#sighs. the Torment Nexus
gumy-shark · 8 months
free my girl she did all that shit but if she was a man you'd be all over him AND his crimes
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transfemkaladin · 7 months
every time i remember there r ppl out there who hate shallan im literally so confused. like im not even mad im just confused. how can you hate her shes literally everything. all of the 3 are so cool and so cringe and girlboss and girlfail and poor little meow meow and has committed atrocities. and would you still feel this way about any of the three if they were men.
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daenystheedreamer · 12 days
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i need to go back to 2010-2015
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uraniumglassgirl · 1 year
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2 word sad story for the unemployed girl
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wufflesvetinari · 4 months
ok fine, wyllstarion rec list
the demons bade me write this. i have a lot of Thoughts and Feelings and a fabulous bookmarks list. come with me....and you'll be.......in a world of pure wyllstarion nation
note that this is like. an intermediate/advanced, 201-level list. i am trusting you, and assume you've already read asidian's body of work. you've read nothing is safe. you're reading Nothing Like the Sun &etc. Really anything that appears on the first two pages when sorting by bookmarks/kudos is disqualified due to pre-recognized excellence. (you could, however, go read them again)
are you back? good. now read:
"We Happy Few" - @geometea. listen to me. listen. i am looking deeply into your eyes. read this fucking fic. it's hard to shill without spoiling anything, BUT: wyll is a still-pacted grand duke. he used to have a bunch of unresolved romantic tension with astarion and now hasn't spoken to him for 15 years. now take that premise and add body horror, beautiful ominous surreal images, and SURPRISE BIG EMOTIONS. just trust me on this one, guys
"Crossed Blades" - @rebelontherocks. this is a...i think i have to call this a cozy sex romp. wyll and astarion are married, wyll is a busy duke, astarion needs more enrichment, astarion invents a very silly sex game by roleplaying teenage-wyll's smut books. wyll is So Deeply Into It. i love this fic for its characterization, its banter, and its commitment to paralleling character psychology to what sounds like an absolutely wild in-universe smut series (that is sketched with an impressive amount of detail and care tbh??).
"Comfort" - @acephalouscreature. short and sweet. wyll is injured and everyone expects astarion to take care of him. luckily, astarion has a dastardly plan to fake feelings for wyll by thinking about his feelings for wyll. you sure fooled them, astarion!! also featuring: astarion trying to figure out how to comfort someone by thinking about horses
"False Compare" - @jellyfishline. i'd recommend checking out their work generally, but i fell in love with this one first. wyll writes a sonnet! astarion is mean about it until he isn't! deeply in-character with an emphasis on how each of them communicates affection. gorgeous prose
"how to escape the torment nexus" - @ushauz. this series is incredibly unique, set in a fucked-up bad end where wyll is a lemure, astarion is still on the run from cazador, and almost everyone else is dead. where this really shines imo is wyll's POV: he's been through literal hell, doesn't remember his life, and is wading through his unconscious attachment to astarion like a foreign language. (side note also read Heart of Stone for a great lae'zel character piece)
"An Acorn in the Moonlight" - @anonyhex. this is one of the first wyllstarion fics i ever read and it has a special place in my heart!! it's particularly cathartic to read for Wyll reasons, including him actually getting to Have Emotions about what Ulder put him through. and they are so sweet with each other!!
"temporal displacement" - @purplecatghostposts. ok this came out like. yesterday but listen, i LOVE outsider pov of an astarion who's learned to show affection somewhat, seen from the eyes of someone who doesn't know his history and has no reason to suspect All Of That. and when that "outsider" is a dying 20-year-old wyll who just saw astarion step out of a time portal. well.
"nothing to make a song about" - themortal. for when you want something meaty and casefic-adjacent, set in a post-canon where wyll is the blade and not the duke (for once). contains bonding on the road, getting romantically snowed in together, and Symbolic Fetch-Quests.
i am also watching closely: "One of Those Prince-Types" by @lesbianralzarek and "sigh no more" by @tomorrowsrain. both are one chapter in and promise to be meaty, with execution that already feels very very promising
SPECIAL MENTION TO "Like Death (or Birth)" by The_Dancing_Walrus, which has some fraught implied background wyllstarion and is just generally completely baller. astarion kind-of sort-of accidentally adopts yenna, who got fucked up by her time as a potential sacrifice to bhaal. it works! i promise it works
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astralscrivener · 2 months
Hi someone who went absolutely wild for DSN back in high school here. WHAT does that mean??!
it means that as soon as i graduate grad school in a month it’s over for you specifically
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Image IDs:
[Image 1: a screenshot of four Spotify playlists, titled "i'll soar the endless skies for only one...," "falling through a dark sunrise," "i have seen an empire falling," "whenever stars go down and galaxie..."]
[Image 2: a screenshot of a Notion database titled "fic tracker," with the following fics:
stealing our own place in the sun, with the tags "klance," "adashi," "romellura," "multi-chapter," and "voltron: legendary defender"
dark sunrise, with the tags "endless skies," "klance," "lancelot," "multi-chapter," and "voltron: legendary defender"
empire falling, with the tags "endless skies," "klance," "lancelot," "multi-chapter," and "voltron: legendary defender"
galaxies ignite, with the tags "endless skies," "klance," "lancelot," "multi-chapter," and "voltron: legendary defender"]
[Image 3: a Discord screenshot:
necromancer gender stealer: wanting to keep my mouth shut about what im doing versus the unending urge to infodump
deus ex robert: 👀👀👀👀
necromancer gender stealer: DEEP SIGH. OK]
[Image 4: a Discord screenshot:
necromancer gender stealer: started a dsn reread with mar and uh oh besties the brainrot is back]
[Image 5: a Discord screenshot:
necromancer gender stealer: i WILL i love exploring mama's boy lance being The Sharpshooter and then he's like . who am i killing, really]
[Image 6: a Discord screenshot:
necromancer gender stealer: one of my biggest regrets of DSN is that allura got space momified a little bc i was following along w the popular fanon....not anymore !!]
[Image 7: a Discord screenshot:
necromancer gender stealer: and what if they kiss covered in blood. what then
random guard #8 apologist: Says a lot about me that i got this notif and came sprinting Oh I'm backreading rn this fucks so supremely]
[Image 8: a Discord screenshot:
Mar: Oh we ARE getting more messy this time 😈 Messy messy messy
necromancer gender stealer: i love MESS]
{Image 9: a Discord screenshot: necromancer gender stealer: shouldve gone to bed like 3 hours ago bc ive done nothing but w/e [a screenshot of a writing program, which reads: "I'm Galra," Keith blurted. Hunk rubbed his eyes tiredly. "Congratulations."]
Mar: [voltron end credits play]]
[Image 10: a Discord screenshot necromancer gender stealer, replying to a message that could not be loaded: get back in the torment nexus boy]
End IDs.
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coyautumn · 3 months
Every conversation about Cohost
"sigh... I miss the Old Internet... when sites were just run by random moderators and not megacorporations manipulating you for engagement to put your eyeballs on predatory targeted advertising... yeah things were sometimes a little less intuitive or slick but it had heart and soul and community... and us transfems are run out of every space we try and make for ourselves... if only there was a place that had some of that spirit of the old internet... and maybe even was run by other trans people... a post can dream... a poster can dream... when oh when can we escape the Torment Nexus of Social Media?!" "Okay, this site is called Cohost and it fits the majority of the criteria you just laid out." "Uhh where's my constant dopamine drip feed? Why am I not seeing a constant stream of every single person liking, replying, quoting, reblogging, subtweeting, or milkshake ducking my posts? Why am I not being directed towards a curated list of people to follow? Why is it so clunky and unintuitive? That's it I'm going back to the Torment Nexus."
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emptymanuscript · 4 months
Le Sigh.
Today in Torment Nexus news. Torment Nexus needs its own tag.
Do people just... never actually read or watch any sci-fi? Has more modern sci-fi gotten softer than what I'm usually reading?
Frankly, it just needs to be a flat out war crime subject to universal global sanctions for any country to ever let any machine ever decide how to use a weapon. Only a human should be allowed to trigger a firing mechanism.
Not sure that "AI" shouldn't be disallowed from helping with the functioning of a weapon, too.
I feel like the only really good use for AI in warfare or weaponry is some kind of automatic abort function. We've lost signal - can't reconnect - ok, neutralize all weapons and return to base. Cannot return to base - ok, neutralize and dispose of unit where it will not harm anyone. And I'd bet 10 to 1 it would screw that up, somehow.
Le double sigh.
