louder, body shaking with the thrusting of his hips.
“n-no s-stop! she’s going to hear you!” you begged, voice cracking when he folded your body in half. he began pounding ruthlessly into your pussy, the slick sounds of skin meeting skin filling the air and making you lightheaded from the pleasure.
“so? i dare you to scream my name, slut. watch her bust that door down,” he mocked you, hands pushing your knees further up your chest. you whimpered at the stretch, the sounds of the headboard thumping against the shared wall only served to make you clench around your daddy’s cock.
“fuck—how do you think her face would look when she sees you taking my cock like a good little bitch?” he growled when he felt you squeeze his cock. he grunted as he thrusted faster, balls slapping against your ass.
“yeah just like that, you want me to cum inside you? fill this slutty pussy to the brim? fuck my cum so deep into your pussy that you’ll get pregnant?” kuroo groaned, throwing his head back as he felt his abdomen tighten, the signal that his orgasm was fast approaching.
you held your bouncing tits in your hands, his silk tie only adding to your pleasure as it rubbed against your sensitive skin. “n-no please!” you pleaded, tears falling from your eyes.
“you’re on the pill, aren’t you?” he asked, jaw clenching because he was stopping himself from cumming immediately. he wanted to spill all of his load in one go, after all.
“y-yes daddy b-but—!” you squealed, stinging pain blooming in your chest when kuroo pinched your nipple.
“then take my fucking cum, whore,” he demanded, cock throbbing because he was so ready to spill all of his hot cum.
“n-no daddy! please don’t cum inside me!” you screamed, eyes rolling to the back of your head and tongue lolling out as his cock hit your g-spot.
“shut up and take it,” he growled, hands squeezing your waist as his thrusts grew erratic.
he groaned loudly when he saw your fucked out face, thrusting so deep that his cock teased the entrance of your cervix. his hot cum spurting out of his cock as he filled your pussy.
“daddy you’re cumming so much—oh my god!” you screamed as you came with him, legs shaking from the intense fucking.
“your cum’s filling up my pussy, fuck and it feels so hot too!” you cried out, throat raw from the sounds that came out of your mouth ever since he came inside your room.
kuroo removed his hands from your waist—one hand snaking around your neck, applying slight pressure to the sides as he rode your pussy to prolong his orgasm.
his other hand moved to straighten your leg, rubbing your outer thigh while he cooed at you. “you like my cum, baby?” he asked softly, hips slowly rocking back and forth. you whimpered, your overstimulated pussy aching from his never-ending thrusts.
his movements caused his cum to overflow and seep out the sides of his cock. the mixed fluids fell out of your pussy, sliding down your ass and drenching the sheets beneath you.
“don’t be shy, baby. you can tell daddy if you like his cum,” he encouraged you, leaning down to kiss you languidly on the lips.
“i-i love your cum daddy,” you tell him in between kisses.
“that’s my good girl. happy birthday, my sweet kitten.”
you open your eyes when your best friend throws the damp towel to your face. “quit daydreaming about him! you were moaning ‘daddy! daddy!’ like he was actually fucking you!” she yells while crossing her arms across her chest.
you duck your head in shame. great, now i’m even messier and wetter down there, you grumble. you wince when you hear the squelching sound—dear god i hope she didn’t hear it—as you shift to face her properly while she walks over to you.
“so! tell me more about him, what’s his name?” she asks animatedly, chin resting on her fists as she sits beside you on the island. you swallow thickly, a lump suddenly weighing down in your throat. you inhale a deep breath before coming up with a half-assed lie on the spot.
“he’s a shy and private guy...i’m not telling you his name yet because...i really want you to meet him in person, you know...?” you already know him—you’re related to him! you scream in your head.
your palms feel sweaty as your nerves are on the verge of frying themselves. you bite your lip while you rub your thighs together, wincing immediately as you feel her dad’s cum drench your panties and shorts further.
“well, judging by your reaction right now and the sounds last night, he’s not really the shy type when it comes to bedroom activities,” your best friend pouts at your secrecy and then smirks, eyebrows wiggling.
your face burns in embarrassment and guilt, if only she knew she was talking about her dad.
“anyway, i’m going to the library right now, i’m so done with this paper,” she said, rolling her eyes.
“take care and have fun laz—dad! what’s up? what brings you here?” she squeals in delight when she sees him and jumps into her father’s arms while he kisses the top of her head.
your pussy quivers at the sight of your daddy, and when his eyes land on you, he winks deviously then places his daughter back on the floor.
“can’t i visit my favorite girls on my day off?” he says to her while looking at you. your best friend is clearly oblivious to the desire that was swimming in her father’s sharp eyes.
“well, i’m going to the library to finish my paper. you guys can hang out in the meantime, but don’t watch our show without me!” she says as she walks out the door and ends her sentence with a click.
kuroo locks the door and turns to you, eyes glinting like a predator. he picks your body up and sits on the chair, settling you on his lap and wrapping his long arms around your middle. his large hand cups your cheek and he kisses you, earning a moan from your mouth when his tongue massages yours.
you kiss for a while and then he pulls away from your lips. he grabs your chin firmly, fingers squeezing your cheek open as he spits inside your mouth. you moan while swallowing his spit, hands reaching for his stubbled face before kissing each other sloppily once more.
“you keeping my cum warm for me, kitten?” he asks, lips separating from yours to leave kisses and nips on your jaw. you moan and squirm on his lap as his other hand sneaks inside the waistband of your shorts and inserts two thick fingers in your messy and dripping cunt.
“such a good girl for daddy. you kept his promise,” he growls lowly, biting the skin of your neck and leaving a mark which he soothes with his warm tongue.
“i think my kitten deserves a reward, hm? would you like that?” he asks you, fingers curling inside your tight walls.
“y-yes daddy!” you whimper, grinding your hips on his lap. he smirks and removes his fingers from your cunt and stands up from the chair. you whine at the loss of stimulation and he shushes you with his finger—the one he had inside of you seconds ago.
“let’s go to your room, shall we? daddy missed his favorite girl.”
[1:14 PM]
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murdertoothpick · 3 years
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kinktober day 27
corruption/training | boba fett x fem!reader
warnings: rough piv sex, boba's use of 'princess' - 'girl' and 'thing' used once or twice. TALKS OF ANAL, and a little bit of anal play but its not explicit and nothing goes in, 18+ MINORS DO NOT INTERACT, AND shoutout to @thesithformerlyknownaskenobi and her writing wisdom because i was super nervous about writing this - it's kinda meta, me incorporating something not in my usual comfort zone in a fic about being corrupted soooooooo... | w/c: 870 | full kinktober masterlist
Boba grunts as he thrusts into you again, the force of his hips jolting you forward. You cry out as you turn your head to the side, your cheek roughly sliding along the cool surface underneath you. He snarls when you do, one hand leaving its place on your hip to pull on your hair, pulling your head back up and forcing you to look into the mirror in front of you.
'See how you take my cock?'
You nod, tears streaming down your cheeks as you claw helplessly at the ground, his length reaches depths you didn't even know were possible until this new angle.
'Fuck princess,' he gravels, driving himself into you again, eyes darkened as he watches you shake in front of the mirror. 'You ever let anyone fuck you like this before?'
You shake your head frantically, unable to think of words to respond with. 'No,' you choke out, whimpering with the dig of his fingers into your hips as he pulls out, 'Never.'
'Fucking knew it,' he grits, clenching his teeth as he thrusts into you again, this time more forceful and with less time to wait before he's withdrawing himself. He slams into you again, his pace quickening, though enough for him to draw this out and have you begging for release. 'Innocent little thing...'
'Boba!' you cry as a thrust hits something devastatingly good inside you, 'Oh my g—'
'Dirty girl,' he interrupts, 'Look at yourself.'
You hadn't realised you had dropped your head, and when you look back up you're met with the same view as before, except this time, you really see yourself. You like this - You like what he's made out of you. What you don't see is they way your pussy spasms around him every time he pushes in, or the way you're positively dripping from your cunt and milking him before you've even fallen over the edge. And it's for those reasons, and how you so easily succumb to him, that he knows you like it too.
'Innocent girls don't get fucked like this,' he asserts, the pace he sets on you leaving no room for argument.
You gasp, 'Only you, Boba—' you begin, before being sharply interrupted by your own moan.
He swats your arse, smiling wickedly from your words. 'Only I can fuck you like this, right Princess?'
Took the words right out of your mouth, took you time and time again, and every time, you're more eager than the last.
'What else would you let me do to you? Huh?'
You can't fucking think. You're grounded, physically, with the way his hands still grip you and he fucks you so that your knees are planted in the floor. You have to tune out the slapping of his skin on yours in order to focus on the rough gravel of his voice.
But then his hands slide back, each palm on your cheeks and spreading them apart. You're completely exposed to him, your brain short circuiting as you understand what he's getting at. You keen against him, the stretch foreign that you can't even begin to imagine how it would feel to have his cock from behind.
'Would you take it in the ass?' he grits, lifting his head to meet your eyes through the mirror. His eyes burn with this raw intensity, though there's a slight sincerity in them and genuine intrigue in hearing response. You need a few seconds before you can even conjure up the words because that's when he decides to slam into you with the full force of his hips.
