#siblings unite!
dragongirldg · 1 year
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Things I’ve said and don’t regret.
I have never seen siblings that don’t antagonize each other- they have to have gotten on their nerve at least once!
I remember this American tv show where this (I think she was an exchange student living abroad in their house???) girl looked at the girls fighting and arguing with longing as she is an only child. So she tries so hard to get them to be mad and every time they don’t mind what she does and are so nice to her. She gets sad.
So the girls mom hints to them what she really wants. The girls understand and go up to her to start arguing about something she stole (previously they were just going to let her have them because they think the earrings look good on her, not what she wanted at all.) When they started yelling she smiled excitedly and began to argue back.
I don’t 100% remember it but yeah I thought it was sweet.
I antagonize my sister all I want, but no one else is allow to mess with her.
If you don’t understand how kids can wrestle without actually trying to hurt them- then you’ve never played on the playground.
Tag, dodgeball, kick ball, volleyball
Kids play rough and sometimes get hurt- but it’s fun! Bruises sting but forget that! Let’s do it again! Let’s keep playing! Stop being dramatic and go go go!
Kids want to play. Something along those lines! You know what I mean?
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destinyandcoins · 1 year
ryan: what would you say if you turned on the tv and saw on the news that sara had robbed a bank?
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coachbeards · 18 days
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PETE BERZATTO and SYDNEY ADAMU ↳ the bear season three trailer
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d4rk-x-w0lf-17 · 3 days
Danny after finding out that Timmy and Jimmy are dating: ......You could do better.
Timmy: Probably n--
Danny: I was talking to Jimmy.
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windsweptinred · 1 year
So, the great 'RULES' of the Endless. I know they're meant to be there for their own and everyone else's 'good'. To avoid cosmic imbalance blah blah blah. But look at them from a slightly different angle and they smack of far more insidious Divide and Conquer tactics.
Don't interfere with each others affairs. I mean, technically speaking all your purposes are so deeply interwoven with each other, it's more unnatural to keep them forcefully divided. But if you all could just stay in your own realms, do your own thing and interact as little as possible. That would be grand! Whatever you do, don't work as a cohesive unit!
Don't spill each others blood. Who doesn't want everyone to stay alive and unharmed? Right? But it also handily protects Ma and Da from any form of retaliation. A convenient way to defang the children...Just saying.
And finally don't love mortals. Yes. Please do keep your emotional distance from the very beings whose subconsciouses form and sustain you. Loving a mortal... Uff, that would be like you having a full working understanding of the core of your power. Then sticking your cosmic charger right on in there for a XP boost. The horror!
Seems to me someone really doesn't want the Endless siblings as the united, powerful front they could be... 🤔
Can someone get Hob in here to call bullsh*t on this please?
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sneverussape · 4 months
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evans!severus au —
trouble comes in threes 🙊🙉🙈
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cream-and-tea · 5 months
yeah i’m thinking about parallels in my own book. yeah it’s gonna be all day sorry.
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whoisspence · 5 months
reid: you remind me of the ocean
prentiss: why the ocean ?
reid: because you're salty and you scare people
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minticecodes · 6 months
I'm slowly getting through devil may cry v and got inspired enough to doodle again. Sure they aren't polished but I love looking at others' sketch dumps, it's like looking at a smorgasbord of ideas. So here you go. Read more for close ups of the other doodles. The ID in alt are the same as written in the text.
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[I.D. Digital art. A boy in a shirt hoodie, Nero, sits cross legged as he leans backwards to smile up at his companion. Said companion is a tall horned knight, Nelo Angelo, kneeling behind Nero. Nelo gazes to the side, but braces his broadsword by Nero, and his cape drapes around where Nero's sitting. Nero is rendered in light blue and red, Nelo is rendered in light blue, and they're brightly illuminated. End I.D.]
(Was thinking of 'Love Seeketh Not Itself to Please' by Indigomoods on ao3 while doing this one).
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[I.D. A number of digital art sketches, most prominently featuring Dante and Vergil from the Devil May Cry series. From top to bottom, right to left:
Headshots of two boys, Dante and Vergil. Short comic of a man (Dante) ruffling a boy's (Vergil's) hair. Sketch of two boys on a couch, one (Dante) looking concerned at the other (Vergil) in foetal position. Branches curl under the couch. Sketch of child Dante and Vergil in red and blue, running hand in hand. Thumbprint sized chibi child Dante and Vergil. Nero and Nelo sitting together.
