#sidenote: i love the epilogue we got for them in the finale!
jq37 · 4 months
Summary: The Rat Grinders actually fight the Bad Kids on the Hangman instead of just sending dragons and Adaine has to do some quick thinking.
"Adaine Abernant."
Adaine winced, clutching her head as Raulothim's Psychic Lance pierced her mind. It figured Oisin knew the spell. Raulothim was a dragon after all. She wondered if he learned it in class like her or if he'd come to school already familiar with the spell because of his dragon ancestor who was currently trying to swallow Gorgug, axe and all. She didn't wonder for too long though. There wasn't time.
"See what you can do with access to proper spell components?" Oisin called from the other side of the room, his tone mocking.
"That spell doesn't even have material components!" Adaine called back in spite of herself. Insulting her was one thing but getting basic spellcraft wrong while doing it? Unacceptable. She ignored his expression, smug from getting a rise out of her no doubt, and surveyed the battlefield. The Rat Grinders had caught them on their back foot. Things were going OK but they were playing defense. And no one was where they needed to be. Spellcasters too close to melee, fighters out of range. Only Gorgug was arguably in the right place but he was far too close to being dragon food for her liking. Fabian needed to be closer to the action, Riz needed cover, and she…
Adaine suppressed a smile, idea forming in her mind. She needed to be in punching distance.
"Scatter," she said, raising a hand. Five creatures: Gorgug, Riz, Fabian, Kristen…and Oisin.
Her party members didn't fight the spell, well used to the feeling of her magic working on them mid-battle and knowing that it never meant harm. As she moved them to more advantageous positions, she was hit with a flash of the future: Oisin resisting the spell. She reached out and nudged fate just a bit. Nearby, Ivy walked dangerously close to a breath weapon attack. Oisin startled, moved to grab her, and--pop. Suddenly, he was standing right next to Adaine who was already rearing her fist.
"Counterspell!" Oisin called, runes on his forearms glowing. The expression on his face was even more smug as the blue energy charging on her fist fizzled.
"Predictable," he said.
"Gullible," Adaine thought, halting her fist without following through on the punch and stomping her foot on the ground to activate the teleportation circle they were both now standing on. Because of course the boy with the empty house and unlimited funds would have a teleportation circle installed so he could have his friends over as often as possible. Teleportation via spell needed a willing creature but a Circle? That just needed proximity.
As the spell went off, she concentrated. The benefit of a teleportation circle was that it couldn't go wrong like a normal Teleport spell could. It wasn't supposed to anyway. But any magic could be tweaked if you pushed hard enough. She remembered winding up in the wrong room in the twisted version of Mordred inside Riz's briefcase and concentrated on that feeling. She was sure she was going to have a headache in the morning but that was more than a fair price. She wrenched control of the spell, just enough to force the circle to spit them out a little bit outside of the paired circle in Mordred. There was a flash of light and--forget having a headache tomorrow. Her head felt like it had been bashed in with a pickaxe the moment they landed on the floor of her bedroom. She didn't think she'd be able to get back up for a minute or two--she didn't even try. Oisin didn't seem to have that problem though. He got up and stood over her.
He smirked. "I thought the elven oracle was supposed to be more of a challenge. I knew we'd come out on top but I didn't think it'd be so easy." He raised his hands, readying a spell, but the sparks at his clawtips died as quickly as they were produced. He tried the spell again to the same result, too focused to notice the sudden subtle sheen to the patterns painted on her bedroom walls.
A Sending spell pinged in her mind. "Ten seconds, dear sister."
A smile played on Adaine's lips.
"What?" Oisin demanded.
"Just that you all have been so obsessed with being our nemeses this whole time. But that was never gonna happen with you and me. That position is already filled."
There was another flash of light and before it even cleared, Adaine felt the tingle of magic settling over her like a second skin. Her sister's abjurer's ward extending to cover her reflexively. Just beyond the ward, she could feel the temperature in the room start to drop--a side effect of the Cone of Cold that was about to erupt from Aelwyn's outstretched hands.
"You're familiar with my bitch of a sister, right?"
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sesame-sim · 1 year
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BOOK - The Memory Police by Yoko Ogawa
Final part of recapping the completed playthrough of this book!
So when we last left off, there had been an earthquake, and after that inhabitants of the island were starting to experience disappearance of their limbs, at least in their minds if not physically.
BOOK VERSION - Despite R's best efforts to keep her from disappearing, the main character disappears piece by piece until she is able to slip through the crevices around the door of the secret room without even opening the door. Then one day she enters the secret room and just never leaves again, continuing to disappear. The same day, R climbs out of the secret room. And the book ends there.
MY SIM VERSION - The way I got around the problems of representing this in sims was that the main character Aki got pregnant. She and R had often been woohooing at this point, which was canon in the book. Aki and R had twins Miyuki and Fuyuki. (Sidenote: Aki and Momiji are both Japanese names about autumn. Miyuki and Fuyuki are both Japanese names about winter.) I played it as if she had postpartum depression on top of the depressing events of losing the old man and the feelings of losing her identity after she could no longer write. She started to starve herself, and in that way, she was indeed disappearing bit by bit. R tried his best to help her but could not. Eventually she starved herself to death inside the secret room.
As time went by, there were gradually fewer disappearances and the danger for R decreased. R and Aki's sister Momiji took care of the twins together. (No infants back then so toddlers already.) R was madly in love with these two and couldn't fathom parting with them, but he also felt a constant guilt about his eldest son who he hadn't seen in around 3 years by this point.
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I especially loved Miyuki's friendship with Don the dog. Whenever those two were on screen together I was like exCUSE mE?!? Did you two step out of Studio Ghibli?
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I forgot who reached out first, but eventually R and Rie arrange a meeting together when things seem safe enough to do so on the island.
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After a few drinks, he manages to tell her all of what happened during his time in hiding, including that he had twins with Aki and that she died soon after. This was a lot for Rie to hear all at once and she needed some time. But they stayed in contact. They take things slowly, starting with R regularly going to visit their son, S. Then, they begin to sometimes attend social functions together as a couple.
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At this point, the Snowy Escape pack came out which I reasoned in their sim lives meant that travel to and from their island was open again. R and Rie optimistically decide to have a fresh start by moving to Mt. Komorebi. Though she still has some mixed feelings, Rie agrees to the twins being part of the family.
On this drop dead gorgeous morning, Momiji hugged her adorable niece and nephew goodbye. As for Momiji, she was going to stay at the house she grew up in until she finished school, then see where life takes her. She was around 16 or 17 then.
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I built the new family of 5 this simple home in Mt. Komorebi
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R didn't know how S would feel about the twins. Though S was a little shy and kept to himself in the first few days, they were so warm towards him, following him around like ducklings and looking to him to be their ringleader, that it didn't take long for him to take on the role of their onii-chan (big brother).
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Momiji was a resilient girl and managed well on her own for years. I say on her own, but she had Don by her side of course. However, she was full of memories whenever it snowed.
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After that, I considered the playthrough finished and didn't have them in the rotation anymore. But I did go check on them a couple times more. When the twins aged up to children:
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Then Miyuki eventually got married (automatically because of MCCC). But I checked and he was a pretty decent guy. He is a businessman named Tobias Hearn who is neat and straight-edged, though a bit childish. He came with his own dog too, which really sold me that she ended up with a good person. And she looks happy.
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Checked back again when S became a young adult. Miyuki looks so proud of her big brother while mom looks like she's holding back tears.
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Recently, in Sim Year 50, S's own child has already aged up to toddler. So I'm like, ok ok. It's already a gen that's not even in the book. Let go already! I have to let some sims go or eventually there won't be space in the save! But I was still pretty sad when not long after I set them as unplayed, I discovered they moved out. Sometime after that, Momiji and Tobias moved out too. Only S is still in the game for now with his uninteresting wife who I can't be bothered to learn the name of and his little daughter Ryleigh. They live in San Myshuno where the Fengs used to live.
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THE END! I had to stray from the book more than I intended and the way things ended up is admittedly too heartwarming for the tone of the book. Even so, I ended up really loving the twins so no regrets in adjusting the plot when I couldn't fully show it in sims the way it was supposed to be in the book.
It's been really satisfying looking back through it from beginning to end. Hopefully I can reach the end of the current ongoing books too and be able to look back like this but they kinda have a long way to go...
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myhockeyworld87 · 3 years
Ruined - Jamie Benn - Part 8
Word Count: 4,412
POV: Jamie
Warnings: Language, Angst
Recap: Things were going well for our high school sweethearts, that was until a backyard BBQ party. Our reader heard Caitlyn and Sara talking about her relationship with Jamie, and what she heard didn’t sit well. Let’s see if everything will be ruined or not?
Notes: So here we are the final chapter (though there will be an epilogue). Thank you guys so much for being patient with me on this one. I fully expet that this will not get any notes or reblogs but I seriously don’t care. I know that some of you really wanted to see how this story ended and I wanted to give you that. I loved this story from the start and I wasn’t just not going to end it. For those of you that are upset that I wrote this, please refrain from coming in my inbox at me, I’ve worked over 30 hours in 2 days and don’t need your hate this week. (Also if there are typos that’s why, my proofing suffered) At any rate, I hope those of you that do read it enjoy watching the pieces all fall together. As always Happy Reading!!! 
Sidenote: Also (Y/NN) = Your Nickname (Y/LN) = Your Last Name
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"Hey Segs, have you seen (Y/N)?"
 Tyler cocked his head back before answering you. "Really? You're not attached to her side?" You didn't feel the need to respond and instead just gave him a death glare. Tyler just clasped your shoulder and drew you close to him. "Come on Chubbs, I'm just teasing, but you haven't let her out of your sight all night. It's kind of cute." You wanted to argue, but you might have kept her in your line of vision since the moment she got here, except when she was off with Jessi. Which is who you should be looking for since that's who (Y/N) had last been talking to.
 You tried to move out of Tyler's grasp to do just that, but the man continued on. "I mean it, man. I haven't seen you like this before. I'm really happy for you."
 "Thanks, Seggy." Most of your teammates felt the same way. They liked (Y/N), but then what was not to like. She was smart, funny, outgoing, and beautiful, and on top of that, she was a brilliant and talented doctor. Damn, you were lucky that she had given you another chance. There was no way you were going to screw this one up.
 "There she is," Tyler pointed out, bringing you out of your musings. "And there she goes." He added as (Y/N) literally headed out the front door. You were striding towards the door before you even had time to think about it. You tried to calm your racing heart, telling yourself that maybe she'd spilled something on her clothes and that she was going home to change, or that she'd suddenly remembered she'd left the curling iron on. The feeling in the pit of your stomach was saying something different though. Something felt off. It was the way she ran to the front door not making eye contact with a single person and how she shut the door, not a full-out slam, but definitely done with more force than necessary.
 "Hey Jamie, how about we…" you didn't even spare Caitlyn a second glance. You all but shoved her out of the way when she tried to step in front of the door. This time you were the one slamming it shut, letting her know that she was not welcome to follow you.
 "(Y/N)!" you screamed, as she was halfway in the neighbor's yard, yet she didn't turn around. "(Y/N)!" You were in an all-out run now, panic kicking in as she wasn't answering you back. By the time you reached her she was at her door ready to punch in the key code. "(Y/N) didn't you hear me?" You grabbed her upper arm, as you caught your breath.
 "Leave me alone, Jamie."
 It was at that moment that you were able to turn her to face you. Tears were rolling down her face. "Jesus, what's wrong?" You tried to hold her close to your chest, comfort her, but she wasn't having any of it, as she pulled free of your hold on her.
 "What's wrong?" She shouted indignantly. "What's wrong, is that I never want to see you again."
 Her words felt like a slap to your face, and you flinched back as if she had actually struck you. "I…I…," now was not the time to become tongue-tied. "What did I do? Tell me and I'll make it right. I swear it." You went to touch her, but she jumped back out of your reach, shrugging you off. You couldn't breathe. This couldn't be happening again. You wouldn't let it happen. "Talk to me (Y/N)."
 Arms crossed she stood there defiantly, her whole demeanor changing. Gone was the weeping woman from moments ago, as she seemed to turn her whole wrath on you. "I'm sick and tired of it, Jamie. Am I just some sort of game to you? Is that all I am? All I ever was?"
 "What are you talking about? Of course, you're not some game." Surely, she had to see how much she meant to you and how much none of this made sense at the moment. "If you'll just tell me what happened…"
 "Like you don't know. Your little playing dumb game isn't going to work this time." She shoved your chest hard, causing you to stumble back. "Now get off my property." (Y/N) took advantage of the moment, opening the door and whisking away inside. She was just about to slam it shut, and lock you out more than likely, when you pushed the heel of your hand hard against the door, stopping her. "I said leave me alone."
