#showering was so funny because the goosebumps were insanely visible
tardis--dreams · 7 months
I love this hostel. They're like 'oh we're gonna make your room sooooo cozily warm you'll forget the icy winter cold outside ♡' and then go 'ahhh the bathroom! The room where people are most likely to be undressed and therefore exposed to the Temperatures™️ ! Let's make it.. hmmmm.. -20 degrees! Perfect'
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barnesandco · 4 years
Sunshine is Honey in the Mouths of Birds who have Tasted Cages
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Warnings: Smut, so please be 18 or older. I will block you if you aren't.
A/N: This is my first smut one shot, and the first piece I've ever done with detailed smut generally, so please let me know what you think; I could use some constructive feedback. Also, I’d be over the moon if you would reblog - thank you so much for your support!
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You bite your lip in concentration as you work on the third-to-last buckle on the jacket of his tac suit, leather scraping rough against your hands, but the smile in his eyes as he watches you undress him is cotton-soft clouds, stroking your cheek as gently as his hands on your hips. A watery chuckle escapes him as you shake your head and blink back your own tears when the jacket falls open to reveal the compression shirt he wears underneath, and you lean against his chest, dazed smile pressed into his sternum.
Bucky lowers his head so his nose brushes your hairline, murmuring his next words straight into your nervous system, setting your neurons alight the way only he can.
" 'M not sure how I thought you'd react, but this definitely wasn't it, doll." 
"I just-" Another shake of your head, this time in equal parts of disbelief and awe, nuzzled into his chest, a huff of laughter. "-I know we've talked about it, and you said you were going to, but now that it's finally happening, I don't know what to say." Your voice breaks at the end, surprise and joy bursting at its seams. "You're retiring." It's a question, a half-doubt, that when repeated once more, and then twice, sounds like a promise rolling off your tongue.
The orange pinks of the incoming sunset pierce the room to set his eyes on fire, smoldering oceans when you finally push back to look at him. The room holds its breath when he smiles, but your first tear takes the chance to escape the corner of your eye, allows itself to be recaptured by his thumb as he lifts his hands to cradle your face. His hand rests in the crook of your neck like a sparrow in its favorite branch, warm and content, finally home.
"I am, baby, I am," he confirms, before leaning down to seal his mouth over yours, warmth thrumming beneath your skin. His other hand stay on your hips while yours rise to push the jacket off his shoulder. The light thump with which the Stark-engineered leather lands on the carpet in your bedroom is drowned out by the whimper released from your mouth, and his responding growl. He tastes like peppermint and ash, fresh from a mission and exhaling cold against you as he forces himself to release your waist, your face. 
"I need a shower, darlin'. Don't want to celebrate all sweaty," he whispers, and you want to tell him you don't give half a damn - he can smell like sweat and gunpowder all he wants as long as he's home - but you know he's never at ease after a mission until he's had all the grime of it cleaned from him, physically and then emotionally. So you nod instead, following him to the bathroom, choosing not to mention his comment about celebrating, even as the excitement heats your insides and your imagination.
The world goes quiet, and then roars with the sound of the shower as you turn it on, then reaching to peel Bucky's shirt from his form. A sigh is released - heavy and quick, like a July breeze - as he traces your neck with his lips, while your hands shake to remove his pants. Steam is damp on your lips when he leans to plant his lips on yours once more, simultaneously tugging at the sleeves of your nightgown, the silk pooling at your feet, cool mercury against your ankles.
You step into the spray of shower, hot for summer, but just right to soothe your husband's likely aching bones, his weary face. The wrinkles seem to evaporate from his forehead as the water hits his shoulders, and he reaches for you, guiding you to stand chest to chest, heart to heart. A wet kiss, interrupted by the streams of water, is laid on your forehead, his hands soothingly traversing your back and waist, his wedding band a cool reprieve from the searing cocoon you're enveloped in.
Fear that your heart might just burst with the intensity of your love for him stabs at your chest, before you push it away with another smile at yourself and reach for shower gel and a loofah. The soapy suds glide across his body when you move your hand in circular motions, starting at his torso, taking care to trace every scar as it is made visible after the foam clears. His skin tenses, goosebumps erupting, and a kiss for gratitude every time.
You giggle at the last one and he nips at your bottom lip, and then your neck, laughing in between. Pretending to be stern, you waggle the shampoo bottle at him like a scolding finger, furthering his amusement. 
"Enough funny business, Barnes," you tell him, and he grins, wrapping his arms around your waist and bumping your forehead with his own when he gives an exaggerated nod. 
"Yes, ma'am," and your lungs do a funny dance, your diaphragm struggling with the breath you were about to take. His blinding smirk is a surefire tell that he knows exactly what he's doing.
"I need to wash your hair," you say, reminding him of the bottle still in your hands, and he steps back before dropping to his knees, taking the loofah with him. 
"Thought I'd wash your legs while I'm down here," He says in answer to your raised eyebrows, and you quell the urge to tell him his hands on your legs are not most conducive to keeping you on your feet. Instead, you begin to wash his hair, letting the leather wash away stolen remains of rubble and stone, blood and dirt. No more of that, you think happily. He's home now. 
And he's very much at home too, comfortably sliding his hands up and down your legs to wash away the soap hands tracing patterns on your calves, your shins. You swallow a whimper when he traces the first letter of his name on your thigh. Try to focus on washing out the last of the shampoo as he replaces his fingers with his thumb. The only thing in his hair now is your fingers, clenching and stroking, when his mouth locates the peachy flesh at the apex of your thighs. 
The color of the sky during summer sunsets is no warmer than this sacred space between your legs, the feeling he delivers when he moves just so, and God, you need to rest back on the tiles - a cool reprieve - as he opens you up to him, lifting a leg over his shoulder. Held up by one trembling leg, his vibranium hand on your waist, and the strength of that surge of pleasure, you bite back a growl.
"Jesus, you're delicious, baby," he slurs against you, lust-drunk and lost in the taste of you, the feel of your soft sweetness on his tongue, honey and sunshine and ocean saltwater all in one. His movements quicken as your breath shortens, a mewling cry let loose in the throes of your climax when he suckles on your sensitive bud. Fireworks behind your eyelids, it feels like a stampede of horses are racing across your ribs when he rises and gives you a kiss. The taste of you is tangy and sweet on his lips, a beautiful contrast with the rough scrape of his stubble.