And fuck - this is so wrong. There is no propriety in the way he fucks you, and no dignity in the way you let him. Boba Fett has bruised you skin, left indents with his teeth and nail, stained and tainted you time and time again. So fuck, why not?
In the time you've taken to think over your thoughts, Boba has settled on receiving no reply. He fucks into you rigorously, pushing and pulling your hips to meet every thrust of his hips. There's a harsh slapping noise that almost drowns out your meek reply. Almost.
'Yes!' you squeak - and then, it stops.
He's holding your hips firmly, breathing heavily as he lifts his gaze up to meet your eyes. It makes you feel weak, and you would have swallowed your words if not for the glimpse of affection in his eyes. 'What did you say?'
You let out a shaky exhale, your breath far from steady with the sudden stop. His cock twitches inside of you, both of you having been so close to the edge, but neither of you are currently concerned with your impending orgasms falling out of your grasps.
You swallow, 'I would...' You struggle to say the words, 'I would let you. Just you,' you clarify, deciding that that is a good way of answering his question without needing to reflect the vulgarity. He's rough edges and sharp corners, you'll leave the rest to him.
His jaw clenches, and then he's sliding one hand up the expanse of your back, 'Next time, princess,' he replies, before he's forcing your body back down and ramming into you again.
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justdissimp · 3 years
Only for him
Character(s): Dream (Clay)
Warnings: f!reader, explicit sexual themes, unprotected sex, virgin kink, corruption kink?
(I´m sorry please tell me if i forgot something! I´m very bad at giving CW)
Word count: 1.1 k
A/N: this has the potential to be extended in the future! might do that tbh idk tho. no promises
I just know Dream would get so turned on by the thought of you being a virgin. Being all pure and innocent, all for him to ruin. Only for him. He´d go gentle at first kissing you softly and carefully running his hands up and down your sides, occasionally going down to rub your thighs. Drinking in your flushed expression, cheeks red with embarrassment from lying bare under him.
He´d start kissing your neck and gently nipping at your sensitive skin, soft gasps and pants leaving your swollen lips. But when he finally started caressing your inner thighs, only moving towards your burning core at an agonizing pace, you start squirming under him. The anticipation of finally feeling his hands on you getting too much, a soft whine slipping past your lips.
Embarressed you brought your hand up to your mouth to stop another sound from escaping. He´d just smiled at you, retreating one hand from your thigh to pull yours away from your mouth. You shaked your head at him.
"´S embarrassing", you tried to reason.
He only shook his head in response, telling you what you already knew - he wanted to hear you. Putting his hand back on your thigh the torture started again, his hands never lingering in one spot, only grazing over your skin, making goosebumps run up and down your spine. It seemed like he was scared to touch you. As if you were made of porcelain, at risk to break if he touched you any more than this.
Truth be told: he couldn´t wait to ruin you. Make you sob and scream his name at the top of your lungs. All he wanted was to grab your hips and rut into you, leaving your legs shaking, unable to walk tomorrow. The fact that nobody had ever touched you before, nobody had ever seen you like this, him being your first almost made him throw all common sense he had out the window and fuck you into oblivion.
He´d never want to hurt you, which was the reason he hadn´t actually touched you for 20 minutes already. He feared that as soon as he heard your first moan he´d snap and take you as you were.
"Please- ", he heard you whine his name, "I can take it, I promise! I can´t- You.. Please touch me Clay."
Groaning at your pleading, how your voice so angelic even when you were all needy and whiney. His resolve melting upon hearing your soft please for him. Finally comlplying he sunk a finger into you, groaning again as he felt your walls clench around him. Quickly inserting another digit, your heat enveloping him, he drew in a shaky breath and had to close his eyes to focus on not losing it right then and there.
You drew in a sharp breath when you felt his fingers reach a spot that felt different from the rest. Clay noticed and thrusted his fingers into it again. A cry escaping you as he entered a third finger, and directed them towards that spot again.
Whimperes now continuisely leaving your parted lips, you instictively raised your hand to stop the noises again. But before your hand could even reach your face Clay had gripped your wrist and pinned it next to your face. "Don´t. Hold. Them. In." He growled befor kissing you again, his fingers never stopping in their thrusts, the palm now grinding into your clit.
You moaned into the kiss and Clay bit your lip in response to it. Sliding his tongue in your mouth he instantly overpowered you, not that you minded. Pulling apart gasping for air you looked at him, pupils blown wide, puffy and bruised lips slightly parted as an almost pornographic moan left them. Your back lifted off the bed as you pushed your hips further into his hand.
"Clay, I- ", interruping yourself with a whine when he suddenly pulled his hand away from you, you stared up at him, brows furrowed. "What? Why- ", shooshing you he leaned into your neck, raspy voice next to your ear mumbeling, "If you´re gonna cum tonight it´s not gonna be on my fingers. At least not the first one." You shuddered, his quiet voice sending another wave of heat straight in between your legs.
After hearing his belt clink as it fell to the floor you felt the bed dipp again when he once more kneeled above you. His hands rubbed up and down your thighs, this time applying more pressure to the soft flesh he leaned down towards your neck again. Kissing your collarbone and neck he pumped himself a few times, smearing the precum before lining up with you. Lifting his face from your neck to lock eyes with you as he asked for permission again. You nodded but he insisted “No, I need to hear you say it.”
You shakily replied “Please, Clay please fuck me. I´m all yours. I´ll take it.” He groaned at your choice of words finally sliding into you. You hissed at the light sting, despite the preparation. Your hands clenching around the sheets as you pulled your lower teeth between your teeth.
He stayed still, giving you a chance to adjust only starting with small thrusts after you gave him a nod. Hunching over he buried his face in your neck once more, leaving several marks as he went. But when you lifted your hands to his shoulders digging your nails into his shoulders and telling him to “go faster”, “more” his brain instantly fogged up and his thrusts started to become deeper and erradic.
Soon you felt the knot in your stomach tightening again, leaving red marks down Clay´s back as you cried out his name. His hips stuttered as he came inside you, he brought a hand between the two of you to press harsh circles into your clit. Your legs trembeling as your high finally approached, your walls clenching around Clay´s already softening cock. Pulling out of you he pressed a quick kiss to your lips before getting up to run a bath.
When he picked you up from the bed you nuzzled your face into the crook of his neck, inhaling his sweaty scent. “What was that about ´at least not the first time´”, you asked with a grin spreading on your face. A small rumble emerged from his chest. “Next time princess. We wouln´t want to actually break during your first time, would we?”
You weren´t sure if that was supposed to be a promise or a threat.
A/N: this is my first time actually writing something and i- ouuuf it was so hard to write over 1k words so ill probably stick to shorter braindumps like technos for now (300-500 words)
Big shoutout to my bestie @008luna008 for proofreading!!! I wouldn´t say she stayed up til 1.40 for me but she kinda did? (It´s not like you would´ve actually gotten to bed earlier tho)
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oftenderweapons · 3 years
The Early Bird – Jungkook
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Pairing: Jungkook x reader (nicknamed Candy)
Wordcount: 2.3k 
Genre: smut, pretty much pwp, drabble, established relationship
Rating: 18+
Hello hummingbirds! I just came in quickly to type in this very very brief Jungkook smutty drabble because after today’s pics well... Me and my mates (shoutout to @nervous-moon) were a bit all over the place. Not much plot. Just filth. 
TRIGGER WARNINGS: very smutty Jk. Filthy as hell. Lots of swearing. Dirty talking. Slight corruption kink. Post-workout testosterone galore. Degradation kink; dommy JK, very patronising. Lots of switching positions. Multiple orgasms. Unprotected sex (get tested before going bare with your partner. Pretty please). Very lowkey spanking. Lots of tattoo kinks. He touches between her legs without her consent (Candy is sleeping), but she *does* give him consent as soon as she wakes up. I understand some people could be triggered by this and I am sorry if this makes you uncomfortable. 
In case you need it, here is my masterlist. 
Jeongguk exited his home gym and headed for the kitchen to grab a fresh bottle of water. Uncapping it quickly, he took a large mouthful, draining the bottle with a series of loud gulps. 
His early morning work out routine had several perks: the great peace of mind which helped him start a new day, the sense of focus that made his nerve endings jolt to life before he started his daily routine, and the pleasing idea of hitting the shower detoxifyed, after sweating sleep and the remnants of the previous day off himself.
It felt right to start the day with exercise. 
It felt a bit less right to wake up an hour earlier and abandon you in his bed, warm and cosy and so soft, smelling of his fabric softener and that sweet lotion that he liked so much. 
He took off his shirt on the way to the bedroom, dropping it off in the basket in the laundry room. Shirtless and sweaty, he reached the bedroom door, his mind already going places as his hand rubbed at his abs, climbing up to his chest. 
There you were, innocent in your sleeping form, curled up in a ball in the middle of the bed, the white sheets exposing your legs and your chest. 
You looked so pretty. So small. So pure and unprotected. You looked like a delicate lamb, napping in a soft cloud of perfect peacefulness. It looked like even in your sleep you were offering yourself to him. 
He felt ravenous. Predatorial.
He undressed quickly, feeling only slightly guilty as he stroked himself a couple times, his hand meeting his shaft already half hard, blood pressure spiking as he felt his own hand on his flesh. 
