#shsl skateboarder
justdrawingdesigns · 2 years
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squiddyosnappers · 4 years
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Self inserts that my friend @lemonflavoredsoda made and designed.
Again these are not my characters and I will take credit for nothing but the drawing
Also sorry for the low image quality, I scanned this through apple notes
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deryuj · 6 years
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this man popped up on my dashboard and I’m terrified by the amount of thirst he’s getting
s8ter boi belongs to avril lavinge @docochocart
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shadowartxero · 6 years
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Drew @docochocart‘s Skateboarder, since I love him a lot already- Hope you like it!
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angsty-doodler · 6 years
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Also!!! I drew Kasumi hanging out with @docochocart ‘s SHSL Skateboarder. Love that guy.
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cenistar · 7 years
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hahaha hey another dang oc
Daniel (/Mitsunari) is the ultimate skateboarder, though he’s more interested in the physics behind skateboard tricks than anything. He’s really into science! His mother was a physicist as well.
“Daniel” is just a random nickname that he didn’t ask for; it was given to him by a group of skateboarders who come by the place he practices haha (shoutout to ritsumiki for this. quality content)
I’ve already introduced MARI before, you can read about her here!
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clutzykanine · 3 years
Yo… would Tony Hawk be the Ultimate Skateboarder in the danganronpaverse?
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saranghacs · 6 years
“ they can all just kiss my ass. ” por parte de Kenta
          kissy sentence starters. / @madnessinthishouse
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— Oye, ¿qué mierda? relájate.—trató de llevar al otro lejos de los demás.— Esa actitud no ayuda para nada esta situación.
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Heyhey!! I'm not sure if this is too specific, but if it is I'm super sorry!! Maybe an Angie Yonaga, Kokichi Ouma and K1-B0 (all seperate) x gender netural SHSL Skateboarder reader that likes the thrill of danger? Like for example, doing very dangerous tricks in VERY dangerous areas just because they find it fun. Thanks!! <33
Omg a request!? For me?? Of course! Now I've never skated before that wasn't roller skating and even then I fell on my ass so many times these teenagers wanted to record me or something 💀 they asked for my name and I like like 7-8 👁️👁️. Anyways I hope this is what you wanted!
Characters: Angie, Kokichi, K1B0
Ultimate Skateboarder Reader
She liked how you were into the thrill! She had no concerns at all if I'm being honest. She saw you were happy and didn't care about concerning stuff. Now that being said. There have been sometimes where she wouldn't let you skate if it meant her art work could be skated over, you would have to wait until she was done if it was done on the floor. But either way shes happy that your happy and she loves skating with you. She even painted you a custom board!
"Nyahaha! This is so fun! We must do this way more often! Maybe we can get ice cream?" "Sure we can get ice cream, right after I jump over that short purple haired kid" "that's Kokichi 💀" "oh damn- not changing my mind though"
Little shit will trip you. But he also loves skating with you. But if he falls expect loud fake crying. He's a bit more cautious about where you skate but most of the time he just has fun with you! You guys even have weekly dice skating hangouts! The organization really likes being included so they adore spending time with you and Kokichi! Anyways he ends up falling on his ass and gets embarrassed so he demands y'all go home 💀
"we are going home! No arguments!!!!" "Is it because you fell on your ass after telling us you were a pro at skating?" "NO!" "Okay, come on guys! Little baby man is embarrassed!" "STOOOOOPP 😭" "No <3"
He's the most cautious mf. He makes sure you have the equipment he saw when he looked up what skating was. He doesn't let you skate where he finds dangerous but little does he know that when your with miu she lets you do anything you want and cheers you on. He will probably try skating with you but fall on his ass. He's either a pro or a complete noob. No in-between.
"Please wear the proper gear! I don't want you getting hurt!!" "I won't get hurt but if it scares you so much I'll put the gear on" "thank you! And I am NOT scared. I'm just worried!" "Suuure Kii-boy" "Is that robophobic?" "No. 🙂"
Hope you like this! Sorry if I didn't do it right
Take an Angie as a apology if this isn't the best! 😊
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lifeinthehole · 7 years
Well it's certainly original. (Pa Toru(?))
                  Costume Sentence Starters.