Semirealistic headshot (DMCV Vergil) in blue. Boy (Dante) curled in a fire, and fire demon (SDT Dante) gazing at his palm against a black background. Loose sketches of a man's head, roughly scribbled out except one, and an angry cat with a sword. They're labelled in blue and red writing. Side profile of a young man in blues (DMC3 Vergil), face shadowed, a yellow ribbon curled in the background. Side profile of DMC3 Vergil. End I.D.]
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[I.D. 4 black and white digital pen cartoony sketches of child Dante and Vergil. Head and bust shot of a boy with slicked back hair and black turtleneck (Vergil) looking right. His brows are furrowed, eyes narrowed; he looks unimpressed. Below is a head and bust shot of a boy with shoulder length hair and white shirt (Dante) looking left with wide eyes and a fang toothed, wide grin. Centre close up of a cloaked boy (Vergil) glaring up, brow furrowed. His hair hangs over a shadowed face. One narrowed eye is visible. Right sketch is of a cloaked boy (Vergil) hugging a book to his chest, referencing a Visions of V panel. His one visible eye is wide as he gazes down with a small expression. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Coloured digital art over a black background. Two panels. Panel one is child Dante, arms hugging his legs as he sits within a fire raging around him. He's buried his face in his arms. Panel two is an adult Dante in his demonic SDT form. He gazes down at his clawed hand while the fiery core in his chest glows as the main source of light, casting shadows and red light against his armoured form. The tips of his claws seem to glow in the reflected light. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Messy sketch of child Vergil and Dante, running hand in hand. The two look at each other with smiles, Dante with a wide grin and Vergil with closed lips and determined brows. Their full expressions aside from the smile cannot be seen; Dante's hair whips back and covers his face while Vergil's face is eyeless. They're softly rendered in light blue and red, and bright lighting. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Messy sketch of child Vergil and Dante sitting on a couch, shot from behind the couch. Dante directs a concerned gaze to Vergil, his hand braced on the couch back as he leans closer. Vergil only looks down. His arms are curled around his knees. From the angle, his expression cannot be seen aside from a small frown. Under the couch slithers Qliphoth tree roots. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Chibi doodle of child Vergil and Dante, holding hands. Light blue and red ovals were airbrushed on the page, and a pen lined out their features. They have round cheek patches, like budgies. Vergil has a cartoony pout and a book tucked under an arm, labelled with a V; Dante has a toothy grin and is making a bunny ears hand sign. End I.D.]
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[I.D. 'DANTE' is evenly block printed in blue pen. Underneath are what looks to be the start of three portraits of Dante in black pen, but they're roughly scribbled out. The most detailed of the three scribbled out portraits is Dante's grinning side profile. He had sunglasses on. The only intact portrait is a shot of Dante from behind, from the chest up and face not visible aside from a grin. Carried on his back is the Devil Sword Dante, rendered in more detail than Dante.
Meanwhile 'VERGIL' is written in orange/red pen, but strikethroughed. Written above instead is 'PURR-GIL!!', an arrow pointing at a doodle of a cat holding a roughly drawn katana(Yamato). The cat is grimacing with furrowed brows. It has spiky fur on its head, a spiky curled tail, a thorn pattern on its arms resembling Vergil's coat sleeves, and fat round blushy cheeks. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Semirealistic rendering of DMCV Vergil from the neck up in three quarter view. He's painted in blues, with soft red shadows. He glares at the viewer, brows furrowed. His irises are a soft red, and he has eye bags. His lips are somewhat glossy. To the side is the blue color palette. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Stylised depiction of DMC3 Vergil glaring downwards in profile, from the chest up. He's rendered in blues, his face shadowed from the light against his back. Running over his skin are cracked gold lines, reminiscent of kintsugi. In the background curls a yellow ribbon in the same gold. He's wearing a sleeveless turtleneck and cravat. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Stylised black and white lineart of DMC3 Vergil glaring in profile, lips sneering, from the neck up. He's in a coat and cravat. End I.D.]
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[I.D. Messy comic.