But it wouldn’t do. Because nothing could compare to the velvet of your cunt, the sweet, sticky wetness of your arousal coating your folds, like honey waiting to be tasted, licked, violated. You were there, laying gently, and he was at the feet of the bed, ready to pounce on you, already imagining the sweet little coos you would emit while waking up, his cock spearing you, your mouth parting in an ‘o’ as realisation hit you. 
Slowly and clumsily he climbed on the bed, crawling towards you on three limbs as one hand was still busy on his length. 
He hovered above you, bending at his elbow to lean his head against your breast, kissing any part of your chest that was uncovered by your arm, curled up against your front. 
Looking at your face, he gently moved his hand away from his sex, sliding it under the covers and brushing it against the curve of your bottom, sliding his middle finger between your folds, moaning at the wetness. 
“Sweetie.” He whispered against your ear. “Wake up, Candy.” He murmured with a soft voice. “I need my sweet girl.” He teased, his finger searching for your clit. 
Your body finally reacted, your eyelids fluttering open. “Gguk.” You whined, still sleepy. 
“Hello, sweet thing.” He said, smiling happily. 
You took in his damp hair, his lack of a shirt. “You back from the gym?” You asked, frowning as you yawned. 
“Yes, Candy.” He cooed, nuzzling his hair against your bosom as soon as you offered your chest to him.
“And why is your hand between my legs?” 
“Because I need my sweet girlfriend’s sweet pussy.” He growled, his mouth outright filthy in a way that normally wasn’t unless he felt like totally wrecking you.  
Grabbing his wrist, you removed his hand, turning on your back and trying to wrap your legs around his waist, your arms around his neck. “Just use me.” You murmured, closing your eyes and kissing his bicep flexed beside our head, your mouth landing distractedly on one of his tattoos. 
“Don’t worry, I’ll think about it for you, baby.” With one arm he held his weight off you, while with the other, he untangled the bedsheets from your form, tugging them off and exposing your body in all of its perfect nakedness. Next his arm slithered under your back, lifting you off the mattress and helping you up as he rose on his knees, kneeling on the bed. 
Slowly, he made his way to the edge of the mattress, placing his ass down and unfolding his legs, letting his feet rest against the floor. He had seen this position on a video while he was away on tour but somehow it had slipped away, coming back to him earlier as he lifted some weights in the gym. 
You simpy laid your head on the crook of his neck, kissing his skin and enjoying the salty feel of his sweat on your lips. Your legs loosened around his waist as he settled in this new position. 
“I need you to listen carefully, Candy.” He growled at your ear. “I’m gonna do you rough, baby, but I know you’ve just woken up.”
You nodded distractedly beneath his ear, snuggling him. 
“I’ll be careful first, but next I need you to hold tight.” He kissed your temple and caressed your spine. “I’ll take care of you.” He promised. “I’ll take care of everything.” He murmured against your ear. “I need to slide in, ____.” He explained, gripping his shaft and rubbing it against your folds. 
“Do it.” You said sleepily, whimpering as he pushed the tip in, groaning.
“Feels good?” He asked, giving a delicate thrust in, his other hand against the small of your back, pushing you towards him as he slid in. 
“Very.” You murmured, letting your open mouth rest against his neck, your tongue slipping out and curling against his skin, tasting his sweat, searching for the little mole that always drove him crazy under the tip of your tongue. He was addictive.
“It was made for you, Candy.” He groaned with a chuckle. “It was made to make you whimper and moan like a little slut.” He sank deep into you, bottoming out. 
You simply exhaled at his neck. If he was already degrading you in that cocky, teasing way of his, then he was really needy. Good thing you were craving him too. 
His arms snaked under your legs, the crook of his elbows slotting against the bend of your knees while his hands settled on the small of your back, holding you as his biceps flexed and lifted you, making you slide off his cock. 
“Oh god.” You murmured at his neck, biting his skin to keep yourself from being too loud. 
“That good?” He asked. “Wait till I slam you down again.” He said, growling, his voice strained as he slowly, made you twirl on him, only the tip inside, rubbing against the tight rim of muscles at your entrance before he let you slide on him again, your hands finding the long locks of his hair at his nape and tugging them desperately as he reached the bottom of your cunt, flexing his strong thighs and glutes to give a few small thrusts before lifting you up again, this time keeping you midair as he bent his head, licking the shell of your ear. 
“You’re being too quiet. Need it faster? Harder?” He slid you down gently, using his hands to press your hips forward, against his, until he could feel every square inch of your inner muscles fighting between swallowing him in and pushing him out. “Did you get used to hard and fast?” He asked, sliding you up slowly again and grunting in effort as he bit your earlobe. “Or maybe you need me to fuck you like my bitch.” He slammed you down. Hard. 
You let your mouth hang open in a loud cry, your lungs empty. 
“That way, uh? Dirty pretty whore you are. Just for me.” He cried out, angling your body away from his, your head lifting from his shoulder and trying to stay upright as you looked into his dark pupils, your stare a bit lost and vacant as he started lifting you up and down like you weighted nothing, looking at you as your eyes crossed, mouth open, a series of short gasps making your lips part in smaller or larger ‘o’s. 
He was beautiful, almost painfully so. His brow was furrowed, his lower lip tucked between his teeth before it slid out, his jaw dropping as you squeezed his with your kegels and started helping him, riding his cock with small thrusts of your pelvis, as far as his arms allowed you in that caged position. “Need to ride my cock?” He asked with an arrogant smirk, his eyes rolling closed as you squeezed him particularly tight. 
“Yes.” You replied simply. 
“But I need to see your silly face as I fuck you stupid, just like this.” He objected, slowing down for a few thrusts, focusing on hitting your sweet spot. The spongy head of his cock rubbed against your G-spot repeatedly, making you call his name, stuttering it a couple times as your breath caught in your throat. “Like that.” You called, unwrapping an arm from his neck and bringing it between your legs, trying desperately to conjure your first high. 
“Come on. Give me that cockhungry little pout. Let me see your filthy mouth open wide for me.” He said, leaning down to suck your nipple into his mouth, pumping it a couple times with the tight sucking of his cheeks before releasing it. “I want your gorgeous tits blushing while you cum on my cock.” He growled against your other breast, taking the other nipple in his mouth before he started sliding you up and down his length like you were nothing but a fleshlight, using you for his pleasure. 
“Gguk. I—” Next, an inarticulate ramble left your lips, your body arching away from him with the perfect angle that trapped your clit between your expert fingers and the divine fullness of Jeongguk’s cock rubbing the inner nerve endings from inside. 
Your body didn’t stop shaking even as he started leaning down, his arms unhooking from below your legs and simply coming up to place his hands on your waist. 
“I’m not done with you, my sweet fuckdoll.” He looked you in the eye as his tattoed hand slapped your ass with a dry cracking sound. “Your velvet cunt hasn’t taken my cum yet.” And just like that, he started helping you ride him, the only thing saving you from overstimulation the lack of attention on your clit. 
“Gguk. Please.” You begged, not even sure for what. 
“What is it,” he grunted, both his hands grabbing your ass and helping it up before his palms slid up to your sides, grabbing you and slamming you down. 
“Need you on top.” You whined, trying to sweeten him. 
He smirked. “Lazy pillow princess, ain’t you?” He slapped your ass again, the stinging feeling making your lips part and your eyes water slightly. 
It felt all too good. “You do it better than me.” You praised him, definitely knowing how to get what you want. 
He nodded, eyebrows lifting. “I do.” He said, holding your front close to his chest and making you roll on your back, his body inviting you to slide forward, toward the middle of the bed, so that his legs could find purchase on the mattress and he could hammer into you just the way you like it. 
Once his body was perched on top of you, he helped one of your legs over his shoulder. “Hold on tight, love.” He teased before he slammed into you in one violent stroke. 
Your eyes shot open, a helpless cry tearing your lips open as you looked at him, tears rimming your eyelids. 
“Oh, what’s that?” He asked with a bastard’s grin on his face. “Is it so good that I’m gonna make you cry?” He slid out slowly, all the way to the tip, before his cock split you open again. “Go on and cry for it.” He sneered, his whole body getting lost into a hard and fast hammering inside you. 
“Gguk, dammit, please. I wanna cum.” You cried out, your hand sliding between your legs. 
He slowed down only to slap away your filthy fingers. “Gonna cum for this cock alone.” He said, angling his hips perfectly in that way that always drove you crazy. “Like the good slut you are for me.” He bent forward to your chest, biting the upper curve of your breast. “Make me feel your velvet cunt milk me dry.” He groaned, desperate. “I know you can do it, ____. You’re my little cockfairy.” He teased, so lost in the tightness and warmth of you that his tongue got that loose and reckless. 
You simply started meeting his thrusts, your brow furrowing, while you looked at the muscles of his shoulders flex, his biceps tightening and relaxing with the effort, and the beatiful ink covering his upper arm, so alive with the movements. 
He moved your other leg over his shoulder, sinking so deep inside you that your body snapped before you could even understand the fullness you were experimenting. 
Your ears filled with a shrill screech, his face going from a series of tight lines — creased forehead, scrunched nose and wrinkled eyes — to relaxed planes, with his mouth opened wide, his lips so soft and temptingly red, his eyelids slowly fluttering close. 
