#shouts out to the ladies
needlepine · 4 months
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Needletail and Violetpaw based on Moonkitti’s newest video
Bonus: my personal pick for Needletail as a plushie under the cut
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Look how haunted that thang looks
Ik Moonkitti’s criteria was to stay as close to canon as possible design-wise and this one has a white tail tip but…… look at that tail….. a straight up needle tail……
This is her to me
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zarla-s · 5 days
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TF2 Casual is still a bot wasteland (the petition's at 285k+ signatures currently and valve has said nothing) but every now and then you run into another real person which I consider a personal victory, haha. Under these conditions what else can you do, there isn't any other way to win! Shout out to you, CRINGE-ineer gaming, wherever you are.
Remember to go to save.tf and sign the petition if you haven't already! And if you still can lol. The bot hosters are big mad about the #fixtf2 tag right now from what I've been seeing in casual.
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y4k4mi · 2 months
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shes a laaaady woah woah woah
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micamicster · 10 days
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Amina's journey from 1x06 to 2x06 - We Are Lady Parts
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mashbrainrot · 11 months
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St. Sebastian by Peter Paul Rubens, c. 1614 // Alan Alda as Hawkeye Pierce, Mash Episode "Deluge", 1976
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sturionic · 9 months
In the course of spiralling down an internet rabbit hole today, I found a truly excellent essay about the trials and tribulations of fandom: How To BNF Without Tears, by Walter A. Willis
If you are familiar with the term BNF (Big-Name Fan), you may have heard it in the context of early-aughts fandoms, or some configuration of superwholock. But this article is from 1954!
Please enjoy these excerpts:
Very well, let's consider a day in the life of this wretched Neofan. Brighteyed, the little fellow wakes early, listening for the tread of the postman. His ears are so sensitive to this faint sound that he will leap out of bed, every nerve quivering, when the man is a hundred yards away ….. whereas before he became a fan a whole battery of alarm clocks barely fluttered an eyelid.
It's me, I'm the wretched little fellow refreshing my AO3 inbox, nerves a-quivering
Consider now a day in the life of the BNF. He too is driven from pillow to post, but since he was up to two o'clock in the morning finishing an article he had promised for ten days ago, the postman has to knock twice to waken him. He staggers down the stairs, observing with a sinking feeling that the porch is covered with a layer of various sized envelopes[....]Some of the letters are from his friends, and he puts those in his pocket to be enjoyed later. Some are from self-appointed enemies, and he puts those aside until he feels stronger. The rest are from Neofen. Some of them want subscriptions to his fanzine. Some want information. Some want material for their fanzine. Nearly all of them are rude.
1954 equivalent of "RIP your inbox"
Now, on the way the BNF handles this mail depends whether he shall stay in fandom or retire suffering from chronic disenchantment like so many others[...]So I am going to suggest some rules which you might consider following when you become a BNF. (All that is necessary to become a BNF is to maintain a reasonably energetic standard of fanactivity for approximately two years.)
And then our friend Walter goes on to advise BNFs to "comment on as many first issues [of fanzines] as you can, and always find something to praise," "Always be polite and kind to Neofans," and to take the piss out of yourself: "Humourous attacks on you should be encouraged -- they add to the interest of fandom, rank as egoboo, and might give you something to write about." (Walter also warns on the dangers of attending conventions, and advises that you wear a false beard to maintain anonymity.)
Of course, I had to know: what fandom were these guys in?
So I did a little digging. Walter mentions a "Ken Potter" in his letter. Turns out Ken Potter ran multiple science fiction fanzines through the 1950's and 60's, including Brennschluss, Triumph and Scientifiction.
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A scan of Brenschluss, containing such gems as "tho I did once kiss a girl" and "Isn't Fandom romantic!"
Additional glossary for some terms used in Walter's essay:
"Egoboo": A colloquial expression for the pleasure received from public recognition of voluntary work. Originated in science fiction fandom as early as 1947
"Hectoed" fanzine: A method of copying text and illustrations that fell out of fashion after the 1940's. It involves involves making a bed of gelatin, transferring a special carbon ink to the gelatin and then laying on and picking up pieces of paper.
