st4rstudent · 3 months
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All that trouble that I'm back to cause!
SURPRISE TIMELAPSE ATTACK! its kind of long but you get to see me get mad while drawing Brian's head.
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spineless-lobster · 5 months
Top 3 things hayes wants
1. To go home
2. For gaunt to have a good night’s sleep
3. For ellwood to shut the fuck up
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Supergirl 3x16 Of Two Minds
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materassassino · 3 months
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The fact they thought it was ok to publish a goddamn World War I novel with THIS fucking horrendous cover should be grounds for the graphic designer to be shot, frankly.
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hella1975 · 1 year
there may be an influx of ethel cain mutuals atm and im even willing to share the podium but i will ALWAYS be the strangers mutual. stay humble
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The Exorcist (1973)
This is a Movie Health Community evaluation. It is intended to inform people of potential health hazards in movies and does not reflect the quality of the film itself. The information presented here has not been reviewed by any medical professionals.
The Exorcist has two scenes where lights flicker on and off. One brief moment shows a man’s face lit by a passing train, creating a severe but brief strobe effect.
There are a couple of brief moments where the camera is handheld, but most of the camera work in this film is either stationary or very smooth.
Flashing Lights: 4/10. Motion Sickness: 1/10.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: Violent demonic possession, excessive vomit, blood, a viscerally realistic medical procedure, a few jump scares, brief anti-Semitic speech, one homophobic slur.
NOTE: This is a repost of a previous evaluation. Our evaluations of The Exorcist: Believer and PAW Patrol: The Mighty Movie will be available tomorrow on our Patreon page at Patreon.com/MovieHealth, and will both be available on our Facebook and Tumblr pages on Tuesday.
Image ID: a promotional poster for The Exorcist
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hollowfairybabybat · 5 months
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feeble13 · 7 months
can't decide if i like my hair or not and i want to cut it but i also like the long hair boy era with mini braids but also i want to cut it. guys what do i doooooo
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lonelymoonrambles · 1 year
I have now finished season 2 of ds9 and here are my thoughts a first time viewer:
- when does a government stop being provisional and just become real
-damn Kai Winn is a villain VILLAIN! I hate her (character)! I love her (actress)!
- Kira having her fleabag/hot priest moment
- Dr. Julian "I can fix them" Bashir
- seriously Nog needs to go back to the school, I wasn't joking
- fashion spotlight: Jake's brown onesie
- Quark is canonically attracted to men and you can't change my mind
- Dr. Julian "Tennis" Bashir
- Cmdr. Benjamin "Baseball" Sisko
- Jadzia, babe, you'd bang literally anyone wouldn't you? You sick lil freak, we love you! 🥰
- Odo's scientist "father" 100% tests on animals
- O'Brien, dude, just admit you have a crush on Julian - we all know 🙄 (Your wife told us)
- Dukat is OBSESSED with Sisko... 😏
- UM HELLO 2x22 THE WIRE?!!!?? I have many comments and feelings on this ep specifically
- *opens incognito tab* Ao3 search: kira/mirror kira
- ok but seriously that mirror universe ep was wildly horny
- Jem'hadar is a very cunty name for an alien and honestly? They were serving (queer/military way)
- everyone on this space station is gay and polyamorous
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tortillamastersblog · 3 months
♕ No Matter What - Part 14 | Lena Luthor ♕
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Pairing: Lena Luthor x reader
Warnings: major injuries, blood, violence, cursing, angst
Summary: Sick of being toyed with, Lena takes action against her brother only for it to backfire in the worst way imaginable.
Previous Part | Next Part | Masterlist
“Ready?” Kara asks.
Lena nods and squares her shoulders, glancing my way for a second.
I give a thumbs up, albeit a bit halfheartedly and watch as Winn does some final tests on the microphone and camera.
It’s been two days since Lena got Lex’s letter. I have yet to read the whole thing, but judging by how she bawled when she was done reading it I can only imagine what he threatened to do if she doesn’t retract her testimony.
Instead of wallowing in self pity though, Lena decided that she wouldn’t let him manipulate her like this any longer which is why she’s now scheduled for an interview to reveal his plans of overturning his conviction to the world.
I’m not entirely sure this is the right thing to do because who knows how Lex will react, but when I brought it up to Lena she snapped at me.
I was irritated at first, but then she broke down crying again and said she had to do something because she couldn’t handle anyone getting hurt again, especially not me.
“Alright, we’re on in three seconds,” Winn says, joining me behind the camera. “Three, two, one. . .”
He nods and points a finger gun at Kara to signal that the camera is rolling.
The blonde fidgets with her glasses and looks at the notes in her lap before diving right into the interview.
She asks Lena about the breakout first, getting some information about how she found out about it before mentioning the letter.
Lena is tense and fidgets with her hands in her lap, but she’s doing her best to uphold a calm and confident appearance by sitting upright and keeping her face blank.
“Lex is a behind-the-scenes player,” she says. “He doesn’t like to act in the open and often pays people to do his dirty work for him which is why I set up this interview. People need to know what he’s up to.”
Kara nods, looking more serious than I have ever seen her.
She goes on to ask about the possible consequences of this interview and Lena tells her she hopes that Lex will back off for the time being now that the public is aware of what he’s trying to do.
They wrap things up rather quickly, Kara giving Lena a big hug once the cameras are turned off and Lena invites her over for dinner.