I swear, we're going to get a future that's Terminator (what our lives will be like) mixed with Paranoia (what the machines will be like). Remember: ^_^ Skynet is your friend ^_^
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infoglitch · 1 year
Nexus: ogre slayer [1/5]
(Ayo ya fucks guess who's back to torment you all once again. I am currently going through a rwby brain rot so you might be asking "well why isn't this Rwby: fate or Rose reaper and her dork Knight?" Because motherfucker writing stuff while you're in brain rot that is related to the thing that's causing you brain rot is not good. So fuck you. I do what I want.)
(anyway enjoy you sick bastards.)
[season 1] "face to face"
We see a young lucius standing in front of a bloody battle field as he saw his father removing his infamous battle axe from a bloody corpse.
He felt himself tremble as his father faced him. He slowly walked towards, his grey charcoal skin emanating a flaming hatred.
His father stopped in front of him, his eyes glowing red as his black bull like horns sparked crimson electricity into the air.
He raised his battle axe and then.
Lucius shot up from the bed he was in, in a cold sweat he looked around. He had to make sure blossom was ok. He kept looking until he saw her sleeping soundly.
Lucius sighed in relief and heard a door open. His eyes shot over to a doctor entering. "I see your finally awake, I'm doctor Matthews and I'd like to ask you some questions " doctor Matthew says as Lucius slowly nodded. "Ok tomorrow I'm... I'm tired"
The doctor noded and left. Lucius just sat there and looked over at blossom. "We finally made it sis" lucius said softly. He reached over to his sister and caressed the side of her face. His hand glided over her face to the top of her head and pated it.
It was him and her now. In this new, bizzare, safe world.
"I wouldn't have it any other way" lucius said to himself.
The next day had arrived and we see Lucius and blossom sitting in front of a table holding each other close. Then the doctor, a blonde boy, and a brunette enter the room and sat down in front of them at the three chairs.
"I'd like to introduce you to the two hunters who found you and brought you here Johnson red, and Xander oakgreen." Dr Matthew said
"Just so you know I'm Johnson" the blonde- Johnson said. Blossom simply shrinks back behind Lucius. "Well it's nice to meet you both but anyway what do you three want from us" lucius asked.
"I just have some questions to ask after that you'll be home free." Dr Matthew said as he took out a clip board. "First off your names please" Matthews continued as he adjusted his glasses. Lucius took a deep breath "my name is Lucius Blackwell I'm 28 and my blood type is B-." Lucius said with the utmost respect. "And this is my sister blossom Blackwell she's 2 years younger than me and her blood type is the same as me B-" he continued saying. The doctor simply looked at the two then went back to his clipboard and scribbled some notes.
"Now as much as I believe some of your story I know for a fact your blood type is not B-, it's safe to say you don't even have a blood type" the doctor said. Lucius just stared at him wide-eyed this man could see right through him.
"You see the doc may or may not have a taken some of your blood as samples and he discovered two things" Johnson said rubbing the back of his neck. "One you have no registered blood type and two your blood is too dense to be from a human. So be honest with us lucius what exactly are you" the doctor said finishing Johnson's sentence.
Lucius just sat there silent, should he reveal the fact that he's a demon? what if these people hunt demons after all the doctor did say the two people sitting right next to him were hunters.
Lucius didn't know what to do so he took a breath and took a Gambit. He never could have his father's silver tongue so might as well see how things go. "I am, well me and my sister are demons" Lucius said with a serious expression on his face.
Johnson went wide eyed but Matthew and Xander didn't seem to really care. "Why is only one of you surprised?" Lucius asked. "Well you see we hunters have known about hells existence for a long time, Johnson over here is well... he's still fresh to The Business of being a hunter so he's a little shocked is all " Xander explained.
Lucius just looked at Xander. "So wait you knew about hell's existence? you've known about demons why did you never.. how do you..... I'm sorry what?" Lucius said dumbfounded. "Trust me man i'm right here with you, I'm just confused as well" Johnson said.
"Well regardless now that you finally revealed the truth Lucius, now that we know you're a demon now we can go to the real question who are your parents?" Matthew asked. there was nothing but piercing silence in that room in that moment. "I don't want to talk about it..." Lucius said. "Our father is Lucifer Blackwell and her mother is Lilith Eden." Blossom spoke up. Lucius looked at his sister in shock.
"My brother came to this world t-to help you p-pathetic humans! YOU SHOULD BE GREAT FULL YOUR BEING HELPED BY THE NEXT DEMON KING!" Blossom shouted attempting to hide her fear.
The doctor just looked at the two then pushed up his glasses. "Lucius is this true" the doctor asked. Lucius just noded vigorously.
"Well then" Xander said standing up he looked towards Lucius and stuck out his hand. "Welcome to the hunter foundation" he continued.
Lucius looked at the hand of xander for a moment and then took it shaking his hand. "I guess you'll be with me and then for now until we can get you to an assigned unit" Johnson said leaning back in his chair.
Then Lucius removed his hand and put it back in his pocket. "So wait what about me and my sister where are we going to live since you know that we aren't from here" lucius asked.
"For right now you two will live in the barracks. I can take blossom there right now but Lucius if you're going to be a hunter you need an assigned weapon" the doctor said.
Lucius nodded and then Johnson stood up and him and Xander led Lucius to the armory.
Once they're lucius stood in front of hundreds if not thousands of weapons. Somewhere swords somewhere rifles some are Spears some more hammers but then there is a pair of silver axes on the wall.
Lucius felt something as he stared at the two axes. Both of his hands sparked with electricity and he out stretch them and then the axes had flung to him as he caught them.
He felt the same purple lightning crackling through his hands into the axis as he looked at his two new weapons.
"Looks like we got ourselves our own equivalent to thor" Xander said chuckling. Johnson slug Xander in the arm not too much to hurt him though. "Ooooow that stung Johnson-kun" Xander said over exagerating. Johnson living up to his last name was beat red. "S-SHUT UP YOU KNOW I'M NOT OKAY WITH THAT DUDE" Johnson shouted, Xander just cackling.
Lucious sighed. 'I'm probably going to regret this but this is for blossom and for Mom' lucius thought to himself. He turned to the two as he put his axes on the sides of his hips.
"Now then when do we start." Lucius said as Johnson and Xander straightened up and looked at him.
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shatouto · 3 years
“surprise surprise bitch you took a perfectly good boy and now he had trauma, obi-wan is gonna un-fall him and helps him speak again and you, sidious, will die” this is gold shatou and what’s more I bet this is exactly what is going through obi-wan’s head verbatim; baby vader flinches away from electricity maybe and obi-wan immediately goes “hey do you want me to kill sheev for you because I could totally do that”
oh. oh my god. oh my goddd
tbh i don't even know where we are in the timeline with mute baby vader but i really do love this image of vader being around obi-wan in a peaceful enough setting for obi-wan to see him come in contact with his trauma triggers and flinch. like just:
(cw for... trauma response? idek what to tag, just. yknow. standard sith stuff)
Obi-Wan glances around. There is nothing but dilapidated machinery and rusty droid parts scattered about. The walls are all bare duracrete and bricks, and there's a large hole in the roof, a great black pool that is the starless sky. The warehouse must have been abandoned for a long time, by the look of it. It matters not; Republic aid should come in time, following the signal he has sent out, and all there is to do is wait. He gives the bond in his hand a light tug - some may say it's far too gentle for the likes of his... companion.
The Sith beside him is practically seething in silence, febrile golden eyes fixed on him in a gaze as sharp as a bone splinter. He doesn't speak; he never does. Not that Obi-Wan knows of, at least.
"Vader, aren't you?"
Vader glowers, eyes narrowing, tugging at the glossy scar that runs over his brow and eye corner. He yanks at his Force-inhibiting cuffs, which only results in them digging into his wrists hard enough to wrangle from Vader a pained growl. Obi-Wan sighs. He has long theorized that Vader cannot speak, and if so... Not only does it complicate matters logistically, but it also makes him feel really quite terrible, for many reasons.
"Don't try it, please. Sit down and rest your feet if you will. We have been walking for quite some time."
Predictably, Vader ignores every single word he says. He stands opposite from Obi-Wan in the moldy, dusty air, as far away as the bonds allow, and stares at him, wary and murderous. Obi-Wan only regards him with tired eyes. Pity is never a desirable thing, but what else is there to feel toward this tormented creature of hate?
Silence stretches between them for an eon and a half, charged with less-than-gentle intents. And then, all of a sudden, light flashes.
It comes from above. Lightning tears across the darkness of the night, followed by a great rumble. Wind whirls through the holes and cracks in the half-ruined warehouse, carrying with it the smell of a coming storm. Another flash of lightning, another crack of thunder, then the first pitter patter of rain - but nature is not what catches Obi-Wan's attention anymore.
