#shoutout to me in middle school who got so stressed out when people would watch me draw
squidpedia · 2 months
What was it like for you starting out as a beginner artist? How did you improve?
I mostly just incessantly practiced, experimented, and observed a lot for as long as I can remember. I grew up on a lot of videos going over tips and techniques for beginner artists and mostly just observed their processes and would try to bring them into my art. Othertimes I would just constantly experiment with my artstyle (what if I made the shoulders more defined, what if I changed the size of how I draw eyes, what if tried drawing different body types, what if I tried a pose with a lot more foreshortening etc etc). I tried to push myself a bit further everytime like maybe spending more time on the overall piece, adding backgrounds, drawing multiple people interacting. Drawing challenges also helped a lot I think since they pushed me out of my comfort zone or forced me to approach my art in different way than what I was used to. Things like “draw something using only one line and not lifting your pen from the paper”, or “create a bunch of random shapes using a colored marker and then turn them into characters/objects”, or even just dtiys challenges were great for this. A lot of the drawings I made from these didn’t really end up being things I was super proud of after finishing them, but thats fine since I still learned a lot and they still helped with improving. A lot of it was honestly just not being afraid to draw something I might not be happy with later in the name of getting that practice in and trying new things all the time.
I hope this is helpful, but I’m not too sure so I’m sorry if it isn’t, this is the best way I could think of summarizing it!
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mskinkyafro · 4 years
Until Then (RoD x OH Crossover)
A/N: I’ve been wanting to make a crossover fic for some time now and I’m excited to have written, planned, and created such backgrounds to interweave the two MC’s and their books together. This originally was only going to be a simple one-shot but over the last week and a half I spent writing, I’ve been inspired to make spin-off/continuation fics centered around these two MCs. I fell in love with their dynamics and I have to explore them more. Big thanks and shoutout to @jakemckenziesprincess for basically being my beta and making this a better, more concise, and great fic. 
Summary: Aunt and niece, Dr. Katrina Michaels and Chelsea Michaels reunite after years and find themselves bonding over the struggles and pain of forbidden romances.
Side Note: This fic takes place after the finales of both RoD and OH 1, and prior to beginning of OH. 
Implied Pairings: Logan x MC & Ethan x MC
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A soft breeze rustles Chelsea Michaels’ brown, curly tresses, slowly pulling her out of her thoughts. She gazes out at the sight of a tranquil lake that typically is filled  with people on a summer day, but today she finds herself alone sitting on the hood of her car. She thinks of how she left the dual lives she was leading behind and now embarking on a whole new adventure. Although adjusting to life in Connecticut and proud of how far she’s grown in the last few months, a part of her lingers elsewhere. 
The sound of whimsical chiming interrupts her time of reflection and she looks down at her cell phone. She swipes on the screen and smiles as the image of a middle-aged man with dark brown skin and kind eyes just like hers appears.
“Hi, Dad!”
“Hi, Sweetheart!”
His eyes look tired, yet there’s still a smile that graces his face as he sees his daughter. Through the time she’s been gone, he’s evaluated his parenting and is learning from the mistakes. There’s still things he’d wouldn’t change but overall, he wished it all went differently. But he can’t change the past nor the pain his little girl went through. He can only be better moving forward.
“How’s the east coast treating you, Chels?
“It's been an adjustment, but good so far! The honor’s summer engineer program is amazing! It’s so much excitement, I’m still processing it all. I mean I can’t believe it’s already been a month since I left.”
“I can,” he interjects with a sad smile.
Chelsea pauses speaking and runs her hand through her hair as she looks away from her father’s  misty eyes.
“I’m sorry, sweetheart. I know things between us are slowly...well you know--and you’re an adult now. But what can I say? I’m still struggling to see my baby girl all grown up.”
“Oh, Dad. I know...I know things were hard. I didn’t make it easier and I know we have a long way to go but we’ll get there. Besides, I may be getting the hang of this new routine but...well I mean it’s--”
He watches his daughter stutter and can see the lack of spunk she usually has. He cuts her off.
“Something’s off though, isn’t it?”
“How’d you know?”
“You forget. I’m your dad. I know when something is bothering you.”
She cracks a light laugh.
“I guess some things don’t change.”
“Me knowing what upsets my baby girl? Not a chance. So is it making friends? Because your old man had trouble meeting others when I first went to school.”
“No, my roommates are cool. And the other students in the program are nice. I really can’t explain it...it’s just I miss-- well I just...” she trails off and looks down at her phone screen. Her hazel eyes connected with her father’s and at that moment he knew what was upsetting her.
“I see.” he murmurs. His tone was a little rougher than he anticipated.
Chelsea briskly turns away from the screen and clears her throat. Her voice is tight.
“Thanks for checking in Dad. I’ll text you later. Love you. Bye.”
Chelsea ends the call before he can say anything else. He sighs to himself and rubs his hand over his face, frustrated. It was moments like this that he wished Nia was alive. Every day he missed his wife and although he managed to raise Chelsea through a challenging time, a girl still needs her mother. Not happy with how things were left he decided to call his sister. At times he didn’t know what to do, and when those times came, he would call his sister. Without any hesitation, he scrolled through his recent call list until his finger hovered over her name and pressed down on the screen. The dial tone rang three times before he heard a familiar, tired voice say,
“Dr. Michaels speaking.”
“I get it, you went to medical school so you’re the favorite between Mama and Pops,” he says with feign annoyance.
“Keenan, I’ll have you know I’ve been Mama and Daddy’s favorite without even having to become a doctor, thank you very much.”
“Sure, Kat. Keep telling yourself that.”
“Oh, I will. So what do I owe the pleasure of this call? It's been a minute since you’ve called. All I got was measly texts here and there.” Katrina says.
“You could’ve called me if you were missing my voice, Kat.”
“You know how busy I am, saving lives and all. You know, no biggie.”
Keenan scoffs and retorts.
“And me being a decorated detective in L.A. leaves me with an ample amount of time?”
“Who’s bragging about accomplishments now?” she teases.
“You know what? You ain’t no good.”
They two siblings laugh together, drowning out the other by their bellows of chuckles.
“But in all seriousness, are things okay? Is my niece okay? I’m sorry again I couldn’t make it to her graduation. I didn’t go into detail at the moment because of how stressed I was on my end, but I…almost lost my medical license.”
Keenan fumbles with his phone at the news before returning to his ear.
“Woah! Hold up?! What?!”
“Calm down, Keenan. The keyword is almost.”
“Kat, when I used to say ‘don’t kill anyone’, I was just teasing but now I’m starting to think I should’ve been serious.”
“Ha-Ha very funny. It's a long story but in the end, I won my case. Also, I got a promotion.”
“Well, that’s a complete 180. What a first year, I’m glad to hear you worked it out. And congratulations sis! I’m proud of you. So, Ms. Big-Shot what’s your new position?”
Katrina clears her throat before she mumbles.
“I, erm, got a spot as Junior fellow on the Diagnostic team. You know, the team that the Dr. Ramsey--”
“The team Dr. Ramsey is a part of. I know of it well. You forget how much you used to go on and on about how great this Ethan Ramsey was throughout your time in med school. You lived up to the annoying little sister in those moments more than when we were kids and you used to follow me around trying to measure my vitamin intake.”
“I was that bad, was I?”
“You were. But forget that, you’re working with your idol. Are you excited?”
“Well...having him as a mentor and other things has been quite the um-- experience. I can only imagine working with him on a new scale will be just as interesting.”
Keenan noticed a hesitation but didn’t press it.
“I’m happy for you.”
“And to answer your previous questions, Chelsea’s doing great. She’s settled in Connecticut. In a town called Manchester, not too far from you I believe. And if I’m honest the last few months between me and her haven’t been the best. They were the worst.”
“What the hell? You two are like peas in a pod. What happened?”
Kennan sighs, “I rather let Chelsea tell you the details. It's mainly her story to tell. Speaking of, she’s why I called. I was hoping you can invite her up to visit you in Boston for a few weeks. I know her program is having a month-long break and from our last conversation,  I think she could use some woman to woman time.”
“Of course. Anything for my niece. Does she need a lift? Manchester is about two hours and with my student debt, a car is not a luxury I’ve invested in but one of my friends has--”
“Chelsea has one.”
“What?! No way. You finally taught that girl to drive? Much less bought her a car?!
Katrina couldn’t hide the disbelief in her voice. She knew after the passing of her sister in law her brother struggled with letting Chelsea onto the busy roads.
“You know after all that happened, I was worried that you might never--”
Keenan interrupts her again.
“No. I didn’t.”
“Oh? From a friend then?”
Katrina hears her brother suck in the air.
“You could say that.”
She doesn’t mention the way he sounded as he answered her.
“Well, in that case, tell her that I’d love for her to come visit. My roommates and I have an extra room she can stay in too. Tell her to meet me at Edenbrook in a few days whenever she gets her things together for a stay.”
“Thanks, Katrina. I think her spending time with you will help.”
“Her and me both.”
The two stay on the phone for a few more minutes before ending the call.
Before long a week passes and Chelsea finds herself five minutes away from one of Boston’s greatest hospitals, Edenbrook. She hadn’t seen her aunt in so long. Her being in medical school in the past years had cut down the amount of time she could visit. Chelsea parked her car in the visitor's parking lot and got out. Once out of the car, she brushes lint off her dark wash denim jeans, adjusts her red tube top and ties the laces on her white converse. As she pulls her hair up into a messy bun she looks in her sideview mirror. Approving what she sees she heads to the entrance of the hospital.
Once inside she’s taken aback by how large and modern the hospital is. After taking it all in she looks around the semi-quiet place in search of someone to help her find her aunt. And as if someone was reading her mind, an older man with a friendly smile noticed her uncertain expression and approached her.
“Do you need help, miss?”
Chelsea smiles gratefully.“Hi! I do. I’m here to see my aunt--”
“Oh is she a patient? If you go to the front desk a few feet in front of us--”
“Oh no. She’s a doctor here. Do you know her? Her name is Katrina Mich--”
“Ahh! Dr. Michaels! Of course, I do my dear. I’d be a terrible man if I didn’t remember the woman who saved my life. She’s made quite the name for herself here at Edenbrook.”
Chelsea was surprised to hear such news from this man but it made her happy nonetheless.
“Wow! I had no idea. It's been a while since I’ve seen her but I’m supposed to meet her right now.”
The man extends his hand and introduces himself.
“First, my dear. Hello, I’m Dr. Banerji.”
“Chelsea. Chelsea Michaels. Nice to meet you, doctor.” she says as she shakes his hand.
“Now that I have a better look at you, I can see the resemblance.”
“I get that from time to time. So, did you have any idea where she could be?”
“Well it's 6:00 pm now and her shift ended a little earlier so she’s probably at Donahues. It's that little Pub across the way.”
“My pleasure.”
Chelsea waves at the kind doctor as she walks back outside. As she walks closer to the bar, a man calls out, stopping her in her tracks.
“Hey there, what’s a pretty little thing like you doing all by herself?” he asks, his speech slurred.
Chelsea crinkles her nose in disgust and ignores the intoxicated man as she keeps walking forward. As she reaches for the handle to open the door, the man puts his hand on top of hers, and inches forward. The alcohol on his breath assaults her nose as he continues to speak.
“Hey, don’t be so cold. I’m just trying to get to know you.”
“Well, I don’t want to.”
Chelsea yanks her hand free and takes a few steps back to distance herself from the man.
“Come on, a beautiful girl like--”
“Exactly, A girl. I’m eighteen, creep.”
“Last time I checked, eighteen is legal, sweetie.” he attempts to reach out to grab Chelseas’s arm but is interrupted by a gruff voice.
“Is there a problem here?”
Chelsea turns around and behind her is a tall man in a gray sweater, possibly in his thirties, with piercing blue eyes and a stern expression on his face as he stares down the other man.
“Nope. Just having a friendly conversation.” the man replied, his speech slurred even more than before.
“Why don’t you stop making an ass of yourself and leave this young woman alone who is not interested in partaking in any conversation with you.” the man says as he takes a commanding step towards the drunk.
The drunk man steps away from Chelsea and begins to walk off, muttering under his breath. Once he’s a distance away from the pub, Chelsea turns to the stranger.
“Thank you. You didn’t have to get involved. If he got any closer, he would’ve ended up across the street. ” she says as she lifts her balled fist.
The man’s eyebrow lifted slightly, an amusement flash from his eyes as soon as it was there.
“That’s exactly why I intervened. We don’t need any more PITA patients. ”
“Pita? Erm, never mind, so you’re a doctor at Edenbrook?”
“ Yes. And you should run along. You’re a bit young, aren’t you Bambi?”
Right as she was going to question the man, he started to head inside, ignoring her confusion.
Inside, it's decently filled with  patrons but not overly crowded. The biggest gathering is a group of doctors sitting in the center talking and sipping their drinks casually.
As they stand by the entrance, Chelsea squints as she searches through the dim-lighted space. The man was beginning to question her but she spoke before he could get a word out.
“I’m here to find my aunt. I was told she’d be in here and I was supposed to meet her right now.”
She walks forward toward the group, with the stranger lingering behind.
“Who is your aunt--”
He’s cut off by Chelsea’s excited squeal.
“Auntie Kitty!”
Katrina startled by the almost forgotten name, looks up and smiles widely and gets up quickly from the table as her eyes land on her teenage niece.
“Seashell! How are you? Is it six already? I hope you had no trouble finding me.”
She says excitedly as she pulls her into a big hug.
“I’m great! And it’s no biggie, auntie. I got here in one piece. There was a slight hiccup outside this place, but I had it handle--”
“You called that handled, Bambi?”
Chelsea breaks away from Katrina and turns around to gesture to the man behind her who is hidden from Katrina’s view.
“I did. But your assistance was appreciated, Mr...I didn’t get your name.”
Before he could answer, Katrina speaks as she moves closer to the two.
“Dr. Ramsey.”
His eyes bore into Katrina’s and the two stare at each other for a while, almost for too long. As Chelsea stood between the two, she noticed a spark between her aunt and Dr. Ramsey. It was so visible she felt as if she was intruding on something intimate, something only for the two of them. She clears her throat, bringing the two back into reality.
“I didn’t realize you two knew each other,” Chelsea says, her eyebrow quirked at the two.
“Rookie here has been a colossal pain in my ass this past year.”
Chelsea could hear the touch of fondness in his voice despite the words he used.
“What happened to being Edenbrook’s brightest, Ethan?”
He rolls his eyes and barely hides a smile. He turns to Chelsea.
“Please tell me big egos don’t run in your family, Bambi or is it strictly exclusive to her.”
“Wait--Bambi? How’d you give my niece a nickname already?”
He shrugs as a man in a wheelchair rolls up toward the three. He faces Chelsea and extends his hand out. Ethan takes this time to excuse himself from the two women.
“Bambi, Rookie.”
Katrina watches him retreat to the bar as Elijah introduces himself to Chelsea, waving the others to come do the same.
“Hey, I’m Elijah Greene. One of your aunt’s roommates, best friends, co-workers, and partners in crime. You know, the entire package.”
“Chelsea Michaels. You all, partners in crime?” she asks with a laugh.
“Oh, Elijah is just exaggerating. I’m Sienna Trinh, nice to meet you.”
A petite Asian woman steps up next to greet Chelsea. Soon, a Black woman, a Polynesian man, an Indian woman, and a Porteguese man follow suit. Kat points at each one and introduces everyone to her niece.
“Aurora Emery.”
“Bryce Lahela”
“Jackie Varma.”
