#shsl screaming
a-vessels-thoughts · 2 months
Another talent swap drabble.
Mukuro could barely keep track of Makoto as he dodged and ducked through Hiro's punches. Even when he stood in place, his form turned hazy, like distortion on a camera.
Mukuro could only watch in awe, observing a battle many could only dream of, and many more would pay with their own limbs for. She could see Kyoko using her analyst Talent, and Chihiro writing down in her notebook.
"Makoto will lose. This type of fight doesn't suit his Talent," Kyoko drawled, then turned her attention elsewhere, acting as if the fight had already ended. Maybe, in her eyes, it did.
Chihiro didn't answer, and neither did Mukuro, although she had her questions. Hiro was strong, yes, but he couldn't land a single punch, how could he win?
With one punch seemed to be the answer.
Makoto flew across the gym, body hitting the padded wall loudly. Mondo cursed but didn't follow. Instead, he turned his attention to Hiro, who was laughing at his victory.
"Wow, little dude, that was funner than I thought it would be! You're pretty good at this." He put his hands behind his head, trying to play it off, but Mukuro could see the bruises, and the... blood? How was he bleeding? Neither of them used weapons...
The SHSL nurse said the same thing, although Mondo used far more curses than Mukuro did. She still couldn't get over how someone as scary as him was a nurse...
Or how he wasn't paying attention to Makoto at all! Seeing as he focused on Hiro more, Mukuro ran to Makoto's side, hands floating uselessly as he rubbed the back of his head. He flinched when he noticed her but smiled all the same.
"Oh, don't worry, he didn't punch that hard," makoto laughed it off, but mukuro found herself stunned.
"Didn't punch that hard?! YOU WERE LAUNCHED ACROSS THE ENTIRE GYM!" She screamed, and Makoto flinched again. Mukuro was too panicked to notice it, "How could-"
"Chill, chick. Bro is just like that." Mondo pulled her away with a single hand on her shoulder, deceptively gentle. "I've never met someone more hard to kill than this piece of shit."
Makoto, of all responses, blushed at that remark, "I'm not that hard to kill!"
"23 stab wounds," Mondo deadpanned. Mukuro died inside a little.
"Only half were fatal!" Makoto said, thinking that was a proper defense. Mukuro died inside a lot.
Known swaps
Mukuro Ikusaba: SHSL Luck
Makoto Naegi: SHSL Assassin
Yasuhiro Hagakure: SHSL Martial Artist
Kyoko Kirigiri: SHSL Analyst
Chihiro Fujisaki: SHSL Writer
Mondo Owada: SHSL Nurse
Mukuro's sense of normalcy kills itself every time Makoto opens his mouth.
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unknown-ultimates · 1 year
Event: Dreams
*Me was rolling and tumbling in his bed, wincing and groaning from an awful nightmare he was having. He was reliving his traumatic past within his dreams and he was struggling to wake up. The abuse, the rape, the pain, it was too much for him to handle. And then at one point of his dreams, a bright light is seen in the distance. It was bright enough to banish the evil torturing Me.  In that small moment, Me reached out to the light as something reached out from the light to Me. At that moment, Me wakes up in a sweat. Me sighs and rubs his face in exhaustion. When he lays back down, his arm taps something that was laying next to him. Me looks to the side to see what it was.*
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*Me screams and nearly rolls off the bed. The creature wakes up in surprise shouttoo.*
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“Puyo!?” *The pink ball thing looks around then sees Me, calming down and looking at him curiously. The scream was loud enough to alert those inside Dementia’s castle and folks nearby. Are they attracted to the sound?*
@miraculous-ultimates @kaeder-flohwalzer @sweet-programmer @sweetened-lies-and-bitter-truths @sweetdrugs-and-introverted @thepersonaking56 @mikado-sannoji @your-pink-party-pony @y0u-f4il3d-m3 @ask-ultimate-fashionista @ask-the-ultimate-cosplayer​ @kitsunezaki​ @despair-erased​ @former-proffessor-and-policeman​ @lil-ultimate-neverland​ @ask-kuro-twins​ @hinokamiikaguraa​ @detective-shelf-collection​ @rxnowned-vxmpire-hxnter​ @ultimate-investagter-graduate​ @sinning-harmony​ @my-ultimate-academia​ @the-shy-pony​ @just-me-exe​ @chiaki-the-gamer-girl​ @ask-shsl-mass-murderer​ ​
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tobiasdrake · 8 months
I complained earlier about Byakuya's needlessly wordy title of Ultimate Heir Wealth-Inheriting Loinfruit, but I actually need to take a moment to complain about title localizations in DR1 some more.
Toko is the Ultimate Writing Prodigy.
Why not just say, "Ultimate Writer"? The word Prodigy isn't doing shit in that title. All Ultimates are prodigies. The whole concept of Ultimates or Super High-School Levels is to accredit child prodigies.
