#ding dong rope burn
outpost51 · 11 months
Trick or treat!
ding dong
coin said…
an affection: nopalllllllllllllllllllll i love you i love your lizards i love your ladies i love your lore and i’m so happy writeblr brought us together. <3 bless you
and a confection:
There’s something in the chimney.
Shhk. Shhk.
It’s probably a squirrel, you reason, but how would a squirrel have gotten in, and moreover… when had you gotten a chimney? And a fireplace?
Shhk. Shhk.
It’s been scratching away in there for hours, and you’re about ready to call pest control or maybe someone less… extermination-inclined. Every time you poke your head into the fireplace to see if you can just poke it with a broom handle or something, there’s nothing there.
Shhk. Shhk.
Soot rains down on your face and, sputtering, you tumble backwards. As you wipe away the black dust, the scratching grows louder—
Shhk. Shhk.
—and louder—
Shhk! Shhk!
—and louder, until something heavy slides right out of the chimney and lands in the pile of burned logs. It's a dog... probably. It's got four legs, at least, and a blunt snout, and fur. You reach out your hand and it sniffs your fingers a few times, like a dog would do, and skitters — dogs aren't supposed to skitter, are they — closer so you can scratch its floppy ears.
But when you touch its fur, you find it's made of... smoke. Your fingers come away black, soot caked between the dips and whorls of your fingerprints. There's something solid and warm underneath, but its fur is cold where it curls and dances around your fingers before dissipating into the air. And its tail is long, so long it's still threading up the chimney with no end in sight and when it wags, it looks like a sooty jump rope.
Seemingly satisfied with the scratches its been given, the dog returns to the fireplace and scratches around the logs until it finds what it was looking for — a small metal box that it drops in your lap. The surface is dented and tarnished, with no visible lid or hinge or seam, but as you puzzle over what could be rattling around inside, one face falls open, spilling a handful of red licorice fish into your palm.
When you look up again, the dog is gone, and the fireplace, and the chimney. But the fish remain.
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squiddyosnappers · 4 years
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Self inserts that my friend @lemonflavoredsoda made and designed.
Again these are not my characters and I will take credit for nothing but the drawing
Also sorry for the low image quality, I scanned this through apple notes
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amora-ledezma · 2 years
I have this funny idea for a Twisted Wonderland x Obey Me! story/fanfic—
Okay, Yuki(Obey Me MC) and Yuu(Twisted Wonderland MC) are both from the same “world”(Yuki’s/Obey Me world) and they’re besties. I imagine them having a dynamic that balances each other out, like Yuki can be reckless and Yuu is their impulse control, I think it would be interesting.
I know this would probably ruin the whole “Yuu came from a world where magic doesn’t exist” but consider; you know how it was mentioned in twst that transportation magic can mess up a person’s mind for a little while? What if Yuu was roped into deal a higher power made with RSA and NRC? So technically the whole thing about Yuu’s world not having magic was just the transportation magic’s effects and they would remember later on in the story(say, Malleus’ Overblot). So both stories proceed, Yuu disappears first, and Yuki’s just all “omg what happened to my bestie did they die?!” and all but then Diavolo’s letter comes and then they get to Devildom and then Obey Me! continues on as usual.
Yuu finds a way back after remembering “oh sh-t, im not from a magicless world, i myself just dont have magic” but it turns out it was thru some portal and they can essentially go back and forth both worlds so Yuu is just taking a vacation back in their world. And then Yuu hears about Yuki’s situation and is like “??? my best friend is in literal hell???? i know they were a menace but wHAT-” and then after their panic sets down they decide to visit Yuki in Devildom(how? I don’t know? Maybe the brothers/Diavolo agreed because they wanted to do something for Yuki) and then Yuu surprises Yuki which leads to Yuki almost burning Yuu.
And so they decide to catch up and tell each other what has been happening in their respective lives. And by this point I think they would just be tired and wouldn’t even flinch at the mention of death so the conversation just goes:
Yuu: So, how many times did you almost die?
Yuki: A lot, and I actually died one time
Yuu: you what.
And then Yuu is back on “Yuki’s impulse control” duty.
Or, alternatively, they both decide to reck havoc and chaos on the brothers. And no, I’m not going to elaborate.
And if you haven’t figured it out yet, Yuu is the only person that can actually see how much of red flags the brothers and the dateables have, and tries to make Yuki see them too so they could do at least something about it but they ultimately give up.
And their conversations would be like one of the many instances where you try to tell your bestie the person their talking to is a red flag while they gush and simp over said person:
Yuki: Gosh, Belphie is so hot.
Yuu: …d-didn’t he kill you?
Yuki: And on top of that, he’s so adorable! How can someone be both all at once!
Yuu: Bestie-
Yuki: And Lucifer too! He’s so serious and mature…
Yuu: You have many reasons not to trust him-
Yuki: And Leviathan! He told me he sometimes watches romance animes just to memorize the scene and recreate them with me!
Yuu: Wasn’t he the one that tried to kill you for having some limited addition keychain from his favorite series…?
Yuki: Diavolo is even more so! So responsible and well-spoken!
Yuu: He’d put being the future demon king first and probably would give up on you because of that.
Yuki: Satan is so intellectual! Well-spoken too, well-read, and what’s more is he likes cats!
Yuu: …he sounds strangely similar to me- probably the only trustworthy person you have mentioned so far
Yuki: What about Mammon?
Yuu: Ding dong are those the f-cking wedding bells I hear? Probably one of the only green flags in this whole kingdom.
Yuki: …Barbatos?
Yuu: Don’t even ask, man seems like he can easily manipulate you.
May or may not write more with this prompt. Wait for that if you want.
Bonus: The brothers’ reaction to Grim
*Lucifer staring at Grim and Yuu*
*Grim hisses at him*
Grim: Stay away from my human.
Grim kind of reminds Lucifer of Mammon(mostly because he’s named after their literal currency).
Mammon: What’s this demon cat’s name?
Yuu: Grim.
*Happy Mammon noises*
Mammon: Can I borrow him? He might bring money, he’s kind of a panda.
Yuu, dazzled by Mammon’s smile: Sure,
Grim was brought to the casino and stayed there all day.
Levi would just stare and walk away, weirding out Yuu and Grim.
*Satan, eyes practically sparkling as he looks at Grim behind his book*
Yuu, noticing: You can pet him if you want!
*Satan, silently putting down the book and taking a sleeping Grim off of Yuu’s lap*
Yuu: He isn’t kidnapping you, Grim.
Grim: He totally is—
*Grim purring as Satan pets him*
Yuu, looking down at Satan’s book: Any book recommendations?
Satan: Depends on which genre.
Yuu: …anything with academic rivals to lovers.
Satan, pulling out a long list: Glad you asked.
In return for Satan’s good book recommendations, Yuu gave him some of their magical textbooks from Twisted Wonderland, Satan grew interested in overblots and now they somehow have weekly meet ups to just have tea and read books.
Asmodeus would just compliment Grim’s shiny fur and Yuu’s smooth skin, which leads to Yuu introducing Asmo to Vil’s cosmetics brand.
Let’s be honest, Beel would probably try to give some random demon food to Grim, who happily accepts it. They get along pretty well because of their unending appetites.
Belphie would just make Grim into a pillow/body pillow.
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Okay!! I swear tomorrow is the day I get caught up skldjfdslf I officially have no more commitments, no uni work, nothing but writing from here on out (I hope anyway kljdfkgd) 🥰💖
Also on AO3!!!
Beca was trying to figure out how she’d gotten here. This sort of thing happened in bad horror movies, it wasn’t a real thing, and yet here she was tied spread eagle to a table, duct tape over her mouth, a group of hooded figures huddled around her chanting it Latin. Seriously, what was happening to her?
It wasn’t like the group of hooded figures were strangers to her, it was those god damn Treble Makers. Aubrey had been right, they were ding dongs... especially Jesse, freaking Jesse who had drugged her and knocked her out when he’d offered her a ride back to her dorm after their late shift at the radio. God she was going to kill him when she got free.
Beca pulled at the ropes she was tied down with again, looking for the slightest bit of give but all she succeeded in doing was chaffing her wrists more, trying not to show the pain on her face as they started to bleed from the force of her struggling. No way in hell was she going to let these assholes see any amount of emotion from her beyond anger. Because yes, Beca was confused and in pain and terrified, but no way would they know any of that.
“Alright boys, you know the drill.” Bumper smirked as the chanting stopped, eyeing Beca who glared hatefully back at him, “Everybody lets a little blood but as captain I get the final blow. Gotta secure our win again this year, make history as the first acapella team to win six consecutive ICCA titles in a row!”
Beca’s nostrils flared as she struggled even harder. They weren’t actually going to kill her right? That was insane, there was no way they’d kill her, certainly no way they’d gotten away with it for the last five years, girls didn’t just go missing and no-one noticed... 
Beca started as her feet began to move upwards, a whirring noise filling the uncomfortably silent room as the table tilted her so that the top of her head was a mere inch and a half from the floor. Try as she might to contain her fear, Beca’s breathing became shallower as her eyes darted around her, catching sight of numerous glinting and sharp blades. No fucking way. This was a really bad dream, nothing more. Any second now Beca was going to wake up to find Kimmy-Jin glaring at her for the audacity of having a nightmare in her vicinity. 
“Jesse gets first cut, he’s the one that brought us this hot piece of ass.”
Beca snarled as her head started to spin a little from the blood rushing to it, glowering at the upside down form of the guy she had once called a friend and was now severely regretting that decision. 
“Sorry Becaw.” He shrugged, grinning toothily as Beca’s eyes fixed on the sharp knife in his hand, “Bros before hoes.”
Beca growled something intelligible from behind the tape as she struggled as hard as she could, tugging and yanking at the rope. No way. She couldn’t let them do this. Someone would come looking for her any minute, someone would know she was here and they’d rescue her. Sure, she wasn’t really close to her dad, Kimmy-Jin actively hated her, and she was fairly certain that the Bellas who did like her still wouldn’t really notice if she was gone but... someone had to notice. They had to.
Beca grit her teeth as she felt the blade press into her arm, determined not to show she was in pain as the pressure increased. Jesse dragged the knife slowly down her arm, Beca’s toes curling inside her boots as she felt it tear her skin, panting a little as blood began to trickle down her arm.
When Jesse stepped back, Beca’s eyes flicking to the long, deep wound that stretched from inside her elbow to just below the tattoo that read “c’est ne pas moi”. It burned as Beca continued to struggle, albeit less furiously than before as she pushed back at the tears starting to well in the corner of her eyes. These assholes weren’t going to make her cry on top of everything else. 
She could do this, she just had to hold until someone came to get her. Because someone had to be coming to get her, there had to be someone in her life that cared enough to come and find her. She was supposed to be at rehearsal tonight, Aubrey had called a last minute practice before the qualifiers next week, they’d see she wasn’t there... 
But she had complained bitterly about it... what if they thought she’d just blow the Bellas off? That she had just bailed on them, would they even think to see why she hadn’t turned up? God... that was why they’d picked her, nobody was going to look for her were they?
She couldn’t afford to spiral like this. If she spiraled then she’d stop fighting, and if she stopped fighting, she was dead for sure.
Beca watched as another Treble stepped forward, feeling lightheaded and woozy as the blood from her wound ran down her hand and more of it rushed to her head. Fuck... she was going to pass out before they were finished, she couldn’t pass out because then she couldn’t fight them, she couldn’t survive this if she did.
A soft grunt was muted by the tape over her mouth as Beca felt a knife dig into her other arm, slicing straight down as it split her praying mantis tattoo in half. Dammit. She liked that one. Trebles and blades continued to switch out, Beca no longer able to hold back her tears or her muffled cries of pain as each new cut broke down her resolve. 
By the time they had finished, each of them making two cuts, Beca was breathing heavily, blood running down her body from the numerous cuts that now littered her arms, her chest, her legs, and the most vicious one of all across her stomach from hip to hip, left by Bumper and had caused an audible shriek from Beca as his knife cut through several layers of skin.
The table moved back into its original position, Beca shaking and weak as she lay limp on the unforgiving surface. No-one was coming to find her, she was going to die here, alone and in agony, a victim of whatever sick and twisted idea they had that would somehow help them win the ICCA’s. It was a goddamn acapella competition, it wasn’t worth her life.
The tape was ripped from her mouth, Beca grunting as it was and glaring at Bumper from under hooded lids.
“Any last words bitch?” He sneered, Beca dull with pain and defeat.