"You okay, sweetheart?" He teases with a quirk of his kiss-swollen lips, and you resist the urge to kiss that smug expression off. This silence gives him more material. "Speechless, huh? I know I'm good but not that g-" You silence him with your lips on his, turning off the shower and pulling him out, wet limbs tangling and slipping against each other as you exit. Just barely managing to grab a couple of towels off the rack before he cages you against the sink with his arm on either side of you, you gasp as he layers your neck with weighted, wet kisses. A shock to your nerves in the form of a suckle on your pulse point, a scrape of teeth below your ear. A tingle down your spine as you feel his erection against your hip, and you've only just taken him in your hand when he exhales a growl infused with a sigh, dropping his head on your shoulder.
Your nimble hands are soft and delicate, loving and wanting, feathers over brick, bringing him ever closer to insanity and blissful heaven. But he doesn't let you take him all the way, only allowing a few minutes of a lover's caress before pushing off the sink, and taking one of the towels from your hands. He wraps you in it before draping the other across his shoulders and back. It falls off halfway from the bathroom door to the foot of your bed as he carries you to it. Skin is still shower-damp and crisp tingles litter every part of your body that his mouth touched, but all of that is forgotten when he lays you down and strips you of your towel, covering you with his body instead.
You have a perfect view like this, the last remains of the sunset giving him a rose-gold halo that you disrupt by pushing a strand of hair behind his ear. Bucky rests on his elbows, watching you like he is content to do just that for the rest of his days. 
"I can't believe it's over," He tells you, hot breath fanning over you as he leans further down, just toeing the line between going cross-eyed. Your second hand joins the first, caressing Bucky's face, tracing his laugh lines, letting a pinky rest in the divot of his chin, coming to rest with both hands on either side of his face, his warm smile tangible beneath your palms. 
"I'm happy for you, Buck," You say, and he lowers his body, pressing his every edge into your every crevice, and vice versa, nudging your nose aside to whisper again, lips rasping against yours, eyes closed. He smells of soap and citrus now, clean and warm, content and so very Bucky.
"I'm happy for us," he answers, and then the impatience must surge in him as much as it does you, because he captures your lips in a kiss that curls your toes and lifts your legs to bracket his hips. 
Bucky's hardness is more pressing now, heavy and warm against you as he rocks his hips to the rhythm of your pasps in between kisses. Gasps turn to moans, crystal clear reflecting the bubbling occurring below your navel when his fingers glide up the inside of your thighs to the spot that makes you bite your lip till you draw blood. And you almost do, but he captures your lips with his own again, swallows the resounding whimper elicited by his fingers twisting just so. Crescent-moon shapes indent his flesh bicep and a small, purple mark begins to form beneath your teeth at his collarbone as you do something, anything, to stem the overflow of pleasure he is releasing.
Something gives you the presence of mind to lift your hand from his shoulder and reach for his hair, look up to where he is watching you beneath hooded eyes and widened pupils.
"I want you," you inform candidly, pushing up to press a kiss against him. "Now, please," you add for good measure, pushing at his shoulders and he smiles, yielding to turn and lie under you. 
Straddling his hips, sitting up, you need to take a deep breath, this time from the awe of the breathtaking sight before you. The contentment of bliss, the release he has found, it's written all over him and it's an expression you want carved into your heart as much he wants to keep it on him. Your husband has been a selfless man, repaying debts for crimes he never committed, and now he's decided that the past has been compensated for. That his life is finally his own, that he is home, and the only duty he has now is to you.
He smiles up at you like you're the sun itself, nods, speaks to you in that wordless language only the two of you share, that the two of you created. So you align your warmth with his, and sink down, taking him in whole. The gasp is torn from your chest harmonizes with his groan, and you rest your hands on your chest. Lean forward - sharp inhale as he goes deeper - and your hair curtains the pair of your from the world. One kiss, and you start moving.
His hand comes up to caress your breasts, metal finger circling nipples until you whimper again, lifting your hand to press him harder to you, the other linking with his flesh one at your hip. An electric current travels up your spine when he pushes harder, smiles softer, all contradictions and beautiful mix ups. Bucky is starshine and sunflowers underneath you, his lust-hazed eyes clear enough to shine. His hands guide you over him, rolling waves and butterfly flutters everywhere inside of you, and you kiss him again. 
He tastes of sunbeams and ecstasy, tongue sweeping your mouth to memorize the feel of you on his lips, and you remind him again - in that language of lovers, with silent words - that he has all the time in the world for you. As long as he wants. Hours, days, weeks. Years. But the peak is impending; it cannot be held off much longer, and so he sits up against the headboard. Grunts to go deeper, stroke that secret spot nobody else has ever found.
"Bucky," you cry, when his hand finds your pearl of nerves, the rush of sensation sparkling like a fourth of July. His name is a catalyst, an aphrodisiac, and it gives him the push he needs to topple you both over the cliff and into the abyss, groans whimpered into each other's mouths, and hands sliding over lust-sodden bodies for something to hold onto as the world flips. You come back to earth slowly, and then plunge into it, opening your eyes like you've never seen such beauty, like he is a new galaxy in your arms.
"I love you, honey," he says, cupping your face tenderly, as if to hold flower petals. 
"I love you, too," you reply simply, moving to get under the covers, head resting on his chest. You can hear his heart racing under your ear as you look out the window. The sun has set fully, but yours is here with you, warm and alive, sweet and home.
Taglist: @suz-123​ @mermaidxatxheart​ @buckyreaderrecs​ @shield-agent78​ @corneliabarnes​ @stevieboyharrington​ @notsomellowmushroom​ @veganfangirl5​ @mood-pancakes​ @lbuck121​ @redhairedfeistynerd​ @geeksareunique​
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love-kazin · 4 years
Back in Town
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Genre: established relationship, smut.
Pairing: Lee Junho x Reader (female).
Warnings: mature content - slightly kinks, curse words, kinda filthy language.
Word count: 2.570.
Junho didn’t told you but he’s back, and he’s planning to spend the whole night entangled on your body.
"Are you at home?"
Junho was texting but it wasn't the regular time you both used to do it. He was overseas for schedules, so the usual time to text was early in the morning. Which he didn't do it today, making you feel weird about it, but guessing it was a really busy day.
"Yes, I got home half an hour ago. Why?"
"Did you receive some package today?"
The concierge received while you were at work but it was still closed, since you pick it up and went to take a shower to relief the stress of the day.
"I did, but didn't opened it yet. It's from you?"
"Hmm, you should open ;)"
Putting your phone on the table, you searched for an scissor to rip off the tape. What you didn't expected was to find under tons of white paper, a dark lingerie set above an black silk robe. It was beautiful, you couldn't wait to wear. But thinking about that made you blush.