Happy Halloween! Send my muse a reaction to seeing them in a costume, whether positive or not so positive.
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— ¿Verdad que sí?—mencionó con todos los ánimos. Su disfraz era básicamente dos mitades improvisadas de ‘patineta’, atravesando su estomago.— A nadie se le ocurriría.
                        — ;; { @madnessinthishouse }
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dragondemoness · 2 years
Person from the last ask here
I had a tmnt danganronpa rp with a friend (we’re no longer friends though) and we did give the turtles talents
Leo was the SHSL/ultimate ninja, Donnie was the SHSL/ultimate inventor, raph was the SHSL/ultimate pet keeper and Mikey was the ultimate skateboarder :D
Yo that sounds fun as hell
Also those talents are perfect for them. I like that Raph was the Ultimate Pet Keeper, that's freaking adorable
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some-dr-writings · 4 years
v3 girls x SHSL Toy Maker
Kaede Akamatsu:
·       Your girlfriend loved your toys. She’d always gush over them and would so happily watch as you worked away on any project without a care in the world. Her favorites though were the wooden ones, just seeing how you chiseled, sanded and worked with the wood was just so interesting to her.
·       Obviously, you gave her a toy piano for her birthday once, and it immediately was her most cherished possession. It was tiny, just big enough to be played with one hand, so Kaede took it wherever she went, keeping it close as a reminder of you and her most favorite thing in the world. It actually took her quite a bit of time to get used to it, but once she had mastered it, she’d play it whenever she wanted should there not be a piano around.
·       “Hey, how’s my pianist do- oh?” As you entered the dressing room you found Kaede playing you little toy piano. “Ah, Y/N! I thought no one aside from the performers were allowed backstage.” “Yeah… but who ever said I wouldn’t break the rules. I just had to come see you before the recital!” You eagerly sat beside her, just needing to get closer to that entrancing smile. “Getting in some extra practice before the big performance?” “Actually, no.” “Hmm?” She sheepishly laughed, holding your little piano close. “Just calming my nerves. Since I thought I couldn’t have you by my side, I started playing your piano. It’s helped a lot.” It became a tradition for Kaede to play you piano before any performance. It was able to calm her no matter what song she played on it.
·       Whenever it was out of tune, even just a little she’d immediately take it to you for repairs. It was usually a quick fix, but she still loved watching you work away on repairing it.
·       You also began making little music boxes for yourself. Though not pianos, you placed in Kaede’s favorite songs and before going to sleep, would wind one and have it play should the pair of you be apart. Sometime you’d even send her one so she’d know you were thinking of her.
    Kirumi Tojo:
·       Like for everyone else, she wanted to be our maid and assist you in whatever way she could and help you become even greater than you already were. “Oh, uh… Sorry, but I don’t need anything. I won’t want much either. I’ve heard how people you work for become amazing and stuff, but… I’m happy with my simply life. I don’t want it to get any greater than this. Honestly, only reason I came to Hope’s Peak is so I’d have an excuse to make more toys without my guardians telling me to study more. I’d be happy to be your friend though! Are there any toys you liked as a kid, I know I could make a nice one for you!” On occasion you’d amuse Kirumi and accept her assistance, but for the most part you’d simply decline and ask if you could make anything for her.
·       Kirumi truly just enjoyed helping others, there was nothing else she wanted so it seemed no toy would be of satisfaction to her, only after getting together did you finally come up with something. “A doll?” “Yeah! If somehow you can’t find anything to do for anyone, you can serve the doll. Its pockets are filled with requests for you to do for it, and if this doesn’t feel like real requests to do for you, I request that you care for the doll when you have nothing else to take care of!” “I will do my utmost to fulfill your wish.” You didn’t think Kirumi would actually play with the doll, but the smile on her face at finally receiving a request from you was enough to make you know it was worth it.
·       Surprisingly on occasion you would see Kirumi entertaining the doll, whether it be it be having tea parties, or one of the many other requests you had written down. You eventually found out that no matter where Kirumi went, she took the doll with her in case she had a moment of free time she could dedicate to it. You were her partner after all, though she did so for everyone, for you especially she wanted to complete your requests to the best of her abilities. And thought it never came up in conversation, she always had it around because she liked having something you had placed so much time and effort into just for her nearby.