“Fuck you.” She spat, “You won’t get away with this asshole, you’ll rot in prison for the rest of your miserable life for this. I’m sure some big guy is gonna love making you his bitch.”
Bumper simply laughed at her, shaking his head before nodding to Jesse. Beca watched him step forward with a blindfold in hand, struggling weakly as he tied it tightly around her head. Oh now they were blindfolding her?! Now they were going to kill her, she wasn’t allowed to see them do it, she couldn’t make them look her in the eye as they murdered her? 
Beca felt the tip of a blade press against her chest, hands balling into fists as she pursed her lips together. Fuck. FUCK. This was it, this was how she was going out. God she really shouldn’t have come to Barden, she should have ignored her parents and gone to L.A. anyway. She was half expecting her life to flash before her eyes but the only thing in her minds eye were flashes of brilliant red hair and impossibly blue eyes, of easy smiles and soul warming giggles. 
God she should have taken a shot with her. Talk about death bed regrets.
“Just do it asshole.” She snarled, the tip of the blade still resting on her chest, “Just do it! You’re a coward, you can’t even look me in the eye while you do it, if you’re going to kill me then just get on with it!”
The tip moved and Beca braced herself for the swing that would end her life. But as she did, Beca heard yelling and thudding. What the hell was going on? The ropes around her wrists suddenly gave way, her ankles freed too as the blindfold was gently lifted from her eyes, Beca looking up at the stranger in the bulletproof vest who was smiling kindly at her.
“Hey. You’re okay now. I’m Detective Williams, those punks really did a number on you huh?”
Beca managed a snort as her eyelids fluttered shut, the reality of the blood loss and her injuries beginning to settle in her body. A gentle shake to her shoulder stirred her again as Beca tried to focus herself on the detective and what she was saying to her.
“C’mon Beca, stay with me. That’s it. We’re going to get you to the hospital but until then you just need to stay awake okay?”
“Okay...” Beca mumbled, barely audible, “H-how did you find me?”
“You have a very persistent group of friends.” Detective Williams chuckled fondly as two paramedics joined them, “The blonde one, Aubrey? She came to us with a file an inch thick about girls that had gone missing around this time every year. We might recruit her once she’s finished college, she’d make quite the investigator.”
“A-Aubrey?” Beca frowned slightly, “I thought she hated me...”
“No-one who works that hard to get us to listen and save your life could hate you.” Detective Williams raised an eyebrow, “They’re clearly very fond of you Beca. Especially the redhead.”
“Chloe...” A small smile tugged at Beca’s lips before she winced as one of the paramedics pressed a dressing to the deep wound on her stomach, “I- I- can I see her? Is she here?”
“Once we get you into the ambo you can.” The detective promised, “She’s outside, but I want to preserve the scene. Is she your girlfriend or something?”
Beca snorted again, “I wish...”
“Well for what it’s worth...” Detective Williams beamed at Beca, giving her hand a gentle squeeze as a soft whimper left Beca’s lips as the paramedics continued to put dressings on the painful wounds all over her, “I think she likes you too. No-one gives a vic description like she did if you’re not at least a little in love with them.”
Beca laughed softly, wincing as she did. She felt so heavy, so weak... but it was okay. Someone had come to rescue her, she didn’t have to be strong anymore. Beca could just rest now.
“Hey, Beca... just a little longer now, c’mon.”
Beca blinked slowly as she felt herself be lifted onto a stretcher, an oxygen mask slipped over her face as the detective kept pace with the now moving gurney.
“Chloe’s just outside that door, she’s dying to see you. Stay awake for her huh?”
Beca nodded a little, trying to keep her mind clear as she looked around her. This was a really ugly house...
“Becs?!” Beca’s head turned to the left as the cold night air hit her, stirring her a little as her eyes found Chloe’s, “Oh my God!”
“Chlo...” Beca frowned as she realised the mask was hiding what little could be heard of her voice, but as she raised her hand to move it, it was gently moved away.
“You need to keep that on Beca.” One of the paramedics smiled softly at her, “Chloe can come with you to the hospital though if you want?”
Beca nodded, ignoring the pain that shot up her arm as she reached for Chloe’s hand. Chloe grasped it tightly as she climbed into the back of the ambulance with her, tears in her eyes as they roamed over Beca.
“Oh Beca... what did they do to you?” Chloe whispered, “I got them to come as quick as I could, I promise I did. I’m so sorry...”
Beca shook her head, frowning a little as she squeezed Chloe’s hand, “Not your fault weirdo...”
“Are you in pain?” Chloe asked, “Can you give her something?”
“That’s what I’m doing now.” The paramedic in the back with them reassured Chloe a little, “This is going to make you feel better Beca, but also really tired. I need you to try and stay awake though, okay?”
Beca nodded a little, her eyes locked with Chloe’s as she felt a warm, fuzzy feeling spread across her body, replacing the pain. Oh... there was the exhaustion... god it was so heavy, so welcoming... she’d had such a long day...
“Becs?!” Chloe’s hand gripped hers tighter, “Hey, come on, they said you had to stay awake, we’re almost there, you can do this!”
“S-sorry...” Beca mumbled, the world fading away as she heard Chloe calling her name again.
It was with a soft groan that Beca regained consciousness, vaguely aware of the pain she was in as she shifted a little, heavy eyelids fluttering open.
“Hey Beca.”
A familiar voice filtered through the fog in her head as Beca turned it to find Aubrey smiling softly at her.
“Welcome back. How’re you feeling?”
“Aubrey?” Beca mumbled, face creasing in confusion, “Am I dead?”
“No.” Aubrey chuckled, reaching out to give her hand a soft squeeze, “No you’re way too stubborn for that.”
“I thought you hated me...” Beca swallowed thickly, a smirk tugging at her lips, “But you lovvvve me, don’t deny it Posen. You’re sitting by my hospital bed, looking all worried...”
“That morphine’s pretty good huh?” Aubrey raised her eyebrow, “For the record, I never hated you Beca. Sure, you annoy the crap out of me most days, but you’re a Bella, which makes you my sister. No way I’d ever let those ding dongs do anything to you and get away with it.”
“Thanks Aubrey.” Beca’s smile was a watery one, uncharacteristic tears running down her cheeks, “You saved my life dude, Bumper he- he was about to kill me when those cops burst through the door...”
“Hey.” Aubrey was holding back her own tears as she shook her head a little, “No way I was going to let that happen. Even if I’d have had to kick their asses myself.”
Beca giggled at this, “I’d pay good money to see that... where um... where’s Chloe?”
Aubrey’s face broke into a knowing smile, “I sent her home a few hours ago to shower and sleep. You’ve been out for nearly two days and she hasn’t left your side since.”
“Really?” Beca grinned.
Beca grunted softly as a weight landed on top of her, Chloe’s face buried in her neck as she hugged her tightly. Aubrey suppressed a chuckle as she got up, waving her fingers at Beca as she left them alone.
“Chlo... many injuries that hurt when you squeeze them...” Beca’s voice was tight as Chloe sprang away, tears running freely as she gasped.
“Oh god, I’m so sorry!” There was guilt in every line of her expression as she got off the bed, settling for holding Beca’s hand in hers instead, “I just- I’m so glad you’re okay, I was so worried about you, you were really hurt...”
“I’m okay.” Beca smiled softly at her, “Morphine helps with that, but I’m okay.”
Chloe grinned as she giggled softly, pressing her cheek against Beca’s hand.
“I really am glad you’re okay Becs.” She whispered, “I was really scared for a second there.”
“Me too.” Beca pursed her lips a little, “I really thought I was going to die Chloe... I fought like hell but it wasn’t enough, I couldn’t-”
“Hey, hey...” Chloe’s brow furrowed as Beca started to sob softly, gently running her fingers through her hair, “You’re okay. You’re safe now. A little cut up sure, but nothing that won’t heal eventually. And hey, you’ll have some badass scars out of it too...”
Beca scoffed slightly through her tears, “You like scars huh?”
“I like you.” Chloe squeezed Beca’s hand, smiling warmly at her, “ A lot Beca. When I thought I’d never see you again I... I couldn’t bear it.”
“I like you too.” Beca grinned, “I might be on a morphine high right now, but I really really do Chloe. I want to kiss you so bad...”
Chloe giggled as she leant forward, nose brushing against Beca’s, “Well then kiss me weirdo.”
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dangan-writing · 4 years
I need a n g s t
Kokichi, Nagito and Shuichi with a s/o that’s really forgiving? You could make them end up in the hospital and they’d forgive you
So what if they accidentally kill them and their s/o still forgives them?
If you want, you can do a happy ending where they live! Your choice! :)
*__ i pick different endings if that's okay Anon, And i picked it to be in the killing game, please tell me if you want it to be changed Anon.
*__ and i apologise if it seems rushed, it's hard to write for 3 character's. And also because you were probably waiting for so long. you can still request for me to remake it Anon, don't worry ^^
*___ Tw -> Ch/king, po/soning, Ka/de, caps, violence, curse words, f/re, injuries
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*___Mod Miaya___*
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*___Kokichi Oma___*
When somebody hurts you Kokichi will be fucking rude to them since they don't deserve respect since they hurted you
"Ah Kokichi! Calm down, it didn't hurt that much! I'm okay, see?" You try to move around, but gasping because of the pain "O-Oh.." "See! You got really hurt! That person is gonna get it!!" Kokichi wails "H-hey, i forgive them.. it's not like they murdered me or anything! I'm still here, with just some small injury!" You giggled "Are you that nice?" Kokichi mumbled, before getting up "Hey c'mon! Let's go to Keeboy and have fun with him!" Kokichi smiled mischievously, you laugh "let's go."
That was actually to distract you and go to the person who hurted you and prank the fuck out of the person-
He's concerned about you, i mean. A forgiving S/O? He'll be watching out the people who talks to you, he's a liar. He'll know if they're lying or not. It's impossible for them to hurt you since you have a liar by your side! Impossible he says as he didn't realize they lied in front of his face as you and the person walked away together
After a few minutes passed, he was concerned. Why were you two taking so long? You two must not have been- no, that can't be. Unless...
Shit.. he ran looking after you "S/O!!~ where are you?~ we better not play hide and seek! You'd know i win easily~" he tried to keep up his facade, not wanting to freak himself out... then he saw you tied up, with blood and bruises all over you, with you breathing heavily.
"S/O!" He ran towards you, not even noticing the trap beneath him. As he tried to remove the ropes around you, as he turned around, the door was closed and fire started appearing "Oh shit, t-there was a trap?" He was trying to remove the ropes but it was too tight "Aha.. Don't worry we'll get out of h-here S/O! And we'll get that bastard later for doing this to you dear!" He started to breathe heavily, some smoke blocking his vision. He started to grow weaker "H-ha.. S/O i'm t-truly sorry.." he passed out, luckily people started to bust the door open. The people.. Gonta, and Kaito. With Tenko and the other people "S/O, KOKICHI!" Gonta yelled "Is there any water to put the fire out?" Tenko asked, she doesn't even care if the males save them she just wants them to be saved "I have it here!" Kaito yelled holding some fire grenades with him, he passed the fire grenades to everyone and they started to throw it in the fire
After some minutes, the fire stopped. The others rushed in there finding you two, they picked you two up and put you two in the dorms, Kirumi offered to heal you two. 1st degree burns.. a lot of bruises and blood on you. It took you two two days to wake up.. Kokichi woke up first "nghn.. uh what happened?" Kokichi asked, confused before realizing "ah!- is S/O okay! They better be okay!" Kokichi pouted, looking at Kirumi "they're okay, they just needed more rest then they'll be fine, no need to wory Kokichi. I attended to their injuries quickly after everyone pulled you two out of the fire, they are right next to you Kokichi." Kokichi looked next to him to see you beside him resting peacefully "oh damn, nishishi~" Kokichi looked at Kirumi "Can you leave? I have something to do, like a leader would do!" Kokichi just want to cuddle you actually. Kirumi did as he said, but she knew that he wanted to cuddle you after seeing you there beside him, she smiled.
After some cuddling you woke up aswell due to his constant moving
"Mmmm Koshi..?" You groaned, half asleep. You rubbed your eyes for a bit "Heeeeey your awake noow! You take too long to wake up!" Kokichi childishly pouted, it's too adorable to be guilty with it, you laugh "That's not going to work in me, that's too adorable y'know?" Kokichi tried his scary face, it's a little intimidating. But it's still cute "still cute-" "Man can't you be scared of me!?" Kokichi cried out! Shaking his arms like a child
After you two were okay now, everyone besides one was trying to find the person who almost killed the both of you
It took 1-2 hours to find the the person who did this
It.. was Angie?
