#shut up currie
bruciemilf 1 year
The justice league thinks manbat is Batman in his true form and will ask him to transform if a fight is too hard and Batman would be like:馃え???
Here's the thing; Every Justice League member aside from Clark and Oliver is convinced Bruce has a superpower. They just have different theories on what said superpower Is.
Diana: Shadow manipulation
J'onn: Has a plan for everything and a PowerPoint presentation for any subject. Any. Subject.
Barry: Bottomless cape
Victor: Endless utility belt
Arthur: Indestructibility/abnormal pain tolerance like what the fuck
Billy: Scaring the fuck out of people with a look alone
Hal: Telepathy but with kids only
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ormymarius 7 months
Arthur really couldn鈥檛 pick a better time to tell Orm that? 馃槶
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tubapun 7 months
At this point posts about "there was a gay rated r cut of Scooby-Doo" are the new "Scooby-Doo taught us the real monster was people"
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fairyysoup 1 year
had a dream i was trying to fuck god, but god was a hotel consierge in this grand hotel that was the tower of babel, and also god was tim curry. hope this helps
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mxhirus 7 days
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id call him a little ass menace but mf is 6'0. big ass menace
@kibo-ichiro @nono-uwu i felt like you guys would like this
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icepandawarrior 2 days
So let me get this straight, y'all can simp for a character who full on admitted to sleeping with a child and used her religion to sweep it under the rug afterwards... but in the same breath hate/harass the character/actress for getting some work done to her face
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abrahamvanhelsings 20 days
god but interacting with people who are truly casual media enjoyers can genuinely be so alienating. like a couple days ago at work i mentioned that i discovered my favourite opera singer a few months ago and this guy was like 'you've only known of him for a few months and he's already your favourite' yes? what? was i supposed to listen to this guy for years and know every other singer out there before i could pull that card? like how do i say he stood out to me in one of the first operas i ever listened to in full and subsequently i became obsessed with his voice and now he's inextricably tied to the core of my enjoyment of opera so there simply will not be another guy ill like as much. and then it's like how do i explain that i have engaged with other media that changed the trajectory of my whole life within the span of a few hours. less, even. and it's been a valuable experience in one way or another every time. truly some of you people could do with a little obsession every once in a while i think
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saviourkingslut 4 months
finally started watching the terror. these White Boys sure can drama goddamn
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shu-of-the-wind 6 months
writing kakashi is like writing robin williams but as a professional assassin and i don't know how else to put it
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caribbeanvibesblog 2 years
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Curry Chicken With Potatoes And Buss up Shut Roti
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machathecat 9 months
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bare1ythere 11 months
Why the fuck do I feel nauseous when Im just hungry. I thought I was dying but I had a slice of bread and some plain cereal and now im okay. bro what
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fancyfade 6 months
so evidently hagen (the sorcerer who was ruling atlantis after the obsidian age) did a spell that turned mera's gills into lungs so now she has to be constantly connected to a device and magician to breathe while being underwater.
Garth is convinced Mera needs to be in Atlantis so he can get Hagen to reverse the spell, and because she's the only one of the Atlantean royal family who is still there.
Arthur is convinced Mera needs to be on the surface, so she can breathe on her own in a less risky manner.
They are arguing it and no one is asking Mera what she wants even tho she's aware and can talk
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qtipping 1 year
it bugs me when people have arthur curry suddenly become a natural born leader and fighter and giving heroic speeches once he becomes king of atlantis
the man was born and raised in a lighthouse in MAINE he had his first drink at 12 and took meth once because there was nothing else to do. The only thing he鈥檚 good at is WWE moves and finding 10 different ways to entertain yourself with an empty bottle. Six of which are illegal.
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lexilovely117 2 years
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So this birthday post Hunter made for Russell is GIVING ME LIFE!! Stars who swap together, stay together! That鈥檚 probably why these two are so close, why Chance and Kai have such an epic bromance and why Jordan really likes pigeons! Lol! 馃槀
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immortalsins 1 year
every holiday i berate myself for not working harder during term time and i wonder how i so easily slip into the cycle of missing lectures -> spending free time catching up on lectures -> missing lectures to catch up on coursework/revision rinse & repeat etc and why can鈥檛 i keep up all-day productivity when it should be easier to do so if i鈥檓 already up&out for lectures ... but the start of each term has been overwhelmingly stressful and i fail at all-day productivity immediately then its like oh i have a diagnosis.
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