   Himiko Yumeno:
·       Both being entertainers of sorts you both immediately clicked, you both loved making others smile and bringing joy to them through your work.
·       Not only did you and Himiko become romantic partners but business partners as well, you making and selling various toys based off of Himiko, her magic, and of her ‘familiar’ as well. They were a big hit with both children and adults. Sometimes you and Himiko would have long discussions bouncing ideas off one another about what toys to make next. An action figure? A wand? Perhaps some stuffies or a magic broom stick? On occasion one of you would start to go more abstract like suggest something like a pinball machine or soundboard, maybe even a skateboard. Sometimes it became a sort of competition for who could come up with the most outlandish, yet realistic and feasible items to make and sell.
·       Often you’d spend your time whittling away making toys for Himiko, she rather enjoyed them, no matter what they may be. She also liked watching you make them. You were so skilled with those fingers and many other things like woodworking, sewing, painting, and other such things. Sometimes she’d toy with the idea of you being her assistant.
·       You always had Himiko test your toys to make sure they worked properly if they were more electronic in nature or some such.
·       You both liked doing whatever you could to support one another through your own pursuits, you were simply great partners for one another.
   Maki Harukawa:
·       Being with you always felt… nostalgic to her, especially when you made toys for younger children. How you were so tender, kind, and respectful to them, you reminded her of how many of the older kids at the orphanage acted when they weren’t tired and annoyed at having to be babysitters all the time.
·       You had taken to making and donating toys to orphanages, mostly to the one Maki was from though. You were only one person so you couldn’t make many too quickly, but what you did make was durable and could last for several generations while still being fun and not needing too much maintenance.
·       You also gave Maki toys on occasion and would play with them with her. Since she had to spend most of her childhood training you wanted to give her a little something to let her indulge in just being carefree for a time. She cherished these gifts and moments almost more than anything else. Being with you was always just so nice and peaceful.
·       You taught Maki a few things like how to sew. It took a long time, there were many failed attempts and bleeding fingers, but she eventually got the hang of it. She’d sometimes help you with your projects or even repair some of the kids’ clothes, it started with simple things like you asking her to connect two basic pieces or her adding a patch to some pants, eventually though she was able to do more complicated things. She made a doll for you and a few for the kids. In return for all that you had taught her, Maki would teach you self-defense. Though unlikely it was not impossible for a person to attack you one day so she wanted you to be safe. In her line of work, she couldn’t be attached to anyone, but now you and Kaito and Shuichi and others were in your life, she had connections to people she wanted to be around, so even if it wasn’t much, even if it wasn’t enough to save you should you become an assassin’s target, you could at least not be too troubled by our average crook.
·       You were her irreplaceable partner, she adored you, and for as long as she could, she’d keep you as close as she could, just making little toys with you.
   Tenko Chabashira:
·       She adored everything you made, gushing over how adorable it all was. And she showed every last toy off, much to your embarrassment at times. She was rather loud with her affection, making it so that the whole world knew. Even complete strangers would know the pair of you were partners and that according to your girlfriend, you made the best toys the world had ever known.
·       Often Tenko would drag Himiko into testing your latest creations in order to make sure they worked correctly.
·       Tenko insisted that you teach her how to make toys and she teach you Neo Akkido. She’d say that learning her form of Akkido would help you be a better toy maker, and her learning how to make toys would help her improve her Neo Akkido.  You had no idea how in the world this could work, but just about any excuse to spend more time with your girlfriend was a good excuse in your book, so you eagerly agreed…
·       The training was much more than you expected. She didn’t teach you anything and just went straight to fighting you full force, and you just had to make up your own form to keep up and avoid getting too injured, but you did learn how to fight so her training did work.
·       You were much more gentle when it came to teaching her though her energy and enthusiasm could cause problems at times like accidentally knocking over items and the like. At least it was still fun.
·       Being together could be rather chaotic at times, but it was well worth it.
