#shut up caden
howlinghunters · 1 year
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iammissingautumn · 2 years
Why do gay people have to be what *you* categorize as non-stereotypical in order to have stories written about them. Is there some surplus of GNC Jewish gay men in media that I’m not aware about? Are Jewish gay men only allowed to be masculine? Are masculine queer men perpetuating stereotypes simply by having preferences? Help me understand here. “Jock” is a shorthand, not a catch-all. “Jock” Stan likers (or whatever) do not do what you describe, and you are strawman-ing your entire argument.
bro. i just don’t like reductive stories. That often go into fetishistic stories. If you want me to like it like you obviously can prove me wrong. Show me the complex fic and art that talks about their gender. I’m speaking to my experience of almost a decade of being in the South Park fandom. I’m talking about stuff I’ve seen eight years ago. I’m talking about stuff i’ve seen five years ago. I’m talking about how I haven’t seen anything better.
If jock Stan fans aren’t what I’m saying they are, show me the artists and writers you love. That’s what I’m saying. Why do you have to stone me because I don’t like One dynamic because it makes me uncomfortable via it portrayal. I think Kyle is rlly rlly GNC via just being himself.
Please bestie I need u to understand that “Strawman-ing” is misrepresenting what someone is saying and attacking an non argument. Which is what that last anon did. Brought up a bunch of things I don’t agree with. And I responded via saying that’s not what I meant nor what I said. It’s not misrepresentation to show how I said none of what they pointed out. That’s grasping for straws.
Honestly I don’t wish to help you understand, and it’s not unreasonable to say I don’t like something because I’ve only seen people be weird about it. If you love this so much, please show me that love, don’t pinch my nose and shove down my throat why Im Wrong Actually for not liking smth. Stop making this some political statement. I’m not here to say anything about this random ass shit you bring up. I’m saying all I see is people making content stripping these characters of their genuine personality for the sake of gender roles. And people aren’t holy for liking this interpretation. You obviously have your head too far up your own ass to understand that.
I never said this ship needs to adhere to me. I just said I didn’t like something bc it has made me uncomfortable. Why do I have to like your “Jewish gay GNC” dynamic. bc it’s valuable to you? Because you think that makes the dynamic more valid? are ships just coins to you to get more diversity points? that’s just so basically not how this stuff works
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I don't like ranboo anymore but they really did come up with the most fun to draw character ever
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condomconfetti · 1 year
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    Sarsi doesn't fall in love very easily, but when she does fall, it's overwhelming. There isn't anything she wouldn't do for the people she loves, even going so far as killing for them if it meant their happiness, and that's why she is so guarded with her heart. Sex is easy, but being emotionally vulnerable with someone? Better to just make jokes and move along. More often than not, she fights the feeling valiantly as, subconsciously, she knows what would happen to her if it turned out to be unrequited.
     An unrequited love would destroy her emotionally and physically. Any impulse control she had left is thrown out the window, like the safety on a gun turned off.
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eilorow · 7 months
Horny Hunk - Car
Caden was sitting in his car, exhausted after a workout with his best friend Thomas, who was way more athletic than him, but would always go out of his way to bring him along and give him tips. That sweet attitude might be the reason Caden had a pretty big crush on him, though he would never admit it. Thomas was a chick magnet, and wasn’t shy about it. So, Caden was happy just being his gym buddy, and tried to stop himself from checking him out too much in the changing room.
He saw Thomas making his way to his car. “You’re in a hurry,” he said, getting inside. “Well, I didn’t know your showers lasted 20 minutes,” Caden shot back playfully. “Hey! The girl at the reception was checking me out, so I went and got her number,” his friend replied, showing the little piece of paper. “I see, so you’re just desperate to get laid.” “Maybe you should try, you know, your dream guy isn't gonna just show up, you have to talk to people sometimes,” Thomas said with a smirk. “All right, shut up now, before I leave you on the sidewalk.”
They had been riding for a few minutes, not saying much, until Thomas pulled out his phone and started admiring himself. He never took pictures, but he did love looking at himself, especially after a workout. Caden glanced to the side as he was styling his hair up and looking into his own eyes; he couldn’t help finding it attractive. “Dude, check out these biceps,” Thomas let out with a chuckle. He was flexing his arms repeatedly, showing his noticeable progress, glistening with sweat. Caden tried not to look again, but couldn’t help sneaking a peek. He loved how big they were, and yet still defined…
“Shit!” Caden thought. He was starting to get an erection, and this was not the time nor the place. “Stop doing that,” he said. “You’re being weird.” “You’re being weird!” Thomas replied. “You’re not even complimenting your friend’s awesome gains.” Caden kept his eyes focused on the road, but felt more and more uncomfortable in his seat. “You should feel them, bro, they’re so tight-” “Stop that! I am not touching you!” Caden snapped, though he was blushing slightly. Thomas grinned even wider, finding his reaction funny. “Come on, man! You don’t like it when I do that?” He grabbed his friend’s wrist and brought his hand to his chest. “Feel that, dude. Real muscle.” “Dude, stop!” Caden was actually getting horny now, and had to quickly turn his flasher on and pull over to the side of the road. “Cade, why are we stopping? I’m just messing with you!” Thomas said, playfully punching him on the shoulder. But Caden wasn’t paying attention anymore. He grasped the arms of his seat, a familiar feeling stirring inside him.
Caden tentatively glanced down at his crotch, and saw what he expected to see: his boner was straining against the front of his shorts, visibly getting bigger. He groaned as his transformation began. His hands widened slightly, gripping his seat even tighter, while his arms started packing on muscle rapidly. He tilted his head back, making a whining sound that slowly got deeper. His throat thickened slightly and his chest widened, better adapting to his large arms. Caden groaned again as he felt himself getting taller and felt his pecs filling up, his loose tank top now barely reaching his waist. A hint of abs, more than he ever had, was peeking from under it. His legs stretched too, his thighs getting bigger and his calves gaining definition. The young man, feeling his feet pushing against the front of his shoes, pointlessly tried taking them off by rubbing them together. He then had to spread his legs apart to make space for his bulge and his growing asscheeks.
Thomas was watching the scene, bewildered, and started getting scared, not knowing what was happening to his friend. At this point, Caden was almost as big as him, if not bigger. He tried exiting the car, but his door was locked. As he tried reaching over him to get to the lock, his friend grabbed his wrist with his right hand, his fingers thickening and strengthening his grip. He brought it down to his chest, and slid it under his tank top, on top of his pecs. “You should feel them, bro,” Caden said in his new deeper voice, smirking cockily. Thomas couldn’t help but admire the two mounds as he felt them ballooning under his touch, growing full of powerful muscle. He looked up at the growing man’s face, seeing his friend’s boyish features hardening into squarer, more manly shapes. A hint of stubble also covered part of his face. At this point, Caden was fully enjoying his transformation. He grunted and flexed his arms as he grew again, arms becoming powerful rods of muscle and shoulders bulging outwards. His shredded 6-pack abs were clearly visible just above his widening waist and remarkable cum gutters. He had to pull his legs up slightly as he grew taller again, his thickening thighs making it somewhat difficult. Two loud tearing sounds could be heard as his feet burst out of his training shoes, now several sizes too small. A third ripping sound was heard as his ass grew into a large bubble butt, tearing his shorts right down the middle and freeing his large erection that was nearing 9 or 10 inches now, by how it was tenting the front of his underwear.
Just as Thomas thought the growth was over, Caden let out an even deeper groan. His neck became incredibly thick, his shoulders broadened to the point where he barely fit in the driver’s seat, and his pecs blew up again. It was a miracle his tank top was still intact; it was stretched out over his chest and powerful back muscles, and his pecs were jutting out from the sides. It didn’t even reach his abs anymore, stopping right above his chiseled 8-pack. His legs, already confined in the small space, lengthened one last time, bringing him easily over 6’6. Below them, his feet finished their steady growth, tearing apart his short white socks. Finally, a last ripping sound was heard as his underwear gave way and his enormous 12-inch jock cock erupted from its confines, pointed straight up, the swollen head already leaking pre-cum. Thomas stared at it, feeling his own erection straining his shorts, almost against his own will.
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Cade, the hunk, horny in an almost feral way, grabbed Thomas by the back of the head and shoved him on his throbbing member. He struggled to even fit the thing in his mouth, because of how long and thick it was, but he started hungrily swallowing and licking it, experiencing the salty taste for the first time. Cade closed his eyes in bliss, pushing out deep moans from his enlarged throat. It didn’t take long before he pulled Thomas off and shot ropes of cum, again and again, all over his dashboard, tilting his head backwards and bellowing out a last groan. Thomas, seeing his friend’s humongous dick spurting cum with such intensity, came on the spot. They both panted, out of breath after their simultaneous orgasms.
Caden sighed, using yet another tissue to clean the cum off his dashboard. He was back to normal now; it never took him too long. He shot a disgruntled look at Thomas, who still seemed a bit shaken and out of breath. “When I tell you to stop, you have to stop. You understand why, now?” Thomas nodded, looking at the stain at the front of his shorts. “I can’t believe you had to find out about this,” Caden added, annoyed, but blushing slightly. Thomas looked over. “When were you planning on telling me?” he asked. “Never!” snapped Caden. “It’s not the sort of thing I bring up in the middle of a conversation, you know. I don’t tell anyone that doesn’t need to know.” Thomas looked at him again, a smirk on his face. “Well, now that I know… Could we do this again sometime?”
