#sigh i wish my life was boring again so i could be on here every moment 𐔌՞⸝⸝ʚ̴̶̷̷ · ʚ̴̶̷̷⸝⸝ ՞��� i’ve been so busy/overwhelmed lately !!! i HA
yuukimiyas · 5 months
hello hello sweet friends in my phone!! ໒꒰ྀིㅅ´ ˘ ` ꒱ྀིა & a v happy weds to you!! <33 i hope may has been showing you sm love so far & that the magic continues throughout the month!! ໒꒰ྀི∩˃ ᵕ ˂∩꒱ྀི১ have the best day EVER!!
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obsessedwithhotmen · 2 months
⋆⁎✿ John ⇢ *- You And I -* ⇠ Shelby ✿⁎⋆
⇾ (Peaky Blinders) John Shelby x reader
⇾ Summary: you and John have only just started dating, although John has yet to tell you about his kids.
⇾ Warnings: slight angst, but a happy ending.
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Before the handsome blonde had entered your life, you found it to be boring, having nothing to look forward to, just a miserable life with no sense of fun, but after meeting the man in question, he completely flipped your life around.
John made you feel alive, like you had a purpose to live again, and not to mention the adrenaline rush you got whenever you were out and about with him, knowing that no one would dare say anything or even look harshly in your direction, all because of the reputation of not only a Shelby man, but a Peaky blinder too.
You watched as he tapped impatiently against the bar, waiting for the both of your drinks to be poured. It was a Thursday night, but a night that the two of you would get drunk together nonetheless.
It was his decision to hang out tonight, and that always made you feel good about yourself, knowing that he was happy to be seen around with you on his side.
He returned back to your table, a scowl settled on his face after the unpleasant encounter with the barman. “I should’ve taken you to the Garrison, sorry love.” He said, placing down your drink in front of you.
“It’s fine, John. Nothing to worry about.” You brushed it off, waving him off as if to say that it was not a problem. “We won’t let him stop our night, eh?” You smiled up at him.
He slumped down in the seat across from you, a smirk gracing his lips whilst nodding his head. “Nothing could ruin my night, so long as I have you around.” He winked, smiling cheekily as he waited for your response.
You rolled your eyes, mentioning how cheesy he was as you took a sip of your, finally, correct drink. “Got anything planned for the weekend?” He asked.
You thought for a moment before shaking your head. “I’ve got work in the afternoon on Sunday, but aside from that, no.” You answered.
“That works out, my k- uhm. My schedule clear for the weekend. Stay the weekend at mine?” He appeared flustered as he started, before quickly returning back to his usual confident ways.
“Like I could ever say no to you.”
You walked out of the pub, smiling ear to ear as you and John swung eachothers hands back and forth, happily chatting away about anything that you could think of. “Sometimes I wish that I could spend every hour of everyday with you.” You sighed, thinking about how great live would be if that were the case.
He hummed, chuckling at your words. “Think you’d get sick of me quick.” He replied.
“Maybe…” you trailed off.
“You weren’t supposed to agree.” He disconnected your hands, placing his arm around your shoulder instead and holding you close.
You giggled at him.
Shortly, you arrived at his home, he entered in first. It was quiet at first, but the second you guys entered and closed the door, kids came running in shouting ‘daddy!’
You frowned, watching as they ran up to him and hugged him. There were four kids, evidently all being Johns, although you were unaware of him having any kids at all. This led you to believe that maybe John wasn’t being as honest as you thought, he never mentioned any kids so maybe he never mentioned any wife.
John glanced back at you, his facial expression showing concern and worry. “Why are you all here? You’re supposed to be with the nanny.” He asked his kids.
The oldest girl stepped forward. “She said that there was an emergency, so she had to bring us back home.” She answered, softly.
“Shit.” He cursed under his breath. “Alright, all of you into the living room. I’ll be down soon.” He ushered them all out and into the other room, before grabbing your wrist and guiding you upstairs.
He pulled you into a room, his bedroom if you had to guess. “You have kids.” You stated quietly, watching him throw his cap down onto the bed and run a hand through his hair.
“I do, I have those four.” He nodded his head.
“Why didn’t you tell me about them?” You asked him.
He sat down on the bed. “Because I thought that it would scare you away if you found out I had four kids, it did every other person.” He explained.
“So, were you planning on hiding them from me for the rest of this relationship then?” You replied.
“No, I don’t know. Look, I don’t know what the plan was. All I know, is that I fucking like you, alright. And I didn’t want anything to stand in between us.” He stood up, approaching you and grabbing your hands, holding them tightly in his own, “I’m sorry that I never said anything about them.”
“I don’t know the first thing about raising children, John.” You said, looking up at him with tired eyes.
“Neither did I, and to be frank, I still don’t.” He responded, “I’m still learning, I still make mistakes, but we can do that together now.” He added, “just you and I.”
“No… no other people?” You wondered.
He quickly shook his head, hands meeting your cheeks. “No, bloody hell, no. Like I said, just you and I.” He leaned in, placing his lips on yours and waited for a reaction.
He smiled into the kiss as you reciprocated it. “Their mother died after the youngest was born. I was still in the war when she passed. There hasn’t been anyone important to me since, but that’s changed now. I’ve got you.”
You couldn’t help but match his own smile. “Just you and I, then?”
“Just you and I.” He repeated.
“You and I, and the kids.”
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justdontaskme · 1 year
A Promise to Keep (Alexia Putellas x Reader)
A/N: Hello! I got a request and a sudden spurt of inspiration. If seems a little all over the place, I apologize, I wrote it quickly in one sitting and feel like it might be the best it'll get. Please let me know what you think or anything else you want to see.
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After your morning training session, all you really wanted to do was to head home and cuddle with Nala until your second session later today. So, you bid your teammates farewell with a promise to see them later. 
Preseason had been going well, but it was quite obvious the number of gaps missing as many of your players were still out representing at the World Cup. Speaking of missing players, your phone started ringing just as you entered your apartment. You placed your bag down, scooping up Nala as you made your way over to the couch. 
“Hola, mi amor,” Alexia greeted you over the phone, a tired but happy smile on her face at finally seeing your face today. 
“Hi, Ale. Say hi to mama, Nala,” you said, grabbing one of Nala’s little paws and waving it at the camera. You listened as Ale talked to Nala all about what she had done today and how much she missed her. 
Eventually, Nala got bored, and you placed her back on the floor to roam the apartment. You turned sideways, using the arm of the couch as a backrest, pulling your feet up to stretch across the seats. 
“Are you okay, Ale?”
“I wish you were here,” she mumbled, and even though you knew it wasn’t meant with any malice, you couldn’t help but detect that tone of bitterness in her voice, just hitching at the very end. 
You sighed deeply, not really wanting to replay a fight you two have been enduring for the last few weeks now. 
“I miss you,” you said instead, trying not to feed into another inevitable fight. “Enjoy this while you can, you’ll be home soon.”
“I’m here, and you’re there. How am I supposed to enjoy this when you are sitting back home when you could have been here.”
“Ale,” you started, your voice soft and gentle, trying to soothe her before she worked herself into a frenzy. “This is your moment, don’t worry about me.”
“But this is supposed to be our moment,” she said, her voice raising slightly. “You and me. It was supposed to be us. Now, I’m here by myself.”
“You’re not alone, Ale,” you reminded her, asking her to lean on her teammates for strength in this monumental moment. 
“It’s not the same, and you know it. We made a promise.”
You turned the phone away from yourself for a second, allowing your face to fall forward into your knees. She was right. The two of you had made a promise to each other that you would do whatever it takes to be on the grandest stage of the World Cup together. 
“I know, but you and I both know why I’m here. I’ve made peace with this situation. I hate it, but I wouldn’t have done anything different.”
“Not even to be with me?” Alexia knew she was selfish and wrong for asking that, but she had been struggling to really find her footing this tournament, and to have you thousands of miles away wasn’t helping. Her feelings were taking over. She felt like she was floundering, one second away from drowning every step of the way. 
“Ale, as much as I’d love to be there with you, I can’t put myself in that situation again. Not unless things change,” you said.
While you loved and enjoyed your time on the national team, there was so much going on behind the scenes that many people didn’t know about. Unfortunately, it had taken a huge mental toll on you, a toll you were still paying to this day and maybe for the rest of your life. 
“You always said you and I could get through everything together. Why is this any different? Why can’t we get through this together?” Her voice was strained and you knew she was not going to back down on this tonight. 
“Alexia, let’s not go down this road tonight. You have a big game tomorrow. Let’s not do this right now.”
“I’m suffocating. I feel like I can’t even take a step without everyone criticizing my form and my right to be here. And now I’m here telling you that I need you, and you just push it aside,” she yelled, causing you to almost drop your phone. 
“Hold on, Alexia. That’s not what I said.”
“But it’s what you meant.”
“Don’t go putting words in my mouth. You know I hate when people do that,” you warned her, feeling yourself slowly losing your temper as well. 
“And I hate when people go back on their word, yet you did and I let you.”
That stopped you for a moment. Everything Alexia has been saying all made sense. But you couldn’t just take a whole month off especially with preseason starting just to follow her halfway around the world. 
It didn’t stop you from feeling guilty for not being there when she needed you. Since she had gone, the time difference had really made its mark on your relationship, speaking much less often than normal. Calls were either less frequent or shorter in comparison to the ones just before the group stages started. 
You hated yourself for not noticing how much Alexia was apparently struggling throughout this month apart. Each call you remember trying to comfort and reassure her you were her biggest fan, but she didn’t just need some to believe in her, she needed your full support in fighting the demons in her heads that have been there since she went down before the Euros.
“Ale,” you tried to form a coherent sentence. One that was genuinely what she needed to hear without feeling forced. 
“No, you know you were right. I have a game tomorrow. I should get some rest.”
Before you could say anything else, she hung up on you. You tossed your phone to the other side of the couch, sitting in silence as the pent up anger from this and previous fights coupled with an insurmountable amount of guilt bubbled inside of you. 
From your seat next to Patri, your hands curled into fists when you saw Alexia being subbed off, knowing that she wasn’t happy with the decision, and even worse, she’ll be upset with the way she had played with the limited minutes she had. 
You started to worry and feel a twinge of guilt, wondering if your fight last night had anything to do with her performance today. You quickly shook your head, tossing the idea out of your head and reminding yourself that Alexia was a professional and she wouldn’t let something like that mess with her game. She must just have had an off day.
Things from the night before were still unresolved, but you hoped that it would all work itself out when you spoke to her later.  
It was a bittersweet win. You were in tears seeing the absolute happiness on the players’ faces, especially Alexia’s, yet when you turned to Patri and Mapi, you knew they already understood the feelings you were fighting.
Mapi came over and draped an arm over your shoulders, nodding her head without saying anything. There were only a few who would truly understand what you were feeling as you watched the Spanish national team reach heights that were before unachievable. And they managed to do it all without you and your fellow teammates. 
You waited by the phone all night, but never got anything from your girlfriend. You had tried calling once, but it had gone straight to voicemail, and you figured that it meant that she wasn’t ready to hear from you yet. 
Then, you reached out to Ona, who assured you that Alexia was okay and that she would keep an eye on her for you. You then asked her to pass on your congratulations and her love, which she easily agreed to. Thanking the younger girl, you went about making the necessary arrangements for your trip. 
As you stepped into the stadium, you were in awe of the atmosphere. The crowds of people here for this game, cheering along and choosing sides, even though their own nations have already gone home. It was a full stadium of people here to love and champion the game everyone loved. A wave of sadness swept through you as you imagined what could have been. 
You were supposed to be experiencing this with all your friends, the grass beneath your feet, not the concrete of the seating area. You should have been out there decked out in your Spanish uniform, your name and number proudly on your back, instead of being in the stands with your girlfriend’s name and number on. 
You let yourself wallow for a minute more before quickly reminding yourself why you were really here. While you continue to wish things were different, you didn’t regret your choices, but now you were to live with the consequences of those choices. 
Instead of dwelling, you stood on your feet, cheering along with the rest of the Spanish fans as both teams made their way out for warmups. You cheered loudly anytime Alexia touched the ball, but with all the people in the stadium, you doubted she could hear you.
Once the Spanish team finished warming up and started heading into the locker rooms, you did your best to catch Alexia’s eyes without making a big show. As far as you knew, Alexia didn’t even know you were here. 
Eventually you managed to make eye contact with Ona who sent you a bright smile before rushing over to Alexia and pointing you out in the crowd. Despite the countdown until kickoff and the protests of a certain coach, Alexia ran straight to you, meeting you at the edge of the stands.
“What are you doing here?” she asked, reaching one hand up to cup your face while the other went around your waist, pulling your bodies as close as the barrier between you two allowed. 
In the moment, it didn’t matter if there was a small wedge driven between the two of you since the start of this tournament, Alexia was beyond happy to finally have you back in her arms. She wasn’t going to waste a second of it. 
“I made a promise, we’d be here together,” you said, resting your forehead against hers, this closeness drowning out everything around you. “I came to fulfill that promise to you. Even if it’s a little different than the way we planned.”
“I’m sorry,” Alexia said, ready to jump into her rehearsed spiel of how she shouldn’t have reacted the way she did the other night. 
But before she could say anything, you quickly interrupted her with an apology of your own. “No, mi corazón, I’m sorry. You were right, we made a promise and I went back on it.”
“No, I know why you and the others did what you did, but that doesn’t mean I don’t support you. I just really wished I could have shared all of this with you by my side.”
“I know, bebé, I know. But we can’t change the past.”
“I’m so happy you’re here,” Alexia admitted, sniffling slightly. You reached up to wipe the pooling tear in her eye. 
“Me too. I promise we can talk about this more later. For now, go out there and make me proud,” you told her, not caring about the crowd as you leant forward and kissed her for the first time in over a month. “Te amo.”
The blinding smile on your girlfriend’s face and the returned ‘I love you’ was worth the month apart. Alexia snuck one more quick kiss to your lips before rushing off to the locker room before she was benched for the entire game. 
You sat back in your seat as you awaited the players' walk out. 
“My sister is such a sucker for you,” Alba said, knocking her shoulder against yours from her seat beside you. 
You burst out laughing, “Never hurts to have her wrapped around my finger,” you shrugged.
“Yet you were the one to skip practice in order to book a last minute flight to Australia just so you could apologize in person.”
“It’s called supporting your girlfriend,” you countered, eyes on the tunnel as the players were set to come out any second. 
Alba rolled her eyes goodnaturedly, joining you as you both sported your Alexia jerseys, loudly cheering for the superstar as everyone came out. You blew her a kiss and wished her the best of luck. 
This wasn’t how you two had thought a World Cup together would be like, but even with all the obstacles, you had finally made it to a final together. And really, that’s all that mattered because at the end of the day, you two would always have each other. 
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jenscx · 1 year
MY DARLING — jang wonyoung x f!reader
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you were just living a quaint life in a bookstore, until a stranger barges in on a rainy day, evidently changing your life.
TAGS — very fluffy, princess!wonyoung, slight angst, jealousy (tiny), commoner!yn, flirty wony
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the 10th of august, 1820. you sigh at the raindrops splashing against the glass windows, tinted with a slight hue of blue. the bookstore was rarely this quiet but with everything going on in the royal castle, perhaps it was to be expected.
“no customers yet?” you whip your head up, frowning. eunbi, the owner of the bookstore and the one who had raised you, stood at the top of the flight of creaky, wooden stairs. you shake your head, “aren’t the nobles trying to popularise reading? i don’t think it is working too well.”
eunbi laughs. “sure. the literature we sell here isn’t too demanding of their literary skills. and the nobles only flock to poetry, maybe it’s time we expanded our small library.”
your eyes brighten at the thought of an increased variety of books. even though you adored the selection here, it was starting to get quite boring. the constant romance themes evident in every single book was rather… annoying.
“hm, perhaps we should close up for the day, it’s rather late and the rain is heavy. i don’t think anyone else will bear with the storm just for a quick read,” eunbi suggests and you comply immediately, packing up the stacks of papers standing tall at the counter. you were just scribbling on them to rid your boredom.
“i’ll be upstairs if you need me,” she calls out before heading up once more. you sigh again. just as you were about to close the curtains shut, the door slams open and you almost squeal.
a mysterious hooded figure stands before you, heaving up and down as quick breathes escape them.
“uhm, apologies but we are closing for the day,” you say. the figure turns and you roll your eyes. their cloak was dripping rainwater all over the mahogany wood floors that you had just polished that morning!
“terribly sorry for the intrusion,” they (you raise an eyebrow at the feminine voice) mumble, “i needed a place to get away.”
“right, i don’t really care because you are ruining my flooring, so could you take that damn cloak off?”
the person immediately does so, revealing the white fitted bodice that clung to the woman’s skin, almost translucent and you feel a blush creeping up your neck.
“you are… soaked.”
“yes, quite obviously.”
you turn away from her, eyes avoiding her own narrowing gaze as she was quite literally the most gorgeous girl you’ve ever seen.
“i’ll get you a cloth to clean yourself up with,” you mutter while the girl nods and proceeds to walk along the shelves.
if you weren’t so distracted by her apparent beauty, you would be more conscious of how familiar she looked.
moments later, you return with a cloth, and the stranger was peering at one of the many books that lined the shelves.
“fan of jane austen?” you smile when she jumps slightly at your sudden voice, “that is one of her most popular pieces of literature; pride and prejudice from 1813. though we do have earlier pieces such as ann radcliffe’s the romance of the forest, 1791.”
the woman nods, “aren’t you quite acquainted with books? any suggestions?”
“hm, perhaps persuasion by jane austen if you’re a fan, but do read most of her writings, it’s incredible.”
“what about playwrights? anyone that you’ve taken a liking to?” she asks.
you think for a while, “elizabeth inchbald. i thought lovers’ vows was spectacular. shame i couldn’t see it, sometimes i wished i was born earlier.”
“i always thought that it was too controversial and morally ambiguous for people to adore it. thankfully i’ve found someone of my own,” she says, a twinkle in her eye that you can’t help but feel your heartbeat race at. she daps at her neck with the cloth and you evert your eyes.
“a-anyway, what brings you here? you’ve distracted me from closing up.”
she places the book back into its original position and furrows her brows, “do you not recognise who i am?”
you tilt your head and lean on the bookshelves, “no, not particularly. am i meant to?”
“yes, but i’d rather you stay unknowing. if we were to be… friends, could i ask that you never try to find my identity?”
“could i at least know your name? or something to call you?”
“of course, i haven’t introduced myself. you can call me wonyoung.” wonyoung, you think, it’s a pretty name.
she flashes a gleaming smile at you, “could i know yours?”
“y/n,” you reply, “what brings you here?”
wonyoung’s posture slackens and you take the time to admire her luscious black hair that was tied into a bun with small curls and waves. you unconsciously swallow your saliva as wonyoung answers you.
“just running from my responsibilities. quite lucky of me to end up in a quaint bookstore with you, to be frank.”
your eyes trail down from her face to her collarbones, mouth going dry at the sight of her neck. god, you think, clenching your eyes shut.
“you all right? your cheeks are��� flushed,” you spot a hint of a teasing smile on her face.
“how old are you?” wonyoung asks suddenly.
“i’m eighteen this year.”
“oh, i’m eighteen as well.”
you grin, “what responsibilities could you have at eighteen? we’re the same age, yet i’m just working at a bookstore.”
wonyoung shakes her head, almost sullen, “you have no clue how hectic it is back there. if here is shallow water, when i go back there, i’ll drown in the tsunami.”
“how poetic.”
“impressive, isn’t it?”
you giggle first and wonyoung’s laughter joins soon after. her laugh is melodic and soothing, a breather. it’s like you’ve just found your oasis.
and maybe she’s found hers.
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your night is spent alone. no wonyoung to fill the empty spaces of silence apart from the occasional footsteps outside of the bookstore. you spent all day with her, or rather the rest of the day until she deemed too late to reach home. no matter how hard you try, your mind ends up wandering and you dream of rosy cheeks with a bunny smile.
you awake the next morning with a letter at your doorstep, addressed in neat calligraphy.
dear y/n,
i could not tell you how much i enjoyed yesterday, it was an eye-opening experience. i am definitely the luckiest person ever. i can’t believe how lucky i was to enter your bookstore and meet you. i hope we stay acquainted forever. send your reply to this address, i will wait for it.
sincerely yours,
if it were from anyone else, you would have found it desperate, or creepy. but even after a day of meeting wonyoung, you were enchanted.
hence, you quickly draft up a letter, perhaps she could see how much desperation there was in the messily scrawled handwriting for you to see her again.