   Tsumugi Shirogane:
·       Your friendship began with a bet and through it a more romantic relationship bloomed. Tsumugi was showing off a very expensive, limited edition figure she had just gotten in the mail. “Wait, how expensive? But it’s so cheap! You should get your money back, or at least at a discounted price.” Obviously, this comment ticked off the girl, and a bet was made, if you could make a figure of the same character of higher quality that could simultaneously be less expensive from the cost of materials, you prove your point, if not you’d have to apologize to Tsumugi.
·       Not only did you win the bet, Tsumugi absolutely loving your figure, but you had also accidentally won her heart in the process.
·       Tsumugi still bought merchandise of her favorite anime and you always made such things for her despite that, though she did teach you why the official merchandise was so important to her. Often you’d end up analyzing the items whether they still be in the package or not, differing what it’s true price would be without the brand association. If it didn’t match you’d make your own version for Tsumugi which happened more often than not, but the few times you deemed the product worth the price it was a pleasant surprise.
·       Being deft at sewing and many other skills you often assisted Tsumugi in making her cosplays! She even convinced you to indulge in her passion as well. You much preferred making them, and seeing others wear them, but play-acting as the characters could be fun.
·       Sometimes when Tsumugi was at cons or other such similar events, she’d send you toy she found that you might like or might inspire your work. She’d also send you materials for your work, maybe even have you keep some for her own work.
·       Sometimes you’d watch whatever anime Tsumugi was most recently obsessed with when she was away. It was something to remind you of her in particularly lonely moments. Tsumugi would do something similar, play with the toys you had given her.
·       Though things could be rocky on occasion, you were able to work things out and you couldn’t want for another partner.
   Angie Yonaga:
·       “Oh my, how divine! I’m sure Atua has blessed you for such wondrous art!”
·       Angie completely adored and whole heartedly loved your toys, always calling them your art. Whenever she found you working, she always left you be as to not distract you, knowing she’d want you to do the same if she were working on her art. She’d even go out of her way to get more materials for you if she had noticed if you were starting to run low or if you were using one particular material a lot for a time. If any of your tools broke or needed repair, she already knew just the place to get another one of high quality.
·       As one ‘blessed by Atua’ you were the only person she allowed to be in the same room with her as she worked, as long as you were working as well. This was for two reasons, one, to not distract her and two, so that Atua may take possession of you too and help make your creations even more wonderful!
·       Though she never needed inspiration, because she had Atua, she would go walking around town with you to do whatever, giving you a new change of pace, which would hopefully help you get out of your rut and be filled with new creativity to create more!
·       Even with her colorful background, she understood you more than most others ever could when it came to your work. She would do anything to assist you, because aside from her god, you were the person she loved most.
   Miu Iruma:
·       “Hey, you’re the toy maker, right?” “Yes?” “You can make adult toys, right?” “What do you take me for!?... Of course I can!” “Oh ho ho, This’ll be fun!”
·       Miu was certainly an interesting client turned partner. Whatever you made, she wanted to add improvements to it, no matter how off the wall it may be. She was in inventor after all so tinkering with toys likely just came naturally to her.
·       What you did find surprising though is that she never wanted you to make anything sexual for her. She never admitted it directly, but she always just wanted normal toys. Model train sets, bouncy balls, remote control cars, simple things like those. Often, she’d end up ‘enhancing’ them in her own way, yet still, she wouldn’t ask for anything else. For as lewd and crude as she could be there was something about her that was also young at heart in a way, in fact that could be why she was so loud and overconfident much of the time. But then you’d remember that you’re teenagers and you were sounding like an older person with this line of thinking and would stop yourself.
·       Miu would insist on working in her lab so she could make tweaks to your designs as you were making them. Things usually got out of hand like making a toy robot that could turn into a cannon and shoot fireworks, or it’d have rocket fists powerful enough to knock out a full grown, healthy adult. Not long after making such items Kokichi would pop up, asking to borrow your toys, and who were you to deny him, toys were meant to be played with, and inevitably not long later you’d hear of Kokichi’s latest prank involving whatever toy Kokichi had borrowed from you and Miu, often getting a laugh out of her.
·       Things usually got out of hand rather quickly when you were with one another, but it was a fun, calm sort of chaos
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alien-poison · 4 years
Requests: OPEN
Welcome to the blog! It’s a non-despair AU at Hope’s Peak Academy! You can ask the Danganronpa protagonists ~
Class 78, Makoto Naegi - SHSL Luckster (A playful boy! Loves Kirigiri and Togami.)
