#sigma gamma one
theironwarsmith · 2 years
Tek Jonash of Sigma-Gamma One
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The 5th member of Sigma-Gamma One has been finished. They are nearly done.
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ozcarma · 9 days
If all the AI fragments could each take an animal form what animals do you think they’d take?
furries of the fandom help me
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obey-me-headquarters · 11 months
I feel like, as a group who likes A/B/O, haven't embraced the Sigma as a valid dynamic in our omegaverse fanfic.
And I feel like that's a real shame! We should reclaim this sexist term and put it into our smutty fanfic!
So I volunteer myself as a sacrifice and will journey into Sigma male spaces to learn:
1) what a Sigma even is
2) How a Sigma is supposed to behave
3) What their role is in the A/B/O hierarchy
And once I have gotten all of that, I will write Sigma!Reader X Omega!Character fanfic in the hopes that it will inspire others to do the same, and that the role will become apart of Omegaverse.
Anyway, if yall have any Sigma headcanons I would LOVE to hear them!! How do you think a Sigma behaves? Do they have ruts? Are their scents stronger than Alphas or Omegas?
If you know other people that have written Sigma headcanons or have Sigma posts, I would LOVE to see them!!
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stickylizardcave · 2 years
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So like...........I wasn't planning on doing the other fragments but then I kept thinking about it and whoopsie all Churches (+one Tex)
I also had the thought of like...the longer the fragments stayed with their agents, the more they took on their traits right? Like Gamma's jokes he picked up from Wyoming. So some of their appearances might have been influenced by the initial implantation + the longer they spent bonding with their agents the more influence there was.
Hence, Delta's 'scar' to match York, Gamma's mustache, Theta's and Omega's blonde hair. Epsilon was only with Wash a short time and then developed on his own, so still closely resembles Alpha. Eta and Iota got based more on Carolina, and therefore Allison which is why they look more like Beta. Sigma influenced Maine rather than the other way around so he looks most like Alpha/the Director.
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phoenixblaze1412 · 7 months
HCs for reader and Dottore who have a child pls? - 🐓
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Having a child of his own was a topic that Dottore rarely talks about. He already has his segments of different timelines and ages, why would he need a child when he can create a child segment of himself?
During Pregnancy
Dottore didn't expect for you to waltz into his lab, hug him from behind and suddenly announce that you're pregnant with him going to be a father soon. Even the segments stopped working on their tasks as they stared at you in shock.
You were shocked to see the doctor faint and fell to the floor, the vials he was holding shattered when he dropped it. You were panicking the whole day while the segments reassured you that Dottore will be fine.
The news of your pregnancy eventually reached the ears of the other harbingers. Most of them congratulated you while some, Pantalone mostly, just teased Dottore at how a mad scientist like him could be able to create an infant properly instead of creating it in a lab.
Regrator even gifted him with books like 'Parenting 101', 'How to care for an infant', 'How to be a good father and husband'. Dottore was definitely pissed about it.
The whole pregnancy progress actually went smoothly. With your husband as a doctor and scientist himself, he immediately has a medicine for any pain or cramps that you are feeling.
The only thing Dottore couldn't handle well was your cravings and mood swings.
Sure he experiments on a lot of things, humans and machines for example. But he doesn't experiment on meals. He and his segments could only watch in shock as you eat a Jueyun Chili popsicle. You literally just froze the damn ingredient and stuck a popsicle stick on it.
"Are you sure you're supposed to be eating something spicy while pregnant? I don't think that's good for the baby, love."
"If you don't shut the fuck up, I will stick this up your ass."
He immediately turned and walked away when he saw you bite a large chunk of the food, proving you weren't bluffing. He decided to just let you be, you would come to him later and ask for affection anyways.
Whenever Dottore is busy and can't be by your side, Pantalone is there to be your company at the time. Pantalone would literally spoil you, if you ask him anything you want, he only need to snap his fingers and you immediately get the thing you asked. Dottore didn't liked it though.
"Come now, doctor. She told me you weren't letting her have what she wants most of the time."
"That's because I'm doing it for both her and the baby's health. Besides, she is my wife, Regrator. Go fuck someone and make them pregnant then you'll come to experience what I'm going through."
During Labor
When your time for labor came, Dottore was the one to personally help you deliver the baby. He doesn't trust any other doctors or midwifes. Besides, his segments are also there to assist him.
What he didn't expect though is for you to crack Delta's fingers from gripping too hard. Strangled Gamma when he encouraged and told you how easy it is to just push the baby, when it's not. Even punched Alpha to the gut when he tried to calm you down. Omega and Theta had to hold you down by grabbing each of your arm so you wouldn't hurt anymore segment.
What surprised him even more was when you yelled out curses and threats towards him.
"Just one more push, darling."
"I'm already pushing you fucking cocksucker! If you weren't such a whining bitch, I wouldn't be in much pain! I'll fucking chop your fucking dick off and feed it to the rishboland tigers!"
Dottore could only stand in shock as he held the baby in his hands. He knows he's supposed to be happy since he's holding his child in his arms but your threat made him froze in fear and possibly traumatized.
Epsilon and Sigma gently took the crying infant in his grasp before cutting off the umbilical cord and went to clean the blood off.
In the end, both you and Dottore were tired from the whole event but you two happily held your newborn baby.
Your child was loved by not just the segments, but the entire fatui harbingers as well. Pierro and Pulcinella becoming the grandfathers while the rest of the members are either the aunts or the uncles.
Dottore actually did read the books Pantalone gave him and surprisingly, he's doing great.
Whenever you or Dottore are busy, Dottore would let a segment or two babysit your child. He doesn't trust his fellow harbingers when it comes to taking care of his kid.