Panel 1: DMCV Dante ruffling child Vergil's hair. Dante's face is out of the panel
Vergil (grimacing): "Dante!"
Panel 2: Vergil's staved off the hair ruffling, lifting up Dante's hand with both his hands. His brows are furrowed as he looks up at Dante. In the background is a laughing sound effect, that tapers off. 'HA HA ha...'
Panel 3: Adult Dante gazing down at child Vergil, arm hovering over him. His expression seems sad, despite the small smile.
Dante: ... I missed ya, Verge.
Vergil gazes up at Dante, a small question mark by his head. End I.D.]
#just a wall of rambly thoughts from a longwinded person here on out as a warning#devil may cry#dmc#dmc5#visions of v#artists on tumblr#visions of v spoilers#dmc dante#dmc vergil#nelo angelo#not tagging nero because i think anyone looking for him here wouldnt be satisfied#“holds head in hands” i love drama so much#I especially love characters with tangled relationships to their emotions and their loved ones so. yeah#this is also around the third time i started a game because of a music recommendation#...i think any dmc fans looking at this can guess what song started the downward slide to getting the fifth game#fun fact#it was the sibling unit who went 'add a tree behind the couch' leading to the implications there#they also guessed like#all the reveals around vergil's identities just looking at these doodles and hearing a bit about the backstory#which was funny to me. Man isn't subtle at all#I gotta learn how to do that thing where u can see extra artist comments if u click on a photo in a set. It doesnt seem like alt text?#i had extra Thoughts around some of these but didn't want to clog with extra text. Though they'd be summarised as 'handholding as a motif'#and 'aside from the original metaphor wouldn't it be fun for Dante to literally piece Vergil together again'#and when you wonder if he's acting right you wonder how much you really knew him#how much of his care is what you baked in as wish fulfilment#why can't you keep him from falling apart#something something houseki no kuni style visual shattering#something something Vergil has to do the heavy lifting to glue himself together#and the twins both have to understand each other (i.e. communicate) better for the pieces to stick instead of like#detritus getting in the way of a clean meld
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crystalblast · 4 months
The Mael Sibling Dynamic ✨
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pines-ghosts · 1 year
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Turners 🤍🪄✨⭐️⭐️⭐️
So— I was doing research— and in a “It’s a wishful life” the daughter’s name is Sophia — sO for my Au the girl is : Sophia Timantha jskajs so I dont have to change the design jsjaja 😩🪄💕💅🏻
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fishladyfishy · 1 year
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She’s going through her edgy phase! 😱
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nickelwick · 1 year
The fact I legit SCREAMED when I saw this in the teaser
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like please, please let this be a sign that these two will interact more as the amazing siblings they are
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quillkiller · 12 days
sorry to say but barty + the rosier twins are in love and i’ve thought about nothing else since yesterday
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#barty growing up in a family where love and affection is only for show and for the public image#a quiet and strict home where love only comes if someone important is watching#and then barty stumbling into this other family dynamic with the rosier twins#where they love each other in every concievable way#a sibling dynamic that knows no boundaries when it comes to love and intimacy#but its all behind closed doors#rather than the pretend love and intimacy his father holds above barty for the public eye#instead it’s behind closed doors and no boundaries and theirs and real#barty being so possessive over them because they’re his <3#no one is allowed to know them and see them like he gets to know and see them#they both end up dating barty and people talk and people think it’s weird#but they’ll never KNOW and that’s what important to them#people might talk but they’ll never actually know or understand the way they do#pan and ev don’t consider themselves dating or even in love#they already love each other because they’re twins. in every possible way#they’re already together too because they’re twins. calling it something so mundane as ’dating’ wouldn’t cover it#they’re just a unit and they love each other and want each other and barty love them and they love him <3#the polar opposite of bartys family and stumbling into ev and pans family dynamic#makes me insane#makes me EMOTIONAL#and barty being so protective of it#protective over pan and ev but also protective over all three of them#that’s his family :’) and his loves :’)#i dont even think they tell reg what their relationship turns into#everyone knows barty is dating both of them#and everyone talks#but no one will ever know#reg eventually does think he knows#and has a ’none of my business’ attitude about it#bartyrosiers
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Oliver Roma friendship
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onabatlle-2 · 1 year
one week ona is slapping maya and the next maya is giving her a massage 🤣
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