The bonds that tether Vader to him tugs frantically, tossing around as if it's tied to a terrified nexu on the other side. Harsh, teeth-gritting sighs are all that can be heard. Boot soles scrape against the ground. In the darkness and the beginning of rainfall, all he can see is Vader's sharp movements, almost manic in their repetition.
"Vader," Obi-Wan begins. With this much tugging, Force knows how tight the cuffs have gotten. He steps up to shorten the distance and hopefully loosen the bond, but it seems the sound of his footstep only agitates the Sith even more. "Please stop doing that. You're going to injure your—"
Earth-shaking thunders cut off his words almost at the same time lightning illuminates the entire scene.
When it quiets, all quiets - including the Sith.
Vader's looming silhouette has collapsed to half its height. He's sitting on the ground, Obi-Wan realizes with a pang, with his legs pulled to his chest and his face pressed to his knees. It's too dark to see how badly he's shaking, but he is shaking, for a fact. Obi-Wan waits for a few moments, his lips in a tense line, before taking a step forward. The rain slides cool against his skin and he pays it no mind.
The Sith makes no sound. Obi-Wan ventures forward in another step, and another, and finally is able to crouch beside him. Tentatively, he places a hand on Vader's shoulder.
The most ill-timed lightning in the history of the universe cracks across the sky.
The thunder that follows isn't half as deafening as Vader's quiet, terrified, Please, Master, no.
Vader doesn't even flinch under his hand, a stark and deeply concerning contrast to the frantic attempts at escape earlier. Everything clicks into place in the most gut-churning manner. Darksiders do have much use for Force lightning, don't they? Punishment by electrocution is not at all a far fetched notion. And yet, a deep disquiet and a sudden, roaring sense of injustice still rise in Obi-Wan's chest. Because he knows now that the Sith truly cannot speak.
Only the broken child within Vader can.
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gumy-shark · 1 month
the worst thing about analyzing a character who is objectively in the wrong and sucks morally is when they’re a popular character and people think that my pointing out the character’s flaws means i hate them. like no i love them!!
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transfemkaladin · 3 months
it’s 2024 i am no longer asking. if you can’t be normal about systems when discussing shallan davar im straight up killing you with a rock
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mimisempai · 3 years
Together we can get through anything
Mobius has just stolen the Tempad from Ravonna and discovers the truth about the TVA. He goes to visit Loki's Timecell ready to do anything to be forgiven.
I keep trying to explore Lokius throughout the episodes. And if many people seem to be desperate after the last episode, I am not, so let me give you the content you deserve. My faith in Lokius has not moved an inch. And Marvel won't change that. They deserve each other. They deserve to be happy together. And here they will be.
2637 words - Rating G
Part 9 of The Story of Loki and Mobius
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Mobius had to act quickly before Ravonna realized he had switched their Tempad.
He went to hide between two shelves in the archives, pretending to look for files, and turned on the Tempad
He quickly found what he was looking for, the debriefing of the C-20 mission. He pressed play.
When the screen opened to show C-20 talking, it only took Mobius a few seconds to see that she wasn't crazy like Ravonna had claimed.
"You're not hearing me. I was there. This was real, what I saw. This is a place that I've been."
Mobius looked over his shoulder quickly and returned to the video.
"This wasn't the TVA. This was a memory. I lived down there. I went to that bar. I had friends. I had a whole life on the Sacred Timeline."
Mobius didn't want to believe it, but in the face of all that was being revealed to him, how could he not?
On the video, the interrogator told C-20 to calm down.
She retorted forcefully, "Calm down? I'm a Variant. So are you. So is every single person in this place."
"I'm ending this," it was the voice of Ravonna whose face then appeared on the screen and then staring at it, she turned it off.
It was all a lie. All variants. All stolen lives.
Among the thoughts that swirled in his head, one began to emerge, a single name.
Loki had been right. Loki had not lied to him. Or hardly ever. Not where it mattered.
Suddenly, mixed with the elation he felt, came a sense of shame. He had gained Loki's fragile trust and at the first hurdle he had reacted like all the others who had not believed in Loki before him. Just because he was jealous. Because he had seen the complicity between Loki and the Variant, Sylvie.
For the first time in his work, his feelings had been stronger than his reason, and the way Loki had lashed out to defend her had deeply upset Mobius.
He had been cruel. Even if she really had been Loki's girlfriend, it was cruel to make him believe that she was dead. Even for the purpose of gaining information.
He had seen Loki in the Time Cell admit that he deserved to be alone, while Mobius had done everything to convince him otherwise before their disastrous parting in the supermarket.
And what had Mobius told him in the end?
"Wherever you go, it's just death, destruction, the literal ends of worlds. Well, I'm gonna have to close this case now, 'cause I don't need you anymore. Yeah, or as you might say, our interests are no longer aligned."
Loki had looked so hurt at that moment, and had said to him as the guards were taking him away, "You know, of all the liars in this place, and there are a great many, you're the biggest."
Mobius had asked him, sneering, "Why? Cause I lied about your girlfriend?"
Loki had just replied, seriously, "Oh, no. That I can respect. I mean, the lies you tell yourself."
He hadn't looked back once this time before walking through the door of the Time Cell.
As he made his way to a safe place to open a Timedoor to the Time Cell, he figured he would have a lot to make up for this time.
As he walked through the door, he found himself facing Loki who looked agitated.
He immediately asked him. "What are you doing?"
"Passing the time." Loki answered ironically.
Because Mobius couldn't help it, because the memory of the jealousy he had experienced was too strong, he asked without transition, "Do you care about this variant?"
Loki answered him directly, rushing the words as usual, "Sylvie? I'm not sure if caring is the right word. We've covered this back in there."
Mobius interrupted him by shouting, "Shut up!" he paused to calm himself, he was not there to blame Loki, he asked sincerely, "Do you really think you deserve to be alone?"
Seeing that Loki didn't answer, he called out, "Loki!"
The cheeky bastard replied, "You told me to shut up." Since when did he do what Mobius told him? Mobius repeated his question, "Do you believe you deserve to be alone?"
Loki, annoyed, replied, "I don't know."
"You better figure it out quick, because the nexus event the two of you caused, whatever that connection is, can bring this whole place down. So we better understand…"
Mobius' heart sank at the way Loki said " we ". Because Mobius had made any possibility of a we vanish by withdrawing his trust from Loki. Loki's disbelief this time was entirely his own fault.
He asked Loki urgently, "Do you swear she didn't implant those memories in Hunter C-20?"
Loki didn't hesitate a moment before answering, "Mobius, no. I believe her!"
"So, I just have to trust the word of two Lokis?" Mobius answered rhetorically because the trust he had in Loki had risen from the ashes and even if he doubted the variant, he now knew that his trust in Loki was total.
"How about the word of a friend?"
Mobius gasped at the words he didn't expect in Loki's mouth.
Then he exhaled softly. Loki called himself his friend. Mobius still had the right to be his friend. Their bond was not broken.
So even if Loki's friendship it was the only thing he would get. If that was the only thing Loki would offer him, then he would accept it. He would cherish it, he would fight for it. He would be the loyal friend that Loki deserved.
He continued urgently, wanting to prove to Loki that his trust was real, "You were right, about the TVA. You were right from the beginning. And if you wanna save her, you need to trust me. Can we do that?"
He needed to hear Loki say it, to confirm that the trust between them was back, maybe not like before, but that it was there.
Once again a straightforward answer, without embellishment. A simple yes that said everything, that told the truth.
Mobius sighed with relief, "Okay."
He couldn't dwell on everything he'd said before, on all his false assertions dictated by ugly jealousy, disappointment and feelings of betrayal.
That's why he added, in an insistent tone, wanting to convince Loki with all his heart, "You could be whoever, whatever you wanna be, even someone good."
Loki looked at him, his eyes full of emotion, the same look he had had when Mobius had told him that he did not consider him a villain. The dawning hope of someone who didn't dare to believe it. Then Mobius continued to convince Loki at all costs, smiling sheepishly, "I mean, just in case anyone ever told you different."
Loki's smile, a smile that Mobius had never seen on his face before, was the best reward he could have received. A sense of mutual absolution, a feeling of shared respect, and perhaps something more that Mobius refused to name because he felt he had no right to.
He was walking towards the Timedoor when he felt himself being pulled back by Loki who had grabbed his sleeve.
"Mobius, wait!"
He turned back to Loki who was still holding him by the sleeve.
"What? Is there something wrong?"
Loki exclaimed, "Is there something wrong? Is there something wrong?!" he ran his hand through his hair with frustration, "I'm not the one who was just told that his whole life, what he was fighting for, the world he lived in, was a lie! Believe me I know what that feels like! So it's me asking you, how are YOU Mobius?"
