#shut uuuuuup nobody likes you!!!
fingertipsmp3 · 1 year
Getting notifications from the work group chat and it’s that one person you hate
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flowerandblood · 5 months
I don't like many of the authors' decisions here – sometimes their tropes, sometimes their choice of how they present events, dialogues, sometimes their characters, relationships between them or their appearance. It's not a bad thing. I have a right to feel this way.
But I would never tell them about it. Not because I don't have the courage to do it but because it would give them nothing, nothing good. You criticise when someone asks for it – when someone doesn't, then you should keep quiet.
Why? Because perhaps someone does not want this criticism and it's their right too. I, for example, don't care and I don't want to know how much someone dislikes something in my work. I don't need the fake appreciation of others, just as others don't need mine.
If I don't like someone's stories, I just leave them alone. God bless all of them! Write and be happy.
No one here is an oracle or judge, and some people feel that way. If you don't like what the authors are writing and their choices, give them a holy peace or else all you'll achieve is that they'll be discouraged from writing – they'll think: maybe nobody wants to read this after all, look at my characters, maybe it's pointless, maybe everyone thinks about me and my writing this way.
Sowing doubt and passive humiliation is very popular here for some reason and I find it incredibly annoying. People don't know when to shut their mouths and when their private opinion to which they are, after all, entitled hurts others, making them uncomfortable.
Our right to free speech should not cut someone's wings and mock them. This is an expression of disrespect and basic culture.
Not everyone has to want to change, to develop if it is not their profession but a simple hobby.
Anonymity does not make malicious gibberish sound any smarter, and a large audience or reactions under posts does not make anyone entitled to post an opinion in which they criticise works of others for their choices.
"Why do you write with only small letters? It's so annoying. This character would never do this, are you dumb? Aemond would never betray his family! Oh nooo, next Visenya on a big dragon? Why these OC's are so boring? Reader insert is just for you because you are desperate to fuck. Why do your OC is fat? Why do your OC is slim? Why do make your OC look like this, why won't you try something new? Why do you put Alys in your story as a third wheel when she is Aemond's real love interest?"
Shut. The fuck. UUUUUUP. GOD.
You say – you don't agree, don't read, I have a right to my opinion. Well, I say: your right does not absolve you from thinking about the feelings of others.
You are hypocrites. You cry and make a hiatus when someone sends you a nasty anon writing that you write crap, but you devote 2,000 words on your blog to why a certain trope doesn't make sense, why other authors don't have a right to make their OC's look the way they want.
What you write is not private, it's public. Who are you writing it to? Is it an expression of your frustration? Those you write it about can read it. They may feel very, very bad about it, they can think to stop writing at all or make themselves to do something against their will. But that's not your concern anymore, right?
Taking responsibility for your own words only when it's convenient for you is an expression of immaturity and that's what I see in this fandom – most people here are afraid of adulthood and the clash with it. Because in adulthood everything we do has consequences to face.
But it's easier to say that we simply have the right to express our opinion, no matter how hurtful and unfounded it may be.
I want to be clear – I will see anyone reblogging or write this kind of posts – I will block them. Even if I like you, if you are with me for a long time. I don't want to see this kind of toxic behavior on my wall ever again. Enough is enough.
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doufuhua · 6 years
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hhhhh my god
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friendlyfrat-boy · 4 years
The Straw-Hat Among Us Ch2
Red: Shanks
Something was up. He was coming along alright on the Shuttle, but…
Marco hadn’t come by for a second round. Zoro had been by a while ago to fix up some wiring, and that was the last time Shanks had seen anyone. He could probably continue working for a good while longer, but something told him that something had happened.
Something bad.
Right. Before Shanks left, he scribbled a little note for himself to know where he left off, and then he was off. He could probably have gone into the darkness immediately, but that was just not something he wanted to try. Instead, he went into the West Wing. A quick look into the CCTV room ensured that Kizaru was indeed still there, lazily flipping through the different cameras.
“Oh hiiiii Shanks, what’s uuuuuup?” he asked without even turning around, and Shanks recalled noticing a camera above the entrance. Effective.
“I’m looking for Marco, have you seen him?”
“The chieeeef?” Kizaru drawled out, tapping his chin with a thoughtful expression. “Nnnnnot in a while? Last I saw, he headed past Northeaaast.” Kizaru quickly hopped through the cameras, finally settling on one showing the northern entrance to the Laboratory. Nobody was there or anything, but tracks in the snow showed that somebody had been there alright.
“Thank you. Keep an eye on me while I head there,” Shanks said, already heading towards O2 to seek up an old friend.
Kizaru watched him leave, finally slurring out a “okayyyyyy, I’ll watch your back, Shaaanks.”
Shanks smiled. He’d better.
“So, what you’re trying to say is, the kind of water you use actually matters? How the hell can the plant tell?? It’s braindead!” someone all-too-familiar to Shanks said.
“Well, um, it’s not like they can actually tell, they just kinda absorb whatever they get? And if they die, it makes me sad,” someone Shanks could only assume was Usopp replied. The young boy, young compared to the rest of them that is, was apparently telling Buggy about how to raise trees. “Furthermore, while they don’t have a brain like we do, they certainly do have-, ACK!!”
Upon noticing Shanks, Usopp jumped three feet into the air, proceeded to throw himself at Buggy and clung around the older man like a little kid around their father.
While Usopp whimpered, Buggy’s eyes widened in recognition. “Shanks!”
Shanks smiled. “The one and only, Buggy!”
“You… you’ll follow me to Hell and back, won’t you?!” Just as Shanks was about to respond, Buggy noticed Usopp clinging to him like gum to the bottom of desks. “You-, GET OFF OF ME, KID!” Hence, Usopp was unceremoniously cast off, whining both at the rough treatment and his own fear.
Shanks, however, had very little time to waste. “Buggy, I need your help. You’re the only guy I trust around here.”
Buggy blushed. “I-, you, you trust me?? I don’t trust you, why the hell would you-”
“It’s unimportant, I just need your help to find Marco.”
“Huh? The Chief? What for, is he dead or something?” Buggy asked while Usopp nervously got up on two feet. “I mean, sure, I’ll come along or whatever, but is there some reason?”
Shanks shrugged. “I just haven’t seen him in a while.” For some reason, Shanks caught Usopp’s gaze. “-If you’re afraid of being alone, you can come along as well.” Shanks scoffed. “Though we really shouldn’t be bringing any wimps, hah!”
Usopp growled. “Hey, I’ve got every right to be afraid! There’s murdery killers out there! Probably!” He was right, but Shanks still couldn’t help but find his cowardice somewhat endearing.
“Alright, alright. Let’s get going, fellows,” Shanks said. Usopp and Buggy shared a glance, and followed him.
The wind seemed to have picked up somewhat since Shanks left the Shuttle, seeing as how it was almost harsh enough to pick the young Usopp right off of his feet. Then again, Buggy seemed quite watchful of him, enough to place a grounding hand on his shoulder whenever the wind swept him off his feet, so Shanks didn’t think there was anything to worry about. They quickly rounded around the Main Building, made sure to wave at Kizaru once they got to the cameras, and continued their trek.
The lavapool stood out like a wolf among sheep, bubbling and churning with acidic magma. Beside it, a large figure sat hunched, back to them. It was hard to see in the darkness, but considering there was barely an outline of him apart from the white snow that had collected upon his shoulders, Shanks could only assume that it was Teach. “Hey, Teach! Everything alri-,”
Teach turned around. In the dim light, Shanks could barely make out the wetness on his cheeks. But what he did make out, in all-too-clear detail, was the body of Marco.
“GAAAAHH!!” Usopp screamed, falling back into the snow. “Wh-, what-, he’s DEAD!!”
Teach stammered for a moment, his wide, panicked eyes darting between the body he was cradling and his witnesses. “N-, no! I didn’t!”
Shanks stepped closer, his eyes burrowing into Teach’s. “Step away from the body, Teach.”
“N-, no, I-”
“Step. Away,” Shanks hissed through gritted teeth, trying his damned hardest not to throw himself at the larger man.
Teach’s jaw snapped shut and he slowly loosened his grip on the body, letting it fall into the blood-soaked snow. Oddly enough, Shanks could notice that although the ground was thoroughly soaked with blood, snowy white roses painted red, Teach didn’t have a drop on him. The body wasn’t bleeding either.
Slowly, Teach rose to his feet, legs shaking as he attempted to steady himself against a rocky stalagmite. While he did that, Shanks stepped up to the body.
The snow around his body was almost entirely unmoved, with all tracks apart from theirs and Teach’s already being covered up by the snow. Even then, The killing wound, a stab-wound to the chest, was clean and almost professional. Only the part actually stabbed was harmed, meaning that Marco couldn’t have struggled much before his departure. The murder-weapon was nowehere to be found.
Teach sniffled, and Shanks realized that they had things to do apart from analyzing the body. He reached over to the side of the head, found the button signifying the death of the crewmate, and pressed it three times, twice in quick succession and once a beat after.
From the way Usopp stumbled back, part of his helmet visor flashing red, Shanks knew the message had been sent out.
With that, he headed inside the Office, noting how the blinking red light on the security cameras went out as Kizaru left them. Usopp, Buggy and Teach all trailed behind him. There was something abnormally heavy about the way Teach walked, his spirit seemingly so broken that his body could barely house it properly. Once they got to the Office, they found Smoker and Zoro already there, waiting impatiently for the rest of the group to join.
“What happened?” Smoker asked, letting his gaze fall on the black sheep of the group, namely Teach. “Is he… crying?...”
“N-, no!” Teach quickly swiped at his eyes, “I’m not! And even if I was, is it so wrong for a man to mourn his brother?!”
Silence passed through the group. Smoker’s eyes widened, but Shanks didn’t let him say anything. “Hold on, let’s leave discussion for once everyone arrives.”
The door opened. “Aaaaaahh, am I laaate?” Kizaru smiled sheepishly as he scratched his head. Upon seeing Shanks, his smile widened a little bit. “I saw you waaaaving, it was pretty nice of youuu~” he said happily, giving a little wave to demonstrate the occasion. Shanks returned the wave, even though the situation was hardly right for it.
Within only a minute or so Caesar and Doflamingo arrived, but Shanks could hear them coming from miles, chattering like a pair of cockatrices. It mostly seemed to be Doflamingo barrating Caesar for some minor mishap, with the scientist growing disproportionately offended with each tease, his defences growing weaker as well. “-I’m telling you, it was all that no-good Smoker’s fault! If his poor ventilation hadn’t set me back, I’d-”
“You’d be done by now, sure. And I’m the queen of Spain!”
Caesar scowled unhappily. “-You’re not royalty in the least, a crown figure would surely have more tact than you!”
“Everyone, please take a seat,” Shanks said, cutting off Caesar before he could say anything further.
“Hey, I was-,” the second Caesar saw what kind of atmosphere lingered in the office, he shut up, and sat down. Doflamingo followed along, snickering at the livid scientist. After a few moments, everybody was seated, staring expectantly at the only one who was still standing, namely Shanks himself.
“Marco is dead.” The only ones seemingly surprised by this was Doflamingo and Caesar, who both took it with wildly different kinds of emotion. While Doflamingo showed a childish glee at the game finally getting started, Caesar gasped, what little colour he had draining from his face in an instant. Zoro and Smoker both showed apparent indifference, as if they’d expected this, but one would be a fool not to notice the way their eyes sharpened. “-We found his body by the lava pit, just out of sight for both cameras.”
“We?” Smoker asked.
Shanks nodded. “I suspected something might have happened to him and went to fetch someone to find him with. As I trusted Buggy, I got him to follow along, with Usopp hanging with us as extra security. When we found his body, Teach was cradling it.” All eyes possibly able to be suspicious at this moment turned to Teach, whose expression was that of poorly-kept sorrow.
“Yeah, I was with ‘im! I found his body, and,” a sob clawed through his throat, “and I had ‘ta mourn him for a second! Is that so weird?!” Teach recounted, face twisting into a glowering grimace.
Shanks didn’t take this with anything but mild curiosity. “Why would you mourn a man you barely knew?”
“Barely knew? ZEHAHAH! He was my brother! Perhaps not by blood, but by HEART!”
“And when you found him, he was already dead?”
Teach glanced away, a shadow passing through his eyes. “Yeah, dead he was. Dead as dust.”
That was that.
Smoker leaned forwards, resting his chin on his folded hands. “-In other words, the biggest suspect would be Teach.” Teach seemed to take this with no little ire, but Smoker continued before he could argue. “Him, and…” he turned a calm eye to Shanks, “-you.”
“And why do you think I did it?” Shanks asked, wise enough not to take Smoker’s suspicion as anything personal.
Smoker shrugged. “Let’s say you killed him. Nobody else was in the Shuttle, you evaded the cameras and found him, killed him and left him there. You return to the shuttle, wait for a bit, go find a few crewmates to go ‘find the Chief’ with, and then you’re automatically absolved of all guilt. With witnesses, and two of them, to boot, there would be little reason for anyone to suspect you.”
He made a good point.
A murmur passed through the collected members before Shanks raised his hand, bringing the rest to silence. “-Of course, a perfectly valid theory.” He let his gaze fall on Teach, his eyes still red and haunted. “-Then again, when we found the body, it was already cold. If I wished to absolve myself of all guilt, shouldn’t I have made sure to find it while it was still warm, to ensure it was clear I hadn’t done it myself?”
Smoker nodded silently. “Suppose so. Forgive my suspicions, it’s second nature.” His eyes narrowed. “I got a good nose for odd people.”
“Wait, wait, wait,” Caesar raised his hand. Shanks nodded at him, giving the word to him. “I, uh, so there isn’t any concrete evidence? Or anything? No footprints, no scribbling in blood, just a bunch of hunches?”
Doflamigo grinned. “Is there anything better?”
Caesar’s eyes went wide and outraged. “Yeah! Evidence, damn it! If we don’t have any proper empirical data, how can we possibly go about yapping that you think the guy in red seems suspicious for finding the damn body?!” At that, Caesar stood up, hands planted on the table in a show of confidence, despite his brows being deeply furrowed. “Red, no, Shanks. I say we just skip this whole damn thing.”
“Y-, yeah!” Usopp squawked. “Let’s not kill someone for-, for finding a body or mourning their brother, it just-,”
Zoro placed a hand on Usopp’s shoulder. “Don’t be so naïve, Usopp. If you can’t make tough calls…” his eyes grew sad, “I don’t think I can trust you in the least.”
“Hey, hey!” Buggy called out, standing up to grab everyone’s attention. “Cool it, you flashy idiots! Before we go making wild assumptions, let’s just take a look at who’s safe and isn’t.” Buggy turned to Usopp and flashed a reassuring smile. “Usopp is safe. Until Shanks picked us up, we were together ever since Marco held the first meeting. Is there anybody else who can say something similar?”
Doflamingo raised his hand. “I and hornhead here have been in the Laboratory since the very start.” A disappointed frown quickly marred his countenance. “Shame we couldn’t see the fireworks.”
Shanks nodded, satisfied with knowing who were undisputedly safe and who weren’t. “Who saw Marco last?”
Caesar, Doflamingo, Smoker and Zoro all gave each other a look. In the end, Smoker was the one to speak. “Purple ‘n Pink called me over to the Laboratory to fix a faulty vent. While we were arguing, Marco and Zoro entered. Zoro went to fix some wires in the stalls while I left to fix the lower decontamination room. Marco came with Zoro but left without him.”
Caesar suddenly seemed thoughtful. “Wait, I didn’t see you leave, Zoro?” Although it was more of a statement than anything, it was really a question.
Zoro paused for a moment. “...Are you suspecting me?” he growled, eyes turning dark.
“N-, no, I just-,”
“Zoro,” Shanks affixed the green-haired man with a glare, “answer the question.”
Zoro shrugged in a huff. “I left through the decontamination rooms. I even met Smoker on the way out, in Admin.”
Smoker nodded, affirming that he’d seen Zoro as well.
Doflamingo leaned in closer to the table, an amused glance thrown Teach’s way. “You’re being rather quiet, brother dear. Cat got your tongue?” A toothy grin settled on his face. “Or should I say bird~?”
“DON’T YA DARE SPEAK OF ‘IM!!” Teach practically threw himself at the skinnier man, face flushed in angry red hues. “YA DON’T KNOW NUTHIN’!”
Shanks and Smoker both stepped in between them, Smoker grabbing Teach’s wrists while Shanks prepared to assist him. Teach was a big man, easily the tallest in there, as broad as he was tall, most of his weight being muscle. Still, Smoker stopped him. A less attentive man than Shanks might have thought that this meant Smoker was simply stronger than Teach, but not so. If Teach had wanted to, he could easily have plowed through both Smoker and Shanks, and yet, he was stopped, merely because he wanted to be.
“Not another step,” Smoker rumbled in a low, guttural voice.
Teach stopped, glanced between Smoker and the rest of the people assembled, and proceeded to break down into a pile of sobs on the floor.
Shanks stepped away from Teach and looked out at the people assembled. Nobody was without suspicion, be it towards their crewmates or directed towards themselves. “-We need to vote.”
“-Vote?” Usopp asked, brows squashed together.
Shanks nodded. “Everybody will vote on the person they deem the most suspicious, or you will choose to skip. The option with the most votes gets-,”
“Ah, what does this do?” Usopp wondered aloud as he pressed a red button. Blip. “...What did I just do?...”
A little tiny wave of panic washed up on the shores of Shank’s heart. “I-, um, I think you might have voted for someone? But, but don’t tell us who. Right, so, now that you all-”
Blip. Blip. ...Blip.
Alright. Since everybody had already gotten to voting, hopefully doing so with more tact than Usopp did, Shanks also voted. Suspecting Teach would be the easy option. They found him with the body, he’s been acting almost too emotional ever since… Still, Shanks just couldn’t find it in him to suspect him. Neither could he suspect himself, of course. Smoker and Zoro saw each other in Admin, Doflamingo and Caesar were with each other, Kizaru was in the CCTV room…
In the end, Shanks chose to skip the vote. Hopefully, a few others would do so as well. A few more blips ring out, and then, all the votes were counted.
Now, they would be tallied. The projector at the end of the Meeting room turned on, showing a list of their names and the people who voted for who.
The little wave of panic in Shanks’ heart rose to a tidal wave as three votes against him were counted.
The only other person with that many votes was Teach. Two people skipped, and one person voted for Zoro of all damn people.
Doflamingo, Teach and Usopp voted for Shanks.
Caesar, Buggy and Zoro voted for Teach.
Shanks and Kizaru skipped voting.
Smoker voted for Zoro.
“-Oi!” Zoro called out.
Smoker shrugged. “Could’ve been one clever ruse, what with following and leaving him.”
“Calm down, calm down!” Shanks said, mostly just to himself. Looking at these results…Although he should have been extremely unsettled knowing three people had voted for him, he knew Usopp had only done so by mistake. The thing is, if Usopp hadn’t voted for him…
Teach might have been killed.
It was a strange way of seeing it, but it calmed Shanks quite a lot.
“So, uh, what happens now?...” Usopp asked timidly.
“Noooooow,” Kizaru said slowly, rising from his chair. “Now I return to my dutieeeess.” He waited a moment before leaving, the cogs in his head turning slowly. “Haha, duutiess… like doodyyyyyy~.”
Nobody laughed at his joke, but his sentiment was right. “Return to completing your tasks,” Shanks said, translating Kizaru-ese into human.
People glanced at each other, and the next second, they were gone. Usopp went with Buggy, Caesar went with Doflamingo, and the last four remaining were the people with lonesome duties. Teach left without speaking a single word to anybody. Zoro turned to Shanks. “I don’t trust you, but I’ve got business in the Shuttle.”
Shanks nodded, smiled warily, and left the office, Zoro trailing alongside him. It was strange. So much had happened, and yet the sky was the very same muddy black colour.
The Shuttle wasn’t far away, and by this point, just the sight of it made Shanks feel a whole lot better. He didn’t have much left to do, so as long as he wasn’t disturbed for a while, he’d be fine. Before he actually got to work, he took a seat in one of the many landing chairs fastened to the wall, watching as Zoro fixed up the wiring. After a few minutes, Zoro was done with his work and left to go work elsewhere.
But before Shanks could get to work, he heard something odd. Some odd sound out there that rung out above the crackling electricity and howling winds and whirring reactors.
A human sort of sound. “-Not already!”
Shanks instantly cast aside all other work and ran out of the shuttle. He’d be a dead man before those damn killers could get their hand on someone else! Zoro only left a minute ago, so they must be after him!
Panting, Shanks finally came to a stop, standing right in front of the entrance to Electrical. The camera above the door was flashing red. Shanks smiled and gave it a hesitant wave. But this isn’t where the sound came from. A little further down. Shanks reluctantly headed south, the crackle of electricity, snow hitting exposed wires, grew louder with each step he took, until it completely drowned out the sound of his boots hitting snow.
The sound was like the growling crackle of the fence, but louder, as if someone had thrown a bucket of water on it.
Soon, Shanks found the reason for the sound.
A little snowman, adorable in composition, had been tipped over, causing the electric fence to crackle and pop with noise, far above what it would usually sound like.
Shanks let out a deep sigh. Jesus Christ. That had been quite the thing to see.
...That is, until he noticed the footsteps he was standing in. There was a bootprint in the snowman. Someone had been here. Only recently. They tipped over the snowman. Caused this buzz of noise. Caused an alarming sound. Gave someone something to investigate. Something to come check out.
Shanks’ heart was engulfed and drowned in icy cold panic, and the next moment, his neck was snapped 180 degrees.
There was an odd look in his killer’s eyes.
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shock · 5 years
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it’s literally the most obnoxious shit when these lousy self-hating trans people who make no effort to be compassionate to anyone especially other trans people think I’M the one who’s being an asshole when you’re the one who came into my inbox... dude, you called me a fucking tweaker because, what, you saw i was happy and own a van? i lived in my fucking car at 17 to get away from my mom who tried to murder me for it. shut uuuuuup. 
i did my time in self-hatred hell, i’m over it, i spent too many years crying about how i wished things were better and i’m here now. i didn’t get handed any of this shit. stop taking it out on a random stranger and go learn a different way to get emotional catharsis. sorry that you think i’m the loser for being ~popular on a dead site~ or whatever but how is that worse than screaming at nothing constantly on the same website? i make like 3 posts a fucking day and i’m not here to be anything but myself. i can see why that pissed you off so much, but you’re not getting anything out of it.
i’m not gonna give my whole sob story speech for you to prove i’m a ~real trans person~ b/c obviously that’s not what it’s about, it’s about you being insecure, but newsflash - nobody’s making being trans a fucking contest. you’re fucking brainwashed into hating other trans people instead of doing anything meaningful. pick someone else to whine at who didn’t work his ass off for years just to stop trying to kill himself, loser. 