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mangosrar · 7 months
call it what you want part 11
matt sturniolo x fem reader.
y’all 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋
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“do you feel it yet?” he asked. his voice seemed so far away, even though he was lying on the grass next to you less than a foot away.
chris had kept his promise. he let you smoke. and it was just perfect. the sun was hot in the sky, not a single cloud in sight, the warm embrace of the breeze wafting through an empty field washing away every single thought you’d had since the last time you spoke to matt 2 weeks ago, and the buzz from the weed was delightful.
the space inbetween then and now had been torturous, you had to carry on this act with matt, while pretending you hated him, but every time you caught him looking at you, or he pulled you into him, kissing your temple when you were around people, made you want to break down and cry.
but this is just what had to happen, your parents were still furious with you, caden had barely spoken two words to you and jessica was still obsessing over matt. her matt. not yours. he was hers. or so you thought.
a comfortable silence settled over the two of you, while chris awaited your answer, you let out a breath before speaking.
“when does a monster become a monster?” you asked, your jaw felt heavy as you stared up at the sky.
“yeah your definitely feeling it” chris giggled, lifting his head slightly to look at you.
you couldn’t help but laugh too. “i’m serious”
“what do you mean by a monster?” he asked, finally settling back down, and looking at the side of your face.
“like elijah wasn’t mean at first, but it was inevitable, so when does a monster become a monster” you replies, still staring at the sky, blinking slowly.
chris sighed before looking away, and also aiming his eyes up, his hands picking at the grass besides him.
“i mean when is a monster not a monster, because at first, the monster will buy you flowers, and tell you your pretty, let you cry in his arms, and then one day you piss the monster off and he jumps out of the closet to scare you, and now you’re too afraid to sleep in the dark, so you keep a night light on, but it’s not enough, the monster still jumps out on you and you’re still scared” he said.
you were now staring at the side of his face, with your eyebrows pinched together. that was probably the deepest thing chris had ever said.
“maybe that’s why you pushed matt away,” he continued, turning his head to look at you. “because we both know you didn’t want to do that, but it’s just the way you’re wired. you want him in your house but you don’t want him to find your hiding spot, you want him to hold you but he can’t come to close” he breathed.
chris was right. this is what happened. matt got a little too close and your guards came up. every single wall that elijah had built in you rose to the surface, and shut matt out.
“you’re right” you whispered, turning your head away from chris, and back to the sky, before swallowing and resting your hands on your stomach. you suddenly felt vulnerable, like he had just peered into your head and plucked out your thoughts.
“i know i’m right. and i also know that matt is distraught. maybe you guys still have a long way to go, but didn’t you feel like you were getting somewhere?” he asked, still looking at the side of your face.
you swallowed thickly before speaking. “but matt and i won’t work, he wants jessica and i want elijah, he’s just ahead of himself right now” you argued, shaking your head.
“is he?” chris asked quietly, narrowing his eyes at you. you turned your head to look at him with a deep frown. you weren’t actually sure, and the thin line of trying to convince chris or trying to convince your self was becoming blurry.
“he is”.
“he’s not”
“yes he is chris”
“no he’s not y/n”
“he’s actually not sure”. his voice startled both of you. chris almost jumped out of his own skin and you shot up into a sitting position, snapping your head round to look at him.
“chris you told us you were gonna be taking y/n home 2 hours ago” matt said, looking at chris.
“we got a little carried away” he laughed, but your face was droning. you did not find this funny.
“i can see that” matt muttered, darting his eyes over to you briefly. “are you high?” he asked.
you dropped your eyes to the ground, not daring to look at him a second longer. he knew the answer, you didn’t even have to say anything. he just sighed.
“come on, i’ll drive you” his statement was directed towards you but, he was looking at chris. maybe he was too nervous, or maybe it was the fact that he was disappointed, you never smoked, and he knew it was because of him that you were doing it now.
matt made eye contact with you, but you couldn’t look at him. you were ashamed in a way, that this was how he had found you, high, and spewing nonsense.
“i can’t go home high” you whispered to chris. you were suddenly paranoid. and wether it was simply matts presence or the weed you weren’t sure.
“sleepoverrrr” chris giggled in a sing song voice, walking besides you with matt in-front, but you couldn’t even crack a smile. you were mortified that matt had possibly heard what you had said, and now you had to be forced into proximity with him, despite your undying efforts to stay as far away from his as you could for the past 2 weeks while keeping up the act. you had been burning the candle at both ends.
you could throw up. this feeling was horrible. the car felt like it was swaying side to side, and the sound of the music playing over chris and matts voice was pounding in your head.
you rested your head on the window of the car, and closed your eyes, trying to ground yourself. the cold glass was some what comforting.
“y/n you okay?” matt asked, and when you lifted your head and looked up, he was watching you through the centre mirror.
you swallowed and nodded. your mouth was filling with saliva, and your skin felt like it was on fire, and the thrum of the radio playing was making your head spin.
“you look a little pale y/n” chris giggled, turning to look at you from the passenger seat. his eyes were red and almost closed, and he was grinning from ear to ear, he was obviously having a great time, you couldn’t say the same.
you just let out a shakey breath and closed your eyes again.
it felt like hours had passed, and when you felt the car come to a stop, you realised you were on the drive way of the sturniolo house.
chris immediately jumped out of the car, sauntering off into the house.
“you sure you’re okay?” matt said quietly, not moving from his place in the drivers seat.
“yeah i’m fine, i just don’t feel too good, probably car sick or something” you muttered back, keeping your eyes trained down to your hands in your lap.
“yeah” matt whispered, but he did not believe you for one second. he knew you had over done it and you were about to green out.
once you made your move, exiting the car, matt did too. he followed you inside to be met with chris basically incoherent, slouched on the couch, and nick no where to be found.
all of a sudden, your mouth filled with saliva again, and your throat closed.
your feet moved fast, rushing you too the bathroom. you basically collapsed on the floor while emptying the contents of your stomach out into the toilet.
you felt a hand, pull your hair out of your face, and another rubbing slow circles on your back.
“chris i smoked way too much” you spoke, through a broken voice, coughing, with your head still hanging over the toilet.
“i know you did” that’s not chris.
as if you weren’t ashamed enough about the fact that Matt had seen you high, he was now looking at you while you were vomiting. brilliant.
you sat back against the wall, wiping your mouth with a tissue before throwing it away, and bringing your knees up to your chest.
“don’t make this a habit” matt said quietly, while standing over you and handing you a bottle of opened water, but his voice carried a warning tone.
“i won’t. thanks” you rasped, taking the bottle from his hands, not daring to look up at his face.
you sat in silence, slowly sipping the water, while matt stared down at you, waiting for you to throw up again.
“i’m fine now, i’m just gonna shower and head to bed” you said, finally standing up and looking at him.
“well chris is asleep on the couch so, his bed is fair game” matt replied, nudging his head towards the living room where chris was out cold.
“okay” you nodded, while waiting for matt to leave.
“you gonna be okay?” he asked, squinting his eyes at you.
“could you wait in here while i shower?” you asked. your mouth moved before your brain and it just came out. he obviously didn’t expect it either by the way his eyes widened so far they almost bulged out of his head.
“i- i mean- i ca- um,” he cleared his throat. “yeah sure, i’ll just uh” he said, pointing to that wall opposite the shower, and turning to face it, so he wouldn’t be looking at you.
you hummed in agreement, before stripping off and getting into the shower.
maybe it was the weed still in your system, but you had full confidence in him. you were putting all your trust in him to not turn around, and you believed he wouldn’t.
the water was hot on your skin, each drop washing away the horrible feeling of being too high. you sighed, letting your head tip back and your eyes close.
for a moment, you forgot matt was there, you did your normal shower routine, washing your hair, then your body then your face, all while matt was stood not even a metre away, with your trust in his hands.
you turned to look at him, bouncing on his heels with his hands together infront of him.
“are you nervous?” you quirked, giggling slightly.
“no y/n i’m not nervous, i just… i’m not nervous” he said, sighing.
“whatever you say baby” you cooed. keeping your eyes on his back as you pushed your hair out of your face.
he let out a breath and dropped his head. matt could’ve fell to his knees there and then. the fact you were standing behind him, completely naked, trusting him to stand there with you, had him rock hard.
but he was also confused, you hadn’t spoken to him in weeks, now you were calling him baby. he knew it was just the weed but he couldn’t help but have a small amount of hope bloom in his chest.
you felt a little bad, because you were just fucking with him, but the fact you could visibly see he was affected made you want to take it a little farther.
“could you pass me a towel matty?” you breathed. the words dripping like honey off of your tongue, and just like a moth to a flame, matt was drawn to it.
taglist: @christinarowie332 @biimpanicking @biplrbtch @ukyos @eyelessdemon00 @iheart2021chris-deactivated2024 @hearts4chris @leah-loves-lilies @whicked-hazlatwhore @1201pm-blog @yourmom-123456789 @mattnchrisworld @leoloveeeee @jazab3lla @martyniukpl @ilovemattstromboli @obsessedwithyou @breeloveschris @skyteller143 @innocentfsin @thatcrazybitch-69 @ihateeveryone357474 @shmophsturniolo @sturns-posts @mattsturnzzz09 @sturnisposts @jenna0rtegaswife @jeffbuckleylvr27 @sara2233445 @sturniolos4lifee @kasiaslayuje @cosmicmistake42069 @24kmar @ikeryn @sleepdeprivedandinsane @lvr444life @travelintheworld @aubreyswift13 @sturniololol @starziices @nickmillersn1gf @beautyb1ade @tommysaxes @sstvrnioloo
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soulc-hilde · 2 months
Money, Money
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Pairing: Carmen Berzatto x OFC! Caden
Synopsis: No longer about her future, Caden spirals as the rug is once again pulled from underneath her feet. Living her days in a silent shell, she forces herself into her work. Noted as the restaurant's Mute Pâtissier, the stuttering eyes of her boss always finds themselves attached to her. Studying her. Like some animal in the wild.
