#sign ingress
saturniandevil · 1 year
Happy Pisces Season! The Sun has entered Pisces just now (2:34PMPST). Enjoy this last bit of winter and some astrological peace before big changes occur in March.
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sensualnoiree · 2 months
astro notes: sun saturn mercury conjunction 💫
With Saturn and the Sun approaching conjunction on February 25 this triple conjunction includes a debilitated Mercury, making the reset moment powerful. The actual rebirth occurs around February 28. Saturn's symbolism includes death and rebirth, different from Pluto's or Uranus's. Saturn is a gateway, representing a threshold between the known and unknown, the seen and unseen, the traditional and the transcendent. It signifies a moment of letting go and crossing over, especially significant in a double-body water sign like Pisces, bringing a sense of insignificance. Embracing insignificance can be valuable, as it levels things out and prevents self-righteousness. Holding the tension of opposites, which Saturn rules, is crucial for understanding the deeper meanings of life and enlightenment.
Aries Rising For Aries rising, the conjunction of the Sun and Saturn falls in your 12th house, indicating a time of unconscious processing and spiritual renewal. You may find yourself confronting hidden fears or subconscious patterns that are ready to be released. This is a time to let go of old ways of thinking or being that no longer serve your highest good. Pay attention to your dreams and intuition, as they may offer valuable insights into what needs to be released. Use this energy to connect with your inner self and engage in practices that nourish your spiritual growth and emotional well-being.
Taurus Rising With the conjunction in your 11th house, Taurus rising, you are likely to experience changes within your social circle and group affiliations. Old friendships or associations that no longer align with your values may fall away, making space for new connections that support your personal growth. This is a time to reassess your long-term goals and aspirations, focusing on building a supportive network of like-minded individuals who can help you achieve your dreams. Embrace this period of transition as an opportunity to align your social life with your authentic self.
Gemini Rising For Gemini rising, the conjunction occurs in your 10th house of career and public image, indicating a period of significant change and restructuring in your professional life. You may feel a strong desire to reassess your career path and long-term goals, seeking greater fulfillment and purpose in your work. This is a time to take on new responsibilities and challenges that can help you grow professionally. Embrace the opportunity to redefine your public image and reputation, aligning them more closely with your true self.
Cancer Rising With the conjunction in your 9th house, Cancer rising, you are likely to experience a shift in your beliefs and worldview. Old belief systems or philosophies that no longer resonate with you may fall away, making room for new perspectives and ways of thinking. This is a time to explore new ideas and expand your horizons through travel, education, or spiritual pursuits. Embrace this period of growth and discovery as an opportunity to deepen your understanding of the world and your place within it.
Leo Rising For Leo rising, the conjunction occurs in your 8th house of transformation and shared resources, indicating a period of intense personal growth and change. You may find yourself confronting deep-seated fears or emotional patterns that are ready to be released. This is a time to let go of old ways of relating to others and embrace a more authentic and vulnerable approach. Use this energy to deepen your connections with others and cultivate a greater sense of intimacy and trust in your relationships.
Virgo Rising With the conjunction in your 7th house, Virgo rising, you are likely to experience changes in your partnerships and relationships. Old relationship dynamics that are no longer serving your growth may come to the surface, prompting you to reassess your approach to relating to others. This is a time to cultivate more authentic and balanced relationships, based on mutual respect and understanding. Embrace this period of transformation as an opportunity to deepen your connections with others and create more meaningful partnerships.
Libra Rising For Libra rising, the conjunction occurs in your 6th house of health and daily routines, indicating a period of focus on your physical well-being and habits. You may feel a strong desire to overhaul your daily routines and self-care practices, seeking greater balance and harmony in your life. This is a time to prioritize your health and well-being, making changes that support your overall vitality. Embrace this period of renewal as an opportunity to cultivate healthier habits that nurture your body, mind, and spirit.
Scorpio Rising With the conjunction in your 5th house, Scorpio rising, you are likely to experience changes in your creative expression and romantic life. Old creative projects or romantic relationships that no longer inspire you may fall away, making room for new sources of joy and self-expression. This is a time to embrace your creativity and passion, allowing yourself to be more spontaneous and playful. Use this energy to explore new creative outlets and cultivate more joy and pleasure in your life.
Sagittarius Rising For Sagittarius rising, the conjunction occurs in your 4th house of home and family, indicating a period of focus on your personal life and emotional well-being. You may feel a strong desire to create a more stable and nurturing home environment, rooted in your values and sense of security. This is a time to connect with your roots and family history, seeking a deeper understanding of your past and how it has shaped you. Embrace this period of introspection as an opportunity to create a more solid foundation for yourself and your loved ones.
