#shoutout to my fantastic friend love you bitch
thepartyneverdies · 1 year
holy shit my friend is going to be giving me a c a cupid doll??? im ..... !!!!!!!
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lurkingshan · 1 month
Incoherent Screaming about Wandee Goodday Episode 1
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THIS SHOW IS GIVING US EVERYTHING!! What a fantastic premiere, I am so excited for this one and I hope it can keep this momentum. This was an incredibly tight first episode that managed to give us a clear sense of all the characters, set up the plot, and keep us wildly entertained throughout. Some standout pieces for me:
Wandee is such an excellent protagonist. A good person but kind of a sassy bitch, beautiful but unfortunately hung up on the wrong guy for 8 (!) years, and a fascinating mix of having a lot of pride but also no shame. I love him and Inn Sarin is killing it.
Yoyak is also compelling, and I appreciated getting a sense of his struggle right away. He is trying to live up to a family legacy and there's a lot of well-meaning pressure on him, and he is also thwarted in love, with his friend Taem not returning his feelings (loved confirming he is a bisexual king!). He also looks fantastic from every angle and in all lighting, congratulations on your body Great Sapol.
I also really love the dynamic between them, it feels very equal. In their first exchanges they were both being assholes and the upper hand kept moving between them. I liked that the attraction was so immediate, too, and they both tried to ignore it (until they didn't).
This show also gave us fantastic side characters, with Dee's gay bestie Kao being canonically asexual and struggling to find a partner, and Yak's older brother Ye and their friend Cher being in an established relationship. I am absolutely thrilled by both of these reveals; we hardly ever get rep for either of these in bl.
We also have an excellent villain and they cast the right man for the job. I am already having so much fun hating Ter. You string my boy along for 8 years flirting in his face, then claim you don't like guys, then tell him you want him to back off and give you the scholarship?? Fuck you very much, sir.
I love everything about the way they handled Dee and Yak's first night together. Every moment from them running into each other at the minimart was excellent. It managed to be funny and kind of sad and also sweet and horny and then funny and then horny again. The way they kept breaking up the sex because of moments of uncertainty or awkwardness until Dee was fully sober and they decided to go for it was excellent. And shoutout to condom and lube mentions, good looking out store clerk.
In conclusion, I love this show. My only note is it needs more Thor. :)
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jq37 · 2 years
I don't think my heart can take five more episodes of this. I thought episode 4 had reached peak drama, but ep 5 just anted up. Brennan taking a sniper shot to our emotions, Andhera's charged moment at the end, whatever the eff is about to go down with Binx's storyline. Thank god for Lou and Emily for playing messy bitches, cause the laughs they bring to the table are my life preserver in all the drama we're drowning in.
Just in time for next episode, let's check in with what these disasters fairies are doing!
Rue is just as much of a dramatic bitch as an owlbear as they were as a supermodel fae, which I respect. The glamour was fake but that Attitude (tm) was real baybee! And speaking of drama...
Hob is making me crazy. One the one hand, I appreciate Brennan for not metagaming and for playing true to Hob's repressed, self-deprecating, status-conscious nature. On the other hand on my GOD. Come ON. Aabria said, "Roll an insight check against yourself," and I wanted to scream. Hob's inner monologue is torturing both himself and me.
Binx's secret is out! Ooh, I cannot wait to see how this pops off. I've been wondering what's up with her for the longest while, as I'm sure everyone has since we learned she had a secret. I was wondering if maybe her court is the one that produced all the archfey patrons? Since it seems like most other fae don't really interact with mortals and she seems so weirdly protective of Wanessa (sidenote: shoutout to Aabria for the phrase "study in human averages" which totally broke me). Maybe the Court of Wonder (or whoever stole their magic) didn't like the court giving any of their limited magic to humans? Idk, just spitballing. Can't wait to see how this storyline goes. And circling back to Rue, I love that they were the one Binx chose to confide in. Their dropping their glamour was the perfect narrative point for Binx to be like OK, possible ally. I love it when these things dovetail.
I LOVE that Andhera is always picking the Vegan option to all his conflicts, trying to just make friends with everyone...until it comes to his Bitch Of A Sister (TM, Adaine Abernant) in which case he's like double middle fingers, "Get fucked!". That's such a funny line in the sand. Like, if you follow me you know I love sibling stuff like nothing else but God that betrayal was fantastic. Also, I love Omar stirring the pot for some regency romance for himself. Secret secrets in the dark. So regency. That was not a potential pairing I called (though, nothing can top the shock of RuexHob so they will have to settle for second place here.) Anyway, shoot your shot my man. Looking forward to see these two awkward talkers talk about this later.
Meanwhile Lou is instigating with Apollo and and Emily is getting a secret rumor phrase as she runs the betting pool? Icons. Faves. Lords of the Wing for life. I am in awe of their chicanery.
Great ep as always and I cannot wait to see how things get even more chaotic tomorrow!
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xxlordalexanderxx · 1 year
i love your muse for so many reasons. first of all because you are non-apologetic about how you write him. which i find every mun should do. toning down villains for the sake of a minority of people who just can't stand the fact that villains greatly contribute to a story, is what i have gotten very tired of and i am glad more people finally start to just embrace writing muses of all kinds without feeling bad about it.
alexander is a monster of a guy in every sense of the word. i love his height compared to jafar - it make me laugh. your art of him is simply mindblowingly fantastic and i am in awe to say the least. i adore your interaction with hannah. the contrast of beast and child - this is the shit i live for. i wish i could write something similar with jafar but sadly he is too sociopathic to care about kids. so i get my share of it absorbing y'alls threads every time they pop up on my dash. (so this is also a finger guns at hannah mun for writing an amazingly well created oc!!!)
i like how jafar and alexander interacted so far and i hope that despite their differences they can maybe become friends. maybe alex is gonna just know that jafar is this special snowflake he needn't really take too serious because at the end of the day we both know who's whose bitch if things got out of hand. ok. before i write a novel just know that you are amazing and your character too. i am glad we met and i hope we stay mutuals for a long time!
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Oh man, I’m blushing, thank you so much for this kind message.💖 I feel the same way honestly. We need more people to go ham with their villains and just have fun. I mean sure, at the end of the day we all can agree that certain things need to be omitted like the really bad shit [if you know you know] but other than that villains shouldn’t be watered down because that defeats the purpose. But it’s also okay to explore other avenues within reason and depending on the muse.
I would love for Alexander and Jafar to be pals, they may get on each other’s nerves but at the end of the day they can find something they can agree on I feel. I also wouldn’t mind Jafar using that staff on him because that would be hilarious. Making him go completely feral or something for his own use. I don’t mind that kind of god-modding as long as I know of it and I get to have fun, I’d make a special exception for that because let’s face it that’s one Jafar’s special quirks and it would be interesting to see what would happen.
I was very intimidated by you at first, but I’m glad I hit the follow button anyway because I enjoy their banters and writing with you when I get the chance too. And likewise, you’re one of my favorite mutuals and it’s always a joy seeing you on my dash, esp when you post silly things like Merlin talking shit to Jafar. I find those way funnier than what they are meant to be. And your art is rad too, the first piece I saw I thought it was like, official concept art or something or a screen-shot.
Thank you so much, firendo.
And shoutout to @hannah-the-small mun for having fantastic characters with amazing lore. It's no wonder Alexander wants to adopt Hannah and James. :3c
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foreverethereal123 · 2 years
It's @choicesfandomappreciation week. You guys know what that means....
I GET TO RANT🥰🥰 as if I don't do it anyway
It's been a year lmao! Like it's been a FUCKING year but I'll not get too much into that we don't have enough hours for that hahahahfuckmylife BUT what I do want to talk about is how after this fucked up year Tumblr, or more importantly YOU guys helped me make it a little more bearable!!! I know I've been a sucky reader disappearing for weeks on end and giving some people scares that I died! Lol nope still alive 🙂 but the fact that some of you didn't even care whether or not I was still actively reading and made me feel loved turned me into 🥹 I've gotten a LOT closer to some of you in this last year too and for that I am SO thankful!!! I HOPE you guys know that!!!!
Here are some shoutouts before I start to trauma dump publicly and concern people🥰
In no order but only my memory because I'm ✨so good at remembering✨ so if I missed you I'm sorry jdjdjdjdjkdkskdkdjdjdk
@choiceskatie : I'm texting you as I'm writing this because bitch you better come online for this one! Good God I fucking love you! We're fucked up soulmates for LIFE and nothing, I mean absolutely nothing, will ever change that!!! I am not going to be able to write more about how fucking much you mean to me but thank you for being insane (clinically) and whore (lovingly) with me!!🥹🫶🏻🫶🏻
@ao719 : LMAO can you fucking believe what a weirdo I was when I first talked to you Jesus it's a wonder why you didn't block me 💀 BUT HERE WE ARE! I'm still a weirdo and I get to call you one of my closest friends, not just in Tumblr but irl! Dude you're seriously one of the most AMAZING people I've ever met and I don't just say that because of your phenomenal writing I can practically see you squirming so I won't say much now lmao! I love youuuuuu!!!!🌝🦉🦊🌜🌛
@queenrileyrose : RACHEL!! Dude you've been SUCH a support system to me even when I've put you through some...things this year with my breakdowns🥰 You have seen up close what a rollercoaster it's been and you're STILL here and I can't thank you enough for that🥹🥹🥹 I love our ability to ALWAYS be right and rational and practical and I LOVE YOU!!!!🖤💚🖤💚
@burnsoslow : MA'AM YOU WILL FOREVER BE THE ABSOLUTE TALENTED QUEEN OF OUR FANDOM! I said it. It's final. No arguments accepted! Thank you for writing and sharing your stories and being an overall FAN-FUCKING-TASTIC person! I love you!!!💕
@sfb123 : SFB!🥹🥹🥹 You're such an awesome and talented writer I'LL NEVER STOP TELLING YOU THIS!!💕 I love you and Polly SO MUCH and thank freaking you for being my friend and bearing with me even when I'm conspiring against your husband💀!!