At least it's better than her Japanese title, the SHSL Literary Girl. Really? What even is that? Hifumi gets to be SHSL Doujin Author, and Toko's over here saddled with fucking Literary Girl. I'd be screaming down everyone's throat in every conversation too if I was the class literary girl.
Hina's Ultimate Swimming Pro title is fine but again I'm not sure why they didn't just say Swimmer?
Sayaka and Junko's title switches at least make a lot of sense. Sayaka is the SHSL Idol and Junko's the SHSL Gyaru, both of which are Japanese cultural references that could be lost on American audiences.
Idols and pop stars are close enough conceptually that it's an easy jump to make. Gyaru's a bit trickier to translate since so much of gyaru culture is about over-the-top westernized girly fashion; Fake tans and blonde dye jobs and long painted fake nails and the like. Over in the west that's just, like, fashion. So making her Ultimate Fashionista loses some of the intended artificiality of her persona but gets the point across.
There isn't really a Westernized concept for "purposefully appropriating a Western fashion aesthetic in order to stand out from everyone else". So the SHSL Gyaru was always doomed to be a little bit lost in translation.
Similar with Taka. Taka's the SHSL Public Morals Committee Member, which is another Japanese cultural reference. A public morals committee is a disciplinary organization made up of students whose job is to police the behavior of the other students.
"Ultimate Moral Compass" kinda works, but makes it sound like he's more just. Like. Incorruptibly Lawful Good, rather than the specific thing that he represents. Personally, I probably would have gone with Ultimate Hall Monitor.
Ultimate Clairvoyant is a suitable localization for SHSL Fortune Teller, if lacking a bit of specificity. SHSL Gang Leader became Ultimate Biker Gang Leader because while the bikes are fairly standard for Japanese gangs (to my understanding), there are different kinds of American gangs so the clarifier is helpful.
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danganronpafan777 · 10 months
what requests did you get?
Here’s the list: (No particular order)
Oh boy….
SDRA2 boys with Male Mikan S/o
sdra2 boys with SHSL Prince S/o
SDRA2 Boys with driving test Waltz scenario
DRA Boys wedding
SDRA2 girls with S/o who does in place of their best friend, Peko and Fuyu style
SDRA2 Girls with “Perfect” S/o ignored by their parents
DRA girls with S/o and her twin in Hibiki and Kanade Scenario
DRA boys with child reader when Mitch kicks a ball in Y/n’s face
DRA girls with child reader who screams at party horn lol
DRA boys with F! S/o who says “I want a baby”
DRA Girls in Makoto-Kyoko Situation with S/o
DRA Boys meeting their crush through an invention
DRA boys with S/o who is targeted by motive
Void and Sora with S/o like Marcy Wu who teleports them to Amphibia
DRA girls with M! Ultimate Baker S/o who makes them pastries
SDRA2 girls going through a time loop every time they or someone else dies
SDRA2 boys and child reader thanking them for getting a prize for them from claw machine
SDRA2 girls with S/o who is like Bernadetta from FE3H
SDRA2 girls with tsundere M! S/o
SDRA2 boys with very attractive S/o
SDRA2 girls with crush on M! Reader
DRA Girls x Gonta! Reader
DRA boys x reader who is like Veronica from Heathers and is with JD
SDRA2 Victims x Embalmer S/o saving them
SDRA2 Girls meeting S/o’s big bro Korekiyo
SDRA2 boys x golden child S/o
Utsuro, Kizuna, Mitch, Nikei, Emma, and Hajime in Carrie scenario
DRA Boys entering the boiling Isles with Luz! Reader
SDRA2 boys meeting S/o from Murphy Family
SDRA2 boys x S/o who is like Tiana from TPATF
S/o comforting Teruya and Rei
Rei x reader part 3: Wingman Teruya
SDRA2 girls comforting reader after nightmare
Tsurugi, Utsuro, Syobai, Mikado, Yuri, Mitch, Nikei, Kakeru witnessing their Ult Fry Cook S/o getting sold off for 62 cents
SDRA2 girls with S/o like Mikan
Any character x S/o like Spamton
DRA girls x reader who is dared to ask them out
Tsurugi x reader comfort
Random characters x S/o faints in front of them
Voids with lil sibling reader who writes poems and short stories, and dedicates one to them
DRA girls think S/o is cheating
SDRA2 boys with Cinderella like S/o
It’s been one day y’all
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eggs-can-draw · 1 year
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various pregame shenaniganeries, including a baby shu because I missed him :) kinda long naegamigiri timeline thing under the cut that I made at like 1 am on friday
Hi hi hi sit down we’re gonna talk about pre-game naegamigiri because they’re kinda the reverse of how in-game naegamigiri ends up together in my head. HI hihihi this is Egg slightly later this kinda grabbed me and ran into the sunset so naegamigiri timeline thing lets goooooooo
So to start us out, we have the top two in the class, Togami sitting at no. 2 and Kirigiri sitting at no. 1. Togami being Togami, instantly turns this into a competition. His number 1 priority becomes rising to the no. 1 spot and shoving it in this dumbass detective’s smug face. At first, Kirigiri really couldn't be bothered, but sadly, she fell victim to Togami’s secret second talent, Super High School Level Drama Queen. So pretty quickly into their first year, Kirigiri and Togami are academic rivals! Both being naturally competitive, it rapidly evolves into full on rivals! Until…over time. They become reluctant friends. And suddenly class-78 has the world’s scariest power couple.  