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bad-draft-stuff · 5 years
Fate Goes (to the market)
Arsé-kun: *A NEW DAY A NEW START I HOPE SENPAI THE WIZARD DIDN'T FUCK SHIT UP* Sheepy: Satoru: *he comes downstairs* Good morning, everyone- Arsé-kun: Vlad: Good morning, Satoru. I hope you didn't need this garlic bread. Sheepy: Satoru: But... aren't you allergic? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I was, until I stopped being a vampire for some reason? Sheepy: Satoru:.....? Sheepy: Satoru: That's odd... Arsé-kun: Vlad: No, odd is that I'm suddenly a Lancer, as is Carmilla. Sheepy: Satoru: Is Carmilla no longer a vampire too? Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I.... Don't know. Get something to eat, then head outside. That's where the others went. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Thank you! Sheepy: *Satoru eats and then goes out.* Sheepy: Satoru:...... Arsé-kun: Mori: Ah, good morning, Satoru. Welcome to... Whatever happened. Sheepy: Satoru: Um... Sheepy: Satoru: Wh...what is Cu Chu... wearing? Arsé-kun: Mori: Caster robes. Sheepy: Satoru: He's wearing a see through top... Arsé-kun: Mori: That isn't the worst of it. Either way, all of our classes- Bar Hessian Lobo- seem to have been shuffled. Sheepy: Satoru: What is everyone now? Arsé-kun: *Mori covers what he Knows* Sheepy: Kintaro: A very very golden good morning to you, Chief! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Volume, Kintoki! Sheepy: Kintaro:...Sorry, Ruffles. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It is all right. *he resumes attempting to aim an arrow. he misses, but it makes a cool musical twang noise* Sheepy: Cu: Oi, Master! Hanging out is nice, but shouldn't we get busy? Let's go fishing! Sheepy: Cu: Right now, you're just a baby, but if you try hard, you'll grow into a respectable man. Arsé-kun: Proto: Fishing? Sheepy: Cu: Fishing requires patience and- What in the...?! Proto! What happened to you?!? Sheepy: Cu: You have a centipede thing coming out of your back! Arsé-kun: Proto: I want to know that, too! *he wags his tail..? tail?* It's kinda cool though! Sheepy: Cu: Did you switch classes too..? Arsé-kun: Proto: Apparently. I don't know what to. Sheepy: Cu: I want to go to town and see pretty women. And fish! Master, let me teach you how to fish! Sheepy: Satoru: *he hides behind Mori. Nevermind.* Sheepy: Cu:...Alright, you come, Proto! Arsé-kun: Proto: Excellent! *his tail is really wagging now* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs Proto* Sheepy: Cu: Let's go, then! Sheepy: Lobo: Boof? Arsé-kun: *An arrow soars past Proto, snagging itself in the fur on Cu's hood* Sheepy: Cu: *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* Arsé-kun: Herc: I wouldn't leave if I were you. *he's. fully dressed for once? Summer outfit. FULL SENTENCES* Sheepy: Cu: You trying to kill me gives me all the more reason to leave! Sheepy: Lobo: *growl* Arsé-kun: Herc: It was aimed for your hood as to not inflict harm. Leaving may mean that you will not receive the counterspell. Sheepy: Cu:...*he hesitantly takes ths arrow out of his hood* Sheepy: Lobo: *he is still growling but not as much. that was his friend...* Arsé-kun: Proto: *he lowers his voice a bit* It's so weird hearing him use full sentences. Sheepy: Cu: It's weird seeing him with clothes. Arsé-kun: Proto: I had no idea he could use a bow. Sheepy: Cu: I don't think he can. I think it was just a cover-up for a murder attempt. Sheepy: Lobo: *he continues to growl. is he scary yet? his tail is wagging.* Arsé-kun: *there's a howl from the other house, followed by a wolf... thing busting out of the doorway. Jekyll is clinging onto it's back for his life. help him* sheep: Lobo: *he sniffs the wolf thing* Sheepy: *Lobo has already decided that he's the alpha, apparently, because his tail is sticking up like a flag. He's standing with an air of confidence* Sheepy: Guin: Ah, does this mean Lance has changed classes...? I need to go find him... Arsé-kun: *the wolf lies down next to a bunch of the girls. Jekyll looks shaken but unharmed* Arsé-kun: Hyde: Do any of you lovely ladies want to have se-- Arsé-kun: Jekyll: HYDE! Be quiet! Sheepy: Guin: Nevermind, I already hate him. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I am so, so sorry for his behavior. sheep: Rider: "As long as he isn't a bad influence on Lobo and doesn't mess with anyone I know, I don't care." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: He most likely will. sheep: Rider: "Does he wish to keep his head?" Arsé-kun: Hyde: Don't touch me, headless. I'll kick your ass. sheep: Rider: "Don't touch anyone from our household or make sexual comments towards them if you want to keep your head." Arsé-kun: Hyde: Fine, I'll wait. sheep: Rider: "Wait? For when?" Arsé-kun: Hyde: Wait to stop being this ratty canine so I can go to a bar and pick up some dudes n' chicks. sheep: Rider: "Good." sheep: Lobo: *he sniffs at Hyde again* sheep: Rider: *he claps his hands* "No, Lobo, don't associate with him. You have standards, don't you?" Arsé-kun: Hyde: What do you want, stinko? You wanna go to the park and sniff some bitches? sheep: Lobo: *he looks excited!* sheep: Lobo: *boof* sheep: Rider: *he claps his hands again, but this time louder* "No, Lobo!" sheep: Guin: Jekyll, where is Lance right now? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Lancelot? Inside, I believe. Do check on him- I haven't seen him all day. sheep: Guin: *she goes in* Arsé-kun: *She immediately sees Andersen lying on the floor. This is normal and Andersen-like, except he's an adult, and he looks downright miserable. More than usual* sheep: Gil: Big brother! Are you sick? sheep: *Gil, meanwhile, is the opposite: hes a kid.* Arsé-kun: Andersen: I may as well be. Tell me not to take more medication. sheep: Gil: Don't take more medication! It can hurt you in large quantities. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Thank you. sheep: Gil: That's what Goldie read. Thankfully while Goldie isn't here, I still know a lot that he knew! sheep: Guin: ...Um, excuse me, have you seen Lance? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes. sheep: Guin: Do you know where he is right now? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Upstairs. Please pardon my appearance. sheep: Guin: No, no, we changed classes too. sheep: Guin: Don't worry about it. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Is that it? I should have noticed.. sheep: Guin: Do you mind if I go visit him? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Go ahead. sheep: *Guin goes upstairs to find Lancelot* Arsé-kun: *No sight of him at first, but the bathroom light is on and the door is open* sheep: Guin: *she hesitantly peeks in* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he's... facing away from the door, trying to cut his own hair. He's mumbling as he does, but it's intelligible* ... No, no, this isn't right... sheep: Guin: Lance? Do you need help? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he jumps like an entire foot into the air, dropping the scissors and knocking things over turning to look at her* I-I wasn't ready yet! sheep: Guin: Oh. Sorry. sheep: Guin: I'll come back later if you want. Arsé-kun: Lance: Uh... Um, no, it's okay! sheep: Guin: Okay, do you need help? You sounded like you were struggling with something... Arsé-kun: Lance: Please. *he bends down and retrieves the scissors* Sheepy: *Guin comes over to help.* Arsé-kun: *Significant improvements are made. To his hair.* Sheepy: *Thank goodness.* Sheepy: Guin: Your hair is much neater now! Arsé-kun: Lancelot: I feel a lot better! Say, do you think Merlin did something? Sheepy: Guin: I don't know. He might've... Sheepy: Guin: ...That'd explain everyone's, uh, situation. Arsé-kun: Lancelot: Uh? Did he make a mistake? Sheepy: Guin: Everyone's classes have been swapped. Sheepy: Guin: Instead of being a Saber, I'm a Rider now, for example. Arsé-kun: Lancelot: ... .... I would be inclined to believe I took Saber from you, then. Sheepy: Guin: I wouldn't be surprised. Sheepy: Guin: I prefer you taking Saber from me than anyone else, at least. Arsé-kun: Lance: Fair. Let me clean up, and then we can talk! Sheepy: Guin: Okay! Arsé-kun: *He does so, and then starts talking. At least half of it is apologies, a quarter is being a hopeless romantic, and the last quarter is miscellaneous. They head back out, meanwhile* Arsé-kun: Lance: -- But what I mean to say is that I apologize for my behavior Sheepy: Guin: You don't need to apologize. I understand. Arsé-kun: Eliza: *chanting from the roof* O T P, O T P, BEST SHIP Sheepy: Guin: ?! Arsé-kun: Lance: ?!? Sheepy: Guin: Why are you on the roof?! Arsé-kun: Eliza: Nobody stopped me from climbing up! Hey, do you think I could sing well from up here? Sheepy: Guin: ..I guess? Sheepy: Guin: I don't see why altitude would affect your singing, unless you're on a mountain. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Well, okayyyy! Arsé-kun: Eliza: Lemme just warm up, first! Arsé-kun: *both Jekyll and Hyde immediately cover their ears. Mozart notices and follows suit* sheep: Guin: ...? Arsé-kun: *Eliza just takes a moment to scream. Honestly? relatable* sheep: Guin: *she covers her ears* sheep: Lobo: *he starts growling and barking loudly. he doesn't like it.* sheep: Rider: ......... sheep: Cu: SHUUUT UUUPPP!! Arsé-kun: Eliza: YOUUUU SHUUUUTT UUUUUUPP Sheepy: Cu: YOU SOUND LIKE A DYING CAT! Arsé-kun: Eliza: And you look like a biiiiitch~♫ Sheepy: Cu: That's not singing, lady! That's just screaming at the top of your lungs! Arsé-kun: Eliza: I didn't say it was! It was a warm-up, now shut up! Sheepy: Cu: If you sound annoying when you sing, I can't guarantee I won't set up ablaze! You already make me really mad and all you've done is your "warm up"! Arsé-kun: *And Elizabeth kicks into singing God of Marie. Elizabeth.... She's probably doing this because few people will even know what it is. Either way, Eliza, no.* Sheepy: Cu: *he is quickly getting impatient* Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... If not for the actual lyrics, not so bad. Grating, but not awful. Sheepy: Cu:..... *he looks irritated* Sheepy: Kintaro: ? Arsé-kun: Proto: *he also looks irritated* ....... Sheepy: Cu: *and he, unsurprisingly, loses his temper* Shuuuuuuut uuuuuup, lady! Sheepy: Cu: You said you'd sing! You're still bleating like some stupid goat! Get down from your stage for your imaginary concert before I ram this staff so far through my heart that not even battle continuation can save me! Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she DOES shut up. ... followed by falling to her knees and crying* Sheepy: Cu: Rather than crying, actually try learning from a music teacher instead of listening to "music"! Sheepy: Cu: Music tells stories of intense battles and of the tears of maidens! Not drugs! Sheepy: Satoru: But Uncle Mozzy's songs don't discuss either. Sheepy: Cu: Mozart does what Mozart pleases. Arsé-kun: Mozart: They do sometimes. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't understand music. Sheepy: Satoru: She didn't sound bad, but I was tuning her out. Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he stumbles outside, groaning loudly* Whatever that was, it better not start again! Sheepy: Gil: Miss! You're upsetting big brother!! He's hurting! Be nice to him! Arsé-kun: Proto: *he was angry, now he's.. Still angry, but also super confused* What did you just say? Sheepy: Gil: I said, "Miss, you're upsetting big brother! He's hurting so be nice to him!" Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she peers off the roof. She DOES lower her voice* Oh my gosh, you're adorable. Sheepy: Gil: Huh? Arsé-kun: Herc: ..... *even he has to suppress a laugh* You're finally joining us, Gilgamesh? Sheepy: Gil: Big uncle Herc! You're here too! Sheepy: Gil: "Gilgamesh" sounds really formal. Call me "Gil"! I'm not like Goldie! Arsé-kun: *In the far background, Minako excuses herself so she can have a fit of giggles* Sheepy: Gil: I don't want to become Goldie! I hate him! Arsé-kun: Hyde: Then why don't you spam his phone with pictures of yourself? And send them to everyone else, so he can't play "LOL THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN" bingo. Sheepy: Gil: ? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Check your pockets. *he sit down on the grass* Sheepy: *Gil takes out a phone* Arsé-kun: Andersen: Camera. Go nuts. Sheepy: Gil: Big brother! Take a picture with me! Here, here, I'll get you in the shot! Arsé-kun: Andersen: ... I look awful. *he adjusts his glasses* Look, you can even see burns on my face. Arsé-kun: Andersen: ... *he sighs and forces a small smile for the camera* Sheepy: *Gil takes a picture with Andersen!* Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he proceeds to flop down onto the grass* Sheepy: Gil: Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Nope. Sheepy: Gil: Do you need anything? Arsé-kun: Andersen: A barrel to be smashed over my head, killing me instantly. Sheepy: Gil: I don't think I have anything like that. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Hey, do you think big uncle Herc wants to take a picture, too? Sheepy: Gil: Probably! Sheepy: Gil: Take a picture with me! Arsé-kun: Herc: I don't suppose I have a reason not to. Sheepy: *Gil takes a picture with Herc!* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Me too! Me too! Arsé-kun: *And now, a short list of background events that May or May Not be happening: Proto is trying to take a branch from Lobo, with his mouth. He's hanging off off this branch. Progress is Low. Lance and Guin are being hopeless romantics. Mozart thinks it's adorable, as does Elizabeth. Emiya can't see. Carmilla is a fucking catgirl.* Arsé-kun: *Also Merlin is alternating between fixing his staff and napping. On occasion, he also tries to piece together a broken perthro rune* Arsé-kun: *I'm gonna keep doing this until you inevitably Do Something. Moriarty is standing with Satoru. Vlad still hasn't finished the garlic bread, and he isn't sharing under any circumstances. Cu is dying inside. Robin wants to leave. Medusa can't hold this bow and this book at the same time and keeps dropping both. Jekyll takes a nap on Hyde's back. Hyde wants to shake him off. Emiya still can't see* Sheepy: Satoru: You know, there's still a few people missing. Sheepy: Satoru: Mephisto, Merlin, and Minako. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey! I'm right here! Sheepy: Satoru: Then, if it's not you, who am I forgetting? Arsé-kun: Minako: Not Merlin either! He's over there. Sheepy: Satoru:.... Arsé-kun: Minako: Mephisto is... ... Y'know, I don't know where he went. Sheepy: Satoru: Maybe he left because he was sad. Sheepy: Emiya: *he has his arms outstretched and is waving them around as he walks. he's going to get where he wants to go eventually.* Arsé-kun: Minako: ... No idea. Emmy, do you need help? Sheepy: Satoru: That guy is covered up completely! Maybe he's Mephisto! Sheepy: Emiya: I'm baking. Arsé-kun: Minako: No horns, no tails. *she goes and tries to pull the bandages off his head. or whatever those are* Sheepy: Emiya: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Minako: Why didn't you just take it off? Sheepy: Emiya: I couldn't see what I was doing. Arsé-kun: Minako: Too stubborn to ask for help? Sheepy: Emiya: It's easy to poke an eye out that wa- Sheepy: Cu: Oi, Archer! Let's fight with our new classes! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, right, you guys were gonna do that! Kick his butt, Emmy. Sheepy: Emiya: I don't know where my weapons are. Sheepy: Emiya: Do I even have weapons? Sheepy: Emiya: Anyway, no. Arsé-kun: Minako: No? Sheepy: Emiya: It'd be stupid to waste my energy when there's clearly more important things to deal with. Arsé-kun: Minako: After, then? Sheepy: Emiya: Lancer has a luck stat of D anyway, so chances are his spells will explode in his face, anyway, killing him instantly and wasting my time. Sheepy: Cu: Excuse me! I'm no idiot! Arsé-kun: Minako: Harsh! All right, but give me advice. I'm gonna go check on Mephisto, but, who should I bring with me? Do you wanna come, or? Sheepy: Emiya: I'll come. Sheepy: Emiya: I believe he is in the attic as always. Sheepy: Cu: Don't run away like some baby! Sheepy: Emiya: Babies can't run! Sheepy: Emiya: They crawl! Sheepy: Kintaro: Let's give Moose a visit! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, are you coming, too? Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes! Arsé-kun: Minako: Okay! We're all set, let me just.. *she looks to Cu* Could you get Proto down from there before he breaks something? Sheepy: Cu: Proto! Get down! Arsé-kun: Proto: *he goes to talk. first mistake. he lands on his ass* Arsé-kun: Minako: Quick, Emmy, get inside. Sheepy: *Emiya goes inside and up to the attic* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he's lying on the couch, shaking and shuddering* Sheepy: Emiya: Mephisto! *he rushes over to his side* What's wrong? Sheepy: *the music box is playing...* Arsé-kun: *Mephistopleles does not respond. In fact, he doesn't seem at all aware that Emiya is present. Upon closer inspection, "shaking" and "shuddering" are not proper terms. The most accurate terms would be "twitching" and "convulsing".* Sheepy: Emiya: Something is wrong! Arsé-kun: Minako: What do you mean something's wrong? *she climbs up the ladder* What's up? Sheepy: Emiya: He's shaking. Sheepy: Kintaro: What happened to Moose? Sheepy: Teddy: ...he started trembling all of a sudden. is he going to be okay? Arsé-kun: Minako: ! ! Sheepy: Teddy: it's not helping... Arsé-kun: Minako: *she moves a bit closer* Did.. Did this only happen now? Sheepy: Teddy: uhuh! Arsé-kun: Minako: .... I guess it's better than happening repeatedly. *she bends down and unties Mephisto's bow. she's on a mission* Sheepy: Teddy: if mama was here she could help mister pheles. I need to find her... Arsé-kun: Minako: Huh.. *she glances towards Emiya* Is that whatever was going on with paperwork? Sheepy: Emiya: Yes. Arsé-kun: Minako: Neato. We'll get back to that after all this. *she starts sifting through Mephisto's hair, like she's looking for something underneath...* Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose! You've gotta snap out of it! Sheepy: Emiya: What are you doing? Arsé-kun: Minako: Looking for something. Doubt he's shown you guys, so maybe I shouldn't... .. Aw, fuck it. *she just moves his hair away from his neck to show some sort of markings on it. If inanimate markings and circles could be unhappy, they fucking are* Sheepy: Emiya:....? Sheepy: Kintaro: It's like...ehh, pictionary on his neck! Sheepy: Kintaro: Except without the guessing! Arsé-kun: Minako: May as well have guessing. I know nothing about alchemy except stuff from anime. Sheepy: Emiya: I know very little about alchemy myself. Move. Arsé-kun: Minako: ...? *she moves to the side* What are you gonna do? Sheepy: Emiya: Trace, on! *he touches Mephisto's neck* ... ... ... Arsé-kun: Minako: Eh??? I thought you said that didn't work on people.. Sheepy: Emiya: It doesn't... Arsé-kun: Minako: ... Sheepy: Emiya: *he is doing his best to focus on it.* Arsé-kun: Minako: *she wisely shuts up* Arsé-kun: Minako: ... ....... *she's considering this with a grain of fear* ... And I thought the first time was bad. Hold on. *she goes to the window and opens it* Yo, Merlin the wizard! Hurry your ass up, it's starting to cause problems! *she now returns* Nailed it. Sheepy: Emiya: First time? Arsé-kun: Minako: Later! Sheepy: Emiya: Fine. Arsé-kun: *the shaking finally stops. He did not Die.* Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose? Sheepy: Kintaro: Is Moose dead? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .... ngnnnh? *he finally comes to, blinking in confusion and looking in Kintaro's direction* Taro..? What're you doing here...? *he sounds exhausted* Sheepy: Kintaro: I was very, very concerned! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: About what...? This clown looking thing we call me..? Sheepy: Kintaro: You were shaking violently! Sheepy: Kintaro: Like I do when I see a boob! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .... Heh? Run that by me again..? Sheepy: Kintaro: You were trembling like you saw something that terrified you! Like a boob! Arsé-kun: Minako: Now make it possibly lethal. Sheepy: Kintaro: Breasts can kill you! Arsé-kun: Minako: ... At least Lizzie's can't. Sheepy: Emiya: Are you feeling alright, Mephisto? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ..... Nnnnnot really.. Sheepy: Emiya: Everyone changed classes. Your body appears to be rejecting it. Sheepy: Emiya: For example, I am an Assassin, and Kintaro is... Kintaro is...? Sheepy: Kintaro: My intended class, a Berserker! Sheepy: Kintaro: A very very golden greeting to you, Moose, in my true form! Cool! Powerful! Shocking! Because I use electricity! Sheepy: Teddy: mister pheles is back!! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... So you're Currently making Re-Volt-ing puns? ... Oh, hey, Teddy.. Sheepy: Kintaro: I should write those down! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .... I'll help when I feel better. Who'd know better about bad jokes than a clown? Sheepy: Kintaro: Meese? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: oH NO *he starts laughing* Sheepy: Kintaro: ? Sheepy: Kintaro: You're a moose and you know a lot about jokes. Sheepy: Emiya: A group of moose is moose. Arsé-kun: Minako: I can't believe he's a moose, Emmy. Sheepy: Kintaro: No, no! Sheepy: Kintaro: The plural of goose is geese! Sheepy: Kintaro: The plural of moose must be meese! It's the golden rule! Arsé-kun: *Mephisto keeps laughing at "meese". Why? No idea. It's just That Funny.* Sheepy: Kintaro: Similarly, the singular of beef is a "boof"! Sheepy: Emiya: Incorrect. The plural of beef is beeves. Arsé-kun: Minako: I thought it was just beefs! Sheepy: Emiya: No. Sheepy: Kintaro: Beef is a plural! Sheepy: Kintaro: The singular is a boof! That's why Lobo says it so much! Sheepy: Kintaro: Right, Moose? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he wipes away a single tear. he was laughing that hard* Apparently so, if it's the Golden Rule. Sheepy: Kintaro: You see? Moose knows the Golden Rule! Sheepy: Emiya: When Merlin can he'll fix this mess. Until then, just relax. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: hnn. *he shifts himself* When'll that be? Arsé-kun: Minako: I don't know, and I don't like it! *she frowns* It's bad enough that happened. I thought the first time around was bad, but... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... We're really gonna talk about that? *he sighs* That one was worse. Took longer to fix. Was a lot more lonely. No puns. Ehe. Arsé-kun: *Minako doesn't seem amused* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Okay! Sorry. Sheepy: Kintaro:? Sheepy: Emiya: First time? Sheepy: Emiya: I assume I wasn't present for it. Sheepy: Kintaro: There's always a first time for anything! That is the second golden rule! Arsé-kun: Minako: It was a whiiiiile back, Emmy. None of you guys were there yet, except Mephisto. sheep: Emiya: I see. sheep: Kintaro: Ah, ah! I've got it! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh? sheep: Kintaro: I know what can make you feel better! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... What? sheep: *Kintaro leaves and returns with golden delicious apples!* sheep: Kintaro: Here, here! Golden delicious apples! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... Didn't you say it was your favorite..? sheep: Kintaro: Yes! sheep: Kintaro: That's why it'll make you feel better. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... Thanks, Taro. sheep: Kintaro: No problem! Sheepy: *Meanwhile, Bedi finally arrives.* Arsé-kun: *Bedi is not stopped by the security wolves. One is being a lazy sack of shit. The other is Lobo* Sheepy: Bedi: There you are, Merlin...! *he pauses and looks over at Lancelot, visibly surprised. he has emotions past :) ????* Arsé-kun: Lance: Good afternoon, Bedivere! Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Lancelot! You look much better than you did yesterday! ...You're speaking clearly, too. Were you just not feeling well yesterday...? Arsé-kun: Lance: Not at all, unfortunately. Merlin decided to try something. While it worked, it's ruined everyone else's classes. Sheepy: Bedi: ...I see. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Don't blame me, you plum! My staff broke right in half! There was also an unexpected reaction to the runes.. Sheepy: Bedi: But don't you keep your staff well-maintained? Sheepy: Bedi: ...So clearly, you must've made a mistake... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Someone tried to use it as a fetching stick. *he shoots Lobo a glare* Sheepy: Lobo: *he walks over to Merlin, places a paw on his face, and pushes him over. no.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ach! I'm being assaulted! Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Guin: Lobo, no. Arsé-kun: Lance: Lobo, yes. Sheepy: Lobo: *he places a paw on Merlin's chest and stares directly into his eyes with a penetrating glare. know your place, Merlin* Sheepy: Lobo: *he hesitantly raises his paw and looks over at Guin and Lance* Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, are you okay? Sheepy: *Bedi comes over to help Merlin up* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'll live. Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Lancelot, I apologize that I couldn't stick around to talk yesterday. Arsé-kun: Lance: Accepted. You were busy. Sheepy: Bedi: I work as the ... I guess the term is "barista"? Arsé-kun: Lance: That sounds correct. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm there often, so if you go to the store again, I'd appreciate if you stopped by and said hello. Arsé-kun: Lance: If I am able to remember that after this, I shall. Sheepy: Bedi: I'll be looking forward to it, then! Sheepy: Bedi: How have you been and what have you been up to? Arsé-kun: Lance: Not very much. It's hard to keep a goal in mind as a Berserker. Yourself? Sheepy: *Satoru has finally left Mori's side to investigate Bedi's arm. touch. touch. Bedi doesn't seem to notice...* Sheepy: Bedi: I've been fine. I live with Merlin, so things are usually entertaining. Arsé-kun: Lance: I'm unsure if I should pity you or not. Sheepy: Satoru: It's shiny... why's it so shiny? Sheepy: Bedi: We are the only two servants, though, so... Sheepy: Bedi: It can be a bit overwhelming at times. Arsé-kun: Lance: That sounds peaceful. Or it would be, if not for Merlin. Sheepy: Bedi: ....Ah. Peaceful... Sheepy: Bedi: ...No, no, not really. Sheepy: Bedi: Even without Merlin it wouldn't be peaceful. Arsé-kun: Lance: Oh? That seems like a stretch. Sheepy: Bedi: Delving into detail would be breaking the trust that has been put on me, but at the same time, you're a very close friend... Arsé-kun: Lance: No, no. If it's that kind of case, I can live not hearing it. Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. Sheepy: Bedi: If it weren't for that, then yes, it would be peaceful. Sheepy: Satoru: Do real knights always wear armor, Uncle Lance? Arsé-kun: Lance: We often do, yes. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm...very conflicted. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Doooo it. Sheepy: Bedi: But- Arsé-kun: Merlin: Before I do it! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he strides over like he owns the place* Based on my interrogation's results and the way you're acting... You know his biological father, yes? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Certainly. Congrats, kiddo, the dad you have was adopted! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, no! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Merlin yes! Sheepy: Guin: That... that'd explain a lot. Arsé-kun: Lance: I've been utterly underinformed. Catch me up to speed. Sheepy: Guin: How do I explain this... Sheepy: Guin: His "father", Masato, is... Sheepy: Guin: Neglectful, uncaring, and at times, downright abusive. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... .... Sheepy: Guin: And that's why Satoru summoned us. To be the family he wanted, as opposed to the family he had. Sheepy: Guin: The fact that he's the result of a different relationship makes a lot of sense. All that man sees him as is a tool. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... I regret asking. Bedivere, spar with me. Sheepy: Bedi: Right here...? If you want to, but... why? Arsé-kun: Lance: Because I most likely won't be able to later. *he sounds a little growly..* Fight me. Sheepy: *Bedi takes out his sword* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he takes out his own and steps away from the others* Sheepy: *Bedi follows so they can spar over where they won't hurt anyone.* Arsé-kun: *AND THEY SPAR. INTENSE* sheep: Bedi: *pant* Have you calmed down now, Sir Lancelot...? Arsé-kun: Lance: *pant, pant* Yes, thank you. That was the best spar I've had in years. sheep: Bedi: Ahah, I can say the same... sheep: Bedi: We should go sit down. I think I overdid it, at least, haha. Arsé-kun: Lance: That would be... A great idea. sheep: *Bedi comes back to the group and plops down in the grass* Arsé-kun: *Lance follows his example* sheep: Guin: Welcome back! Arsé-kun: Lance: Thanks. sheep: Guin: *she joins them* sheep: Satoru: *he followed* Uncle Lance! Why aren't you a Lancer? Arsé-kun: Lance: Because I don't use a lance. sheep: Satoru: *he looks confused* sheep: Satoru: But... you lance a lot. Sheepy: Satoru: ...right? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he's been dragged outside by Kintaro. He's hanging onto Kintaro's shirt for dear life. Either way, he hears the pun and starts laughing* Sheepy: Satoru: .... Sheepy: Satoru: I thought it was a title? Sheepy: Satoru: You're Sir Lance A Lot because you use a lance a lot? Sheepy: Satoru: But I didn't know your name so I used what Auntie Guin called you instead. Arsé-kun: Lance: It's a name as well. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: What's going on out here, anyway? Sheepy: Satoru: Everyone's switched classes. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Oh, I learned that part the hard way! Sheepy: Gil: *he looks over at Mephisto* Hello! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Why, hello! Sheepy: Gil: You haven't met me before, but you've met Goldie! I'm Gilgamesh, but you can call me Gil! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Oh, there's a difference? Are you not going to threaten everyone? Sheepy: Gil: Goldie's a snobby rich king who let power get to his head. Sheepy: Gil: Unfortunately, I have no choice but to become him one day, but... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: But we can sure annoy him, can't we? Sheepy: Gil: Goldie doesn't deny my existence because he hates me, is embarrassed by me, or finds me in some way lacking in worth compared to him. Sheepy: Gil: Goldie denies my existence because he never was me, and I never will be him. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Actually, I just want to annoy him in general, but okay. Sheepy: Gil: You'll need to wait until that wizard is done to be able to annoy him. Sheepy: Gil: Since, I doubt he'll remember anything from now. Sheepy: Gil: Unless you mean you want to take a picture with me. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You're taking pictures??? Of course I'll take one. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That's gonna drive him nuts for sure. Sheepy: Gil: I have my doubts that it's possible to remember him ever being me. Arsé-kun: Merlin: i suggest magic. Sheepy: Gil: ? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Magic tends to be the answer to everything when done properly. Sheepy: Gil: But what if it's done improperly? Arsé-kun: Merlin: More magic fixes it. Sheepy: Gil: Well, okay. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Either way, I think I'm ready for the fix. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Sheepy: Satoru: So is Uncle Lance going to make gurgling noises to communicate again? *he seems a little disappointed, despite only communicating with Lancelot for a few moments.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I've got my doubts. Once given sanity, the brain most likely won't want to lose it, or something. I'm a magician, not a doctor. Sheepy: Satoru:....Well, okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I'll believe you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Once you finish your fix, I can finish my case, so the sooner, the better. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Righto. Everyone hold onto your hats. *he (finally) stands up and begins casting magic. the effect is near immediate.* Sheepy: Gil:....When did I get out here? Arsé-kun: Minako: This morning! We used your phone to keep track of everyone, if you don't mind. Sheepy: Gil: I see! Then, feel grateful I let you, mongrels! Arsé-kun: Herc: ... Stop talking. Sheepy: Gil: Don't order me around, mutt! Sheepy: Guin: Lance? How are you feeling? Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Tired. Unsure if it's the same tired or more tired. Sheepy: Guin: I'm sorry to hear that. Did you sleep last night? Arsé-kun: Lance: Yes, surprisingly. Sheepy: Guin: That's good. If you sleep more often, you may start to feel better. Arsé-kun: Herc: Then quit calling me a mutt, you gold-plated flapdoozle. Arsé-kun: *this is met with roaring laughter from Andersen. He seems to feel better* Sheepy: Gil:...Mmh, I thought that that pretty woman over there only taught one dog to speak. I wasn't aware that she taught you to speak as well, mutt. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... You shut up. Sheepy: Gil: Unfortunately, I haven't a care in my entire treasury to give you. Arsé-kun: Herc: Good. I don't want one. Sheepy: Gil: What, do you dislike me calling that woman with you attractive, or calling you what you are: some mongrel? Sheepy: Guin: Unless you want the beating of a lifetime, I'd suggest you not insult my husband. *she's smiling, but...* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... .... *he slowly copies her expression, making this more uncomfortable than it ever needed to be* Sheepy: Gil: Hahah! I love women with a wild side! Hahahahah! I guess even dirty mutts can choose good women sometimes! Good going, Lancelost! Because you are a Berserker and have lost your sense of self! Hahahhaa! Laugh, a King of Heroes Joke! Arsé-kun: Lance: ....... ......... Guinevere, dear, may I borrow your sword? Mine is far too small to do any damage to his thick skull. Sheepy: Guin: *she nods and passes him her sword* Arsé-kun: *Lance stands up with it. He stares at Gil* Sheepy: Gil: Ah, ah? Are you protecting your woman, mutt? How respectable! I wasn't aware there was more than anger in that one-tracked mind of yours! Arsé-kun: Lance: There is more. I don't believe you know the definition of loyalty. ... That, and I'd rather face you myself than let her destroy you. Sheepy: Guin: I am nobody's woman except for my own. Lance is protecting you from me. Sheepy: Gil: Loyalty is for weaklings. Sheepy: Gil: Loyalty is simply a word people use to control you. Sheepy: Gil:...Oh dear, I forgot! Sheepy: Gil: I'm speaking to the great Lancelot, Knight of the Round Table, loyal to the King Arthur! But wait, wasn't it that woman there who caused your downfall, along with your betrayal of your king? Sheepy: Gil: Why should I listen to a speech about loyalty from someone who's anything but? Arsé-kun: Lance: No. You won't listen anyway. Sheepy: Gil: I won't listen to a hypocrite like you. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Well, then. Guinevere, take your weapon back. Sheepy: Guin: *she is shaking ftom anger. maybe now is a good time for everyone to back off and recollect their thoughts- aaand she almost yanks the sword away, clutching it tightly. there's the armor.* Arsé-kun: Lance: Go get him, babe. Sheepy: *Despite her very heavy-looking armor, Guin launches herself at Gil! Gil jumps away. he attempts to defuse the situation by complimenting her appearance in comparison to Artoria's, which only serves to make Guin more mad. A fight breaks out.* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *since remerging with Hyde, he's had a killer headache. This is not helping, so he decides to stumble his way back to the house.* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he keeps his eyes on the fight, just in case Guin needs help* Sheepy: *After a while, Guin seems to start to tire.* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he, with his armor, decides to step in, hijacking a fallen weapon to get started* Sheepy: Guin: *pant, pant* Sheepy: Gil: *he aims a few Gates of Babylonia at both of them* Who invited you, dog? Sheepy: Satoru: *he gently tugs on Gil's coat* Sheepy: Gil: What is it, mongrel? Can't you see that I'm busy?! Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Gil:...Out with it, pup! I don't have all day! Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Gil: You're making me uncomfortable!! Stop!! Arsé-kun: Lance: *he skids to a stop upon noticing Satoru. He's far too close.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Well, that's one way to stop a fight. Sheepy: Gil: Can someone please get this kid away from me so I can go back to teaching those two a lesson? Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, oh! I remember what I wanted to say now! You forgot your hair gel! Sheepy: Gil: ?! Sheepy: Gil: *He rushes inside. His hair is more important than Lancelot.* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... ..... *he quietly laughs, but it ends up louder* No one tell him it's empty. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: But how will he know to go to the store and buy more? Arsé-kun: Minako: Thhhree, twooo, any time now.. Sheepy: *Gil basically kicks the door open* Sheepy: Gil: Who did it?! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Did what? Sheepy: Gil: Used my hair gel? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Wasn't me. I was upstairs all day. Sheepy: Gil: I demand whoever did it to speak up, or I'll punish the person of my choice! Arsé-kun: Mori: It was no one of my household, so keep us out of it. Sheepy: Gil: It doesn't matter if you're responsible or not if it's intended to make a statement! Sheepy: Gil: ...So, since obviously no one is going to speak up. Sheepy: *Gil snaps his fingers. Kintaro gets hit with Gates of Babylon! Ouch.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hey!! Uncalled for, you jerk! Sheepy: Gil: What're you going to do about it, clown? Sheepy: *Satoru goes over to Kintaro to see if he's okay.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I'll stuff your damn treasury full of bombs, that's what I'll do! Sheepy: Gil: Hah! What do you care anyway? Sheepy: Gil: Why stand up for some idiot mongrel when nobody cares about you anyway? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *his tails stop moving. He's silent for a moment, then suddenly grins, cheshire style* Because it entertained me, of course! Ehehe! It doesn't matter! What did you expect from a clown? Sheepy: Gil: Ah, so you're a daredevil. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Not exact-ly! You want to know what I am? Sheepy: Gil: What? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I'm not going to tell you! Did you think I'd make things so easy for the King of Heroes? Laugh, for I've made a Kings of Heroes joke! Sheepy: Gil: Don't compare yourself to me, fool! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Tooooooo late! Arsé-kun: *Mephisto dodges the attack, before making a beeline for the gate itself* Sheepy: Gil: ?! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You can't hit me if I've got all your stuff hostaaaaage~ *he zips in before Gil can close it* Sheepy: Gil: ...Hmph, idiot. Sheepy: Gil: Have fun rotting in there. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey, you said nobody could get in there! Sheepy: Gil: He just got lucky. Arsé-kun: Minako: Nothing bad better happen to him in there! Sheepy: Gil: Whatever. Sheepy: Gil: I could get him out if you really want me to. Arsé-kun: Minako: Without stabbing him? Sheepy: Gil: *He points his Gates of Babylon at Kintaro again* Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey, hey! Sheepy: Gil: Mephisto, do you want your friend to live? Then get out. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he pops his head back out* Sheesh, you're an asshole! Sheepy: Gil: Get. Out. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Then don't you dare ever hit him again, or I'll start taking shit. *for once, he's dropped the grin in favor of being dead serious* And I'll personally destroy them, you got it? Sheepy: Gil: I'll hit him again if you don't get out. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he gets out, mostly* Don't do it again. Sheepy: Gil: Get out and I won't. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he exits, but still looks cross with Gil* Sheepy: *Gil closes it* Arsé-kun: Medusa: .... *this is interesting and all but is the dude alive* Sheepy: *Sort of? Satoru has a blank expression on his face* Arsé-kun: *what do you mean Sort Of* Sheepy: *He's a little conscious?* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he decides staring down Gil is not going to help anyone and floats away to check on Kintaro.* Youuuu all right, buddy? Sheepy: *Kintaro looks over at Mephisto. He seems dazed. It'd be easier to tell if he was if he wasn't wearing his stupid sunglasses.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he moves a bit closer, to try and peer over his glasses* Sheepy: *Kintaro squints, trying to clear up his vision* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Taro? Sheepy: *Kintaro pats Mephisto's face, visibly confused* Sheepy: Kintaro: Your face is all... blurry. Sheepy: Satoru: Clown, is he okay? Can you help him? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Well, he's alive. I'm of no help otherwise here. Arsé-kun: Minako: *she goes to retrieve the weapon that was thrown at Kintaro. It proceeds to be fucking heavy. be entertained by her trying to drag it to Gil. so she can try to smack him with it* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Thank you for stepping in. Sheepy: Lobo: *he comes over to Minako and picks it up* Arsé-kun: Minako: Good boy! Sheepy: Lobo: *his tail is wagging. he is waiting for direction as to what to do wih it.* Sheepy: Gil: Don't touch my treasure, fleabag! Arsé-kun: Minako: Let him have it, pup! Sheepy: Lobo: *he drops it on Gil's foot. Gil yelps and clutches his foot.* Sheepy: Kintaro: *he slowly sits up* D-don't worry - this is nothing. Arsé-kun: Roman: *he's been freed from Lobo, so he can FINALLY come over. and check on Kintaro, while he's at it* sheep: Satoru: Ah! Dr. Marshmallow is here! Arsé-kun: Roman: I said I was coming, didn't I? Here, let me see the wound. Sheepy: Kintaro: *he sits still so Roman can look* Arsé-kun: Roman: Ouch. Doesn't seem to be too bad, but don't do too much until it heals. *he sticks a bandaid onto it. it's gold. it has hello kitty on it* Sheepy: Kintaro: A very very golden thank you... Sheepy: Satoru: It's, uh... Sheepy: Satoru:...Pikachu! Arsé-kun: Roman: *he looks to Satoru, and hands him the bracelet he owes* As promised! Sheepy: Satoru: !! Sheepy: Satoru: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Roman: Quite welcome! Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow, Kintaro said he'd drive you home, but at this point that'll be impossible until he recovers. Sheepy: Satoru: So what will you do until then? Arsé-kun: Roman: Oh, I'll figure something out ^^ Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yooo, Doc Ock! *he comes over and claps Roman's shoulder* What are you doin' here? Arsé-kun: Roman: Had a delivery to make, Magi- Arsé-kun: Merlin: Don't you dare say anything about that in public! Arsé-kun: Roman: Okay, okay! I won't! I was just going to remind you to fill queue! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, yeah! Hey, Bedi, do you think Eij would mind a visitor? Arsé-kun: *Another Meanwhile! Vlad has hurried back inside, most likely to "discard" the garlic bread. Eliza's gone back inside, but she's eyeing Carmilla-senpai from the window. Jekyll- or is it Hyde?- comes back outside. Lance has sat back down with Guin. Proto lies down on the grass for a nap* Sheepy: Bedi: Good afternoon, Dr. Romani. Sheepy: Bedi: I doubt he'll mind Dr. Romani visiting, if you mean him. Detective... Holmes, I believe? Already left to speak with him. Sheepy: *Guin has taken off her helmet and looks exhausted. Cu joins Proto in taking a nap in the grass. Gil hurried back inside. Carmilla is petting Lobo. Rider is staring at Eliza... maybe? Emiya has gone back inside.* Sheepy: Bedi: Although, I suspect that he will be taking action sooner than expected due to what Detective Holmes will be informing him of, and his mood may not be the best. Sheepy: Bedi: So, while you stay with us, please don't bring up Satoru's similarities to him. Arsé-kun: Roman: ... You know, I hadn't noticed until you brought it up! But yeah, gotcha. Arsé-kun: Herc: ... ... *he doesn't seem sure what to do. Time to resume archery practice. This bow is not his. He's using it anyway* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ..... *he puts a hand on Kintoki's shoulder* You wanna go inside n' do something? Sheepy: *Kintaro nods* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Cool! Just don't make me carry you! *he'll try if he has to, though* Sheepy: *Kintaro unsteadily stands* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Steady! You're not some broken see-saw, are you? Sheepy: Kintaro: No, Moose... my head just hurts a lot. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Gotcha. Here, let me... *he goes behind Kintaro, and hooks his arms under taro's. Support!* Sheepy: Kintaro: *he appreciates this.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hum! My place is closer. Not a problem, right? Sheepy: *Kintaro shakes his head* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Neato. *and they Get Going* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Here, Taro, have the couch. Sheepy: *Kintaro takes the couch.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You, uh, want anything? Or something? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Oh, duh! Sure, lemme see if we haaaave any! Sheepy: Kintaro: Alright.. Arsé-kun: *Mephisto zips off to find one. He comes back with an icepack and two icepops* Sheepy: Kintaro:...? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he hands the icepack over, and starts opening a pop* ...? What? You want one? Sheepy: Kintaro: No thank you. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Well, okay! *he opens the other one. and proceeds to stick them both in his mouth* look Taro, I'm a walrus. Sheepy: *This makes Kintaro laugh. mature.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he makes some fucking noise. is it supposed to be a walrus noise??* Sheepy: *Kintaro laughs more. please* Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose... thank you for acting like you cared when I was hit. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: What do you mean "like"? Thank you for acting like you cared when I was sick. Sheepy: Kintaro: No problem, buddy. It's what friends do. The number one golden rule. Sheepy: Kintaro: Don't believe Goldie, by the way. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .. Huh? Sheepy: Kintaro: I heard what he said to you when you went into that portal thingy. It's not true. I care about you and Chief likes you as well. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Oh. Yeah. Of course he lied! Master Mink cares about me, too..! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes, her too, I'm sure. Sheepy: Kintaro: I can't see why she'd be too different from Chief in that respect. She's just more open and expressive compared to Chief. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Is it hard figuring him out? He seemed so..... Sheepy: Kintaro: Chief has... difficulties showing how he feels, probably because of Masanori. You'll come to learn the subtle differences that show how he feels if you're around him enough. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Gotcha. We're neighbors, so I'll probably be around a bunch! Sheepy: Kintaro: Earlier, he was actually very upset. His left eyebrow was furrowed. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Just the left? Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes. Sheepy: Kintaro: It's important to know when you're pushing his emotional limits. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Well! The more I know! *his tails have finally stopped being stiff. He seems to have relaxed, and they're kinda just doing. whatever they want* Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes! If he plays dead, you know you've gone too far. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hmm.. Sheepy: *Meanwhile, an arm suddenly wraps around Mori's shoulder..* Sheepy: Sherlock: Good evening, Professor Moriarty! Arsé-kun: Mori: *fOR THE LOVE OF GOD* What do you want, Holmes?! Sheepy: Sherlock: Is that how you greet all of your friendly rivals? Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah... I guess I'm the only one, now that I think of it. Arsé-kun: Mori: You're going to give me cardiac arrest at this rate! Sheepy: Sherlock: Can servants even have cardiac arrest? Arsé-kun: Mori: I don't see why not. Sheepy: Sherlock: Well, they can survive car accidents just fine, so... Sheepy: Sherlock: Although, I wonder if car accidents count as Rider type damage? Arsé-kun: Mori: Carry on. What, exactly, do you want? Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I not speak with an old ...hmm, friend is too strong of a word. Sheepy: Sherlock: Even if two people are friendly, that doesn't necessarily mean they're friends. Arsé-kun: Mori: We're absolutely not. Get your hand off of me. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he moves his hand* Arsé-kun: Mori: Where did you run off to, anyways? Sheepy: Sherlock: To his father's house so I could discuss the matter with his mother. Arsé-kun: Mori: You did not come from... ... Ah, I see what you mean. Sheepy: Sherlock: Until I find the "missing person" and clear up all loose ends, my case isn't done. Arsé-kun: Mori: Then go finish up, will you? Sheepy: Sherlock: You are the one who asked. Sheepy: Sherlock: And so, I told you where she is. Sheepy: Sherlock: Masato didn't appear to care. Arsé-kun: Mori: You have. However, Satoru needs to be given an understanding of the situation. As the detective, it is your job to do so. Sheepy: Sherlock: You yourself stated he didnt care.. Arsé-kun: Mori: And he does not. What I'm trying to say is to leave me alone. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he frowns* Sheepy: Sherlock: So you're saying that you didn't get any enjoyment out of our battles of wit? Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you intend to let yourself stagnate with no one of your caliber to compete with? Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. Arsé-kun: Mori: This is not competing. If we have the chance to, then I'll enjoy it. Sheepy: Sherlock: However, if all we do is compete, what are we? Arsé-kun: Mori: Rivals. Sheepy: Sherlock: Incorrect. Sheepy: Sherlock: We are strangers. Sheepy: Sherlock: Two people can compete for any goal, but if they don't even stop to speak to one another, they might as well be strangers- Sheepy: Satoru: If you're lonely you can talk to me. Sheepy: Sherlock: Lonely...? No, no. I'm not speaking with him because I want companionship. Arsé-kun: Mori: Sure. sheep: Sherlock: I'm not! Arsé-kun: Mori: Then why not interact with anyone else? Or is it because I'm the only one you're familiar with? sheep: Sherlock: I don't know anyone else. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Fine. I will tolerate you for now. sheep: Sherlock: "Tolerate"... Arsé-kun: Mori: As nice as it is to see you, it's not exactly comforting. Neither of us want a repeat of the last time we were together. sheep: Sherlock: As long as we stay away from waterfalls, we should be fine. Arsé-kun: Mori: Touché. sheep: Satoru: Your corset makes you look like a spider. Arsé-kun: Mori: Doesn't it? sheep: Sherlock: I... guess so. *he mumbles something about hating spiders* Arsé-kun: Mori: What was that? Speak up. sheep: Sherlock: ... sheep: Sherlock: *he mumbles again about spiders.* Arsé-kun: Mori: .... .... Would you like to come inside? Perhaps we could have a bout of wits over chess and tea. sheep: Sherlock: Ah! That sounds nice. sheep: Satoru: Grandpa, I found Choo Choo earlier today, but... Cu Chu stepped on him! Arsé-kun: Mori: Rest in the floor tiles. sheep: Satoru: Choo Choo was my friend. sheep: Satoru: He was Lobo's friend too. Lobo would play tag with him, but Lobo always seemed to be it... Arsé-kun: Mori: Choo choo gave everyone anxiety because of that damn movie. sheep: Satoru: Kintaro didn't see it so he can't say whether he liked it or not Arsé-kun: Mori: I doubt he would. sheep: Satoru: I didn't understand it but I found it strange! sheep: Sherlock: What's Choo Choo? Arsé-kun: Mori: A particularly large bug. sheep: Sherlock: ...... sheep: Sherlock: ...how many legs? Arsé-kun: Mori: How many does a centapede have? Fifty? sheep: Satoru: They can have between 15 and 177 pairs of legs. Arsé-kun: Mori: Too many. sheep: Satoru: Choo Choo has 15 pairs of legs. Arsé-kun: Mori: Enough of this discussion, though. sheep: Satoru: He's a male because his 15th pair isn't really long. sheep: Sherlock: *he looks downright terrified* Arsé-kun: Minako: What are we talking about? sheep: Satoru: Choo Choo! Arsé-kun: Minako: Ours? Or..? sheep: Satoru: He's a centipede and my friend!! Cu Chu stepped on him. sheep: Satoru: He didn't like the human centipede that much... Arsé-kun: Minako: I've heard things about that movie... Is it worth it? sheep: Satoru: I didn't get it but I liked it. Arsé-kun: Minako: If a kid can watch it, it can't be that bad! sheep: Satoru: Auntie Guin was the only one who didn't leave partway through or hold someone else for comfort. sheep: Satoru: I don't get why. It wasn't that bad. Arsé-kun: Minako: I take it back? Now I wanna watch it though. Arsé-kun: Mori: .... So, Sherlock, lets get going, hm? sheep: Sherlock: *he nods, looking a little sick to his stomach* Arsé-kun: *Mori and Sherlock escape successfully* sheep: Satoru: I named Choo Choo after a train because he looked like one. Arsé-kun: Minako: Good point! Millipedes kinda do, too. sheep: Satoru: I want a pet millipede! sheep: Satoru: They look like really long rolly-pollies! Arsé-kun: Minako: They're cute! sheep: Satoru: I like centipedes because they're prickly! Lobo likes to play with them. sheep: Satoru: And then he eats them. sheep: Lobo: *he heard his name.* Arsé-kun: Minako: Puppy! sheep: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, hey! You got the bracelet! Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh! Dr Marshmallow gave it to me! Arsé-kun: Minako: *she laughs* Marshmallow??? Oh, I'm so calling him that from now on! Sheepy: Satoru: His hair reminds me of marshmallows. Arsé-kun: Minako: It does, you're right! Sheepy: Satoru: Why do doctors need teleporters? Sheepy: Satoru: What will ambulances do if they aren't needed anymore? Sheepy: Satoru: Is he a real doctor??? Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, he's definitely a doctor. He's only allowed to use the teleporter cause Chaldea needed a stand-in boss, and he was the only one there with enough qualifications. As for the ambulances, no idea! Sheepy: Satoru: He looks like a college student from movies. One who sleeps and then realizes that he never did his essay and is going to fail his finals. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hhhhhuh. Maybe? Sheepy: Satoru: That's why his hair is messy and he walks around with his coat open. Sheepy: Satoru: Because he's always just gotten out of bed. Arsé-kun: Roman: *this isn't weird.* Sheepy: Satoru: Hello! Arsé-kun: Roman: Hi again! I realize I forgot to show you how that bracelet works! Sheepy: Satoru: How does it work? Arsé-kun: Roman: Easily. *he presses a button on the O of Fiction. A little holographic screen pops up!* Here's the main screen. Sheepy: Satoru: *he is visibly impressed* Arsé-kun: Roman: ....And here's the last thing! This is what I call the mission screen! If there's ever anything that needs to get done, it'll be posted here. If there's one close by, why not take one up tomorrow? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I'll do my best. Arsé-kun: Roman: Great! Sheepy: Satoru: What are missions usually like? Arsé-kun: Roman: They vary. Sometimes they're just community service. Sometimes there's a monster that needs to be stopped. Sheepy: Satoru: Monsters? Arsé-kun: Roman: M-hm. That's not too common, last I checked. Sheepy: Satoru: I saw a monster earlier. Arsé-kun: Roman: Literally, or are you insulting someone? sheep: Satoru: It was Godzilla. sheep: Satoru: She was on TV and fighting a moth. Arsé-kun: Roman: *he sighs with relief* Not that kind of monster. I wouldn't expect anyone to fight something that big! sheep: Satoru: I wouldn't fight Godzilla. sheep: Satoru: She's just a mom who's trying to protect her baby. Arsé-kun: Roman: Fair point. sheep: Satoru: She's a good parent. sheep: Satoru: I wished for a dad like Godzilla and instead Vlad appeared... Vlad isn't a dinosaur but that's okay. Arsé-kun: *Roman takes a moment or so to take in that information* sheep: Satoru: He's as old as a dinosaur. sheep: Satoru: Vampires come from the age of the dinosaurs but they all died when the comet hit which is why we never see vampires anymore. Arsé-kun: Roman: If he's alive, apparently not. sheep: Satoru: The comet was actually Santa Claus delivering the greatest gift to humanity: life. sheep: Satoru: ...So says Kintaro, but... sheep: Satoru: ...Santa Claus doesn't exist, so who killed the dinosaurs? Arsé-kun: Roman: The meteor did that. sheep: Satoru: But who sent the meteor? Arsé-kun: Roman: Space? sheep: Satoru: *gasp* Arsé-kun: Roman: Space kind of does what it wants. sheep: Satoru: I don't like space anymore. Arsé-kun: Roman: Space is scary. sheep: Satoru: I wanted to meet the dinosaurs... Arsé-kun: Minako: Birds are pretty close.. sheep: Satoru: Birds are the dinosaurs after they went to heaven. sheep: Satoru: That's why they have wings. sheep: Satoru: They're angels. sheep: Satoru: Flightless birds are fallen dinosaur angels whose wings burned when their hearts opened to sin. sheep: Satoru: Kiwis are like the bird equivalents of Icarus. They're blind because they flew too close to the sun. Arsé-kun: Roman: Who told you that?? sheep: Satoru: The same person who told me that vampires are weak to the sun because it reminds them of their final moments before the meteor struck... Kintaro. Arsé-kun: Roman: Well, Riders do tend to be... Eccentric.. sheep: Satoru: He's very smart, which is why nothing he says makes sense sheep: Lobo: Aruuuu? *he heard Rider. he's curious. he tilts his head some* Arsé-kun: Minako: Puppy!! sheep: Rider: "Don't group me in with the likes of him." sheep: Rider: "His intended class is Berserker, anyway." Arsé-kun: Roman: I meant the class. You and Lobo are Avengers, after all! sheep: Rider: "I see." Arsé-kun: Roman: But, yes, having originally been a Berserker probably does play a part in it. sheep: Rider: "Berserkers are usually idiots." Arsé-kun: Roman: Not exactly. Most often, they're just sanity-impaired and judgement-impaired. sheep: Rider: "They act like idiots, then." Arsé-kun: Roman: Fine. sheep: Rider: "The only exception being Vlad, surprisingly." Arsé-kun: Roman: His I can explain. He was originally a Lancer. Berserker was the best class to give after becoming a vampire with a reason for bloodlust. sheep: Rider: "I see." Arsé-kun: Roman: This might be rude, but do you..? Like, actually? sheep: Rider: ........ sheep: Rider: *he slowly raises his hands to answer and then stops* sheep: Rider: ............. Arsé-kun: Roman: You know what? Never mind. sheep: Rider: "I... don't know." Arsé-kun: Roman: Chalk it up to ghost powers and call it a day? sheep: Rider: .... sheep: Rider: "...Sometimes during the spring, because of the pollen, my eyes water and I feel like sneezing but..." sheep: Rider: "...When I go to rub my eyes or sneeze, I remember that I'm incapable of it." Arsé-kun: Roman: That's harsh. sheep: *Rider walks off, having an existential crisis* Arsé-kun: Roman: I hereby fire myself from asking those kinds of questions. Sheepy: Satoru: I once asked him how he can think or feel considering he has no brain and later I found him huddled in the corner in a fetal position, shaking. Arsé-kun: Roman: Maybe we shouldn't ask at all. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo never makes him sad like that. Lobo knows him well. Sheepy: *Bedi is quietly lurking near Lance* Arsé-kun: Lance: .....? Sheepy: Bedi: ...Ah, sorry, am I bothering you? I can leave. Arsé-kun: Lance: Not at all. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you mind if I sit next to you? Arsé-kun: Lance: Nope. Go ahead. Sheepy: *Bedi sits down* Sheepy: Bedi: I'm happy for you. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Thank you, Bedivere. Sheepy: Bedi: I know I sided with King Arthur, but... I don't think of you as any less of a person for your actions. I think more of you. We who served the king were called "brave" for our actions, but we had a strong leader. You were alone fighting this strong leader for your beliefs, and that... takes courage and love that I never knew existed in such levels. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... ..... I tried to come back, too. I wanted to help fight at Camhain. I was not allowed to. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm sorry. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... It's fine, I suppose. I got what I deserved eventually. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes. Life with the one you love. Arsé-kun: Lance: That wasn't what I was saying... Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Artoria let me off. We knights were meant to be punished for crimes, yes? But she wouldn't. It drove me nuts, until she finally did so. I don't want to say I was a masochist or anything of the sort, but.. Sheepy: Bedi: I wasn't punished for my crime either. Sheepy: Bedi: I can understand how it feels. Arsé-kun: Lance: I'm a Berserker for a reason. I'm not sure you do. You want me to kick your ass for it? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, you're right. It hasn't driven me nuts. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Though, I'm still a Berserker, and I'll most likely return to my former mentality tomorrow. I'm over it, so why am I still..? Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you want me to punch you for it too? Arsé-kun: Lance: Please. Sheepy: Bedi: *he punches Lance* Arsé-kun: Lance: Yow! Did... Did you just dent...? *he has to take his helmet off to look* Sheepy: Bedi: It's a representation of my sin. Arsé-kun: Lance: Almost breaking my shoulder isn't a sin, Bedi. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...I'm sorry. Sheepy: Bedi: My arm isn't just metal like when we were alive and I forget this sometimes. Arsé-kun: Lance: What did you do, anyway? Sheepy: Bedi: I failed King Arthur's final mission for me. Arsé-kun: Lance: Is that really a sin..? Sheepy: Bedi: I hesitated before returning the Excalibur to the lady of the lake and found I couldn't do it. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..? Sheepy: Bedi: I lied to King Arthur, stating that I had seen nothing out of the ordinary, and was berated for my actions. Sheepy: Bedi: He was dying but he lost his trust in me and insisted to watch as I returned it. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... You don't have to say he, you know. It's only me. Sheepy: Bedi: It's habit. Sheepy: Bedi: To remind me of my crime... Arsé-kun: Lance: Fair enough. You got berated, though. That on it's own is a punishment. Sheepy: Bedi: My arm was infused with the power of the Excalibur. Arsé-kun: Lance: I want to be jealous of that. Sheepy: Bedi: It's not as fun as it might sound. Arsé-kun: Lance: More fun than going berserk. Sheepy: Bedi:...You're not wrong. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I wonder if it would be able to stop me from going berserk, actually. Sheepy: Bedi: We could try... Arsé-kun: Lance: But not now. Sheepy: Bedi: How will we fix your armor? Arsé-kun: Lance: Like we always do. Stop looking at it for a while. Sheepy: Bedi: That's how to never get anything done... Arsé-kun: Lance: Punch the inside of it. Done. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you want me to...? Arsé-kun: Lance: Later. Too much of a hassle taking it all off now. Sheepy: Bedi: Have you experienced the magic of making coffee yet? Arsé-kun: Lance: Nope. Never had it. Sheepy: Bedi: You haven't? Arsé-kun: Lance: Nope. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm not a fan of the taste myself unless it has milk, but... I think I've gotten skilled at making it. Arsé-kun: Lance: You can do that..? I've only seen it be... Just coffee. Then again, I'm using Andersen for reference.. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes. I can't handle bitter things. Arsé-kun: Lance: Oh, it's bitter? ... Maybe not, then. Sheepy: Bedi: You can make it sweet. Arsé-kun: Lance: Thank goodness. Sheepy: Bedi: It depends on the beans you use, your blend, and whatever additional things you put in it. Sheepy: Bedi: Eiji has us working at the store as well because, well, I wouldn't say we have a lot of money.... Sheepy: Bedi:...But we're happy with what we have, and that's what matters. I learned about coffee for my job, which is fun except when it's crowded. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Huh. Arsé-kun: Lance: Either way, I'll come by one day. If you're not busy, maybe you can tell me more. Sheepy: Bedi: That sounds nice. Arsé-kun: *anyway, everyone goes home. kintaro is dropped off by Mephisto. Vlad hasn't stopped dying, but that's his problem.