@sincerelyella : LITERALLY NO ONE APPRECIATES MY FUNNY ANIMAL REELS LIKE YOU DO!!! NO ONE!! Ahhhh! I miss our shenanigans! I love you so much, my friend!!!🥹💕💕💕
@kat-tia801 : Kat!! I hope you're doing okay 🥹💕💕 I miss reading your stories and seeing your name on my dash hjfkfjdjdjdjdj! You're so freakishly talented dude I just 🙌🏻 lol!
@charlotteg234 : YOU'RE A FF WRITER NOW! AND A DAMN GOOD ONE AT THAT!!!! Dude you're probably one of the funniest and fabulous and fantastic persons I've ever interacted with on or off Tumblr and we're so fucking lucky to have you!!! Love you!🥹🥹💕💕💕💕
A super special shout-out to EVERYONE else!!!! This fandom is a better place with you and your talent and your constant support of writers in it!!!!
I'm tired now, I'll be sleeping...soo....bye...? Is that...is that how I'm supposed to end this? Idk...
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bunni-bun · 4 months
finished Bed Friend and i'm glad it gave me an absolutely adorable ending 🥺
i still hate Uea's mom and i feel no sympathy for her bitch ass. like good, suffer, you awful cunt. also glad his fuckass stepdad went to prison too lmao.
i really like the short but simple ways a loved one shows the kindness of taking care of someone who is recovering from trauma the way King does for Uea. it's simple but it's truly what matters the most by just checking in.
had a minor heart attack with the boat scene cuz i kept screaming "MY BROTHER IN CHRIST THAT IS RED WINE AND YOU ARE WEARING WHITE, BRO, PLEASE 😭" but otherwise, hell yeah, hell yeah
just the loving domesticity of KingUea and how love can be so simple but so beautiful really did fill me with joy 🥺 i love them a lot and their being cute makes me utterly giddy, it's wonderful
i'm also a sucker for proposals so getting that was fantastic, honestly. King going with Jade to choose a ring and then choosing to propose at the office because it's now a space full of love and friendship and so much good for both of them. that was so cute, god, it made me so happy, they're wonderful. i was so glad that King's parents and Uea's sister were there too, because those are the people who love them the most, always.
overall, i really liked this show 😊 it was cute, a little dramatic, fun, and fantastic. thanks NetJames, i love you both ❤️
and shoutout to my best boy Shell, i was fucking screaming the moment i saw him, i adore him so much. like sorry you didn't get Uea, sweetheart, but that's okay because you get a better boy who's fucking deranged beyond reason but very much the right man for you 😉
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goldenraeofsun · 3 years
Day 6: Cemetery Boys
Have you seen this? I'm so proud of them
TimeOut NY reports that the group behind the hit album "Free Will," will be playing a sold out show at Madison Square Garden September 18. Comprised of brothers, Sam Winchester (percussion) and Dean Winchester (guitar, vocals), Benny Lafitte (bass), Garth Fitzgerald IV (guitar), and Castiel Shurley (keyboard), the Cemetery Boys sat down with TimeOut to discuss their sudden fame and their plans to shake up the music industry.
Read more
Dean said Benny gets stage fright and he sits with him in a quiet place before each performance??? Im going to launch myself into the sun
Dean sits with him because he is an exceptionally kind person. I wouldn’t read too much into it.
i just love that D & B sit that close together without even thinking about it. Yup nothin to see here officer, just two boys sitting this close together cause it's not gay
It's a little gay
7,881 notes
Title: Lost at Sea
Rating: Explicit
Length: 120,000 words
Summary: Fed up with his life in 18th century high society, Dean's plan is simple: sneak out during his brother's 14th birthday ball and stowaway on The Louisiana.
And all goes to plan, that is, until his ship is invaded by the notorious pirate, Benny Lafitte, and his crew.
Notes: Here it is, my BDBB fic! It's been a labor of love for so many months, I'm so relieved it's done. Go check it out and @sogetthis's fantastic art!
Tag list under the cut
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Cemetery Boys Retweeted
Saturday Night Live - SNL @nbcsnl
Thank you all, @VictorHenriksen and @cbboys for an amazing #snlpremiere ! Thanks for watching, goodnight!
Dean Winchester @Impala67
Replying to @nbcsnl
Had a blast at #SNL! Shoutout to @cajunvamp for missing his cue cause he was staring at Andrea Kormos
Benny Lafitte @cajunvamp
Replying to @Impala67
Why you gotta call me out like that, man?
Dean Wincheter @Impala67
Replying to @cajunvamp
One word: Purgatory
Benny Lafitte @cajunvamp
Replying to @Impala67
Benny Lafitte @cajunvamp
Replying to @cajunvamp
Wait. I thought you owed me for saving your hide in Purgatory?
Dean Winchester @Impala67
Replying to @cajunvamp
Don’t make me bring @ihatethursdays into it
Benny Lafitte @cajunvamp
Replying to @Impala67
Ha! You know he doesn’t use Twitter.
How did a PWP about Benny getting nervous before SNL get so angsty? This was supposed to be short! Anyway, have some smut, bitches ~
Keep reading
So hot! Bravo.
The cuddling at the end killed me. I am dead.
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Week Ending October 8th, 2021
1. Winfit +7 Dean Winchester & Benny Lafitte, The Cemetery Boys
2. Buddie -1 Evan Buckley & Edmundo Diaz, 9-1-1
3. Supercorp +2 Kara Danvers & Lena Luthor, Supergirl
4. Suselle -2 Susie & Noelle, Deltarune
5. Bakudeku -2 Bakugou Katsuki & Midoriya Izuku, Boku No Hero Academia
Here I am making a uquiz in the year of our lord 2021. Please take it. I am so bored.
Plus you know you want to find out which Cemetery Boy you are
I got Benny!
You are the heart of the group, the glue that holds all your friends together. Where would they be without you? Probably in their own separate garage bands.
I’m actually not too bummed about getting Garth
Omg I got Dean
@AFollyofFizzles brb dying
Apparently I am most like Sam.
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Super nervous, but here’s my first Cemetery Boys art!
Image description: Dean, Benny, Garth, Sam, and Castiel playing in a graveyard using instruments made of bones.
Tag list under the cut
Amazing! I looove this idea
This is wonderful. You perfectly captured Sam’s face when he gets to use the gong.
Do you mind if I use this as my desktop wallpaper? All of the other art I like is shippy and super NSFW lol
82 notes
I have written a short story about Dean and Castiel’s first meeting and first kiss ten years later.
Keep reading
Ooh, a rarepair out in the wild! Love it.
Almost passed this up because of the ship, but I’m a sucker for 1st person POV. Your Dean voice was on fucking point. Your Cas needs work tho
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Cemetery Boys - Fenris
191,021 views ● October 31, 2021
Listen to the newest album “Free Will” out now!
I did not expect them to do a Teen Wolf spin with the Fenris vid and now I’m having 2012 Tumblr flashbacks with all these gifs
At least they had more than Teen Wolf’s $5 budget
Do you think Dean or Benny had any idea this would convert hundreds of furries into CB fans??
What are furries?
Oh my sweet summer child.
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Okay, yes I know I’ve been reading this with my shipper glasses surgically glued to my head, but COME ON how else are we going to read this???
What’s happening??? I’ve been stuck at work all day
Paps caught Benny walking into a jewelry store with Castiel. They specialize in rings!
I still don’t get it
Dean and Castiel have been friends for ages - he was the first person Dean & Sam got to join the band
IF Benny was buying a ring, who do you think he’d go for advice on what to get Dean???
I’ve seen Sam’s hair. If he can’t get a good hairdresser, he for sure can’t pick out a ring
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Dean Winchester @Impala67
I said yes!
Benny Lafitte @cajunvamp
Replying to @Impala67
Congrats, brother! @ihatethursdays is finally making an honest man out of you #Destiel
Sam Winchester @lawboy
Replying to @Impala67
About time guys. Is that a real hashtag? #Destiel
Rowena @megacoven
Replying to @Impala67
You know what would be a great song to play at your wedding? My duet with Tweety Pie. #Destiel
Garth Fitzgerald IV @MrFizzles
Replying to @Impala67
Congratulations!!! I’ve never seen you both happier <3 #Destiel
No words
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HOLD ON - according to Dean and Castiel’s interview with GLAAD, it took them ten years to get together. Dean has tattoos of a flaming star and Cas’s handprint.
Why is this familiar?
@AgentSwift wrote a fic with that!
That’s it! @AgentSwift what gives?
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“Why Twitter?” Dean repeats, considering the question. He looks over at Castiel, who shrugs. “I see it as the best, most direct way to communicate with the fans. And I made the announcement because Cas is pretty much only on Tumblr, which is anonymous, so we couldn't say it there. He only follows a few fan accounts, anyway.” - US Weekly
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lewis-winters · 2 years
Since you're on the kick, what are some of your personal fic recs? You have pretty good (and wide ranging!) taste. Thank you!
Oh! thank you!
This was kinda difficult because every fic I love has already been recommended by everybody I've reblogged! Everything from bitch-butter's Rivers series (and all their other writing too I swear, they're one of my favorite webgott/baberoe writers) to the very hot, very lovely winnix fic Queen for a Day by BristlingBasson (oh check them out, too, they're FANTASTIC and I adore their winnix stuff, all very diverse, all very *chef's kiss* quality).