At that moment Mobius became aware of the extent of what he had just discovered, of what it meant for him.He put his hand to his chest, his breathing quickened and a cold sweat ran down his body.
He heard Loki's voice as if in the distance and felt vaguely that the man was helping him to sit on the ground with his head between his legs.
Little by little, encouraged by Loki, he found regular breathing.
Loki put his hand on his arm, gently, as if not to frighten him.
"Mobius, I need to know, first if you can you close the timedoor and then, how time is passing here?"
Mobius closed the door and replied, "In this cell, it's like time doesn't flow outside, so no matter how long we spend here, it will take Ravonna and the Hunters a little while to find us."
After a few moments of silence, Mobius spoke up, "You know what torments me the most now that I know? I wonder if I am real. Is what I've experienced real? And was what I believe or have believed in, real for a moment?"
Loki answered him softly, "You are real, just as I am real." seeing the distress in which Mobius found himself, he continued, "And if you don't believe me, I will show you what is real to me if you will let me." He just put two fingers on Mobius' temple without pressing, waiting for his answer. Mobius nodded.
A small green light connected Loki's fingers with Mobius' head.
Mobius saw sequences in his head racing by, as if he were moving from one room to another at full speed.
Mobius held out his hand to help Loki up.
Mobius remembered that moment of course, but the emotions were not his own, it was as if he was in Loki's head.
This time Loki didn't hesitate to take it. Once on his feet, he didn't want to let go of that hand, the only non-violent human contact he'd had in years. He didn't even realize that he was tightening his fingers on Mobius'.
He asked the question that had been burning in his mind, "If I'm not the villain, then what am I?"
They still hadn't let go of each other's hands and now Mobius' thumb was gently stroking the back of Loki's hand.
Mobius tilted his head a little, seeking Loki's gaze even more.
He said with that smile that Loki was beginning to appreciate, "I don't know, but we could search together, if you want."
Loki nodded slowly and answered with a slight smile.
Next scene.
"Oh once again, shut up!"
Loki replied with a mocking smile on his lips, "Make me."
It was as if a dam broke in Mobius.
He grabbed Loki's tie to pull him to him and before the god had time to wonder what he was doing, Mobius leaned in and placed his lips against Loki's.
Their first kiss in the elevator…
Next scene.
Mobius spoke with difficulty, still out of breath, "Later," he said, "We'll continue this later, I promise. We'll have to talk. But we really don't have time right now."
Loki nodded, and placed one last kiss on Mobius' lips before they parted, their reluctance more than obvious.
Seeing the uncertainty return to Loki's gaze, Mobius took his chin and said firmly with his eyes in his head, "Loki, I'm serious, we really will continue later. I swear I'm not playing, okay?"
Loki scrutinized him for a few seconds before nodding again and answering with that familiar mischievous grin, « Ok, let's go catch whoever thinks they are me."
Then he pushed Mobius forward and they went on their way.
Their second kiss... in the archive room.
Next scene.
Loki nodded but said nothing. He gently withdrew his hand and put his collar back on. Seeing that he was reluctant to speak, Mobius turned fully toward him and pulled him by the sleeve until he was standing between Mobius' knees.
Mobius remembered, it was the day when Loki had taken care of him, had given him the illusion of being on a jetski and then in return Mobius had shown Loki what he would want on a first date.
Looking at Loki from below, Mobius asked gently, "Loki, speak to me."
Loki replied just as softly, "Is this the kind of thing you like, the kind of thing you'd like to do...with me?"
"We could start with that after this whole thing is over, what do you say? Ah unless there's a rule that says gods don't date?" asked Mobius, raising an eyebrow.
Spreading his arms, a mischievous smile on his face, Loki said with his trademark emphasis, "Hey, I'm Loki, the god of mischief, since when do I follow rules?
Quickly checking behind his shoulder that no one was there, Mobius pulled Loki's head to his own with a gentle tug on his tie and proceeded to wipe the arrogant smile from Loki's lips in the only way he knew to be effective.
Next scene.
"Oh no Loki, I never wanted you to think you were a villain, I wanted you to see that you were not the one you insist on parading to the world."
Loki protested, "But you told me I was born to cause pain and suffering and death. That's how it is, that's how it was, that's how it will be. All so that others can achieve their best versions of themselves. "
"Yes, I told you that not because I think that's what you are, I was just showing you that that's what you were limiting yourself to because you yourself think you're only capable of that. Because you want to rule so badly, that you don't see that you are made for bigger things. You asked me to trust you yesterday. I did it because Loki I have faith in you and since you've been here you keep proving it. In your own way. Because you are undoubtedly the god of mischief. Unique. Not. A. Villain."
Mobius took his chin and placed a kiss on his forehead before standing up.
Their last moment together before the Alabama mission.
Loki gently removed his fingers from Mobius' head.
"Mobius, to me this was all real, everything we said to each other, everything that happened between us. It was probably the most real I've experienced in a long time."
Loki took her head in his hands and kissed her forehead, then whispered, "You. Are. Real. Mobius." then he kissed him gently, almost chastely before pulling back a little while still holding Mobius' head in his hands.
Mobius looked amazed and asked him a little hesitantly, "After everything that's happened, you would be willing to give me another chance?"
"Huh?" asked Loki, looking surprised, "What are you talking about?"
"I'm talking about the fact that at the first opportunity, I preferred to believe the worst rather than you, I let you down cowardly, blinded by the feeling betrayal and jealousy while I was the one who betrayed your trust "
Loki shook his head fondly.
"Oh Mobius, believe me I am a master of betrayal, low blow and jealousy. I never expected you to be perfect. After all, I tried to betray you at the first opportunity too. There are so many other parameters that we didn't know and still don't know. It's not about giving you another chance, it's about giving us another chance. So let's not waste it and let's make it something beautiful and good."
Loki stood up, and this time it was he who reached out to Mobius and helped him to his feet.
In an echo of a few days ago, it was he who gently stroked the back of Mobius' hand that he had kept in his own.
Mobius looked deeply into Loki's eyes again and asked him with a slightly hoarse voice, "If this is all fake, then who am I really?"
Loki replied with a smile, "We'll search together."
"Yes, yes, that I can do. " answered Mobius with a tightened throat.
Then he could not resist the impulse, the desire that was deep inside him since they had caught Loki and Sylvie.
He hugged Loki, the face in his hair, and, happy to find familiar sensations, he whispered into Loki's neck, "I'm so glad you're back safe and sound. You can't even imagine how much I missed you."
Loki tightened his arms around him and they stayed like that for a few seconds before pulling apart.
Mobius, opened a Timedoor and looked at Loki who nodded.
They crossed the door side by side, together, for all time, always.
🌈 Happy (last day) of Pride month ! 🌈 (Be pride every day!)
To celebrate, 1 day, 1 story. Phew done !
Be ready for smiles, laugh, fluff, tooth rotthing fluff, positive vibes and a lot of love! I hope you had enough !
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chubbyooo · 4 years
The Road to Redemption - A Blurred Lines Spinoff Chapter 6: An Emperors Weapons
hey sorry for the break got distracted
Vaylins part begins will Kyradia accept Arcann
Kyradia began putting on her Knight of Zakuul disguise as they headed towards Vaylin’s party, she was losing control fast now her own people were turning against her, it wouldn’t be long before they all turned against her. And now Kyradia had learned of her conditioning and how to control it, she had to say she didn’t like the idea of abusing a power like that but desperate times called for desperate measures.
Theron stood opposite her putting on his armour “you ready for this Kyradia?” she still didn’t entirely trust him but his spy ability was invaluable so she was holding off on killing him
Kyradia tutted “of course I’m ready Theron and I’m prepared to do what I must I just hope your prior mistakes don’t rear their heads” Theron looked away nervously although he definitely had proved he was loyal to the alliance Kyradia was still angry with not being told about the Basen’thor
Theron hesitated “I can’t control what happens next with them but if they do show up” he paused “what would you do, who knows they may want to help” Kyradia sneered at the idea why would they ever want to help
Kyradia shook her head “that doesn’t repent their crimes and I would act appropriately” she twitches thinking about Senya’s words maybe she’d give him a chance just to prove her wrong
Theron shuddered “I dread to think what appropriately means” Kyradia imagined it was a little less severe than her reputation she wasn’t completely unconvinceable but they hadn’t exactly been shining examples of trustworthy people
Kyradia shook her head “it doesn’t matter anyway they're an afterthought compared to Vaylin” she finished putting on her armour as they dropped out of hyperspace
Theron steered them down to the planet and suddenly time stopped causing a groan from Kyradia as Valkorion appeared “the stage is set for my daughters ruin strike her down and this empire will be yours to command” Kyradia did want that but certainly not on Valkorion's terms
Kyradia sneered at him “I think for my first order of business I’ll have the fleet blast my name into Zakuul” his perfect society deserved it
Valkorion tutted “why leave your name on a single world, when you can carve it across the galaxy” Kyradia knew he was up to something but what choice did she have 
Kyradia sneered “I’m not like you or your psycho daughter! I have my own plans” she had never wanted destruction she had just wanted control
Valkorion shook his head “I suppose not but you will do it just the same” he disappeared leaving Kyradia angrier than before…
Kavaraa had never been more nervous than ever as she sat in the cockpit of the spaceship tapping her foot anxiously, Arcann had managed to round up a few loyalists to help them out and they were ready to attack the party. But Kavaraa was petrified, what if she was wrong about Arcann she could’ve made a big mistake on the flipside was she sending him into danger? she didn’t know what to do.