 You ignored her protests, shoving your way inside. "It's not going to work this time. I'm not leaving. I don't care if it takes days or weeks but I'm not giving up on us this time."
 A bitter scoff left her lips as she crossed the entryway and headed deeper into her home. You stalked her every move, following her to the kitchen. "You can drop the act you know. Now that I know everything there's no need to pretend."
 "I'm not pretending. I don't even know what the fuck we're talking about so how could I be." You could see the anger bubbling up inside her. What or who had made her question your feelings for her was beyond you, but one way or another you were going to get to the bottom of this. "Just tell me what happened?" You pleaded yet again. "Or I'll go back over to that house and question every damn person until I find out the truth."
 "The truth?" she laughingly mocked. "That's rich considering you've been lying to me."
 "What the hell have I lied about?" Your brain was working overtime going through every word that you'd said to her since bumping into her on the road that day. Sure, you'd maneuvered your way into being her guide around the arena but could you really consider that a lie? Then there was Jordie and Jessi's party, you'd used it to your advantage to see her again; it was a slight deception but harmless. You didn't think either of those things would cause her to be this angry with you. "Ok, so I begged Jordie to invite you to his house because I had to see you again (Y/N). I just wanted a chance to be with you again. I didn't think you'd be this upset about it."
 "You what?" You could see her processing your words, and it registered then that that wasn't the lie she spoke of. What else could it be? "So, Jordie and Jessi are in on it too? I thought she was my friend."
 You knew she spoke of her developing friendship with Jess and you didn't want her questioning that. "They only did it because they know how much I cared about you. How much I still do. How much I love you." You'd held back the words the past two days, knowing that she wasn't ready to hear them just yet. Now there was no reason. She needed to know how you felt. That your feelings for her had never gone away, not even one day in fourteen years.
 "Those words fall so easily off your lips. Do you even know what love is?" She spat the allegation at you and it stung like a thousand bees all descending on you at once.
 "How can you say that?" You walked closer to her, and she turned away. "I loved you all those years ago, just as I do now. I never stopped. Maybe back then I was stupid to realize how much our love meant to me, but I'm not young and naïve anymore. I know you're the only one for me and if you would just look at me right now, you would see that I'm telling you the truth." Gently, you touched her shoulder urging her to turn. She did. Her eyes raising to meet yours, both shining with tears and you prayed to God she would see the love you had for her there. "I love you, (Y/N). I always have and I always will."
 She sucked in a breath at your admission and you knew that somehow, someway deep down she saw the love you had for her. "I…I…" She pivoted then on her heel, walking away, catching herself on the kitchen island as she took deep gulps of air.
 Carefully, as if you were approaching a timid animal, for in essence (Y/N) was just as fragile, you made your way to her. You placed your hands on her shoulders, not asking her to turn to you, but needing to touch her and comfort her in any way you could. "It's ok if you don't love me. I can wait. I'll wait as long as you need. I'm not going anywhere."
 She bowed her head and you could hear her sniffle. It took everything in you to not gather her up in your arms, but you knew she'd only reject that right now. "I don't understand how you can say those things," she finally whispered. "I know you don't want me here."
 "Don't want you here? Who told you that?" She shrugged and this time you twirled her to face you. "Whoever told you that, lied. I would die without you here." The laugh she gave was hollow and you knew she didn't believe you. "I'm serious (Y/N). You live two houses from me and it's too far. I want to be with you every minute of every hour of the day."
 "But they said you were trying to get me fired."
 Your eyes grew round like saucers and now you were the one that had anger coursing through your veins. Who would say such a thing? Who would want to destroy your happiness like this? Though none of it mattered at the moment. The only thing that did was the woman in front of you. "(Y/N), I don't want you fired. That's the last thing I want. If I could I'd have you at every practice and every game; home and away." With a tilt of her chin, you raised her head up to look you in the eye once more. "You are a brilliant doctor and the Stars are lucky to have you. I'm lucky to have you." It was the first time since this all started that her lips turned up in a slight smile, before quickly going to a look of confusion.
 "But they said you went and talked to the owner about getting rid of me."
 You laughed. Probably not the best thing to do at the moment considering the scowl that crossed (Y/N)'s face. "The truth is, I did go talk to Tom, but not about getting you fired. I went to see if it was possible for you to come on the road with us as well." She shook her head in disbelief. "I told you (Y/N), I don't want to be without you. I'll call him right now and he can tell you that himself." You reached into your pocket to grab your phone to do just that, though she clasped your wrist to stop you.
 "No, it's ok Jame. I believe you." Silently you thanked God for this small favor. Maybe if she believed you about this, she would know you were telling the truth about everything else. (Y/N) started to pace around the kitchen, her mind working overtime again. "I know it was fourteen years ago, Jame, but it feels like it's happening all over again."
 It did feel that way. "So, let's not let history repeat itself. Let's work this out (Y/N)." She stopped in tracks, then gave a small nod.
 "Maybe we should start at the beginning." She gave her agreement, but you clarified. "I think we need to go back fourteen years."
 "You think that will change anything?"
 You shrugged, not knowing if it would or not, but you thought it best that the two of you get everything out in the open. "Yes, no…I don't know. It's worth a try." It would hurt opening up old wounds but maybe talking about them would finally give her a chance to heal and in turn, give you both a chance at happiness.
 You blew out a frustrated breath before starting. "I know it was wrong to talk about what happened between us with Jordie. I should've just kept it between us."
 (Y/N) closed her eyes and you could see the pain of what had happened written all over her face. "What did you say to him?"
 "Nothing like what was going around the school; I swear it." You could see she didn't believe you. Given what was said, you could see why. "Look all I told Jamie was that it was the most amazing night of my life and…" you started to blush at reveling this next part. "And I thanked him for the couple of tips he gave me." There was a smirk on her face at your admission and you could see that she wanted to ask what they were but she also knew now was not the time to get into it. "I didn't realize that Connor was in the locker room and overheard everything."
 "Conner Barnhart? You mean Alyssa's brother?"
 "Yeah," It was still hard to believe that (Y/N)'s brother, Justin, had married Alyssa for you remembered how much of a menace she'd been to not only (Y/N) but yourself. Alyssa had tried, on more than one occasion, after you and (Y/N) broke up, to go out with you, though you'd refused her at every turn.
 "So, let me get this straight. You told Connor that you only dated me because I was easy? Did you think that would keep him quiet or something?"
 "I never said that, to him or anyone."
 "But then…who did?" You'd like to know the answer to that as well.
 "I'm not sure. I threw Connor up against the lockers and threatened to beat the shit out of him if he told anyone. Which is how I ended up suspended for the next three days." You can still remember how pissed your parents had been when they found out.
 "I thought you were sick?"
 You ran your hands through your hair as you remembered the look of disappointment on your parent's faces when they were called to the principal's office. "That's what we told everyone. The principal agreed not to have it on my formal record so that it didn't hurt my chances to get into college. At the time I thought I'd be playing hockey at some university and having a black mark on my transcript might hurt those chances. So, they agreed to keep me out of school for three days. Hence, my mom not letting me talk to you when you called." It had been the longest three days of your life back then. If you only knew back then that those three days would lead to fourteen years without (Y/N), you would've done things differently. "I wrote it all in that letter to you."
 "But I ripped it up and threw it away." You nodded. It had been that moment that you knew you had no hope of getting back together with her and had given up. "So, let me get this straight. The only thing Connor ever knew was that we had sex."
 "And that it was amazing." It probably didn't need to be said, but you were trying to get on her good side after rehashing all these old memories.
 "It was," she admitted and you wanted to add that it still was, but again the timing seemed off. "He had to have made up the rest, but why would he do that?"
 "I'm wondering that myself. He didn't have anything to gain that's for sure. Though I couldn't follow through with my threat after being suspended." Though you wanted to, more than anything. If the little shithead had played hockey, instead of soccer you would've checked him so hard into the boards, that he wouldn't be playing for a least a week. It would've been worth the five-minute penalty.
 "Someone obviously wanted to break us up, just the same as tonight."
 "(Y/N), Who said I wanted you fired and all the rest of that shit?"
 It was her turn to blush this time, though, for the life of you, you couldn't figure out why. "I overheard someone say it."
 You could care less about her eavesdropping, that didn't matter. "Who said it?"
 "Caitlyn and Sara." Red hot anger coursed through you, at the thought of these two girls making up lies to tear you and (Y/N) apart. The scary thing was it had almost worked. You wanted to march back over there only to throw them out of your house, but you could deal with them later. Right now, the only woman that mattered was the one in front of you, who looked as though she was ashamed to have believed them in the first place. "I'm sorry Jamie. I should've never believed a word they said. I was just too blind to see that they were lying."
 This time when you took her in your arms she came easily. It felt so good to just hold her again. "It's ok," you told her in a soft soothing voice while you dropped a kiss on her head. "Given our past, I can see why you were skeptical. I just hope that you can trust me going forward."
 She looked up into your eyes. "I do Jamie. I trust you. I should've trusted you fourteen years ago. I was stupid to think that you would say all those things after what we had shared that night. It's my fault we weren't together all this time."
 "You weren't stupid. I should've been more aware of where I was and waited to talk to Jordie at home in private. I'm just as much to blame for what happened. I just don't understand why people want to break us apart when we're meant to be together." You leaned down and dropped a kiss to her lips. It was soft and tender, reminiscent of all those years ago when you'd first kissed her. You wanted to kiss her like this every day from now until the end of time but she pulled back from it, too quick for your liking.
 "I think I know who started those rumors back in high school."
 "I need to make a call to see if I'm right." She searched her pockets then the house, looking you assumed for her cell phone. "Shit, I left it in your bedroom."
 You took her hand and started for the door. "Let's go."
 "No, wait. Everyone is still there and I probably look a mess, just give me five minutes to freshen up." She headed for the stairs and you followed.
 "I'm not letting you out of my sight." She laughed, the sound one of the best things you'd ever heard.
 It took a little longer than the five minutes she'd anticipated as you showered her with kisses every so often, but soon you were headed across the lawn and back to your house. When you saw both Sara and Caitlyn as you walked through the front door, you stopped. It took every ounce of willpower in your body to not say anything to them. Instead, you clasped (Y/N)'s hand and spun her body into yours, before stealing her breath away in a searing kiss. You heard a few cheers from your teammates as you kissed her passionately, and you were pretty sure you heard Caitlyn stomp her feet before slamming your front door shut. Good riddance.
 Once you were tucked away in your bedroom, the party still going on downstairs, (Y/N) grabbed her phone to make the call she spoke about. "Hey Justin," she said to her brother. "Is Alyssa there?" He must have replied yes then went off to find her. It was then that (Y/N) put the call on speaker.
 "Hey (Y/N), what's up?"
 "This might sound stupid, Alyssa, but I have to ask you something. Please be honest with me."
 "Back in high school did you start that rumor about Jamie only sleeping with me because I was easy?" You started to put the pieces together as you waited for Alyssa to answer.
 There was a long pause on the other end before she said anything. "I'm so sorry (Y/N). I was young and stupid…and…god can you ever forgive me?"
 You looked at (Y/N), who looked back at you. It would be her call to forgive her sister-in-law, not yours. "What's done is done," (Y/N) finally told her. "We can't change it, but why did you do it?"
 "I…I wanted Jamie." You had already figured that part out and you were pretty sure (Y/N) had as well. "So, when Connor told me what he overheard in the locker room, I started the rumor. I thought if I could break you two up, that he'd want to date me. Obviously, that backfired. I'm just so sorry I hurt you both in the process."
 "We all make dumb mistakes Alyssa. I just wish you would've told me sooner."
 "I know. I should've said something back then or at least when I got together with Justin, but I didn't want you to hate me. Say you don't hate me, please." You could tell Alyssa was crying in the background. She was going to have a lot of explaining to do to Justin as well.
 "I don't hate you." (Y/N) told her. Part of you wanted to hate Alyssa for destroying what you had with (Y/N), but then it was so long ago and what you had now with her was so much better. "But I can't forgive you right now either. It's going to take time."
 "I understand," Alyssa sobbed into the phone. "For what it's worth I am truly sorry."
 "I know, and thank you for telling me the truth now. We'll talk soon." With that (Y/N) hung up the phone.
 "I'm sorry, (Y/N)," you offered by way of apology for everything that she'd gone through tonight.
 "Oh Jame," she said, grabbing your hands in hers in the process. "You have nothing to be sorry for. I should be apologizing to you. I should've known that you wouldn't have said those things about me then or even now. Instead, I doubted us." She took both your hands in hers, then looked you straight in the eye. "Can you ever forgive me?"