“Rafael Aveiro”
Jackie then turns to Sienna and says, “Elijah has a point. I mean we’ve done some questionably legal things.” Her eyes land on Katrina.
Brye chimes in, “Are you a criminal mastermind like Hotshot over here, Chelsea?”
Chelsea rubs her arms shyly. She stammers a bit before Rafael interjects.
“I wouldn't be surprised if she was.”
“Enough teasing, you two,” Katrina says.
The group laughs as Katrina’s eyes her niece skeptical as she notices her sudden quiet and skittish behavior. Looking her over she finally notices the colorful pattern of pink flowers surrounded by tendrils of blues on Chelsea’s right arm. Staring the teen down, Kat’s voice interrupts all of the side conversations.
“What the hell is on your arm, Chelsea?! Don’t tell me what I think that is!”
Immediately the rest of the friends look toward her arm and look back towards Katrina. Curious to see her in such a parental role.
“In that case, it’s definitely not a tattoo.” Jackie murmurs sarcastically.
“Not helping, Jackie.” Sienna says as she elbows the woman.
Chelsea nervously looks at her tattoo and rubs it absentmindedly.
“So, this is one of the new things that’s happening with me.”
“It has to be fake. One of those semi-permanent tattoos that last a month, right?” her aunt asks insistently.
Her niece avoids eye contact and looks to one of the others, hoping to get a little help.
Elijah chimes in, “You know, I think it looks really badass. Not everyone can rock a whole sleeve tat.”
Katrina glares at the man and he raises his hands in mock defeat. Before she can lay more into her niece Aurora speaks up.
“I was pegging you as a goody-two shoes like your aunt here. You both have the miss congeniality vibe but clearly there’s more to you.”
“I don’t mean to pry but we heard something about this past year has been crazy for you, but I’m thinking that it's crazier than imagined.” Rafael says.
Chelsea shrugs her shoulders and grabs a nearby chair to sit in.
“That’s one way of putting it. This tattoo is nothing compared to the other things that happened. I can’t talk about much because well-- to answer your question, they for sure dance on the line of legality.”
Katrina crosses her arms over her chest.
“Oh boy, how illegal are we talking?.”
Everyone shuffles a little closer to Chelsea, wondering what’s about to come out of her mouth. 
She coughs out “Like...I don’t know, I may have been a part of a crew that may have stolen approximately in total ten million dollars worth of cars.”
There was silence before everyone started talking over the other, however not much longer Katrina’s voice overwhelmed the others.
“What the fuck?! You did, what?!”
Chelsea leans forward and points her finger at her aunt.
“Allegedly my ass! How did you…” her aunt tried to ask but Bryce cut in.
“Woah! Okay so that’s some next level, Fast & the Furious shit. The lives of teenagers nowadays. When I was in high school, the craziest experience was on prom night.”
“Prom. Now that was quite the time. I can tell you must have had some wild ones, Meathead.” Jackie teases.
The others get caught up in reminiscing about their prom days that it gave the two Michaels women time to chat briefly.
“Okay, so now that I’ve digested all of this. All I can say is wow. I’m going to need details later on though.”
“So how mad are you?”
“I’m not mad, I’m concerned. Plus, I can’t have you be the one to freak your dad out,, that’s my job.” she jokes.
The two chuckle and are back to the main conversation when Sienna asks.
“What about you, Katrina? How was your prom? I bet you were Queen.”
“Is it that obvious? I was, but it wasn’t a glorious reign. After the crowning, during the royal first dance, the King got too handsy so I stepped on his foot and caused him to crash into the snack table which split hawaiian punch all over the DJ booth.”
Everyone laughs and Kat’s retelling and Elijah then asks Chelsea,
“So how was your prom, Chelsea? Was it more on the normal side? Handsome date, tux, corsage  the usual set up.”
Hearing Elijah’s question sends flashes to Chelsea’s head of that night with Logan. How surprised she was to see him at Riya’s door. From the magical way it was being so intimate with him to the dangers that were awaiting them after. She shakes her head and gives a simple answer.
“It was fine. Nothing out of the ordinary.”
Her aunt raises an eyebrow at her niece but the expression is lost due the growls that roared over the conversation. With a blush on her cheeks, Chelsea speaks.
“I guess it’s time for dinner.”
“My stomach seemed to agree as well.”
Katrina holds out her arm and Chelsea gets up from her chair, links her own arm into Kat’s and  smiles at her.
“You know me so well.”
The two say their goodbyes to everyone as they made their exit, Chelsea looked back to make sure Katrina followed and she caught once again her aunt exchanging heated glances with Ethan. She noted to herself to ask more about the two.
“Auntie Kitty, you good?”
With a nod, the Michaels women left Donahues and headed toward Chelsea’s car.
As they approached the bright neon pink 2015 Stuttgart 999 Widow, Katrina’s gait slowed down.
“You’re kidding? This is your car?! There’s no way my brother cosigned on this baby, even though she’s gorgeous.”
She slowly rubs her hand over the hood of the car.
“He didn’t. It was a gift from a friend.” Chelsea says quickly as she unlocks the doors and gets into the driver’s seat and starts the ignition.
The hum of the engine shook Katrina from her inspections and she entered the passenger seat, failing to keep her shock off her face. As Chelsea pulls out of the parking lot and cruises down the road, Katrina’s eyes lock on a picture strip that hangs on the visor. In it, she saw different poses of the same couple. Chelsea and some young man with chocolate brown skin, dark hair with a matching beard. In each photo, the two were pressed together smiling or laughing and in the last still, the two had their foreheads pressed against the other as their lips were inches apart.
“Who’s that?”
Chelsea looks up to what her aunt points at and mentally curses for not hiding the photo.
“He’s...he’s no one.”
Concerned at a cold response, she pressed further.
“I doubt it. He looks like someone important. And you look important to him too,”
Chelsea presses on the gas pedal and Katrina holds her door handle as the car begins to accelerate faster and faster.
“ Looked. E-d as in past tense. Either way, it doesn’t matter.” she replied sharply.
“One, watch the attitude and two, slow down. And clearly, it does.” Katrina chides.
With her patience running thin and out of frustration, Chelsea veers off to park in an empty spot on the side of the road with a harsh brake. The two jolt forward and then back into their seats.
“Drop it!” She squeezes the steering wheel tightly, ignoring the crazy look her aunt was giving her. In a small voice, she continues.
A tense silence fills the air as they sit momentarily. After a few minutes, she pulls back into traffic and sighs.
“It all started with my clumsiness and not watching where I was going.”
An hour passed as the two found themselves out on the balcony of Katrina’s apartment looking over the city. Katrina sips slowly on a glass of wine as she leans onto the rail next to her niece. The lights below them dazzle into the night. Chelsea breaks the silence.
“I’m sorry about earlier.”
“Now I forget you’re grown up now so I really can’t pull the ‘I’m the adult’ card but just don’t get used to raising your voice at me.”
“Of course, but--”
Katrina waves her hand dismissively.
“I shouldn’t have pushed too far. I’m the one who’s sorry.”
Chelsea shoots her small smile and she shakes her head in disagreement.
“I appreciate it, but it still isn’t an excuse for me to lash out.”
She then pulls her scrunchie out her bun and runs her fingers through her curls as she continues.
“Talking about Logan, just thinking about him at times is hard. Many would brush it off as a whirlwind romance or young stupid love, but I know they’re wrong. Deep down-- deep down what we had is real. Well, it was.”
She wanders from the railing and sits down, her back against the windowpane.
“I know I have my whole future to look to. I know there will be other guys but then again I don’t want there to be anyone else. And I don’t want my future to not have Logan in it. What can I say? I love him. I love him so much.” she admits, her eyes glisten at the weight being lifted off her heart.
Katrina sets down her glass as she crouches closer to her niece and holds her close, rubbing soothing circles on her back. A quiet cry flows out as she sits in the arms of Katrina. She whispers into the crying teen’s ear.
“It’s okay. Love is beautiful and at times, a painful thing. Especially when it’s your first love. I know it seems like--”
Through sobs, Chelsea chokes out.
“That’s the issue though! This wasn’t some typical boy meets girl. This was special! Right now he’s out there-- somewhere and I’m missing him so much, wondering if he’s safe. Secretly hoping he didn’ forget me. This hollowness that’s settled is suffocating me. I feel so incomplete. In my mind, only one person can make me whole again. No one seems to understand that. Do you know what it’s like to want someone so bad but can’t be with them? Because if you can’t then I don’t want to hear some patronizing--”
Katrina lets go of her niece so that she’s looking directly in her eyes. As she cuts her off.
“You’re not the only one.”
Chelsea wipes her eyes as her aunt turns away to look out to the city skylight.
“You feel like you’ll drown under these intense emotions. No matter how hard you try, every thought leads back to him. When the wind lightly caresses your skin, you remember the way he’d kiss you softly. And it takes everything in your power not to run to them, risk it all just to have their love even though everything points to why you can’t be together. So yes, I know exactly how you feel.”
She turns back to find Chelsea’s eyes glue onto her.
“It’s him, isn’t it. Dr. Ramsey.” Chelsea whimpers.
Her aunt scoots closer to the teen and rests her head on top of hers.
“Yeah. Ethan and I...well it’s complicated.”
“I could tell. You both stop when around the other, you forget anyone else is even near.”
“I never thought the man I looked up to would become my colleague, much less someone I’d care so deeply for.”
Chelsea traces small patterns on her jeans as she asks.
“Are you sure you two can’t work something out?
“At the moment, no. There are too many variables. Politics of the hospital, gossip, my reputation, the list goes on.” she sighs.
“So there’s two Michaels women shit out of luck in the romance department?”
“Misery loves company. You see, we’re victims of circumstances and fate’s misfortune. We were dealt a shitty hand and this part of life folded.”
The two sit in small silence, letting the hums of street life surround them. Not too long Chelsea speaks.
“Will it ever get better? How do we cope?”
Katrina reaches to grasp her niece’s hand and squeezes.
“ With time, it will. To cope is another battle within itself. I think for that, we have to do something slightly dangerous.”
Chelsea lifts her head, forcing Katrina to lift her own and look down at the teen.
“What’s that?”
“Hope. Hope that one day that our loves still have a chance. To believe that in time, they’ll come back to us.”
Chelsea takes in what her aunt says and with no hesitation latches herself onto the older woman, hugging her tight.
“Thank you.”
“No, thank you. It's nice to have someone who understands.”
“It is.”
The two sat there in their embrace, filled with a new kindle of optimism that only lingered before.
Tagged: @silverlitskies​
End Note: If anyone else reads this and enjoys and like to be tagged in any future crossover fics, just let me know!
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bleepbloo · 4 years
Reaction to The Lovers of the Fallen Tower (Part 1)
I am beyond late, I know, but better late than never right?
I am a little spoiled on the episode on some of the general things that happen, but not the how. So be prepared for ramblings and mind going off in different directions, and also we got so MUCH WORLD-BUILDING!!
Keeping that in mind, I hope y’all enjoy this!
So, off the bat, Olala is very cute. Not much else seems to be needed to say in that regard. She also handles people who died very well, but that’s only because she hasn’t experienced it happening in any relation to her. 
I don’t doubt that’s going to change when she realizes- or if someone makes her realize *looks at Sir Caroline, who is the exact kind of person to tell a child her family is dead* - that her family, her Sisters, died by the Kite’s hand. 
On the subject of Death, if the Queen didn’t call all the journeyman knights because Miller as a town was slaughtered, I will genuinely be surprised. Arum seems to be surprised twice by Olala; once when she mentions that she’s from the Garden of Death- which he recognizes - and when she mentions she’s ‘half-monster’. 
Arum seems to handle kids well, which- doesn’t bug me, necessarily, but it does raise the question of how. He’s been pretty hard-core ID’d as a hermit, both by analysis and the narrative itself, so while I doubt that he’s been around many children, it does lead me to think the Keep wasn’t the only one to raise him? I mean, the way he handled Olala is very different than how the Keep obviously raise Arum; he set boundaries, rules where the Keep indulges, he (tried) not to dump his baggage on her where the Keep sings and talks about everything, he sent her away to the Keep when he needed to have a grown-up conversation with Rilla- that speaks of someone who was taught by someone else. Or he could be just good with children, I’m not holding my breath here
Also, wow, Rilla did not handle anything well, but I mean. Who can blame her? A three person relationship is way different from a two-person one, and while they’re all talking to each other, they’re not communicating. Damien’s more or less committed treason - burning letters from ‘his true home’.
Does that include any letters Angelo might be sending??
How long has Damien been burning letters??
Do his parents even know he’s alive???????
I’m very concerned by this, if only because like- speaking from some personal experience- it can be very jarring to realize that you don’t have the same support network you thought you did, or that because of who you are now cannot coincide. Of course, Arum doesn’t understand it because 1) Hermit, 2) he’s always been accepted by his home, if nothing else. 
They’re all having a bad time of it. 
Still, shoutout to Damien for being a good person and deciding that he needed to be here to defend the child, and did it despite the communication issues with Arum and his own internal issues.
Also, Arum gets annoyed by the Citadel’s renaming of everything, but I have to wonder if the Southern Frosts has it’s own renaming of things?
Because, for those that don’t remember, what Rilla and Tal saw as a sea-shell, Caroline explicitly saw it as a court-house. Which says some interesting things about the Southern Frosts and how they correlate to the monster view of things, and how the Citadel quite clearly deviates from this by renaming things. 
I’m going to chew on that thought in a different post, but for now it’s worth noting. 
In that moment, where he asks to watch it again, he’s exactly the kind of person who would depress watch a show that makes him happy. And it’s done very well how Damien and Arum aren’t really talking to each other. At all. When Damien mentions he’s never heard that moniker before, he says it gently to Olala, not to Arum at all, and when Arum responds, it’s to tell Rilla to tell him.
Which, man. I’d lose my goddamn mind if I had to deal with that on a near-daily basis. (Also, it’s clear that despite Damien’s status as knight, he stays within the Northern border, and that there’s REALLY not a lot of visitors from the West, which kind of shows that despite the quite large amount of land there is in the world, people - of the West, South, North, and ESPECIALLY the East (if there’s anyone who lives out there)- don’t travel much, which contributes to the xenophobia of the North & South at the very least!)
I’m going to chew on this more - between college and life - but it’s clear that the West is something of a united front, at least where Olala was from. They allow monsters to visit and live with them, use magic and science hand-in-hand, are both in a place of death and yet holds so much life (fungi)- it’s literally the middle ground between the North and the South. Also, really glad that the Arum finally mentioned the entire North being called ‘the Second Citadel’ so I can stop referencing that one time early access content was allowed for all patrons. 
It’s also interesting that a place has emotions, but then, magic. Which we still don’t know how it works really. 
Also, I should mention that when I heard the name ‘emotional resonator’, I thought that it was going to- locate an emotion and fixate on it, drawing it out like a fish on a fishing pole. 
This was not that.
“Increase the anxiety-”, y’know what, I had to pause here, and say that you shouldn’t try and increase the anxiety of a place, ESPECIALLY NOT IN A PLACE THAT’S STILL VERY AND CLEARLY TRAUMATIZED!!!!!
This just proves that while Rilla and Arum have high INT, they both - together- have a very low WIS. And Rilla proves that she’s Marc’s sister by impulsively going when the experiment has been run. 
Parapet of the wilds. Hm. For those that don’t know, a parapet the part of a wall or a tower that stops you from falling off the top of a building. Then a two of the wilds, nine of some sort of mirror or snail (the East? Sage Helicoid??). Also, I want to take this moment to apologize for the length of this- school has kept me busy so to talk like this is very nice, except I’m still in the middle of it and I’m sure there’s going to be more to come. 