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it took almost no time for you and her to communicate daily through letters. even though you only met her three weeks ago, it felt like you’ve known her forever. wonyoung was your everything. and maybe you were her everything too. she was the part of your routine you looked most forward to.
eunbi had questioned you about your sudden enthusiasm and happiness. after all, she had been your caregiver since she had taken you in and you were never this dreamy.
wonyoung would sometimes drop by during the evening and you would spend a few hours together before she had to leave. it was the highlight of your week. a few hours would be all you could have, until a letter arrives at your doorstep.
my darling y/n,
how have you been? i found that book you’ve been raving about. i must extend my apologies for reading it beforehand, you were just too excited about it that i had to read it for myself. anyway, would your bed be free tonight? could i spend the night at your bookstore? my parents finally gave me permission to do so. i do hope you’re free, if not i’ll be missing you terribly.
sincerely yours,
you almost crumple up the letter in excitement. wonyoung was finally sleeping over? it was a joyous celebration. you swiftly write back, hoping that the letter would reach her in time. it always did, surprisingly. you weren’t sure if the post was meant to work that fast. you were counting down the seconds for when she would arrive and when the grandfather clock struck six thirty in the evening, a knock resounded on the door.
“wonyoung!” you squeal, rushing into her arms and burying your face into the crook of her neck. physical touch had become common between you and her, initiated by her at first but mostly done by you now. you could not resist feeling the warmth her body gave off.
“good evening, yn,” she breathes out, “i almost tripped on the way here. i was so exhilarated when i received your letter.”
you grin, quickly locking up the doors and closing the curtains. wonyoung lingers around you, a bag of clothes at her feet, you presume it contained her sleepwear.
“darling,” you feel a shiver go down your spine at her voice, “shall we head up?”
you nod and interlock hands with wonyoung, dragging her up the stairs and heading into your bedroom. your bed wasn’t tiny, but with wonyoung’s height, her feet would be dangling off the edge since your mattress was wider and not lengthy.
“you can change here, i’ll just look away,” you say.
“what if i want you to look?”
your cheeks heat up and you cover your eyes, “shut up, you flirt.”
“my sincerest apologies,” wonyoung says slowly, “do you not like it when i flirt with you?” you roll your eyes. she would always ask questions which she knew the answers to. wonyoung just wanted the satisfaction of you saying it out loud.
“i like it,” you mutter, embarrassed.
“you’re adorable,” she laughs and starts to untie the laces on her corset to reveal her shift under. you take this as your cue to turn away.
a few minutes pass and wonyoung finally says, “i’m done. you can turn around now.”
she was adorned in a long light blue night rail with lace linings. you still thought she was the prettiest girl to ever walk the earth.
wonyoung flops onto your bed and you join her.
“blow out the candle, won't you?” wonyoung requests. without the light of the candle, you can only see her face that is illuminated by the moonlight.
you both slip under the sheets, facing each other. your eyes trail along her features and your fingers ache to trace them.
“how was your day? you never answered me in your reply.”
“you were genuinely asking? i thought you asked as a formality,” you chuckle at her affronted expression.
she rolls her eyes, “of course i was genuine! i’m always interested in what you have to say.”
“why are you being so cheeky today? so many flirtatious remarks,” her long arms wrap around your waist and you giggle.
“i’m just naturally like that,” wonyoung smiles, “and you like it, don’t you?”
you nod shyly.
“i do.”
“then i’ll stay this way. be whatever that you like.”
“i like you,” you confess.
wonyoung blinks slowly. your words and sincere tone seeping into her heart as a large grin overtakes her face.
“and i adore you.”
your night, unlike the first, was spent wrapped up in wonyoung’s embrace. warmth covering your body and a smile across your face the entire time you slept. it was the most peaceful night you’ve had. yet, as all things go, it was just the calm before the storm.
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something had been bothering you, wonyoung could tell. after that night spent together, you and her were inseparable. but the more time you had together, the more it seemed like you were drifting away in your thoughts.
“darling?” you turn around in her embrace, “are you all right?”
“yes, i’m totally fine. couldn’t be better than being here with you.”
“i feel the same but, are you certain? it just feels like something is bothering you. if anything, could you tell me?” wonyoung asks. your body visibly tenses up and even in the dark, she could still see how your face was contemplating.
“why did you ask me to never search for your identity?”
wonyoung suddenly unwraps her arms from around your waist. you miss her warmth instantly.
“why are you bringing this up now?” she counter asks.
you frown. “just remembered it. i was reminiscing the first time we met.”
“also because eunbi has been asking me about you and i don’t know what to tell her. i realised i don’t know much about you and i want to change that,” you explain.
wonyoung’s breath hitches.
“eunbi? have you mentioned my name to her?”
“no, i wasn’t too sure if i should have… wonyoung, seriously, what’s this whole ordeal with your identity? can’t you just tell me?” you ask.
you decide not to mention the fact that you have actually questioned eunbi about wonyoung. the amount of warning signs about her identity had been increasing daily and you weren’t so certain about how much you could trust wonyoung anymore.
“you’re lying,” wonyoung states.
“you know my identity.”
“wonyoung, love—”
she separates herself from you immediately and sits upright. your bubble of tranquillity bursts and the peaceful future you’ve created for the two of you was ruined.
“i told you. i specifically told you not to go looking!” her voice raises, “and you still do? and i know you’re lying to my face! you know that…”
you can’t stand it anymore. “that you’re the princess? of course i do! how could i not remember your face and name plastered everywhere? are you not aware of how influential you are? the media has been going insane at how your birthday ball was going to be the highlight of this century! but this doesn’t mean i love you less!”
“it’s not about that! you betrayed my trust. how could you? it was the first thing i’ve ever told you; don’t go looking for my identity! and i… this isn’t going to work out. i apologise, but i have to leave,” wonyoung hisses and quickly jumps out of your bed. you can only stare in silence as she packs up her clothes and leaves out the door.
you sit there on your cotton sheets, stunned at how the evening’s played out. a sigh escapes your lips and your heart aches at the forlorn expression that wonyoung had.
you couldn’t believe that wonyoung had just left like that. you thought she would at least hear you out and it wasn’t as if you yourself had gone looking for her identity! her name was basically on every single piece of news article, how could you not know? and wonyoung wasn’t a popular name.
perhaps everything will be normal in the morning. wonyoung’s letter would show up at your doorstep, apologising for how she acted and you would still forgive her.
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needless to say, you were wrong. there was no letter, and definitely no bouquet of tulips that normally accompanied the letter.
“i saw the princess stomping out, did you two have a fall out?” eunbi asks. you nod, sulking.
“she found out that i knew she was the princess and she wasn’t too enthusiastic about it.”
eunbi thinks for a moment. “aren’t you going to try to chase after her? wouldn’t it be right?”
“why should i? she said we weren’t going to work out.” repeating those words brought a new level of pain.
your caregiver laughs, “that’s exactly what sakura said as well and she ended up grovelling.”
you raise an eyebrow. “who’s sakura?”
“some foreign lady. anyway, are you going to write to her or not? her birthday’s coming up soon.”
“her birthday,” you repeat, “i could just go to her birthday banquet.” eunbi blinks, “i did not mean that but sure.”
you have a newfound sense of confidence. wonyoung couldn’t do anything if you just went to her banquet, right? well, she could just order for the guards to take you out but it was open to commoners. there was a dress code but wonyoung had gifted you a pretty expensive dress recently.
“august 30th, it starts at eleven in the evening,” eunbi informs you, “you do know your way to the castle? i have other plans that night.”
“yes, of course. thank you for the idea!” you smile. as you head off back into your room, thoughts of seeing wonyoung again run through your mind.
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the day had finally come. your hair was parted in the middle with your bangs curled that occasionally twitched your eyes. your bust was pushed up ever so slightly by a tight fitting corset. you had a low cut violet gown and white gloves that extended up to your elbows.
the closer you got to the palace, the more your confidence dwindled. what if wonyoung orders for the guards to escort you out? it would be ironic for you to show up at her banquet, where she would have to reveal her identity. you shiver at the thought of wonyoung’s distrustful gaze.
what happened to staying together until death parts you two? wonyoung had been so romantic with her words, maybe it was all faux.
you shake your head. you couldn’t think of that! now, you just had to reassure her that her identity revelation would not change anything. and maybe you could even try to revert to the same relationship status as before. once you enter the ballroom, you’re surrounded by nobles and commoners alike, all dressed to the nines. you scan the room, hoping to see wonyoung.
“goodness,” one of the more fashionably dressed nobles say, “dukes from high society are starting to court her already. i heard that many are offering their whole family wealth for her hand.”
your face falls. of course there would be people wanting to court her. wonyoung was so angelic and there would be no reason for rich dukes to not throw themselves at her.
“good evening, my lady,” you spin around, facing an older woman with a rather disgruntled young man, “could i ask where you are from?” luckily, eunbi had trained you beforehand.
“miyawaki y/n,” you lie through your teeth, “i’m not from around here, just passing through to visit the princess.”
“splendid! i am from the house of lee and this is my son, heeseung,” the woman exclaims, “i thought you were a perfect match for him.”
your eye twitches.
“ah, yes.”
“i’ll leave you two to get acquainted, hopefully by the end of this ball, you will be dancing with each other.”
“my lady will not be dancing with anyone,” your heart leaps. an arm links around yours and you almost instinctively lean into the familiar warmth.
the woman stands rooted to the ground while heeseung quickly scurries off.
“m-my sincerest apologies! i did not know,” she bows. wonyoung waves a hand at her and turns to look at you instead.
before the crowd starts to gather around you, wonyoung turns her head and swiftly drags you by the wrist through the many nobles.
“wony— princess!��� you shriek.
she pulls you into an empty room, away from peering eyes and eavesdroppers. her gaze on you is heavy with emotion and you can barely get a chance to identify them before she speaks.
“what on earth compelled you to come here?”
“i just wanted to see you. you ran off rather quickly last night, much like that heeseung boy.”
“y/n, you can’t just show up here looking like that. i… i told you once you found out who i really was, we could never truly be together,” wonyoung sighs.
you frown, “so you weren’t going to try anyway? were you just going to love me when it was convenient? what happened to all those sweet promises you’ve made to me?”
“i can’t keep those promises if the public found out we were together,” wonyoung clasps your hands together.
“so you were just loving me for the hell of it.”
“i sacrificed lots for you.”
“but you still can’t be with me.” you take wonyoung’s silence as her answer. there’s tears welling up in your eyes and wonyoung’s gaze darts to them instantly.
you tear your hands away from hers to wipe your tears falling down your cheeks.
“this has been… eye-opening. since we were never going to work out anyway, i should take my leave. sorry for taking up your time when you should have been spending it celebrating. happy birthday.”
your heart aches. the beats slow down but you feel like it’s been crushed into little bits, which were then thrown into molten lava and rebuilt. then crushed again by wonyoung.
“wait a moment, don’t…”
“i should have know it would have ended up like this. i’m deeply sorry again, your highness,” you say coldly, bowing.
wonyoung’s mouth is open, almost like she wants to say something. but you can’t be with someone who contradicts herself every time.
“darling,” the nickname slips out and you feel sobs wreck your body, “don’t cry, wait, please.”
“my love, please look at me, please don’t walk away, i was a fool. i wasn’t thinking at all,” wonyoung rambles out, “please stay and listen, which is ironic, i realise but i can’t believe i thought i could ever live life without you. i need you. i was just scared of what they would say, but it doesn’t matter to me anymore. i realised that you’re my only light and i will never find someone better than you. it was all my doing, i never meant to hurt you like this. i’m the one who should be saying sorry.”
wonyoung stares at you, affection and longing in her eyes. so that’s what it was.
“i’m not forgiving you just yet. you still hurt my feelings.”
“of course. i’ll grovel for eternity for your forgiveness.”
you sniffle and slap her cheek lightly, not enough to even hurt.
“i hate that you can make me feel like this.”
“like what?” she asks, looking down at you.
“like everything’s okay.”
“is everything not okay?”
a smile overtakes your face, tears still dripping down your cheeks but you feel contrary.
“don’t ever do that again,” you fling your arms over her shoulders and instinctively, her hands go around your waist.
“i adore you, and if i were to ever hurt you intentionally, please just execute me on the spot,” she whispers into your ear, making you giggle.
“executing the princess is illegal, i would be given the death sentence as well.”
“then we would be together in the afterlife at least.”
“you are such a dork.”
“only yours.”
(to my darling y/n,
i hope everything’s all right back at the bookstore. could i drop by sometime later? maybe we could even read belinda by maria edgeworth. i’ve heard it is quite a worthy read. your wedding gown is gorgeous, for your information, i reckon i’ll sob at the alter. as always, do tell me about your day later. i will be counting down the minutes until i can see your beautiful face. i love you.
forever yours,
to my princess,
of course you can drop by. i’m expecting more books to arrive later in the afternoon. unfortunately for you, i’ve already read belinda but i will reread it with you if you want. i hope you’re doing well back at the castle; how’s the wedding preparations going? tell me all about it later. i’ll be counting down the minutes as well. i love you too.
your darling,
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therealcocoshady · 3 months
Love Game - Part 2
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Author’s Note : As a lot of you have been requesting… here is a part 2 for Love Game ! Thank you again to my dear @shady-577 for giving me the idea to write this ❤️. And thank you to all of you who have been supporting my writing ! It means the world to me ! I will be enjoying some vacation in Switzerland for a few days so I might not be able to reply to messages & asks right away. Keep them coming nonetheless 😏.
It took three weeks for Denaun to finally talk to Marshall. In all their years of friendship, it was the first time they spent this long without a form of contact. They had been through everything together : crashing on each other’s couch when times were tough, working menial jobs, sharing food when they were broke, grieving Proof together, hyping each other up… of course, they’d had their ups and downs but three weeks without talking was tough. What was even more surprising was that, for once, it wasn’t Marshall going MIA, it was Denaun. It was extremely out of character for him. Whenever they’d had fallouts, he had always been the first one to reach out and apologize, even when he was not the one at fault. So not picking up the phone for three weeks was unlike him and Marshall blamed you. For all he knew, you were at Denaun’s constantly, trash talking him. He was positive that, if it weren’t for you, his friends would have talked to him at least once. So in his mind, he had insulted you a thousand times and wished you the worst.
Little did he know that you spent most of your time home, secluded in your bathroom, victim of morning sickness that lasted the whole day. You didn’t go out as much and only kept up with the guys via text. It took a while for Denaun to reach out to you too. You assumed that he was hurt about the fact that Marshall and you had fucked around, throwing the whole group dynamic to the fire.
- It was nothing, Nauny, you assured him in a soft voice over the phone. It was a one time thing. I swear it didn’t mean anything.
- It’s not my business, he said. You guys are adult. You can do your own thing.
- I know, you said. But… you’re one of my best friends. I don’t want to lie to you. And I don’t want to lose you.
- Y/N, are you crying? He asked as soon as he heard your breaking voice.
- I’m just really emotional, that’s all, you said evasively.
Half an hour later, he was ringing your doorbell, your comfort food in hand. You had a long conversation and he told you he was just hurt about the dishonesty of it, and that he had felt lied to. You apologized again and ended up talking about Marshall lashing out at you.
- I don’t even know what his deal is, you said honestly. I guess he thought I wanted more.
- Did you ? Denaun asked with a straight face.
- God no, you assured him. His ego jumped to conclusions but I just wanted to… whatever.
- You can tell me, doll, he said as he put a hand on your shoulder.
- I can’t, Nauny, you sighed. It’s just… I’m in deep shit. And I wanted to tell Marshall about it.
- I’m here for you, he assured you. You know I got you, right ?
- I know, handsome, you said as you cupped his cheek. I’m just… going through a lot.
Tears welled up in your eyes and you tried to pace yourself. He brought you into a bear hug and you quietly let your tears stream down your cheeks. He gently held you, whispering that everything was ok, that he got you and that you could tell him everything. He was the sweetest guy you knew and you felt lucky to have him in your life. You knew he meant every word and that there was no problem of yours he wouldn’t happily solve. He wiped your tears with his thumb and gave you a smile. You sat on the couch and started to eat.
- So… What’s that deep shit you mentioned ? He asked.
- Oh, I don’t want to bore you with the details, you said evasively.
- You’ll never bore me, doll ! He assured you. I’m your friend. And I’m all ears.
- I’m pregnant, Nauny, you blurted out.
He stared at you in silence, his jaw almost dropping to the floor. You felt ashamed, as if you were a teenager telling her mom she’d been knocked up. You felt stupid, too. How dumb did you have to be not to think of protection ? Thank God, your medical exams showed you didn’t get a STI. That would have been te cherry on top of this very embarrassing cake.
- Wow, he said after a minute. So wha- I’m sorry, I… Are you ok ?
- I am, you said. I mean, I’m throwing up a lot and I’m exhausted, but other than that, I’m fine.
- And the baby ? He asked as he looked at your flat stomach.
- I’m having an ultrasound in a couple of days, you informed him. I’ll know a bit more.
- Do you think you’re… Sorry, doll, I’m trying not to be insensitive but do you think you’re going to keep it ?
- I don’t know, you said earnestly. I haven’t made up my mind, yet.
- You should tell Marshall, he said sympathetically. I mean… It’s his, right ?
- Yes, it’s his, you confirmed. Look, he clearly didn’t want to talk to me, last time we were at your place. I think I’ll wait for the ultrasound and make my mind. I’ll talk to him about it if I decide to keep the baby. But I won’t force anything on him.
- Even if you get an abortion, he should know, Denaun said. If the baby was mine, I’d want to know.
- If the baby was yours, what do you think I should do ? You asked with a sigh.
- I’d love to be a dad, someday, he said. So I’d want you to keep it. Only if you want to, though. But I know you’d be a great mom. You take care of all of us all the time !
- I wish all men were like you, Nauny, you said as you rested your head on his shoulder.
You spent a couple of hours talking, and he actually convinced you to call Marshall and let him know about your pregnancy. You nervously grabbed your phone and called him but he wouldn’t reply. You were feeling emotional and hormonal, so it was enough to bring you to tears. Thankfully, Denaun was here to console you and he took it upon himself to set an appointment with Marshall. He decided to have both of you meet at his place. Marshall thought he was only meeting his friend, not knowing you’d be here and that Denaun would actually leave the two of you be, so that you could have a talk.
As soon as he walked into his best friend’s living room and saw you sitting on the couch, you could see that he was annoyed. He immediately looked at Denaun.
- I thought you needed to talk to me ? He asked with a sigh.
- Well… I don’t, Denaun said. She does, though.
- So you lied to get me here ?
- Wouldn’t have had to if you just picked up your phone, his friend replied. I’ll leave you guys to it.
He left the room and you just stared at each other in silence. Nerves were starting to get the best of you and you regretted listening to Denaun. Maybe you should have waited until the ultrasound, or until you had made up your mind about this pregnancy. Ever since you had met, Marshall had been an absolute sweetheart to you. He was warm, kind, compassionate and always distracting you with his humor. Contrary to what you would have expected, getting close with him had been easy. You had felt immediate chemistry, like the one you had with Denaun, but even more intense. And it hadn’t been long before the two of you flirted via text and even threw each other longing glances while you were with the others. It reached an apex one night after dinner, when Marshall drove you home. He had walked you to your door after you had confessed you were anxious to risk meeting your annoying neighbor in the hall and, as you went to peck his cheek to say good night, he had turned his face, your lips accidentally landing on his. Next thing you knew, you were stumbling in your living room, making out while his hands explored your body, bunching your pretty summer dress at the waist. The night had been passionate and proved that the two of you were sexually compatible. You had always felt at ease with him, and sex was no different. That night, you had been more daring with him than with any other partner, asking you to do stuff to you that made you blush when you thought about it. He had happily obliged, a smirk on his face, whether it was to choke you or to fuck you senseless, ass up, face down and buried in a pillow while he grabbed a handful of your hair. He had been a gentleman about it, though, and after the deed was done, he had been nothing but sweet to you, making sure he hadn’t hurt you in any way.
But the man who was facing you was neither your friend nor the gentleman he had been that night. He was cold and distant and you didn’t even know why. It was so far from what you knew of him.
- What do you want, Y/N ? He finally asked. I thought I was clear, last time.
- You were, you said. But I need to talk to you.
- There’s nothing to talk about, he sighed. We fucked. That’s it. Look, you know that I’m not the relationship type.
- I know but-
- No but, he continued. It was nice, I’ll give you that. And I’m sorry you caught feelings or whatever but it’s not mutual and I would appreciate it if-
- I’m pregnant, you blurted out.
- You what ? He asked, though you could tell he had heard you.