* Sheepy: *In the middle of their conversation, Sherlock suddenly rolls up a nearby paper and... maybe there was a spider there? If there was, there isn't one anymore.* Arsé-kun: Mori: Good shot. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...I don't know where it went. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's probably gone. Don't worry about it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Did you see the size of it...? Arsé-kun: Mori: I did not. I was not looking. Sheepy: *A few minutes later, Sherlock bats at it again... it's not there...* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah... I missed. Arsé-kun: Mori: I did not see anything that time. Sheepy: Sherlock: I did. Arsé-kun: Mori: .... .... Have you eaten at all today? Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you concerned about me? *he laughs* I had a granola bar, don't worry. Arsé-kun: Mori: That's it?? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm more concerned about the energy tolls you may be taking on your master. Go eat something. I can't believe I have to tell you this! Sheepy: Sherlock: You sound like you're my mom! Sheepy: Sherlock: Babysitting truly has taken a toll on you Arsé-kun: Moriarty: When your lack of self care skills kill your master, I don't want to hear anything. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay, Mother Moriarty. Arsé-kun: Mori: Go home and take care of yourself. I absolutely cannot believe I have to tell you this. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson used to tell me. Sheepy: *Sherlock gets up* Arsé-kun: Mori: We can continue our discussion tomorrow if you're still alive. Sheepy: Sherlock: Good night, Professor Moriarty. *he leaves* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he waits a minute or so* I'm free. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he swivels his chair around, and puts the tv on. It's a science documentary about waterfalls.* Sheepy: *Remember your great fall, Mori?* Arsé-kun: *He'd rather not to! He changes the channel. It's the Emperor's New Groove! All well and good... Except it's the waterfall scene.* Sheepy: *Thats your favorite scene, right?* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he skips a few stations. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull-- Tv is turned off* Sheepy: *Did you have a nice trip at the Reichenbach falls, Mori?* Arsé-kun: *Nope!* Sheepy: *Meanwhile, Satoru in his room, reading!* Arsé-kun: *There is a Knock on his Door.* Sheepy: Satoru: *he opens it* Arsé-kun: *It's Dad! And he doesn't look mad or annoyed at you for once!* Sheepy: Satoru:...Um, hello. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Good evening. *he's carrying himself and speaking in a rather proper manner... It's rather odd* It's come to my attention that not all of your homework has been handed in. Has it been completed? Sheepy: Satoru:...Not all of it. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Oh? Whyever not? Sheepy: Satoru: I got busy with... other things. Arsé-kun: Masato?: May I take what has been done, then? Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Then go ahead and get it. I shall wait. Sheepy: *Satoru goes to get the homework he's completed.* Arsé-kun: Masato?: *he takes a step into the room, but does nothing else* Sheepy: Satoru: *he hands it to Masato* Arsé-kun: Masato?: Thank you. Sheepy: Satoru: Um.. you're welcome. Arsé-kun: Masato?: *he starts looking through the papers* Sheepy: Satoru:........ Arsé-kun: Masato?: .... This is all you have done? Sheepy: Satoru:..Yeah. Arsé-kun: Masato?: This entire week, and this is it? Sheepy: Satoru:...yeah. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Forget about what we want you to do for a moment. How will you survive as an adult if you don't handle responsibilities now? Sheepy: Satoru: Um... I don't know. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Has the lesson not been hammered into you yet? Sheepy: Satoru:....I don't know. Arsé-kun: Masato?: I see. *he neatly puts the papers down* Sheepy: Satoru:....... Arsé-kun: Masato?: Come here, you. Sheepy: *Satoru slowly approaches* Arsé-kun: *Masato? grabs a hold of Satoru. A single, disciplinary smack is one thing. Actively hurting the child is another.* Sheepy: *Satoru goes limp... apparently he's decided playing dead is the best solution to this.* Arsé-kun: Masato?: Pathetic. *he drops Satoru. literally* No wonder your mother left. She's probably embarrassed by how worthless you are. *with that, he picks up the papers and leaves* Sheepy: Satoru:......... Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he comes in moments later, clearly concerned* Are you okay? Sheepy: Satoru: *he shakes his head. no. no he isn't.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: I should have come in before I heard... That. I'm very sorry. Sheepy: Satoru: There's nothing you can do. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I could have stopped him. *he sits down next to Satoru* Sheepy: Satoru:...No. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No? Sheepy: Satoru: He'd just come back later. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Which he may do anyway. I'm going to stay here with you. Sheepy: Satoru:...thanks. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Quite welcome. Would you like me to help you change, or are you ready for bed as is? Sheepy: Satoru: I can't sleep. Arsé-kun: Mozart: We'll see about that. Sheepy: Satoru: What if he comes back...? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Then I'll kick him out. Sheepy: Satoru: ...Okay. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Here, it's getting late. *he offers a hand to Satoru* Lets go to bed, shall we? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *Mozart carefully picks up Satoru, and places him into bed. He sits down nearby, and picks up a toy keyboard from the floor* Sheepy: Satoru:...? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Does this still work..? *it turns on* Excellent. Arsé-kun: *Mozart slowly begins to play it.* Sheepy: *It seems to be helping Satoru relax.* Arsé-kun: *as intended.* Sheepy: *Eventually, Satoru drifts off to sleep. you did it mozart you helped.* Arsé-kun: *Mission Accomplished.* Arsé-kun: *The next morning, Mozart is no longer there. Time to get up!* Sheepy: *Satoru gets up and goes downstairs.* Arsé-kun: *And the first thing in sight is Vlad holding back Mozart's arms so he can't scratch and tear at himself. Vlad looked annoyed at most, but Mozart, poor Mozart, his wild eyes darting about as he struggles* Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy?! Sheepy: *Satoru rushes over to the two* Arsé-kun: *Mozart doesn't seem to hear him at all, not noticing Satoru until he is seen* Sheepy: Satoru:...? Arsé-kun: *Upon closer inspection, Mozart looks more panicked than anything* Sheepy: Satoru: *he hugs Mozart. does this help?* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ..! *it helps a little* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Temporary hearing loss. He'll be fine. There seems to be a boggart about. Arsé-kun: Vlad: From Sherlock having seen a spider, to James having seen nothing on the telly but waterfalls, there is no other explanation. Sheepy: Satoru: Boggart...? Sheepy: Satoru: ...........Maybe... that was just the boggart too. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Wolfgang did mention something occurring last night.. Lets presume it was the boggart until otherwise noted. sheep: Satoru: Okay, it makes more sense that way. sheep: Satoru: How long will Mozzy be deaf? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I don't know. sheep: Satoru: Can we make the boggart go away? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yes. sheep: Satoru: How? Arsé-kun: Vlad: By attacking it and driving it away. sheep: Satoru: ........ sheep: Satoru: I don't want to hurt it, but it's hurting us. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Exactly. Gather everyone. It's best to confront it in a group. sheep: *Satoru goes off to find everyone* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he's trying to unlock a door. with a paperclip. Hm* sheep: Satoru: Hello! Arsé-kun: Mori: Morning. *he turns the paperclip around. try #5* sheep: Satoru: What're you doing? Arsé-kun: Mori: Trying to unlock this blasted door. sheep: Satoru: I didn't know there was a key... Arsé-kun: Mori: There isn't. Back up. sheep: *Satoru backs up* Arsé-kun: *Mori whips out the coffin gun and shoots the doorknob clean off. Much easier now.* sheep: Satoru: Dad said to collect everyone together to kill the Babadook. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'll join him downstairs soon. *he pulls the door open* sheep: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *Look at all those BOOBS! I mean, serious honkers. Real sets of badonkers. Packin' some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big old tonhongerekoogers.* Arsé-kun: *... All over the walls. I should have specified that.* Arsé-kun: *The walls are quite literally covered in gigantic bonkhonagahoogs.* sheep: *Kintaro is hiding behind Cu Chu, who has his hands over his own eyes* Arsé-kun: Mori: Out, quickly! sheep: *Kintaro and Cu run out* Arsé-kun: *once theyre gone, the room resumes looking normal* sheep: Satoru: ... sheep: Satoru: What was on the wall? Arsé-kun: Mori: Those are referred to as breasts. sheep: Satoru: Like chicken breasts? Arsé-kun: Mori: No. sheep: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Mori: Moving on! sheep: Satoru: We need to find everyone else still. Mozzy is with Dad. Arsé-kun: Mori: Carmilla is downstairs last I checked. Rider and Lobo I do not know. Guin, I am not sure about either. sheep: Satoru: Let's look for Rider and Lobo then. sheep: Satoru: They're always together so if we call for Lobo he should come with Rider. Arsé-kun: Mori: Good plan. sheep: *Suddenly, there's loud barking!* Arsé-kun: Mori: Found Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's check on him! *he goes* Arsé-kun: *Mori follows him* Sheepy: *Lobo is in deep trouble!! THERES A VACUUM CLEANER!! it's not on.* Arsé-kun: Mori: .... Sheepy: Lobo: *grrrooowwwlllll* Sheepy: *Rider is in a fetal position in the corner...* Arsé-kun: Mori: Shush, Lobo. *he goes to walk past the vacuum. It makes a fucking watery crashing noise. Mori hurries up.* Sheepy: Lobo: *he hesitantly approaches it...it starts up. Lobo starts whining, creating a huge distance hetween it and himself.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he sits down next to Rider* Are you all right? Sheepy: Rider: ....... "my face..." Sheepy: Rider: "it...itches... I have no face... how do I see? how do I hear?" Arsé-kun: Mori: ... .... I wouldn't know. Sheepy: Rider: "I have pollen allergies..." Sheepy: Rider: "Every spring I feel it." Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Perhaps Vlad would have an answer? I do not. Sheepy: Rider:....."wheres... vlad?" Arsé-kun: Mori: Dining room. Sheepy: Rider: "I have a headache from Lobo's barking." Sheepy: Satoru: It can't hurt you, see? *he touches the vacuum. Lobo whines gently picks him up by the back of his shirt, moving him away from the vacuum. no.* Sheepy: *Rider stands and heads to the dining room* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he stands back up and crosses the room* Go on, Lobo. Sheepy: Lobo:.......*whine* Sheepy: Lobo: *he slowly turns and leaves with his tail between his legs* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he sighs and grabs the vacuum handle. Just in case* Sheepy: Satoru: Who left the vacuum out anyway? Arsé-kun: Mori: I don't think it's a vacuum. Sheepy: Satoru:...? Arsé-kun: Mori: Considering- *the vacuum makes the watery sound again. Mori flinches, but doesn't let go* that. Sheepy: Satoru: So then, it's the one who...... Sheepy: Satoru: ..... Sheepy: Satoru: Do you think if we talk to it it'll leave? Or will we have to resort to violence? Arsé-kun: Mori: Most likely the latter. Go ask Vlad what to do. I'll hold it. Sheepy: *Satoru goes to the dining room to see Vlad.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he's let Mozart go* Welcome back. Sheepy: Satoru: We found the Babadook! What do we do with it? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I live up to my name. Where is it? Sheepy: *Satoru states the room it's in.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he picks up his lance and heads off* Sheepy: *Satoru follows* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he stops in the doorway* Sheepy: Satoru: What's wrong? Arsé-kun: Vlad: That's just not fair at all. Sheepy: Satoru: It's just a vacuum cleaner. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Not anymore it isn't. Sheepy: Satoru: What is it now? Arsé-kun: Vlad: You. James, let go. It's mine. Sheepy: Satoru: ? Arsé-kun: Mori: Take it. *he lets go. He's very unhappy.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he glances back down at Satoru, like he needs to make sure Satoru is standing there with him, before throwing his lance across the room at the fake. Direct hit! The boggart screeches and turns into an insect, before escaping to outside* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, it's gone... Arsé-kun: Vlad: It can easily return. We're not safe until it is dead. Sheepy: Satoru: How do we catch it? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Find it, hit it, repeat until it is dead. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I didn't want to go outside this early, but I suppose we must. Sheepy: Satoru: Will you be okay? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I should be. Sheepy: Satoru: Be careful, though. It can change the appearance of rooms. Arsé-kun: Vlad: It's that strong..? What did it do? Arsé-kun: Mori: *he explains how it turned the room into a collection of humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous* Sheepy: Satoru: They're like chicken breasts except not made of chicken. Sheepy: Satoru: They're made of wall. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Satoru, those are called boobs. I'm not sure why James didn't just tell you that. Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro said that that's where babies come from. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I told him that as a joke. How much more has he told you?? Sheepy: Satoru: He told me that birds are angel dinosaurs and that vampires come from the jurassic times. Sheepy: Satoru: They're scared of the sun because it reminds them of the comet. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I'm so sorry. Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: Vlad: None of that is correct. Birds evolved from dinosaurs. Vampires do not come from the jurassic. We tend to be weak to the sun because we are purely nocturnal. Sheepy: Satoru: But... Sheepy: Satoru: You're awake during the day. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I only became a vampire when you summoned me. Carmilla is a far better example. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: Then... Sheepy: Satoru: Was Dracula a lie? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Absolutely, one hundred percent. Arsé-kun: Vlad: At least, in the regards of it being about me. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you hate being a vampire then? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I did. Enough talk. We need to find it before it finds anyone else. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *they get Going and go outside. Vlad shields his eyes from the sun* Sheepy: *There's the loud noise of clashing swords and swords hitting armor... * Arsé-kun: Vlad: That's our cue. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's follow the noise! Arsé-kun: *they do so, and come across Guinevere fighting Lancelot! .. A very worn down and broken lancelot* Sheepy: *Guin is fighting defensively exclusive, refusing to strike Lancelot...* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he rushes in, aiming to impale the fake lance on his... lance. ... english.* Sheepy: Guin: ! Arsé-kun: Vlad: It's not him. *he pulls his lance out and goes to stab the boggart again.* Sheepy: Guin: I'm sorry... it has his face. I can't strike it. Arsé-kun: Vlad: You're not the only one it tried this stunt on. *he kicks the boggart down and goes to decapitate it. It just reforms and speeds away as a shade. bye* Sheepy: Satoru: It ran away again... Arsé-kun: Vlad: I can barely see it.. Sheepy: Satoru: Maybe it'll leave for good this time. Arsé-kun: *a sword is thrown from the neighbor's window with perfect accuracy! the boggart has taken too much damage! it. ... unceremoniously poofs into thin air.* Sheepy: Satoru: *gasp* Where'd it go??? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Away. I'm going back inside. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he's still watching from the window, frowning* .... Sheepy: Guin: *she looks over* ..Thank you. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... You're welcome. I'd come out, but.. Sheepy: Guin: Huh? Arsé-kun: Lance: There's something I have to do first. Sheepy: Guin: Understandable. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he closes the window and turns away before, just* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRTTHHHUUUURRRR!!! *he is IMMEDIATELY responded to by Herc, yelling even LOUDER. Lance opens the window* Morning alarm. I'll be out in just a minute. Sheepy: Guin: *oh.* Sheepy: Satoru: Aaaarthuuurrrrr??? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he comes out. sweatpants, tanktop, this man isn't ready to be ANYWHERE.* Yeah. Sheepy: Satoru: He's an aardvark! Arsé-kun: Lance: Not that Arthur. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Sheepy: Satoru: The Babadook attacked us. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Eh? Sheepy: Satoru: The thing you killed. Arsé-kun: Lance: Oh, the boggart. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Sheepy: Satoru: I think it attacked me last night but I don't know. Arsé-kun: Lance: All I know about them is that they shapeshift, and very powerful ones tend to be aggressive. So..... Maybe? Sheepy: Satoru: Where did it come from? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he shrugs* Sheepy: Satoru: I was told that it was very strong because it created a boob room, but... it had to have come from somewhere. Arsé-kun: Lance: it made a what. Sheepy: Satoru: A boob room. Arsé-kun: Lance: ...... *snnrrrrkkk* Sheepy: Satoru: I learned that babies don't come from boobs. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he's trying to hold back a grin. he's failing, miserably* Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he laughs. work of art, 10/10, need encore* I'm sorry! That's just so...! Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro told me that babies come from them Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro is scared of them. Arsé-kun: Lance: *it's stopped being funny. mostly* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I get the impression nobody has told you anything about that yet. Sheepy: Satoru: About what? Arsé-kun: Lance: Babies. And I'm not doing it. Arsé-kun: *SO OF COURSE, LANCELOT AND GUINEVERE END UP EXPLAINING WHERE BABIES COME FROM. CONGRATS, SATORU, YOU LEARNED THE THING.* Sheepy: Satoru: Do you have any kids? Arsé-kun: Lance: Nope. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Lance: While I wouldn't mind it, I doubt that's an option anymore. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Lance: I'm doubting Servants are fertile. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: But enough about that. Sheepy: Satoru: ...................... Sheepy: Satoru: Where do people go when they die? Arsé-kun: Lance: Depends who they are. Sheepy: Satoru: Where did you go when you died? Arsé-kun: Lance: A grave, followed by the hall of heroic spirits, I guess. Sheepy: Satoru: ...... Arsé-kun: Lance: As did the rest of us, I suppose. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Arsé-kun: Lance: Well, it'd make sense. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: *the bracelet lets out a little ring!* Sheepy: *Satoru answers* Arsé-kun: Roman: Good morning! Are you and your Servants ready for your first mission? Sheepy: Satoru: ...Um, we just killed a boggart. Arsé-kun: Roman: Good job! Sheepy: Satoru: I guess, but.... I don't know if everyone is up for it. Arsé-kun: Roman: Of course, of course! Recovering from an unexpected boggart attack can take a while! That comes first. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay... what is the mission, anyway? Arsé-kun: Roman: Busting some skeletons. Y'wanna see? Sheepy: Satoru: Skeletons? Arsé-kun: Roman: *he puts some video feedback on screen. Skeleton warriors* Sheepy: Satoru: ? Arsé-kun: Roman: Skeletons. Sheepy: Satoru: How do we kill something that's dead? Arsé-kun: Roman: Smashing it into pieces. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Roman: That's why Servants do it. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not strong enough to. Arsé-kun: Roman: I'd hope not. It'd take superhuman strength to break these with your bare hands! Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro can make trees fall with ease! Sheepy: Satoru: He also sumo wrestled with a bear once! Sheepy: Satoru: Unless you mean a different type of strength. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo might like skeletons? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know, but I could ask him. Arsé-kun: Roman: Both sound good, but is Kintaro feeling well enough to? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't think so, so I'll ask Lobo. Sheepy: *Lobo heard his name. He is here now.* Arsé-kun: *the fluffest of boofers* Sheepy: Lobo: *Bawuuuu?* Sheepy: Lobo: *he seems eager about skeletons...* Arsé-kun: Lance: Eager, are we? Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... ... I am not particularly in the mood to come, but I will ask if anyone else wants to. Sheepy: Satoru: What's wrong? Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... I'm not very prepared to go, for one. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay! Sheepy: Satoru: That's fine! Auntie Guin will be happy to stay with you probably! Arsé-kun: Lance: *he nods and turns to look at Guin* Sheepy: Guin: That's fine by me. Was there anything you wanted to do? Arsé-kun: Lance: Not really.. Arsé-kun: Roman: ... I'll, uh, I'll stick this onto your mission tab. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay! Sheepy: Lobo: *he is wagging his tail* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Lets go see if anyone wants to go with them, I guess. Sheepy: Guin: Good idea. Sheepy: Lobo: *he nudges Lance with his snout, as if insisting on him finding teammates* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he is almost knocked over* I'm going, I'm going...! Sheepy: Lobo: *he wags his tail and sits* Arsé-kun: *lance (and guin?) exit stage right* Sheepy: *guin goes as well, yes* Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he's able to be seen from the living room. he's pouring himself coffee- and standing on a chair to reach the counter. tiny boy.* Sheepy: Guin: Do you need help? Arsé-kun: Andersen: I'm fine as is. Sheepy: Guin: Okay. Sheepy: Guin: Do you want to join Lobo? He's going out to helo Dr.Roman with skeletons. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I've got no time for that. I've got impending deadlines to deal with. Sheepy: Guin: Good luck! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Thank you kindly. *he hops off the chair and exits. the coffee is in a fucking kids sippy cup. nobody wants scalding hot emo everywhere* Sheepy: *Guin doesn't comment.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she flits and flaps her wings instead of aCTUALLY USING THE STAIRS* Is something happening? Sheepy: Guin: Do you want to join Lobo? He's doing a job for Dr. Roman - destroying skeletons. Arsé-kun: Eliza: I'd love to! Lemme go ask Boss if I can! *she runs off to do so. she can be faintly heard yelling upstairs* Sheepy: Guin: I'm glad it was easy to find someone to help Lobo out... Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she comes back* Boss said it was okay! Sheepy: Guin: Lobo is outside right now. Sheepy: *Lobo is staring in through the window* Sheepy: *...Rider is with him, but it's difficult to tell if he's staring in through the window as well.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Is that why the big bad wolf is leering at us through our tiny window? Sheepy: Guin: Yes. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Exciting! Sheepy: Guin: He's waiting for someone to come out to join him. Arsé-kun: Eliza: All right, going! Bye, Miss Guin! See you later, grumpy! *she exits the door and runs up to Lobo* Puppy! Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she reaches up to pet him* You ready to get bones, puppy? Sheepy: *Lobo's tail is wagging. He's excited!* Sheepy: *Rider gets onto Lobo's back* Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she gets into the air, but changes plans and swoops down to Satoru* Boss said I could come with you for dem bones! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Have fun. Arsé-kun: Eliza: I will! Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she leans over Satoru's shoulder to see the video feed* Oooh! Where is this? Sheepy: Satoru: We aren't supposed to go there because there's monsters. Arsé-kun: Eliza: More than just skeletons? Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Exciting! Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Eliza: I wanna see what kind of monsters are around here! Sheepy: Satoru: Good luck! Arsé-kun: Eliza: Good luck? Aren't you coming? Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not strong. Sheepy: Satoru: I rarely go out. Arsé-kun: Roman: Then make a change! If you go out and get stronger, you'll be fine, right? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know. Sheepy: Satoru: I'll do my best. Arsé-kun: Roman: You sure will. Do you want me to keep in touch for now? Sheepy: *Satoru nods* Arsé-kun: Roman: All right, I'll keep the line open. Sheepy: *So the four go to fight skeletons!* Arsé-kun: *well roman isn't physically there but he's in this too* Sheepy: *There's harp music.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: ?? *she considers getting off of Lobo's back* Did people beat us here? Sheepy: Satoru: That or the skeletons can play harps. Arsé-kun: Roman: The only recorded case of that was David. Wait, no, he's just really skinny. Carry on. Sheepy: Lobo: *he follows the music* Sheepy: Lobo: *There's the skeletons! That's all that matters. He doesn't care about the redhead playing the harp.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Dibs on the one with the sword up in front! *she more or less dives off of Lobo to Engage In Combat* Sheepy: Lobo: *he has picked up one of the skeletons and has started shaking it. the music stops* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Hey, hey! *she pushes the skeleton away and looks back to the harpist* Keep going, bard! Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow, who's that? Sheepy: *The redhead, upon request, returns to playing the harp again. The harp is actually a bow with multiple strings. His harp playing seems to be damaging the skeletons closer to him.* Sheepy: Satoru: Do they work for you? Sheepy: Lobo: *he drops the skeleton that he was practicing disembowling on and then places his paw on the head of another skeleton and smashes its face into the ground* Arsé-kun: Roman: Him? He helps out, yes. He's, uh.. *he takes a second to check the records* That's Sir Tristan. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, that's good. It didn't seem like he was doing anything, so I was worried that maybe he needed help... Arsé-kun: Roman: He is battling them in his own way. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she's smacking the skeletons around with her lance and humming. Any more than a hum and it's probably a threat of impending death. I'm kidding* Sheepy: *Lobo is still having fun smacking the skeletons around while Rider is making sure Satoru doesn't fall off of Lobo's back* Arsé-kun: *Because Satoru falling off would be Bad* Sheepy: Satoru: There's a lot of them and it doesn't look like the numbers are thinning any... Arsé-kun: Roman: There's usually a reason for that! There's usually some sort of leader. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Arsé-kun: Roman: Uh-huh! Sheepy: Satoru: Do you know if the leader is nearby? Arsé-kun: Roman: Uhhh.... Yeah! There's a decently strong magical reading a bit north from where you are now! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, I guess we should go check that out. Should we ask Sirtristan to come with us? Arsé-kun: Roman: I don't see why not! He's here for the same reason. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Mr. Sirtristan! Dr. Marshmallow says that the one commanding the skeletons is up north. Arsé-kun: *Eliza doesn't input, but she giggles. Something is funny to her. here* Sheepy: Tristan: I see. Lead the way. Sheepy: Satoru: But you have your eyes closed... Arsé-kun: Eliza: He can probably see better than I ca- Oof! *she wasn't watching where SHE was going, and slammed into a lightpole.* Sheepy: Tristan: What is there worth seeing in this planet that cruelly stole my life for committing the crime of loving the wrong woman? Arsé-kun: Eliza: That's so sad! Do you wanna sing about it later? Sheepy: Tristan: It is my song to her that caused my life to end, that caused me to be separated from her. ...Yes, I think that singing about it and releasing the emotional suffering that constricts my heart would ease my pain some. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Okay!! *she's amazed someone even ACCEPTED her offer* Sheepy: Satoru: I can give you a hug. Maybe that would help. Arsé-kun: Eliza: I second that, too!! Sheepy: Tristan: I will consider your offer. Sheepy: Lobo: *he is sniffing at the air* Sheepy: *Eventually they reach the leader.* Arsé-kun: *which is a Daemon. Thankfully a rather basic one, but STILL* Sheepy: Satoru: Big!! Arsé-kun: Eliza: What a brute. Sheepy: Satoru: It doesn't look mean! Maybe it's just lonely! Arsé-kun: Roman: Not really! Sheepy: *Rider tightens his grip on Satoru. No running up to daemons.* Arsé-kun: *Smart Rider.* Sheepy: Satoru: Are you sure? It looks nice... Arsé-kun: Roman: Not one bit! Arsé-kun: Roman: They're nasty little shits! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay... Sheepy: *Tristan is playing his harp again* Arsé-kun: *the daemon has Noticed Them!* Sheepy: *Lobo lunges at it!* Arsé-kun: *the daemon backs the hell up and casts magic! ... It's nowhere near enough to STOP Lobo* Sheepy: *Lobo shakes it off and goes for the jugular* Arsé-kun: *C.... Critical hit?* Sheepy: Lobo: *he picks it up and shakes it* Arsé-kun: *This is Painful, but it doesn't stop the daemon from spotting and aiming a shot at Satoru and Rider* Sheepy: Rider:?! Sheepy: *Rider does his best to shield Satoru, but considering Satoru is in front of him, there isn't much he can do...* Arsé-kun: *Satoru ends up getting pushed into Dog Fur Heck. Leaving Rider to, y'know, take the hit full on* Sheepy: Rider:....!!!! *OW OW OW* Sheepy: Lobo: *This only serves to make Lobo stop treating the Daemon like a toy and start treating it like an actual enemy. He drops it on the ground, places a paw on its chest, and starts pulling on its arm* Sheepy: *Rider also fell off. rest in pepperoni.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: *There's no way she can dive fast enough to catch him, so she goes and joins Lobo in fucking this daemon up* Sheepy: *Satoru is playing dead on Lobo's back.* Arsé-kun: Roman: H-hey! Are you still there? Sheepy: *Satoru lets out a small whine. Guess who's scared? It's this kid!* Arsé-kun: Roman: Are you hurt?! Sheepy: Satoru: Uuh... R-Rider is... Arsé-kun: Roman: ... I feel like I should have actually come with you. Anyone else hurt? Sheepy: Satoru: I... uh, don't know... Arsé-kun: Roman: ... I'll come back over to your place and clean up, okay? Sheepy: Satoru: O-okay.... Sheepy: Rider: *he approaches the Daemon and decapitates it* Sheepy: *Lobo begins gently nudging Rider with his muzzle* Sheepy: Satoru: I think it's dead.... Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she goes to punt its head away* Yep! Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to go home. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Yeah, me too. I don't like this place. Sheepy: *They head home. ... Tristan follows at a distance...* Arsé-kun: *what a weirdo.* Sheepy: *He isn't playing his harp either. And his eyes are still closed.* Arsé-kun: *As promised, Roman is waiting for them on the street corner. Which is close enough to the house without it being WEIRD.