Poor Olala, caught in the middle. This is DEFINITELY NOT what Marc had in mind when he left Olala in the care of Arum. 
And, ah, the building does have a type. Conflicting lovers. 
Hm, so towers can be used to get magical currents. 
There’s also a story, called Babbalon, where, together, all of humanity was working together to ascend to heaven. And it was working, which made God, worried, so God broke the tower, and cursed people to have completely separate languages from each other so that they could never again get so close to Heaven. Considering present circumstances, with humanity and monsters, the same metaphor works here. 
I wouldn’t be surprised if there was one on the side of the world to the West, East, and South. 
Also, I have to wonder when Pix and David are- they clearly lived at the Terminus for a few years before everything went boom, and they were building the Bridge- aka the Fallen Tower - prior to getting attacked. I’ve wondered if it’s before or after the First Citadel fell. I mean, it’s probably before, but how much before?
Also, jesus Rilla, this- I know you want Damien and Arum to get along, but using it TWICE like this WHEN ARUM EXPLICITLY STATES IT’S *DANGEROUS* IS A BAD IDEA! Of course, she does it anyway. 
AND NOW WE GET CONFIRMATION THAT THERE ARE LIGHTS OFF THE EDGE OF THE WORLD, and also a name Zin? That’s going to come up again, mark my words. Every significant person in the world/story - Queen Mira, Sir Damien, Sir Absolom, David, Pix, Senator Calin(?mentioned by the nameless monsters at the end of the World)- everyone who has some sort of name, and I do mean name, is going to come up again. It happened with Queen Mira, Sir Damien, Pix, David, it’s going to be brought up with Sir Absolom soon, mark my words.
Anyway, point is, Pix saw lights!
Even if it’s like- Plateau's, where each land mass is separated by degrees of going down, or like, the Citadel Plateau’s is separated from the land mass below it, there’s still SOMETHING out there! I’m very excited for it. 
And, oh, it was just minutes after this that Pix and David died, wasn’t it? Oh. 
And oh, GOd. She’s looking for answers in the wrong place. She’s looking in a two-person relationship- her situation and theirs are- so far from different that it’s like looking through 3-d colored glass with just one eye. 
Their species are at war, and that- like it or not- still affects their relationship. 
I mean, I get it, but also, there are other things that could’ve been attempted first. 
Oh god, poor Olala. She’s stressed out, by the anxiety and by the machine and by everything that her body is literally changing out of stress! Honestly, mood, but also, huh. It means that who- or what, depending- these memories belong to, is also resonating with Olala. 
And the Bridge, destroyed. This IS STILL NOT BIDING WELL FOR WHEN WE ACTUALLY GET TO THE TOWER CARD. I am going to keep harping on this until I’m metaphorically black and blue. 
I don’t know if it’s the memory of the person or the machine glitching/repeating out on itself, or some combination thereof(you know, like a panic attack), but this certainly explains the description of the next episode.
Also, I love how Arum is so unimpressed with Damien’s ‘one miracle’, because functionally Arum(in D&D terms) like a Warlock to his Keep’s patronage, can create some thousand miracles and things that have never existed before, even though it’s still super impressive that Damien was even able to do the ONE miracle. 
Damien, when he isn’t being a xenophobic dingus, is actually quite smart. 
And that’s the end of the episode, part 1.
Also, the names at the end of the Episode fucking kill me, fucking superb you funky donators.
I’ll soon be back, with Part 2 reaction. And then we get to munch onto some good, good theories. 
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emzymakesbelieve · 5 years
not to be fake deep but let's talk about all your old walt babies that you haven't mentioned (because i love the hainline's okay and you and all your kids and i miss you
Send me an old muse and I’ll gush about them.
(I love you, too, sweet pea.  *smooch*)
Frank Hainline
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So Frank is a prick, to start off, but he’s my prick and you’re not allowed to trash talk him without my say so (which of course you have because he’s A PRICK).  He was the kind of kid who wore an anarchy symbol on his jacket but never actually did anything to represent or invoke anarchy.  He’s also a gigantic slut and can’t keep his pants zipped for longer than ten minutes.  Fidelity is not this man’s middle name (*CoUgH* illegitimate child he never knew about).  He definitely wasn’t ready to become a father when Victoria got pregnant (and more or less trapped him into marriage), but by the time baby Penelope came, he devoted every ounce of energy he could to making sure she had a good life, and the two of them actually grew very close.  He passed away from cancer when Penelope was about ten.
Norma Hainline
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Penelope’s eldest.  The two most important things you need to know about Norma are that she’s a dancer and she’s gay as a maypole.  Her main focuses are tap and ballet.  She loves old Hollywood - she got her start watching Singin’ in the Rain and Fred & Ginger films - but definitely prefers to live in the here and now where she can express herself both as an artist and as a lesbian.  The dance world, much as she loves it, is a crusty old institution that needs to break some pointless rules and get over itself.  She is also Grade A Mom Friend Extraordinaire™.  Her love language is definitely acts of service, particularly making sure you’re eating and sleeping well and taking your medicine on time (though turns out she’s a terrible patient herself).  Much to her frustration, her two closet friends - Noah and Nick - are both more or less bent on self destruction and driving her completely bonkers, but she loves them just the same.
Francis Hainline
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Francis, the third eldest, has no business being in this family with how shy he is, but nevertheless.  Definitely the black sheep of the family, but his siblings defend and support him with everything they have.  (Well, Kath usually does it with a lot of sarcasm, but you can tell she loves him.)  He’s a total hipster and has a special love for anything that was built before the year 2000.  His prize possession is an old camcorder that uses real VHS tapes, so naturally he becomes a film student.  I envision him growing up and working as a cinematographer and eventual director of poignant indie films and documentaries - stuff with lots of lingering, fly-on-the-wall shots.  Also, special shoutout to Seraphina, the love of his got dang life.  Those two gave me so many freaking cavities with their cuteness.
Kathleen Hainline
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So Kath is a mess, but that’s just par for the course in this family, I suppose.  She’s the baby of the family and has always felt like she’s living in her sister Norma’s shadow.  She’s a bit of a wild child, but certainly not to the extent Victoria was.  It’s all just a cry for attention, trust me.  She wants to feel needed, she wants to feel wanted, she wants to feel special.  And anything that takes the attention of the people she loves off of her needs to die, plain and simple.  She’s best friends with Daisy and is technically endgame with Jonas (though we really didn’t get to write them that far), so here goes a prayer candle for my lovely Becca.
Dory Novak
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As you can probably guess by the name, Dory is based on that delightful blue tang we know and love.  In the Walt universe, she developed her short term memory loss after an accident that killed her parents, and was adopted by Marlin.  She loves swimming and her family and especially anything combining the two.  She’s a freaking sweetheart who is actually pretty hard on herself, and it was so heartbreaking to play her in any kind of stressful situation because five minutes later she would still be freaked out by have no idea as to why (looking at you, Scream event).  Also, Scooby liked her a lot and I felt so freaking blessed???  She ends up becoming a social worker and helping kids in the foster system like her.
Charlie Harper & Jenny Harper née Parkington
I never got to properly play Dory’s parents, but here’s the fast and skinny on them.  Jenny was a shy bookworm who never thought boys would be interested in her and (for the most part) had made peace with that theory.  Charlie was a jock who was head over heels for Jenny but never knew how to communicate it without being a sleaze.  Eventually, he manages to ask her out, she says yes, and they pretty much become attached at the hip.  She comes to his basketball games and swim meets decked out in the school colors and cheering like a maniac.  My guess is Dory came a little earlier than they were expecting, but not so early that it would be considered scandalous - probably when they were almost finished with college or something.  Dory became their world and they spoiled that little girl beyond belief.  Unfortunately, both of them were killed in a car wreck when Dory was very little.
Marlene Novak
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Dory’s first kid, adopted.  To sum it up nicely, Marlene’s a hot mess because she was never able to come to terms with the fact that her birth mother didn’t want her.  I tried to start this whole plot where she ran into her birth mother just out in the wild and that made her get even messier, but I think I was just throwing crap on the fire to see what blew up at that point.  She also has a…flirtatious arrangement, shall we say, with her friend Viv.
Lyle Novak
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Dory’s second kid, also adopted.  *sigh*  Lyle, Lyle, Lyle…  He’s a cutie, don’t get me wrong, but I feel like I didn’t give his character enough punch?  He just seems kind of blah now that I look back at him.  I have a history of being super self conscious about my male characters if they don’t have like a Super Archetype personality for some freaking reason, and Lyle is definitely an example of that.  He’s a little shy, but not so shy that it’s endearing, and he’s also a little courageous, but not so courageous that he actually gets crap done.  He’s a little complacent, looking back on him, which is kind of the opposite of how I wanted to play him...?  I dunno.  Maybe I’m being too harsh on myself.  HE’S CUTE.  LIFE GOES ON.
Cinderella Tremaine
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To the surprise of absolutely no one, I’ve actually played a Cinderella counterpart in a few different groups, but let’s just talk about how I portrayed her at Walt.  French transfer student in America (I changed her to straight up American after a point) who loves animals arguably more than life itself and tries her best not to cry over things she can’t control.  She’s also daydreamy as FRICK.  Loves to get lost in her own imagination.  If she’s not engaged in conversation or work of some kind, I can guarantee you her conscience isn’t even on this plane.  Also, can I just shriek about the superhero AU version of her where she was a counterpart to Zatanna and literally became her own fairy godmother?  Because I think about that far more than is probably healthy.
Emmett Tremaine & Johanna Tremaine née Cartier
Same thing as Dory’s parents, just gonna give you a quick lowdown.  Johanna came from a fairly well off family in France (distantly related to those guys, but far enough away that it doesn’t really count), but her parents thought she was an absolute embarrassment.  She was never afraid to speak her mind when it came to things like etiquette and politics, and she had a fabulously wild imagination.  She never stopped believing in fairies, ghosts, gremlins, things like that.  Emmett was that quiet nerd dreamer type, very much obsessed with travel and history.  And like I need to spell it out for you, but they were LUDICROUSLY in love with each other.  Like, nauseatingly so.
Robby Tremaine
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Robby is Cindy’s son I whipped up real quick one next gen when I was going crazy and wanted to snatch Nick Robinson’s beautiful face.  He’s a hardcore farm boy who doesn’t mind a little mud behind his ears and super environmentally conscious.  Not just recycling and veganism and all that, but he will go off on you about sustainable farming and animal raising, and how the hydrogen fuel cell is the way of the future.
Taige Bailey
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Based on Terk from Tarzan, Taige is a super jock, total butch lesbian, and altogether DUMBNUT.  Like, GOD she’s so stupid sometimes because she just barrels into crap with reckless abandon and doesn’t think things through.  Dear God, she will PUNCH you if you so much as look at her funny, just ‘cause she feels bored.  And she walks around like she’s God’s gift to creation, but she’s just a little twerp.  But she’s my twerp.  (Huh.  I’m just now realizing how similar Taige and Pen are.  In a weird way, Taige is like the tomboy version of Pen.)  Here, you can imagine me lighting a prayer candle because I never got to play her against her two best friends and I’m SAD.  Y’ALL NEVER GOT TO EXPERIENCE THE TOUR DE FORCE THAT IS T CUBED.  Also *cough* she and Vitani may have had a *coUGH* flirtationship.
I would also put Taige’s parents on this list, but they’re so hardly even developed that it’s not really worth mentioning them.  I only know their names: Lamarr and April.
Jared Bailey
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Taige’s only child, Jared’s still trying to figure out what masculinity means to him, what with being raised by two women and all.  He can get a little “dudebro alpha male” sometimes, but he’s also that kid you definitely want to have your back when things get rough.  He’ll help you with your homework, teach you how to shoot a three-pointer, and walk you home when it’s dark like the gentleman he is.
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tuanyiems · 5 years
50 Questions Tag
Thanks Chelle for the tag @prettywordsyouleft c: 1. What takes too much of your time? Watching videos/dramas when I should be doing more productive things 2. What makes your day better? Good weather, tasty food, and when my friends and family make me laugh :D 3. What’s the best thing that happened to you today? My sister made bomb dinner today! 4. What fictional place would you like to go to? I feel like I’m exposing myself but Shugo Chara lol I want to meet my heart’s egg haha OR Ouran High School Host Club! I want to hug Mori senpai lol 5. Are you good at giving advice? My friends keep coming back to me so I guess so? I always feel awkward about giving it though lol 6. Do you have any mental illness? Not that I know of, but I’ve also never sought professional help... 7. Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis? Almost regularly when I was a kid but not anymore. Thank god, that stuff’s scary af 8. What musician inspired you the most? Got7 has comforted me the most but in terms of inspiration, I will have to go with bts  9. Have you ever fallen in love? Once but he was a toxic person, what a waste of my love :/ 10. What’s your dream date? One where I feel relaxed enough to joke and laugh, something not too serious and with tasty food! 11. What do others notice about you? That I’m quiet. People who have known me for a little bit longer will notice that I laugh over everything or that I’m smart but also an airhead lol People who have seen me on stage know I have a switch. I’m awkward and stumble over my words but give me a script and a stage and it’s a different story. Performance Ems is a whole other girl lol 12. What is an annoying habit you have? Not so much me, but it annoys everyone around me--I can’t take a compliment and am never satisfied with my own work. 13. Do you still talk to your first love? Nah 14. How many ex’s do you have?  Three 15. How many songs are in your playlist? 1027 total in my phone but in my current fave playlist, 150 16. What instruments can you play? I used to play the violin. I’m learning the guitar and ukelele now 17. Who do you have the most pictures of? Mark Tuan but what’s new haha 18. Where would you like to go before you die? The moon. Realistically, Korea and Japan. 19. What is your zodiac? Aries 20. Do you relate to it? I’m on the cusp, Pisces-Aries and people think I suite Pisces more. I relate to my Cancer rising the most though. 21. What is happiness to you? In the wise words of Kim Yugyeom, I find happiness in the little things. They add up. 22. Are you going through anything right now? I broke up with my boyfriend of over a year four days before my bday :/  23. What’s the worst decision you’ve ever made? When I was fresh out of a toxic relationship (ex #2) my friend convinced me to join a dating app for the first time. I joined out of fun to troll people at first but one day I was chatting with this guy and we were talking about Scrabble. He then invited me to hang out with him one night and young, innocent old me thought that we were really going to play board games at his place! ANYWAYS long story short we did NOT play any board games and I ran away as fast as I could and stayed up until 3AM ranting to my friend about how I would never join a dating app ever again lol  24. What’s your favourite store? TJ Maxx, I love their stationery and they have some pretty cheap name brand makeup! I got a Too Faced palette for 20$ and that’s half the price of what Sephora sells at! 25. What’s your opinion on abortion? Nobody’s business but her’s. 26. Do you keep a bucket list? I make a yearly bucket list in every new bullet journal I get. I only ever cross off 1 or 2 things though. I made a lifetime bucket list back in middle school but it’s lost somewhere in my diaries and I don’t remember it anymore. 27. Do you have a favourite album? Verse 2 by JJ Project is my heart album. I also really like Epik High’s Sleepless in ___________ and RM’s mono playlist too. Great playlists for writing! 28. What do you want for your birthday? My bday just passed and my sister got me the shoes I’ve been wanting yay! 29. What are most people’s first impression of you? That I’m quiet and shy (cause I am lol) 30. What age do you seem according to most people? I just turned 23 but I am often mistaken for 15-16, younger if I don’t have makeup on :c 31. Where do you keep your phone while you’re sleeping? I know this is bad but I usually fall asleep with my phone in my hand or right next to my pillow. 32. what word do you say the most? Does umm count as a word? 33. What’s the oldest age you would date? As of right now, I want to be in a relationship where my partner is going through a similar stage in life as me or has just gone through it so I don’t want to go too much older. I think the oldest I’ll go is 4 years older than me. 34. What’s the youngest age you would date? I just got out of a relationship where my bf was 3 years younger than me and now I wonder if it’s too young for me. Perhaps this won’t matter to me once I get older, but for now I think I’ll only go 1 year younger. 35. What job/career do most people say would suit you? People always tell me elementary school teacher but kids scare me haha. I also get writer, artist, and therapist a lot.  36. What’s your favourite music genre? Ir&b hiphop, across all countries/languages. 37. If you could live in any country in the world, where would it be? Japan or Korea but I’ve never been there before so I don’t really know. 38. What is your current favourite song? Epik High’s Lullaby for a Cat and Sleeping Beauty 39. How long have you had this blog for? Is there a way to find out? I made it a loooong time ago so I don’t even remember. Shoutout to my peeps who remember me when I was an emo aesthetic blog xD 40. What are you excited for? For warm spring weather to officially come and stay!  41. Are you a better talker or listener? A listener. 42. What is the last productive thing you did? I was working overtime for a while to prep for a performance. It’s been a while since I’ve done spoken performance and it was my first theatrical piece, but I’m happy I was given the opportunity to incorporate my creative hobbies into my work. 43. What do you want for Christmas? A plane ticket to anywhere warm lol 44. What class do you get the best grades in? I've been pretty good across the humanities 45. On a scale of 1-10, how are you feeling right now? 7  46. What can you see yourself doing in 10 years?   In ten years I’ll be 33. Studies say people’s stress levels start to decline once you hit 33 so I hope that’s in my future lol. I also hope I’m still writing and making art. 47. When did you first get your heartbreak? In February 2014 my cat died while I was in another state for a collegiate conference and when I got the phone call I cried for the first time in over ten years.  Ex #2 was my first love and we broke up in 2017 also on my bday week (I’m seeing a trend here lol) but he was an a**hole so I don’t consider it heartbreak anymore. 48. At what age do you want to get married? lol I don’t want to get married. Unless Mark Tuan is getting down on one knee, I don’t want to get married ever. 49. What career did you want to have as a child? A writer :D 50. What do you crave right now? I don’t know if I can say that I crave this because I’ve never eaten it before, but I want to eat hotteok! Whenever they eat it on the variety shows my mouth waters! Tagging my lovelies: @tuanamino @yugyeomsauntmimi @yup-indecisive-girl-cece @ily-cyj and anyone who would like to do this c;
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drumie · 6 years
Salutatory Speech.