“Your pussy is a whole damn miracle.” He muttered against your soft breasts pillowing his head. “I wanna die inside it and go to pussy heaven.”
You tried to laugh as gently as possible while he rested on top of you, his cock still burrowed deep inside you. “I love you, silly bun.” You said, still a bit breathless.
“I’m sorry for the nasty words. You know I love you too.” He said, mouthing at your soft curves and sucking a bruise there. 
“Cockfairy, uh?” You said, teasingly. 
He giggled. “Shut up.” 
“Never.” You replied. combing his hair out of his face. 
He lifted his head with a raised eyebrow. “Then maybe I should feed you my cock and shut you up.”
Round two? Already? You were feeling spoiled. “Maybe you should.”
He grinned and slid out of you, slowly climbing up your body. “Open up, pretty doll.”    
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liberty-barnes · 3 years
Miah’s 1K Celebration
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welcome to the mess that is my 1k celebration cause i’m unable to make simple choices and can’t stand the thought of letting people down
as you can see, i’m perfectly normal
the literal 1005 people following me would disagree on that but heyyy details
so anyway
one thousand
one bloody thousand people following me
my inicial reaction is whyyyy??? i’m just a bisexual disaster who sometimes writes a half decent fanfic but you deemed me worthy of your follow?
then i started crying cause yk
but bottomline is, i love you all, you’re the bestest people in the whole entire world, so i’m gonna make both a sleepover and a writing challenge
sleepover cause i like answering questions
writing challenge cause it gives me a chance to show you all other artists and discover other artists myself cause we all need them and they deserve more recognition
special shoutout to my mutuals who i’ll tag at the end for always being there for me and supporting me through every high and every low, y’all are the real heroes here
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Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: December 20th 2020
Who can participate: everyone, anon or not! no need to be following me either
send me asks for:
✨ my opinion on...
🌻 cast my mutuals as...
🎵 i'll put my playlist on shuffle and give you a song
🍉 random fact about me
🦔 what's my favorite...
🍀 i'll give you advice (or just listen to you rant, if you want)
💬 last text [insert person] sent me
💌 handwritten letter
🎬 movie rec
📖 fic or blog rec
📘 inspiration behind [insert fic name], how i came up with it or if you have questions about it
🖋 line from one of my WIPs (tell me if you want fluff or angst, i won't tell you the pairing or anything, that's no fun)
💋 kiss, date, marry [insert people]
🎤 give me a song an i'll do a mini cover of it (it will be 1min long tops cause that's all tumblr can take lmao)
📷 random picture from my camera roll (you can request a theme if you want, like pictures from my childhood or awkward pics or something)
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• Open to anyone (don't have to be following me)
• Send me a DM or ask with the prompt(s) you want (two people tops per work) and who you're writing about
• Smut is allowed but make sure to put it in the warnings
• I will accept works for any Marvel character or cast member, part of the Holland clan, 1D member or affiliated, Teen Wolf characters or cast member, Maze Runner character or cast member
• Can be reader inserts or not, but please specify it in your DM/ask too
• Tag me when you're done
• All works will be rebloged under #Miah's 1k writing challenge and put in a masterlist that will be specifically created for this writing challenge
Starts: December 11th 2020
Ends: January 11th 2020
Prompt list:
1. “Is that my shirt?” “You mean our shirt?”
2. “Home stopped being a place when you entered my life.”
3. “Stop moving and let me braid your hair.”
4. “Could you say that again?” “Were you not listening?” “No I was, I just like hearing your voice.”
5. “Can you just please hold me?”
6. “You come here often?” “Well considering I work here, yes.”
7. “Can I stay here tonight?”
8. “You’re really warm.”
9. “I’ve been in-love with you since we were kids.”
10. “Why are you wearing my sweater?” “Because it smells like you.”
11. “You are crushing me right now.”
12. “Darling I love you and all, but please get out of my kitchen.”
13. "I leave you alone for five minutes and this happens."
14. "I didn't fall. The floor looked lonely so I wanted to hug it." "Then why are you crying?" "It was an emotional reunion."
15. "There's no such thing as too many fairy lights."
16. “I’m leaving.” “Of course you are, that’s all you know how to do.”
17. “I love you.” “No you don’t”
18. “Any other lies left to tell me?”
19. “I miss the old you.”
20. “What happened to their happily ever after?” “Not all love stories get a happily ever after, sometimes it’s just once upon a time.”
21. “Lie to me. I don’t care what you say, just lie to me. Make me feel okay again.”
22. “Give me one reason why I shouldn’t leave.”
23. "It's okay. It's not your fault that I couldn't be enough."
24. "Please don't leave me."
25. "You have the emotional range of a teaspoon."
26. "Will you shut up for once in your life?"
27. "This isn't about us."
28. "I will shove a christmas tree so far up your ass that when you open your mouth we'll see the fairy lights."
29. "I'm not crying, my eyes are sweating"
30. "Is that blood?" "Yes, but it's not mine." "Is that supposed to make it better?"
31. "I’ll drink to that.” “You drink to everything.” “Cheers!”
32. “Why is arson always your first answer?”
33. "What are you doing?" "What does it look like I'm doing?"
34. "I can explain!" "Then explain." "Okay, I can't explain."
35. "Get out of here with your facts. Just because you're accurate does not mean you're interesting."
36. "How many hearts did you break while trying to keep yours intact?"
37. "I know everything. It's in the job description."
38. "One more word out of you and I'll rip your throat out with my teeth."
39. "Do you listen to girl in red?"
40. "Is that code for something or am I just paranoid?"
41. "With how things have been going, I might as well start working at a circus."
42. "I love (him/her/them)." "Then why did you give up?" "Cause (he/she/they) deserved better."
43. "I want to ask but something tells me the answer will be more disturbing than anything I can think of."
44. "Do you think he's... *flicks wrist*?"
45. "Do I look like an idiot to you?" "Do you want me to answer that honestly or politely?"
46. "Just how clumsy are you?"
47. "So... the weather?"
48. "Just leave."
49. "Don't you fucking dare!"
50. "You don't have to talk right now. But whenever you're ready, if you're ever ready, I'll be here to listen."
tagging and complimenting my amazing mutuals cause y’all deserve it
@parkersbliss​ thank you for marrying me, first of all, and for being the most amazing wife one could ask. i wouldn’t be here if it wasn’t for you and i will never stop ebing thankful for your existence
@peterspideyy​ thank you for listening to my rants along with grace and supporting me during all my simping, you’re the sweetest thing existing since powdered sugar
@theamazingtomholland​ thank you for always putting a smile on my face, reminding me that i’m loved everyday and just being you, cause it’s the best thing you could be
@lozzypoz321​ thank you for listening to me rant abt my fics and how much i hate writing and then motivating me to write again or do basic things like get out of bed lmao (we still have the best taste in music)
@everything-is-alrightt​ kenzie lovely, thank you for being the pure little ball of unfiltered joy that you are cause even thinking about you and the jump shit your brothers get up to makes me smile like crazy, you’re amazing and don’t you dare forget it
@spider-trash​ thank you for being my brother, going alon with my ridiculous schemes for corrupting posie and making me laugh out loud every time you come up with something even worse, you’re the coolest bro i could ask for
and finally, thank you @fallinfortom​ for inspiring me to write in the first place, being an amazing mum to us, an actual good role model for me to have and for your random appearances in my dreams and the fun english teacher who makes us read tom holland fics instead of english literature. you’re amazing and i’m incredibly thankful to know you
love you all to the ends of the universe and back again, Miah
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whirlybirdwhat · 4 years
East Sea of Monsters - Chapter 22
Jimbe has always dreamed of suns
Shoutout to the wonderful @soccersarah01 who beta’d this fic for me - love you!!!
Read the entire series on Ao3 for better quality and author’s notes, especially warnings for content within the fic!! Tag “Ficart” on my blog should also show some fanart and podfics for this fic, as well as the link to translations! give them some love!
Sun - Jimbe
Jimbe is the first son of the sea, and he has always dreamed of suns.
Bright, red and bloody – passionate declarations of dreams and something better. A cry of understanding, in the one burned onto his chest, and a shout to the dream of a queen, a race, a kingdom - heralded overhead in bright colors, lighting up the sky.
Suns are red, and yellow, and orange.
Suns mean freedom – mean something better than this.
In his dreams, Jimbe is always reaching out to them. His webbed hand reaching and reaching – for the horizon, for a flag, for his queen, for Fisher Tiger, for something more.
He never seems to reach it.
All he has, when he wakes up, is his hand clutching his own heart, his own personal sun.
It isn’t the same. He’s never grasped that red sun.
Yet now –
Now, in a battlefield beneath a darkened sky, in a war with death in every heartbeat, in a massacre, a hell, Jimbe holds a dying sun.
This sun – it is not red, or bloody, or bright.
This sun is dark, and dying, and a supernova of the deepest pits of hell.
Jimbe holds Luffy as he explodes into something Jimbe can’t quite see, ripping past the Veil and into oblivion; watches Luffy erupt into grief covered by a brother’s blood, holding a sun brighter, and darker, and far more terrifying than anything Jimbe’s eyes have ever seen before.