Class 77, Hajime Hinata - SHSL Skateboarder (Actually a student from the reserve course! However, the headmaster enrolled him into the main course as an apology for experimenting on him. Shares a crush on Komaeda with Kamukura.)
Class 79, Shuichi Saihara - SHSL Detective (A freshman! Platonically loves Akamatsu and Oma.)
Class 79, Kaede Akamatsu - SHSL Pianist (Also a freshman! Shuichi’s motivation in a sense. A kind gal!)
Reserve Course, Komaru Naegi (Makoto’s sister! Kind and a tad hyper.)
Ultimate Despair Club - A club for trouble makers!
Class 78, Junko Enoshima - SHSL Fashionista (An annoying girl! Often plays (sometimes) harmless pranks to... anyone!)
Class 78, Mukuro Ikusaba - SHSL Soldier (Junko’s sister and body guard! tired and stressed)
Class 77, Izuru Kamukura - SHSL Hope (was forcibly enrolled into the Ultimate Despair Club. Hinata’s alter ego.)
Class 79, Tsumugi Shirogane - SHSL Cosplayer (A HUGE Junko fan girl! Very clingy.)
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cybererotic · 3 years
ok gay people! all 50 of my ocs are up for qna
heres my big masterlist for y'all
name, talent (pronouns): voiceclaim [birthday]
(yes they are all danganronpa ocs]
1. misaki abadari, shsl harpist (she/her): zelda (botw) [jan 1]
2. raidon abadari, shsl historian (he/him): mood killer [jan 1]
3. isao kurisa, shsl roller derby champion (he/him or however someone chooses to refer to him): gonta gokuhara [april 15]
4. ayaka kurisa, shsl ice skater (she/her): akane owari [july 15]
5. pixie asahara, shsl flirt (she/kitty): lil mariko [november 19]
6. maeko murae, shsl streamer/egirl (she/her): ellise/zheani [dec 15]
7. izanami utahime, shsl fashion designer (she/her): ayesha erotica [aug 14]
8. theodore "teddy" tallen, shsl psychologist (he/him): jude (across the universe) [mar 1]
9. sunflower lópez, shsl boxer (she/her): sadie (across the universe) [jan 7]
10. hideyoshi yugakayaku, shsl ballet dancer (he/sun): phum viphurit [june 30]
11. genkei hyde, shsl torturer (he/him): corpse [oct 31]
12. clara james, shsl matchmaker (she/her): kali uchis [feb 14]
13. algor mortis, shsl clairvoyant (she/gold/shine): alice longyu gao [may 4]
14. rigor mortis, shsl necromancer (he/skull): hozier [may 4]
15. naoyuki maruyama, shsl dentist (he/teeth/bite): will wood [apr 30]
16. tyson halbrook, shsl cowboy (he/him): oliver peck [nov 27]
17. dylan halbrook, shsl mountain climber (he/they): stevie dinner (but with a southern accent) [aug 12]
18. ye-jun mangjeol/sappheiros "sapphique the great" mahogany, shsl magician (he/him): yang yoseob [dec 5]
19. hyun-ki mangjeol, shsl ceo (he/him): KIMMUSEUM [dec 5]
20. M1-TCH.3LL, shsl weapons android (he/it): p4rkr [feb 29]
21. M1-R4.311, shsl service android (she/it): lily v3 [may 10]
22. artemis lelune, shsl astrophysicist (he/she/they): hot freaks [apr 5]
23. mercury lelune, shsl robotics engineer (he/him): lemon demon [oct 1]
24. onyx venus, shsl skateboarder (they/it): matty healy [apr 4]
25. katsumi sakurai, shsl stalker (she/candy/sweet/love): YUC'e [may 11]
26. akimitsu sakurai, shsl nurse (he/they): Eve [aug 1]
27. asbestos oto, shsl exterminator (he/they/poison): frank ocean [aug 20]
28. formaldehyde oto, shsl mortician (she/they/rot): dorian electra [aug 20]
29. hayami hami, shsl popstar (she/swan/song): daoko [mar 14]
30. hera amata, shsl maestro (she/her): [nov 29]
31. mikazuki fujimura, shsl bodyguard (she/bun/kitty/bow): hatsune miku [june 10]
32. yuusei momoguji, reserve course student turned the Ultimate (he/they/it): [feb 21]
33. chaoxiang yú, shsl trackstar (he/they): [sep 12]
34. natsumi higasa, shsl cheerleader (he/she/they/pom): [june 20]
35. saccharine velvet (she/silk/love/blood), shsl leader: slayyyter [may 23]
36. ambrosial velvet, shsl henchperson (they/them): [oct 27]