So as Salutatorian, I was told I would have to write a speech focused on the history... I find that a bit challenging, but here it goes.
A very long time ago, the universe did not exist. There was infinite mass and density, and said universe couldn’t take it, so there was a boom. A big bang of sorts…
Then in the late 90’s and early 2000’s we were born. One of us, in fact, was born on this very day. I want to wish Alicia Hernandez a happy birthday. (sing alicia happy birthday)
So we were born. Our worries were few, but substantial. Two of my personal struggles included catching the next spongebob episode and drinking chocolate milk too fast.
We started pre-school. My only memory from there is getting sick on one too many pigs in a blanket. We met some of our first friends here. Simple times.
2004 - Facebook was created.
2005 - Youtube was created.
Then we started Elementary school. I was at east ridge. Our worries here included getting the last breakfast pizza that was left over because “adam wasn’t here and he would want me to have it.” They included  obsessively cramming for spelling tests, memorizing multiplication facts,  and taking our first TAKS test. TAKS test. Feel old yet?
2006 - Twitter was created
We moved onto 4th grade at SIS… The turf wars began. And for the folks that don’t know, there were two different elementary schools that brought up Kindergarten through 3rd grade. And then these two schools would feed into SIS, Sweetwater Intermediate School. This was our world now. Where we came from defined a person… were you from east ridge, or were you from south east? And I’m ending the beef now, East Ridge was the better of the two. Only kidding! It didn’t matter. There were good things from both schools. I’m just glad that hating and judging people from where they’re from is only something 4th and 5th graders do.
I digress. We’d rack up AR Points ca ching! We’d party like the year we were born… Flamingo fling. Not many worries, but we were still in a hurry, learning about history and Martin Luther King. And those days remained romanticized because again, our biggest concerns only included passing a TAKS test and… our first puberty class.
2010 - Instagram was created
Speaking of puberty, here came middle school. Oh my God. Puberty was like Everyone telling you to look both ways before crossing the street to watch for cars and then a falcon swoops down from the sky and attacks you. Folks I thought that was it for us. As soon as coach Huskey said “Let’s go hit that creek” I recall thinking to myself “yeah I’m going to die in the next few hours.” I found my passion: Band. I also found what I thought was my passion: Football. I remember one day Kiante hit me and I was like “I don’t think I like this very much.” Life got real. Technology took off. We all got phones, social media, iPads. Remember how cool we thought we looked with all of our decent selfies  camwow retro logo in the bottom left? Instagram, Snapchat, facebook, tumblr (lowkey though), Jokebox, iFunny, Youtube, and for the first time, We stopped going to older people for help and we got online and googled it. We were the pioneer generation that was raised by technology. Surrounded by information in the times of our lives when we needed it the most. We began to comprehend the different weights of life. As a middle schooler I pulled a few all-nighters to finish projects and homework… I may or may not have procrastinated on. Our priority list was fine tuned. School and extracurricular were up there now. But memes, relationships, and social media were among them as well.
2012 - Vine was created
Then came High School. lots of smells in high school have you noticed that? The big room smells like shredded tires and hard work and dedication with a hint of Trent tears scattered here and there. You could always tell when bunsen burners were on because the science hall always smelled unpleasant. And Mrs. Melendez’s room when she would burn those Orange Buttercream Scenses that smell like fruity pebbles oh my god.
Smells like the big room, bunsen burners, teen spirit, and those scense’s are the things I think I’ll remember the most.
I learned a few important things in my time in High school that I’d like to share with you.
Freshman year I learned that if you’re unhappy in your situation, you have the ability to change it. Whether it be relationships, extracurricular, or any aspect of life, you can change it. I also learned that social media can be a cruel blackhole, that can distort views, reputations, and relationships. Even more so today. Tread carefully.
Sophomore year, I learned the true value of hard work thanks to Mrs. Judith Brentz. She taught us many valuable lessons, the most important being “how to use our heads for something more than keeping your ears apart.” I also got my first B… Thanks Mrs. Mac. I also got my second B… Thanks Mrs. Brentz. I also learned how to rid my life of toxic people, and for the first time I began to see the world for what it really was. All the variables, and the factors that can play into what, when, why, and how we think the things we think.
Junior year was the toughest for me. Between band, Round 2 of Brentz for chem 2, Coach Mayes, Work, and family…. It taught me that you can’t do everything you want to, and at the same time get enough sleep. I also learned that it’s healthy to rock the boat every now and then. You’ll either get humbled, humble someone else, or if conditions are just right, a healthy mix of the two.
I also learned probably the most important lesson I’ve learned thus far. This applies to everyone listening, Teachers, families, current students, etc. If you don’t get anything about my longwinded speech, please hear this.
My junior year, I stopped worrying about grades, and I started doing the best I could to learn and retain everything that was being taught to me. Numbers are just Numbers. But what we should understand is that we have the world’s most powerful computer between our ears, and once we start using it, we become unstoppable. There are people that will disagree with what I’m about to say, but stop trying ace tests. Stop trying to do the bare minimum to get by. Learn and retain the information, and those good grades will come. I guarantee it. And class of 2018, it’s not too late to apply to your lives. Whether you’re going to college or not, this is a fundamental principle that can be applied across the board, and I encourage you to do so.
Alright back to jokes.
My senior year I learned lots. Like how you can overcook a TV Dinner and still get food poisoning, ruining your chance for perfect attendance that year. Once I started seeing colleges I started learning how a world that I thought was so big is about a whole lot bigger. I learned that if you fall asleep exactly 47 minutes before the first bell, you’ll wake up and be in a sour mood the entire day. I learned that once people figure out that you’re doing a speech at graduation, everyone wants a shout out. I also learned that you can market shoutouts and get a headstart on paying tuition by selling them for a dollar a piece. I also learned that I should've thought of that sooner and not just the night before I gave the speech. Nobody bought shoutouts. (this was what was originally written, but nick gomez bought a shoutout lol)
But our priority list is strict now. When we have to be where and with who? Some of us are paying bills, we have to worry about finances, college tuition, student loans, our next meal, car payments, gas money, textbooks, toothpaste, medical, dental, water, electrical, internet, phone bills. Oh my God I thought I wanted to be an adult but this isn’t what I meant. Of course, those are all things we should be concerned about.
I for one have my priorities just a little bit different
My biggest worries are still catching the latest episode of spongebob and drinking chocolate milk at the right speed.
So welcome. I hope you enjoy tonight's ceremonies. I’m going to wrap this up with a few thank yous, and we’ll get on with it.
Thank you God, for the many blessings you’ve laid upon my life as well as the blessings you’ve given my friends and family. I know I tick you off sometimes, so, I just ask that you’ll bear with me. I’m still learning
Thank you to my dad. You’ve taught me a lot. The most memorable being the wisdom you passed on from my grandmother in heaven… To never take life too seriously.
Thanks momma. You make me laugh like no one else can. And you get me the way no one else can. You can bet everything you say I’m gonna steal and make it my own. I love you.
Marlee, you’re the only one that gets me emotional anymore. I’m so proud of you. I once described you to a friend as a little packet of sunshine that grew arms, legs, and a face, and now you just walk around spreading happiness and joy. I’m glad you made your own path and didn’t follow in my footsteps. I know you’ll continue to make me proud with everything that you do.
Band - Thank you for giving me a place I belong. I’m odd, and yall were okay with it. Without you, I wouldn’t be standing up here.
Directors - Thanks for making me feel at home. I still cant wait to call yall by yall’s first names here in about an hour.
Teachers and Administrators - Thank you for bearing with me. I know I was a thorn in yall’s side from time to time with scandalous assignments and requests. And Mrs. Reyes and Mrs. Little… I made it.
(With the exception of what’s bolded, the other shoutouts made were ad-libbed and did not have a concrete order. I recall thanking other teachers, friends, and family, and shouting out nick gomez, lauren rodriguez, and trini and bell.)
And last but not least, I’d like to thank Jeff Stein and Richard Ferguson for keeping me on their staff after numerous hiccups on 96.7 FM, 1240 AM, KXOX. Good times, great country. For the job opportunity you’ve given me, you helped ease the financial stress that comes from being a poor high schooler, and a soon to be college student. I cant thank you enough.
And in closing. Heed this warning, everyone listening.
We are strong.
We are persistent.
We are mustangs.
We will go on.
We will succeed.
We will prosper.
We are coming.
We are graduating
We are the Class of 2018.
Thank you, and God Bless.
“Salutations” //Trent(on) Hicks. May 25, 2018
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justanothr · 7 years
Spider sleuth and the case of a missing MJ part 2
FANFIC: PETER X MICHELLE Alright guys, there will have to be a part 3. The story gets a little cheesy and angsty over here. Fair warning. Special shoutout to: @tomhollandisdaddy2003  ! You have motivated me to write the next part of this story! Thank you! :* Quick recap of part 1: Spidey falls out of a tree right in front of Michelle's front door. For more part 1 read: https://justanotherfangirlpassingthrough.tumblr.com/post/163860253638/spider-sleuth-and-the-case-of-a-missing-mj
PART 2: Peter hadn't planned on starting a conversation with MJ! He had to say something now, though. It would be super awkward otherwise. "H-hey, Mich- uhm, miss! How are you doing on a fine day like this! " Peter tried and failed, to make his voice sound as deep as possible. This was going to end well. "Hey spider dude." Said Michelle. She'd lost her composure for only about a second. Now she was leaning coolly against the doorframe. "It's spiderman!" Peter corrected. "Yeah, whatever, I don't care." She was eyeing him with those striking eyes of hers, looking as bored and uninterested as ever. She still had unmistakable marks of bruising on her cheek. She also had crazy dark circles, making her look like she hadn't slept for weeks. He slowly let go of the web string and landed lightly on to the ground. God, how he hoped that he looked cooler than he felt. "So are you here looking for a bad guy in my frontyard? Because if you are, there's this really nasty racoon that's been terrorising my cat for the past week. It might be worth looking into as well." "Uh ma'am, I was just passing through! But you can count on your friendly neighborhood spiderman to get rid of the racoon menace for you!" Peter did a sort of salute and started to turn around, desperate for an escape. "Yo, hold up just a second, spider thing! " "It's spiderman" Peter groaned under his breath as he turned back around to face her. She rummaged through her hoodie pocket, took out a Rubik's cube and started fidgeting with it with quick flicks of her fingers. Not even looking up from the cube, she said, " I was just wondering about what you were doing in DC that day. The day the Washington monument blew up." She looked up at him with a slight smile. Ok, this was getting bad. He had to leave NOW. But something kept him rooted to the ground. "Uh, it was a lucky coincidence, really!" He said, sort of lamely. " Uh-uh" she said, continuing to flick her Rubik's cube around. " A local New York vigilante, spotted almost everyday on the streets of Queens, decides to visit Washington on the very day the monument blows up?" Damn, this girl ain't easy to convince! " Well, to tell you the truth, It was a tip off that led me to the bomb. There were a lot of things going on at the time... " Peter improvised. He tried to run his hand through his hair but then realized he had the mask on and awkwardly lowered it. "Sure, sure..." She was concentrating on the cube now. "You know, there's this loser named peter parker in my decathlon team. He says he knows you. He was supposed to be at the Washington monument with us that day, but he wasn't. Do you know where he disappears off to? " She tossed the Rubik's cube upwards and caught it. It was fully solved. Holy mother of spiders. " I know Peter , he's a good kid! But I cannot stay here and answer your questions all day, ma'am. I have a city to watch over! So see you around! " "Alright, spider dude! " "Just don't get into any trouble" he said, gesturing at his cheek. She raised her middle finger at him. "Fuck off, spiderman!" "Now she gets my name right." He muttered, as he turned around and swung away. ------------------------- "So you were stalking her." " Don't call it that, Ned!" Peter groaned. He was lying on his bed with his face buried in his pillow while Ned sat at the table, trying to finish an essay which was due the next day. " What else would you call following someone to their house without their permission?" Peter sat up. " look, I'm sure Michelle probably just ran into someone's extended fist and got bruised. But if there was even the slightest chance that she was in some sort of trouble, and I was sitting right there not doing anything, I'd feel terrible. I mean, what's the point of being a superhero if you can't even look out for your friends!" " I get your point. We are probably the closest things to 'friends' that she has." "Exactly! And she was right there and I couldn't help myself. " Peter sighed. " Anyway, I didn't really have to worry. I just got owned by her." " Yup. She wiped the floor with you." Said Ned, nodding. Peter threw the pillow at him. " MJ suspects that I'm spiderman. This is the last thing I needed right now." " Well, you can worry about that later. You have three essays to finish by tomorrow." ------------------------- MJ was a no show to school the next day too. Peter was returning home after running a couple of errands for May that evening. As he reached the seventh floor, he heard voices issuing from outside old Mrs Anna's house from across the hallway. Mrs Anna was this lovely old lady who always offered sweet treats to Peter when he was little. "Now don't get too stressed out, Michelle dear." She was saying. " You and your sister need plenty of sleep. Make sure you get it, won't you? " " don't worry about it, aunt Anna!" It was MJ's voice. Peter instinctively hid around a corner in the hallway, listening. He didn't want to have any awkward encounters. Not two days in a row. "Ohh, I won't. Take care now, both of you! And give Madeline my best!" " We will aunt Anna!" Came a second girl's voice. The sister? There were footsteps coming his way as the two girls approached the lift. They passed Peter in his hiding place and as they did, he could make out MJ's face. She had a swollen lip today and more bruises. Peter stifled a gasp. Who did this to her!? Face timing Ned later that day, Peter told him about everything he'd seen and heard. "Do you think she's being bullied? " Peter asked apprehensively. "Naah, she's too intimidating for that. She'd be the bully!" "I wouldn't be so sure about that. Bullies come in all shapes and sizes. If there's anything being spiderman has taught me, it's that. " Peter scratched his chin thoughfully. " I could ask Mrs Anna about it. She has always been nice to me." --------------------- Unable to shake the vision of the state of MJ's face last night from his brain, Peter decided to risk being called a nosy prat and pay Mrs Anna a visit. Mrs Anna loved having guests. She was especially delighted to have Peter over. After being offered coffee and a bunch of other snacks and trying his best to engage in small talk, Peter finally managed to get to the point. " So uh- Michelle Jones goes to my school, and I couldn't help but notice that you had her over yesterday!" "Oh you know dear Michelle, do you? What a small world! Her mother Madeline was the only one I was close to in the family. Having her children over is such a joy, seeing how I don't have any of my own!" She chuckled fondly. Peter went on tentatively. " She hasn't been coming to school much these days. I was just wondering if something's going on..." Mrs Anna's face grew somber. " She has been through a lot, Michelle. But she's a strong girl. She always has been. Never had many friends. Kids her age always think of her as weird, that's what she'd tell me. She has grown used to being alone. " Mrs Anna took a sip of her coffee, frowning. " But everyone needs friends at some point, Peter. No matter how strong they are. And that's why it's so great to see that she has someone like you asking after her, it really is. But it's not my place to tell you what she is going through, you'll have to ask her that yourself." She finished, with a sad smile on her face. ----------------------- You do not always need a fancy suit or a mask to help people. Sometimes, all you've got to be is yourself. Peter figured that Michelle didn't need Spiderman's help, she needed Peter Parker's. It was really chilly outside. Peter wore a jacket over his hoodie as he left the house that evening. He'd decided to go right up to MJ's front door and talk to her. Mrs Anna was right. No one can get through life without friends. He had Ned and that made life so much better. MJ shouldn't have to deal with whatever she was going through alone. She would have him if she needed him. part 3:
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queenofthefaces · 7 years
I was tagged by @boringid !! Thank you so much friend!! (check out their art blog @bid-art also!!)