(There’s something wet running down his face. He thinks his eyes are bleeding.)
Portgas D. Ace dies in his brother’s arms, a burning hellfire finally flickering out, and Jimbe can finally hold the sun.
(As men die and admirals fall, and the world is shaken apart by a grief and monster with insatiable hunger, he wishes he couldn’t.)
When Jimbe fights him for the first and last time, Ace is as the sun incarnate - the sun burning - even as he chokes on his own ashes and flares through sea water.
Jimbe had wondered, at first, what kind of strength it took for a devil fruit user to use his powers through the hate of the sea. It wasn’t a kind of strength he had attributed to the young warlord.
Then, Jimbe remembers the bones shaped into the hull of the Spadille; remembers the way Ace cracks apart in the corner of his eyes, and thinks it isn’t strength at all.
He knows the stories of the East. Every fishman does – the way waters corrupt, the way the waters are dark, and the way that monsters lurk beneath their surface, far deadlier than those at the bottom of the sea.
(They say the East has no seafloor – that it aches, forever, a wound into the world’s side, dark and infected. That it was the void from whence all hell poured forth, that it was death.)
Fisher Tiger had told him more, when he could bear to speak of it – monsters in chains, the way slaves and guards alike went missing in the night, the way people had sharper teeth than any animal, there, and were twice as bloody.
(Fisher Tiger hears the story of the bottomless East and laughs.
Dark waters, he says, eyes far away and hands aching for a weapon, are not endless. But you don’t want to know what’s at the bottom. Better it be endless, bottomless, then to know what’s there.
He doesn’t speak of the demon from the seafloor he met at the tower of gods.
Jimbe doesn’t ask.)
By the fire in Ace’s eyes and the unholy fire cracking from underneath his skin, there is no other sea that he could have possibly come from.
(A demon – a demon, a son of the devil-)
Jimbe fights Ace for five days. He hungers, and he thirsts, and he’s so tired, but Ace does not falter in the face of Jimbe’s sea, so he must keep going.
Jimbe burns, ropes of fire winding their way up his arms and down his back. Haki is useless when every hit cracks apart Ace’s skin, molding to his fists because of inhuman capability instead of any devil fruit, and the sea fears nothing but the devil.
(And it can only drown false ones.)
Ace lands a punch on the third day, one imbued with haki and fire and false fire. It hits Jimbe on the side of his face, and even as Ace stumbles and chokes on the way his skin cracks apart, Jimbe burns.
It cracks into his skin, searing apart scales and flesh, and he is marked by hellfire.
The other burns will fade, the ones littering his hands and feet, the ones made by false fire, devil fruit fire. The one on his face, burned into the side like a flame, and the ones wrapping around his forearms by scorching hands, will forever remain.
A reminder, some will say, but Jimbe will remember the way the flag burned at Fishman island by hellfire, and will know it is a sign of war to come.
Ace burns away the fog around them, on this island, showing the secrets of the world, and Jimbe fights surrounded by monstrous spades.
Monsters in human shape that tower above the trees, monsters without faces, monsters with too many teeth and too many limbs, monsters that smiled and cheered as their captain burned through saltwater.
Jimbe falls on the fifth day, a smile gracing his face toward an enemy that is so much more than him.
It is a miracle when Whitebeard arrives.
Otherwise Jimbe thinks he might have followed that sun to see where it may have set.
After Marineford, Jimbe shakes at night. He can’t speak of what he saw there, when the sun fell from the sky and became red and dark; when gouges were scarred into the ground and left bloody men in their wake.
After Marineford, Jimbe has another scar from a demon.
This one is not a mark of war.
It is a claim, directly around Jimbe’s heart, as if his future captain understood that the sun there was more precious than anything else.
(A dream)
It scares him, sometimes, that he wants to follow the man who fell the Navy - who ate the hearts and souls and flesh of admirals and spit them back out as dead men walking.
It scares him that he wants to follow Straw Hat Luffy, who wears a crown made of straw - made with room for the horns that sprout off his head -who will be king and who lives a trail of hell in his wake.
Jimbe does not remember Marineford well.
He does not remember –
(The island’s name no longer exists in his memory.
Don’t bring him there, Rayleigh had said, as they followed a submarine towards Amazon Lily. You will all be dead come morning.
Rayleigh smiled like a creature of the deep sometimes.
Jimbe wondered why he didn’t trust it.
Aye, Jimbe, fresh from a war, had agreed, and they didn’t go to Amazon Lily.
They went to–)
The aftermath, beyond the words that fought whatever beast lived in Luffy’s chest, born of loneliness and hell.
Jimbe shakes after Marineford, but now, under the sea, he will not forget the demon who saved an island.
(The brother of the demon who burned their flag.)
Luffy soars overheard, and defeats a legend made of wood and an army made of flesh. 1,000 men are unaccounted for in the aftermath.
Jimbe does not question it, and offers his blood to a demon who doesn’t need it.
(In the end, it wasn’t about blood anyway. It was about the things that bind men, the things like suns on Jimbe’s chest and the vows that still ring in his head.)
Luffy, full of teeth and bloody fangs, smiles at him, then, and Jimbe no longer belongs to himself.
In Impel Down, when Ace is chained to the wall next to Jimbe, the very first thing the demon does is laugh.
“It stayed!”
The scar on Jimbe’s face burns.
“You couldn’t bother to say hello?”
Ace laughs again, sparks flying out of his throat despite the sea stone wrapped around his limbs, and Jimbe knows that all the legends are true. “Why would I? There’s more important things going on.” He dismisses, and he is smiling, mouth glowing, despite their situation.
“Hmph,” Jimbe huffs, and settles down for the long wait.
Next to him, the breath of a demon settles into something slower, and though Jimbe’s eyes are long adjusted to the dark, the soft glow of Ace’s heart beat is a comfort.
(He wonders, when Fisher Tiger was chained next to monsters, if he ever felt this way.)
He does not sleep that first night in a cell with a demon. Jimbe, instead, listens to the thrumming of the sea outside his cell, and tries not to think about how the stone sinks around Ace and the hotness in his cell.
He tries not to think of the wet spots all over the walls, the gouges in the corner, and the way men enter and never leave Impel Down’s cold, cold walls.
Across from him, a man made of sand smirks, his hair still impossibly greased and jewels still lining his hand.
“So,” the Crocodile drawls, “They caught you too? A little hunger, picking us off one by one.”
Jimbe has heard how Monkey D. Luffy saved a country on the behest of a single friend; how the Crocodile was the first to fall and Moria didn’t come long after; how even the Marines whisper that he is hungry and Monkey D. Garp laughs at the lists of missing marines following Straw Hat battles.
A man, who hungered for the top.
Who hungered for dreams.
Odd, that Crocodile would assume Jimbe was next.
“No.” He says at last, the word drawn out. “No,” he repeats, and it echoes around the room, “he did not get me.”
The Crocodile cackles then, and it is nothing like Whitebeard’s Gurararara or King Neptune’s Hohohoho – it, instead, is dark like rumbling sands at night, without form or shape in the dark, and Jimbe shivers. “You will,” the Crocodile says. “You’re already marked for it.”
Jimbe has never met Monkey D. Luffy in his life, and the burn scars that arc about his face in a flaming pattern of death are invisible to his beloved crew, to the king, to anyone who isn’t–
Oh, Jimbe thinks and doesn’t say aloud, looking at the Crocodile once more. Oh.
He is glad Ace is the demon he is sharing his cell with.
Then, at the very least, he knows his heart won’t be ripped out of his chest while he sleeps.
On Fishman Island, at the bottom of the sea that is brighter than the East, there is a feast, and then a pirate challenges an emperor.
Jimbe is not surprised.
He cannot be.
(Hey, Jimbe, did’ya know I have a little brother?)
He can only watch, as a ship of dreams, of monsters, sails off into the sea without him; can only know that his home, his captain is leaving him.
(Aladine says Jimbe is different after Marineford – that every man who set foot upon that island is. It was war, Jimbe dismisses, but they have fought in wars before, have fought admirals before.
It’s different, fighting a demon, fighting with a demon, fighting for a demon.
It’s different when a demon eats you whole.)
Jimbe wants to go home.
Jimbe sees Garp the Fist once before Marineford.
It is in Impel Down, and he is crying from a thousand different eyes.
“Ace,” the grandfather of a dying child says, and it hurts. “Why, dammit! Why!”
His voice is like a choir of growls out of harmony. Still, Ace relaxes in his chains as if it were a lullaby.
“Gramps,” Ace acknowledges, and there is no anger there. “You know… you know why.”
Son of the Devil, Jimbe knows, but it’s more than that, isn’t it? More than Jimbe can see with two eyes made of mortality rather than death.
Garp crumbles, and it is as if Jimbe is seeing the fall of something great.
It’s horrible.
It won’t be the last one he sees today.
Garp leaves after that, to the chuckles of the Crocodile and the howls of the other inmates. There’s bloody marks and gouges on the ground where he was, but there is also something in Ace’s grasp.
It isn’t a key.
Jimbe can’t exactly see what it is, only that when Garp left Ace lunged for some empty spot on the ground, hand slipping out of a cuff with the ease of someone made molten, of someone with scars running down his hand due to a missing pinkie.