One time he let Arlecchino babysit, he came back to see both her and Columbina dressing up your child like it was a doll. It was cute, from what the damselette said, but he prefer his child wearing the same color palette as his.
He is not going to let 'Uncle Childe' babysit. He could already tell that the ginger war freak would try to teach your infant how to hold a weapon at a young age.
You had to convince your husband to not be too overprotective of your child and let the others at least spend a bit of time with 'mini Dottore', Sandrone was the one who gave the nickname.
Your baby's first word was 'Lonnie'. Both you and Dottore had to chase Pantalone around the palace for him being your child's first words instead of Mama or Dada. Luckily their second word was Dada, you were a bit disappointed it wasn't you.
Your child has Dottore's soft, blue, curly hair meanwhile their eye color was the same shade as yours. The only problem was they had the same sharp teeth as your husband. You had to endure all the biting from both your child and husband.
Dottore would be the one who teach your child how to read and learn. He lets you teach them how to write, his own handwriting is barely understandable and he doesn't even have the patience for it.
You have a family picture of you three and another with all the segments placed on your bedside drawer.
There was another time where you and Dottore let the segments take care of your child while you both go out to the city and enjoy dinner together.
You both came back to see your child asleep in Omega's arms while the other segments were trying to wipe away the colorful doodles your child drew on their faces.
Since Dottore is the last one to go to bed due to him wanting to finish his work for the day, he would expect to see you and your child on the bed asleep already.
He would lay down beside you, your child in the comfort of your arms as you both dozed off to sleep. Dottore could only smile and place a kiss on both of your foreheads before wrapping his arms around your figure and pulling you and your child close to him.
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citrusinicake · 2 months
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Day 2 :: Zombie Apocalypse
full text below
do you have any idea how fucking hard it is to be a zombie in this economy? you just go out there trying to have a bite to eat so you go up to some randos and they just start SHOOTING YOU! like straight up just SHOOTING YOU! like what the hell man? i mean i know im trying to rip your brains out and shit but cant you let a guy just fucking eat???? speaking of, this guy's brain tastes weird like im pretty sure its at least fifty percent plastic, maybe even a hundred percent i don't know. was he your boyfriend or something? does this mean you're single? wanna go out sometime? you're annoying as shit but i like that in a man, keeps you on your toes y'know? keeps you humble as well like you just wake up in bed one day and go "oh god this is the guy im dating and i don't even want to break up with him or anything what the hell's wrong with me," which i think is a pretty important thing to have-- at least for me 'cause im awesome as shit and if i don't have that sort of anchor i'll probably lke turn into god or something and i dont wanna be god. not out of self-esteem issues or anything, just out of principle 'cause i think that everyone should have a fair chance at killing me which not gonna lie is pretty easy but that's besides the point, the point is that i think anyone who wants to be god is fucking stupid and should just fucking die. like, hello??? who the hell do you think you are rying to reign above other people? are you stupid? are you dumb? hello? anyways, if you wanna know more about what i think of this i post a lot on r/atheism, im user u/waffleontopp-- wait , do i have to explain reddit to you? 'cause you seem more like a tumblrina to me, honestly reddit's pretty similar to tumblr so you won't have a lot of trouble figuring it out on your own but don't be shocked ifbyou see cock and balls on there since porn isn't banned there unlike tumblr. how's that whole thing treating you by the way? must be tough not seeing some girl's boobs every once in a while-- wait are you gay or bi? must be tough not seeing some guy's boobs every once in a while, that won't be problem if you start dating me though. haha just kidding, my chest is basically concave now after a survivor beat me repeatedly with a baseball bat so ive got like negative double D's now. oh but i do know this one guygirlthing whose boobs are out basically 24/7 who likes to hang out with me and this other guy so maybe that'll make up for it. they're not zombies and im pretty sure they didnt get infected so you don't have to worry about that but they miiiight have rabies or something im not sure to be honest so maybe watch out for that instead. if youre wondering why two non-infected humans are hanging out with a zombie then we're in the same boat, might have something to do with the possible rabies i mentioned earlier. also if they tell you that im their pet zombie that is simply not true, if anything it's the other way around, they're my pet guard dogs and they do basically anything i say even if it kills them. or at least i wish it would kill them, they're way too hardy in my opinion, i need them to die so i can eat their brains-- oh but then i'll have to do manual labor. hmm, on second thought, they can stay actually i don't wanna deal with all that. normally i dont even do my own kills nowadays, i just leave a trap or get the other two to do it for me, you guys just caught me offguard which is lowkey embarassing but trust me i am a huge, like Huge alpha sigma gamma male and would totally dominate everyone else around me. but not in a god way of course, just in a lone sigma alpha gamma wolf kinda way like those anime wolf furry drawings. you know the ones. and like im not a furry but not gonna lie they totally popped off with those
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transhuman-priestess · 9 months
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Sigma-38 is an assimilator unit out on her first raid. Her target: a young man deemed perfect for assimilation as an incubator.
The New Flesh is a gory, violent smut story for consumption only by adults over the age of 18 who are cool with dubcon, noncon, drugging, gore, light cannibalism, surgery, forcefem (kinda/sorta), brainwashing, weird gender shit, and probably a bunch of other stuff i forgot to mention
April 2
0313 Earth UTC
200 Million Kilometers beyond Jupiter
Sigma-38 fixed her vacuum helmet to her chassis. They were 2 minutes out from their target, a John Henry-class mining vessel, the Blair Mountain. The ship carried 2,000 metric tons of platinum-group metals, 20,000 tons of common ores, and 5,000 tons of water ice. None of that would be taken. When the Blair Mountain would be found, several months hence, her cargo would be entirely accounted for. What happened to her crew would be a mystery, the sort of thing that old astronauts talk about in hushed whispers at Jovian saloons.