~~~~ Rules ~~~~
1) Always post the rules 2)Answer the question given to you by the person who tagged you 3) Write your own question 4) Tag 11 people
1) Meaning of your username?
It’s,,,,a long story. I’ve told it a few times but another won’t hurt. So when I was in middle school I went through a lot of phases in shows and things I liked, but one constant were these ocs I had. One of them was basically a really cool self insert, and they were all dimension hoppers so I could stick them into whatever show I was into. At the time, I really liked Hero 108, so I stuck in my oc. In that universe she was the “Queen of the Faces” because she had masks of basically everyone and used them to disguise herself/act as a neutral party vigilante saving orphans to raise them away from war ahdfjk. Eventually my oc developed into somewhat of her own character, and I had a whole story about how they hopped into THIS dimension and met ME, their “creator” (which is also how I got my online alias but thats another tangent), and I decided that she would give ME the name because I gave myself like,,,,a superpower that let me copy other people’s abilities.
After the 6th grade I just kept it ‘cause it was cool sounding lmao
2) What is/was your favourite computer OS?
Honestly I have no idea about any of this stuff lol I’ve just always used Windows
3) Favourite Artist?
!!!!! oooooo im gonna tag people!!!
@ayoecho @sanrxo @draweth-the-raven @spoopyshayneart @artydarling @the-snipster (Check out their webcomic A Matter of Life and Death on Webtoons it’s my favorite :0) @official-spec @iceb0x @bellanoche-u3u @sandflakedraws @pngpotpies @talentisapursuedinterest @ms1sharklee @ynna-anny @ynngaa
And many others!! I follow lots of art blogs and theyre all wonderful and unique ;;w;;
4) Favourite Author (including Fics of course!)
My favorite published author would probably be @jonathanstroud and my fave fanfic author would probably be @tswwwit !! there’s def more but that’s just off the top of my head
5) Favourite Webcomic/s?
I read from webtoons so some more faves are 
Big Jo (Jungle Julia), Dragon Husbands (dragonhusbands), Stakes and Stones (astroadmiral), With Great Abandon (EH Macmillan), Immortal Nerd (Hanna-Pirita Lehkonen), Larkspur (gcmulk), Melvina’s Therapy (A. Rasen), Silent Horror (darkboxcomic), Dear Boy (blauerozen), Ups and Downs (RanchingGal), Devil Spy (Jaymzeecat), Always Human (walkingnorth), Live With Yourself (shen)
6) Comics/Books/Movies/Shows/Games you always intended to read/watch/play but never got to it even if you think you would enjoy them?
Oh god I have like,,,,,actual giant stacks of books I haven’t read yet so there’s A Lot of those. I just,,,,,have a lot of things I haven’t watched or read or played ahdjfkg,,,too many to name
7) Comfort food?
idk probably fruit
8) What do you wish  you saw less of on your Dash?
s/u cr//it stresses me out so I have it blacklisted,,,,uh prob like,,,,stupid discourse,,,,when people misuse aro terms and make fun of them (like qpps and squishes) (not because I am aro just bc i have respect for the community and their experiences :///) and when ppl have “cringe culture”, and also memes that just make fun of people (like the “this post can be reblogged by anyone” one was just not cool at all :///)
9) Favourite clothing item you own?
prob uh,,,,,my high waisted shorts, the two pairs of knee highs i have (one says “fuck” the other has som aliens) and my pan pride tshirt
My questions!!
1) If you could have a practical superpower, and still had to live your normal life with it, what power would you have and what would you use it for?
2) Who’s your favorite OC? If you don’t have any OCs then what about someone else’s?
3) Gardens or Beaches?
4) What would be the first thing you’d say if you met aliens/supernatural non-humans
5) What’s your favorite thing about yourself? (Don’t skip out on this one!! Answer it honestly, even if your favorite thing seems silly--it’s important because its you!! And you’re important!! <33)
6) If you could thank any person--fictional or real, alive or not--who would it be and why?
7) What was your favorite subject in school? And if you didn’t have one, what was your favorite hobby when you were in school?
8) If you could have one inhuman/magical physical feature (hair, eyes, wings, claws, etc) what would it be and what would it look like?
9) If you stim, what’s your favorite stim? And if you don’t, what’s your favorite thing to calm you down?
10) What’s the last thing that made you laugh out loud?
Time to tag!!
@aliciasimaginaryfriends @sanrxo @spoopyshayne @gothiethefairy @iamtypinglike98madmen @onlinevalentinez @yuki-ryuuzaki @yaminerua @mostlikelytofangirl @angry-jewish-magical-girl @plumaeria
And feel free to join in if I’ve tagged you anywhere above!! Or if you just want to try on your own!!
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spookierswamp · 7 years
@questforsims tagged me in this questionnaire thing bc he knows they’re my favorite lmao, answers under the read more....
DO YOU SLEEP WITH YOUR CLOSET DOORS OPEN OR CLOSED? I'm literally terrified of people who can sleep with closet doors open like... do you fear nothing...?
HAVE YOU STOLEN A STREET SIGN BEFORE? not a street sign I guess but one time when I was 15 I was recovering from a party at a friends house in the middle of like, the Scottish nowherseville countryside and like 6am that morning we went out to take a walk and smoke and we ended up taking one of those roadworks signs back to her house for some reason... it was dumb lmao
DO YOU LIKE TO USE POST-IT NOTES? heck yeah there's a wall in my room that's just post-it notes lmao it calms me
DO YOU CUT OUT COUPONS BUT THEN NEVER USE THEM? we don't rly have coupon culture as much here but I probably would if I lived in America...
WOULD YOU RATHER BE ATTACKED BY A BIG BEAR OR A SWARM OF BEES? they don't allow you to have bees in here
DO YOU HAVE FRECKLES? no and thank goodness bc if I had freckles I'd be... too cute.... too powerful
DO YOU ALWAYS SMILE FOR PICTURES? like... in group photos sure but if it's a selfie I almost never smile lmao
WHAT IS YOUR BIGGEST PET PEEVE? loud/messy eaters tbh
DO YOU EVER COUNT YOUR STEPS WHEN YOU WALK? yeah I used to go on long hikes/walks in the forest and I'd be out for hours and like I'd take one of those pedometers w/ me and I'd feel so fuckin validated when I saw it get to 10,000 lmao...
HAVE YOU PEED IN THE WOODS? y'all foolin if you been out in the woods and you said you haven't tbh
HAVE YOU EVER POOPED IN THE WOODS? ok this is gross nevermind
DO YOU EVER DANCE EVEN IF THERE’S NO MUSIC PLAYING? nah but if you put a bop on i'll immediately start dancing
DO YOU CHEW YOUR PENS AND PENCILS? part of me is like 'nah that's p gross' but yeah i probably do
WHAT SIZE IS YOUR BED? like... it can fit me + another fully grown man so it's pretty big i guess
WHAT IS YOUR SONG OF THE WEEK? So Emotional by Whitney Houston
IS IT OK FOR GUYS TO WEAR PINK? I literally wear pink every day of my life you stupid bitch
DO YOU STILL WATCH CARTOONS? yeah but not like... with the intensity some of y'all do... i really liked Gravity Falls especially 
WHAT IS YOUR LEAST FAVORITE MOVIE? most disney movies tbh... I'll never get the appeal of them as a genre lmao... special shoutout to Ace Ventura: Pet Detective for being absolute fucking garbage though
WHERE WOULD YOU BURY HIDDEN TREASURE IF YOU HAD SOME? I probably wouldn't even have time to hide it cause I'd immediately lose it somewhere lmao
WHAT DO YOU DRINK WITH DINNER? honestly it depends on what dinner is? mostly I'll drink soda or wine
WHAT DO YOU DIP A CHICKEN NUGGET IN? mustard, ketchup, bbq sauce, ranch
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE FOOD? takoyaki! i also love any and all mexican food
WHAT MOVIES COULD YOU WATCH OVER AND OVER AGAIN AND STILL LOVE? there's literally... so many... lmao... Fire Walk With Me, The Birdcage, Scream, Wet Hot American Summer, Blair Witch Project, Donnie Darko, The Craft (like.. semi-ironically but I do love it lmao)
LAST PERSON YOU KISSED/KISSED YOU? a boy but he's lame so he won't be named here lmao
WERE YOU EVER A BOY/GIRL SCOUT? nah I always thought boy scouts were dumb but as an adult I kinda wish I'd been a part of something like that
WHEN WAS THE LAST TIME YOU WROTE A LETTER TO SOMEONE ON PAPER? me and my ex-boyfriend used to write letters to each other all the time! so probably like, last year
CAN YOU CHANGE THE OIL ON A CAR? nah, I've legit never even driven more than once lmao....
EVER GOTTEN A SPEEDING TICKET? ... the one time I drove around it was in an abandoned parking lot and my then-boyfriend was sitting next to me with one hand on the steering wheel it was fun...
EVER RAN OUT OF GAS? .... i almost hit another car that was doing the same thing but i didn't and i was so proud of myself lmao
WHAT’S YOUR FAVORITE KIND OF SANDWICH? meatball sub... or like.... steak & cheese
BEST THING TO EAT FOR BREAKFAST? pancakes, coffee, hashbrowns and/or a breakfast taco, at least two kolaches
WHAT IS YOUR USUAL BEDTIME? midnight or whenever i pass out after work
WHEN YOU WERE A KID, WHAT DID YOU DRESS UP AS FOR HALLOWEEN? aw heck so many things! Vampires have always been a big thing for me tho and I was both Spike and Angel from Buffy the Vampire Slayer multiple times lmao
WHAT IS YOUR CHINESE ASTROLOGICAL SIGN? I can never remember which one but either dog or pig
HOW MANY LANGUAGES CAN YOU SPEAK? I can barely speak my first language lmao but I can bluff my way thru German and I've made half-assed attempts at learning Russian, Japanese and Icelandic before...
EVER WATCH SOAP OPERAS? British soaps are genuinely class but I never rly keep up w/ them, also telenovelas are amazing and important...
ARE YOU AFRAID OF HEIGHTS? nah I love heights! I was afraid of them as a kid but ask any of my friends/boyfriends and they'll tell you I'm always trying to get people to go to the top of stuff lmao
DO YOU SING IN THE CAR? only during inebriated night-time road adventures
DO YOU SING IN THE SHOWER? pretty much constantly lmao
DO YOU DANCE IN THE CAR? like... how?
EVER USED A GUN? honestly I've never even touched a gun lmao
DO YOU THINK MUSICALS ARE CHEESY? yeah of course who doesn’t
EVER EAT A PIEROGI? no but it feels like my kind of shit
FAVORITE TYPE OF FRUIT PIE? (dale cooper voice) cherry pie
OCCUPATIONS YOU WANTED TO BE WHEN YOU WERE A KID? painter or director, something artistic or whatever, maybe something with computers I always figured I’d be good at
DO YOU BELIEVE IN GHOSTS? yeah I love ghosts they're all my good pals
EVER HAVE A DEJA-VU FEELING? yeah and I'll do things multiple times in a row just out of not paying attention lmao
DO YOU TAKE A VITAMIN DAILY? yeah I take an A-Z multivit and cod liver oil usually
DO YOU WEAR SLIPPERS? nah they make my feet too damn warm boy
DO YOU WEAR A BATHROBE? nah but when I'm a guest in a hotel w/ somebody I'm always claiming dibs on the complementary bathrobe lmao
WHAT DO YOU WEAR TO BED? if it's cold I'll wear like a t-shirt or something
WHAT WAS YOUR FIRST CONCERT? I went to a bunch of festivals and free concerts and stuff as a tiny lil' baby ten year old but the first one I went to without parents was probably like... Fall Out Boy? or another band from my 2007 - 2009 emo phase lmao
WALMART, TARGET, OR KMART? the only thing I learned when I was in America was that Walmart is both haunted and cursed, Target is The Promised Land and Kmart is a sensory hallucination
NIKE OR ADIDAS? Adidas.... also I like the new adidas NHL kits sue me....
CHEETOS OR FRITOS? the first time I had Fritos it was with a bean dip and I almost barfed so definitely Cheetos lmao
PEANUTS OR SUNFLOWER SEEDS? both are gross whatever
EVER HEAR OF THE GROUP TRES BIEN? no but they sound very good
EVER WON A SPELLING BEE? I legit don't think we have those here but I definately would have if I competed because I was the best damn speller in my class
HAVE YOU EVER CRIED BECAUSE YOU WERE SO HAPPY? I laugh-cry more than anything tbh
OWN ANY RECORD ALBUMS? nah I used to have a record player and I've bought a bunch of records as gifts for people but like I download all my music anyway so I'm 2 lazy 2 cheap lmao
DO YOU REGULARLY BURN INCENSE? nah but I love candles
EVER BEEN IN LOVE? yeah but honestly once was enough lmao
WHO WOULD YOU LIKE TO SEE IN CONCERT? literally one of my only goals in life is to see Bjork live before she quits music or I die lmao... also Math the Band (again), Anamanaguchi, Mac Demarco, The Mountain Goats...