Sometimes Junho and you were shopping and every time you passed through an lingerie isle, he searched a new one for you. It was kinda embarrassing and funny having him picking his favorites and arching his eyebrow looking at you, with that devilish smirk that always makes your knees weak. Ah, but those nights at home were so good...
Apparently, Junho knows your size and decided to buy these things for you by himself. But he wasn't even there for you to wear it. What was his point?
"What are you planning?"
"I'm back in town, babe. And I miss you so bad..."
When he came back? Why didn't he told you? Was that the reason behind his missing this morning?
"I've been thinking about you this whole month..."
"You know that I've missed you too. You should have told me you're back, I would make something delicious for my man."
"There's an really nice thing for you to wear tonight. Nothing can beat that."
Junho's words made you tremble in your sit. He never failed in seduce you in every way he can. You felt your body temperature heat up only thinking about the night you were about to have.
"So good with words... Show me your acting."
"I'm coming in an hour. Be ready and I'll give you everything you want, love."
Finally dressed and in your black heels, you lost the track of time listening to the playlist you choose to create the right mood, looking at yourself in the huge mirror in the corner of your room and imagining Junho's reaction.
Which you were about to discover since the bell was ringing exactly one hour after the last text. Breathing deep to calm your heart, you made your way to the front door. It was better to be Junho or you would be really embarrassed.
His expressions made your body almost combust in seconds. The set he choose fit you perfectly, marking all the right spots, and Junho could see that clearly as cristal. His almond eyes looked at you from head to toe, absolutely satisfied. He licked his lips and nipped at them, releasing only to speak his eternal thought.
"Babe, are you even real?"
"Let me show you."
You caught him by the hem of his white shirt, locking the door as soon as possible. Fast enough to be turned around, having your back at the wood material and Junho's body pressed on yours. His large hands on your waist feeling the material attached in such a delicate skin, his head buried in your neck, smelling the scent of his favorite perfume, his erection already being formed and feeled, arousing you even more.
"So my man is already prepared for me?"
"I don't think you have any idea of how much I've been missing you."
"I've been feeling the same, so let me show you."
He hummed and went for a kiss, but you put your finger in his lips, smirking.
"I put the mirror in a angle where we can see ourselves from the bed... Wouldn't you like to try this?"
The arched eyebrow, the fire in his eyes, and the devilish smile made you weak. You could have fall if it wasn't for his hands strongly holding you against the door. How could he cause this even without saying anything?
"I wanna try everything with you, babe."
Motivated by his words, you lead the way to the bedroom, but what he didn't knew was that you have prepared a little surprise. It was regular to have Junho in front of you, looking at your face while getting naked so slowly that you could swear is was some kind of torture. So you decided to change things a little.
Pushing him into the mattress at the exact same time the music changed to the one you've been practicing, your body started to move in the calm rhythm. The sexy moves you have trained for the whole month seemed to cause some effect on Junho, which made you proud. His heavy breathing, his plump lips being nipped all the time, his hands holding the silk robe you threw to him... until you climb on his lap, rolling your hips and listening to him growling.
"Let me give you pleasure as much as you just gave me."
Junho's mouth didn't waste any time to hungrily travel to every visible inch of your body. Those moisturized lips kissed yours like you were his favorite piece of art and he wanted to absorb your essence. You felt his hard on and rolled your hips again, just to have your boyfriend moaning into the kiss. It has been so long that you wanted to rush and have him diving on you, but you couldn't skip any part of it. How could you? Every little thing he does makes you insane.
Adjusting you both on the bed, his back found the mattress after you almost rip off his white shirt. It's a crime to cover that body. Kissing his torso and sucking where he wouldn't show, it didn't took so long to reach his tight pants. You really love when he wear those kinds of clothes, but in those special times, there wasn't lots of patience to remove it slowly. But oh, so beautiful how the fabric attached to his big thighs and marked everything you love.
Even so, nothing could compare to when Junho was completely naked underneath you. The prettiest and most precious canvas in the whole galaxy wasn't at any art museum, but in a cozy bedroom. It was an honor.
Touching his skin while he hummed approving, you couldn't let out the part that was desperately needing your attention. His erection dripping against his own body, making your mouth watering just imagining it inside. Your hand stopped there as Junho's whimper startled you. So impatient.
"What do you want, love?"
"You... Just do something, please..."
Chuckling, you pumped his member slowly because you love to tease that man and hear his delicious whimpers.
"Hmm, I think I need to make you more wet... What do you think?"
Junho looked at you a little confused but getting the point as you licked all his extension from the base to the tip, giving it a peck before swallow at your pace.
"Oh, I've missed this... You're so good for me."
He always knows how to make you feel proud and motivated. His hands went to your hair, grabbing in a disheveled ponytail, letting you know what he wanted. 
Locking eyes with your boyfriend, you stopped the movements and got on all fours, waiting for him to kneel in front of you and take the lead.
"Open your mouth, babe."
Junho grabbed your hair once again, sliding his dick on top of your tongue, but not so gentle. Not at all. Oh, how you've missed this...
"This pretty little mouth of yours take me so well."
He was fast, making you choke sometimes - and giving you time to recompose. Rude, but it was one of his favorites images in the world: those tears on your cheeks, the thin line of salive between your red lips and his cock, your messy hair, and you never wanting to stop - because truth be told: you love to feel him.
"I'm gonna cum..."
You could feel it by the way his body started to tremble and his moves got erratic, but he always lets you know. And you always gets even more excited. Giving Junho's pleasure was just as good for you. His face when he comes was definitely on your rank of his favorite expressions. Eyes squeezed to the point where he would see stars and open mouth with his tongue peeking out to touch his bottom lip.
Laying you down on the comfy mattress, he couldn't stop to look at you.
"You look so damn good dressed like this... But I wanna feel you without restrictions."
He began to undo the clasps of your corset, caressing all the way till remove it completely, giving you goosebumps. Sucking your nipples just enough to tease you back, but stopping everything abruptly made you so needy.
"What happened?"
"I want you to sit on my face."
He just lied down waiting for only one answer: you climbing on top of him.
"Right here, babe. I want you to look at yourself on that mirror while you ride my face."
"Someone's inspired tonight, huh?"
"How couldn't I be? You're my muse."
That never failed in melt your heart. It wasn't even an sexual statement, but it was equally intimate. Junho has this trace in his personality that he can turn everything into something much more intense and have you in his hands. And you weren't complaining. It was really good to be his.