She also invites Winn, but he declines politely because he already has plans with James and William. They’re going bowling which is a once-a-month ritual for them and he already missed the last time they did it because he was sick.
The cameras and microphones are disassembled and packed away and within a couple of minutes we’re all making our way out of L-Corp.
It’s late which is why no reporters are around and Winn hails down a cab and bids us all goodbye as Alfred pulls up in the familiar black SUV.
I open the back door for Kara and Lena, waiting for them to get in before closing it again and getting into the front passenger seat myself.
I saw the longing look Lena sent me when she hesitated before getting in, but I didn’t get in with her because three people in the backseat would have been a tight squeeze and there wouldn’t have been much I could have done to comfort her with Kara around.
Alfred sends me a knowing look, obviously having caught onto the more-than-friendly relationship between Lena and I, but he doesn’t comment on it.
There’s not much traffic at this time of night, so we get to Lena’s place rather fast and I order some takeout while we’re in the elevator up to the apartment after agreeing on burgers and fries with Kara and Lena.
They take a seat on the couch, resuming their chat from the car about Kara’s new boss and I excuse myself, not wanting to intrude, and go to the guestroom.
I change out of my work clothes, putting my gun and holster on the nightstand and slip into a pair of sweatpants and a sleeveless shirt.
My back has healed nicely over the last couple of days and I can finally move again without being in pain anymore but there are still some fading bruises.
With a satisfied sigh, I jump on the bed and take out my phone, aimlessly scrolling through my camera roll.
I’m too tired to watch TV or read, so this will have to do.
I don’t have many pictures because after Noah’s death I haven’t really taken pictures of anything, but there are some pictures Lena took with my phone.
There’s a selfie she took with a dopey grin and me in the background passed out on the couch.
I didn’t know she took this and I smile when I zoom in on her face. Her eyes are sparkling with happiness and her cheeks are slightly flushed.
I love her, I think, but before I can bask in the feeling a message pops up.
It’s from my mom and I have half a mind to ignore it, but then I swipe down on it, freezing when I read what it says.
Your dad’s in the hospital. Heart attack. Please come. He was asking for you.
A heart attack? I’m not surprised, that mans been eating as though life insurance is free his entire life.
I don’t know how to feel, but I change into some more appropriate clothes either way and grab my gun off the nightstand.
I slip it into a different holster, fastening it to my belt before grabbing my phone and keys, making my way out of the room.
No matter how much he’s hurt me and how much I’ve told myself I hate him in the past, I still care about him.
He’s my dad for crying out loud, and before Noah’s death we were super close. He used to take me hunting and taught me how to play the piano, but since our falling out I haven’t done either of those things.
“Y/N? You ok?”
Kara looks at me with worry and Lena stops pouring herself another glass of wine in the kitchen to turn around and look at me, too.
Her eyebrows furrow when she takes in my getup and she rounds the kitchen island to tug at my jacket.
I don’t answer Kara. I just wave her off with a forced smile and focus on Lena.
“Where are you going?” she asks softly, fixing my collar before resting her hand on my chest.
I’m surprised by her open display of affection in front of Kara, but when I glance past her the blonde is watching us with the same knowing look Alfred had earlier.
Damn, are we that obvious? First Alex, then Alfred and now Kara?
I shake that thought and focus on Lena, hanging my head and putting my own hand over the one she has on my chest. “To the hospital. My dad had a heart attack,” I say softly.
Lena gasps and cups my cheek to make me look at her. “Oh my God. Do you want me to go with you?”
“No,” I decline quickly. “No, stay here with Kara and enjoy yourself. I’m sure with my hogging all your time recently you have a lot to catch up on.”
I force another smile, also directing it at Kara before stepping out of Lena’s space and making my way to the door.
I don’t want company right now because I have to focus on figuring out how I’m feeling.
I grab my bike from the janitors closet down in the lobby and start pedaling toward the hospital. The air is cold and crisp and makes my skin prickle, but it helps me clear my head a bit.
Why is my dad asking for me? Does he want to make up? Or is he calling me over to tell me once again what a horrible person I am?
I turn down a narrow street when I notice the street ahead is blocked by a construction site and frown when I ride past a black, windowless van.
It seems odd and out of place being parked on the side of the road because no other cars are around, but as soon as I’m past it, I shrug it off and imagine what it will be like when I get to the hospital.
My mom will surely be waiting for me, but what about my dad? Is he in surgery? Is he just waking up from surgery? What if he’s not even alive anymore?
I’m so preoccupied with my own thoughts that I don’t notice the van I just rode past catching up with me until it’s too late.
I look over my shoulder when it gets dangerously close and shout, “Hey! Watch it!”
The driver doesn’t slow down though and before I can swerve out of the way, I’m rear-ended and I fly off my bike, skidding on the pavement until I come to a rolling stop.
My pants and jacket are torn in several places, revealing scraped patches of skin, but what hurts most is my shoulder because that’s what I landed on initially.
My head also feels like it’s about to burst and everything is blurry and I feel like throwing up.
I move to get up, noticing my knuckles are covered in blood, but I don’t get far because a heavy blow to the back of my head sends me sprawling back onto the ground.
I groan and blink in an attempt to get rid of the dancing black dots in my vision, but it’s of no use because not even a couple of seconds later I’m slipping into unconsciousness.