WHAT WAS THE LAST CONCERT YOU SAW? not like a concert I guess but I went to see Kim Chi perform in February and it was lit
HOT TEA OR COLD TEA? like... Iced Tea? the way this is worded is disgusting lmao I'll go with hot tea
TEA OR COFFEE? I literally make coffee every single fucking day of my life @ work and like... not only do I now hate it I hate anyone who drinks it lmao
SUGAR COOKIES OR SNICKERDOODLES? what the fuck does this mean
DJ OR BAND AT A WEDDING? I'm not the kind of person to have friends who are in bands and not ask them to play at my wedding lmao also wedding DJ's are always weird old men
EVER WON A CONTEST? yeah I've won like.. talent shows and stupid semi-academic shit like that but nothing super cool
HAVE YOU EVER HAD PLASTIC SURGERY? nah but no question i'd absolutely get it
CAN YOU KNIT OR CROCHET? nah but i can kind of sew
BEST ROOM FOR A FIREPLACE? every room but only if you live in a log cabin or some shit
DO YOU WANT TO GET MARRIED? yeah but like, not for the sake of being married? 
WHO WAS YOUR HIGHSCHOOL CRUSH? aw man I threw a lot of time and energy into dating boys in high school but like... my biggest crushes were always unattainable and short-lived lmao so no-one notable...
DO YOU CRY AND THROW A FIT UNTIL YOU GET YOUR OWN WAY? god honestly any single one of my friends/previous boyfriends will tell you I throw tantrums over literally anything lmao... I usually act pretty stable and emotionally mature but when I'm comfortable with people I'll fuck shit up for no reason lmao
DO YOU WANT KIDS? I'm way too self-centered and emotionally unavailable for any of that shit right now lmao but in like 10 years I'd be open to it for sure
WHAT IS YOUR FAVORITE COLOR? forest green, goth purples, black, pink, also what can only be described as like, Nickelodeon slime green
WHO ARE YOU GOING TO TAG TO DO THIS TAG NEXT? nobody! it's like, 100 questions long and I don't feel comfortable that tagging any of you won't be annoying lmao but if you wanna do this msg me and I'll tag you in it! ! ! ! 
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be-a-nice · 7 years
Hello! I am Eunice! I’ve existed on this planet for a little more than 17 years. I decided to make a studyblr because two of my close friends have a studyblr (@biochemistryy (which I’m manually linking because Tumblr refuses to acknowledge its existence?) and @symphonystudies ) and that seems fun! 
Plus, I’ll be starting university this fall and it’ll be nice to start a blog at the same time as I start this new chapter of my life. I’m undeclared for now, but I intend on majoring in Computer Science. I hope to major in something else as well, although I don’t know what yet. I’m the worst at studying but I want to work really hard and be the best that I can be in college, so I hope that making a studyblr will help make me more productive!
This ended up being really long so… more after the break!
I’m really relaxed, slow, and carefree but I’m also really timid and cannot operate under stress at all. I’m also kind of scared of people (and being judged–actually, I’m well aware that this introduction is super long and I’m having second thoughts about posting it so that maybe 1.5 people will see it and judge me on it. But `I spent way too much time on this so there’s no going back) and not very sociable but I’m working on that, so talk to me! I have the tendency to be vague (”Concerning this project… I have goals in mind. What goals? Well, to be specific… many”) and to exaggerate things (”The clock may have shown only a minute has passed, but I’ve literally been doing this for 10 years and I can feel myself dying already”).
I tend to dream big and would usually set my standard way higher than my current ability level or I just don’t have standards at all. For an example. I realize most people’s introductions are not as long as this or as self-obsessive as this, but I before I began, I had established the goal of having several subheadings in my introduction and a decent chunk of writing per subheading and I am not about to give up on that goal because of something as silly as “the reader will get bored.” My tendency to overshoot is not the best since I also have approximately zero energy ever and I’m super lazy so I never do anything if there are no repercussions to my inaction. I’m also terrible at finishing things and I usually have a ton of half-written stories or projects lying around, although this might be a byproduct of my inability to set and follow through on reasonable goals. I’m trying to do and finish more things, though. I’m making some progress. I mean, I have this studyblr now, right?
That quickly got kind of negative at the end, but in general, I love being myself. It’s great. I just tend to compare myself to people and feel inferior sometimes, but I bounce back in a day, at most.
I’m not really an intense kind of person and usually, I fall in love with something for a couple of days or hours and then move on from that honeymoon phase so I don’t actually belong to any fandom.
It sounds way lame, but my extrinsic motivations to do things are usually one of the following:
+ I can listen to music more
+ I’m expected to do this
+ People will think I’m cool
+ People will dislike me if I don’t
+ People will like me if I do
+ I wanna make my friends/my family/whoever proud/surprised
+ I want this to exist but it doesn’t
My favorite genre of music is musicals! Ahaha… That doesn’t really count because there is a wide range of genres in musicals. I’m not a super-fan with knowledge of some obscure musical or whatever, but I casually listen to a couple of popular ones, and I’m fine with that. Currently, I really like Be More Chill, In the Heights, Spring Awakening, and Evita. I really like musical cartoons like My Little Pony and Steven Universe. They’re just so cute and brightly colored! There might be more, but I can’t think of any right now. I wish there were more cartoons with a ton of songs. I like any music though–although I’m super partial towards music with vocals because I’m a choir person–and I would love getting music recommendations! 
I vaguely know the theory behind guitar and piano. I never practice ever, though, so my ability level is embarrassingly low.
Since I was small, my response to the question “What do you like to do?” has been “write, draw, sing, read.” I don’t do them all in equal measure though. For an example, this year, I’ve hardly written or drawn for fun. I’m doing those more so far this summer, but it pales in comparison to when I was in that “phase.” My writing phase was mostly in late elementary school and then it happened again early high school. I was in my drawing phase in early elementary and the middle of high school. I had my singing phase late middle and high school and my reading phase was all of elementary school, early middle and high school, and late high school. I really like fantasy and supernatural kinds of stories. Or anything funny, I guess. I also like books about cognition and sleep. Basically, the functionings of the mind. Recently though, the only thing I’ll read are translated light novels about transmigration of a modern human to another fantasy world that’s usually an otome game or something. It’s so niche and cliche I could die of embarrassment. Luckily no one will read this except for maybe the two people I gave a shoutout to, so… Hello, friends! Please ignore me!
I’m absolutely terrible or at best, average, and all of those things, though, so that’s kind of sad. Although I can read pretty fast and stay focused for long periods of time while still retaining the information if I am actually interested in the text, though, so I’m kind of proud of that.
Other than those things I do all the time, varyingly, there are other things I picked up recently that I love and want to do more of. I really like sewing because the idea of making things is just so nice to me, programming because that’s amazing and I can do everything with is and that’s amazing I just need to actually figure out what I’m doing first, and probably other things, but they aren’t coming to mind right now.
The only language I know is English but I want to know literally all the other languages that exist in the world. My top five, however, are:
1. Japanese - Most of the media I consume are natively in English or Japanese so it’ll be nice to learn Japanese so I don’t have to wait for forever for the translations. Plus, I’ve always wanted to learn since I first watched anime while I was an elementary school kid.
2. Mandarin - After English and Japanese, Mandarin makes up the greatest amount of media I consume (mostly light novels). Plus, it’s widely-spoken so it must be useful! Since it’s spoken in so many places, there are a ton of different accents and so native speakers are more forgiving if I mess up so I don’t need to worry that much about my accent! A lot of my friends speak Mandarin as their mother tongue or are fluent in it, and it’ll be nice to connect with them in this way.
3. Cantonese - My parents came from Hong Kong and speak Cantonese as natives. I really want to get in touch with my roots and learn it too! Plus, a lot of my family and some of my friends speak it natively and I want to be able to connect with them in their native language.
4. Spanish - Spanish is also really popular and musicals like Evita and In the Heights make me want to learn Spanish. Besides, I live in California and California has a sizable Spanish-speaking population. One of my best friends speaks Spanish natively and it’s so cool and I want to talk to her in Spanish too! Plus, it is from the same family as English so it won’t be as hard as learning something completely different like Hindi or something… ?
5. Korean - A lot of my friends are excited about K-pop and want to learn Korean and I want to learn Korean with them and be a part of that experience. But really, the main reason why I first wanted to learn Korean was because the spelling is very logical and I thought “eh, why not?” I couldn’t remember the Hangul at all though, so I dropped it by the day’s end, hahaha. But I went to Korea recently and I love the clothes and things and the people seem really nice and I want to be able to make a friend in Korea and maybe didn’t even know English because that would be different! And cool!
I love cats! I’m allergic, but that doesn’t stop my love for cats! Dogs are cute too and birds are way up there too, but cats have purr-loined my heart! I really like puns too. I think they’re cute and clever and people who can make constant puns and turn of phrases are amazing. My favorite characters are the energetic, excited child (or child-like) characters such as Seven from Mystic Messenger or Wheatley from Portal 2. I also really like Heathcliff from Wuthering Heights and Erik from Phantom of the Opera though, so that’s not a hard and fast rule. Although… I like writing dark and moody characters as well as childish and excited characters, especially them being best friends and acting as each other’s foils, so that’s probably where my character preferences come from. I love pastels and I love clothes and I love pastel clothes! I’m terrible with fashion though and I’ve been wearing yoga pants and a jacket basically all my life. It recently changed to leggings, a t-shirt, and an outerwear, and I’ve been trying to dress more nicely recently, but all in all, I’m still pretty hobo-like in appearance. I like anime although I haven’t really been reading or watching anything in particular. I just like anime in general and it really reflects in everything I do, whoops. I’m kind of embarrassed by that though.
(For this summer)
+ Be more sociable
+ Be more cheerful, excited about life
+ Actually stick with things and don’t drop them in three seconds
+ Set goals better
+ Accomplish something measurable by the summer’s end
Welp, it’s 1:11 AM here in Canada so I should sleep.
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missunderstoodxoxo · 7 years
Scott and Marlee kid!
I know for sure that Scarlee definitely has at least two kids, so I’m going to tell you about both of them. This is going to be looooooooooooooong, so I’m adding a “keep reading”.
Name: Alexander “Alex” Colin McCall
Gender: Male
General Appearance: Alex looks a lot like his father but there’s just enough of his mother in his appearance that there’s no doubt that he is his parents’ son. The only thing he didn’t inherit from either of them is his hazel eyes but, ya know, genetics. One of his best features is his bright smile that Marlee swears is all Scott’s doing. His go-to outfit includes jeans, a t-shirt, and sneakers. (Though he sometimes switches out the sneakers for boots, an homage to his parents’ love for them.)
Personality: Alex is one of the more well-liked individuals in school because while he acts like the “big man on campus”, he’s also genuinely nice to people. (Well, most of the time.) One is likely to find him throwing smiles and cracking jokes with others in the hallway. While he and his sister both inherited their mother’s love of music, he likes rock more than anything else- that doesn’t mean you won’t catch him humming along to something like an old Taylor Swift song at home. Speaking of his sister, he loves to spend time annoying her but secretly she’s his best friend. Loyalty runs strong in their family and the two siblings are no exception. He is extremely protective of her and isn’t afraid to throw a punch to defend her honor. Similar to Marlee, math isn’t really his forte but his dad helps him get through it. Otherwise, Alex is rather intelligent but he doesn’t like to show it off.
Special talents: For one, Alex is a werewolf, just like his dad. (Being the werewolf son of the True Alpha is both freaking awesome yet totally overwhelming.) He struggles with it at times but overall, he’s managed it pretty well. At school, he’s captain of the swim team and a member of student council. He’s taken up boxing as a hobby, though he can only really do it with other supernatural beings due to his strength. (After a lot of begging, he’s convinced his mom to go up against him once or twice.) He also rules at hacky sack and is learning to play bass guitar.
Who they like better: He likes them both but he is lowkey a mama’s boy. Alex has a certain respect for his mom because while Scott can be authoritative in a levelheaded True Alpha-way, Marlee isn’t afraid to clap back at her son whenever he steps out of line. She won’t hesitate in the slightest to set him straight if need be; he both loathes and admires that about her.
Who they take after more: Though he does share some of his dad’s qualities, Alex takes after Marlee more, as he gained her sarcasm and temperament. They butt heads at times because of this but the situation tends to blow over soon after.
Personal headcanon: When Marlee was pregnant with Alex, she and Scott were both extremely nervous about becoming parents. Sometimes it would be the middle of the night and Scott would have to reassure her that she was going to be an awesome mother. Meanwhile Scott was determined to be the best father he could be, not wanting his child to ever experience the type of relationship he had with his own father growing up. The minute Alex was born though, they both completely fell in love with him. They were a bit unsure of themselves at first but they quickly got the hang of things, with the help of their friends and family.
Face Claim: Noah Centineo
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Name: Avery Luna McCall
Gender: Female
General Appearance: Avery inherited her mom’s blonde hair and pale complexion, which are paired with brown eyes and angular facial features that she got from her dad. She wears a lot of plaid, leather, and denim- but that doesn’t mean that she doesn’t have girly clothes. (Her Aunt Lydia makes sure to influence her.) Marlee also gave Avery quite a few of her old rings and necklaces from when she was her age. Her favorite makeup is, of course, her eyeliner.
Personality: Avery is rather well-behaved- when you subtract her family members and friends from the equation. (After all, she is related to the Keatings and grew up with the McCall pack as a constant in her life.) People do tend to be surprised when she starts spouting off swear words. (There is no doubt that she is Marlee’s daughter.) She and her brother are both well-liked at school, though she prefers to remain a little bit more low-key than he does. Avery has learned how to juggle school, extracurricular activities, her social life, and the supernatural. She does get stressed out about it but luckily she has the support of those around her. She loves reading, listening to music, and watching TV shows and movies- just like her mom. She’s the perfect blend of sweet and sassy.
Special talents: While Avery didn’t inherit her mother’s supernatural powers, some of the qualities are there. She is more in tune with nature than most people are. The two regularly go on walks through the woods and have a big garden that they attend to. Avery also does ballet and tap dancing. (The dances they perform in her tap classes are commonly pop songs.) She can recite almost every line in The Breakfast Club and has an extensive knowledge of several book series.
Who they like better: She likes both of her parents pretty equally. She adores almost everything about them.
Who they take after more: I’d say she takes after Scott just a bit more, as she’s calm and optimistic. She also wants to be a veterinarian, like him, except she wants to work with zoo animals. (It helps that animals seem to love her.)
Personal headcanon: Young Avery has a habit of interacting with people that share names with people the pack have met before. (Marlee is not about that life and Scott has to be the voice of reason.)
Marlee tells her first grader daughter that she’s not allowed to make friends with the girl in her class named Jennifer.
“I have never met a nice Jennifer. It’s an evil name. Some might even say it’s a curse.”
“Marlee stop.”
“You listen to me, McCall. That crazy lady almost ruined our lives. I refuse to let another Jennifer ruin the lives of our children.”
“You know you’re a McCall too, right?”
“That’s not the point!”
