#sighs and logs onto skype
smol-and-grumpy · 4 years
Confidentiality - Chapter 1: The Conference Call
Pairing: Jensen Ackles x Reader
Summary: Four months. Four long months that she’s been hiding in lockdown. So when everything starts to go back to normal again, she’s going back to work as Jensen’s handler for the first Supernatural convention after the pandemic.
Chapter Warnings: A little angst, a dash of fluff
WC: 1703
A/N: For this fic, let’s pretend Jensen is single and the pandemic was over and done with after four months. Also I’m sorry ugh, it’s been a while since I wrote Jensen. 
Beta’d by: @dean-winchesters-bacon​​ <3
Series Masterlist ~ SPN Masterlist
Become a Patron ~ Buy me a coffee
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It’s Monday and Y/N is sitting in a darkened room as she starts up her laptop for today’s work meeting. She had drawn the blinds already, hiding her surroundings from her workmates.
The light on the nightstand illuminates the room enough for the people in the video call to see her features. That’s all they need to see, really. 
Logging onto her laptop with her password, she clicks open the email client, and selects her calendar. The cursor travels over the highlighted block and she clicks on it, searching for the login link to the Zoom meeting. 
It’s 4.56 PM, she still has four minutes left. Wonders if she should click on the link and let the computer connect or if she should wait. She’d hate to be one of the first ones because that’s always awkward. She would spend time talking nonsense with whoever was as eager as her to join a meeting too soon. 
4.58 PM. Now is a good time, probably. Not too early and she’d hate even more to be the last one. 
Moving her mouse over the link, she clicks on it and a window with the meeting pops open. There’s another click and then she’s there, her laptop camera lights up with a green light, signaling that she too can be seen. 
Seeing herself on screen is not something she enjoys. She nervously rights her hair, arranges it so nobody will notice the hickey that she tried to hide with concealer ten minutes before. It’s a fresh one, one he just gave her an hour ago, even though he knew full well that she’s going to have a meeting. It's her own fault because she had let him, always gets so fucking weak when he nibbles at her throat.
Y/N joins as the six people are talking about something. Nonsense, she guesses. She doesn’t really listen. 
There should be ten people in the meeting to discuss the upcoming Supernatural Convention. The first convention after the lockdown. 
“Hi,” she says and waves, because that’s what every newcomer does and she’s greeted with Hello’s and Hi’s back. 
But there’s one guy already sitting in there, looking like he owns the whole fucking internet, and she doesn’t know how he does it with the lighting but he looks downright pretty. It’s not really fair. 
“Hey, Y/N,” Jensen greets her by name. Of course he does, because he likes to rile her up. He’s also the only one who’s so abso-fucking-lutely cheery. “How are you?”
She smirks, “I’m fine, thank you. I hope you are too.”
Keeping it professional, that’s what she can and will do.
“Good,” Jensen nods and opens his mouth to say something more but he gets cut off by her boss who’s taking the lead. 
Y/N doesn’t say much, doesn’t have anything to say anyway during the first ten minutes of the conversation. Lowering her face, she takes notes because it’s a prep meeting where they get informed how it will work out and to see how the spirit of the people involved is for the upcoming convention — which she’s really excited about. It has been a while. 
Jensen and Jared do a lot of talking, as they want to know the details on how to make the experience great for the fans after everyone’s been holed up for so long. And she loves that. She always loved how they actually really care, unlike other show’s leads. There are some points that still need to be talked through and Y/N just sits back and watches. She could watch Jensen talk for days, it’s really mesmerizing. 
His hair is long, his beard too. Jensen’s new look is completely different from Dean. It makes him look softer, and rounds up the edges of his jawline. The graying of his beard doesn’t make him less attractive, and that’s also something that she thinks it’s unfair. She hopes they will let him keep it for the convention. Hopes that he won’t let them talk him out of it because ‘some fans might want to meet Dean and not Jensen’. It’s going to be another month until they go back to filming, so it’s actually feasible. She’s sure that apart from a select few, the majority of fans would love to take a photo with this look and she can’t blame them one bit.
It’s going to be weird when the look is gone. Honestly, she needed some time to get used to it herself, but it has really grown on her. Maybe she’ll mourn the loss — just a little.
“So, let’s recap,” Gina, her boss, says and Y/N snaps her mind back to reality, “Jared’s flying in on Friday already because you want to visit some friends, right?”
“Correct,” Jared nods his head in approval. “You did book the hotel for three nights for me, right?” The question is directed to her co-worker, Julian, who’s responsible for the boys' travel arrangements. 
“Yeah, I did,” Julian says with a nod of his head.
Gina nods, “Good, so Jensen, I see that you’re flying in on Saturday evening as per usual?”
“Yes.” Jensen says. He looks into his screen and licks his lips. She hates that she knows that he’s looking at her.
“I want you girls to be there on Friday evening at the latest? We’ll also go for dinner on Saturday and go over the Sunday schedule.”
“Uh, yes. I’ll be there,” Hannah and Kristin say in unison. Kristin is responsible for Misha but since Misha is also attending Sunday, she sits into the meeting as a formality.
That’s Y/N’s cue.
“I-I’m, uh, sorry, I’m still in the middle of booking my flight but yeah, I’ll be there on Friday.” 
It was a huge issue with Jensen and they’d argued today about the flight. He doesn’t want her to leave until the last possible minute but now she has the confirmation that she has to be there on Friday already.
She sees Jensen raising an eyebrow and hates him for it because he distracts her.
“Okay,” her boss nods, “Jared and Jensen, I’ll have someone picking you up.”
Jared smiles, “Okay.”
“Great,” Jensen huffs out. She can see that he’s a little irritated about something.
The others don’t seem to have noticed, but she does. Jared notices as well, but apart from him clearing his throat, he doesn’t say a word.
“Right, I need to hurry to another meeting. Boys, I’ll see you Sunday!” Gina addresses the boys before waving goodbye, and disconnects. People in the meeting follow her and disappear one by one.
Y/N too, disconnects and is about to shut down her laptop when a skype call interrupts her.
It’s Jensen.
As soon as she picks up, her screen lights up and the view of his face almost blinds her. Honestly, it’s like staring into the sun. Nonetheless, she rolls her eyes because of the things he pulled in the meeting. 
“Why are you rolling your eyes at me?” He asks, seemingly oblivious. 
She groans with another eye roll, “Because you tried to distract me the entire conference call!”
“Excuse me? I wasn’t the one who was trying to undress you with my eyes.”
Y/N cocks an eyebrow, frowning at him. There’s a beat of silence until he groans.
“Fine, alright, I did. Sorry, okay? And why didn’t you say that we’re going to fly in together on Saturday like we said we would?” There’s something about the way he looks and she detects disappointment. 
“As far as I remember, we did not settle on that because you ended up distracting me again and gave me a fucking hickey. And besides,” she sighs, “Nobody should know.”
“Would it really be so bad, Y/N?”
“Jensen, are we really going to have this conversation over Skype?”
“Fine,” he scoffs and stands up abruptly, walking out of the frame. 
Abandoning her laptop, Y/N proceeds to walk to the window to open up the blinds again. Walking back, she switches off the only other light source, and as if on cue, the door opens.
“Shall we have the conversation face to face instead?” Jensen asks as he barges in, walks to the bed of his guest room, and sits down. He rubs a hand through his long hair, scratches at his beard before he looks at her. 
“I rather not have it at all, but yet here we are, huh?” She strides over to stand in front of him and Jensen looks up, his features are so fucking soft, it makes her weak.
“Why don’t you want them to know? And I’m sure they would let it slide if you flew in on Saturday instead of Friday. You’re only responsible for me anyway and we’re a good team.” His hand reaches out for her, tugs at her wrist, uses his strength to pull her onto the bed with him. 
Y/N lands on her back with a squeal and Jensen takes the opportunity, looming over her and looking down at her. Her hand goes up, strokes his hair back, fingertips tracing along his beard.
“Because the only reason I’m still employed is because you let them put in the contract that you want me as your handler and no one else. They would absolutely hate it if they found out I was fucking their talent.”
Jensen chuckles, his nose touching hers, “That’s not true.”
“What’s that?”
“If anything, it’s me fucking you.” His irresistible smile makes Y/N melt a little before he kisses her. 
He lingers too long, kisses her too softly, too sweetly, knowing what effect his kisses have on her. 
Pushing at his chest, she makes him break the kiss, “I should look for a flight.”
“No,” he chuckles and pecks her lips.
“Okay, fine,” he pushes himself up, “but only because I have an interview scheduled.”
Right, he does. It’s going to be an hour long.
“You want me to make dinner to have it ready when you’re finished?” She asks while she sits up and walks over to her laptop.
“Nah, I’ll eat you,” Jensen winks before he walks out.
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Chapter 2
Please share your thoughts with me, I’d love to hear your feedback.
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littlefreya · 4 years
Let Me In
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Summary:  You have your very first fight and he is not inclined on apologizing properly. So he is trying a different trick of winning your heart back.
Pairing: Captain Syverson x Reader (You)
Word count: 2.8k
Warnings: Smut + Fluff, Captain Cunnilingus returns with some Oral Sex, sexual innuendo, manhandling, dirty language.
A/N: Based on a prompt requested by @wondersofdreaming AND inspired by my many conversation with @agniavateira who also is a queen and edits my work :3
Prompt: Kisses exchanged as they move around, hitting the edges of tables or nearly tripping over things on the floor before making it to the sofa, or bed.
Title: Let me In
You feel like an idiot. For 3 months, you’ve waited for him to get back from Iraq so you two can finally reunite. You’ve thrown the most outrageous outfit on yourself: a dark blue velvet dress that made your ass look like a piece of heaven on earth, and a pair of fuck-me-pumps which were set to send a clear message. 
And it worked its magic. Syverson’s hand possessed your ass in seconds, not wanting to let go. He collected you in his grip and had you in his lap for the entire evening, his manhood growing hungry for your hot embrace. It took every measure of self-discipline to battle the urge to take him to the pub’s restroom and let him fuck you on top of the sink like a furious train.    
Yet here you are, walking down the streets at midnight, teary-eyed and lips red with rage. Your uncomfortable heels echo on the hard damp road while you tug your skirt down, muttering to yourself how much you hate that big oaf. 
“Get back here, babygirl, we ain’t done talkin’.” You hear his voice yelling after you as he chases you down the street. His steps are heavy, thudding on the ground.
“Go away! I don’t want to see you anymore.” You yell back, not even bothering to look at him. 
You’re afraid that if you’ll see him you might just burst with anger and slap him, even though at this point he definitely earned it. Syverson’s long legs outmatch your heel-wearing feet, though. The large man quickly picks up the pace and Lord knows he has the stamina of a bull. 
This man is a trained special forces captain, after all. You, on the other hand, are just a girl.
“C’mon, doll, I didn’t mean it...” he walks along your side. You catch that stupid smile of his from the corner of your eye, and his voice shows not even the slightest hint of remorse as if he’s too proud to beg for mercy. 
“I didn’t think you'd be offended.”
“You didn’t think I'd be offended?!” You echo, eyes blazing with fury. Syverson looks down into your eyes, wearing a naive look on his gruff face. “You told your entire crew of soldiers that you bought me a vibrator so I can ‘fuck myself’ during our Skype calls, while I was sitting right. fucking. there!” 
Syverson shrugs, lifting his hands in the air as if he still doesn’t get what the big fuss is about.
“Ugh!!!” You grunt and turn on your heels, stomping your feet while rushing toward your home. “Go away Sy. Go back to your stupid friends at the pub, this is not happening tonight.”
He sighs, his hand brushing your wrist, carefully trying to grab you. But you slap it away, hoping that your small palm did enough to hurt the big log. “Babygirl, it was a mistake. Now don’t be like this, let me spend time with you.”  
Not even that deep, gravelly voice can help convince you. All you can think of is the redness on your cheeks as he casually told a group of deranged elite soldiers how you masturbate on video for him. Never in your life have you felt so ashamed. Syverson carried himself with such pride, adding to your embarrassment by mentioning: “It’s not as big as the real thing but at least it keeps her covered until I’m back home.” 
You’re almost at your apartment, stomping up the stairs angrily with Syverson trailing behind you, his sight fixed on your ass while you’re fishing for your key inside the tiny black purse. His aura radiates confidence, without even glaring at him you can tell this man is 100% convinced he is walking into your apartment and getting his slice of that cake.
Think again, buddy.    
“Leave! I’m not gonna ask twice.” You threaten him while unlocking the door. His hands come onto your forearms and in a flash, you’re shoved against the door with his body pressing you into captivity. 
“If I said we ain’t done talkin’ then we ain’t done talkin’, woman!” he says menacingly. You smell the whiskey on his breath and feel each of his hard muscles against your small figure. His knee pushes between your legs, keeping them apart as he offers you a smirk. 
“You want me to beg, babygirl? You know that ain’t happening. I ain’t no goddamn pooch like them city boys you’re used to.”  
You bite your lip trying not to whimper, your body already betraying you into submission, in need of that perfect Alpha male to give it what nature entails. You can already feel the smooth, sticky wetness against your panties, and your nipples harden through the velvet fabric, much to Sy’s delight.
His eyes beam with triumph. “Look, I’m sorry, okay? Now are you gonna let me in there, or are we doing this here where your neighbors can watch?” 
“You are not coming in,” you answer, your voice entirely unconvincing as you break into a tendril of tiny little moans, elicited by Sy’s coaxing hands. His skillful fingers roam at your curves, giving attention to every inch of your body. His thumbs graze at your nipples, circling around them before gliding down as he moves to kneel in front of you.
“Don’t,” you warn him, your eyes staring at the empty corridor with alarm.  But Syverson’s callous hands ignore you, holding your legs apart and running up the skirt of your dress. “Then let me in,” he suggests with a growl, his digits coursing their way into the heaven between your thighs, each stroke of his rough fingertips against your delicate skin makes you succumb more and more. 
You should know by now, Sy has no problem fucking you in public.
“Have you any idea how much I missed eating your pussy?” He murmurs in his thick Texan accent, his breath hot against your inner thighs as he pushes your legs further apart. Your black lace panties are already down to your knees. Being a military macho, Syverson sure misses a lot - but the fact that you wore a new, expensive pair doesn’t go over his head. He looks up to meet your gaze, wearing a smug grin on his chiseled face. 
You hate him right now, how he embarrassed you, how weak he makes you every single time, reducing you to a moaning whore.   
“No?” he asks, his eyes gesturing at your white knuckles that clutch the door handle. You collect every drop of strength still left in you and shake your head in protest. 
Syverson emits a bastard’s grin before his head dips between your thighs. His nose bumps against your clit, his beard grazing your tender skin as he shifts to taste the ambrosia at your core. You rush to cover your mouth, muffling the yelp that escapes you. 
It begins with a lover’s kiss, praising that which is kept waiting for him for months.  
You are so yearnful, so desperate, shying of the juices that drip from your womanhood as if there is any shame for being such a wanton woman. Yet Sy breaks through every prudent thought you’ve ever had. He pushes you to new extremes of pleasure with every sexual encounter between the two of you, and damn if he isn’t attentive and talented. 
Sy doesn’t just fuck or makes love, he wrecks you.  
You gasp, your breath making your palm moist while Sy’s tongue greets your swollen labia. He’s licking with lingering, long strokes, coating his tongue with every fervent drop of your desire, before delving inside. 
“Fuck,” you cry into your own hand, feeling the heat spilling from your abdomen while he twirls his tongue inside you and suckles on the peak of your pleasure. He feasts on you as if you were the sweetest of delights, his tongue lavishing with enthusiasm. It makes you tremble and attempt to clench your legs together as you can hardly take the stimulation inflicted upon you. Yet Sy forbids you to, restraining your legs before giving all his attention to your clit. 
You were wronged; this is not a prize, this is punishment. 
Syverson laps and sucks at you with angry passion, lips tightening around your engorged nub, the coarse hair of his beard leaving you red and raw. You fall apart in his strong hands, coming undone weak and powerless. 
Fuck, you missed this. 
Your underwear is still locked around your knees as Sy climbs back up to meet you, licking his lips with arrogance and wiping his wet beard.
“See? I knew you’d come around,” he praises you, impressed by the sight of your weary eyes and your lips that are plumped with lust. His body pushes against you once more, letting you feel his rigid cock. “Let’s go inside now, I’m really not in the mood for your neighbors catching me fucking you here.” 
You heave against him, his cocky smirk making you furious within seconds. No, this time you want power, you want him to beg and apologize properly instead of fucking you into submission as he always does.
“Beg for it, darling.” 
Your hand tightens around the handle and with great agility, you manage to sneak past the door and shut it in his dumbfounded face. 
Gasping with disbelief, you lean against the wooden surface, hearing Sy’s heavy breath on the other side.
“Babygirl, this is not funny.”
“Who said I was joking?” You call back, making sure the door is locked properly, just in case. “I told you, I don’t want to hear or see you until you apologize for being a jerk.” 
“Open up, darlin’, don’t make things worse for yourself,” he threatens, his voice becoming lower with authority as if he is speaking to one of his subordinates. You snort in reaction, shaking your head at yourself.
“Woman, I said open the door.” He demands again. You feel a slight creak as he leans against the door. A man like Syverson can possibly take that door down in mere seconds if he wanted to, yet he won’t do that. The big grunt has his limits and even though he is a rough lover, he will not act in such violence toward you. 
“Fuck you, Syverson. As you so clearly told everyone, I’ve got a toy now. I don’t need you or your dick anymore, so fuck off.”
There is silence on the other side of the door, accompanied by Syverson’s fuming breath. Even without seeing him, you can tell his nostrils are flared right now, that frown lowering his brow and making his lips curl with anger.
“Don’t bother callin’ me crying later.” He finally answers with spite, and you hear his heavy steps thundering away from your door. A gasp of air leaves your lips, you fall against the surface, fingers playing with the hem of your dress with disappointment. A growing sensation of void begins to form in your chest.
You certainly didn’t imagine your reunion after months of longing to end with you crying alone in your apartment. 
It’s 1 a.m. Syverson hasn’t called you, nor has he left any messages on your phone. Your tears have dried out after a couple of hours of alternating between hating him, missing him, and wishing you’ve never ran into him in your life.    
You pace around the house getting ready to sleep, dressed in one of his red t-shirts that got “lost” in your laundry basket. It still smells like him even after you washed it. Making your way to the bedroom, you hear a small knock on your door. 
Your heart jumps down to your loins, the glass of water in your hand slightly spills on the floor. You make careful steps toward the door, hoping that whoever is on the other side won’t hear you approaching.
“Kitten, you there…?” 
You sigh with relief, recognizing that baritone in an instant. The captain has returned and by the way his voice slurs you can tell he had more than a few drinks. You lean against the door, pressing your cheek onto the wood. You can smell the scotch from outside.
“Go home,” you answer, thrown between being flattered and disappointed. The latter is stronger though. You wish he hadn’t gotten drunk, that his apology would have been sincere but it seems like you’ve been asking for too much. 
“Please forgive me, kitten.” He murmurs, his fingernails scratching at your door like an abandoned little puppy. 
“Sy… just go, we’ll talk in the mor…”
“Wise men say only fools rush in, But I can't help falling in love with you. Shall I stay? Would it be a sin? If I can't help falling in love with you”
Your jaw drops to the ground as Syverson’s deep bass strokes the lyrics of the song ever so melodically. The captain has many talents, but this is the last thing you ever expected he’ll be good at or even want to try, being such a rough hardass.   
“Are you singing?!” You ask in disbelief, a huge smile beginning to spread on your face. Even in his drunkenness, he manages to carry out the song with an oddly enchanting vibe. He sings romantically, the chords of his baritone trembling tenderly with dedication for you.
“Like a river flows, surely to the sea, Darling, so it goes, some things are meant to be”
You feel your cheeks burning as you sit next to the door, a silly smirk breaking onto your face. Your muscles loosen with the hum of his voice as if this was some sort of a primal coital ritual.  
“You’re an idiot,” you blurt out, loud enough for him to hear. 
Syverson pauses for a moment and you swear you can feel the smile on his face through the door. That damn bastard knows very well that you’re sitting right on the other side, blushing like a schoolgirl. 
“You're just too good to be true, I can't take my eyes off you…”
He continues to sing, his drunken voice slurring the words, his voice deepening with intoxication. Still, he sounds surprisingly better than you’d expect. 
“You'd be like heaven to touch, I wanna hold you so much”    
“Oh my god...” You slap your forehead, convinced your neighbors must hate you by now, that is, if they haven’t caught your little performance from before. “Fine.”
Rising to your feet, you cave in, seduced by Syverson’s drunken tricks. That man has a grip on you that no one had before and hearing him like this, drunk as he may be, just raised the bar. You unlocked the door to find him on his knees, forehead sweaty, eyes drowsy with alcohol.
“I love you baby and if it’s quite alright…”
“Stop,” you shake your head at him and reach out your hand, signalling him that he’s forgiven and fallen under your good graces. The large man swaggers to his feet carefully, his body nearly blocking the entire entrance to your house as he stands in the doorway. You take his hand in yours and pull him inside. 
Once the door is shut, your hands wrap around his thick neck, pulling him into a passionate kiss. He tastes like whiskey and beer, but you’re enchanted, mesmerized by his devoted performance. No man has ever sang you love songs and when it comes to Syverson, no other man has ever made your heart spiral into chaos just with a gaze. He kisses you back sloppily, trying to lead the way on heavy feet. Your bodies bump into corners, tipping things over and ignoring them as they break on the floor. 
Both of you dance your way through the corridor as you try to make it toward the bedroom. You stop against the walls, peeling off your clothes hastily, bodies grinding into one another with desperation. 
“I was looking for this shirt,” Syverson frowns as his red t-shirt is discarded from your body, only now realize you’ve been wearing his clothes. You distract him with a kiss and shove him through the bedroom door, finally making it to the bed. With a devious look on your face, you grab his chest and push him to the bed.
“Woah there, kitten,” he smirks at you, putting his hands behind his head .“Am I to understand you’re assuming control tonight?”
“Yes!” You rasp with excitement. “Give me a second.” 
You skip toward your wardrobe, grabbing a pair of handcuffs as a brilliant idea springs through your mind. You realize he still owes you an official apology. Turning back around to look at Sy, your smile immediately disappears. 
Sprawled naked on your bed, the captain already has his eyes shut, emitting soft snores through his nose. You sigh and shake your head. With a little smile on your face, you move to lie next to him instead, putting your head onto his chest and playing with the soft hairs on his body. * Read part 2 - Set me Free 
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dreamescapeswriting · 5 years
BTS Reaction || He Forgets Your Birthday
A/N: I wanted to put this out on my birthday lmao as I know how it feels to get your birthday forgotten, but I also want to say I am working my way through my request list!! Happy Birthday to any birthday twins I have!!
