arcadebroke · 2 months
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simply-whump · 2 years
The Blood of Youth (少年歌行) - Whump List
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Whumpee : Xiao Se played by Li Hong Yi, Lei Wu Jie played by Ao Rui Peng, Wu Xin played by Liu Xue Yi and Tang Lian played by Li Xin Ze
Synopsis : As a disciple of the Lei Clan, Lei Wu Jie can't wait to prove his worth as a hero. His trip to the city Xue Yue is waylaid by an unfortunate mishap at the Villa of Fallen Snow. As proprietor of the Villa, Xiao Se is less than pleased when his establishment is damaged by the antics of a young, wannabe hero. Demanding he make amends for the damage he caused, Wu Jei can think of only one way to appease the grumpy Xiao Se, and that is to take him with him. With no other options, the two set off together, without any idea of what fate has in store for them. (MDL)
Genres : Wuxia, Historical, friendship, youth, fantasy
Note : This was an unexpected fun watch ! I didn't get bored at all watching this drama and the brotherhood between the characters was great.
Warning ! Possible spoilers below!
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Xiao Se ( Xiao Chu He / Prince Yong An)
Ep 1-3 : None
Ep 4 : (Flashback) Hit by a powerful magical attack, on the ground shaking, passes out, can’t use martial arts since that day — (Present) Hit, thrown to the ground, punched
Ep 5-8 : None
Ep 9 : Arm pierced by a needle, momentarily in pain
Ep 10-13 : None
Ep 14 : Stabbed in the shoulder, bleeding, concern for him
Ep 15 : None
Ep 16 : Collapses after giving some of his energy, concern for him — Unconscious, carried on Wu Jie’s Back, speaking weakly — Unconscious in bed, treated, in pain (Gif Set) — Wakes up in bed — Given medicine
Ep 17-18 : None
Ep 19 : Uses his full strength to save his friend knowing it might kill him, fighting, hit by an energy blast, spits blood, passes out, concern for him — Doctor says he can’t save him, concern for him
Ep 20 : Still being treated with no success, bleeding from the mouth, treated by a more competent doctor — All his friends want to protect him (not really whump but it was a great moment) — Doctor says his life is still at stake — Very weak — (They’re all going on a trip to cure him)
Ep 21 : None
Ep 22 : Told he only has 5 days to live
Ep 23 : Participates in the fight even though he is dying, concern for him — Taken away, spits blood, treated, in pain, knocked out (Gif Set)
Ep 24-26 : None
Ep 27 : Teary-eyed, grieving 
Ep 28-35 : None
Ep 36 : Fighting — Thrown to the ground, attacked — Pulse taken
Ep 37 : None
Ep 38 : Enters an array that makes him face his inner demons — Worried for someone — Has a difficult fight, arm cut, injured, spits blood, shielded and protected by his friends, on one knee holding his chest
Ep 39 : Has a difficult fight, thrown to the ground, spits blood, more fighting, on one knee, concern for him, helped up — Collapses unconscious, concern for him (Gif Set) — Unconscious in bed, concern for him
Ep 40 : Crying
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Lei Wu Jie
Ep 1 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, groaning in pain
Ep 2 : Grabbing his chest after using some power, in pain — Fighting, thrown to the ground — Grabbing his chest after using a powerful attack
Ep 3 : Collapses, grabbing his chest — “Knocked out”, injuries “magically treated” (kinda hard to describe) — Wakes up in a cell, (flashback) fighting, tied up, captured
Ep 4 : Tied up to a tree
Ep 5-7 : None
Ep 8 : Powers acting up after drinking some liquor, collapses, passes out — Has a difficult fight
Ep 9 : Passes out from exhaustion — Has a nosebleed
Ep 10 : Uses a powerful skill, passes out
Ep 11 : Crying
Ep 12-14 : None
Ep 15 : Poisoned, weak, given energy
Ep 16 : Shocked after killing for the first time
Ep 17-18 : None
Ep 19 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, spits blood — Wakes up in bed
Ep 20-22 : None
Ep 23 : In pain after using a lot of power
Ep 24-25 : None
Ep 26 : Crying, emotional