Something incessantly poking my ribs is what ultimately wakes me up and when I move to swat at it I find myself being unable to do so because my hands are bound above my head.
I force my eyes open and let out an involuntarily sob when the pain of being hit by the van begins to catch up with me.
My shoulder aches and I tilt my head back to see I’m strung up by my hands and chained to a rusty pipe. My feet are barely touching the ground which puts extra strain onto my shoulder and makes it hard for me to breathe.
I cough, wincing when a wave of pain shoots through me and look around, trying to make out where I am, but then a harsh spotlight is turned on and aimed at my face.
It’s so bright my eyes close reflexively and I turn my head with another wince.
“Finally! You’re awake. I was afraid Otis might have hit you just a little too hard.” A voice says and I strain to open my eyes again to see who it belongs to.
I almost scoff when I see who it is and let out a defeated sigh.
Of course it’s him.
“Lex Luthor,” I croak, my fingers flexing above my head in an attempt to ease the tug on my wrists.
“So you know who I am,” he says with a smirk, redirecting the spotlight ever so slightly so I can see him properly.
We’re in what looks like an abandoned warehouse. Where we are and how much time has passed since I left Lena’s though is unbeknownst to me.
I don’t say anything and just watch him as he shoves one of his hands into the pocket of his dress pants. The dark three piece suit he’s wearing seems to shine in the low light and I can only guess how expensive it must be.
He smiles wickedly and goes to a rusty table I didn’t notice until now, dragging it across the wet concrete floor until it stands a couple of feet in front of me.
On it, he opens a laptop and connects it to a camera, aiming it at me before he starts typing something on the laptop.
My arms are starting to go numb and the longer I stay in this position the harder it gets to breath, so I grit out an irritated, “What are you doing?”
He looks up for a moment, smirking, before returning his attention to the laptop.
I thrash, making the chains rattle above me before settling back down with a shaky breath.
“What do you want from me?” I wheeze.
Lex finally stops typing and pulls out a phone, dialing a number but not calling it just yet.
“Oh, I don’t want anything from you,” he says. “You’re just a means to an end.”
I frown for a second before it dawns on me.
Lena. . . He’s using me to get to her.
“Yes, that’s right,” he says, watching me carefully. “My darling little sister seems to be quite infatuated with you and because I would never dare to lay a hand on her, what better way is there to get to her than through you.”
I feel physically sick and swallow the bile that threatens to rise in my throat. It’s beyond me how someone can treat their sibling like this, but then again, this is Lex Luthor we’re talking about and he’s not exactly known for being a devoted family man.
The smug look on his face makes my blood boil and I reflexively go to reach for my gun, but I quickly realize I can’t because my hands are still tied and when I glance down I see that it’s not even on me anymore.
Of course it’s not, I think before looking back up to meet Lex’s eyes.
He tilts his head, probably wondering what’s going through my head before sighing and calling the number he’s already dialed.
He puts the phone on speaker and when I squint I feel my stomach drop as I recognize my silver phone case.
I thrash around, knowing exactly who he’s calling.
Dread washes over me, clawing at my throat when a familiar voice answers, sounding distressed, and I have to close my eyes to will away my tears.
“Y/N! Thank God you’re calling. Where the hell are you? I was so worried! The hospital said—“
“Hello, darling sister,” Lex cuts her off, sounding eerily calm and it’s quiet on the other end of the line for a couple of seconds before Lena’s voice, now shaking, is heard again.
“Lex, what have you done to Y/N?” she whispers which makes him laugh.
He clicks his tongue in faux irritation and shakes his head even though she can’t see him. “My, my, my little one, what have I taught you about jumping to conclusions, hmm? I haven’t done anything. Yet. . . What happens next though is completely up to you.”
Silence, again.
Then. . .
“What do you want?” she asks quietly, broken. “Please, I’ll do anything, just don’t hurt Y/N.”
“No, Lena!” I croak, tugging and pulling at the chain in an attempt to get close enough to kick Lex. All I manage to do is flail around like a fish out of water though, slipping and gasping when I try to regain my footing.
“Y/N?!” Lena sounds frantic when she hears my voice, but before I get to reply a stinging pain shoots up my side, leaving behind a throbbing ache.
I yelp and cough, straining to see what happened when my eyes land on a familiar figure, twirling a baseball bat around in his hands. It’s the same man that attacked me over a week ago.
“I’m sorry, but has no one ever taught you not to interrupt a conversation?” Lex chastises, holding out a hand to stop his goon from hitting me again.
I groan and close my eyes, trying not to focus on the pain running through me.
“Lex, I swear to God—!”
“Ah, ah, ah, Lena,” Lex cuts her off yet again. “That’s not how this works. You don’t get to threaten me when I so clearly have the upper hand. Now, unless you don’t want your precious Y/N to get hurt any more, I suggest you do as I say.”
He pauses and waits for Lena’s response which ultimately comes in the form of a whispered, “Okay. . .”
“Perfect, now, the first thing I want you to do is turn on your laptop,” he says and a few seconds go by before Lena says that she’s done what he asked.
“Great, now just sit back and enjoy the show,” he says, hitting a few buttons on his own laptop before turning to me, saying, “Smile for the camera!”
I peel my eyes open and sigh when I spot the blinking red light on the camera.
Not even a second later, the bat makes contact with my side again and I yelp, tasting blood in my mouth when I cough.