Jin was out on tour so it was no surprise to you that he did forget that it was your birthday, you weren't mad at him and you weren't about to be that girlfriend that caused a fight over something so small and stupid, you spent the day in your shared apartment watching Disney Movies and ordering take out for yourself, logging onto your social media to say thank you to family members who had wished you a happy day over the internet, Jin hadn't noticed anything different over their twitter feed until he saw what Army had trending, #HappyBirthdayY/N!, he groaned at the thought of forgetting something so important and made a plan to make things right, he knew there was no show tonight so he went back to the hotel to get a skype call ready, setting up a meal around the computer with candles, and asking one of the staff members to go and get some balloons for you. Once everything was set up perfectly he called your skype name and waited, you answered after four rings with a smile on your face, the smiling fading as you saw Jin there, he looked tired and he looked like he'd been crying. 
"Jin!" You cried out, sitting up and pausing the movie you were on, he smiled sadly as you and you smiled back at him.  
"Why aren't you asleep, it's late." You said to him but he ignored you, shaking his head and pointing out the balloons around him.
"I wanted to wish my baby a happy birthday, I know I forgot and I am so sorry, when I'm back from tour we'll go out to a meal, and I'll take you shopping." You chuckled shaking your head at him and took a blanket from the sofa and wrapped it around yourself. 
"You're busy Jinnie, I don't blame you for forgetting, but you're here now and that's all I want." You settled back down against the sofa and he smiled at you, 
"I don't know what I did to deserve you, but I love you." He said with a smile, taking his food over to the bed and getting comfy and ready to watch the rest of the movie you were watching before he joined you. 
"I miss you Jinnie." You said not tearing your eyes away from the TV, you knew he loved his job and you loved his job, without it you wouldn't have met, but you did miss him,
"We'll fly you out next week, we can spend the weekend together then however long you want to stay." He said with a yawn, you giggled at how tired he was but agreed. 
"I'd love that."
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"Happy birthday." Namjoon said as you walked through the halls of the studio building, you smiled at him and hugged him.
"Thanks Joonie." He handed you a gift bag and smiled at you, pointing at the card that was inside and hugging you again, he was in a rush to get back to writing since the comeback was closer than ever. 
"Card first, then you can open your gifts." He teased before doing a small jog down the hallway, you continued walking to the genuis stuido and punched in the date for the password, easy enough to remember since it was the day you and Yoongi first met, though he told people it was a random set of numbers. You put the gift bag down on the sofa, and took Yoongi his lunch, he smiled at you and continued creating a beat on his screen, you set it up for him and went over to the sofa to sit down and open the card. Inside almost made you cry, not only had the rest of the boys signed the card but Namjoon had somehow gotten everyone on the staff team to sign it, and even Bang PD had signed the bottom, you smiled and took out the presents, opening them up and making mental notes to thank each of them later. Namjoon had gotten you some new stationary you'd been eyeing up when you went out shopping together, Hoseok had gotten you a new travel mug, Jungkook got you an overnight bag with a note telling you to keep it at the studio with Yoongi's things so you could be comfortable during the late nights, Taehyung got you a new oversized disney hoodie, Jin got you a cook book playfully having a note inside that your cooking was bad, and Jimin had gotten you tickets to your favourite band, you looked up from your phone after sending out a mass thank you text and saw Yoongi staring inside of the card, tears in his eyes.
"Baby I'm so sorry," You frowned at him and he shook his head putting the card down and coming over to your side, you looked at him and he was letting out silent tears, this wasn't like him at all. 
"Yoongi?" You questioned concerned as to why he was crying in front of you. 
"I forgot your birthday, I'm so sorry." You shook your head, taking hold of his hands and making him look at you, you understood he was busy. 
"You're busy Yoongles, I understand." You said trying to comfort him but it wasn't working, he jumped up looking around for his jacket and keys.
"We're going out, now." You stopped him and pointed at the lunch you made him and then at your own on the table.
"Let's just stay here." He nodded in agreement and went to grab the food from his desk, coming back to your side and not moving. 
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Hobi was at the studio all day so Mejiwoo was taking you out to go and get a nice lunch together and have a girly day together, you were sitting inside of a small cafe when she took out her phone to take some photos, you were wearing some of her shop's clothes so you posed for her so she could add them later, you loved spending time together with her, she was like a best friend to you which at first you found weird since you were dating her brother but it was nice to talk to someone about Hobi who grew up with him, and you got along really well together. She posted photos of you both together with a happy birthday caption and the fans were going crazy for it, Army knew about you and Hoseok and they supported it since you made him happy.
"Is Hobi taking you out later?" Mejiwoo questioned when she noticed you weren't eating anything, you shook your head and looked at your phone before putting it away.
"I think he forgot, but it's okay. I know how busy he is with the new comeback."  You said, taking a piece of cake and eating it.
You walked through the door of your apartment the lights flicked out, Hoseok jumped up from behind the sofa and screamed
"Happy Birthday!" At you, as music played in the background, you smiled at him and went over to hug him, he smiled at you taking your face in his hands and moving the hair from in front of your eyes and bending down to kiss you.
"I'm sorry I forgot and my sister had to tell me I forgot." He said sheepishly, you shook your head at him, you weren't mad at him.
"Can we just cuddle on the sofa and watch movies?" You questioned looking around the apartment, he'd hung up some balloons and had a streamer with your name in the background.
"I love you Hobi but I'm so tired and I know you are too, so let's rest." You said taking his hands and dragging him to the sofa, sitting him down and getting a blanket to cuddle under.
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It didn't bother you that Namjoon had forgotten your birthday, as much as everyone around you was telling you it should be bothering you it just didn't, he was away shooting for Bon Voyage with other things on his mind, you didn't expect him to remember every little thing, he was just one man. They had the comeback coming up soon and you knew he was writing for that as well as shooting for Bon Voyage so you weren't surprised when your birthday had almost passed without a text or call from him.
"If he was my boyfriend, I would be pissed." Your sister said looking over your shoulder as you added a new photo to your Instagram, you'd just put on a picture of your cake, you rolled your eyes at your sister and stood up from the sofa, going to find your coat saying goodbye to your family members and heading back to your shared apartment with Namjoon, stopping at the shop to buy some chocolate for yourself, you were in the mood to just eat chocolate and watch Run episodes since there were some new ones you hadn't seen yet.
"Hobi?" You groaned down the phone, you heard him cheer from down the line and you giggled, sitting up in bed and looking at the digital clock on the nightstand, it was late where they were so you knew they'd probably been drinking together, Hoseok chuckled wishing you a happy birthday before the phone was passed to Jungkook who also screamed it at you, continuing until you heard someone yelling at them to keep it down, you knew that voice anywhere.
"HI BABY!"  You screamed down the phone loud enough for him to hear if you weren't on speakerphone, everyone started singing happy birthday and laughing along when it suddenly stopped, everyone went into hushed tones before you heard a door slam and the phone cut out. Two seconds later it rang again, only Namjoon's name was on the screen this time.
"It's your birthday?" He sounded guilty and you hummed laying back down against the pillows, feeling instantly relaxed by the sound of his voice.
"I totally forgot, I am so sorry." You pressed the video call button instead and sat the phone so he could see you, you smiled sleepily at him and he sighed looking at you.
"Baby you're busy, I understand...Besides, you can make it up to me by showing me one of the new songs early." You teased wiggling your eyebrows up and down, he chuckled at you and sighed.
"Get some rest, I'll call you tomorrow and maybe we can discuss an early showing of a song." He teased, wishing you a happy birthday.  
"I love you." You both said before ending the call.
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You glanced down at the watch on your wrist and then over at the door again, he was either late or forgot that this was happening tonight.
"I'm sorry Miss but we have to give the table up." You nodded and got up from the table, walking behind a waitress who offered to get you a cab home, you sat in the back of the cab trying not to cry, you weren't mad at Jimin for forgetting your birthday but you were a little hurt by it, especially when the meal was his idea you just wanted a quiet night in together so you could spend as much time together before he went back on tour and you went back to work.
"Where have you been?"  Jimin asked with a smirk as you walked through the door, dressed in a light pink cocktail dress that was knee-length, he looked you up and down before coming over to you, you moved out of the way making it look like you were going to the bathroom, you stared down at the floor.
"Work meal." You lied going into the bathroom and shutting the door behind you,  stripping out of your dress and running the shower, stepping under the hot water and letting it melt your problems away.  
"Shit." You heard Jimin yell before the bathroom door open and shut, you knew he was in the bathroom you heard him shuffling out of his clothes before he joined you inside of the shower and kissing your neck, you rolled your head back against his chest and he ran his hands up your body, sighing and kissing your ear.
"I'm sorry, I know it was my idea."  You hummed and he span you around to face him, moving your wet hair from your face and kissing you.
"I'll make it up to you, I'll order us some food in and we can have the chill night you wanted in the first place." He promised, you giggled and kissed him again wrapping your arms around his neck to bring him closer to you.
"Let's do something else first." You said before dropping to your knees in front of him.
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You woke up and went down the stairs to find Tae with Jungkook they hadn't gone to bed last night you could tell by the energy drinks and empty coffee cups around the living room, you smiled at Jungkook who looked up to see you. Jungkook smiled back at you and pointed over at the gift bag near the kitchen for you, you made a mental note to look at it later and then went over to the front door,
"I've got work, I'll see you later." You said with an extra bounce in your step, you were always in a good mood whenever it was your birthday, it was just the way you were wired. Taehyung looked at the bag that Jungkook had pointed out and frowned, before going back to what they were doing. He didn't know why you were so giddy today but it was cute.
You got home from work and collapsed onto the sofa opposite to Jungkook and Taehyung who were still sat playing video games, you didn't blame them it was their month off and they were going to relax all they could,
"Rough day?" Jungkook asked you, you nodded and rolled onto your back looking up at the ceiling, he chuckled getting up and handing you the gift bag, Taehyung watched as you took out the card when reality hit him and he realised what was happening.
"What is it Hyung, you look like you've seen a ghost," Jungkook said, you sat up as you opened up the gift.
"He forgot my birthday."  You said as if it wasn't a big deal but Tae looked like he was about to start crying, you looked up and walked over to him sitting with him on the sofa and leaning your head on his shoulder,
"How?" Jungkook said, you slapped his leg playfully and kissed Tae on the lips.
"Having him home is enough for me," You said as Taehyung relaxed against you,
"I'll make it up to you."
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It wasn't a big deal when you woke up to no birthday messages from your birthday Jungkook, he was busy and you weren't a big fan of your birthday you didn't like to be the centre of attention and you didn't want to make a big thing out of something so small like your birthday but it seemed everyone else had remembered, your social media was being flooded by messages from Army and the other members, you put your phone away not wanting to see any of them but sending out a quick thank you before you did so.
Jungkook was practising the new choreography with Jimin when Taehyung walked into the room with gift bags, leaving them with Jungkook's stuff and coming over to both of them.
"How come you haven't tweeted out to Y/N Yet?" Taehyung asked as they both took a break to get some water, Jungkook frowned looking at him and then over at the bags, his eyes widening as soon as he realised what today was, he looked at his phone, his notifications filled with posts he was tagged in, he scrolled through everything seeing fan edits of you and him together and old photos of you as a baby.
"Go home," Jimin said to him, Jungkook rushed out of the room, grabbing the gifts from the boys and heading back to the apartment, trying to think of something he could say to you to make it up to you, but he had no excuses.
"I'm a bad boyfriend." He said as he walked into your arms, you were sat in the kitchen making a drink when he came in and you giggled at him, running your hands through his hair.
"Yes for hugging me when you're sweating, so gross." You groaned trying to push him away but he tightened his grip around you and made you stay with him.
"Kookie, you stink." You whined but he kept hold of you, whispering happy birthday over and over again into your ear, you groaned.
"What can I do to make it up to you." You pushed him away from you and for a second he thought you were mad at him until you started laughing.
"Go and take a shower! Then we can watch some movies or something, Jesus Kookie." You said pushing him towards the bathroom but he put all his weight onto you, causing you to stumble into the table behind you and making him laugh.
"Shower with me, then we will order something in and find some movies." He said to you, picking you up and throwing you over his shoulder.
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@yoongisdumplingcheeks​ @lovies-kpop-fan-fiction​ @snowy-meowl​
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thiswasinevitableid · 4 years
Have you seen the post going around about the zoom class with one guy and his full streamer setup vs the guy whose just in the middle of the woods? I know you have a prompt list rn but I’m just saying there’s a sternclay fic in there somewhere...
It is! Here you go!
Life is better with order. Or, at the very least, with some attempt at patterns, organization, or consistency. 
Which is why Stern has carefully arranged his desk, his chair, and his equipment in the background. Streaming as a hobby and a side hustle means he has some (okay, a lot) of practice making his digital self look just right. He needs to make a good impression on the first day of the semester.
Unlike some people. 
“Holy shit man, are you in the woods?” Duck, the guy in a “Monongahela National Forest” shirt, grins as he asks this of another student whose screen consists of a forest clearing, a log, and the name “Barclay.”
“Yeah. Hang on, lemme finish getting the phone balanced.”
“Dude, that’s like, way better than my background” this comes from Jake, in front of a poorly rendered half-pipe. 
“Can’t really take credit for it, just where I ended up.” Barclay sits down, and Stern gets his first look at a man so tall he barely fits in the frame, with a short, coppery beard and an honest-to-god man-bun.
Damn west coast schools. 
“How is your battery going to last long enough for class?” Stern leans back in his chair, certain Barclay will have “battery trouble” halfway through as an excuse to cut out early.
Barclay smiles, lifting up a small green and black rectangle, “solar battery. Not everyone needs fancy gadgets for school.” He aims a pointed stare at Sterns set-up. 
“It’s important to have the right equipment.”
“Whatever you say, man.” He lifts a cup of iced coffee into the frame, sipping it through a straw. It’s the picture of relaxation, as if nothing is wrong in the world. As if this is all totally normal. 
Stern wants to reach through the  screen and slap some sense into him. Preferably while he’s shirtless.
He chalks that thought up to not having gotten laid since last December and pulls up his note taking software as Professor Chicane enters the room.
Private Chat 9/20/20
Duck (he/him): I timed it, we’re already at ten minutes of arguing.
Indrid (he/him): I know Ned enjoys their demonstrating the different modes of rhetoric, but this is a bit extreme.
Duck: To be fair, Joe does seem kinda uptight.
Indrid: Yes, but Barclay should know by now that zeroing in on him during our practice debates only results in this.
Duck: Yeah. Oh shit, are they for real wrapping up you think?
Indrid: We can only hope. Skype me tonight?
Duck: Of course, sugar.
What is Joseph’s problem? He’s got a set-up that would make a pro-vlogger jealous, what looks to be a well-lit apartment with some houseplants and the kind of coffee-cups that are weirdly lacking in personality. His clothes are immaculate, his hair slicked back as if he;s in a business meeting rather than an online class in the midst of a chaotic world. So why is he acting like everything is terrible? And why is he always arguing with Barclay, when there are plenty of other people in the class to disagree with?
“Now” Mr. Chicane’s voice booms through the tiny speaker on his phone, “if you all had a chance to read over the instructions, we will begin the first mock debate. Do we have any volunteers?”
He and Joe raise their hands at the same time. Mr. Chicane raises an eyebrow.
“While I appreciate your eagerness, gentlemen, I would like two other volunteers this time.”
That’s fine by him. It’s not like he likes listening to Joseph get all wound up and passionate, making everyone on the call sit up and take notice of him. It’s not as if he enjoys being the center of his focus. 
Nope, not at all.
Private chat 10/11/20
Jake (he/him): Dudes, did you see who got paired up on the final project?
Aubrey (she/her): Chicane must be getting them back for all the times they’ve hijacked discussions. 
Duck (he/him): Man, for their sake I hope it works out.
Indrid (he/him): This is going to be a disaster.
“Are you out of your mind!” Stern is talking before Barclay’s video is fully on. 
“Nope. And you don’t have to yell, my speaker works just fine.”
“You’re outside, for all I know there’s a ton of ambient noise.”
Barclay, phone obviously in his hand as he walks through the trees, groans.
“And don’t try to derail this; how can you possibly suggest I come out there so we can do the project in person? We’re supposed to be limiting travel and gatherings.”
“Look, Joseph, we both agree that trying to generate our own cryptid hoax is the best way to demonstrate all the techniques Ned wants us too, right?”
“Yes” he hides his answer behind the rim of his coffee mug. 
“We’ll do a way better job if we work in the same space. And if it makes you feel any better, I haven’t had any human contact in three weeks; all quarantined up, unlike whatever you’ve been doing in the city.”
He sets the mug down with a thunk, “I haven’t been out in a month. And before that was only for one grocery run and a hospital visit.”
“I cut my hand cooking. So. Yeah.”
Literal crickets chirp, courtesy of Barclay’s end of the line, as the silence stretches on.
“If it helps, it’s real easy to stay isolated here, and I’ve still got utilities and everything.”
“And you’re not subsisting only on MREs or granola or something?”
A deep chuckle, the kind that makes his skin prickle, “Nope. That much I can promise.”
Stern glances around the studio apartment, clean and empty. 
“What’s your address?”
Look, all Stern is going to say is that he’s seen and read plenty of stories that start with a cabin in the woods and none of them end well. Which is why he’s still sitting in his car, parked beside a beat-up Subaru, rather than knocking on the door. 
Breathe in, five counts. Out for four. Repeat four times. 
Waiting for him on the door is a note.
Key under mat, make yourself at home. 
He brings in his bags (a matching set of three, a gift from his aunt last year), placing them in the tiny guest room. It’s not much more than a bed, a dresser, and a tiny table. But there’s a heating unit below the window looking out into the woods, which is pretty pleasant. He’ll be keeping the blinds closed at night, though; he hates the thought of something being able to look in. 
Stern’s busy evaluating the laundry closet when the front door opens. 
“Hey, glad you found the place okay.”
Barclay stands in the doorway, a basket full of fruit in one hand. He’s remarkably kempt for a man living in the woods and that, combined with the deep voice being even richer in person and the fact Stern has to actually look up to meet his eyes, has him stumbling for words. 
“Your directions were very thorough. Thank you. Um. I put my things in there, should I, um-”
“I can give you the grand tour.” The taller man sets the basket on the dining table, notices Sterns puzzled expression “there’s a piece of property about a mile thataway that has orchards they don’t really use. They let me come and pick whenever i want, less for them to clean up.”
Barclay keeps up a steady monologue as he shows him the cabin. The lower level is the living room and dining area, a kitchen which leads onto the back deck, Sterns room, and a bathroom. As the cabin is A-frame, the upstairs is Barclay’s room, all dark wood and pine colored plaid. It’s as Barclay is telling him about the woodpecker that sometimes nests in the eaves that he realizes why he’s talking so much.
He’s nervous. 
Neither of their nerves improve when he gets to his last point of order. 
“Uh, so, the bathroom downstairs is only a half-bath.”
“So...if I want to shower, which I do, I have to come up here.”
“Yeah.” Barclay scratches the back of his neck, “sorry. I don’t, like, sleep naked or anything so we should be fine.”
“Disappointing.” Stern sighs, only to sail past sarcastic and land face first in sincere. 
Barclay blushes, then shrugs, “Trust me, after the first night, you’ll see why.”
Stern does. He’s warm as long as he’s in bed, but the moment he ventures into the bathroom in the middle of the night he’s cocooned in cold. 
The morning brings cinnamon and coffee on the draft coming under the door. He plods into the kitchen in search of caffeine, finds Barclay in an pron, the counter covered in trays of dough. 
“Morning. Coffee-”
“Right there, sugar and stuff’s in the cabinet above it, cream and such is in the fridge.”
Blessedly, there’s heavy cream to be found, and soon he’s sipping from an enamel mug emblazoned with a UFO made of veggies. 
“Is this all for your job?” Barclay mentioned he was a cook during an icebreaker. 
“Yep. Way it works is I bust my ass baking once or twice a day, and Thacker, who works with Mama at the Lodge in town, comes and takes them over there. Normally I’d just be there but, well, y’know.”
“Everything is on fire? Figuratively, I mean.”
“Sometimes literally too, but yeah.”
As he’s turning to grab his clothes and head showerward, Barclay adds, “You a scone man, coffecake man, or a cinnamon roll man?”
“Coffeecake?” It comes out hesitant. 
“There’s no right answer, man.” Barclay sounds amused, “what do you want?”
“Cake, definitely.”
“Cool. I’ll save you a slice.”
Once he’s showered and on the wi-fi, his day runs like normal; one lecture, reading, a research paper, his initial half of their project, and working either his copy-editing or transcription job in between, and planning his next stream. Barclay comes and goes, stops now and then to see if he needs anything, leaves a sandwich in front of him around dinner time. Then it’s time to crawl under the covers and dream of a less-stressful world. 
The next day, just before one, Barclay taps him on the shoulder. 
“Ready for class?”
“Yes…” He gestures to his laptop and notebook. 
“C’mon, join me out here, it’s way nicer, and we can share the phone.”
“Barclay, it’s  a nonsensical way to attend class, just stay in here with me! Even this set-up has to be better than the woods.”
“This set up. You mean my house?” All the friendliness leaves hi voice. 
“Yes. Look, I agreed to come out because you’re right, if we want to ace this thing that’s worth sixty percent of our grade, this is the place to do it; I don’t have to go along with the whole self-sufficient woodsman aesthetic while I’m here. “
“Yeah, I’d say you’re pretty far from self-sufficient. See you in class.” 
Stern stews through the entire session, but where he’d usually find something Barclay says to latch onto, he instead gnaws on himself. Why didn’t he just go with him? Why snap at someone who’s been nothing but nice since he got here?
Whatever the answer, how can he fix it?
Barclay tromps back through the twilight, done with his second class of the day. If Joseph is in the main house, he plans to ignore him until tomorrow morning. That all goes out the window with the clank of dishes from the kitchen. 
Peering in reveals the other man bent over, pulling a casserole from the oven. He waits to announce his presence until Joseph is out of the danger zone, enjoying the view as he does. 
“Smells good.”
Blue eyes flick over to him as Joseph opens drawers, “it’s mostly cheese and chips, so I’m not surprised.”
“Servers are in that one.”
“Thank you. Nacho pie?” He scoops some into a bowl, holding it out. 
“Sure. Uh, look, Joseph I-”
Joseph holds up the server, “Wait. Before you apologize I, um, I wanted to say I’m sorry for my comments. And for being so...me-ish.” He sighs, staring at the utensil in his grip, “I’ve always been a little bit tense, tried to be polite and effective and friendly in spite of it. The last six months made that harder to do. I don’t love it when I can’t be organized, when normal systems go out of place. But that’s no excuse for being rude to you, even before you invited me here. You’re just so...you’re always so calm and relaxed, like nothing was wrong and I just honed in on that way more than made sense. I’m sorry.”
“If it makes you feel better, I kinda did the same thing. You’re always so put together, it looked like you had this organized life in the midst of this whole shitstorm. I feel lik everything is slipping away, like my world is just this cabin. I mean, I assumed you were seeing friends in the city, while I haven’t seen Mama in person since April. So” he sets the bowl down, rests his hand on Joseph’s shoulder, “I’m sorry too.”
Joseph laughs, softly, “turns out we both had failures of imagination, huh?”
“Yeah” he runs a hand over Joseph's back, “now come on, this dinner’s not gonna eat itself.”
“You sure you don’t wanna wear the bigfoot costume?”