Ep 27 : Teary-eyed, grieving
Ep 28-37 : None
Ep 38 : Has a difficult fight, spits blood
Ep 39 : Fighting, choked — Fighting his friend (Wu Xin) — Exhausted, almost collapses, caught before he can fall
Ep 40 : None
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Wu Xin (Ye An Shi)
Ep 2 : Knocked out
Ep 3 : Crying
Ep 5 : Fighting, hit, grabbing his chest — Crying
Ep 6 : Has a difficult fight, puts his dislocated shoulder back in place — Passes out after using a powerful technique — Collapses exhausted
Ep 7 : Teary-eyed
Ep 29 : In pain after using his power to save someone, grabs his chest, spits blood — Unconscious, chained
Ep 30 : Chained and unconscious, was experimented on
Ep 31 : Was brainwashed, fighting his friends, headache 
Ep 36 : Chained, unconscious — Fighting his friend, trying to resist, headache, controlled, attacks Xiao Se
Ep 39 : Controlled, fighting his friends, mind-control broken, unconscious
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Tang Lian
Ep 1 : Fighting, hit, holding his chest
Ep 2 : Fighting, thrown to the ground, grabbing his chest, struggling to stand up, passes out after using a powerful attack
Ep 3 : Wounds treated
Ep 19 : Stabbed in the leg, hit, thrown to the ground, concern for him, stabbed in the other leg, spits blood
Ep 25 : Has a difficult fight, bleeding from the mouth, grabbing his chest, collapses, weak
Ep 26 : Very weak after the previous fight, dies
Ep 27 : Mourned
>> Another whump List with Li Hong Yi
>> More Whump Lists
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tentakustar · 9 months
Some old doodles of Betty! I haven't drawn her Space Fighter or "shmup" in a while, so maybe I should get back to it eventually.
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neverstopgaming · 8 months
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Turbo Force は、Rabio Lepus よりもさらに Sonic Wings の直接の前身です。Turbo Force は、Sonic Wings シリーズとほぼ同じパワーアップ システムに加えて、垂直スクロール ゲームプレイに非常によく似ています。 (パワーアップの唯一の違いは、損傷していなくても車両のパワーが徐々に失われることと、プレイヤーの裁量で展開できる爆弾の代わりに特殊武器がパワーアップに触れるとすぐに爆発することです。)
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nautoais211dx · 2 years
Ep. 271 - ThunderBirds
It reminds me of the lore in the Strikers 1945 series from Psikyo, spoilers: all the pilots in that series are female.
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systemrestart · 5 months
Forgot to post this..... I finally bought and played one of the Fantastic Danmaku Festival games!! I was told it was a remake of PCB, so I was surprised by how different it is! And also, wow this game is visually stunning, too
Had a ton of fun playing this, I'm excited to play the first FDF at some point
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anthonyvaccarelli · 2 years
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Metal Black streamed by LordBBH
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makishmups · 1 year
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javen-tiger · 2 years
tbh i have yet to play a 3d sonic game & have minimal interest in doing so but it is so funny that sonic & shmups, the only two genres i play, have somehow been mashed together in a triple a release by sonic team.
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mibyledraws · 25 days
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I made a teeny tiny free game!!
It's called Carrot Up and it's a cute shmup
🥕 you're a carrot in a bunny's dream 🐰 satisfy hungry bunnies by throwing carrot tops at them… OR ELSE!! 🧃 collect juice boxes to restore HP or to make a big spread shot of baby carrots (bunny satisfaction guaranteed)
Play it now on the ✨ itch page ✨
Carrot Up was made following Lazy Devs' Shump Pico-8 tutorial for beginners. It's a great tutorial, 100% would recommend! The architecture and code are from the tutorial, and I created the theme, art & audio and tweaked the design here and there to make the game more friendly for chill/casual gamers like myself :)
You can also play it straight from Pico 8 as I uploaded the cartridge to the BSS!