"Uhm.. Why did you try to kill S/O and uh, Ouma-san?" Shuichi asked Angie, who was tied up in a chair "Ahhh~ S/O wanted to give their blood to Atua! That's what Atua told Angie!~" Angie was cheerful as always. Almost everyone didn't believe that "Hey you almost killed me and my dearest S/O!" Kokichi wailed trying to attack Angie, but Gonta was holding onto him as Shuichi said, Angie laughed "S/O offered me some of their-" Shuichi isn't having none of it "Listen.. uhm, you almost killed S/O and Kokichi, how is that uh- related to Atua? And you started a fire for hell's sake...!" Shuichi yelled at Angie, Angie didn't smile. It sended chills on all of their spines.. it wasn't normal for her to not smile, since she always smiles. Seems like she isn't gonna talk for the time "Guys, please don't worry, i forgive her." You jumped in "WHAT? She almost killed you y'know!?" Kaito yelled "Yeah! The idiots right! Angie killed you!" "She's not dead you fuckin' brat!" Miu yelled at Kokichi "h-huh? That w-was uncalled for!" Oh dear now she messed up "W-Wai-" "WWWWWWAAAAAAAHHHHH!!" Kokichi wailed, annoying the others, especially Korekiyo, Kaito, and Maki. They left as soon Kokichi started to cry, except for Kaito-
"Like i said, i forgive her. I'm still alive anyways so that's good right?"
"You forgivable cutie.." Kokichi mumbles
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*___Nagito Komaeda___*
He's a bit protective, you forgive people so easily. He doesn't mind if it's the hopeful people but, the despairful people?? Fuck no he won't let them go to you ever again, he has a quick eye. He'll catch them if they are looking at you
"S/O! Why do you forgive such despairing ugly humans, they hurted you!" Nagito spoke, angrily confused, you are filled with hope thats what he loves but you are a bit too considerate about *everyone's* feelings, even if it's a inanimate object you still refuse to break it.. you really are filled of hope.. too much hope "Huh? Why i forgive people all the time? Uhm... it's just my nature to forgive them, i am aware of how forgiveful i am. I forgive them, but that doesn't mean i like them, listen.. i forgive people but i stay away from them. I can understand when i forgive someone when they hurted me for so long, that's why you never see me with the people i know that hurted me Nagito." You try to give an explaination, of course. You know it isn't all but you decided to give an answer for him to know "S/O.. i.. i understand, how stupid am i to question such hope!" Nagito please calm down we care for you-
You saw him walking, bringing some stuff. Is.. is that poison? Spear, rope, speakers... what is he planning again? He walked inside the warehouse, you need to stop him from being reckless again. But you didn't move from your spot, you waited for a little while. Then you heard fireworks? Then.. running, everyone? They walked to the warehouse, Akane trying to bust the door open. You still stayed im your spot, trying to see if someone is doing stupid. Eventually Akane busted the door open, then you heard
Fire. What the hell? Wasn't Nagito in there? Shit.. You run in the warehouse
"NAGITO!!" you yelled, trying to get the fire canisters and threw them on the fire, it only made the fire more bigger? It's a fire canister.. isn't it suppose to put the fire out? Soon everyone moved and threw the individual fire canister's
Soon enough, the sprinklers put the fire out. You stood up "NAGITO ARE THERE!?" You tried to run in but Monokuma stopped you "Uh-Oh! Unfortuantely you can't be in here for now! Now get out so i can fix this damn warehouse!" You all got kicked out, after 6 minutes Monokuma appeared "Yahhoo, now it's finished now go in there you damn kids!" it's finally done.. honestly it felt like forever. But no time for that, you all ran in the warehouse "hmnn, i smell somethin'.." Akane's nose twitched like a beast when she said that "...That's probably because of the fire earlier.." Chiaki said, and Chiaki pointed out the there was space in the curtains from here, Hajime walked next to the curtain. You felt sick, it can't happen to him plea-
Ding dong bing bong! A body has been discovered! After a certain amount of time, a class trial will begin!
Screams, Kazuichi, Sonia.. and of course you.
You ran to his body begging that this isn't real "plEASE THIS ISN'T- ISN'T R-REAL" You sobbed, the others felt pity.. They tried to drag you away from his body, of course they did take you away from his body.
You eventually pass out from crying, too tired to investigate for the trial. They dragged you in the trial room, you wouldn't wake up so they had no choice but to drag you in the trial. Few minutes later you woke up
"N-Nagito.. set one of us as the killer..." what? Set one of us?
"Huh? What do you mean he set someone as the murderer..?" you asked in disbelief, Hajime explained what basically happened while you were asleep, you just stood there. You tried to focus, you threw a fire canister in the fire, but it only made the fire larger than before.
What...? This.. is unfair unfair- no.
»»———————————- ♡ ————————————««
"I know who did it." You spoke, interrupting their panicking which they snapped out of it when they looked at you "You only decide to talk now!?" Kazuichi yelled, obviously scared for his life "yeah" you nod "uhm.. may i ask who it is?" Sonia nervously asked, you sighed heavily "uh, it's me."
"W-what!? That can't be true! You saved me when i was starvin'!' Akane yelled out "Huuuuuhhh!? What the hell? S/O bought you some food?! That w-wasn't supposed to be allowed-" Monokuma looked dumbfounded until he was cut off "Who the hell cares!? They still saved me.." Akane looked down, it felt like Nekomaru's death all of a sudden..
Hajime and others felt like crying, you were like a leader trying to protect them even though you forgive people too easily "..." Chiaki didn't said anything, she just looked at you. You smiled at her "Do... do you forgive Komaeda-san for what happened S/O?" Chiaki asked "of course not! He set them up as the culprit you kno-" "Yes." You answered, ignoring Kazuichi's comment "hnm, you still forgive him? After he set you up S/O?" She tilt her head "yes, i know he must have a reason. He wouldn't kill someone for his own benifit, that's what i deduced, i believe he has a reason for this. He loves hope, he thinks me as his hope. He wouldn't just throw me away without an explanation, why would he call me a despairing person? I.. yes, i forgive him.." you lowered your head, you didn't understand any of this, why would he kill himself and you?
"Alrighty! Time to vote! Who would be chosen as the blackened?" Monokuma butted in the conversation "Goodbye everyone.. please remember me and everyone in this damned killing game." You smiled, looking at everyone. You are terrified of what kind of execution you have, but you tried to forget it.
This.. is goodbye for me.
S/O has been found guilty, time for the execution!
Right.. goodbye.
I forgive you all for..
*___Shuichi Saihara___*
The same with the two guys, he'll be pretty protective of you since you are so forgiving, there's a high chance you'll get killed because of your friendly nature and he doesn't want that to happen, not ever
"S-S/O, please try to be less considerate.. N-Not that you should be r-rude to anyone! I mean.. you s-shouldn't forgive p-people that easily, even if they are s-sorry. They hurted you uhm, S/O you don't have to feel o-obligated to forgive them." He hugged you, making you feel protected. You laughed
"Ahah, Shuichi. Thank you, i understand that i shouldn't forgive people that easily but, we really are just like that. No matter how many times they hurted us we forgive them. we people, are like that." You tighten the hug, smiling onto his chest
"S-S/O!" He screamed as he rushed towards you, you choking. He didn't realize he put in the poison instead the water.
"S/O DON'T DIE YET PLEASE" Shuichi was panicking, he is gonna murder his own S/O because he was losing sleep that he didn't realize that he put poison in your drink.
'Please pleaee please please please please please please please please please please please please pleaee please please please please please please please please'
..It was too late? He looked at your dead body.
"S-S/O.. I.. I'm so sorry... i'm such a failure.." he caressed your face. Sobbing, Before.
Ding dong bing bong! A body has been discovered, after a certain amount of time, a class trial will begin!
"WH-WHAT THE HELL!?" Miu screamed out, she rushed to hide in Kaito's back "EEEEEEIIIII, POOICHI IS THE MURDERER!" "What the hell Shuichi!" Kaito stumbled back a bit. Their screams of terror alerted the others, making Kaede, with Tsumugi and Rantaro on her trail.
"H-huh Shuichi!?" "Aaaauuuhh! The killing has started! It's much more different than Sakura's death on Danganronpa trigger happy hav-" "S-Shuichi.." Kaede, Tsumugi, and Rantaro reacted altogether, Rantaro ran towards Shuichi pushing him and trying to do something so he couldn't move "Anyone here have any rope? We need to tie him up first before questioning whats happened." Rantaro stated, looking up at the others "I-I'm sorry.." Rantaro looked down at Shuichi "you will have to explain yourself later, we don't know if you are the culprit, but be honest later on aight?" Shuichi didn't reply
Korekiyo walked in the scene, with a velvet colored rope in hand "i heard that you will be needing this, and so i give this rope to you Amami-san.." Korekiyo handed him the rope " Thanks Kiyo." Amami tied up Shuichi but didn't question on how Korekiyo found the rope but he isn't complaining "Kekehehe.. it is no problem Amami-san..." weirdo..
After they tied him up, they investigated the crime scene first before talking to him because that will waste their time, as they all went to the trial grounds, with Shuichi still tied up. Kaito guarding so he couldn't run away.
"So.. Shuichi, Why did you plan on killing your S/O. Your S/O." Rantaro said. Even if he is not your S/O he cared abiut you deeply, to just see your dead body fuels him with rage "Y-yeah.. Why Shuichi, you guys loved eachother so deeply, i don't understand why you k-killed them." Kaede tried not to sob, but horribly failed "I... i-i didn't mean to kill them, i was tired, stupid.. just vote me out already, i don't care if i die." .. Nobody tried to argue against him, he already admitted it, no point of arguing anyway
"Man you guys got it right! That was boring. an accidental death! Woohoo surely they wouldn't forgive him, he killed them. They wanted to live, yet. You.. killed... them! Puhuhuhu..lets get with on it, i have a special punishment for the ultimate detective, Shuichi Saihara!" Some of the people were clenching their fists, the ultimate detective.. was going to get executed "Let's give it everything we've got! It's... PUNISHMENT TIIIME!"
Huh? What..
What? Why is he, in a pod? He saw someone outside of the pod..is that? No way, S/O?
You opened the pod, smiling at him "well hello there Shuichi, it's so good to see you again." You held his hand, he looked dumbfounded, soon tears started to build up "S-S/O!" He hugged you tightly, not wanting to let go "I'm s-so sorry.. i didn't mean to kill you! I-i... you can hurt me, anything to make you satisfied with what happened.." Shuichi begged you to do it.. he's sobbing, he's so sorry "it's okay dear, i know you didn't mean it! I forgive you! I don't care how many times you hurt me, i'll always forgive you Shuhara. I love you too much for me to not forgive you, or anyone." You caressed his face, smiling softly at him.
"A-ah.." he looked down before smiling, you standed up and he followed what you did "Now, let's go and watch the others now Detective Shuhara."
"Of course."
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the-peak-of-despair · 4 years
what if Shuichi Saihara was a victim? [v3 spoilers!]
No specific ask for this one, just something I wrote when talking to some friends about Shuichi! And if anyone asks I am literally in love with Shuichi. Please god send requests about him, I will do them as soon as I fucking can, I love him so much-
Anyway, I had a very long conversation about how Shuichi would make either a great blackened of victim [please, please please ask me about this.], so props to my friend Moodi for giving me the idea for the body discovery! She deserves love, she gave me the idea for how the body was set up! -Mod Akane
“I would appreciate it if you two could follow me into my lab.” Korekiyo says plainly, and if there was any emotion behind it, it was hidden behind his mask and usual cool tone.
“What are you planning, Kiyo?” Maki asks, clearly annoyed her conversation with Kaito had been interrupted by whatever the fuck Kiyo had wanted. 
“Hey, let him talk, Maki.” Kaito said, clearly concerned as he set a hand on Maki’s shoulder. Kaito didn’t figure Kiyo would ask for them to accompany him without a valid reason. “What’s up, Kiyo?” 
He took a breath. “I’m afraid it’s started again. Come, follow me.” Kiyo said, unwavering as he beckoned them with a hand. Fear struck both of them- even if Maki could mask it, and didn’t care quite as much as Kaito, they both picked up a quick pace to follow Kiyo up the stairs and towards his lab. 
“I caution you now.” Kiyo warns as he stands in front of the door to his lab, one hand on the handle to open it for Maki and Kaito. “What is in here is.. Quite gruesome.”
“Just let us in.” Maki sighs, ready to push past Kiyo if he was gonna hold this up any more.