I can shoutout other authors I like!
my friend @hanisaway is great at winnix!
and my other friend @scientistsinistral has a really lovely fic that is a Joe Liebgott character study centering around hershey bars + a Chuck Grant post-war fic where he thinks about his friendship with Joe
and of course the lovely @rattledazzlebones and their speirton "what if Lip got sick in Bastogne instead of Hageneu" fic
and of course @theslashmix and @aloraundomiel who write BEAUTIFULLY like they consistently reach into my chest to tear it out. I'm very partial to their winnix stuff, but they write for others as well!
and of course the lovely @hellofanidea who I'm lucky enough trusts me to look through his wonderful drafts-- so I know how good he is, he's INCREDIBLE. but if you don't believe me go check his #nathan writes tag on his blog!
... and of course I'm not gonna pass on the opportunity to rec my own stuff ehehehe check mine out too on the tag #stella writes i'm a bit not active now (got life stuffs goin' on) but i do have some fics and headcanons and aus i sometimes like to post also here's my ao3 account where I have posted my longer stuff, such as:
every atom of me, every atom of you -- a Band of Brothers Dæmon AU collection
Kitty Got Claws -- Harry/Kitty first meeting fic
bones get tired, and they can't carry all the weight -- Winnix, featuring their godson, Robert Grogan-Welsh
Hedone. -- also Winnix, just being cute and cuddly in bed, discussing greek mythology
and I guess ummmmmm I really love some ensemble fics!!
Situation Normal by glasgowgirl23
Baby You Can Drive My Car and Make It Up As We Go Along by itsrainingem
A Series of Romantic Lessons by dolly_dagger87
What We Do in the Dark by miss_grey
uuuuuhhhhh that's all I got right now! if you want more (and I bet I forgot some) go and check out my fic rec/fics recs tags! I just pile them on there a lot huehue I'm not a very organized person.
mmmm k tnks byyyyyeeeee!
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hopeshoodie · 3 years
I feel so bad letting this sit for so long, but better late than never I suppose! Thank you to literally everyone who tagged me in this. Literally every time I see these posts it makes me grin like an absolute dope at my phone. This is one of the best fandoms I’ve ever been in. I know I joke that I’m just sitting in my corner making garbage, so thank yall for making the room my corner is in so lovely.
So here’s a shoutout to the people who made my 2020 better. If I’m following you (from my main @hyperspacial because despite being on tumblr for nearly a decade I still hardly know how to run a sideblog) I 100% like you. I’m sorry if I forget to tag people :( Also this is about to be a long ass post- don’t feel obligated to reply or like or whatever just because you’re tagged :P
@garyandhisnan. I just…. I adore you. Highkey would walk to the ends of the earth if you asked. Your writing, your posts, everything is top notch (and you’re an awesome person to boot which like… shouldn’t be allowed). Thank you for letting me rant about American late-stage capitalism and all the other nonsense I flood your inbox with. If yall aren’t following them, go do it now.
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@ariendiel Why you would want to collaborate with me, ME, of all people? Still astounds me. I pinkie promise we’re gonna do it though, and it’s gonna be so good. I’m so excited. But seriously, your fics are some of the only ones that I can keep coming back to. Your writing is *chefs kiss* and your edits/moodboards are literally so pretty. I love your blog and I cherish you, you slut cheat.
@kiki-the-creator same brain saME BRAIN SAME BRAIN how do we have the exact same brain!? Your fics literally are the best thing this fandom has produced- I come up with these half baked concepts, you make them actually good, then I play dollhouse with them over and over again in my head forever :3 That Erikah fic? Literally every Marisol fic you write?? I love them. Also you’re highkey so funny and ugh. Te adoro.
@bubblelaureno you’re literally too good for me. For real. I’m sorry I’m so shitty about keeping up to date with fics and edits, you deserve way more than my shitty memory and my 2 second long attention span. Your blog is literally a beacon of positivity and it’s absurd how much I admire your drive and your analytical way of thinking. This fandom is so lucky to have you.
@codename-mango controversial yet brave opinion- your blog is the best LITG blog on tumblr. Your headcanons, your jokes, your route overviews? All immaculate. Even your reblogs are the best of what everyone else is posting. You’re the only reason I have notes, and I appreciate you sm.
@oneflewoverthecuckoos my comment to mango is controversial only because if not her, then your LITG sideblog for sure. For a ‘Lucas’ blog, the diversity of content and LIs you talk about is refreshing. I fucking love seeing people talk about non-LI characters.
@inthenewblood thank you for letting me bitch about the reddit oml it’s needed. Also having someone to be salty with? A new but not unwelcome experience lmfao
@noahssidechick you are literally so sweet oml I treasure our chats and the pictures of your dogs. You bring such a chill and earnest vibe to the fandom and ugh, I’m so glad to have you.
@fuseboxmusebox I feel like you’re so consistent in the fandom, like you were here when I first joined and you’ll be here after I inevitably lose interest and leave. Your reblogs are top notch, the takes are even topper notch, and it wouldn’t be a ‘litg blogs that made me happy’ list without you.
@crvsh-culture I will never not sing your praises. I love your blog, I love you perspective, I love your vibe. I consider you a friend even though we’ve talked like… once.
@radiantdae your artbreeder edits were the first thing in the fandom that left me genuinely astounded. Like holy shit they were so good. Kassam??? That was a REAL MAN. Obviously the stuff you post now is really good too and your blog is excellent. But tbh when I think of the LITG fandom, the first think I think of is your artbreeder pictures. Also your ‘filipino words that make me think of the islanders’. I still think of that often. 
@therealityofthematteris seeing you in my notes makes me smile every time. That’s basically all, just needed to say it lmao. Also if anyone has almost convinced me to start playing TWC, it’s you and Seliné.
@bellarxse my dash would be dry af without you. Same with TWC- I’m so tempted to play because of your posts (I have it downloaded on my phone but like…. I haven’t finished a single route in Arcana and starting a new thing is overwhelming). But also your prompts are one of the few things that makes me want to write lmfao.
@lahelakoh I feel like I’ve said it before but your posts SEND me oml. The tiktok references, the chaotic energy. Both the taste and the flavour is immaculate.
@kiwi-tai we haven’t talked that much but oml I love your content so much 15/10
@confused-inalltheways-human you’re literally so cool and I think about that Harry fic all the time. Am I ever gonna get around to writing it? Probably not. But it was such a good idea. Also thank you for lighting up my notification.
@oceanatydes you come here, you post literally spectacular content, and then you peace out like bruh I wish I had your mind. I adore your edits, but my favorites are your posts/headcanons.
@voile-de-lune your aesthetic is everything I aspire to be and your headcanons/edits are such a refreshing take on characters that we’ve all gotten so stale with. I still live for that Rahim moodboard you made. Also your headcanons are so fantastic.
@lasswithumor this fandom desperately needs more Carl stans, thank you for doing the lords work. Also I highkey stalk your blog on a regular basis jsjsjsjsjsjs every chat we’ve had has been lovely and ugh, you’re just lovely
@bobbysapron your vibes are literally so immaculate. I know it’s been awhile since we chatted but I highkey adore your content and ugh. You’re such a cool person.
@beebips I feel like you’ve vanished off my dash, but you made up for it with that 3rd chapter of The Other Side of Seventh Ave made up for it.
@nerdferatum I don’t think I’ve ever breathed a word in your direction but oml you’re so sweet and supportive and every time your posts cross my dash I *pleading emoji*
@mrsgaryrennell I’m still agog that we’re mutuals because like… You are so talented. It took me waaaayyy too long to get into Blue and Hazel but now that I have… It’s highkey better than the actual season skskskskss
@kingkassam Like the above, you are waaaayyy too cool to be following me sksksksk. I’ve still got a few edits you had ideas for in the pipeline, and highkey the Kassam icons you requested are my favorite edits I’ve ever made. I live for someone else playing Matchmaker.
@hermitclaw  hello?????? You’re so funny what the FUCK are you doing following me. Ik you don’t post that much anymore, but every LITG you grace us with is a knockout. It feels unreal when you reblog my stuff. Basically the same to @mchamster. Like you’re both so funny and have been in the fandom for so long that it fully feels like royalty whenever yall interact with me.
@ravenadottir I am fully unworthy to even mention your name but oml. Your guides are the only thing that help me retain information about the season, and your recent outfit edits? Oh my god they’re so good. Hope’s especially, with the brightly colored swimsuit, left me absolutely speechless. You’re just above everything in the fandom and I admire that so much. Plus you really don’t have to flex that hard in your fics, and yet-
@smaiihands saving the best for last because you are one of the single most talented people in this fandom. Your art is the strongest life support for the fandom and like I know we haven’t talked in awhile but you’re also such a dope person. So.
And a big shoutout to all the people I follow who I don’t talk to but have nothing but good vibes. I appreciate yall way more than I can articulate: @richhdesire @needsomesorrel @ficticiouspastry @cranesandshipyards @litg-ish @princesslove19060 @fictitiouspastery​  @icedcoffee-please @demons-dogs-and-puns @sparklydinosaurr @mountainmanxoxo  @diamondsdiary @bucket-bill@another-lottie-simp @bobbys-darling @cyn-onlyyou @mikcove @officialpapa-johns @Amaxn @dxncingthroughlife @myfictionalobsessions  @screw-u-vaanu @kittidot @chichiguitarist123 @myfictionalobsessions @Azibear @amelia-w @lilithlibrxa @litghoe @priyas-tiddies @daisybarks @ajs-wife
At this point this post is just a directory of the LITG fandom lmfao but genuinely. Thank every single one of you. 2020 was hard as shit, but I’ve been hyperfixated on LITG for like a year and I treasure your content sm.