BUT EGG! You may be screaming at me, WHERE IS NAEGI IN ALL THIS?? Well you see, as the shsl lucky student and self proclaimed Just Some Guy, when he quickly fell head over heels for the power couple, he instantly assumed both were waaaay out of his league. I mean, who wouldn't? Togami practically refused to give ANYONE the time of day, and Kirigiri is one of the most closed off people on the PLANET. And while he does make friends with them during the rivalry era of their relationship, he resigns himself to pining for both from the sidelines
LITTLE DOES HE FUCKING KNOW THOUGH. Kirigiri and Togami are definitely happy together, but their relationship as it is feels like it's... Missing something. After about a week of awkward tension, they both admit to having a crush on Naegi. With both of them on the same page, they make it their mission to confess to Naegi, and get him to join the polycule!
So yeah it's a lot of fluff from both Kirigiri and Togami, Very Obviously Flirting and Naegi pulling the classic “Ok But Did They Mean It As A Friend” that slowly gets more and more intense.
Like. Picture this. A fancy candlelight dinner, the three of them at an expensive Michelin star restaurant, Kirigiri and Togami both got Naegi flowers, afterwards they went on a walk through a local park and watched the sunset with just the three of them.
Naegi still didn't get the hint.
After almost two years of flirting with Naegi being (somewhat willfully) oblivious, they decide to bite the bullet and just tell him. The dynamic duo write Naegi an adorable love letter, laying all their feelings out in the open, but the day they give it to him, just happened to be the day that class-78 was barricaded inside Hope’s Peak.
He was going to read it in his room when he was called down for the memory wipe, and it just happened to fall out of his pocket as he was walking out.
But fear not! This story isn't over yet! The polycule is real and they do love each other!
Beginning the game, Naegi can't help but feel. Weird. Whenever he's around Togami and Kirigiri. His head feels light and his chest gets all fluttery and he stumbles over his words a bit more than usual.
While looking through one of the classrooms on the second floor, after the first trial, he finds. A letter? Its torn and damaged but when he opens it, the handwriting feels oddly familiar? Names have been scratched out but he can't help but feel incredibly hot in the face when he reads it. He doesn't know why, but seeing this gives him a boost of confidence! While Monokuma shows up to rain on his parade and take the letter, it doesn't work and he uses this confidence to approach Kirigiri. They have a heart to heart and both admit to feeling the warm fuzzies around each other for an unknown reason. They’ve known each other for what, half a week? Kirigiri can't help but be intrigued so they decide to hang out more, this leading the two into a soft and fluffy relationship.
As trial two comes and goes, they both come to a startling yet all to familiar realization. They ALSO get the warm and fuzzies around Togami. That bastard. While making sure to do so outside of the earshot of a certain shsl Murderer, they both approach Togami, who (begrudgingly) admits to feeling the same. While it starts out a bit rocky, the three form a solid and loving polycule.
AND THEN CHAPTER 5 HAPPENS. I could talk about chapter 5 for a million years. Honestly. The angst potential is so so so so so so so strong. Togami doesn't want to believe that he’s been tricked by the two people he promised himself he’s make it out alive with, Naegi refuses to believe that Kirigiri would kill anyone but also a dead body doesn't just appear out of nowhere, and Kirigiri is just TRYING TO SURVIVE.
Pov you are Asahina, Scissor System, Yasuhiro, and Junko and you are witnessing a brutal divorce. The fire is real.
After Naegi’s execution, Togami is a MESS, Kirigiri completely shuts herself off, her one priority being getting Naegi the fuck outta the trash and making up with her short boyfriend. Once the sunshine boy himself is back, tall boyfriend has grown some bad abandonment issues and is beginning his journey as the Super High School Level Mother Hen, so as he’s lecturing treating Naegi’s for his injuries from almost being executed, Naegi gets them all to kiss (literally) and make up. Things aren't perfect, but they're on the same page.
And then trial 6 happens, and they win the killing game. Things seem scary, but they know that whatever they face out there, they’ll have each other.