He doesn't let you miss anything. You want something? He'll make everything he can to give it to you. Just like he was prepared to take you to another world just with his mouth.
Climbing on top of his face, the desire were visible in his brown eyes. Which made him take you with fervor. His hot tongue sliding through your lips, tasting all of you to circle your clit at the end, just to repeat it over and over again, making you squirm and roll your hips, starting to ride him like he wanted to.
He kissed you messily, his hands strongly holding your hips and marking your skin, his wet muscle going as deep as it could inside you, leaving you in a desperate state wanting more, wanting to release the tight knot on your stomach. His eyes looking at you like you were his prey, and you falling in his trap purposely.
"Love... I'm almost..."
Your movements became faster and without a constant rhythm, but Junho knew how to apply the right pressure to have you trembling from head to toe, almost suffocating him between your legs.
Getting out of him, you could see your cum running down his chin and neck, and a satisfied smile on his wet, red lips. He loves to taste you.
With your legs still unsure of how to be firm again, you lied on the bed and called him to your embrace.
"Are you good? Do you need some time or..."
"I want you, Junho. Now..."
"Can you be on all fours for me, babe?"
You weren't denying this. Absolutely not. Never ever. So facing the mirror once again, you got on one of your favorite positions. He didn't took much time to put a condom and slide inside you like it was the last time he would do it. Whenever Junho needed to pass quite a time away from you, he returned burning of desire, fucking you like there was no tomorrow. He was aggressive but in every right way. He knew all your weak spots and how to hunt them.
"Faster, please..."
"Everything you want, babe."
His thrusts started to get on the rhythm you both enjoyed, not too fast to cum but not to slow to not cum either. Just taking you to the edge, so it can go back and start all again.
You managed to take his left hand on yours and put on your butt, showing what you wanted. Oh, but he wasn't going easy on you.
"Tell me what you want, sweetheart."
"You know..."
Suddenly becoming a little shy, you buried your face on the sheets, making your ass gets in the exactly angle for him to pump it just right inside of you.
"Fuck, love, hit me, mark my ass..."
You couldn't see but you could feel his devilish smirk behind you. His hand left your butt just to find it again with a loud smack, making you whimper and clench around his dick. But one wasn't enough, and he knew it very well.
The second slap was even more hard, making your ass cheek burns where his fingers found you.
"Like this, babe?"
"Hmm, more..."
"So naughty."
You started to bounce against his hips, speeding up the pace and destabilizing Junho.
"I'm not gonna last like this, sweetheart."
Lifting your head up and meeting his eyes on the mirror, you smirked nipping at your bottom lip and stopping the movements, only to roll your hips and clench your walls around his cock.
"We have the whole night."
The face he made was completely sinful, letting you know you had just said the right words to kept him going.
"Harder, babe... Fuck me harder."
The slap you received wasn't expected, so you let out a low scream, also because he found the little spot inside you that could have you trembling in seconds. Junho didn't have mercy. He likes to make you feel every inch of him. 
Your hair was pulled till you face the big mirror in front of the bed, while him lowered his body enough to made you feel his warmth. The sounds in the room were so nasty, but at the same time, the beautiful melody only you both could create.
Your legs started to tremble once again with that vision. Watch Junho fucking you looking sinful like that was too much to handle. His left hand went on your clit while he kissed and nipped at you skin where he could find. You needed to feel him everywhere, and he needed to feel you in all the ways he could.
And that was the peak from where you both always fell. You came all over his strangled member inside of you, while he reached heaven and hell simultaneously.
Junho slide out to get rid of the condom, returning to bed where you lied completely messy and fucked out. A masterpiece he would like to frame and attached to the ceiling of his room.
"The way you look right now should be illegal. You're to much for my poor heart to handle."
"It is illegal, love. For everyone. Only you can see me like this."
"That's the biggest honor of my life."
Chuckling at his words, you approached his chest to admire the marks you left. A beautiful paint.
"Have you ever looked at yourself after fucking me like this? All marked and breathless... You're the one who should be a crime to exist."
"A crime, huh? You should arrest me then."
"Oh, love, I have perfect handcuffs for this."
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nephilimsarchive · 5 years
If only you knew | Arthur Fleck x reader smut | NSFW
Summary: A little hole in the wall leads to Arthur seeing you in the privacy of your bathroom, mindlessly taking a shower. Who knew that the brittleness of Gothams flats could also have advantages?
Note: I have no idea how this idea popped into my nasty head, but I had to write it down. My first time writing anything smutty, might suck
had to repost my fics bc my old acc got flagged, sorry! Part 2 coming soon! x 
Warnings: nsfw content ahead, don’t read if you’re under 18, masturbation, voyeurism, some cursing, unspecified age gap
Word count: 1,870-ish
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He had seen you around before. In the hallways, sometimes the city streets. You were new in town, and god only knows what made you move to Gotham out of all places. You were young, naturally pretty and way too optimistic for this terrible city. He had been wanting to talk to you. You seemed kind, but terribly busy, always unpacking boxes or going somewhere. He heard that you were actually studying at Gothams university, but he didn’t know. You had never talked before, and yet there was something the two of you really needed to discuss.
He noticed it even before you moved in, it probably happened a long time ago, but the previous tennant just happened to have something hanging over it. That tiny little hole in the wall that separated your bathroom from his bedroom. It was just big enough to be able to look through it, no wonder you didn’t notice it yet. He however, could make out what he presumed was most of your tiny bathroom. A part of your sink on the left, a box for laundry on the right and in the center; your shower, shielded by a flimsy white curtain. Now, it’s not like he saw anything he wasn’t supposed to see. It just changed the noise level, he always knew when you were in there, shuffling through boxes, putting up furniture or having the water running. And precisely that knowledge is why he wanted to tell you as soon as he could. There were enough people that disliked him in this town, he didn’t want to mess it up with you as well.
That is why, when he saw you coming back from jogging, he exited his flat, waiting for you to come up the stairs. You made your way up the stairs. Your eyes moved to meet his and your face lit up. “Oh hello! I’m terribly sorry I haven’t introduced myself yet, I’m Y/N.” You approached him, still catching your breath from the recent activity. „I meant to come over before, I really did. But moving is just..“, you trailed off, shaking your head. One of the corners of his mouth lifted up as you shook hands. He noticed how warm your hand felt. “It’s alright. Moving surely is exhausting. I’m Arthur.”, his eyes scanned your form. You really were gorgeous, intimidatingly so. He wondered how he could bring out any words in front of you at all. And he wanted to tell you about the …thing, he really did, but where do you start with something like this? 