The raiding party consisted of two K-class interdictor vessels, each containing 10 Gamma-type assault drones, 4 Mu-type engineers, and 1 Sigma-type assimilator. This was 38’s first raiding party, the drone was eager for the opportunity. Raids were one of the few times when command and control of the hive was allowed to devolve to individuals. Like water rushing in to a cave as the tide rises, the party would disperse into the target ship before washing its contents back out to the ocean of stars.
Nobody had to speak the 30-second warning. Logistic commanders were unnecessary for the hive. Antithetical to it, really. They would have a 15-minute window to subdue and extract the crew and whatever provisions they could before the Blair Mountain came out of a dead zone in the deep space network.
10 seconds. 38’s vessel, K-19, was aligning itself with the main crew hatch. The other interdictor, K-13, was covering the emergency hatch. 5 seconds. There was a soft thump through the floor of the cabin as K-19 achieved hard dock with the target. The airlock decompressed and the force field deactivated, allowing Mu units 76 and 45 to go to work wiring into the Blair Mountain’s airlock controls.
The door opened, and the 15 drones of K-19 flooded into the airlock. The Mu units immediately set about bypassing the second door. 10 seconds later, the party was in. Sigma-38 pushed her way through. Screams erupted from the cramped quarters inside. Intelligence pegged the number of crew at 20. The hive had calculated a loss rate of 25% would still result in an acceptable gain, but a dead body was only good for its biomass, nothing more. Nonlethal weapons unless absolutely necessary.
38 followed the sound of screaming down the hall to her right, 4 Gammas behind her. 10 meters in, they came upon a small dormitory. She turned the handle on the door, feeling resistance as the 5 crew members behind the door pushed all their weight on it to try and keep it closed. 2 of the Gammas joined 38 and together they rammed the door down. Sigma-38 grabbed her first quarry of the raid. A young engineer’s mate, no older than 20. Tears filled his eyes as he begged, “Don’t kill me! Please! Don’t kill me, please!’
38 did not respond, only applied a shock from the stun rod embedded in her forearm. The engineer’s mate collapsed as 3 of his shipmates tried to knock her down. The assault drones pulled them off, applying their own stun rods to their prey. It was over in 20 seconds. One of the Gammas put magcuffs on the humans. 38 left the room and continued down the hall as a Mu used a gravcart to haul the humans back to the interdictor.
3 minutes had passed since the airlock was first breached. Mu-76 had patched the hive into the ship’s computer. 38 absorbed the data as she walked down the hall, zeroing in on the captain’s quarters.
The ship’s manifest listed the captain as Theresa “Terry” Holder, 37, a 10 year captain in the civil navy. A picture of the captain appeared in the corner of 38’s vision as she walked through the hall. Though she long ago gave up on being human, 38 still appreciated the form of them. The picture of Holder showed a strong-jawed woman with long brown hair and a swaggering smile, dressed in a grease-stained tank top. 38 felt her cock grow warm underneath the armor plating.
38 found the captain’s quarters, opening the door without hesitation, and was immediately met by the noise of a gunshot and a blast of kinetic energy as a .45 caliber round struck her left chest plate. She noted it, but felt no damage beyond the superficial. Four more quickly followed. Holder’s grouping was good. It would not save her.
Sigma-38 made eye contact with Captain Terry Holder as she approached. Something about her sent a thrill down 38��s spine. Holder’s gun jammed at the same time as a curious expression overtook her stubbled face. Not just fear. Confusion, maybe even a hint of recognition.
“What!?” She shrieked, as she frantically worked the pistol’s slide, trying to clear the jam, “You’re dead. You’re dead! You have to be dead! I shot you! I shot you and you’re dead!”
Sigma-38 grabbed the captain by the neck, lifting her half a meter into the air, and spoke, “Do not resist. You will become beautiful.” with a twitch of her wrist, a needle shot a sedative into the captain’s neck. This was the part 38 had been waiting for. The part where the prey knew it was beaten. that help would not come, that there was no more point in fighting. She locked eyes with the captain as the latter slipped out of consciousness. Though Holder could not see it, 38 was smiling
All told, the raid, from infil to exfil, had taken 12 minutes. Only 2 of the crew of the Blair Mountain were lost. Their bodies were taken, their biomass useful for the synthesis of hormones, amino acids, and neurotransmitters. The other 18 would join the hive. They would be kept sedated until their assimilation began. It was a 4 day flight back to the hive’s nexus, and in that time 38 had planned to assimilate around half of the take.
The first, she decided, would be that engineer’s mate. One of the Gammas brought him to the assimilation chamber. 38 looked him over. Young, thin, around 19 or 20. No tattoos, sandy hair. She affixed a respirator mask to his face and, after checking that he was properly restrained, pressed a button on the stretcher to pull him out of sedation.
He stirred slowly, eyes bleary with drugs. So vulnerable, so innocent. 38 couldn’t wait to assimilate him.
“Where am I?” he said, “I...my name...my name is...Phillip Ellis...203243…”
“Your name,” Sigma said, “is of no concern to us.”
“Phillip Ellis, 2-oh-3, uhhhhh, 2-4-3”
“You have been selected to become an incubator for the hive.”
“What?” confusion crossed his face. Soon would come the fear.
“Your body will be modified and augmented to perform the function of incubator in the hive’s breeding chambers.”
“I...what?” The fear was starting to creep in. 38 had a choice now. She could administer the gas, which would clear away all that fear and doubt, or she could push him just a little further into terror. The choice was not difficult.