Divider By @strangergraphics-archive
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Mindlessly stepping into the kitchen from the back door, Caden was ignorant of her surroundings as she fumbled to take the helmet from her head. Freed at last, she fans one of her gloves over her flushed face when the sound of something boiling catches her ear. She turns around, lidded eyes stare at the unconscious body of Carmen. She quietly sighs, walking over, and gently lifts his right leg onto the bench beside his left one.
It's uncomfortable to lie like that, she justifies to herself.
The baker walks over to the locker room and begins to remove her jacket, swapping the green and black bike gear for the blue apron that lays on top of her white graphic ‘Eat My Boot’ shirt. As she leaves the corner, the bell rings at least two times. Heading for the door, Carmen jumps up behind her, a frazzled reenactment of The Undertaker.
His dazed eyes take a few to focus, squinting at the blurred figure strutting for the door. He hops to his feet, walking behind as the door opens. His eyes rest on Caden as the morning light lays across her face, onyx eyes turn into a warm brown similar to the chocolates she’d melt for her desserts. Curly, blonde edges peak from underneath the green bandana. He watches as she looks down at the cooler, face blank and unimpressed, but forced to take it anyways.
He snaps out of it, stepping closer.
“What’s that?” He rhetorically asks, glaring down at the blue cooler.
She sighs, “25 pounds of meat. He says, we couldn’t even afford half of what we needed.” Carmen shakes his head, “no, no, no – Fuck!”
“That’s what I said,” she sighs, pulling the tub with her to the kitchen. “There has to be a way… a, a mistake, maybe?”
Caden shakes her head, “call Lu, see what she says. If anything, she’s probably so far in debt with Mikey, there are no more loopholes.”
With that she steps into the walk-in, begrudgingly putting away the meat onto shelves taller than her. In the meantime, Carmen rushes into the office to call Luanne in hopes she’d at least give him this one chance.
“Yeah, yeah,” he nods. “yeah, yeah, yeah. No, no. No, Luanne that’s, that’s… that’s really nice of you.” He pauses as she speaks, “uh-huh.”  
“Yeah. No, no, w-we’re really grateful to still be open after everything. Yeah, so listen, I, um… I’m still tryin’ to figure this place out, ya know, see how Michael was doing everything and I wanna get yer money. Yeah, yeah, no. Uh, I miss him, too. Yeah. Okay.”
“No, it’s good. Yeah, yeah. Okay. Thanks, anyway. Yeah, yeah, yeah. A’ight. Bye.” He hangs up, tossing the phone across the office.
Stewing with his thoughts and the obnoxious, old ass arcade games, he stands up. “Fuck!”
He marches for the games, “shut up!” He goes to pull at the overcrowded outlet extension. Tina charges after him, “no, no, no. Puta! Don’t unplug it.”
He stops, rubbing the center of his forehead with the back of thumb. “I know what that means, Tina.” She continues. “You unplug it, it won’t work again.”
Caden appears in the doorway behind the woman. “Guessin’ the call didn’t go good,” she sighs. He simply shakes his head in response, eyes catching the coin slots of the machines. He points, “when was the last time you emptied these?”
The women shrug, “don’t know.”
Carmen rushes to grab the key, opening each one, emptying the mounds of coins into buckets. Caden’s eyebrows raise as she watches. He turns to her, the ocean meeting the black sand.
She shrugs, “it’s not much, but it gets us goin’.”
She leaves, returning to help Marcus in the bakery. Well, more like do everything three times faster as he still has a bit to comprehend in terms of pacing. On the other hand, Carmen’s face stretches with a small corner smile, racing into the kitchen as he prepares one of the chucks of meat with his Japanese knives. Pot heated, ready for the red meat to drop within its cave.
Carmen trims the chuck of its fat with gloved hands and throws it away, he then seasons the meat before setting it to the side. He prepares the carrots, cutting them in halves before taking one and dicing it. Tina watches from over his shoulder, smirking, “you cut vegetables like a bitch.”
“Don’t wipe your hands on your apron, Chef,” he simply responds. Tina stops behind him, turning around, “Jeff?” “Chef.”
Unbeknownst to him, Caden watches from the corner of her eye, a subtle smile painting her round face. Like a tiny mad genius, she huffs.
He shakes some extra virgin olive oil across the bottom of the steel skillet before placing the meat inside, pressing down gently to start that nice brown sear as the oil hisses. Flipping the meat onto the other side after about five, ten minutes at the most, he flips it. The slightly charred meat with cooked remnants of seasoning practically sparkles against the yellow artificial light of the kitchen.
In another pan, he sautés some chopped onions, swirling them on a low-medium fire with a wooden spoon to prevent them from burning. He then adds in the diced carrots as well as celery with the onions, after a while of cooking those down, he adds in the tomatoes and beef stock, allowing it to boil. After bringing down the heat, he adds into a deep pan and coats the seared beef chuck with the sauce.
He covers the top with tinfoil, tidying up the edges and slides onto the top rack of the oven and letting it slow cook until they open for service. With his moment to breathe, he leans against the counter with a slouch, glancing at the clock.
10:25 a.m. He’s got some time to give Chi-Chi that jean jacket.
Caden was preparing another tray of honey buns and setting another on the rack to cool when Marcus glances at her. “How in the hell do you do that?”
“I’m sorry, what?” She looks back from the cooling rack, pulling down the protectant sleeve to keep them shielded from any contaminants.
“Like, how are you so fast?” He asks again, looking down at the raw down that lies flat and pathetic underneath his huge hand. “The mixer’s a piece of shit and broken, but when you do it, it’s as if you’re hands are the mixer… if that makes sense.”
She stares at him, “Marcus, kid, not a lot of shit you say, makes sense, but that’s okay.” She goes to wash her hands, speaking over the water.
“At first, I wanna say it’s all about experience. Regardless, if you went to culinary school like Car or if you’ve just worked within the food industry all your life.”
Hands wet and clean, she turns them upwards, digits facing the ceiling as she turns and grabs three paper towels with a pull and tear. She pats dries her hands before balling it between her fingers and using the material to turn off the water and tossing it into the trash bin. Rather than bouncing off the inner wall, the ball soars in a perfect arch, landing center on the empty trash bin.
“But, it’s more than that,” she continues, beginning to work on forming the next round of rolls.
“You need to find a repetition. A form of discipline that works with you. Not for, but with. Without that repetition, your skills become dull, or they become stagnant. You never progress.”
She lightly showers the cutting board with flour, covering the small ball of dough. She sets the cup beside her left and begins to roll with a circular motion, until it stopped sticking to the wooden board. Using the heels of her palms, she pushes the dough forward before picking up the top with her fingers and pulling it back down, molding it with the rest.
And the cycle repeats. Flour. Roll. Push. Pull. And finally, she places the collection on the parchment paper that lines the steel baking sheet. She covers them with another parchment paper and then two kitchen towels to let them rise.
“Once you create that rhythm, you begin to enter a flow. Whether that means you get lost within your work, you feel at ease – confident, or you learn somethin’ new along the way, you’ve made yourself a home within your space. Just like when you first came in, you were overwhelmed, felt like you were intruding, all that goes out the window.”
Marcus nods, a small smile of understanding brightens his face. She points at the shelves of dry and momentarily ingredients that were stored and labeled.
“That’s my system. Everything I do follows a system and no, it’s not like whatever fuck shit Tina and ‘em be doin’. Okay? That right there is Mikey and Richie’s mess that Car is now forced to fix. But here, in my bakery? Boy, yuh gonna learn somethin’ and yuh betta stick wit’ it cause I’on’t play.”
He laughs, nodding. “I got you, Chef. I got you.” She nods, eyes light with amusement, “ye hearin’ me?” He nods, “I hear you.”
She holds her hand out. He dabs her up and the two go back to the rolls. Marcus struggling while Caden empties the ovens and refills them with new trays.
Entering the kitchen, a woman stops, looking lost. She turns to the duo with a small smile, “uh, hi,” she waves. “I’m Sydney, I’m here to do an interview for the stagging position.”
Caden nods, shutting the oven. “Nice to meet you, Sydney. I’m Caden, the Head Baker. You’ll be speaking with the boss, Carmen. Follow me.” The two walk to the back of the dish room.
As they reach the back where Carmen’s voice echoes, conversating with someone of the phone, Caden sends a gentle knock. He hangs up, turning around. His face red and painted with lines of exhaustion lightens, his cerulean eyes meeting Caden’s dark ones. “Hey,” he breathes.
“Howdy,” she drawls. Her warm eyes softened at him, silently checking in. He nods in response, “yeah, yeah.”
She nods, gesturing to the young woman beside her. “This is Sydney Adamu, the new hire for the stagging position, I told you about.”
Carmen nods, “I remember. Yeah, thank you.” She nods, backing out, eyes staying on him, “always.”