You knew you probably should have eased him into it, and that blurting it out probably wasn’t the best way to tell him, but you couldn’t stand to hear him ramble like this. You were not an impressionable young lady anymore and him implying that you might have caught feelings after that night was ridiculous. As far as you were concerned, it had been a nice night and, sure, you wouldn’t have minded if it had happened again, but you weren’t the relationship type either. Your past experiences with men had been pretty traumatic and you weren’t searching for anything romantic. If companionship was something you were after, your rapper friends sufficed you. You liked being a part of the group, hanging out with them. And as far as you were concerned, it was enough. The last thing you needed was someone to throw off your independent lifestyle and break your heart all over again.
- I’m pregnant, you repeated. I thought you should know.
- And it’s mine ? He asked.
- Yes, it’s yours, you sighed. I wouldn’t tell you otherwise, now, would I ?
- Are you sure ? He asked again.
- That I’m pregnant ? Yes. I’ve had blood work done and I’m scheduled for an ultrasound tomorrow, you explained. And yes, it’s yours.
- How do you know ? He questioned with a raised eyebrow.
- How do I- What do you think ?! You finally snapped. I know because you’re the only man I’ve been with in months !
He mumbled something and you watched him swallow dryly before sighing. Obviously, he wasn’t ecstatic. Not that you expected him to, mind you. To be fair, you weren’t too happy either. You had always wanted children, but this was far from what you had envisioned.
- Are you going to keep it ? He asked.
- I don’t know, you said. Abortion is not off the table yet. But whatever I choose to do, I thought you deserved to know.
- Ok, he hummed. I’ll pay for your abortion.
- I didn’t ask you to, you pointed out. And I might not have as much money as you, but I earn my own, I make a good living and I can afford my own healthcare.
- I know, he sighed. But look… we both made a mistake and it’s only fair that I pay for it. And it’s probably better than the two of us having our lives ruined.
- Ok, you said. I’ll- I’ll get an abortion, then.
- Are you ok ? He asked. Like… with the symptoms and everything ?
- I’ve been sick a lot, you admitted. Tired, too.
- I’m sorry.
He was cold but, at the same time, he seemed rather considerate. He was looking at you intently and you sighed in relief. At least, the cat was out of the bag and he knew. And now that you had talked to him about it, it made sense to get an abortion. The two of you made small talk for a second and he said you could call him if you needed anything, regarding medical appointments, and that you could keep him posted.
A couple weeks and several medical appointments later, you were scheduled to get your abortion. You had texted Marshall about it and, even though you could feel he remained distant, he had wished you well, even offering to pick you up after. However, you had felt more comfortable asking Denaun, who had been an absolute sweetheart. He had been calling and visiting you regularly, checking in on you and even having food delivered to your door. The night before the procedure, though, you had nightmares and were feeling insanely guilty. You’d had the stupid idea of Googling stuff about pregnancy and abortion and you were haunted by the testimonies of women who said they regretted doing this. You still went to the clinic and Denaun stayed in the waiting room. You were taken to a room and a nurse came to get you.
- Are you ready ? She asked.
- I… no, you said. I can’t do it. I’m sorry. I don’t want to.
- It’s fine, she said with a reassuring smile. You’re allowed to change your mind. Do you need a minute ? To make sure ?
- I think I need to go home, you said.
She nodded and escorted you back to the waiting room. As soon as he spotted you, Denaun got up.
- Are you alright ? He asked.
- Did you mean it ? You asked back. When you said I’d be a good mother ?
- Of course, he said.
- Good, you replied. Because I’m keeping it.
He took you home and stayed with you for a few hours, until you started yawning and went to bed. You fell asleep immediately but were awoken by the sound of your phone buzzing.
- Hello ? You asked sleepily.
- You haven’t replied to my texts, you heard Marshall say. I wanted to check up on you. Are you ok ? Are you still at the hospital ?
- No, I’m home, you replied. I was asleep. Sorry.
- How did it go ? He asked.
- It didn’t, you said. I couldn’t go through with it.
- Do you need me to get you an appointment to a different clinic ?
- No, Marshall, you said. I… I’m having this baby.
- Are you serious ?! He blurted out. Fuck… tell me you’re joking !
- I’m not, you said. And before you say anything… it’s my body. It’s my choice. And I’m not asking anything of you. I know you don’t want it and I’m not going to force anything on you. If you want to be involved in that child’s life and upbringing, you’re welcome to. But if not, I don’t hold it against you.
- Ok, he said. I… I’m going to need time to think.
- I understand, you replied. Look… I’m sorry.
- I’m sorry too, he sighed.
A few weeks went by and you didn’t hear from him. When you were hanging out with the guys, whenever there was anything planned, he wouldn’t show up. You highly suspected he was avoiding you because, as far as you knew, he was talking to the guys regularly. You were starting to show a bit and, eventually, you decided to tell the guys, while not mentioning who the father was. You told them at a dinner party you hosted at your place and they were happy for you, joking that they were going to be uncles, telling you that if you could handle them, a baby wouldn’t be a problem. It was heartwarming and, in your heart, you knew you had made the right choice. You were feeling emotional and overcome with emotion, so Denaun held your hand under the table, gently squeezing it. You were so grateful for his friendship and his presence by your side. He had been so good to you and he was one of the reasons why you thought you could do this.
You saw Marshall again weeks later, at Denaun’s studio. Everyone was there and he walked in while Denaun was taking a picture of you and Bizarre goofing around, holding your respecting bellies. His gaze met yours and his eyes then went to your stomach. You weren’t showing too much yet but the skin tight dress you wore made your pregnancy noticeable. However, he didn’t comment and addressed you normally. You were coming back from one of your many trips to the bathroom when he intercepted you in the corridor.
- Hey, he said.
- Hi, you replied. Are you ok ?
- I am, he said curtly. Look… I’ve thought about it.
- So ? You asked.
- I’ll be there, he said solemnly. If this is my baby, I want to be involved.
- Good, you said nervously. That’s… nice.
- I want proof, though, he added. That it’s mine.
- Marshall, I already told you it’s yours, you said calmly. You’re the only man I’ve been with. It can only be you.
- I want a paternity test, he said. I want proof.
- Don’t you trust me ?! You asked, clearly offended.
- No, he said. I’m sorry but I don’t trust you.
- When did I ever give you a reason not to ? You asked.
- Come on, Y/N, he sighed. Have you seen yourself ? You wear the shortest dresses known to man, you flirt with everything that moves ! For all I know, you’ve been with all of us. Hell, maybe you don’t even know who’s the father. Could be any member of D12. I’ve seen you bat your eyelashes at Nauny, bat your eyelashes at Bizarre… I’m not taking your word for it.
- Are you fucking serious ?! Call me a slut while you’re at it !
- Your words, not mine, he said coldly.
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xuchiya · 16 days
"Quick Reaction" || kang yeosang || one-shot
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| genre: non!idol ateez. fluff. slice of life | mentions: teasing. fainting. jewelry gift. | This is literally my high school delusions. My old school is literally an 'old school' school like no phones and computers, being in a relationship is not allowed, and big ass windows as our source of fans--- i mean we do have electric fans and ceiling fans but with the weather and a very old, close to dying, e-fans? We really have to depend on the wind from our windows. Anyways, this list is basically a true experience. My personal favorite? Song Mingi's.
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You were bored out of your mind, wishing you could have brought your book or your drawing pad to pass time, although everything seemed to be going smoothly—until your professor called you to the faculty room. "You're missing an assignment," she said, a hint of amusement in her voice as she added, "and so is your classmate, Kang Yeosang."
Anything but that. You cried, stomping your foot to the ground out of frustration. You sighed internally, mentally retracing your steps to figure out which assignment had slipped through the cracks. As you walked to the faculty room, carrying your notebook and pen, you bumped into Yeosang, who had the same expression of concern on his face. You both exchanged knowing glances, resigned to your fate.
“You lost your assignment?” Yeosang asks. You shake your head, “I’m not sure either but I know I wrote it and had a perfect score. What about you?”
Yeosang shrugs, “I guess I was cutting class when it was given.” Both of you giggling knowing that is farfetched. He never does and never will, most especially his mom is your math adviser. Besides, there are guards blocking the two entrances of your school gates, so there is no point in cutting class unless you decide to fake ‘sickness’ to not attend school.
Standing outside the faculty room, you could hear your professor bustling about. "Alright, since you two are here, I’ll dictate the assignment instead, but since students aren’t allowed inside, I’ll give you the answers too. Be quick, though—it needs to be passed immediately and the head will not be happy to have students inside."
You pouted, “We could just work inside the classroom.” 
“Oh … you’re right. You may go but I hope to get this one before dismissal and ask one of your classmates to dictate some of the homeworks you both are missing.”
And that’s how you found yourself inside your classroom. Yeosang stays at the other but you both agree to stay at your classroom instead. You pulled out your notebook, your pen poised to capture every word. Years of training as a news anchor for your upcoming college years had honed your ability to take notes swiftly and efficiently. Yeosang, however, wasn’t faring as well. As your classmate, Hongjoong rattled off the questions and answers, you noticed him out of the corner of your eye, struggling to keep up. His eyes darted from his notebook to yours, then back again, frustration clear on his face.
"Hey, hey, what’s this..." he whispered urgently, tapping you on the shoulder to grab your attention, leaning over your shoulder. It wasn’t until you leaned back to check on him that both of you realized how close you were. Your faces stopped just inches apart, your breath brushing against his lips. Yeosang froze, his gaze trailing over your features, taking in every detail. His heart pounded in his chest as he noticed every imperfection—each one making him feel something unfamiliar yet undeniably warm.
"Hey, if you two are gonna kiss, let me turn around first!" Hongjoong teased, breaking the moment.
Startled, you both pulled away, cheeks burning with embarrassment. You quickly handed your notebook to Yeosang, avoiding eye contact as you nervously fiddled with your pen. Meanwhile, he hid his face behind your notebook, furiously scribbling down the remaining answers, trying to ignore the heat still lingering on his cheeks.
As both of you finished the assignment, he took your notebook and he handed the assignment to Hongjoong who insisted on bringing them to your professor since he will be passing by the faculty room and towards the auditorium. After thanking Hongjoong, Yeosang glanced at you, a shy smile tugging at the corners of his lips. You met his gaze for a brief moment, sharing a silent understanding, before both of you looked away, the air between you filled with unspoken words and the beginnings of something new.
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xoxochb · 2 months
Forbidden love trope with Jason grace plss
⋆·˚ ༘ * this love is difficult, but it’s real
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warnings: renaissance era, I changed a bunch of things from the play because shakespeare was on something, one sexual insinuation, tons of dialogue, this honestly isn’t my best work
pairing: romeo coded! jason grace x juliet coded! reader (daughter of ares and aphrodite)
a/n: forbidden love trope? you know my literature loving ass is gonna do something romeo and juliet inspired
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two households, both alike in dignity- just kidding that’s not where this is going
a crowded room, the sound of people talking around you. a banquet set up by your parents- unexpected but it’s typical for them, you assume they’re trying to set you up with another boy when they drag you to meet another prince- percy jackson wishes to take your hand in marriage and your parents agree with it. you don’t even know the man! small talk doesn’t get you places and that seems to be the only thing this boy knows
“lovely weather today” he says
you lean your head against a pillar “I suppose”
“what do you enjoy in your free time?”
“many things”
“such as…?”
he won’t give up will he?
“reading, painting, not very much”
he nods his head “I adore sword fighting, but often swimming when I’m not”
your eyes scan around the room as he continues on about his many hobbies, nothing you care about, although when you think about it you don’t care about percy himself. boys, boys, boys! all mean at this absurd party, why can’t you chose a husband on your own? your eyes stop when they meet electric blue ones, yet covered by a mask, who is this strange boy? you must get to know him!
“could I be excused for a moment? I have to use the restroom”
“yes that’s quite fine, when you get back I’ll tell you about my great adventure over mountaintops”
you give him a half-smile before rushing off. would a mysterious look be okay? or should you approach the boy immediately? yes! let him approach you first
you take a drink from a waiter and lean your back against the nearest pillar. a mysterious look will do you good in this situation
waiting, waiting… will the boy ever talk to you?
“quite a boring banquet don’t you think?”
you turn around, the blue-eyed boy stands behind the pillar, you move to the opposite side with him
“my parents want me married off to that boy” you point to percy across the room who seemingly found another woman to torture with dreadful stories
“do you want to?”
“want to what?”
“marry him?”
you shake your head “who are you?”
he hesitates “why don’t we ditch?”
“I can’t do that”
“why not?”
“my parents will be furious”
“so what? they’re busy anyways”
you sigh “only for a little while”
he takes your hand in his and you allow him to drag you outside the palace to the garden, flower filled courtesy of demeter
“what is your name?” you ask
“If I tell you will you kick me out?”
“why would I do that?”
“you’ll realize”
“so what is it?”
he removes his mask “jason grace”
“oh my gods, son of zeus! I should have known. what are you doing here? our fathers will kill us!”
“I had to see you” he takes both of your hands in his yet again
“why? what is so important that you had to risk your life?”
“I’m in love with you” he puts your hands over his heart, you feel his rapid heartbeat
“I’m sorry?”
“I’ve been pining over you for so long, I came here to ask for your hand in marriage”
“oh my gods oh my gods, we can’t marry and you know that!”
“please. In secret even would be fine”
“how the hell do you want me to secretly marry you?”
“I have a friend who will be willing to do it”
“don’t you think this is sudden?”
“would you rather marry that other boy?”
“I suppose not…”
“then will I see you tomorrow morning?”
marry the son of poseidon who shows interest in every woman, not loyal, and talks a lot, or the son of zeus who has supposedly been in love with you for years and risked his life to see you?
“meet me at my bedrooms balcony, seven sharp” you point to your balcony
“I won’t be late” he gives you a heart-stopping smile
before he runs off he places a kiss on your lips, quick but lovely. you await his next arrival
you hate waking early in the morning. you were the one who arranged the time though and in a half an hour you would be getting married to a boy you barely knew, a handsome one though you wouldn’t complain
you followed your morning routine like usual, careful to stay silent as you assume most of your family will be asleep after the long party the previous night
should you dress fancy since it’s a wedding or casual because it’s secret? makeup or natural look? too many decisions to make! you put on a simple pink dress, nothing too much but still good enough for a wedding. a few touch ups with makeup and check the time on your wall clock 6:58 it reads. he would be here any moment. you rush to your balcony and catch sigh of the blond boy walking up to your castle
you manage to climb over the railing to grab hold of the vines to climb down, nearly impossible to do with your dress on. when you (finally) make it to the bottom you hold up your dress and run to the boy
out of breath you put your hands on your knees but not before holding up a singular finger to indicate you needed a minute
“do you run much?” asks jason
“not at all”
you go back to regular posture as your breathing slows back down “let’s get married now, shall we?”
“we shall”
you loop arms and go on your way to- wait… you don’t even know where you’re going. hope it’s not dangerous
when you arrive you see a worn down house, belonging to who? you don’t know
“the person that’s going to marry us lives in there? Is he certified?” you inquire
“I don’t think so. he’s cool though”
when you walk in the house your greeted by a hyperactive boy, assumed to be around your age
“I’ve been waiting, what took so long?” the boy says
“long walk” jason shrugs “anyways- y/n this is leo, and you already know her so…”
leo beams “great! let’s get this ceremony started!”
not much of a set up, not much of a big ceremony. It was a simple ‘say your vows then kiss let’s get this over with’ for reason one because leo was not legally certified to do this and two because you knew zeus had many eyes and took forms of exotic animals (he could be anywhere- this horrifies you)
not only was leo not certified, he additionally didn’t know how to officiate a wedding. a bunch of nonsense about love spilled from his mouth and you couldn’t find it in you to care anymore
“you may now kiss the bride! but not in front of me, please don’t do that in front of me”
you give him a concerned look. and mouth and mutter an ‘okay’ with a slow nod of your head. he was weird wasn’t he?
once you exited the house you got your chance for a kiss- to cement your marriage. however jason has other ideas
“why don’t we go to your palace to consummate our marriage?”
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luv4fandoms · 2 years
The Rut (Dwayne x Fem!Reader)
It is finally here! I was actually planning on writing Dwayne's chapter last but so many people wanted his chapter that I couldn't see putting it off lol, As I said before every boy will be getting his own part. (Also since I've been asked, this isn't really a poly relationship series, this is a "only (insert boy) likes reader" kinda thing).
So this series was inspired by @auntvamp 's headcannons about the boys in rut, and when I say that I couldn't help but write this after reading those lol. I'd highly suggest reading that first. I'd also like to thank her from the bottom of my heart for the help, I really wasn't sure how to write Dwayne, like all everyone says is that he is the strong silent type, but I was unsure of how he would be with a mate and she took time out of her day to message me and give me ideas for this chapter 😭 Thank you again for that!❤️
Lastly I'd like to thank @santacarlatourism for their headcanons of each boy's scent on my post
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Paul, Marko, David
Word count: 4,097
Pairing: Dwayne x Female Reader
⚠️ 𝐰𝐚𝐫𝐧𝐢𝐧𝐠: 𝐈 𝐝𝐨 𝐧𝐨𝐭 𝐠𝐢𝐯𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲𝐨𝐧𝐞 𝐩𝐞𝐫𝐦𝐢𝐬𝐬𝐢𝐨𝐧 𝐭𝐨 𝐜𝐨𝐩𝐲 𝐚𝐧𝐝 𝐩𝐚𝐬𝐭𝐞 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐟 𝐦𝐲 𝐟𝐢𝐜𝐬, 𝐚𝐥𝐨𝐧𝐠𝐬𝐢𝐝𝐞 𝐢𝐭𝐬 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐬, 𝐭𝐨 𝐚𝐧𝐲 𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫 𝐩𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐟𝐨𝐫𝐦 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐮𝐭 𝐟𝐢𝐫𝐬𝐭 𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐮𝐥𝐭𝐢𝐧𝐠 𝐦𝐞.⚠️
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"Just don't invite him in"
That's what David had told you when he informed you to stay away from the cave for the next couple of days. You were confused when David had met you at the entrance the night before, you were fully prepared to spend the night at the boardwalk with the boys and your favorite vampire, but David had quickly shot down those plans.
"Wait…A rut? Like how animals have ru-"
"Yes just like that" he told you as he walked you back to your car.
"You see when we go into these we are very dangerous to you, if you were a vampire you would be ok but since you're a human you're far more…"
"Fragile" you finished, the boys had all told you that before, taking it upon themselves to protect you all the time because you were "like a China doll" in Dwayne's words.
"So you understand why it's best if you just stay away for a couple of days" he explained, to which you could only simply nod as you climbed in your car. Your thoughts suddenly taking a turn as you thought of him…they were all extremely attractive…him especially…and you were sure him taking a partner for a quick time was something he had done before…would that happen again? After all, if he was gonna kill them anyways why not? It didn't matter if they were fragile right? But why did that thought make you wanna cry even more in this situation?
"It's not like that" David's voice broke you out of your thoughts and you were unsure if he had read your thoughts or could just read your emotions.
"Go home y/n, don't overthink, you can come back soon" he told you as he shut your car door, watching as you started the car and rolled down the window when he knocked
"And one more thing" he told you while leaning in.
"Just don't invite him in"
So here you were, sitting in your room, listening to music and drawing, wishing you could just go hang out with the boys, you hadn't really realized just how much of a staple in your life they had become until now. Night's seemed boring without them…without him. Sighing you sat your sketchbook down on your nightstand after you realized that in your zoned out state you had successfully sketched what was probably the twentieth picture of him that resided in the book. Stretching, you got up and changed the music, putting on your newest Jimi Hendrix album, you hadn't really listened to him much until Dwayne got you into him, he would always take you aside and let you just relax in his room when the boys got too rowdy, putting a record on and just letting you both drift off into the music. You felt your body sway as All along the watchtower came on, a favorite for both of you, but your body came to a halt when you heard knocking on your window, slowly turning, your breath and heart picking up as David's words rang in your head again.
"Just don't invite him in"
You knew it would be stupid to pretend to not be here, the music was loud enough to alert anyone, and he could, no doubt, smell you.
"You gonna open up Princess?" He asked, his voice calm but you could hear the darker tone and slight gravel, telling you that he was currently vamped out.
"Um…I'm not exactly supposed to" you told him after a moment, listening as a low growl filled the silence.
"I'm guessing David talked to you?"
"Yeah…He said he would be best if I just-"
"Nevermind what he said" he interrupted you, something you weren't used to from him.
"I can explain it all but you gotta let me in Princess" he spoke again after a moment. You knew you shouldn't, you knew you should listen to David and just tell him to leave, but you also knew that out of all of them you always felt the safest with Dwayne, and you believed that even in this state, he wouldn't put you in danger. You slowly made your way over to the window, pulling back the black out curtains and peering out onto the little balcony that was attached. Golden eyes met (e/c) and you quickly took note of him being completely bare on top, usually his jacket gave him some modesty, but tonight it was gone, something that was very unusual.