“Shouldn’t we get Shuichi over here? Y’know, he’s my sidekick after all!” Kaito grins, trying to make the most of this awful situation he was about to witness.
“Well..” Kiyo trails off as he opens the door to his lab, and as Maki and Kaito step inside, they’re met with a gruesome sight neither of them had expected.
“SHUICHI!” Kaito screamed, running up to the body.
“Oh my god..” Maki muttered. Maki was quite used to bodies at this rate.. But Shuichi? The boy who had saved their asses in every fucking trial? The boy who hadn’t done anything wrong? A motive hadn’t even been presented yet...
In the smack middle of Kiyo’s lab, surrounded by the display cases of ancient artifacts, was a crudely constructed cross, made of old wood that was clearly about to fall apart. Shuichi had been strung up against it, his hat hung low on his head- whoever killed him must’ve gone through quite the effort to get it, that hat hadn’t been seen since Kaede’s trial- and his clothes were ruffled and in some places torn, as if a struggle had occurred. His blazer was ripped wide open, showing off his white undershirt that had been borderline dyed pink with blood. His wrists were gashed open, and within that gash stood the rope that held him against the cross in an incredibly gruesome manner. Everywhere it was visible his skin was pale, like he’d been drained of all blood and life itself.
“Oh my god, no..” Kaito trailed off, standing in front of his friend’s body. His hand was reached out, like he wanted to touch him, but the thought unnerved him to the very core, it was a cold and dead body. 
Ding - dong! 
“A body has been discovered!” Monokuma called over the monitors, not even trying to restrain his laughter. “Everyone, please gather in the Ultimate Anthropologist’s Lab!” 
Those in the lab could practically hear the other surviving classmates rushing to the lab as Kaito went to pick up the hat off Shuichi’s head. “O-Oh god..” He muttered, backing up again as he held the hat close to his chest.
Shuichi’s head was tilted down, but it was clear to see the emotions that were cemented on his face in his final moments. Pain and fear and nothing more or less coated his face, his eyes open wide in shock and pain, once bright eyes now nothing more but a dull and dead color. 
Others began to rush into the room. People like Tenko screamed in shock or fear and people like Angie tried to play it off as she always did. There was a general understanding amongst the room: Shuichi was gone. The Ultimate Detective, who guided them through every case, was gone.
“Of course they went for Shuichi.. It’s only sensible.” Maki muttered. Of course, she was used to bodies by now. Any emotion or fear she felt would have to be saved for a later date, because from this point on it was about surviving the class trial. 
“Well.. It’s obvious, K-Kiyo did it, didn’t he?” Himiko mutters, barely audible to anyone more than 3 feet away from her. 
“I know I look suspicious since he was found inside of my lab.” Kiyo states. “But I had no reason to kill Saihara.” 
“We can discuss that at the class trial.” Maki interrupted. “For now we have to focus on investigating.” 
And in that momentarily lull of noise, that’s when Monokuma popped in to present none other than the Monokuma File, passing it out to all the survivors in the room. 
‘Victim is one Shuichi Saihara, the Ultimate Detective. Victim was found in the Ultimate Anthropologist’s lab. Cause of death is a large gash to the throat. Additional external injuries are gashes to both wrists and rope burn on the legs. No internal or additional external injuries were found.” 
Maki and Kaito both sigh as they look at eachother. “There isn’t much to go off of here..” Maki trails off.
“God.. Shuichi would know what to do..” 
“There’s no time to dwell on that now.” Maki says, and it sounds almost cold, but it’s because she cares. “We need to investigate and find out what happened for Shuichi’s sake, or his and Kaede’s wishes would be for nothing.”
Kaito nods, slowly. “Yeah.. Yeah, you’re right.” And once again, that big idiotic grin is on his face. “I’m Kaito Momota, luminary of the stars! Of course I can figure this out! And Maki, you’ll be my sidekick!” 
Maki couldn’t help but begrudgingly roll her eyes as she began to follow Kaito around. She couldn’t sit back and do nothing anymore...
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danwhobrowses · 3 years
WWE Wrestlemania 37 Day 2 - Review
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And we are back! Wrestlemania hit hard with Day 1, good shit and big moments fitting of the show
So let's see if Day 2 can match up to it, lots of big matches on the card, we'll see how it goes.
See the Night 1 Review Here
Spoilers for Night 2 and References to Night 1 included, you have been Warned
Pre-Show Like the last Night, no matches on the Pre-Show, just drivel and promos. So the same criticisms really, Lawler saying 'Wrestlerainia' doesn't make it any better than when Cole said it, his attempts at jokes were awful even when they were his material. When they recapped Night 1 though they should've shown footage of Ford celebrating with Bianca rather than just say it - a Picture says a Thousand Words. Standard Promo Package lies apply too, 'Rhea Ripley has brutalized everyone she's come through' ...except Io Shirai and Raquel Gonzalez, similar went down for the second half of HOF because Great Khali is only there to pander to India - also what did the Mayor of Knox County ever do for WWE? Sonya also popped up again, strangely to talk about the Nigerian Drum Fight - which Booker T talked about the most, if I wanted to watch a bunch of old dudes talk over Sonya Deville I'd be drinking bleach. She also stuck for Sami vs KO, and barely talked in that too.
Also the promo they had about Kofimania was rough to watch, considering how it ended and how Kofi fared on Night 1, all this to promote a cheesy Cricket commercial about him not touching the ground...
The 24/7 title even got a continuation of ads, but it was more a 'to be concluded on Youtube' - honestly the belt has run its course, Truth has ran out of jokes and it's been reduced to an Old Spice ad crossover.
Main Card Starting once more with 'America the Beautiful', replacing the boob window with a bright yellow hat. It was fine, as a Brit 'America the Beautiful' does nothing for me.
They then did the same intro package as night 1 just with some different clips, skippable. And the shoddy camera switching is still there.
Hogan and Titus came out again this time in pirate outfits, there was noticeable boos in Hogan's bits with cheesy pirate puns. In the end the host concept was wasted on them. Reminder that names in Bold are those I predicted to win.
Randy Orton def. The Fiend [w/Alexa Bliss] (Pinfall via RKO) Orton opened night 2 in white tights and a fairy long-winded entrance, the melted Fiend then walked through a corridor of fire LEDs as CGI burned away into his original Fiend look...but Alexa's Firefly Funhouse music hit. Cutesy Bliss approached a giant Jack in a Box commentary act like just 'appeared'. The Fiend arose from the box in a combat vest, posed then dove right at Orton. Red lights cover the match throughout, Uranage and a neck snap started the match as the Fiend continued to do his spooky thing, it looks like he was gonna set up the punt but Randy rolls out of the ring. Randy hits the back body slam on the Announcer's Desk but it's no sold into the Mandible Claw, rope break and apron DDT from Orton only staggers the Fiend but rebounding his neck off the ropes grounds him momentarily. Orton tries to methodically beat down the Fiend but the monster hits back hard, a missed Senton and a senton follows some head kicks and another apron DDT, he sets up for an RKO but the Fiend gets the Mandible Claw (which commentary no sold even though he has won titles with that move), he sets up Sister Abigail but the ring posts pyro like Kane and before Fiend is Bliss with new makeup, dripping in black goo she extends her hand to the Fiend from the jack in the box, RKO and...3!? Post match Fiend and Alexa stare down, the electricity shorts out and both members disappear.
That's it? That's what we got? The Fiend was burned alive and survived but 1 RKO does it? The Fiend no sold so much in his career and one RKO felled him. The fuck man, this was as bad as the last time these two went at mania, you'd think like the brilliant Firefly Funhouse Match last year we'd get some course correction. But nope, Fiend's story is just being taken over by Alexa and this daft-ass black goo stuff, I don't get the motivation either. Fiend helped Alexa straddle Orton for a 3 count at Fastlane, talked all big for months about how the Fiend was going to obliterate Orton and it lasted about 8 minutes, the entrances lasted longer! Last year the Fiend was great with a cinematic match, but WWE have somehow managed to systematically destroy one of their most inventive characters time and time again, not a good start.
Backstage once again Bayley gets buried by the Hosts and this time Eric Bischoff as she tried to push Ding Dong Hello and got jealous of them talking up Bianca vs Sasha from last night.
WWE Women's Tag Championship - Shayna Baszler & Nia Jax (c) def. Natalya & Tamina (Ref Stoppage Submission by Baszler on Natalya via Kirufuda Clutch) Not a promising sign to follow the opener with this match, the challengers entered quickly with Natalya having a slightly altered attire. Jax and Baszler came in with red, black and gold. Natalya and Baszler start the match with some mat wrestling, Natalya almost gets the Sharpshooter so Shayna tags Nia in, Nia shoves Natalya and demands that Tamina - her old tag partner - be tagged in. Both trade headbutts, Tamina almost lifts Nia but fails, she tags in Natalya for the double back body drop and drops the blind tagged Shayna onto her partner. Natalya tries a Sharpshooter but is schoolboy'd for 2, Natalya retaliates with a German Suplex, whipping Shayna into a Clothesline, then launch pad into a superkick. As Shayna strikes back an advantage she stiffs Natalya in the mouth with a knee (legitimately, there was a picture of a welt before) Nia brawls with Tamina outside, hitting a powerslam outside of the ring. Another knee strike floors Natalya for 2 as Shayna works on the leg, kneebar and then an ankle stomp, Nia follows up with a Legdrop over the injured leg, another kneebar and then combos of swing/knee strike and irish whip/powerslam. Nia runs into the turnbuckle as Natalya floors Nia with multiple lariat attempts, Nia though hits back with a Chokeslam/Powerbomb thing they called a Spinebuster but the pin is broken by Tamina. Tamina gets the hot tag against Shayna, Baszler tries to weaken the leg, then the Kirufuda clutch but Tamina powers into a Samoan Drop. She goes up for a Superfly Splash but Shayna kicks her, Nia looks to do an Avalanche Samoan Drop but Natalya pulls Tamina away, she lariats Baszler but Nia hits the crossbody on both opponents for 2, favouring the knee after. Talking trash to Tamina she gets hit with a slam, Nia's repositioning couldn't be missed by the wide shot as Tamina goes for the Superfly Splash, but nobody home. Natalya's tagged and she goes for Baszler in the corner, Baszler counters and blind tags as Nia lifts Natalya up, but she wriggles out, floors Baszler again and sets the Sharpshooter on the now not legal Nia. Baszler cinches in the Kirufuda clutch and the match is over.
The fact that this was more eventful than the opener speaks volumes. It was a match, I don't think there's many people who feel like Nia and Shayna deserve this spot. Shayna was great in NXT but she's not doing herself any favours stiffing her opponents, Nia's rubbing off in a bad way. I had the challengers to win because I'm bored of them still being champions - only briefly giving it to Asuka and Charlotte so Charlotte can add that to her list - they should've either dropped to NXT or let the Riott Squad win, there was nothing in this match to invest in.
Rey Mysterio is used to promote 2K22. A surprise since we thought WWE and 2K's partnership was done, I am a huge fan of Rey so it was nice to see, much nicer if he was actually on Wrestlemania and getting a push...
Kevin Owens def. Sami Zayn [w/Logan Paul] (Pinfall via Stunner) JBL is the guest commentator for this...for some reason. Sami struts to the ring in dark green trying to pull off a Che Guevara look, a mini tantrum at the ramp before heading to the ring and grabbing the mic to introduce Logan Paul, who walks to the ring as Sami dances super embarrassingly in the ring. Owens then charges into the ring with vigor to get the crowd amped up. The bell rings, Sami tries the Helluva Kick and gets hit with a Pop-Up Powerbomb. KO punishes Sami in the start, dropping Sami gut-first on the ropes, corner clothesline and Cannonball as the camera awkwardly keeps cutting to Logan Paul. Sami gets a suplex on the apron to get back some momentum as he demands for Owens to be counted out, Owens rolls in at 8 but Sami continues to club at KO's head. Cole calls a Michinoku Driver a Blue Thunder Bomb but this time gets called out on it, pinfall is 2 and Sami gets into the ref's face. Attempted Superplex leads to a fistfight in the corner, Owens headbutts him off and Frog Splashes for 2, tries the Pop-Up powerbomb, Sami leapfrogs, Sami tries the Michinoku Driver but Owens reverses it into a meaty Pumphandle Neckbreaker for 2. He goes for the Package Piledriver but Sami hits the corner exploder, tries for the Helluva Kick but misses, KO tries the Stunner but it's reversed into a Blue Thunder Bomb for 2 as well. Two Exploders and a Brainbuster for 2 frustrates Sami further, brawling in the corner, he tries for a Superplex but gets hit with an Avalanche twisting Fisherman's Suplex. KO hits Sami with some corner clotheslines but as he runs to bounce off the other corner he runs into a Helluva Kick, Sami catching his collapsed friend as he sets it up again, 2 Superkicks from Owens and a Stunner finishes Sami off as Logan Paul applauds. Post-Match Logan checks on Sami and congratulates Owens, which Sami takes umbrage with. Logan shoves Sami as he storms off, Logan holds KO's arm in the air to boos, cheers start to rumble as Paul is hit with a stunner to a pop.