A few years down the line, when Avery is in fourth grade, she tells her parents that she has a crush on a boy named Theo. Marlee’s right eye twitches and she walks to her and Scott’s bedroom to scream into a pillow. She calls Stiles and he freaks.
“Little McCall- no. Theos are terrible people and are not to be trusted. I bet you that he’s already started forging permission slips, that little devil.”
Scott is just like, “Guys, staaaaaahp.”
Face Claim: Kiernan Shipka
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(Neither of gifs are mine)
Shoutout to @catgrant, whose conversation with me made up the personal headcanon for Avery!
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imi-ike · 7 years
tagged by @bisexualpattytolan in a ton of stuff so here is Too Much Information about me
Rules: tag 9 people you want to know better
How old are you? 26
What’s your current job? pharmacy technician
What are you talented at? crocheting, photoshop, dancing
What is a big goal you are working toward (or have already achieved)? i am working on getting ready to move to new york city sometime this year. it’s been a long time goal of mine. can’t wait to finally be Home, ya know?
What’s your aesthetic? stumbling your way through a messy room to get to a perfectly organized bookshelf, a desk full of empty teacups, odd numbers, the ugliest item of clothing on the rack, walking fast on a city street, mustard yellow pea coats, high-waisted jeans and leg warmers, handmade hats and store-bought scarves, like if a kate spade bag were a person...only messy
Do you collect anything? i guess playbills?
What’s a topic you always talk about? pretty little liars, broadway, feminism, ghostbusters, astrology
What’s a pet peeve of yours? people who just spit on the ground for no reason ew please stop ALSO OKAY SERIOUSLY smokers who are smoking until the literal last second before they walk in the door and then they exhale that final puff of smoke right into the room like excuse me my buddy my guy let me tell you about the main fucking reason you have to smoke outside it’s bc people are trying to breathe clean air in here my man
Good advice to give? guilty pleasures are bullshit if you like a thing just like it literally no one cares
What are three songs you’d recommend? find me - sigma feat. birdy, flux and flow - lights, she’s out of her mind - blink 182
Rules: Copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 26 b - biggest fear: sharks c - current time: 10:11pm d - drink you last had: iced tea e - every day starts with: ghostbusters theme song alarm f - favorite song: whyyawannabringmedown - kelly clarkson g - ghosts, are they real: too much eerie shit has been reported for me to not think they are h - hometown: philadelphia i - in love with: not a damn person j - jealous of: people with great skin and practically hairless bodies k - killed someone: not that i can recall l - last time you cried: randomly yesterday while i was listening to defying gravity idk why fam i was going through it m - middle name: don’t have one n - number of siblings: one o - one wish: to be free of student loan debt p - person you last called/texted: my friend gibby. she wanted to ask if i thought she had a chance of ever dating kristen stewart. q - questions you’re always asked: how do you spell your name? you mean you never want to have kids? are you going to [event] BY YOURSELF? r - reasons to smile: when they play kelly clarkson on the radio, when your friends say things that reaffirm how much you love them and how proud you are of them as people in general but also for the open-minded brilliant caring feminist girl gang they’ve become, cute fanfictions, discount broadway tickets s - song last sang: candy store - heathers t - time you woke up: 7:27am u - underwear color: like a coral/peach color v - vacation destination: usually wildwood, nj w - worst habit: procrastination. or dermatillomania (not sure if i can consider that a “habit”) x - x-rays you’ve had: got a cervical spine xray and a chest xray y - your favorite food: mushrooms z - zodiac sign: leo
★ Nickname: neen, jay, my dad calls me deedee
★ Star sign: leo
★ Height: 5′0″ish
★ Time right now: 11:31pm
★ Favorite music artist(s): kelly clarkson, evanescence, sara bareilles, halsey, icon for hire
★ Last movie I watched: fast five
★ Last TV show watched: fringe
★ What are you wearing right now?: gray pajama pants, black kathy’s school of dance tshirt (shoutout)
★ When did you make your blog?: 2009???
★ What kind of stuff do you post: almost entirely fandom-related things, ghostbusters, kristen stewart, pretty little liars, teen wolf, ace text posts
★ Do you have any other blogs?: i used to have a bunch but i’ve gotten rid of them i am a very lazy blog owner
★ Do you get asks regularly?: not really
★ Why did you choose your URL?: because paige mccullers is literally everything to me. every single thing.
★ Gender: female
★ Hogwarts house: ravenclaw
★ Pokemon team: instinct
★ Favorite color: yellow
★ Average hours of sleep: max is 8, but lbr it’s usually more like 5
★ Lucky numbers: 7, 13, 713
★ Favorite characters: paige mccullers, meg masters, alice cullen, mickey milkovich, malia tate
★ How many blankets do you sleep with?: usually 2 throw blankets
★ Dream job: ugh i have such a hard time answering this question, i can be happy doing anything if the situation is right
10 characters, 10 fandoms
paige mccullers, pretty little liars
meg masters, supernatural
erica reyes, teen wolf
faith lehane, btvs
mickey milkovich, shameless
patty tolan, ghostbusters
alice cullen, twilight
elphaba thropp, wicked
emily gilmore, gilmore girls
logan echolls, veronica mars
tagged by @imjadedbutohsolovely for this last one! :)
rules: list 10 good things that happened in 2016 and then tag 10 friends
1. ghostbusters existed and it was wonderful and i love the toltzmann fandom
2. saw halsey in concert at madison square garden on my birthday
3. flew to chicago to see my best friend
4. flew to vegas for a work trip but also had so much fun and finally met @sex-hair-clarkson
5. figured out and accepted my (a)sexuality and let me tell you fam i feel fucking fantastic about it like...not knowing was so exhausting
6. got my first tattoo
7. finally got netflix
8. saw evanescence in concert for the first time amy is so amazing live i have been dreaming about seeing her since i was like 12 and it was perfect
9. paige mccullers came back to pretty little liars and i connected with a bunch of people over it and those people saved me and my mental health (i was not okay i was basically not eating bc i was so stressed) i would not have made it through the season or this upcoming season without them
10. the election was a clusterfuck but i got to vote for a woman to be president of the united fucking states and it was a fucking MOMENT and no one will take that from me
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trenthix · 6 years
Salutatory Speech.
Salutatory Speech.
So as Salutatorian, I was told I would have to write a speech focused on the history… I find that a bit challenging, but here it goes.
A very long time ago, the universe did not exist. There was infinite mass and density, and said universe couldn’t take it, so there was a boom. A big bang of sorts…
Then in the late 90’s and early 2000’s we were born. One of us, in fact, was born on this very day. I want to wish Alicia Hernandez a happy birthday. (sing alicia happy birthday)
So we were born. Our worries were few, but substantial. Two of my personal struggles included catching the next spongebob episode and drinking chocolate milk too fast.
We started pre-school. My only memory from there is getting sick on one too many pigs in a blanket. We met some of our first friends here. Simple times.
2004 - Facebook was created.
2005 - Youtube was created.
Then we started Elementary school. I was at east ridge. Our worries here included getting the last breakfast pizza that was left over because “adam wasn’t here and he would want me to have it.” They included  obsessively cramming for spelling tests, memorizing multiplication facts,  and taking our first TAKS test. TAKS test. Feel old yet?
2006 - Twitter was created
We moved onto 4th grade at SIS… The turf wars began. And for the folks that don’t know, there were two different elementary schools that brought up Kindergarten through 3rd grade. And then these two schools would feed into SIS, Sweetwater Intermediate School. This was our world now. Where we came from defined a person… were you from east ridge, or were you from south east? And I’m ending the beef now, East Ridge was the better of the two. Only kidding! It didn’t matter. There were good things from both schools. I’m just glad that hating and judging people from where they’re from is only something 4th and 5th graders do.
I digress. We’d rack up AR Points ca ching! We’d party like the year we were born… Flamingo fling. Not many worries, but we were still in a hurry, learning about history and Martin Luther King. And those days remained romanticized because again, our biggest concerns only included passing a TAKS test and… our first puberty class.
2010 - Instagram was created
Speaking of puberty, here came middle school. Oh my God. Puberty was like Everyone telling you to look both ways before crossing the street to watch for cars and then a falcon swoops down from the sky and attacks you. Folks I thought that was it for us. As soon as coach Huskey said “Let’s go hit that creek” I recall thinking to myself “yeah I’m going to die in the next few hours.” I found my passion: Band. I also found what I thought was my passion: Football. I remember one day Kiante hit me and I was like “I don’t think I like this very much.” Life got real. Technology took off. We all got phones, social media, iPads. Remember how cool we thought we looked with all of our decent selfies  camwow retro logo in the bottom left? Instagram, Snapchat, facebook, tumblr (lowkey though), Jokebox, iFunny, Youtube, and for the first time, We stopped going to older people for help and we got online and googled it. We were the pioneer generation that was raised by technology. Surrounded by information in the times of our lives when we needed it the most. We began to comprehend the different weights of life. As a middle schooler I pulled a few all-nighters to finish projects and homework… I may or may not have procrastinated on. Our priority list was fine tuned. School and extracurricular were up there now. But memes, relationships, and social media were among them as well.
2012 - Vine was created
Then came High School. lots of smells in high school have you noticed that? The big room smells like shredded tires and hard work and dedication with a hint of Trent tears scattered here and there. You could always tell when bunsen burners were on because the science hall always smelled unpleasant. And Mrs. Melendez’s room when she would burn those Orange Buttercream Scenses that smell like fruity pebbles oh my god.
Smells like the big room, bunsen burners, teen spirit, and those scense’s are the things I think I’ll remember the most.
I learned a few important things in my time in High school that I’d like to share with you.
Freshman year I learned that if you’re unhappy in your situation, you have the ability to change it. Whether it be relationships, extracurricular, or any aspect of life, you can change it. I also learned that social media can be a cruel blackhole, that can distort views, reputations, and relationships. Even more so today. Tread carefully.
Sophomore year, I learned the true value of hard work thanks to Mrs. Judith Brentz. She taught us many valuable lessons, the most important being “how to use our heads for something more than keeping your ears apart.” I also got my first B… Thanks Mrs. Mac. I also got my second B… Thanks Mrs. Brentz. I also learned how to rid my life of toxic people, and for the first time I began to see the world for what it really was. All the variables, and the factors that can play into what, when, why, and how we think the things we think.
Junior year was the toughest for me. Between band, Round 2 of Brentz for chem 2, Coach Mayes, Work, and family…. It taught me that you can’t do everything you want to, and at the same time get enough sleep. I also learned that it’s healthy to rock the boat every now and then. You’ll either get humbled, humble someone else, or if conditions are just right, a healthy mix of the two.
I also learned probably the most important lesson I’ve learned thus far. This applies to everyone listening, Teachers, families, current students, etc. If you don’t get anything about my longwinded speech, please hear this.
My junior year, I stopped worrying about grades, and I started doing the best I could to learn and retain everything that was being taught to me. Numbers are just Numbers. But what we should understand is that we have the world’s most powerful computer between our ears, and once we start using it, we become unstoppable. There are people that will disagree with what I’m about to say, but stop trying ace tests. Stop trying to do the bare minimum to get by. Learn and retain the information, and those good grades will come. I guarantee it. And class of 2018, it’s not too late to apply to your lives. Whether you’re going to college or not, this is a fundamental principle that can be applied across the board, and I encourage you to do so.
Alright back to jokes.
My senior year I learned lots. Like how you can overcook a TV Dinner and still get food poisoning, ruining your chance for perfect attendance that year. Once I started seeing colleges I started learning how a world that I thought was so big is about a whole lot bigger. I learned that if you fall asleep exactly 47 minutes before the first bell, you’ll wake up and be in a sour mood the entire day. I learned that once people figure out that you’re doing a speech at graduation, everyone wants a shout out. I also learned that you can market shoutouts and get a headstart on paying tuition by selling them for a dollar a piece. I also learned that I should’ve thought of that sooner and not just the night before I gave the speech. Nobody bought shoutouts. (this was what was originally written, but nick gomez bought a shoutout lol)
But our priority list is strict now. When we have to be where and with who? Some of us are paying bills, we have to worry about finances, college tuition, student loans, our next meal, car payments, gas money, textbooks, toothpaste, medical, dental, water, electrical, internet, phone bills. Oh my God I thought I wanted to be an adult but this isn’t what I meant. Of course, those are all things we should be concerned about.
I for one have my priorities just a little bit different
My biggest worries are still catching the latest episode of spongebob and drinking chocolate milk at the right speed.
So welcome. I hope you enjoy tonight’s ceremonies. I’m going to wrap this up with a few thank yous, and we’ll get on with it.
Thank you God, for the many blessings you’ve laid upon my life as well as the blessings you’ve given my friends and family. I know I tick you off sometimes, so, I just ask that you’ll bear with me. I’m still learning
Thank you to my dad. You’ve taught me a lot. The most memorable being the wisdom you passed on from my grandmother in heaven… To never take life too seriously.
Thanks momma. You make me laugh like no one else can. And you get me the way no one else can. You can bet everything you say I’m gonna steal and make it my own. I love you.
Marlee, you’re the only one that gets me emotional anymore. I’m so proud of you. I once described you to a friend as a little packet of sunshine that grew arms, legs, and a face, and now you just walk around spreading happiness and joy. I’m glad you made your own path and didn’t follow in my footsteps. I know you’ll continue to make me proud with everything that you do.
Band - Thank you for giving me a place I belong. I’m odd, and yall were okay with it. Without you, I wouldn’t be standing up here.
Directors - Thanks for making me feel at home. I still cant wait to call yall by yall’s first names here in about an hour.
Teachers and Administrators - Thank you for bearing with me. I know I was a thorn in yall’s side from time to time with scandalous assignments and requests. And Mrs. Reyes and Mrs. Little… I made it.
(With the exception of what’s bolded, the other shoutouts made were ad-libbed and did not have a concrete order. I recall thanking other teachers, friends, and family, and shouting out nick gomez, lauren rodriguez, and trini and bell.)
And last but not least, I’d like to thank Jeff Stein and Richard Ferguson for keeping me on their staff after numerous hiccups on 96.7 FM, 1240 AM, KXOX. Good times, great country. For the job opportunity you’ve given me, you helped ease the financial stress that comes from being a poor high schooler, and a soon to be college student. I cant thank you enough.
And in closing. Heed this warning, everyone listening.
We are strong.
We are persistent.
We are mustangs.
We will go on.
We will succeed.
We will prosper.
We are coming.
We are graduating
We are the Class of 2018.
Thank you, and God Bless.
“Salutations” //Trent(on) Hicks. May 25, 2018
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2017: A Reflection
Welcome to Rachel Pistachio’s new creation. Please leave a message and make sure to follow!
Okay, honestly? I’m really awkward when it comes to introductions and first impressions. So I guess, here it goes?
Fun Facts About Moi:
I like lists.
I am Greek-Mexican American.
I get called Rachel more than my actual name (Rebecca).
My last name is Cypriot Greek slang for Watermelon.
I’d like to think I am a combination of Audrey Hepburn and Selena Quintanilla (obviously the biggest delusion I have).
I can’t think of any other cool things about myself.
Phew, now that that's over…
Man, I don’t even know how to begin this post. Currently, I am sitting on a worn-out faux white leather sofa in the dark. Well, not completely.
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Proof that indeed I am not in complete darkness
I can’t really tell if wanting to write this post is a result of wonderful family cheer or the fact that 2017 has been worth reminiscing. Nevertheless, here we are.