When Ace leaves, he leaves behind ash marks and burning droplets at Impel Down. He also leaves something feather soft, that Jimbe can’t quite see, but feels like the comfort of ages.
(Later, when Luffy arrives, he will look into the cell and see not Jimbe, but the place Ace left behind. He will pick up what Garp, what Ace, left between cell bars and he will not smile.
Instead, he will put it into his pocket to the sound of the Crocodile’s jeers.
Did’ya know I have a little brother? Ace had asked Jimbe.
(He knows, now.)
On the way up, when men are eaten alive, the Crocodile will slink next to Jimbe and whisper,
Did you know that the hungry one isn’t the first demon to break out of these walls?
And Jimbe will be left with the reminder that Impel Down has never been able to hold the monsters of the world–
And that they roam free.)
At Marineford, Jimbe stood with an emperor against three admirals (stood with men against a monster).
(Or so he is told.)
Now, he stands before an Emperor and does not shake.
A man who is to follow the future king of the pirates, a man who is to follow Luffy, a demon who has daggers in his mouth and boiling blood in his veins, cannot afford to be afraid of a mere emperor.
Big Mom’s eyes are hungry as she stares into Jimbe, but he does not flinch.
He is claimed - by marks around his own personal sun, by a king, by a monster, by a conqueror.
He is not Big Mom’s any longer.
He never was, from the moment Luffy looked into his eyes and took him.
(Jimbe cannot afford to be afraid of  a mere hunger any longer. )
An emperor rages, a deal is done,  and Luffy laughs so bright and loud it burns like the sun, as chaos reigns again, conforming to his will.
Jimbe has never felt so alive –
(Not since before Marineford – not since before the world fell apart.)
Jimbe sees Luffy and Ace together twice in his lifetime.
One is at Marineford, when brothers fought together, when the sun went out and the world went black.
(He does not remember it well – Ace’s smile was something almost too private to bear, even as blasts of Conqueror’s Haki illuminated the truth.)
The second, again, is at Marineford, but in it’s bloody aftermath.
When Luffy rings in an era, blood scarred on to his arm by his own hands - a call to his crew, to his family - he stops by the place where his brother died.
Jimbe wonders if this was what Loguetown was like, to see a king stand in ashes.
(The Devil King did not cry at Loguetown, only laughed.
Luffy is crying.)
He sees Luffy cradle bits of Ace’s bonfire in his arms, the only person who could bear to touch it, and sees brothers reunite for one last time.
(There is a chill over Marineford, as Luffy draws in the ashes of Ace’s own body turned funeral pyre. Jimbe can’t read what he writes, but there is a spark, somewhere, in Luffy’s eyes, and something in the air breathes more easily.)
Days after, Marineford sinks to the bottom of the sea, its ravines and cracks from a monster's grief too terrible to sustain – Luffy’s rage, his echoing cry for a new era, is its final send off.
Jimbe wonders if the Eastern sailors found their way home, at the bottom of the sea.
(There’s no sun down at the bottom of the sea.
Jimbe would hate to drown like that.)
In the middle of a raging ocean just off of an Emperor’s domain, Jimbe is home, he’s home he’s home he’s home, aboard this ship of dreams but–
He can’t stay.
He can’t.
There is an emperor chasing them, and Jimbe is not scared and he is strong, but his crew–
His beloved crew–
They love him.
He cannot abandon them here, to the mercy of hungry monsters.
(He cannot take them with him, to the crew of a hungry demon.)
Jimbe tells Luffy, soaked and shaking, as such.
And Luffy–
Luffy, who Jimbe held dying in a battlefield that hazes from his memory, who Jimbe watched rise, who went a dark supernova–
Becomes a sun again.
“JIMBE!” Luffy says, and his teeth are snarling and his eyes are hungry, “I AM YOUR CAPTAIN NOW!”
And Jimbe finally holds the red sun of dreams in his grasp.
(Jimbe is the first son of the sea, and his dream is the sun.
Red, bloody, and free.)
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Open Letter 19
Hi there! How are you during these times of pandemic? Ako, i'm coping up with the current situation. Mas daghan man jud times na wala koy ka storya, and my ideas somehow are shutting off in my head. Scroll-scroll lang permi sa fb and daghan jud kog mga disagreement sa mga post, lami pud mu-react, dili man ko ani dati ahaha so i call it side-effect of the isolation.
Mutuo na ko anang notion nga the more na maka get along ka, hinay-hinay pud na mugawas imong tinuod na color. like me, at first sa tumblr newbie pa ulaw-ulaw kuno kay murag tanga ga sulat og mga butang na nahitabo around me, pero kadugayan og sigeg anonymously ranting about anything or stating things here, it really made me comfortable and i can say nga naa nako sa comfort zone nga ibulgar nako sa akong mga readers kung kinsa sad ko, by way of my writings. So bare with me, it’s not like I’m a coward nga I didn’t state my name kung kinsa ko. But this brings me comfort, I can shoutout what I want to state.
So here it is..
First of all, I’m a political science graduate, and I’m proud of it. I didn’t end up working on any non government organizations neither working sa mga government offices. Nag pol sci ko, dili tungod kay gusto ko mahimong governor, senator, mayor, kagawad or unsa pang klaseng rank sa government offices. Tong highschool ko, I really don’t know what I’m going to do after, and when people saw my character, ni-ana sila na nice daw kung maglawyer ko, and then sympre pag lawyer, pol sci jud na ilang prep course. So nag pol sci ko, siguro slight sila ang reason, pero before ko nagpa enroll, I really think this is my destiny. And I never regretted it. Every single day of learning were like “ aha moment” for me. My intellectuality widens, na akong perspective sa kalibutan na maximize. I love learning pol sci, I love learning theories, historical facts atbp. That’s why even nga I didn’t end up sa mga pang pol sci nga trabaho jud, I didn’t regret my choice. And if mubalik ko sa akong past, kani gihapon ang course na gusto na ko e take. I���m a die hard fan of this course. I’m a die hard fan of my teachers, nga maskin karon gina follow nako sila sa fb to get good insights. Kani akong topic run, cause I was scrolling yesterday late at night and I saw someone endorsing Political Science sa mga graduates sa K-12, and I didn’t think she did a good job in endorsing the course. The way I read it, mura bag wala jud niya na-tagamtaman ang gina offer sa course. So sad. Pol Sci iyang prep course sa college, pero murag dili sia graduate of pol sci. What a shame.
Kani tanan questions diri, mao ni ang questions na gipang tubag niya, and I want to put justice sa Pol Sci nga course, dili ni english pero I’ll try my best na e- endorse ni sa uban.. so here it is
Question 1: “Why Did I Choose Political Science”
Yun nga, I told you the history why naka take og Pol Sci. Basically, you will never know the reason man jud, and most of the influences ngano ko nagtake ani is based on my circles. Pero like what I’ve said, I never regretted to be here.
Sa ako nga nahuman nako ni na course, I can say to you that this is a good preparatory course for law school because of its discipline. Tinuod nga mas daghan subjects sa law school na natake up sa Accountancy na course, og mas hasa sila magbasa og law subjects kay yun nga, mao na na ilang training sigeg basa og law like oblicon and the same, ilaha man jud na. naa silay overview, mao mas hasa sila. While ang Pol Sci, 2-3 subjects lang ata ang naa sa Law School: Phil Con, Int’l Law, so sa kana na butang kulelat jud ang pol sci because dili kana ang pol sci about. Parehas sa akong giingon, ang disiplina sa political science ang reason ngano ideal sia pang preparatory course. We can understand the public policy behind every law, because every law is not just a “law” on its own, but the heart of every law is to safeguard and protect the welfare of the people and only the discipline of political science will help you understand the depth of safeguarding the people, mao mana ang law all about diba? Law school should not be a money making industry and to prevent that of becoming one, I really suggest na magtake up kag pol sci.  being a lawyer in the making, should give you a sense of responsibility and accountability. And ang pol sci jud ang best na prep course for that.
I’m currently working as a staff sa isa ka business and pol sci helped to examine and analyze mga puzzles diri sa office. Coz business is not just about business, its about the people also, the employees, the employer and their relationship. Discipline is really important. Kung ni graduate kag pol sci without its discipline then maypag wala ka nag pol sci dhai.  
 Question 2: “What is my current job and how long did it take to find a job?”
I’m a licensed real estate broker, currently I am working as non-exclusive broker and as regular staff in a real estate company. Before I graduated College, nag take kog 120 hrs nga course para maka take og board exam sa real estate broker, which means mon to fri school, and Saturday-Sunday lecture time for REB. For my case, dili siya lisud mangita og job since kaila na ko ang tag iya sa company. But as far as I know sa akong mga friends, naay uban nga naka trabaho dayun, og naay uban nga dugay nakakita og trabaho. Mas daghan kog classmate nga nag proceed og law or nag study og balik sa different course-naay uban nag teacher, nag pilot and etc, naa say uban nga nahimo governor, government worker and same. Actually kung imong pangutana, dali ba makakita og trabaho, well dhai depende na siya sa imong attitude mangita og trabaho. Dili na siya sa imong kurso. Kung disidido jud ka maningkamot makakita jud dayun ka kay makita mana sa imong “exterior”- sa imong aura. kung tamadun jud ka, wala juy para sa imo. Dili man gud pattern ang kinabuhi nga 1+1=2, in reality kelangan jud ikaw mismo naa kay pananaw sa kalibutan para makasugakod.
