#shut up cori
skygayzer · 9 months
So I guess I'm the only one who finds Hannibal Chau hot, huh?
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callmedylan · 8 months
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Fnaf Movie But Ness, Vanessa, Cory, Max, and Mike are all just in one big friend group and call themselves the “Fazgang”
‼️Important info‼️: okay so I’ve been thinking about this idea for an AU and stuff where Cory, ness, max, Vanessa, and Mike are all in a silly little friend group and they call themselves the “Fazgang” and they just hang out and stuff. So have some fact, headcanons, and info dump about this hc/AU cause I love it. I ship Vanessa x Max and SecurityWaiter so be prepared for those to be sprinkled in. (I ask that you credit me if you draw or use this AU pls :))) /nf )
Also petition to make Vanessa x max a ship and Call it “LockJaw” (for obvious reasons)
I imagine they all met someway through Mike. Mike introduced Vanessa to Max since him and max have been friends for a while, then Mike meets Ness because him and Abby become regulars at Sparkys and he eventually invites him to hang out with him, Vanessa, and max and the 4 just don’t stop hanging out. Then they one night decide to take a taxi to the place they are going to and Cory is their driver, and nobody really knows how but by the end of the ride they’ve all exchanged numbers with Cory and the 5 make plans to start hanging out.
ness is the tallest out of them all being 5”11 and whenever they are walking with each other down the street his head just sorta peaks over everyone.
the gang will usually hang out and play video games, and If Ness convinces them, they’ll read over random creepypasta stories and urban legends on online forums.
the group has a group chat where they all text each other during work or when they are bored.
Cory tends to rant about the weirdos he has to drive around with ness while ness rants about the rude customers he has to deal with.
Max enjoys writing and wants to be a romance author. She works at a library so she can read the romance books on her breaks.
ness gives the gang a discount whenever they stop in to sparkys and calls it a “personal friend discount” (he technically isn’t allowed to give them a discount but his boss will never know)
The group loves Halloween and they usually dress up and walk around their town to crash any party’s, parades, or to just take Abby trick or treating.
ness convinced the gang to create an online ARG with him with “found footage” recordings and everything but he eventually forgot about it and a large community started to surround it thinking it was real and he ended up having to apologize for it like 10 years later.
ness has a online conspiracy theory forum where he discusses his theory’s, the gang follows it and boosts his posts for him.
the gang likes to go to scary houses during Halloween and they each react very differently. Ness tends to grab at people (usually Mike) to steady himself when scared, Cory is prone to screaming loudly but also charging at the actors (they’ve almost gotten kicked out before because of this), max has a very slow reaction time and tends to just freeze up or swear under her breath when an actor jump-scares her, Vanessa doesn’t react at all (literally, she just doesn’t get scared by that type of stuff), and Mike just acts how any normal person would (or he tries to run off).
ness is gay, Vanessa and Mike are both bi, max is a lesbian, and Cory is straight.
since none of them are close to their families (except for Cory) the group hangs out together during holidays like Christmas. Cory usually visits his family for Christmas and holidays but on years where he can’t visit he’ll spend time with them.
cory made them all each a driving Mixtape for their birthdays.
they each have very differing music tastes. Ness preferring musical music, max prefers old love songs, Cory prefers 90’s hip hop, Vanessa likes alternative rock, and Mike enjoys any type of 90-2000s grunge rock and emo music. (Mike definitely listens to the smiths, the cure, and Alex G)
The gang ate over at Vanessa’s one night and the 5 tried to make dinner but failed and made a mess of her kitchen (they ordered takeout and spent the rest of the night listening to music and cleaning up Vanessa’s kitchen.)
Mike sometimes leaves Abby to be babysat by the gang while he’s off working and he once came back to them all dressed up with glitter makeup having a tea party with Abby (she forced them to do this)
In this AU Max does not die but Vanessa and Mike never tell Cory, Ness, or max all of the extra details. They know the robots are haunted to some capacity but not about Vanessa’s involvement or any specific details.
(This is not canon to the au, just a “what if” scenario) if max were to still die in this AU, Vanessa and Mike would not tell Cory and Ness what happened, out of concern for the twos genuine well being and because of how absurd it seems.
all of them visited Freddys some time in their childhood
Max and Vanessa have a fear of mascot outfits
Ness wanted to do a “paranormal investigation” at Freddy’s for theorizing and emailed the owner several times for about 2 months leading up to the events of the movie (he also begged Mike to sneak him in during his working nights but Mike said no cause he didn’t want to get fired).
cory called them the “Fazgang” once as a joke and it kinda just stuck, now that’s what they and everyone who knows about their group refers to them as.
when Cory and the group went for a drive in his taxi they went on a back road and ended up breaking down in the middle of a dirt road in the woods. (They just finished a movie marathon where they watched the texas chainsaw massacre and Wrong Turn 1, so now half of them refuse to leave the car.)
Abby slept through the entire situation.
Lots of trauma, it’s like a group therapy session 24/7.
all of them get along with Abby, she actually gets excited whenever they hang out (since Mike takes her with him due to not wanting to leave her home alone by herself).
They all share a single braincell.
Ness and max are both 25, Mike is 26, Cory is the youngest at 24, and Vanessa is the oldest being 26 as well but older by a month.
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f1zzlest1ckzz · 1 year
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oh i am normal about him
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Anger wasn't really what I was feeling. Anger is just what I know what to do with. But hurt... And you didn't do anything, specifically, it just hurt because it was you. - Bradley Jackson to Cory Ellison, The Morning Show S02E04
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mazojo · 9 months
Jared and Cameron conversation be like
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sophfandoms53 · 10 months
Jared of all people said Cory isnt likable enough to be a fan favorite????? And to his face no less????
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whoblewboobear · 8 months
This season makes me feel the same way watching bb20 did but I’m in too deep to tap out now
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memehayes · 11 months
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bloodurged · 2 years
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morpheus talking to cori on the phone: “no! No . you cannot eat our boyfriend’s Eyes, little dream.... excuse m— No, not (mockingly, but in panic) ‘eVeN oNe’ ?? oh my God. what the fuck is wrong with me.” 
hob in the same room as dream: floored by laughter, curled up and crying, fist smaking the wood next to his face.
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a9saga · 9 months
oh great, one of the two worst houseguests of the season gets to come right back into the game
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skygayzer · 2 years
Going to become violent, I have a face claim for Joanna but not for Ida. Who knows white fat brunette girls with freckles
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legionofpotatoes · 2 years
I haven't pre-ordered a game in... five years, at least? and am firmly against the practice overall. But that sad norse dad simulator... just hits different
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cottagecori · 7 months
someone hold me back or i'm committing patricide
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lycankeyy · 7 months
Seeing people talk abt how their theater lost their minds at Matpat's cameo in the fnaf movie is so funny because in my theater nobody cared
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taylors-karma · 11 months
I KNOW Reilly isn't about to leave the two black women up
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lilyharvord · 11 months
And I hope your excited that I found the muse to low key finish one of them (((: get ready for sibling issues, screaming, arguing, and mare and cal's genes manifesting in two teenagers. Title: "Eyes Wide Shut"
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