37. lawin baccay, shsl commander (she/her): [jan 22]
38. kumiko hashimoto, shsl parasol dancer (she/her): [april 21]
39. milwaukee green, shsl deliveryman (he/him): smino [march 29]
40. pensacola green, shsl model (she/her): flo milli [march 29]
41. gorigori glitter, shsl catalyst (they/it/any gore related neo): h3artcrush [feb 29]
42. cadeo vu, shsl go player (he/go/they): [aug 31]
43. omoi kokoro, shsl advisor (they/heart/he): [dec 1]
44. dior neptune, shsl acrobat (he/him):
45. louis vuitton, shsl travel influencer (he/they):
46. prada la mur, shsl cosmetician (she/her):
47. chanel monte, shsl hairstylist (he/they):
48. tsutsui , shsl scholar (he/him):
49. dionysius agathangelou, shsl marine biologist (he/him):
50. amihan bautista, shsl scientist (she/her):
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space-prince-vance · 4 years
Dear xxxxx xxxxxxx
We of Hope's Peak Academy are sending this letter to you to offer you the opportunity of attending our Academy for Gifted Ultimates.
We are dedicated to bringing up the next batch of students for the future of our world, accommodating them with two brand-new campuses, and out of class experiences.
What is Hope's Peak Academy?
You may have heard of Hope's Peak Academy, the school for talented Ultimates, well we are glad to welcome you Hope's Peak. We have worked effortlessly to bring up Hope's Peak to the A new standard with some new facilities and technology for your learning needs. Funds to help with your talent will also be available at the relaunch as well as the best staff across the world.
How did you find me?
We have the best scouts who have traveled the world to tell us of the best of the best in their field which is why we are offering you a place at this Academy. Transport will be arranged after you accept this offer and dorms are at the academy itself.
What Facilities are here?
We have gathered the best in Technology, Floral, Electronics, Science, Athletics, Health, Entertainment, Art, Music and other facilities to accommodate your talent. We offer after school activities, a Spa and Swimming pool, festivals and a joyful experience.
Why Choose Hope’s Peak?
We have high-quality facilities, talented staff members, and an indisputable reputation.
Thank you for your time.
Principal, Jin Kirigiri Associate Principal, Karuta Nanagawa Deputy Principal, Haruhi Gakuen
Three Boys stared at their Identical letters, and then up at their now school. The brunette turned back to the car, and then to the camera they had placed in front of them. after some argumentative mutters, they all looked at the camera.
“Ahem- I suppose Introductions are due? My Name is Akai Tamashi, I’m the Ultimate Crime Scene Investigator. and these two are my classmates.”
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“Hello! I’m Shiru! Shiru Bawain, I’m the Ultimate-ah, nevermind, my Talent is unimportant, It’s nice to meet you. ”
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“Hey! I’m Hiroto Asagiri, the Ultimate Skater. Skateboards, Roller Skates, Bicycle. Nice to meet you!”
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“Do you think we could get a promo?”
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@ask-naehinahara​ @ask-shsl-hunters​ @g-momota​ @cosmic-galactic-gay​ @lonely-lgbt-writer​ @kinmiko​ 
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angsty-doodler · 6 years
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Fanganronpa Cast - Part One
SHSL Skateboarder (Female, protagonist, 5’7”)
SHSL Guitarist (Male, the “partner”, 6’0”)
SHSL Firefighter (Female, 5’4”)
SHSL Player (Male, bara dude, 6’6”)
SHSL Race Car Driver (Male, 5’11”)
SHSL Doctor (Male, 5’10”
SHSL Hacker (Female, 5’5”)
SHSL Basketball Player (Female, 6’2”)
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