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Y'all, we got Syd the Chef in here, let's go! I'm also kind of soft for Caden and Carmen but that's a whole other discussion
Taglist: @spiderstyles04 @lostinwonderland314
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midnightsun-if · 1 year
okay another classic -- how would the ros react if an mc who usually smooched them bye, rushed out in the morning and forgot to kiss them!
Koda: “Wait!” The sharp cry causes you to almost slam into the door, but a strong arm around your abdomen halts that unsightly fate. Instead, you’re gently turned around and a soft kiss is placed to your brow. Koda’s bright eyes, paired with a beaming smile, reminiscent of the sun. “You forgot to give me a kiss goodbye. So, I thought, that I’d give you one instead. Smart, right?”
Scarlett: “I think you’re forgetting something, beloved.” It’s said in a manner that’s almost flippant, you’ve known her long enough to not it’s anything but. Scarlett, still in her elegantly reclined position on the chaise lounge, stares at your over the brim of her wine, dark nails standing out against crystalline glass. Her head tilts, a cascade of dark auburn locks falling over her shoulder. “Something I’ve grown quite accustomed to receiving. Whatever could that be I wonder?”
Cyrus/Cyra: They try to compartmentalize it, focus on the basic facts of the morning: you had woken up late, meaning you got a late start to the day, which made you rush through your normally laidback routine. Everything was rational, ticked off every imaginary box that they could think of, but that didn’t stop the ache in their chest at the absence of one of the few things that made them excited about the morning, about facing the long day ahead of them. They’d just have to try harder at looking at the facts… Maybe that would help.
Quinn: Almost crashing into you, a charming grin lopsidedly tugs their lips upward, sapphire eyes sparkling with warmth. “I got you the snacks you like.” Their nose wrinkles playfully, arm lifted up to show the haul they had acquire from the recent vendors in the Plaza. However, their mood shifts downward when you can only offer them a smile in return, along with a quick apology, before disappearing into Aurelian. “Hey?!” They call, even though they know you couldn’t hear them. “What about my kiss?”
Caden: They fidget in their seat, not knowing if they should stop you, but at the sight of your frazzled form, mind clearly a thousand miles away, they halt their tongue, even as you disappear out the door. The absence of your presence, of the kiss that you always bestowed onto them, more stifling than they’d ever believed it could be.
Sloane: Getting upset over something like this is stupid, you dumbass, their mind hisses. Anger tightens their features, fist balled against their thighs, as they try the breathing exercises Scarlett had shown them, but nothing would work; something they were all to aware of. It wasn’t your fault, they know that, but it still didn’t stop the sharp ache within their chest. This is why you don’t get attached. You start expecting things, start believing, and this is where hope gets you. Disappointed and all alone.
Blake: Before you’re able to get too far, gentle hands cup your cheeks and kiss is placed to your lips. Violet eyes, that seem to shimmer so much more close up, filled with adoration, are the first thing you see when you open your eyes, Blake’s smile completely infectious. “Are you trying to kill me, angel? You know I can’t survive my day without my good morning kiss.”
Reginald/Regina: It’s not until the door slams shut that their head pops up from the book propped in their lap, various papers scattered across the tabletop before them. A frown tugs at their brow, a niggling feeling at the back of their mind that something wasn’t quite right this morning, that they were missing something important. “What am I forgetting?”
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Blue Castle Book Club 2.0 - Chapter 3
Cousin Stickles is a fascinating character. She seems almost… not immune to the Stirlingness of her family – she’s definitely a Stirling in her own right – but off in her own world almost? She’s entirely unphased by the weather or by her companions’ moods. She wishes Valancy many happy returns on her birthday because that’s what you do on birthdays. The weather has nothing to do with it! She’s definitely with Cousin Georgiana in the ‘we do things because that is how they are done’ Stirling camp. Some Stirlings make rules and others follow them, and Cousin Stickles follows them.
Is it ever explained how Cousin Stickles came to live with them? Are they just the two outcasts of the Stirling family – two widows, one who married and then killed a Stirling and one who had the audacity to marry someone other than a Stirling? Cousin Stickles doesn’t seem to have been close with Mr. Fredrick Stirling, or if she was I don’t think it’s ever mentioned. Did Mrs. Fredrick just need help after Valancy was born and Cousin Stickles happened to be available? Honestly the tumblr shipping goggles are as reasonable an explanation for it as any.
Mrs. Fredrick announces that if a person makes up her mind not to have colds she won’t have them. Given the whispers about how Fredrick himself died from last chapter, one has to wonder if Mrs. Fredrick is especially touchy on the subject of colds and what can or cannot be done about catching them. Again, nothing excuses her treatment of her daughter, but she herself clearly has not been well treated either.
“Oh!” Mrs. Frederick had been a Wansbarra and the Wansbarra smile was not an asset. “I see. Well, it should suit you then. You are childish enough in all conscience, my dear child.” “I am twenty-nine,” said the dear child desperately.
I don’t have much to say about these lines except that I like them a great deal and Maud is very good at what she does. Her plotting is at times dubious, but her turns of phrase are honestly divine.
An interesting note: the house is filled with portraits of dead Stirlings, but Valancy has to guess what her mother and Cousin Stickles looked like on their wedding days. You would think, given the importance that the clan places on being married, that wedding portraits would be proudly displayed, particularly in this household where the other obvious indicator of marriage – a husband – is no longer available. But clearly Valancy has never seen portraits of either event. Was it not the done thing to do wedding portraits? We have photographs, no matter what era you think the book is set in. But no images of either wedding to be found.
John Foster enters the narrative! Let’s see what wisdom John Foster has to share:
“The woods are so human that to know them one must live with them. An occasional saunter through them, keeping to the well-trodden paths, will never admit us to their intimacy. If we wish to be friends we must seek them out and win them by frequent, reverent visits at all hours; by morning, by noon, and by night; and at all seasons, in spring, in summer, in autumn, in winter. Otherwise we can never really know them and any pretence we may make to the contrary will never impose on them. They have their own effective way of keeping aliens at a distance and shutting their hearts to mere casual sightseers. It is of no use to seek the woods from any motive except sheer love of them; they will find us out at once and hide all their sweet, old-world secrets from us. But if they know we come to them because we love them they will be very kind to us and give us such treasures of beauty and delight as are not bought or sold in any market-place. For the woods, when they give at all, give unstintedly and hold nothing back from their true worshippers. We must go to them lovingly, humbly, patiently, watchfully, and we shall learn what poignant loveliness lurks in the wild places and silent intervals, lying under starshine and sunset, what cadences of unearthly music are harped on aged pine boughs or crooned in copses of fir, what delicate savours exhale from mosses and ferns in sunny corners or on damp brooklands, what dreams and myths and legends of an older time haunt them. Then the immortal heart of the woods will beat against ours and its subtle life will steal into our veins and make us its own forever, so that no matter where we go or how widely we wander we shall yet be drawn back to the forest to find our most enduring kinship.”
I have heard that Foster’s passages are recycled from Maud’s own forays into nature writing, but I’m going to look at them more thematically because honestly I mostly skimmed them the first time ‘round and I’m curious if they’re all quite as on the nose as this one. Because this passage comes to us immediately following Valancy’s morose pronouncement that nobody loves her and she might as well go eat worms for all anyone would notice or care if she died. And John Foster tells us that the woods, like humans, must be deliberately cultivated if we want to win their friendship. We must approach them openly and earnestly with love in our heart, and that they will be able to tell if we’re just going through the motions and don’t really want to get to know them.
Valancy, as we already know, has lived a stifling life filled with keeping up appearances and doing things because that is how they have always been done. No one has ever been interested in Valancy for her own sake, not her family, not her peers, not even the adults in her life who might have been able to reach her, like the librarian in town. And so they don’t get to see her heart and are forbidden from knowing her secrets. She is desperate for love, but not so desperate that she will try to force it where it doesn’t exist.
We’re also given a very clear thesis statement about how John Foster loves: deliberately, and with his entire being. This is definitely not foreshadowing.
Colors mentioned:
Yellow neck
Black notebook
Not even John Foster can bring color into this world yet.
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yanderewritingdump · 1 year
I've read too many COD fics, and now I'm stuck on scary military dudes who use their skills/resources inappropriately to keep an eye on you.
AFAB reader, female pronouns/gender language used, MDNI.
AN: I would like to share that I know squat about the military/guns/technology, but I think they're neat in certain fictional setting. Most of my information on the world of COD/military on has come from either watching my brother play it more than a decade ago, unwillingly listening to various people rant, and social media thirst traps. Please suspend your disbelief and forgive any inaccuracies you may find.
It was too much of a habit to pull up the camera feed of your back porch, watching you rock gently as you diligently worked at what must be your latest project. Something was taking shape in your hands, but his knowledge of things outside of war and death tended to be a bit spotty. He thought it looked vaguely like a thin, holey scarf. It was the third color he’d seen you use in the last two weeks as you tried to teach yourself from the book next to your rocking chair. He wasn’t exactly sure what you were doing with the ball of twine and weird plastic tool, and he was pretty sure you were terrible at it from the way you grumbled and picked it. The breeze rustled some of the pages, lifting stray strands of hair into your eyes, before picking up and shutting the book gently on the delicate beaded chain that you had put together. That really got you muttering, and he huffed a soft laugh.
Your hair caught the light of the afternoon sun, shining and soft looking. The desire to run his fingers through it, to grip a fistful at the back of your head and pull you into his kiss thrummed through him. He wanted to suck your lip into his mouth for his teeth instead as you chewed on it in thought.