“Uh, do you maybe want to go …get some coffee somewhen? Or just come over to my place? Like, my flat. Just to get to know each other a little.“ You took in his appearance then. He was quite thin, had beautiful green eyes that were averted from you as he ran a hand through his dark locks. He seemed terribly nervous, and you didn’t know why. Truth be told, you found something about him rather attractive. It seemed like there was so much more to him than he let on. „Uh, I mean.. just because we’re living right next to each other anyway.”, He added. You giggled at his rambling, having long considered his proposal, “I’d love to get coffee sometime.“, you stated, looking right into his eyes, „But right now, I’m afraid that what I definitely need is a shower. How does later today sound? At 5 maybe?”, you asked shyly. His eyes widened at you wanting to get to know him, and even sounding hopeful at that, as if you were scared he’d decline. A breathless “Oh.” left him, the surprise evident in his voice, which you found quite adorable. “Okay, I’ll.. I’lll pick you up then.”, he said, nodding more to himself than you. “Sure,” you had replied, turning the keys to open your door, “But don’t get lost on the way.”. You winked, laughing at your horrible joke. So did he then, and my, his laughter was infectious. A wide smile split your faces as you said your goodbyes.
Arthur stepped back into his flat, his back pressed against the door. He couldn’t believe how someone as charismatic as you was going to go out for coffee with him. Well, technically you two weren’t going to go out in that kind of sense, but still. You were funny, kind and so very pretty. He really wanted to try to make a good impression.
As you entered the bathroom, you locked your door and took off your sweatshirt, followed by your other clothes. The encounter you just had popped into your mind. It was weird, Arthur was totally different from what you expected. You had seen him a few times before, but he always seemed to be mentally elsewhere. Most people in this house avoided him, one woman even told you to stay away from him, that he‘s insane and scary. To you, he just seemed lonely. Sure, he was a little awkward and shy, but you quite liked that actually. To you, that made him interesting and different from most other people. He was quite mysterious, really. But you were willing to unravel him. You stepped into your shower, adjusting the temperature after you turned on the water.
Arthur was pulled out of his thoughts, back still pressed against the door, as he heard that familiar sound. That’s when your words really sunk in. A shower. You said you needed a shower. His feet moved on their own as he made his way from the living room to his bedroom, closer to the sound. He stopped himself, still being opposite the wall that separates your flats. He always tried to do the right thing, after all. But even with that intention, things don’t usually go his way. As he stood there contemplating, he was fighting a losing battle against his undisclosed desires. He could just hang a picture over the hole, he told himself. And that‘s when he locked the door and stepped closer.
And my god, if he wasn’t drawn to you before he surely was now. Through the shower curtain he could make out the shadow of your figure, leaving little to imagination. You were breathtaking, having curves in all the right places. Arthur mentally cursed to himself, his eyes glued to the view before him. His pants suddenly felt tighter than they had before. He could make out the way your hands wandered over your body. You had started running your hands over your slender arms, over your perky breasts, then your flat stomach. You had no idea what your movements did to him.
And Arthur felt guilty, but at the same time so very good. Letting out a breath he didn’t know he was holding, he palmed himself over his pants. He couldn’t have stopped himself if he tried. He had to imagine how it would feel to be there with you, how it would be if it were his hands that were currently traveling dangerously low down your body. Just the thought left him shuddering, unzipping his pants and freeing his member. He ran his fingers down his shaft, imagining you in front of him. You‘d look like the perfect mixture of innocence and sin, looking up at him with big e/c eyes as you touched him there. You‘d be so gentle, teasing him until he could barely take it anymore. He was stroking himself fully now, feeling like he was almost able to see the single water droplets running down your body. He let out a shuddering breath, panting as he envisioned kissing you deeply, exploring your mouth with his tongue. He’d try so hard to please you, running his hands over your breasts, pinching as you’d gasp. He‘d trail kisses down your neck and move down your body, your curves glistening from the water, goosebumps rising on your skin. He could almost hear you moan his name as he‘d reach your core, hiking your leg over his shoulder. Pumping his hard cock faster, Arthut leaned his arm against the wall for support. A light sheen of sweat had built on his forehead. Stifling his own moans grew more and more difficult as he’d imagine your shivering form pressed against the bathroom tiles. He’d give experimental licks up and down your slit. And you‘d beg, he knows you’d beg for him as he‘d insert his fingers, spreading you as he pleases. Oh, what he’d give to finger you mercilessly. The thought of rendering you into a moaning writhing mess was getting too much for him. Nothing had ever turned him on as much before, little moans escaping him every now and then. There was something horribly erotic about the way the shower curtain clung to your skin sometimes, and how very enticing it was that you had no idea that what you were doing was visibly to his eyes only. He closed his eyes, licking his lips instinctively, feeling a warm sensation spread through him. He couldn’t help but wonder what would be if you knew. Would you like being watched by him? Would you want him to do all the things he so desperately wanted to do to you right now? A louder moan escaped him, followed by him clasping his hand over his mouth.
Suddenly the water turned off, his eyes were wide in shock as his gaze turned towards you. Neither of you moved in that moment, both rooms being eerily quiet for a few seconds. Did you know? It can’t be, he told himself. He knew he should’ve used that chance to go away, not taking risks. But before he knew it your delicate hand grasped the fabric of the shower curtain, pulling it aside. His jaw dropped. You were the most beautiful, and damn sexy thing he had ever laid his eyes on. Your nipples were hard as the cold of your room hit your burning hot skin. Your fingers moved to your hair, grabbing it and trying to get as much water out as you could. His fingers moved to his painfully hard member again, the tip leaking with precum. He watched your every move as you held your towel, stroking it all over your skin. You squeezed your breasts with the towel and dried them, making Arthurs eyes roll back. You stepped out of the shower then, turning around and wiping the droplets of your long legs, letting his eyes roam over your round ass. He was so very close to his release he could almost taste it, but just then you threw your towel aside and swiftly got into your bathrobe, leaving the room in a matter of seconds. He was completely dumbfounded, you just left. So very quickly. He stepped away from the wall, letting himself fall onto the bed as to finish what he started. His head fell back, but a loud knock on the door of his flat interrupted him. He cursed under his breath, tucked himself into his pants and stumbled towards it. He let a hand run through his hair, wiping the sweat off his forehead as he opened the door. And there you were. Fuck.