* Sheepy: *Lobo cautiously approaches Roman* Arsé-kun: Roman: Hello, Lobo. You're not hurt, are you? Sheepy: *Lobo nudges Roman* Arsé-kun: Roman: ? Sheepy: Lobo: *whine* Arsé-kun: Roman: What? What is it? Sheepy: *Lobo sits down and Rider slips off of his back. Satoru has his face buried in Lobo's fur. play dead activate.* Arsé-kun: Roman: Oh! *he goes to check on Rider* Arsé-kun: *While this is happening, Eliza doubles back to Tristan* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Are you lost..? Sheepy: Tristan: There is no "lost". Sheepy: Tristan: Every destination has its own adventure set in store, even if it isn't the intended destination. You never lose something by going to the unintended destination... ... Sheepy: Tristan: ... Yes, I should write that down in my list of "complicated excuses that'll make my conversation partners not ask if I'm currently suffering from a moment of weakness". Arsé-kun: Merlin: *presence concealment EX. because he's just suddenly here.* Tristan! Sheepy: Tristan: Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's me! Its you! Sheepy: Tristan: No, I'm not you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's not what I meant! Sheepy: Tristan: If I were you, I would not be sad, because I would not have ever landed a cursed relationship like the one I had. Sheepy: Tristan: Not to imply that you're incapable of finding a lover, but rather, I doubt you'd be chased down across the country because you had a lover you were not intended to marry. Sheepy: Tristan: Because you have quite the way with people. Arsé-kun: Merlin: The last girl I tried to be with stuck me in a tree for a good century Sheepy: Bedi: I can't really understand either of you... how do you have such bad luck? Arsé-kun: Merlin: No idea. Sheepy: Bedi: Good evening, Sir Tristan. I'll tell Sir Lancelot that you're here. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That'll be fun to watch. Sheepy: *Bedi leaves to get Lance* Sheepy: Lobo: *he is watching Tristan very closely* Arsé-kun: *as is Elizabeth* Sheepy: Tristan: *discomfort* Sheepy: Tristan: I see, it's wrong to follow people home. Arsé-kun: Lance: Yes, it is. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot. It's good to see you. Arsé-kun: Lance: You as well, Sir Tristan. Sheepy: Tristan: How have you been faring? Arsé-kun: Lance: Decently... Yourself? Sheepy: Tristan: As well as I can be. Arsé-kun: Lance: That's.... Good? Sheepy: Tristan: I see you got a dog. Is it difficult to walk? ...Are those bear traps a fashion statement? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... That's not mine. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Neighbors'. Sheepy: *Lobo nudges Lance with his muzzle* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he is nearly toppled over* ?? Sheepy: Lobo: *he plops down on the ground and stares intently* Arsé-kun: Lance: *questioning grunt noise* Sheepy: *Lobo places his head flat to the ground and stares up at Lance* Arsé-kun: Lance: ??? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, yes, I forgot to mention that I work with Dr. Roman. This dog appeared and started shaking my target. Unfortunately, it decided to blast his rider and the child on his back as a response. ...Have you ever seen a daemon's head be used for soccer? This is my first time seeing that. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... I have. *he gives a pointed look towards Elizabeth. SHE is still looking at Tristan's harp* ... ... *he finally catches on to Tristan having mentioned a child* ..! Sheepy: Tristan: Have you? I didn't know they showed up around here. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Neither did I! We just moved here! Arsé-kun: *Lance, meanwhile, makes a beeline for Satoru, who is still on Lobo's back* Sheepy: *Whether Satoru is sleeping or playing dead is a mystery. Lobo is watching Lance closely. Gaze.* Arsé-kun: Lance: *how do I handle child? if done badly, guin will have my head. uh.* Arsé-kun: *Lance applies a single hand to Satoru's back. are you alive child* Sheepy: *Satoru looks up at Lance. Oh. It's safe to stop playing dead.* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... ? Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, it's just you... Sheepy: Satoru: I was scared so I just played dead the entire trip home. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he kinda just. awkwardly pats Satoru's back before picking him up off of Lobo* Sheepy: Satoru: ...How do you become brave? You're a knight... knights are brave, right? Rider was hurt by the monster because I didn't protect myself. I can't fight my own fights, either... I just play dead because I'm too scared to do anything... but it never works... Arsé-kun: Lance: .... You can be scared and brave at the same time. Sheepy: Satoru: ......? Sheepy: Satoru: Are you scared when you fight? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I have been. ..I've been in things I was scared to do. What makes you brave is that you do it anyway. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not scared of much.... but the stuff I'm scared of, I don't feel like I can face... but if one can be brave and scared... Sheepy: Satoru: I should at least try to stand up to him. But he scares me so much. He did this yesterday. *he shows off the bruising from getting messed up yesterday. That does not look fun.* Arsé-kun: Lance: ..!!! Sheepy: Satoru: It's not the first time. I just play dead... last night he stuck around and said that I'm why she's gone... am I that bad? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he shakes his head and utters a low growl. Angry.* Sheepy: Bedivere: *he gently places his Metal Hand of Power on Lance's shoulder* Please don't do anything rash. Sheepy: Satoru: Sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... You didn't, don't worry. Sheepy: Satoru: ...Okay, that's good. ...Next time he comes in, I'll try to stand up for myself, but... I don't want it to escalate further... Arsé-kun: Mozart: If you are able to do that, we'll hear it and be able to assist. *he's here* Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know if I can do it... Arsé-kun: Mozart: At minimum, I will hear it. I think you can. Arsé-kun: Lance: Whatever you want. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he's... pulled out a marker and started doodling on Tristan's face* Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, he isn't reacting... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... How does he do that? Sheepy: Bedi: He walks around with his eyes closed all the time... Arsé-kun: Lance: Not that. Sheepy: Bedi: What? Sheepy: Bedi: Sleep on his feet? I don't know. Arsé-kun: Lance: I would say wizardry, but Merlin isn't that skilled. Sheepy: Bedi: Good point. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm right here! Sheepy: Bedi: Please don't take it in an insulting way. Sheepy: Bedi: You're good at other things. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I sure am. Sheepy: Bedi:...But in this field, compared to Sir Tristan, we are like newbies. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Is that even a good thing? Sheepy: Bedi: No. Sheepy: Bedi: But you are good at many bad activities too. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Damn right. Sheepy: Bedi:...Merlin, please, I don't mean anything sexual. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... I'm going to bring this child back to his house. You two keep, uh, talking about that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'VE BEEN GIVEN PERMISSION TO TALK ABOUT IT. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, please! Arsé-kun: Roman: *he kinda. slides into view, blocking Merlin* I've finished! Rider's a-okay! Sheepy: Satoru: Really?! Sheepy: *Lobo is wagging his tail excitedly!* Sheepy: Rider:..... Sheepy: *Rider is here.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: You're in one piece. Fantastic. Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: Rider: "As are you." Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd like to stay that way. Sheepy: Rider: "Unfortunate. I could decapitate you if you wanted." Sheepy: *Lobo licks Roman's face. He's thankful!* Arsé-kun: Mozart: Please don't. Sheepy: Rider: "I won't." Arsé-kun: Mozart: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Shall I take- oh. *Satoru has been shoved into his arms* Sheepy: Bedi: Please don't go and rough up his father now that you don't have anything in your hands. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Don't at all. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I've got a non-musical theory I'm working on regarding him. Sheepy: Satoru: What is it? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Though the pitch is the same, there are times where his voice has a wildly different tone to it... It is not an emotional thing, either. Sheepy: Satoru: He acts weird sometimes. Sheepy: Satoru: He was acting weird last night. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Yes, exactly. Sheepy: Satoru: Why does he act like that? Sheepy: Satoru: Is it because he's mad? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Emotionally or mentally? Sheepy: Satoru: Emotionally. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? sheep: Satoru: Then...? Arsé-kun: Mozart: The latter. Just a theory, though. sheep: Bedi: ...Anyway, all of you don't have much to worry about. We'll inform his mother and she'll deal with the rest. But, even though you're servants, you can still get arrested. ...So, be careful - assault and defending a young one can be a thin line. sheep: Rider: "Unfortunate. Decapitation is not allowed. It's regrettable that a man like him has been blessed with a head, while men like myself lack one." Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'm tempted to lift Vlad's ban for this. Sheepy: Rider: "Is that a good idea?" Arsé-kun: Mozart: No. Sheepy: Rider: "Don't." Arsé-kun: Mozart: I can't. It'd have to be a group decision. Sheepy: Guinevere: I vote no because I don't want Vlad to do anything he'll regret. How are you feeling, Lance? Arsé-kun: Lance: Tired. I'm going back in. Sheepy: Guinevere: Good idea. Don't push yourself. Arsé-kun: *Lance Exits Stage Right* Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy, is your hearing back to normal? Sheepy: Satoru: You seemed really scared earlier and I was worried about you. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It is, yes, thank you. I.. Panicked, to be honest. Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay. I understand why you would. Sheepy: Satoru: What's important is that you're okay now. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I am. sheep: Rider: "I'm going in now." Arsé-kun: Mozart: Lets. sheep: *so they go inside* Arsé-kun: *hooray* sheep: Kintaro: Chief is back! Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he looks up from his knitting* Welcome back. sheep: Satoru: Is everyone better from earlier? sheep: *Carmilla is eyeing the yarn...* Arsé-kun: Vlad: It does seem that way, yes. My apologies for not having come with you. sheep: Satoru: Rider was hurt during the fight. You might've gotten hurt too. sheep: Rider: "I'm fine." Arsé-kun: Vlad: Still. I had said that I would go with you. Sheepy: Satoru: Did you want to go? I didn't know, sorry. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I would have liked to, but staying put was more important. Aftermath of the boggart and all. Sheepy: Satoru: I understand. Sheepy: *Carmilla looks over at Vlad and then bats at his yarn ball. yarn, meet floor.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Why are you like this? Sheepy: Carmilla: Lack of attention. Wanting to mess with you. Every fiber of my being telling me to knock it off. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I see this. Please put the yarn back. I'm going to need that. Sheepy: Carmilla: *She puts the yarn back* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Thank you kindly. Sheepy: Carmilla: Were you scared by the boggart? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Merely unsettled. Sheepy: Carmilla: Just unsettled? Arsé-kun: Vlad: If I'd been afraid, I'd have been unable to harm it. *is he.. proud of himself?* sheep: Carmilla: Uhuh, okay. Arsé-kun: Vlad: What's that supposed to mean?? sheep: Satoru: I don't think it ever visited me. sheep: Carmilla: If you can't face your fears that makes you a coward. Arsé-kun: Vlad: .... Right. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Satoru. About that. sheep: Satoru: Uhuh? Arsé-kun: Mozart: I already suggested it, Vlad. Was there evidence..? Arsé-kun: Vlad: And more. I. I may or may not have bent a rule. sheep: Satoru: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I mean I did not break a set rule, but I almost did. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Some of the set rules were: To not harm Masato, to not mess with him, and to not go through others belongings- Especially his. Correct? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I decided to personally ask him about the events of last night. He has no recollection of any events that transpired. sheep: Satoru: ...Really? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Truly. Sheepy: Satoru: Could his lack of memory of last night be correlated to him acting strangely? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Going by what Wolfgang has noticed, I'm inclined to say yes. Sheepy: Satoru: I can try looking into it online... Arsé-kun: Vlad: If you'd like to. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you have any ideas of what might be going on? Anything can help. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Well, he's clearly not doing these things. Sheepy: Satoru: We have a doctor next door. We could ask him. Sheepy: Satoru: In the book he acts differently sometimes too, but that was from the power of science. Arsé-kun: Vlad: We could.. Sheepy: Satoru: You seem a little hesitant. Sheepy: Satoru: Is now a bad time? Arsé-kun: Vlad: It's nighttime. As a general rule, yes. Yes it is. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh...okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I'll wait for tomorrow then. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'll volunteer ahead of time to go with you. Sheepy: Satoru: Thank you. Sheepy: Cu: Oi, Mozart, just keep Satoru away from that red archer, alright? Sheepy: Cu: He's bad news. Real bad news. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I dislike that tone in your voice. Noted. Sheepy: Cu: If he picks a fight with me, I swear, I'm shoving my spear so far down his throat that he'll be the first human shish-kabob. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I've already done that. Numerous times. Sheepy: Cu: You don't count! You're Vlad the Impaler! Sheepy: Cu: You're known for being unnecessarily cruel and killing people without reason. Sheepy: Satoru: Vlad wouldn't do that! Sheepy: Satoru:...But... Sheepy: Satoru: You're nice, so you're a good person. Sheepy: Satoru: You wouldn't do that now. You're better than that. Arsé-kun: *Vlad's heart has grown one size. So has his ego.* Sheepy: Satoru: You wouldn't be my dad if you were malicious. You'd just be like Masato, so I'd avoid you. Arsé-kun: Vlad: *CRITICAL HIT!* Arsé-kun: Mozart: Gee, I didn't know Masato impaled people. Arsé-kun: *Mozart gets punched in the shoulder. That's leaving a mark* Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: That's not what I meant. Sheepy: Satoru: I meant that Masato is mean and hurts people, while Vlad isn't. Sheepy: Satoru: And that whether or not Vlad hurt people in the past doesn't matter - he doesn't hurt people now. If you base your opinions on people off of their past mistakes instead of who they are now, what's the point of turning a new leaf? Arsé-kun: Mozart: A fair point, I suppose. Sheepy: Kintaro: Does that mean that's accurate, Chief? I know very little about human nature. I had a very very golden childhood in the forest! Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd believe it. Sheepy: Kintaro: Believe what? Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd believe what Satoru said as correct. Sheepy: Kintaro: Golden advice! Sheepy: Kintaro: My advice is! Sheepy: Kintaro: Bears are good people! You just need to get to know them better! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Glad to know. I'll become more acquainted with one while it eats me alive and sh- Sheepy: Kintaro: No no no! Arsé-kun: Mozart: No? Sheepy: Kintaro: Bears are good friends! Sheepy: Kintaro: When I was a little one, I sumo wrestled with a bear! He was my playmate! Sheepy: Kintaro: Our friendship was golden!! Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he mutters about something else being golden* Sheepy: Kintaro: Bears! Bears are golden! Sheepy: Kintaro: Chief, let's go camping and meet a bear! Sheepy: Satoru: The outside world scares me and I like my room more. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Count me out. Sheepy: Kintaro: It'll help you come up with music ideas! Sheepy: Cu: Hmmm... sounds fun. Sheepy: Cu: I'm in. Sheepy: Carmilla: I'm not going unless Vlad is going. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I don't know. Arsé-kun: Vlad: While it would be nice, I don't know if I would be able to do so. Sheepy: Carmilla: Because your sun sensitivity. Sheepy: Carmilla: If you wear sunscreen you should be okay! Clearly. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Because there is no human blood in the woods outside of our own. Sheepy: Carmilla: Hmm. Sheepy: Cu: Oi, Master, here's a reason to go camping: You'll get away from Masato. Sheepy: Satoru: *he has a blank stare on his face...* Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... He has a point. Go with Cu and Robin. You cannot be harmed there. Sheepy: Satoru: ...Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to meet a deer. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Plan it tomorrow. It's too late for this. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *And then everyone goes to bed, unless they don't*
0 notes
badlydrawnstuff · 7 years
Fate Goes (to the market)
Arsé-kun: *A NEW DAY A NEW START I HOPE SENPAI THE WIZARD DIDN'T FUCK SHIT UP* Sheepy: Satoru: *he comes downstairs* Good morning, everyone- Arsé-kun: Vlad: Good morning, Satoru. I hope you didn't need this garlic bread. Sheepy: Satoru: But... aren't you allergic? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I was, until I stopped being a vampire for some reason? Sheepy: Satoru:.....? Sheepy: Satoru: That's odd... Arsé-kun: Vlad: No, odd is that I'm suddenly a Lancer, as is Carmilla. Sheepy: Satoru: Is Carmilla no longer a vampire too? Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I.... Don't know. Get something to eat, then head outside. That's where the others went. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Thank you! Sheepy: *Satoru eats and then goes out.* Sheepy: Satoru:...... Arsé-kun: Mori: Ah, good morning, Satoru. Welcome to... Whatever happened. Sheepy: Satoru: Um... Sheepy: Satoru: Wh...what is Cu Chu... wearing? Arsé-kun: Mori: Caster robes. Sheepy: Satoru: He's wearing a see through top... Arsé-kun: Mori: That isn't the worst of it. Either way, all of our classes- Bar Hessian Lobo- seem to have been shuffled. Sheepy: Satoru: What is everyone now? Arsé-kun: *Mori covers what he Knows* Sheepy: Kintaro: A very very golden good morning to you, Chief! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Volume, Kintoki! Sheepy: Kintaro:...Sorry, Ruffles. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It is all right. *he resumes attempting to aim an arrow. he misses, but it makes a cool musical twang noise* Sheepy: Cu: Oi, Master! Hanging out is nice, but shouldn't we get busy? Let's go fishing! Sheepy: Cu: Right now, you're just a baby, but if you try hard, you'll grow into a respectable man. Arsé-kun: Proto: Fishing? Sheepy: Cu: Fishing requires patience and- What in the...?! Proto! What happened to you?!? Sheepy: Cu: You have a centipede thing coming out of your back! Arsé-kun: Proto: I want to know that, too! *he wags his tail..? tail?* It's kinda cool though! Sheepy: Cu: Did you switch classes too..? Arsé-kun: Proto: Apparently. I don't know what to. Sheepy: Cu: I want to go to town and see pretty women. And fish! Master, let me teach you how to fish! Sheepy: Satoru: *he hides behind Mori. Nevermind.* Sheepy: Cu:...Alright, you come, Proto! Arsé-kun: Proto: Excellent! *his tail is really wagging now* Sheepy: Lobo: *he sniffs Proto* Sheepy: Cu: Let's go, then! Sheepy: Lobo: Boof? Arsé-kun: *An arrow soars past Proto, snagging itself in the fur on Cu's hood* Sheepy: Cu: *AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA* Arsé-kun: Herc: I wouldn't leave if I were you. *he's. fully dressed for once? Summer outfit. FULL SENTENCES* Sheepy: Cu: You trying to kill me gives me all the more reason to leave! Sheepy: Lobo: *growl* Arsé-kun: Herc: It was aimed for your hood as to not inflict harm. Leaving may mean that you will not receive the counterspell. Sheepy: Cu:...*he hesitantly takes ths arrow out of his hood* Sheepy: Lobo: *he is still growling but not as much. that was his friend...* Arsé-kun: Proto: *he lowers his voice a bit* It's so weird hearing him use full sentences. Sheepy: Cu: It's weird seeing him with clothes. Arsé-kun: Proto: I had no idea he could use a bow. Sheepy: Cu: I don't think he can. I think it was just a cover-up for a murder attempt. Sheepy: Lobo: *he continues to growl. is he scary yet? his tail is wagging.* Arsé-kun: *there's a howl from the other house, followed by a wolf... thing busting out of the doorway. Jekyll is clinging onto it's back for his life. help him* sheep: Lobo: *he sniffs the wolf thing* Sheepy: *Lobo has already decided that he's the alpha, apparently, because his tail is sticking up like a flag. He's standing with an air of confidence* Sheepy: Guin: Ah, does this mean Lance has changed classes...? I need to go find him... Arsé-kun: *the wolf lies down next to a bunch of the girls. Jekyll looks shaken but unharmed* Arsé-kun: Hyde: Do any of you lovely ladies want to have se-- Arsé-kun: Jekyll: HYDE! Be quiet! Sheepy: Guin: Nevermind, I already hate him. Arsé-kun: Jekyll: I am so, so sorry for his behavior. sheep: Rider: "As long as he isn't a bad influence on Lobo and doesn't mess with anyone I know, I don't care." Arsé-kun: Jekyll: He most likely will. sheep: Rider: "Does he wish to keep his head?" Arsé-kun: Hyde: Don't touch me, headless. I'll kick your ass. sheep: Rider: "Don't touch anyone from our household or make sexual comments towards them if you want to keep your head." Arsé-kun: Hyde: Fine, I'll wait. sheep: Rider: "Wait? For when?" Arsé-kun: Hyde: Wait to stop being this ratty canine so I can go to a bar and pick up some dudes n' chicks. sheep: Rider: "Good." sheep: Lobo: *he sniffs at Hyde again* sheep: Rider: *he claps his hands* "No, Lobo, don't associate with him. You have standards, don't you?" Arsé-kun: Hyde: What do you want, stinko? You wanna go to the park and sniff some bitches? sheep: Lobo: *he looks excited!* sheep: Lobo: *boof* sheep: Rider: *he claps his hands again, but this time louder* "No, Lobo!" sheep: Guin: Jekyll, where is Lance right now? Arsé-kun: Jekyll: Lancelot? Inside, I believe. Do check on him- I haven't seen him all day. sheep: Guin: *she goes in* Arsé-kun: *She immediately sees Andersen lying on the floor. This is normal and Andersen-like, except he's an adult, and he looks downright miserable. More than usual* sheep: Gil: Big brother! Are you sick? sheep: *Gil, meanwhile, is the opposite: hes a kid.* Arsé-kun: Andersen: I may as well be. Tell me not to take more medication. sheep: Gil: Don't take more medication! It can hurt you in large quantities. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Thank you. sheep: Gil: That's what Goldie read. Thankfully while Goldie isn't here, I still know a lot that he knew! sheep: Guin: ...Um, excuse me, have you seen Lance? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Yes. sheep: Guin: Do you know where he is right now? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Upstairs. Please pardon my appearance. sheep: Guin: No, no, we changed classes too. sheep: Guin: Don't worry about it. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Is that it? I should have noticed.. sheep: Guin: Do you mind if I go visit him? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Go ahead. sheep: *Guin goes upstairs to find Lancelot* Arsé-kun: *No sight of him at first, but the bathroom light is on and the door is open* sheep: Guin: *she hesitantly peeks in* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he's... facing away from the door, trying to cut his own hair. He's mumbling as he does, but it's intelligible* ... No, no, this isn't right... sheep: Guin: Lance? Do you need help? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he jumps like an entire foot into the air, dropping the scissors and knocking things over turning to look at her* I-I wasn't ready yet! sheep: Guin: Oh. Sorry. sheep: Guin: I'll come back later if you want. Arsé-kun: Lance: Uh... Um, no, it's okay! sheep: Guin: Okay, do you need help? You sounded like you were struggling with something... Arsé-kun: Lance: Please. *he bends down and retrieves the scissors* Sheepy: *Guin comes over to help.* Arsé-kun: *Significant improvements are made. To his hair.* Sheepy: *Thank goodness.* Sheepy: Guin: Your hair is much neater now! Arsé-kun: Lancelot: I feel a lot better! Say, do you think Merlin did something? Sheepy: Guin: I don't know. He might've... Sheepy: Guin: ...That'd explain everyone's, uh, situation. Arsé-kun: Lancelot: Uh? Did he make a mistake? Sheepy: Guin: Everyone's classes have been swapped. Sheepy: Guin: Instead of being a Saber, I'm a Rider now, for example. Arsé-kun: Lancelot: ... .... I would be inclined to believe I took Saber from you, then. Sheepy: Guin: I wouldn't be surprised. Sheepy: Guin: I prefer you taking Saber from me than anyone else, at least. Arsé-kun: Lance: Fair. Let me clean up, and then we can talk! Sheepy: Guin: Okay! Arsé-kun: *He does so, and then starts talking. At least half of it is apologies, a quarter is being a hopeless romantic, and the last quarter is miscellaneous. They head back out, meanwhile* Arsé-kun: Lance: -- But what I mean to say is that I apologize for my behavior Sheepy: Guin: You don't need to apologize. I understand. Arsé-kun: Eliza: *chanting from the roof* O T P, O T P, BEST SHIP Sheepy: Guin: ?! Arsé-kun: Lance: ?!? Sheepy: Guin: Why are you on the roof?! Arsé-kun: Eliza: Nobody stopped me from climbing up! Hey, do you think I could sing well from up here? Sheepy: Guin: ..I guess? Sheepy: Guin: I don't see why altitude would affect your singing, unless you're on a mountain. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Well, okayyyy! Arsé-kun: Eliza: Lemme just warm up, first! Arsé-kun: *both Jekyll and Hyde immediately cover their ears. Mozart notices and follows suit* sheep: Guin: ...? Arsé-kun: *Eliza just takes a moment to scream. Honestly? relatable* sheep: Guin: *she covers her ears* sheep: Lobo: *he starts growling and barking loudly. he doesn't like it.* sheep: Rider: ......... sheep: Cu: SHUUUT UUUPPP!! Arsé-kun: Eliza: YOUUUU SHUUUUTT UUUUUUPP Sheepy: Cu: YOU SOUND LIKE A DYING CAT! Arsé-kun: Eliza: And you look like a biiiiitch~♫ Sheepy: Cu: That's not singing, lady! That's just screaming at the top of your lungs! Arsé-kun: Eliza: I didn't say it was! It was a warm-up, now shut up! Sheepy: Cu: If you sound annoying when you sing, I can't guarantee I won't set up ablaze! You already make me really mad and all you've done is your "warm up"! Arsé-kun: *And Elizabeth kicks into singing God of Marie. Elizabeth.... She's probably doing this because few people will even know what it is. Either way, Eliza, no.* Sheepy: Cu: *he is quickly getting impatient* Arsé-kun: Mozart: .... If not for the actual lyrics, not so bad. Grating, but not awful. Sheepy: Cu:..... *he looks irritated* Sheepy: Kintaro: ? Arsé-kun: Proto: *he also looks irritated* ....... Sheepy: Cu: *and he, unsurprisingly, loses his temper* Shuuuuuuut uuuuuup, lady! Sheepy: Cu: You said you'd sing! You're still bleating like some stupid goat! Get down from your stage for your imaginary concert before I ram this staff so far through my heart that not even battle continuation can save me! Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she DOES shut up. ... followed by falling to her knees and crying* Sheepy: Cu: Rather than crying, actually try learning from a music teacher instead of listening to "music"! Sheepy: Cu: Music tells stories of intense battles and of the tears of maidens! Not drugs! Sheepy: Satoru: But Uncle Mozzy's songs don't discuss either. Sheepy: Cu: Mozart does what Mozart pleases. Arsé-kun: Mozart: They do sometimes. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't understand music. Sheepy: Satoru: She didn't sound bad, but I was tuning her out. Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he stumbles outside, groaning loudly* Whatever that was, it better not start again! Sheepy: Gil: Miss! You're upsetting big brother!! He's hurting! Be nice to him! Arsé-kun: Proto: *he was angry, now he's.. Still angry, but also super confused* What did you just say? Sheepy: Gil: I said, "Miss, you're upsetting big brother! He's hurting so be nice to him!" Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she peers off the roof. She DOES lower her voice* Oh my gosh, you're adorable. Sheepy: Gil: Huh? Arsé-kun: Herc: ..... *even he has to suppress a laugh* You're finally joining us, Gilgamesh? Sheepy: Gil: Big uncle Herc! You're here too! Sheepy: Gil: "Gilgamesh" sounds really formal. Call me "Gil"! I'm not like Goldie! Arsé-kun: *In the far background, Minako excuses herself so she can have a fit of giggles* Sheepy: Gil: I don't want to become Goldie! I hate him! Arsé-kun: Hyde: Then why don't you spam his phone with pictures of yourself? And send them to everyone else, so he can't play "LOL THIS DIDN'T HAPPEN" bingo. Sheepy: Gil: ? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Check your pockets. *he sit down on the grass* Sheepy: *Gil takes out a phone* Arsé-kun: Andersen: Camera. Go nuts. Sheepy: Gil: Big brother! Take a picture with me! Here, here, I'll get you in the shot! Arsé-kun: Andersen: ... I look awful. *he adjusts his glasses* Look, you can even see burns on my face. Arsé-kun: Andersen: ... *he sighs and forces a small smile for the camera* Sheepy: *Gil takes a picture with Andersen!* Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he proceeds to flop down onto the grass* Sheepy: Gil: Are you okay? Arsé-kun: Andersen: Nope. Sheepy: Gil: Do you need anything? Arsé-kun: Andersen: A barrel to be smashed over my head, killing me instantly. Sheepy: Gil: I don't think I have anything like that. Arsé-kun: Andersen: Hey, do you think big uncle Herc wants to take a picture, too? Sheepy: Gil: Probably! Sheepy: Gil: Take a picture with me! Arsé-kun: Herc: I don't suppose I have a reason not to. Sheepy: *Gil takes a picture with Herc!* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Me too! Me too! Arsé-kun: *And now, a short list of background events that May or May Not be happening: Proto is trying to take a branch from Lobo, with his mouth. He's hanging off off this branch. Progress is Low. Lance and Guin are being hopeless romantics. Mozart thinks it's adorable, as does Elizabeth. Emiya can't see. Carmilla is a fucking catgirl.* Arsé-kun: *Also Merlin is alternating between fixing his staff and napping. On occasion, he also tries to piece together a broken perthro rune* Arsé-kun: *I'm gonna keep doing this until you inevitably Do Something. Moriarty is standing with Satoru. Vlad still hasn't finished the garlic bread, and he isn't sharing under any circumstances. Cu is dying inside. Robin wants to leave. Medusa can't hold this bow and this book at the same time and keeps dropping both. Jekyll takes a nap on Hyde's back. Hyde wants to shake him off. Emiya still can't see* Sheepy: Satoru: You know, there's still a few people missing. Sheepy: Satoru: Mephisto, Merlin, and Minako. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey! I'm right here! Sheepy: Satoru: Then, if it's not you, who am I forgetting? Arsé-kun: Minako: Not Merlin either! He's over there. Sheepy: Satoru:.... Arsé-kun: Minako: Mephisto is... ... Y'know, I don't know where he went. Sheepy: Satoru: Maybe he left because he was sad. Sheepy: Emiya: *he has his arms outstretched and is waving them around as he walks. he's going to get where he wants to go eventually.* Arsé-kun: Minako: ... No idea. Emmy, do you need help? Sheepy: Satoru: That guy is covered up completely! Maybe he's Mephisto! Sheepy: Emiya: I'm baking. Arsé-kun: Minako: No horns, no tails. *she goes and tries to pull the bandages off his head. or whatever those are* Sheepy: Emiya: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Minako: Why didn't you just take it off? Sheepy: Emiya: I couldn't see what I was doing. Arsé-kun: Minako: Too stubborn to ask for help? Sheepy: Emiya: It's easy to poke an eye out that wa- Sheepy: Cu: Oi, Archer! Let's fight with our new classes! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, right, you guys were gonna do that! Kick his butt, Emmy. Sheepy: Emiya: I don't know where my weapons are. Sheepy: Emiya: Do I even have weapons? Sheepy: Emiya: Anyway, no. Arsé-kun: Minako: No? Sheepy: Emiya: It'd be stupid to waste my energy when there's clearly more important things to deal with. Arsé-kun: Minako: After, then? Sheepy: Emiya: Lancer has a luck stat of D anyway, so chances are his spells will explode in his face, anyway, killing him instantly and wasting my time. Sheepy: Cu: Excuse me! I'm no idiot! Arsé-kun: Minako: Harsh! All right, but give me advice. I'm gonna go check on Mephisto, but, who should I bring with me? Do you wanna come, or? Sheepy: Emiya: I'll come. Sheepy: Emiya: I believe he is in the attic as always. Sheepy: Cu: Don't run away like some baby! Sheepy: Emiya: Babies can't run! Sheepy: Emiya: They crawl! Sheepy: Kintaro: Let's give Moose a visit! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, are you coming, too? Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes! Arsé-kun: Minako: Okay! We're all set, let me just.. *she looks to Cu* Could you get Proto down from there before he breaks something? Sheepy: Cu: Proto! Get down! Arsé-kun: Proto: *he goes to talk. first mistake. he lands on his ass* Arsé-kun: Minako: Quick, Emmy, get inside. Sheepy: *Emiya goes inside and up to the attic* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he's lying on the couch, shaking and shuddering* Sheepy: Emiya: Mephisto! *he rushes over to his side* What's wrong? Sheepy: *the music box is playing...* Arsé-kun: *Mephistopleles does not respond. In fact, he doesn't seem at all aware that Emiya is present. Upon closer inspection, "shaking" and "shuddering" are not proper terms. The most accurate terms would be "twitching" and "convulsing".* Sheepy: Emiya: Something is wrong! Arsé-kun: Minako: What do you mean something's wrong? *she climbs up the ladder* What's up? Sheepy: Emiya: He's shaking. Sheepy: Kintaro: What happened to Moose? Sheepy: Teddy: ...he started trembling all of a sudden. is he going to be okay? Arsé-kun: Minako: ! ! Sheepy: Teddy: it's not helping... Arsé-kun: Minako: *she moves a bit closer* Did.. Did this only happen now? Sheepy: Teddy: uhuh! Arsé-kun: Minako: .... I guess it's better than happening repeatedly. *she bends down and unties Mephisto's bow. she's on a mission* Sheepy: Teddy: if mama was here she could help mister pheles. I need to find her... Arsé-kun: Minako: Huh.. *she glances towards Emiya* Is that whatever was going on with paperwork? Sheepy: Emiya: Yes. Arsé-kun: Minako: Neato. We'll get back to that after all this. *she starts sifting through Mephisto's hair, like she's looking for something underneath...* Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose! You've gotta snap out of it! Sheepy: Emiya: What are you doing? Arsé-kun: Minako: Looking for something. Doubt he's shown you guys, so maybe I shouldn't... .. Aw, fuck it. *she just moves his hair away from his neck to show some sort of markings on it. If inanimate markings and circles could be unhappy, they fucking are* Sheepy: Emiya:....? Sheepy: Kintaro: It's like...ehh, pictionary on his neck! Sheepy: Kintaro: Except without the guessing! Arsé-kun: Minako: May as well have guessing. I know nothing about alchemy except stuff from anime. Sheepy: Emiya: I know very little about alchemy myself. Move. Arsé-kun: Minako: ...? *she moves to the side* What are you gonna do? Sheepy: Emiya: Trace, on! *he touches Mephisto's neck* ... ... ... Arsé-kun: Minako: Eh??? I thought you said that didn't work on people.. Sheepy: Emiya: It doesn't... Arsé-kun: Minako: ... Sheepy: Emiya: *he is doing his best to focus on it.* Arsé-kun: Minako: *she wisely shuts up* Arsé-kun: Minako: ... ....... *she's considering this with a grain of fear* ... And I thought the first time was bad. Hold on. *she goes to the window and opens it* Yo, Merlin the wizard! Hurry your ass up, it's starting to cause problems! *she now returns* Nailed it. Sheepy: Emiya: First time? Arsé-kun: Minako: Later! Sheepy: Emiya: Fine. Arsé-kun: *the shaking finally stops. He did not Die.* Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose? Sheepy: Kintaro: Is Moose dead? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .... ngnnnh? *he finally comes to, blinking in confusion and looking in Kintaro's direction* Taro..? What're you doing here...? *he sounds exhausted* Sheepy: Kintaro: I was very, very concerned! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: About what...? This clown looking thing we call me..? Sheepy: Kintaro: You were shaking violently! Sheepy: Kintaro: Like I do when I see a boob! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .... Heh? Run that by me again..? Sheepy: Kintaro: You were trembling like you saw something that terrified you! Like a boob! Arsé-kun: Minako: Now make it possibly lethal. Sheepy: Kintaro: Breasts can kill you! Arsé-kun: Minako: ... At least Lizzie's can't. Sheepy: Emiya: Are you feeling alright, Mephisto? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ..... Nnnnnot really.. Sheepy: Emiya: Everyone changed classes. Your body appears to be rejecting it. Sheepy: Emiya: For example, I am an Assassin, and Kintaro is... Kintaro is...? Sheepy: Kintaro: My intended class, a Berserker! Sheepy: Kintaro: A very very golden greeting to you, Moose, in my true form! Cool! Powerful! Shocking! Because I use electricity! Sheepy: Teddy: mister pheles is back!! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... So you're Currently making Re-Volt-ing puns? ... Oh, hey, Teddy.. Sheepy: Kintaro: I should write those down! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .... I'll help when I feel better. Who'd know better about bad jokes than a clown? Sheepy: Kintaro: Meese? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: oH NO *he starts laughing* Sheepy: Kintaro: ? Sheepy: Kintaro: You're a moose and you know a lot about jokes. Sheepy: Emiya: A group of moose is moose. Arsé-kun: Minako: I can't believe he's a moose, Emmy. Sheepy: Kintaro: No, no! Sheepy: Kintaro: The plural of goose is geese! Sheepy: Kintaro: The plural of moose must be meese! It's the golden rule! Arsé-kun: *Mephisto keeps laughing at "meese". Why? No idea. It's just That Funny.* Sheepy: Kintaro: Similarly, the singular of beef is a "boof"! Sheepy: Emiya: Incorrect. The plural of beef is beeves. Arsé-kun: Minako: I thought it was just beefs! Sheepy: Emiya: No. Sheepy: Kintaro: Beef is a plural! Sheepy: Kintaro: The singular is a boof! That's why Lobo says it so much! Sheepy: Kintaro: Right, Moose? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he wipes away a single tear. he was laughing that hard* Apparently so, if it's the Golden Rule. Sheepy: Kintaro: You see? Moose knows the Golden Rule! Sheepy: Emiya: When Merlin can he'll fix this mess. Until then, just relax. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: hnn. *he shifts himself* When'll that be? Arsé-kun: Minako: I don't know, and I don't like it! *she frowns* It's bad enough that happened. I thought the first time around was bad, but... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... We're really gonna talk about that? *he sighs* That one was worse. Took longer to fix. Was a lot more lonely. No puns. Ehe. Arsé-kun: *Minako doesn't seem amused* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Okay! Sorry. Sheepy: Kintaro:? Sheepy: Emiya: First time? Sheepy: Emiya: I assume I wasn't present for it. Sheepy: Kintaro: There's always a first time for anything! That is the second golden rule! Arsé-kun: Minako: It was a whiiiiile back, Emmy. None of you guys were there yet, except Mephisto. sheep: Emiya: I see. sheep: Kintaro: Ah, ah! I've got it! Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh? sheep: Kintaro: I know what can make you feel better! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... What? sheep: *Kintaro leaves and returns with golden delicious apples!* sheep: Kintaro: Here, here! Golden delicious apples! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... Didn't you say it was your favorite..? sheep: Kintaro: Yes! sheep: Kintaro: That's why it'll make you feel better. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ... Thanks, Taro. sheep: Kintaro: No problem! Sheepy: *Meanwhile, Bedi finally arrives.* Arsé-kun: *Bedi is not stopped by the security wolves. One is being a lazy sack of shit. The other is Lobo* Sheepy: Bedi: There you are, Merlin...! *he pauses and looks over at Lancelot, visibly surprised. he has emotions past :) ????* Arsé-kun: Lance: Good afternoon, Bedivere! Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Lancelot! You look much better than you did yesterday! ...You're speaking clearly, too. Were you just not feeling well yesterday...? Arsé-kun: Lance: Not at all, unfortunately. Merlin decided to try something. While it worked, it's ruined everyone else's classes. Sheepy: Bedi: ...I see. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Don't blame me, you plum! My staff broke right in half! There was also an unexpected reaction to the runes.. Sheepy: Bedi: But don't you keep your staff well-maintained? Sheepy: Bedi: ...So clearly, you must've made a mistake... Arsé-kun: Merlin: Someone tried to use it as a fetching stick. *he shoots Lobo a glare* Sheepy: Lobo: *he walks over to Merlin, places a paw on his face, and pushes him over. no.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Ach! I'm being assaulted! Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Sheepy: Guin: Lobo, no. Arsé-kun: Lance: Lobo, yes. Sheepy: Lobo: *he places a paw on Merlin's chest and stares directly into his eyes with a penetrating glare. know your place, Merlin* Sheepy: Lobo: *he hesitantly raises his paw and looks over at Guin and Lance* Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, are you okay? Sheepy: *Bedi comes over to help Merlin up* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'll live. Sheepy: Bedi: Sir Lancelot, I apologize that I couldn't stick around to talk yesterday. Arsé-kun: Lance: Accepted. You were busy. Sheepy: Bedi: I work as the ... I guess the term is "barista"? Arsé-kun: Lance: That sounds correct. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm there often, so if you go to the store again, I'd appreciate if you stopped by and said hello. Arsé-kun: Lance: If I am able to remember that after this, I shall. Sheepy: Bedi: I'll be looking forward to it, then! Sheepy: Bedi: How have you been and what have you been up to? Arsé-kun: Lance: Not very much. It's hard to keep a goal in mind as a Berserker. Yourself? Sheepy: *Satoru has finally left Mori's side to investigate Bedi's arm. touch. touch. Bedi doesn't seem to notice...* Sheepy: Bedi: I've been fine. I live with Merlin, so things are usually entertaining. Arsé-kun: Lance: I'm unsure if I should pity you or not. Sheepy: Satoru: It's shiny... why's it so shiny? Sheepy: Bedi: We are the only two servants, though, so... Sheepy: Bedi: It can be a bit overwhelming at times. Arsé-kun: Lance: That sounds peaceful. Or it would be, if not for Merlin. Sheepy: Bedi: ....Ah. Peaceful... Sheepy: Bedi: ...No, no, not really. Sheepy: Bedi: Even without Merlin it wouldn't be peaceful. Arsé-kun: Lance: Oh? That seems like a stretch. Sheepy: Bedi: Delving into detail would be breaking the trust that has been put on me, but at the same time, you're a very close friend... Arsé-kun: Lance: No, no. If it's that kind of case, I can live not hearing it. Sheepy: Bedi: Thank you. Sheepy: Bedi: If it weren't for that, then yes, it would be peaceful. Sheepy: Satoru: Do real knights always wear armor, Uncle Lance? Arsé-kun: Lance: We often do, yes. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm...very conflicted. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Doooo it. Sheepy: Bedi: But- Arsé-kun: Merlin: Before I do it! Sheepy: Sherlock: *he strides over like he owns the place* Based on my interrogation's results and the way you're acting... You know his biological father, yes? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Certainly. Congrats, kiddo, the dad you have was adopted! Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, no! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Merlin yes! Sheepy: Guin: That... that'd explain a lot. Arsé-kun: Lance: I've been utterly underinformed. Catch me up to speed. Sheepy: Guin: How do I explain this... Sheepy: Guin: His "father", Masato, is... Sheepy: Guin: Neglectful, uncaring, and at times, downright abusive. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... .... Sheepy: Guin: And that's why Satoru summoned us. To be the family he wanted, as opposed to the family he had. Sheepy: Guin: The fact that he's the result of a different relationship makes a lot of sense. All that man sees him as is a tool. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... I regret asking. Bedivere, spar with me. Sheepy: Bedi: Right here...? If you want to, but... why? Arsé-kun: Lance: Because I most likely won't be able to later. *he sounds a little growly..* Fight me. Sheepy: *Bedi takes out his sword* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he takes out his own and steps away from the others* Sheepy: *Bedi follows so they can spar over where they won't hurt anyone.* Arsé-kun: *AND THEY SPAR. INTENSE* sheep: Bedi: *pant* Have you calmed down now, Sir Lancelot...? Arsé-kun: Lance: *pant, pant* Yes, thank you. That was the best spar I've had in years. sheep: Bedi: Ahah, I can say the same... sheep: Bedi: We should go sit down. I think I overdid it, at least, haha. Arsé-kun: Lance: That would be... A great idea. sheep: *Bedi comes back to the group and plops down in the grass* Arsé-kun: *Lance follows his example* sheep: Guin: Welcome back! Arsé-kun: Lance: Thanks. sheep: Guin: *she joins them* sheep: Satoru: *he followed* Uncle Lance! Why aren't you a Lancer? Arsé-kun: Lance: Because I don't use a lance. sheep: Satoru: *he looks confused* sheep: Satoru: But... you lance a lot. Sheepy: Satoru: ...right? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he's been dragged outside by Kintaro. He's hanging onto Kintaro's shirt for dear life. Either way, he hears the pun and starts laughing* Sheepy: Satoru: .... Sheepy: Satoru: I thought it was a title? Sheepy: Satoru: You're Sir Lance A Lot because you use a lance a lot? Sheepy: Satoru: But I didn't know your name so I used what Auntie Guin called you instead. Arsé-kun: Lance: It's a name as well. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: What's going on out here, anyway? Sheepy: Satoru: Everyone's switched classes. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Oh, I learned that part the hard way! Sheepy: Gil: *he looks over at Mephisto* Hello! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Why, hello! Sheepy: Gil: You haven't met me before, but you've met Goldie! I'm Gilgamesh, but you can call me Gil! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Oh, there's a difference? Are you not going to threaten everyone? Sheepy: Gil: Goldie's a snobby rich king who let power get to his head. Sheepy: Gil: Unfortunately, I have no choice but to become him one day, but... Arsé-kun: Mephisto: But we can sure annoy him, can't we? Sheepy: Gil: Goldie doesn't deny my existence because he hates me, is embarrassed by me, or finds me in some way lacking in worth compared to him. Sheepy: Gil: Goldie denies my existence because he never was me, and I never will be him. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Actually, I just want to annoy him in general, but okay. Sheepy: Gil: You'll need to wait until that wizard is done to be able to annoy him. Sheepy: Gil: Since, I doubt he'll remember anything from now. Sheepy: Gil: Unless you mean you want to take a picture with me. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You're taking pictures??? Of course I'll take one. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: That's gonna drive him nuts for sure. Sheepy: Gil: I have my doubts that it's possible to remember him ever being me. Arsé-kun: Merlin: i suggest magic. Sheepy: Gil: ? Arsé-kun: Merlin: Magic tends to be the answer to everything when done properly. Sheepy: Gil: But what if it's done improperly? Arsé-kun: Merlin: More magic fixes it. Sheepy: Gil: Well, okay. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Either way, I think I'm ready for the fix. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Sheepy: Satoru: So is Uncle Lance going to make gurgling noises to communicate again? *he seems a little disappointed, despite only communicating with Lancelot for a few moments.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: I've got my doubts. Once given sanity, the brain most likely won't want to lose it, or something. I'm a magician, not a doctor. Sheepy: Satoru:....Well, okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I'll believe you. Sheepy: Sherlock: Once you finish your fix, I can finish my case, so the sooner, the better. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Righto. Everyone hold onto your hats. *he (finally) stands up and begins casting magic. the effect is near immediate.* Sheepy: Gil:....When did I get out here? Arsé-kun: Minako: This morning! We used your phone to keep track of everyone, if you don't mind. Sheepy: Gil: I see! Then, feel grateful I let you, mongrels! Arsé-kun: Herc: ... Stop talking. Sheepy: Gil: Don't order me around, mutt! Sheepy: Guin: Lance? How are you feeling? Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Tired. Unsure if it's the same tired or more tired. Sheepy: Guin: I'm sorry to hear that. Did you sleep last night? Arsé-kun: Lance: Yes, surprisingly. Sheepy: Guin: That's good. If you sleep more often, you may start to feel better. Arsé-kun: Herc: Then quit calling me a mutt, you gold-plated flapdoozle. Arsé-kun: *this is met with roaring laughter from Andersen. He seems to feel better* Sheepy: Gil:...Mmh, I thought that that pretty woman over there only taught one dog to speak. I wasn't aware that she taught you to speak as well, mutt. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... You shut up. Sheepy: Gil: Unfortunately, I haven't a care in my entire treasury to give you. Arsé-kun: Herc: Good. I don't want one. Sheepy: Gil: What, do you dislike me calling that woman with you attractive, or calling you what you are: some mongrel? Sheepy: Guin: Unless you want the beating of a lifetime, I'd suggest you not insult my husband. *she's smiling, but...* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... .... *he slowly copies her expression, making this more uncomfortable than it ever needed to be* Sheepy: Gil: Hahah! I love women with a wild side! Hahahahah! I guess even dirty mutts can choose good women sometimes! Good going, Lancelost! Because you are a Berserker and have lost your sense of self! Hahahhaa! Laugh, a King of Heroes Joke! Arsé-kun: Lance: ....... ......... Guinevere, dear, may I borrow your sword? Mine is far too small to do any damage to his thick skull. Sheepy: Guin: *she nods and passes him her sword* Arsé-kun: *Lance stands up with it. He stares at Gil* Sheepy: Gil: Ah, ah? Are you protecting your woman, mutt? How respectable! I wasn't aware there was more than anger in that one-tracked mind of yours! Arsé-kun: Lance: There is more. I don't believe you know the definition of loyalty. ... That, and I'd rather face you myself than let her destroy you. Sheepy: Guin: I am nobody's woman except for my own. Lance is protecting you from me. Sheepy: Gil: Loyalty is for weaklings. Sheepy: Gil: Loyalty is simply a word people use to control you. Sheepy: Gil:...Oh dear, I forgot! Sheepy: Gil: I'm speaking to the great Lancelot, Knight of the Round Table, loyal to the King Arthur! But wait, wasn't it that woman there who caused your downfall, along with your betrayal of your king? Sheepy: Gil: Why should I listen to a speech about loyalty from someone who's anything but? Arsé-kun: Lance: No. You won't listen anyway. Sheepy: Gil: I won't listen to a hypocrite like you. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Well, then. Guinevere, take your weapon back. Sheepy: Guin: *she is shaking ftom anger. maybe now is a good time for everyone to back off and recollect their thoughts- aaand she almost yanks the sword away, clutching it tightly. there's the armor.* Arsé-kun: Lance: Go get him, babe. Sheepy: *Despite her very heavy-looking armor, Guin launches herself at Gil! Gil jumps away. he attempts to defuse the situation by complimenting her appearance in comparison to Artoria's, which only serves to make Guin more mad. A fight breaks out.* Arsé-kun: Jekyll: *since remerging with Hyde, he's had a killer headache. This is not helping, so he decides to stumble his way back to the house.* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he keeps his eyes on the fight, just in case Guin needs help* Sheepy: *After a while, Guin seems to start to tire.* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he, with his armor, decides to step in, hijacking a fallen weapon to get started* Sheepy: Guin: *pant, pant* Sheepy: Gil: *he aims a few Gates of Babylonia at both of them* Who invited you, dog? Sheepy: Satoru: *he gently tugs on Gil's coat* Sheepy: Gil: What is it, mongrel? Can't you see that I'm busy?! Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Gil:...Out with it, pup! I don't have all day! Sheepy: Satoru: *stare* Sheepy: Gil: You're making me uncomfortable!! Stop!! Arsé-kun: Lance: *he skids to a stop upon noticing Satoru. He's far too close.* Arsé-kun: Merlin: Well, that's one way to stop a fight. Sheepy: Gil: Can someone please get this kid away from me so I can go back to teaching those two a lesson? Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, oh! I remember what I wanted to say now! You forgot your hair gel! Sheepy: Gil: ?! Sheepy: Gil: *He rushes inside. His hair is more important than Lancelot.* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... ..... *he quietly laughs, but it ends up louder* No one tell him it's empty. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: But how will he know to go to the store and buy more? Arsé-kun: Minako: Thhhree, twooo, any time now.. Sheepy: *Gil basically kicks the door open* Sheepy: Gil: Who did it?! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Did what? Sheepy: Gil: Used my hair gel? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Wasn't me. I was upstairs all day. Sheepy: Gil: I demand whoever did it to speak up, or I'll punish the person of my choice! Arsé-kun: Mori: It was no one of my household, so keep us out of it. Sheepy: Gil: It doesn't matter if you're responsible or not if it's intended to make a statement! Sheepy: Gil: ...So, since obviously no one is going to speak up. Sheepy: *Gil snaps his fingers. Kintaro gets hit with Gates of Babylon! Ouch.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hey!! Uncalled for, you jerk! Sheepy: Gil: What're you going to do about it, clown? Sheepy: *Satoru goes over to Kintaro to see if he's okay.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I'll stuff your damn treasury full of bombs, that's what I'll do! Sheepy: Gil: Hah! What do you care anyway? Sheepy: Gil: Why stand up for some idiot mongrel when nobody cares about you anyway? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *his tails stop moving. He's silent for a moment, then suddenly grins, cheshire style* Because it entertained me, of course! Ehehe! It doesn't matter! What did you expect from a clown? Sheepy: Gil: Ah, so you're a daredevil. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Not exact-ly! You want to know what I am? Sheepy: Gil: What? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: I'm not going to tell you! Did you think I'd make things so easy for the King of Heroes? Laugh, for I've made a Kings of Heroes joke! Sheepy: Gil: Don't compare yourself to me, fool! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Tooooooo late! Arsé-kun: *Mephisto dodges the attack, before making a beeline for the gate itself* Sheepy: Gil: ?! Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You can't hit me if I've got all your stuff hostaaaaage~ *he zips in before Gil can close it* Sheepy: Gil: ...Hmph, idiot. Sheepy: Gil: Have fun rotting in there. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey, you said nobody could get in there! Sheepy: Gil: He just got lucky. Arsé-kun: Minako: Nothing bad better happen to him in there! Sheepy: Gil: Whatever. Sheepy: Gil: I could get him out if you really want me to. Arsé-kun: Minako: Without stabbing him? Sheepy: Gil: *He points his Gates of Babylon at Kintaro again* Arsé-kun: Minako: Hey, hey! Sheepy: Gil: Mephisto, do you want your friend to live? Then get out. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he pops his head back out* Sheesh, you're an asshole! Sheepy: Gil: Get. Out. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Then don't you dare ever hit him again, or I'll start taking shit. *for once, he's dropped the grin in favor of being dead serious* And I'll personally destroy them, you got it? Sheepy: Gil: I'll hit him again if you don't get out. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he gets out, mostly* Don't do it again. Sheepy: Gil: Get out and I won't. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he exits, but still looks cross with Gil* Sheepy: *Gil closes it* Arsé-kun: Medusa: .... *this is interesting and all but is the dude alive* Sheepy: *Sort of? Satoru has a blank expression on his face* Arsé-kun: *what do you mean Sort Of* Sheepy: *He's a little conscious?* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he decides staring down Gil is not going to help anyone and floats away to check on Kintaro.* Youuuu all right, buddy? Sheepy: *Kintaro looks over at Mephisto. He seems dazed. It'd be easier to tell if he was if he wasn't wearing his stupid sunglasses.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he moves a bit closer, to try and peer over his glasses* Sheepy: *Kintaro squints, trying to clear up his vision* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Taro? Sheepy: *Kintaro pats Mephisto's face, visibly confused* Sheepy: Kintaro: Your face is all... blurry. Sheepy: Satoru: Clown, is he okay? Can you help him? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Well, he's alive. I'm of no help otherwise here. Arsé-kun: Minako: *she goes to retrieve the weapon that was thrown at Kintaro. It proceeds to be fucking heavy. be entertained by her trying to drag it to Gil. so she can try to smack him with it* Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Thank you for stepping in. Sheepy: Lobo: *he comes over to Minako and picks it up* Arsé-kun: Minako: Good boy! Sheepy: Lobo: *his tail is wagging. he is waiting for direction as to what to do wih it.* Sheepy: Gil: Don't touch my treasure, fleabag! Arsé-kun: Minako: Let him have it, pup! Sheepy: Lobo: *he drops it on Gil's foot. Gil yelps and clutches his foot.* Sheepy: Kintaro: *he slowly sits up* D-don't worry - this is nothing. Arsé-kun: Roman: *he's been freed from Lobo, so he can FINALLY come over. and check on Kintaro, while he's at it* sheep: Satoru: Ah! Dr. Marshmallow is here! Arsé-kun: Roman: I said I was coming, didn't I? Here, let me see the wound. Sheepy: Kintaro: *he sits still so Roman can look* Arsé-kun: Roman: Ouch. Doesn't seem to be too bad, but don't do too much until it heals. *he sticks a bandaid onto it. it's gold. it has hello kitty on it* Sheepy: Kintaro: A very very golden thank you... Sheepy: Satoru: It's, uh... Sheepy: Satoru:...Pikachu! Arsé-kun: Roman: *he looks to Satoru, and hands him the bracelet he owes* As promised! Sheepy: Satoru: !! Sheepy: Satoru: Thank you! Arsé-kun: Roman: Quite welcome! Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow, Kintaro said he'd drive you home, but at this point that'll be impossible until he recovers. Sheepy: Satoru: So what will you do until then? Arsé-kun: Roman: Oh, I'll figure something out ^^ Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yooo, Doc Ock! *he comes over and claps Roman's shoulder* What are you doin' here? Arsé-kun: Roman: Had a delivery to make, Magi- Arsé-kun: Merlin: Don't you dare say anything about that in public! Arsé-kun: Roman: Okay, okay! I won't! I was just going to remind you to fill queue! Arsé-kun: Merlin: Yeah, yeah! Hey, Bedi, do you think Eij would mind a visitor? Arsé-kun: *Another Meanwhile! Vlad has hurried back inside, most likely to "discard" the garlic bread. Eliza's gone back inside, but she's eyeing Carmilla-senpai from the window. Jekyll- or is it Hyde?- comes back outside. Lance has sat back down with Guin. Proto lies down on the grass for a nap* Sheepy: Bedi: Good afternoon, Dr. Romani. Sheepy: Bedi: I doubt he'll mind Dr. Romani visiting, if you mean him. Detective... Holmes, I believe? Already left to speak with him. Sheepy: *Guin has taken off her helmet and looks exhausted. Cu joins Proto in taking a nap in the grass. Gil hurried back inside. Carmilla is petting Lobo. Rider is staring at Eliza... maybe? Emiya has gone back inside.* Sheepy: Bedi: Although, I suspect that he will be taking action sooner than expected due to what Detective Holmes will be informing him of, and his mood may not be the best. Sheepy: Bedi: So, while you stay with us, please don't bring up Satoru's similarities to him. Arsé-kun: Roman: ... You know, I hadn't noticed until you brought it up! But yeah, gotcha. Arsé-kun: Herc: ... ... *he doesn't seem sure what to do. Time to resume archery practice. This bow is not his. He's using it anyway* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: ..... *he puts a hand on Kintoki's shoulder* You wanna go inside n' do something? Sheepy: *Kintaro nods* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Cool! Just don't make me carry you! *he'll try if he has to, though* Sheepy: *Kintaro unsteadily stands* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Steady! You're not some broken see-saw, are you? Sheepy: Kintaro: No, Moose... my head just hurts a lot. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Gotcha. Here, let me... *he goes behind Kintaro, and hooks his arms under taro's. Support!* Sheepy: Kintaro: *he appreciates this.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hum! My place is closer. Not a problem, right? Sheepy: *Kintaro shakes his head* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Neato. *and they Get Going* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Here, Taro, have the couch. Sheepy: *Kintaro takes the couch.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: You, uh, want anything? Or something? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Oh, duh! Sure, lemme see if we haaaave any! Sheepy: Kintaro: Alright.. Arsé-kun: *Mephisto zips off to find one. He comes back with an icepack and two icepops* Sheepy: Kintaro:...? Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he hands the icepack over, and starts opening a pop* ...? What? You want one? Sheepy: Kintaro: No thank you. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Well, okay! *he opens the other one. and proceeds to stick them both in his mouth* look Taro, I'm a walrus. Sheepy: *This makes Kintaro laugh. mature.* Arsé-kun: Mephisto: *he makes some fucking noise. is it supposed to be a walrus noise??* Sheepy: *Kintaro laughs more. please* Sheepy: Kintaro: Moose... thank you for acting like you cared when I was hit. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: What do you mean "like"? Thank you for acting like you cared when I was sick. Sheepy: Kintaro: No problem, buddy. It's what friends do. The number one golden rule. Sheepy: Kintaro: Don't believe Goldie, by the way. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: .. Huh? Sheepy: Kintaro: I heard what he said to you when you went into that portal thingy. It's not true. I care about you and Chief likes you as well. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Oh. Yeah. Of course he lied! Master Mink cares about me, too..! Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes, her too, I'm sure. Sheepy: Kintaro: I can't see why she'd be too different from Chief in that respect. She's just more open and expressive compared to Chief. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Is it hard figuring him out? He seemed so..... Sheepy: Kintaro: Chief has... difficulties showing how he feels, probably because of Masanori. You'll come to learn the subtle differences that show how he feels if you're around him enough. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Gotcha. We're neighbors, so I'll probably be around a bunch! Sheepy: Kintaro: Earlier, he was actually very upset. His left eyebrow was furrowed. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Just the left? Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes. Sheepy: Kintaro: It's important to know when you're pushing his emotional limits. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Well! The more I know! *his tails have finally stopped being stiff. He seems to have relaxed, and they're kinda just doing. whatever they want* Sheepy: Kintaro: Yes! If he plays dead, you know you've gone too far. Arsé-kun: Mephisto: Hmm.. Sheepy: *Meanwhile, an arm suddenly wraps around Mori's shoulder..* Sheepy: Sherlock: Good evening, Professor Moriarty! Arsé-kun: Mori: *fOR THE LOVE OF GOD* What do you want, Holmes?! Sheepy: Sherlock: Is that how you greet all of your friendly rivals? Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah... I guess I'm the only one, now that I think of it. Arsé-kun: Mori: You're going to give me cardiac arrest at this rate! Sheepy: Sherlock: Can servants even have cardiac arrest? Arsé-kun: Mori: I don't see why not. Sheepy: Sherlock: Well, they can survive car accidents just fine, so... Sheepy: Sherlock: Although, I wonder if car accidents count as Rider type damage? Arsé-kun: Mori: Carry on. What, exactly, do you want? Sheepy: Sherlock: Can I not speak with an old ...hmm, friend is too strong of a word. Sheepy: Sherlock: Even if two people are friendly, that doesn't necessarily mean they're friends. Arsé-kun: Mori: We're absolutely not. Get your hand off of me. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he moves his hand* Arsé-kun: Mori: Where did you run off to, anyways? Sheepy: Sherlock: To his father's house so I could discuss the matter with his mother. Arsé-kun: Mori: You did not come from... ... Ah, I see what you mean. Sheepy: Sherlock: Until I find the "missing person" and clear up all loose ends, my case isn't done. Arsé-kun: Mori: Then go finish up, will you? Sheepy: Sherlock: You are the one who asked. Sheepy: Sherlock: And so, I told you where she is. Sheepy: Sherlock: Masato didn't appear to care. Arsé-kun: Mori: You have. However, Satoru needs to be given an understanding of the situation. As the detective, it is your job to do so. Sheepy: Sherlock: You yourself stated he didnt care.. Arsé-kun: Mori: And he does not. What I'm trying to say is to leave me alone. Sheepy: Sherlock: *he frowns* Sheepy: Sherlock: So you're saying that you didn't get any enjoyment out of our battles of wit? Sheepy: Sherlock: Do you intend to let yourself stagnate with no one of your caliber to compete with? Sheepy: Sherlock: I see. Arsé-kun: Mori: This is not competing. If we have the chance to, then I'll enjoy it. Sheepy: Sherlock: However, if all we do is compete, what are we? Arsé-kun: Mori: Rivals. Sheepy: Sherlock: Incorrect. Sheepy: Sherlock: We are strangers. Sheepy: Sherlock: Two people can compete for any goal, but if they don't even stop to speak to one another, they might as well be strangers- Sheepy: Satoru: If you're lonely you can talk to me. Sheepy: Sherlock: Lonely...? No, no. I'm not speaking with him because I want companionship. Arsé-kun: Mori: Sure. sheep: Sherlock: I'm not! Arsé-kun: Mori: Then why not interact with anyone else? Or is it because I'm the only one you're familiar with? sheep: Sherlock: I don't know anyone else. Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Fine. I will tolerate you for now. sheep: Sherlock: "Tolerate"... Arsé-kun: Mori: As nice as it is to see you, it's not exactly comforting. Neither of us want a repeat of the last time we were together. sheep: Sherlock: As long as we stay away from waterfalls, we should be fine. Arsé-kun: Mori: Touché. sheep: Satoru: Your corset makes you look like a spider. Arsé-kun: Mori: Doesn't it? sheep: Sherlock: I... guess so. *he mumbles something about hating spiders* Arsé-kun: Mori: What was that? Speak up. sheep: Sherlock: ... sheep: Sherlock: *he mumbles again about spiders.* Arsé-kun: Mori: .... .... Would you like to come inside? Perhaps we could have a bout of wits over chess and tea. sheep: Sherlock: Ah! That sounds nice. sheep: Satoru: Grandpa, I found Choo Choo earlier today, but... Cu Chu stepped on him! Arsé-kun: Mori: Rest in the floor tiles. sheep: Satoru: Choo Choo was my friend. sheep: Satoru: He was Lobo's friend too. Lobo would play tag with him, but Lobo always seemed to be it... Arsé-kun: Mori: Choo choo gave everyone anxiety because of that damn movie. sheep: Satoru: Kintaro didn't see it so he can't say whether he liked it or not Arsé-kun: Mori: I doubt he would. sheep: Satoru: I didn't understand it but I found it strange! sheep: Sherlock: What's Choo Choo? Arsé-kun: Mori: A particularly large bug. sheep: Sherlock: ...... sheep: Sherlock: ...how many legs? Arsé-kun: Mori: How many does a centapede have? Fifty? sheep: Satoru: They can have between 15 and 177 pairs of legs. Arsé-kun: Mori: Too many. sheep: Satoru: Choo Choo has 15 pairs of legs. Arsé-kun: Mori: Enough of this discussion, though. sheep: Satoru: He's a male because his 15th pair isn't really long. sheep: Sherlock: *he looks downright terrified* Arsé-kun: Minako: What are we talking about? sheep: Satoru: Choo Choo! Arsé-kun: Minako: Ours? Or..? sheep: Satoru: He's a centipede and my friend!! Cu Chu stepped on him. sheep: Satoru: He didn't like the human centipede that much... Arsé-kun: Minako: I've heard things about that movie... Is it worth it? sheep: Satoru: I didn't get it but I liked it. Arsé-kun: Minako: If a kid can watch it, it can't be that bad! sheep: Satoru: Auntie Guin was the only one who didn't leave partway through or hold someone else for comfort. sheep: Satoru: I don't get why. It wasn't that bad. Arsé-kun: Minako: I take it back? Now I wanna watch it though. Arsé-kun: Mori: .... So, Sherlock, lets get going, hm? sheep: Sherlock: *he nods, looking a little sick to his stomach* Arsé-kun: *Mori and Sherlock escape successfully* sheep: Satoru: I named Choo Choo after a train because he looked like one. Arsé-kun: Minako: Good point! Millipedes kinda do, too. sheep: Satoru: I want a pet millipede! sheep: Satoru: They look like really long rolly-pollies! Arsé-kun: Minako: They're cute! sheep: Satoru: I like centipedes because they're prickly! Lobo likes to play with them. sheep: Satoru: And then he eats them. sheep: Lobo: *he heard his name.* Arsé-kun: Minako: Puppy! sheep: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, hey! You got the bracelet! Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh! Dr Marshmallow gave it to me! Arsé-kun: Minako: *she laughs* Marshmallow??? Oh, I'm so calling him that from now on! Sheepy: Satoru: His hair reminds me of marshmallows. Arsé-kun: Minako: It does, you're right! Sheepy: Satoru: Why do doctors need teleporters? Sheepy: Satoru: What will ambulances do if they aren't needed anymore? Sheepy: Satoru: Is he a real doctor??? Arsé-kun: Minako: Oh, he's definitely a doctor. He's only allowed to use the teleporter cause Chaldea needed a stand-in boss, and he was the only one there with enough qualifications. As for the ambulances, no idea! Sheepy: Satoru: He looks like a college student from movies. One who sleeps and then realizes that he never did his essay and is going to fail his finals. Arsé-kun: Minako: Hhhhhuh. Maybe? Sheepy: Satoru: That's why his hair is messy and he walks around with his coat open. Sheepy: Satoru: Because he's always just gotten out of bed. Arsé-kun: Roman: *this isn't weird.* Sheepy: Satoru: Hello! Arsé-kun: Roman: Hi again! I realize I forgot to show you how that bracelet works! Sheepy: Satoru: How does it work? Arsé-kun: Roman: Easily. *he presses a button on the O of Fiction. A little holographic screen pops up!* Here's the main screen. Sheepy: Satoru: *he is visibly impressed* Arsé-kun: Roman: ....And here's the last thing! This is what I call the mission screen! If there's ever anything that needs to get done, it'll be posted here. If there's one close by, why not take one up tomorrow? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. I'll do my best. Arsé-kun: Roman: Great! Sheepy: Satoru: What are missions usually like? Arsé-kun: Roman: They vary. Sometimes they're just community service. Sometimes there's a monster that needs to be stopped. Sheepy: Satoru: Monsters? Arsé-kun: Roman: M-hm. That's not too common, last I checked. Sheepy: Satoru: I saw a monster earlier. Arsé-kun: Roman: Literally, or are you insulting someone? sheep: Satoru: It was Godzilla. sheep: Satoru: She was on TV and fighting a moth. Arsé-kun: Roman: *he sighs with relief* Not that kind of monster. I wouldn't expect anyone to fight something that big! sheep: Satoru: I wouldn't fight Godzilla. sheep: Satoru: She's just a mom who's trying to protect her baby. Arsé-kun: Roman: Fair point. sheep: Satoru: She's a good parent. sheep: Satoru: I wished for a dad like Godzilla and instead Vlad appeared... Vlad isn't a dinosaur but that's okay. Arsé-kun: *Roman takes a moment or so to take in that information* sheep: Satoru: He's as old as a dinosaur. sheep: Satoru: Vampires come from the age of the dinosaurs but they all died when the comet hit which is why we never see vampires anymore. Arsé-kun: Roman: If he's alive, apparently not. sheep: Satoru: The comet was actually Santa Claus delivering the greatest gift to humanity: life. sheep: Satoru: ...So says Kintaro, but... sheep: Satoru: ...Santa Claus doesn't exist, so who killed the dinosaurs? Arsé-kun: Roman: The meteor did that. sheep: Satoru: But who sent the meteor? Arsé-kun: Roman: Space? sheep: Satoru: *gasp* Arsé-kun: Roman: Space kind of does what it wants. sheep: Satoru: I don't like space anymore. Arsé-kun: Roman: Space is scary. sheep: Satoru: I wanted to meet the dinosaurs... Arsé-kun: Minako: Birds are pretty close.. sheep: Satoru: Birds are the dinosaurs after they went to heaven. sheep: Satoru: That's why they have wings. sheep: Satoru: They're angels. sheep: Satoru: Flightless birds are fallen dinosaur angels whose wings burned when their hearts opened to sin. sheep: Satoru: Kiwis are like the bird equivalents of Icarus. They're blind because they flew too close to the sun. Arsé-kun: Roman: Who told you that?? sheep: Satoru: The same person who told me that vampires are weak to the sun because it reminds them of their final moments before the meteor struck... Kintaro. Arsé-kun: Roman: Well, Riders do tend to be... Eccentric.. sheep: Satoru: He's very smart, which is why nothing he says makes sense sheep: Lobo: Aruuuu? *he heard Rider. he's curious. he tilts his head some* Arsé-kun: Minako: Puppy!! sheep: Rider: "Don't group me in with the likes of him." sheep: Rider: "His intended class is Berserker, anyway." Arsé-kun: Roman: I meant the class. You and Lobo are Avengers, after all! sheep: Rider: "I see." Arsé-kun: Roman: But, yes, having originally been a Berserker probably does play a part in it. sheep: Rider: "Berserkers are usually idiots." Arsé-kun: Roman: Not exactly. Most often, they're just sanity-impaired and judgement-impaired. sheep: Rider: "They act like idiots, then." Arsé-kun: Roman: Fine. sheep: Rider: "The only exception being Vlad, surprisingly." Arsé-kun: Roman: His I can explain. He was originally a Lancer. Berserker was the best class to give after becoming a vampire with a reason for bloodlust. sheep: Rider: "I see." Arsé-kun: Roman: This might be rude, but do you..? Like, actually? sheep: Rider: ........ sheep: Rider: *he slowly raises his hands to answer and then stops* sheep: Rider: ............. Arsé-kun: Roman: You know what? Never mind. sheep: Rider: "I... don't know." Arsé-kun: Roman: Chalk it up to ghost powers and call it a day? sheep: Rider: .... sheep: Rider: "...Sometimes during the spring, because of the pollen, my eyes water and I feel like sneezing but..." sheep: Rider: "...When I go to rub my eyes or sneeze, I remember that I'm incapable of it." Arsé-kun: Roman: That's harsh. sheep: *Rider walks off, having an existential crisis* Arsé-kun: Roman: I hereby fire myself from asking those kinds of questions. Sheepy: Satoru: I once asked him how he can think or feel considering he has no brain and later I found him huddled in the corner in a fetal position, shaking. Arsé-kun: Roman: Maybe we shouldn't ask at all. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo never makes him sad like that. Lobo knows him well. Sheepy: *Bedi is quietly lurking near Lance* Arsé-kun: Lance: .....? Sheepy: Bedi: ...Ah, sorry, am I bothering you? I can leave. Arsé-kun: Lance: Not at all. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you mind if I sit next to you? Arsé-kun: Lance: Nope. Go ahead. Sheepy: *Bedi sits down* Sheepy: Bedi: I'm happy for you. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Thank you, Bedivere. Sheepy: Bedi: I know I sided with King Arthur, but... I don't think of you as any less of a person for your actions. I think more of you. We who served the king were called "brave" for our actions, but we had a strong leader. You were alone fighting this strong leader for your beliefs, and that... takes courage and love that I never knew existed in such levels. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... ..... I tried to come back, too. I wanted to help fight at Camhain. I was not allowed to. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm sorry. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... It's fine, I suppose. I got what I deserved eventually. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes. Life with the one you love. Arsé-kun: Lance: That wasn't what I was saying... Sheepy: Bedi: Huh? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Artoria let me off. We knights were meant to be punished for crimes, yes? But she wouldn't. It drove me nuts, until she finally did so. I don't want to say I was a masochist or anything of the sort, but.. Sheepy: Bedi: I wasn't punished for my crime either. Sheepy: Bedi: I can understand how it feels. Arsé-kun: Lance: I'm a Berserker for a reason. I'm not sure you do. You want me to kick your ass for it? Sheepy: Bedi: Yes, you're right. It hasn't driven me nuts. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Though, I'm still a Berserker, and I'll most likely return to my former mentality tomorrow. I'm over it, so why am I still..? Sheepy: Bedi: I don't know. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you want me to punch you for it too? Arsé-kun: Lance: Please. Sheepy: Bedi: *he punches Lance* Arsé-kun: Lance: Yow! Did... Did you just dent...? *he has to take his helmet off to look* Sheepy: Bedi: It's a representation of my sin. Arsé-kun: Lance: Almost breaking my shoulder isn't a sin, Bedi. Sheepy: Bedi: Ah...I'm sorry. Sheepy: Bedi: My arm isn't just metal like when we were alive and I forget this sometimes. Arsé-kun: Lance: What did you do, anyway? Sheepy: Bedi: I failed King Arthur's final mission for me. Arsé-kun: Lance: Is that really a sin..? Sheepy: Bedi: I hesitated before returning the Excalibur to the lady of the lake and found I couldn't do it. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..? Sheepy: Bedi: I lied to King Arthur, stating that I had seen nothing out of the ordinary, and was berated for my actions. Sheepy: Bedi: He was dying but he lost his trust in me and insisted to watch as I returned it. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... You don't have to say he, you know. It's only me. Sheepy: Bedi: It's habit. Sheepy: Bedi: To remind me of my crime... Arsé-kun: Lance: Fair enough. You got berated, though. That on it's own is a punishment. Sheepy: Bedi: My arm was infused with the power of the Excalibur. Arsé-kun: Lance: I want to be jealous of that. Sheepy: Bedi: It's not as fun as it might sound. Arsé-kun: Lance: More fun than going berserk. Sheepy: Bedi:...You're not wrong. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I wonder if it would be able to stop me from going berserk, actually. Sheepy: Bedi: We could try... Arsé-kun: Lance: But not now. Sheepy: Bedi: How will we fix your armor? Arsé-kun: Lance: Like we always do. Stop looking at it for a while. Sheepy: Bedi: That's how to never get anything done... Arsé-kun: Lance: Punch the inside of it. Done. Sheepy: Bedi: Do you want me to...? Arsé-kun: Lance: Later. Too much of a hassle taking it all off now. Sheepy: Bedi: Have you experienced the magic of making coffee yet? Arsé-kun: Lance: Nope. Never had it. Sheepy: Bedi: You haven't? Arsé-kun: Lance: Nope. Sheepy: Bedi: I'm not a fan of the taste myself unless it has milk, but... I think I've gotten skilled at making it. Arsé-kun: Lance: You can do that..? I've only seen it be... Just coffee. Then again, I'm using Andersen for reference.. Sheepy: Bedi: Yes. I can't handle bitter things. Arsé-kun: Lance: Oh, it's bitter? ... Maybe not, then. Sheepy: Bedi: You can make it sweet. Arsé-kun: Lance: Thank goodness. Sheepy: Bedi: It depends on the beans you use, your blend, and whatever additional things you put in it. Sheepy: Bedi: Eiji has us working at the store as well because, well, I wouldn't say we have a lot of money.... Sheepy: Bedi:...But we're happy with what we have, and that's what matters. I learned about coffee for my job, which is fun except when it's crowded. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... Huh. Arsé-kun: Lance: Either way, I'll come by one day. If you're not busy, maybe you can tell me more. Sheepy: Bedi: That sounds nice. Arsé-kun: *anyway, everyone goes home. kintaro is dropped off by Mephisto. Vlad hasn't stopped dying, but that's his problem.* Sheepy: *In the middle of their conversation, Sherlock suddenly rolls up a nearby paper and... maybe there was a spider there? If there was, there isn't one anymore.* Arsé-kun: Mori: Good shot. Sheepy: Sherlock: ...I don't know where it went. Arsé-kun: Mori: It's probably gone. Don't worry about it. Sheepy: Sherlock: Did you see the size of it...? Arsé-kun: Mori: I did not. I was not looking. Sheepy: *A few minutes later, Sherlock bats at it again... it's not there...* Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Sheepy: Sherlock: Ah... I missed. Arsé-kun: Mori: I did not see anything that time. Sheepy: Sherlock: I did. Arsé-kun: Mori: .... .... Have you eaten at all today? Sheepy: Sherlock: Are you concerned about me? *he laughs* I had a granola bar, don't worry. Arsé-kun: Mori: That's it?? Sheepy: Sherlock: Yes. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'm more concerned about the energy tolls you may be taking on your master. Go eat something. I can't believe I have to tell you this! Sheepy: Sherlock: You sound like you're my mom! Sheepy: Sherlock: Babysitting truly has taken a toll on you Arsé-kun: Moriarty: When your lack of self care skills kill your master, I don't want to hear anything. Sheepy: Sherlock: Okay, Mother Moriarty. Arsé-kun: Mori: Go home and take care of yourself. I absolutely cannot believe I have to tell you this. Sheepy: Sherlock:...Fine. Sheepy: Sherlock: Watson used to tell me. Sheepy: *Sherlock gets up* Arsé-kun: Mori: We can continue our discussion tomorrow if you're still alive. Sheepy: Sherlock: Good night, Professor Moriarty. *he leaves* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he waits a minute or so* I'm free. Arsé-kun: Mori: *he swivels his chair around, and puts the tv on. It's a science documentary about waterfalls.* Sheepy: *Remember your great fall, Mori?* Arsé-kun: *He'd rather not to! He changes the channel. It's the Emperor's New Groove! All well and good... Except it's the waterfall scene.* Sheepy: *Thats your favorite scene, right?* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he skips a few stations. Indiana Jones and the Crystal Skull-- Tv is turned off* Sheepy: *Did you have a nice trip at the Reichenbach falls, Mori?* Arsé-kun: *Nope!* Sheepy: *Meanwhile, Satoru in his room, reading!* Arsé-kun: *There is a Knock on his Door.* Sheepy: Satoru: *he opens it* Arsé-kun: *It's Dad! And he doesn't look mad or annoyed at you for once!* Sheepy: Satoru:...Um, hello. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Good evening. *he's carrying himself and speaking in a rather proper manner... It's rather odd* It's come to my attention that not all of your homework has been handed in. Has it been completed? Sheepy: Satoru:...Not all of it. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Oh? Whyever not? Sheepy: Satoru: I got busy with... other things. Arsé-kun: Masato?: May I take what has been done, then? Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Then go ahead and get it. I shall wait. Sheepy: *Satoru goes to get the homework he's completed.* Arsé-kun: Masato?: *he takes a step into the room, but does nothing else* Sheepy: Satoru: *he hands it to Masato* Arsé-kun: Masato?: Thank you. Sheepy: Satoru: Um.. you're welcome. Arsé-kun: Masato?: *he starts looking through the papers* Sheepy: Satoru:........ Arsé-kun: Masato?: .... This is all you have done? Sheepy: Satoru:..Yeah. Arsé-kun: Masato?: This entire week, and this is it? Sheepy: Satoru:...yeah. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Forget about what we want you to do for a moment. How will you survive as an adult if you don't handle responsibilities now? Sheepy: Satoru: Um... I don't know. Arsé-kun: Masato?: Has the lesson not been hammered into you yet? Sheepy: Satoru:....I don't know. Arsé-kun: Masato?: I see. *he neatly puts the papers down* Sheepy: Satoru:....... Arsé-kun: Masato?: Come here, you. Sheepy: *Satoru slowly approaches* Arsé-kun: *Masato? grabs a hold of Satoru. A single, disciplinary smack is one thing. Actively hurting the child is another.* Sheepy: *Satoru goes limp... apparently he's decided playing dead is the best solution to this.* Arsé-kun: Masato?: Pathetic. *he drops Satoru. literally* No wonder your mother left. She's probably embarrassed by how worthless you are. *with that, he picks up the papers and leaves* Sheepy: Satoru:......... Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he comes in moments later, clearly concerned* Are you okay? Sheepy: Satoru: *he shakes his head. no. no he isn't.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: I should have come in before I heard... That. I'm very sorry. Sheepy: Satoru: There's nothing you can do. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I could have stopped him. *he sits down next to Satoru* Sheepy: Satoru:...No. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No? Sheepy: Satoru: He'd just come back later. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Which he may do anyway. I'm going to stay here with you. Sheepy: Satoru:...thanks. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Quite welcome. Would you like me to help you change, or are you ready for bed as is? Sheepy: Satoru: I can't sleep. Arsé-kun: Mozart: We'll see about that. Sheepy: Satoru: What if he comes back...? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Then I'll kick him out. Sheepy: Satoru: ...Okay. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Here, it's getting late. *he offers a hand to Satoru* Lets go to bed, shall we? Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *Mozart carefully picks up Satoru, and places him into bed. He sits down nearby, and picks up a toy keyboard from the floor* Sheepy: Satoru:...? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Does this still work..? *it turns on* Excellent. Arsé-kun: *Mozart slowly begins to play it.* Sheepy: *It seems to be helping Satoru relax.* Arsé-kun: *as intended.* Sheepy: *Eventually, Satoru drifts off to sleep. you did it mozart you helped.* Arsé-kun: *Mission Accomplished.* Arsé-kun: *The next morning, Mozart is no longer there. Time to get up!* Sheepy: *Satoru gets up and goes downstairs.* Arsé-kun: *And the first thing in sight is Vlad holding back Mozart's arms so he can't scratch and tear at himself. Vlad looked annoyed at most, but Mozart, poor Mozart, his wild eyes darting about as he struggles* Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy?! Sheepy: *Satoru rushes over to the two* Arsé-kun: *Mozart doesn't seem to hear him at all, not noticing Satoru until he is seen* Sheepy: Satoru:...? Arsé-kun: *Upon closer inspection, Mozart looks more panicked than anything* Sheepy: Satoru: *he hugs Mozart. does this help?* Arsé-kun: Mozart: ..! *it helps a little* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Temporary hearing loss. He'll be fine. There seems to be a boggart about. Arsé-kun: Vlad: From Sherlock having seen a spider, to James having seen nothing on the telly but waterfalls, there is no other explanation. Sheepy: Satoru: Boggart...? Sheepy: Satoru: ...........Maybe... that was just the boggart too. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Wolfgang did mention something occurring last night.. Lets presume it was the boggart until otherwise noted. sheep: Satoru: Okay, it makes more sense that way. sheep: Satoru: How long will Mozzy be deaf? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I don't know. sheep: Satoru: Can we make the boggart go away? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Yes. sheep: Satoru: How? Arsé-kun: Vlad: By attacking it and driving it away. sheep: Satoru: ........ sheep: Satoru: I don't want to hurt it, but it's hurting us. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Exactly. Gather everyone. It's best to confront it in a group. sheep: *Satoru goes off to find everyone* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he's trying to unlock a door. with a paperclip. Hm* sheep: Satoru: Hello! Arsé-kun: Mori: Morning. *he turns the paperclip around. try #5* sheep: Satoru: What're you doing? Arsé-kun: Mori: Trying to unlock this blasted door. sheep: Satoru: I didn't know there was a key... Arsé-kun: Mori: There isn't. Back up. sheep: *Satoru backs up* Arsé-kun: *Mori whips out the coffin gun and shoots the doorknob clean off. Much easier now.* sheep: Satoru: Dad said to collect everyone together to kill the Babadook. Arsé-kun: Mori: I'll join him downstairs soon. *he pulls the door open* sheep: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *Look at all those BOOBS! I mean, serious honkers. Real sets of badonkers. Packin' some dobonhonkeros. Massive dohoonkabhankoloos. Big old tonhongerekoogers.* Arsé-kun: *... All over the walls. I should have specified that.* Arsé-kun: *The walls are quite literally covered in gigantic bonkhonagahoogs.* sheep: *Kintaro is hiding behind Cu Chu, who has his hands over his own eyes* Arsé-kun: Mori: Out, quickly! sheep: *Kintaro and Cu run out* Arsé-kun: *once theyre gone, the room resumes looking normal* sheep: Satoru: ... sheep: Satoru: What was on the wall? Arsé-kun: Mori: Those are referred to as breasts. sheep: Satoru: Like chicken breasts? Arsé-kun: Mori: No. sheep: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Mori: Moving on! sheep: Satoru: We need to find everyone else still. Mozzy is with Dad. Arsé-kun: Mori: Carmilla is downstairs last I checked. Rider and Lobo I do not know. Guin, I am not sure about either. sheep: Satoru: Let's look for Rider and Lobo then. sheep: Satoru: They're always together so if we call for Lobo he should come with Rider. Arsé-kun: Mori: Good plan. sheep: *Suddenly, there's loud barking!* Arsé-kun: Mori: Found Lobo. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's check on him! *he goes* Arsé-kun: *Mori follows him* Sheepy: *Lobo is in deep trouble!! THERES A VACUUM CLEANER!! it's not on.* Arsé-kun: Mori: .... Sheepy: Lobo: *grrrooowwwlllll* Sheepy: *Rider is in a fetal position in the corner...* Arsé-kun: Mori: Shush, Lobo. *he goes to walk past the vacuum. It makes a fucking watery crashing noise. Mori hurries up.* Sheepy: Lobo: *he hesitantly approaches it...it starts up. Lobo starts whining, creating a huge distance hetween it and himself.* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he sits down next to Rider* Are you all right? Sheepy: Rider: ....... "my face..." Sheepy: Rider: "it...itches... I have no face... how do I see? how do I hear?" Arsé-kun: Mori: ... .... I wouldn't know. Sheepy: Rider: "I have pollen allergies..." Sheepy: Rider: "Every spring I feel it." Arsé-kun: Mori: ... Perhaps Vlad would have an answer? I do not. Sheepy: Rider:....."wheres... vlad?" Arsé-kun: Mori: Dining room. Sheepy: Rider: "I have a headache from Lobo's barking." Sheepy: Satoru: It can't hurt you, see? *he touches the vacuum. Lobo whines gently picks him up by the back of his shirt, moving him away from the vacuum. no.* Sheepy: *Rider stands and heads to the dining room* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he stands back up and crosses the room* Go on, Lobo. Sheepy: Lobo:.......*whine* Sheepy: Lobo: *he slowly turns and leaves with his tail between his legs* Arsé-kun: Mori: *he sighs and grabs the vacuum handle. Just in case* Sheepy: Satoru: Who left the vacuum out anyway? Arsé-kun: Mori: I don't think it's a vacuum. Sheepy: Satoru:...? Arsé-kun: Mori: Considering- *the vacuum makes the watery sound again. Mori flinches, but doesn't let go* that. Sheepy: Satoru: So then, it's the one who...... Sheepy: Satoru: ..... Sheepy: Satoru: Do you think if we talk to it it'll leave? Or will we have to resort to violence? Arsé-kun: Mori: Most likely the latter. Go ask Vlad what to do. I'll hold it. Sheepy: *Satoru goes to the dining room to see Vlad.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he's let Mozart go* Welcome back. Sheepy: Satoru: We found the Babadook! What do we do with it? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I live up to my name. Where is it? Sheepy: *Satoru states the room it's in.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he picks up his lance and heads off* Sheepy: *Satoru follows* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he stops in the doorway* Sheepy: Satoru: What's wrong? Arsé-kun: Vlad: That's just not fair at all. Sheepy: Satoru: It's just a vacuum cleaner. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Not anymore it isn't. Sheepy: Satoru: What is it now? Arsé-kun: Vlad: You. James, let go. It's mine. Sheepy: Satoru: ? Arsé-kun: Mori: Take it. *he lets go. He's very unhappy.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he glances back down at Satoru, like he needs to make sure Satoru is standing there with him, before throwing his lance across the room at the fake. Direct hit! The boggart screeches and turns into an insect, before escaping to outside* Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, it's gone... Arsé-kun: Vlad: It can easily return. We're not safe until it is dead. Sheepy: Satoru: How do we catch it? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Find it, hit it, repeat until it is dead. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I didn't want to go outside this early, but I suppose we must. Sheepy: Satoru: Will you be okay? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I should be. Sheepy: Satoru: Be careful, though. It can change the appearance of rooms. Arsé-kun: Vlad: It's that strong..? What did it do? Arsé-kun: Mori: *he explains how it turned the room into a collection of humungous hungolomghnonoloughongous* Sheepy: Satoru: They're like chicken breasts except not made of chicken. Sheepy: Satoru: They're made of wall. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Satoru, those are called boobs. I'm not sure why James didn't just tell you that. Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro said that that's where babies come from. Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... I told him that as a joke. How much more has he told you?? Sheepy: Satoru: He told me that birds are angel dinosaurs and that vampires come from the jurassic times. Sheepy: Satoru: They're scared of the sun because it reminds them of the comet. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I'm so sorry. Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: Vlad: None of that is correct. Birds evolved from dinosaurs. Vampires do not come from the jurassic. We tend to be weak to the sun because we are purely nocturnal. Sheepy: Satoru: But... Sheepy: Satoru: You're awake during the day. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I only became a vampire when you summoned me. Carmilla is a far better example. Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: Then... Sheepy: Satoru: Was Dracula a lie? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Absolutely, one hundred percent. Arsé-kun: Vlad: At least, in the regards of it being about me. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you hate being a vampire then? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I did. Enough talk. We need to find it before it finds anyone else. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *they get Going and go outside. Vlad shields his eyes from the sun* Sheepy: *There's the loud noise of clashing swords and swords hitting armor... * Arsé-kun: Vlad: That's our cue. Sheepy: Satoru: Let's follow the noise! Arsé-kun: *they do so, and come across Guinevere fighting Lancelot! .. A very worn down and broken lancelot* Sheepy: *Guin is fighting defensively exclusive, refusing to strike Lancelot...* Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he rushes in, aiming to impale the fake lance on his... lance. ... english.* Sheepy: Guin: ! Arsé-kun: Vlad: It's not him. *he pulls his lance out and goes to stab the boggart again.* Sheepy: Guin: I'm sorry... it has his face. I can't strike it. Arsé-kun: Vlad: You're not the only one it tried this stunt on. *he kicks the boggart down and goes to decapitate it. It just reforms and speeds away as a shade. bye* Sheepy: Satoru: It ran away again... Arsé-kun: Vlad: I can barely see it.. Sheepy: Satoru: Maybe it'll leave for good this time. Arsé-kun: *a sword is thrown from the neighbor's window with perfect accuracy! the boggart has taken too much damage! it. ... unceremoniously poofs into thin air.