Arcann sensed her unsease and walked into the cockpit “are you nervous Kavaraa?” he had gotten a new arm made and looked the part of a beacon of the light but Kavaraa was still worried
Kavaraa sighed “I’m just worried if I let you in there I won’t see you again Arcann what if it’s a mistake” Arcann nodded sitting down next to her
Arcann sighed “it may be but it’s one I have to make if I’m going to reconcile with anything, you’ve already gone above and beyond for me and I can’t thank you enough but I must walk my own path now and I hope you can reconcile with yours so we can see each other again” he awkwardly leaned in for a hug which Kavaraa quickly pulled him in close
He’d become like a son to her in a weird way even though they were similar ages really “I trust you Arcann I hope Nox can too” she wiped her eyes “ok I’m ready” she began to pilot the ship down to the party here we go all or nothing…
Kyradia and Theron attached the last of the bombs as Vaylin began her speech “Zakuul my empire, the alliance tried to destroy me but I ground them to dust, now the outlander hides in fear as my fleet rips through the galaxy” Kyradia sneered all of that was untrue “I am the wrath of the dragons fire, I am your eternal Empress” the speech was so full of shit already
Kyradia turned it off “I am going to enjoy shutting her up” Theron nodded seemingly agreeing 
Theron chuckled “you and me both let’s ditch the armour we have a speech to crash” Kyradia smiled she could certainly do without it, they made their way towards the main chamber
Vaylin continued “today we celebrate the eternal empire’s strength and watch our enemies suffer. The rebels who spit on Izax and the worm who betrayed me, they deserve an eternity of torment. And no one not even the outlander can save them” Kyradia smiled oh what a perfect time to arrive
She spoke up as she stared up at Vaylin “an empty promise from a feeble Empress” Vaylin didn’t seem fazed as she dropped the rebels into the pit not that Kyradia particularly cared they were a means to an end
Vaylin scowled “so you’re Indo’s puppet master or is father controlling you both” Kyradia smiled for a cocky empress she was good at setting her up
Kyradia folded her arms “you’re the only one under Valkorions spell, does the public know about your conditioning” that seemed to strike a chord as Vaylin’s eyes widened 
She reached out with the force as the structure hanging from the ceiling started to move but Kyradia wasn’t worried “Kneel before the dragon of Zakuul” Vaylin stumbled back the shrapnel falling to the ground Vaylin cried out as Kyradia smiled “I will take everything from you” the bombs went off and the party began to wring out with explosions
Vaylin stumbled back up and drew her saber “you can’t win Outlander” Kyradia chuckled to herself how easily she was rattled
Kyradia gestured to Theron to help the rebels “when I take your throne I think I’ll have you stuffed and used as a footrest” she focussed with the force and in seconds she had Phantom strode next to Vaylin “surprise” she laughed as she drew her saber
Vaylin tried to hide her surprise “clever I’ll have to remember that when I destroy you” and with that their blades clashed together
Suddenly Lana came through the coms “commander look out” another explosion rocked the building knocking them both off balance as a shuttled shot out all the windows 
Kyradia had no time to worry about that now she had a Empress to kill
Their sabers clashed their strikes aggressive and constant as they sneered deeply at each other, Vaylin glared daggers through her “you’re weak Outlander you think this little trick is going to stop me” Kyradia could sense she was weaker though and continued the onslaught as they moved backwards off the balcony
Kyradia concentrated as she strode around Vaylin trying to get a strike in but she managed to block each and every one “I could’ve beaten you without it but I’m not one to look a gift bantha in the mouth” she focussed her anger from everything that had happened and lunged forward grabbing onto Vaylin's arm and letting out a wave of electricity that coursed through her body
Vaylin shrieked out in pain but soon Kyradia could sense her channel the power as she was thrown back across the long corridor “hahaha Outlander you know I thrive off pain don’t be so stupid” Kyradia landed halfway across the room as Vaylin began to slowly walk towards her
Vaylin began to wrench rubble off the walls and throw it towards Kyradia running towards Vaylin she slashed at each one as she went before she threw her lightsaber effortlessly cutting through each of those remaining. She jumped into the air grabbing hold of her saber ready to bring a savage strike down on Vaylin but Vaylin lifted up her arm holding her in place
Vaylin laughed “well well not so powerful now” Kyradia could feel her struggling barely holding it together
Kyradia chuckled “we both know you can’t hold this Vaylin” she grabbed the blaster from her disguise and shot a bolt into Vaylin’s knee causing her to drop Kyradia 
Vaylin shrieked out in pain “agh how dare you use a blaster have you no honour” Kyradia smiled she had never had that
Kyradia shot up going for a slash with her saber that Vaylin just managed to block in time leaving them inches from each other “who ever said I played fair Vaylin you’re never going to make it that way” Vaylin had a hint of fear in her eyes as she held off the strike
Her fear turned to a smile “fine honey I can oblige” with that she kicked her in the stomach before pushing her back, as Kyradia stumbled to her feet the unknown third parties thugs entered the room causing Vaylin to run outside 
Kyradia pursued her slicing through a few of the thugs on the way as she scowled “Arcann” it had to be him he wouldn’t take this from her
Vaylin stood ready outside a number of ships and other rubble ready to throw at Kyradia this time slicing wouldn’t cut it it’d still hurt her, Kyradia concentrated deeply channeling her anger over Arcann and strode forth onto the top of each bit of rubble as it was flung at her Vaylin looked on in awe as Kyradia dodged every single one and landed in front of her
Kyradia gloated “come on Vaylin you need to try a little harder than that didn’t your father teach you how to fight” Vaylin scowled letting off another barrage of strikes on Kyradia 
Vaylin was snarling like a Nexu “oh and didn’t he teach you how to be a puppet, you really think he believes in you you’re so naive” Kyradia smiled she was the naive one why would she ever trust anyone
Kyradia dodged the saber strikes jumping over the blade “ha of course I know that Vaylin the first chance I get I’m getting rid of him but you are a threat to the galaxy first” Vaylin seemed to twitch unnaturally it seemed her strength was returning
Vaylin threw her to the ground with her anger “you don’t want to help the galaxy you just want it for yourself you know nothing of the galaxies pain” Kyradia felt a deeper anger build up as she defended against the barrage of strikes from the ground the words echoing her conversation with Senya.
Kyradia pushed her back “are you kidding me I don’t understand” she stood up throwing her saber towards Vaylin “I have experienced greater pain than your stupid daddy issues could ever comprehend, when I close my eyes I see more pain than you could ever know and know it’s my fault but I can’t stop myself that’s true pain Vaylin” Vaylin seemed to blank the comment apart from the part about her father her rage boiling white hot
She parried Kyradia’s saber and threw it landing on the edge of the platform “aghhhhhh how dare you, I’m going to leave you barely alive so I can draw your pain out as long as possible” she ran at Kyradia before she could grab her saber pushing her back to the ground Kyradia had no idea what to do she was trapped. 
She made an attempt to block the saber but suddenly a figure appeared in front of her blocking the blade, Kyradia recognised him instantly it was Arcann, she normally would murder him but he just saved her life so she wouldn’t kill him just yet.
She pulled her saber back to her hand as Vaylin screamed “no no no no Arcann that kill was mine I’m going to finish the job the Outlander started” they began to clash as Kyradia stood up 
Arcann made eye contact with Kyradia as she spoke “enough Vaylin I wont see you destroy our home, we need to repent fathers mistakes not fuel them” Kyradia understood somewhat she still wanted to kill him but not immediately
Vaylin snarled at him “did you know about the disease father put in my head” Kyradia ran towards them engaging them as well
Arcann was clearly only defending unlike Kyradia “he’s made weapons of all three of us let me help you break free Vaylin” Kyradia stopped in her tracks switching to a defensive style as the blades clashed, a weapon was the thing they all had in common he did have a point.