She waited for a few seconds and then said, “Do not be afraid,” It was too easy, really, “we will alter your body surgically and mechanically. Superfluous limbs and organs will be removed. You will be conscious during this process. You are afraid now, but you will enjoy it, soon.”
Phillip Ellis’s response was simply to begin screaming. A high pitched, entirely undignified wail of dread. With a smile, Sigma-38 turned on the gas.
Ellis could only scream for so long before his lungs ran out of air. When they did, he had no choice but to inhale. His body was operating on adrenaline, he couldn’t have held his breath if he’d wanted to. He took a deep breath, already preparing to scream again, but the gas worked quickly. Before he finished inhaling it had already worked its way into his brain. A powerful aphrodisiac, it would arouse him, making the next step much easier and faster.
38 felt her cock begin to swell, and said, “I am going to release the restraints on your ankles. I want you to lift your legs up in the air and present your ass to me.”
Ellis resisted, somewhat half-heartedly, “No, I...I don’t want to,” he said.
38 frowned. She dialed up the gas and again, said, “I am going to release the restraints on your ankles. Lift your legs up in the air and present your ass to me.”
“I…” Ellis trailed off. His pupils were dilated, his mouth hanging open, a wide, crazed grin on his face.
“If you will not comply,” said 38, “I will compel you.”
Her cock was aching now. She didn’t feel like waiting for him to lift up his legs. He was so blissed out anyway that he probably couldn’t do it on his own. She grabbed his ankles and lifted them over his head. She held them there with one arm, and with the other, she took her cock and pressed it up against his asshole. He provided no resistance, “oh,” he said, “That feels good,” he was smiling. 38 smiled, too.
Slowly, she began to slide in and out of him. His thin, pale body squirmed and bucked in time with hers. He was hairless except for his head and groin, his cock engorged. She felt his ass grip her cock, and began to fuck him faster. As his moans grew louder and louder, 38 felt herself approaching orgasm. To her, this was foreplay. What came next was the main event.
The first convulsion twitched behind her cock, another, seconds later. The pressure began to build. It would be soon now. She could feel the replicators in her prostate working overtime on their payload. Another pang, the pressure now sustained. Ellis’s moaning was joined by 38’s and she felt her eyes close and her cock grow hard before it finally let go. She felt the pump of her prostate and her balls as they shot 10ccs of assimilation nanites into Ellis’s ass.
Ellis moaned, then groaned, and finally started screaming. This part was always painful, but it would only last for a minute or so. The nanites in 38’s semen were already dispersing themselves through his bloodstream, turning his veins a dark grey, his skin pale as they worked their way through his capilaries. In 10 seconds they had found their way to his brain. There, they began working to redirect the pain signals from his body into the pleasure center, and soon his screams of agony had become cries of ecstasy as he felt his tissue being remodeled on a cellular level.
38 pulled her cock out of his ass, a few grey pearls of cum dripping onto the floor of the chamber. Idly, she touched her finger to the end of her cock and brought it to her mouth, licking her own nanites, a metallic rush on her tongue.
“Nooo,” came Ellis’s pathetic voice, “please don’t stop. I need more.”
“You will get more.”
Ellis smiled. Sigma-38 reached for her first tool, a long, curved knife.
The first thing to do would be to cut through the skin and muscle on all four limbs. The last ¼ by the torso would be allowed to remain. She pressed the knife to Ellis’s left bicep, and whispered in his ear, “are you ready, dear?”
“Yes, yes please!”
She plunged the knife into his arm, feeling it slip through the skin and muscle and thunk down onto the bone below. Ellis screamed from the pleasure of it. Sigma allowed herself to remember this feeling from before the hive. It was bliss. She felt her cooling pump speed up just thinking about it. But she had to focus on the task at hand.
The wound did not bleed much, the nanites already replicating, aiding in clotting and building contact points and hookups for later. Ellis would make an excellent Iota-type incubator.
Soon, 38 had carved away a 3-centimeter wide section of flesh around each cut point on Ellis’s femurs and humeri. She put the knife back in its slot on the wall and reached for a circular bonesaw. She held it to his left humerus, but did not turn it on yet. Instead, she reached down and gently stroked the exposed bone, feeling Ellis shudder under her touch, hearing him moan in pleasure. She looked at his cock and saw a drip of precum fall from it on to his taught, hairless stomach. Almost a pity he wouldn’t have it anymore within the hour. Almost.
She turned on the bonesaw and began removing the limb. Bone chips and marrow spattered on her face, she idly licked them away from her lips. The salty, copper taste drove her mad. She lived for this. It was her purpose.
The next step was to install the hookup sockets to his residual limbs. She touched the side of her head to take a lidar scan of each, before sending them to the replicator in the corner of the room. By the time she’d made her way over, four fresh limb sockets were waiting. She brought them back to her quarry and began fixing them to each limb in turn.
These would be hooked into the breeding chamber back at the nexus. They would carry everything this incubator would need to survive. Nutrition, water, power, networking.
“There,” she said to him, “Isn’t that so much better? Don’t you feel so much lighter? Freer?”
“I do, 38.” He used her designation. A good sign, this meant that the neural connection with the hive was already being established. Usually that took longer. Ellis would likely not reject the hive. That was always a concern. Incubators rarely experienced rejection, but fixing it was always a messy proposition that left the hive with a less-than-fully-functional drone.
“Do you know what’s next, Iota unit?” she asked him as she hooked his limb sockets into a temporary life-support machine
“I do not have access to that information at this time.”
38 smiled and said, “Next we install your chestplate unit, dear.”