"Princess" he spoke in a sort of low sigh, like he was beyond relieved just to see you. You opened the window, leaning out to talk to him.
"Dwayne are you sure this is-" but you were quickly cut off by the feeling of his soft lips on yours, the kiss wasn't rough, but firm, like he couldn't release you even if he wanted to and honestly, you didn't want him to. His hands cupped your face, tongue slowly gliding along your lips before he parted them, fangs grazing the soft skin as he consumed your every sense. Your hands gripped his arms, trying to ground yourself but only losing yourself more, you knew Dwayne was fit but you had never gotten a good look, or feel, because of his jacket, but now his warmer than normal flesh under your palms had your mind reeling..As did the smells that seemed to make your head fuzzy, the scent of leather and motor oil that always clung to him, as well as the smell of the ocean air, and the natural musk that you could only describe as him, but now they seemed to be cranked up to a hundred, clouding your thoughts and filling them with him and only him. As if sensing that air was getting limited, you felt him pull away, your own lips chasing his, before you felt him rest his forehead against yours.
"Let me in Princess" he told you, voice deeper but still soft, though you noted the restraint in his tone.
"Dwayne I-"
"I'll explain everything" he told you and you took a moment to get your brain in order, though you found it incredibly difficult.
"I can come inside?" He asked, and you could feel the smile against your lips.
"You can come inside" you repeated, unknowing just how your words affected him.
"I'll remember that" he whispered against your lips, before you were suddenly in your room again, your feet no longer touching the ground as he carried you to your bed, laying you down on the mattress before quickly climbing over you. Your lips reconnected instantly and your hands began exploring his newly exposed skin. You felt his hand leave your face, running down your sides before coming up under your shirt, his other hand quickly joining it as he began lifting the material, only breaking the kiss to quickly remove the offending article before reconnecting his lips to yours. His hands quickly cupped your breasts, claws dragging over your soft skin while he listened to your heart rate pick up, the smell of your arousal becoming stronger and this time it was his head that was becoming fuzzy. His lips left yours, trailing down your neck to mark it, he would make sure that everyone on the boardwalk knew you were his, his human, his girl…His mate. The thought had him slowly grinding down, hips digging into yours as you felt him rubbing against where you needed him. The friction caused a gasp and moan to leave your lips, which you guessed turned him on more because he began to press down harder. You whimpered as his mouth latched onto your nipple, a sound that had him growling. Your hand tangling in his dark locks before gripping slightly, pulling gently, and causing him to reattach his lips to yours, his hands shooting down to quickly take off your bottoms.
"Dwayne" you whimpered, feeling him take off his own pants, full skin on skin contact making you both sigh. You felt his hand slide down your side, fingers ghosting along your thigh before moving up to press against you, you couldn't stop the moan even if you tried, the sudden contact on your heat had you squirming under him, a fact that had him smiling in the kiss. He gently ran his finger along your core, gathering the wetness before rubbing tight slow circles on your clit, making sure to be careful of his claws.
"Fuck" you panted, hips moving up to seek out more pleasure, and you heard him chuckle against your mouth.
"You like that?" He asked, other hand brushing your hair away from your face so he could look down at you, your flushed cheeks, your blown pupils, your chest rising and falling with your quickened breath and rapid heartbeat, you were like a goddess laid out before him, and the only thought that kept running through his head was simply.
"Tell me what you want" he breathed against your neck before he returned to marking you, his hand never stopping its movement as you became wetter against his fingers.
"Shit…Dwayne" you whimpered, hands gripping his arms, nails slightly digging in as you rocked your hips in time with his fingers.
"You like this? Like me taking my time with you? Like me making sure you're soaking?" He asked, and honestly you swore you could have cum right there. You had never even thought of him being into dirty talk with as little as he spoke, but having that deep voice whisper such things right against your skin, you couldn't stop the moan even if you tried.
"Fuck…more…please" you begged, watching as he sat back on his knees, smiling down at you, all the while his hand never stopped.
"More? What do you want baby?" He asked, his other hand running along your stomach before coming up to cup your breast, lightly playing with your nipple, just enough to give you slight twinges of pleasure.
"You" you begged, hand grabbing his as you brought it up to your face, gently bringing his thumb into your mouth.
"You gonna take me?" He asked, his hand picking up speed and pressure, watching as your eyes rolled back, your whimper muffled by his finger.
"Gonna take everything I give you?" He added, his own mind starting to picture everything, and he could feel himself starting to lose control again.
"You're gonna know you're mine by the end of the night" he smiled, and watched as your legs locked up, trembling before a louder muffled moan tumbled from you, his hand becoming even wetter as he watched the pure ecstasy wash over you. He worked you through it, only stopping once you removed his finger from your mouth to whimper a please.
"Think you can give me another one Princess?" He asked, body hovering over yours as he kissed your chest, listening to your heart slow down a bit.
"Yes" you panted, hands coming up to cup his face and pull him in for a kiss, you felt his hands grab your thighs as he parted your lips with his, dominating the kiss while he slotted himself between your legs, wrapping them around his waist and slowly grinding into your heat, a feeling that had the both of you moaning.
"You want it?" He asked, looking down at you, golden gaze almost glowing as he watched you.
"Yes" you begged, hips lifting to meet his.
"Tell me" he moaned.
"Fuck I want all of you, please"
"All of me?"
"You'll take everything I give you?"
"Fuck yes!"
"You'll take every drop?" He asked, eyes never leaving yours, but you noted the yearning look in his gaze as he watched you, waiting for your answer.
"Every drop" you panted, listening as a low growl left him, and watching as he slowly dragged his length through your folds, coating himself. You hadn't given much thought to size, but now, looking down and watching him, you were starting to wonder if he would even fit. And as if reading your mind you heard him chuckle.
"I'll go slow" he told you, leaning back over you to capture your lips once more before warning you.
"I'm not sure if I'll be able to stop once I start though" you could only nod, the thought of Dwayne, cool, calm, and collected Dwayne completely losing control during sex made you wetter than you'd care to admit…Though he seemed to have known.
"You like that idea?" He chuckled, taking a deep breath before another low growl rumbled against your chest.
"You smell so fucking good when you get horny" he spoke against your skin.
"W-wait you can-"
"Everytime, everytime you came into the cave after reading one of your little private books," he started, and you felt the smile against your skin.
"Or when I pulled you away from Paul and sat you on my lap" he added, and you knew exactly what he was talking about. You and Paul had been jamming out, dancing like idiots to whatever rock song Paul had put on, you had started feeling a bit tired, and were just about to go sit down when suddenly Dwayne had pulled you into his lap, wrapping his arms around your middle and pulling you back against him. You had been so flustered and turned on by his strength and had hoped the guys would just read your flushed cheeks and rapid heartbeat as just from dancing…it seems you had been wrong.
"Last chance" he spoke again, pulling you out of your memory, your eyes meeting once more.
"Say no now and I'll leave" but that was the last thing you wanted, you wanted him, all of him, and whatever he would give you. So instead you tangled your hands in his hair and pulled him to you, lips crashing against his and that was the only sign he needed. His hand quickly lined himself up and without a second thought he was slowly sinking into you, groaning as your heat swallowed him. The pace he set was slow but firm, shallow thrusts, like he didn't want to leave your body for too long, and also to make sure he didn't hurt you, he knew he was a lot to handle, he would have to build up to that. Each thrust pulled a moan from you though, a sound he found himself drowning in.
"You like this?" He asked with a smirk as he watched you, your head thrown back and eyes closed, legs tight around his waist.
"Come on Princess, I know you can be louder than that" he groaned, watching as you reached down to grip his arm, your other hand going against the headboard to stop yourself from moving up the bed. He could feel himself getting lost in everything, the sound of your pounding heartbeat, a sound that had his inner beast clawing to get out, the feeling of your skin against his, your breasts pressed against his chest as he put more of his weight against you. The feeling of your heat pulling him in, surrounding him as you only continued to become wetter, which created a whole new sound that had him moaning against your neck. Your bed squeaking with every firm thrust and your moans now a constant, along with whimpers of his name. Your smell was making his head even fuzzier at this point, your natural scent cranked up as sweat began to coat your body from the heat.
"Gonna...Fuck...Gonna fill you up" you heard him groan, feeling him begin to push deeper with every thrust, your body welcoming him, especially when he started hitting that spot inside you.
"Gonna give you…Shit...every last drop" he panted against your skin, growling at the moan you released at the idea, he could smell it, how your body was waiting for what only he could give it.
"You want it?" He asked, listening as your moans pitched in tone, your heartbeat picking up even more, he knew you were getting close.
"Please" you begged, you knew you must have looked and sounded almost pathetic, but at that moment you didn't care, you didn't even know what he was asking, you just wanted anything and everything that he was willing to give you.
"Say you want it…Fuck…Say you'll take it" he groaned, fangs grazing your neck as he thrust forward, completely bottoming out, pulling another moan from the both of you.
"Shit…Say you'll be a good mate and take my child" he growled, and the realization of what he had been asking for hit you, a thought that probably should have made you take a moment, but instead had you locking your legs tighter around him, Fuck you really wanted to give him a child if you could, you had seen him with Laddie, you knew he would be a really good fucking dad. He lifted up, just enough to look you in the eyes, his gaze still a blazing gold but you could see the almost pleading behind the pure primal instinct. Without a second thought you buried your hand in his hair, pulling it as you brought his lips to yours for the third time that night, in a passionate kiss, only stopping to breathe against his lips.
"Put a baby in me"
You feared for a moment that it sounded too funny, your wording, or that he had changed his mind as you felt him slow down, the two of you just staring at one another.
"Say it again" he spoke slowly, sitting back on his knees to look down at you with a look you hadn't seen before, a look of a predator getting its prey exactly where it wanted it.
"Put a..baby in me?" You asked, your tone more a question as you watched a smile slowly spread across his face.
"Yeah?" He asked
"Yeah" you smiled, too distracted with his gaze to realize he was beginning to move again until he thrust forward, dragging another moan from your throat as your head tilted up, eyes rolling back. He didn't let your body move far though, hands holding your hips in a bruising grip, claws slightly breaking the skin and sending tiny shocks of pleasure through your system. His thrusts became quick but firm once more, though in the beginning they were shallow, not wanting to hurt you by having you take too much, now they were deep, his length never leaving your heat for too long as he worked you both towards your highs. The sound of skin on skin echoed in the room, your wetness and moans only adding to the lewd noises that were sending him towards his end. But it was the thought, the promise that had his own eyes rolling back, you were his mate and you were gonna give him something he had wanted for so long. Leaning forward again he kept himself up on one arm, his other still holding your hips.
"Fuck I'm close" he panted, feeling your legs bend higher against his hips, caressing his sides as you opened yourself more for him, drawing him in deeper, allowing him in closer to where he needed to be.
"Me too" you whimpered, nails dragging down his back as you held on.
"Cum for me Princess" he spoke, groaning when you pulled his hair, he could feel the coil in his stomach tightening with every thrust. You felt him bury his face against your neck, tongue dragging along the soft flesh as his hot breaths fanned it, lips caressing it, and fangs lightly dragging along it. You knew what he wanted, and honestly, you did too. Tilting your head to the side you pulled him closer by the hand that was still buried in his dark locks, pressing his face further against your neck and giving him the ok, a sign he only needed to be given once as you felt his fangs pierce the skin. The feeling wasn't uncomfortable, in fact it was the last push you needed to send you over the edge, your legs locking around his waist, one hand digging into his back while the other gripped his hair tighter, eyes closed as a loud moan of his name left you. For him it was much the same, as soon as your blood touched his tongue he was gone, hips speeding up before stuttering as he felt you lock your legs around him, his grip on your hip and sheets tightening while his mouth left your neck, head thrown back as a moan left him, blood covering his lips and chin while he continued to move, continued to to do as he promised and give you every last drop. You felt his hips begin to slow just as your eyes came back into focus, your mind becoming clearer as you came back down from your high. You looked up at him, watching as his eyes were still closed, mouth slightly ajar as quick pants left him, his hips gave small gentle thrusts as he refused to let even a drop leave your body. You watched as he blinked once, twice, before his head lowered, gaze meeting yours and you noted that his golden eyes had lost the red haze they seemed to have had before. You watched as a slow smile graced his face, hand coming down to cup your cheek before bringing your lips to his, the taste of blood on your tongue was a bit odd, but something you could get used to if it meant more kisses from him.
"Thank you" he breathed against your mouth, earning a giggle from you.
"You don't have to thank me Dwayne, I'm your mate after all right?" You smiled, watching as his gaze softened even more before he pressed a quick kiss to your lips.
"My mate"
"I honestly didn't expect you to come here" you spoke after a while, hand running through his hair as he now laid his head on your chest, listening to your steady heartbeat, but your words caused him to tilt his head up towards you, an unspoken question in his eyes.
"David said you all were going through a rut, and to stay away from you all because it was dangerous…even you have stated before how fragile I am" you told him, watching as he leaned up a bit, and whimpering as he shifted inside you, having never pulled out.
"You are," he teased.
"But I wouldn't go anywhere else" he added, making you give him a confused look.
"It's not all of us going through a rut, just me"
"What? Do you all do it at different times or?"
"No. We've only been told about this, but none of us have ever gone through it. We don't go through it unless we find our mate"
"...Wait…Your mate…so that wasn't just…sexy vampire talk?" You asked, a question that caused him to start laughing.
"You find me calling you my mate sexy?" He asked, grinning as he leaned down to kiss the bite mark he left, his hips moving to give a shallow thrust and you realized that he was hard once again.
"Maybe" you giggled.
"Our mates are like the vampire's version of soulmates" he explained, a warm feeling spreading through your body at the information.
"So…I'm your soulmate?" You couldn't help but ask, a dopey grin on your face as he unburied his and met your gaze.
"Yeah, you're my soulmate Princess" he smiled back.
"And with any luck," he spoke with a smirk after a moment, hips gently thrusting, creating a slow steady rhythm.
"We could definitely make sure that takes," you smiled, wrapping your arms around his neck as he leaned up on his arms, hovering over you to reach a better angle, one that had him once again hitting that spot inside you.
"Thank you" he told you again with a smile, leaning down to capture your lips in a passionate kiss.
"You're gonna be an amazing dad" you told him once he pulled away, watching the pure joy spread across his face.
"You're gonna be an amazing mom Princess" he told you, kissing you again before leaning back to pick up his pace a bit.
"I think we can fit in a few more rounds before the rut is over" he chuckled, golden eyes seemingly glowing again as he looked down at you, and you realized you were in for a long night.
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So there it is ladies! I hope you enjoyed this one, like I said before Dwayne has been hard for me to write since I got into The Lost Boys lol
If you'd like to be added to the taglist for the David chapter just let me know.
@its-monster-mash , @arenpath , @xxx-wounded-angel-xxx , @katpursley94-blog , @theamericanjewitch , @shewhomustnotbenamedsworld , @thelostone91 , @blazeflays , @ilikechocolatemilkh , @babyloutattoo89 , @bigcreatorwombatdreamer , @non-binary-disastrous-mess , @2525sc , @kitteebree , @besas-stuff , @justaspeachy , @faefairi3 , @its-freaking-bats , @santa-carla-boardwalk-1987 , @urmothersmistress , @misslavenderlady @heavenwoodcoco
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Klaus x reader - change for you
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Can you do klaus x reader - Anon💜
Sitting in the tree, you overlooked the vast forest around you, only lit up by the light of the moon, shooting stars racing across the sky.
It would’ve been a perfect night to anybody, it was peaceful, and stunning.
But for you it was just a chance to sit there, lost deep in thought, away from everything that was going on.
You had seen these sights over a thousand times, you had seen everything again and again, nothing in this world was new to you anymore.
It was boring.
Sighing heavily, you listening to the howling of wolves in the distance, and the sounds of nocturnal animals out and about.
But what wasn’t an animal was the sound of the steps coming closer and stopping underneath the tree you were in.
“Why are you here?” You asked.
“I know where to find you.” Elijah relied.
Looking down at him, you went back to what you were doing.
“Niklaus requests your assistance.”
Elijah looked up at you.
“No? You have never told my brother no before.”
Sighing you jumped down, standing next to him as you crossed your arms.
“I’m tired of running around after Klaus Elijah, I grow bored of it and this never ending life. When I agreed to this, I thought I would never be alone, that was what I was promised, but I suppose I was wrong. So no, I will not help him anymore.”
Elijah turned to look at you.
“Is everything alright?”
“I just wish to be left alone Elijah.”
With that, you walked away from him.
It was hard, the Mikaelsons had been part of your life for as long as you could remember, ever since you became a vampire they were there to help you every step of the way.
But now you realise the beauty to mortality, and you missed that, you missed the simpleness that was a human life.
You wanted out of this world.
So that’s what you did, you withdrew yourself to the deepest forest you could possibly find, and you resigned yourself into isolation.
You had lost track of time, and you weren’t sure how long you had been away for.
Sitting on the log you had turned into a bench, you looked almost like a statue to anyone that would have found themselves this far.
But the man stood in front of you knew better, and he knew that you sensed him there because you got up and walked inside of the small cabin.
“I never thought I would see the day you would walk away from me.”
“Did your brother not tell you I want to be left alone Klaus?” You asked from the doorway.
“He did.”
Klaus walked over, stopping in front of the doorway, watching as you retreated into the home.
You seemed to do a few things before you came back over.
“If you’re here to kill me then fine, just get it over with.”
Klaus sighed a little bit, shaking his head at you.
“I would never, you know that love.”
“Then leave me to my peace.”
“I can’t do that either, not until you agree to come back with me.”
“Then you’re going to be there a long time.”
Klaus walked to sit on the bench you were sat in, and he looked around the little land.
“I would appreciate it if my spouse came back with me, but if not then we can stay here.”
“I don’t want you here, and don’t call me that.”
Klaus furrowed his brows and looked at you.
“Why? We’re married.”
“We haven’t been married for a long time.” You said lowly.
You were fed up.
Everything you had been holding in was bubbling at the top of your throat, waiting to be spilled out.
“Don’t say that.”
“Why not Niklaus? It’s true enough is it not? We have been married for years, you made a vow that I would never be on my own and you would always be there but you never once have been there.” You snapped.
Klaus slowly stood up.
“I have been busy.” He growled.
“Chasing nonsense and trying to murder teenagers who have nothing to do with whatever the hell it is you want!”
You pulled the ring off your hand and tossed it into the forest as hard and as far as you could.
“I thought this would be the most amazing life when I fell for you all those years ago. I realise now I was wrong, and I wish I had died a human. I am weary and have grown sad if the life I have now. I no longer wish to be a vampire, and if the witch I hired cannot find a cure to make me human than I suppose I will die with as much dignity as I can. I will not follow you around like a lost puppy anymore.”
You slammed the door shut.
“Don’t you walk away from me!” Klaus roared.
He knew you would ignore him.
You were always more stubborn than he was, and that was something he loved about you, your stubbornness.
Looking in the direction you threw the ring he began to search for it, and you hadn’t seen him for days.
Those days turned into weeks.
You decided to take a walk, heading through the trees to one of the cliff faces to watch the water, listen to the gentle sounds of the waves.
“I was hoping you would leave me alone.”
“I have something for you.”
You glanced at Klaus as he stood next to you, and he held your ring in his palm.
It was a little dented with scratches.
“I did have someone fix it, but he was unable to get the scratches or dent out of it. I can have a new one made if you prefer?”
“I prefer to be left alone.”
Klaus sighed, putting the ring into his pocket, and he looked at you.
“I’m just trying to make a world where we can both live happily.”
You turned to him.
“That’s what you don’t understand, I don’t care about any of that. Klaus I was happy to just spend my whole life with you. Me and you, that was enough for me. You came into my life and you set my whole world on fire, you made me have a happiness I’d never had before, I thought we would have the most wonderful future together.”
“And we still can my love.”
You shook your head.
“No, we can’t.”
You went to leave.
“You set my heart on fire (Y/N), you are everything I’ve always wanted and more. And I understand I haven’t always been the best husband to you. You were always there for me and I was never there for you, I know.” He sighed.
You turned around to look at him.
“If we were humans I’d want to be with you until we grow old, but I want to be with you until the end of time, I couldn’t picture my life without the likes of you. Please, don’t walk away.”
“I’m done with this Klaus, I cannot do this anymore.”
“Do you want to push me off the cliff? Would that make it better? Because you can.”
“No you idiot.”
“Do it.”