“Positive. Besides, it suits you.” Joseph finishes styling the fur on the head of the costume to look more realistic, “I just hope we get this done before that storm comes in; as mush as the rain would add to the mood of the scene, that’ll be hell to dry and you’ll be miserable. So, go lurk over there while I finish up getting the camera settings where they need to be.”
“Yes sir” Barclay pops the head on, leaves crunching as moves to his appointed tree. He smiles as he watches Joseph fiddle with the camera; things have been so much better between them these last two weeks. They trade off cooking dinner, study side by side, and watch movies or play games in the warmth of the heater. They have a similar sense of humor and taste in books, and are tidy to boot.   Joseph’s even come with him to listen to lectures in the woods, the pair sharing a thermos of coffee under the astonished gaze of their classmates. There’s just one problem. 
Barclay’s buried crush is now blooming in every direction. Animated, argumentative Joseph was attractive. Joseph, in all his moods and mannerisms, is devastatingly enchanting. He’s come close to telling him this, but the other man is his guest and also only here for another two and a half weeks, so a confession is setting himself up for heartbreak at worst and awkwardness at best. 
He almost blew it last night when they were washing dishes (Joseph scrubs, Barclay dries and puts away). 
“Last one.”
“Thanks, blue eyes.”
“What was that?”
“Uh, blue eyes? Like a, uh, a nickname?”
Joseph laughs, “Sounds like something from a Raymond Chandler book. I like it.”
On the plus side, if Joseph thinks it’s just a nickname and not a pet name, maybe Barclay can keep using it.
“Are you ready?’
He sticks up a hairy thumb and calls, “you know it, blue eyes.”
That same laugh as Joseph takes up his position. Maybe it’s the weird film over the costume’s eyes, but Barclay swears he sees a blush.
Stern trawls through the search results. Their video is getting some traction, with two cryptid hunter sites claiming it’s credible footage. He’s making note of how the information spread, which threads lead to belief and which to doubt, when Barclay calls from upstairs. 
“Joseph? Little help?”
The other man is in the bathroom, and when Stern knocks he says, “Think the pilot light on the water heater went out again, all I’m getting is cold water. Can you go relight it?”
“Sure.” He gets to the stairs then, stops, “where’s the key to that closet?”
“Huh? Oh, shit, right, hang on” Barclay says at the same time as Stern’s “don’t worry, I can find it.” 
Which is why the instant he turns back into the bedroom is the same instant Barclay steps out of the bathroom, blue towel around his waist. 
Any blood that doesn’t head south goes instantly to Stern’s cheeks. 
“You okay there, blue-eyes?”
“It’s completely unfair how good you look without a shirt.”
He clamps a hand over his mouth.
“Idn’t ean to ay at out oud” The mumbled explanation makes Barclay smirk. 
“You like this, should see what’s under the towel.”
The unusually bold statement from Barclay kindles his own confidence.
“Don’t make promises you can’t keep, big guy.”
“Who says I won’t.” Barclay sits down on the edge of the bed, nonchalant and leaning back on his hands, “got plenty of time to make good on them.”
“We literally don’t. I go back in a week and two days.”
Barclay toys with the lint on the towel, “you could stay. Through break, through next semester, for however long you wanted.”
“Do you mean that?”
A shy nod, “I like having you around, Joseph. Even beyond the huge fucking crush I have on you I...everything is a little better when you’re around.”
“I, um, I guess it could work. We know next semester is online too, and so is work, so…” there must be variables missing, something he’s not seeing, some reason this is too good to be true.
“You want some space away from shirtless me to think about it?”
“That’d be great.”
Barclay stands, hesitates, then plants a quick kiss on his forehead, “take all the time you need, blue eyes.”
Private Chat log 1/11/2021
Barclay (he/him): Did you see the look on Duck’s face when we turned up in frame together. 
Joseph (he/him): Yes. Pretty sure Aubrey yelled something about him needing to pay up. I wonder what the bet was. 
Barclay (he/him): Whatever it was, pretty sure I came out the biggest winner. 
Stern snorts, trying not to blush on camera, and leans over to kiss his boyfriend on the cheek. 
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lyssismagical · 4 years
Can you do a hurt/comfort parkner story where Peter overworks himself cause someone died and he thinks it’s his fault so Harley has to help him. No rush at all 💞
It’s hard for Harley to really offer much, living so far away from his boyfriend.
When Peter stops responding to texts, stops answering his endless calls, cancels their virtual date nights, there’s not much Harley can do. It’s not like he can really force Peter to answer him.
The days without Peter, without his witty texts, his soft crackling laughter over the phone, the heart-eyes he gets whenever they have Skype Dates, it’s hard. Harley hates to be so far, still stuck in Rose Hill, with no way of getting up to New York for more than a couple weeks a year, but being without Peter, not being able to see him or hear from him or even get a single text to ease his nerves, hurts like his chest has been pried open, heart trying to escape and find it’s way back to his love.
At first, he assumes Peter’s just busy. They’re rounding on Exam season and Peter’s a Junior, so class loads are pretty heavy, not to mention the Academic Decathlon competition he’d been talking about the last time they called.
But even when Peter’s busy, he always remembers to text at least once. Especially with how nervous and worried his texts get as the days pass with no answer.
His boyfriend is a superhero. How could he not be worried?
He’s had the news on almost constantly at home, annoying the hell out of his little sister, and his phone ringer stays on high all day at school, getting him into a few detentions. But so far, nothing’s come up about Spider-Man.
After four days of radio silence on Peter’s side, nearly a hundred messages staying on Delivered, he finally caves and calls Tony.
“Wow, my second favourite young adult!” Tony says, sounding mostly chipper. As chipper as someone like Tony Stark can. “What’s got you calling? Normally, I hear everything through Peter.”
“So you’ve heard from Peter?” Harley asks, voice lifting almost an octave higher in his worry and panic. “He hasn’t answered me in four days and I’m kinda freaking out.”
Harley starts pacing the length of his bedroom, heart hammering in his chest. Abbie shoves open his door, rolling her eyes overdramatically at him, but she still sprawls out across his bed, watching him carefully.
“Um, now that you say that, he cancelled his last Lab Night with me. I didn’t really think much of it but he’s been kinda snappy with me last week too,” Tony says. There’s a few clicks of a keyboard, and then Tony sighs. “It looks like he’s been logging a lot of hours as Spider-Man. Like a crazy amount. Yesterday, he was out from four pm, when he got out of school, until five am.”
“Is he mad at me? Did he say anything?”
Even Abbie frowns at his question, laced in desperation.
“I don’t know, kid. I haven’t spoken to him in like a week. I’ll ask May, I’ll see if I can corner Peter into telling me anything and I’ll let you know, okay?”
Harley frowns, saying a quick goodbye and dropping onto the bed beside his little sister. “I hate this. I just wish he’d call me.”
“I know, Harls, but there’s nothing either of us can do. It might be smarter to just take your mind off everything. Weren’t you planning a trip up over summer? That’s only another two weeks out,” Abbie says, forever going to be the smarter, more logical of the two Keener siblings. She shrugs but still wraps an arm around his shoulders, tugging him into a comforting hug.
“I know you’re right,” he says, still staring at his phone. “I just… I really think I love him. I do. And I’m scared he’s mad at me or that things are falling apart and there’s nothing I can do about it. I just really wish he’d call and talk to me.”
Abbie doesn’t say anything more, knowing there’s nothing more she can do to make it better.
* It’s another three days before Peter finally responds.
All he’s heard since then was a single text from Tony reading Peter’s acting weird, think you were right. He’s not talking to me or May or even his friends, falling asleep in class, getting detentions. I’ll try to talk to him or at least get him to talk to you. But I’m pretty positive it wasn’t anything to do with you. Don’t fret.
And then it had turned back into a waiting game until Peter finally texted him.
It was simple, small, sweet.
I miss you
It made Harley’s chest jump, and he immediately asked to go to the bathroom, ducking out of class and dialing Peter’s number again.
He waits and waits and waits, but Peter doesn’t pick up. He tries again, heart pounding and pacing down the hallway.
On attempt three, Peter finally picks up. “Harley.”
“Peter, honey, thank god. I was starting to get worried. You weren’t answering my texts and cancelling all our dates and I was- I just-”
“I’m sorry.” Peter sounds miserable. Tired and upset and confused. “I meant to but I kept freaking out and I didn’t know how to… Is there anyway I could convince you to come up to New York early?”
Harley frowns. He wants to see Peter, he’d drop everything for Peter any day but he has his own exams the following week, plus Junior Prom on the Friday. It’s not like he can really skip any of it. Plus, changing his plane tickets is going to be a hassle.
“I don’t know if I can. I might be able to fly up on the Saturday, but that’s still another nine days from now, and that only changes our plans by four. It’s not really…”
Peter sniffles. “I just- I really wanna see you. I miss you and things have been hard and I just want you here, you know. I miss you. It’s been, what? Three months?”
“I miss you too, sweetheart, I have exams next week. All week. I don’t mind skipping junior prom, it’ll probably be awful anyways considering the disaster that was homecoming last year. But I still need to be here until Friday.”
“I know, I know, I just-” Peter cuts himself off, voice trembling.
Harley checks his watch, knowing he’ll get another detention if he spends too much time out of class. “How about, for now at least, we’ll set up a Skype date for tonight, and then we’ll talk more about making another trip up.”
“Yeah, six is good. I’ll look up plane tickets for this weekend, but I can’t make any promises, okay?”
Peter sniffles again. “Okay. ‘m sorry for worrying you.”
“That’s okay, darlin’. Don’t you worry about me. Are you home?”
“May grounded me when she found out I was skipping curfew. And when she saw just how badly I was skipping curfew, just how little sleep I was getting, she made me take a sick day to sleep but I couldn’t stop thinking about you and how much stress I must’ve been putting you under.”
Harley sighs, already knowing from Tony just how little sleep Peter had been getting. It makes his heart ache with the idea that he’s not there. He’s not close enough to wrap Peter up and protect him from everything, take care of him. He wishes, more than anything, that he could do that, that he could be there.
“I’ve gotta get back to class before I get a detention, but Skype call at six, okay? And we’ll talk about everything, make everything better, alright, honey?”
“Thank you, you’re the best, you know that? I really don’t deserve you, Harls,” Peter says, voice slipping into a quiet murmur. “You’re too good to me.”
Harley shakes his head, voice dipping too. “You deserve the world, darling, I swear.”
* Seeing Peter, through the old camera lens, makes everything make a little more sense.
The dark circles under his eyes, the puffiness of his tear-stained cheeks, his bloodshot eyes, the slight tremble of his shoulder, the bruises mapped out across the pale expanse of his skin. It makes Harley’s chest hurt so badly, makes his heart ache to be close to his boyfriend again.
“Hi, sweetheart,” Harley starts, voice rough and pained. “Everything okay?”
Peter shrugs, bottom lip sticking out. “I miss you. I wish you were here. The only thing I want right now is a hug from you.”
“Oh, I know, honey. I’m so sorry I can’t be there all the time to take care of you, to protect you, to hold you. I’m sorry I can’t. I’m sorry this has been so hard on you.”
“I know this has been hard on you too,” Peter says, obviously trying his best not to cry. “I’m sorry I’ve been so distant lately. I just- I got so caught up in- in feeling like this and working so hard to be better, I didn’t think I deserved to have your support.”
Harley looks down, not wanting to cry in front of Peter who obviously needs him to be strong and stable for him. “You deserve everything and more.”
“You wouldn’t say that if you knew.”
“Knew what?” Harley says and then quickly rephrases, “Whatever it is, that’s not going to change how I feel about you, that’s not going to change how much you deserve.”
Peter frowns, lip trembling and eyes watering as he turns his gaze to his hands. “Last week, I was out patrolling and there was this fight happening out on the streets and I went to go save them, I wanted to protect her. She was- She was young, like maybe mid-twenties, and she was so scared and alone and I tried- I tried so fucking hard but-”
“I got shot,” Peter says, voice breaking. “In the hip. I fell- I didn’t want- I couldn’t-”
Harley shakes his head, wanting nothing more than to hug his boyfriend, press a kiss to his forehead, hold him and make all of his pain go away. “I’m so sorry, honey.”
“She died,” Peter chokes out, tears falling down his flushed cheeks. “She got shot and I tried to swing her to the hospital and keep her awake and get the bad guy, but with my stupid hip, I- I didn’t make it in time. I can’t- I-”
“Oh, sweetheart, that’s not on you. You can’t save everyone, you know that. I’m so sorry that happened, but just because some bad guy hurt a civilian, doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to be cared about. It doesn’t mean you have to overwork yourself to make up for something that wasn’t your fault.”
Peter lets out a quiet pained noise, shoulders shaking. “It was my fault. I was right there. I should’ve gotten up and saved her. I should’ve been faster, more careful, something. I could’ve saved her.”
Realizing just how bad this is, the overwhelming need to wrap Peter up in a hug, makes itself obvious so he grabs the emergency credit card Tony had given him, and books the next flight to New York, leaving the next day. It’s not cheap, but he’s sure Tony would understand.
“Darling, it’s not your fault. I know it seems like it is, but you weren’t the one holding the gun, you weren’t the one who put her life in danger, the only one at fault is that bad guy, okay? This isn’t on you.”
Peter sniffles, ducking his head. “I visited the family yesterday as Peter Parker not as Spider-Man, well I told them it was me, but I told them what happened, how sorry I was.”
“Did they say it was your fault?”
His boyfriend deflates, shaking his head. “No, they said exactly what you did. That it’s not my fault, I tried, I made sure she wasn’t alone when she went. I know logically, there was nothing I could do, but- I still feel like I need to work harder to make sure it doesn’t happen to anybody else. That I won’t lose anyone else.”
“It’s not up to you to save everybody, Peter,” Harley says, hoping he can get it through to his boyfriend for at least tonight. “You’re the only superhero within the Avengers who actually cares about the little guy, it can’t be just your responsibility to save everybody in New York. That’s not feasible, right?”
“Right,” Peter agrees, finally slumping. “I know you’re right. I know I’m being crazy. I know it’s not up to me to save everyone, Tony’s had that conversation with me about a thousand times. I know, I just- I feel like I’m falling apart.”
Harley nods sympathetically, offering a small smile. “You’re definitely sleep-deprived, that can’t help. How much have you been doing?”
“I’ve been patrolling for like twelve hours every night,” Peter admits quietly. “May’s been working overnights so as long as I can get home before she gets home around six, she wasn’t going to find out. But I’d only get like an hour or two of sleep before school and exam prep and homework- I don’t know. Too much, really.”
“I just bought tickets to come home for the long weekend,” Harley says, smiling when Peter’s whole face lights up. “Tomorrow night, I’ll be flying out and you’ve got me until Monday morning. As long as you promise we’ll spend a little time studying for our exams.”
Peter quickly swipes a hand over his cheeks, ridding himself of the tears that still linger. “You know you didn’t have to do that. I could’ve hung in there for another week or two.”
“If I’m being honest, it’s only half because of you. It’s also half for my benefit.”
“Because you need me to reteach you all of calculus?” Peter teases sweetly, smile making his eyes sparkle.
Harley rolls his eyes, smiling back. “Believe it or not, I have missed you too. Not for your genius brain, somehow understanding how to do stupid calculus, but for you. You know I’ve gotten more detentions these last two years than ever before because of how often I’ve been caught texting you or just daydreaming about you.”
“I don’t want to put your education in jeopardy,” Peter says, mostly joking but there’s an undertone of guilt.
“You’re not. That’s all on me. I think I’m really the bad influence here, not you.”
“You’re really coming all the way to New York? Just for this weekend? Just because I said I was upset?”
Harley rolls his eyes again, smiling softly. “You really doubt me? The things I’d do for you, Peter Parker, are so much bigger and higher than flying out to see you for a weekend.”
“You’re too good for me.”
“You won’t be saying that when I get there and physically force you to sleep if I have to. I’ll be your self-care enforcer all weekend. Eight hours of sleep, no Spider-Man outings, the exact number of calories your metabolism needs, everything.”
The love that fills Peter’s expression is so open and whole that Harley’s chest starts to hurt again, the same aching, fullness like he can’t possibly fit this much love inside his heart.
They talk throughout the night about what they’ve missed over the past couple weeks, of school and friends and Spider-Man and Tony, catching up on each other’s lives, until eventually Peter looks like he might pass out if he stays up for a moment longer, and Harley has to pack for the weekend, so they say their quiet goodbyes, see you soon’s bleeding into their every sentence with unbearable amounts of fondness.
And the next day, after a few hours’ plane ride, Harley makes it to the New York airport, dropping his luggage to catch his boyfriend in a tight hug, they finally murmur the three words they’d been holding close to their chest, I love you leaving their mouths between kisses like a promise.
Taglist: @littlemissagrafina  @spidey-reids-2003  @romeoandjulietyouwish @c-artara @shadedrose01 @likeaphoenix13 @pj-hermes-tonystark-obsessed  @you-get-killed-walk-it-off @kitkatwinchester  @emo-girl10 @justme--emily  @hold-our-destiny @imalivebecauseirondad @spiderman-peterman @dykeragee @maryserrao @heeeyitskay @parknerandirondad @lilacsandlilies4 @loveliestdisappointment {Let me know if you wanna be added or removed}
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camillemontespan · 4 years
evenings in london // pjm x reader
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pairing: jimin x reader
warnings: none, this is fluff & angst
a/n: this is my first fic about jimin and i’m not expecting it to get much attention or love - but i wanted to try write something about him! I love to watch his V Lives and thought it would be fun to write a fic where he Skypes the reader while on tour. 
Jimin scrolls through his Skype call log, sighing with frustration as he notes all the calls that have gone unanswered. It is 10pm right now but he isn’t at home. He is in a hotel room, alone, on the other side of the world. 
You are back home in Seoul. 
Jimin is in London.
A nine hour time difference and a vast ocean separated the two of you. Jimin hates it. 
BTS’ world tour, BE, had launched a month ago. The band were one month into a nine month tour and before he met you, Jimin would have thought nothing of it. He was used to the relentless pace of life in the world’s most popular boy band. Music was his passion; his soul. Without music, without BTS, without his six brothers, he was nothing - at least, that’s what he thought. 
But meeting you had ignited a flicker of something else in his veins. You reminded him of the other Jimin he could be. The normal Jimin. The Jimin from Busan. 
The two of you had met a year ago. Jimin had returned to Seoul with the band, planning new music, new performances, new events. On a rare day off, he and Taehyung - his soulmate, his best friend, his fellow 95 kid- visited their favourite cafe to eat ramyeon. They had been determined to eat as much ramyeon as possible, having missed their home comforts while being overseas.
You had been sitting in the corner with your book open on the table and a steaming bowl of ramyeon in front of you. You were in your own little world. You hadn’t noticed Jimin and Taehyung sit down at the booth across from you, though to be fair, they were incognito, both wearing black hats and glasses, keeping their heads down. 
But Jimin had noticed you. 
It hadn’t been long until he made his way over to you and asked what book you were reading. His smile was shy but his eyes were dancing with amusement as you engaged in conversation with him. You were completely unaware that he was Jimin from BTS; even though he was a huge celebrity, you didn’t keep up with pop culture. You knew of BTS, sure, but you weren’t interested in that sort of thing. Your life consisted of studying for college, reading as many books as possible, listening to podcasts and drawing.  Not boybands. And that was what pulled Jimin to you, like a magnet. In that moment, as you told him about your book and asked if he had read it, you treated him like he was just a normal person. Not an Idol. Not a celebrity. Just Jimin.
He entered his number into your phone along with his name. His name had seemed familiar but it didn’t click until you were watching TV at home and his face appeared on screen. You had screamed in shock before gathering yourself to text him, apologising for not recognising him.
He had been glad you hadn’t. 
You hadn’t realised how huge BTS were until you ended up falling down a Google rabbit hole. You watched videos of Jimin performing, moved to tears by his fan dance at the 2018 Melon Music Awards. You watched his previous V Lives on Youtube, smiling as he engaged with his fans, listening to him talk about what he had been doing and how much he missed ARMY. It was a complete education for you. Clearly, you had been living under a rock. 
But, even though you were armed with this new information, you still treated him like he was a regular guy. The more you met up with him and the closer you became, you forgot he was one seventh of the world’s biggest boyband and you just knew him as Jimin. 
Jimin really appreciated that.
You became a couple though Jimin was determined to keep the relationship under the radar. Only BTS knew you. If the media discovered your relationship, Jimin stressed, it would be over. He didn’t want your life to change. He wanted you to keep a sense of normality. 
And so, one year on, your relationship remained under wraps and had gone from strength to strength. When Jimin was in a different country, he would Skype you as often as possible. If it was breakfast time where you were, but bedtime where he was, he would Skype you with a bowl of cereal in front of him. Anything to forget how far away the both of you were from each other. 
Now, he was in London. The Skype calls he had initiated had gone unanswered; but it wasn’t deliberate. The time difference meant you were sound asleep whenever he called. Jimin knew that. But he still tried to contact you regardless because he wanted to hear your voice and see your face.
It was at this time of night, on the other side of the world, when Jimin silently questioned if this was what he wanted. Did he want this life? This life of constant travel, constant pressure, constant media attention? A life where developing human connection outside of BTS relied on strong WiFi and similar time zones? 
Slumping down onto his bed, Jimin thinks of his six best friends. They made everything worth it - and they understood his doubts. But they all agreed that ARMY was the most important thing. Meeting their fans, creating music to make ARMY feel hope and happiness, was what drove BTS and gave their life meaning. To walk away from ARMY, from BTS.. it wasn’t worth contemplating.
Jimin had decided that any relationship formed outside of this bubble was simply a bonus. But, here, right now, in London, he felt like something was missing. And that something was you.
He imagines you being in London with him. Early morning walks to a coffee shop and ordering hot chocolates to drink while sitting on a bench by the Embankment. Trips to the Tower of London and learning about the people who had been imprisoned there. Visiting London Dungeon and getting scared by the ghost stories. Jimin has a feeling you would love it here.
But you weren’t here and at 10pm right now, it was painfully obvious to Jimin. He misses you.
Selecting your name again, he promises himself this would be the last time he would try to Skype you until tomorrow. He doesn’t want to bother you or be clingy. The last thing he wants is to annoy you. But he still hopes you would be awake at 6am your time - sometimes you liked to wake up early before the rest of South Korea awoke from their slumber.
He waits patiently and is close to giving up when he stands up in annoyance. You were obviously asleep. He was obviously being an annoying boyfriend. Scraping his hands through his hair, Jimin scuffs his feet against the carpet, cursing himself for being so clingy. 
Your sleepy voice echoes around the hotel room. 
His heart leaping, Jimin jumps down onto the bed and turns his laptop to face him. 
‘Y/N!’ he greets you. ‘I’m sorry if I woke you.’
You yawn and the sound makes Jimin want to scoop you up into his arms and place butterfly kisses all over your forehead. 
‘I’m sorry I keep missing you,’ you apologise. He shrugs off your apologies. You smile. ‘I’m going to have breakfast,’ you say sleepily. ‘What time is it there?’