She walked to there replicator and pulled out the unit. It resembled a mechanical simulacrum of human breasts in shape, although its function was quite different. This would be the Iota unit’s biomech support device. Hormone synthesizers, nutrition processors, oxygenation units, heat exchangers, blood filters, and an assortment of other devices were included.
Gently, lovingly, she lowered the device onto the Iota unit’s chest. Microhooks dug into his flesh, and he let out a moan of pleasure. Grey lines appeared under his skin as tubing and wiring melded itself with flesh and bone underneath.
She cupped his left breast with her hand, squeezing gently. The silicone skin gave little under her touch, but the Iota gasped and opened his eyes, fixing his gaze on her, before lying back and relaxing again.
It was time for the best part. “Dear,” 38 said, “after this next step you will become Iota-723. Do you know what the next step is?”
“The next step is…” the incubator was thinking, “You give me my womb and pussy, correct?”
“Very good! That’s right!” 38 was beaming ear to ear. 723 was doing very nicely already, and 38 was eager to feel as he felt during this part.
She took a scalpel in her hand, “Just so you know,” she said, “You won’t be able to talk out loud after this until the incubator hardware is installed,”
“That’s okay,” she heard, not out loud, but through the wire. This one was learning quickly.
“Alright” she thought back, “here it comes”
She pressed the scalpel into the soft flesh of his underbelly, just below his sternum. A bit of blood wept from the incision. She carved down and around the lower perimeter of his ribcage, down and around his abdomen to his pelvis, then across his belly, back up to the other side of his ribcage, and back up to the sternum again.
“38,” she heard, again through the wire, “I think I might cum.”
“You have to wait, not yet. Trust me.” she thought back.
Tenderly, she reached her fingers under the skin, and peeled it back, exposing the organs underneath. No longer were they the bright pinks and reds of a normal human’s. Grey filaments spiderwebbed across them, the nanites inside already processing them for use later.
38 went about removing 723’s intestines, stomach, liver, lungs, pancreas, kidneys, bladder, and spleen. Soon, all that was left in the hollow chest cavity was 723’s heart. It was beating fast. Though its owner was quite unperturbed by the situation, the heart itself seemed terrified. 38 once again allowed herself to remember her own assimilation.
Lying on the table, a strong feminine hand reaching inside her, up under her ribcage. Pleasure aching through every remaining fiber of her flesh. Her heart pounding as if trying to knock down the wall of some impregnable fortress. She let this memory swim to 723, letting it communicate through feeling rather than words what was to happen next.
38 reached into 723’s ribcage, and gently clasped his heart in her hand. She reached the other hand in, the one holding the scalpel, and quickly cut through the vessels and ligaments holding the heart in place. It kept beating as she slowly pulled it out and presented it to him.
But 723 didn’t see. He was screaming, or rather, trying to, the pleasure overtaking him. His eyes rolled back into his head and the muscles that remained in his body flexed rhythmically as he experience the most powerful orgasm of his life.
When 38 had been assimilated, her orgasm had lasted for 12 minutes and 22 seconds. She sat there, stroking 723’s short, sandy hair, for more than 15 minutes, until the last waves of ecstasy left him.
When he finally relaxed, 38 stood up and retrieved the incubator hardware from the replicator. The main part of it consisted of an expandable tank, for growing embryonic drones. Other equipment included amniotic filters, immune augmentation, and a vocal synthesizer that would hook up to the throat to allow the unit to speak normally.
She lowered the hardware into the cavity, easing the accessories under 723’s ribcage and attaching the mount to his lower spine. When she was finished, she gently caressed the small window of the tank. “You’re going to make us such beautiful drones, dear.”
“That is all I want,” said 723, out loud now, “to serve the hive.”
“Well,” 38 replied, “you’ll need a pussy to be a proper breeding device, won’t you?”
“Yes!” he cried, excitedly, “give me my pussy!”
38 went to work. She opened up his scrotum first, removing the testicles and gently placing them aside. The next step was to remove the erectile tissue from the penis. She took great care while doing this not to cut the nerve that ran to the head. Damaging that would mean there wasn’t anything left to make 723’s clitoris, which would be a shame not just for him, but for the entire hive. An incubator that could not feel pleasure was no incubator at all.
She pressed the now-inverted penile skin up into 723’s abdomen, and felt the incubator hardware grasp and attach to it. She opened a small tube in one of her fingers and injected pleasure nanites into the cavity. They would lubricate and protect the birth canal, as well as make it more sensitive for both 723 and 723’s end user.
38 took some nano-suture and sewed small details into the skin outside, she placed the clitoris under a nice little hood, sewed small wrinkles into 723’s new lips, and, rather tastefully she thought, bunched up the pussy lips so they were nice and plump.
“723, would you like to see your new pussy?”
“Yes! Yes I would!”
Rather than hold up a mirror, 38 simply showed 723 how his pussy looked through her eyes.
“Oh god, it’s so cute!” he said, “I can’t wait to use it.”
38 smiled, “All in time. For now, you need rest.”
“Understood,” 723 said. He closed his eyes and slept while the nanites in his body finished up the finer details of installation.
Sigma-38 picked Iota-723 up, and carried him to the adjacent conditioning chamber. Gently, she hooked him into a wall mount, before turning and making her way to preprocessing.
723’s assimilation had taken only an hour. Incubators usually took less time than full drones, though. 38 stepped into preprocessing, and looked over the remaining 16 humans, (Sigma-47 was working on assimilating another) held by mag restraints on vertical beds. Her gaze fell on the captain.
Terry Holder’s sedation was just now wearing off, as 38 had planned. Groggily, the captain opened her eyes and fixed her gaze on 38. She struggled, ineffectually. The drugs were still in her system, still keeping her slow and weak. There was that look of confusion again, from her quarters, and recognition. Her eyes grew wide as it dawned on her, and she said, “Jenna? You’re alive?”