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I’m answering all these just to have some info bout me and whatnot. Shoutout to @peachykibum who has a new blog when you click on their account. Thank you for these!!!🎵👏✨😊🤩❤️
Just a heads up next post will be the shit ton of artists I know. & Yes in this I do have a lot of the same artists as answers.
K-Pop Ask Game
What was the first song you heard by your bias group? When did you hear it? : FANTASTIC BABY by BIG BANG. Around my birthday and my moms bday. She was in Cali at the time getting medical help. I was on the phone reacting to her reaction while she watched the music video. Was thought to be a phase but that doesn’t mean she wouldn’t be apart of it for me. RIP Mama and 9 years later here I am so NOT a phase lmao💜💔.
List your top 5 favorite k-pop groups. : SHINee, BIG BANG, f(x), 2NE1 & SUPER JUNIOR. From the beginning💙🖤💜💖💚
Who is your ultimate bias and why? : I gotta say G-DRAGON the Kwon Jiyong. The Peace Minus One man himself. Runner Ups are Jay Park, Key, & CL, etc it’s hard.
Has a k-pop song or music video ever made you cry? : Yes. Can’t remember a music video, but Peter Pan by EXO, Baby Don’t Cry by Daesung. Idk what else.
Name your top 10 favorite k-pop albums. : ALIVE-BIG BANG, MADE-BIG BANG, Pink Tape-f(x), DREAM GIRL: The Misconceptions of You-SHINee, DARK & WILD-BTS, 130 Mood: TRBL-DEAN, COUP D’ÉTAT-GD, RED TAPE-H1GHR COMPLIATION, EVOLUTION-Jay Park, Sexy, Free & Single-Super Junior. (Extra because I have to!!! CRUSH-2NE1)
Who is the funniest idol in your opinion? : Honestly either Key, many in SJ, Jay Park, Amber, BM, Jessi, TOP, idk they are all so funny I can’t remember all of them.
What is your favorite k-pop choreo? : Ohhhh hard one!!!! I mean HyunA Change, Bang Bang Bang by BB, so many from SJ and GG, and I am the best 2NE1, Nunu Nana Jessi; I really CANNOT choose one! And that’s not even all of them! The iconic ones aren’t all here!
Put your playlist on shuffle and list the first 5 songs that play. : What playlist? Kpop playlist? I’m unsure so right now I’m listening to : ‘We Be Wildin’ Jay Park x Yultron feat. HAON~
What is your favorite k-drama that any k-pop idol has played a part in? : The Liar and His Lover!!!! Joy was amazing!!!
What is your favorite OST by a k-pop group/idol? : My Romeo by Jessi for Cinderella and the Four Knights!!
List your top 10 bias wreckers. : Aww shit the people who need to STAY IN THEIR LANE. JK omg lmao. Daesung BIG BANG, Jonghyun SHINee, Kai EXO, June IKON, Jooheon MonstaX, P.O. BLOCK B, Siwon Super Junior, BamBam GOT7, V BTS, FELIX Stray Kids.
What is the oldest group that you stan? : That would be Super Junior.
What is the youngest group you stan? : Stray Kids I’m pretty sure.
Do you have a favorite music video of all time? If so, what? : Omfg. Either Fantastic Baby BB, BANG BANG BANG BB, Everybody SHINee, Ring Ding Dong SHINee, SPY SUPER JUNIOR. Etc I really can’t choose one huh?
What is the most underrated/under-appreciated group you stan? : Honestly I’m not sure at all on this one because I probably don’t know that they are I mean I think I know some but I don’t know who to say.
How long have you been listening to k-pop? : Alrighty here’s the story! I randomly found and watched SHINee’s Ring Ding Dong in 2010 but it wasn’t until PSY went viral in 2012 that I really got into Kpop finding SHINee again and f(x) and BB and SJ and GG and 2NE1 and Jay Park all first etc.
Do you have a favorite k-pop blog? If so, tag them. : I do not sorry!!!
Do you own any k-pop albums? If so, how many? : Sadly no it was thought to be just a phase by my family so I wasn’t ever really allowed to get anything but now I have merch. And hopefully I will be getting a few of my favorites irl at least.
Name the top 5 groups you’d like to see live. : Well I already saw BIG BANG so, if I can’t include soloists here’s my list. KARD, SHINee, BLOCK B, STRAY KIDS, and does H1GHR artists count?
Who is your favorite soloist? : Hahaha easy Jay Park! Runner Ups are no doubt HyunA, DEAN, Amber, CL, ZICO, Lee Hi, Jackson Wang, Jessi, Eric Nam, MINO, Bobby, & Suga. Haha sorry at least I didn’t add them all.
Are there any k-pop songs that you can sing or dance to? If so, which ones? : Heck Yes!!! Sing-🎙Dance-💃🏼: The Promise Jay Park🎙, Hello Bitches CL🎙💃🏼, +5 STAR+ CL🎙, Nalina Block B🎙💃🏼, Gotta Talk to U Seungri😑🎙, La La La BB🎙, Number 1 BB🎙, BIG BANG BB🎙, FXXK IT BB🎙, BANG BANG BANG BB🎙💃🏼, Bonnie & Clyde DEAN🎙, RUNAWAY GD🎙, I am the Best 2ne1 🎙💃🏼, Metronome Jay Park🎙, Missing You 2ne1🎙, Bonamana SJ🎙, Promise You K.R.Y.🎙, This is Love SJ🎙, R.O.D. GD🎙, YOU DO GD🎙, Hitchhiking SHINee🎙, Love Scenario IKON🎙, Oppa Oppa SJ D&E🎙, HyunA Change💃🏼, Electric Shock f(x)��🏼, NUNU NANA💃🏼, some PSY, SHINee, and other SJ and Jay Park songs.
Is there an idol you’d like to hug? If so, who? : That’s hard af um everyone? But honestly Jay Park, BM, Jessi, Chan, Leeteuk, Amber, GD, Daesung, Leo, Taemin, idk who else. 😅🤗
What groups do you like that have either disbanded or disappeared? : As I’ve listed above even though they have; 2NE1, f(x), JJCC??, Wonder Girls, idk who else.
What idol do you think you have the most in common with? : I know I’ve said all of them for multiple questions but of course I did because they are Kwon Jiyong (GD), Jay Park, Key, Yesung, Amber, Jessi, & that’s it I’m pretty sure.
If you could hang out with any of your biases, who would you pick and why? : WHO??? WHY?? As you can tell that is not a question to ask ME!!! The answer is my answers to numbers 6 and 22 and 24!!!! Ahahaha why? Because those questions answer why pretty much sorry I answer this way my mind is a MESS.
Thank you if you actually read all of this! I really wanna make friends on here for Kpop and etc so it’d be really great! Check out my bio for my main blog!!!
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bibbykins · 5 years
Folie à deux (Yandere Drabble)
A/N: I had this idea, and then my dog ran across my keyboard and typed this, so if you hate it, it wasn't me. Although, it was fun to not write it. Big shoutout to my first class and the notes I never take trying to upload fics
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Category: Drabble (?)
Pairing: (Scopophilic Affection) Soft Yandere! Jin x reader
Words: 2k
Things with you had been going great, much to Jin's relief. You had gracefully moved in without protest. Although, he expected as much considering your last place of residence. You even agreed to sleep in the same bed as him. While building a relationship from the ground up after one party confessed undying love was a learning, it had been progressing well enough. Jin had learned quickly you had no idea how to express your romantic emotions. Your face would heat every time he relayed his love and you would stutter each time he called you a pet name. He honestly wasn't sure exactly how you felt about him. You never introduced him as your boyfriend, but never made an effort to stop him from introducing himself as such. You hadn't told him you love him, but you did wear the extravagant promise ring he had gotten every day. You always faltered in PDA, but you had a rather active and affectionate sex drive at home. 
He wasn't complaining in the slightest, just perplexed. Even as he sat on the bed, watching as you got ready for a gala, he would give the world for your thoughts.
Why in the fuck was he looking at you like that? 
You fought the pout on your lips as you perfected your eyeliner. Your peripheral vision distracted you from the dire task at hand in favor of prioritizing your million dollar man simply gazing at you. 
Does he not like how you look? Should you change?
You stood straight, making firm eye contact with yourself. Did you look fit to stand next to Kim Seokjin? 
You huffed, scrutinizing your form. The dress was stunning, but were you stunning in it? You gnawed on your glossed lip. Things with Jin had been like a dream. Waking up to soft kisses, eating wonderful food, experiencing unbridled support and honest criticism when you needed it. He was lovely, honest, and you had no idea how to tell your boyfriend how much you loved him. The words would get swallowed down by tsundere responses you didn't even know you possessed. It was either that or mindless bumbling. 
You preferred the honest truth, but you were so scared of what would happen if you said it. At this rate, you would marry the man and only be able to say how cool he is in your vows. You had never felt such a connection or such love, and you had absolutely no idea what to do about the reciprocation you realized within the first months of living here. He speaks poetry to you and all you can do is mumble a thanks when not crying about how mean your family is. Even when you do cry about your family, prince charming is there to hold you. The only time you can show him how you feel is during sex, which is fantastically mind-blowing sex, but you should be able to say a simple "I love you" if you can orgasm countless times with him inside of you.
Beyond your emotional idiocy, you had another problem at hand. You were going to a gala. Sure, you went to a couple of company events, but you had Jin's friends' girlfriend's to keep you company. This time, it was for some tech things. Jin gave you the details, but you forgot them upon your panic after he said it would be a mix of his associates outside of the company. 
As you gazed at yourself, you wondered if you should just tell him you'll stay home. He would understand. He's always considerate. He should understand that he looked amazing and you looked-
"You look absolutely breathtaking." Jin breathed, standing from the bed while you faced him shyly, "I feel unworthy to have you on my arm." He mused as he made his way over to you.