Read the second part here.
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yoonxiskitten · 7 years
Teach Me
Jungkook x You
Genre: Smut
Warnings: Noona Kink, Dub/Sub, Slight Spanking & Dirty talk, Orall
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I was in my apartment with the BTS. They had all missed me and we decided to have a movie night at my place. We, for some odd reason were watching 50 shades darker. Well me and Jungkook were. The others fell asleep. As the first 18+ scene came on I peeked over at Jungkook to see him hiding behind his hands, peeking between his fingers every now and then.
"Jungkook-sshi. You dont have to cover your face. You are of age now. I spoke, removing his hands. He cloaed his eyes tightly.
"Noona, Im not comfortable around girls, what makes you think I can watch when they are doing...that." he spoke. I giggled.
"You're not uncomfortable around me." I spoke in a matter or fact tone. He scoffed.
"You're not a girl, you are-" my eyes widened at his statement.
"Yah! I am a girl. Do you need a reminder? Are you hanging out with me too much?" I spoke, a wide grin on my face. He laughed and nodded.
"No, I mean- actually yes. Yes we do." He spoke. I giggled and focused on the movie.
"You'll regret that Kookie." I spoke. He smiled.
"Okay." He spoke.
_The Next Morning_
I woke up on the floor with Jungkook's sweater on. How? Beats me. I looked around to see nothing but a note from Jin.
'Went to take the kiddos to the boardwalk. You and JK looked tired so we didnt bother. Join us whenever.'
I sighed and made my way to the bathroom in need of a hot shower to wake me up. I stripped and jumped in the shower freezing myself first before gettimg the right temperature. After I was washed up, I grabbed a towel, wrapped it around my body and walked into my room. I grabbes a matching panty and bra set and put it on. I grabbed some lotion and lotioned my body before looking for an outfit. I grabbed a cute floral shirt and put it on my dresser. Just then the door opened and in walked Jungkook with Jin's note.
"Hey Noona, are we gonna-" we froze as we made eye contact with one another. I opened my mouth and closed it stupidly like a fish would. His eyes trailed down my body slowly, taking in every exposed inch. Once he made his way back to my eyes, his head dropped in shame. I smiled at him. Not ashamed or embarrassed that he had seen me half naked. Its no different than a bikini right?
"Oh-Im sorry. I- uhm. Sorry." He stuttered. I giggled and walked closer to him.
"Atleast you are reminded that I am in fact, a girl." i joked. He smiled a little.
"Uhm Noona, can you maybe put on some clothes?" he asked. I scoffed playfully and walked to find my jeans.
"Aw. My shy Jungkookie, scared of me being half naked around him." His head lifted up as I reached for my jeans that somehow got on the shelf that I cant reach.
"Ani. Im not scared of you being half naked in front of me." he said. I jumped for my jeans still not being able to reach them. I then felt his presence behind me and he grabbed my jeans handing them to me. I smiled at him.
"Im scared of what I might do to you with you being half naked." I looked at his face as it held all seriousness. I walked past him to my shirt.
"You wouldnt know what to do with me." I exclaimed. He nodded.
"You're right."
"I know."
"Thats why you should teach me." I froze and turned around, scanning his face for any type of joking around.
"What?" I asked, making sure I heard him correctly.
"You could teach me. Teach me how to have sex. What to do and how to do it." He spoke. I laughed.
"Jungkook are you insane? You do hear yourself right?" I asked. He nodded.
"I hear myself. Noona, you don't understand how hard it is for me to see the hyungs bring girls or stay out with them. I wish I could." He spoke. I shrugged.
"So why dont you? I asked.
"I dont know how and I dont want to embarrass myself. But if you could teach me it wouldnt be so uncomfortable. I know you." He spoke. This was one of the hardest decisions Ive ever had to make. I mean I love him and all the other boys so much and would do just about anything for them.
"Kookie. You know that I love you and would do just about anything for you but dont you think you may be asking me for just a little too much?" I spoke. He nodded, stepped closer and looked down to me, and I looked up to him.
"I know. I just- There are middle schoolers with more experience than me. You don't have go to sleep with me today. We can even ease up to it. I just want you to teach me. Please?" He asked. I looked up at him as he pulled me closer. I was a little jungshook if you know what I mean.
"We'll both enjoy it." He said. I bit my lip in temptation. Oh if he wasnt so cute...
"Okay." I spoke. He let me go and let out a breath it seems he was holding.
"Okay." He spoke. I smiled.
"Do you need to mentally prepare yourself or-?" I asked. He sighed and nervously rubbed the back of his neck.
"Im fine." he spoke. I smiled.
"Kiss me." I spoke. His eyes widened and he nodded. He wrapped his hands around my waist and pressed my body against his. He slowly leaned down to kiss me. Our lips moved slowly against each other. I stuck my tongue out and swiped it against his bottom lip. He slowly opened his mouth as I shoved my tongue inside of his. Our tongues danced together, fighting to pin one another down. He rested his hand on my hips squeezing every once and a while. I rested my hands on his thighs and slowly moved them up. He seemed to sigh in pleasure in my mouth. I smiled and kissed him harder. To be honest, this is the first time being a dom and I was enjoying it. I ran my hands over his crotch area and he whimpered into our ongoing kiss. I pulled away from him and lifted his shirt over his head. He looked at me as I worked on his drawstring.
"I shouldn't be the only one in my underwear Kookie." I spoke, teasingly. He bit his lip and kicked off his sweats. Once I ridded him of his clothing I pushed him back. I climbed on top of him, straddling his hips. I kissed him passionately and he returned the kiss. His hands clenched into fist at his sides, restraining himself from touching me. I slowly begin making my way down his jaw, kissing his neck. Once I found his sweet spot he groaned deeply.
"Noona. Can I touch you? Please let me touch you." He spoke. I smiled against his neck.
"Touch me anywhere you'd like. For now, Im yours." I whispered. Thats all I had to say. His hand immediately fell to my ass as he molded and played with it. I sighed in bliss, my ass being a hot spot for me. He shuddered at me breathing on his neck.
"Aaahh Y/N. I-" I gasped as he flipped us over putting himself on top in between my legs.
"I wanna try something." He spoke. I smiled and raised an eyebrow, which he caught.