Memories of 2017
1. had a great seventeenth bday
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I celebrated seventeen years on this earth surrounded by people that make my life significantly better. There were also s’mores, frozen noses, good music, and delicious cake. (Peep Sage, a human being that makes my life pretty interesting)
**Also, please ignore my incredibly obvious farmer’s tan**
2. received my first B in high school (it was liberating btw)
Going through high school, especially the one I currently attend, involves competition amongst people you should really be calling your friends. Amidst my small class size and incredibly intelligent people, I always felt the pressure to make straight-A’s regardless of what I was or wasn’t learning. Attending that school has taught me all the wrong, toxic things. 
Needless to say, junior year was probably the shittiest time of my life, but that is not why this made the list.
The second semester of my junior year involved sleep deprivation and a stupid amount of stress, and eventually I found myself passing out in my dual-credit Calculus II class during an exam. Pretty embarrassing to be honest. And yet, an extremely incredible experience that I dearly needed.
You see, although I did have an asshole math teacher, passing out in that class and getting a B gave me the reality check I needed. I needed to realize that good grades does not correlate to actual learning.
Also, news flash, I am an incredible human being whose value is actually not measured by straight-A’s when I have so many other things going for me. :)
3. flashmobbed w/ awesome gals
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My summer began with the inception of the Flamenco Youth Fundraising Council. To put it in a nutshell, we are all a group of gals that wanted to watch incredible dancers, so we blessed the city of Albuquerque by flashmobbing the streets and ultimately making $4k in two weeks. The day this picture was taken, we were downtown and a man offered us coffee on the house. We were also mural hopping and being extremely fierce (definitely not cute, fierce).
4.  attended the stanford hssc for the second time
I don’t even know how to begin this one. The eight weeks that this program offered me a home were the most amazing weeks of my entire summer (aside from the fact that it kind of was my entire summer). 
Not only did I spend an invigoratingly independent time on campus, I stayed up late either finising my cs assignments, enjoying thought-provoking and hilarious conversation, or a combination of the two, and every bit was amazing. 
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Peep the incredible people I was blessed to meet and spend my summer with. Not only were they witty, smart, and everything you could ask for in a person, they were also really hawt.
5. had my first kiss
I guess you can say that the summer program might have offered a bit more than academics?
In all honesty though, this was definitely one to cross off the bucket list. Although I’d been previously presented with the offer, my little naive self continued to refuse, expecting an epic story.
Well, epic is a pretty good description. Let’s just say I was beginning to grow impatient listening on the sidelines as my friends recounted their first kisses in exciting whispers. I knew my time would come, but when?
I never thought my time would involve an amazing summer with a relatable person who actually made me secure and comfortable. All I can say is thank god I waited for my epic moment and not some cheap shot who I could have settled for. 
Also, thank god for roommates who can’t make curfew and large campuses where you won’t become embarrassed by a stranger’s familiar face.
6. rediscovered my actual obsession w/ poetry
Coming back from a great summer brought immediate depression and senioritis as I had to step into the real world of Rebecca-in-Albuquerque-with-grandiose-expectations. And then, it happened.
I discovered Button Poetry on YouTube.
For those who haven’t heard of this channel, Button Poetry publishes videos of slam poetry from various authors. Well, I happen to come across Sarah Kay and her marvelous poetry on love and the reality of life. All I can say is, click the link below to be blessed with words that will sing the best melody to your ears.
7. performed at tedx
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The Youth Fundraising Council had been given the incredible opportunity to step on the TEDxABQ stage and fill it with passion and art. Plus, we were given VIP passes, so you already know that we spent all day getting our hair and makeup done, along with pocketing all the expensive snacks and pretending we were indeed professional like all the other middle-aged accomplished humans we shared the stage with.
**Shoutout to our founder Caro (pictured in sunglasses) for literally being my type of human**
8. became an apprentice for the professional company
Since I began dancing flamenco at the age of five, my friends and I had this amazing hope and dream that we would one day be sharing the stage with our teachers and mentors. Well, this semester, I was given the opportunity to partake in the company’s rehearsals with guest artists and surrounded by motivated and incredibly hardworking people every day. With the 20 hours a week I danced this semester, I have to say it was all worth it. 
Let’s just say I learned a lot more than dance technique. I learned how to be extremely confident in myself and my abilities. I learned to be my harshest critic, and my best teacher. 
Although I may not end up in the actual company, this lifelong dream of mine is the best news to receive during my final year in Albuquerque.
9. danced with actual legends
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Okay, just seeing this picture gives me chills. When I tell you that the people I shared the stage with that night are legends, I truly mean it. I mean I’ve been watching Tacha (third from left) and Loreto (fourth from left) on YouTube for a really long time, and suddenly I am studying and performing with them. It was amazing, and without this picture, I wouldn’t believe the words I am currently typing.
10. danced at my last greek fest
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Newsflash: For me, being multicultural means having the craziest clubs and hobbies. Aside from dancing flamenco for thirteen years, I have also been Greek dancing with some of the peeps depicted above. 
Although I am the only senior girl in the group, these guys have toughed it out with me all twelve years, occasionally cussing each other and others out in Greek (eimaste malakes). 
11. spent thanksgiving w/ the greatest peeps
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Now back to the Mexican side of the family. 
The arrival of Thanksgiving week also brought the arrival of my mom’s family in a white van coming from South Texas. For the entire week, our house went from hardwood floors to air mattresses. Meals varied from tamales to meat to (surprise!!) turkey. 
We also may or may not have blasted music from Grupo Celedón’s track, which was the family band my grandfather had started that consisted of my mom and her siblings traveling the country to make ends meet by playing awesome original music. Enjoy the shameless plug below:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=mnHJb2qmtZM (my mother is not in this recording; she’d dipped to UT Austin by then)
12. got accepted into actual college
To be honest, this is probably the one that brings me the most relief. I, Rebecca Watermelon, have been accepted to two universities. I believe that does mean that I will be, ahem, going to college.
I am so excited. The opportunity to leave New Mexico (the land of enchantment) for the independence and fresh start I felt at the summer program is so cool. However, I now have no motivation to complete any other college applications, or, for that matter, complete my senior year of high school.
13. performed in my last recital
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Dancing has always been a part of my life, and every December brings the Recital Navideño, in which all the students and dancers from the National Institute of Flamenco share a weekend of what we’ve been working on. 
Well, this December is officially the last recital that I will ever partake in, and it was extremely sad but also a bit liberating. It is a quite literal marker that marks the end of an (epic) era, but also the start of a great beginning. Plus, who’s to say I will stop dancing? ;)
14. held my grandfather’s hand for the first time in two years
This is huge for me. About four years ago, my grandfather had a stroke. As a wee little eighth grader, I felt incredibly hopeless and frustrated that I couldn’t do anything. And then when I came to visit him for the first time, I realized the true extent of it. My grandfather, a man who was considered an accordion legend in The Valley, could no longer move the right side of his body. 
And yet, I still had one thing. I could hold his hand. 
Although he could not speak to me, he could look me in the eyes and hold my hand. This small act to many has instilled a sense of hope and love that I did not completely appreciate before the horrible moment. 
Being that I was gone every break either studying or traveling somewhere else, coming here this Christmas made me realize that I hadn’t held his hand in two years. And when I did, I felt grounded. I feel grateful. After all, holding hands is such a loving form of communication.
15. realized my life motto(s)
Last but not least. Since starting this post, it has been about half a day of procrastination, watching Friends, and being quite a couch potato. It is currently two in the a.m. on Christmas Day, and I am reminiscing on the beautiful year that was (and still is) 2017. I see now that this year has allowed me to grow into myself, and learn the best lessons before embarking on the next chapter that is college. This semester involved two phrases that I constantly repeated to myself as I tried not to actually panic about the future:
Whatever happens, happens
Find happiness in oblivion
I’ve found that these simple words have truly calmed me, and therefore I am dedicating this blog to being ok with not knowing the future, and being happy with the fact that all I know is that I know nothing.
Thank you for reading this incredibly long story that is my life. Here’s to many more reflections and memories. :)
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thisisjustacover · 7 years
okay since i know i’m not going to be actually doing my work and kind of feeling anxious now because of all these feelings and emotions that i have to dump that i’ve been holding on to since like maybe the summer? lol so it’s goign to be a long fucking post and i hope no one reads it and if you do thanks for reading through all my bs that i’ve gone through
so this summer i got into a car accident like literally a week into my summer break on my way to work at school and tbh i wasn’t tired or anything but i guess i was just being a bit too careless maybe way too careless and too excited about the music that i was listening to that i got distracted and hit the car in front of me just as it was hitting traffic and it’s bullshit but life happens and that car hit the car in fron tof them and i was alone and thankfully no one was hurt or anything and at that time i made so many mistakes like literally the minute i hit the car basically i kept making mistakes well first of all i hit the car two cars in fact that was like a collision second i didn’t get their contact info like their phone number and shit so i had to wait until the police report came out which i didn’t call the police btw it was the car in the middle that did and then it cost me money to get the police report plus the transportation fee for lyft was not cheap and then never ever tell the other people your weakness in which they can take advantage of you and the communications between these three people were very very difficult it was so fucking stressful i remember every time my phone rang i just wanted to cry and i could listerally feel my body tense up just looking at my screen so afraid to open it but i can’t not open it because thats irresponsible of me anyway it was a big big big lesson i learned and something that i wish it was better managed but life happens and it’s not always going to be smooth-sailing and im just glad that i learned my lesson 
im already getting tense again just writing about this x.x
i do have to say it definitely helped that i was able to distract myself with work at the optometry (shoutout to allison) for the hookup because it gave me the experience and i know now that i do not want to do optometry no longer which i’ve been thinking about since the previous summer and the lesson i learned from this is that never ever go into something without knowing what its going to be about what i mean by this is that never make a big decision until you hae some experience and know that you like or hate it or don’t like it 
after working and saving money and spending money i made it to taiwan and literally within the first two weeks i already spent half of my money that i thought would less me for three months which it really should i actually have no freaking idea where all my money went and that’s on my part not keeping track of my money in the first place but then i was so 亂七八糟 when i arrived in taiwan and now that i know i’ve been keeping track of my expense and it literally does not make sense that all of the money i exchanged was gone within the first two weeks according to the expense that i keep track of now it’s been like three weeks and i havent even used up all of that money i lost in the first two weeks so i literally dont know what happened but it’s okay life goes on and now i know to always keep an eye and not be like so fucking careless
but let’s put in some good stuff i’ve bene listening to hyukoh and offonoff and i’ve been really loving that life if only i could see hyukoh live twice in los angeles and arcadia damnit im so fucking mad but it’s okay life goes on and i know i’ll have another chance to see them
and i’ve been watching hyori’s bed and breakfast and it’s been very therauptic to me and i aspire to have a life like her
currently listening to paul and it gives me soul 
anyway before i restarted writing this whole thing i wrote about my feelings of being on study abroad and to be completely honest, i dont feel that im on study abroad like is that strange is that manatory to feel buecasuse everyone talked about how they’re on study abroad and feels like a new environment but like to me taiwan literally feels like another home that i haven’t been in a long time like is it because im asian and i was born in asia that i feel this way or am i just recognizing my feelings and emotions in the wrong way and when i see snaps of my other friends on study abroad esp the ones in europe im just like wow they’re on study abroad but i dont efeel like im on studsy abroad even though i really am and this computer is so fucking slow rign now it cant catch up to what im typing 
i’ve talked to nick about this feeling before and it’s just really strange like is our feelings normal like i need validations that this is okay too because i didnt expect it to be like this 
i really like my classmates and my class and my teacher i love all of them and we have a good vibe and get along really well and the classroom is set up int he way you know what’s coming so i like that structure and i love how we listen to music and get off topics sometimes it makes class really fun and the teacher tries to do it liek that too 
as for the poeople in my program well i basically hang out  around soka people like nick sumire and ryan almost all the time which is kind of good and kind of not good at the same time like i know i should be going out and seeing other poeple but at the same time i like being in the comfort of them and tbh if it wasn’t for them i really would have a breakdown and im really greatful that they’re here and nccu kind of feels like soka if i dont get out of the routine that im in and so i really need to make an effort to go out like i really felt that last week and i was like shit this is soka all over again like nccu is literally surrounded by nature like all the greens and it’s so nice i’ve been way too lin love with the color forest green and nature green so it’s nice 
also if nick wasn’t here i dont think i’ll be doing crazy things like biking to fucking danshui at 1am in the morning and pulling an all nighter and shit or like pulling another allnighter that one tiem we went out to drink and ryan was so fucking drunk okay he wasnt drunk but he wasnt’ feeling well enough to go back to school so we fucking waited on the sidewalk for 4:30 until he felt better and i actually liek the dynamics of the four of us nick, sumire, ryan and me i think there’s a good balance and enough craziness and enough practicalness you couls prob tell whos the crazy one and who’s the practical one lol 
and i’ve realized that i’ve been more carefree and give less shit and just been enjoying life to the fullest dont know if its because im in taiwan but if it is then i hope i can still be as joyful and as carefree back in america and just life life and whatever happens happens for a reason and don’t get too stuck on life liek that tattoo i got was tehe whole meaning of this hahahaha
and i miss all my friends and sometimes something always reminds me of them and it just makes me 想念他們 but it’s okay because i know i will see them so try not to think too hard about it bc taiwan wil be gone sooner than i think and i dont want to have regrets 
and im in a really cute cafe with katie and winnie and i just snap-videoed my best friend bitch she should be asleep but she wasn’t but i’ll let her be bc it’s her last weekend before school starts for her and between today and yesterday i videoed friends like thuy, hung jet, dayoon, megan, and lucy and rachel and it makes me happy to see them living their lives 
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jadorejujuetfifi · 7 years
MINIMALISM WITH KIDS? IS IT POSSIBLE? The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying...
In, MINIMALISM WITH KIDS? IS IT POSSIBLE? The Life-Changing Magic of Tidying Up Purge Family Life Ep 79, we attempt to live with less, especially in hopes of having minimal toys in an effort for less stress and time cleaning up and more organization! I read Marie Kondo's how to declutter book last year and it changed my life and shifted my perspective on things and their role in our lives so we get busy with a toy declutter.
A very Powerful Video showing Middle Class Americas Clutter Problem https://youtu.be/3AhSNsBs2Y0
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FAQ's ❤
Q: Why the Eiffel Tower? A: Alex worked in the Eiffel Tower Restaurant “Le Jules Verne” on the 2nd floor for 3 years and we have made hundreds of memories in and around the Eiffel Tower.
Q: I thought this was a Flight Attendant Mom Channel? A: It is, kind of. when I (Emily, A Part-Time Flight Attendant for 9.5 years) started vlogging I would show my life as a flight attendant and all the standby travel we do. The response was great and I realized there is a real need for flight attendant vlogs. I love to help flight attendant fulfill their dreams as I think being a flight attendant is the best job ever!
Q: Do you live in France then? Who is French? A: Alex or Papa Chef is French. He was born and raised in Nantes, France which is northwest France 2 hours west of Paris by train. He attended a prestigious culinary school in Nantes and then worked in several Michelin Rated Restaurants around France. His family and friends are all still there.
Q: What kind of YouTube Channel is French Chefs Family? A: We are a variety channel. Mostly, a daily family vloggers family life channel, flight attendant life channel, and family cooking channel with equal doses of mom life, unschooling, worldschooling, french parenting, lifestyle vlogs, mommy vlogs, day in the life videos, come fly with me videos, grwm videos, at home haircuts, haul videos, and fun family day out adventures! So Let’s Journey together!
Disclaimer: All opinions are our own and are not necessarily the same as our employers.
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