"Faned": Slang for "fan editor," aka the editor of a fandom publication, usually a zine.
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tabooiart · 6 days
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i saw london 2024 belle and was IMMEDIATELY in love and i Needed to add her to my canon. i can have 5 coaches thats fine. took some artistic liberties (but dont i always) in order to make her fit in with the rest of my designs better and also. to maybe make her look more like a sleeping car hahahahahaha
i think her and rusty have a sibling-esque relationship. in my canon she would race with rusty in heat 2 (where they lose to electra. whoops!)
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icedlava1 · 10 months
[DMC Casino AU]
Random Au idea. I just wanted to draw the dmc gang in these outfits. plus the whole dmc shop being a casino as well as a demon slaying shop is a cool idea to me fdkjdfkjd, if i’ll do anything with it lol.
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zootopiathingz · 3 months
Genuine question: Why do you ship Radiobelle? I've seen a lot of people doing it, and I'm curious as to what the appeal is!
The real question is, why do people ship anything? Why do we all see two or sometimes more characters interact with each other and imagine how cool it would be if they both had deep-seated romantic feelings for the other?
Answer: cuz we can!😌
Idk about the rest of you, but I don’t exactly have much control over what I ship and don’t ship😅 I just see the characters together and my brain randomly decides either “yes I want them to make out” or “nooo I don’t really see it”. (I am in no way a pro shipper though cuz no)
But as for Radiobelle specifically, there’s just something about them that my silly fangirl heart can’t resist. While I am fairly new to the HH fandom, I did watch the pilot around the time it came out and a small part of me did ship them back then. But I never really allowed myself to indulge in it and I just wasn’t that into the show anyway so I didn’t bother. Now, after actually watching the episodes and engaging in fandom content, I finally embraced the cringe to the full extent and let myself be consumed by the radio demon and his charming demon belle! :P
Now I’m aware that the majority of people don’t like Radiobelle, or even full-on hate it for multiple reasons. Sure, whatever. You don’t have to like every ship, nor does anyone expect you to! I can understand it’s not for everybody. The main thing that bugs me, though, is when people try to start arguments about why it’ll never be canon and why you shouldn’t ship it. “Charlie is with Vaggie and Alastor is aro/ace!” People ship Alastor with a multitude of other characters and nobody bats an eye,, why is it only when you see him being drawn with Charlie that you lose your shit and get offended about his sexuality being ‘erased’? (That’s a topic for a whole other post tbh). And people can ship Charlie with other people. Hell, they DO! I’ve seen numerous art of her and other characters.
Then there’s also the “Alastor thinks of her as his daughter!” See, I want everybody to actually watch episode 5 again and come back to me on this. No, he fucking does not. The only reason he was saying any of that was to get under Lucifer’s skin. That’s it. That was his whole intention. He doesn’t like Lucifer and wanted to rub it in his face that he has been a lousy father to his daughter, in comparison to all the ways he has helped her, with the hotel and whatever else.
Phew, now that I’ve gotten that out of the way! Onto why Radiobelle has stolen my heart!
I just love their dynamic and it all really started with the pilot. Alastor—this mysterious force of nature who can kill anyone and anything, is capable of unimaginable power and torture—randomly showing up on the doorstep of a hotel to help out. And literally no one else trusts him (reasonably so) but Charlie, the good-hearted soul she is, lets him in. She’s cautious, of course, but she’s giving him the chance to do some good because that’s what her dream is all about!
Now while I do wish they had some more interactions in the actual show, what we have so far is scrumptious✨ Alastor may have been giving an abundance of praise to Charlie to piss off her dad, but I don’t think he was lying. Deep down I’m sure he is enjoying the time they’ve spent together—even if he doesn’t fully realize it. Charlie defends Al’s sadistic behavior to her dad because he was doing it to defend the hotel (and bc he’s a cocky mf lol but it’s endearing to her in a way).