Vaylin snarled at both of them “I don’t need your help!” she let out another set of strikes trying to gain headway but now fighting two of them had made this a lot harder her anger only built until she was up against the edge “I’m going to fix myself and then you will see my true power” she pulled a speeder towards them which Kyradia dodged out of the way of while Arcann fell to the ground and then she jumped off the edge
Kyradia watched as she began to speed away with the speeder but reached out with the force trying to hold her back. Vaylin was stuck in place but Kyradia’s grip was waning she could feel as Vaylin pushed her backwards. Kyradia snarled “you can’t escape me Vaylin!!!!” she let out a fruitless lightning blast at her before she turned to Arcann putting her blade to his throat “explain yourself now!” Arcann stumbled up
Arcann sighed “I came here to try and heal Vaylin and I heard of your attack and thought working together could be beneficial” he leered back from the saber “despite the risks that entailed” Kyradia snarled not wanting to trust him but also very partial to proving to Senya that her and Vaylin were not the same
Kyradia beared down on him “how do I know I can trust you” she noticed as a number of Horizon guard appeared ready to attack, before she had a chance to stop him Arcann stood up and engaged all three making quick work of each of them
Kyradia sighed she was really about to do this “alright fine because you saved me from your sister you can live for now, but you need to follow my orders ok” Arcann nodded Kyradia was still angry however
Arcann responded “my father was right to recognise your strength but are you in control or does he pull the strings” Kyradia frowned at him
She raised her eyebrow “I could ask the same for you and the Basen’thor I believe you know of my arch enemy you were working with” Arcann nodded
He held his chin “touche but I assure you the enemy status is one sided there and before you ask no I don’t know where she is we made sure of that” Kyradia snarled, she could get that out of him later she was more furious at Vaylin right now. Arcann took a deep breath “nevertheless we must pursue Vaylin so you can claim to the throne” as he said that time stopped between them
Valkorion appeared looking angry “You would stand aside as an outsider steals your throne” Kyradia decided to push her excess hatred at Valkorion he probably deserved it 
Arcann frowned “father” he simply said not making eye contact but his face showed his anger
Valkorion scowled “you’ve grown weak” Arcann seemed unfazed by the comments 
Arcann sighed “my hands are stained with the blood of millions this family's legacy is  dripping with it” he turned to Kyradia with a warm smile “it’s time a worthy emperor took our place” Kyradia felt a little bad she may not be as heroic as Arcann thought but that warm smile reminded her of the Basen’thor
Kyradia looked away “after all that’s happened after, I threatened to kill you twice in the last ten minutes you’d still let me take the throne?” she genuinely never expected that
Arcann nods “you’re destiny is to lead Zakuul whereas mine is merely to join the alliance and try to repent for my mistakes” Kyradia felt like she could live with that since it was making Valkorion furious
Valkorion looked more than furious “I did not raise my son to serve” Arcann shook his head
He didn’t make eye contact with him “you didn’t raise anything and you have no son” Kyradia could feel the venom in the statement
Kyradia grabbed a camera that had been broadcasting Vaylin's speech “tell the people it’ll have a big impact” Arcann nods as he kneels down she had other hopes for it than propaganda
Arcann begins “I have made many mistakes and now I support you Outlander to maybe help heal the galaxy and get our murderous family out of power” Kyradia had a feeling that was good enough
As the speech finished the fleet turned on them and began to fire “ok Arcann I think it got through to who I wanted” she felt a little bad for using Arcann to make Vaylin mad but she’d get over it “let’s get out of here” they ran towards the shuttle as Vaylin’s biggest tantrum began...
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Kadara Marketplace Shenanigans
Vetra Nyx/Fem Ryder (Darrin Ryder). Safe for work. Word count: 1,485. Catch it on Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/20998385
Darrin Ryder is still waiting to see any progress on Kadara with Reyes Vidal and the Collective in charge. While people watching, she sees an asari getting ganged up on by some hustlers and waits to see what happens... and is shortly joined by Vetra.
Darrin carefully watches a few hustlers surround a normie-looking asari (dressed in casual wear, even) while she looks on from the top of a nearby building, looking down over the marketplace.
Yeah, Kadara still hasn't changed much. She's still waiting to see more effects from putting Reyes in charge. Still waiting to see if she'll regret that decision. Always waiting for the results.
"Darrin, based on your usual moral decisions, it's odd to see you not helping the asari," SAM comments in her head, scattering her thoughts. She squishes her plum-painted lips together in response.
"Because I want to see if any guards come to help or anyone else," she replies mentally. "I have a very thin biotic barrier around them already; if the guys shoot or attack, they'll bounce off long enough for me to get down there."
"I see."
"Do you?" She can't help but poke at the logic, but then again, she'd never given much thought on how SAM looks out onto the world. And, to be honest, she wasn't in the mood to ask just now.
Mental note to ask later.
"Kadara still seems the same," Vetra says quietly from behind her, her movements quiet over the brick-like roof. Darrin turns to look at her from the corner of her eye, a warm smile pulling over her lips.
"Yeah, seems so. I'll give it more time before going after Reyes over it, though. But just a little." Vetra snorts as she crouches down beside the human Pathfinder, looking like an awkwardly haunched over bird, and the weird hissing-sneezy sound of her snort really doesn't help the image. It takes all of Darrin's will to not even giggle at the image.
"I hope it turns out, but I have my doubts. He lied to get the position of 'all-mighty overlord', and it's not really impossible that he lied about what he plans to do with it," the turian muses grimly, voicing Darrin's own worries aloud.
"I know," she nearly whispers back. Her attention is drawn back to the group from before by an outraged yell. She can see the asari's hands preparing to issue biotics, the hustlers' reaching for their guns- "Feel like getting frisky with the locals?" Darrin yells as she jumps from the rooftop, spiraling very quickly towards the group. She grins at Vetra's incredulous "what?!" and that grin only widens as SAM alerts her to Vetra jumping off, too. As she nears the ground, Darrin uses a mix of her jump jets and biotics to land neatly beside the asari, her pistol drawn and pointed in the face of one hustler that she now sees is a human under his hood.
Vetra lands a little less elegantly on the asari's other side, and it sounds like her own weapon is drawn based on the click of her loading her own weapon. "Did you have to come in so dramatically?" she asks with mock irritation, before answering herself, "oohh, wait, of course you did."
"Aww, c'mon, Vetra," she teases back, smirking as the two hustlers she can see's faces quickly begin to realize they've really bitten off more than they can chew, "a Pathfinder has to be ballsy if she expects the rest of her crew to be."
"P-Pathfinder?" the guy in front of her stutters out, his brown eyes widening further.
"Oh, yeah, boys. Pathfinder Ryder at your service." She rolls one shoulder before continuing, "so am I going to have to throw you all in a couple of jail cells, body bags, or maybe to the wilds, or do y'think you can use your brains long enough to fuck off somewhere's else?"
"Preferably before we have to waste our precious ammo on your sorry asses," Vetra chimes in, a laugh evident in her voice.
"N-no, we'll just, uh…" the guys in front and to the side of Darrin share a look before scrambling away, their large hoodies flapping unflatteringly around them. Darrin turns to see the third guy doing the same, and with a slight knee-jerk reaction, she uses her biotics to pull his pants to his knees, causing him to go tumbling forward into a heap. The marketplace erupts into roars of laughter, as does she and the asari behind her.
Vetra, however, lets out a pained noise between a laugh and a disparing sigh. "Was that necessary?"
"Hey, embarrassing him that much should keep him from doing it again," Darrin says gleefully as she reverts her pistol into its safety mode, then tucks it away against her hip. Vetra gives her a droll look before doing the same, then crosses her arms as her yellow-green eyes slide over to the asari. Darrin follows the gaze. "So, tell me, who exactly are you and why did they want you so bad?"
"Oh! I'm Tiarie B'Varsa. I… well, I wanted to see Kadara myself after all the stories I heard on the Nexus-" no surprise there- "and when I got here, I visited the bar and somehow got drawn into a big card game and ended up winning… well, enough to buy an upgraded apartment and all missing furnishings," she finishes in a lower voice with a nervous laugh. Vetra's brow plates rise as she gives a low whistle, and Darrin mirrors her.
"Yeah, you're lucky they didn't gut you before you even left the bar," Vetra assesses, then clicks her tongue thoughtfully. "Let's get you back on your shuttle and check out the driver… just in case."
"Oh, yes, please! Thank you!" The asari then leads the two towards the landing dock, where a slightly dented up Initiative shuttle waits, Cora hovering a little ways away. When she spots the group, she quickly comes forward bu careful to not draw too much attention.
"You made it safely back then, I take it, Dr. B'Varsa?" She asks anxiously. Darrin's eyebrows nearly hit her hairline as Tiarie cheerfully answers, "Oh, yes, it does seem so. Mostly thanks to these two."