He held his arms out and stood with his back to the water.
“Push me as many times as you want until you feel better.”
“Oh my god I don’t want to hurt you idiot, I’m just tired of this. Maybe this life is for you, but I don’t think it’s for me.”
Klaus walked over to you, and he took your hand in his, placing his other hand on the side of your face.
“It is for you.”
“Klaus.” You warned.
He smiled at you.
“Do you want to live out here? A whole different country? What do you want?”
“I want you to be my husband klaus, I want you to put me higher on your list of priorities, not be the last thing you think about.”
“Oh love you are my highest priority.”
He pulled you in for a hug, holding you tightly.
He hated the thought of not having you with him, not knowing you were were stood right next to him where you should be.
He knew he hadn’t been the best husband, and there was many things he should’ve done differently, but he hated the Idea of you not being there.
Your hands came up to ball into the fabric of his jacket, and you rested your head on his chest.
“Never leave me…” he whispered.
He kissed the side of your head and held you tightly, he wasn’t sure how he was going to change, but he was going to try
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defrosted69 · 2 years
Shot through the heart
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"Hey Dweeb, buy me some bread."
"B-But I'm doing my homework"
"Ah? Do look like I give a single fuck about what your doing? Buy me some bread."
"I-I have no money.."
"Like I care? Stop complaining and buy me some bread already dipshit!"
A girl pushed your chair as you fell flat on the floor groaning from the sudden force that was applied on it. Your glasses fell to the floor as your eyesight has turned blurry and it was hard for you to navigate the surroundings.
"Oh poor Y/n's gonna walk in all 4s? Aweee bark for me~"
Their laugher almost made you wanna hate your life as whole as their torment at you every time you go to school is hellish. It's something that you wish but to end and perhaps it will end if you end your life yourself. But there was one glimpse of hope for you. That one factor left that would keep you from ending it all.
"Hey! Stop what your doing to him Hanni. It's not funny."
The voice of an Angel. Baek Jiheon. She was your senior and the president of the Club you were in. Jiheon was also kind of fond towards you especially with how enthusiasm you were everytime there's an meeting or an activity at the club.
"Awe come on Jiheon Unnie. I was just messing with him."
"Yeah right. Listen to me Pham Hanni. If I ever see you bully Y/N again, I'll make sure to give your sister a visit."
Jiheon's stern voice made Hanni clenched her fist and glare at her. You didn't really know what the two have going on but having to spent your time with your bully and savior, you could tell that the two used to have a past together. Hanni scoffed and left the classroom along with her friends as Jiheon handed you your glasses. Upon seeing her, your heart raced quicker than normal.
"Are you okay Y/n?"
Her angelic voice that send tingles down your spine temporarily froze you in place. Time slowed down as you observed everything about her. The sun was shining behind her and the birds seemingly singing her a song. Everything was so bright around her and you would have hoped nothing but to be with her.
"Y/N? Are you okay?"
"H-Huh? Oh yeah! I-I'm fine."
You stuttered as Jiheon lended you a hand helping you stand up.
"By the way, You don't have anything to do after class right?"
"Good, cause we kinda have an important meeting later on."
Jiheon's bright smile was the only thing that your mind was processing as you were just nodding at her. She chuckled and gave you a sandwich which surprised you.
"Here's a snack for you Y/N. See you later~"
Jiheon waved at you and left the classroom leaving you a confused blushing mess. Jiheon's kindness is also what makes you fall for her more as this only added to her charms. But as much as you what to admire her, you have a lot of opponents to win her heart.
Everyone admires Jiheon because of her beauty, brains and kindness. In the perspective of everyone, Jiheon was the perfect Girlfriend. Many had tried to sway her heart but a lot has failed and that both gives you relief and anxiety. You felt relief because Jiheon wasn't taken just yet and you have a slight chance. But sadly, you felt anxious because you were afraid that the bond you two build will be destroyed if you confess to her.
But if you were to choose one threat then it would be the School's Prince, Kim Sunoo. Everything about him was perfect. He was gifted academically, athletic, Visuals, everything you asked for was given to him. But the thing that bugs you out is knowing that Jiheon and Sunoo are childhood friends and neighbors as well. Your at a disadvantage as everything about him was perfect yet you were imperfect in every way.
You could only sigh as the day was boring for you but as the final bell was rung, you packed your bag but Minji, Hanni's friend stood infront of your table stopping you as you gulped in fear.
"Hey, Gimme 5,000 won."
Her demanding voice scares you as your eyes began to shift everywhere but hers.
"I-I don't have that money on me..."
"So? Pull out your card or something. I need that money now."
"I.. I can't I don't have-"
The door opened and Hanni was back from her daily task of throwing the trash because of her tardiness in class. She hated it the most because the punishment didn't make sense but she knows that it's her fault too. Everyone in class knows that Hanni wasn't the girl to be messed with especially when after she threw the trash but Minji, used this to her advantage.
"Hanni, the dweeb isn't listening again."
You gulped in fear as cold sweat began to form on your forehead and hands. You didn't want to get beaten up by Hanni again especially now that you are needed by Jiheon in the club. But as much as you want to move, your body stood there frozen. You heard her footstep closing on you as Hanni sighed and boredly looked at you.
"You don't have Money on you Dweeb?"
"N-No I don't have that money on me"
"Tsk! Fine, here Minji. Just pay me back next time."
You widen your eyes as Minji was also caught of guard by what Hanni just did. Usually, Hanni would beat you up and threaten you just to force you to give them money but today, Hanni acted differently. Minji took the money nonetheless.
"Woah, Alright then. Wanna join me Hanni? I'll be hanging out with that 3rd year hottie."
"Nah I'll pass. I gotta visit my Sister today."
"Eh suit yourself."
Minji shrugged her shoulders and left the room. You on the hand, was still in deep thoughts on why would Hanni help you out. You were confused as Hanni grabbed her bag and fixed her things. She was about to leave the room when you finally spoke.
"T-Thank you!"
You must have been dreaming because there was no way that you will be thanking your bully. Hanni just stared at you and sighed leaving the class with no more words for you. It was truly a confusing moment but you just shrugged it off and went to the club room. Your silent sanctuary. You opened the door and saw Jiheon smiling ear to ear towards you along with the rest of the members.
"Y/N, good thing your here. Were about to start anyway."
You smiled brightly but that died down when your eyes saw Sunoo next to Jiheon. He was all smiles but seeing him close to Jiheon and seeing her laugh with her made you sad. You tried to ignore it but the moment Jiheon said
"Sunoo will be part of our club for the moment as our club will be joining the film club for the upcoming festival."
Obviously everyone was all on it because the school's prince was in their club. You didn't want to be selfish but you have no choice but to accept it.
"But the important thing is, Our club will be doing a theater show and this is where Sunoo's club will help us. Now, I have come up that we will be doing a play called sleeping beauty. Now who will be a leads? Any suggestion?"
This is what made you fear the most because it was preety obvious that Jiheon and Sunoo will be the main leads and what's your position there? Nobody, a nobody. You have no rights to disagree as everyone in the club voted for the two of them. It was painful to see the girl that you like be with someone better than you and you couldn't do anything. You stayed silent hoping that this meeting ended sooner than later.
The following days was pure torture for you as seeing them being all flirty with each other breaks your heart. You tried to keep everything in as much as possible as you keep reminding yourself that you have no rights to interfere.
Sunoo was better in every way towards you and you were no match for him. He was gifted while you have to thrive to sharpen your skills just to be recognized by them and if you did showcase them, nobody would even dare to listen to you.
As the days go by, it was pure torture for you but you kept a straight face focusing on making the play successful as it is. But if there was something that you were glad for is that Pham Hanni, your bully seems to have stopped bothering you at all after that time when you thanked her. It also wasn't just Hanni that didn't bother you anymore but even her friends stopped being an annoying bitch towards you.
Though you find it weird, you were glad that Hanni stop bullying you but that torture was replaced with emotional torture as you see Jiheon smiling and laughing with Sunoo. They say that accepting things as they are now is one way of letting yourself free from the pain you are suffering.
But to you that was a difficult task.
Jiheon became a part of your life and for you to let go of the sole reason why you come to school,
To why you still wanna hang in the club room,
To why you had hoped on seeing her smile,
To why you wanna keep moving forward.
It was very difficult for you to let go because if you did, what will you cling into? What hope or motivation will you have to keep moving forward in life? What's left for you to do?
Your mind was filled with more questions than answers as you mindlessly wander the busy halls of the corridors.
The day you dreaded finally arrived. You woke up in a very tired expression even though you had 8 hours of sleep in your body. Your mind was just so exhausted with all the negative thoughts that has filled your mind for the past weeks. You tried your best to accept that you have already lost Jiheon to Mr. Perfect. Everyday, you reminded yourself that you were a loser and a coward for accepting that this was is. You couldn't do anything because you were afraid of change.
Then it hit you. The biggest reason why you cowered out.
You were scared.
Not for yourself
But because
You were scared
Of the change that could happen.
You couldn't bring yourself to change the relationship between you and Jiheon because you were afraid of her Changing her behavior with you. Jiheon was your only friend and a very precious friend to you. Part of loving her is letting her go and seeing her happy.
Her happiness was yours as well.
You tried to place that seed on your mind everyday and today was the day you know that Jiheon will finally be the reason of someone's happiness.
You fixed your attire and left the house where you only live in. Gone were the days where you would greet your parents because there was no reason to greet them anymore. They have left this world and left you behind all on your own.
Upon leaving the house, you notice how dark the clouds were indicating that there's a strong chance that it will rain. You on the other hand could only chuckle softly.
"I guess the universe hates me huh?"
You walked your way towards the school and even though the weather wasn't that great, everything went smoothly for the festival. The festive mood was still felt around the classroom as plenty of classroom has their booth open for all to experience. Seeing the smiles of students made you feel like you lost yours. Even though the school was in such festive mood, everything felt so bland and plain.
You ignored all of this as you continued your trail towards the club room where you were tasked on checking up on the attire of the actors that will use. As you open the door you saw Jiheon in a very beautiful mint green dress. You were star struck as no words was able to describe her beauty. Everything seems to have sparkled seeing her beauty as her eyes landed on you.
"Oh, Y/N how do I look?"
It was the only word that you can describe to her but your mouth couldn't say it. You just simply nodded your head as she giggled. The more she showed you her soft side, the more you heart breaks.
"Oh my. You look so preety Jiheon."
Sunoo snapped you back to reality as he himself wore a prince outfit. It was befitting for him considering his title in school and you can tell why many girls would fall for him. He was sparkling just like Jiheon as the two smiled at each other. You sighed and went pass over them trying your best to dissappear on their sights as you wanted to focus on your task.
As the play finally started, many students were all anticipating on seeing how the preetiest girl in school will act towards the prince of the school. It was pretty obvious that everyone wanted to See Sunoo and Jiheon as most of the crowd just doesn't react to other actors at all. But when the pair came out, Cheers and whistles was all that was heard.
Never have you seen Jiheon smile so brightly and shine so perfectly with someone that wasn't you. As much as you admire their amazing chemistry together, the painful scene that was about to unfold infront of your eyes will surely make you realize that you have no space in between the two perfect couple.
The kiss scene where everyone had hope to see, was finally gonna happen. Your heart was starting to crack everytime Sunoo says his lines as he was inching himself closer to Jiheon. As the crowd was at the edge of their seat, you couldn't handle the passionate Kiss the two shared as you damn well that there wasn't suppose to be a kiss scene. It was suppose to be a peck on her cheeks but Sunoo showed everyone his intentions towards the girl. The crowd cheered for them leaving you in pain as you officially lost the girl you admire.
You couldn't handle it anymore as you left the play and walked towards the busy corridors of school not really knowing where to go now.
"Hey Minji."
"Sup Hanni."
"Have you seen the dweeb-I mean Y/N?"
"Nope. Haven't seen the loser since morning. Why Look for that loser anyway?"
Hanni could only just sigh as she has noticed how you actually looked more miserable even when she stopped messing with you. She thought that stopping herself from bullying you would be enough closure for all the wrong deeds she did. But the thing that really caught her off guard was when you actually thanked her for saving him.
It wasn't even in her best intention to save you but it's just that she wanted Minji to shut up. She couldn't react properly after you thanked her as she left the classroom flustered and embarrassed. This was her first time seeing someone thank her for the good thing she did and it felt so weird but in a good way. She felt like her body elevated and something heavy was released from her.
To this day, she still can't understand why she, the biggest bully in her class helped a loser like you. But nonetheless, she stopped bullying you and overall stopped being a menace. Hanni was actually scolded preety hard as the reality of things came crashing down on her. She has never seen her Sister this dissapointed in her and it broke her heart hearing and seeing her sister break down all alone in their kitchen. She realized that she needed to help her sister somehow as her sister was her everything.
Since then, Hanni tried to be a better person and even telling her friends to act more appropriately now which they found weird but followed her. The Old headache of a student Hanni was gone, and in the class was the studious Hanni. Some teachers were even surprised by her sudden change of behavior but they also praised Hanni for changing her bad behavior.
While everything was going her way, she couldn't help but feel bad to the person she hurtled the most.
She would cringe at herself remembering the horrible mistreatment she would make you go through and everytime she remembers them, she wanted to beat herself up over and over again. She made it her goal to sincerely apologize to you but your mood everyday just look so gloom and depressing that she couldn't help herself but shy away.
This action of her would only made her more frustrated as she couldn't bring herself towards you. Now she hoped that this event would help her find you but it's like the universe was setting her up not to even see you as everywhere she go, she couldn't find you anywhere. She was getting frustrated as she ruffled her hair aggressively.
"Where in the blue hell is that dweeb?"
She sighed and decided to rest at her favorite spot in school.
The rooftops.
Even though the weather was a bit chilly and the sun was hidden, the rooftops was still the best place for Hanni to collect her thoughts and she would expect that nobody would be in the rooftops considering how the school is very much active. She pushed the door opening to the rooftops and she was greeted with a soft cold breeze from the humid atmosphere above her. But to her suprised, she saw a figure sitting in the edge of the rooftop as her heart began to race as the worst case scenario that she wishes not to encounter is infront of her.
"Who in the right mind-wait, isn't that Y/N?!"
Her eyes widen as she swiftly moved her feet and grabbed him and pulled him into safety. Hanni was fuming with rage because she didn't expect that you wanted to end you life when she hasn't even apologized to you.
"What the hell are you thinking dipshit?! Do you wanna die that badly?!"
Hanni raised her voice as you looked up tired and exhausted but Hanni suddenly came into your view with a very angry face.
"Hanni? Wha-what are you doing up here?"
You sat up as you were completely caught off guard seeing your bully, well your previous bully getting mad at you after tackling you for some unknown reason. Hanni was now a raging bull after hearing your response. She gritted her teeth in annoyance as seeing her mad scared you.
"W-Wait Hanni.. I-I could explain.."
"You better Dipshit. I'm waiting."
Hanni crossed her arms near her chest as she stared at you intently with burning gaze. This was the first time you saw Hanni this mad and you didn't even do anything to provoke her.
"I..I just wanted some time off to think and I went here."
"Why are you even on the edge of the rooftop. You could have died!"
You found Hanni acting weird right now. You blinked several times to wake yourself up as you couldn't believe that your bully, Pham Hanni, just told you how you could have died. Hanni, your bully, cares for you.
"I'm sorry Hanni, but... Why?"
"What do you mean why?"
"I-I mean w-why do you care if I die?"
"You asshole!"
Hanni punched your shoulder but to your surprise, her punch wasn't like the punches she used to give you instead her punch felt like it was out of worry and not out of bullying. It may sound weird to others but that's just how her punch felt right now. She then grabbed you by the collar and pulled you close to her face where you saw her face up close.
"If you died, I'll forever regret of not apologizing to you properly. So don't go fucking around and die just yet!"
Her eyes were furious but you could see that there was a few tears forming on her eyes and this really made you feel weird. Add in that seeing Hanni up close made you saw how beautiful she really was. Her soft skin and plump cheeks made it clear that her cheeks are very squishable. Her eyes who's burning and piercing you right now captivated you and you saw how her lips were perfectly carved.
"What? Why are you staring at me? Answer me Y/N!"
"H-Huh? Y-Yes! I-I won't die just yet."
"Not just yet. Never. Okay? Got that?"
Her demanding voice made you snap your weird thoughts away from her as she sighed and removed her grip on your collar and separated the two of you.
"Anyway, Like I said. I wanna apologize to you for all what I did and I know that even if I apologized now. That wouldn't be enough for all the pain I cost you. So if you wanna retaliate, sue me, or even push me off the edge. You have my consent cause I, Pham Hanni apologize."
Hanni respectfully apologized to you with her body fully bowed towards you. This day was full of surprises for you but seeing Hanni fully bow to you and apologize to you made you confused. One part of you hated her for making your life miserable but one part of you also want to accept her apology because you saw it yourself on how much Hanni has changed ever since she covered you from Minji. You wanted to really believe that Hanni has changed yet you still didn't fully trust her.
"Hanni, y-you sure there's nothing behind this apology? Because honestly speaking What you did to me really made me lose hope in living anymore."
Hanni bit her lip realizing how much of a douche bag she was. She knows that accepting her apology would be more of a stretch than she expected.
"But if there's one thing I learned from Jiheon is that people deserve second chances. The moment you covered me from Minji, I was confused but seeing you be the opposite of who you used to be gave me the idea that you really are changing for the best."
Hanni looked up and her big soft pair of eyes made you flustered as you looked to the side avoiding her gaze.
"S-So Hanni. I accept your apology but you better behave-"
Hanni cutted you off by hugging you tightly. Her action only made you shocked and confused as you have never, and I mean EVER saw her react like this. Pham Hanni, your bully is now hugging you and smiling so brightly at you.
"Thank you! Thank you so much Dweeb! Errr I mean Y/N!"
You really didn't know what to do but your instinct was the one who controlled your body. Your hand traveled to her hair as you stroke her gently making Hanni widen her eyes and realizing what she was doing.
She immediately pushed you away as you landed on the floor flat.
"Oh no, I'm sorry Dweeb-I mean Y/N. I'm sorry."
Hanni quickly went to you offering you her hand as you could only sigh. You accepted her hand and both felt weird when their hands touch. Hanni has heen bullying Y/N for some quite time yet this was the first time when both realize something.
You were obviously suprised by how small and soft Hanni's hand were. You expected her hands to be rough Considering she was a bully but her hands felt like it's been taken care of very well.
Hanni was so surprised by your hand. Never once would she feel like her hand melted on someone else's touch other than her sister. Growing up, she was quite sensitive to things and she hated rough hands as she finds them disgusting yet right now, you were proving her wrong. Her hand felt so natural to be with yours as the two of you stared for each other for a while before Hanni realized what she was doing.
She immediately helped you up and pulling her hand away  and your hand felt cold when her touch was gone from your grip.
"A-Anyway, what are you doing here Hanni?"
You tried to break the awkward atmosphere around the two of you as Hanni avoided eye contact with you as her cheeks were suddenly heating up.
"T-This is my spot."
"Oh, should I leave?"
"What? No just stay. I mean, I don't mind sharing my spot with you."
"But am I allowed to?"
"Aish. Of course you are. Y-Your my f-f-friend now so I don't mind..."
Hanni pouted her lips as she felt embarrassed saying you were her friend but for you, you were all smiles as you couldn't believe that your bully became your friend. Just when you thought that Jiheon was your only friend, An unexpected surprised came to you and Hanni become your friend.
"This is... Weirdly amusing"
You and Hanni ended up talking about a lot of things as you were surprised that Hanni actually has a lot common things towards you. One of them is the love towards basketball. Hanni tried her best not to tease you about not joining the basketball team but because of your lack of confidence, you ended up not joining. Seeing you all down made Hanni feel sad as well. Sure, she was used to seeing you all sad because she used to bully you but now that she was your friend, she wanted to help you get over that lack of confidence you have.
"Hey Y/n listen to me."
"You need to trust yourself. Now listen up, the school Varsity team would be recruiting some fresh legs next month so why don't I help you?"
Your eyes widen in surprise by her propsal. You weren't even sure if Hanni was saying the truth or if she's just playing with her feelings but you ended up agreeing to her. She was all smile hearing your answer as she then came close to your startling you even more. She began to observe you face as she pouted out of her habit whenever she's thinking of something.
"Hmm... Have you ever removed your glasses before?"
"Umm.. Only when I go to the shower or sleep."
"Well take them off."
"Wh-What? Why?"
"Just take them off wil you."
Not wanting to anger the small girl anymore, you removed your glasses as Hanni's pout suddenly turned into a shocked expression.