It doesn't take long for the future foundation to find them, the small group of kids like scared animals being thrust into a world they no longer remember. Naegamigiri refuse to let go of each other, even when the FF’s medic team try to give them a check up to make sure they weren't seriously injured (which in Naegi’s case, led to Kirigiri and Togami yelling at the medic team that tried to shove Naegi onto a gurney and deeper into the hospital wing without them.
Things are tense and scary and they are tired but no matter what they have hope. The world is big and scary and completely foreign to them but no matter what, they have each other, and they have hope for the future.
FLASH FORWARD! The three are official members of the Future Foundation, and have been working on their little pet project involving The Remnants of Despair. After a lot of long talks, they agreed that they wouldn't get married until the tragedy was completely over, then where they would all leave the future foundation to pursue their ambitions and live a happy life together. This agreement, however, does not extend to children. This quickly becomes very relevant when through a series of vaguely ambiguous events, they ended up with little Shuichi Last-Name-Pending! So things get a smidge more stressful. The middle of the apocalypse is the perfect time for a kid. I have no idea what you're talking about.
Then UDG happens. And the stress. Rises. To put it lightly. Almost losing Togami definitely shifted perspective for the power trio. Kirigiri and Naegi were terrified of the thought of not only losing their partner, but Shuichi having to grow up without one of his parents. Togami got progressively more mother hen, despite being the one who almost died.
On the happier side, Komaru was very happy to find out she was an aunt! Once the tragedy is over, she is going to spoil the ever loving shit out of him. I’m sorry sir, but my nephew asked for no fucking pickles!
Things get kinda vague for me after this. Sdr2 happens, with Naegamigiri once again almost dying as you do. Shuichi gains a surprise new uncle, he also gets babysat by Asahina, and once naegamigiri get back I remember that I haven't finished the dr3 anime.
Not 100% sure if I’m gonna keep the dr3 killing game who knows. Maybe things stay cute and fluffy and nothing huge happens for naegamigiri until the tragedy is officially over and Togami and Kirigiri leave the future foundation to pursue their passions (FF wont let Naegi leave, sadly, he did get to change his job to a stay at home one tho, mans basically does paperwork on a laptop all day and sometimes has to go on long business trips to speak to people all over the world to help restore hope and stuff)
One important detail: The HPA survivors are not involved in the resurrection of hope's peak. It's something that's bugged me for a while and it just. It doesn't sit right with me.
A long time later, Shuichi and his friends attend Hopes Peak (a certain gremlin has to lie to their dad to get there due to Bad Blood Tee Em but it's fiiiine they're all fiiiiiine) where shit hits the fan, and I’m not gonna reveal that until I finish v3 so for now, that’s it! Get out of my house! Come back later! You’ve had your food for the day!
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yomiurinikei · 1 year
Omake Side Story #2 Synopsis
Side Story 2.1
Otori Teruya’s Funeral - It starts with a narration on how Teruya, despite not thinking very much of his intelligence, was awarded the title of SHSL Merchant due to his business and mathematical skills. He thought he’d just have success and good things from then on out, but was placed in the killing game, which he survived.
We then have quotes from his funeral, people saying they liked him, and he had sacrificed for the organization. However, people are also gossiping at the funeral, saying that the director (Tsurugi) had abandoned Teruya, and people starting to have their doubts about Tsurugi’s methods. Official details of what happened with the Utsuroshima killing game haven’t been made public, but this is worsening the rift that was forming even before the game.
Interestingly, the Kisaragi foundation is described as having worked hard, and wiped out the worst criminals, and maintaining world peace.
Side Story 2.2
Set a few days after Chapter 6/the end of the Utsuroshima killing game, Rei comes to visit Tsurugi in his office. Again, background on Rei and Tsurugi, establishing their talents and that they were classmates.
Translations are fickle, but this is the day of Teruyas funeral- Rei has been drinking, she and Tsurugi fight over what happened with Teruya, how guilty they are, the fact Teruya chose to sacrifice himself. Since they’re emotionally intelligent, they’re very mature about the conversation. There is no yelling or deflecting whatsoever, not here, no sir.
Rei says that Mekaru Rei of the 79th class is no more, that Mekaru Rei of class 79 died alongside Teruya, it’s stated that Tsurugi died as well, that the 79th generation stopped existing long ago. There’s the line from Rei “Starting tomorrow... Please take care of Mekaru Rei, Kisaragi Foundation Information Officer.” cementing that she and Tsurugi are effectively burying their past together. She leaves.
Tsurugi goes back to the work he was doing, and when he’s finished, it’s no longer the day of Teruya’s funeral. He has a meltdown- (”He buried his head on the spot and cried out in silence (...) a look that you only show when you are alone.”) Tsurugi falls to the floor (wheelchair tips over ?), and the following is essentiallyyy said.
“What was the correct answer? Did he do the right thing? Was there really no better way?