"Just guide me." He spoke and kissed me softly before slowly making his way down to my chest. He dipped his tongue between the valley of my breast causing goosebumps to arise on my skin. He reached around and unclipped my bra, taking it off of me. He stared at my breast a small blush tinting his cheeks. He leaned down, attacking my hardened nipples he twisted and played with the other. I moaned and took my bottom lip into my mouth. His hand trailed down my body and played with the hem of my underwear. He looked up at me.Lee
"Can I?" He asked. I nodded. He hesitated as he stuck his hand inside of my underwear. He slowly ran a finger up and down my slit.
"Wow. You're so warm and...wet." My body shuddered as he slowly began to pump his fingers inside of me. He leaned down and began to kiss my neck. His lips ghosted over my sweet spot and I let out a whimper. I could feel him chuckle a little in my neck. Before I could ask him whats so funny, he added another finger and curled them hitting my spot. I gasped loudly.
"Oh God Jungkook! Right there!" I moaned out. He sped up amd continued to finger my G-spot. My mouth dropped open as mixtures of pants and moans escaped my mouth. My eyes screwed as tight as they could be as I felt the sensation slowly building up. Jungkook lowered himself so that he was face to face with my area. I grabbed his hand to stop him but he had already dove in. He slowly flicked his tongue on my clit repeatedly.
"Oh my- shit Jungkook!" I moaned, louder than I should have. I came as my body twitched a little due to the aftermath. Jungkook crawled towards me and kissed me as I tried to catch my breath.
"Did I do good Noona?" He asked. I nodded and kissed him slowly.
"Thay was amazing Kookie." He smiled brightly and kissed me back. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him to lay on top of me.
"Noona. Im ready." He spoke aginst my lips. He looked nervous and excited all in one. I smiled and flipped us over, pulling my painties down. He pulled his boxers down and his member sprung forward. I stared at it in shock. It was probably one of the biggest dicks i have ever seen in my life. Wow. The maknae was really golden. He must have felt self conscious because he cleared his throat snapping me out of my thoughts.
"I-I wow." I spoke and grabbed his member. He sucked in a breath and closed his eyes as I began to move my hand up and down on him. After a bit of precum was visible, I slowly licked his member from base to tip. Jungkook groaned so deep an sexy that I grew even more wet. I then took as much of him in my mouth as I could. Lets be honest, a dick as big as his was impossible to fit all in. I bobbed my head up and down as Kookie struggled to hold in his whimpers and moans. He was breathing loudly. He sat up on his elbows and watched me. I looked at him through lidded eyes and sucked him a bit harder.
"Fuck." He growled and bucked his hips up. I moaned over his dick as he continued to curse. I stopped and ran my hand over my work.
"How does it feel to be blowed for the first time?" I asked. He sighed and leaned back.
"Please. Im so ready. I need it Noona. Please." He begged. I smiled at him. I love it when he begs. I crawled up his body straddling him but before I could sit on it, he flipped us over... again. He looked in my eyes and silently asked if this was okay. I nodded. He looked up at me and breathed in before slowly pushing inside of me. I held his biceps and gasped as he let out an extremely deep groan. The feeling of his member stretching my walls taking me by surprise. Once he was fully inside of me I wrapped my arms around him, restricting him from moving any farther.
"Always make sure your partner is okay. You don't want to cause them any pain." I spoke. He buried his face into my neck and let out a shaky sigh.
"Are- are you in pain?" He asked. I shook my head.
"No. I'm o- aaahhhh!" Jungkook began to pound into me. Almost relentlessly. I moaned out in pleasure as he groaned with every thrust. He lifted his body off of mine and put all his weight in his hands. I looked down between us, seeing us being connected as one and moaned.
"Jungkook-ah~." I moaned. He leaned down to kiss me a he continued to thrust.
"You feel so good baby. So tight." He spoke. Those words alone almost bringing me to my realease. I pushed him back and he backed away quickly.
"Lie down. Im gonna ride." I spoke. He quickly lied down. I straddled him and lowered myself down on his member. He sighed loudly as I moaned out in pleasure. I began to slowly move up and down on him. His hands held on tightly to my hips. I moved at an enjoyable pace for us both.
"Faster." He spoke. I obliged and began to move faster. His hands went down to my ass and smacked it lightly causing shivers to run down my back.
"Smack my ass again." I spoke. He groaned and smacked it again. I whimpered and the feeling of my high approaching made an appearance again.
"Oh God kookie! You're so big!" I moaned. His eyes flashed with last before he sat up, meeting my eyes with his. He began to buck his hips up to mine.
"Oh fuck! Don't stop!" I moaned. He moaned and attached his mouth onto one of my nipples.
"You take me so well baby girl. You take it all." He moaned. Shocked to hear those words out of his mouth once again my stomach approached my high and it was not going away.
"Shit Kookie! Just like that! I'm gonna cum! Aaaahh!" I moaned loudly. He bucked his hips quicker.
"Me too. Fuck. Noona." He groaned loudly. I kissed him as I clenched around him, whimpering into his mouth as I came, my body convulsing. He thrust started to get sloppier, his breathing uneven. He held me tighter as his orgasm took over. He called out my name as he thrusted a few more times, riding out his orgasm. Luckily I'm on the pill.
"That was amazing." He spoke, out of breath. I smiled and pecked his lips once before laying down, kookie following my actions.
"How do you feel Kookie?" I asked. He chuckled.
"Like a man. Thank you." He said. I nodded.
"Anything for you." He seemed to quirk up at the thought.
"Anything?" He asked. I nodded. He smirked and climbed on top of my body.
"Round 2?"
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Not A Bond Girl
“Fancy meeting you again.” James stood at the bar again. I had convinced myself, up until that moment, that I had not gone swimming there again in hopes that he might be around. It was another lovely, beautiful day. The water sparkled, the sky shone, the sand glistened as though every grain was made of diamonds. It was the perfect day for swimming. My being there had nothing to do with James. Nor did the fact that I chose the same table as the one I’d taken residency at when I’d first met James. The fact that I walked up from the water’s edge to the table, wrapped in a towel and looked over to the bar was out of habit. I’d been doing it for ages before James had ever taken his place there.
But, it just so happened that there I saw his familiar figure, leaning on the surface of the bar, this time with two drinks in hand. He made some quip about wanting to see the sights around here, but finding this one the best. Of course, it made me giggle. I wasn’t good at being subtle. I found him hot and I found him funny. It was then that I stopped pretending I was here out of coincidence. I wanted to find him again, here, for a second night. I got lucky. Well, I believed I was lucky, until now, that is.