Capricorn Rising With the conjunction in your 3rd house, Capricorn rising, you are likely to experience changes in your communication style and immediate environment. Old ways of thinking or communicating that no longer serve your growth may fall away, making room for new ideas and perspectives. This is a time to embrace a more open-minded and flexible approach to communication, allowing for greater connection and understanding with others. Use this energy to expand your mental horizons and engage in meaningful conversations that broaden your perspective.
Aquarius Rising For Aquarius rising, the conjunction occurs in your 2nd house of finances and self-worth, indicating a period of focus on your material resources and sense of value. You may feel a strong desire to reassess your financial situation and cultivate a greater sense of abundance and prosperity in your life. This is a time to redefine your relationship with money and material possessions, seeking a more balanced and sustainable approach to financial security. Embrace this period of reflection as an opportunity to cultivate a deeper sense of self-worth and abundance in your life.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree
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seafoamreadings · 1 month
sun into aries
happy equinox, happy sun in exaltation, happy astrological new year, and happy birthday aries babies!
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cosmiccannibalcamille · 5 months
YOUR Mars in Sagittarius Horoscope
Sagittarius is a mutable fire sign. Mutability is an energetic mode (i.e. a VIBE) that requires constant movement, variety, and stimulation; and fire is an astrological element characterized by spiritedness, passion, excitability, and restlessness. Ergo: Mars in Sagittarius’ energy thrives when in the midst of doing things, chasing passions, then changing course because the other course suddenly seems more interesting and challenging.
     Right. Did I mention Mars in Sagittarius loves a good challenge? Because Mars in Sagittarius loves a good challenge. And the more daring, physical, risky and adventurous the challenge, the better. So, if there is a task, project, deed, or endeavor in YOUR life you’ve been a little afraid of, or been procrastinating, NOW is the time to do it. During Mars in Sagittarius, you have more courage, more confidence, and way more—pardon the phrasing—balls to go after what you want.
      This a special trait all fire signs share: the ability to chase desires with unabashed confidence and faith that it WILL work out because you will MAKE it work. Btw, faith is another hallmark of Mars in Sagittarius. This is the transit to have faith in your actions, to trust in yourself, your talents and your abilities, and to know that things will work out they way you want them to, simply because you want them to (but also because you work you arse off to ensure they do work out).
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plutoandpatchouli · 1 year
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Mars has moved into Cancer after being in Gemini for about eight months. What a ride it has been! Although Mars doesn’t work well in Cancer, it’ll be a much needed change for everyone!
Mars in Cancer doesn’t make fast moves. Your emotions can fall into the aggressive/forceful/overly touchy/over emotional side of things. If you lean into the strengths of this placement (there aren’t as many since Mars is in fall in Cancer) you can have some new blessings come your way!
Try to not be wishy-washy and don’t make decisions from your emotions. Take a breather and ground yourself a lot more during this time. Rest and don’t push yourself. This is a good placement for putting drive behind the Cancer house in your chart. For example, I have Cancer in the 3rd house. This is a good time for communication, working in my local community, learning new things etc.
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savagemercury · 3 months
Astrology Basics
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Tropical, Sidereal, Vedic
Recently you might have come across posts saying, "Pluto enters Aquarius on Jan 20th 2024 and will stay there till 2044", but at the same time you saw posts saying "Pluto just entered Capricorn in 2020, it will stay there till 2040". This could be confusing for people who are not familiar with the two main astrological systems, Tropical and Sidereal.
The tropical system is the one widely used in the west. The location of the celestial bodies are marked on the basis of the seasonal cycle. For example, Tropical Aquarius season falls in the January - February season. Here, it means that the Sun is in Aquarius during this time. If you are born during this time, your sun sign in tropical astrology is Aquarius. The dates of ingress and egress of the sun into a sign is not set in stone, but we can say, for example, that the Sun usually changes signs around September 23rd (Virgo to Libra).
The same can be applied to sidereal astrology, however, here we have a different way of marking positions of the planets. The positions depend on the actual positions of the planets in the sky through calculations known as ayanamsa(अयनांश) . Therefore, calculation-wise, the planets in a vedic or sidereal chart are approx. 23 degrees behind. So for example, an Aquarius moon at 9 deg (Tropical) will be a Capricorn Moon at 15~16 deg (Sidereal).
Here, the sign changed but sometimes the planet doesn't change signs if it's placed after 23 deg in Tropical or before 6 deg in sidereal (Each sign covers 30 degrees so 12 signs give us a full circle of 360 degrees).
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(Left tropical whole sign, Right sidereal ayanamsa-lahiri)
As you can see the tropical chart shows the sun in aqua as it is Aquarius season now, but in sidereal it is 23 degrees behind in Capricorn. Similarly the rising, midheaven and all other planets are also 23 degrees behind. Notice how the planet placement in houses don't change. This is only possible if you calculate the tropical chart house system in whole signs since vedic charts only consider whole sign house system.
I hope you now understand why Pluto entered Aqua for some and remained in Cap for the others.