She has never expected that the person she was bullying looked so differently when he removed his glasses. Hanni was captivated by you facial looks without your glasses as she immediately can tell that without your glasses, you imitated a strong aura which really attracted her. You saw how her cheeks suddenly was turning pink.
"Hanni, you alright?"
"Y-Yeah. You should get a haircut too."
"Should I? But I don't think having a new haircut helps me in getting into the team."
"Nonsense. Trust me you need to get a haircut. Also this should be your cut."
You noticed how skilled and detailed Hanni is when it comes to hairstyles as you couldn't help but smile at her genuine help. It was a weird way of befriending your bully but this was better than having Hanni as your bully till highschool. You had once again a reason to go to school.
Murmurs was heard all around the corridors as all eyes were on you. It made you feel uncomfortable but remembering the words of advice from Hanni, you brushed off your uncomfortable feeling and walked the hallways of the school.
Everyone couldn't believe that a new student has transfered to their school during their midterms as everyone began to spread of the word. Everywhere you look, you can see everyone staring at you and you just smiled at them. That smile Immediately made the students go nuts especially the girls who began to put makeup all over their faces as they try their best to win you over. Once you were at your classroom, you sat at your usual seat and everyone in class began to whisper at each other seeing a new face but Hanni was smirking from the sight of everyone.
During that 1 week span, Hanni helped you have more confidence by being yourself and actually having a haircut. It took sometime to decide on what haircut you would have as Hanni was your personal assistant on choosing the right haircut. Both of you agreed to go out together to pick some clothes and for once, you actually had fun picking clothes unlike before where you would just buy online. Hanni encourage you to talk to the sales man/lady about the clothes you have and Hanni would be all smile when she saw you casually talking to them.
It wasn't such a big improvement but Hanni was glad that you had atleast some confidence to enter the class like nothing happened to you. She notice how Minji stared at you intensely and she even bit her lips.
"Hey Hanni, wanna bet I can make him my boyfriend?"
Hanni just rolled her eyes at her and smirked.
"I bet you won't."
"Watch me."
Minji was about to turn towards you when you walked past her and went to Hanni smiling.
"Ah, here's the hair wax I borrowed Hanni. Thanks."
"No problem Y/N."
Everyone gasped hearing the words of Hanni. They couldn't believe that the quiet and bullied classmate of theirs suddenly turned into a different person. A more attractive person. It's as if they were looking at a new and reborn version of you which was true. The entirety of the day was how other students came in waiting for you to come out and this really made you uncomfortable. Hanni was the one who shooed them away with her intimidating glare which made them scared as they all left.
"Thanks Hanni. I owe you one."
"You owe me a lot Dweeb. Hehehe~"
Hanni brightly smiled at you and you still haven't got used to how beautiful her smile is. Everything about what you thought of Hanni was immediately changed after hanging out with her. You though she was a no good for nothing student when she in fact was actually quite smart. Hanni grabbed your wrist as the two of you headed to the cafeteria as it was packed with students trying to get their hands on the special jam filled bread. But instead of being the first ones, they were shocked to see how many people have already lined up for it. Hanni pouted her lips to the side as she found it annoying that she couldn't be able to eat her bread.
But the crowd suddenly gasped making you two look at the commotion was all about and there your heart cracked a bit seeing Jiheon all smiles as she waves at the crowd and beside her was her boyfriend Kim Sunooo, the prince of the school. They became a couple after that play and hearing about it only brought nothing but sadness towards you yet you ignored it for the moment.
"Oh it's Jiheon Unnie. Oh well, I wish they have left later on...."
Hanni said making you look at the girl as her lips pouted. It was habit you saw from her whenever she would be sulking and you honestly find it adorable. Seeing her in such state made decide to give her a hand.
"I'll be right back."
"Huh? Where you going?"
You didn't answer her yet her eyes solely focused on you diving into the wave of hungry students squeezing themselves into the crowd. You were Getting pushed and pulled around yet you continued to push through the crowded and congested line. Hanni's eyes never left you as she felt so bad seeing you get pushed around. Her heart was being shattered seeing you struggle as she wishes nothing more than for you to be safe.
But all of her worries would be washed away when you got out of the line catching your breath and showing Hanni a warm smile.
"Hanni, I got the bread."
"You idiot. You could have gotten hurt. Are you okay?"
She placed her hand on your face observing it which you could only chuckle at her. Call yourself selfish but you liked the feeling of Hanni's touch on your face as it just keeps you at ease. You also found it weird that Hanni is somewhat was able to calm you down or even cheer you up whenever you needed it and it's been just a week since you two buried the past and moved to the future as friends. You held her hand to your face and leaned closer to her smiling brightly.
"I'm alright Hanni. No need to get worried."
Hanni was taken back by your sudden bold action. The space between you was shortened because you leaned in closer towards her. Her cheeks immediately turned red seeing you up close and wearing a proud bright smile. She could tell that her heartbeat was racing yet she tried her best not to act flustered.
"A-Alright. L-Let's just go..."
Hanni walked away from you making you chuckle at her cute reaction.
"Ahhh she's so cute....wait, did I say my Bully is cute?"
You shook your head and continued to chuckle as you followed Hanni from behind. Unbeknownst to you was that someone was watching from afar your interaction with Hanni and this didn't sit well with her whatsoever.
It's finally the last day of school and every student was finally gonna enjoy their summer vacation ahead of them but before that was the mighty final exams. This was the giant mountain that they have to climb before they could tatse that sweet sweet summer atmosphere. Luckily for you, you didn't have to worry about your grades because all of them were all straight A's and if you did fail, your final grade will be at most a B- or C+ which means you passed. So you were really relaxing in your room except that there was someone who's really worried about their own grade.
"Damn it! Hey Y/N. How do you get this again?"
You smile and took a seat next to her. Hanni has been hanging out with most of the time. Although you were busy with your club activities and basketball training, you still find time to hangout with her and she actually appriciate how much effort you give her especially when you have a tight schedule.
Hanni would be lying if she say she didn't like you.
Yes, your once Bully turned to the closes friend has feelings for you.
When that first though came to her mind, she wanted to vomit because of how absurd that thought was especially considering that both of you were just starting your friendship and there was no no possibility of her falling for you. That equation wasn't even formulated yet but as time goes on, the more you give effort to hanging out with her, helping her study, and even helping to her sister's job caught her attention.
The speculation of her falling for you got stronger when Minji admitted to her that she likes you. She shouldn't have been feeling so scared and worried but when Minji confessed to her, it made her feel so scared that she could lose you. It also didn't help that Hanni would see you with Jiheon all smiles and laughter. She felt so lost whenever she sees you happy with someone else and not her but she knows that she shouldn't be selfish as well, after all, she's just your friend.
But you keep giving her false hope whenever you appear in her and most of them was were when she needed you the most. When her sister's job was being threaten to be removed, you pulled up and showed everyone the files that her sister's business is legal and labeled in the government. Nobody has stepped up for her or her sister except you. You were silently inserting yourself in the Pham's household without even realizing it. Hanni realized that you weren't longer the Dweeb who would shy away from everything. No, you had become someone better. Someone who pushed out of their boundary just to help someone, someone who was ready to help, someone that Hanni needed, Someone that Hanni loved.
"I heard that your club will be having a picnic at the park this weekend."
Hanni said as you nodded your head at her.
"Yeah, it's like a goodbye ceremony to our seniors who will be graduating this year."
"I see, so Jiheon will be there right?"
"Y-Yeah, of course."
You didn't see how Hanni frowned a little hearing you stutter when she mentioned Jiheon. She knows that she has no chance to winning you over someone who's perfect and everyone admires.
"I also heard from Minji that you two will be watching the fireworks showcase during the weekend. It's at the Beach right?"
She tried her best not to sound dissapointed but she couldn't. She had hoped that you wouldn't join Jiheon during the weekend to hang out with her but it seems that you already have plans ahead. This only made Hanni more frustrated as she grabbed her stuff surprising you.
"Woah, where you going Hanni?"
"Home. Thanks for having me over."
Hanni bowed to you as she grabbed her stuff and placed it all in her bag then left in a hurry. It made you feel terrible seeing Hanni leave you so quickly as you wished nothing more but to spend more time with her. You have grown fond of your bully as she was now a changed person. There was little to no signs of her past self resurfacing and this made you happy because you finally have a friend you can hang out freely. But there was a little problem.
You had completely fallen for Hanni.
It was weird to say the least how much your heart always calls out for Hanni. Seeing her change so much for the better was a great thing because you finally realized that Hanni turned into a bully because of her environment growing up and how her family turned out to be. You wanted to help her in every way as you would go out of your way to help her in all possible way to at least make her feel at ease but the unexpected thing happened. As time goes one doing all this for Hanni, you ended up falling in love with her.
Some people may call you crazy for falling in love with your bully but that's just how it works for you.
But there's one thing stopping you from really realizing that you liked Hanni, Baek Jiheon.
Jiheon and Sunoo's relationship isn't going well lately and Jiheon has only you to be her support wall as seeing her cry breaks you heart as well. Jiheon was your first love in your life so she has a spot for your heart but Hanni was slowly making her way into your heart as well. You can't just choose both even if they were both important people in your life.
Jiheon, the girl that showed you that there will always be hope for you. That there is a light in every dark days you have and there's always a tomorrow to look forward too. Jiheon showed you what love can do to a person and how much that can motive them to be better.
Hanni, the girl that showed you that change is the only permanent thing in the world. Everyone can change for the better or worse but at the end of the day, it will be your choice on what change you will do. Hanni showed you that someone can change for the better and it's never to late to try things you wanted to do.
This frustrated you as you don't know the define answer to this question. But this weekend you might have the proper answer to what really is best for you. With a heavy sigh you jumped into your bed with a distress expression.
"I hope what I'm gonna choose is the right one..."
"The park feels so nice right Y/n?"
Jiheon smiled brightly at you. No matter how much she flashes you her sweet bright smile, you will never get tired of it even if she does it a thousand times in one day.
"Yeah, it does."
Everything was set-up perfectly as even the atmosphere was perfect. Everyone all had a smile because even though this was a sad day, it was also a day to be celebrated because of the accomplishment that the seniors are graduating. Jiheon being the best leader of the club made sure that the seniors feel the love they deserve as she handed them gifts as thank you for their efforts.
This has always been what Jiheon is good at, being kind and cherishing anyone no matter who they are. So it was quite easy why you fell for her and to why Sunoo fell for her too. As the orange sky painted the sky, Jiheon's Beauty reflected it's beauty as a soft breeze past her her by. Your eyes saw how glowing Jiheon was as she adjusted her hair behind her ear. Her smile that never seems to fade just shined so brightly that it captivates you.
"Say Y/N."
"Can you follow me for a bit? I wanna show you something."
Jiheon grabbed your hand and you felt how soft her hands were. It wasn't everyday when Jiheon showed you skinship and when she does, it made your flutter a thousand times than normal and right now, Jiheon looked so beautiful as she walked you around the park.
On the back of your mind, this felt like a date which you have always dreamed of doing. From laying on the bed dreaming of the day when You would take Jiheon by her hand and walking in the park. This was your dream and right now it was the reality of things. Everything was going your way with Jiheon as she smiled at you and walked with her hand in hand. But one part of you felt hurt knowing this was the everyday view of Sunoo. It felt so wrong liking someone who's already taken.
"Y/N, you have changed a lot huh?"
"Huh? What do you mean?"
"I mean appearance wise, you looked more... A-Attractive and your shy demeanor is now gone. Heck, Your even part of the Varsity team now."
She proudly look at you as your heart melted. Everything you have dream of doing with Jiheon was happening right infront of you yet something didn't sit right with you. It feels like there was a catch with how this was presented to you. It felt like there was a string attached to this and was a set up to something very emotionally draining for you.
The two of you walked all around the park admiring the scenery around as both of you were enjoying each other's silence. No word's was needed between the two of you inorder to enjoy the walk.
"We're here."
Jiheon finally spoke as both of you were standing un the park bridge. The small river below you made it so relaxing as you looked up and saw that the sun was setting and darkness will soon engulf the sky.
"It's a nice place."
"I know right. This place is my little sanctuary. Well I don't think it's little considering it's open to the public."
Jiheon chuckled as you smiled at her. A memory flashed through your mind as your smile only got brighter remembering the first time Hanni apologized to you.
"Y/N, I really wanna thank you for being there for me all the time. I wouldn't have gotten this far if you weren't there."
Jiheon's words caught you off guard as you really didn't expect the sudden words comming from Jiheon. You were obviously the person who admired Jiheon the most and was one of the reason why you continued on but to hear her admit this, made you realize that you were important in Jiheon's life.
"I merely did anything."
Jiheon shook her head and and grasped both your hands as she held it tight. This made you blush at the sudden contact as Jiheon giggle admiring her hands on to yours.
"Y/N, that nothing you speak off is a lot. Whenever I feel like giving up, you were there to cheer me back up. Even before you changed, you were my biggest pillar of support and I really, really couldn't thank you enough but..."
She trailed off and suddenly looked at you with an expression of uncertainty. Something that you were accustomed off whenever Jiheon had trouble with something. Everytime you see Jiheon make that face, it breaks you to pieces and you wished nothing more to help her smile. But something tells you that this issues of her is not something you can easily help.
"But an unexpected thing happen. Call me a crazy bitch for this but I... I actually liked you Y/N."
A phrased that got you frozen on your feet. The words that only played on your mind and imagination over and over again Hoping it would become a reality was now a reality. Your ears heard it very well.
Baek Jiheon.
The girl that became your beacon of hope when things weren't going their way.
The girl that you found amazing and beautiful.
The girl that protected you from the harsh reality.
The girl that made you heart ready to burst.
She was also the girl that made you hate yourself.
The girl that cause you so much pain.
The girl that confused you.
She was still the girl that you loved.
A sad smile appeared on your face. You retraced your steps of thoughts and realized that you already have an answer to your dillema. Jiheon was no doubt the best girl you have ever met and there was no way that the time you and Jiheon spent will be replaced.
"I liked you. I was too afraid to confess to you because I was scared that my confession could destroy the relationship we have. So I tried my best to ignore it and then Sunoo came and I though I should give him a chance. But I thought I would forget my feelings for you but they only grew more. And I ended up breaking up with Sunoo because I don't want to hurt him anymore. "
You were silent as you took this all in. The girl that you liked actually likes you back. That was the only thought that was stuck in your head and you couldn't believe it. You don't know what kind of string pulls was happening somewhere but this was it, Jiheon has finally confessed to you. The moment you have been dreaming off, the moment Jiheon say-
"Y/N, I love you."
3 words, 8 letters. A dream come true for you as Jiheon stares at you with a flustered cheeks and uneasy eyes. You can tell that Jiheon was very genuine with her emotions towards you. This made you flustered as well as your cheeks turn to bright pink leaving you a blushing mess. But time wasn't on your side. The longer the silence keeps playing, The worse case scenario will play out for the both of you. You feared that everything will be awkward between the two of you. With a gulp, you took all the courage you have and finally spoke.
"Jiheon, I-"
"Can't believe Minji got sick on a day like this..."
Hanni spoke to herself while sitting all alone on the beach side observing everyone happily smiling with their friends or loved ones. Today was supposed to be a happy day for Hanni as school was finally over and she gets to watch the fireworks with her friend but she got sick last minute. It also made her feel more sad considering that you are with Jiheon.
Her mood suddenly turned gloomy realizing that you must have the best time with Jiheon.
"He must be all smiles spending time with the girl she likes…while I'm out here, all alone watching the fireworks like the usual. Shit, why should I feel sad anyway? I have always watched the fireworks all alone, what's so different this time?"
Hanni tried to cover up the real reason why she was feeling sad this time unlike the times she was happy being all alone. The fact that a certain Dweeb caught her attention and shifted her perspective towards him. She chuckled at the fact that she was the one who helped him change himself yet she didn't expect herself to fall for him even more.
She saw how you were originally and what you really are a person. A guy with a big heart that was just scared to act because he lacks self confidence in himself. Something that she helped you overcome. But the reason she fell for you wasn't because you changed, it's because of what you showed her even before you changed. It was only now she saw her own mistake of bullying such a person that she felt so wrong falling in love with you. If she can, then she'll do anything to push you to Jiheon because she herself isn't worthy enough.
She can't seem to forgive herself for giving you so much pain and that's one reason of keeping her away from fully confessing to you. In her perspective, you deserve the world, you deserve someone more better, you deserve someone who would love you unconditionally and Hanni has all those things in an X mark.
She looked around hoping to remove those thoughts away as her eyes saw how the beach was filled with couples, families, friends and the like. But majority of them were couples getting all lovely dovey towards each other and a sour expression grew over her face.
"There's no way I will act like that. That's embarrassing!"
Hanni could only sigh as she observe the sea flowing through the sea. The sky has already turn dark and the moon was seen slowly climbing up it's peak but as of the moment, the moon's reflection can be see on the sea. The sound of the sea waves was weirdly relaxing for Hanni as she yawned a little. There was a soft breeze that past her by as she sat comfortably on her solo spot.
"I wonder if things worked out for them. I should probably be ready to face Y/N next school yea-"
She froze on her spot. She didn't want to turn her back as she knows who was the person calling her name out. Her heart began to beat faster and all her thoughts began to be in shambles. She could hear your footstep getting closer to her and she wanted to run away right now. But her body was frozen shut as you took a seat next to her.
You didn't speak as you admire the moon's reflection and the sea breeze passing by. Hanni was the opposite, she was staring at you intently. She observed your handsome side profile as her eyes trails every part of your face. From your sharp jaw, small round ears, fluffy messy hairstyle, your Adam's apple and finally to your lips. In her view, your lips looked so perfect for hers as she wanted to know how would your lips locked with hers.
She almost lost herself but she snapped her thoughts away and realize that this wasn't the best situation for her heart and mental state. Something bad could happen or even worse, she might do something she could regret and she didn't want that. She suddenly stood up and turned around but you were quicker than her and grabbed her hand holding it firmly. Hanni silently squealed from the sudden contact as her back was turned against you.
"Why... Why are you here?"
Hanni managed to ask without sounding like a broken person yet you heard her voice. Hanni was at the brink of crying as this broke your heart.
"I wanted to.... See you."
Everything was wrong. This was wrong for Hanni. She didn't like where this was going and her heart was beating fast yet her mind was so confused and hurt. She doesn't want to believe it because she's not the one and she will never be the one for you. She can't accept herself being the person you choose over your first love.
"You could have just called me or texted me to meet up. No need to see me here."
"But I WANTED to see you. I NEEDED to see you tonight. Hanni."
Hanni bit her lips from making enough noise. Her eyes began to show tears as this was getting to painful for her. Her mind didn't want this happen because of the torture she would go through yet her heart was telling her to face it, To face you, to face the person she love.
"Y/N, S-Stop whatever y-your planning. I-I don't wanna to hear it. A-and let m-me go.."
Her body was beginning to shake from the stress of her emotions and her voice was beginning to crack indicating that she was close to tearing up and breaking down. You were no Idiot and you can tell that you were the reason why she was in this state of confusion, of pain and frustration. And tonight was the night you will help her clear all those emotions of hers.
"Pham Hanni, I'm not letting you go especially with how you stole my heart."
Hanni felt like she was just shot straight to her heart hearing those words. It felt so right and at the same time, it felt so wrong to hear those words out of your mouth. Her walls were beginning to break down as small drops of tears began to make their way down to her cheeks.
"S-Stop b-Bullshitiing M-Me and j-just go, leave me already!! Leave me be DWEEB!!"
Hanni's emotion was difficult to control right now and her defense mechanism from you was her screaming and scaring you but that didn't do anything. Instead of backing away, you closed the distance between you and her as you hugged her from behind. Hanni visibly yelped in surprised by your action but she also felt a soft, warm, protective embrace around her small body.
She hated this, she didn't deserve any of this but how come you were so stubborn especially with her.
"Let me go! L-Let me go!!"
Hanni squirmed in attempt to free herself from you hug but the more Hanni resist the more you hugged her closer to you. You don't want to let go of Hanni anymore and you want to protect her at all cost.
"Why... Why can't you let me go... Why do you... Like me..."
Hanni couldn't hold it any longer as she began to cry her heart out. It was painful for you to see and hear Hanni cry infront of you as you could only hug her and explain your take.
"Call me crazy, but ever since you helped me be a better version of myself, I started looking at you differently. I saw different sides of yours that I couldn't see before. The way you tried your best to change yourself made me proud and inspired to do the same. And seeing the side that you rarely show made me realize that you're beautiful, preety, kind hearted, hardworking girl. "
Hanni's strain walls showed cracked as she listened to you.
"Gone were the times when you were called the bully and now is called the the A student in class. How can I not love you when you helped me without any conditions and stayed by my side when I needed it too."