KO and Sami rarely disappoints, I don't think they really got to get out of second gear but it was still a good match. The Logan Paul stuff though was stupid and unnecessary, sure we got him to eat a Stunner but the ends don't justify the means. Also why was JBL there?
Backstage Riddle scooters across to Great Khali, stoner comedy doesn't land as Khali no sells it, RVD shows up to wish Riddle luck. Segment was meh.
US Championship - Sheamus def. Riddle (c) (Pinfall via Brogue Kick TITLE CHANGE!) Sheamus arrives blinding white but no special gear, Riddle scooters down in an Evil Knievel jacket, hologram doves with pirate hats and eyepatches adding to the cheese. Sheamus uses his power to start, but Riddle comes back with some chops, Sheamus hits back in each of his attempts; knee to the gut, then driving Riddle's sleeper in the corner, then a reversal swinging slam. Irish Curse gets 2, Riddle tries a Tarantula Armbreaker but Sheamus hits his Beats of Bodhran, he goes up high but Riddle reverses with a Spanish Fly Belly to Belly on the top turnbuckle. Riddle rallies with strikes, hits a Pele Kick and a Senton, to slight Goldberg Riddle hits the Jackhammer on the second time of trying but only gets 2. He tries the Bro Derek but Sheamus rolls back, Riddle kicks Sheamus away but in his slingshot lands into a Brogue Kick, 1, 2, No. Alabama Slam, 1, 2, No. He tries a White Noise on the Apron but gets pushed into the Ring Post and then German's on the Apron. An Apron PK and Moonsault keeps Sheamus down enough for Riddle to hit the Twisting Moonsault, he locks in the Reverse armbar but it's reversed into a deadlift powerbomb, Riddle then latches the sleeper for the rope break. Sheamus tries again for a Top Rope White Noise, Riddle tries to Sunset Bomb but fails, Riddle tries the Spanish Fly Belly to belly again but Sheamus grabs him. A stumble means that the two hop off the Turnbuckle for a normal White Noise, Sheamus goes up with a Knee Drop but it only hits 2. Sheamus calls for the Brogue, gets rolled up but catches the Knee strike, Riddle dodges the lariat, goes for a Springboard Moonsault but lands into the Brogue, 1, 2, 3. Post match Riddle is bleeding from the mouth, he angrily stares at the gleeful Sheamus who leaves with the title.
A good title match and much deserved from Sheamus, who has delivered in many matches on the later stages of of the Wrestlemania year, shame he was on the wrong brand to complete the set, he only needs the IC title to win everything. Riddle doesn't do it for me in this gimmick (which as I gather is mostly himself stoned) but credit where it's due, he put a good performance and that was a strong finish.
An odd package followed where Triple H handed Bad Bunny a golden briefcase with a skull microphone, which he opened atop his truck. The briefcase says Tour 2022 to promote his future tour.
Nigerian Drum Fight for the IC Title - Apollo Crews def. Big E (c) (Pinfall via Dabba Kato Chokeslam TITLE CHANGE!) The promo really hurt my ears to hear Apollo's accent devolve into this foreign heel gimmick. Wale though performs to enter Big E, more questionable camera cuts to E and the Fireworks. E's jacket represented Feeding Tampa Bay as a nice nod to the food bank, Apollo came out in Nigerian colors with his scarf and Spear. Commentary's line saying 'this isn't about percussion' falls kinda flat when there's drums around the ring.
Both men roll out to grab Kendo sticks, trading blows which E gets the power advantage over. E grabs the giant cymbal but Apollo knees it away, hits E with some more Kendo Shots back into the ring. You can hear the WAFT of Apollo's missed shot as E knocks him away and then does the out-of-ring spear. E sets up the lower steps near the apron but gets hit with a DVD on the apron, pinfall gets 2. Crews grabs the top half of the steps, lays E on the one he sets up and throws the other steps at it, but E rolls away just in time. On the apron Apollo hits a big boot, but on the second attempt falls into an Uranage onto the flat steps (which Cole called an Uranage Suplex for some reason...), after some trash talking E gets a table set up in the ring near a corner. Apollo kicks back and flurries E with a Kendo Stick, he rolls E onto the table to go for the frog splash, but E rolls away sending Apollo crashing through the table. E hits the Big Ending, but Dabba Kato/Babatunde in a military jacket breaks the pin, a sorta Samoan Spike and a Chokeslam leads to him dragging Apollo onto E for the win. Apollo gets a lot of unnecessary pyro and shakes his new comrade's hand.
Bit short that, the gimmick didn't really come into play. I mean, I'm glad Apollo gets a chance to hold another title and E can look towards the top of the card but I don't think this was really the way to do it. It didn't need to be a 'Nigerian Drum Fight', could've just been a No DQ, Dabba Kato gets his third repackaging since Greatest Royal Rumble probably as Apollo's 'General' which is kinda no different to what AJ and Omos are doing just with more foreign heel-isms. But yeah, bit disappointing on the means of it but the outcome was right, just...kinda stop faking a thick accent it's getting you nowhere acting like you're on the set of Black Panther.
Again we look back at Night 1, this time with minor clips of Ford congratulating his wife, but should've been a segment on its own rather than a flash-through recap. Stone Cold Mania 38 Texas promo and the HOF promo they did on this Pre-Show happens again which is unnecessary but the hologram of a ghost ship was cool, the HOFers come out and Kane gets the entrance, he does his pyro and that's it - that's how you do it, Hogan.
Raw Women's Championship - Rhea Ripley def. Asuka (c) (Pinfall via Riptide TITLE CHANGE!) THIS IS MY BRUTALITY! performed live as Rhea wastes no time coming out, leather biker outfit this time, no Vegeta costume. Silly camera cuts to Rhea and the Singer AGAIN though, stop it WWE it's distracting. Asuka dances down the ring in a bit of a Jason mask, but the camera keeps cutting to Rhea which is off-putting. Also commentary on 'she has never seen Rhea Ripley up close and personal', they were in a tag match together a week and a half ago and in Survivor Series 2019 she faced her in Team NXT as part of Team RAW, seriously WWE...
Asuka starts hot with her athleticism, dropkicks, rebounds and rollups met with more shoddy camera cuts, Rhea leaves the ring to take a moment as Asuka taunts her, she baits Asuka out of the ring as she rolls in but her leg is caught, pop-up knee strike returns Rhea to the ring but she misses the hip attack, gifting Rhea the slamming facebuster for 2. Rhea wears the champion down and taunts her with leg scissors and hits a couple of clotheslines, Asuka reverses the third into an ankle lock but Rhea rolls into a Release German Suplex. Rhea grinds away at Asuka's back and sets up for a super German but Asuka elbows her away and lands the Missile Dropkick, Release German, Hip Attack, a strike combo, another Hip Attack but it only gets 2. Asuka goes up top but is dropkicked to the outside, Asuka tries a PK on the apron but is caught into an Electric Chair position and dropped chin-first onto the apron. Trying to roll Asuka back into the ring, the champion returns to hit a DDT from the apron to the outside, after breaking the count Asuka only gets 2, stomps at Rhea but her running knee gets caught, Rhea stomps at Asuka and sets up the Texas Cloverleaf, Asuka rolls out and into the Armbar but Rhea swings Asuka into the bottom turnbuckle. Deadlift suplex back into the ring for 2, Asuka reverses a waistlock into two armbar variations and then an Asuka Lock, Rhea rolls back for 2 and the hold to break but gets gutted with kicks to the chest, Rhea demands more so Asuka runs to the ropes, Rhea catches her, Riptide, 3!
That finish came out of nowhere, which was not a good thing. We were having quite an enjoyable match which ended around the 15 minute mark, it wasn't short but the narrative wasn't quite there yet. I'm happy for Rhea, who I predicted to win but like Sasha/Bianca it came with the heavy heart. Like Sasha, Asuka has often been slighted especially at Wrestlemania, she deserves her moment too, especially Asuka who carried the Women for most of the Empty Arena era.
WWE recapped the opener which was a bad idea, Hogan and Titus thanked all the viewers at home and the fans but were interrupted by Bayley who demanded and got her pyro, then out came the Bella Twins. Bayley got a good zing by calling them Elmo but then Nikki slapped the mic away from her when she says 'John Cena isn't here tonight', Bellas said 'Ding Dong, Goodbye' and beat down Bayley. This was shite really, Bayley had been buried across 2 nights and her 'comeuppance' is the Bella Twins, not the woman beginning with B I was hoping for, and the John Cena comment was heavily forced, fans know they broke up ages ago Nikki has a kid with her husband who is not John Cena, fans aren't stupid WWE.
WWE then promoted 'Wrestlemania Backlash' for May 16th, a whole month away. They say it'll be a whole new season for WWE so I'm wondering if it's just a storyline reset...y'know how Wrestlemania is supposed to be, slapping Wrestlemania on other show names doesn't make it Wrestlemania-tier guys.
Universal Championship - Roman Reigns (c) [w/Paul Heyman & Jey Uso] def. Daniel Bryan and Edge (Pinfall on Edge and Bryan via Con-Chair-To) To the Main Event, one of the few storylines in Mania's card that was consistently good in build. Bryan comes out first, camera angles flashing during the YES! chants. Huge pops and smoke rage for Metalingus and Edge enters in white and Red (bookending with Orton), fireworks camera shots though. For once, Roman Reigns enters the Main Event without a chorus of deafening boos, but he takes his time to come out, in his red wreath flanked by Jey Uso and Heyman, cameras cutting to each opponent's faces a bit too much, especially to Bryan. Bad call not to bring in Justin Roberts to announce Edge either. Roman makes sure to hoist the belt while facing both his opponents before the bell.
Reigns starts by suckering Bryan and then going after Edge. He throws Bryan out of the ring where Jey superkicks him and sends him into the steps thanks to Triple Threat rules. Edge eats a superkick from Uso too when he's thrown out as Roman cleans up the announcer's table, as Edge is grabbed by Uso, Reigns is hit by Bryan's suicide dive but eats an Uso superkick, this gives Edge time to throw Uso into the steps, pinballing Reigns against the barricade and apron until bouncing off of the ring post. Edge then sets his sights on Uso, hitting a DDT on the steps to take him out of the equation, medical team swarm Uso as Heyman halfheartedly looks concerned. Edge chases Heyman away and enters the ring with Bryan - a moment which would've been sold better if the camera didn't cut to a close up of Roman alive and well on the outside. Bryan gets the Yes Kicks in the corner but his Super Rana is reversed into a sunset flip, Edge-o-matic but it's only 2. Roman comes back on the apron both men attempting to suplex the other, Bryan slides under Roman and cuts Roman's legs from under him - jawbreaking Edge on the ropes - he hits the Missile Dropkick on Edge, kips up and hits the uppercut, after dodging the lariat he tries to suicide dive Roman but he's caught by the champion and hit with a belly to belly suplex. Edge brings Roman to the ring but gets hit with a clothesline, Roman sets up the Superman Punch but Edge turns it into an Edgecution. He sets up the Spear but Roman knocks him down, Roman sets the Spear but it is reversed in a Sunset Flip, both men collide with spears to take each other out. During a wide shot Bryan goes up top, he lands a diving headbutt on Edge, then on Roman, he pins Roman but only gets 2. Yes Kicks to both men, Roman dodges one and pushes him towards Edge, but Bryan ducks the Lariat and hits the Buisaku Knee, Roman tries the Superman Punch but is kicked in the gut, Buzzsaw Kick! 1, 2, No! Bryan stomps on Roman's head and sets up the Yes Lock, but Edge breaks the hold, so Bryan puts Edge in the Yes Lock and Roman breaks the hold, clubbing at Bryan and powerbombing him onto Edge. After dumping Bryan, Roman pauses before setting up half the steps near the Announcer's Table, he's incited by the 'Roman Sucks' chant and powerbombs Bryan through the Announcer's table, but is then blindsided with a Spear! Edge goes to bring in a chair but Roman keeps his foot on it, he pulls the chair away and tries the Guillotine but Edge locks in the Crossface, as Roman powers out Edge grabs a part of the chair leg that fell off and uses that in his Crossface - a humorous face from Reigns as I pause the vid as well XD - he's about to tap but Bryan grabs the hand, and locks in the Yes Lock! Annoyed that his win is stolen, Edge demands he break the hold, but Bryan refuses, leading to a headbutt fight and Bryan pounding at Edge. Bryan then stomps at Edge's head and looks for the Buisaku Knee, but gets hit by a Spear! Roman tries a Spear but Edge hits one of his own! 1, 2, Bryan pulls the ref out of the ring. Furious, Edge introduces more chairs, hitting Bryan and Edge one after the other. He sets up Con-Chair-To to both men, hits it on Bryan but Jey Uso returns to attack, eats a Spear and a load of Chair Shots, Reigns hits the spear on Edge, hits the Con-Chair-To, drags Edge over Bryan and pins both for the win.