 "There's nothing to forgive. I told you before, I'm as much to blame. It's in the past and I'd rather concentrate on our future." Taking your joined hands, you brought hers to your lips and tenderly kissed them, hoping and praying that she wanted a future with you as well.
 "I'd like that too, Jame." Cupping her face, you brought her lips to yours. Downstairs, the party continued on as you could hear music and people chattering in the background, yet ensconced here in your bedroom, it felt as though you were the only two that existed in this world. You weren't sure how long the two of you stayed like that, mouths just fused together, loving one another.
 "We should probably go back down," you suggested even though you wanted nothing more than to simply lay (Y/N) on your bed and make love to her until neither of you could see straight. She nodded and you both got up off the bed from where you had been sitting, though you couldn't resist kissing her one more time.
 “We should probably go back down,” you suggested even though you wanted nothing more than to simply lay (Y/N) on your bed and make love to her until neither of you could see straight. She nodded and you both got up off the bed from where you had been sitting. Taking her hand, you entwined your fingers with her then headed to the door. (Y/N) stopped though and tugged you back towards her.
 “Before we go down there, there’s just one more thing I have to say.” You took a deep breath, still half afraid that she was going to run and never come back this time. “You said something earlier, that I can’t get out of my head.” You tried to replay the events of the last hour over in your head but so many things were said you couldn’t be sure what she was referring to, and so you furrowed your brow in question. “You said you never stopped loving me.” It was true. If someone would’ve said that to you years ago, you would’ve laughed at them and shrugged off their comments, but the moment (Y/N) walked back into your life, you knew that she was your first and only love. You went to tell her that but she continued. “I know it doesn’t seem like it, but I never stopped loving you either.” A grin that would stretch across the Grand Canyon took over your face and your arms wrapped around her waist to pull her close. “I pushed so many others out of my life and I’m only realizing now, that it’s because they weren’t you. I tried to close off my heart to you when I ran into that first day in Dallas, but you managed to burst through and not give up on us, and I’m so thankful you didn’t. I know I said before that I wanted to try to give us a shot, but there’s no one else in this world for me. I love you with my whole heart and soul, Jamie Benn.”
 Your heart was pounding so hard, you thought it would beat right out of its chest, but then that would be fine because you knew that (Y/N) would be right there to catch it. “I love you too (Y/N), with all that I am and so much more.” Your mouth came down on hers and though you’d kissed a thousand times before, this was one special. It spoke not only of love but of pain, of sorrow but joy, of all things that had been and all that would come tomorrow, for your future was here with her and there was no place else that you’d rather be.  
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isisparker · 4 years
Predictions for the finale of OCN's Search:
(mainly based episodes til now and on the preview)
[watch me be wrong for half of these]
Ki Hyung - I love you, but I'm afraid you won't get to make it to your wedding after all! I don't want him to die, but unless that gun to the back was a promo red herring, he'll be the first casualty in that asshole Lee Hyuk's attempt to erase Sector 21 and Team Polaris connected to it.
Joon Sung - first off BOY WHAT ARE YOU DOING GOING OUT THERE WITHOUT WEAPONS? I know you Special Forces but C'MON! And secondly, damn, the minute he put two and two and realized that his boy Dong Jin was in potential trouble, he goes a running! Which means odds are in his efforts to save Dong Jin (and his team) and make sure he goes home to his mom [sidenote: HE VISITED DONG JIN'S MOM. wtf. I don't mean to ship but the show isn't helping!], Joon Sung will sacrifice himself. Do I like that? No. I don't want him to die. He slowly became a fave of mine and doesn't deserve such an ending. But he will. He'll die doing what his cowardly ass father would never think of doing: protecting his people.
Lee Hyuk - Speaking of the chicken shit... He's the show's true monster. If his son dies yet he lives (without repercussions of his crimes), I'M THROWING SHIT. Either Capt Jo kills him or Dong Jin does it as retribution for what that asshole did to his family. Hell I'll even be happy if Min Kyu takes him down (death or courts, one or the other I'm not picky).
Min Kyu - He has a far stronger odds of surviving than previous three mentioned. He could die because I can see Lee Hyuk shooting him in the back (literally and figuratively), but I bet he doesn't go down easily. He's plotted and fought to make sure he doesn't get taken out of the fight. If he dies I wouldn't be surprised. Neither would I be shocked if he lives. I'm curious as to how his story plays out till end.
Dong Jin and Ye Rim - I put them together because lbr THEY'RE GOING TO SURVIVE. They're the show's leads, it's their story, they're the main pairing... They're going to survive. Them and Mac (because the show isn't that cruel to kill off TWO dogs... Right?).
Da Jung - Village badass former special ops mama will save the day! Or at least our two protagonists.
Soo Young - I'm worried that this is probably where we might get a cliffhanger epilogue (alluding to maybe a season 2?). Her scratches are probably a precursor to whatever has mutated Capt Jo into what he is now.
Again this is all predictions and specs based off episodes we got and that finale promo. Do I want a happier ending where all my faves survive and eat at Hee Ra's (Dong Jin's mom) restaurant? HELL YES. Ideally I want Dong Jin sitting between his girl and his guy Ye Rim and Joon Sung, and the rest of the surviving Polaris team. Would I be stunned if I get it? Fuck yeah I would be... But will I get it? Hell no. Because show's like this hate me. But damn do I still love this drama regardless.
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pekorosu · 5 years
no.6 novels thinky thoughts
so… i ended up finishing all 9 vols in about a week haha.
my overall impression? it was… alright, i guess.
not that i didn’t enjoy it, in fact, the first half was great! by the time i reached the end though, i had mixed feelings. sat on it for a week or so but a lot of it remains a vague hhhmmmmmblah blob that i’m not done figuring out. 
i still wanna make a post as a form of closure for myself though, so i’m just gonna dump whatever comes to mind here. don’t mind me.
so... the ending. i guess it was supposed to be open-ended in a hopeful way, but it just came across as unsettling to me. the ~chosen one~ thing rubbed me the wrong way, because shion was entrusted with an enormous responsibility that no 16 year old should even be shouldering in the first place. (i mean yea okay he did willingly accept it, but still. why only him? why aren’t they all collectively responsible?) 
meanwhile the actual perpetrators get to escape all the consequences by just… dying. just like that. and the rest of them, especially the adults… they’re pretty much useless? even the ones that wanted to do something by staging a revolt ended up being unreliable either bc 1. they were drunk on revenge or 2. all that power was getting to their head. ironically, rou was like “it’s all on us, the adults” but in the end even he decided to just spend the rest of his life chilling out underground -_-
on top of that, shion had to let go of nezumi. idk about y’all but that ending, that “promise to meet again” kiss was like… i couldn’t help but wonder if nezumi only did that because shion was all “a world without you is meaningless” and he had to give him something to cling onto. followed by shion’s devoted “i’ll keep waiting” which… idk, something about it felt utterly depressing. to be fair, nezumi always keeps his promises and the epilogue was vaguely hopeful i guess, but it still didn’t give me the sense of closure that i needed. 
to clarify, i’m not saying it’s a bad ending. it’s realistic and the implication that there’s still a lot of work to be done is very much in line with the story’s themes. just that something about it didn’t work for me personally, plus the lead up to it felt rushed, so it left me feeling :/ when i was done.
the plot… well, it started out exciting but turned out to be rather anticlimactic? the shift from science to supernatural had a proper build up, but still felt like a letdown for some reason… 
i think... maybe it’s bc dystopian stories tend to culminate in a huge battle and stuff like that, while this one just… didn’t. there was no final showdown with the Big Bad. there was chaos, but it hadn’t descended into total devastation yet, with the ultimate message that maintaining peace is always more preferable in order to prevent any more senseless deaths. and i guess that threw me off a little? not in a bad way, it was just unexpected bc i’m so used to the whole “final boss” format.
speaking of which, the antagonists were very one-dimensional, and for dictators they were surprisingly… weak. i mean, i get that hubris was precisely the reason for their carelessness and subsequent destruction, but it felt too convenient, too simple.
and i was sorta expecting something more gruesome when they got to the top floor of the correctional facility. idk, i guess brains floating in tubes just couldn’t compare with that scene of them climbing a mountain of corpses+half-alive people, which i had the misfortune of reading right before dinner. that was straight up horror.
and for all its depiction of the horrors of a police state, of poverty, famine, genocide… i felt like it stopped short of something. this isn’t meant to be a proper critique ofc, just that i remember feeling like the writing came across as wishy-washy or superficial at times, even though i knew the author’s intention wasn’t to hand out answers, but to get the readers to think. something about the way it was handled left me feeling unsatisfied i guess. 
that said, there were stuff that i did like! eg. i liked how the story dealt with the “we’re all human beings” statement from shion. it started out as a simple, idealistic “all lives matter” kind of thing, only to be turned on its head when he comes face-to-face with the kind of atrocities no.6 has committed. then it becomes less about that and more “our shared humanity means that we too have the capability to become cruel and apathetic.” or at least, that was my takeaway. 
hmm… in hindsight, i think it does what it set out to do well enough. that is, to convey a certain message to a certain group of people (teenagers i guess. this is YA after all). to inspire them to think for themselves, to realise that apathy is dangerous and to take responsibility for their own learning, but also to know that doing the “right” thing is not just about good intentions; it is constant hard work but still important work... among others. all of which are solid themes and messages. god knows when i was younger and learning about all this for the first time, even the simplest things would leave me mindblown for days. if i’d read this back then i imagine it would’ve left a bigger impression too.
the main highlight for me though, was probably the character scenes. i was surprised to find out how introspective the story was, with the majority of it dedicated to the characters’ internal thoughts and conflicts. 
sadly though, the side charas’ POVs (like inukashi’s and karan’s) ended up becoming tediously repetitive and draggy despite starting out strong. and safu… poor safu, she pretty much got the shortest end of the shit stick being the Plot Device Damsel In Distress Who Is Eventually Fridged. i had higher hopes for her ):
as for the rest… i don’t really care about rikiga… and who else… oh right! small nezumi team! hamlet, cravat and tsukiyo. 10/10 love them, would never get tired of their cute little squeaks.
and the protags… shion started out kinda bland but ended up being the easiest to relate to haha. eg. his constant struggle to reconcile his personal ideals with practical reality. and it was interesting to see how he confronted and came to terms with some harsh truths. he always tries so hard. sometimes it hurt to read, but it made me want to root for him and in a way, it gave me strength too. 
also his apparent “lack of interest” in sex/women/etc... i know it’s generally played for laughs or to highlight his ~naivete~ or ~immaturity~, but whatever lol it’s something i can relate to it v strongly.
nezumi took a while for me to warm up to even when i understood why he is the way he is. the callousness, hostility, volatility… they’re all defense mechanisms rooted in his trauma, but still, knowing that didn’t make him any less irritating lol. he could be deeply hypocritical at times and his tendency to randomly explode at shion was grating. on the plus side, it’s always very satisfying whenever we do get a glimpse of his more vulnerable side.
them as a pair though… i’m not a huge fan of the “fate brought us together” trope so i was skeptical at first. nezumi being so prickly and moody at first didn’t help either, but shion. oh shion, he tried so hard to worm himself into nezumi’s heart, to prove himself worthy, that i couldn’t help but be charmed. to me, they started out more like “snarky senpai and curious kouhai” as opposed to “friends” or even “potential enemies” as nezumi liked to insist they were, which made for an amusing dynamic. 
and while they did grow on me over time, they don’t make me feel that INTENSE CHEST STABBING feeling that i get with other ships. idk why, i mean, their sarcastic exchanges were amusing, their brutally honest arguments were compelling, and the pining (which is my #1 weakness) was through the fucking roof with shion. but still, something was missing.
sidenote on something the author mentioned in the guidebook interview (my own rough t/l):
I like writing about relationships between people of the same sex, not just boys. When it comes to the opposite sex, the end result of being attracted to each other is always romantic love, or getting married…… To a certain extent, the “template” for that is already fixed, isn’t it? But when it comes to the same sex, there can exist a connection that can’t be expressed in the usual cliched words like friendship, camaraderie, love, hatred… I think there’s meaning in writing about relationships that can’t be clearly defined. What’s between Shion and Nezumi is a “one-of-a-kind connection” that’s born out of a certain situation, out of certain experiences that only they have gone through. I wanted to find out what exactly that connection is, which was why I wanted to try writing it. Of course, that “one-of-a-kind connection” would probably exist between people of the opposite sex as well. After all, the feelings that emerge from a chance meeting of two human beings can never be something that’s mass-produced. But still, I think the one thing that I really enjoy writing about has got to be the unique emotions that develop between people of the same sex.
i know she doesn’t mean anything negative here, but idk… it kinda reminds me of the way yoshida akimi discussed ash and eiji’s relationship in banana fish, and the way she discussed what she found so special about same-sex relationships that is lacking in m/f relationships. and something about it bugs me so much. i don’t even know why or how to explain it… 
it sounds like to them, there’s something fundamentally “different” about same-sex relationships. "different” doesn’t necessarily mean “bad” and in fact, it even sounds positive in this context because the implication is that that “difference” allows for more freedom and variety in relationship dynamics. but i guess, the closest thing that i can come up with is that it sounds… othering? i don’t know….......
speaking of which, i suppose shion/safu is a subversion of that typical m/f relationship. shion can never love her the way she wants him to, which is heartbreaking, but also refreshing in a way.
and you know what… it just occurred to me that maybe, maybe… it’s the same with shion and nezumi. and maybe that’s why something about them feels off to me. i mean, obviously the strength of their feelings for each other is indisputable, but idk if the essence of it is the same. 
shrugs. anyway, yeah.
the honest truth is that, while i enjoyed their interactions immensely, they just don’t ignite the same fire in me as all my other otps. that said, i still do have a lot of thoughts on them! maybe that’s a post for another day.
some other stray thoughts:
- was it ever explained how nezumi built his robo rats? or where tf he managed to gather so many gold coins? was this something the story just handwaved or did i just forget?