Oh and don’t even get me STARTED on episode 7 bro,, omfg the content!! The way he’s extra touchy with her even after they’ve made their deal. Her being nervous and stressed out but he encourages her anyway and verbally admits that he had faith in her the whole time. Him giving her his microphone—which is likely the main source of his power as shown in episode 8 (where he let her use his mic AGAIN!!!) which just shows how much he actually trusts her,, UGH it’s just 🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻 give me more!!
Now, do I expect Radiobelle to become canon? No. Would it be fucking awesome if it did? Oh absolutely. But I know it won’t, and I don’t care! I’m having the time of my life shipping these two hell-dwelling idiots and I don’t care what anyone says about it!😋
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slitherpunk · 2 months
we all are a small but wonderful part in very many people's lives
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lego-ninja-bilbo · 5 months
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If anyone has more examples feel free to add them! I love makeup/markings like this a lot <3
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overtaken-stream · 10 months
``U`` in Art
! !NSFW! !
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Find Urself a guy so enticed with U that he'll learn to draw hUman anatomy as correctly as possible, who gains an Understanding of color theory, who tries his hardest to shade the skin, who Uses coUntless references of different people from all aroUnd the world and pUts himself in a position where the simplest of insecUrities become beaUty in his eyes, so desensitized to the real world and the thoUghts of others. Only to draw U,,,,
U with the nervoUs glances, U with the sparks of confidence, U with smarts, U with the body that U possess, U with the glowing skin, U with blemishes, U with scars, U with the signatUre grin, U with tears of happiness, U with sadness inclosed, U with so mUch secrets, U with an open heart, U with stretch marks, U with colors of the rainbow, U with the natUre itself, U with the everlasting eyes that lead to Ur heart, U with silence, U,,,,U,,,
However, no amoUnt of skill can captUre the charm, no amoUnt of brUsh strokes can ever compare to the real U, no amoUnt of practice can portray the love he has 4 U, no amoUnt of stUdying will ever compare to the time he spent stUdying U. No canvass will fit the love he has 4 U.
None will be able to captUre U in a box of white. Yet he makes a fUtile effort with scenarios in his imagination that will never be accUrate. The jealoUsy that takes root has no reasons, nor is it based on reality, yet his thoUghts run wild, so does his imagination.
He fantasizes Until a piece is born, a piece entirely consUmed and concocted by lUst. Depicting U in Ur most vUlnerable state.
The gUilty heart thUmps against his ribs as he continUes to shade Ur bottom in tints he can only imagine the real thing is. The organ beats loUdly in his ears, flUshed with the act he refUses to halt, the pink hUe decorates his face the longer the stays in place. Addams apple moves along his gUlps of saliva as sweat travels down from his temple. Dry tongUe slides across his lips.
This piece will never be hUng on the walls, yet the shamefUl act of drawing lewd makes him freeze as if an aUdience is watching and observing. It woUld have been fine if not for the fact that Ur the one on display. It flares an Unpleasant emotion inside of him. Anger, jealoUsy. He is aware It's nonsensicle.
The way he shifts his arm is robotic and he gets lost in the colors, Until it's time to add the glint on Ur Sex, erm,,,, Ur sex from his fantasy anyway.
A thought rUns across his mind that stops him of filling you with colors.
And he debates for a second.
ShoUld he stain this already sedUctive piece with his colors filling the insides of you?
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↳Noriaki Kakyoin, Rohan Kishibe (jjba), Yuuta Okkotsu(jjk), Portgas D. Ace, Sanji (op), Yushiro(kny), Armin Arlert, Jean Kirstein(aot), Genos(opm), Shinji Ikari(ng:e), Tamaki Suoh(ohshc), Aquamarine Hoshino(oshi no ko), Kurapika Kurta, Leorio (hxh).