Your head tilted down in embarrassment, "It's the dress, not me, silly." You murmured only to feel a soft hand tuck under your chin to tilt your face up so he could place a short kiss on your soft lips. 
You watched with a giggle as he rubbed the swapped lipgloss between his two lips, "You've never been more incorrect, my love." He spoke softly, "If this event wasn't so big, I would keep you home to show you how ravishing you are without the dress." His hand slipped to the small of you back as he pulled you close. You let your eyes close briefly, taking a whiff of his cologne, calming your nerves.
You could convince him to do just that, but your love for him ran deeper than a tussle in the sheets. You knew he wanted to go and talk about all the tech things he excitedly tells you, despite the lingo going right over your head. Even so, nothing made you happier than to see him with that goofy smile on his face, "You can show me when we get home." You breathed as you planted a kiss on his neck, soft hands going to rub away your deposited gloss, "Maybe even on the car ride back." You whispered, voice sultry. What you were trying to say was that you loved him too much to let him pass up the opportunity to talk binary and coding to people who could respond with the same enthusiasm.
"You kill me so softly." He led you out to the car, opening your door like the gentleman he always is, "I can't wait to show everyone you're mine."
You smiled softly, "It's more my honor than yours." You smiled brightly as you watched Jin grow a giddy smile at your affectionate comment.
This event sucked so royally, but Jin seemed to be having a grand old time, and that was enough for you. The food was also plentiful and delicious, so after making the rounds with Jin to the major players, you sat down at your table while he discussed breakthroughs in everything having to do with what his other love, technology. Much like Jin would at your theater events, you watched with a warm smile as he chatted it up, waving at you every now and then.
You only moved from your seat to grab more finger dishes when you caught sight of a beautiful woman, tossing her head back in false laughter, her manicured hand playfully patting Jin's chest. 
Your Jin's chest. 
The chest that has on more than one occasion been littered with love bites and nail marks from you.
You sized her up, only to feel exceptionally smaller than you did before. You didn't know it was possible to feel more self-conscious than you did now, but her pure beauty was enough to make you put your snack down with a sigh. Your eyes couldn't help but dart to her fitted dress and even fitter body. Could you stand to lose some weight? 
Your eyes didn't even flicker to Jin's face as she shook his hand extremely slow. Your eye twitched when she began to stroke his hand. She was probably talking about how soft they were. Jin had angelic skin, and you knew how soft his hands were since they ran down your body every day.
That's right. It's your body those hands touch. It's your laugh his ears enjoy to hear. At least he says he does. Could all his love flit away as quickly as it came? Did he genuinely love you or was he just infatuated? Did you fall for a man who never fell for you? You weren't suited for him, it would make more sense if he didn't love you. 
You could feel tears knock in your ducts. This wouldn't do. You would have to cry later. Not now. Maybe not today, but tomorrow and the next, Jin will love you. He would continue to love you because he's yours just as you are his. She can try to take him away, but you will only keep him closer to you.
With this resolve, you straightened your back as you walked to your man with a poise you seldom exhibited. The woman has let go of his hand in favor of moving her silken locks to show off her neck, a seduction tactic you read in a magazine when trying to spice things up for Jin, only to find the article too boring.
Did he like boring?
Too late for that, since your hand had made soft contact with his bicep, "Honey, do you have my lipgloss with you or did I leave it at home?" You watched a dust of red tint Jin's cheek at the term of endearment. You glanced to the side, "Oh my, I'm so sorry to interrupt, I didn't even notice." You faked a shocked gasp.
"Nonsense, y/n, I was wondering where you were, so I could introduce you." He placed his hand atop yours and you suddenly felt like a fool jumping to conclusions. This poor woman was probably just making polite conversation and you-
"I'm Soojin, Seokjin's childhood friend." She spoke with a pearly smile. Aren't you a bitch? She was just catching up and you- "We were betrothed when we were kids." 
You should tear off her million-dollar nails and pawn them. 
She gave your hand a squeeze that you assumed was supposed to be intimidating, but with Jin's hand on your hip, you didn't falter.
"That's so cute." You gushed, and Jin could tell it was fake as you let go of her hand, "I'm Jin's fianceè." The word left your mouth before you could reel it back in.
What the fuck was wrong with you?
You swore the world stopped in the worst way to give you more time to soak in your own craziness as you watched Soojin's face twist with mocking disbelief.
You were glad you couldn't see Jin's face as Soojin's eyes darted to your promise ring, "Emerald is a bit funny for engagement, no?" Her eyebrow arched and you could swear you went down a couple inches.
How could you be so mindless?
"I'm waiting until we finish our Master's to make our official statement with the official ring." Jin spoke up and you breathed a subtle sigh of relief, "Although, I don't do anything by status quo from betrothments to engagement rings." He spoke with a strain you had never heard in his voice before.
You turned to see his jaw clenched, "You alright, my love?" You asked, genuinely concerned, "You sound a bit peckish, should we go?"
"I don't notice anything wrong." Soojin nearly sneered.
"You know me so well, dear." Jin gazed down at you with the same loving gaze he always had, "I suppose it's best I turn in, see you around." Jin barely gave Soojin a passing glance as you spared a cheeky wave before bidding more genuine farewells to associates. 
Guilt ate you alive the whole ride home. You sat with your head in your lap as Jin let you be, only confirming the anger you figured he had in you. How could you be so careless like that? So juvenile, so fucking stupid.
Upon getting home, you made a beeline for the guest room, figuring that would be where he wanted you to stay. On the opposite side of the house, as far from him as you could be. You were only halted by a swift clutch on your forearm, bringing you to clash into his unmoving form. Your face hit his chest as you tried to budge, only to be held firmly against him, "Leopard? What's wrong?" His voice was soft and yet, a dam broke inside you as you cried, "Were you overwhelmed?" He pondered as he held you closer, "I knew we should've stayed home." 
You shook your head, "I'm sorry I was mean to Soojin." You sniffled and Jin pulled you from him to look at you properly. 
You felt your bottom lip quiver as he looked at you with confusion, "Mean?" He cocked his head to the side.
Before he could continue, "She's just so pretty! And I know I sound dumb!" You exclaimed, "But she kept touching you and patting your chest, and I felt so…" You huffed, hot tears trailing down your face, "Inferior like she could just take you from me at any moment and-"
"You were jealous?" Jin was genuinely confused as his thumbs went to wipe your tears, his palms cradling your face, "Why on Earth would you be jealous of someone like Soojin?"
"Have you seen her?!" You were exasperated, "She's stunning and intimidating, might I add, and I just love you so much I didn't even think when I-"
Jin stopped listening as soon as those three words left your beautiful lips. He thought you had been humoring him when you introduced yourself as his fianceè. He had plans to reward you, but when he saw how upset you were in the car, he figured he would talk to you at home. 
"You love me?" You stopped short of your rant to gasp, "Is that why you said you were my fianceè? Because you were jealous?" 
It was your turn to be confused, "Of course, why else would I do that without talking to you about it?" 
"I thought you did it to butter me up." He laughed, the sound going from amusement to pure joy, "But you just love me so much, that you do something as crazy as saying you're my fianceè-"
You whined at the use of the word crazy as you slumped down, "Jin, I'm sorry, I just-mmph." You felt the most familiar pair of plush lips atop your own as Jin pulled you to him for a searing kiss. Almost immediately, your tongue intermingled with his own as he drew in a heavy break, squeezing you close to his body.
Quickly the kiss turned into a heated prelude to one of your favorite events, sex with Jin. You both stumbled your way to the bedroom, heels kicked off, dress noticeably looser with the zipper down, and when your back hit the most comfortable million dollar bed, you groaned. Jin attached his lips to your neck in a frenzy, "Say it." He moaned against your neck.
"Say what?" You panted as your fingers threaded through his hair.
He placed a quick bit that extracted a strangled moan out of you, "Leopard, I love you." He grit out as he tore the dress down your body.
"I-I love you too, Jin." You shot up when you heard the sounds of threads snapping, "Watch it! That dress costs more than my tuition!" 
"You're more valuable." He grunted as he slid the fabric down your body, completing with your request to show more care. You rolled your eyes at his cheesy comment but chose to focus more on unbuttoning his shirt. 
You could hardly help yourself as you sucked on the side of his neck. You were never one to give hickeys like Jin was, but you could definitely understand the appeal now. Jin was absolutely terrible when using concealer to cover it up, so the whole world could see them. This would embarrass you any other day, and probably will tomorrow, but it hardly mattered at this moment.
Jin, on the other hand, was in heaven. Not only did the love of his life love him back, but you were dreadfully, adorably, territorial as you licked around the busted capillaries that lied beneath his skin. He let out a throaty moan as his fingers threaded into your hair, tugging ever so slightly, only spurring you on more, just like he always did.
If you like my writing, consider buying me a ko-fi if you can
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jedivszombie · 3 years
Hi Maisie!! 💖 how about top five musicals/plays? (film or stage production!)
Hi Kay! I swear y’all are trying to kill me with these asks, it’s so hard to choose! I’ll do my best though (again don’t judge me). 
Top 5 Musicals/Plays (in no particular order):
Rent (2008 live on broadway, original and the 2014 UK tour) - thank you to bootlegs I have seen both the original production of Rent and am the proud owner of the 2008 Filmed Live on Broadway version. Rent never fails to make me cry, I know it’s like popular to say it’s cringe now and sure it is kinda cringe but as a teenager I just loved it. The music is great! The characters are mad but I love them! The cast for the original and 2008 versions are just awesome. I also got to see it on Valentine’s Day back in 2014 with a bunch of my friends from Sixth Form and it was so good! 