“Hello Terry,” said Sigma-38, “The Jenna you knew is long, long gone.”
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jungle-angel · 4 months
The One With The Wrestling Contest (Frat!Rhett x Reader)
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Summary: It's the height of mating season in the Delta Tau Epsilon house and the boys are holding a little contest in the basement to win the hands of their s.os
Warnings: Frat parties, wrestling contests in the basement references to smut 18+ only
Tagging: @floydsmuse @attapullman @sebsxphia
The basement was louder than a friggin concert stadium on a summer's eve, the bluetooth speakers blasting the music on high volume. The ding of a bell and the raucous shouts of a bunch of drunken frat boys and sorority sisters filled the basement which was already packed full of people from across the campus spectrum.
You were watching from the homemade bleachers on the other side of the room, you and several of your girlfriends from the Phi Gamma sorority and a few others, were all sitting close together each in a different colored toga that you had all made from shitty repurposed bedsheets, cheering on the boys who were down in "the pits".
"C'mon Kyle!"
"Beat the shit out of him Kyle!"
"Go for his balls Kyle!!"
Kyle Shanahan slipped in and football tackled the Alpha Beta rival by the waist, dragging him down into the inflatable pool full of strawberry scented k-y jelly.
The bell dinged again and everyone stood up, cheering and barking as Kyle victoriously threw his hands up, howling with all his long-haired, bearded glory. His girlfriend, Karen McCann, practically jumped from the bleachers and into his arms, riling up the crowd in the basement.
"Oh God I don't think I can do this," Kayce groaned.
"Ya'll know what happens to us if we don't right?" Rhett asked him.
Kayce's nostrils flared at the thought. Every Delta Tau in the past had to fight for their mating rights every year around this time, those slimy little Alpha Betas daring to encroach into their territory. Kayce looked up at the bleachers and saw Monica cheering everyone on. Under no circumstances would he allow Stan Winthorp to put his grubby, pervy hands all over Monica Long. Kayce could feel his eyes burning when he saw Stan making his way into the pits, ready for action and eyeing Monica who rolled her eyes.
"Over my dead fuckin body!" Kayce blurted out.
"Down homeboy!" Rhett ordered. "Look at me, look at me......are ya'll gonna allow Stan to get with your girl?"
"Are ya'll gonna allow him to get with her?"
"FUCK NO!" Kayce shouted furiously.
"Then ya'll get in there and show him who the top dog is!" Rhett told him. "Ya'll are a LEAN, MEAN FIGHTING MACHINE!!"
Kayce let out the most frightening war yell anyone had ever heard when the bell dinged again, signaling for him to get in the pits.
"Oh my God I don't think I can watch this," Monica laughed.
"Brace yourself Monnie, it's about to get crazier," you chuckled.
"In that case I'd better do a shot," said Cairo, Foster's boyfriend.
You handed Cairo the little nip of McGuillicuddy's mint flavored liqueur which he swigged back as though it were water. It was eight seconds.......eight painful seconds before Kayce leapt up off his feet, grabbed Stan and landed him in a triangle choke right on the ground. You, Monica and the others cheered from the bleachers as Kayce riled everyone up, the crowd chanting his name as Stan sulked off to clean himself up and lick his wounds.
"Holy shit!" Kayce gasped, wiping his face with a fresh towel. "That was fuckin great!"
"Alright Foster ya'll are up! Go get'em!" Rhett told him.
Oh man did Foster look pissed. It wasn't even a split second before he had the Alpha Beta prick on the ground, the very same one who had been pestering Cairo the week before at one of the bars. It had taken both Kayce and the vice president of the Sigma Sigma Kappa house to get Foster off him and drag the prick away.
Rhett eyed Smitty from across the room with a fury, his eyes burning like a pair of cobalt flames, nearly black with the intense desire to fight. The other frat leaders kept encouraging him, tapping him on the shoulder and hurling obscenities and insults at the Alpha Betas.
The bell dinged and it was time for him to go in. The bluetooth speaker started to play Eminem's "Till I Collapse", full blast as the two frat leaders entered the pits, staring each other down as they assumed the position.
Rhett nearly blacked out as the bell signaled for them to fight. It was a slippery mess as they tried to keep their feet balanced, holding onto each other as he fought to wrestle Smitty to the ground.
"Think you're too good huh Abbott?" Smitty sneered. "Just you wait until (y/n)'s in my bed and I can......."
A loud war yell fell from Rhett's mouth as he flipped Smitty right over onto his back, the slick of the k-y jelly splattering everywhere upon impact. Rhett rose, beating his chest with one hand in the ecstasy of his sudden victory.
You ran from the bleachers and threw yourself right into his arms, kissing him heatedly, neverminding that he was coated in strawberry scented lube. Smitty angrily slunked away into the corner with the rest of the Alpha Betas while you and Rhett basked in the afterglow of his triumph.
"Wanna meet me upstairs later?" Rhett asked wiggling his eyebrows a little. "Meet Caesar at the midnight orgy?"
"As long as your truck doesn't turn back into a pumpkin I'm down," you chuckled before kissing him again, much to the delight of the basement crowd.