‘10pm,’ he tells you. ‘But I can eat.’
You smile and Jimin opens his bedside drawer to pulls out a bowl and a tiny carton of cereal.  He walks to the fridge and takes out a carton of milk. Giggling, you watch him as he prepares a bowl of cereal. He settles down at the hotel room desk and places his laptop in front of him so he can see you. You busy yourself preparing a bowl of cereal too and a cup of steaming hot coffee.
‘Tell me about your plans for the day,’ he says, leaning close to the webcam. 
Jimin eats cereal at 10pm while he listens to you tell him about your plans. You become less sleepy and more animated, asking him how the tour is going and how sorry you are that you keep missing his calls. Jimin tells you he understands that life is hectic and things are difficult right now. You tell him that you wish he was here with you. 
He tells you about London and how different it is to Seoul. You listen to him and can’t help but feel the familiar pang of longing. You miss him all the time but you don’t dare tell him that; you know his life is all about BTS. To make him doubt that would be unfair. Jimin worried about things enough as it was- he didn’t need you to pile onto his worries. 
So, you spend your morning eating cereal and talking to Jimin. He spends his evening eating cereal and talking to you. Time zones are forgotten. It is just you and Jimin. You forget about Seoul and Jimin forgets about London. 
It is like you are in the same room, reunited at last. 
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im-bakugous-bitch · 5 years
Eijirou Kirishima - Business Trip (NSFW!)
Prompt 11 11: "I don't like this, it feels weird."
You laid down on your large, empty bed.  It felt so much bigger without Eijirou in it to hold you.  He was away on a business trip across the country, he'd been gone for a week and still had another to go.  You missed him so much, but you'd never get in the way of him and his work.
You rolled over onto your stomach and opened up your laptop.  You had a scheduled video chat with Eijirou in just a couple of minutes.  You logged into your Skype account and checked his profile to see he was already online too.
As if he'd been doing the same thing, a box appeared in the middle of your screen:
ACCEPT                DECLINE
You smiled and clicked the accept button before sitting yourself up on your elbows.  "Hey babe!" you said excitedly.
He smiled back at you as he collapsed back into his hotel room desk chair.  "Hey baby.  Sorry I called a couple minutes early, I saw you were online and I just...  I had a real crappy day and just wanted to hear your voice."
Your heart hurt after hearing he had a bad day.  "Aw, I'm sorry," you said as you pouted your bottom lip.  "Was it busy today?"
He nodded, loosening his red tie from around his white-collared shirt.  "Yeah, they flew Bakugou and Sero in today and put me in charge of telling them what we're doing."  He ran the back of his hand across his forehead as he let out a sigh.  "I'm just glad today is over, I'm one day closer to coming home."
You smiled again, rolling onto your side.  "I miss you too."  You blew a kiss at the screen, which he pretended to catch and hold proudly.  "It's just another week though."
He nodded slightly.  "Yeah, then you're gonna have to start sharing the bed again."
You laughed and rolled out of the camera's view, rolling all the way across the king-sized bed and then back to your laptop.  "I never realized just how huge this bed is."
He laughed lightly.  "I'm guessing you love having it all to yourself, huh?"
You gave him a lop-sided smile and a shake of the head.  "Nope, it's better with you in it.  I don't like this, it feels weird.  Not having you here, I mean."
He nodded yet again.  "It's weird not having you here, too.  But once I get back to you, you're not gonna be able to get away from me for a while."  He gave you a smirk, causing your cheeks to blush again.  You knew exactly what that meant.  "God, I miss you."
"I miss you too," you said, re-positioning yourself in front of the camera.  You did feel bad that he'd had a hard day, so you decided to give him a small treat.  You tugged at the collar of your - well, Eijirou's - t-shirt.  "Man, it's hot in here."  You pulled the shirt above your head, shaking your hair out after and dropping the shirt on the floor beside the bed.  You were left laying on the bed in just your bra and underwear.  "That's better," you said with a satisfied sigh.
You noticed his camera jump a little and he moved slightly back - he was crossing his legs.  You smirked triumphantly.  "You okay babe?" you asked as you moved up on the bed, revealing more of your cleavage to him.
He nodded, biting his lower lip slightly.  "Yup!" he said, almost too quickly.  "Totally fine!"
You giggled, moving your hand to rest just below your chin.  "I really wish you were here," you sighed out dramatically.  "I had a pretty long day at work too, my back is killing me.  I really wish I had someone to massage it right now..."  You supported yourself with one arm, using the other to wrap around your body and try to reach your back.  You elevated yourself off the bed slightly, giving Eijirou an even better look at your exposed areas.  "I wish I could reach it myself."
He shifted in his seat.  "Baby, I know what you're doing...Kaminari is in the room right next to mine."
You looked at him innocently.  "Huh?  What am I doing?"
He sighed, pinching his temple between his thumb and index finger.  "Never thought I'd say this...y/n, please put your shirt back on."
"But it's hot in here," you whined.  You picked up your phone and pretended to scroll through it for  second, until you faked a shrug and put the phone down.  "Internet says wearing a support bra for too long is bad for your back."  You reached behind yourself again and unhooked your bra, causing it to land on the bed in front of you.  Eijirou just sat there, wide-eyes, staring at your bare breasts.
"You okay?" you asked your boyfriend.
He nodded slowly.  "Y-Yeah, I-I'm fine."
You raised one of your eyebrows at him.  "It's okay, you know.  You had a long day.  Relieve some stress."
He bit his lip again.  "It isn't the same though, without you I don't know if I can even-"
"Just try for me, baby," you said seductively.  You locked eyes with the camera for a second, until you noticed him standing up from the chair.  He went out of frame for a second before coming back, throwing a shirt on the seat, and unbuckling his pants.  You saw the rather large tent he was already pitching in his boxers, and you smiled triumphantly.  "I miss you so much, baby," you whined out as you leaned your head back and closed your eyes.  "I miss your hands...oh, your big, rough, manly hands...moving up and down my body, over all my curves."  You moved yourself and the laptop so you could lay back on the bed, running your own hands up and down your body.  You caught a glimpse of Eijirou's member sticking out of his boxers, firmly gripped in his hand as he watched you move.
You let out a low moan.  "Oh, and your lips.  God, baby, I love it when your lips suck on my-"
You were  cut off by him letting out his own groan, and opened your eyes to see he was pumping his hand up and down his shaft.  His eyes were half-closed, but still focused on the screen.  "Touch yourself," he grunted out.
You nodded and pulled down your underwear, leaving you fully nude on the bed.  You spread out your legs and began with inserting your index finger into yourself.  "Ah-" you moaned.  You closed your eyes as you inserted your middle finger and began a scissoring motion, like Eijirou would often do to you.  "Oh, Eijirou-!" you moaned, pumping your fingers in and out of yourself at a rapid pace.
His hand only sped up as he watched you, eyes still half-open and fixed on the screen.  You squeezed your eyes shut and imagined it was Eijirou's fingers in you instead of your own.  You spread your legs apart, giving him a full view of what you were doing down there as you rubbed your thumb against your sensitive nub.  
"Keep going baby, keep going," he panted out between low groans.
You squeezed a third finger into yourself, and the pleasure multiplied.  After pumping your three fingers several times and rubbing yourself harshly, you felt a knot beginning to form in your stomach.  "Oh baby I'm so close-" you moaned, head falling back against the bed as you opened your eyes to watch the screen.
Eijirou was leaning as far back as he could in the chair, vigorously pumping.  You could tell by the look on his face just how close he was.  "God y/n," he gasped out.  "You're so good."
You closed your eyes again and bucked your hips against your hand.  After only a couple of thrusts, you came undone.  "Eijirou-!" you moaned rather loudly as you rode out your orgasm.
Only seconds later, you saw a white substance begin shooting from his tip, and smiled.  You grabbed a tissue from your nightstand and wiped off your hands before readjusting yourself on the bed so you could look at him.  "Are you feeling better now?"
He nodded, still gripping himself in his hand as he leaned his head back and caught his breath.  "Oh yeah," he panted as he opened his eyes.  "You, my love, are amazing."
You giggled as a smile crossed your face.  "I try."
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elderxprice · 4 years
[#bom10daychallenge - day3.] There is a liquor store thirty-two miles outside of Provo that Kevin frequents every Thursday after class. He is on a first name basis with the cashier, who scribbles her number on all his receipts. He never calls, but she’s persistent. Eventually Kevin tells her he has a boyfriend, even though he doesn’t – technically.
Oh, wow, she says, and gives him his liquor for free. She feels bad for him. Kevin doesn’t blame her, because he feels bad for himself. Otherwise, he wouldn’t be parked at the furthest corner of Lot 38, drinking from a bottle of Tanqueray and Skyping with his ex-companion.  
“I’m worried about you, buddy,” Arnold says. He is sitting on the rusted fire-escape of a motel in Kampala, drinking a plastic cup of waragi. He is wearing the beginnings of a proper bedhead and no shirt. There are scratches across his chest and a fading bruise against his neck. Kevin does not want to know why, though he’s sure he could guess. “You’re drinking booze out of the bottle in a BYU parking lot. If someone sees you, you’re totally expelled.”
Kevin shrugs. “I think maybe I want that.”
“Do you? ‘Cause no offense, Kev, I find that a little hard to believe.” Arnold reaches to adjust his laptop - a gift from his overly concerned mother when she learned he was in no rush to come home - and for a blessed second Kevin gets a detailed view of Arnold’s lap. He’s wearing very tight, very small boxers that sit low on his hips; Kevin can make out the trail of dark hair leading down from his navel. “You sat before a disciplinary council and restored your standing with the church, just so you could go there. I’m, like, ninety-nine percent sure that wasn’t very fun for you. Considering.”  He motions with a hand, sending a splash of gin over the lip of his cup. Arnold swears, and licks it off his arm. Kevin shifts in his seat.
“Considering what?” He frowns, propping his phone up on the dashboard. “I didn’t say anything that wasn’t true.”
Arnold snorts, staring into what’s left of his drink. “Okay, sure, I believe that; but I also believe you didn’t tell them everything.”
“Well, yeah, I wasn’t there because of everything. I was there because of your stupid play.” The second he says that, Kevin feels bad. The play wasn’t stupid, it was beautiful; and helped him put a lot of things into perspective. Like how some things are just meant to be symbolic; a catalyst to push you towards greater purpose, and nothing more. Arnold’s play was that for Kevin. After, he no longer wanted to help people by baptizing them into the church, he wanted to help them by providing a sustainable solution to their problems. “I had no part in that, anyway, so it wasn’t exactly hard for me to apologize.”
“Uh huh, sure.” Arnold rolls his eyes. “I just don’t understand why you’d want to be a practicing Mormon, again.”
“Am I, though?” Kevin holds up the bottle of gin.
Arnold sighs; “Whatever, Kev.”
“Look, it’s really not that hard to understand. I love my family, pal. That’s all there is to it.” He thinks Arnold should have been able to figure that out on his own, considering he understands conditional love more than anyone. “Can we talk about something else?”
“I guess.” Arnold moves to sit cross legged, setting his drink down beside him. Kevin watches it tip over. “Why don’t we start with this: what are you wearing?” He offers Kevin an exaggerated wink, that Kevin rolls his eyes to.
“You can see me, Arnold.” Kevin waves a hand down the front of his shirt, which has BYU emblazoned across the front and a hole along the seam of the neckline.
“Not the bottom half.” Arnold lifts his laptop, tipping it so Kevin can see the outline of his dick. “There, you’ve seen mine, now let me see yours.”
“I thought you were worried about me getting expelled?” Reaching for his phone, Kevin complies. He is wearing jeans that leave everything to the imagination. He grins, as Arnold sighs in disappointment.
“Um, yeah, no – that’s not fair.” Arnold leans forward, tapping the screen. “Give me something to work with, Kev! I miss you, like, so fucking much; and we only get to do this once a month.”
This is news to Kevin, considering Arnold made no real effort to keep Kevin with him; and as far as Kevin knows, he still goes to bed with Nabulungi every night. Still, it’s flattering to know he still has this effect on Arnold. He thinks he’d like to keep it that way, even though he is not the only one. Tossing the phone onto the dashboard, Kevin unzips his jeans and tugs them down over his hips. He’s not wearing a single thing under them. Arnold better appreciate this.
“Uh, huh, yeah, that’s way better.”  Arnold lifts a hand to his mouth; it is clear he is smiling behind it. His cheeks are flushed with something other than drink, and it brings Kevin back to Uganda, to the pit latrine where he gave his first blowjob. Arnold’s eyes had been so dark, they were almost unrecognizable; it has scared him and thrilled him all at once.
“Your turn,” Kevin says, wetting his lips. “Fair is fair.”
Arnold looks hesitant, glancing over his shoulder at the building right behind him. “I don’t wanna get arrested, Kevin.”
“And I don’t particularly want to get expelled. Just go inside, then, if you’re scared.” Kevin watches intently as Arnold shuffles to the far corner of the fire-escape, sliding a hand over the bulge between his legs. He’s always been up for a challenge. Kevin’s skin feels like it’s on fire. “Come on, come on, come on,” he urges. The windows of his sedan are fogging up.  
“Were you always this impatient?” But Arnold complies, sitting up on his knees as he shoves his underwear over his hips and down his thighs. He’s already hard; Kevin is not far behind him. “’Cause, I’m pretty sure patience is a Mormon virtue or whatever.”
“You never gave me a chance to be,” Kevin says, sliding a hand down his stomach. Arnold watches intently as Kevin takes himself in hand. “You were always real eager.”  
“Kevin.” Arnold whines, his eyes trained on Kevin’s hand. “Fuck.”
It does not take either of them very long; just a few strokes until Kevin is coming, head tipped back as he spills over his fist. Arnold swears, again, and follows soon thereafter. It gets on his screen.
“Gross,” Kevin laughs as Arnold tries to wipe it off, managing only to spread it around.
“Would you think so if it was on your face?” Arnold grins impishly, and waves before quickly logging off. Kevin wipes his hands on his jeans, once the call disconnects. He’s tired; from coming and just from being here, drunk in his car at BYU. He wishes he were anywhere else. He wishes he was with Arnold in Uganda, on that fire escape, even if they were just drinking gin and talking; because this once a month thing - it’s not enough.
I don’t know, he emails Arnold back, a few minutes later. Maybe we should find out?
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Zoom mates
By GleefulDarrenCrissFan
 Kurt sighed heavily as he adjusted his webcam once again, positioning it so that his whole face could be seen in the frame.  He turned on his desk light, and turned the bulb slightly so that the light wasn’t overbearing or washed out against the slate gray walls in his living room.  He didn’t even know what he was doing. Although he was fairly tech-savvy, he had never used Zoom before. He had used Skype before for videoconferencing with his publicist, but Isabelle wanted him to try this app so that they could talk to the new author he would be collaborating with.  
Kurt rolled his eyes.  He was a good illustrator, and it was an insult that he kept getting paired with these newcomers.  This time it was some guy named Lane or something. He was probably some talentless prep boy like that kid Chandler he had illustrated for just to be told that Mr. Kheil had abandoned writing to join his father’s company.  Typical. He resisted the urge to run his fingers through his styled hair.
Suddenly a familiar face was smiling at him through his monitor and clicked the link to begin the meeting.
“Hello? Kurt?  Can you hear me on this blasted thing?” His boss laughed cheerfully as she inspected Kurt’s ensemble.  
Kurt did the same and smiled as his eyes tuned in to the jewelry  “Yes, I can. I can hear you. Ooh! I like that broach. Vintage Eisenberg?” Kurt questioned, smiling at his boss.
Isabelle shook her head.  “I never can get one over on you.  I thought for sure I’d have you stumped with this one.”
“The enameled turtle, circa 1980.  You’re going to have to go back a little bit further to stump me.  Eisenberg is one of my favorites,” Kurt chuckled. “So, tell me about this writer I’m supposed to work with.  He’s supposed to join us, right?”
“Yeah, but I told him not to log in until 9:15.  I’ve already chatted with him, and I wanted to make sure that you could navigate this app without too much trouble.  Any questions?”
Kurt nodded.  “Yes, but not really about this app.  Tell me about him. Does he have any writing credits?  I tried googling him, but Anderson is a pretty common name.  You said it was Lane, right?”
“Blaine.  Blaine Anderson and he has written before, just not fiction books.  He’s actually a certified school teacher, and he used to write stories for his students.”
“Oh, like Robert Munsch?”
“Yeah, like Robert Munsch, although he’s much younger, around your age, I presume,” Isabelle smiled.  “He’s really sweet. I think you’ll really like working with him.”
“At this point, I’m just hoping that he’s motivated enough to finish.  I’d like to see my name on a finished book one of these days. One that isn’t the laughing stock of the literary world,” Kurt sighed.
“I’m sorry, Kurt.  A story about a unicorn that poops cotton candy sounded like a fun premise.  She even wrote the story in crayon,” Isabelle apologized.  
“Brittany,” Kurt chuckled, shaking his head.  “Those were the wackiest consultations I’d ever had. I have to admit, it was pretty fun working on that project.  And since this guy is a school teacher, Tina won’t go nuts trying to edit every word as she did with Britt’s work,” Kurt laughed.  “So, what am I going to be drawing? Has he told you about the characters or the setting or anything?”
“I’ll let him tell you.  He’s logging on right now.  Blaine? Can you hear us, Blaine?” Isabelle asked.
Suddenly, the picture shifted to a man with thin wire-rimmed glasses, thick triangular eyebrows, and gelled jet-black hair.  His smile was almost blinding as he adjusted his plaid bowtie. “Yes, ma’am. How are you today, Ms. Wright? You look absolutely enchanting,” Blaine remarked, smiling his megawatt smile once more.  
Isabelle grinned.  “Thank you, Blaine.  You look quite handsome yourself.  Brooks Brothers, isn’t it?” Kurt watched as the younger man nodded and grinned.  “I approve. Blaine, I have Kurt with us, your new illustrator. He was just asking me about your concept.  Care to fill him in?”
Blaine flashed a beautiful smile at Kurt.  “Hello, Mr. Hummel. I’m so excited to be working with you.  I read the book by Brittany S. Pierce that you illustrated, and I think it was adorable.
Kurt buried his head in his hands.  “Oh God, don’t judge me by drawings of a mythological creature’s droppings,” Kurt groaned.
“I wasn’t,” Blaine replied, smiling.  “My students love that book. It’s whimsy and fun, and the illustrations are incredible.  That’s why I requested to work with you.”
“With me?  You requested me?” Kurt asked, surprised by the author’s words and reassuring smile.
Blaine nodded, and then perched his chin on his hand.  “Of course I did. You’re the reason I signed on with Blackbird Publishing.  Ms. Wright assured me that I could collaborate with you.” 
“Oh Blaine, Ms. Wright was my mother.  We’re all colleagues now, so please call me Isabelle.  Kurt does.” Just then, a loud ringing sound interrupted them.  “That’s me. I need to take this. I’ve been waiting for Ron to get back to me all weekend.   Do you two mind carrying on without me for a few minutes.”
“Sure, Ms Wri-, I mean, Isabelle.  We’ll be fine, right Kurt?” Blaine assured her as he swept his hand across his cheek and pushed his glasses back onto the bridge of his nose.  It was adorable. He was adorable.
“Uh, yeah.  We’ll be perfect,” Kurt reassured his boss. “So, Mr. Anderson.”
“Blaine,” the other man interjected.
Kurt nodded.  “Alright, Blaine.  Tell me about your vision.”
“It’s horrible, hence the glasses,” Blaine teased, cocking his head and grinning at his joke.
Kurt snickered.  “I meant your vision for this book.  What are we creating?”
“Well, Kurt.  How do you feel about alligators?”
Now with 7 more chapters
Read on AO3 here 
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newstanmarshblog · 4 years
The Average and Unusual Couple: Chapter One
   It was night time as Stan Marsh was talking to his best friend Kyle through Skype about able to see each other soon in person for the very first time since South Park went though a long lockdown during the events of a recent global pandemic. After on having a lot of people getting vaccinated to combat against the deadly disease, the pandemic was finally declared over by every government official around the world which means daily lives can get back to normal. Along with the news on announcing the town being one hundred percent safe from the virus, the Mayor of South Park has also announced that all schools will be back into its regular programming starting after labor day. And Stan couldn’t be more than happier to hear such news because he hated being separated from his friends and school for such a long period of time since he still has to deal with on being stuck living at Tegridy Farms.
   Stan: Ah man, dude, I’m so excited to able to see you guys again ever since before we all went through this harsh lockdown. How did your brother and parents react to the news?
   Kyle: Just as happy as you are, Stan. My parents are celebrating by having a glass of wine together, and Ike can’t wait to get his education in person again because he had a really hard time learning through online classes. How was your family’s reaction?
   Stan: My sister is pretty excited to able to date with her boyfriend again, my mom is relieved that things are back to normal and plans to meet up with my uncle Jimbo this weekend, and my dad is super pumped to get back to his plans on opening his first expansion Tegridy store at main street.
   Kyle: Your dad still isn’t over with his weed products yet, huh?
   Stan frustrated: He never shuts up about it! If it wasn’t for his successful online sales of his Tegridy products during this lockdown, we would’ve moved back to South Park by now. *sighs*
   Kyle: Sorry if my question got you upset, dude.
   Stan: It’s alright, you didn’t mean it. It has been about over two years now since my dad got obsessed with Tegridy weed, and I really don’t know when he’ll get tried of it. Usually he’ll be obsessed with something for about up to at least serval days and then moves onto the next one, but his fucking weed seems to be the one obsession that finally made him to become something like Gollum from the Lord of the Rings series.
   Kyle: Well, I’m sure that your dad will get over of the weed stuff eventually. Anyway, have you heard anything from our other friends on their reaction to the news?
   Stan: Only Kenny so far through text messaging on our phones. He wants to all of us to gather together at Stark’s Pond this Saturday and then probably eat out at Chill’s.
   Kyle: That’s sounds exciting! I’m completely free for this Saturday anyway.
   Stan: Me too. I’ll give Kenny the text that you’re in.
   Kyle: Great! *yawns* I gotta get ready for bed now.
   Stan: Same. Until then, see you on Saturday. Good night.
   Kyle: Night.
   After logging out from Skype and then giving Kenny a quick text about their plans on Saturday, Stan got onto his pajamas and heads to bed.
   Stan: So far, only half of my life is back to normal.
   As grateful as Stan was to able to see his friends and going to school in person for the first time since the lockdown began, he still doesn’t full completely happy just yet. While he’ll be continuing to struggle with living at Tegridy Farms and wishing too come back to South Park, the one other thing that he desperately wanted is to be with his old girlfriend again. For a long time now even before the pandemic started, Stan has made serval attempts to get back together with Wendy, but to no avail. Wendy has became more interested in becoming a woman activist, getting people into healthy shape, and is even dating with Bebe. Even though Stan and Wendy are still good friends with each other mainly because of their love for board games and animals, seeing his old girlfriend becoming more and more busy with her life along with learning the news that she’s now in love with Bebe was just enough for Stan to give up on winning her back. As much as Stan is really happy to see Wendy helping out a lot of people, he also seriously misses that fun side from his old girlfriend, and she seems to be no longer that type of person as often then back in their elementary school years. And still from the very moment when he learned that he can’t no longer have Wendy as his girlfriend, his heart remains to be very broken by it.