- nezumi wanting to leave on a journey at the end baffled me. even though him eventually leaving was foreshadowed a couple times, he never really struck me as a wanderer to begin with. but now that i think about it… i wonder if he’s leaving bc he wants to, or rather, needs to look out for any other remaining forests and natural environments. that’s what his people did, didn’t they? protect the forests. i wonder if he’s going to go look for others like himself. after all, he’s the only surviving indigenous person left in the area surrounding no.6, isn’t he? hmmm.
language-wise... this is my first proper japanese (light) novel so i’m feeling kinda accomplished rn! lol. it was surprisingly not as tough as i had expected. i think the most difficult part was actually reading the quotes at the beginning of each chapter bc it’s in a font that’s so hard to make out.
oh, and again, some parts felt really redundant. i kept wondering if it was a language thing or an author thing. either way, i felt like there were quite a few unnecessary rehashes that could’ve been omitted to improve the pacing. 
sequels, other adaptations...
i’ve not read “beyond” yet, which apparently has sequel-ish bits? i’ve ordered it, it’s on its way, but i have a feeling my impression won’t change that much even after i’ve read it. heck, it might get worse judging by all these lukewarm reviews. i’m definitely gonna see this through to the end, but i’m feeling kinda scared now lol.
i might check out the anime? based on the summaries on wiki, it sounds like quite a lot has been altered, but i’m still curious about the visuals. dunno if i’d wanna check out the manga. if it’s exactly the same as the novels or the anime then maybe not…
oh yeah, their anime/manga versions look quite different to how i imagined them! mine’s closer to the novel covers i guess. especially nezumi. i imagined him with short hair. maybe not all super saiyan like the one below, but yea.
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lastly, i just had a good look at all the vol covers and i actually think they look pretty cool! i’m really glad i chose to get this version instead of the bunkobon. i mean, i don’t know if i will ever reread this again, but at least the covers are nice to look at haha.
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The colors in BTS’ works - a noob study
I tried to see if there was anything worth analyzing about the colors and here’s what I came up with. As the title implies, I have no knowledge in color theory nor any observation skill so take it with a grain of salt and don’t hesitate to correct me if you see something wrong^^
When I talk about the main color of a video, I don’t mean it’s the only color used, I just mean that it’s the color that appears the most. It’s obviously completely subjective. Same goes with the identification of the colors: whether it’s a greyish blue or a bluish grey is up to everyone. Again if you disagree, don’t hesitate to tell me!
I’ll mainly focus on the MVs Lumpens worked on since they did the majority of the videos, including the BU ones. GDW did almost all the other MVs, they are usually a bit darker and more action-focused, think “Dope,” “Not Today,” or “Mic Drop”.
I also won’t talk about the Japanese MVs but usually, they have the same color pattern as the Korean version.
There’ll be five parts:
The creation of the world
The red string of fate
The Butterfly dream
The temptation of the Green Fairy
Finding New Neverland, namely accepting the world
The creation of the world
If there’s one dominant color in 2 Cool 4 Skool, it’s black. Be it the boys’ outfits, the background or the lighting, everything is mainly black. And it’s the case in the MVs and the photo concept. They just wear some gold accessories.
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In O!RUL8,2? it’s the white that dominates. Interestingly, the two comeback trailers announcing this album start with black as the main color but end with white, like to make the transition between the two albums.
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We can consider the boys are associated with the black color (2 Cool 4 Skool and their black uniform in O!RUL8,2?) while the outside world is white. They rebel against this world in “N.O” and win.
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However, against all odds, they don’t turn the world in black, they themselves turn in white but with hip-hop outfits and gold accessories, like a white version of their 2 Cool 4 Skool selves. Where the black uniform seems to represent the world trying to force its ideal on the boys, to mold them to its convenience, the white hip-hop outfit could be the boys accepting the outside world without losing their soul, the white cover them like a second skin without hurting their core, namely hip-hop.
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Now that black and white are at peace, they can coexist in Skool Luv Affair and Dark & Wild. Other colors will also start appearing, but everything remains quite monochromatic. The only notable color is the light/greyish-yellow, coming mostly from the lighting. Skool Luv Affair also has hints of green in reference to the chalkboard.
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While we’re here, doesn’t “Danger” feels like the night version of “Just One Day”? In both, the boy is asking for the girl’s company but one is all black and the other is all white.
In parallel to those albums, we got two concerts: The Red Bullet and BTS Begins. The VCRs follow the aesthetic of an almost monochromatic world with low luminosity and a lot of black. The only exception is the outside scenes in BTS Begins when they all go to school and that have slightly more vivid colors - possibly because it is the outside world that they haven’t explored yet (but they will during 화양연화).
The concept photos also follow this idea. First black, then white, then the two together, then colors. From 2 Cool 4 Skool to 화양연화 Pt.2 we have:
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The world stopped being a blinding white for the boy in black who’s now standing in a yellow desert.
The red string of fate
There’s one color I haven’t mentioned until now but that still appeared in a significant way: red.
Since this part is a bit long, I’ll rather redirect you toward A study in red, an old post I rewrote for the occasion.
To make it short, the theme the boys question during an era (happiness, love temptation...) has often a red color.
The boys alone in the desert finds a red string. He starts to follow it, hoping it will lead him to the sea.
The butterfly dream
They finished school and are ready to discover the other colors existing in the world. This way Hwa Yang Yeon Hwa doesn’t have a dominant hue but rather a more or less bright color palette.
What retained my attention was the green and the blue.
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Note that I’m probably influenced by the Peter Pan references making me associate green with Peter himself and Neverland and “Sea” where the lyrics explain that the boys are searching for a sea in the desert.
So let’s rather just say the boys explore the outside world and so there are many colors.
One exception to this explosion of colors is “Save Me” with its grey tone. However, in the Concept Book, there’s a note saying “Save Me 화양연화 Pt.0.” And indeed the videos before 화양연화 had also a grey tone so it would actually connect well.
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As You Never Walk Alone is the events between 화양연화 and WINGS, I’ll put it here. We still have a palette of colors, maybe slightly paler.
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But the MVs have a dominant tone this time: green for “Spring Day,” pink for “Not Today.” I won’t detail “Not Today,” but you can consider its color like the pink of AWAKE or the purple of “Boy Meets Evil”
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Interestingly, this green color is associated with the motel Omelas. And I just said we had a green Neverland in 화양연화. We could thus consider that the Omelas the boys are about to leave is the Neverland from 화양연화, the paradise where they thought they could stay young forever.
Where it gets beautiful is that the scenes outside have two main colors, yellow and blue, which mixed make green and that can also be connected with the yellow of the desert and the blue of the sea.
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As they have blue and yellow maybe they can try to mix them to find back the happiness from Omelas/Neverland? Sidenote: in the NOW 3 in Chicago Dreaming Days, there’s a part called New Neverland and shot in a park with lots of green and blue. It tends to validate the idea above.
The boy found a green oasis on his path, but it’s not the blue sea he’s searching for.
The temptation of the Green Fairy
So actually the outside world isn’t all that great. Black makes its comeback but it doesn’t represent the boys anymore, it could represent the hostile world, the bad sides of life.
The Short Films are a good example. Four are mainly black: BEGIN, STIGMA, FIRST LOVE, and REFLECTION. LIE and MAMA are white with a hint of blue (sidenote: J-Hope and Jimin are a 화양연화 pair). AWAKE is blue. If we consider each short film as a step in the Demian progression, we can find an explanation:
the four black ones (Suga, RM, V, Jungkook) are still wandering between youth and adulthood, lost
the blue one (Jin) has reached adulthood, namely the blue sea. Note that considering the light blue of the room and the possibility Jin is the bird from Demian, we could also see it as a blue sky, the one you fly through to reach Abraxas.
J-Hope has almost reached the AWAKE stage so he has a white background with a blue pajama. Jimin lies and pretends he’s also near the final stage when actually he’s not.
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We have a possible epilogue to J-Hope’s progression in “Boy Meets Evil.”
“Boy Meets Evil” is neither red (temptation) nor blue (AWAKE stage), it’s purple, right between the two. In the same idea, the hallway Jin crosses in AWAKE is pale pink so it seems that before reaching the final stage, you have to go through this pink/purple/red path.
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“Blood, Sweat & Tears” (and the concert trailer for The Wings Tour actually) seems to be the same thing, but for the remaining boys. The temptation appears in hues of red and purple. And we even have a blue room, like in AWAKE.
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But now let’s talk about the elephant in the room.
There’s green in “Blood, Sweat & Tears”. Like a ton of green. So much green, Jungkook actually mentioned it in the Episode.
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You may remember I named this part “The temptation of the Green Fairy”. Green Fairy is one of the names used to designate Absinthe, the green liquid RM drinks in the MV. Basically, it’s associated with decadence, death, and poets.
So it seems this time the green color isn’t related to Neverland/Omelas/Youth but to the theme of the album, namely temptation. But why the change then? Usually, they have the red color for the theme of the album.
It’s just my guess but since another theme of WINGS is the end of youth, it could be that the boys are too old for Neverland and so it becomes toxic for them: they have to let go of their childhood (and find the New Neverland/Blue Sea).
Red is the general idea of temptation - think about the red apple - while green would be the temptation to live in the past - funny for a time travel story, isn’t it?
The boy misses the green oasis, he wants to step back rather than searching for the sea.
Finding New Neverland, namely accepting the world
And finally, we reach Love Yourself era. While it’s pretty clear all the colors are brighter than in any other era, it’s hard to find dominant ones. Be it the Highlight Reels or Euphoria, we have a color palette like during HYYH, probably meaning the boys are exploring the outside world.
But it seems yellow and blue are slightly more present in the MVs for the main tracks. You can also think about the blue mold and the yellow blanket in “Serendipity”.
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They accept to renounce to the green and to rather live in a world with yellow and blue, namely the desert and the sea. Like they accept to love themselves no matter how imperfect they are, they accept the world.
The last hints of green are in “Serendipity” and “Epiphany”. In the first one, it’s probably a remaining illusion. Tear proved Her is a lie:
the black “Singularity” invalidated the green “Serendipity”. They’re still trying to escape the world of temptations like in WINGS
“FAKE LOVE” going from the blue sea to the yellow desert invalidated the illusion from “DNA” where blue and yellow existed together
The green in “Epiphany” is most likely Jin's last attempt to change the past: the current time is grey, it turns green when Jin travels back in time and goes back to grey when he reaches the same future. I said it’s his last attempt because at the end when he goes out, the colors stay grey and it fits with the lyrics.
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As this time they accepted their destiny, it seems the yellow and blue co-existing in “IDOL” is for real this time.
The boy found the blue sea. He doesn’t hate the yellow desert anymore. He has reached the New Neverland.
As a picture is worth a thousand words, I’ll use an ugly one for my conclusion:
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Nota Bene: it’s interesting to consider those colors based on the Teageuk. The red is associated with the negative cosmic energies and the Earth: it’s the dystopian world from where the boys started. The blue is associated with positive energies and Heaven: it’s the ocean the boys dream to reach. Yellow represents humanity: the boys are in the desert and eventually they realize it’s from this desert that the ocean comes from. Combining the yellow humanity with the blue hope gives green, which represents youth in Bangtan’s works according to the WINGS Concept Book.