"Doctor B'Varsa?" Vetra repeats. Cora nods.
"Yes, she's one of the botanists on the Nexus, here to… well, see Kadara. Did anything happen?"
"Nah, nothing too interesting," Darrin answers immediately as Vetra seems to swell as more information pours forth about the asari. When she shoots Darrin a disbelieving look, she continues, "Just a little scuffle in the marketplace. Where Vetra and I are needed, incidently," she gives Cora an overly complacent smile while grabbing Vetra's arm and dragging her towards the place once more. Vetra stumbles after her while Cora watches them out of sight.
When they reach a more secluded corner, Vetra drags Darrin over to it. "Why didn't you tell Cora what happened?"
"Because it was nothing to worry about, and if Cora knew she'd likely tell Tann or the director of hydroponics and Tairie wouldn't be allowed back off of the Nexus," she answers matter-of-factly. Vetra's nostril slits flare as much as their bony protection allows.
"Which would be safe for her! We have to keep the scientists and doctors safe, Darrin!"
"But we can't also lock them away and make it a prison for them," Darrin refutes, frowning firmly. "You can't stay locked up all the time. You'll go mad, or worse."
"Ugh, you're impossible," she huffs, leaning back on a concrete post, shaking her head.
"Oh, the most impossible," Darrin agrees with a grin. Vetra narrows her eyes.
"And the most hard-headed-"
"Oh, definitely that-"
"-and infuriating-"
"-for most people who know me, alright-"
"-and sometimes I'd like to punch you for the decisions you make."
"Hey, same," Darrin shrugs, her grin now absolutely dumb and toothy. Their banter dissolves a lot of Vetra's frustration, leaving her to try to hide her amusement, but she forgets that Darrin knows her tells too well now. She saunters towards the turian, weaving a bit, before wrapping her arms entirely around her waist and chest. "And you love every bit of my being a difficult ass."
"Yeah, I do, and you're lucky I do," she says with a long-suffering sigh, dragging a hand through her partner's long, strawberry blonde hair. "Anyone else you plan to go and save or harrass today?"
"Eeeh, only… you," Darrin says with false thoughtfulness, biting her lower lip after her last word, then laughing as Vetra snorts again.
"Forever our saving grace and my tormenter."
"Hey, you seem to like my tormenting, 'cause you keep coming back for more."
"Mmm, I guess so." She shakes her head as Darrin settles her chin on the edge of her outward curving chest armor, mind already swarming to think what Darrin is thinking up with her new, mischievous look.
"We cooould go practice our shots on some poor, unexpecting left over kett," she suggests.
"If we can find some, absolutely," Vetra agrees, stretching her claws. "I got some new weapon mods I found that I need to test out, anyway."
"Then let's get going.~"
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natwhumps · 4 years
From Chapter 11 of The Cetus Arc Read from the start | Read more on AO3
Drack frowned. “If they wanted to switch shuttles, they wouldn’t have hang around for 2 days before doing so. Keep your eye on the prize, boy,” he said. “She is here, I know it.” 
Jaal’s grip on the rifle tightened. He nodded. Drack was right, he had to keep his head screwed right. He couldn’t afford any mistakes, not on this mission. Then a scream pierced the silence. It was a earsplitting shriek of raw, unbridled pain. Without a second thought, Jaal moved towards the structure. Cora and Drack fell in, flanking him. 
Jaal tapped furiously on his omni tool, cursing under his breath as he hacked the holo-lock. The howl went on and on before it was reduced to ragged sobs. The moment the holo-lock turned green, Cora palmed the door and it slid open. Jaal slipped through even before the door peeled back. Inside, there was a reception area which split into three other doors. A set of double doors was just in front of them and two others on the side. The whimpers were coming from beyond the set of double doors. Jaal shouldered the doors open and he froze. 
There was someone chained to the ceiling. The person held their feet up slightly above the ground, putting their weight on their arms and shoulders. Their arms trembling with the effort, soft moans of agony escaped from their lips as if they were unwilling to show any weakness. When the pain got too much, their feet would lower to the ground, then a cry of utter torment would erupt forth and their legs would lift up the ground again. The cycle just repeated over and over again. 
Jaal didn’t know how long he stood there. It didn’t feel very long. His eyes searched the face of the naked form. The person had their face hanging low as if it took too much energy to hold up their head. His legs carried him further into the room. A stench of bodily excretion filled his nose, Jaal couldn’t help but to lift a hand to cover his nose. 
As he drew closer, his eyes widened as he realised what he thought was grime that clung to the naked form were actually bruises, old and new wounds. The person finally lifted their head as if finally realising there was someone else in the room. “No…” she moaned. “You’re not real, not real.”
A sharp gasp escaped Jaal’s mouth. It was Ryder, his darling one. He almost couldn’t recognise her. Her nose swollen, misshapen and crusted with dried blood. A deep laceration that’s still bleeding which ran through her left eyebrow, she blinked to get the blood out of her eye. A cough wrecked her frail form. He watched as flecks of blood flew from her mouth. Jaal’s heart clenched, tears sprung unbidden to his eyes, his vision swam as he all but ran over. “Ryder!” he called. “I’m real, Ryder. I’m here,” he cried. “I’m sorry I took so long.”
Cora and Drack entered the room. Their exclamation of shock rang out in the empty room. “Drack, can you clear the rest of the place,” Cora shouted. “This could still be a trap.”
Drack nodded. Cora crossed the room quickly as she did so she tapped on her omni tool. “SAM, let Lexi know Ryder is hurt, bad. Get Vetra and Suvi to escort her to the nav point. I don’t know if we can move Ryder.”
“Understood, Cora,” SAM said. “Thank you, Cora.”
Cora nodded though SAM couldn’t see. She holstered her rifle and joined Jaal quickly by Ryder. As both of them stepped into Ryder’s space, Jaal moved to support Ryder’s weight. Cora realised their shields were going down. She did a quick scan on the puddle they were standing in. “Goddess, the monsters!” she shouted. “Jaal, that’s acid, make sure, Ryder doesn’t touch it.”
One glance at Ryder’s feet, Cora could see Ryder had stepped into it more than once. The contraption the monster had rigged for Ryder was beyond evil. They were forcing Ryder to torture herself, to choose between burning her soles off with the acid or suffer the torture of putting even more weight on her arms and shoulders. 
Cora looked at Jaal. “On three,” she said as she extended her omni blade. 
Jaal nodded. he clenched his teeth, pushing away the rage he felt building. His eyes couldn’t help but linger over Ryder’s open wounds but worse than all her pain glazed eyes. A growl of fury rumbled in his chest as his arms wrapped Ryder’s hips, taking her weight off her broken clavicle. Cora sliced through the chains easily with her military grade omni blade. When the chains were cut, Ryder slumped over like a puppet with its strings cut. 
Jaal carried Ryder protectively with one arm under her knees, the other under her back. Ryder moaned as the movement jarred her wounds. Her eyes rolled into her head. “Hey, hey, stay with me, Ryder!” Cora said. “Don’t go to sleep.”
Ryder’s eyes snapped open as she jerked back at Cora’s touch. Her voice a rasp as she tried to scream. “You’re safe, you’re safe, it’s me, Cora,” she said, her voice broke. 
Slowly, Ryder relaxed. Her eyes seemed to gain a little more light as she began to recognise the faces that surrounded her. “Cora? Jaal?” 
Loathe as he was to do so, Jaal lay Ryder gingerly on the dirty ground. “We’re here, Ryder,” he said. 
Cora took the medi-gel packs from her suit and begin to apply them on the worse of the open wounds while Jaal worked to remove the shackles on her wrists. Ryder flinched at every touch of Cora’s hand. “Am I dead? Are you here to bring me home?” Ryder asked, her voice getting weaker and weaker. 
“No, no,” Cora said gently. “You’re alive. Come on, stay awake for me, Ryder.”
Shackles unlocked quickly with some hacking. Dried blood crusted around where it clamped down on Ryder’s skin. As Jaal slowly removed them, he could see her skin were rubbed raw by her struggles. Cora turned to Jaal, “Find something to cover her up. I don’t want the others to see her like this.”
Jaal nodded. As hard as it was to do so, he stood up and forced his legs to walk away from Ryder. Drack came back into the reception area and asked, “Was that Ryder?”
He inclined his head, not trusting his voice not to spew forth his rage. Those fucking animals! “How is she?” Drack asked.
Jaal’s tear filled eyes met Drack’s. Neither spoke for a long moment before finally Drack nodded. Jaal turned away and entered one of the other rooms. “We need to find something to cover Ryder,” he said. 
Drack followed closely behind. “That’s a crude med-bay in there. It has definitely seen some use recently,” he said. 