   Just thinking about on wanting to live back at South Park and being together with Wendy again was enough to break Stan into tears.
   Stan sobbing: I just want my entire life back. I want it all back.
   He continues to cry for a few moments, cheers himself up, and then gets himself some sleep.
   Meanwhile at a home in a town called Peaceful Pines, Lydia Deetz is finishing up packing up her stuff into package boxes as she and her parents are preparing to move out from their home. Her mother comes in to check up on her.
   Delia: Oh Lydia, how’s your packaging coming along?
   Lydia: It’s all set, mother. Did father heard about the news yet as he came home from his last day at work?
   Delia: He was told about it just before he left. He’s relieved that the pandemic is finally over just as much as anyone else on Earth. I’m just very happy that our long road trip to our new home will at least be safe.
   Lydia: Yeah, same. Anyway, I’m pretty exhausted from all the packing and would like to get one last peaceful night here before we move out tomorrow.
   Delia: Sure thing, sweetheart. Sleep well.
   Lydia: You too. See you in the morning.
   Just like with South Park, Peaceful Pines also went through a very long period during its lockdown. Lydia was one of the very few students that didn’t mind online teaching very often during the lockdown because despite of being bummed out on not able to learn in person and not seeing two of her friends at school, there was one thing that the pandemic couldn’t take away from her, and that was spending her quality time with a ghostly best friend name Beetlejuice. Very often everyday even before the pandemic took the world by storm, Lydia teleports herself to a very spooky place call the Netherworld where she and Beetlejuice would do a lot of fun stuff together such as playing a game of slam ball, going on crazy adventures, or even take a nice relaxing drive with their living car name Doomie. There’s also some days where she and Beetlejuice will have some simple fun things at her bedroom like watching horror movies or playing video games. 
   While Lydia was able to get through the pandemic just fine, her parents had a rougher time in comparison. During the the first few months of the pandemic, Charles was working from his home on his computer as he was real estate developer. But by the next spring, his workplace had to layoff some of its employees in order to save money, and Charles was one of those unfortunate employees. He shortly afterwards found a new job at a hardware store. Even though his new job doesn’t earn him as much money as with his old job, it was at least just barely enough to pay the house bills. Delia meanwhile once ran her own small business as a sculptor before the pandemic hit. But by shortly after Christmas, her business went into bankrupt and became unemployed. After filing for unemployment, she was receiving stimulus checks up to at least six hundred dollars every month by the federal government.
   Because of the financial struggles that the Deetz family were dealing with, a decision was made that they must find a new home where the payment bills weren’t as expansive as their current house, and nearby jobs where it’s best suited for them based off from their past experiences. Delia was browsing through the internet when she found a house up for sale in South Park Colorado where its house bills weren’t as nearly expansive as their current home. She also learned that there was a job opening at the town’s middle school for an art teacher that’ll be perfect for her, and a job opening at a nearby local real estate business that’ll be perfect for Charles. After going through the paperworks during the summer, the house was recently bought and the Deetzes have now just finished packing before their long trip ahead of them. They expect to reach their new home during Labor Day weekend just in time for Lydia to get ready for her first day at South Park middle school.
   Earlier today, the Deetzes held a goodbye party at their house for their neighbors and friends along with Beetlejuice crashing into the party in disguise as Betty Juice. For Lydia, saying goodbye to Bertha and Prudence was the hardest thing for her as they were the only friends that she ever had at her old school and she’ll definitely miss them most of all when she leaves Peaceful Pines tomorrow. Lydia’s last words to them was to keep on being themselves, be positive, and to stand tall and brave whenever Claire Brewster bullies them.
   It was now night time, and just as Lydia was getting ready for bed, Beetlejuice pops up onto the screen of her cellphone.
   Beetlejuice: Psst, Babes!
   Lydia picks up her phone.
   Lydia: Hi, Beetlejuice.
   Beetlejuice: Is the coast clear for me to pop up?
   Lydia: All clear, but promise me on not being here for too long as I need to have my last peaceful sleep here before I hit the road tomorrow morning.
   Beetlejuice: *raises his right hand* I swear across on my mother’s heart. Now, say those B words and let’s chit chat.
   Lydia: Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice, Beetlejuice!
   Beetlejuice pops up from the cellphone screen and floats around in the bedroom.
   Beetlejuice: So, Lyds, are you at all nervous on living in a new town?
   Lydia: The only thing that I’m nervous about is if I’ll ever make new friends at my new school. 
   Beetlejuice: Don’t sweat it, Babes. I’m sure that you can at least make a friend or two. And even if you don’t at all, you still got me and my lovable armpits! 
   His stinky armpits hits Lydia’s nose.
   Lydia disgusted: Ugh! Thanks for the reminder.
   Beetlejuice: *chuckles a bit* People remembering my smelly armpits, you know I love it. *does a couple armpit noise*
   Lydia: Anyway, if I ever make a new friend, then I can’t wait to show off that friend my collection of my horror films, photo works, and my studies on bugs.
   Beetlejuice: Just don’t show off the bugs that I plan on eating.
   Lydia: Whatever. And maybe we can even take a trail walk around the natural wonders that South Park has to offer. I’ve always wanted to see a wild elk since I heard they have a large elk population in Colorado, and there’s never any wild sightings of them around here.
   Beetlejuice: *laughs* I wonder why? *smells at himself*
   Lydia: Is there anything that you’re excited to see at South Park, Beetlejuice?
   Beetlejuice: Nah, but I am excited to offer them by saying this quote to sum it up…*impersonate Jack Nicholson*… Wait until they get a load of me.
   Lydia: *laughs* Oh I bet they’ll never see you coming by a mile. *yawns* It’s getting late. I better head to bed. And Beetlejuice, remember what I told you while I’m on the road.
   Beetlejuice: Yeah, yeah, yeah, I remember. I promise not to check up on you until you’re finally settled into your new home. You have my words.
   Lydia: Thanks, BJ.
   Beetlejuice: Besides, I’m over due to play a new prank on the Monster across the street and his pet mutt. Maybe I’ll get them to reenact that bear scene from The Revenant.
   Lydia: Just as long as you keep yourself busy until I say your name three times, okay?
   Beetlejuice: Will do. See ya!
   Lydia: You too.
   As Beetlejuice disappears back to the Netherworld, Lydia lays into her bed.
   Lydia: *sighs* I hope I’ll make a friend with someone that loves to have fun with life just as much as me. Or even maybe find someone that’ll love me for the way that I am.
   She closes her eyes to get as much sleep as she can before a new chapter into her life can begin.
    In the next chapter, Stan hangs out with his friends, and Lydia moves into her new home.
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A Forever Thing | myg
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a/n: this is part one of a wedding series i’m collabing on! i really really really love this piece and hope you do as well. i apologize for any grammar or spelling mistakes. i didn’t have any time to edit it. enjoy~ oh wait also i was listening to cute wedding songs while writing this and it made me want to marry yoongi and then have cute children and have yoongi teach them the piano  🥺 and maybe have him pick up the piano and kill me with it 🥺🥺🤙🏻
ask to be tagged in future fics here!!
word count: 4,685
genre: slight angst, fluff fluff fluffff!!!!!!!!!
warnings: panic attack,
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Yoongi was sat on the couch, face blank and posture laid back, while the rest of his band members were freaking out. His eyes observed their reactions; the maknae line were confused by the sudden news, while the hyung line were freaking out. What brought this on? Why was he suddenly leaving their world tour. Seems like they all had the same thought for Jin spoke up. 
“Why are you leaving? What brought this on?” Jin asked the younger, voice questioning and stern. Yoongi caught his eyes, before he looked away with a vacant expression, thinking back to an hour ago when he was skyping you and how this mess came about. 
Yoongi gazed at you with adoration shining bright in his eyes, his gummy smile making those very eyes crinkle whilst his round cheeks blossom in color. God, he loved you so much and he wished you knew that. You mean the absolute world to him and he had the strongest desire to grant your every wish. As he studied your form, laughing when you yelled at the character on the TV screen, he could feel himself falling in love with you. He was so grateful he met you three years ago, even more appreciative you stuck by him through all the rumors, tours and hardships. He was shaken from his thoughts by your distraught sound, eyes focusing in on how you were glaring at your phone, a scowl on your pretty face. 
He cocked his head, eyebrows furrowing, “What’s wrong, baby?” It was silent, your eyes not even leaving the cell phone’s screen to acknowledge you heard him. His lips formed a pout, arms crossing his chest and slumping down in the hotel desk chair. Why weren’t you paying him any attention? Leaning in towards his screen, he could faintly hear what sounded like an interview playing on Youtube, more specifically their interview from earlier in the day. The one where he clearly stated that he di-
“Yeah, I don’t really care for marriage and I don’t really see it in my future. I’m not the serious relationship type of guy,” his words came nonchalantly, not even giving it a second thought, as if you wouldn’t see it when it was released. 
Yoongi shut his eyes, the events repeating over and over in his mind. How he said it without a care in the world, as if he wasn’t in a serious relationship with the love of his life, the very woman he wanted to marry. Sure, in the beginning he didn’t consider settling down for good, since he saw marriage as a piece of paper, but when you had discussed the idea with stars in your eyes, he knew he would go through with it. He would do anything as long as it made you happy. 
Your monotonous tone made him open his eyes, only to see you with an expressionless face, “So, you’re not the ‘serious relationship’ guy? Yet, we’ve been dating for five, five years. When were you planning on telling me that you never saw us staying together? When you strung me along for a little bit longer? Played with my heart some more? Yoongi, you knew I was dating for marriage, that I wanted to settle down. Why didn’t you say anything when we had that conversation months ago? You could have told me you never wanted to get married, yet all you did was smile at me, filling me with so much hope that I would get to marry the man I love one day.” 
“Wait, Y/n, I can explain!” Yoongi said exasperatedly, trying and failing to prevent you from logging off. He grabbed his phone, his motions quick as he texted you, praying you would answer him. He waited, giving it a few seconds before he messaged you again. Fifty texts later and you still weren’t responding to him. Releasing a deep sigh, he let his head fall back, glaring up at the ceiling. Tears blurred his vision, and he hastily wiped his eyes, thoughts running rampant through his brain. What would he do if he couldn’t get a hold of you? If he was not able to explain himself? What if...what if you decided to leave him? 
That last thought made him freeze, his body going cold and numb with fear. Fear of losing you, one of the best things that had happened to him. All of a sudden, he jumped up from his seat, rushing around his hotel room to gather his stuff, packing it all up. Unzipping a side pocket on his suitcase, he pulled the red, velvety box out, turning it over in his hands before cracking it open. He sighed when he saw the ring still safely nestled inside. He didn’t know what he would do if he were to have lost it. The ring was custom made, the only one in the world, and he knew it was perfect for you. It was simple yet cute, just the way you liked things. Closing the lid, he placed it back inside his luggage, making sure it wouldn’t fall out. Before he put his laptop away, he quickly bought a plane ticket back to Seoul. Once he had everything ready to go, he walked out of his hotel room with his bags in hand, and went to where he knew the others would be. 
Knocking on the door, he patiently waited for someone to let him in. The longer he stood there, the more his anxiety flared up, knowing he was wasting precious time that he could use to get to you. Finally, finally someone opened the door. Staring back at him was Jimin, his face looking muddled, for the older man had said he would rather sleep than mess around with them yet here he was. 
The two stared at each other for a few silent seconds, before Jimin broke it, “Hyung, what are you doing here? Didn’t you say you were going to skype Y/n or something?” Yoongi didn’t answer, instead he pushed past the pink haired boy, making his way to their band members. 
“I’m leaving the tour,” Yoongi said, plopping down onto the couch. His statement made them stop what they were currently doing, completely shocked by his words, not sure where it was coming from. 
Jin cleared his throat, bringing Yoongi from his flashback back to the present, “Yah, Yoongi-ah, aren’t you listening? Why are you leaving when we still have a month left?” Said man looked at him, tears clouding his vision once again, causing his friends’ eyes to widen. Yoongi almost never cried in front of them, he had too much pride for that, not wanting to seem weak. So seeing one of their closest friends about to break down made them panic.
“Y/n…” he started out, his voice hesitant, as if saying it out loud would make it real, “She saw today’s interview…” Jin, Namjoon and Hoseok looked at him with pity in their eyes, knowing why he was acting the way he was. The only ones who still weren’t catching on were the maknae line. The three youngest sent each other glances, not getting why it was bad you had watched it. You always watched their interviews, so why was now different?
Jungkook, being the bravest of the three, asked, “I don’t get it. What’s wrong with Y/n seeing it?” Though Yoongi knew Jungkook wasn’t trying to be rude, he couldn’t help but to blow up on the man. 
“Why is it bad? You’re asking me why it’s bad? Maybe because I said I wasn’t looking for marriage! That I wasn’t in the mood to be in a serious relationship!!” Yoongi stood up yelling, tears now freely flowing down his blotchy cheeks. Hoseok placed a hand on his shoulder, attempting to calm his friend down, but Yoongi wasn’t done. “My girlfriend of five years that I planned on proposing to in a few months thinks I don’t want to get married and that I don’t see us together for long!! And she won’t answer me and let me explain!! That’s why this is a disaster Jungkook!!” 
The boy that was getting yelled at took a step back, wide eyes looking hesitantly at his senior, not wanting to cause even more trouble, “I-I’m sorry hyung. I didn’t mean to make you mad…” Not getting a response, Jungkook’s shoulders slumped, angry at himself for upsetting his hyung. Yoongi saw this and sighed, hating himself for making his member feel terrible when he only asked an innocent question. 
“Kook-ah, I’m not mad at you. I’m angry at myself. I’m the idiot who said something during the interview. I just can’t lose her, I love her so fucking much. I planned on proposing to her two months after the tour ended, y’know? I had the perfect way of doing it too…” Yoongi trailed off, thinking of all the ideas he had scheduled, a small smile growing on his face, just imagining your reaction as he asked you to be his for forever. 
None of them knew how or where he was planning, and taking in how curious everyone was, Namjoon questioned Yoongi, “How did you want to do it hyung?” They all sat down somewhere in the room, ready to listen to the black haired man explain how he was going to propose to you. 
“When the topic of marriage came up a few months ago, she got so excited and started going off about what she thought the perfect proposal was. The look in her eyes...god, the look in her eyes while she talked. She looked so beautiful and innocent. I never really wanted to get married, never really cared for it, but with the way she was looking at me with so much love in her expression, I knew I would do it for her,” Yoongi spoke softly, thinking back to when you two were in his room, cuddling in bed, your head on his chest and his fingers running through your hair. 
Releasing a gentle sigh, he closed his eyes, finishing his explanation, “She had told me how she’s always wanted to see the northern lights, and how it would be so romantic to be proposed under them. She’s stuck through all the hardships of being with me, and I just want to give back to her, show her how much she means to me, how thankful I am for her. I called the Northern Light Inn in Iceland right after the discussion and they said the best month to do it was November, so I booked a room for a week. All I would have to do is have it bumped up to now.” No one said anything, gazing at the way Yoongi had a gummy smile and hearts in his eyes as he thought of marrying you. 
“Wow...hyung..” Taehyung started, not knowing how to express how he was feeling. In fact, none of them did. They were all shell shocked, not used to hearing the man speak so tenderly, so open about his feelings. Jin, Hoseok and Namjoon were looking at him with pride, knowing it took a lot of courage for him to even speak his emotions, Jimin and Taehyung were beaming at him, bouncing excitedly in their seats and chatting animatedly, while Jungkook was glaring at the floor, deep in thought. Noticing the maknae’s heated stare, Jimin asked him if he was okay.
Jungkook looked up at them, determination shining in his eyes, “I’m okay with hyung leaving early. We can handle the concerts without him, and ARMY would understand if we tell them he has a family emergency.” It became silent, the reason this conversation was even started being brought back up. Hoseok, Jimin, and Taehyung agreed, wanting their best friend to get engaged with his love as soon as possible. It was Jin and Namjoon that were a little more hesitant, their responsibilities as oldest and leader reminding them why he couldn’t just abandon them. Yet, seeing Yoongi’s shoulders slumped in defeat, his heart breaking in front of their very eyes, they knew they couldn’t, wouldn’t be the ones to stop him. So, they both gave each other a look and nodded, showing Yoongi he had their support as well. 
“Great!! So now we just need to get Yoongi hyung a plane ticket!” Jungkook enthusiastically yelled, bouncing on the balls of his feet, eyes wide with excitement. The rest grinned, watching in amusement as the youngest grabbed his laptop, powering it on. 
Yoongi sheepishly scratched the back of his neck, shyly saying, “Uh, about that...I may have already bought a plane ticket..haha.” Six of his friends had shock written all over their faces. None of them had expected him to already have a ticket, especially given that he wasn’t sure he would be permitted to leave, however, Hoseok was the only one who expected it. He knew his hyung would have left even if he wasn’t allowed. 
“Well, in that case, what are you waiting for? Go get your fiancee, Yoongi hyung!” Jimin yelled out, everyone else screaming in excitement with him. Yoongi smiled, grabbed his suitcase, waved goodbye to the boys, and went on his way. He knew he could possibly get in trouble for abandoning the tour, but at this point he couldn’t care less, you were more important to him. 
The taxi ride to the airport was filled with only the sounds of the radio, he was too nervous to try and initiate conversation with the driver, his hands anxiously playing with the end of his sweatshirt. Once the vehicle came to a stop, he took his belongings and headed inside. Printing his ticket, going through security and boarding the plane all went by in a blur. He was too far in his thoughts to even notice what was happening around him. Yoongi inhaled once, twice, thrice times before he closed his eyes, planning on sleeping the hours away. The fourteen hours flew by, with him going in and out of consciousness from time to time, and soon the airplane was landing. Feeling his nerves pick back up, he exited with the other passengers, turning his cell phone off airplane mode to see if you had answered any of his calls or messages. He sighed in defeat when he noticed the only notifications were from his members and their manager. Walking with quick steps to the baggage claim, he picked up his luggage and went outside to hail a taxi. The car pulled up to the curb and Yoongi got in, giving the man your address, praying you were there. 
Arriving at your apartment complex, he rushed up the stairs, in too much of a rush to wait for the elevator. He calmly stalked towards your door when he reached the correct floor. Taking a shaky breath, he tried to calm his nerves before he proceeded to knock. As soon as he heard you call out ‘coming!’, he held his breath. His heart was racing as you opened the door, little beads of sweat collecting on his forehead. Your eyes widened, not expecting to see him standing at your door, and you went to slam the door shut but he caught it with his foot. 
“Wait!” he yelled out, desperation ringing in his voice. Letting out a short breath, you reopened the door, allowing him to see your whole body. Yoongi’s heart broke when he took in your appearance; hair a greasy mess, pajamas looking loose on your figure, red eyes, and dark circles under them. Reaching out a hand, he let it fall limp by his side after hesitating, “Please, can we talk?” Deciding to hear him out, you moved to the side, granting him access to enter. Saying a small ‘thank you’, he followed you to your couch, sitting down next to you. 
Turning to face him, you avoided his eyes, “What did you want to talk about?” The way you said it, fear lacing your words, caused him to move closer to you, grasping your hands tightly in his. You thought of ripping them away from his, but you needed the comfort the action brought. 
“Y/n, what I said in that interview, I didn’t mean it. I’m so fucking happy I’m dating you and I do plan on marrying you in the future. Those words I said weren’t true and I regret them so much,” he said, scooting even closer to you and placing a hand on your cheek. He took a deep breath in before continuing, “At first, I wasn’t really looking for marriage and that’s not because I wasn’t serious about us, it’s because I never really cared for marriage. Why should we have to prove our love for one another by having a wedding? But then you were passionately saying how you couldn’t wait to get married, how you couldn’t wait to spend the rest of our lives together, and I knew, I knew I would go through with it for you.”
By the end of Yoongi’s declaration, there were tears running down your face, causing him to panic. Did he say something wrong? Why were you crying? Right as he opened his mouth to ask if you were alright, you flung yourself at him, sobbing into his chest. You were a blabbering mess about how you were sorry for not listening to him that night, but he was just filled with relief, relief that you still wanted to be with him. Now he just needed to get you on the plane with him without having you figure out what was happening.
“Baby, go pack a suitcase. I want to go on a short vacation with you, show you how much I love you, before I have to get back to the tour.” His words caused your eyes to get large. He left the tour for you? Yoongi could see you felt guilty, so he quickly kissed your lips, “Don’t worry about it, jagiya. I was granted permission to come home early.” Reassured by his words, you smiled excitedly and went to get your stuff ready. While you were packing, Yoongi called their manager, explaining everything and asking if he could have a private jet ready. Getting a ‘yes and there will be a car waiting’, he grinned and thanked the man before hanging up. 
You came out, luggage in hand, “I didn’t know where we were going, so I packed a few warm clothes and a few cool clothes.” He grabbed your suitcase for you, grasping your hand with the other, and led the way to the car that should be waiting outside. The ride to the airport was filled with sweet words whispered into ears, longing, loving stares and chaste kisses to soft lips. Yoongi tugged you towards the gate where you could board the jet, laughing as you kept tripping while trying to keep up with your pace. Settling down in the seats, he took a photo of the two of you before relaxing. Once again, the flight zoomed by and he was awoken by the airplane landing.
“Come on Yoongs! We’re here!” you squealed, eyes bright with enthusiasm. He smiled tiredly and followed you off the plane. Hearing you gasp in amazement caused a bliss feeling to go through him. You excitedly tugged him towards the direction of the small airport, “Oh, Yoongi this is amazing! We’re in Iceland!” 
Your boyfriend stopped in his tracks, resulting in your body being jolted back as you were still connected by the hand. He kissed your cheek, “I remember you said you’ve always wanted to visit Iceland, and I thought it would be the best place for us to escape to.” He just hoped you wouldn’t think anything else of it…
“I love you so much, this is so cute of you,” you cooed at him and pinched his cheek. He scoffed, pushing your hand away from his face, a pout forming on his mouth. Grumbling to himself, he started to pull you, laughter escaping your rosy lips. 
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It was night now and you were all settled into your room. Seeing Yoongi pace nervously back and forth, you walked over to him and laid a gentle hand on his shoulder, resulting in him slightly flinching. “Are you okay, Yoongi?” your voice was quiet, not wanting to startle him even more. 
“Y-yeah. Do you want to go on a walk? I heard it’s a beautiful night tonight,” he stuttered in the beginning before his voice became stronger. You gave him a reassuring smile and nodded, layering up in warm clothes. He followed your actions, though from the corner of your eye you could see him swiftly grab something from his suitcase and stick it in his coat pocket. Shaking the curiosity away, you grabbed his outstretched hand. 
Yoongi led the way down a path, stopping after you had walked for ten minutes. You were confused as to why he did, but gasped when you looked up at the night sky to see streaks of blue, green, and purple. He gazed at you with fondness as you observed the colors ripple in the dark sky. God, he loved you so much. 