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Here are my notes/comments I made while playing through KH3. The thoughts that went through my head.
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Tuesday, Jan 29th. 5:00 pm.
-Finally home and ready to play. Colored lights on, fluffy pants on, favorite blanket nearby, cats fed, pizza in oven, cold water in fridge, juice smoothie drink standing by. Waiting on my pizza to finish so I can eat dinner while listening to the title screen music. Have not put game on yet. (Just so happened to get my Marluxia keychain the other day too! Got my game today.)
-Here we goooooOOOOOO.
-OATH ORCHESTRAL IS SO PRETTY. Also expected recap. I bet there will be a lot of flashbacks in the game (update: not at all).
-Cable town seems a precarious place to live- also a pain to get around. Pretty. there’s a LOT of islands. (Update: homeworld of Keyblade wielders? Or base)
-Eraqus playing dumb?  Messing with Xehanort? Or is he actually just like that and doesn’t know.
-Queue intro. Music feels off slightly but that could just be because I saw the trailer one first. Also new Marluxia content, gonna need a gif of that little clip jumping over the scythe.
-Darkside, of course. Nostalgia reasons. Would have been more interesting if they changed up the fight with him, I think. He’s always been a pretty lame fight.
-Cutscenes feel much more natural (first reaction). Also Donald getting shit on, always fun. (Update: the amount of shitting on each other in this game is unreal)
-Hercules’ new voice… Is it new? IDK, but I find it unnerving.
-The Instagram loading screens are weird? Not a big deal.
-Maleficent’s much needed glow up.
-The graphics are odd because some things look super good and then some things look kinda weird sometimes. IDK I just started. Generally very pretty.
-SORA, DONALD, GOOFY. Is this going to be a thing again? (Update: yes, it is)
-Guess Phil isn’t going to talk at all? Sort of weird (Update: speaking of NOT SPEAKING. Aeleus and Dilan. Not a single peep. Wow.)
-Xigbar’s voice is changing into Xehanort’s now. Someone help him.
-Holy shit an NPC. WTF was that scene??? I think that’s all that needs to be said here. Just, what? How did that even work? No idea where the girl was/how far? Didn’t see any fire? Too slow? Yeeted into the universe. Little girl saved???
-Jumping around when you get hit with fire is annoying.
-Fighting those Titans was a shirt storm. It was soooo janky for me. (update: the combat in this game is incredibly aerial based)
-“May your hear-- ?” Unsure if game bugged or not. (Update: I get it now. Thanks, epilogue.)
-So Axel DOES get an outfit, wonder if we’ll ever see him wear it. (Update: AT THE VERY END
-Phone call. Is it my boy IENZO??? Oh, nope. D: WAIT, there he is.- -MOODY AELEUS??? What does he have against Roxas? Just because he left the Organization? Yeah, like Axel. Stop the bias against the other Org members.
-GODDAMMIT they did it again with the title card.
-Seifer and gang left for a “hero’s journey”.
-IENZO SPYING? IENZO CHUCKLE. Ienzo didn’t know= that makes sense. He’s so…happy (Update: he really is chipper in this game) -KIDNAPPED EVEN? -Just get Even to make him a body. -I too could go for some hot wings, little girl -Talking about Sora. I figured, but I hoped.
-Darn you Axel for being attractive -DILAN
-What a lovely world; everyone’s having a nice time… It sure would be a shame, if someone….ruined it.
-Mar you creep. PINK EYES?
-FAVOR? Oh. :I Balance, eh? Do you believe that Mar? Also would rather forget? Himself, or does he mean Sora?
-Marluxia does indeed dislike nicknames.
-Is Marluxia really out to protect the light/Rapunzel for balance? If it were anyone else it’d be easy to write off. (Update. Like Larx for this story it’s just about making sure they have the PoH backups)
-Time for Mar to be an ass. Lol. Sounded like he wasn’t even trying.  He likes it when they run. Also I guess Mar tied Flynn up in this version? -HE’S SO PRETTY -SLEEP BOY! Also…Mar? New power? Lol. How handy, wish I could do that to myself. (Also the comment about him being good at sleeping or something? Guess he knows that from DDD? When they were all there at the end. Or upon learning he was in a pod for a year.)
-The bosses thus far have been huge and really annoying to hit/air battles.
-On Marluxia, still looks like they’re just using him for Nort fodder at this point. Even though it still makes no sense at all.
-And I’m sure that’s all I’m gonna get this game for Marluxia.
-ALSO,  Reapers baby. CALLED IT.
-Get Even to make one! Well Goofy’s right, Ienzo might be able to do it. OH MY GOD I CALLED IT. Good job Riku for being smart.
-*Sidenote: If you haven’t seen Tangled some things might seem disconnected to you as a player. (Update: this goes for most of the Disney worlds actually.)
-Final Fantasy??!?!?! LOL Riku and Noctis fusion
-WTF. Shot by YMX into Square Enix? Oh nope, Gigas.
-OOO Woody burn. No one loves you Xehanort.
-Should have been ,“There’s a snake in my boot”
-ANOTHER Woody burn.
-I feel like Young Xehanort learned something they already knew???
-OH YEP. Need Even. I wonder if Aeleus and Dilan will talk in this game (Update: nope)
-OOOO Evil meeting. Everyone yell so you can hear each other. DAMN IT VEXEN, you mad science man. At least it’s a believable reason for Vexen. Unlike Marluxia, which is total bullshit
-Gummi flying takes forever.
FROZEN. Ready to see my girl Larxene
-This is literally the my friends are my power game with the way the combat is set up (Update: Very Aerial and AOE oriented gameplay)
-Also enemies have a lot of HP
-Lol. Oh yeah, memory loss. They filled her in.
- Using the electricity to move the blocks and trap them… I can be like, ok I’ll buy that. But this is a complex-ass labyrinth
Along with Marluxia’s sleep thing and now this,… Headcanon that it’s due to Xehanort influence possibly?
-Larxene Nobodies! They look like ninjas. YEP. Just checked. Called Ninjas.
-Giant Larxene knife symbols on wall. Classy.
-Did Larxene just show Elsa up with that labyrinth btw?
-LET IT GO. LET IT GO. “I don’t know what I just saw”. lol
-What is with all this Larx ice using? I dun like it >.<
-Again boss is up so high the fight is really floaty and crazy
-What girl??? Who??? Namine? Kairi? Streli? Not Larxene . Must be Kairi. (Update: STILL DON’T KNOW THE GIRL. Future game plot point)
-Oh god, not Pooh Bear. Please be optional.
-Ienzo has an Instagram.
-Alright Vani where you at?
-LMAO Sully just grabs him and throws him in a door xD That is a GOLDEN moment
-Ienzo’s gonna be the one who saves Xion Roxas and Ventus. Nice.
-This is “shit on each other the game” isn’t it?
-Oooo evil meeting.  MY PALS. Marluxia is WOKE as fuck., he’s like nah he just wants our empty husk bodies as vessels.  Larxene ain’t having it, yep, that’s what I thought. You? Canon ‘Marly’ Omg Benched, I believe it. REBEL GROUP. REBEL GROUP.  (Update: I chanted this in my head a lot)
WHAT??? Another purpose? Luxord in.  TELL US THE PURPOSE? All four of them? Wow. Demyx and Luxord in Union X confirmed. :/ Not a fan of this. Too many keyblades.
Ugh I want more plot Dx Gotta do Pirates.
*So it does seem like the four of them don’t want to be in the Org? But again they aren’t doing anything about it so???
So the reason they let them back (Mar and Lar even though traitors) is because they want their ancient keyblade powers. (Update: This is never mentioned again. Like, why does it matter to Xehanort? Did Xehanort pull them out of time? More questions)
- Vexen and Lux. Oooo Vexen not obeying. Luxooooord. REBEL GROUP. REBEL GROUP. -Pausing air fight to feed cats. Not enjoying this flying oof. Thank goodness it isn’t all shooting -Who needs air? -Wow nice ship and sails Luxord -Whatever you want eh Luxord? -Gonna honor the rules Lux? Did he lose on purpose? -Hope eh? -LOL No Parley. OOF breath on his face, into the ocean. Luxord just got burned. First Vanitas now Luxord - Dramatic walk scene?  Awwww
-GDI Axel change your clothes -Was thinking this at the first scene but GDI I know people are going to ship these two
-Here comes darkqua? -A tale of two Ansems. Feeling Namine guilt? -Hayner bout to get FUCKED. WHAT GIRL? -WHAT THE FUCK? Nobodies? Who doing this??? -FUCK it’s Vexen. Good Vexen? What? :o Is he lying??? FUCK CLIFFHANGER. I appreciate all the diff character interactions in this game though. Does Vexen secretly have a heart of gold and is in on the REBEL GROUP?
- Data Riku or Repliku? Going with Repliku. But the enemy is very codedesque. Also Data Riku is just Data, no body. Could also be timetravel bs - Replica confirmed. Not sure if it’s the same ”Repliku” - Hoping actual Repliku will come back. Riku did mention his other me after all
-Darkqua music was great
-Aaand she’s gone. Again. OR NOT
-Finally these two: Vexen and Demyx. DUNCE. LMAO their fighting. REBEL VEXEN. What’s in it for you, Demyx??? UHHH Not becoming Xehanort. (Demyx continues to be a douche character). Marluxia? Maybe. DEMYX TIME. Oh my god. Was that intentional??? LMAO Demyx is so ‘useless’ no one expects him to do anything. Nice FAMILY REUNION
VEXEN YOU LEGEND. I always liked him. Now it’s up to you Marluxia >:Y I think Vexen may have been talking about Ansem the Wise. Also may not still completely trust him because it says he went back willingly. Unless he changed his mind when learning about Ansem the Wise. (Update: Nope, Vexen really is a legend. I love him).
CASTLE OBLIVION -Vani fight, nice. Great music -HE UP. Go visit your old friend Mar.
-Ventus gets to meet both Axel and Marluxia as adults. How odd.
-Sudden Saix. So casual. WHAT GIRL? WHAT GIRL???? Is it Strelitzia? Skuld? New character? (Update: Again, future plot point.)
-Repliku with Riku.? YEP. DOPE. Save Namine? (Update: Yep. To protect Namine).
-Enter Terranort. Shock for Ven to see. -Axel got fucked. -SHIT AN F5. - Everyone died. The end -STARS???? More pieces???? WAHHHT PAST? Union X Club??? Streli?! D’x
The Final World :O
-Chirithy is great.
-Vexen gonna save the day with a replica? And Demyx  lol. They both got benched. What a team up. (Update: And we never heard from them again. They literally just dipped from the Org and none of the Norts did anything. (Update: No idea what happened to Demyx. He dropped off the replica and was outie).
-DÉJÀ VU. Oof.
-EPHEMERA! THE KEEEEEYS. All the dead people
-UNION LEADERS KEYS. Also all the others, but I believe I saw five? What I’m saying is those four-five Starlights= Dandelion Union Leaders.
-Is Vexen with the coat guys up there??? -Also Demyx??? -Do they have a PLAN??? (Update: Nope, they literally just dipped).
-Thank you, Luxord awww.  Such a cool guy…(Update: Sora still has the Wild Card)
AWww Larx. Heart tank? NO THANKS.  Along for the ride- With?? (Marluxia?)
*MEMORIES BACK???? Real laugh. A smile. He DID forget. Always about “purpose for being with Mar”. How did I predict that? (Update: Marluxia amnesia confirmed? Also why the heck didn’t /he/ rebel. Makes no sense. I blame Nomura. He also gave no reason for why he was following Xehanort. Again, it’s pretty BS. NO EXPLANATION.)
Riku down. Very interested in what Xigbar will have to say… Repliku repossession! NOOOO. Repliku stay! Roxas, of course.
He just wanted that keyblade bro. What?????? Why the backwards drama D: (Update: Nope. Xigbar just playing the role, or should I say Luxu).
Fucking Axel. That smart mouth.
Saix would have let him die; also I knew it was Xion from trailers.
:O XION. He knew.
And Roxas is in. The music has been SO GOOD.
Vexen  Zexion Ansem Demyx. LUL GET FUCKED Xemnas.
Vanitas sounds higher pitched in this game.
GUARDIAN??? This is weird.
I don’t believe in perma dead Kairi.
WHEN’S THE BOX? ALSO Luxord’s Wild Card!
*Btw guess Vexen and Demyx just left so the other Norts replaced them instead of doing anything about it
Awww, Saix. Or rather, Isa.