Kinjo Tsurugi could not escape from these questions for the rest of his life. No matter how much you struggle to get better, the question only deepens. It was already too late for him to come back, and the painful feelings he had to deal with on his own. That's why he couldn't confide in anyone, and his only resistance was screaming without even making a sound.”
It’s then stated that he didn’t come back to work the next day- depending on how you read it, again, translations are weird, but he responded to Rei’s line saying to treat the kisa foundation officer rei well, with “chief of staff”, and Rei takes over as chief. “Administratively, it was handled as temporary leave, but no one knew why he left, or where he went.”
Finally, we have this, which I’ll just copy/paste - “And in the not-too-distant future, the Kisaragi Agency faces a major turning point due to a certain incident. It is a future that no one knows yet. But when that time comes, it's clear that everyone will take the lead and leave a record... … It was such a huge future.”
Truth be told, no clue what that’s in reference too- possibly Iroha’s queen of despair’isms, since Linuj thinks she’s just... so amazing and successful, it could be something else (is Yuuki gonna explode the foundation ? who knows), I... really have no clue.
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i cant help but find the fact that ouma was labeled shsl "dictator" and given that outfit in his promo art fascinating when you consider nazis feelings towards abstraction, which is exactly what oumas entire concept is. he is meant to be a piece of art, unlike komaeda he isn't a puzzle, he isnt a large metal cube that has pieces that slot together. he is vibrant and changing and fluid and abstracting reality as well as abstracting your sense of his personhood. these are all things cartoons do, which, again, is a very ouma thing, ouma id covered and littered with childish traits and imagery and GENUINELY enjoys them, the few times we see him playing are the few times i imagine we get to see "real kokichi." because the true version of him IS abstraction. he does not have a sense of self because he is aware that the concept of an identity as a whole is a completely falted snd untrue concept.
which i cant help but find fascinating paired with the idea that he was in some way supposed to call forward the idea of a facist dictator. what makes it even more fascinating is that there really is a character who falls into every fascist ideology in the book.
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Korekiyo Shinguji, a man obsessed with history and societal cultured, who wears a red arm band AND cap with an insignia very very very visually similar to a swastika. a man whos killed over 90 women in hopes of bringing back his dead sister so he could carry out a romantic relationship with her. and the fandom ate it up. they ATE. HIM. UP. they loved him! and god forbid you mention the fact that his outfit SCREAMS nazi military youd be told that its a normal japanese school outfit and that "oumas the nazi" even though ouma never wears his specific outfit except for in ONE picture during a cut scene in the past. And obviously this is meant to create a dychotomy between the two, right? the obvious "nazi" who is actually a gay abstract silly cartoony person with no care for social norms, vs the character that visually strikes the cord of a nazi, has nazi ideologies, and is into incest, like, outwardly into incest, an ideology inspired by white surpremacy and keeping the "blood pure."
idk. just interesting to me.
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detectivenyx · 1 year
Chug an entire bottle of vanilla extract.
You unscrew the cap on the emergency bottle of vanilla extract that you keep in your pocket, and start drinking.
It is a small bottle, but you were sure to buy the concentrated kind when out at the supermarkets a week ago, and the absolute sheer taste and pungent smell of concentrated vanilla extract shocks you back to reality.
And then, you keep drinking the bottle.
The door to the classroom opens, and a girl with brown hair pokes her head in, before entering the classroom fully with a look of relief on her face.
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“Oh, great! There were some more people in the...”
She notices the almost-empty bottle of vanilla extract in your hands and a thin line of it on your lip.
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“... were you drinking vanilla extract?”
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waterolivine · 2 years
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I screamed when I opened the pink shorts stand. Thank you very much @shsl-box-split
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crowsdreams0 · 1 year
Can I tell you about my non-canon Mika execution? Its long, but I'm really proud of it! ^-^ She's my favorite, but in the way that I am a schoolyard bully, and she is my preferred victim.
I feel like in any other case but a chapter 3 bad end, he'd just do it himself with the knife he keeps on him. (which is one of the reasons nobody trusted him) and would laugh his ass off as he was bleeding out. maybe the execution would happen to the corpse depending on how cruel Monokuma's feeling.
But in a chapter 3 bad end (good for her, bad for everyone else!) she'd cooperate and die how Monokuma wants. Because she does not trust Monokuma to keep his word about not harming Val if she acts up.
I imagine that since she's dying first, everyone is cheering for it, since she led them to their deaths. (maybe even Val if you want to be a total dick.)
It'd begin, and he's placed in front of a dead body, with a shock collar on him. (I imagine that when he fucks up, the collar would shock him to death.) The execution screen literally says its an execution for the SHSL doctor. He's literally being executed as his mother, who he hates and fears more than anyone. (also, his main role in case 3 is brutalizing and decapitating a corpse. Ironic.)