That was too common of a thought. You were always focusing intently on something, a million miles away as you gnawed on your poor lip and thumbs.
He shouldn’t watch you enough to know all these little details, to have all these little fantasies that are ingrained in him with simple habits of yours. But some nights it was the only thing to ease his troubled thoughts half a world away. He was just as addicted to you as his captain was to his cigars, and he was even less to give you up even if the others managed to find out about you.
It's hard not to notice a hulking man sitting in the far corner, no matter how much he blends in to the shadows. At least, it was hard for you and your friend where you were propped up on the bar with your drinks and dinner. When Caden spotted him, he nudged you in the ribs, not so subtly nodding at him as the normal Thursday night crowd milled around you. "Aren’t you in the market for a fun time?" he teased, “because that looks like a fun time.”
You elbowed him back harder in an attempt to hide how flustered you were. "Shut up," you hissed. You risked a glance towards the far corner table, the second of what would probably be at least a dozen more as the night went on. Even in the dimmest part of the bar, he seemed massive, sprawled out with his arm slung over the back of the chair and his legs spread wide into the aisle as he slowly sipped his liquor. The fuck-off vibes radiating off of him were clear even from this distance. “I don’t think he’s looking for company tonight anyway,” you said with a little disappointment. Caden rolled his eyes at you, and it devolved into your familiar bickering as he tried to convince you to approach him and you grumbled at him for trying to live vicariously through you.
He rarely indulged himself in these little trips to see you in person when he wasn’t on a mission. It felt too risky. He shouldn't be seen frequenting the same places as you, staring at you for hours on end. Normally, he wouldn’t even let himself be seen, but something was making him either bolder or stupider when it came to decisions about you. How was he supposed to resist pressing you into the cheap lacquered wood of the bar and leaning down to breathe in the smell of your hair and perfume? How could he not see if your hips felt as good in his hands as he imagined they would? It would be impossible not to press against you and see what sort of sounds you'd make with his lips pressed against your throat.
But he liked catching you looking at him, lip caught between your teeth for a brief moment as you flushed and looked away. Maybe if he were a different person, a more normal person, he could buy you a drink and flirt with you. Instead, he had camera covering every inch of your home and more than one pair of your underwear hidden away in his belongings.
The others would laugh at him if they saw how he was almost drooling over you.
You were in a heated conversation with your friend, heads close together as you whispered intently back and forth before he seemed to have to last word at the way you angrily got off your stool. From his spot, it was easy to tell which profanities you were hissing at him as you grabbed your drink. He was amused by it all for a moment until he realized you were tentatively approaching him instead of finding a different chair for your friend's partner, as was generally expected of this frequent ritual.
He knew what he looked like. A giant of a man drinking alone in a dingy, poorly lit bar did not generally get any positive interest. Apparently, you were braver than he gave you credit for. As badly as he wanted to actually interact with you, he wasn’t sure he’d actually be able to reign himself in if you tried to flirt with him. He really didn’t want to have to turn you down. If his pretty girl wanted him, he would let you have him because he had no self-control when it came to you.
Maybe that’s why he ended up letting you flirt with him and buying you another drink. It was definitely why he let you lead him to your home, pretty, soft hands occasionally reaching back for him in the cool winter air as you giggled at his terrible jokes.
It made you seem even more like a dream than you already did.
He let you hook your finger around his, leading him into your cozy, two-bedroom home. He knew all about it, had access to all the cameras that your parents and family friend insisted you setup around the older home, and had even set up other cameras to cover the blind spots you had missed. Knowing all of that was different than you leading him by the hand inside.
Not that you knew what you were inviting inside your sanctuary.
That didn’t mean that he wasn’t going to press you against your front door, letting his fingers dig into your waist to finally, finally let himself know what it felt like as he presses his mouth to yours. The soft, sweet noise of surprise that fades into a pleased hum satisfies something inside him. He would take care of you tonight, and he’d make sure to ruin every other man for you while he did it.
The gentle way you lace your fingers through his hair and crane up to meet him while he dominates your mouth was adorable. You were pliant against him, letting him drag you that much closer to his body with more soft, pleased noises. How could you be so soft and yielding to a man like him?
You make him crazy, he decides, letting his hands slide down to your thighs. The way you cling to his biceps, nails digging into his hoodie and as he yanks your thighs up around his waist make him smirk against your throat. “Which door?” he murmured against you instead of sucking bruises into the thin, delicate skin like he wanted to.
Fuck, it was hot how strong he was, you thought, locking your ankles around him. He hadn’t even made that discouraging grunt as he just wrapped you around his waist. Only one arm was supporting you as his other hand crept under your shirt to rest on the small of your back. Your back arched, pressing more firmly into him and the kisses he was lavishing on your throat. Each step he took made him grind against you, and you dug your nails in harder at the sheet size of the bulge against you. “Fuck,” you hiccupped when he nipped your throat.
“Which door, sweet girl?”
Surely there was a bruise forming now from his incessant, sucking kisses. “Left door. Kind of a mess. Sorry.”
He shrugged as he set you on a clear area of the bed, laying you back and caging you in for a moment with his body as he devoured your mouth. One of his hands was keeping your hips firmly anchored to his, grinding you against him while the other worked under your top to unhook your bra. When your hands tug at his hoodie, he sat back and yanked it off, letting your ass rest against his firm thighs for a just moment. You didn’t get to enjoy the view of his well-muscled chest for long before he was leaning over you again to divest you of your own top.
Propping himself on his elbow above you, he takes a moment to enjoy the view. You were flustered and flushed, lips plush and shiny from his rough kissing. You looked like you wanted to cover yourself and hide from his scrutiny, but you settled your hands on his sides, biting your lip and looking at him shyly. “So pretty,” he rumbled appreciatively before he was diving down to drown himself in you again. He nipped down your throat to your breasts, gently biting and licking one nipple as he worked your pants open and slipped his hand inside.
He wanted to skip ahead, throw your legs over his shoulders and fuck you until both of you were puddles on the bed. He couldn’t let himself see you against after this, though, and he knew that you wouldn’t be able to take that kind of treatment.
You were impatient to be kissed again. Hand tugging at his hair as you urged him back up your body. He let himself be tugged until his face was even with yours but just out of reach. “Patience, pretty girl,” he scolded smugly. That smugness turned into a groan with him dropping his head into the crook of your neck when he felt how wet you were for him. His fingers were practical dripping as he tried to mimic how he’d see you touch yourself. “Fuck, did you like my kisses that much, sweetheart?” he asked.
You whined, arching into the touch as best as you could under his body. His voice was sinful, low and gruff with a certainty that told you he was used to being listened to. Between that, the confident manhandling, and the way he kissed you like he couldn’t live without you, how were you supposed to stand a chance. “I want more,” you moaned instead of answering. “Vince, please.”
He huffed a laugh that registered as a little dark and sinister to some distant part of your brain as you tried to rock against his finger faster. “Be careful what you wish for, sweetheart,” he rumbled, dragging you to the edge of the bed. Before the surprise had worn off, your pants were gone and he was on his knees with your legs over his shoulders. His arm was like an iron band across your hips, preventing you from jolting away at the first hot swipe of his tongue. Both of you moaned.
It seemed to set off something animalistic in him. The low grunt and groans rumbled through you as he sucked and licked at your clit with a single-minded determination. You were lost in the sensation, trying to grind against his face despite the way he held you down, and your hands fluttered between gripping his hair, his arm, and the bedding.
If he didn’t know better, he would have thought he was in heaven. How else could he explain how it felt to hear you moan and chant his name like a pray as your thighs clenched around his head? The noise you made when he sank his fingers into you must have been the sweetest thing he’d ever hear. He was glad the camera he’d set up in the bedroom had good audio.
Your nails were digging into his arm, leaving pretty little marks that he wanted to tattoo into his skin. Your walls were fluttering around his fingers, thighs trembling against his ears as you tried to stutter out a warning that’s cut off by every muscle in your body clenching. He loved the way your body tries to pull his fingers deeper and the way your clit pulses against his tongue as he sucks on it. He only let up when you whine his name, trying to wiggle away from his grip.
He let you, taking mercy on you just this once. He couldn’t have his pretty girl tap out before the fun even started when she had begged him for more could he?
You were panting, arm thrown over your eyes to block out the light of the room. “Fuck. I didn’t know I could come that hard.”
The bed creaked as he climbed back on, manhandling you on to your stomach and shoving pillows under your hips until he deemed them in the correct spot. “Oh, darling,” he rumbled against the back of your neck, ignoring your yelp of surprise, “that sounds like a challenge to me.” Something in you clenches at the dark promise in his voice.
The bed creaked as he climbed back on, manhandling you on to your stomach and shoving pillows under your hips until he deemed them in the correct spot. “Oh, darling,” he rumbled against the back of your neck, ignoring your yelp of surprise, “that sounds like a challenge to me.” Something in you clenched at the dark promise in his voice.
His forearm was planted on the bed beside your head, supporting him as he ground his cock through the mess between your thighs. “Do you have a condom?” you manage to ask. “I’m not on anything, and I wasn’t planning on bringing anyone home with me.”
There’s a bit of panic bubbling in you, ruining the nice little high you were coasting on before he flashed a small foil packet at you. “Wasn’t exactly planning on going home with anyone myself, but how was I supposed to say no to such a pretty girl flirting with me? Just want to enjoy feeling how wet I’ve got you before I put it on.”