The show closes with pyro and Fireworks as Roman talks trash on his opponents and holds the title aloft, ending Wrestlemania 37.
It was a very good back and forth match, Roman of course relying heavily on Jey's interferences and the animosity between Edge and Bryan to come out on top. Keeping the Spear and the Con-Chair-To for last was the right move and the latter was definitely impactful enough to ensure that Bryan could sleep for a few minutes, especially with his and Edge's history of neck injuries. I bet on Roman because of his past record, how after finally turning heel he gets the right heat and because in Triple Threats involving a Heel Champion and 2 Faces, you either bet on the third man or the heel champion, since the story was that Roman could lose without being pinned I chose the latter, the heel often finds the escape. All three men had great chemistry together and I hope for more, SD's world title scene having an absolute slew of competitors waiting to challenge the head of the table.
Conclusion Overall another good night of wrestling...just not better. There were some super baffling and poor moments in the first half of the show and 3 title changes in a row (as well as 2 live performances in a row) was probably not the best card layout Night 2 could've done. Overall it was still a good show though and as a whole Wrestlemania 37 was a success, if not without its glaring flaws. But it goes to show that a 2-Day Wrestlemania continues to flourish as a new season of WWE kicks off.
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Lest Darkness Falls on Yorknew
A Pariging Vampire + Werewolf AU!
High Priestess of Yorknew, Cheadle Yorkshire, is troubled by recent developments. Livestock and people have started to disappear or end up slaughtered, and people turn to her and the church in hope of saving. Could it truly be that the new owner of the hillside mansion has something to do with it? Investigating by herself may be more dangerous than she thinks..
Chapter 4: The Finale.
AO3 Link
What the hell am I doing? Ging cursed himself as he surveyed the hillside manor towering above Yorknew. The sun had freshly set, and darkness had spread over everything in the valley, except for the oil lantern Ging carried and the bright lights of the mansion in front of him. The mansion was framed by black wrought-iron fences, around 7 feet tall, melting into each other at a large front gate. Behind the gate, a stone path lead straight to the front door. There was no patrol outside, though Ging wondered if they could still sense him as much as he could sense them. The hairs at the back of his neck had stood up as soon as he had entered the area, his ears were twitching with the faintest trace of sound or movement, and his teeth felt uncomfortable in his own mouth, itching to bite down into whatever he could find. What am I even supposed to do? ‘Eliminate’ my ass, am I just supposed to ring the door? Ding Dong Hello yes, it’s me, a Werewolf, here to kill your coven leader- A shadow passed by a window on the second floor, and Gings attention got drawn back. Tall, upright statue, they had already mostly walked out of view. But for a moment, the shadow stood still, their left shoulder and half of their face still blurry and dark in the window.
And even though it was too dark to tell,
And he was hidden from sight,
Ging felt like they were looking directly at him.
Instinctively he hid behind the tree he was leaning on, and killed the fire of his oil lamp, biting the inside of his cheek. Slowly, shivers crept up his spine, his muscles tensed. His hand shot to his pocket to grab the cross Cheadle had provided for him. Pure iron bathed in holy water, uncomfortably warm to the touch for a werewolf, painfully hot and burning to a vampire. Ging had never interacted face to face with a vampire before, and yet something deep withing him recognized this piercing gaze as something inherently hostile and predatory. A century old feud that would carry on with generations, a natural born hatred for each other, its groundwork laid in territory conflicts and a right to hunt.
Everything around him felt intensified, more suspicious, from the cold breeze cutting his skin, to the creaking of old trees under their own weight. Leaves on the ground rustled with either footsteps or a gust of wind. Somewhere a twig snapped. Ging bit down harder on his check, until the comfort of warm blood engulfed his mouth, bitter and tainted.
Silence. Despite his heart beating heavily against his chest, Ging slowly turned around to check on the window. Clear, no trace of anyone. No sign of anyone exiting the mansion, either. Ging sighed with relief and leaned with his shoulder against the tree. His body was still alert, twitching and tensing, but it seemed like he wasn’t in any danger.
“Ah, I knew I saw a lost puppy wandering out here~” Before Ging could fully turn around and process what happened, a hand wrapped firmly around his throat, and lifted him off the ground.
He was face to face with who he could only assume was Pariston Hill. Blonde Hair, tall, lean, wearing a golden herringbone suit so ridiculously shiny, that Ging would have made a joke if his windpipe weren’t being crushed. Dark brown eyes were closely examining the werewolf, and slowly, Paristons lips parted to reveal sharp fangs. “Didn’t you know its impolite to spy on people? How should I go about punishing a stray dog like you?” Paristons grip tightened, and his lips curled into a smile.
Ging knew that trying to overpower a Vampire in this position would be difficult, not having the opportunity to transform, or freely move around to take advantage of his agility. But that would all be fair play, and he knew better than to restrict himself to that. His right hand was still in his pocket and clutched the cross.
In a swift motion, Ging pulled his hand out of his pocket, and smacked it flat on Paristons hand. Immediately the smell of burned flesh filled the air, along with a sizzling sound. Holy shit it actually works- The vampire withdrew his hand with a sharp inhale, and Ging fell to the ground, gasping for air. He looked up to see the other still holding his own hand, most likely covering a severe burn, eyes fixated on him, lips twitching.
Ging knew he should have immediately grabbed his bag and take the stake or holy water.
Or he should have just made a run for it, a werewolf has a vampire beat in speed.
But he just returned the others stare, painfully aware of his own vulnerability.
Paristons lips twitched to a bigger smile, a smile of irritation and disbelief. “Not bad, not bad at all. What’s your name, Mutt?”
“Ging Freecs, if you’d like I can use your ashes to write it down for you.” His eyes darted towards his bag, still next to the tree. He wondered if he could out speed the vampire to take the bag and grab the holy water.
A clap, and a pleased sound drew his attention back. “Ging Freecs, Ging Freecs! Marvelous, I must command you for your bravery. Tell me, are you just blissfully stupid, or did someone order you to spy on me?”
“Do you think I’d voluntarily spy on someone as boring as you? Next time you could at least put on a peep-show or something.”
Silence fell between them, Ging grinned confidently, Pariston replied with a satisfied smile. Time stood still for this moment, a Vampire and a Werewolf acknowledging each other as spiteful creatures.
The moment passed. Ging quickly leaned towards the tree and reached for his bag. One dash of holy water to burn and distract, and then a quick stab through the heart, and ill be back home before sunrise.
But before Ging could even stand up, or open his bag, a swift kick to his head threw his body against the tree, head hitting the hard bark. His vision faded fast as he fell back onto the ground, numb pain spreading from his head to the rest of his body.
“Don’t worry, we’re not done playing yet~” The last thing Ging saw, was a blurred Pariston towering over him, flashing another smile.
Ging wasn’t sure how many hours had passed when he awoke. His head felt heavy, and his entire body ached, as if he were going through a bad hangover. Once he opened his eyes, he first saw the thick ropes that bound him into an uncomfortable seated position, unnaturally upright, arms and legs restricted.
It took more effort than he’d like to admit to lift his head, but when he did, he realized the darkness covering the room, only penetrated by a few lit candles on the large dinning table he was seated in front of. The table was decked with gold plated cutlery, and a plate covered by a stainless-steel cloche.
Gings night-sight had never been the best, but it was still good enough to pierce through the darkness of the room and find Pariston sitting at the end of the table, leaned forward on his elbows, chin rested in the palm of his hand. There was a small, burning red spark in his eyes, and he smiled at the werewolf. “Good Morning, sleeping beauty. How’s your head?”  The vampire chimed.
“Just great, never had a concussion as lovely as this.”
Pariston laughed lightly, as if Ging had told an actual joke before he tilted his head just a tad to the side. “I removed that pesky scarf from your head, I hope you don’t mind. I have to say, a werewolves’ ears are quite sensitive, even while they are passed out.”
Ging grimaced, “I hope you had your fill of touching my ears, because that will never happen again.” His ears twitched involuntary at the thought of someone else coming close to them.
“That’s a shame. It’s my first time I’ve had the pleasure with one of your kind, so I’m naturally curious. You should brush your teeth more often, by the way, I think I spotted some discolorations on your fangs.”
“Did you put your disgusting spider fingers in my mouth?”
“I may have sneaked a peak at the unique canines of a wolf, how truly fascinating!” Ging wasn’t sure if it was the concussion, or the thought of Pariston prying around in his mouth, that got him close to throwing up on himself.
“So how long are you planning to keep me here, ‘cause it smells like death in here, and I’d rather be anywhere else.”
Pariston, instead of answering, slowly pushed his chair back, and walked leisurely towards Ging. Again, alarm bells rang loudly in his head, even drowning out the numb pain, and the hairs at the back of his neck stood up. But he could not back away, not even when Pariston laid his hand on his head and ruffled through his hair. “To be honest, I was planning to keep you. The relationship between werewolves and vampires can be quite beneficial to both, if they are willing to set aside their differences.” His face came uncomfortably close to Gings, and the werewolf pondered if he could somehow manage to lunge forward and bite the others nose off. “You could go outside in the daylight, and run any errands and surveillance as is needed, and in exchange we can give you the security to hunt whatever and whoever, as much as your wild heart pleases.”
Ging spit, with precision, on Paristons right cheek, who in return jumped a few feet back, hastily grabbed a tissue from his suit, and tried to clean himself. “I don’t care much for hunting whoever. I’m a simple man, a couple of sheep every few weeks keep me satisfied. You’re disguising yourself as human, while I have kept my humanity intact.”
The vampire stopped wiping at his cheek, and tilted his head again, lips curled again in a playful manner. “Ah~ So it’s like that. A good boy who never bites the shepherd’s hand, never reaps the sheep he’s guarding. Of course, you wouldn’t want to associate with degenerates like us, would you?”
Slowly, carefully, he stepped closer to Gings side again, but stopped at the edge of the table. “Are you hungry, Ging? I will happily release you back to your herd, but I would be a horrible host if I didn’t offer you some food first.”
“Does a good host tie his guests to chairs?” Gings head still felt heavy, and he used most of his energy just to keep his eyes focused on the other. Naturally, he was hungry, wanting to recharge on energy. How long had it been again since he had hunted anything?
Pariston lifted the cloche to reveal a piece of meat, still steaming, served with a side of green asparagus and a couple of wedged potatoes.
“My specialty, filet mignon. Rare, ‘kissed by the flame’, served with a side of asparagus and rosemary-potatoes.”
The smell hit Gings nostrils, and he started salivating. He watched Pariston cut into the meat, like a knife cutting into hot butter, the meat seemed tender, and revealed its inner reddish pink. And for a second, Ging had forgotten whatever they had just been talking about. He just saw food, ready to be ate, to satisfy this hunger he had been carrying around. It was just when Pariston turned towards him, fork in hand, flashing another toothy grin, that Ging realized.
“This is- “Before the sentence could leave his lips, Paristons hand was firmly grabbing his jaw. “It’s bad manners to say you don’t like something before you’ve even tried it.”
Ging dug his nails into the chair he was bound to, tried to rip free from the ropes, tried to release his jaw from the vampire’s iron grip. But all in vain.
If he had eaten before going on this mission, or if he could have been thinking clear without a head injury, maybe then he would have had a chance.
But instead, Pariston pressed his mouth open, and insistently pushed the fork carrying a piece of the filet into the werewolf’s’ mouth.