He won't have this, so he manages to disable the shock collar and run.
Monokuma planned for that, and she escapes in a replica of her home, except there's cameras with guns mounted to them. (picture what was on the locker rooms in THH, but just fucking everywhere)
Mika takes off her coat, and waves it in front of one of the cameras, only for it to be shot with holes. (Throughout all of this, she has the blank eyes symbolizing her suicidal thoughts, implying she's content with death, but only on her own terms.)
So he manages to snake his way around the house without setting off any cameras, maybe grabbing some resources depending on how long I want this to be. He's almost out of the house when he hears a familiar noise.
His mother screaming at and hitting his father. He looks to the door, and then back inside the house. He knows this is a bad idea, but he can't stop himself. The likelihood of his dad actually being in the game is low, but it isn't zero. And he can't leave him.
So she manages to grab her father and get away, only getting nonfatally shot in the shoulder in the process.
She manages to guide him out of the house, and is visibly relived about this. For a moment, her eyes return to their normal green as she smiles at him.
And then he pushes her directly into the sight of one of the cameras. She dies with a look of shock on her face >:)
(not to like, mansplain /gn, but he should have taken his own fucking advice of trust nobody and don't get attached. then he would have lived.)
Bro you are the cruelest mf I ever have seen and this is why I love you! The way she gets betrayed by the person she tried to protect, he gets treated like her mom in the more preffered execution. Geez! We get you like him the most cause god dangit, that was the best execution for the best character!
And isn't she a hypocrite? Giving advices even she can't hold on! Love him to death, I guess he is my favourite too
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catboyebooks · 1 year
we also get to enter one of the classrooms on the second floor, but it's been converted to a laundry room. apart from the glitching, it looks like it did in dr1, still with the same laundry hanging on the clotheslines even. there's a tablet computer lying on the table and hinata goes to have a look at it. when the screen boots it reads "neo world program" and then displays some sort of charts/graphs along with a message about how this VR program is designed with the most advanced psychotherapy technology, in collaboration between people such as the shsl programmer, neurologist, and therapist. it further explains that because the simulation can be used to overwrite memories of the real world with new information and experiences in the virtual world, it can "undo trauma." also this program is to be used for psychotherapeutic purposes only and any other use is expressly forbidden. when used improperly it could cause "total personality destruction."
this is when it appears to finally hit hinata that he's in VR.
the screen fades to black. hinata thinks that suddenly everything is beginning to feel meaningless. the world around him seems empty and tainted and about to collapse around him. all he can feel is despair. naturally, he screams. the room pops back into reality around him and monokuma appears to tell him he can't give up now, he's not done completing monokuma's "character route" and more despair awaits him!
hinata, still in existential crisis mode, thinks that if everything around him is apparently not real then what about him? is he also not real?
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2stregafangirl · 8 months
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Name: Junya Enoshima or Junya Ikusaba ( Junya in UDG and DR3)
Gender: Male
Birthday: December 24
Age: 17 ( THH] 19 [UDG)
Zodiac sign: Capricorn
Talent: ultimate thaumaturge prowess/ SHSL ultimate thaumaturge prowess
Talent explanation: like his twin sister Junko who he more closely resembles he has crazy analysis and prediction skills, the catch is Junya’s predictions have the chance to be wrong/ incorrect but when Junya’s predictions are right they work miracles, he also uses his amazing analytical and prediction skills for good instead of evil unlike his sister Junko.
Personality: Junya is very snarky and clever, he sometimes like to jab at others passive aggressively but he means well, he tends to sometimes be too full of himself when his predictions are correct and has a smug expression on his face but he isn’t arrogant, he actually does care for the other students ( Especially Toko and Togami) and wants them to make it out alive.
Likes: rabbits plushies old-school video games
Puzzles writing poetry ranting about philosophy
Dislikes: Bears ( especially Monokuma) blood being lied to or manipulated traps
History: Junya was enrolled into Hope’s peak as the Ultimate Thaumaturge Prowess and joined the DR1 class, he had an okay childhood as the younger brother of Junko and Mukuro though he was the only one who remained when Junko and Mukuro ran away. for awhile at Hope’s peak Junya was away because Mukuro sent him some tickets for a trip in Europe while the DR0 plot went down, Junya got especially close to Toko and Togami at Hope’s Peak being able to break through Toko’s self depreciative and meek nature and Togami’s arrogant and entitled nature and the two of them entered a polycule and after the school went on lockdown during the tragedy Junko wiped Junya’s memories of Mukuro so it would be easier for mukuro to disguise as Junko.