Next to Normal - oh boy, I don’t have enough words to say how much Next to Normal means to me but it is a whole lot. I found it on YouTube thanks to a budding love for Aaron Tveit and I’ve watched like 2 different bootleg productions of it - the off-broadway show, and the early broadway version of it. The cast is incredible, the storyline is heartbreaking and hopeful all at the same time. I always vibed hard with Natalie. I discovered it as a young teen going through some stuff (guess what bby Mais, you never really stopped Going Thru It) and it just helped in some weird way. Also the music slaps - thank you to Brian Yorkey and Tom Kitt for being those bitches always. 
Importance of Being Earnest - I got to see a fantastic production of this for my 17th birthday and I loved it so much. The energy, the story, the shenanigans. Oscar Wilde knew what he was doing!
Grease (Film) - Grease is the word! I adore this film and I adore this musical so very much. Yes it’s silly, yes it’s outdated, yes it’s ridiculous. But guess what pals? That’s the whole point! I saw this as a very young child and became quickly obsessed. It will not surprise anyone here to learn I was a theatre kid and when I was at High School the second musical the school did was Grease and even though I was just a Cheerleader I loved doing it so much. The songs, the energy, I ended every night with a massive smile on my face. It was one of the best experiences I had at high school to be honest. 
Rocky Horror Show/RHPS - I saw this when I was 17 and the UK tour came round, after being in love with the film since I was 11. It was so much fun! I love the film and music so much. And getting to see it live was also incredible, people were dressed up and participating and the people who were in the show were so good too! 
An honourable shoutout to Wicked for being a show I was desperate to see for so long and when I finally did it not only exceeded my expectations but made me sob uncontrollably. 
we’re vibing: send me a topic and I’ll tell you my top 5
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austennerdita2533 · 4 years
ooh can you do those same top three questions but for suits and tvd :)
Sure can, nonnie! xx
*Just as a general disclaimer for anyone else who happens to read this: my ship preferences are what they are. I’m simply stating my opinion/preference and am in no way encouraging hate or fights. Discussion is always welcome, of course, but happy vibes here only!
*2020 sucks enough as it is without bringing ship drama into it, you know?
Top 3 seasons:
-1, 2, and 3 without an ounce of hesitation. This was when the show was at its peak in storytelling, characterization, ship development, magic/mythology etc.
Top 3 romantic ships:
-Klaroline. One of my highest echelon ships for reasons I do not need to enumerate; however, I will say what I love about them most is they challenge as well as complement each other in beautifully rich, convoluted ways. Their back and forth is ridiculously entertaining, too!
-Kalijah. They have spice, and angst, and forbidden love, and 500+ years of cat-and-mouse chasing and I will be over here bitter about them for eternity! 
-Forwood. *excuse me while I cry over “until we find a way” for a few hours* These two went through so much to be together! Their progressive arc in s2-s3 is still one of my favorites.
*I’m Swiss neutral when it comes to Stelena and Delena, I vacillate between both ships at different times so they’re not included in my top 3. I’m an anomalous TVD shipper, a true outlier, what can I say?
Top 3 platonic ships:
-Klelijah. Klaus and Elijah have an incredibly dense, fraught brotherly dynamic. Something about their ancient ties and 1,000-year bond is gripping. There’s so much spoken and unspoken subtext between them. So many unresolved “somethings.” Plus, it’s no secret that I adore the Originals and all they add to the TVD-verse.
-Klebekah. Klaus and Rebekah sparkle, they sizzle, any time they’re on-screen together. Just the sheer depth of feeling and betrayal and angst they emanate is so entertaining to watch. Don’t get me started on the whole “I loved you more than anyone and you didn’t even care” scene because I get emotional.
-Defan. Stefan and Damon are another complex sibling relationship on the show. Throw into the mix that they find themselves in love with same woman, not once, but twice, and whew! I love the flashbacks we get of them throughout history as well.
*Gotta give shoutouts to my other favorite, though moderately less well-developed, brotps here: Carenzo, Katholine, Rebekoline, and Baroline. *chef’s kiss*
Top 3 characters:
-Caroline Forbes
-Klaus Mikaelson
-Katherine Pierce
Top 3 plotlines you’d change/erase if you could:
-THE BABY PLOTS ! ! ! BOTH OF THEM!!!!!!!!! (I’m talking Klaus/Haley and their tribrid baby and Caroline’s surrogacy/pregnancy with the Gemini twins.) I apologize for my overemphasized caps + exclamation points here, but I loathe these storylines with every fiber of my being. I can’t help it. More often than not, I like to pretend they don’t exist lololol.
-How they handled the beginning of Stefan and Caroline’s romantic relationship was...icky. Like, while Liz was dying? Really? Then she turns off her humanity because he “rejects” her. Again, REALLY? I have major issues with the overall portrayal of them as a couple - particularly with the relationship imbalances as well as the insecurities they heightened instead of tamped out in each other - but the inception of it all is what kills me. Especially because I am a huge proponent of friends-to-lovers ships...and the writers really dropped the ball with them, imo. I’m a multishipper at heart so the disappointment I harbor is PALATABLE. 
-The Cure storyline and the Travelers storyline. Didn’t like either of them. They have equal “could’ve been loads better” billing.
Top 3 episodes you’d take to a deserted island:
-3x14, Dangerous Liaisons. LISTEN. This is my favorite episode of the entire series. There’s a ball, there’s blood-tinged champagne, there’s duplicity and romance and drama. All the Mikaelsons are under the same roof, for crying out loud! It’s gold!
-2x07, Masquerade. This one because of my girl, Katherine Pierce, the biggest, baddest bitch of all. She’s a saucy little minx the entire masquerade only to end up locked in the tomb. I just...love it.
-The Klaroliner in me is screaming 4x23, Graduation because being on a deserted island without having access to Klaus’s iconic “however long it takes” declaration would be insupportable. However, a case could be made for either 3x20, Do Not Go Gentle because I am trash for the decade dances, and that one’s my favorite, OR 3x22, The Departed because that is one hell of a season finale!
Top 3 seasons:
-Season 2. Mike’s secret out of the bag? Them all working together to fight against the merger? Donna shredding evidence to protect Harvey? Daniel fucking Hardman? *thumbs up*
-Season 5. FIREWORKS. Donna’s working for Louis, Harvey’s in therapy, Mike gets arrested/goes on trial, Zane family drama. Exquisite stuff
-Season 3 or Season 1. Don’t make me choose between them, please. 🙏🏻
Top 3 romantic ships:
-Darvey. I mean, OBVIOUSLY. These two idiots had me from the pilot. I knew the moment Donna said “I also took care of that. we’ve been married for the last 7 years” that I was on the precipice of falling into another long, beautiful, up-to-their-chins-in-pining, slow sloooooow burn ships. Granted, I didn’t think it’d take 8 seasons for them to get together lololol but I don’t regret a damn thing!
-Mike and Rachel. They’re adorable together, they truly love each other. Also, can we talk about how they’re a steady couple for most-ish of the show?  They have drama, sure, but they work through most of it together. As a unit. THAT’S A BIG DEAL. It’s like going through the canon drive thru and actually getting (most) of what you ordered.
-Louis and Sheila. This is a couple who makes me laugh uproariously AND feel all the emotions. I mean, will I ever forget Louis dropping to one knee in the hospital with his ass cheeks hanging out? NO. Will I ever get over Shelia’s pregnant feet being too fat to fit into her Cinderella glass slippers? NOT ON YOUR LIFE. Will I blubber like an emo sap whenever they finally reconcile/get their happy ending? YOU BETTER BELIEVE IT.
Top 3 platonic ships:
-Mike and Harvey. They have a connection from the beginning but I love seeing how much they rub off on one another, how much deeper their bond grows over the course of the show. Their movie references are always a delight, too. *cries: it’s so beautiful*
-Donna and Louis. Their relationship is so important to me. Like?!?!?!? They have so many fantastic one-on-one moments together - some that make your sides ache with laughter, others that prick your eyes with emotion and tears. Even though it kills me when Donna leaves Harvey to work for Louis, I can’t help but love it too because he fanboys all over her. GIVE DONNA ALL THE LOVE AND APPRECIATION SHE DESERVES. 
-Harvey and Louis because they have a formative and/or impactful dynamic. They mostly respect each other but there’s a lot of animosity between them. Makes for such good TV!
Top 3 characters:
-Donna Paulsen aka Fashion Goddess of NYC (can I have all of her outfits? for real) and the Reigning Queen of Sass (who also happens to be the reigning queen of my heart as well). The entire firm would have fallen into collapse without her, FULL STOP.
-Harvey Specter. I have a penchant for stoic, inscrutable, emotionally constipated, on-the-borderline-of-asshole characters and boy did I hit the jackpot with this one! 
-This one was hard, but I’m going to go with Louis Litt because his character evolution is amazing! He’s so unlikable at times, what with his competitive streak and anger/jealousy issues, but then there’s this whole other side to him that’s sensitive and vulnerable and sweet. You can’t help but root for him, you know? (Even when you want to punch him right in the nose lol.)
Top 3 plotlines you’d change/erase if you could:
-Harvey giving Paula the credit for why he reconciled with his mother, when it was actually because of Donna. They retcon/fix this in the narrative in s9 but it still bugs me in the moment. I can’t let it go. So sue me.
-Pearson Hardman’s “Harvard Only” hiring law. Not only is it ridiculous and discriminatory but no way in hell would you even be able to implement such a thing in today’s world. Nor should you be able to do so. Diversity is important!
-I wasn’t crazy about the Mike prison storyline but, at the same time, he had to serve out penance for the whole fraud business??? So yeah.