“Y/N!” Lena’s voice over the speaker sounds frantic and I shiver, realizing she’s being forced to watch what’s being done to me.
God, we’re going to need so much therapy after this. . . Or at least she will because at the rate things are going, my chances of getting out of this alive are pretty low.
“Stop, it! Please, Lex. I already told you I’ll do whatever you want,” she sobs and no matter how much pain I am in, hearing her crying is a hundred times worse.
“Oh, I know,” he says. “I just wanted to demonstrate what will happen if you don’t.”
I huff and cough again, feeling a trail of blood run down the side of my chin.
Welp, that’s not good.
The thought of my parents cross my mind briefly and I wonder if they think I didn’t show up because I simply don’t care about them anymore.
That couldn’t be further from the truth, but I’m not exactly in a position to prove them wrong right now, so I’ll just have to wait and see how this plays out before I can find them and fix things.
“. . . and now because you’ve decided to share our business with the world, I not only want you to retract your testimony. I also want you to turn yourself in and tell the police you set me up and that you’re behind all the money laundering and human trafficking,” Lex rambles and my eyes widen at what he’s asking of Lena.
“You sick fuck!” I spit, kicking and flailing again before looking directly at the camera. “Lena, you’re not doing this! You’re not going to prison for things he did. You’re not going to prison for me—“
“Shut up!”
This time the bat hits my temple, but because my arms are raised above my head, most of the blow lands on my upper arm.
It leaves the same throbbing pain behind as the one on my side and my whole body begins to tremble. Something wet and sticky runs down the side of my face and my hands are completely numb.
I’m going to die here.
“Easy there, Graves,” Lex warns his goon, glaring at me for interrupting once again. “We wouldn’t want to add another murder charge to your file now, would we?”
The bulky man grumbles and lowers the bat so he can kick at it in front of him
“I’ll do it, Lex. I swear. Please just stop,” Lena sobs on the other end of the line, but I can’t just let her go down for Lex’s crimes.
“No!” I choke out, thrashing around until, surprisingly, the rusty pipe I’m chained to breaks in half.
I fall to my knees, crying out in pain before stumbling to my feet.
I’m breathing heavily, stunned that I managed to actually break free before springing into action.
My hands are still chained together but that doesn’t stop me from tackling Lex’s goon.
He howls in surprise and lets go of the bat when we topple over.
My heartbeat pounds in my ears and an unfamiliar rage cursed through me as I grab the piece of chain that tied me to the pipe and wrap it around his neck.
He thrashes beneath me, choking as his face turns red, but I don’t let up as I watch the life drain out of him.
Before I get to finish the job though, the muffled sound of a gunshot rings out and I let go of the chain with a scream, clutching at my side where it feels like I’ve been hit by the bat again.
I fall to the side, writhing in pain just to see Lex standing over me with my gun in one hand and my phone in the other.
I hear Lena crying hysterically over the phone, obviously having witnessed what just happened, while Lex is just watching me with a mix of pity and disgust.
“I really didn’t want to do this, Y/N,” he says as though he just caught a child stealing candy, “but you left me no other choice.”
I grunt and shake my head, feeling tears streaming down my face.
“Fuck you,” I whisper. “You’re a wretched human being and you don’t deserve Lena.“
Lex chuckles menacingly before turning serious within a split second. He drops my phone and kneels beside my head, yanking at my hair so I’m forced to look at him.
“And you’re a nobody,” he says calmly. “Lena might be completely infatuated with you right now, but in time she’ll realize how pathetic you actually are.
“I know more about you than you think. You got your brother killed and for the last year you’ve been wallowing in self pity because of it. Oh, and you’re poor, let’s not forget about that. No one likes a charity case.”
My chest tightens painfully and I gather whatever strength I have left in me to spit in his face.
He freezes before letting go of my hair to wipe the saliva off his face. Then he gets back to his feet.
For a second I think he’s heading back to the computer to turn off the live feed, but then he spins back around with a menacing howl and starts kicking me in the stomach.
I sob and try to protect myself with my still bound hands but it’s of no use.
Every time his foot buries itself in my stomach the breath gets knocked out of me until I’m on the brink of passing out.
He stops as quickly as he started and smooths out his suit, making sure his cuff links are still in place.
“You know what to do, Lena,” he says, waving at the camera on the table. “If you don’t I’m letting Y/N bleed out, so you better be quick about it because there’s not much time left until it’s too late.”
I don’t hear Lena’s reply over the phone because it feels like I’m floating and everything is muffled, but I manage to drag myself forward the tiniest bit to whisper, “I’m sorry, Lena. I love you,” into the phone before passing out.
Oops. Are we dead? I honestly don’t know yet. . .
*Not proofread yet
Tag list: @nerethos @orange15quote @nuianced-tck-enby @autorasexy @unexpected-character @nothisismax @wandatasha
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st4rstudent · 15 days
OUGHHHHHHHH Crome is such a cutie patootie.... Hsgshgshsgshsv
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EHE THANK YOU. here's a Crome slop sketch for your viewing pleasure
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the-bi-library · 1 year
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Here is the final part of the bi4bi books posts!