He didn’t like the panic in your eyes when you asked, but something in him preened at the implication that you couldn’t help but want to take him home with you. You knew he’d take care of you, didn’t you? He tore the packet open with his teeth, trying to memorize the way you looked under him even as he mourned not being able to have the full sensation of fucking you.
It was a tight fit despite how wet he had gotten you, and he held your hip to keep you in place as he eased inside you. Your soft, pretty noises as you tried to rock back into him were not helping him stay in control. “Fuck, you’re tight, sweetheart.” He was breathing deeply, head pressed between your shoulders as he reigned in the wild urge to pound you into the mattress and the clench of his balls.
“Fuck me, Vince,” you whined, struggling to push back against him. None of your toys had filled you quite like he did, and you clenched around him in an effort to get him to move.
He growled something against your shoulder, forcing your knees to open more with his own before he was plowing into you. His grip on your hip and the weight of his body pressing into you kept you pinned in place as he started up a steady, hard rhythm that had his balls tapping your sensitive clit with each thrust. It had you moaning curses as your hands wrapped around his wrists in a vain attempt to do something. “You wanted me to fuck you, sweetheart. Now be a good girl for me and take it,” he said, hot breath ghosting across your overheated skin before he was sinking his teeth into the meat of your shoulder.
His firm hold hadn’t relented, forcing you to take what he gave you and scramble to hold on to something. There was already a tightness building in your abdomen, and it only grew faster as he found the perfect angle. “Please don’t stop. Shit. Please, please, please,” you hissed, eyes squeezed shut tight as you chased your orgasm. As if solely to be cruel to you, he pulled away. “No, no, no, no. Fuck. Please, Vince!” You looked over your shoulder at him to try to see why he was leaving you high and dry just in time for him to flip you on to your back and sink into you again.
He looked smug and rumpled in the best way as he found his rhythm again. His dark eyes smirked down at you while that thick, calloused thumb found your clit. You wrapped around him, trying to make sure he couldn’t do that again. He kissed you for a moment, and you could still taste yourself on his tongue. “Hush, pretty girl. I’m going to take care of you. I just want to look at you when you cum.” His shot straight through you, and it was just enough to send you over the over the edge.
Your thighs clamped around his sides, nails scratching down his back. He watched you throw back your head, whispering a choked off version of his name as he tried to keep his rhythm steady. It was hard with you clenched around him so tight and the feeling of finally having you under him. “That’s it. That’s my good girl,” he murmured, petting your waist gently. He managed to keep it together until your thighs relaxed against him and you started making that needy overstimulated noise even as you arched into his touch and rocked up to meet him.  
He wasn’t sure that he had ever cum that hard or that much. It seemed to go on forever as you kept grinding on his ridged body.
He managed to roll off of you before he collapsed, taking a moment to let his bones solidify again before he got to work cleaning both of you up.
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jaxkpsok183 · 4 months
Caden had one hand on the steering wheel while he tried to discreetly massage his belly with the other. He hoped Maddie wouldn’t notice his discomfort as she excitedly talked about the kayaking trip that awaited them.
“I remember it seemed kind of long the first time I tried it, but it’s totally gorgeous and the current kind of takes you where you need to go.” She paused and looked at him inquisitively. “Are you sure you’re going to be able to go all six miles with your shoulder?” He had recently had to take a break from tennis due to a shoulder injury, but now was back and doing great. 
“I told you my shoulder feels fine, and I’m looking forward to this trip as much as you are.” He offered her a quick smile before returning his focus to the road. His cheeks puffed up as he covered a small burp with his fist, and he thought that his shoulder was currently the least of his worries. They had eaten lunch before they left, and it now sat heavily and uncomfortably in his stomach. He didn’t feel nauseous, but he would rather go home and relax than face the next three hours on the river. He was determined not to ruin Maddie’s excitement, though, so he put on a smile as he pulled into an empty parking space by the boat landing.
Stepping out of the truck, he grabbed the door to steady himself as a wave of dizziness that did nothing to help his stuffed belly washed over him. It passed as quickly as it came, so he shut the door and rubbed his chest to work up a few more small belches before circling the truck to meet Maddie by the kayak trailer.
Together, they carried their two kayaks over to the water as Maddie continued her exited chatter. Caden noticed the river was beautiful, surrounded by forest on either side. He helped Maddie into her kayak before taking a seat in his. They had to wear life vests, and he couldn’t help but take notice of the way his dug uncomfortably into his bloated belly. He loosened it and felt little relief, but decided to ignore it. He smiled at Maddie. “You- hic- ready?” She laughed. “Got the hiccups? I’ll have to scare you around one of these turns!” She began paddling away as he followed her, and he decided this might not be so bad after all.
About two miles in, he decided he was wrong. The feeling in his stomach had gone from a light discomfort to downright nausea. The river was slightly choppy, and the constant up-and-down movement of the kayak was doing no good for his condition.  He swore his belly kept bloating more and more, and although he continuously loosened his life vest he found no relief to the uncomfortable pressure on his stomach. He could feel the contents of his lunch churning inside of him, bobbing with the motion of the kayak. His stomach was gurgling almost continuously now and he kept burping and making low sounds of discomfort that he was glad Maddie couldn’t seem to hear. The sun pounded down on him, further overheating his body alongside the fever that had begun to burn through it. He felt terrible, and he had 4 more miles to go.
They rounded the corner and he noticed an area of shallow water, with a small patch of sand. At that moment, a gag he hadn’t expected tore through him, and he lurched forward, cupping his mouth as his lunch splashed the back of his throat. The movement nearly tipped his kayak, and Maddie turned around in alarm.
“Fuck Maddie, I- urp -need to stop here-,” he choked, paddling over to the shallow spot. He reached the area as Maddie rowed in beside him.
“What’s going on? Are you okay?” Caden didn’t respond as she took in his state. He was about three shades paler than usual, and panting heavily into his lap with his eyes closed as he was white-knuckling the sides of the kayak. He collected himself enough to look up at her. 
“Oh my goodness, you look like shit” she said, stepping out of her kayak and rushing over to him.
“Thanks,” he managed a weak half-smile before his fist flew to his mouth as his cheeks puffed up in another gag.
“Can you- urp -help me get this off?” he asked, shakily fumbling with his life vest. Maddie helped him remove it, and his bloated belly stretched out in front of him. He was normally not very big, and the size it had become surprised both of them. His skin was stretched taught around his stomach, and the organ was gurgling loud enough for both of them to hear. He placed a hand on his upper belly and was surprised to feel how rock hard it was. He moved to clutch his upset tummy with both hands as he leaned over the edge of the kayak, his dark curls falling to cover his face and sticking to his neck.
“Mmph- urp- fuck,” he panted over the water, his breath making small ripples. For a few minutes, he gagged and let out a few sickly burps while Maddie stroked his hair and cooed in his ear. He spit and sat up to look at her.
Though he could tell her concern was genuine, he couldn’t help but notice the flush to her cheeks, the way her pupils dilated, or the tremor to her voice as she asked him if he was going to vomit. He realized a part of her was enjoying this. He had never been sick in front of Maddie before, so this was new, and he decided to explore it.
“Not yet,” he said, a mischievous glint in his eye. “Do you think you could- ulp- rub it?” He watched in pleasure as the pink in her cheeks darkened. 
“Um, yeah, let’s get you on solid ground first.”
She carefully helped him out of his kayak and guided him over to to the small patch of sand. She sat down and ordered him to lay his head in her lap. She gently began to rub his gurgling belly in small circles, easing up a few burps and groans. She could feel his stomach contracting and convulsing under her palm, as he somehow managed to grow paler.
“Fuck Maddie, it hurts so- urp- bad,” he whimpered, grimacing as a particularly loud gurgle came from his upset tummy.
“I know, baby. Maybe it’s time you try and throw up again.” He nodded in agreement, weakly sitting up and moving so he was on his knees in front of the water. He groaned and coughed, his fingers digging into his belly. Maddie came to kneel next to him. She gently removed his hands from his tummy and replaced it with her own, flat against it. She could feel the turning beneath her palm, and felt it retract as Caden gagged. Her other hand rubbed circles on Caden’s back. She applied a little pressure with the hand on his belly.
“Is this okay?” she asked.
“More,” he heaved, nothing coming up.
She pushed deeper and he lurched forward, retching violently, vomit spilling out of him. She didn’t need to apply more pressure as everything Caden had eaten that day spilled out in front of them. Once he emptied his tummy, he leaned back into her as she stroked his hair some more.
“Come on baby, we can go back to my house and rest,” she offered, and nothing had ever sounded so good.
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howlinghunters · 10 months
No one is ready for the amount of feral I'm gonna be whenever this music hits again.
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maeleelee · 1 year
ᑕᕼᗩᑭTEᖇ ᔕI᙭TEEᑎ
It’s Stoner y/n x Felix Goodie Two Shoes. "There was something off about Felix in her mind. No one was that nice, that good without some sort of motive. But he's everywhere all at once, and she finds herself drawn to him in ways she didn't want. But she wouldn't fall for the cliché. Fuck clichés, they never work out anyway."
⚠️Minors do NOT interact with this au⚠️
warnings: Sex mentioned, markings, name calling(whore, bitch), depression, anxiety, are mentioned, pet names (baby) Fight happens.