Question 3: “Am I using what I learned in college in my current job and/or further studies?”
Of course, parehas sa akong giingon sa Question 1, gina-apply na ko ang discipline sa akong course. Imposible kaayo nga dili ni ma-apply nga tanan tao is a political animal and social being. Tanan tao kay naay influence-either gamay or dako og tanan tao naay measurement sa ilang power. Og dili lang kana, personally kay makahalobilo man sad kog mga clients, ma-apply na ko na kelangan sad nako e- safeguard ilang welfare as buyers and also the employer. Dili man gud all the time imong answer sa tanan problema kay 1+1=2. Naay ubang problema na kelangan e set aside nimo ang answer, sometimes you need to compromise, og ang discipline sa pol sci ang nakatabang ana sa ako-on how to handle spaces of error sa akong circle and to give teeth on the regulations. Teeth is really important, without it, there is no authority. Kana bang social authority, dili enough imong charisma ana og coercive kaayo ka maskin pag ikaw ang tag-iya sa company. Kelangan na ma-balance nimo na para naay loyalty imong tao sa imo.
Question 4: How did Political Science improve my views towards the government, society, and life in general?
Pol Sci really impacted my world views; nga tanan diay is an interconnected beings, especially nga naa ta sa republican state-nga ang tao naa siay freedom of speech whether unsa iyang ika-ingon sa gobyerno. Our right of suffrage entitles us to demand sa atong governement. Second, what pol sci taught me is to really see the facts, kung naa bay historical context behind every dispute, naa bay cultural racism nga nahitabo. Dili pwede sa personal views lang nagadagan tanan, hence, e-base nimo ang imong analyses sa facts and the probabilities. Being a Pol Sci graduate does not entitle me to be opinionated, rather, to see both side of every dispute, and analyses without prejudice. It trained me to detach my self from my point of view. Third,  “understanding” is an understatement kay para sa ako mao na ang main theme sa Pol Sci, if you can’t understand a belief that is contrary to ones beliefs, naa kay kulang sa imong learnings. Dili ka complete kung ang rebuttal nimo is imo lang sang belief. Kung naa jud kay pinaglalaban nga thought, make sure nga gitan-aw nimo ang both sides. Pol Sci in general is about helping us to cooperate sa matag-usa. It should give us an avenue to build bridges. Mao mas lisud-lisud kung mutrabaho kag gobyerno tapos imong disiplina kay naa kay racial discrimination. Importante jud nga ang connection sa gobyerno, society og sa imong individual self kay naay harmony og dapat mao na sia ang goal. Because our reality is not lemons, it’s not simple as ABCDs. Pol Sci is a training ground for interconnectivity. Kung makita nimo ang kalibutan wala sia naga return kung asa sia nag-begin, rather every progress is a process of development either by peace or destruction. And ang discipline sa Pol Sci is to expand the evolution of peace with nations, welfare sa mga tao, og naay collective trust ang tao sa gobyerno, vice versa. Mao na ang realidad jud.
For me pud noh as closing remarks sa Question 4, shut up ka kung colurom ka og wa ka gabayad og tax. haha.
Question 5: What is my advise to people planning to take up Political Science?
Political Science is ideal also for business management, all in one na jud ni nga course. For people na gusto mutrabaho og gobyerno sa maskin unsang aspect, mas nice jud guys na mag Pol Sci mo para naa moy conscience kung mag-corrupt mog kwarta sa bayan.
Og sa general public, love it with all your heart and you will not regret the universe of political science. Ayaw ng pinugos sayang kwarta- may nalang ng kwarta mabalik pa sa imo, pero ang oras sa jud dili na mabalik.
-          End   -
I hope na natagaan na kog justice akong course. Wala jud ko nag sugar coat guys. This is plainly based on my personal experience. I hope nga naingganyo ta mo to have a harmonious living thru learning pol sci. :D
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Fantine at Saint-Cloud
I finally finished the companion piece to the Cosette picture from earlier!
Based on this description: (where Hugo’s being kinda creepy but whatever)
Her splendid teeth had evidently received an office from God,--laughter. She preferred to carry her little hat of sewed straw, with its long white strings, in her hand rather than on her head. Her thick blond hair, which was inclined to wave, and which easily uncoiled, and which it was necessary to fasten up incessantly, seemed made for the flight of Galatea under the willows. Her rosy lips babbled enchantingly. The corners of her mouth voluptuously turned up, as in the antique masks of Erigone, had an air of encouraging the audacious; but her long, shadowy lashes drooped discreetly over the jollity of the lower part of the face as though to call a halt. There was something indescribably harmonious and striking about her entire dress. She wore a gown of mauve barège, little reddish brown buskins, whose ribbons traced an X on her fine, white, open-worked stockings, and that sort of muslin spencer, a Marseilles invention, whose name, canezou, a corruption of the words quinze août, pronounced after the fashion of the Canebière, signifies fine weather, heat, and midday. The three others, less timid, as we have already said, wore low-necked dresses without disguise, which in summer, beneath flower-adorned hats, are very graceful and enticing; but by the side of these audacious outfits, blond Fantine's canezou, with its transparencies, its indiscretion, and its reticence, concealing and displaying at one and the same time, seemed an alluring godsend of decency, and the famous Court of Love, presided over by the Vicomtesse de Cette, with the sea-green eyes, would, perhaps, have awarded the prize for coquetry to this canezou, in the contest for the prize of modesty. The most ingenious is, at times, the wisest. This does happen.
Shoutouts to @combeferre and @elliotenjolras​ who helped me figure out what a “canezou” actually was in 1817 (turns out it means a different kind of piece of clothing in the 1830′s because of course we can’t have things making sense) and also what it would have looked like. (I mean I hope it looks right, idek. 99% of the time I put into this drawing went into redrawing the clothes a hundred times because I have no idea how period clothing even works.)
Oh and also what he meant by ��mauve”, because mauve dye did not even exist yet in 1817. Although in the end I just went with artistic license on this one, AKA the colour that looked cutest to me. (Although I did consider going with something more purplish for a bit.)
I don’t think I need to explain the colour scheme too much otherwise? Fantine’s colours are mainly gold and white but occasionally also blue. And I think this is the only outfit of hers that’s described in this much detail.
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izaswritings · 6 years
Tangledtober: Day 28, Costume
Title: the weave of our story
Synopsis: A series of independent drabbles for Tangledtober, all under 1000 words. An exploration of stories, emotions, and the moments we didn’t see.
AO3 Link is here.
Day 28: Costume Characters of Focus: Lance, Cassandra
Notes: Shoutout to @glowamber , because your posts on Classy have single-handedly managed to pull me head over heels into this ship. 
“This was a terrible idea,” Cassandra says.
Lance tugs at his stiff vest and keeps on smiling, though he fakes a stumble and places a dramatic hand against his chest to feign hurt at the comment. “My dear lady Cassandra!” he says, all false injury. “Are you insulting my costuming skills?”
The dear lady in question rolls her eyes, but there’s a smile tugging at the edge of those pale lips, and Lance rests the urge to grin. Ha-ha, he’s got her. Score one for Lance!
“It’s not that,” she murmurs back, sounding exasperatedly fond, and Lance beams to hear it. Aw yeah, she’s totally amused. Double score. “Your costumes are… actually pretty good. I just meant the plan as a whole.”
His costumes are pretty good, Lance knows; he’s gone all out, and it’s a real killer. He’s currently cutting a very dashing figure in these reds and purples, with some beautiful gold to top it off; Cassandra fits the whole theme wonderfully as well, clothed in a gorgeous deep blue gown with a clasped choker neckline and slit sides. Lance has tailored it just for her, and he knows it looks good. Even better, the slit sides means it’s an easy transition from killer dress to fight-ready formal wear, so he knew going in the Cassandra would like it too. 
Lance still preens at the praise, off-hand through it was, and puffs out his chest. “I am the best!”
She rolls her eyes at him again—her bright, pretty eyes, Lance think with a sigh—but she’s still on the verge of smiling, so Lance knows she’s actually having a fun time. “The pretty costumes won’t help when this all crashes down on our heads, Lance.”
She’s right about that, unfortunately. Lance loves that cheerful princess like a sister, but infiltrating this high-society noble party of corrupt people who make the Baron look like a saint isn’t one of her brighter ideas. Lance just shrugs. 
“Well, no,” he admits. “But at least we’ll look good?” He winks at her. “Just think. You can dazzle as these, ah, ‘lovely’ people with not just your fancy formal wear… but also with your fighting prowess!” 
Her very, very impressive fighting prowess. Lance has seen many beautiful things in his travels, but Cassandra fighting? There’s a grace there that can’t be matched, except maybe by her strength of will. It’s absolutely swoon-worthy. 
Cassandra snorts, but she is actually smiling now, teeth showing and everything, and it makes something bubbly and golden curl up in Lance’s chest to see it. Oh yeah, he’s done good. Suck it, Eugene, ol’ Lance has still got it!
“You’re ridiculous.”