Once Mukuro!Junko gets executed Junya screams out for her and throughout THH he starts to regain his memories of Mukuro and rekindles his Toko’s and Togami’s relationship becoming a polycule once more, after finding out the truth in chapter 6 Junya is rightfully pissed off and infuriated about Junko having Mukuro killed and he vows to bring Junko despair by joining the side of Hope himself and seeing her plans come crashing down on her, after Junko executes herself Junya changes his last name to Ikusaba to honor Mukuro who’s life was cut short and to distinguish himself from Junko. In ultra despair girls he goes to Towa city to help Toko and Komaru wielding a violin hacking axe which has the same powers as Komaru’s megaphone but a axe with a piano theme.
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hexfloog · 2 years
The unchild
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disclaimer #2: i’m not sober again
if they were real i would be afraid of them
• tell me you wouldn't also be afraid of the 7 year-old who can probably recite building code and moratorium declarations to your face on command
they're like a blorbo to me / i want to carry them in a handbag like a tiny dog
• in spite of ^^^this,^^^ he is baby............... i want to smoosh him and nuzzle him like a pet T.T this is how i came to own a child-sized cone
they're deeper than they seem
• shinichi's most obvious, surface-level flaws are his stubbornness and, ironically, his own moral code (which can often lean into gray morality, but is no less relentless than if it were more black and white). they're both big driving forces behind his tendency to jump headfirst into danger, in spite of his analytical skills. combined with his formidable wit, he ends up a sharp character without a lot of wiggle room to volunteer compassion, but that amount is not zero.
• .........idk, how to say this.  shinichi suffers from shonen main character syndrome in that the show likes to flaunt his main character appeal and little else.  a lot of him is hidden beneath that and if you want it you have to WORK for it. for example - the show tends to play vulnerability for laughs-- not all the time, but a lot.  like what reason would shinichi have to be so pointed and overachieving in everything he does.  on the surface, the show tells you oh, well, he’s a bit cocky.  which... yes, but there’s probably ulterior motives to that, buried beneath layers and layers of bullshit that he himself probably doesn’t recognize: perhaps a staunch refusal to be caught in a position where he can be trampled (maybe after spending many childhood years watching ran go through it?), perhaps to claim some semblance of control over his life-- and by extension, to eke out of the shadow of his parents' legacy?  to predict every possible angle, every possible outcome, to protect any and every place he could possibly be wounded, so that someone like his father can't exploit it under the guise of some fucked test of character?
wasted potential / i like them enough to project my own issues onto them / nothing i like about them is technically canon
• i have my fair share of identity issues. a lot of them have to do with passion and purpose. cone/shinichi is nothing BUT an identity crisis and his need to suppress his real identity in all facets-- smarts, emotions, personality quirks-- only causes additional issues to surface as he continues to pretend being something/someone he isn't. does this even count if he's already canonically a Huge Mess??
• as is my usual spiel surrounding shinichi/conan he has all the ingredients for a fully-fleshed, canonical identity THING but it's never taken as seriously as one would reasonably expect (in the same way kogoro's alcoholism is often played for laughs). who wouldn't consider that massive, wasted potential. on a more macroscopic scale, the damage he causes vis-a-vis this implied identity crisis is also never coaxed out from under the rug and is either dismissed or swept back under it.
• in fact, this show is SO guilty of keeping things surface-level that tbh I think it relies on reading between the lines to keep its fandom space ablaze, at least to some degree. this show takes so much that would ordinarily be considered cause for concern and spins it into a joke or something far less consequential. shinichi's internal identity crisis is entirely implied afaik and i just take that and run with it (looking at you, desperate revival). incidentally this implied conflict is probably what i like most about him, with his dorkiness a close second.
wow! they are a horrible person
• do i really need to point out the real-life years of gaslighting and lying, not just to law enforcement/legal entities, but to the person he considers to be the most important to him. i mean i know he means well by it but it's sooo wrong and sooo damaging... like ran can keep a secret, can’t she??  does he fear that she’s too emotionally compromised or something??? (being emotional =/= weakness???? wow that’s an assessment a girl like ran doesn’t need to hear holy shit) 
• even worse, this boy tends to be witness #1 to the direct fallout (not just from ran but from everyone), he's GOTTA be more than aware of the consequences of what he's doing (and...tbf i think he is, at least when the show wants to milk that for something)
• in that regard, he may be horrible, but not irredeemable; he's nearly given up at least twice because the emotional burden was too much, but my brother in christ....... you started the lie:
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'i can't do this anymore.'