I'd appreciate it if you let me know if there are any more bi4bi books that I didn't include here 💕
Books listed: They Never Learn by Layne Fargo If We Were Villains by M.L. Rio Silver Nitrate by Silvia Moreno-Garcia The Drowning Summer by C.L. Herman Case Sensitive by A.K. Turner Missing, Presumed Dead by Emma Berquist Her Soul to Take by Harley Laroux Iron Widow by Xiran Jay Zhao City of Shattered Light by Claire Winn City of Vicious Night by Claire Winn The Light Years by R.W.W. Greener The Apocalypse of Elena Mendoza by Shaun David Hutchinson Tell Me Anything by Skye Kilaen Her Scarlet Letters by Cat Giraldo Break Free by Raleigh Ruebins Modern Divination by Isabel Agajanian Caroline's Heart by Austin Chant The Door Into Fire by Diane Duane The Stone Prince by Fiona Patton Swordspoint by Ellen Kushner Wolf, Willow, Witch by Freydís Moon When the Stars Alight by Camilla Andrew Love at First Set by Jennifer Dugan Cleans Up Nice by Margo Phelps Educated by Nellie Wilson Queried Sick by Dallas Smith Chance Agreement by Margo Phelps Sirens & Muses by Antonia Angress Release by Suzanne Clay Orphia and Eurydicius by Elyse John Crown of Starlight by Cait Corrain To Beg or Not to Beg by Cat Giraldo Two Winters by Lauren Emily Whalen Electric Idol by Katee Robert Neon Gods by Katee Robert The Scandalous Letters of V and J by Felicia Davin The Spinster's Swindle by Catherine Stein Rocky Mountain Freedom by Vivian Arend Um traço até você by Olívia Pilar Biforia by Rebecca Romero Escalando Você by Rebecca Romero Entre estantes by Olívia Pilar → translated Between Bookshelves by Olívia Pilar Honor Among Thieves by Rachel Caine Victories Greater Than Death by Charlie Jane Anders The Stars Undying by Emery Robin Legend of Korra: Graphic Novels Harley Quinn: The Eat. Bang! Kill. Tour Novels Seven Days: Monday–Sunday by Venio Tachiban Brimstones and Roses It Would Be Great If You Didn't Exist My Werewolf Girlfriend The Fiancée Farce by Alexandria Bellefleur Xeni by Rebekah Weather
Part 1
Part 2
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fadeintoyou1993 · 2 months
in your basement i grow cold thinking back to what i was always told "don't talk to strangers or you might fall in love" freezer bride, your sweet divine you devour like smoked bovine hide how funny, i never considered myself tough you're so handsome walking over to me now i tried to be good am I no good? am i no good? am i no good? with my memory restricted to a polaroid in evidence i just wanted to be yours can I be yours? can I be yours? just tell me I'm yours if I'm turning in your stomach and I'm making you feel sick when my mother sees me on the side of a milk carton in winn-dixie's dairy aisle she'll cry and wait up for me we'll make love in your attic all night euphoric in some strange delight i'm happier here 'cause he told me I should be, oh you're so handsome when I'm all over your mouth (when I'm all over your mouth, when I'm all over your mouth) i tried to be good am I no good? am I no good? am I no good? with my memory restricted to a polaroid in evidence i just wanted to be yours can I be yours? can I be yours? just tell me I'm yours if i'm turning in your stomach and I'm making you feel sick am I making you feel sick? ah am I making you feel sick? am I making you feel am I making you feel sick? am I making you feel am I making you feel sick? am I making you feel sick? am I making you feel sick? am I making you feel sick? found you just to tell you that I made it real far and that I never blamed you for loving me the way that you did while you were torn apart i would still wait with you there don't think about it too hard or you'll never sleep a wink at night again don't worry 'bout me and these green eyes mama, just know that I love you and I'll see you when you get here
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supercorpkid · 7 months
Powergirl Should Die
Supergirl. Powergirl. B!D. Kara Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Alex Danvers x BabyDanvers!Reader, Lena Luthor, Winn Schott.
Word Count: 2550.
Porwergirl should die. Someone should kill her.
The suit is skin tight, it clings so forcefully onto you as if it's trying to become part of you. But this other skin, just simply doesn’t fit right over your bones. 
There is a huge House of El crest over your chest, in its golden glory. It weighs down on your skin, heavy and sacred. It should help you feel at ease. It doesn’t. It feels like it’s burning your skin like a branding iron. 
Super powers? 
You’re a superhero. Next, please!
Kara stands tall next to you, hand on your shoulder. “Would you look at that,” your sister smiles brightly at you. “Mother and father would be so proud of you, mini me.”
Kara has called you that your whole life, but you never felt so little as you do right now. You've also never felt so much like Kara. Crumpled up inside this supersuit to fit someone else’s dream. You don’t think your parents would be very proud of you now.
“Kara, this feels odd.” You try to lift the suit from your skin, that is so snuggled up it barely leaves you room to breathe. “I-I look like you.”
“I know!” She proudly squeaks. “I asked Winn to only change the colors. How do you feel about the white, red and blue?”
“Like a walking American flag.” You wince at the thought. You like the white, it’s a little more sober than the blue in Kara's suit, it also reminds you of the vest you used to wear back in Krypton. The red cape feels like they've ripped a piece of Kara’s and placed it on your back. The high blue boots are uncomfortable and the matching gloves are just plain stupid.
“You certainly don’t look like one.” Alex chimes in from behind you, and you turn around, sick of the sight of you in the mirror. “Honestly sis, I like this suit. I think it might be even better than Kara’s.”
“I wouldn’t go that far, mine has history.”