Lance winks and draws her into the party. “Maybe,” he says again, because Lance is man enough to know his faults. “But I also happen to be a rather good dancer, if I say so myself, so it evens out, don’t you think?”
She laughs at him but doesn’t disagree, and Lance grins. The plan is most certainly going to hell, but well—this much, at least, makes tonight a good night.
He gives a little bow and offers her a hand. “One dance before the night goes awry?”
Cassandra shakes her head. But she is smiling, and it is a real smile—a warm smile—and she reaches out to take his hand. Her fingers are cold and tough with callous.
“Just one,” she says, and Lance’s heart beats hard in his chest. 
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ajournaladay · 3 years
12:55 and august 19 2021!
Tomorrow is official move in day at usf!!! Shoutout to kelly for decorating so much of the pod with me and being the GOAT, I love her so much. She got me a morning journal and I can say,,,, 110% mood increase when I do it. It seems silly, but it like,,, HELPS. on days I don’t journal, something doesn’t click right sometimes,,, so journaling like writing it down is so so so helpful argh. Mia went to bw’s today with coach after sporties and had fun! I decorated the pod and did so. Many. RCRs. Still have 4 more to go! But ngl,,, I think my pod looks the best which is pretty rad but I hope I’m not just being narcissistic but I hope it does because I put a lot of love into it because hosh! Hope this year goes well! In all reality though, no pod or group could ever top 7200 fall 2019-spring 2020. If covid didn’t happen, I’m 1000% sure we would’ve caused so much chaos that wasn’t painful but was enjoyable. Does that make sense? I met some of my residents today and some of them are wonky but some are great. One asked to use marijuana. The tits he has to ask like bitch!!! What!!! I had to legally say no but oh well. Anyways, I miss kelly a lot and should call my family more but alas, I spend an hour at Publix to buy my silly groceries for my silly tummy. Anywho, I think going to bed late is easier for me because then I can fall asleep faster and my mind isn’t constantly worrying I’m not good enough. HAHA wait who said that uh. Anywho, all love, hope move in goes well tomorrow, hope my staff is good, hope the elevators don’t break and my decisions are enjoyed by future me. Bull block 60?? I want dining dollars,,, every meal at JP tastes the same,,, all love,,,, tia xoxo
On another note, I want to go out to eat with kelly and be at the beach for 5/10 of the day and the other 5/10 of the day eating random chips or cheeses and watching shows or movies. Have I been corrupted or have I seen the light?? I know the answer (the light,,, the rest I need,,, the self love I’ve needed!!! Not worrying about my body and being content taking breaks and relaxing and being happy and enjoying existence like what!! What a life!!!) you may ask why I didn’t say 1/2,,, 5/10 seems larger even though they’re the same don’t talk to me.,,, also forgot the alphabet for a second yesterday HAHA OH went bowling yesterday with some RA staff,,, wild,,, also I really wish the world wasn’t so fucked that whenever I say “my girlfriend” or “my girlfriend kelly” people wouldn’t give me The Look. Like bitches if my 70 year old dad can say “welcome to the family” y’all can mind your business pls n thx. Alright,,, well,,,, ‘‘twas a great time, can’t wait to cook with kelly when she comes back,,,, I’ve been watching queer eye and it makes me want to better myself like have a clean room, soft feet, nice teeth, clean hair, clean face, groomed nails, shaved legs, but bitches,,,, I don’t even know where to start. My room is a mess despite the effort I put in to clean it, I don’t know where to put clothes, my hair is constantly falling everywhere, like,,, hello how do I show kelly I want to be my best for her even though I have no idea how to be that. Gosh!!! A shout into the void!! Anywho, it’s quite late, I’m tired, this is long, move in today! Let’s hope I wake up! Love you! Sweet dreams!
0 notes
zeetheus · 6 years
A Single Pale Rose
a.k.a. my complete teardown of everything that this episode affects, off the top of my head, and with the caveat that I haven’t read anyone else’s post-episode discussion/theorizing at all, and know a couple spoilers from a few later eps
So Rose Quartz was actually Pink Diamond all along. She didn’t want to be Pink Diamond anymore for whatever reason, she ordered her Pearl to ‘shatter’ her while taking on her own Rose Quartz visage, thus giving the impression that Pink was permagone, while in actually she reformed in a completely new form including shifting the orientation of her gem, and lived on while pretending to be a completely different variety of gem. She also forbade Pearl from ever telling anyone the truth about it, and Pearl seems physically unable to disobey that.
First off, shoutout to the wiki editors who are now tearing down all of the information on the ‘rose quartz gem variety’ that we extrapolated from Pink Diamond, because most of it is now defunct. The only canonical information we now have on rose quartzes are ‘Pink Diamond made them’ and ‘all of them are bubbled in the human zoo.’
I theorize that Pink Diamond (henceforth Rose with a capital r) made them specifically, in part, to be her later disguise, or at least guided their creation in a way so that she could easily take on the form of one with little issue.
Rose, being a diamond and not a quartz, lied to her soldiers to hell and back. I don’t know whether or not she was lying through her teeth when she gave Bismuth the impression that she was ‘made right here (on Earth) in the dirt’ but yanno, maybe she didn’t do that specifically, sometimes people over-romanticize their leaders. Still, there’s no longer any weight behind ‘but she was different’ because... of course she was, she was one of four existent diamonds and was, by definition, different from other rose quartzes, and even other gems.
Her goals were still noble and good, but much of the impact of her ‘uniqueness’ as ‘a quartz who broke through her station’ is now completely gone. Maybe it still does hold some impact, since she is a ‘diamond who broke through her station’ now instead, but I’m not particularly impressed with that angle. She was already unique - the one and only Pink Diamond. There were a bunch of rose quartzes. By the way, the actual rose quartzes were all nearly shattered, if it wasn’t for Blue’s sentimentality.
Pearl not actually being (entirely) defective was also a strange thing to consider. Sure she ‘defected from Homeworld’ but she never ‘defected’ from her Diamond-given purpose as a Pearl - she served Pink Diamond until the end, and even beyond. Perhaps Pearl is unique in that way, as the only Crystal Gem to bring her purpose with her. (Although admittedly I don’t remember if/how Rose felt about their relationship in that aspect, but I’m guessing she wasn’t too hot on Pearl being 100% subservient to her.)
This angle I can’t blame Rose for specifically, because it was undoubtedly the other Diamonds who brought the brute force, but there were thousands of gems shattered and thousands more corrupted as a result of the Diamonds seeking to avenge her supposed shattering. Sure she gained her freedom, and brought many other freedom-seeking gems with her, but was it right of her to deceive literally all of those followers and bring them into a war that she played a part in initiating?
Either way it’s clear that she felt a lot of sorrow and loss and even guilt as a result of the war, and dedicated hundreds of years to trying to reverse the corruption that her Diamond family had done to her fellow Crystal Gems.
This makes me wonder whether or not Steven was right when he called Rose a ‘coward’ in Storm in the Room (?) - Rose had already run away from her life as a Diamond consequences be damned, is it really too far-fetched to believe now that one of her goals in having Steven was to run away from her life again, this time as a Rose Quartz, consequences be damned again? Maybe! It sure is something I keep thinking about now that we’ve been given an entirely new angle on the Pink Diamond Murder Mystery.
The main reason I hated the “Rose is Pink Diamond” theory from the moment it was first proposed is that it solves the plot’s problems through sheer coincidence. Preventing a Diamond attack is easy now, just communicate to them in some form that you are the reborn version of the supposedly dead person they’re trying to avenge, and they’ll probably understand at least a little bit! Communicating that effectively is tough, yeah, but other than communication, Steven got to where he is now though luck and sheer coincidence, and that’s exactly what happens to get him out of it too!! Isn’t that fulfilling?!?!
I’m genuinely furious that we won’t get an endgame high-stakes de-escalation of the Diamonds from an ‘uninvolved’ side, because the person involved who just wants to live his life on the former Pink Diamond colony is now both ‘the rose quartz who is famous for shattering Pink Diamond’ and ‘Pink Diamond who was shattered by a rose quartz.’ So if you’re ever caught in a situation where you need to de-escalate an emotionally complicated situation from breaking out into an incredibly one-sided war of extermination, just be lucky enough to be the triple-layered one-of-a-kind physical embodiment of the thing everyone is fighting about, and everything will be A-OK!
Yes triple-layered. The only half-human-half-gem? Probably! The half-human-half-gem who was formerly the leader of a huge rebellion and managed to shatter a Diamond? Ok, we were given enough hints to that, yeah. The only half-human-half-gem who is not only literally the previous, but also the gem half is the half of a Diamond, actually, who faked her own shattering to live her life as a completely different gem and told absolutely no one besides her Pearl? Jesus christ that’s a long fucking jump, but the show gave it a real go.
I guess it was The Plan for the larger plot all along, which makes me extremely disappointed in the show from that angle. Yeah the stuff about love and understanding is good, extremely great actually, but the fact that ‘luck’ is such a key component in solving the Pink Diamond Murder Mystery makes said murder mystery feel cheap as hell.
Also I feel cheated out of a potentially fun new (old) diamond in Pink, but I guess if I ever decide to sit down and rewatch the show, knowing she was Rose all along might give me some fun things to notice.
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