Like old friends, we talked about our days. I still wouldn’t let on as to whether I was a tourist or a resident here. He talked about his holiday, how it was going and what he had seen and done. I asked him if he’d been swimming, since he seemed so interested in it the last time we met. He told me he’d only been in the pools at his hotel. I told him I’d been the one at mine. We agreed, nothing beat the ocean. He told me about swimming at other beaches, in other countries. I could’ve listened to him all night with all the experiences he had and the passion in his voice he spoke about them with. We were talking until the sun rested on the horizon, not quite all night. James seemed to have other ideas for how he’d spend our evening.
He stood up and walked right to the edge of the wooden slats. His brand new-looking, shined shoes touched the sand. His smart silhouette was framed in a beautiful backdrop of the orange horizon, the sea turned yellow where it touched the sun, fading into dark blue the closer it got.
I wondered what was on his mind, so, grabbing my glass, I joined him. There was no one else around, just us two. It was… one of those moments when you don’t care who you’re with, because you feel closer to them by the end. It could be a total stranger, but you’re sharing a quiet moment, a silent second, a beautiful snapshot of the earth, something both of you can appreciate.
“Do you fancy coming up to my hotel room?” I asked, swinging my hips to make my skirt fan out, pleasantly. James turned his head to me. His eyes had darkened, his blond eyelashes became thick curtains over them. He looked mysterious, his expression was pretty neutral.
“Not just yet.” He murmured, dropping his blazer onto his empty chair and unbuttoned his shirt. I watched silently, my head tilted to the side. He began to smile as his shirt followed his blazer onto the chair, before he sat down on the wooden slats with his legs in the sand. He removed his shoes and trousers, placing them, folded immaculately, on the wood, then turned to me, clad only in his boxers.
I laughed confused at the wild look in his eye. “What are you doing? You’re crazy!” He smiled over his shoulder before standing up. He had a gorgeous body. I’d seen it before, but in the glow of the evening, it looked even more toned, beautiful, handsome.
“Care for a swim?”
I mean, it was insane at night. I thought it wasn’t allowed, but seeing James stylishly stalk out onto the beach, I wanted to be part of the scene, whether it was allowed or not. I shed my own clothes, down to my costume, and ran out to join him.
My toes felt the iciness of the sea first, but James was in before me. He didn’t seem at all bothered, being calf-deep by the time I dipped into the first wave. The white foam frothing on top fizzed against my ankles as goosebumps raised over my legs. My shoulders tightened, my torso shook, yet I waded further into the cold, igniting adrenaline coursing through my veins. My breathing deepened. As nasty a feeling as it was to be surrounded in the cold- I was now almost waist-deep, with James diving beneath the surface, his whole head beneath it- it was also a strangely addictive one. I pushed through until my stomach was fully under, twitching as it got used to the sensation.
“James!” I called, trying to laugh, though breath was stolen from me. “James, how can you…” Before I could finish my sentence, I saw him turn and wave to me as he sunk out of sight. I waited to see him again, waited, standing with my arms crossed, jumping over rolls of water as they came past, laughing. He didn’t resurface.
“James!” I cried, my tone lowering, becoming serious. My smiles died away. I began to stride out deeper until I had to use my arms to cut through the water. I was on my tippy toes. I didn’t know where I was heading, where James could be, where he’d gone down. And I had no idea what I’d do to help. He’d been under for what felt like ages, minutes gone by. I couldn’t carry him to shore, could I? I cried his name again, but there was no sight of him.
I swam out, keeping my head above water, my neck as dry as possible, as it was far too cold for it. I could see nothing, but the horizon, the sun fallen under the curve of the earth. The moon was now visible in the sky, sending a silver sparkle over the sea.
I must say, I was frightened. Least of all when something brushed my leg. I paused for as long as I could. The unknown scared me the most. Another touch on my leg made me lose my cool entirely. I leapt away, but couldn’t get far.
“What the…!” I screeched. Something had now attached itself to me. I had a horrible image of jellyfish, tentacles, venom. “JAMES!” I tried to turn back to the beach, but I was held too hard. Behind me, bubbles started to rise, disturbing the smooth water. Something was coming up and it was lifting my leg. In a panic, I tried desperately to swim away, but the thing got a hold of my hands. I felt myself falling beneath the surface, my chin splashed with a wave. I yelped as a head poked out from the water. Dark blond hair flattened against its scalp.
“JAMES!” I shouted, furious. He had me in his arms, holding me up. I slapped him hard until he grasped both my hands and laughed loudly.
“I didn’t think you’d come in this far.” He chuckled, “I had to find some way to do it.”
Still angry at him, I stopped holding onto his shoulder- which I realised I was doing with quite some force- and pushed my hair out of my face so I could properly scowl at him.
“I swim this far and further every day, bastard!” I sulked.
“But at night?”
His smile, cheeky and bright, was so infectious, I found myself smirking. God, I hated him. My heart was beating so bloody fast because of him. I’d be stupidly cold when I got out because of him. I couldn’t be sufficiently mad, because of him. He set a grin on my lips and held me so tightly, I felt his hands grabbing my back securely. I realised how close I was to him. My legs were wrapped around his waist, our stomachs were touching, our chests were touching. He felt warm and smooth. Safe. After a moment of fear, he felt safe.
I wish he felt safe now. Even the warmth of a shower can’t calm me down. I’m angry at him, and no amount of smiling, holding me and giggling will make me feel any better. These memories make me feel sick. It doesn’t make me feel much better when I start running through all the questions I’ve built up over the course of these few hours. Who is he? Why is he here? Why he involved me? I mean, I still think he must’ve known from the moment we shared a bed that I could be tracked down for information, whether I knew any or not. We’d been seen together by so many people. There was a chance that one of them might be watching him specifically, one of his attackers.
I step out of the shower and dress myself in a towel. On the floor lies my summer dress. Actually, it’s not even mine. I kick it to the side, letting it get wet as I do so. I have no care for it. Nor do I for the blazer that sits, crumpled in the main room. I don’t even look at it as I pass it by. I, instead, go and sit on the bed, facing the wooden headboard.
There’s a small clock on one of the walls. When it’s quiet enough, I can hear it ticking as though it’s a reminder that James will be back. Or he won’t, and I’m under his strict instructions. If he only told me to go back to his hotel room because I have my own clothes there, I’d rather just make my way home wearing a towel. I don’t even have shoes, but I don’t really think about that. I’d walk along the streets bare-foot. Unfortunately, I doubt that James was only thinking about my clothes when he gave me these commands. I worry that they may be for my safety too.
I’ll wait until the middle of the night before I go anywhere.
With that in mind, I, still clad in my towel, curl up on the bed.
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