“Yours is a copy of Superman’s.”
“That’s what I mean, history.”
You watch your sister’s bickering with faint attention because they both would never say how ridiculous you look with this dull, hideous, comical outfit.
But it didn’t matter how foolish you looked, or how stupid you felt. There was no way out of this. Kara said you looked perfect and Alex agreed. J’onn, who’s been the closest thing to a father to you on this planet, gave you a stiff smile when asked what he thought. He could read your mind, remember? That’s what he thought about it. And Winn was just over the moon with his creation. No way out. From that day on, you’re Powergirl.
It hasn’t been long since you started being Powergirl. You’re still not the most prominent face of the Supers, thank God for that. You do the easy jobs while Kara takes on the real bad guys. You follow her lead. Obey to what Alex tells you to do over the comm that is permanently stuck in your ear. As if you couldn’t hear her from miles and miles away.
But with every passing day, it becomes even more obvious to you that you were really not cut out for this superhero life. Not good at it. Not happy with it. Not fit for it.
The very opposite of Kara, actually. Because Kara fits everywhere and with everyone. She fits perfectly in her suit, with her alias. Perfectly at her job at CatCo, as a news reporter. And ever since she landed on Earth she created her perfect family, story, life on this planet. 
You, on the other hand, wish everyday you were still at Krypton. You are well aware that if you stayed behind, that if your parents hadn't made Kara snuggle your smaller form against her own body on that pod, you would have exploded. You wouldn't be alive today. And you wish people knew you don't want to be dead, you just wish your planet hadn't exploded in the first place.
Sure Kara feels the same. Yet she makes a name for herself and gives back to this planet that took you both in so willingly, that gave you both powers because of its sun. Kara is just different.
"Mother would want us to use our powers for good." She would whisper to you in the dark, whenever the Danvers would tell you to not use your powers. Whenever they asked you to fit in completely. "Father spent so much time trying to stop our planet from deteriorating, don't you think that if he had powers he would use them to make that happen?"
She would ask you questions that didn't feel like questions. That required no answers at all. Kara would tell you what she knew about them, use them as arguments to explain to you (convince even) why you had to become a superhero too. 
And you would lay there in the dark, after your sister was asleep, looking at the long dead stars, and wondering whether she was right. Whether that was your parents' plans all along or just a sad coincidence.
"Powergirl." You hear Kara's voice early in the morning while you're still trying to brew yourself a cup of coffee. "I need you for a second."
"It's too early in the morning and I have to get ready for work." You press on your comm to answer. "Can't you deal with it alone?"
"Hm, no. I need you to come here now." 
You let out a huge sigh, trying to ease your own mind. Coffee will wait, you guess. You're out of your pj's, into your suit, and out of the house in a blur. You stop next to Kara while she stares at a billboard.
"What?" You can't help the harshness of your tone as you see no emergency around her.
Kara says nothing. Only points at the billboard and you finally take note of it. Written in large red colors, the sentence: Powergirl should die.
"It seems that you have an enemy." Kara says when time enough has passed for you to read the sentence over a few times. "Don't worry, we'll catch them."
Cute. It's your first thought. It's almost like someone wrote you a love letter, au contraire. 
Kara makes an effort to tear it all down, destroy the billboard before anyone sees it. You don't help her, stuck inside your own mind, replaying the words in your head. 
"No need to worry." She assures you, hand on your shoulder to get you out of your trance. "No one will do you any harm, mini me. I'd never let anyone hurt you."
"Thanks, Kar." You look at your watch on your wrist. "Work calls." And so you fly home.
You try to lodge that sentence in the back of your mind. You don't wanna seem stressed out, even though you are. But showing how actually worried you are about it, and with the fact that someone is coming for you, it's inconceivable. 
Kara would worry. Alex would stress. Ooof, you can see it all playing out. Sleepovers and excuses for you to miss work and hang at the DEO headquarters so they can keep an eye on you, until you're feeling suffocated.
No, no. You can't go through that. It's been a while since you and your sisters shared a bedroom. You don't think you three can do that again now that you're grown ups. 
It happens again. You don't see it, but you hear the agents commenting about it, a couple days later. They get muted the second you fly in the DEO, which is not only annoying but foolish. You do have super hearing after all.
"So, where was it this time?" You ask Alex, while she tries to avoid looking at you. 
"Where's what?" She tries, and you furrow your brows.
"Winn, put it on the monitor." You ask coming closer. Winn looks at Alex as if asking for permission, but you don't give her time to deny him. "Come on, I heard the agents. I'm still Kryptonian even if I'm not a Super."
Winn huffs. "On the tallest building of National City." The photo goes up on the large TV in front of you, and you swallow deep.
Powergirl should die. 
"Y/N," Alex talks in a low tone so the agents around can't hear her. "it's not personal."
"Looks personal." You cross your arms, turning your back at the TV. "Someone wanting me dead sounds like it's as personal as it can get."
"Supergirl is looking into it, I promise we'll catch whoever did this."
"Alex, please." You pass her on your way to the training room. "You know damn well my favorite thing about you is that you don't lie."
"You've lost too many punching bags." You hear a voice behind your back, and you breathe deep before turning around.
"Just training a little." You look at the number of destroyed bags by your feet and decide that it's true, there's too many, even though that's what they're here for. 
"Alex told me about the message." Kara approaches you slowly, trying to test the territory. She can see your distress, but doesn't know the extent of it. And she won't, because you're definitely going to fake it.