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katsuhiras · 9 months
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diddybu · 8 months
Heya someone personally recommended your blog for all the art all cool concepts of characters creation and I have to pass here fo say I really really love your style! It's like you really have the great base of gunoid characters that could be in many scenarios, I specially got a vibe these could be from some sort of "classic shmup game" at times, amazing stuff! I wonder if you had any experience with these if that would make sense
thank you so much! I feel flattered for your comment. and yes, i'm not big on shump's but I've played my fair share of them.
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Some inspo for me are the Death Smiles and Dodonpachi games, kinda combining mecha and dollcore aesthetics. you can kinda see that in the stuff i make.
Yasushi Suzuki is also a really big inspiration. Ikaruga, Radiant Silvergun and the Sin a Punishment games (not shmup but whatever) are one of my favourites.
Also Zero Ranger is pretty cool too!! kinda off-topic but just wanna mention it lol
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armoredprincess · 5 days
I've been playing a lot of Actress Again. It's amazing how even pixelated graphics of floor-length skirts inflict hyperreal prey drive. My opponent seems to me like a sunny-up yolk. As a genre, fighting games obviate the very idea of BDSM simulator games.
Horror is sex.
So I've never, like, personally gotten it up for an RPG, but it seems to be the most abundantly pornified genre, and that's for reasons other than Zelda's sheer popularity. Maybe it's the power dynamic of status effects, maybe the full-immersion narratives. Scant cladness in character design is of course a factor, but not the factor.
To follow up, yeah, there's a bare-breasted woman on the screen of Sound Voltex before you even slot a coin, but that's more a consequence of the rhythm game state of mind than the other way around. Like fighting games, rhythm games approach and boost the real deal: sweaty and primordial, but demanding of flow state. Is there any game out there with a name as porny as Pump It Up??
If you have a major Guns Thing, there's no denying the power of Guns Game, whether an FPS or War Thunder. If you don't, though, there's still this shocking tension. Most gameplay time in a shooter is spent rather walking towards the objective. Time-to-kill is, like, one point five seconds. It's enough to make your hands shake. Minus points because Overwatch proved you can unsex shooters even as you try to sex them up.
Accuse me of favoritism: I didn't want strategy games on the same tier as MOBAs. I respect their players far more. Plus, I do think you need to be your own kind of pervert to enjoy 4X. It's just not a perversion I have a window into.
Sure the final boss of every SHUMP is an HR Giger mechanocarnal teratoma, but the game itself is a steady state. Even when a PC-98 smokeshow congratulates you between stages, it smacks of Varga girls on plane noses: all signifier.
Very few things happen in sandbox games, so there's little to eroticize. The more RPG elements a sandbox has the hotter it is. Conversely, the opener an RPG world, the more it trends sandbox-sexless. Otherwise, why would Skyrim need mods?
Sports games are failed fighting games. No sports game manages to capture the sexiness of real physical exertion, never mind amplify it.
Despite their libidinous marketing, MOBAs are as functionally sexual as Corn Flakes.
If you're jerking off to anything platformer-related you're probably just a Yoshi furry.
Petit-bourgeois homesteading simulators are distinctly fuckless, and I think their audience prefers it that way.
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redstarpika · 10 months
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neverstopgaming · 8 months
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1945K III (1945KIII とも呼ばれます) は、スクロール シューティング アーケード ゲームです。 2000 年に韓国の開発者 Oriental Soft と Team Muhaha によって開発、公開されました。 ゲームの以前の改訂版である Solite Spirits は 1999 年に Promat から出版されました。ブランド変更と出版社の変更にも関わらず、スタッフ ロールの Promat の著作権に至るまで Solite Spirits への言及は 1945K III に残っています。
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brbgensokyo · 8 months
only people allowed to claim the title of gamer in 2024 high end SHUMP and rhythm gamers. Everyone else is just a LARPer
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