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jesterwriting · 8 months
Any chance you’d be willing to do some femdom with Sanji? Lots of mixing pain and praise pls? I’ll love you forever
pairing: sanji x reader
contents: dom!reader, sub!sanji, reader calls sanji good boy and pretty boy, sanji calls reader mademoiselle, leg humping, femdom, dacryphillia, reader slaps sanji and pulls his hair, sanji gets praised AND humiliated, sanji is naked, reader is fully clothed, there's like two mentions of feet and toes but its not foot fetish territory imo, reader kicks sanji in the balls once but hes into it so its fine
word count: 1.2k words
note: okay so. i went a little crazy with this one. i think being dommed within an inch of his life would fix sanji and i had soooooo much fun with this request. thank you so much for sending it in <3
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Lacing your fingers with Sanji’s blond locks, you carded your fingers through the soft strands with a small smile. His breathing was heavy, naked chest heaving under the force of it. Sanji’s eyes fluttered closed, leaning into your grasp with a content hum. You allowed him to enjoy your ministrations for a moment more before your grip tightened and you yanked him upward so that his face was inches from yours. He let out a gasp, thighs pressed tightly together at the rough handling.
“My pretty boy,” You crooned. Sanji was beautiful like this: completely naked and at your mercy. He was on his knees in front of you while you sat on his bed, clothed and wearing an expression of complete adoration. Even as tears made his blue eyes glassy, you didn’t let up your harsh treatment. Instead, you gave him a little shake. He let out the barest whimper. You fought the urge to give in and let him fuck you then and there, the only thing keeping you determined was the promise of a show you’d rather die than miss. “You can take it, can’t you? You’re always so good for me.”
Sanji nodded, a moan spilling from his lips when your fingers tightened and sharp, manicured nails dug into his scalp.
“Use your words, love.”
He swallowed hard, Adam’s apple bobbing as he wet his dry lips. “Anything for you, mademoiselle.”
“Good boy.” With that, you lowered him back down to his knees. To an untrained ear, Sanji’s sigh would have sounded like relief, no longer being held by his hair and finally back on the ground after a minute of suspension. You, however, knew better. Your sweet boy was disappointed.
You couldn’t have that.
Without missing a beat, you reared back and smacked him hard across the face. The sound of your palm against his skin reverberated through the room, nearly drowned out by Sanji’s groan of pleasure. His hips flexed, weeping cock bobbing as he thrusted into thin air. A puddle of precum had formed at your feet. You dipped your toe into the sticky fluid and wiped it on your boyfriend’s thigh, admiring the sheen of slick against his pale skin. He shivered under your touch.
“Did that feel good?” You traced his bottom lip with your thumb. “I love seeing you like this, all desperate and horny. It’s lovely. You’re lovely.”
Sanji whimpered in response. A purple bruise had started to form where you hit him. A beautiful bloom decorating him, proving that he was yours and yours alone. Your breathing hitched ever so slightly. Despite your act, you were not entirely unaffected. Your clit throbbed behind layers of clothes and your mouth watered at the thought of wrapping your lips around Sanji’s length. As if reading your thoughts, your boyfriend pawed at the buttons of your blouse.
“Let me see you, please. Your beauty is beyond compare, mademoiselle, don’t hide from me,” He begged. Though you both knew his nimble fingers could undress you in seconds, he was purposefully clumsy as he waited for your response.
With a small smile, you ground your foot into his crotch. Sanji doubled over with a gasp, his hands no longer preoccupied with your clothes, wound tight against your ankle.
“Why would I let a pervert like you see me naked?” Sanji whined when you leaned down to brush your lips against his forehead. Tears flowed down his cheeks, salty rivers you wanted to trace with your tongue. Instead, you wiped them away with your thumb. “You’re my boy, and I get to admire you as much as I like. You, on the other hand, have to wait. You can wait, can’t you?”
He sniffed thickly, nose clogged from crying. “I can wait, I can be good.”