* Sheepy: Satoru: *gasp* Where'd it go??? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Away. I'm going back inside. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he's still watching from the window, frowning* .... Sheepy: Guin: *she looks over* ..Thank you. Arsé-kun: Lance: ... You're welcome. I'd come out, but.. Sheepy: Guin: Huh? Arsé-kun: Lance: There's something I have to do first. Sheepy: Guin: Understandable. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he closes the window and turns away before, just* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARRRTTHHHUUUURRRR!!! *he is IMMEDIATELY responded to by Herc, yelling even LOUDER. Lance opens the window* Morning alarm. I'll be out in just a minute. Sheepy: Guin: *oh.* Sheepy: Satoru: Aaaarthuuurrrrr??? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he comes out. sweatpants, tanktop, this man isn't ready to be ANYWHERE.* Yeah. Sheepy: Satoru: He's an aardvark! Arsé-kun: Lance: Not that Arthur. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Sheepy: Satoru: The Babadook attacked us. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Eh? Sheepy: Satoru: The thing you killed. Arsé-kun: Lance: Oh, the boggart. Sheepy: Satoru: Uhuh. Sheepy: Satoru: I think it attacked me last night but I don't know. Arsé-kun: Lance: All I know about them is that they shapeshift, and very powerful ones tend to be aggressive. So..... Maybe? Sheepy: Satoru: Where did it come from? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he shrugs* Sheepy: Satoru: I was told that it was very strong because it created a boob room, but... it had to have come from somewhere. Arsé-kun: Lance: it made a what. Sheepy: Satoru: A boob room. Arsé-kun: Lance: ...... *snnrrrrkkk* Sheepy: Satoru: I learned that babies don't come from boobs. Arsé-kun: Lance: *he's trying to hold back a grin. he's failing, miserably* Sheepy: Satoru:? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he laughs. work of art, 10/10, need encore* I'm sorry! That's just so...! Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro told me that babies come from them Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro is scared of them. Arsé-kun: Lance: *it's stopped being funny. mostly* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I get the impression nobody has told you anything about that yet. Sheepy: Satoru: About what? Arsé-kun: Lance: Babies. And I'm not doing it. Arsé-kun: *SO OF COURSE, LANCELOT AND GUINEVERE END UP EXPLAINING WHERE BABIES COME FROM. CONGRATS, SATORU, YOU LEARNED THE THING.* Sheepy: Satoru: Do you have any kids? Arsé-kun: Lance: Nope. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Lance: While I wouldn't mind it, I doubt that's an option anymore. Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Lance: I'm doubting Servants are fertile. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Okay. Arsé-kun: Lance: But enough about that. Sheepy: Satoru: ...................... Sheepy: Satoru: Where do people go when they die? Arsé-kun: Lance: Depends who they are. Sheepy: Satoru: Where did you go when you died? Arsé-kun: Lance: A grave, followed by the hall of heroic spirits, I guess. Sheepy: Satoru: ...... Arsé-kun: Lance: As did the rest of us, I suppose. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Arsé-kun: Lance: Well, it'd make sense. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: *the bracelet lets out a little ring!* Sheepy: *Satoru answers* Arsé-kun: Roman: Good morning! Are you and your Servants ready for your first mission? Sheepy: Satoru: ...Um, we just killed a boggart. Arsé-kun: Roman: Good job! Sheepy: Satoru: I guess, but.... I don't know if everyone is up for it. Arsé-kun: Roman: Of course, of course! Recovering from an unexpected boggart attack can take a while! That comes first. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay... what is the mission, anyway? Arsé-kun: Roman: Busting some skeletons. Y'wanna see? Sheepy: Satoru: Skeletons? Arsé-kun: Roman: *he puts some video feedback on screen. Skeleton warriors* Sheepy: Satoru: ? Arsé-kun: Roman: Skeletons. Sheepy: Satoru: How do we kill something that's dead? Arsé-kun: Roman: Smashing it into pieces. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Roman: That's why Servants do it. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not strong enough to. Arsé-kun: Roman: I'd hope not. It'd take superhuman strength to break these with your bare hands! Sheepy: Satoru: Kintaro can make trees fall with ease! Sheepy: Satoru: He also sumo wrestled with a bear once! Sheepy: Satoru: Unless you mean a different type of strength. Sheepy: Satoru: Lobo might like skeletons? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know, but I could ask him. Arsé-kun: Roman: Both sound good, but is Kintaro feeling well enough to? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't think so, so I'll ask Lobo. Sheepy: *Lobo heard his name. He is here now.* Arsé-kun: *the fluffest of boofers* Sheepy: Lobo: *Bawuuuu?* Sheepy: Lobo: *he seems eager about skeletons...* Arsé-kun: Lance: Eager, are we? Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... ... I am not particularly in the mood to come, but I will ask if anyone else wants to. Sheepy: Satoru: What's wrong? Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... I'm not very prepared to go, for one. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay! Sheepy: Satoru: That's fine! Auntie Guin will be happy to stay with you probably! Arsé-kun: Lance: *he nods and turns to look at Guin* Sheepy: Guin: That's fine by me. Was there anything you wanted to do? Arsé-kun: Lance: Not really.. Arsé-kun: Roman: ... I'll, uh, I'll stick this onto your mission tab. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay! Sheepy: Lobo: *he is wagging his tail* Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Lets go see if anyone wants to go with them, I guess. Sheepy: Guin: Good idea. Sheepy: Lobo: *he nudges Lance with his snout, as if insisting on him finding teammates* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he is almost knocked over* I'm going, I'm going...! Sheepy: Lobo: *he wags his tail and sits* Arsé-kun: *lance (and guin?) exit stage right* Sheepy: *guin goes as well, yes* Arsé-kun: Andersen: *he's able to be seen from the living room. he's pouring himself coffee- and standing on a chair to reach the counter. tiny boy.* Sheepy: Guin: Do you need help? Arsé-kun: Andersen: I'm fine as is. Sheepy: Guin: Okay. Sheepy: Guin: Do you want to join Lobo? He's going out to helo Dr.Roman with skeletons. Arsé-kun: Andersen: I've got no time for that. I've got impending deadlines to deal with. Sheepy: Guin: Good luck! Arsé-kun: Andersen: Thank you kindly. *he hops off the chair and exits. the coffee is in a fucking kids sippy cup. nobody wants scalding hot emo everywhere* Sheepy: *Guin doesn't comment.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she flits and flaps her wings instead of aCTUALLY USING THE STAIRS* Is something happening? Sheepy: Guin: Do you want to join Lobo? He's doing a job for Dr. Roman - destroying skeletons. Arsé-kun: Eliza: I'd love to! Lemme go ask Boss if I can! *she runs off to do so. she can be faintly heard yelling upstairs* Sheepy: Guin: I'm glad it was easy to find someone to help Lobo out... Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she comes back* Boss said it was okay! Sheepy: Guin: Lobo is outside right now. Sheepy: *Lobo is staring in through the window* Sheepy: *...Rider is with him, but it's difficult to tell if he's staring in through the window as well.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Is that why the big bad wolf is leering at us through our tiny window? Sheepy: Guin: Yes. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Exciting! Sheepy: Guin: He's waiting for someone to come out to join him. Arsé-kun: Eliza: All right, going! Bye, Miss Guin! See you later, grumpy! *she exits the door and runs up to Lobo* Puppy! Sheepy: Lobo: *boof* Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she reaches up to pet him* You ready to get bones, puppy? Sheepy: *Lobo's tail is wagging. He's excited!* Sheepy: *Rider gets onto Lobo's back* Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she gets into the air, but changes plans and swoops down to Satoru* Boss said I could come with you for dem bones! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Have fun. Arsé-kun: Eliza: I will! Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she leans over Satoru's shoulder to see the video feed* Oooh! Where is this? Sheepy: Satoru: We aren't supposed to go there because there's monsters. Arsé-kun: Eliza: More than just skeletons? Sheepy: Satoru: Yes. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Exciting! Sheepy: Satoru: Why? Arsé-kun: Eliza: I wanna see what kind of monsters are around here! Sheepy: Satoru: Good luck! Arsé-kun: Eliza: Good luck? Aren't you coming? Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not strong. Sheepy: Satoru: I rarely go out. Arsé-kun: Roman: Then make a change! If you go out and get stronger, you'll be fine, right? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know. Sheepy: Satoru: I'll do my best. Arsé-kun: Roman: You sure will. Do you want me to keep in touch for now? Sheepy: *Satoru nods* Arsé-kun: Roman: All right, I'll keep the line open. Sheepy: *So the four go to fight skeletons!* Arsé-kun: *well roman isn't physically there but he's in this too* Sheepy: *There's harp music.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: ?? *she considers getting off of Lobo's back* Did people beat us here? Sheepy: Satoru: That or the skeletons can play harps. Arsé-kun: Roman: The only recorded case of that was David. Wait, no, he's just really skinny. Carry on. Sheepy: Lobo: *he follows the music* Sheepy: Lobo: *There's the skeletons! That's all that matters. He doesn't care about the redhead playing the harp.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Dibs on the one with the sword up in front! *she more or less dives off of Lobo to Engage In Combat* Sheepy: Lobo: *he has picked up one of the skeletons and has started shaking it. the music stops* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Hey, hey! *she pushes the skeleton away and looks back to the harpist* Keep going, bard! Sheepy: Satoru: Dr. Marshmallow, who's that? Sheepy: *The redhead, upon request, returns to playing the harp again. The harp is actually a bow with multiple strings. His harp playing seems to be damaging the skeletons closer to him.* Sheepy: Satoru: Do they work for you? Sheepy: Lobo: *he drops the skeleton that he was practicing disembowling on and then places his paw on the head of another skeleton and smashes its face into the ground* Arsé-kun: Roman: Him? He helps out, yes. He's, uh.. *he takes a second to check the records* That's Sir Tristan. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, that's good. It didn't seem like he was doing anything, so I was worried that maybe he needed help... Arsé-kun: Roman: He is battling them in his own way. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh. Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she's smacking the skeletons around with her lance and humming. Any more than a hum and it's probably a threat of impending death. I'm kidding* Sheepy: *Lobo is still having fun smacking the skeletons around while Rider is making sure Satoru doesn't fall off of Lobo's back* Arsé-kun: *Because Satoru falling off would be Bad* Sheepy: Satoru: There's a lot of them and it doesn't look like the numbers are thinning any... Arsé-kun: Roman: There's usually a reason for that! There's usually some sort of leader. Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Arsé-kun: Roman: Uh-huh! Sheepy: Satoru: Do you know if the leader is nearby? Arsé-kun: Roman: Uhhh.... Yeah! There's a decently strong magical reading a bit north from where you are now! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay, I guess we should go check that out. Should we ask Sirtristan to come with us? Arsé-kun: Roman: I don't see why not! He's here for the same reason. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Mr. Sirtristan! Dr. Marshmallow says that the one commanding the skeletons is up north. Arsé-kun: *Eliza doesn't input, but she giggles. Something is funny to her. here* Sheepy: Tristan: I see. Lead the way. Sheepy: Satoru: But you have your eyes closed... Arsé-kun: Eliza: He can probably see better than I ca- Oof! *she wasn't watching where SHE was going, and slammed into a lightpole.* Sheepy: Tristan: What is there worth seeing in this planet that cruelly stole my life for committing the crime of loving the wrong woman? Arsé-kun: Eliza: That's so sad! Do you wanna sing about it later? Sheepy: Tristan: It is my song to her that caused my life to end, that caused me to be separated from her. ...Yes, I think that singing about it and releasing the emotional suffering that constricts my heart would ease my pain some. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Okay!! *she's amazed someone even ACCEPTED her offer* Sheepy: Satoru: I can give you a hug. Maybe that would help. Arsé-kun: Eliza: I second that, too!! Sheepy: Tristan: I will consider your offer. Sheepy: Lobo: *he is sniffing at the air* Sheepy: *Eventually they reach the leader.* Arsé-kun: *which is a Daemon. Thankfully a rather basic one, but STILL* Sheepy: Satoru: Big!! Arsé-kun: Eliza: What a brute. Sheepy: Satoru: It doesn't look mean! Maybe it's just lonely! Arsé-kun: Roman: Not really! Sheepy: *Rider tightens his grip on Satoru. No running up to daemons.* Arsé-kun: *Smart Rider.* Sheepy: Satoru: Are you sure? It looks nice... Arsé-kun: Roman: Not one bit! Arsé-kun: Roman: They're nasty little shits! Sheepy: Satoru: Okay... Sheepy: *Tristan is playing his harp again* Arsé-kun: *the daemon has Noticed Them!* Sheepy: *Lobo lunges at it!* Arsé-kun: *the daemon backs the hell up and casts magic! ... It's nowhere near enough to STOP Lobo* Sheepy: *Lobo shakes it off and goes for the jugular* Arsé-kun: *C.... Critical hit?* Sheepy: Lobo: *he picks it up and shakes it* Arsé-kun: *This is Painful, but it doesn't stop the daemon from spotting and aiming a shot at Satoru and Rider* Sheepy: Rider:?! Sheepy: *Rider does his best to shield Satoru, but considering Satoru is in front of him, there isn't much he can do...* Arsé-kun: *Satoru ends up getting pushed into Dog Fur Heck. Leaving Rider to, y'know, take the hit full on* Sheepy: Rider:....!!!! *OW OW OW* Sheepy: Lobo: *This only serves to make Lobo stop treating the Daemon like a toy and start treating it like an actual enemy. He drops it on the ground, places a paw on its chest, and starts pulling on its arm* Sheepy: *Rider also fell off. rest in pepperoni.* Arsé-kun: Eliza: *There's no way she can dive fast enough to catch him, so she goes and joins Lobo in fucking this daemon up* Sheepy: *Satoru is playing dead on Lobo's back.* Arsé-kun: Roman: H-hey! Are you still there? Sheepy: *Satoru lets out a small whine. Guess who's scared? It's this kid!* Arsé-kun: Roman: Are you hurt?! Sheepy: Satoru: Uuh... R-Rider is... Arsé-kun: Roman: ... I feel like I should have actually come with you. Anyone else hurt? Sheepy: Satoru: I... uh, don't know... Arsé-kun: Roman: ... I'll come back over to your place and clean up, okay? Sheepy: Satoru: O-okay.... Sheepy: Rider: *he approaches the Daemon and decapitates it* Sheepy: *Lobo begins gently nudging Rider with his muzzle* Sheepy: Satoru: I think it's dead.... Arsé-kun: Eliza: *she goes to punt its head away* Yep! Sheepy: Satoru: That's good. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to go home. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Yeah, me too. I don't like this place. Sheepy: *They head home. ... Tristan follows at a distance...* Arsé-kun: *what a weirdo.* Sheepy: *He isn't playing his harp either. And his eyes are still closed.* Arsé-kun: *As promised, Roman is waiting for them on the street corner. Which is close enough to the house without it being WEIRD.* Sheepy: *Lobo cautiously approaches Roman* Arsé-kun: Roman: Hello, Lobo. You're not hurt, are you? Sheepy: *Lobo nudges Roman* Arsé-kun: Roman: ? Sheepy: Lobo: *whine* Arsé-kun: Roman: What? What is it? Sheepy: *Lobo sits down and Rider slips off of his back. Satoru has his face buried in Lobo's fur. play dead activate.* Arsé-kun: Roman: Oh! *he goes to check on Rider* Arsé-kun: *While this is happening, Eliza doubles back to Tristan* Arsé-kun: Eliza: Are you lost..? Sheepy: Tristan: There is no "lost". Sheepy: Tristan: Every destination has its own adventure set in store, even if it isn't the intended destination. You never lose something by going to the unintended destination... ... Sheepy: Tristan: ... Yes, I should write that down in my list of "complicated excuses that'll make my conversation partners not ask if I'm currently suffering from a moment of weakness". Arsé-kun: Merlin: *presence concealment EX. because he's just suddenly here.* Tristan! Sheepy: Tristan: Merlin? Arsé-kun: Merlin: It's me! Its you! Sheepy: Tristan: No, I'm not you. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That's not what I meant! Sheepy: Tristan: If I were you, I would not be sad, because I would not have ever landed a cursed relationship like the one I had. Sheepy: Tristan: Not to imply that you're incapable of finding a lover, but rather, I doubt you'd be chased down across the country because you had a lover you were not intended to marry. Sheepy: Tristan: Because you have quite the way with people. Arsé-kun: Merlin: The last girl I tried to be with stuck me in a tree for a good century Sheepy: Bedi: I can't really understand either of you... how do you have such bad luck? Arsé-kun: Merlin: No idea. Sheepy: Bedi: Good evening, Sir Tristan. I'll tell Sir Lancelot that you're here. Arsé-kun: Merlin: That'll be fun to watch. Sheepy: *Bedi leaves to get Lance* Sheepy: Lobo: *he is watching Tristan very closely* Arsé-kun: *as is Elizabeth* Sheepy: Tristan: *discomfort* Sheepy: Tristan: I see, it's wrong to follow people home. Arsé-kun: Lance: Yes, it is. Sheepy: Tristan: Sir Lancelot. It's good to see you. Arsé-kun: Lance: You as well, Sir Tristan. Sheepy: Tristan: How have you been faring? Arsé-kun: Lance: Decently... Yourself? Sheepy: Tristan: As well as I can be. Arsé-kun: Lance: That's.... Good? Sheepy: Tristan: I see you got a dog. Is it difficult to walk? ...Are those bear traps a fashion statement? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... That's not mine. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... Neighbors'. Sheepy: *Lobo nudges Lance with his muzzle* Arsé-kun: Lance: *he is nearly toppled over* ?? Sheepy: Lobo: *he plops down on the ground and stares intently* Arsé-kun: Lance: *questioning grunt noise* Sheepy: *Lobo places his head flat to the ground and stares up at Lance* Arsé-kun: Lance: ??? Sheepy: Tristan: Ah, yes, I forgot to mention that I work with Dr. Roman. This dog appeared and started shaking my target. Unfortunately, it decided to blast his rider and the child on his back as a response. ...Have you ever seen a daemon's head be used for soccer? This is my first time seeing that. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... I have. *he gives a pointed look towards Elizabeth. SHE is still looking at Tristan's harp* ... ... *he finally catches on to Tristan having mentioned a child* ..! Sheepy: Tristan: Have you? I didn't know they showed up around here. Arsé-kun: Eliza: Neither did I! We just moved here! Arsé-kun: *Lance, meanwhile, makes a beeline for Satoru, who is still on Lobo's back* Sheepy: *Whether Satoru is sleeping or playing dead is a mystery. Lobo is watching Lance closely. Gaze.* Arsé-kun: Lance: *how do I handle child? if done badly, guin will have my head. uh.* Arsé-kun: *Lance applies a single hand to Satoru's back. are you alive child* Sheepy: *Satoru looks up at Lance. Oh. It's safe to stop playing dead.* Arsé-kun: Lance: ... ? Sheepy: Satoru: Oh, it's just you... Sheepy: Satoru: I was scared so I just played dead the entire trip home. Arsé-kun: Lance: .... *he kinda just. awkwardly pats Satoru's back before picking him up off of Lobo* Sheepy: Satoru: ...How do you become brave? You're a knight... knights are brave, right? Rider was hurt by the monster because I didn't protect myself. I can't fight my own fights, either... I just play dead because I'm too scared to do anything... but it never works... Arsé-kun: Lance: .... You can be scared and brave at the same time. Sheepy: Satoru: ......? Sheepy: Satoru: Are you scared when you fight? Arsé-kun: Lance: ... I have been. ..I've been in things I was scared to do. What makes you brave is that you do it anyway. Sheepy: Satoru: I'm not scared of much.... but the stuff I'm scared of, I don't feel like I can face... but if one can be brave and scared... Sheepy: Satoru: I should at least try to stand up to him. But he scares me so much. He did this yesterday. *he shows off the bruising from getting messed up yesterday. That does not look fun.* Arsé-kun: Lance: ..!!! Sheepy: Satoru: It's not the first time. I just play dead... last night he stuck around and said that I'm why she's gone... am I that bad? Arsé-kun: Lance: *he shakes his head and utters a low growl. Angry.* Sheepy: Bedivere: *he gently places his Metal Hand of Power on Lance's shoulder* Please don't do anything rash. Sheepy: Satoru: Sorry, I didn't mean to make you angry... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... You didn't, don't worry. Sheepy: Satoru: ...Okay, that's good. ...Next time he comes in, I'll try to stand up for myself, but... I don't want it to escalate further... Arsé-kun: Mozart: If you are able to do that, we'll hear it and be able to assist. *he's here* Sheepy: Satoru: Really? Sheepy: Satoru: I don't know if I can do it... Arsé-kun: Mozart: At minimum, I will hear it. I think you can. Arsé-kun: Lance: Whatever you want. Arsé-kun: Merlin: *he's... pulled out a marker and started doodling on Tristan's face* Sheepy: Bedi: Ah, he isn't reacting... Arsé-kun: Lance: ... How does he do that? Sheepy: Bedi: He walks around with his eyes closed all the time... Arsé-kun: Lance: Not that. Sheepy: Bedi: What? Sheepy: Bedi: Sleep on his feet? I don't know. Arsé-kun: Lance: I would say wizardry, but Merlin isn't that skilled. Sheepy: Bedi: Good point. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'm right here! Sheepy: Bedi: Please don't take it in an insulting way. Sheepy: Bedi: You're good at other things. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I sure am. Sheepy: Bedi:...But in this field, compared to Sir Tristan, we are like newbies. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Is that even a good thing? Sheepy: Bedi: No. Sheepy: Bedi: But you are good at many bad activities too. Arsé-kun: Merlin: Damn right. Sheepy: Bedi:...Merlin, please, I don't mean anything sexual. Arsé-kun: Lance: ..... I'm going to bring this child back to his house. You two keep, uh, talking about that. Arsé-kun: Merlin: I'VE BEEN GIVEN PERMISSION TO TALK ABOUT IT. Sheepy: Bedi: Merlin, please! Arsé-kun: Roman: *he kinda. slides into view, blocking Merlin* I've finished! Rider's a-okay! Sheepy: Satoru: Really?! Sheepy: *Lobo is wagging his tail excitedly!* Sheepy: Rider:..... Sheepy: *Rider is here.* Arsé-kun: Mozart: You're in one piece. Fantastic. Sheepy: Rider: "Yes." Sheepy: Rider: "As are you." Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd like to stay that way. Sheepy: Rider: "Unfortunate. I could decapitate you if you wanted." Sheepy: *Lobo licks Roman's face. He's thankful!* Arsé-kun: Mozart: Please don't. Sheepy: Rider: "I won't." Arsé-kun: Mozart: Thank you. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Shall I take- oh. *Satoru has been shoved into his arms* Sheepy: Bedi: Please don't go and rough up his father now that you don't have anything in your hands. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Don't at all. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I've got a non-musical theory I'm working on regarding him. Sheepy: Satoru: What is it? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Though the pitch is the same, there are times where his voice has a wildly different tone to it... It is not an emotional thing, either. Sheepy: Satoru: He acts weird sometimes. Sheepy: Satoru: He was acting weird last night. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Yes, exactly. Sheepy: Satoru: Why does he act like that? Sheepy: Satoru: Is it because he's mad? Arsé-kun: Mozart: Emotionally or mentally? Sheepy: Satoru: Emotionally. Arsé-kun: Mozart: No. Sheepy: Satoru: Huh? sheep: Satoru: Then...? Arsé-kun: Mozart: The latter. Just a theory, though. sheep: Bedi: ...Anyway, all of you don't have much to worry about. We'll inform his mother and she'll deal with the rest. But, even though you're servants, you can still get arrested. ...So, be careful - assault and defending a young one can be a thin line. sheep: Rider: "Unfortunate. Decapitation is not allowed. It's regrettable that a man like him has been blessed with a head, while men like myself lack one." Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'm tempted to lift Vlad's ban for this. Sheepy: Rider: "Is that a good idea?" Arsé-kun: Mozart: No. Sheepy: Rider: "Don't." Arsé-kun: Mozart: I can't. It'd have to be a group decision. Sheepy: Guinevere: I vote no because I don't want Vlad to do anything he'll regret. How are you feeling, Lance? Arsé-kun: Lance: Tired. I'm going back in. Sheepy: Guinevere: Good idea. Don't push yourself. Arsé-kun: *Lance Exits Stage Right* Sheepy: Satoru: Uncle Mozzy, is your hearing back to normal? Sheepy: Satoru: You seemed really scared earlier and I was worried about you. Arsé-kun: Mozart: It is, yes, thank you. I.. Panicked, to be honest. Sheepy: Satoru: It's okay. I understand why you would. Sheepy: Satoru: What's important is that you're okay now. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I am. sheep: Rider: "I'm going in now." Arsé-kun: Mozart: Lets. sheep: *so they go inside* Arsé-kun: *hooray* sheep: Kintaro: Chief is back! Arsé-kun: Vlad: *he looks up from his knitting* Welcome back. sheep: Satoru: Is everyone better from earlier? sheep: *Carmilla is eyeing the yarn...* Arsé-kun: Vlad: It does seem that way, yes. My apologies for not having come with you. sheep: Satoru: Rider was hurt during the fight. You might've gotten hurt too. sheep: Rider: "I'm fine." Arsé-kun: Vlad: Still. I had said that I would go with you. Sheepy: Satoru: Did you want to go? I didn't know, sorry. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I would have liked to, but staying put was more important. Aftermath of the boggart and all. Sheepy: Satoru: I understand. Sheepy: *Carmilla looks over at Vlad and then bats at his yarn ball. yarn, meet floor.* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Why are you like this? Sheepy: Carmilla: Lack of attention. Wanting to mess with you. Every fiber of my being telling me to knock it off. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I see this. Please put the yarn back. I'm going to need that. Sheepy: Carmilla: *She puts the yarn back* Arsé-kun: Vlad: Thank you kindly. Sheepy: Carmilla: Were you scared by the boggart? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Merely unsettled. Sheepy: Carmilla: Just unsettled? Arsé-kun: Vlad: If I'd been afraid, I'd have been unable to harm it. *is he.. proud of himself?* sheep: Carmilla: Uhuh, okay. Arsé-kun: Vlad: What's that supposed to mean?? sheep: Satoru: I don't think it ever visited me. sheep: Carmilla: If you can't face your fears that makes you a coward. Arsé-kun: Vlad: .... Right. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Satoru. About that. sheep: Satoru: Uhuh? Arsé-kun: Mozart: I already suggested it, Vlad. Was there evidence..? Arsé-kun: Vlad: And more. I. I may or may not have bent a rule. sheep: Satoru: What do you mean? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I mean I did not break a set rule, but I almost did. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Some of the set rules were: To not harm Masato, to not mess with him, and to not go through others belongings- Especially his. Correct? Arsé-kun: Vlad: I decided to personally ask him about the events of last night. He has no recollection of any events that transpired. sheep: Satoru: ...Really? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Truly. Sheepy: Satoru: Could his lack of memory of last night be correlated to him acting strangely? Arsé-kun: Vlad: Going by what Wolfgang has noticed, I'm inclined to say yes. Sheepy: Satoru: I can try looking into it online... Arsé-kun: Vlad: If you'd like to. Sheepy: Satoru: Do you have any ideas of what might be going on? Anything can help. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Well, he's clearly not doing these things. Sheepy: Satoru: We have a doctor next door. We could ask him. Sheepy: Satoru: In the book he acts differently sometimes too, but that was from the power of science. Arsé-kun: Vlad: We could.. Sheepy: Satoru: You seem a little hesitant. Sheepy: Satoru: Is now a bad time? Arsé-kun: Vlad: It's nighttime. As a general rule, yes. Yes it is. Sheepy: Satoru: Oh...okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I'll wait for tomorrow then. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'll volunteer ahead of time to go with you. Sheepy: Satoru: Thank you. Sheepy: Cu: Oi, Mozart, just keep Satoru away from that red archer, alright? Sheepy: Cu: He's bad news. Real bad news. Arsé-kun: Mozart: I dislike that tone in your voice. Noted. Sheepy: Cu: If he picks a fight with me, I swear, I'm shoving my spear so far down his throat that he'll be the first human shish-kabob. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I've already done that. Numerous times. Sheepy: Cu: You don't count! You're Vlad the Impaler! Sheepy: Cu: You're known for being unnecessarily cruel and killing people without reason. Sheepy: Satoru: Vlad wouldn't do that! Sheepy: Satoru:...But... Sheepy: Satoru: You're nice, so you're a good person. Sheepy: Satoru: You wouldn't do that now. You're better than that. Arsé-kun: *Vlad's heart has grown one size. So has his ego.* Sheepy: Satoru: You wouldn't be my dad if you were malicious. You'd just be like Masato, so I'd avoid you. Arsé-kun: Vlad: *CRITICAL HIT!* Arsé-kun: Mozart: Gee, I didn't know Masato impaled people. Arsé-kun: *Mozart gets punched in the shoulder. That's leaving a mark* Sheepy: Satoru:? Sheepy: Satoru: That's not what I meant. Sheepy: Satoru: I meant that Masato is mean and hurts people, while Vlad isn't. Sheepy: Satoru: And that whether or not Vlad hurt people in the past doesn't matter - he doesn't hurt people now. If you base your opinions on people off of their past mistakes instead of who they are now, what's the point of turning a new leaf? Arsé-kun: Mozart: A fair point, I suppose. Sheepy: Kintaro: Does that mean that's accurate, Chief? I know very little about human nature. I had a very very golden childhood in the forest! Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd believe it. Sheepy: Kintaro: Believe what? Arsé-kun: Mozart: I'd believe what Satoru said as correct. Sheepy: Kintaro: Golden advice! Sheepy: Kintaro: My advice is! Sheepy: Kintaro: Bears are good people! You just need to get to know them better! Arsé-kun: Mozart: Glad to know. I'll become more acquainted with one while it eats me alive and sh- Sheepy: Kintaro: No no no! Arsé-kun: Mozart: No? Sheepy: Kintaro: Bears are good friends! Sheepy: Kintaro: When I was a little one, I sumo wrestled with a bear! He was my playmate! Sheepy: Kintaro: Our friendship was golden!! Arsé-kun: Mozart: *he mutters about something else being golden* Sheepy: Kintaro: Bears! Bears are golden! Sheepy: Kintaro: Chief, let's go camping and meet a bear! Sheepy: Satoru: The outside world scares me and I like my room more. Arsé-kun: Mozart: Count me out. Sheepy: Kintaro: It'll help you come up with music ideas! Sheepy: Cu: Hmmm... sounds fun. Sheepy: Cu: I'm in. Sheepy: Carmilla: I'm not going unless Vlad is going. Arsé-kun: Vlad: I don't know. Arsé-kun: Vlad: While it would be nice, I don't know if I would be able to do so. Sheepy: Carmilla: Because your sun sensitivity. Sheepy: Carmilla: If you wear sunscreen you should be okay! Clearly. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Because there is no human blood in the woods outside of our own. Sheepy: Carmilla: Hmm. Sheepy: Cu: Oi, Master, here's a reason to go camping: You'll get away from Masato. Sheepy: Satoru: *he has a blank stare on his face...* Arsé-kun: Vlad: ... He has a point. Go with Cu and Robin. You cannot be harmed there. Sheepy: Satoru: ...Okay. Sheepy: Satoru: I want to meet a deer. Arsé-kun: Vlad: Plan it tomorrow. It's too late for this. Sheepy: Satoru: Okay. Arsé-kun: *And then everyone goes to bed, unless they don't*
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