Not wanting to disturb the peaceful quiet that surrounds you, in a low voice he asked you, “Turn towards me, I want a picture of you to remember this moment.” Doing as he ordered, you faced him and allowed a huge grin to appear. He took his phone out and snapped a photo of you cheesing, sending it to the boys with the caption ‘she has no clue what’s about to happen’. Turning your attention back on the beautiful scene, you were too focused to notice your boyfriend moving to stand behind you. 
Only whirling around when you heard him softly say your name, and you let out a gasp at the sight. Yoongi was standing there with a small, red box. Your heart rate quickened, shock paralyzing you in your spot. Your hands covered your mouth as he opened it, a ring staring back at you as he moved closer to you. 
“L/n Y/n, ever since I met you at that coffee shop back in 2016, I knew we were going to be best friends. It was as if we just..clicked. There was no awkwardness of trying to get to know each other, we were comfortable from the start. From then on we made so many inside jokes, had so many laughs and I loved every second of it,” Yoongi said with so much love in his eyes. Inhaling, he smiled shakily at you and kept talking, “Then a few months later you met my band mates and I was so happy and relieved to see you get along with them. At this point I knew I had a huge crush on you and it seemed like Hobi knew as well since he came to me that night, asking if I was finally going to ask you out or not.” His breath came out shaky, “When I told him that I was, he said ‘good, she’s perfect for you, hyung’ and it made me so fucking ecstatic that he thought that. That someone else saw you would complete me. I asked you out a week later, you were wearing that blue sundress with your hair curled and you looked so beautiful. Do you remember what our first date was?” 
You nodded and sniffled, “You took me to a convenience store and we ate ramen there, then we took a walk at Banpo Bridge Park and watched the water show.” Smiles graced both your faces as some of the best memories were brought back up. Yoongi raised a hand and tenderly held your cheek. A small hiccup left you as you leaned into his touch, the both of you letting out wet laughs. 
“That was one of the best nights of my life, especially when you got cold and cuddled up to me. After that we went on a few dates before I asked you to be my girlfriend, and you can ask any one of the guys, but when you said yes I couldn’t stop smiling. To know you were finally mine and I was yours made me feel so much joy,” he said, chuckling when tears fell from your eyes. “Want to know when I knew I was in love with you?” he questioned you, and when you rapidly nodded your head he began his explanation, “It was on our tenth date. We were at the dorms, cuddling in my bed and watching a movie, well, you were watching it but I was too busy staring at your beauty. When you caught me looking you gave me a shy smile before you went back to laughing at the characters on the screen and I knew you were the one I wanted to spend the rest of my life with.” 
By now, you were trying to keep your sobs in. “W-wait,” you said, eyebrows furrowing, “You knew you wanted to be with for forever on our tenth date?” He hummed as the gears turned in your mind. Eyes lighting up with recognition, you exclaimed, “But we had only been dating for three months!” Yoongi threw his head back in laughter, his shoulders shaking with the action. 
“Yes, you dummy, I knew you were the love of my life after only dating for three months. Surprising right? I was slightly worried with how fast I was falling for you, but then I thought of all the times we spent together and knew you would be there to catch me just like I would catch you,” he teased you and when he saw you turning red, he kissed your forehead, though that just caused more redness to spread throughout your face. He cleared his throat and straightened up, his nerves making an appearance again. He was nervous you would say no, even if your reactions showed you wouldn’t, he couldn’t shake the thought away.  
“So, L/n Y/n, will you live the rest of our lives with me? Even though I’m not always the easiest person to live with?” His voice cracked, while tears blurred his vision. Yoongi was looking at you with unfiltered adoration and it caused more tears to trickle down your cheeks. He brushed them away with his thumb. 
You gave him a watery smile, “Yes, of course I will, Min Yoongi.” As soon as the words left your mouth he wrapped you in a tight embrace, bringing you into a passionate kiss. Pulling away, he placed one last sweet kiss on your lips and took the ring out, sliding it onto your left hand. Wiping the rest of your tears away, you took a closer look at the ring on your hand. The ring was delicate, not too over the top - exactly the way Yoongi tended to show his love - but still breathtakingly gorgeous. Tiny diamonds formed a heart, with a bigger one in the middle, while tiny jewels littered the band. 
“It has a meaning,” he whispered as he watched you examine the piece of jewelry with complete focus. Seeing you tilt your head in confusion, he placed his forehead on yours, “The heart means a promise, as long as you keep mine safe, I’ll forever cherish yours.” His soft words made you melt, so much love for this man flowing through your veins. 
You stared at him with hearts in your eyes and placed a gentle kiss on his chapped lips, “I love you so much, Min Yoongi, and I promise to keep your heart safe.” His smile was full of elation, as he left pecks all over your face. His heart swelled when your giggles reached his ears. 
“I love you too, Min Y/n,” Yoongi said, bringing you into his side as the two of you continued to see the northern lights, huddled close to each other and basking in the love that was shared between you both.
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tagging: @sagey-rages
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allthingsfangirl101 · 5 years
Chapter 3: Skype Session 1
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Abby's POV
It was the end of the first week and I was eagerly waiting to leave work so I could go home and get ready for Caleb's and my first Skype session. My boss was kind enough to let me leave early. Usually, she was a very strict 9-5 working woman, but she was also a huge romantic.
The drive home was agonizing. I kept checking the clock on the dashboard to make sure I would still have time to freshen up before he called. I pulled into our driveway and turned my car off. I took a deep breath before getting out.
As I unlocked the front door, I noticed my hands were shaking. I put my purse on the kitchen table before jogging up the stairs. After fixing my hair and making sure I looked nice, I grabbed my laptop and logged onto Skype.
I checked my watch and let out a sigh when I noticed I had ten minutes before Caleb would call. I put my computer to the side and headed downstairs to the kitchen. With a glass of wine in my hand, I headed back upstairs.
I settled back against the headboard, my computer in my lap. I almost choked on my wine as my computer started to ring. I put my glass on the bedside table and instantly answered the call.
I smiled when a blurry image of Caleb popped up on my screen. "There's my girl," he smiled.
"Hi, baby." My voice got caught in my throat as I stared at my fiancé.
"Damn, I miss you.'" He said suddenly, a sob instantly getting caught in my throat. "I didn't think I would miss you this much, this fast."
"I miss you too," I said softly. I looked down and wiped non-existent dust off my computer. I bit my lip when I heard him let out a sigh.
"I'm sorry," he said, making me look up at him. "I told myself that I wasn't going to say anything about missing you. I didn't want to spend our first Skype session talking about how much we miss each other and how much harder this is than we originally thought. I'm sorry, babe."
"It's okay," I said, taking a deep breath. A smile slowly formed on my lips. I cleared my throat as I sat up straighter. "How did your first week go?" I asked, changing the subject.
"It's good," he stuttered.
"Just good?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.
"It's just," he sighed, "it's not exactly what I expected."
"What do you mean?"
"Well, the crew messing with each other while they work is what I thought would happen, but the actual job is different. I thought it would be more. . . hands-on."
"It's not?"
"It is, but it isn't." I let out a small laugh, making him smile.
"Babe, you aren't making any sense." I stopped when I noticed the smile fall from his lips. "You okay?"
"I thought that coming here, would be a really cool experience, and it is, but it's not. . ." He hesitated, avoiding eye contact.
"Not what?" He looked back at me, a small sigh leaving his lips.
"Not worth it," he said, looking at me with soft eyes. "It's not worth being away from home. From you."
"Caleb," I sighed, cutting him off. "It's just the first week, babe. It'll get better. What you need to do is erase any expectations you had back in high school and just take it one day at a time."
"Is that what you're doing?"
"Yep," I said without hesitating. "I don't look at it as you being gone three months. I look at it as you being gone today. And, so far, it's working. I'm not saying that I don't miss you, because I do. But taking it one day at a time helps me get through the day."
His smile slowly made its way back to his lips. "I love you," he said randomly making me laugh.
"I love you too."
We sat there for a few beats, neither one of us saying anything. Suddenly, a loud crash made us both jump. Caleb turned around to see what the sound was. When he looked back at me, we both laughed.
"So," he laughed, "how was your week?"
"Oh, you know. Grocery shopping, went to dinner with Felicia and Sydney the other night, and work where people look at me with sad smiles. Oh! And we can't forget how my step-mom barged into the house two days after you left with at least 15 binders of wedding stuff."
Caleb sent me an apologetic look. "She tried to get you to start planning? Again?"
"Yep," I said popping the "p" as I rolled my eyes. "It's not that she shoved Bridal magazines in my face, it was the insensitivity of it. I mean, you had just barely left."
"Well," he sighed. "I love you, but maybe she's right. Planning the wedding could help the time go by faster."
"I am not planning the wedding without you," I said sternly. "And, guess what she said to me."
"I almost don't want to know," he sighed.
"She said that I had nothing else to do so I might as well plan it. Even if you may not come home." I paused as my voice broke. "How can she say that?"
"Abs," he said softly, trying to cut me off.
"How can she even hint at you not coming home? I mean, no mother, especially step-mother should say something like that. No one should say something like that."
"She has no right to try and pressure me into planning our wedding. I don't even want her there. She's just going to make it all about her."
"She doesn't even want me to plan it. She wants to plan everything. She even picked out a dress I just have to have because it'll look great on me. Like she could possibly know what will look great on me."
"Why don't people understand that I don't want to plan our wedding without you? I mean, it's your wedding too. I know that people say all the groom has to do is show up, but I don't want it to be like that with us. I want you to have opinions and make decisions with me."
"I already have to plan my wedding without my mom," I said the tears streaming down my cheeks. "I'm not planning it without you too."
I finally stopped talking, looking down as the tears continued to stream down my cheeks. After a few seconds of silence, Caleb softly said my name.
"Abby?" I looked up to see him watching me with a sad smile. "If you don't want to plan the wedding until I get back, then don't."
I let out a sigh of relief as he continued, "But, I wouldn't mind if you did. I love you and want you to have the perfect wedding day. I will tell you right now that I agree with whatever decisions you make for the wedding. I just ask that you wait to pick out the food and taste the cake for me to come home."
I let out a small laugh as I wiped the tears from my cheeks. "I love you," I laughed.
"I love you, too." He paused before adding, "If you wanted, we could make some decisions now?" He offered.
"Like what?" I asked, tilting my head slightly.
"Like colors," he said after he thought about it for a second. "What colors do you want?"
I bit my lip, hesitating. If I was honest, I have planned certain aspects. I mean, hasn't every girl?
"I don't want to be too wedding cliché," I said, making him laugh.
"That's okay," he shrugged. He sent me a smirk as he added, "I like cliché."
"What about burgundy, blush, evergreen, and a light tan?"
Caleb thought about it before letting out a soft chuckle. "I have no idea what those colors are."
I laughed, playfully rolling my eyes. "Dark red, light pink, dark green and light brown," I explained.
"Oh," he elongated. "Then, yes. I think those will look nice." He sent me a wink, making me blush.
Suddenly, something on the other side of the room distracted Caleb. There was some hushed whispering before he turned back to me, a sad smile now present on his lips.
"Let me guess," I said softly. "You have to go?"
He nodded. "I'm sorry."
"Same time next month?" I asked as I tried to memorize his face.
"I love you, Abby."
"I love you too, Caleb."
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blankdblank · 5 years
Glass Heart Pt 2
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Pt 1 was part of @sdavid09 52 wk prompt challenge
@love-of-fandoms, @aspiringtranslator, @lilith15000, @howdoistopadulting, @himoverflowers
Shouts were heard across many a dinner table sharing the news of your thievery with many determined to go over and give you a piece of their mind on disturbing family relics. Only in their way over to see the land themselves only to freeze seeing the returned statues glowing in the early morning sun, clearly polished and pampered better than any had imagined.
Around them a clear set of indented paths and odd pits, upon further inspection of a bribed teen, each were filled with a layer of layered stones sealing in the sides of the deepest ones you had secured into place with oddly crossed metal pipes clearly linking them.
Between the smaller dips with raised frames clearly filled with layered stones in thick walls in the form of large planters dividing the clear pathways in the odd maze of a garden left to dry without shifting without your supervision. At the base of the largest circle a clear miniscule slope was uncovered feeding into a dip around the edges under the lowest step with pipes folded over the steps now with an odd steak the end was tied to leaving the elders to assume it was a planned marker for a drainage pump. The clear improvement in just a day left them baffled as to what you could finish with by the end of the week if you had done all this nearly alone in one day.
A long morning of work later and the new metal shingle roof was in place through your castle ending your team repairs on that for the time being until the guys were available in another months time to help swap out the wiring, plumbing and paneling throughout. Alone again you made the long walk back to your rental where you left your boots outside when you had knocked them on the front walk, showering in as hot water as you could muster up you felt your body relaxing you onto your next step. Dried off and pulling on a fresh pair of jeans over your matching set of lingerie you had been meaning to try out in public possibly able to flash a strap of your shoulder when the shoulder of your loose t shirt would drop to the side.
In your car however in the drive through the main square you caught glances of symbols forming the word ‘Shuktu’ above the doors used to mean ‘Kin Only’ when placed that way. Holding back your urge to cry you continued on driving ignoring the stares of the Dwarves pretending not to notice your presence there. From what you could remember Dale was a good two hour drive making you mumble to yourself, “Guess that takes ice cream out of the picture…”
Two hours out of your way brushing your wall of curls from your face you strolled through the lot of the shop collecting a cart along the way. Simple spare soaps and toiletries were gathered along with a cooler you would fill with ice. Barely half an hour later you had all you’d dream of needing and you collected your ice on the way out. You had stuck to mainly pasta, sauces, gravy mixes, bags of potatoes and vegetables able to handle the ride home with a risked try for a roll of hamburger, bag of fries and a box of creamsicles and milk in the cooler.
An obscenely long drive back you were elated to find the frozen items and milk still good for your first trip inside to unload it all. In the light of the sunset you started to pull together a simple pasta dinner that you ate while sipping on an alcoholic lemonade you sat back on the floor against the front of the couch watching some obscure film on a classic log tossing team. A ring from your phone broke your attention and you eyed the screen lighting up with another call from your ex you declined.
In its vanishing you eyed the messages on your screen from your cousin Lei and various relatives scolding you on your abrupt departure and the drastic demotion your ex had gotten. Wryly you chuckled and took another sip of your drink, “Ooh, that should sting.”
A skype call came in and you smirked seeing your friend’s face pop up. “Jaqi! There you are!”
With a giggle you gave a finger wave in return to hers, “Here I am.”
“You are ok? I heard from Daddy what happened. You’re not holed up in some motel, are you? Because we have a great number of properties you know you’re welcome to.”
You shook your head, “No. Staying in a place I rented, friend of my uncles on my dad’s side. Helping out with some family stuff. Looking close to a year, possibly for good if things work out.”
“Oh.” She pouted then asked with a playful grin, “Any cute guys out there?”
You giggled and lowered your drink from another sip, “Remember my Prince of Scowls?”
With a giddy squeal, “How is he?! Is he single?! How does he look?!”
You giggled again, “No idea if he’s single, he’s drop dead gorgeous and moody as ever.”
She chuckled, “Ooh, what is it with you and your weakness for scowls.”
You shrugged, “Just the Dwarf in me. Can’t help it. Meaner the scowl the more protective and snuggly they are.” Making her giggle as you did in delving more into her weeks of traveling she had planned ahead for her photography career for a top fashion magazine. For hours you chatted until you had cleaned up your dishes and sprinted upstairs to drag your comforter and pillows into the closet you locked to curl up on the floor for the night to hope to get some sleep before starting on making the first of the windows for the castle.
With thousands of windows and stained glass murals for doors and windows alike you had quite a bit to get done but thankfully you had sent ahead for some of the frames for the more intricate locations. Mainly for the windows topped with arches and various awkward shapes to fit in the odd cutouts between the visually confusing shelves covering nearly every inch of the walls you couldn’t wait to fill up again when everything was done.
Unable to sleep your eyes opened and you changed your clothes. Strolling out in the dark you found the piles of beams in the shop you loaded up on another cart and pulled along with all the tools you would need under a tall ladder. For hours you worked alone in the dark, starting front the supporting beams you slid the smaller arched beams through the notches into the tops of them. Bracketing down what you needed for extra support. Mentally you held them in place until you could set up the ladder between them to secure the meeting joints. Starting with a single arch in the dark. Under the light of the rising sun the entire area was covered in layered arches forming spiraled domes and smaller beams in the ground for securing points for decorative lattices and plaited walls you would layer climbing vines of flowers that would help to shade flowers needing a break from the harsh summer sun.
When the first of the cars and on foot passers by arrived you were seen in the distance laying a ditch for a stretch of pipes to feed from the branch of the river a mile off. When the beams had been finished you had finished installing the piping inside the full construction. And at the final length of tubing you heard the water rushing through to slowly fill the center section that when the pump was turned on would feed the fountains and sprinkler systems feeding from the smaller raised sections both for floating planters and decorations.
Panting at your glance to the growing crowd your arm rested on your shovel as you wiped your forehead with your free arm streaking a line of dirt across it. Inhaling deeply you turned back to filling the ditch back in with a wave of your hand urging the rolled back grass to settle back into place again. Strolling back to the courtyard you pulled the dirt filled cart over to the first raised planter you started to fill up now that the wooden supports for the properly secured layered stone walls were removed. One by one you pulled it around emptying it into the planters you marked with symbols in chalk to remind you which seeds and bulbs to plant there tonight.
Next your eyes fell to the slabs of unpolished opal you had pulled from the earth you split up into awkwardly aligned pyramids to the distant Dwarves looking on. One by one forming seating sections for those passing through you would finish off later. Barely an hour into the job and a low bellow sounded making you sigh and focus on your work as the Dwarves isn’t he distance flinched and double took between you and the group of massive pitch black mortar bears starting to trot their way over to you. All clearly over six feet tall in their fully grown stature known for their territorial tendencies, though this clan used to the townspeople were rather docile if respected and known to wander from time to time only to be brought back again by members of the Blacklock clan before any incidents would occur.
In the distance a few Dwarves chuckled betting if you could outrun them or not only to fall silent at their leader coming to a stop and strolled straight for you, pressing his forehead to yours in a giggle inducing stroke of his face against yours. Lost to your giggles the Dwarves could not hear in the distance a fur coated arm drew you against his chest for a tight hug you gladly returned mumbling sweetly to him in Bearish, “Hey there Big Bo. At least you remember me.”
The leader once a cub born the day you were now proudly showed you his large brood of sons along with his grand cubs, all at three feet tall already, that came bounding into the courtyard to climb all over you before inspecting the thankfully bear proof structures. Their happiest spot was to climb down into the center circle to splash into the filling pit then bound out to plop and wiggle all over you. Each element of the structure was shown and explained to them earning their awed stares at you in leading them to the greenhouse where you would start next after a stop at the wild beehives your kin tended to in good need of some fresh food sources to survive this year.
Stunned beyond belief at the video captured of your being accepted by the troublesome mortar bears known to dwell in your lands the Dwarves flooded through the town sharing the news puzzling them as to how you managed not to get chased off their lands.
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A single swipe of your hand tore the foliage climbing the greenhouse walls with another after. This one focusing on the sand contained on the glass you tore free leaving the rest of what formed the glass to crumble to the ground you used a rusted snow shovel to scrape to the walls tearing the stubborn plants tearing the stone floor up from its original level places you would focus on removing next. Layering the giant stone tiles outside you returned inside and began to work on leveling the ground while the bears lounged in the green pool of water in the center of the room with the brave birds floating between them to get some relief from the growing heat.
Coated in sweat you panted hearing a truck backing down your drive up to your studio. “Oh no.” Walking out you removed your gloves you folded in your back pocket on the stroll out to the truck packed with trees and small shrubs, “Blast it all…”
A mix up dates had your trees unloaded into the field by the studio and you inhaled sharply while stretching your arms in the empty truck driving off again. The mixture of orange, lemon, lime, pear, cherry and apple trees sat by the hundred and you exhaled rolling your shoulders to head off to the empty patch of land you would be adding the majority of the citrus trees and at each of the areas you had marked off with the loaded cart packed with trees you forced holes open in the ground the trees were eased into and nestled safely one by one. Staggeringly to the last flickers of light you managed each of the trees into their homes including the final flowering trees and shrubs through the courtyard now taking shape a bit more.
Leaving the rest of the seeds and bulbs you had received while the bees from your hives set out to inspect the new food sources you returned back to your studio. Heavily by the completed wrought iron frame for a special gazebo you settled on your stool and got to shaping each special piece of colored glass to form murals with spinning panels that when hit by rain will sing as the water falls into the flute like tubes below the murals.
The sound of an engine dying and doors opening and closing turned your head to see the dying headlights on a familiar blue truck and with a sigh you turned back to the intricate glass knob you were currently making raising the metal rod to your lips to blow a flame tipped heated breath through it adding a special spiral of flecks through the center. Twisting it around you propped it between your knees grabbing a metal spike you used to work a dipping spiraled head through steady turns of the pole hearing the heavy boots of the men entering while they looked at the vast piles of possible bits for your castle they couldn’t quite work out.
When they stopped they remained silent in hopes of not breaking your focus stirring you to say, “Lovely evening for a drive?”
Balin grinned, “Yes, yes it is. Much cooler now the sun has gone down.”
Thorin nodded then drew in a breath blurting out, “Just what do you imagine you’re doing?”
Blindly you answered in turning the pole again adding the final spiraled dip deepening Balin’s grin, “Making a doorknob. Would you like one?”
“I mean with the statues.”
Under tightly knit brows his words exploded out of him, “How dare you imagine you can just go and move the founder of the Blacklock clan and his-,”
Thorin, “What?!”
“Dabondor, his name, would you like the names of his bears as well as their unique abilities and gifted knowledge to him?”
Thorin, “Amazing! You can read a book!” At that you lowered your pick wielding hand and turned your head to look up at him with a stoic yet challenged expression Balin nearly stepped back at assuming you would throw something at Thorin, “The matter is no one moves those statues! If necessary only kin is allowed to move them and only under the strictest-,”
“Who told you I’m not?”
“Not what?!”
“Kin? Who told you I’m not?” His lips parted and his gaze darkened, “I was born on this land who are you to tell me what I can and can’t do with it? I know the laws and charters as well as you, Durin.”
“I have lived here for centuries! And never once has there been an Elf born on these lands!”
Softly you replied through a chuckle, “Wow!” His exhaling breath came with a growl and you added, “Are you going to feel like an ass when you remember me.”
“I will not feel like an ass! Because you have never lived here before!”
On his heels he turned and you looked to Balin saying, “I’ve a full stash of honey, if you or even pookie over there would like some-,”
Thorin turned again, “Just because you are managing these lands does not mean you can hand out the clan’s honey! None of my kin will accept anything from the Blacklock hives until it has been handed back to a fully recognized clan member!” he turned for a moment then added, “I am not your pookie!”
You nodded to his back and replied, “Well aren’t you just full of hot air today. Why not put it to good use and blow me?” A smirk was flashed to Balin in his fight not to laugh and keep a steady expression when red faced Thorin turned to see you looking to the fire with pole raised to your lips for another heated breath making it just a bit larger emphasizing the color effects from the swirls.