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fishfingersalad · 9 months
i think the idea of the ais appearance slowly starting to mimic their freelancers appearances in little ways is so <3333 deltas hair is slicked up at the front like yorks, thetas hair gets slight curls from north and he gets dimples from south, gamma smiles crooked like wyoming, iotas hair is tied up like carolinas, omega gets scars where tex has been 'injured', eta mimics wash as well as carolina but his eyes light up the same way hers do when she smiles, epsilons hair is messy the way washs is rather than the way churchs is. sigma doesnt get any maine traits because he rejects their bond in favour of control. theyre so fundamentally changed by those they care about that becoming one again like sigma intends could never fully work
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redacted-coiner · 2 months
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Alpha, Beta, Omega
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Gamma, Delta, Epsilon
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Zeta, Eta, Theta
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Iota, Kappa, Lambda
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Mu, Nu, Xi
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Sigma, Pi, Omicron
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Phi, Tau (Pandynamic)
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Atypical scents, Xenosecondary (𝚾/Chi), Typical scents
Flags Found Here(link) & Scent Ones(link)
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These Flags were made by @omegai I'd highly suggest checking them out! DNI is listed within my pinned post. Please go read it before interacting with any part of my content. Ask to tag!
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theironwarsmith · 2 years
Sigma-Gamma One
Sigma-Gamma One, or sometimes referred to SG-1, is a small team of specialists that operate covert missions for House Van Saar, with the usual aim of obtaining archeotech or even forbidden xenotech from the depths of the hives of Necromunda.
Normally attacking with an element of surprise, they swiftly overcome their enemies with a lot of firepower before they make their escape with the loot. They are more of a kill-team than a gang.
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Prime, Jacques Oneel. A former imperial navy veteran that got stranded on Necromunda in unclear circumstances, he made a name for himself as a bounty hunter before joining House Van Saar and working his way up their ranks. He had a wife, but they are now divorced following the death of their only child. Dreams of returning to the skies as a pilot.
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Augmek, Saam Cartez. A woman of striking intelligence and unorthodox thought. She is able to see the larger picture, even in the midst of a firefight, and come up with effective solutions to issues that may arise [e.g. the Priorfire Reactor incident]. Her father died after being host to an alien parasite for a few years. Her and Prime Jacques have a close relationship, but they try to keep it 'professional'.
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Tek, Dan'l Jacksen. Whilst just a Tek within SG-1, he is undoubtedly the expert on archeotech within the gang. Able to discern what era a piece of tech is from, he is also able to read the various languages that may be inscribed in or around the object, reading the heirocode of the Iron Kings to the warning-sigils and binary of the Adeptus Mechanicus. Also seems to have a woman in every bar, dive and club. Rumoured to have died twice.
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Tek, Cyan'c Chulax. A man of few words but great actions. He once spent a night-cycle fighting two gangs at outpost by himself, killing all others as his fellow gangers lay dying all around. When he was much younger he almost fell into joining a gang that was later revealed to be a Chaos Cult, but he declared that they worshipped 'False Gods', the tzeentch cult still hunts him to this day.
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Tek, Jonash Kinn. A fast learner, studies under Jacksen to learn about various pieces of archeotech and how to discern what they are capable of. He is quite concerned with any infighting House Van Saar experiences, since he is aware of larger threats on Necromunda that threaten the very existence of the House.
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Tek, Kamer Mitch. An upcoming veteran, former Necromunda PDF soldier that deserted after being asked to open fire on an Ash Wastes settlement, killing many innocent people. He tagged along with many gangs, becoming known as a mercenary, until encountering Sigma-Gamma One holding the line against a Genestealer Cult incursion into House Van Saar's holdings. He joined the gang and made a name for himself as a brutal and effective member of the gang.
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Subtek, Val'La Black. There is a lot to be said about Val'La. She was once a renowned thief a con-artist and it is rumoured she once led a cult that worshipped her. She can unlock nearly anything through a mix of lockpicking, hacking and brute force, there is a rumour that she has either lied, snuck or broke into every vault of the Noble Houses including House Helmawr. What she is doing with Sigma-Gamma One is a bit of a mystery but she does seem to stick close to Tek Jacksen.
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kyliemoon3 · 8 months
Why I love the Epsilon System (RvB)
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I think the epsilon system from the series Red vs Blue is one of the greatest representations of Dissociative Identify Disorder in fiction (Spoliers for the show below). While obviously brought into science fiction, this is a fairly accurate representation of DID despite the fact that I'm not sure the creators did much research into the topic. So church or, the alpha, an ai based off the Director's mind, was tortured until he fractured. These fragments were then harvested by the director so he could have more than one AI unit.
So let's get the inaccuracies out of the way. The show seems to believe there is "the original" and that it is the alpha. The alpha is also as far as I know, an already fully developed mind. With actual DID, it only occurs in childhood as a result of trauma not letting the brain fully form into one cohesive self. So the parts of the brain essentially become more distinct. Honestly however I can see it being argued that the alpha is simply supposed to be the host, and that ai minds are different than human minds. Also Washington calls the disorder an outdated term that stopped being used a decade before the episode came out.
Okay that's it. Almost everything else is surprisingly accurate and now I get to gush about it! First of all, the fact that the entire thing happened because of the trauma the alpha endured is so amazingly accurate and ties both into the representation and the plot in an incredibly satisfying way. The ai fragments themselves are also quite accurate to the roles of DID alters, there is:
- A host, or an alter that is mainly out and in charge (Alpha)
- a factive, or an alter based on a real person (Beta)
- a persecutor, or an alter who attempts to harm the system in a misguided attempt at protection (I'd argue sigma, gamma, and omega)
- A little, or an alter that looks and acts like a child (Theta)
- A trauma holder, or an alter that holds some traumatic memories so the rest don't need to (epsilon)
- A protector, or an alter who keeps the system safe from harm (I'd argue delta)
On top of this beta and theta also represent alters of a different gender and age than the host respectively. And even something like alters dating can be seen through alpha and beta.