"Yeah, tall building. They got the writing off quickly, though. So no major problems."
"Honey," Kara's voice is even sweeter now, if that's possible. "I'll catch them. I'll be patrolling tonight. No one's coming for you."
"I'm not worried." You smile at your lie, or half of lie for what it's worth. Knowing that Kara will be patrolling the city helps. You know your sister would never let anything bad happen to you. And it's very unlikely that anyone on this planet could easily defeat two Kryptonians.
Kara also smiles, and brings you into her arms for a hug. And you breathe out, calmer. Kara's arms have kept you safe from many perils. Spaceship lost in space, new planet, new school, new job. Surely she can keep you safe again.
You don't feel safe, though, when you wake up to a familiar voice far away. You rub the sleep from your eyes, well awake, paying close attention to a conversation you weren't invited to be a part of.
"Alex, I went around the city, there's no new wri-"
"Kara? What was that?"
There it was, in big red letters the sentence that has been haunting you for days. Powergirl should die. And under it new words' been added, someone should kill her.
"I found new writing." Kara's voice comes a second later. "It's worse this time."
"Take a picture so we can compare the handwriting and get back here."
"I have to clean this up." But before Kara even has the chance to, you're flying next to her in front of the L Corp building. "Y/N! What are you doing here?"
You move closer to the building to investigate. The ink is still wet, it wasn't done too long ago. You look around trying to find cameras. It's Lena's building, you're sure there are cameras everywhere. You spot one with a direct view.
"Mini me-" Kara tries.
"Go to work Supergirl, I'll deal with this. Someone wanting me dead is my problem." It's always been your problem, you are aware. But Kara promised you, you had nothing to worry about. Promised she would patrol the city. Promised she would protect you. And yet, here it is, in big block red letters.
"I got it, Kara. Can you just believe in me?"
"Y/N, you know I do. I just wanna help."
"I don't need help." You clench your jaw, tired of being treated like a little girl. Like a mini Kara instead of your own person. "I'm Kryptonian too."
Cheap shot? Maybe. Definitely. You throw it, anyway. 
You clean the writing then fly home to suit up. You can't face Lena without it. Another secret that only makes you hate your secret identity as hard. Lying to your friends, sneaking out, it's all stressing and there's literally no reward high enough worth of all this.
"Oh shit." Lena's hand goes to her chest after her obvious scare. You can hear her heart almost beating out of her chest. "It's too early for bad news, Powergirl."
"Trust me, I agree with that." You breathe out, trying to give her a smile. It comes out flat. "I was wondering if I could look into one of your surveillance cameras. There was some writing on this building this morning, I would very much like to know who's responsible."
"Writing? I - I didn't see anything when I came in."
"Good. I cleaned it as fast as possible." You point at her computer and she breathes deep as if she is agreeing with you. 
It doesn't take long for the images to be up, and you two to be carefully reversing the filming until Lena sees you and Kara flying in front of it, and read the words herself. She looks up to you and quirks up an eyebrow, in question.
"Currently unsure if someone is threatening me or if this is just general knowledge being passed on." 
"People don't want you dead, you're a superhero!" Lena argues. "Maybe Lex, but he's currently serving his time."
"Clearly not everyone agrees with you." You point back at the words on her computer.
"It's awful." She admits, even though she doesn't fully trust you or Kara yet. "Wait, wait. There."
You can't see a thing. One minute is there, the other isn't. You slow down the images, trying to see any detail. Lena soon takes over and slows down as much as she can. That's when you see it, just a tiny flash of red. You hold your breath. Thankfully, Lena hasn't noticed it.
"How's this possible? There's no one." 
"Seems that I'll have to patrol the city myself tonight." You're almost leaving Lena's office when you turn around one more time. "Thank you for your help, Ms. Luthor."
"I was barely of any help at all." Lena points at the computer as proof and you give her a smile.
"Au contraire, darling. You showed me everything I needed to see." You wink at her, then fly out.
You march inside the DEO, positive on your plan. No one is talking you out of it, that's for sure.
Winn tries to argue that it is illogical for you to just give yourself to your enemy. He gets ignored. Alex argues that as a DEO agent she can't let you do this, and as your older sister she would be insane to leave you alone in this situation. You don't budge. Kara pulls out the big guns, her promise to mother and father, her duty as your protector, how you're the only connection she still has with Krypton, her love for you and so on. Her cries fall on deaf ears.
So at night, you fly around National City watching and studying everyone in it, even though you know you should only be looking for one person. One person with superspeed, a red cape and a big motive.