Thorin, “You have never lived here!”
You nodded again lowering the pole you tapped against the steadying stand making the base of the knob split off freeing it to fall into your palm as you said to Balin, “Let me know about the honey.” Thorin turned to you and you smirked at him grabbing the metal innards of the knob you eased into the heated glass you cooled and sealed around it saying, “Just because you don’t remember me doesn’t mean I didn’t exist. I have a hunch your cousin has a notion who I could be.” Standing up you moved to add the knob to the cushioned box with the others saying as his eyes scanned over your fire lit face urging his body to untense at his first full glimpse of you spreading a greatly despised warmth through his body followed by an urge to move closer to kiss you in your challenging smirk. “I look forward to our next argument upon which I will remain the gracious victor I am. Enjoy your drive pookie.”
Exhaling sharply as you moved to grab another clump of glass to heat up he simply growled and stormed his way to the truck leaving Balin scratching a mental tally in your favor. Stealing a glimpse of your bear print tattoos on your wrist lit by the flames through your nod at his brief wave in trotting over to join his cousin in the truck.
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“The nerve!” Thorin growled out for the fourth time only to look at Balin who was intently looking out his passenger side window to avoid laughing, “You are not accepting that honey!”
Balin nodded, “Whatever you say Thorin.”
“Some nerve! Blow me! She said that! Blow me!”
Balin freed a weak chuckle in answering, “It was a clever pun.”
Thorin narrowed his eyes at his cousin who said, “Did you have to insinuate she was lying about her kin?”
“She is!” At Balin’s pause Thorin’s heart skipped feeling for the first time he might be terribly wrong in his assumption of you. “Who is she then? She said you know who she is, who is she then?!”
Balin simply shook his head knowing the answer he wanted to give would only anger Thorin worse and send him back to you in a rage for the pain he had felt at having lost you in their lives so long ago. “I am uncertain. However,” he turned his head to catch Thorin’s eye in their parking in the driveway of their own castle, “By looks alone she does appear to be a relation of the clan.”
Thorin huffed and killed the engine climbing out of the truck only to slam the door behind him making Balin shake his head, whispering, “Ass, ass, ass.” In his climb out he saw Thorin heading for the door and shook his head remembering the pain and anger in your eyes at his first insult to you.
Inside the door all in a huddle the Durins came into view and Dis asked, “Well, what did she say?”
Thorin promptly fired back a bit louder than he had intended in his lingering rage, “Blow me!”
Diaa’s mouth dropped open and Grandma Niro said, “Thorin Durin!!”
Balin came into view as Thorin stormed up the curved staircase in an angered trot through his cousin saying, “No, Thorin went off on her and she meant it as a pun. She said he was exceptionally full of hot air today and he should put it to good use and blow her, she was blowing out a doorknob.”
At the top of the stairs Thorin shouted, “No one takes her honey!” Turning to storm to his too he shouted, “No Elf has ever been born here!” At his door Balin’s grin split across his face at the final cry of, “Pookie!” The door slammed and Balin broke into a fit of giggles while Fili and Kili did the same.
Diaa came closer as Balin wipes his cheeks, asking him, “What did he mean by no Elf was ever born here?”
“Our tenant claims to have been born on those lands and is part of the Blacklock clan. A claim Thorin adamantly claims to be false. He also issued a ban on is accepting anything from her produced from those lands.”
Niro eyed his expression asking, “And you?”
Balin wet his lips answering in a confirming glance that Thorin wasn’t able to hear, “She stated Thorin would feel like an ass when he remembers her. Inferring she knew us and we knew her,”
Diaa, “Balin, Thorin right?”
Balin, “Thorin is an ass. A terribly well meaning one, but ass none the less.”
Upstairs through all the stacks of scrapbooks and piles of unsorted pictures Thorin feverishly searched for any sight of any Elves, crossing off all except a single one that seemed similar to you who he couldn’t place. He knew all the former residents of this town and her he recognized but he wasn’t certain how. Assuming a passing visitor he left it to you might have been born in the hospital just within town borders, if anything at all. But under no circumstances were you a resident or relative of any he had known.
Again his mind in moving to sit on his bed to remove his boots, in the firelight flickering across his legs and arms he shook his head forcing his focus off you with that temptingly fiery gaze locked on him. “Pookie.” Muttering it to himself he tossed his boots away into his closet then turned to plop back across his bed in a defeated sigh already doubting his formerly steadfast belief he never knew you. The contrary hurting him all the worse for possibly having missed you and now insulted you so severely to the point he seemed irretrievable.
Bathed and changed into your comfy sweats you closed your eyes in the dark closet lit only by a glowing fish night light so you wouldn’t slam into the island in your traveling through it. Stretched on your stomach on the inflatable mattress you had bought you raised your comforter higher over your back and tried to force the growling Dwarf from your mind so you could get some well needed rest.
All night and halfway to noon you slept and groggily made your breakfast that would fuel you the rest of the day and into the night. Another long stroll found you back at your studio on the edge of an incoming storm. Heavily the rain pounded and your new trees soaked in the water and stretched out their roots claiming their own spaces while you slaved away on your glass gazebo. On the edge of another storm when you had finished another project you made a brief night covered trip to the Durin castle. A simple bag was left hanging from the handle and you turned to make the walk back, returning in time for the first drops of the storm to fall while you returned your focus to the windows for the castle.
Heavily Fili and Kili came crashing down onto their sleeping Uncle, who jolted to consciousness as the rest of his relatives all poured in to join in on the hug. Chuckling to himself Thorin pulled out of bed and found his feet to join the other into the dining room to enjoy his birthday breakfast. After the meal as always he was led into the living room where he opened each of the presents offered to him from his various relatives then paused at the final one from Dis.
“Who is this from?” Thorin’s eyes met hers with an arched brow at the small yellow bag.
Dis shrugged, “It was on the handle when I went to check the mail.”
Thorin’s eyes lowered and he set the bag on his thigh and reached inside finding a small box covered with etchings of a phrase through outlines of clouds and a sideways crescent moon. ‘If you don’t know where you’re going then any road will get you there.’
Lowly he repeated the phrase then eyed the spinning lock on the front he shifted revealing a rounded tail in a half circle that when raised revealed the body of a cat crouching lifting the lid his lips parted in seeing the glass figurine inside the blue velvet lined box. On the inside of the lid was a slip of paper with roses doodled around the elegantly written note of, ‘To spark your memory here’s a clue. Many Happy Returns Pookie.’
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Unable to be furious at the moment he raised the figurine of the Cheshire Cat with head propped up on his little arms tail raised cockily through his wide grin. Balin with a smirk asked, “Any idea on who sent it?”
Lowering it back into the box he answered, “Our tenant.”
Balin chuckled nodding his head to the gift, “Quite a gift. Some might say she’s sweet on you with efforts like that.”
Thorin rolled his eyes and locked the box again his fingers eased across the lid of, “Her intention is to taunt me. A note inside says it’s supposed to be a clue.”
Dis, “Clue?”
Thorin sighed, “To who she is.” Standing up he cradled the box in his hand, “I’m going to head to my studio. Get an early start.”
Niro hurried over to steal another hug, “Don’t you forget about dinner tonight. All your favorites.”
Thorin nodded and chuckled, “I won’t.” Moving past her in the dispersing of the group while Balin wondered just what else was on that note to keep him from showing it off and smirked to himself seeing Thorin’s care in handling the stunningly crafted gift.
Up to his studio he glanced out the wall of windows aimed straight out to the fold of two peaks coated in trees leading to your rental cottage blocked by the growing storm outside. Another sigh left him as he sat at his sketching table and set down your gift again, carefully inspecting every inch of it after setting the figurine aside. Lowly in a hum he mumbled, “No manufacturing markers.” His eyes focused for a moment on the small bear print with an Elvish rune inside of it for the word ‘Pear’ freeing a confused hum from him before he turned to the figurine to do the same noting the intricate details put into it and a similar stamp of the same paw and rune combination. Setting it inside the box again he pulled out the note he read then flipped over then sighed only seeing more doodles of roses across the back. “Why would she make this?”
Shaking his head he put the note back and closed the box then rolled to his clay figurine rolling up his sleeves to start up on the final touches of it before he would go through the process of casting the copper statue he was tasked to bring to life from a child’s sketch. In the middle of the casting process when he was left with nothing to do but wait he did what he always did, turn to a spare bit of clay and begin to shape blindly allowing his hands and subconscious to lead him.
A sounding of his alarm to remind him of dinner snapped him out of his daze and in his eyes focusing on the sharpened tool in his fingers he eyed the familiar pouting lips he was shaping. Taking in the full face he had been shaping he sat up flinching his hands back seeing your face with loose curls cascading around it stemming form the unshaped back half of the clay. Shaking his head he stood leaving his tool with the others and turned the carving around exhaling steadily knowing his mind had wandered as his dreams had entertaining Balin’s belief you might actually care for him in all his irritating idiotic wonder. In a quick turn he grabbed your gift he carried through the castle to his room to set it on his dresser where he was certain it wouldn’t get knocked around then showered and changed to head down to dinner.
Pt 3
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staytheb · 5 years
Previous Chapter: White Day Word Count: 5,078 Summary: The group celebrates Jackson’s birthday.
Like Oh 2.0 masterlist
and here’s the 8th chapter. it’s Jacksn’s birthday, and yes that was the hashtag they used for his birthday! anyways, happy reading and kthxbai, Admin Lia~
Melanie was at the Cheongdam supermarket buying ingredients to make two types of cakes and while picking out those items she indulged in other things. "Hmm, I do have Serena's card and she did say I could buy whatever I wanted." A Cheshire cat smile appeared on her face as she also picked out some chips, some other snacks, and drinks she's been craving as of late that Serena didn't have at the house. Once she got everything she made her way to the check out. What Melanie didn't pay attention to was that the line she went to where the cashier was a familiar face she's been trying to avoid since meeting him a few weeks ago. When Melanie realized that fact it was already too late to move to another lane as she was next after the family of four got through.
"Chaewon-ah, hello. It's good to see you here. I didn't think I would ever see you again." Kyungtae greeted her with a bright smile and Melanie cringed on the inside at his use of familiarity when they weren't that close at all. Actually, you saw me just this morning before my class started, she thought in her head, but plastered on a smile regardless. "Kyungtae-goon. Hi." "I thought I told you to call me oppa even though I know you're older than me." The older male frown upon the formal greeting he received from the female as he rang up her order. "Ah, yeah," She lamely let out, "Anyways, I didn't know you work here." "I started last week." He flashed her another smile. "Now I have another reason to come to work knowing you shop here."
Melanie groaned inwardly at the male's words, but cast Kyungtae a meek smile. "I see." Kyungtae finished ringing up Melanie's order and started to bag it as well. "So, Chaewon, my shift ends in like three hours. Do you want to do something later when I get off?" Melanie slightly panicked and almost froze on the spot, but thought up something quickly. "Oh, sorry, I can't. I have plans with my sister tonight and I'm busy throughout the rest of the week." "Oh, okay." He frowned, but shot the younger woman a hopeful look. "Maybe another time then." "Um yeah, maybe. Well, goodbye." She told him as she gathered up her things and took off without another glance in Kyungtae's direction. "I'm never shopping here again." Melanie muttered to herself as a slight shiver ran down her spine.
Melanie arrived to an empty apartment. "Where the fuck she go?" She asked to no one in particular as she placed everything in the kitchen and went looking to see if her sister had fallen back asleep. Serena was no where in sight and Melanie let out a sigh as she pulled out her phone to call her. "Hello?" Serena answered on the second ring. "Where are you?" Melanie asked her as she began putting away the groceries. "I went to go see Chloe for a bit. I'll be back soon." "Why didn't you wait for your car?" "Because Chloe was already in Gangnam and we just met up in Sinsa." "Still could have waited or have Chloe come to your place." Melanie mumbled. "It's fine. Chloe says hi." "Okay, tell her hi back. Anyways, I spent like a lot." "I don't doubt it." "But, dude, guess what?" "What?"
"Remember that Kyungtae dude from the group date," Melanie began to tell her story as she turned on Serena's super smart TV while settling herself onto the couch after having put everything away. "I saw him at Zion Market." "No way." "It was so awkward, dude. Like hella awkward. I really hope he's not a stalker." "Just be careful." "No shit, Sherlock." "Just saying. I have that glitterified pepper spray that James bought for me in my room somewhere." "Are you talking about that pink glittery bottle he got you two Christmases ago?" "Yeah. It still works." "I'll think about it." "But yeah, anyways, are Jasmine and Jeannie coming over later tonight?" "Yeah. Jeannie had to talk to the counselor about a few of her classes. Something about the teacher. As for Jasmine, she's finishing up a group project."
"Okay. Do you want anything when I come back?" "Papaho?" "Really? You want pho?" "Hell yeah. I know the twins would want some, too" "I guess." "Aight, thanks." "Will do. Gotta go. Chloe's dragging me to another store.." "Later." Melanie hung up as she used one of the many remotes Serena used for her smart TV. "Alright, what should I watch?" Melanie contemplated on what to watch as she scrolled through the many applications on the screen. Just as she clicked on the DramaFever icon, the Skype app popped up soon afterwards with the caller's name displaying on the screen. "When did Serena get that to do that?" She looked at it confused on how to even pick up the call as it was Mark's username again. "Which remote is it?" The call went to missed and Melanie frown.
The female hit the DramaFever icon when the Skype icon popped up again. "I wonder what he wants." Melanie said as she used all the remotes to answer the call and found the right one just in time. Yugyeom's face appeared instead of Mark's. "Oh, hi Chaewon noona." "Hello Yugyeom. Why are you calling on Mark's name?" "Because Mark hyung's the only one that has Jyongi unnie's Skype contact information." "Oh I see." "Um, where is Jyongri noona?" "She's busy. Where's Mark?" "Hyung went with Jinyoung hyung, Youngjae hyung, and BamBam hyung to do something. It's just me, Jaebeom hyung and Jackson hyung here." "I see. Um, do you need something?" Melanie asked while opening a bag of honey chips. "Not really." "Okay. If that's all you wanted then-"
"Wait, wait!" Another voice interrupted as Jackson appeared. "You can't just hang up and not wish me a happy birthday, noona." "Happy birthday, Jackson." Melanie wished him with a smile as she placed a chip into her mouth. "Okay, goodbye." She waved, but Jackson stopped her again. "Don't be so mean." Jackson pouted. "I thought you were an ahgase?" Melanie laughed at the younger male's reaction. "I am, Jackson. Actually we were going to bake you a cake." "You were, but?" "But we weren't going to see one another to celebrate it either." "What? Who says?" "Aren't you guys busy?" "No, well yeah. We're busy." Jackson confessed as Melanie shook her head with a smile. "Exactly my point, Jackson."
"What did you think of the song, the music video, and the album?" Yugyeom interjected as Melanie grinned. "It's amazing, Yugyeom! The music video is pretty good too, but what's with the ending though?" "It's a secret. You'll just have to wait for the other part." Jackson grinned as Melanie rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Jackson. I still have the songs to listen to." The female smiled as she then flashed the duo her mobile device. "I bought DEPARTURE on iTunes." She then went through her phone to play the FLIGHT LOG: DEPARTURE mini-album. "And Jyongri unnie pre-ordered the albums, too. So I can't wait to see who I get!" "Who's your bias, Chaewon noona?" Yugyeom asked as Jackson was curious, too. "Yeah. Who's your bias?" Melanie grinned at the duo playfully. "Secret."
When Melanie clicked on the album to listen to Fly started to play and Jackson then started rapping his part live. "What are you two doing?" Melanie heard another voice asked the other two. "Just listening to our songs, JB hyung, with Chaewon noona." Jackson answered as he took the phone from Yugyeom to show Jaebeom that Melanie was on the other side. "Hey, JB." Melanie greeted him as Jaebeom smiled back. "Hi, noona. Did you buy our latest album?" "Of course!" She flashed her phone to show him the album's cover on her phone. "Which one is your favorite song?" Jaebeom asked curiously as the other two were still jamming, but to the song Can't this time as it played next. "REWIND!" Melanie answered instantly as she switched over to the said song. "It's my absolute favorite track so far!"
Before any of the three could say something they spotted a toy poodle in a pink dress enter in their line of sight followed by Serena. "Noona! Hi!" The idols greeted Serena as she waved at them with a small smile. "Hi. What are you guys calling for?" She asked as she set her things onto the coffee table and took the leash off of the toy poodle who instantly ran over to Melanie. "What chu want, Ugly?" Melanie asked the toy poodle in English who happily jumped into her lap. "Och, Biscuits! Calm down." Melanie said as she place the dog beside her while Serena faced the TV and spoke in Korean. "So what did you guys call for?" "How do you know that Chaewon noona didn't call us?" Jackson countered.
"Because Chaewon doesn't know how to work the Skype app on my TV and I never call Mark. Mark always calls me." Serena answered. "So what do you guys want?" "Do you know what today is?" Yugyeom asked as Serena nodded her head. "Yeah. It's a Monday and hashtag King Jackson Day. Shēng rì kuài lè, Jackson." "Aww xiè xiè nǐ!" Jackson thanked her with a happy expression. "Anyways, guys," Serena let out as she picked up her remote control. "Gotta say goodbye." "It's okay, noona." Jaebeomm smiled at her. "We need to get back to practice." "Aww. Do we have to?" The duo whined as Jaebeom just eyed them. "Yes. Now say goodbye." "Fine. Bye." Jackson complied as Yugyeom waved cutely. "Goodbye." "Bye and good luck with practice!" The sisters bid the idols goodbye as Jaebeom waved. "Thanks and goodbye." He ended the call as Serena looked over at Melanie. "Eat your pho before Biscuits does."
"Hey guys, so should we write Jackson's name in Korean, English, or Chinese?" Jeannie asked the other three as she finished spreading the frosting onto the second medium sized vanilla cake. "Do all three." Serena grinned as Jeannie rolled her eyes. "I don't even know Jackson's Chinese name even less the characters for it." "Just write it in English, Jean. It'll be easier for you." Jasmine told her sister as Jeannie nodded her head. "Okay." "Here you go." Melanie handed Jeannie the icing to write with as she grinned. "I can't wait to eat this when you're done, Jeannie." "I know right." "Whatever, Melanie. You've been licking the icing and frosting since we started." "And you're point is?" "None since you'll do it anyways." "Mmhmm." "Serena." Jasmine called for Serena's attention. "Hmm?"
"Biscuits keeps staying by the door." Jasmine told the older woman while walking back into the kitchen. "She's been like that for a few minutes now." "Yeah, she probably wants a walk or needs to pee." "But it's kinda late for a walk, isn't it? Don't you have a pad where she can go when it's night time?" "I do, but she likes to stretc her little legs, too. Besides, I'll be watching her for a while until Chloe's done moving." "Where is Chloe moving again?" Jeannie asked while writing 'happy'. "She's moving to Banpo, in Seorae Village." "Why there?" "She's moving in with like four other people she's in cosmetology school with and one of them was looking for roommates. Also, she has to ask them about Biscuits." "Hopefully it works out." Melanie said while looking at her sister. "Because you can't take care of the dog with your schedule." "I know, but Chloe has something else planned if Biscuits can't live with her."
"Anyways," Serena directed the conversation elsewhere. "Have you guys seen some of the buses and subway stations walls with Jackson on it for his birthday celebration by the fanclub?" "Yeah!" The trio let out with widened eyes. "I wonder how much that cost." Jeannie commented as she finished writing 'birthday' before moving on to write 'Jackson'. "Yeah, I was actually surprised when I came over here." Melanie said with a  laugh. "Them fans are amazing to do such things." "Yeah, but the Korean fans are always like this with birthdays and other things. I know since I follow all of SM Artists. Chinese fans also like to go all out as well." Jasmine stated with a laugh. "And that's a lot of groups and members. I'm just waiting for SM to debut there new boy group." "Ugh, too many rookie groups still coming out and they keep getting younger."
"You're just getting older." Melanie teased as Serena rolled her eyes. "Whatever. Anyways, I need to take Biscuits out before she gets impatient." Serena stated as she heard the small dog beginning to whine. "Don't get lost." "Haha, you're not funny." The trio chuckled as Jeannie finished with the icing. "Alright. Done." "Let's eat it." Jasmine commented with a laugh. "First, let's put a candle on it and light it up. So that we can take a picture and post it online." Melanie suggested as she got the candles ready. "You guys can do that without me. I'll be back in half an hour or whenever Biscuits done playing outside." "Just call." Jeannie called out as Serena gave her the O.K. sign before putting on a oversize hoodie, then putting her things in the pocket, after that she slipped on her shoes while attaching Biscuits' leash to her collar afterwards, and then out the apartment within a minute or so.
Once Serena came out of her apartment and headed towards the elevator with Biscuits yapping around happily as its doors opened to reveal a group of people exiting it. "Jyongri noona!" A familiar voice called out to her and Serena looked up to see BamBam jogging towards her while looking down at the toy poodle and both parties momentarily stopped walking. "Who's that?" "Hi BamBam and her name's Biscuits. She's my friend's dog." "She looks like Coco." Youngjae cooed as he crouched down to pet the dog. "Hi." "She's a toy poodle. Kinda similar I guess." The rest of GOT7 joined them. "Where are you going?" Mark asked. "To walk her." "It's kind of late isn't it?" Jaebeom inquired as Serena shrugged. "It is, but I'm used to it."
"Why not ask the others?" Jinyoung suggested. "Because I like my alone time." Serena admitted as she felt Biscuits pulling on the leash urgently. "I need to get going. Biscuits really has to go now." She then remember something. "Since you guys are done with practice or if you have free time to do so, the girls just got done decorating Jackson's birthday cakes." "Aww you guys made me a cake." Jackson let out happily. "We didn't know you guys were coming by and we were going to eat it without you anyways." "Wow, rude." "Hey, it's not like we see each other often." "Actually, we see each other twice a week." Mark corrected her as Serena rolled her eyes. "No. You guys have been busy. Don't make a mess in my apartment if you guys stop by."
"When do we ever make a mess, noona?" Yugyeom asked her with a slight scoff as BamBam agreed. "Yeah, we don't make that big of a mess." Serena shrugged with an indifferent look. "You're guys. I would know, especially when it involves food. Don't make a mess." "We'll make sure to not do that, noona." Jaebeom assured the older female as she shot him a grateful smile. "Good and thanks. Alright, later." Serena bid the group of seven a small wave as she moved passed them and towards the elevators with Biscuits in tow. Serena waved at them again as the doors closed a few seconds later. The elevators door instantly opened a second later as Serena looked at the doors opening with furrowed eyebrows. "Hi." Mark shot her a boyish grin and stepped inside. "You don't mind if I tag along, right, Serena?"