why do they look like that / they are sooooo cool looking
• dork-ass bow-tie wearing BITCH (affectionate)
• i say this like babby hex didn't have a HUGE crush on shinichi during her first detco phase, and as if this pre-existing bias/his appearance has no bearing on why he's still my favorite *sweats*
• just to incriminate myself even more i literally just watched ep.400 and reeled at seeing shinichi again for longer than a few seconds, even if it was just in flashback.  i watched almost all the shinichi episodes first and haven’t rewatched most of them since so my lizard brain is probably thirsting over here and i don’t even realize it until he appears onscreen again
i'm mentally ill about them
• have you seen my body of detco art/writing and who stars in 90% of it
they work better as part of a dynamic
• for the most part i feel that shinichi is enhanced when he interacts with someone else.  as the protagonist he can already carry himself but i always seem to enjoy him exponentially more when he gets to butt heads, be challenged, or cooperate with someone else as one half of a duo (and specifically a duo, bc with larger groups the focus dissipates. like with the detective boys he tends to vibe more as group dad/big brother/a chaperone):
○ haibara: someone who relates to his existential dilemma. she's a moral challenge for him as someone whom he would've--and almost did--without a doubt condemn to super hell at first sight.  how would pre-moonlight sonata shin have reacted to her?  her history is behind her, but can he forgive that, even if she knows she's completely renounced the old ways?  her time at the BO/her status as creator of APTX is a stain that can't be washed off the record just as a matter of fact, it's up to her found family to scrub it on a social level and sometimes i wonder if shinichi is up to it, even after the slight revisions to his moral code.  the BO in general has a strange way of bringing out some rarely-seen behavior in him, so i do wonder... when it comes down to it... yeah this isn’t how murderer!shinichi was birthed at all
○ heiji: someone who shares his passion for detective work and treats him as an equal.  i could argue this is because he sees right past the veil of conan, but... i don’t really think that’s entirely true.  he seemed to respect conan even before the truth was confirmed.  imo heiji’s a challenge of companionship for him, being one of the few he can be freely open with-- and thus vulnerable-- at all times.  when he’s alone, or around most others, shinichi is forced to wall himself off to avoid signaling the likenesses to himself, so i think being close with someone he can trust with the full truth is like opening a faucet and trying to temper the flow when you’re not sure if too much or too little has come out.  is that even a coherent metaphor t.t 
○ kaito: someone who challenges his wit enough to make him a tantilizing/worthy opponent.  heiji was this once, until he assumed the companion role.  kaito is also something of a challenge to his worldview, there’s probably some overlap there with haibara regarding his moral code (are there any other criminals he’d willingly cooperate with, or even be so sure of their principles that he’d -mostly- trust them around people in general? i mean it’s not like shinichi really has a choice when he he gets to a point when he has to partner up with kaito but... you know what i mean, he’d probably give up his life before partnering up with other criminals).  what he provides shinichi that haibara can’t though is a test of passion, and... maybe by extension, self-restraint, in relation to that passion and defiance of private morality.
well, i am not immune from conan/shinichi fever nor do i claim to be even in the slightest.  the show is named after him for a reason and clearly he must have some power over me if i fell in love with his character twice, with 15ish years between each instance.  even so, i think he’s weirdly underutilized-- or at least i think his full potential is underutilized.  for a protag of a show running for 25 years there’s a surprising lack of exploration of anything beyond surface-level, whether that’s his character on its own merits or in relation with someone else.
it’s a shame, but luckily the character is popular enough that discussion is not difficult to find among fandom spaces, mine included.
thank u for asking about my blorbo <3
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shslscreaming · 7 years
SHSL Screaming, as we once knew it, is no more.
But not all is lost. What remains is moving on as Hope.exe, a rebranding and a fresh start. Check out their blog and message the new mods for more info!
Thank you from the bottom of my heart to all my screamers, from day one to the end, for making this such a special time in my life. I love you all!
This is Mod Mahiru -- Emily -- signing off. 
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traumxrei-archive · 2 years
I have returned with two sneak peeks of the drawing after seeing the tweel anon’s response 👀
Featuring: our dear Mx Trau and Floyd!
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Floyd’s face makes me giggle every time I look at it LMAOO
HIIIII omg that's already so cute T^T floyd's little drooly face is so canons jdfksjf thank you for taking the time to give us an update :D ! it's looking amazing already wooo
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trialcmplx · 3 years
@willofcausality​ accused: “ do that again, see what happens. ” [Despair Gundham protecting their Queen from someone?? :3 ]
intimidation starters // accepting
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She holds her ground, unwavering in the face of their threat. What sort of tool would she be, to fall in the face of even the fiercest guard dog? Peko almost admired Gundham. Really. They were alike in many ways. They’d do anything, including lay down their life for their queen, and for Junko-sama. Peko, by the same token, cared very little for her own life. She was nothing if she wasn’t serving her masters.
The two guards stand at an impasse, Peko silent but refusing the remove the hand from her sword. She awaits her master’s order - but would not hesitate to attack if the mongrel pushed her.
“Gundham,” comes the velvetly smooth voice of the aforementioned queen, her kind, patient smile at odds with the darkness in her eyes. “An interruption isn’t cause for a slaughter, is it? We are all allies in despair! Let us hear what our friends have to say, yes?”
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