Y/n was jumping up and down when she saw Mae was back home. She had the three boys walking beside her. Sans arm around Wooyoung’s shoulder, Yeosang’s arm around her shoulder, and Wooyoung holding her hand. Y/n could tell she was happy, just from the big smile on her face and the way she looked at them. Yeosang leaned down and whispered something in Mae’s ear and Mae laughed at it.
Mae looked forward and her eyes lite up when she saw y/n standing there waving at her. Mae let go of Wooyoung’s hand and ran up to y/n, picking her up and spinning her around. “Did you enjoy your trip?” Y/n asked her.
Mae was in a crop top and high waisted pants, making Y/n notice the bite marks and hickeys Mae wore on her neck and collarbone, making her giggle. “I had a great time.” Mae smiled brightly.
“I see that. Please tell me they have matching marks too.” Y/n laughed as Mae nodded.
“Don’t underestimate me bun bun. I have claws for a reason.” Mae giggled at y/n.
“Ahhhh you’re back!” The two girls turned around and saw Jess running towards them. Mae caught her before they hit the ground. Jess kissed her cheek and held her for a second. "It went nice, yeah?" Mae nodded at Jess. "How'd you end up with all three of the dumb nuts?" Jess laughed as the three were talking to Chan, Changbin, and Caden.
"When the three showed up to take care of Sky and I, I just couldn't help but feel so loved. After all you went home, they built a fort and spent the night watching all the Disney movies a six year old could watch. When Wooyoung asked if I wanted to go to the cabin with them, I couldn't say no. We got there and I realized I also liked the other two. I talked to baby boy about it and he smiled real big and told me he did too. We became a quad like, right after that." Mae smiled at the two girls. "And yes, I have them matching for a reason." She giggled.
Y/n pulled her into a hug and kissed her cheek.
"As long as you're happy bunny. I don't care who you're with.
"Fuck. They make me super happy. Mae smiled.
"And apparently horny." Mae punched Jeongin in the shoulder.
"Shut the fuck up." She pouted, making Jeongin laugh. He high-fived y/n and nodded towards Felix.
"She's back." Felix smiled brightly at Mae.
"Thank you for dealing with my bun bun this week.” Mae smiled at Felix, who throw his arm over y/n.
"Anything for you baby.” He smiled down at y/n, who rolled her eyes. "What are we doing today?"
"Mommy and daddy should be here any minute." Y/n told the group. Yeosang threw his arms over Mae shoulders and pulled her into his chest, kissing her cheek. Mae giggled as she leaned back into him.
“There she is. How was vacation?” Cassi asked as she walked up with mommy. Hongjoong, Seonghwa, and Mingi following behind them.
“Baby. Pretty. She had a great time. Do you not see her neck? Looks like she got attacked by a pack of wolves.” Hongjoong laughed as he moved Mae’s face to get a better view of the bite mark. “Which one is the leader?” He smirked. Mae punched him in the arm, making him pout at Cassi.
“Deserved. However, I’d like to know the answer.” Cassi giggled.
“Yeah. Tell us.” Kayla smiled.
“Yeosang.” Wooyoung stated, walking over to the two, as he wrapped his arm around Mae’s waist. San standing on the other side of Mae.
“Who left the bite mark?” Mingi smirked.
Mae squeezed Wooyoung’s cheeks together and smiled. “This one doesn’t understand that biting can and will leave marks.” He just shrugged as he tried to smile.
“That tracks.” Chan laughed as he walked up. “On a different note. This is Caden. Caden meet the chaos you’ve been begging to meet.” He smiled brightly and waved at everyone.
“Nice tattoos.” Y/n smiled. He looked down and then back up and smiled at her.
“Thank you.” He replied.
“Ah there you are!!” They heard a girl say. Yeosang pulled away from Mae and walked to the girl. She wrapped her arms around his neck and he picked her up and spun her around. He put her back down and pulled her to the group.
“Everyone. This is Ani, my sister. Ani this is everyone.” Yeosang smiled.
“Oh dear. I hope you’re okay with chaos because you’ve now been thrown into a pot of it.” Jess giggled.
“I had to deal with this one,” she squeezed Yeosang’s cheek, “my whole life. I’ll fit right in.” She giggled.
“Another bottle of sunshine. Great.” Y/n half assed smiled.
“Be nice.” Felix told her. She glared at him and shook her head.
“I am being nice.”
“Please forgive her. She’s built a shell around her soft heart and has yet to break it down. She’s sweet once you get her to open up.” Mae sighed.
“She’s great once you get to know her.” Felix smiled looking at y/n, who wasn’t paying attention to him.
Yeosang had walked back over to Mae and wrapped his arms back around her shoulder.
They stood there and just continued talking, waiting for class to start.
“Well well. The whore decided to grace us with her presence.” Mae groaned as she heard Minho's voice.
“What did you just say?” San asked, glaring at the boy.
“Awh cute. Getting her guard dogs to stand up for her.” Minho laughed. “Funny that she can’t be the independent woman she was when she was with me.”
“Oh I’m still independent. I just don’t have to deal with bill shit anymore.” Mae spat.
“It’s funny. You couldn’t dick her down well enough you had to bring in your two best friends Wooyoung? That’s pathetic. However, not as pathetic as her. Have you told them?” He spat back.
“Told them what?” Mae asked.
“How you’re a depressed, anxious, nervous bundle of emotions. You pop off at the drop of a hat. You can’t ever communicate right and when you’re not an emotional wreck, you’re just a bitch. That you put out for anyone who pays you attention. I know you’ve fucked “mommy and daddy,” he did the air quotes, “before. You’re sad, pathetic really.” He smirked at Mae.
Mae signed. She was over this. Over him. “Minho. What the fuck do you even want?”
“Oh baby. I want my bitch back.” He went to touch Mae’s cheek.
Wooyoung grabbed his hand and glared at him. “Do not touch our girl.”
Cassi had back everyone away. She could see the steam rolling off Kayla. Honestly, they all could. Y/n didn’t really know what to do. She wanted to be there for Mae. Go hold her and never let her go. Kayla had taken Mae in as her friend back in middle school. Mae was older than all of them but that didn’t stop Kayla from stepping up and being the mom of the group. Kayla stood there, waiting.
“Our? Wow. You really did become a whore after you left me. Woo couldn’t get you to come could he?” Minho asked Mae.
“Actually, you were the one who couldn’t make me come. Woo here got me off three times before he actually dicked me down. Added the other two into the mix and I was sent to heaven. I don’t need or want you.” Mae glared.
“That’s fine. I don’t want a whore anyways.” Minho hissed.
As Mae went to say something, Minho was on the ground, Kayla on top of him, throwing punch after punch. His nose was broken for sure and his lip was cut. They was blood everywhere. Kayla only saw red.
“Kayla. Stop.” Mae shouted. Mae looked at Cassi, eyes filled with tears. “Make her stop.” Minho wasn’t fighting back at the moment, and that’s what scared Mae. He was a fighter and when he knew he had a shot, he’d used it. “Get her off.” Mae went to step towards them but Yeosang pulled her back. Chan and San looked at each other and nodded.
They picked Kayla up and handed her to Mingi and Seonghwa. Mae and y/n ran over to Kayla and Mae started making sure she was okay, moving her face. Y/n looked at her knuckles. “Get her home. Take care of her.” Mae told the two boys. They nodded and Mingi picked her up.
“Are you okay?” Y/n asked Mae. Mae looked at her, hate filled her eyes and she walked back over to Minho. He had sat up. She put her foot on his chest and pushed him back on the ground.
“Do all of us a favor and stay away. Leave me alone because next time, I’m not going to make anyone stop. I hate you Lee Minho. I was once in love with you until I realized I was in love with love. I gave my heart away a long time ago and as wrong as you are about me cheating on you, I sometimes wish I never had said yes. I wish you the best Minho, because you’ll need it. I hope one day, you realize how much of a piece of shit you are and turn your life around, until then, go far and stay there.”
Mae stood up and walked off, leaving everyone there, shocked at what she just told the man on the ground. They looked at the three boys and y/n giggled at the look on Wooyoung’s face. “Damn. I had her heart the whole time man. Sucks for you.” He laughed and flipped Minho off and ran after Mae. Yeosang and San falling after the two.
Felix sighed as he saw Seungmin. “What’s the punishment?” Felix asked him.
Seungmin threw his arms around Cassi and Hongjoong. “Honestly. None. About time someone put that cunt waffle in his place. I think you were onto something when you started hanging out with this group.”
Felix smiled at y/n and nodded. “Yeah, me too.”
For the first time, y/n realized she was right. Clique were so dumb but damn was she happy she found hers. She also realized the man smiling at her, made her happy, happier than she had been in a long time. She stood on her tiptoes and kissed Felix’s cheek.
“Thank you.” She whispered to him. “I’ll see you after class. I want to go get some of that pie.” And off she went to class, leaving Felix standing there, with a stupid goofy smile on his pretty face.
“Anything for you bun bun.” He whispered as he watched her walk away.