More cracks appeared on the walls.
"I admired Jiheon because of her angelic demeanor but the more I learn about and get to know you, the more I was getting myself deeper and deeper towards you."
"H-How can you say that you l-liked me? I-I bullied you and gave you painful memories. Why do you still love me?"
Hanni turned around and faced you. Her eyes were sad and her tears werw flowing nonstop as you began to stroke her hair.
"Yes you bullied me and I will never forget the pain you gave me."
Hanni avoided your gaze by looking down with her head head hanged low. This was what scared Hanni because there was no justification of what she did towards you yet you only smiled at her.
"But you also changed me and made me a fighter Hanni. You bullied me yet if it weren't for that bullying. I wouldn't be here talking to you, You probably didn't change for the better, and I'll forever torture myself seeing Jiheon happy with Sunoo. You get what I mean? It's like a butterfly effect. None of this would had happened if you didn't bullied me. I wouldn't be here confessing to you because I....."
"I love you Hanni."
Hanni's walls broke down and she couldn't hide it anymore. Her heart won at the end of the day as she cupped your cheeks and pulled you closer to her lips and finally closing the gap as you felt a soft pair of peach flavored lips.
Your world froze momentarily as your lips touched hers. Sparks and fireworks was all over your body. Your mind went haywire before going back online as Hanni pulled herself away from your lips. Her cheeks flushed red as she stared at you with her preety brown eyes. You touched your lips and stared at Hanni and it finally dawn at you at what transpired.
"Y/N. Do you really, really love me? Even after all what I did. You still love me?"
Her face still showed uncertainty but there was also hope now present unlike before. You gulped and took in a deep breath. Your answer to her question will determine what relationship will you have with Hanni.
"Hanni, I already have forgiven you when you apologized ro me. The past is past and what I want to look forwards too is how I'll spend my future with you. I Wil love you even if you turned to an ant, a bear or even a wolf. I love you Pham Hanni. I love you to the moon and back. I love-"
You were immediately cut off by the familiar peach flavored lips as Hanni kissed your lips shutting you up. Once again, her lips just send electrifying tingles all over your body and it also made feel relaxed and loved. You pulled her closer to you as you deepened the kiss.
Both of you were engulfed by a red light from the sky as both of you pulled away and looked up the sky as fireworks showcase finally began. Multiple fireworks began to explode in the air as the crowd was all mesmerized by the view. But you looked at Hanni as she looked at you two. Both your hearts began to beat again as Hanni pulled you close as your foreheads were at each other's.
"I love you too Y/N. I love you to the moon and back."
She gave you a heartfelt smile that was filled with happiness and love. And you showed your own smiled at her as your heart finally was at ease. You choose the person that your heart desired and didn't listen to your mind. You already went through a rough first love with Jiheon but Hanni, was the perfect love for you.
You could only laugh at the back of your mind realizing how your love story was so unique.
It started from bullying,
To her apologizing to you,
To her helping you change,
To see her change herself as well,
To being friends,
And now
Was finally lovers.
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marchsfreakshow · 6 months
Having Their Fill [JPM & The Countess]
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Angst. Almost smut.
You knew The Countess switches lovers like that. It upset you and wished to not have be cursed the blood virus anymore. That meant being hers forever.
Warnings: blood mention, body checking, self image talk, weight talk, implied smut & dub-con. Fem!reader
I love this idea, and I hope you like this little thing I made up. Literally re-watching Hotel so I can get this out.
Your perspective.
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
I stared at the image in the mirror. My gorgeous girlfriend, I guess you could call her that, The Countess, bought me it so she could have me look at myself during sex. Why? Fuck if I know. My eyes were always shut closed because of how made me feel while we were fucking. The stars always aligned when we were together, but I never took it too much to heart. Tristan and Liz told me that eventually she would get bored, throw me out and leave me be on the streets.
The body in front of me wasn't fun. It's not interesting, nothing is correct. No one would like this body. Too fat, too thin, too ugly, too skinny, too curvy. Everything and nothing at the same time. A loud sigh escaped me as she came in. "You've been staring at yourself for an hour love.." She said, walking towards me and my naked body. "Never doubt yourself. You're so beautiful. My lovely girl forever."
"Unlikely." I snorted.
"What do you mean?" Her eyes narrowed. People disagreeing with her meant death, but I could never believe her. She let me go and I got dressed. Slowly. My hands felt weak, I couldn't do much. It felt lonely here sometimes.
"I know you. I've been told about your past lovers...it's just a matter of time until you let me go and find another." Trousers on, still shirtless but wearing a bra. Looking up in the mirror, I saw her staring at my reflection.
"That may be true. You are so much different than the people before you." She placed a calm hand on my shoulder, but I slapped it away.
"Not fucking likely! You turn them, make them love you then throw them away or kill them!! How can I fucking love you so much when that fate awaits me.." Seething my teeth, I threw on my shirt lazily, barely doing up the bottom buttons. She did nothing but stand there and watch. As silent and still as ever. My stuff was in my hands just as quickly as I left. Leaving in a huff probably wasn't the best idea, but I just had to go somewhere else. Maybe talk to Liz.
Stomping down the hallways, I sighed and let all thoughts fall past me. Walking quickly was tiring, but my footsteps fell silent as I reached room 64. Another sigh left me, and I knocked on the door slowly, my head hung in slight embarrassment. A creak. "Little bird. Hello my dear."
"James.." I sniffed. His eyebrows furrowed and placed a hand on my back, walking me into the room. "It's..."
"The Countess? Dear, you must realise that she does not like staying with one person for so long."
"she stayed with you."
"I am stuck here, she lives here on her own terms. We have an arrangement so I can see her once every month. It has been this way for as long as I have been a ghost my bird."
I huffed again and crossed my arms, looking away from the ghost. He raised an eyebrow at me. "You should not be so upset with me, you said yes to this deal when the Countess and I agreed to share you."
"share me? That's fucking rich." I chuckled.
"You do remember the deal do you not little hummingbird?" As a response I nodded, barely meeting his eyes. He hummed and smiled ever so slightly.
"doesn't mean you share me though. She has me more than you do."
"Yes, insatiable, isn't she?" His eyes wandered off into the distance, the smile only growing wider. It took everything in me to not slap some sense into him. So I clicked my tongue and sat on the table closest to me. "Either she will come and find you to end your life or I make it quicker and save her a job." James grinned, turning on his heel and walking into another part of his room.
"Both of you find intimacy in killing, it'll probably be the same either way," I mutter, sort of following him like a lost puppy. I didn't particularly find the intimacy in killing, nor did I want to die just yet, but I couldn't take having this ancient curse in me anymore.
"Love, our killings could not be more different." I heard The Countess say from the doorframe. James flashed a smile at her, as she moved her attention between him and me. "I must kill to keep myself alive. He kills for pleasure."
"you describe it so perfectly my dear." He smiled, resting a hand on her back. I rolled my eyes and looked away from the dead and barely-in-love couple.
"Little mouse, what are you thinking? You seem distracted."
"About maybe if I can be let go now? I'm fucking done." James clicked his tongue and shook his head. Well fuck, suppose I'm stuck here now.
The door was closed behind them and James walked behind me and held a knife on my stomach as he wrapped his hands around me. It elicited a quiet chuckle out of the glorified vampire, and she walked towards us. Wow, where was all this sudden tension coming from? I just sighed and rested my head on James' shoulder, deciding to go along with whatever they had planned. Kisses on my neck, my shirt slowly being pulled over my head. Cold fingers on my torso. It made me gasp and I shivered, almost cooling back from the ghost touches.
A sharp blade gently stung my belly, cringing at the feeling. But I felt more kisses and licks, and my trousers, slowly being pulled down from my legs. Freezing air flew past me, causing more shivers. Incoherent whispers as The Countess stood up slowly, and placed a gentle hand on James' shoulder. I could feel their wicked smiles.
My back on the bed, scratchy sheets and then sharps and stings.
A long nail against my neck.
A knife under my breasts.
Heavy breaths.
God, I felt divine, and like I actually needed them. This fucking effect the both of them had on me. "Fuck.." I moaned out.
"You're a good girl, mouse."
James in me, The Countess admiring every part of my body and keeping a hand around my neck, whatever claws she owned, teasing every vein.
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It was only a few minutes later when absolute silence.
What on earth was this darkness? Lovingly enveloping me, and making me feel warm.
Then I opened my eyes and I was looking at red. A body dressed in a green sweater and dirty jeans. My sweater and dirty jeans.
My back hit a chest.
"You died wonderfully my little bird." Oh fuck.
"James..." I whimpered, turning on my heel and hitting his collarbones. But the Countess grabbed my hands and pulled them back to behind me.
"None of that now mouse."
What the fuck was happening?? Why? I didn't plan on dying just now. But by the hands of the ones who owned and breathed this hotel. What the fuck else could I do?
"Jesus fuck..."
"you are now here with us for eternity my sweet. You are allowed to switch between the two of us for as long as you please."
Well, Christ okay. Despite the sudden hollowness of not being alive, I pressed a gentle kiss onto the Countess' cheek.
"fine...okay, just, can my body be removed or something?"
"Of course, it can love." The Countess smiled, petting my hair.
Eternity is going to be long...
⊹˚.⋆ ₊꒷ᘏᘏ︶ଓ︶꒷꒦⊹˚ᗢ₊꒷︶ଓ︶꒷
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Tag: @babygorewhore @nahoyasboyfriend @coentinim @slvt4jamesmarch @slutforgarlogan @feefymo
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svearehnn · 1 year
always and forever | azriel x reader
Summary: After the war with Hybern, you can't seem to get rid of the ache in your chest. However, your mate Azriel, will not let you bear your sadness alone.
warnings: mentions of war
sorry i haven't posted in a while! i haven't had any ideas, so if y'all have anything you want me to write for acotar, please send me requests!
You woke up with that ache in your chest again. The sun was shining through the open windows, trying to bring joy and life to your day, but you could already feel the tears welling up. Ever since the war, you lost sight of yourself, going through day to day motions and not remembering anything. It was like you were outside of your body looking in. Some days were good; you could ignore the hole in your chest and you could smile. You could laugh. However, today, there was no chance of going about your day as usual. Your mind was fogged, and your body felt like lead.
A sigh released from your lips as you snuggled down into the bed, wishing it would swallow you. Wiping the tears from your cheeks, you shifted onto your side and pulled the covers over your head. Even as the door creaked open, you didn’t move.
“My love?” Azriel’s voice echoed throughout the room in a whisper. One of his shadows snuck under the covers, twirling around your wrist before washing over your face and leaving. The bed dipped beside you, and a hand came upon your shoulder, rubbing gentle circles on top of the comforter. “Is it one of those days?” 
You stifled a sob and peeked up at him when he moved the covers down. He sent a tug down the bond, cocooning you in love and appreciation as a soft smile lifted his lips. “What can I do to help, honey?”
“Just stay,” your voice cracked. Without a second to waste, Azriel stripped off his leathers before sliding beneath the covers and pulling you into his arms. His warm fingers played with your hair, hazel eyes boring into yours. 
“Do you want to talk about it?” He murmured, moving his hand to cup your cheek and wipe away the tears with his calloused thumb.
“I still see them,” you whispered, sniffling. “Even when my eyes are open, the carnage is still there.” Azriel sighed, placing a kiss on your forehead.
“My first battle tore me apart. But it gets better, my love. The pain doesn’t really go away, but it dulls, and it becomes something that you can live with.” He placed another kiss on your nose this time, thumb smoothing the tenseness away with gentle swipes. “It is okay to have bad days–we all have them every now and again.”
“It feels like I’m suffocating.” You sobbed, breath caught in your throat. He held you tighter, a steady hold to keep you in the present. “I keep playing it over and over again in my head, wondering where I messed up, knowing I could have saved more people if I had tried.” Azriel shook his head.
“You can’t blame yourself for the lives lost, my love. You didn’t kill them, you didn’t start the war. You fought as hard as you could and it was enough. You are enough, my love.”
You buried your head in his chest, holding onto him like he was your life line. Azriel cupped the back of your head and scattered kisses atop of your crown as you breathed heavily, trying to hold in the screams that you wanted to let loose.
“I’m here for you, my love. Always and forever.”
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selesera · 8 months
I’ve got nothing to believe unless you’re choosing me
hello! I go by Sel here and I am sharing my first piece of writing with you, tumblr. I want to dedicate this to @the-lonelybarricade because she is the kindest person online and she immediately saw my other post saying I was proud of myself for writing this and said she -sobs- wanted to read it 🥹
This is a short drabble that came out a little sad and angsty but I am a diehard elucien so have hope dear reader! This was inspired by You're losing me by my queen and saviour tswizzie. I'm so sorry in advance for any typos!
Lady Elain, 
I write this in the hopes that you will agree to speak with me upon my next visit to Velaris.
It is important and urgent.
Elain smoothed out the folded lines of his letter again. Her fingers lightly brushed the letters of his elegant penmanship, terrified of blurring the ink and erasing the way he had written her name. She knew what his “important and urgent” topic was. He was tired of being shackled to her. She could feel his exhaustion, his self hatred, his desperation. Not through the bond, no. She kept her side of that golden string firmly closed. No…she could see his dreams. 
She saw night after night how he confronted her, told her she had to choose. Begging her to choose him. To love him. Or to free him.
Some nights, he would dream that she accepted him and the dream would devolve into a flurry of kisses, wandering fingers, moans and sighs of pleasure. 
Other nights, he would dream she rejected the bond. In those dreams she would stare at her own face, hardened by indifference and disdain. Watch herself coldly stand by as he wept at her feet. Scream at herself to comfort the man - male - that loved her.
She wished she could say those were the worst dreams but she had had the misfortune of seeing his other dreams too. His nightmares. Beron beheading a beautiful fae named Jesminda, wearing an expression on his cruel face much too similar to her own. Hot spikes descending on him. Standing firm against the whips against his back. Screaming as blood red nails dragged down his face. 
The truth was that Elain didn’t know how she felt about being able to see his dreams. On one hand, she felt lucky that she could see the pieces of his history that influenced who he was but that he did not let define him, even as her heart broke at the horrors that he had endured. On the other hand… if she was being honest with herself… it made her angry. 
How dare he make her care about his future? How dare he make her want to soothe and heal every jagged wound to his heart? She was independent. She was not his keeper. She was not the plaything of the cauldron. She would make her own life or die trying! 
At least that’s what she kept telling herself she would do. 
Truthfully, she was scared. How could she be independent in her baby sister’s house? Enjoying all the luxuries that her money bought? She loved Feyre. So much. Had finally created a true relationship with her sister but she still felt stifled. Bored. She couldn’t help thinking that a little distance might do them some good...
One of these days she was going to be able to control her traitorous thoughts… one of these days in her interminably long life.
This is why she hated thinking about him. He always made her question everything about herself, about her life.
Elain looked down again at the letter in her hands. The time had come to respond.
Two pathways emerged in front of her. The first, a path where she chose to stay in her quiet life and let her fear win. The second where fear was still present but sunshine and wildflowers lined the path and a love like no other awaited her.
She put her pen to her paper.
Please accept my regrets. I will be unavailable during your next trip to Velaris. 
I will endeavour to make myself available on your next visit.
Elain Archeron
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call-sign-jinx · 9 months
Endless Love (Bradley "Rooster" Bradshaw) - Chapter 1
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summary - Y/N Y/L/N and Bradley Bradshaw have had a rivalry ever since they both attended the same academy. Every chance they took, they always tried to one up each other. One day, Bradley takes the rivalry too far and Y/N ends up in the hospital with serious injuries. Will it make Y/N want to get him back twice as worse? Or will it make her realise that this rivalry between them is childish?
warnings - swearing, enemies to lovers, mention of serious injury, traumatic episodes, reader traumatised from what happened, smut, slowburn, seizures, flashbacks
a/n - hiya girliesss! this is my very FIRST series on here! i rlly hope u guys like it! enjoyyyyyy! xx
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Bradley Bradshaw and I have always had a rivalry since we were at the academy. I think I'm better than him, he thinks he's better than me. However, on paper, we were just as good as each other. Same scores on all tests and practical tests. Same amount of medals. Same amount of almost everything. I realised that, but wanted to change the fact that we were the same. Because I earned my place at Top Gun. I literally flew from Greater Manchester to San Diego for Top Gun! I had to work hard enough for the money, enough money for the ticket, visa, small shitty apartment, furniture. Everything.
When I was talking to Cyclone the other day - because of an argument that me and Rooster had - he said that we were actually quite alike. I scoffed at the idea. How could me and Bradshaw me similar? I completely disagreed with Cyclone and voiced my opinions, knowing what the consequences of opposing my superior, but to my shock he respected me for standing up to him as not many people do these days. His words, not mine. 
It was now the first official day at Top Gun, well, not really, but everyone was going to be at the Hard Deck to meet each other and celebrate that we got into Top Gun, the best of the best.
I was one of the last to arrive (shit traffic) and my eyes immediately found another female aviator. Thank fucking God. So glad I'm not the only one. I confidently walked over and introduced myself.
"Hi, I'm Vandal. But you can call me Y/N." I stick my hand out for her to shake and I can tell she is just as relieved as me to not be the only woman here.
"Phoenix, but you can call me Nat." She had a confident smile on her face.
She told me everyone's names, Hangman (who she calls Bagman to piss him off), Coyote (basically Hangman's ass kisser, Nat's words not mine), Fanboy, Payback, Bob and then she pointed to the person I disliked most in the world, Bradshaw. Great, I knew he was coming to Top Gun because he tried to shove it in my face when he found out, but I just wish he wasn't here right now. Phoenix obviously saw the way I rolled my eyes with a groan. 
"What? You don't like the pornstache?" She has a smirk on her face as she points over to Bradshaw who is most definitely locking lips with some poor blonde girl who thinks he's into her for more than sex.
"Well, on top of that, we went to the same academy. He was a total prick. But so was I. In a way, we kind of have a rivalry going on. About who is better than who." Phoenix raised a brow as she listened.
"Oh so you're the 'British bitch' he's always complaining about!" Phoenix has a happy but surprised look on her face.
"British bitch? He needs some originality with insults." I roll my eyes as my gaze finds Bradshaw, as per, picking up girls after ditching the blonde. Guess he got bored of her.
"Why do you two have that rivalry anyway? I've asked Rooster about it but he never actually answers it." I roll my eyes again and sigh.
"Because we both can't put up with being the same, one of us has to be on top. It best be me though, I don't like coming second." I cross my arms as I glare at Bradshaw. I hate him. Why can't he just put up with being second? I mean, I had to most my life until I joined the academy, so it mustn't be that hard.
"Seems you're quite the competitive one." Phoenix has a smirk on her face as she crosses her arms. "Want a game of pool? Heard Bagman is 'undefeated' so I really hope you can burst his ego."
My ears immediately perk up at the mention of a competition. especially someone who is 'undefeated.' Not for any longer though.
"Oh come on! Beginners luck!" Hangman couldn't deal with the fact that someone actually beat him at pool, let alone a female. I smirk at him as I have just potted the winning ball.
"Come on Jake, you gotta just deal with finally being beaten." I raise a brow, my smirk growing bigger as Hangman's anger is seeping from him.
"What about a game of darts? Closest to... 180 wins." Hangman sticks out his hand for me to shake, I fake thinking about it for a second before eagerly shaking his hand.
"Ladies first." Hangman gestures for me to stand in front of the dart board.
"Age before beauty." I gesture for him to stand there, he stood in front of the dart board in defeat. He threw all 3 darts and scored 175. Now its my turn.
I take a deep breath and focus. I threw my first dart. It landed on a triple 20! Now I just have to get two more. I threw my second dart, landed on a triple 20 again. I could hear Hangman groan. Which only made my confidence grow. I threw my last dart. It landed on another triple 20!
"That's 180 Hangman! I win!" I had a triumphant smirk on my face as Hangman has all but defeat in his eyes.
"Aww don't be so upset Hangman, you're still second best." I had an evil smirk as Phoenix can't help but laugh.
"How? No one and I mean no one has ever beaten me at darts!" Hangman runs a hand through his hair as he gets a better look at the dart board to see if one of my darts was just close enough to the area above or below it. They weren't.
"Guess because I wasn't here." I pat him on his back and gesture to the bartender if I could get two more beers. One for me and one for Hangman.
"Here Bagman, to make you feel better." I giggle as I pass him the beer.
The rest of the night went by like a breeze. Hangman demanding a rematch every 10 minutes, me and Phoenix gossiping, Fanboy, Payback and Coyote playing pool, Bob sat near the wall nearly out of sight, and Bradshaw, at the piano with another girl on his lap as he sings Great Balls of Fire by Jerry Lee Lewis.