Didn’t shed any tears, but the part that got me feeling the most was with Xehanort and Eraqus tuff at the end, surprisingly
*** WHAT THE FUCK HAPPENED TO DEMYX? What did he even do to help besides delivering the replica LMAO??
WHY DIDN’T I GET TO SEE MY BOY IN THE ENDING? Maybe secret ending. ☹ (Update: Nah)
Oh yeah, Sora vanished btw.
*Xehanorts VA could have had a better performance.
-Wow. Xigbar really was the MoM? Union leaders alive?  OH, nvm he’s Luxu. Guess he picked up on MoM’s behavior and mannerisms. Also been through many bodies I see… No Ava.
UH OH. New game board. 7 evils. Five being leaders and Xig, 2 Unkowns. Please don’t put Mar through more of that, IE make him be in another Org/group.
They never opened the box, did they.
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So, I finally watched Boku No Mirai. I wasn’t able to the day it came out because I was in class all day. By the time I got home I basically sat in complete exhaustion until I passed the heck out. BUT my feelings under the cut. Note: It is currently 9am, I am sleep deprived and slightly sugar high. It might get a little off track.
I wasn’t sure whether I wanted to watch this last movie or not. I, like the rest of you, am tired. So, so tired. I was afraid that it would make me angrier than I have been. It’s been three years. I just wanted it to end, but I was afraid of it ending.
I loved it. I cried five times throughout the movie. I was able to appreciate Meiko as a character. The thing that I was worried about the most and hated the most about Tri was rectified.
Does that mean I don’t have my problems with Tri? Heck no. But I’ve been angrier at Loss. But let me go through it.
I watched 4 of the 6 movies with my friend and fellow rp partner @spiritxgun and maybe he can speak of his own thoughts and feelings on the movies. We marathoned Digimon 01 together and went straight to Tri. We initially only meant to watch the first two movies. The first because I thought it was good. The second because it centred around Mimi, and she is the whole reason we watched. Since 02 barely has Mimi in it, there was little point in slogging through what I considered a terrible series just for 2 episodes where she was actually featured as a full character and not just seen for 3 seconds.
But Boku no Mirai crept up on us and I asked him to watch with me, and since we were going to watch the ending, why not the whole thing. Cue marathon. Anyways, sorry for the long sidenote.
Going back to the Real World, the kids have a quiet moment as they basically wait for what to do next. There’s a lot of unsureness and waiting. But there was a good scene with Yamato and Gabumon that I’m glad was there.
I’m not sure why Ordinemon preferenced going after Meiko on the pier and not Hikari in the bed. Ordinemon is 50/50 both their partners. Maybe Meiccoomon just held stronger influence. That’s likely it. Now it’s a desperate race to defeat Ordinemon.
I’m actually quite happy that Homeostasis wasn’t made out to be evil. Or that Yggdrasil necessarily went crazy. She was just doing what she thought was best, and I think it was rather kind of her to take the time to warn the children they were going against what she thought was against everyone’s best interests for peace, order and balance. Others may not see it as kindness, but that’s what I took away. These were her charges and while she doesn’t have a full range of human empathy, it is required, I think, to some degree to keep balance.
It just turns out the kids didn’t want her balance if it meant rebooting everything all the time. You know what? Good on them. I was starting to get annoyed that it felt like the kids were just caught between two feuding gods and had no business doing anything. So being proactive and fighting against her wishes was wonderful.
I also loved that Hackmon actually felt the most empathy toward the children. At least that seemed to be what was hinted with his words of ‘this isn’t what I wanted, either.’ Of course I can’t quote verbatim.
Actually, thinking of Hackmon and how James was surprised at Hackmon being Jesmon, I realized that we never saw Alphamon’s other forms. Any of them. Coupled with that, the mystery of the fake Gennai since Gennai was being kept with the 02 kids. Maybe Fake!Gennai is Alphamon?
Both of us wanted Fake!Gennai to die. Both of us thought at the same time how hilarious it would be if he got caught in the crossfire while gloating and just ceased.
I’m glad actually that one of my fears was proven wrong. I was hoping that Tri wasn’t just an excuse to establish the formation of the Royal Knights. That somehow Homeostasis wasn’t going to be overthrown for Yggdrasil, that constantly malfunctioning thing and get established a round table of knights that never seem to get along and always feud with one another and fall apart at the seems, replacing the concept of a Digidestined/Chosen Child for that.
I’m happy that the world isn’t idyllic and perfect like 02′s epilogue depicted. I hated it. Even as a child I thought it was too simplistic and fanficcy. Of course it sucks that everyone but the Chosen detest digimon now, but at best I expect an uneasy acceptance of digimon with fluctuating parts hate, neutrality and like for digimon as the world comes to terms with the idea of the Digital World existing alongside theirs.
I’m also glad that the memories of the digimon were restored. I know a lot of people hate the idea of their memories coming back. But it wasn’t the idea of the memories coming back that irked me. It was the status quo of the relationships not changing. At all. None of the digimon acted any differently or formed different relationships with their partners despite the lack of memories. Gatomon/Tailmon retained her Champion form despite the reboot making it so that in the new Digital World’s history she no longer had to struggle under Myotismon. But it seemed like the reboot wasn’t a complete clean slate. The history still affected the digimon in some way, and I think that was a hint that the memories would return. That something would be restored. I just wish there was a more visible contrast to there being a change in the first place. But I would have been just as angry if the memories had been returned in the same movie it was revealed they were definitely lost.
I’m sorry but Memory Loss for Drama/The Sads just is really a pet peeve of mine. I am who I am because of who I was, and my memories are a testament to that. So such a concept as one’s memories is important to me, personally. I don’t expect anyone else to share my feelings on the matter.
Regarding Wizardmon, I honestly didn’t know what to expect. I think it was great how he was shown, but considering his hat was on the poster I would have liked to see him have more screen time. But seeing him there still made me cry and whisper soundlessly to James and somehow he still heard me through my microphone. How, I have no idea because honestly I was that quiet.
Since we’re talking about characters making appearances, I’ll also talk about the 02 kids. I am one of those people who don’t really give a fuck about the 02 kids. Sorry, but they more annoy me than anything. Except for maybe Iori and MAAAAYBE Ken. Maybe. If I hadn’t known that Tri was supposed to focus on the 01 kids I’d be more upset. But since it was very clearly established it wasn’t going to be on the 02 kids, I was satisfied with the idea that the kids probably wouldn’t actually be SEEN until the 6th movie and lo and behold I was right.
The movies do actually a good job with never letting us forget that the 02 kids are missing. But it was very evident we wouldn’t see them until the end. Why the 01 kids never wondered why they were absent, I’m not sure. I figured they moved to go to different high schools. An explanation just for clarity would have been nice.
The password for unlocking Meiccoomon’s memories was good, man. James was there speculating it would be Meiko’s name. But he figured that would be too simple. When he asked what I thought, I said ‘Ta much’ and TA DA! I win~
On Mimi, I was actually super happy that Mimi was so empathetic and passionate in this movie. I loved how she picked up Koromon. I wanted her to comfort him more. There wasn’t a lot of her in terms of screen time, but I was happy with what was there. It felt very ‘her’ to me, or how I always saw her to be.
The pacing was better than the last two movies. The animation budget seemed to be better, but I think there were a few quirks of what felt like a running-low-on-budget production, but it wasn’t as bad as that frigging montage of stills in Loss. That took both of us out of the story.
The second reboot itself felt a little iffy. Maybe I’d be more pissed if I hadn’t immediately thought of the concept that they already justified such a possibility with their more philosophical discussions previously. Plus it was definitely in line with Homeostasis and what she would do. Going back to Hackmon, I’m glad someone, even if it was Meiko, finally brought up the idea of whether or not Homeostasis even cared about them as people or was heartless, and going after Hackmon. Hackmon, likewise, I’m glad told Meiko to shut up about apologizing. But in a nicer way.
There was no repeat of conversations unlike Symbiosis, which started feeling repetitive. So that was good.
Both Maki and Daigo seemed to have died. Maki I stopped caring about, though I recognize the tragedy of her character. A Chosen fallen into despair and gone astray. She was abused and cracked under pressure of being a pawn. Daigo got his heroic farewell and I wouldn’t have been happier any other way. Even though he was the favourite of the newcomers. I just wanted him to be happy, but if he can’t be alive and happy, I’m glad he’s at least still happy while dead.
Orinemon’s ass shots were distracting. There’s no getting around that. Seriously who fucking flies like that? How is that natural looking in any way shape or form? It’s not aerodynamic by any means. Sure, her wings double as hands doubling as digimon n stuff but feetwings still need aerodynamic everything to fly properly. Legs down and bent over is not that.
I’m glad at least it felt like no other character got that treatment. Lillymon once with the flying I guess. But they could have been so much worse with Angewomon and Rosemon and they weren’t.
Yamato’s quip about shooting for space irked me. I’m sorry but why the fuck? Just a casual ‘lol I guess I’ll be random and quit my music career to 1-Up/Emulate Taichi’. You did NOT earn that! GTFO with it you are still a musician to me and always will be. Shoot for the stars in your music videos you absolute loser dweeb.
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jerepars · 7 years
The Con Extended Chapter Notes
Hyperlinks appear in blue (underlined on mobile). The story is posted here. Direct link to this chapter is here.
Jughead had been right when he’d said anything between us would be different. Special. Maybe it was because we’d waited so long to be together. Maybe it was because we’d come to understand the gravity of our attraction and affection for each other, culminating in love. Sometimes when we laid in bed together, skin to skin, holding hands and staring into the depths of the light in each other’s eyes, it was like we each had everything the other needed to be whole.
This paragraph made me think of "For The Nights I Can't Remember" by Hedley, so then I reworked it when I remembered the part that goes I just wanna hold your hand, stare at you like you’ve got everything I need.
But life didn’t slow down for anyone. By winter, Jughead had begun working on his novel—his eventual final project for his MFA—and I was back in a performance cycle for the Joffrey Ballet’s only mixed repertoire program for the season, Modern Masters. In March, a touring month for the ballet company, Jughead and I came up on our first few weeks of being away from each other since getting together. I was out of town for four weeks, one of which fell during Jughead’s spring break. One of the two limited-run productions performed on tour, in Los Angeles, was a 1930’s retelling of Romeo & Juliet, of forbidden love set against a backdrop of wartime and political conflict. The ballet about the star-crossed lovers only served to make me miss my boyfriend even more. Absence really did make the heart grow fonder. And yes, we were in love, though I was sure we’d be without the tragic ending.
A bunch of little research details in this paragraph. The Joffrey Ballet has Modern Masters on the docket for February. In March, company members will be on tour in Los Angeles for Orphée et Eurydice and Romeo & Juliet. A look at the photos and description of Romeo & Juliet on the venue's website shows that it is definitely not a classic staging of the tragic tale.
Sidenote: I feel like the Joffrey schedule for the 2017-2018 season worked so perfectly for this story. First with Giselle and now I got to mention Romeo & Juliet, something that keeps coming up in canon? Just like the last time I allowed a R&J reference though (in We're Getting a Divorce, You Keep the Diner), I feel the need to say that the play's not called Romeo & Juliet, it's The Tragedy of Romeo and Juliet. So Betty most definitely better be saying that they won't end tragically, like she did in 2x05, and not just straight up R&J.
Final note for this section, SAIC's spring break, according to their calendar, is March 15-18, 2018. The Joffrey Ballet will perform Orphée et Eurydice in LA on various dates from March 10-25, 2018, and Romeo & Juliet on select dates from March 9-17, 2018. So if this were real life, Betty really would be out in LA during Jughead's spring break.
Why does this matter? Why am I like this?
It was the summer that brought about our next long distance challenge. Given the promise of a teaching assistant job with SAIC’s writing department for the next fall, Jughead was able to quit his job at Papyrus to enjoy the summer, which allowed for him to make a sizeable dent in his novel and visit his family. He left for Ohio the second week of June, stopping by to get Jellybean before they both made their way to Riverdale. I would have joined them, but I’d been sought out by some of my favorite Joffrey Academy faculty to participate in the June junior summer intensive session as a mentor. It meant chaperoning a group of nine- to eleven-year-old kids, walking them to and from the dorms, being available to them during lunch and breaks if they wanted to chat with someone in the dance profession (or even as a confidant if they wanted), and accompanying them during the weekend activities for their two-week stay in Chicago. Joffrey dance contracts were from August to May, so company members didn’t get paid during the summer, and the mentoring gig was a relatively painless way to make a little summer cash.
Joffrey Academy summer intensives are, of course, real. Betty would be mentoring students in "Junior Summer Intensive Level 2" because that's the only one that had a June session. I read the entire Summer Intensives FAQ to make sure Betty's brief stint as a mentor was something that actually exists. There are a few paragraphs that mention chaperones and their roles, so it all works out.