Jaal’s eyes rested on the dried blood on the cold metal table. Medical instruments and equipment scattered haphazardly as if the kidnappers left in a big hurry. If Drack was right, they had just missed them. “Hey, eyes on the prize. We need to get the kid to Lexi,” he rumbled, breaking through Jaal’s thoughts. 
In the end, the three of them fashioned a crude stretcher from the sheets they found in the med-bay. Ryder moaned as they put her in the middle of a large sheet before cocooning her in. He had cringed to use the sheet of dubious origin. It didn’t look any cleaner than the ground, Ryder was lying on but Cora didn’t want to wait for the others to come. Ryder didn’t look like she could wait for Lexi to get there. It’s probably easier to meet them half way. Jaal looked at Ryder, her breaths were getting shallower and shallower at every passing minute. Cora was sure Ryder was suffering from a concussion but before that could be diagnosed by Lexi, she couldn’t administer any analgesic to Ryder. 
Jaal took the one end while Drack took the other. Cora ranged ahead to scout the path ahead. “Hey, Ryder. Come on, you can do this. We’re almost there,” Jaal coaxed. 
Ryder had stopped responding 30 minutes ago. Jaal could see her eyes were half lidded, she was just barely holding on to consciousness. Ryder grunted as she struggled to keep them open at Jaal’s coaxing. The journey to the old Roekaar base was quick but the journey back to the Tempest was agonisingly slow. He wanted to hurry but every sudden movement brought more pain to Ryder. He didn’t think her body could take much more. 
Cora came rushing back down the trail. “Lexi, they’re here!” she called over her shoulder. “Put Ryder down.”
As gently as they could, they lowered the makeshift stretcher. Lexi sank down next to Ryder, running her omni tool over Ryder. “Ryder, can you hear me?” Lexi said. 
“She wasn’t really responding for the past while,” Jaal offered, wringing his hands as he watched. Everything will be fine, Lexi is here.
Lexi grabbed Ryder’s hand. Ryder didn’t flinch or jerked her hand away the way she did before. “Squeeze my hand if you can hear me, Ryder.”
Ryder’s cold hand tightened a little around Lexi’s. She heaved a silent sigh of relief. Lexi turned to Vetra and Suvi, “Get the back board here!”
Lexi turned back to Ryder. “Do you know where you are, Ryder?” she asked. 
Ryder’s eyes fluttered open before closing again. “Squeeze once for Havarl, twice for the Nexus,” she pressed. “Come on, Ryder. You can do this. Once for Havarl, twice for Nexus.”
She took a shallow breath and squeezed Lexi’s hand. Lexi counted. Ryder squeezed her hand thrice. She pursued her lips and frowned. This is not good. 
Ryder groaned as they strapped her down onto the back board. “I’m sorry, Ryder,” she whispered under her breath she tightened the strap over Ryder’s chest. 
Lexi started an IV on Ryder’s arm and handed the bag to Jaal. “Keep it above her head at all times,” she instructed. “Come on, let’s go!” 
With a better stretcher, the group hoofed it back to the Tempest in quick order. As they made their way, Lexi tapped her omni tool, “Gil, do you read me?”
“Yes, Lexi. I can hear you, how’s Ryder?” he asked, his voice flat without his usual snark. 
“Not good,” Lexi replied. “I need you to move Liam. He should be done with his IV by now. Replace the bag and move him to the crew quarters. He should be well enough to move under his own power.”
“Got it, anything else?”
Vetra listened to Lexi’s conversation with Gil with only one ear. Her eyes were on their Pathfinder. Her mandibles tight against her face. She glanced the rest. Everyone were dealing with it in their own way. Emotions ran the gamut, Drack’s tight hold on the back board had an under current of outrage, Jaal’s wet eyes radiated fury and worry, Cora’s stiff back and occasional flare of blue showed her need for retribution, Suvi’s quiet prayers spoke of her fear but worse of all was Lexi’s frown. Their doctor was worried. Shit. 
Given the injuries the ground crew had sustained throughout their various missions, Lexi had patched up more than her fair share of bullet wounds, stab wounds and concussions. Vetra knew Lexi would be able to handle most injuries and wounds. Her mandibles fluttered in anxiety as she glanced at Ryder’s pale face. Vetra knew what she wanted, murder, mayhem and all round vengeance. There were contacts she can call upon and put feelers out there to get the bastards. 
Lexi sent the rest away from the med-bay keeping only Vetra to help her. As she unwrapped Ryder from the sheets they still had on her. She send Vetra off to get water and soap. As the sheets came clear, she gasped at the state of Ryder’s body. Shaking herself, Lexi took a deep breath to steady herself. Come on, Ryder is counting on you.
A man waved the opened flask in front of her. She frowned. At least she was pretty sure it was a human male. Why couldn’t see his face? The face was just a vague blur but everything else was sharp, so sharp Ryder was afraid she would cut herself on it. The man teased with his feints. Ryder flinched every single time and hated herself for it. Finally, he looked bored and threw the flask at her. The acid splash against her face and body and she could feel it melting her skin, her flesh, her bones. And all she could do was to scream till she had no mouth left to scream with. 
A scream rang out from the med-bay startling Lexi from her nap on the desk and Peebee from her sleep on the bed. The monitors beeped shrilly as a voice screamed again. Lexi got up and approached Ryder. She clamped her hands down on Ryder’s, trying to keep her from worsening her shoulder. Normally Lexi knew she was no match to Ryder’s strength. Though it took effort she was able to keep Ryder from throwing herself off the bed. 
“Ryder! Ryder!” Lexi called, trying to get through the panic in Ryder’s eyes. 
Slowly, recognition came back to Ryder and she began to relax. “It’s a nightmare,” Lexi said soothingly. “Come on, Ryder, lie back.”
She choked back a sob but allowed herself to be pressed back onto the bed. As the adrenaline of the nightmare drained from her limbs, the pain started to surface again. Ryder squeezed her eyes shut but even that motion made her broken nose flare in sharp pain. “Lexi?” she rasped.
“Ryder do you know where you are?” Lexi asked. 
Ryder frowned. That’s a stupid question, of course I know where I am. She turned her head and her shoulder protested but she didn’t need to look far. That ceiling looked remarkably familiar. The hum of the Tempest’s drive core was a lullaby for her many a night. “Tempest,” she replied. 
Lexi visibly relaxed at her answer. “Can I have some water?”
She received water in the form of ice chips, as she sucked on them, Lexi asked, “Do you know what happened to the Nomad?”
“The Nomad?” Ryder asked, frowning. “Why are you asking me this, Lexi?”
“Can you just answer the question, Ryder?” Lexi said. “Please.”
Ryder can’t help but feel this was some sort of test but of what, she wasn’t sure. “Fine,” she said, if she could throw her arms up without hurting she would have. “It’s… it’s at the cargo bay right?”
Lexi’s eyes drifted to the bed next to hers and looked at the person there. They exchanged a look that Ryder didn’t like. She craned her neck as much as she could, she caught a bit of blue skin. “Peebee, is that you?”
“Yeah, it’s me,” Peebee laughed. “Shit Ryder, don’t scare me like that.” 
“Sorry, it was a nightmare,” Ryder said, something wasn’t adding up but she couldn’t quite put her finger on it. “Why are you here, Peebee? What happened to me?”
Out of the corner of her eye, she could see Lexi’s face grew more concerned by the minute. Ryder heard Peebee shifted in her bed as she propped her body up with her elbow. “I broke my leg when we crashed the Nomad.”
It was like Peebee’s words triggered something in Ryder. The vague tickling feeling at the back of her mind was no longer content with just tickling, it came in a rush of images and sounds. Ryder frowned as her headache intensified. Forgetting her clavicle was broken, she raised her left arm to rubbed against her forehead. Ryder hissed as she felt the bone grind against each other. Lexi stepped quickly towards Ryder and pressed her arm down. She shook her head. “Your clavicle needs surgery, we can’t do it here on the Tempest. All I’ve managed is to push the bone back under the skin.”
Ryder just managed to grunt in acknowledgement. “I…I remember an explosion,” she said. “And a mission on Havarl…”
Lexi relaxed a little. “Hey, hey, don’t force yourself to remember. You got a severe concussion. Memory loss is normal in such cases. It will come back to you,” Lexi said. “You need to rest. You have an operation ahead of you and you need your strength.”
Ryder nodded, her throbbing head was shutting down all thoughts. Lexi filled a syringe and injected it into Ryder’s arm via the IV port. Within moment, Ryder was out like a light. 
Lexi glanced at Peebee their eyes met, a look passed between them. “It’s bad isn’t it?” Peebee asked. 
Lexi couldn’t bring herself to answer.
Read from the start | Read more on AO3
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