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Can't believe y'all were right, Peri was going to have a magical blow up
I am now an anti cosmo and anti wanda stan they're incredible
Dev obviously just wanted his father's attention, and he got it! for like twenty minutes then he got more interested by Irep. Dale is just the worst he literally stepped on his son
But at least it finally got to Dev that his dad... will never care about him. which is heartbreaking I'm sorry dear
Wanda tries to get Dev to do something to help them because Peri's gonna fucking die. Props to Dev he seems not that stocked about the idea of Peri dying
Fanfiction writers go to your sickfic it's canon that sick Peri would admit to Dev he cares about him
Dev gets to cry as he's told by Peri he cares about him and Wanda pointed out that maybe the reason he's so upset about the rules is because he realized that Peri could never give him what he really wants-
Anyway of course he helps them. god kid even admits that he was in the wrong and accepts that he's gonna lose Peri and his memories bébou :(
On the positive hand!! Many things established earlier got to come back for this episode, and Hazel now has Winn, Jasmine, and Anthony aware of the truth! (which means..... more possible wish hijinks and more presence and involvement from them >:) )
Peri is us, we need a second season
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soup-charades · 2 months
just finished In Memoriam by Alice Winn and like. there’s nothing online. no fanfics or fanart or headcanons or anything
please forgive any nonsense, English is not my first language…
It’s odd how things work sometimes. Ellwood walked through the house, holding the tea cup Luís filled up a couple minutes ago and paced around the house looking for Gaunt. He didn’t know what for, on the last couple of years he developed the habit of just looking for him for no reason, as if to know he was still there, with him, alive and (almost) whole.
He thought vaguely of a party they had to attend to the next day and what he was wearing for the event when his shoe caught in a small ripple on the carpet. He didn’t fall, but the small cup escaped from his grasp and shattered as soon as it hit the floor in front of him. Ellwood didn’t even stood a chance.
It’s odd how things work sometimes. He fell to the ground gasping and heaving. He couldn’t think. He just couldn’t. The tea spilled on the floor started mixing with the sudden, fat tears falling from his eye. ‘This?’ managed to form in the back of his mind, and he didn’t even try to complete the thought.
He could scarcely breathe, let alone see clearly, but through his teary vision he caught a glance at the pieces of porcelain on the floor. ‘A shame’, another brief, blurry idea in his mind. An image of a dismembered man of his company flickered in his memory. He tried to scrape it, like he scraped away pieces of what had been their friend’s bodies after a shell smashed them into pulp. He couldn’t.
Gaunt was sweating. It had been almost 3 full years after moving to Brazil, and yet his body seemed to beg for the frozen dew of British mornings. He held the pen firmly while translating Thucydides on his desk, when a quick and strong knock on his door caught his attention.
‘Sir!’ Said a high voice behind the walls.
“Come in” he replied quickly, and a maid looking exalted looked at him.
“It’s mister Ellwood…” she started saying.
Gaunt felt his stomach drop. He didn’t listen anymore, and instead sprinted downstairs while his mind rollercoasted on his own. He was usually calm when awful things were happening, but his steady-minded, problem-solving self had been taking more and more rest since the war ended.
He went into the library to see Ellwood on his knees, grasping at his clothes where his heart was. The sun was still shining through the window in front of him, but Gaunt was suddenly cold with fear. He threw himself towards Ellwood and hugged him tight, as if to keep him together. He recognized the panic in his heaving from their journeys by train, but the yelps, borderline screams that were leaving Ellys mouth were new, and terrifying. Gaunt kicked to the back of his mind the memory of being trapped in that stuffy tunnel on Germany, trapped and airless.
He quickly prompted himself against the couch and placed Ellwood in between his legs, facing away. The waterfall that had become his eye kept running, and the whines that followed made him feel sick. Gaunt tried to recite Pericles in an attempt to calm him down, but it just seemed to make it worse. He felt like he was trying to contain an angry ocean with a feeble bucket, helpless to the amount of things the waves carried. So he let it flow. He let their home flood with the pain, and anger, and loss, and fear that poured from Ellwoods body, and held onto him just trying to understand. Gaunt silently wished all the tears would wash away the grime that the war had left. Gaunt thought how curious love was. He was used to turn the other way when men cried in front of him, an act of respect as to leave their dignity as intact as possible. Yet when he saw Ellwood crying like this all he could feel was relief, that he was still him, a human that could feel the world around.
He entered in a sort of trance, his mind rambling on as well as his mouth, repeating Sidney’s name until the word sounded funny. When he snapped out of it all he could hear were quiet sniffles and soft, shaky breathing. Ellwood was half facing him, laying on his chest. It was uncomfortable, and the pressure bordered on pain, but he knew he would’ve thrown hands if Elly tried to let go.
“I didn’t know you liked that china so much” he said, testing the waters while stroking his dark hair.
There was a long silence, so long Gaunt thought for a moment that Ellwood had fallen asleep.
“… To tremble like a lutestring, ere the note
Hath melted in the silence that it broke.” Said ellwood.
Gaunt closed his eyes and savored the words. The salty tears that dropped from his eyes had no right being this sweet.
“Tennyson” he mumbled, his lips buried into Ellwood’s hair, his nose taking in the smell.
Ellwood could hear Gaunt’s heartbeat through his scarred chest, like a distant drum from the carnivals that passed the streets every now and then. He took a deep breath and his lungs ached from all the panting and gasping, yet his chest felt pounds lighter. He buried himself a little deeper into the embrace Gaunt had him in, earning a small, strained sound from him. He felt selfish, but wasn’t that fair? Wasn’t Gaunt selfish when he made his heart live against the grasp of shell shock? When he made him love so much that the words for it scratched his throat trying to get out?
“I do love you” said Ellwood, although it came out more like a whisper, a secret, a truth so pure and fragile that somehow survived the shells, and the bullets and the horror.
Gaunt made a small gasping sound and held him tighter. Ellwood returned the hug.
Gaunt knew Ellwood was still bathed on blood from the war, they both were. But there, on the floor, drowsy and tangled together with Elly looking him like that, he figured Sidney wasn’t drowning anymore.
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