Once I was in front of Jughead, he had the same mirth in his eyes as he’d had on the night we shared our first kisses. I grimaced at him and teased, “Oh, honey, you didn’t need to get all dressed up for me.”
“Here I was, excited to see you—counting down the minutes—and that’s the first thing you have to say to me?” Jughead scoffed with mock seriousness.
“You didn’t even shower, did you?” I retorted.
He smiled haughtily and angled his chin down before he wiggled an eyebrow at me. “Do you want to come over here and find out?”
Just a thought...I want way more moments in canon where Jughead shows off his sense of humor (and we aren't just told he has that sense of humor) like Polly's baby shower in 1x08 when he says "What, organizing a baby shower? It's totally on my bucket list," and Betty just smiles at him knowingly. That's the tone I imagine this part would have.
As their gift to their dad for his 50th birthday, Jughead and Jellybean decided they would spend the summer in Riverdale with him, to create new family memories he could look back on and appreciate when, late at night, he had a freight train running through the middle of his head. I thought he was lucky his kids loved him that much, and glad he’d come so far that their plan was viable. I got choked up just thinking about the Joneses flourishing not just individually but as a unit as well. After all the unfortunately true stories I’d heard about their tempestuous past, I knew how much it meant to Jughead for them to thrive.
A quick shout out to the lyrics At night I wake up with the sheets soaking wet and a freight train running through the middle of my head from Bruce Springsteen's "I'm on Fire". I've definitely referenced this one before, but I can't help it, man, it's The Boss at his best and earlier in the chapter there is mention of driving through New Jersey.
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jq37 · 5 years
Let's go final bloodkeep ep breakdown!
**spoilers for the tomb of ultimate evil**
I was originally kind of annoyed that dropout wasn’t working when I wanted to do this originally, but it’s actually kind of a blessing in disguise now that I think about it because it means I get to rewatch and discuss the ep in light of the bombshells Brennan dropping in the BTS video.
As I watch the Previouslies, I realize I’m still not over the fact that Maggie named her kid after Leiland. It was so sweet an unexpected. 
So, at the start of this episode, Brennan must have realized that his plans are pretty much jossed because the 4 baby blessing was *very* not on the docket  
“Absolutely, Lilith’s got 25 strength.” Idk why that’s so funny to me. Maybe because I think Rekha was asking whether Lilith was allowed to carry her, not if she was physically cable but Brennan was like “Of course she can carry you. She’s an absolute unit.”
Leiland’s first move? Drawing all the enemy fire. Markus’s first move? Immediately hiding. In fairness, my dude is a rogue.
Lol, spiderweb baby bjorn.
“We’re evil but we understand communication and consent.”
Nat 20 from Old Pickering! Finally he’s useful!
Watch a bitch call lightning! A different bitch, but still.
Amy’s childish delight at the prospect that there might be a bomb in the goblins is so good.
I love how on board everyone was for the mystery potion.
Did Hork exist before this episode? I have no memory of him existing.
Nat 20 for Sohkbar!
Brennan is really so good at all of his on the cuff J'er'em'ih nonsense.
Erika yelling, “Sanctuary!” a la Hunchback of Notre Dame.
I like that Lilith calls her spider kids to defend them by going, “Get ‘em ladies!” and then Brennan decides one of the kids she summoned is Jason.
“I really am sorry. I’m sorry for everything I’ve done…and everything I’m about to do.”
Leiland Jr. MVP!
I love that Lilith treat’s Sohkbar as if he’s also a parent.
Two words I’ve learned to fear since I’ve started watching RPG shows: Lair action.
Leiland just BARELY not being on the falling chunk of floor.
Brennan really faked me out on that Jason fall. Man really was about to make me cry over a fictional spider for the SECOND TIME in my life (Charlotte’s Web).
I love Erika screaming over Jason in and out of character separately.
“Guys, this is our element! Knocking people off of things!”
Leiland’s affirmations. Who is doing counseling at the Bloodkeep.
AOE spells are so boss.
“Everyone look at Leiland! He’s doing it!” Aww, everyone finally gets to see him be cool! It’s really wild how much of an arc these guys went through in just 2 days of play. It’s very narratively consistent.
“Oh you fucking freak, you’d love that.”
“Tell him something is gonna happen to his bones but don’t explain it.”
Rekha loudly announcing her ridic amount of hitpoints is on of my fave things
I love how in both campaigns so far, Brennan has had a moment of, “You’re not bad at magic, you’re just depressed.” What an oddly specific thing but also, relateable.
Cell Block Tango ft. Leiland.
Leiland curses one of the Vingury. I’m sure that won’t be important later (I’m lying).
Ify/Markus just refusing to learn Hobbert and Frod’s names.
 Ify: *Trying to do a shenanigan*
Brennan: I see what’s happening here.
So I guess the real lesson of this season of D20 is always commit to your running jokes because you’ll get free nonsense out of it. (A 19! That’s so painful!)
Jessa just straight eats not-Gollum.
Both Jason and Jessa are very protective of their mom and I love it.
Maggie All elves look the same. (Maggie said F elf rights)
The full 6 seconds of silence from Matt between his saying  he loves J'er'em'ih more than any other animal companion and looking directly at the camera and saying, “Except for Trinket,” very seriously.
Amy: I must become the necro boatman.
Brennan, whose plans have now been entirely womped: :O.
I truly didn’t even consider attacking the boatman. I feel like this is such a good DM moment, because I feel like my reaction would have been, “That’s not how this works,” but Bren just let it happen, which is better both for the story and player agency. I’m taking notes.  
Efink getting validation on her chosen name by the evil statues.
“Kick his ass and you get the power!”
“I’m like a setpiece, not like a guy!”
Sohkbar claims the baby as his ward. This baby is gonna have so many godparents.
What a wild improv.
I love the ancient evil statues have Lilith’s back on the fact that she should have gotten the promotion.
When Leiland Jr was born Brennan was like, “He’s not gonna do much. He’s a baby.” One ep later this baby is taking turns and fireblasting enemies and talking like he’s the Godfather.
OK so there’s a lair action. Leiland rolls a NAT ONE to not plummet into the Bloodkeep. Brennan clearly is ready to bring out the ghost figurines we saw in the BTS.
The statue Lilith JUST got the blessing from falls which means if she hadn’t gotten it that turn, they would have been screwed. Sidenote: Brennan says it was an instant lose condition for them which is part of why I was surprised that this wasn’t his plan to begin with. He just readjusted everything on the fly and set new parameters. What a good, confidence projecting, quick thinking DM.
It’s Leiland’s turn. He is once again falling to his doom. This time, without the bossa nova music and soothing apathy because he actually has something to live for.
It was JUST close enough. And he almost cursed Olag instead! That decision saved his undead ass!
I love that Leiland is Uncle Leiland to Jason! And later Jessa calls Efink Aunt Efink.  I wanna see evil Thanksgiving so bad.
“You’re really killing it today Leiland!” My boy finally getting the praise he deserves. (Also, wild that this is all still THE SAME DAY)
“oKAY, okay, OKAY, oKay.” –Brennan having a moment
“You wanted us to play evil characters but we’re actually playing evil players.”
Man this episode is truly how Leiland got his groove back, huh?
Boatman rolls a 4 to resist fear. Go Leiland!
“I take off my mask to reveal…I’m sexy as fuck.”
Everyone including the evil statue is hot for Markus.
“Shut the fuck up, Olag. Go kill yourself.” Maggie just has no patience for nonsense (that’s not the kind of nonsense she enjoys anyway).
“Do I take psychic damage from that?”
Lilith gets a nat 20!
Maggie, upon Leiland calling her 'my queen’ for the second time: Just call me Maggie, please.
“Lilith, you’re my girl! Lilith, my girl!” They grab hands over the table. It’s such a pure moment.
Brennan after they kill the Boatman: I mean, fuck me I guess.
Leiland goes down. Leiland Jr. goes, “Nah, get up, you’re fine,” and he gets back up. (Brennan at this point has clearly fully leaned in to the direction his players dragged him).
Leiland comes back as Leiland the White. And I just realized! That’s the ghost figurine! I thought that was the figure Bren got for when Leiland inevitably completed his story arc. No! It was the figure for in case Leiland DIED.
Leiland FONZES at Leiland Jr.
Nat 20 from Maggie to avoid falling into the Bloodkeep!
Leiland lets Markus convince him to not kill Olag (for future shenanigans). Leiland instead owns Toby and rolls a 29 to convince Oswald back onto their side. Toby also comes as a zombie on their side. Everything’s coming up Leiland!
Except no, he goes back down immediately and falls face first into the blood pool.
OK, check it. Markus bargains with one of the evil statues to make Olag alive and undead for eternity. The statue is kinda on board but wants to make a trade. Markus basically goes, “Watch this,” and STEPS INTO THE VOID.
Go back and watch Amy’s reaction. It’s so genuinely shocked and concerned. Matt’s is good too.
Sidenote: That is apropos of nothing goal wise. He just wanted to torture Olag.
Maggie gets the final blessing with a quiet, heartfelt speech Brennan doesn’t even make her roll for. The statue tries to get her to put in a good word w/ her dad for it and steps all over the moment.
Ify, about to pull out shenanigans part two, electric boogaloo: I never got a chance to attack on my turn.
He attacks himself and warps back up!
Amy: Is that how you play a rogue????
Why sneak attack damage? Can you sneak attack yourself?
“You’re a liar!”/“I’m a rogue.” Beautiful.
We’re evil!
Oswald dies and Leiland comes back! Hexing Oswald really panned out for him
“It’s all spiders from here!” I wanna start saying that.
Efink cancels out a nat 20 on Sohkbar!
Lilith telling her kids to go find safety is a small thing but sweet.
“You know you live near Goblin Island and you always say you’re gonna visit.”
Markus swashbuckles over to the bloodkeep before he falls. Leiland is ready to jump his bones.
Nat 20 from Leiland! Is that his first one?
Classic Leiland.
I love that Leiland is pro J'er'em'ih now.
John Feathers comes back for the epilogue. Rehka is more excited than anyone.
Lilith is voted queen regent of Gorgar! Go girl! And Jessa opens her fashion firm while Jason sets out to the forest. Good for them.
Scream beast babies!
And little Leiland asks big Leiland to get him the head of Galfast Hamhead! Full circle, I love it.
OK so Brennan said this and he was right. Leiland and Maggie have such a wild ass arc. She goes being “that whore” in ep 1 (idr what he actually called her but that’s the vibe he gave off) to “my queen” in episode 6. And like, man. Imagine planning a game where the goal is to lead the players into a PvP free for all and, instead, the only two characters with a legit grievance mend fences so much that one names their child after the other and that one swears fealty to that mom and her child. Imagine failing so hard at your original goal. Wow.
Anyway, that’s it for Bloodkeep! Thanks for hanging in there for me to write this up! I want to say something about the teaser for T.U.S. too but I’ll save that for another post. 
Sidenote: So Matt has been on D20 and Brennan has been on Naddpod. I think this means Brennan or Murph gets to be on Critical Role now. I’m a lawyer and I’m pretty sure that’s how the law works. 
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ohgygia · 8 years
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been reading a lot of klance fics lately so i thought i’d share it w you guys!! here’s 14 of them and definitely my favorites. comes with the title (duh), description, a review by yours truly, and link to the fic. the writers of said fics also have some gorg other masterpieces so be sure to check those out!