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transmutationisms · 1 year
hi caden, what do you think of the tension between the fact that people don’t owe us or society any model of ‘health’ that we choose to use, but at the same time if we care about the well-being of the people around us then we want them to be ‘healthy’ (however we choose to define that)?
if i'm honest here i think your parenthetical is deeply telling. how DO you define health, and what assumptions are you making when you look at a loved one and make judgments about what's in their best interest? i don't think you mean poorly here; i certainly understand being concerned for/about someone you care about. but you need to understand that health is not a neutral concept, and 'wanting someone to be healthy' is not inherently welcome or benign. what about a parent who restricts their child's food intake because they genuinely believe a thinner body is a healthier one? someone who tries to discourage a friend's self-destructive behaviour, not knowing what function it serves in that person's life and what other behaviours it may be staving off? what about the simple and common case in which health is conflated with beauty, and a person who (for example) doesn't perform femininity up to someone else's standards is assumed to be secretly self-loathing and mentally unhealthy on this basis? the truth is that determining what is healthy for someone else is a tricky business, and designations of health and wellness can be normative social judgments as easily as they can be genuinely helpful expressions of concern. some of the most insidiously violent, damaging things ever done to me were perpetrated in the name of health, and to this day i have to wrestle with the fact that these actions were genuinely thought to be 'helping' me & i will probably never hear so much as a scrap of apology for them.
so you ask how i resolve this tension: mostly, by keeping my mouth shut and trusting that the people i love are doing their best to protect their own interests, and will ask me if they need or want my help or input. health is complicated---what's best for me isn't what's best for everyone else---and not always possible to perform or achieve. i don't think it's, like, morally wrong to experience concern about a loved one---i also experience this---but it is often best to sit on that feeling, ask yourself what assumptions and judgments may be playing into it, and, if you do offer help, do so in a non-judgmental and non-pressuring way, with full acceptance of the fact that the person may decline your advice or make different choices than you.
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Sage: Hey, you guys wanna get some D-E-S-S-E-R-T
Fen: Yeah, I could really go for a T-R-E-A-T
Caden: Watcha guys talkin' about?
Ivan: Yeah, why did you guys just spell desser-
Sage: Nu-nu-nu-no
Fen: Shut up! Don't say it.
Ivan: Uh, why?
Fen: Oh god, how do we tell you this..?
Sage: Caden can't spell
Ivan: What?!
Fen: He can't spell. So, when we talk about something he wants we spell it out loud so he doesn’t get too excited.
Ivan: He's a grown man, he can't handle hearing the word treat??
Caden: Treat!?
Sage: No treat!
Caden: Treat?!
Sage: No treat!
Caden: Treat??
Sage: No treat!
Caden: Aww....
Ivan: Okay, what is happening?!
Fen: I told you he gets excited when he hears the word T-R-E-A-T
Caden: Watcha talkin' about?
Sage: Taxes.
Caden: Aw, shucks...
Ivan: Wait, so you guys just treat him like a toddler?!
Caden: Treat?!
Fen: No treat!
Caden: Treat!?
Fen: No treat!
Caden: Awwww....
Fen: Dude, you gott spell if you're talking about F-O-O-D.
Ivan: Okay, so... Are we getting a S-N-A-C-K?
Caden: Snack??
Ivan: Aw, come on...
Sage: Aw, man
Fen: Dude, really?
Ivan: Oh, come on, I spelled it!
Fen: Well, he knows how to spell snack!
Ivan: So, he can spell snack but he can't spell treat!?
Caden: Treat??!
Caden: Treat!?!
Caden: Treat!??!
Caden: GOD!
Sage: Okay, he's getting fussy. It's time for a N-A-P.
Caden: Yeah..!
Ivan: What does N-A-P spell?
Caden: Party–
(Sage & Fen - @sagehyperfixates Caden & Ivan - @the-belle-siblings)
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the-belle-siblings · 2 months
Caden feels his hand tremor as he reaches for the handle of the front door. He could hear his heart thumping in his ears and could feel his skin crawling. He swallows hard and twists the door knob cracking open the entrance. He peaks inside and sure enough right in front of him on the floor was Ivan, a part of his mind was screaming for him to run.
🗿Are you trying to air condition the entire neighborhood? *He picks up Milktoast, cradling her in his arms like a baby*
🗿Get in here so I can talk to you.
O- oh yeah- okay- Hi
Caden walks in and shuts the door behind him feeling his heart in his throat, his lungs beginning to tighten. If he wasn't so damn nervous right now he'd be smiling and giggling about the way Ivan was holding the cat.
🗿I'm not good with feelings.
I know I'm sorry...
🗿Shut up for a second, okay? I just... I'm not good with words. *His words sounded unnaturally sweet for some reason. It made him want to bury himself alive.*
Okay, sorr–
🗿I don't want to hear another apology out of your mouth! *Aggression laced his words habitually as he pulled out the poem out of his pocket.*
Ivan please- I don't think I want to hear it anymore-
Caden could feel his anxiety spiking as he looked at that sheet of paper. He had ruined everything between them. He killed it. He killed it with poetry. He folded his arms to hide his shaking hands. He felt like he was about to get sick. Caden was barely suppressing an upcoming coughing fit.
🗿For the past few months I've felt like I despised you, there was some sort of uncomfortable squirming feeling in my chest when you were near and now I know why...
Isn't this- Isn't this a little much-? Gods...
The rejection was striking him deep to his core, he couldn't stop shaking. Why? Why? Had he really believed there was hope?
🗿I'd say it's probably too little.... This poem is...
Please Ivan, I can't stand to hear in detail how much you despise me...
🗿What? I was trying to- *He thinks over what he just said and the tones he was using. He hadn't realized how awful he really was with words. He set Milktoast down quickly and shoos her off. The cat, although confused, complied and skittered off.*
🗿Oh no- no no no- Caden, I- that's not what I'm saying- I'm trying to say that I- *He waves his hands around a little, he never thought he'd really have to confess this to anyone, even when he was a kid.*
I'll just... I'll go, I get the point... I'm sorry...
He stares down at the floor his vision blurring. He coughs just a little bit. The weight in his lungs felt heavy, his throat itched for relief. He backs away towards the door.
🗿*He grabs Caden's hand* No! You don't get the point! I lo- I- I lo-
🗿*He grunts in frustration, his cheeks flushed red, he felt so stupid. This feeling was so embarrassing for some reason, he had never honestly felt this way before. Being in love felt foolish, it's just a soft spot to be exploited and yet... he never desired anything more, no not even world domination. Caden was something most precious to him in a way nothing else could compare.*
🗿You are my weakness, Caden.... I want you more than anything... let me have you, please?
Caden felt like he was kneed in the stomach, all the air was sucked out of him in one moment. He had emotional whiplash from the complete 180 his brain just did.
That's a funny way of asking me to be your–
🗿Don't tease me right now! *Ivan demanded but only because he felt like he might actually shed tears currently.*
🗿....but uhm... please..? *He added feeling a little bit shy for once in his life.*
🗿I uhm... I really do love you, Caden.... *He practically whispers, unable to look him in the eyes. He begins to gently release Caden from his grasp.*
I lo–
Caden the felt like something was seriously wrong with his body, he couldn't breathe. The flowers in his lungs were dying off and desperate to escape the fleshy walls of his body. He tries to wheeze or cough or anything, he just fucking can't.
🗿Caden? Caden?! Ah fuck, I've killed him.
He starts pounding on his chest, trying to clear his airway somehow. Although he couldn't necessarily die, not breathing didn't feel too good.
🗿*Ivan quickly yanks Caden forward and positions himself to do the heimlich maneuver on him. He follows through the process of abdominal thrusts and back blows until Caden starts spitting up wilted petals.*
The second he can cough again Caden is hacking to the point of wheezing. Petal after petal, flower after flower, stems, roots, all of it racing to leave his lungs.
🗿There we go... *He stands there with him, gently rubbing his back.* It's alright, it's alright....
After some time, Caden can breathe again, everything feels so much lighter. He sucks in air the moment he can. Caden stumbles around a little bit, feeling light headed. He steps back into Ivan and looks up at him and just smiles.
As I was saying...
Caden starts, his voice sore and raspy from coughing so hard.
I love you, Ivan, and there's nothing in the world I'd rather be than your romantic partner.
🗿*Ivan just smiles, unapologetically smiles, and then kisses him on the forehead.*
🗿Then... you shall be what you desire, hm? *He tells him softly before lifting Caden's heavy ass off the ground and begins to carry him off to his room, stepping awkwardly over the mess of dead flowers and Caden's life juice.*
Oh-? Already?
Caden questions as he watches Ivan jiggle open his bedroom while trying to keep Caden supported in his arms.
🗿Already what? You've been in here dozens of times. *Ivan manages to open the bedroom door and walk over to his bed before dropping Caden down onto the mattress.*
🗿Don't move - that is if you even have the energy to - I'm going to clean up all those flowers and whatever... I will be back with snacks for you and when I return you can use me as a pillow like usual.
Caden felt his toothy grin grow wider. The idea of the unmentionable 'it' hadn't even crossed Ivan's mind. It honestly put him at ease. His heart swelled with affection, Ivan just wanted to take care of him. If he weren't so exhausted he'd pull his boyfriend (He could call him that now!) into a crushing hug.
Sounds great
🗿I'm great
You are
🗿*He laughs just a little and strokes a hand through Caden's hair.* I'll be right back, kay?
🗿*Ivan walks off and as he's about to shut the door he stops and peaks his head back in* Love you!
Love you more!
🗿Nope! Can't! *Ivan then shuts the door and goes back to mop up where Caden emptied his lungs out.*
Caden just kinda giggles to himself and hugs a nearby pillow, he was absolutely exhausted but he was satisfied and happy in a way he had probably never felt. He felt like he was getting the happily ever after he had desired for so long. Things were looking up and he was genuinely excited to see what the future held for both of them.
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