Various images flashed in front of his inner eye. His son Gon, so small, how he promised him he’d be able to grow up between humans and live like one of them. Cheadle, who trusted him with her own life, and the life of everyone in Yorknew, whose kindness had saved his life. And the nameless corpse, faceless human, whose flesh Ging was eating. Pariston brushed the meat off the work on Gings teeth, and held his mouth closed. As if practiced, he moved his ring finger just under the others jaw, and imitated chewing motions with it.
Slowly, the taste of the meat spread through Gings mouth, coating everything. He did not notice when he started to chew by himself. Or when he finally swallowed the bite. Paristons hand was still on his jaw, though it was no longer in a firm grasp but merely resting there as a ghosting touch.
“How did you like it, Ging?” The vampires voice was just above a whisper, and for the first time since he had seen him, Ging saw something other than a dangerous abyss in the others’ eyes. There was no comfort in them, no reassurance or regret. But suddenly he felt like he could understand him. Not entirely, not his existence or his person, but something in his core.
“More.” Gings voice was strained, hungry, mournful. For the first time in his life, he felt his humanity ripped away from him. And yet he could not care less. All he could care about in the moment was to feed, to indulge in this primal need that he had kept himself from for so long.
Pariston brushed his thumb over Gings cheekbone, “Good boy.”
He proceeded to feed the werewolf the rest of the steak, though he no longer had to motivate him to chew, or open his mouth.
After just a couple of minutes, it was all gone, and Ging let his head hang forward. His face felt hot and flushed, and he licked over his canines and incisors in a desperate attempt to recover any more of the sweet, rich taste he had indulged in. He had consumed human flesh, which he had sworn to never do. To never loose this part of his humanity, to keep this moral ground. And it all got thrown out the window. His heart ached with disappointment and regret.
A hand lifted his chin, and he starred back into those deep brown eyes who did this to him. “Do you think you want to go back to the village? Play the good sheepdog?” Pariston leaned forward, resting his hands on each of Gings shoulders, whispering in a light tone into his ear, “Do you think you can? Now that you know what you’d be missing.” His left hand gently cupped his cheek. “You don’t have to. I’m giving you an option to come with me. Soon we’ll leave this village, and head west towards the next. Join us, and you can taste to your hearts content.” As Pariston pulled back, his lips briefly brushed over Gings skin, chased by shivers and goosebumps.
“Why me? You’ve seemed to be fine hunting so far.” Ging flexed against the tight ropes again.
“Because you intrigue me, Ging Freecs. I want to know more about werewolves, about what they are capable of.  What you are capable of.”
With a snap, the ropes came off one after another, a demonstration of Paristons finely sharpened nails. He stood up straight and extended a hand towards the wolf, a devilish smile on his lips. “Will you indulge me, Ging?”
And Ging pondered if he would.
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Christmas Gift for a Friend
 The door opens, and an old friend hears an old greeting.
 “Perry the Platypus! What an unexpected surprise!”
 He then looks at his calendar.
 “Oh, wait, you always come today! My bad! You know how it is: Once you get older, you forget important dates!”
 Perry chatters, but Doof corrects him.
 “Goodness, no! I always remember my anniversary with Charlene! I’m taking about this jar of dates!”
 A jar of dates is lifted, dusty and clearly forgotten.
 “Sorry, Emanuel: I need to be more doting.”
 Putting the jar down, two former rivals sat down and smiled warmly at each other.
 It had been 12 years, but Heinz Doofenshmirtz and Perry the Platypus were still the best of friends.
 Doof observed his friend with a sentimental smile.
 “So, like every year, Vanessa, Ferb, their family, they’re all off on some last minute shopping. I heard that Phineas has some “Last Minute” invention that actually makes shoppers calm down?”
 Perry nodded, getting comfortable in the seat, and Doof realized that he had forgotten something.
 “Oh, where are my manners? What would you like to drink, Perry? Perhaps my world famous almond brittle moisture tea? Eh?”
 Perry pretended to think, but only for Doof’s comfort. He always ordered the same thing, but making Doof think there was a chance in hell he’d drink that almond brittle made his friend happy.
 One chatter later and Doof was at it with the coffee machine.
 “Espresso! Of course! Always on the move!”
 Doof pointed a spoon back at Perry as the semi aquatic egg laying mammal of action checked his watch. “You need to learn to relax, man! Take a day off! When was the last time? After the Master, no?”
 Perry defensively chattered, almost a little too harshly.
 “You’re right, it was at Alyson’s baby shower, my bad!”
 Doof rolled his eyes, knowing he was right, but he wasn’t going to argue with his friend.
 Today was only going to have spilled coffee and thoughts of the past!
 No need to think of changes, and lost friends, and the fact that his family and extended family didn’t come to visit as often and he was getting old and soon he’d…
 “AAARRGHHH! OW! OW! MY HAND IS HURTING, BECAUSE IT’S BURNING BECAUSE I SPILLEED COFFEE ON IT AND who am I talking to?”, Doof asked himself as his hand cooled from a…
 “’Ice’ rescue, Perry the Platypus!”, Doof laughed and Perry rolled his eyes as the ice pack made its magic.
 Sitting down, Doof gave Perry his “Fedora’s are in like ginsing” mug and quietly sipped from his “Yes, I saved the world, big whoop” mug.
 The two allies drank quietly, surrounded only by Doof’s newspaper riddled coffee table and a dinky lightbulb that every so often made a buzzing noise.
 Perry pointed at tone of the papers after a while, and Doof picked it up to remember the reason for its purchase.
 “Let’s see… Ah, yes! This was when Isabella came back from service, remember?”
 Perry half nodded, but an odd look of unease came on his face.
 Doof sighed, remembering the day. “Remember how Phineas was like that day? He had hearts in his eyes! Hearts! Like, is that even physically possible?”
 Perry coughed and Doof suddenly grabbed another paper. “And this one is from when Jeremy was touring with his band! One of the glowsticks got into my eye! In fact, it’s somewhere here…”
 Picking up a glowstick with an eye sticking out, Doof blinked with his bionic eye. “Still getting used to all the kinks. Sometimes it shoots lasers and well, I’m buying a lot of mirrors recently!”
 Once more, Perry seemed a little lost.
 “Wait, were you there? I can’t remember…”
 Perry tried to excuse himself to go to the bathroom, but suddenly…
 “Oh, and I definitely don’t need to tell you about this one!”
 In front of Perry was a newspaper clipping from only a month ago, depicting a certain Japanese-American brunette roping up the last members of the Italian Mafia that had nearly killed Perry all those years ago.
 Doof’s expectant face was however met with an uncertain and avoiding look from Perry.
 And Doof actually picked up on it.
 “…You ok, my friend?”
 Perry had to change the subject quickly, and so he did.
 “Oh, how’s Vanessa? Oh, she’s good! We’re all good, really!”
 Doof stood up and gesticulated as he looked outside, the sun shining, but also cloudy.
 “Like, just quiet days here!”
 Doof smiled, but Perry could tell something was off: The former villain’s hands shook, and his wrinkles were now more obvious.
 His breathing was also slow, as was his speech, which was most peculiar: Doof never slowed down when he was talking, unless he was confused.
 Something was up. And Perry wasn’t sure if any of them were ready for the drama.
 Doof looked out.
 There was a sun…
 But was it warm?
 Was it getting colder?
 Was he getting colder?
 “Quiet. They don’t visit as often. I’m… I’m used to noise.”
 He turned to Perry.
 “I’m used to explosions, and to…”, he continued, trailing off a little.
 Nostalgia was apparent in his tone, the glory days long gone.
 “Remember, that time, when I told you about the gnomes, and you kicked my ass?”, Doof reminded, sounding almost too nostalgic for such things.
 He continued, his hand shaking, the mug joining in the dance.
 “Remember when we fought all those zombie versions of myself, and my daughter showed me that she loved me?”
 Doof laughed. “Those were times!”
 Doof continued to laugh, but his eyes spelt danger, or, well, fear.
 Perry began to squirm in his seat. It was coming.
 Doof shook even more as he held on to the mug and looked at its insignia.
 “I… I saved the world, remember? Remember when I helped save the entire universe and future from that bastard? Remember?”
 Doof’s tone was now sharp, sad, frustrated and lost.
 Looking at his reflection, he noticed grey hairs.
 He bit his lip, as he heard church bells.
 Ringing in the new year…
 Ringing in the new…
 Out with the old…
 Ringing and ringing and ringing and bringing in the dead…
 The dead…
 The old…
 The pointless…
 His days were numbered…
 “…Remember when I had a point?!”
 The mug fell and shattered, the shards shining all over and the dust stinging his eyes.
 Kneeling down, all he felt was his friends arm on his shoulder.
 “…I’m 59 years old, Perry the Platypus. My daughter is living her own life, as she should. My extended family, people who took me in at my weakest, they’re saving the world now.”
 He looked at him with sad eyes, pleading for purpose.
 “I was a villain, and I had reasons. I was a hero, and I had reasons.”
 He grabbed his friend and hugged him, tears dropping.
 “What’s my purpose now? Who am I?”
 Perry comforted his friend, and put him back in his chair as he cleaned up the remains.
 He chattered out a question as he mopped the tea away, Doof still massaging his temples.
 “No… I don’t need… Anything…”
 Doof cringed as he thought of what he did. What was he, a baby?
 “I’m sorry… I’m ruining our afternoon.”
 Perry rejected this line of thought.
 “…I guess I’m overreacting again.”
 Doof looked out at the sky again, feeling lost.
 “I just… What’s my purpose? There’s no plan, no operation, no death defying…”
 He sighed. “Not even family issues. I just… Exist.”
 Perry sighed and sat down again, concern apparent in his eyes.
 Perry chattered an encouraging line, and Doof looked up and smiled.
 “Of course I’m happy that everyone else is happy… I just didn’t realize that once all the missions are basically over, that there’s no more to being happy than being happy.”
 Doof sighed again, and decided to switch topics.
 “Why don’t we start again? How are you doing? How’s work?”
 Perry, relieved to be changing subjects, chattered nonchalantly.
 “Same old, same old, huh?”
 Doof then raised an eyebrow and nudged him. “Bet it was more fun with me, though, right? Eh?”
 Perry rolled his eyes, but chuckled. It was never as fun than when Doof was out there.
 Doof smiled and leaned on his elbow. “At least I still own your favorite arch enemy slot!”
 Perry resumed sipping his drink after all this time, but it was not its cold nature that made him choke.
 “And how’s things with Stacy?”
 The coughing went on for some time, but Doof was oblivious.
 “She’s coming tomorrow, like everyone else is, but first she’s enjoying a quiet Christmas Eve back home with her family.”, Doof informed casually, grabbing a nearby cracker.
 Perry declined the other one that was offered, as he was still a little shaken, and now worried about where this was going.
 Doof leant back and continued chatting. “I think they’re watching that creepy CGI A Christmas Carol movie? You know Stacy, she loves her horror movies!”
 Perry nodded distractedly, wishing that O.W.C.A would suddenly radio in a mission.
 “You’re going to her, right? Could you tell her that Uncle Doof sends his love?”
 Perry didn’t answer, but Doof realized something before he could ask anymore incriminating questions.
 “Oof, why am I being so lazy? I’ll call her instead! Much more personal!”
 Doof reached for his phone, but in a quick, lightning move, Perry grabbed it.
 Doof, of course, misunderstood. “Oh, you want to call her? Ah, sure! Go ahead!”
 Perry face palmed. This was NOT what he wanted at ALL.
 But Doof was expectant, and Perry didn’t know any graceful way to exit this, so he began dialing.
 The phone rang, and rang, and rang, and rang, and Perry wondered (ring) if perhaps he had gotten (ring) lucky and Stacy wasn’t going to…
 “Hello? Uncle Doof? Is that you?”
 Silence reigned, outside of the phone crackle and the occasional chirping of a bird as Doof awaited excitedly for the talk that Perry was not going to give.
 A look of longing and hesitation and regret presided on the platypuses face as he held the phone and didn’t move a muscle.
 “Uncle Doof? Hello? Is this the right number? Who is this? Oh my god, did I call myself? Wait, that makes no sense. And it can’t be God, he probably does video calls. But who would just call and say nothing?... …BUGS BUNNY?!”
 The call was hung up.
 And as Perry’s digit moved back with his hand, it revealed a shocked Doof.
 Perry sat down, saying nothing, and Doof too was speechless.
 For a solid minute, nothing was said.
 The uncomfortable silence was only broken by Doof, when he couldn’t take it no longer.
 “…You’re working the late shift again, aren’t you?”
 No answer.
 “You know, she’s been asking about you. I…”
 Doof looked down.
 “I told her that it’s probably just you forgetting! You have a…”
 Doof was very uneasy. He didn’t want to do this.