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aboutcustardcreams · 3 months
The monster within you
part three here
Lilith/Madam Satan x reader (most of all)
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The air is crispy outside, the setting sun is turning the sky into a bluish tinge. A light breeze blows through your hair, and gently tickles your already rosy cheeks. Lifting your knees up, you rest your chin above them, then lazily circle your legs with your arms.
The relic is right next to you, on the porch bench where you too are sitting. The temptation to put it on is so strong to cause you a wave of sickness in your stomach. But you made a promise to both Zelda and Cordelia, that you intended to keep.
As you stare anywhere but there, you find yourself spiraling, thinking of all the possible scenarios regarding your family history. On one hand, you wish your parents were alive. It's true they gave you up, but maybe they had no choice in the matter.
It soothes you to think they wanted to offer you a better chance in life. However, there was another side of you that didn't believe that. It could be that they gave you up for selfish reasons only, or a tragic accident occurred, and just like that you were left orphaned.
You crinkle your nose and fidget slightly.
Turning around, your eyes bore into that piece of cloth again. As you do, you feel a chill run up your spine, both due to the chilly air outside and the irrational fear of the unknown.
You aren't scared of the possibility of getting physically hurt. It's more the emotional damage that keeps you stalling. You find yourself reviving your memories that dated back to your life with them, before Greendale, New Orleans, Zelda and Cordelia. You really thought they loved you. Up to a point, at least, they did.
When magic showed up, everything went south.
"My, my, aren't your thoughts loud?", it's the voice of a woman you've never heard before.
Blinking softly, you lift your chin and find a slim figure standing in front of you. Your eyes bore into hers, and when you do, you're sure to have never seen a clearer hue of blue before. Before you can ask her who she is and what she is doing there, the woman talks again.
"You need to be more careful, princess," her admission is meant to sound like a scold, but her gaze is soft and kind. "I've been watching you for quite a while and you never noticed," she chants with an arched eyebrow, as to prove a point.
You scoff lightly and can't help the amused smile curving your lips, "I wonder what's so interesting about me today to have so many visitors my way", there's a hint of sarcasm in your voice that doesn't go unnoticed.
The woman steps closer and hums, "many things."
You chuckle slightly, "careful there or I'll end up believing I'm special," you tease.
"You most certainly are," the brunette remarks firmly.
Your brows knit in confusion, failing to grasp her point. She lets out a sigh and takes the remaining steps left to close the gap between the two of you. She gestures to the empty spot next to you, as a permission to sit down. When you give her a hesitant nod of your head, she beams down at you.
"Every witch, of course, guards something special, and you aren't less of them."
"What's your name?", you inquire, completely ignoring her previous statement.
She gives you a subtle grin, eyeing you with the corner of her eye so as not to miss your reaction, "I'm Lilith, and before you wonder, yes, that Lilith."
Blinking in utter disbelief, your mouth parts slightly ajar, unsure of what's the best to say. Then, you shoot up, "I-I'm so sorry your... majesty, I had no idea," your cheeks flush a darker hue of pink.
Her calm response surprises you.
"There is no need to apologize, princess. And please, let's keep aside the formalities. Lilith will do," she insists, eyes roaming over you without any malice.
You blink softly, still partially in trance.
That behavior of yours elicits a fond smile to tug at her red lips. With a single finger the first witch prompts you to sit down again next to her and you oblige quickly, maybe too quickly because she laughs again.
"Do you wish to come inside?", you ask awkwardly.
She shakes her head, "that won't be necessary, no. Unless you want to," Lilith doesn't fail to notice the little goosebumps that have risen over your skin.
"I'm okay," you state quietly.
Lilith stares right into your eyes, as to make sure you are being honest with her. A part of her thinks you're not, but she decides not to pressure you further.
"Do you plan to use it?", she questions, referring to Lucia's relic, folded between the two of you.
You blink and look down, "I think so. It's the sole way that can help me understand who I am," your voice comes out almost whispered. It causes Madame Satan to feel a weird pang in her chest.
Taking it in between your hands, you later ask, "can you tell me more about it?"
Lilith shifts in her spot, scooting closer to you, "well, it's complex and unpredictable," her expression hides a veil of concern as she speaks.
"I've been told," you nod, a tad discouraged and frustrated to be honest.
"The relic's both blessed and cursed, and that's what makes it so powerful," when she tries to take it from your hands, you let her.
"Could it turn me blind?", your voice is hesitant and a bit fearful.
The way her eyes shoot open at your unexpected question almost elicits a giggle out of you.
"What in the world are you saying now?"
"Not my thought, but Zelda's," you clarify.
You spot a hint of amusement veiling Lilith's eyes, a warm flush to her cheeks as she shakes her head, remembering the redhead witch's temperament very well.
"When I mentioned that the relic belonged to Lucia, Saint Lucia, she totally freaked out."
Lilith hums amusedly, "I'd have been surprised if she did not," you feel yourself nodding at that.
"She's a weird witch, your partner. The softest matriarch I've ever encountered."
Scrunching up your nose, you comment, "You don't want to say that to her face."
It was funny how despite Lilith being Queen of Hell, you still 'feared' Zelda's reaction the most.
Lilith scoffs and pats your knee, "I already have, on several occasions," she mutters in a whisper, as if that was supposed to stay a secret between the two of you.
You never thought the Queen of Hell could be that fun. But you sure expected her to be more...intimidating. It was strange that she looked exactly like you expected her to be. Of a timeless elegance and graciousness, like someone that could bend everyone to her will, both with violence and softness. That's what probably intrigued you about her.
"To answer your question, I don't think the relic has the power to turn someone blind, simply because it's not its purpose."
You nod at that, reasoning out loud, "it's meant to help people see."
"True, but I'd advise you to be cautious regardless," she adds apprehensively. When she brushes some hair from your face, you're genuinely taken aback by what appeared to be an odd and unexpected display of affection.
You blurt out, "I will. I can do this," the intent to reassure her has also the aim to encourage yourself.
Playfully humming, she nods, "you do look like a badass."
"That's a huge compliment, thank you," your tongue peeks out of your mouth as you smile. A gesture that makes Lilith's insides melt and twist.
She scoots closer, and stays silent for a moment, staring into the starry sky above you. A pause follows in which both of you are comfortable, adjusting to each other's presence.
"You've got a nice family here, haven't you?", when she suddenly speaks again, your eyebrows shoot up. "Zelda and Cordelia are taking good care of you, are they not?"
At the mention of your girlfriends' name, your cheeks turn a deep hue of pink. You silently wonder how she knows of all these things about you, despite having a slight idea yourself.
"How do you know about that? About me?"
Playfully tapping your knee again, she says, "I'm Queen of Hell, princess. Nothing gets past me."
That answer seems reasonable enough. Sighing, you look up at the sky, only to close your eyes a moment after, "I just want to know where my place is; well, where it used to be," you exhale softly, trying to imagine the face of your mother and your father.
Lilith glances at you with soft eyes, remaining wordless. She reaches for your shoulder, offering you a light, encouraging squeeze. Another display of affection in which you find a surprising comfort.
"Wait, considering you know so much about everything, any chances you know about my parents too?"
That question stunned Lilith, however she tried her best not to show. Her mouth falls agape, in search for an answer buried deep down her throat. And suddenly her chest feels too small for her heart to fit, for her to breathe.
"I'm just joking. Don't try so hard," you tilt your head to the side, chuckling slightly.
"Right, sure," she admits with a wry smile. You frown, feeling like there's something she isn't telling you. Maybe you caused offense, without noticing?
"About your adoptive family," your breath halts in your chest as she speaks again, "what was it like?"
Her face dims a little, when you take an extra minute to think about it.
"I had a happy childhood," your voice is thick with emotion, there's honesty in your words, mingled with some blatant white lies you hoped she wouldn't notice. "Everything a kid could wish for: a nice house, the prettiest room— a couple of close friends in the neighborhood."
Leaning forward, the Demoness runs a hand across your back, up to the tip of your hair. You crane your neck towards her, and she takes advantage of the opportunity to tug a piece of hair from your face, to better grasp the shades of your eyes.
"They loved me until they couldn't."
You blink away the beginning of some tears, while Lilith's hand freezes on the spot that's now your cheek, "What does it mean?", you bite your lip, your eyes are slightly averted now.
"When they discovered I was a witch, everything changed and they started ...fearing me," you sniffle, eyes shutting closed for a moment, "but they failed to see that behind my powers rising, there was still the same old Celeste. Their... daughter."
Feeling her hand brushing against your cheek, you turn around, to look back into those icy eyes. "Oh, princess," she coos sadly, and you try your best to compose yourself. The pain in your eyes is hard to mask and stabs Lilith's chest like dozens of celestial daggers.
You exhale shakily, forcing a smile out of you, "when I decided to leave and they made no effort to stop me, I knew it was for the best."
Lilith's features morph into so many different emotions that you struggle to identify. She appears haunted by questions piling up into fragile sand castles swaying in the wind. You're not sure anymore if she is mostly mad, concerned or incredulous. It's probably a mix of these.
"Yet you think of them as good people, why?", she breathes out in disbelief. Her features hardened a bit, as well as her posture, however, her eyes remained soft, even veiled with tears she wasn't allowing herself to shed.
The answer came out as easily as ever.
"They took me in, loved me in their own way. Even if I wasn't theirs," you point out.
Lilith tries to say something but you beat her to it.
"I will not discredit that love just because it didn't last forever," it sounded reasonable to you, despite the deep crease between your brows.
Lilith swallows a lump in her throat and stays quiet, despite having many things to say.
"You're so sickly sweet," that's the response she decides to go for.
Your hum quizzically, "why does it sound like an insult?"
Lilith bites back a laugh as she takes in the priceless expression on your face, "maybe because it is," she jokes, with an arched eyebrow.
You roll your eyes, but smile amusedly, "you know, for being the Queen of Hell, you're wildly nice."
"Excuse me!", Lilith fake gasps and pats your hand, shooting you a glare. "You got some nerve saying that to me, princess," there is no seriousness in her features, despite her best attempts. You see a spark of joy in her eyes, but you could be wrong.
"What in Hecate's name is going on here?", you'd recognize her voice anywhere.
You suck in a breath before pressing your lips in a thin line.
"Zelda, my dear friend," Lilith makes a face before begrudgingly pulling away from you to take in the two witches standing at the front door. "It's so nice to see you again," there's a hint of sarcasm in her tone that makes you sputter.
How bold and fearless she can be?
The witch stares at Lilith eerily still and calm, too calm, "I must admit you got a great timing," she reasons with a scoff, "always showing up when there are matters to sort out."
It sounded like an accusation to you, a devious one but still.
Lilith groans and waves a hand nonchalantly.
"Celeste, who's this?", Cordelia asks you, a look of concern in her brown eyes.
"Well, she...", you sit up, leaning a bit forward, as if in need to introduce her properly and with due respect. However, the first witch spares you the trouble.
"I go by many names, I'm known as the mother of demons, the dawn of doom, Queen of Hell, but you can call me Lilith."
Zelda winces in disgust, whereas Cordelia's eyes grow bigger. Her brain momentarily feels like going short-circuit. "Oh my," her mouth parts slightly, "It's a pleasure meeting you, your majesty," she bows her head as a form of respect, causing Lilith to grin from ear to ear.
She likes being praised, you thought.
"Cut the crap, and state your business," Zelda spats.
Both you and the Supreme glance at the redhead as if she had grown a tail. As for Lilith, she remains unshaken, absolutely unbothered by her tone and ways in her regards. Probably because she was used to being treated like that by the eldest of the Spellmans.
Sighing, she gets up and smoothing her skirt while doing so.
"Can't I answer the prayers of one of my witches in need?", she asks, sure to have a point.
You decide to keep to yourself that that was a lie. You didn't know why you felt the need to have her back. Maybe because she had yours without even waiting for you to ask.
"Celeste's name is not even in the Book of the Beast, why would you care about her?", she questions, crossing her arms over her chest.
"I do not discriminate, for your information," the Demoness states as calmly as possible.
Zelda lets out a humorless chuckle, "since when you're so benevolent?"
You knew of their troubled history, as you have been told by Zelda herself, plus the perspective of both Hilda and Ambrose. They didn't start off on the right foot, but eventually things went better. You knew Lilith had manipulated Sabrina into following the path of the Dark Lord, but you also knew that in the end, Lilith turned her back on him, and killed him herself. It wasn't exactly a redemption, you're well aware of that, but who, in this life, is sinless?
Lilith's aura gets a bit darker, a clear sign she is growing impatient, "do I need to remind you I kept your beloved Sabrina alive countless of times, while you were totally unaware of her doings?"
Low blow. You suck in a shaky breath, spotting your girlfriend's face turning pale. Cordelia, as well, winces as if she had been the one to take the blow.
"Wipe your mouth before talking about my niece," she warns, dangerously low. "We both know you did what you did because it was convenient to you."
"I believe we already talked about this," Lilith talks back. She later drops her shoulders, and when she does you realize her last intention is to fight with her or anyone of you. "I do come in peace, Zelda. No funny business."
"It's true," you decide to intervene on her behalf, standing tall next to her. "She's been nothing but nice to me. If you don't want to believe her, believe me."
"Nice?", Zelda echoes in disbelief. "Since when the Queen of Hell performs kindness on a daily basis?", she asks you, but eyes her.
"Ah, you know, I felt up for a change today," Lilith pipes up with a fake smile.
Chuckling bitterly, she comments, "say that to someone that doesn't know you."
You feel yourself rolling your eyes, before tiredly pinching the root of your nose. Why did everything turn out to be a big deal?
"Alright Celeste," a brief, nervous smile crosses the Supreme's face, "you should come inside," reaching out a hand towards you, she eyes you with hope in her eyes. Concern hidden behind a mask of composure.
You open your mouth to say something but Lilith precedes you once again.
"She is right" when you frown in response, she continues, "you're actually freezing out there, aren't you?"
"Maybe a little," you concede, with a small smile that Lilith soon reciprocates. You Cordelia draw you close and can't deny the fact that you feel immediately warmer and better in her arms. However, you feel sorry for Lilith. A part of you doesn't want to say goodbye yet.
"Would you like to stay?"
She laughs softly and shakes her head, "I think I've intruded enough. You three should rest, it's pretty late now."
"That's probably for the best, yes," the redhead agrees with a firm nod of her head. She takes a mental note to ask you as to why in Hecate's name you would invite the Queen of Hell for a sleepover.
Your pout doesn't go unnoticed by Lilith, whose lips half rise in a brief smirk. She approaches closer and nudges you playfully, "don't be sad, princess. I'm not dying."
She's right and you know it. "Will you be back?", Zelda raises an eyebrow at you. Even Cordelia remains stunned by your sudden interest towards the Queen of Hell. "I mean, if I need a piece of advice," you mutter tentatively.
Lilith couldn't hide her pride, if she tried. "I'm only one prayer away, princess," she promises, her voice barely above a whisper.
Zelda is sure to have never heard her use such a soft tone before. Maybe just once or twice, but in very different circumstances. Your eyes mirror the flames of Hell as Lilith disappears into a vortex of fire, back to Hell.
Woah, very scenic, you think to yourself.
Cordelia takes a sigh of relief right after. She holds you closer to her front, and buries her face in your hair, "you got us worried, again,” there is a hint of playfulness in her tone, but you know it’s not just it.
"Sorry I lost track of time," you mutter apologetically.
Zelda's nose scrunches up as she narrows her eyes at you, "what was that?"
Shrugging cutely, you echo innocently, "what was what?"
The redhead rolls her eyes at your antics, while Cordelia lets out a warm chuckle. Placing both hands upon her hips, she continues, "shouldn't we talk about what happened tonight?"
Suddenly feeling tired, you let out a yawn in response.
"Maybe tomorrow," it's Cordelia's response, her lips press a kiss on top of your head and your lashes flutter slightly.
Zelda huffs and rolls her eyes before looking at the two of you alternatively, "You two go ahead, I'll catch you up in a minute," she mutters, suddenly in need to have a smoke.
"Don't be long," you mutter lazily. She brushes her hand against your cheek, telling you not to worry.
While you and Cordelia walk inside, Zelda sits on the porch's bench. Tired, confused, worried. Her eyes glance down at Lucia's relic still there, as a reminder that troubles have not finished yet, if anything they've just started. Summoning a cigarette in her hand, she lights it up, before taking a long, well deserved drag.
"Whatever it is you're not telling, Lilith?", she asks in a faint whisper, letting out a big puff of smoke, "What were you doing here?"
The Queen of Hell hears her loud and clear, while sitting uncomfortably on her throne. Running a hand through her hair, she lets out a sigh. Her eyes fall close, as she breathes softly in and out. Hearts pounding in her chest, annoyingly. She wish she knew. 
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tonberry-yoda · 1 year
LAST ONE I SWEAR: Hermes with the Love at first sight thingy? You are the best thank you omg🤍✨️
Love - Hermes (f!reader)
notes - I havent been feeling 10/10 SO HERE I AM WRITING FOR MY COMFORT CHARACTER IN ROR!!! How can I not?!??!?! It got a little self inserty, BUT I DONT CARE I LOVE HIM SM HOW CAN I NOT?!?!??!?! I'm kinda obsessed with his design tee hee. I had a ton of fun writing this, so thank you for the request!! ily and i hope you have an amazing day <333
word count - 717
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You were just a human. A human that was bored of life.
You sighed and spent your time studying Greek Mythology. You seemed to be very fixated on it recently. It was so interesting, the way that the gods would live. And who knew, maybe they were wonderful people. You laughed at the thought. How stupid. If a god met you, you would probably be dead.
You were especially fixated on Hermes though. He was a god that never stopped showing up in every myth you read. He was fun to read about. He was always saying something witty or just being the most reasonable god. He was the most... human, you supposed.
You only wondered if these stories you escaped with were real at all. You wished that you could meet someone like Hermes.
Walks were close enough to your escape though, especially the woods by your house. They were full and green; very fantasy-esque. You loved them. Especially getting overdressed to go on a walk. A long dress and a pair of thin flats. You would read stories to deer and bunnies that weren't too far off from you and you would sometimes just take your shoes off and stick your feet in the mud.
It was freeing. And it was all you needed.
You didn't mind going there by yourself as often as you did. It was nice.
But it was off putting when you heard a voice for the first time.
"Can I ask why we're all the way out here?" A deep, yet smooth voice said.
You quickly hid behind a rock. You weren't used to hearing anyone out here, so you were definitely scared.
"Oh, come now, my boy," a raspier voice chuckled. "I like visiting the world down here every now and again! It's not like anyone's going to be out here!"
And right as the man thought that, your dumbass stepped on a stick that made a loud ass sound. Great.
"What was that?" The raspy voice said.
"I don't know," the smoother voice said, his tone slow and soft. "Let me go check it out. Stay here."
Your heart dropped and you panicked a bit. What were you supposed to do? You spent so much time thinking that you didn't move an inch, so a head peeked out from the rock.
You and him both seemed to be in shock as your eyes went wide as you looked at each other.
You stood up from your spot and muttered something that was supposed to be an apology, but more sounded like a bundle of words. You were blushing, dammit.
The man in front of you was handsome. Super handsome. He had jet black hair and bright red eyes. He was wearing a black tuxedo and you couldn't help but stare at him.
He did the same though, without your knowing. You in your dress, god, you looked like a fairy out here.
You both must've realized that you were staring for far too long and you both blushed, looking at the ground.
"I apologize, miss," the man bowed at you and looked back up at you with a small smile. "I didn't mean to scare you."
"I didn't mean to scare you." You peeked out from behind the rock and saw that an old man was admiring a butterfly.
"You're beautiful... if you don't mind me saying."
You turned back to the man with shock. "W-Well, you're very handsome."
"Well, I don't want to doddle. I apologize for the scare," he pulled up you hand to his lips and pressed a kiss upon your knuckles. "I do hope you have a lovely rest of your day, though."
You were sad to feel his touch leave, sighing. "Wait!" You called off as he went to walk back to the old man.
The man turned to you, his hair blowing in the light breeze that blew over. "Yes?"
"I never caught your name."
He hesitated for a moment, but smiled. "It's Hermes."
You froze and watched him leave. Oh my god, that was like a dream.
"What was that all about?" Zeus asked Hermes.
"Oh nothing. But love is a funny thing, don't you think, Lord Zeus?"
"Aphrodite can be an awful woman."
Hermes chuckled. "I suppose she can be."
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2023 @tonberry-yoda – do not repost or claim ANY of my work as your own! likes, reblogs, and comments are not only welcome, but appreciated
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