Top 3 episodes you’d take to a deserted island:
-2x07, Sucker Punch. THE MOCK TRIAL, AHHHHHHH. Louis grills Donna about Harvey within an inch of her life. I can hear his inflection during his stream of “do you love Harvey Specter, do you love Harvey Specter” in my head. It is so effing tense in that conference room, I DIE. 
3x06, The Other Time. I am all about this flashback episode, okay? It opens Pandora’s box on all things past!Darvey and also shows us how Mike gets thrown out of school.
-8x16, Harvey. If you think I’d willingly retreat to a deserted island without having access to that Darvey love epiphany/love actualization scene then you are kidding yourself! I still blast “Love is Mystical” on full volume just to daydream about that swooping-through-the-apartment-door smooch sometimes. *fans self*
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malachi-walker · 4 years
Some Really Heavy Thoughts on the Relationship Between Scorpia and Catra
Fair warning, guys: I'm gonna get into some deeply personal stuff involving abuse recovery and past mistakes here. I will not be making excuses for Catra or her treatment of Scorpia, but well... Let's just say there's a reason why their relationship has always me wince. Because it touches on some stuff that is likely relevant to a lot of ex-abuse victims.
This entire meta stems from an epiphany I had while discussing with @johannas-motivational-insults how I have a really hard time writing Scorpia, and me trying to pinpoint what exactly makes me so uncomfortable working with her or looking at her relationship with Catra in detail.
Let me back up a bit. We all love Scorpia. She's a big cuddly sweetheart without a mean bone in her body. She's fantastic, a bright point in the overall suckage that is the Horde, and she gives GREAT hugs. So why does their relationship bother me so much?
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Well... It's because I've been there once before in my own life. And it's one of my deepest regrets, so seeing that play out on screen and instinctively knowing where this is going fucking sucks.
Personal stuff under the cut.
We've already covered Scorpia being a good kid. That said, I feel like a lot of people just flanderize her into being this perfect wonderful friend who wholly accepts Catra (and conversely either woobify Catra or make her a horrible monster who doesn't appreciate a good thing) but... the truth is a lot more nuanced than that.
Scorpia doesn't wholly accept Catra because in order to truly accept someone you have to see them for who they really are, warts and all, and Scorpia doesn't. She idealizes Catra and either ignores or downplays her very real flaws and problems, and tries to excuse any actions she commits that don't live up to that constructed image, which is of course what she confronts in s4 (and I’m proud of her for that.) It's not done with any ill intent, but it's still not a good thing in any relationship; romantic, platonic, familial, any kind.
Here's where things get real personal. Also, I wanna specify that I am not forcing myself to talk about this, even though it still hurts in a lot of ways. Though I am probably gonna bring this up with my therapist when I next see her.
I've mentioned before in previous meta that I am an ex-child abuse victim who followed a very similar trajectory to Catra once I got out of that situation. I was angry, I was hurt, and I was ADAMANT that nobody get close to me again and fully prepared to lash out as much as I needed in order to make that happen. Occasionally people would slip through my guard anyway, but on the whole I was very successful at that goal and torpedoed a lot of bridges back in those days.
And as much as it kills me to admit it... I had my own Scorpia too.
Her name was Amy, and I met her in my freshman year of high school after I ended up in a private school for the “gifted and talented” (which ended up being its own mistake, but that's a story for another day.)
To put this entire situation into perspective: at the time I was struggling to process and cope with my abuse, I had just been misdiagnosed with major depression after an entire year of contemplating suicide, and I had been put on a ridiculously high dosage of the antidepressant Wellbutrin--literally the highest dosage they could legally give an adolescent without the risk of seizures--which cranked my rage up to a constant underlying simmer and also gave me horrific fucking nightmares, to the point that for about a year and a half I was consistently only getting two hours of sleep because I was waking up screaming nearly every night. This is not me making excuses for being such a dick, but I do try to keep in mind that younger me was dealing with an absolute shitshow when passing judgment on myself. I was trying to survive a situation that absolutely no one was equipped to handle at all of 14 years old.
And then here comes Amy.
Amy was one of those people who was relentlessly optimistic to an almost suspicious degree (more on that later.) The kind of person who will reply to any statement of "I'm having a bad [x]" with generic look-on-the-bright-side platitudes and a big smile without actually addressing anything you said. She was also one of those people who was aggressively Christian, not in a mean way, but in an "it was her answer for literally everything" way, which given that I was struggling with my own faith at the time was practically a recipe for disaster.
But for whatever reason, this girl latched onto me, no matter how much I tried to get her to do otherwise.
I wanna note that I wasn't wholly devoid of friends at the time; my best friend, Michael (who is still my best friend/bro to this day) had also gotten into the school along with me, but the rest of our friend group hadn't and those relationships drifted apart in the ensuing years, which only served to compound the underlying issues. And I will always be thankful that the guy was able to roll with the punches and stick by me even through my absolute worst, but it was also pretty irritating having to switch between my bro who understands me even if he didn’t always agree to my much tenser interactions with Amy. So back to her.
Basically, this girl just kinda inserts herself into my life, refuses to take a hint or back off, and any time I try to talk about my issues or get her to understand a little and make an actual connection, I'm met with the overwhelming feeling of "You're not really seeing me. You're not listening." So I responded by being a fucking bitch. I would ignore her, make fun of her, treat her like a third wheel, etc. In hindsight, it was a dick move, but at the time it made sense to me. I genuinely felt like it was her fault for never listening to me in the first place, so I justified it by telling myself I was just paying her back in kind.
I lost touch with Amy after I was kicked out of school at the tail end of freshman year due to a Wellbutrin-induced rage episode (nobody got hurt, but my attitude at the time was so consistently extreme that the school administration literally had an inch thick dossier on my behavior and what the other kids thought of me, so that incident was just what they needed to justify kicking me out.) Afterwards, my parents made the decision to relocate to another town since my expulsion meant I would be banned from going back into school for a full year unless we changed systems--and even then I was required to go into a continuation school to prove I had been rehabilitated, but I digress. Point is that I was uprooted from that environment and I didn't bother keeping in touch.
I actually found out years later from a friend who went to that same high school--though we didn't actually become friends until after my expulsion--that the reason why Amy was the way she was is that in the year prior to meeting me, her mother had committed suicide and she had been the one to discover her body. So in hindsight, her entire deal made sense: she was trying to survive in the only way she knew how and cope with a situation no one should ever have to, same as me.
But that didn't mean we were able to connect. The great tragedy of that situation, and the thing I regret the most about it, is that we were just two horribly damaged kids that were utterly incapable of actually seeing each other as we were at the time. And it ultimately wasn't anybody's fault, which ironically makes it even harder to accept.
I regret the way I treated her. I wish I could have made her life a little better, and I still hope and pray she got the help she needed elsewhere.
That's what makes Scorptra so incredibly tragic to me as well. Scorpia is a good-hearted person who does genuinely care for Catra, but she also willfully blinds herself to the things Catra is dealing with and her relentless optimism often just ends up rubbing salt in the wounds. Catra is wrong to treat Scorpia so badly, but I also fully understand those feelings of resentment and anger you develop towards someone when they consistently refuse to see you as you are, because I've been there. And that's also why I've always had a hard time with Scorptra romantically (though if you ship it, good for you! I honestly wish I could), because those issues have always been present in their relationship and made it unsustainable from the very beginning.
Something was always destined to break between them. And that's what makes it so damn hard for me to write Scorpia as a character, because in many ways she reminds me of one of the things I regret the most in my life: how I treated someone else who had the best intentions horribly when I was at my absolute worst. These days I try to be kind to my past self as part of the healing process, but when I think of my actions in that year it is really fucking hard. I don't like to think about it, even though I know I feel like I need to (which is also why this meta exists.)
Neither Scorpia or Catra were at fault for the fact that they couldn't see each other properly: it was just a really bad case of wrong place, wrong time. And that's what makes it hurt.
Also, if you made it this far, I'm sorry this was so depressing. Please have a happy cat and scorpion to hopefully feel a little better. Also huge shoutout to @yesbpdcatra for encouraging me to get this out there. You're the best, fam.
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nhylluan · 4 years
Video Game Questionnaire
Tagged by @vailed-legacy, thank you, this is a fantastic idea! :D Rules: Fill in your answers below and tag some buddies!
First game you ever played: Donald Duck: Quack Attack I think? Immediatly followed by Pokèmon Silver! Favorite game: Bloodborne. God I love that game to death Game you’ve played through multiple times: Both Skyrim and Dark Souls! Game you hated at first but now love: I wasn’t certain about Undertale at first, then played it and really liked it Game you used to love but now hate: I’d say Terraria because at first I’m all thrilled about e x p l o r i n g, then get bored very easily when it comes to build houses etc. Still like the boss fights tho, especially when playing with friends. It’s not that is a bad game, it just don’t clicks with me Your favorite game atmosphere/setting(s): Bloodborne’s story, settings and soundtracks are my absolutely favourites.  Game with the best group/companion(s): Uhm, I’d say SWTOR, Dragon Age Origins and Fallout New Vegas A game with your favorite ending: Death Stranding. Oh God I still have to properly process it. Bioshock Infinite also has a very good ending that left me amazed. A game with the WORST ending: I’m not a fan of Dark Souls II’s ending. Best character customization?: I’m a basic bitch, so I’d say: Skyrim with 18371268316 customization mods. Had a lot of fun with that shit lol
Hero and Companions
Your favorite playable character: Geralt of fucking Rivia guys. I love him. Played all The Witcher Trilogy and absolutely loved it. Also Sam from Death Stranding is fantastic. The funniest playable character: Big fan of Moira O'Deorain from Oweratch here Your favorite companion(s): Oh this gonna be a long ride guys. I Adore Quinn from swtor and Lana Beniko, who is my absolute favourite. Also Morrigan from DAO, Craig Boone and ED-E from Fallout New Vegas (love their questlines) and Dogmeat from Fallout 3. Companions you could live without: Doc from SWTOR. Not that I hate him, but could definitely live without
Favorite game friendship(s): Geralt and Dandelion, hands down guys, those two are amazing Favorite game relationship(s): While I hated it in the books, the romance with Triss Merigold in TW3 is surprisingly good. Also Shepard/Garrus is a big favourite of mine Favorite companion banter: Alistair and Morrigan absolutely A relationship you weren’t sure of but loved: L o r d  S c o u r g e A character you wish you COULD romance: Philippa Eilhart from TW3 makes my gay heart tremble, I love her. A minor character you wish could be a companion: Not a minor character but I’d say Siegmeyer of Catarina from Dark Souls. That adorable onion knight.