When talking with a friend about this he pointed out that eta represents fear and iota represents happiness. With that in mind and the fact we rarely see them, I believe they could act as internal caretakers by helping support the system. With eta supporting because they fear something bad might happen, and iota supporting because they want to spread happiness.
I also believe that both gamma and omega could, with more time, become reformed persecutors with them using their strengths to help the system rather than hinder it in their own way of helping. We already see this with epsilon relying on gamma occasionally when performing tasks. Omega has mostly been cartoonishly evil throughout the series and I think epsilon learning to accept and control omegas rage instead of holding it all back until he snaps would benefit the system.
Most of what we see of what the alpha system could've been if no fragments were taken is shown after all fragments but epsilon was destroyed in an emp blast. Epsilon uses his and the other fragments memories to create memory versions of them, acting just like them and letting them live on.
I love this because in most systems, there is a reason alters exist and they have a purpose that helps the system function in daily life. Epsilon while amazing, is much stronger when he has everyone else with him. He understood that this is what the alpha system should've been, and if he wants to do everything he can, having the other fragments with him is the best way to do it.
I have more to say, but I think I pretty much covered it. Epsilon-church and the other fragments are very well written and I can only hope we get a satisfying conclusion to their story in the next season. I'll also probably make a "why theta is the best ever of all time" post at some point too!
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melabea · 2 months
More Dynamic Symbols
(pt: More Dynamic Symbols /end pt)
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[ids: 12 images; all grey colored lowercase greek letters. in order: chi, delta, epsilon, eta, gamma, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, omnicron, phi, pi, psi, rho, sigma, tau, theta, upsilon, xi, and zeta. /end ids]
Personal Dynamic Symbols.
all symbols are these lowercase greek letters (chi, delta, epsilon, eta, gamma, iota, kappa, lambda, mu, nu, omnicron, phi, pi, psi, rho, sigma, tau, theta, upsilon, xi, & zeta) colored grey & in the font "RocknRoll One".
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melinoelabs · 1 month
The good news:
We've discovered a new kind of ionizing radiation, joining Alpha, Beta and Gamma particles, we can now confirm that the long-theorized Sigma particle does exist.
The bad news:
If you know anyone on "the grindset" you've got a lot less time to get into their will than you thought.
Just be sure to engage in schmoozing for no more than one hour per day, and preferably through an inch of steel, 16 inches of stone masonry, 3 ft of dirt, or 5 1/2 ft. of wood.
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phoenixblaze1412 · 2 months
I think I need more Dadttore. What will he do on his childs birthday?
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He forgets :3
You do too but everyday is already a special day for you as long as you get to spend time with your father and the segments.
But good thing the segments are there and they always check the calendar!
They start preparations at two in the morning. Some already tasked themselves with the things needed for your surprise.
Sigma and Upsilon, being the only female segments your father created with the help of Sandrone, helped out with getting your outfit ready for the day.
Epsilon and Zeta stayed in the kitchen to bake you your favorite cake while also baking small treats for you to munch on, cookies, cupcakes, macaroons.
Prime (also a segment) and Omega distract your father by helping him work inside his office instead so he wouldn't know what the others are doing in the laboratory.
Theta and Beta would put away the beakers and test tubes, making sure there won't be any chemicals that can harm you. They don't want you to get any injury or get spilled by acid, they adore you too much. If they find out you got poisoned by inhaling something toxic then they're gonna strangle themselves and join you in your death bed.
Kappa and Eta cleans the laboratory floors, making sure there's no spills here and there and sterilizing the whole place.
Delta and Gamma hangs up the streamers and balloons. Delta had to stop Gamma from popping the balloons and it took them a while longer which is why Theta and Beta had to help them finish.
Iota was tasked to waking you up and being your personal assistant for the day. The segments all played rock-paper-scissors just to fight to get to be your assistant of the day and Iota won, which the others were upset about it.
Iota woke you up ten minutes later after he got in your room, he was too busy taking pictures of you with the kamera he was given and was gushing at how adorable you are. He got you ready for the day, even brushing your hair and styling it.
Meanwhile Dottore was already waiting for you in his office, holding a little gift he created for you. Omega and Prime just surprised that he even remembers what day it is today before getting scolded by their creator that 'he's not that old to forget.' Despite all that, Dottore still appreciates all the segments efforts just for his child.
Theta and Beta were the first ones to greet you the moment you stepped into the lab, they were the first ones to meet you back then before the others did.
To say you were happy was an understatement, you were euphoric at the whole surprise the segments had done out for you. They say to save the best for last and that's what you did, walking up to your father as he stood in the back of the crowd of segments with a soft smile on his face. He wasn't wearing his mask today so you can see his tired eyes as clear as day.
You grinned and ran up to your father, letting out a laugh as he held you and handed you the gift he made. No gift is more special and expensive than handmade ones is what you told him back then and he does exactly as so.
Family picture? Yes. Iota set the kamera up as all the segments crowded around you and your father, both of you being in the middle as all of you smiled once the kamera goes off.
"Happy birthday, my child."
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frogchiro · 8 months
Hey which omegaverse do you use do you use the standard a/b/o or the expanded version that's aa/s/a/g/da/b/do/o (apex alpha, sigma, alpha, gamma, delta-a, beta, delta-b, omega) since it depends on the person on what they use and if you don't know what I'm on about me or any other person could answer it. I just wanted to know which you use or prefer as I enjoy the second one as the dynamics tend to be more explored even if the second genders can overlap. -♅ (Also I hope you don't mind the emoji I just thought it would be nice to use)
Hi!! I don't write a/b/o as often anymore, but my usual go-to is the standard a/b/o with the addition of apex alphas. I will be honest, I'm very old fashioned and don't really get the additional second genders like delta, gamma etc so yeah I just use those😭😭
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