With your nail, you pressed into the bruise on his cheek. Sanji squirmed, dick jumping, desperate for friction you hadn’t allowed yet. He looked so pitiful like this. The skin of his chest was stained a deep red from the chest up, with watery eyes, and plump, parted lips that screamed for you to capture them. You indulged yourself for a second, pressing yourself against him. Sanji met you, desperation coloring his every movement. The kiss was sloppy. Saliva, snot, and tears smeared your face as his tongue pressed against yours.
“You’ve been so good for me,” You praised when you pulled back, ignoring Sanji’s disappointed sob. He nodded in response and looked up at you from under his lashes. “Hands behind your back, pretty boy, I’ll give you something tonight, just like I promised.” You crossed one leg over the other, dangling your left leg off the bed until your toes touched the ground. “Go on. Hump my leg.”
The words barely left your mouth before Sanji was on you, trailing open mouth kisses along your clothed thigh as he dragged his cock along your shin. His whole body shook, his dick staining your jeans with precum as he rutted his hips against you.
You grinned. “You like that, don’t you? Humping my leg like a dog?”
Sanji let out a cry when you dragged your big toe down his heavy, cum-filled balls. “Yes, mademoiselle!”
“It’s so cute that you can cum from this.” His thrusts were sloppy and without rhythm. Blond hair was plastered to his forehead with sweat, his breath coming out in heady pants as he chased his release. “That’s it, how do you feel?”
Gasping, Sanji buried his face on your thigh. His words came out muffled. “S-So close, mademoiselle, I’m so close.”
You admired the curve of his ass, looking plump and delectable as he pistoned his hips against your leg. The entire scene was so pathetic, you were sure your panties were ruined. A part of you was surprised Sanji couldn’t see your slick staining the front of your pants, or maybe he was too preoccupied with himself that he hardly noticed. You loved seeing your boyfriend like this. He was always so attentive to you. Watching him lose himself to the bare minimum never failed to get you wet.
“Be a good boy and cum.”
Sanji threw his head back, his jaw hanging open and eyes clenched shut. Spurts of semen painted your shin as he ground against you, chasing the last, sensitive remains of his orgasm against your leg. The tip of his cock smeared cum into the fabric of your clothes.
“Thank you, thank you, thank you,” He repeated the words over and over again, even as his hips twitched and his body shook from the weight of his orgasm. Sanji’s body slumped to the ground. You caught his weightless body, dragging him into bed beside you so you could wrap your arms around him and rest his head on your chest.
“Feel better?”
Sanji laughed, boneless in your arms. “I’ll feel even better once I take care of you, my love.”
You laughed at his declaration. There was no way your boyfriend would be capable of moving for the next hour or so, unless a magic fairy came in and blessed him with the stamina of a workhorse. “What I want right now is to trace shapes into your back until you fall asleep.”
“No buts, go to sleep.”
Too tired to argue anymore, Sanji snuggled deeper into your side. His only argument was a displeased sigh that you happily ignored.
“When I wake up,” He promised.
“When you wake up,” You conceded with a smile.
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You’ve heard of the old classic “bury your gays” trope! Now get ready for the New and Somehow Worse “cancel your gays” where they’re completely removed from existence! Enjoy!!
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fleouriarts · 2 months
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yet another person has fallen victim to my furry beam... ericdoa is now in the hmfcu (hivemind furry cinematic universe) as a ring-tailed lemur. i was so stumped on what to make him and then i realized i've never given someone a lemur sona or even made a lemur oc despite really liking them. i had to remedy that
also when i asked people if they had ideas for his sona literally everyone said 'make him something tiny with huge eyes'. lemurs are small enough and their eyes are pretty striking. works for me
originally finished 4-18-2024
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dayurno · 2 months
most touching bit that has been going on recently is people including kevjean when they say there are ship wars being fought on jean's holy name as if kevjean is ever even remotely comparable to jerejean (famous) and jeanee (canon)..... there are five kevjean fans and two are me. i dont think we can compete let alone compare but i love the enthusiasm
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