Shoutout to a random NPC: Eileen The Crow from Bloodborne, I adore her. A game you love watching playthroughs for and want to play: Definitely Vampyr because a) I’m always a slut for vampires b) some friends recommended that game to me and I’m very curious about it Love watching playthroughs but won’t ever play: Layers of Fears because I’m an easily scared bitch and it terrifies me. I also played Both Silent Hill 1 and 2 and I’m still disturbed (I loved them tho it’s just that they gave me nightmares for months) Online gaming or solo?: Uhmm, I’d say solo, but this is pretty situational because I had some great fun playing PVP online on Dark Souls. The servers where so empty that I and the only other online player just kept summoning each other, switching weapons and equipments from time to time lol Why do you play video games?: Because I adore seeing how the story and the characters developes while playing through, i get tons of inspiration from it. Also finding easter eggs is great fun to me :D Tagging @halibellecter @palepinkycat @a-muirehen @aliyamirat @cinlat @empireswraths @codariidoescrimes @aduro-gayming and whoever wants to do this! :D
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prismaticquartz · 4 years
So, new decade huh!
(they’re under the cut since theres a lotta folks-)
YES HELLO khkjlfshakljhLKJ- ok but fr suns I love you so goddamn much!!! When I first met you I really wanted to get to know you and be friends. You were and still are the funniest and rowdiest fuckin person I’ve met in a loong time!! And yet you’re so understanding and patient and honestly, there aren’t many people in the world like you, which makes me so happy that I found you. Tough, fiery, strong, funny and caring I love you more than words can describe! 
MY GOD you are such a sweetheart nebs you really are. Smart, sweet and so wonderful in so many ways. We have so much in common and that makes me feel a lot less alone in the world. When you joined the shit squad I never really knew what to make of you (PFFT I thought you were 17 for some reason and thought you were a compleTELY different person from quirky watercolors JHLKJDF), but meeting you again in shmeeps and in hell and other personal servers I really wanted to make a good impression!! And I really wanted to become closer! AND HOOLY SHIT DID THOSE DESIRES BECOME A REALITY AND I AM SO HAPPY  THEY DID HDSFGKAJ!!!! I love you man I do!!! you make me so happy you sweetie!!! I hope for the best of things for you in the future!!
*GRABS YOU* JHKJH ok but we have such a long history together nauti and I wouldn’t trade any of it for the world. You’re such a vibrant and funny personality, you radiate such a vibrant and colorful prescience wherever you are and it lifts the mood of any conversation!! your art and stories are a majesty to behold and a testament to your colorful personality!! You’ve always been honest and dependable and there for me whenever I need you most.. and I can’t thank you enough for that. I love you my gay fish fillet!!!
dani devitoooooo you are a fantastic person to hang out with!!! Your stories and art have been getting better and better and better every time I lay my eyes on em!! You were there for me at a period of uncertainty.. I cut ties with my old friends and was unsure about the future.. but you, tony and simon helped me so much more than all 3 of you could ever even know. You’re funny and smart and just- a treasure to hang out with!!! I hope I can bring you the amount of joy that you brought me chick.. I love you!!! 
hello :thot: you’d better not be surprised to see yourself here JHKLJF BUT ANYWAYS YEAH DUDE YOU’RE SICK AS FUCK!! You’ve always got my back and I promise I’ll always have yours!! You bring such a calming atmosphere everywhere you are and are a trustworthy and intelligent friend!! I can also confide in you to talk to about anything and you’ll listen and understand!! Thats something I really value!! You’re so chill and hjdhkajhdkj!!! you’re fuckin epic bro gosh bless,,,
EHE hi- I know we haven’t spoken all that much until recently, but honestly bro, you are a gem!!! An actual gem!! Your writing is superb, you’re one of the sweetest people on the face of the planet earth, you’re talented, charming, *COUGH* gorgeous, and you bring such a warm prescience and are overall just fantastic to talk to!!! From the moment we started chattin, I’ve been wanting to know more and more about you and become closer!! And I hope that we can in the new decade!! Love you mot, gosh bless,, 
YEAH YOU’RE ON HERE TOO LITTLE HEXAGON COME HERE- Since we met in shmeeps I’ve been interested in gettin to know you bro!! And I’m SO HAPPY I COULD YO!!! You’re a rabid feral knucklehead and I couldn’t be happier to have you around!!! And honestly bro, I’m super proud of your work with Out Of This World. I’m not much into jsab anymore, but you’ve done something not alot of people have done yet, took an idea, made a story and made it real!! Alot of peoples passion projects have been worked on for years and only some have really been released, but you? You’re crushin the game!!!! And thats a rare, sight!! And I’m so proud of you!!!! I hope for more attention to OOTW in the coming years bro!! (if ya start sellin merch tho you gotta give me 20% off cuz we’re friends :thot:
HAHAAAH YOOOOU!!!! Before we added you to the group chat all we could talk about was how much of a delight you are!!! You’re talented, kind, funny and creative and we HAD to throw you in there!!! I know we’ve not known each other for long but I can tell that we’re only gonna become even better pals into the future!!!! Whenever you pop in everyone is always so happy to see you!! And why wouldn’t we be?? You’re amazing!!! And I hope that life will be even more amazing for you in the next decade!!! godspeed you funky axolotl,, godspeed,,
*SCREAMS AT YOU* I STILL CAN’T GET OVER THE FACT THAT I WAS ABLE TO MEET YOU IN THE FLESH!!!!!! Mys I still have those drawings you made hung up on my door and so long as I HAVE  a door they will STAY hanging there,, because getting to know you was a fuckeeen trIP!!! I see this breathtaking artist with an interesting jsab blog on my dash, give them a follow then I get a message from nipp saying they’re freaking out because they know about me too??? DUDE I WAS SCREAMING!!!! And even through some rough ass drama related shit you were always there to have mine and our friends back through it all!! All leading up to that magic day where I could give you a bear hug and wander around the museum with you!! Me and my dad couldn’t stop talking about that experience!! He said it was almost like we’ve known each other since kindergarten!!! I really hope to meet you again.. gosh bless Mys.. you funky man,, 
Ahh yes the 8th wonder,,, You’ve done nothing but bring comfort and joy you funky mongoose. You’re super funny (and horrifyingly cryptic at times-) and sUUPER talented!! I’d absolutely adore hearing about your original stories n shit bro!!! And I’d love to be able to get to know you better and talk more!! And I hope we will in the new year!! You’re epic as fuck bro!!!!
Ah yes, the serotonin woman, right here right oon time. That my friend is my thought process everytime you enter a room!! Seeing how supportive you are of so many people?? Honestly I have no fucking clue how you do it?? Either way, I’m so happy to have been able to talk with you!!! I’ve seen you around for a long time, but actually talking with you was a delight!!! I hope that one day you’ll be given as much support for your original series and other creative projects as you’ve given me and so many others. You really deserve it!!
YOUNG MAN- It’s been pretty tough, I recognize that, but I’m glad that I was able to get in contact with you!! I’ve actually known about you for some time!! But like with many people, I was nervous,, and really intimidated. But after getting to know you it’s been confirmed in my mind that you are actually a mASSIVE DORK!!! It makes me really happy to get a message checkin in on me every once and awhile!! It always reminds me that you do genuinely care!! I thank you so much for our conversations and I hope that we’ll have many more on the road ahead!! bless you!! 
@oddlyoglingowl @suna-bara
HEY MOM!! HEY DAD!! JHKJHSK- No but fr you two are actually such parent friends gosh bless- Hanging out in the server with you \two has been such a great time!! The minecraft shenanigans, the voice chat shenanigans and more have always been such memorable things to me and I thank you both so much!! Rose!! I’ve been so intimidated by you for the longest time and when we spoke my brain just lit on fire djhkjAHK- I was stoked to be friends with such a sweet and awesome creator!!! Playing minecraft with you that day was such a wonderful time!! I hope we can do it again sometime!! And yOU Lecter!! Your voice acting is sooo goood!!!! I’d really like to do something like a comic dub of some kind together!! That’d be fuckin epic!! You are such a lighthearted a goofy guy and I hope for more shenanigans to ensue!!!! 
There are a lot of people I missed here, but if I were to include everyone I’d be typing for another TWO hours hjfdslkjf- To everyone, friend, foe, or mutual.. thank you all so much for making this year what it’s been. From last November to present day I can say that I’ve been living in a golden age!! I’ve experienced things that I could have never DREAMED of experiencing before. All of this feels like life has rewarded me for pushing past the strife I’ve faced, the ignorance and ineptitude I held, and the knowledge and wisdom I’ve gained. Thank you so much to you all, these past months I will never EVER forget.. And thats a promise. To everyone, even those I don’t talk to as much, thank you for everything you’ve taught me, and for the memories you’ve gifted me. I love you all, each and every one of you. 
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