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1. ) Smile for the Stars by maIikcutie
Though he's been dealt many bad cards, Lance isn't sure he can handle this one: winding up stranded, a million lightyears away from home, with only Keith to keep him company. The universe is cruel.
amazing a+++ fic but i strongly advise not to read this unless you are willing to live the rest of your life broken hearted and Sad. i promise ur heart will be wrecked but in the best way possible!!! a buncha artists on tumblr made art for this so be sure to check those out & also there’s a epilogue-ish thing for this that dulls the pain a lil less and its called The Stars Smile Back in case yall were interested
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2. ) Dirty Laundry by Gibslythe
"Two whole months of free laundry in exchange for two weeks of being my fake boyfriend. Deal?” Keith hesitated for a moment. Was this really worth it? Hardly. Lance was an asshole, and he wasn’t sure what fake dating would entail. But, free laundry was free laundry, right? “Alright, it’s a deal.” Or: Lance makes the mistake of telling his Mom he has a boyfriend coming home with him for Christmas. Keith makes the mistake of agreeing to be Lance's 'fake boyfriend'.
if u love slow burn then BOY ur gonna love this !!!! mama lance is so warm i luv her !!! fake dating aka one of my fav tropes so 11/10 and i just rly love this ok im in tears
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3. ) call me, beep me by safra
(00:31) Do you think she gave me the wrong number on purpose? (00:31) Or was it a genuine mistake? (00:32) Like maybe she writes funny and I misread it? (00:32) Some of the numbers do look a little dodgy... (00:33) Cause, you know, her threes couldvery easily be poorly formed eights? And maybe she writes her sevens like her ones? (00:45) What (00:46) The (00:46) Fuck?? (00:47) Oh good, you are awake! where lance messages the wrong number and things kind of snowball from there
i love through-chat fics therefore i am so in love with this!!!!!! your everyday "wrong number" trope but so so so much better!!! cute and happy
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4. ) Seasons by fairietailed
“Do you think we’ll be together, still, by the time we make it home?” Lance is quiet for a moment, thinking. Then he says, “That depends. Do you plan on going somewhere?” Keith laughs, threading his fingers through Lance’s hair. “No, I suppose I don’t.”
their relationship is just SO PURE AND SOFT and so well written i'm in luuuv but the open ending will shatter and will most likely rip u apart
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5. )  Don't Break Connection, Baby by princedeadend
Keith works part-time as a phone sex operator and receives a prank call from Lance. This does not go as planned for Lance. Thus begins the adventure of our dear sweet idiot continuing to call Keith to fuck with him (but not like fuck fuck with him...at least not yet). And y'know, eventually having legit conversations with him and getting attached and growing on Keith. aka the phone sex operator fic no one asked for
this is soooooooooo cute and adorable and wow i luv ittttt!!! made me smile so hard it hurts
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6. ) He Who Fights Monsters by magisterpavus
In a world where monstrous dragons terrorize humanity daily, the Garrison trains valiant Knights to slay the evil beasts and defend Earth. But when Knight cadet Lance Espinosa is kidnapped by a strange red dragon who kills its own kind, certain truths are revealed...and so are the true monsters.
oh my god the buildup may be slow but i promise it's worth it like everything just falls perfectly into place !!! and its so adorable and creative and just wow not ur usual klance fanfic and that just makes it 1000x better and also,,, dragons !!
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7. ) Bonding Time by magisterpavus
“Shiro, I fucked up,” Keith blurted, wringing his hands. Shiro paused mid-punch, shooting him a quizzical look. “What? What happened?” “I think,” Keith whispered, “I think I accidentally roofied Lance. With my dick.”
galra keith will always and forever be my fav au so this is a definite fav for me !!! i love the other 3 sequels it comes w too!! and nsfw content too dont even lie ik u guys are thirsty for that
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8 .) Just Static by Jessadilla
--Static---- -iro, Hunk, Kei---, nybody? I’m---- -static-- --I’m sorry guys. This is all my-- --static--cc-- ---I found my coordinates. They’re-- -stttcc- -guys. I hear something--- --scccc- -end transmission- Alone on a hostile planet, transmissions aren't getting through. How did it come to this?
this fic got me sad and crying in the middle of the night )': wont leave u too sad tho the ending is pretty nice
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9. ) What a Healing Pod Can't Repair by Remember_Me
The compromised wormhole was ripping apart at the seams, sending everyone spiraling away in completely different directions. Lance could feel himself being pulled and bent in ways he was definitely not supposed to be. -- Stitching the team back together after everyone is separated is difficult, and for one Paladin rescue wouldn't be coming for a very long time.
no words. literally no words. this was so painful and just wow the buildup will shatter u i swear )’: also poor bb lance i sob. comes with cool-looking art which makes it a whole lot better
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10. ) Seen: 5:29 by SpeedOfSins
AU where Keith is some important guy who has a business suit, and lance is a good housewife. (tha ts a lie, i honestly dont have a summary but this fic hurts, i have been told by at least 3 people) Written in text format
will wreck u, beware!! may be short but enough to bring u to tears honestly
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11. ) On Thin Ice by Minadora
Once upon a time, two Canadian nerds decided to start a figure skating au about their two space sons and their wonderful misfit friends. Ten pages of headcanons later we finally put electronic pen to electronic paper and created this monstrosity. This multi-chapter fic chronicles the lives of a hockey player named Keith who gets forcibly enlisted into figure skating lessons by his brother, Shiro, to "work on his footwork". There he meets a pompous - yet talented - figure skater named Lance and gets swept away by both the sport and the skater. Enjoy the ride because it's only just started.
the description says it all !!!!! a fic beloved by the vld fandom and gosh whats not to love honestly???? also the whole gang is so happy !!! (sidenote: this is unfinished and its killing me)
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12. ) I bet you look good on the dancefloor by xShieru
"So like in 'Step Up'?" Allura shrugs. "Now that you put it like that - yes. I guess it's just like in 'Step Up'." The smile that she sends Shiro's way - followed by a shy wave, eugh - is sickening to say the least, and Lance still doesn't believe in dance camps. - Lance McClain's dancing career begins and ends with Keith. Keith just wants to find out what Lance's deal is.
if u love step up ur gonna LOVE this !!!! i love it so so so so much can i just say and wow keith is so hot ffs
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13. ) thunderstruck by xShieru
Lance doesn't pine for anyone ever, Keith's never been to a dance, Hunk tries his best to be supportive, Shiro is very done, and Pidge steals a car.But hey, it could've been worse.
space prom!!!!!!! and cute pining gays!! whats not to love about that?
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14. ) In English, Please
Lance thinks he can get away with flirting with Keith if it's in Spanish. Lance thinks if he says the words angrily enough no one will catch on to the ruse. Lance thinks his secret crush is safe. Lance, my friends, is very...very wrong.
two words - too. cute. i can't even with this fic
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iamcarriesoom · 7 years
5ast 5ive
I watched this directly after Fast & 4ious and honestly it was one of the best choices I’ve made in my life. Also these movies are starting to get good so it’s harder to make fun of them.
This one picks up literally the very moment that the last movie left off: Brian is driving in with Mia and the gang to hijack the bus taking Dom to prison. I was in the middle of typing “I am so excited to see how they do this” when the bus swerved and then just started rolling down the street.
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Obviously Dom or Letty must’ve been in charge of making their other schemes stealthy and graceful, because this was some clumsy shit. Enter PERD HAPLEY to say there are miraculously no fatalities.  Do those buses even have seatbelts?? Also obviously Dom is missing after the crash because he’s run away to live his best life.
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Apparently the gang splits up, because the next thing we see is Brian and Mia (who is FINALLY being styled like a Hot Girl) being almost shot by a bunch of people in Rio. They get saved by Vince, who now looks more like Frank from How to Get Away With Murder than Jamie Dornan. Vince has a girlfriend and a kid now, and from the way Mia looks at that kid she is very obviously pregnant.
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Vince asks them for their help with a “straightforward” heist, and since Dom isn’t there to do it, they agree, kicking off an insanely badass stunt. Sincere sidenote, Justin Lin’s commitment to practical effects is probably the best thing to happen to this franchise, as one of the things I laughed out loud at in the first movie was how terrible the effects were.
They CUT A HOLE in the side of a train, pull cars out, then drop them off the back of a truck to drive away. It’s honestly very impressive, as unrealistic schemes go. Brian notices they’re seized property, which I don’t understand the significance of at the time, and somehow in there they figure out they’re going to be betrayed or something and they all start punching/shooting each other.
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Brian leaps onto the truck, punches some more guys, crashes the truck into the train, and Dom gets away in the last of the cars. The guy they’re fighting also murdered a bunch of DEA agents. This all ends with Brian leaping off the truck onto Dom’s car before he hits a bridge, then they drive off the cliff like Beyonce and Lady Gaga and leap from the car into the beautiful water that is the same color as Paul Walker’s eyes. It’s so ridiculous that I literally laughed out loud.
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Vince disappears, and then comes back, and then gets sent away for attempting to betray everyone? I think? The Rock finally shows up as some sort of cop who has the type of jurisdiction that allows him to just snap peoples’ necks, apparently. He’s trying to catch Dom and Brian, but the drug cartel who they were working with on the heist also want to catch/kill Dom and Brian. There’s a lot of gunfire (I mean A LOT) and all the main people escape unscathed but I can only assume about 100 henchmen are killed. The Rock’s partner is Elsa Pataky, who is troubled in some way based on the death of her husband I think? I’m extremely unclear on her character motivations, to be honest.
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Dom wants to split up and run, still carrying the chip they stole out of the car that the drug cartel wants back. Mia tells them she’s pregnant (CALLED IT) and that she doesn’t want to lose her family, so they figure they’ll just steal all the drug cartel’s money and disappear to somewhere without extradition. Then they say the 5 words I’d been waiting for: “We’re gonna need a team.”
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Since this is the Ocean’s Eleven of F&F movies, we bring in all the best & brightest from the previous films. Tyrese is retconned into being a charming fast-talker instead of a hot-tempered violent misogynist. Ludacris is basically a one-man CSI. Wonder Woman is back, which surprised me a little because I didn’t think she was all that interesting in the last movie and also she was working for the bad guy there. Han is back, being a cutie pie as usual.
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Those two guys who helped hijack the gas tanker in the last movie are also back, exploding bathrooms and stuff (my notes literally just say “shitsplosion” with the wailing emoji.)
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They go through all the standard heist-planning plot points. Surveillance, putting trackers on the cop cars so they can move without getting caught by The Rock (who was able to find them via facial recognition even though they had masks on, which is a stretch even for fictional law enforcement.) The drug lord moves all his money into a safe inside the police station.
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One of the last things they need is a handprint from Reyes, the drug lord. Wonder Woman goes to the beach with Han and flirts with Reyes, and they PULL THE HANDPRINT OFF THE ASS OF HER BATHING SUIT. I’m going to pretend that this is a thing that’s possible because it’s just too funny.
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It’s finally heist day, but uh oh, The Rock shows up to arrest everyone. I feel like this movie is like one of those nature specials where a polar bear is trying to eat a baby seal and I can’t decide who to root for.
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Can’t Hobbs and Dom just get along? No[t yet]. Hobbs is finally a reasonable foe for Dom, who’s been beating people up in really easy fights for the last few movies. Eventually they get arrested and the whole gang gets carted off in armored SUVs (including Vince, who’d disappeared for most of the movie but was allowed to come back because, say it with me, he’s family).
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The drug henchmen fire some sort of bazooka at the armored vehicles (honestly it’s weird that they care that much about getting the stolen chip back considering they’ve already moved all the money?) and a firefight even bigger than the one in the first part of the movie starts. As all the drug henchmen close in on Hobbs, the gang comes out of nowhere with a bunch of guns they must’ve stolen off of dead bodies and save his life. Poor Vince gets a bullet to the gut in the process and eventually dies.
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Somehow, Hobbs is totally cool with them being like “We still need to complete our mission,” and even helps them by crashing through some police station walls in that armored truck. In a twist I didn’t see coming (though I later found out it’s in the trailer, which kinda sucks) they pull the entire safe out of the wall and drag it behind two cars for the final chase of the movie.
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Now, I know that most of the stunts in these movies aren’t “plausible” by most definitions, but this one really takes the cake. They pull the safe behind them for SO LONG and for a lot of the time it’s not even throwing sparks. I also feel like speeding around a turn with the safe would mean that it would yank them backwards as it kept trying to go straight. Statistically there must also be a ton of civilian casualties.
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In the end they use the safe to clobber basically everyone to death, Dom tries to play solo hero but Brian comes back to shoot Reyes (my notes say “of fucking course”) and save Dom’s life. Hobbs is like “You get a 24 hour head start but then it’s back to jail, and also you can’t have this money.” Well if they can’t have the money why the hell did you just help them steal it, HOBBS??
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Double twist: they swapped the safe at some point so the gang DOES get the money. Dom gives a sack of cash to Vince’s lady, RIP Vince. Luda uses his loot to open his own garage so he can do what he loves (didn’t he already have his own garage? It’s unclear.) It’s very endearing. Dom, Brian and Mia escape to somewhere beachy and beautiful and Mia is pregnant AF. I’m normally very cynical about most tv/movie relationships but damn they’re cute together. Elsa Pataky is also there for some reason. I still don’t understand her deal.
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(epilogue: TRIPLE TWIST- Eva Mendes shows up to bring Hobbs a file, and it’s got a picture of Letty in it. She’s FINALLY coming back from the dead!)
Unrelatedly, a thing I learned from this movie that I forgot about until right now is that drug dealers measure money by the pound? That’s can’t possibly be a real thing, can it?
Vol 4: Fast & Fourious
Vol 3: What’s even the point of driftng?
Vol 2: 2 Furious 2 Quit
Vol 1: The Fast & the Curious
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