 Perry’s fist was balling, his anger rising.
 But who was it at?
 “I know it’s… Not usual for me to be in the right in our friendship, but… But I really think that you should at least tell her you’re not coming…”
 Perry suddenly shot back a very rude statement.
 Full of venom. Full of anger.
 Full of regret.
 Full of “I was supposed to be better than this.”
 “…What do I know? I’ve only been parenting for about 30 years, Perry the Platypus, I think I know when someone isn’t taking enough attention of their daughter!”, Doof responded, now too angry.
 Perry did not take kindly to the “D” word.
 “I don’t care if you didn’t mean to! She’s close to you, you know that!”
 Doof approached his friend, protesting this behavior.
 “She’s made it clear multiple times that you mean a lot to her! She invited you to the wedding, to the birthdays, she has literally called you Dad!”
 Perry crossed his arms.
 “Oh, now you’re just being a big baby!”
 Doof crossed his arms and turned his back too.
 “I know I was being wishy washy before, I know I’ve got it good, and I’m just being ungrateful.”
 Doof muttered. “But at least I don’t distance myself. Why are you like this? Why can’t you just give her what she needs?”
 Perry’s tortured reply informed that he didn’t know how.
 “…You could have asked. I would have helped.”
 A tear dropped.
 “I would always help you. You’re…”
 Doof continued to cry.
 “You’re my best friend, you fool. In some ways… You’re all I’ve got left.”
 All was quiet as the two friends breathed slowly and realized…
 Perry thought of what a jerk he’d been.
 Doof thought of how dumb he was being, regretting happiness.
 They turned and…
 “I’m sorry”, they said (well, one chattered) at the same time.
 Doof sat down on the floor and sighed.
 “I was being a real jerk. Why am I even sad? I have a loving family who still visit, the world is safe, and I’m… I’m me.”
 He smiled sadly.
 “I should be happy. I guess… I guess I have no purpose. But that’s ok.”
 Perry chattered a retort, encouraging his friend.
 Doof laughed softly. “I guess you’re right. My purpose IS being happy. I’ll try not to make this one explode.”
 Perry laughed, and then looked down with pain.
 “…I know you’re better than this. You’ve always been.”
 Perry nodded, sadly.
 He chattered an… Well, not an excuse, an explanation of sorts.
 Doof nodded, understanding. “You’ve never been for emotions, I know that.”
“But you know she loves you. 10 years ago, why…”
 Perry didn’t let him finish, he didn’t need to.
 Perry then apologized.
 “Don’t apologize to me. You’ll always be great in my book. It’s her you need to talk to.”
 Perry knew his friend was right.
 And he let him know.
 “…It’s nice to know we can still surprise each other.”
 The pair laughed and looked at each other fondly.
 “I know times are changing… But we’ll face them, like we always do.”
 Doof walked towards Perry and hugged him.
 Perry hugged back, and then took out the phone.
 He had a mission to get to…
    Later that evening, at Stacy’s house, a 29 year old woman in Smiley Face jammies giggled as she held her action figures of herself and of Dr. Not Sorry and played with them.
 “You can’t stop me, Agent Stacy Hirano! I am the greatest villain ever, and you are just a little girl, wishing her little Platypus would save her!”, Stacy said, imitating the villain.
 She ran around the room, pretending her figure could fly as her shiny disco shoes squeaked.
 She loved being herself.
 Took her long enough, but she did.
 “As if, Dr. Not Sorry! My dad and I are totally taking you down!”
 A sudden chatter could be heard, and Stacy absent mindedly responded.
 “Yes, that’s right! I’ll use my mini golf powers! Good thinking, Da…”
 Stacy then realized who was talking and she dropped the action figures, gasping.
 Standing in the doorway was Perry the Platypus and Heinz Doofenshmirtz, the latter waving wildly and the former smiling softly, if sadly.
 “…Oh my god! Like, I didn’t know you were coming, please, um, let me, oh man, I’m in my jammies!”
 Stacy felt shy now, and she looked around. The house was a mess, she was in the skies again, and her perfect spy platypus dad was actually visiting.
 She would have cried if it wasn’t weird.
 But she did once he said “Hi, daughter.”
 The hug was sweet, and Stacy was grinning from ear to ear once she was finished.
 “I… I…”
 She blushed.
 “I’m a lot more confident, if you want to know.”
 Perry nodded approvingly.
 “I… I don’t need you to approve of me.”
 She then smiled shyly. “But it’s nice that you do.”
 Doof then interjected. “You two catch up! I’ll make some tea!”
 “Great idea! But make mine a red bull!”
 Perry raised an eyebrow and Stacy laughed. “I can take the energy spike! I was always more mellow than Candace, just a little… Weirder.”
 Stacy then oohed. “OOOH is that a new gadget? Want to see my new treadmill? Oh, and I recently found this Sushi place, it’s EXUISITE! At least, I think that’s how you say it.”
 Doof laughed and asked from the kitchen. “And Perry, how about my world famous Almond Brittle moisture tea?”
 This time, Perry said yes.
 He was up for a new experience.
 After all, change wasn’t always so bad.
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mikeyd1986 · 8 years
On Monday morning, I completed my first drawing in a new botanical art series that I’ve started. I began with an observational sketch of some gerberas in a vase. Next I went over the pencil lines with black fineliner before shading in opposing sections with black marker. The result is a bold, black and white silhouette drawing.
On Monday afternoon, I had my third PT session with my personal trainer Luke Davey at Breakaway Fitness in Narre Warren. Today’s session was both physically and mentally tough. I’m slowly gaining more confidence in my abilities to push through these exercises but letting go of the past is still proving to be difficult for me. At least doing one-on-one sessions eliminates one major issue for me...comparing myself to others. This is where my thoughts of “not being good enough” stemmed from last year but I’m learning to snip that in the bud.
For the warm-up, I had to do laps of various running exercises including sprinting, jogging, grapevine, side stepping, high knee lifts and back kicks. Next I had to do several rounds of tyre pulls and dead men, which is essentially using your own body weight to pull yourself up and lower yourself down a rope suspended from the ceiling. It become increasingly more challenging for each round as Luke added more weight to the tyre but I was determined not to give up.
In the last part of the session, I did a 15 minute circuit which included 45 second reps of the following exercises: battle ropes, medicine ball slams, plank holds and kettle bell swings. This is where my mental battle began. Last year I spent so much time trying to impress and prove myself to Nick to no avail. But this time I tried to avoid doing that and just focused on doing the best that I could do. The fact is that I don’t need to prove myself to anyone and as long as I walk away from the session feeling satisfied, then that’s all that matters to me.
My results were really impressive today. I got up to 32 medicine ball slams and 34 kettle bell swings in the 45 second time limit. To be honest, I don’t even focus on the numbers. I could hardly care less about it. But still it makes me feel proud that I’ve achieved that for myself. The weight loss issue is still an ongoing one for me. I’ve plateaued at 92kg for about 2-3 weeks now but it’s not going to make me lose hope or motivation. I gotta keep moving forward. https://www.facebook.com/breakawayf...
On Tuesday afternoon, I went to a social function with my mum’s School Crossing Supervisor group at the Hallam Hotel. It was a pretty big turnout as the group filled up three long rectangular tables. I saw a few familiar faces there which was good but I was feeling socially awkward and emotionally drained. For lunch I had a potato and leek soup, a grilled barramundi with chips and salad plus a cup of green jelly and a small latte.
Some of the ladies were trying to encourage me to become a School Crossing Supervisor like my mum. I was feeling unintentionally pressured by them, getting all flustered and noticing my anxiety levels go through the ceiling. I really don’t feel comfortable about doing something that I’m not interested in doing. It has to come from within. Everyone means well but unfortunately this is just something I don’t want to do. https://www.hallamhotel.com.au/
On Tuesday night, I went to my Body Combat class at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. I met a new member named Joe as I was waiting for the class to start. It was his first time doing body combat but he seemed pretty relaxed about it. Tonight we did the new release 71 and boy was it an intense workout. We actually used a foam mat for part of the warm-up, mainly plank holds, low lunges and mountain climbers.
Track four was easily the hardest with quick step lunges, front kicks and wide squats. It was very difficult to keep up with. Instructor Cinamon Guerin was hilarious tonight. She forgot part of the routine and kept dropping her headset but she kept on going, laughing it off. That’s what I really admire about her. She’s got such a positive attitude towards fitness, she doesn’t take herself too seriously and she makes these classes fun, even when we’re clearly buggered and ready to collapse.  http://w3.lesmills.com/israel/en/cl...
On Wednesday morning, I attended a Time Out yoga class at Now, Yoga. in Narre Warren South. I was surprised to see that Kim Lousada was actually running the class instead of Keren Gurrieri but that didn’t bother me at all. Today’s class was all about holding restorative poses, letting go of tension and focusing the mind on the present moment. There were quite a few newcomers today and it’s good to see that the studio is starting to gain more interest. https://www.facebook.com/nowyogastu...
We began the class by doing some joint therapy. Starting with the feet, we flexed and released the toes before rotating into ankles, calves, knees and hip sockets. These movements are particularly helpful if you’re experiencing tightness, pain and/or arthritis in the joints and muscles. When you hear the popping sound, you’re actually releasing air bubbles from the synovial fluid within the joints. http://www.yogajournal.com/article/...
The remainder of the class was spent doing some restorative poses using props. These included supported forward bend and supported side stretch. Kim used her crystal singing bowls as we relaxed into each pose. The sounds and vibrations from the bowls was actually quite calming and helped me to focus on the breath more. https://yogainternational.com/artic...
We ended the class by doing a Yoga Nidra meditation. I set myself  the following positive intention or san culpa...”I am loved and appreciated by others.” Kim guided us through the Rotation of Awareness, moving from one body part to the next from right to left. It can be quite difficult to remain conscious and alert especially if you start drifting off to sleep but using the breath and Kim’s voice as anchors certainly helps. https://www.artofliving.org/yoga/he...
On Thursday morning, I saw my new counselor Ruth at Piece Together Counselling in Narre Warren. This was officially my second session with her and I’m beginning to open up to her a bit more now. I was discussing how difficult it is for me to say no and be assertive in doing so.  I’ve also made the decision to let go of my former personal trainer for good. I know that he won’t change and running back to him now is very unhealthy for me. I’ve got a good thing going with my new PT and so I’m just going to focus on that. https://psychcentral.com/lib/learni...
Ruth also helped me recognise my inner-most positive qualities. That getting out of bed, going to work, improving my fitness and well being, going out to gigs and social gatherings are all achievements that I should be celebrating. Dealing with anxiety and depression can be physically and mentally exhausting and yet I’m still trying hard to live and enjoy my life. https://www.piecetogethercousellingnarrewarren.org/...
On Friday morning, I went to my Body Pump class at YMCA Casey ARC in Narre Warren. I was really debating inside my head whether to go today or not considering I’ve only had about 5 hours sleep but I ended up pushing myself to go as it’s been well over a month since my last Body Pump class. Thankfully this new release is much more manageable and less intense than 100 was but it still had its moments where I began feeling my muscles burn.
Instructor Kerrie actually recognised me from last time. She was hilarious as usual, making jokes about “How we’re all feeling?”. The one thing I love about her is the importance she gives to stretching in between sets. It allows us all to recover as well. The warm-up involved doing several rounds of single rows, clean and press as well as single lunges. We then covered squats, chest, triceps, biceps, shoulders and core.
I decided to switch between 2kg and 3kg weights during the biceps curls as I was fatiguing quite fast at times. Doing back pulses with the plates was probably the worst part of the workout but otherwise I didn’t feel as bad as last time. http://w3.lesmills.com/israel/en/cl...
On Friday night, Mum and I went to The Wizard of Oz musical at the Cardinia Cultural Centre in Pakenham. It was a 2.5-3 hour production featuring members of the Cardinia Performing Arts Company. I was absolutely blown away by how talented and professional these individuals were. They went all out with the costumes, set design, music and acting. It all looked spectacular and I was very entertained throughout the show.
Some highlights include the colourful and magical Munchkinland set (Ding Dong! The Witch is Dead), introducing the Scarecrow, Tinman and the Cowardly Lion (If I Had a Brain/Heart/The Nerve), the Poppy Field, the brightly lit and dazzling Emerald City set (The Merry Old Land of Oz) and the dark, gloomy forest set (The Jitterbug). Worthy mentions go out to the brilliant performances by the Wicked Witch (Gulcan Gulen) and Dorothy (Emily Hansford) with the adorable dog Toto.
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