Melanie opened the door to see six familiar faces. "Hi. What are you doing here?" She asked as Jackson replied. "Obviously, to celebrate my birthday, Chaewon noona." Melanie looked over to the wall on her left and saw the time. "It's like past midnight. You're birthday's over." "So? Jyongri noona mentioned that you guys have a cake for me." "Oh, yeah." BamBam coughed. "Are you going to let us in, Chaewon noona?" "Oh, right. Sure. Come in." Melanie opened the door wider to let them in. "Hey, GOT7 is here minus one." She then looked at Jaebeom who was the last to enter. "Where's Mark?" "Hyung went to accompany Jyongri noona just now." "Oh, right. I forgot she went to take Biscuits out for a walk." Melanie shrugged as she closed the door. "Oh well. They're both missing out on the amazing cakes."
"Yeah they are." BamBam agreed as he ate another forkful. "This is the best cake I've ever had." "It's just a pre-made cake that we just mixed, baked, and then decorated, BamBam." Melanie told him with a shake of her head as the twins agreed. "Yeah, BamBam, even you guys can make it." Jasmine told them as she finished cutting the cake into individual pieces while Jeannie handed them to the others. "Yeah, because I don't even bake and this turned out really super well." "It's still good." Jaebeom agreed as he took another large forkful of the cake. "Like really good, Chaewon noona." "Whatever. You're just hungry that's why." Melanie told him as Jaebeom chuckled. "That, too." He shot her his signature eye-smile as Melanie shook her head as Jeannie handed her a plate.
"Hey, let's play Mafia." Youngjae suggested once the group of nine were settled around the living room eating their own plate of cake slices. "Um, yeah no. You guys can play Mafia. Leave me out of it." Melanie told them as she grabbed one of the remotes to switch back to DramaFever from Youtube. "Yeah, I'm not good with Korean games." Jeannie stated. "I'm down to play." Jasmine agreed to playing the game. "But I don't want to be the moderator." "I'll be the moderator." Jinyoung decided. "I just need paper and a pen." "What if I wanted to be the moderator?" Jackson asked as everyone looked at him. "What?" "You won't be able to keep the story straight, hyung." Yugyeom said as the others agreed. "What? I can totally keep the story straight."
"I'm the moderator." Jinyoung firmly stated as Jeannie returned with a pen and notebook. "Thank you, Jaehwa noona." "You're welcome, Jinyoung." "Alright," Jinyoung began to list game's players as he wrote them out. "The Mafia, The Detective, The Doctor, and the three Civilians." When he was done Jinyoung folded the pieces and then shuffled them. He handed the papers over to Melanie who was closes to him. "What's this for?" Melanie asked him with a raised eyebrow not taking the slips. "So that no one cheats." "Who's going to cheat, hyung?" Yugyeom asked and Jinyoung eyed him. "I know my members quite well." "It's just a game." Jaebeom stated. "Besides, Minjae noona is going to playing with us, too." "Oh don't mind me." Jasmine dismissed his intention. "Let's just play."
Mark and Serena quietly walked side by side along the streets of Cheongdam as Serena let Biscuits lead her towards the park. She didn't expect the idol to actually join her for another night of walking beneath the night sky. The female felt awkward as she was hanging out with her sister's bias, but felt even more awkward that he was an English speaker as well so she couldn't get away with saying anything in English afraid that he'll overhear. Neither of two initiated conversation due to their reserve and quiet nature, but Serena felt like she just had to say something. "You know you're missing out on cake, right?" "Yeah." Mark softly replied as the two continued their silent atmosphere.
"So, Biscuits, huh?" Mark started another topic a moment later. "She's my friend's dog that I'm pet-sitting." Serena explained as Mark nodded his head. "How old is she?" "Two or three years old. I forgot." "She's around the same age as Coco." "Oh, right, she is. How is Coco?" "She's good, but still needs some training." "Ha, those are tough times." "Yeah." "I'm sure you and Youngjae will get her trained properly." "Thanks." Silence fell between them again and Serena knew how totally awkward this was and maybe it was because they were just alone and weren't in a classroom or doing homework. "Um, shouldn't you guys be catching up on sleep?  Since your schedule is filled up due to your comeback with the whole Flight Log Departure album, yeah?"
Mark let out a small chuckle. "We are, but a break is nice." He then cast her a look. "What do you think of it?" "Fly is a really good song. I like it a lot." Serena then looked at him and saw he was also looking at her and diverted her eyes forward again. "The music video is good, too. My favorite part is when Jinyoung is still free-falling and then he flips over to see the other members ascend as he still free falls and a tear escapes." Mark let out another chuckle as Serena eyed him. "What's so funny, Mark?" "Nothing, Serena." He told her as his laughter ceased, but a silly smile still graced his lips. "Do you have a favorite song from the album?" "I haven't  listened to all of the songs yet. Fly's the only one I've listened to." "Have you watched our live performances?" "No I still haven't." "Wow." "Hey, I'm busy, too. I got a life outside of the K-Pop world."
The idol laughed as the female rolled her eyes. "Whatever, Mork." Mark stopped laughing to eyed the female. "What did you just call me?" "Mark." Serena answered hoping that the tone of her voice wouldn't give her away. "No, I'm pretty sure you just said 'Mork', Serena." "I did not." "Yeah, you did." "Mark, are you really going to argue with me about it?" "Maybe." "You're so childish." "No I'm not." "Yeah you are." "No." "Yes." And the awkward and silent atmosphere between the two from earlier started to dissipate away as the duo continued their friendly banter with one another until they reached the park. Serena released the toy poodle from her leash so the dog could run around happily. "You're not gonna follow or chase after her like that?" Mark asked with a puzzled expression. "Nah. She'll come back when she's ready or when I call for her."
"Coco's not like that yet." "It's because you baby her." "No we don't." "True, because I don't know." Serena laughed as Mark shook his head with a laugh. "Biscuits and Coco should meet one another soon. I think they'll get along well." "Can if they're free." "I'll ask Youngjae about it." "Alright, cool." "Cool." Just then Serena's phone vibrated and dinged to signaled that she had received a message notification. She pulled her mobile device from out of her jacket's pocket to read what her sister had just sent her. She let out a sigh before replying back. "What's wrong?" Mark asked upon hearing the sigh leaving the female's lips as Serena turned to face the male. "The kids want ice cream." "Ice cream sounds good. Let's go get some." He smiled at her with his pearly whites gleaming.
Serena eyed him, but cast him a tired smile. "How about you buy the ice cream and I continued to hang out at the park with Biscuits." "And leave you out here all by yourself?" "I have Biscuits." Mark looked over to where the small dog was rolling around in the grass. "Yeah, no. Let's go get the ice cream together." "I don't want to." "Serena." "Mark." "Serena." "Mork." "Aha. I knew you called me Mork." "Yeah, yeah. Stop crying." Serena told the male as she turned to scan for the toy poodle while pressing her lips together to make a kissing-like smacking of lips sound. Biscuits instantly responded and ran back towards Serena happily. "Let's go, Biscuits." Serena attached the leash back onto Biscuits' collar and then looked at Mark. "Next time, I'm making sure that none of you interrupt or cut my night walk short again." Mark just laughed in response as the trio headed back towards the apartments.
"Let's play another game." Jasmine said after playing Mafia for the fourth time and being killed again as a civilian. "I don't know why I agreed to playing a fourth around earlier." "Oh, c'mon Minjae noona. It's not that bad." BamBam told her with a smile as Jasmine rolled her eyes. "Whatever. You killed me twice." "It's my job as the Mafia to kill." "Mmhmm." Jinyoung coughed. "You're not supposed to talk." "I'm already out. It doesn't matter." Jasmine told the younger male as Jinyoung looked at the older woman firmly. "Yes it does when I'm the moderator and about to tell the story, noona." "Whatever." Jasmine stood up to stretch. "I'll be with the other two." She meant Melanie and Jeannie who were in the kitchen to avoid the Mafia game.
"Did you die again?" Jeannie asked as Jasmine nodded her head and grabbed a bottle of iced tea from the fridge. "Yes. I'm never playing Mafia with GOT7 ever again." Melanie laughed. "Why? What happened?" "I'm too drained to talk about it. GOT7 has way too much energy for me to deal with although it was only for a short while" Jasmine joined the duo in watching the rest of the first episode of Vampire Detective. "The guy that plays Goohyung is so funny. I like his character with the guy that plays San." "You don't know Lee Joon?" Melanie asked looking at her friend with disbelief. "He used to be a part of MBLAQ." "Vaguely, Melanie." "I'm glad he's back doing something." "I think Serena would like this." "She would. It's vampire related and she likes Joon, too."
A second later there were a few loud crashing sounds and the three females became alert. "What was that?" Jeannie asked as they looked at each other uneasy. "I don't know, but I hope they didn't break anything." Melanie stated as Jasmine agreed. "Yeah or Serena's going to kill somebody." The trio then headed back to the living room to see the six males trying to put Serena's coffee table back together. "What happened?" Melanie asked upon reaching them first. The six males tensed upon hearing the female's voice and tried to block the damage with their bodies from the trio's view. "Um, it's nothing much." BamBam told them with a smile. "We didn't break anything. Ow." Jackson elbowed the younger member. "Yeah, don't worry. We didn't do anything." Jackson added as the trio looked at them suspiciously.
"You guys sound even more guilty." Jeannie commented as Jasmine agreed. "Yeah. It doesn't help that your body language says otherwise, too." The boys rubbed the back of their neck nervously as Jaebeom apologize. "Sorry. I'm not sure what led up to it exactly, but we didn't mean to break Jyongri noona's table." The idols then parted to show the trio the damage. The coffee table was broken in several pieces. "How did you guys even break it to so many pieces?" The males looked at one another which didn't answer Melanie's question. "Wow." "I hope unnie doesn't get to mad at you guys." Jeannie told them as Jasmine went to inspect the damage. "Scratch that, Jaehwa. I hope unnie doesn't beat them with one of the broken pieces."
"When I said don't make a mess guys, this is what I meant." Serena spoke from behind them as she, Mark, and Biscuits entered the apartment with a bag of individual ice cream in hand. "We're so sorry, noona." Youngjae cried as he fell to his knees to do a begging motion. "Yugyeom and Jackson just wanted to test out some stupid thing I don't remember what it was about that they wanted to test out." "It wasn't my fault. Jackson hyung pushed me because of King Jackson Day." Yugyeom defended as Serena held up a hand. "It doesn't matter. Here." Serena said as she walked up to her sister to hand her the bag. "I'll be in my room. Have them clean up." She faced the group. "Goodnight." Serena retired to her room with Biscuits in tow.
"Wow." Mark let out in surprised as he walked up to them while examining the damage and eating an ice bar. "I'm so glad I wasn't part of that." "Well, aren't you lucky then." Jeannie commented as Melanie then looked at him with a smile. "Although true, but you're going to help out your fellow members in cleaning up the mess." "Why?" "Because you're going to help them throw that down the chute." The idols groaned as Jasmine looked at them with a slightly stern look. "Hey, you guys were the ones that did the damage." "I wasn't even here for that." Mark grumbled as he handed Jasmine the other bag of individual ice cream as he still helped his members clean up while Jeannie returned from the kitchen with a broom, a dustpan, and a few garbage bags.
"I'm surprised unnie was so calm about it." Jeannie said as she began to sweep up the little pieces. "She'll rant later. Let's just help them and get this done and over with." Melanie said as she and Jasmine opened up the two large black trash bags. With that being said, the group of ten cleaned up the mess altogether. The older idols lugged the broken table out to the chute while the younger idols helped the female trio rearrange the living room so that it didn't look so opened, but it was hard when another furniture that was there was now gone. Some time later, they were all satisfied with the partial layout. They all called it a night as the girls gave the boys all of the ice cream and bid them a good night and wished them luck on their schedules for later that day and the rest of the week. The boys did the same and apologized once more. Serena didn't come back out that night due to exhaustion.
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youhypemeup · 5 years
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lee taeyong x reader | long distance!au | credit to gif owner
alternative title | flight log number 2135: it’s time to take off
note | hello! welcome to my blog! this is my first scenario on here and it came from the idea that to get over my writers block i had my friend pick an idol i write for and any word. from there, i write an entire scenario just based off the word. i’m a little iffy on what i wrote, but i hope you enjoy!
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Breathe in. Breath out. Breathe in. Breathe out. Breathe in—
“Doyoung, can you shut up for five seconds!”
A heavy sigh escaped from Taeyong’s mouth. It was 12:21 am. There was nine minutes left until he got to talk to you and see your face for the first time in weeks.
No matter how much time had passed, butterflies always erupted in his stomach before talking to you and he always had to find various methods to calm down so he didn’t accidentally throw up and miss your call.
His roommates, Jaehyun and Doyoung, knew this was a special time for him. Always leaving to their rooms or sometimes the apartment altogether and not interrupting him for the next few hours.
Jaehyun knew what long distance relationships were like and sympathized with Taeyong despite his being brief. He never felt the same excruciating pain that came with missing you, but he had an idea which was more than Doyoung.
Doyoung slapped Jaehyun who whined and rubbed the back of his head. It wasn’t his fault the elder couldn’t stop talking without acting like he was going to die. “I’m trying to distract Taeyong like a good friend.”
Jaehyun rolled his eyes, “If you distract him too much he’ll miss (Y/N)’s call and we’ll have to deal with a sulky Hyung for the next week.”
Doyoung opened his mouth to rebuttal, but his brain couldn’t find the right words. He hadn’t thought about that because honestly there was no way Taeyong would miss (Y/N)’s call. He even thought that his talking would make him answer the call faster if anything.
Jaehyun raised and eyebrow and smirked. Doyoung always bragged about how smart he was so it was certain taste of victory that Jaehyun never felt often that he would sure hang onto for as long as possible.
An obnoxious ringing sounded throughout the apartment. Taeyong scrambled off the couch and ran to his room, almost slipping from the zero fraction his socks gave him on the hardwood floor. His two roommates snickered. It happened every time, but it didn’t make it any less funny.
Taeyong quickly answered the call, jumping on his bed and taking one last deep breath.
When you’re face appeared on the screen, the biggest smile formed on his face. He would never get tired of seeing your beauty.
“Taeyong-ie, I miss you.” Taeyong smiled wider if that were possible. He loved it when you raised your voice just a little to sound cuter.
“I miss you too, babe.”
Taeyong could never think straight when he was around you; too mesmerized by the way your eyes lit up when you talked about your day. He always forgot about what he wanted to tell you and you had to help him out by asking various questions. You didn’t mind, however, it was one of the many things you loved about him.
You loved watching the quick flash of annoyance and love that crossed his face whenever he talked about Doyoung and Jaehyun. You loved how his eyes shone when he talked about his rapping.
You tended to accidentally zone out while admiring his face, his facial expressions were always too cute to ignore, and had to sheepishly ask him to repeat himself. But he never got mad. Taeyong could never get mad at you.
Instead, he found it adorable and chuckled as he repeated the story once more, this time checking every so often to make sure you were paying attention.
As the night progressed, however, you noticed something different about Taeyong. You knew he always had butterflies whenever the two of you talked, him having mentioned it several times, but tonight you could see the extra anxiety radiating off of him through the computer screen.
You tried to ask him if everything was alright, but he waived it off with the excuse of him and his two roommates being in the middle of a prank war and he didn’t want anything to happen while he was talking to you. It was an obvious lie, but you didn’t push him.
You didn’t want to be the type to push their partner to do something they didn’t want to. You knew Taeyong well enough, also. If it was of concern, he would tell you when the time was right.
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Taeyong couldn’t stop the jitters that ran through his body.
The last skype call he had with you, he had to do everything to hold back on spoiling his surprise. Every time he opened his mouth, he had to choose his words oh so carefully so he didn’t let anything slip; not even the smallest hint could be revealed.
It had been too long since you last saw each other in person. He knew you would have a few days off this week and his boss was kind of enough to grant him a mini vacation since he never seemed to take time off.
He knew you loved surprises and despite the alarm ringing in the back of his head that warned him this was a bad idea, he walked through the airport looking for his gate so he could see your smile in person.
Your anniversary was in a month. Doyoung told him this was stupid and to wait until then, but Taeyong couldn’t wait. Besides, it wouldn’t be much of a surprise if he showed up then. It had to be unexpected like surprises should be.
His leg bounced up and down and he chewed on the inside of his mouth. Sometimes Taeyong wondered if he should invest in a medicine for his nerves, but the thought was always pushed aside. It’ll be okay once he sees you. He knows it.
As he looked out the window of the airplane and watched the endless of array of clouds, a strange sense of calmness filled his body. For the first time in weeks, he could think clearly.
He didn’t have a bunch of ‘what if’ questions floating around in his head and alarms going off telling him to turn back. It was nice, Taeyong had to admit. He could think about you without the anxiety.
He thought about the future. The future he wanted to have with you. You once mentioned wanting three kids; at least one boy and one girl. He could see you two with a house with a big backyard and build a swing out back, or a tree house might be better suited.
Taeyong thought if maybe on this trip, it’d be too soon to mention the topic of marriage. But two days later, he realized it wasn’t.
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masterlist !
feedback is always welcome !
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It’s (Not) Over, Isn’t It? Chapter Nine
Chapter Masterlist
Virgil could feel his heart hammering in his chest. It was a Saturday, and Roman had just logged onto Skype, and Virgil wanted-no, needed-to talk to him. He had been talking to Logan back and forth for a week, trying to decide on pronouns, and had found a second set he liked. Which meant that in his mind, he was fully prepared to come out on Tumblr. He just wanted to tell Roman first. Because as much as he hated it sometimes, Roman was his friend. And he wanted to tell Roman before he told his sizeable fanbase. Virgil requested a call with Roman before he lost his nerve, and Roman answered right away. “Hey, Virgil! What’s up?” he asked.
“Oh, uh...not much,” Virgil said, kicking himself. “I just wanted to talk for a bit. Is you mom doing better?”
“Mostly,” Roman said. “She’s on medication and she’s seeing a therapist, which makes me feel marginally better.”
“Good, that’s good,” Virgil said, letting out a shaky breath.
“Are you sure everything is okay, Virgil?” Roman asked, face creasing in concern on Virgil’s laptop screen. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost.”
“Um...yeah, everything’s okay,” Virgil said with a wavering voice. “Like I said, I just wanted to talk.”
“Okay...” Roman said. “Talk about what?”
Virgil squirmed where he sat and looked everywhere but Roman’s face. “I found out...something important. I’m going to make a Tumblr post about it, but I wanted to tell you first, since you’re one of my best friends. Logan already knows, and Patton suspects it, though he hasn’t said anything.”
Roman’s eyes lit up at the mention of Patton’s name. “You know Patton?” he asked.
“Yeah, yeah, we’re...good friends,” Virgil said with a sheepish grin. “And I think you know Logan a little bit from Patton’s posts.”
Roman nodded. “I’ve been meaning to introduce myself to them,” he said. “They seem like a nice person, if a bit closed off.”
“Yeah,” Virgil said, scratching the back of his neck.
“So, they’re your friends, and I’m your friend, and you wanted to tell your friends something before you made a post about it. Are you leaving Tumblr?” Roman asked.
“No,” Virgil said. “I don’t plan on leaving Tumblr anytime soon, and besides, if I did that I’d be moving all my work somewhere else, wouldn’t I?”
“That’s fair,” Roman conceded. “...You’re not sick, are you?”
“No, Roman, I’m fine. Better than fine, really, just really really nervous right now,” Virgil placated.
“Why are you nervous?” Roman asked.
“Because...because-I’m-trying-to-come-out-to-you-okay?!” Virgil said in a rush.
Roman took a second to respond beyond blinking, during which time Virgil was pretty sure his heart stopped. Then, Roman said slowly. “Okay, so you’re coming out to me. That’s fine, Virgil. I accept you for whoever you are. What did you learn about yourself?”
“Well...it turns out I actually am nonbinary,” Virgil said with a blush. “I’m bigender. The two genders I identify with being guy and maverique, which is a gender that isn’t feminine, or masculine, or androgynous, but it’s not a lack of any of those either.”
“Oh.” Then, “Does that mean you changed your name? Or your pronouns?”
“I’m still going by Virgil, I never had a problem with the name,” Virgil said. “But in addition to going by he/him I’m adding ne/nym/nis to my pronouns. That’s spelled n-y-m, not n-i-m, by the way.”
“Well, good,” Roman said with a nod. “I’m glad you feel more comfortable with yourself now. And...it means a lot that you would tell this to me before just...coming out on Tumblr. Because I know the news would get back to me sooner or later, but I appreciate it being a little more personal for me.”
“Anything for a friend,” Virgil said with a half smile.
Roman gave him a slight grin in return. “Hey, uh, actually...I wanted to ask you about Patton, incidentally. Do you think he’s doing okay?”
“How do you mean?” Virgil asked.
“Well, he seems more tired than normal. And I know he isn’t approaching finals or midterms yet. I just worry that he’s not getting enough sleep,” Roman said.
Virgil thought back on it. Patton had been more tired than usual lately...“I don’t know, but I can check on him soon, or we both could, if you want?”
“Yeah, let’s both check on him. Maybe add Logan to the bunch, too? I know that they worry about Patton as well, we could probably do a conference call, and it would probably help to have more than just us two talking at him,” Roman said.
“Yeah, good idea,” Virgil agreed. “I’ll send them a quick message on Discord and then try and set up a call with all four of us.”
The message was just a quick roman and i are checking up on patton, do you want to join the skype call? to which Logan responded with a quick yes.
Virgil added Logan to their Skype call, and they adjusted their glasses as they nodded their head down in acknowledgement. “Virgil. Roman.”
“Logan, nice to see you,” Roman said. “I do believe we’re mutuals?”
“We are,” Logan confirmed. “What seems to be the matter with Patton?”
“He’s seemed a lot more tired than normal,” Virgil said, cutting right to the chase. “Finals aren’t close enough to be weighing on his mind too heavily and he’s seemed a little more withdrawn on the Discord, too.”
“Ah. That, I have noticed,” Logan said. “What are we going to say to him? I know we can’t just rush right in and ask him what’s wrong, he’ll shut us out and insist he’s fine.”
“I suspect we could start by saying we all wanted to say hello to each other, see how everyone was doing. Get to know friends-of-friends a little better, as well. That should make Patton relax at least a little,” Roman proposed.
“That could work, I think,” Virgil said. “Logan? Thoughts?”
Logan hummed in acknowledgement. “I have some doubts, but you have known Patton the longest, Virgil. I will defer to you. My only condition is if he does not believe us, we’re honest about our intentions. I have to lie enough in my daily life about who I am, I won’t lie to friends as well.”
“That’s fair,” Virgil said, nodding. “If we’re all ready, should we add Patton to the call?”
He got two murmurs of agreement and Virgil requested Patton join, seeing that he was online on Skype. Patton’s face, clearly tired but still trying to look cheery, brightened a bit when he saw everyone. “Oh, all my Tumblr friends in one call, this is amazing! What’s going on, guys and nonbinary pal?”
“Actually, I believe it’s guy and nonbinary pals,” Roman corrected. “But we were just checking in on one another, saying hello, that sort of thing. How have you been?”
Patton’s smile fell a fraction and Virgil knew something was up. “It’s that transphobe kid again, isn’t it?” he asked.
“...Actually, I don’t think so...” Patton said, sighing.
“What happened?” Virgil growled.
Patton shrugged. “Well...”
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