Speaking of vedic astrology, a lot of people tend to avoid it because it is difficult. Apart from the original set of 12 constellations that are called rashi (राशि), another set of 27 smaller constellations which are a part of the 12 rashis, are used to gain greater insight. These 27 smaller constellations are called nakshatra (नक्षत्र​​).
Each rashi contains 2 and 1/4 nakshatras.
Each nakshatra is divided into four pada (पद​) or sub-divisions
Each rashi has a lord (just like traditional-tropical)
Each nakshatra has a lord and a sub-lord
Each nakshatra pada also has a lord.
So if you search, "Moon in Aquarius Pada 3", you will get results that will tell you everything starting from the rashi to it's lord to the nakshatra and it's lord and then the pada and it's lord and how they affect the said planet.
Vedic charts can be a bit confusing to read because the charts are not always available in a circular representation. Remember that South Indian charts are read clockwise whereas North and East Indian charts are read anti-clockwise. Most vedic chart softwares use lahiri ayanamsa.
Astroseek helps to understand the difference in tropical and sidereal because it shows both charts in a circular format and also shows the nakshatras. Astro.com also allows selection of different house systems and calculation options. If you wish to read vedic charts in the traditional style you can head to prokerala, astrosage or vedicastrologyus. Astrosage also gives a report.
In tropical astrology, the sun sign has more importance while the moon sign is considered more important in vedic astrology.
To put it simply, your zodiac in pop-culture astrology is your tropical sun sign and your "rashi" in your vedic chart is your vedic or sidereal moon sign. Another interesting tidbit is that the horoscope column on newspapers is actually about your rising sign. You can never know everything about a person by just knowing their sun, moon or rising sign, a good and in-depth analysis of both charts can give really good insights.
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Venus signs at different degrees 💕 pt 3
Requests 🌂 pt2
This picture is from Pinterest.
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Aquarius venus at 0°
0° indicates that the energy of the sign in that specify planet intensifies. You evidence all those traits of the sign, in a very pure manner. This degree is “The Ingress” degree -“when the planet moves into a new sign”-, people born with this degree in a personal planet are considered new souls, they’re beginning something new, not lived before. Why do I recall it? Because they have to experience a large journey, full of errors and learning. In this case, everything that Venus and Aquarius rules. How we approach in relationships -attachment to others-, what give us pleasure, our ability to attract -and what we’re attracted to-, arts, gifts-how we spend money-, between others (Venus). It’s about to discover yourself in this field, and could be that this one take an importante role in your life. Aquarius: humanitarian, independent, original sign -I’m gonna pass this part because- OMFG I CALL YOU OUT STOP CHANGING FOR YOUR PARTNERS -too personal🧍-. A partner is someone that appreciates and loves you; would call you out every fucking error you do that you think it’s correct, would encourage you to change and progress, to not stay in one stage of mind and to LET YOU BE YOURSELF. Someone that accepts you, even if you’re too quirky, cringe and unique, no one can handle you -sure you think like that don’t deny it🌝-, with your fucking stubborn opinions and self. Since 11H rules Aquarius, it makes sense. 11 house stellium people have something called people-pleaser illness. With all your heart you wanted, want or would want to be part of a group, community. In this case, you change yourself to fit in what your partner would like to. THATS NOT THE WAY. Without counting that, they want you to appreciate -not appreciate, being on your knees- to their future-thinking self. They want you to admire their mindset so much. Their god complex is tremendous. Don’t lie to me, at least one time you -the ones that are reading this- have been attracted to that detached/aloof approach, nature. It’s their thing. That’s what call the attention -the hoes-. I imagine this placement as a “friends to lovers” quote: they need you to be one. If not either they’re going to put you first or their friends -most common-, no in between. It stressed me how tf they’re so logical, and with this degree GOD, it’s going to be VERY difficult if you want to have an emotional conversation with this person. They process every feeling into logical -unless they have a dominant water/fire chart-, and they expect you to act the same. I’m not gonna keep describing them🙄. If I do I’m gonna throw up a paragraph and call out all their things. Just be yourself, be fun, have fun, admire them, tell them how you love their mindset, that it’s superior, give them space and BOOM💥 you got them -just kidding but yes🤪😧-.
Leo venus at 5° 17° or 29° (leo degree)
If they love you, everyone will know. They would like to, to presume you, to people know you’re with them: showing their intentions and their dynamic towards and with you. Showing how they act and treat you normally. They’re fun to be with, they are popular -and if they’re not, people know about them or sympathize with because of their charismatic nature-. They are self-expressive. They want to be with you all day, but it’s their way to show you interest, that they want to know you more, they want to experience every moment with you. Because they’re SO LOYAL. And they’re the type of lover that catch you and never let you go. Unless you don’t value how they treat you -because of all the people they could easily get, they wanted YOU. They fucking know how to get what they want-. If you don’t point out how good they’re, if you don’t do an amount of effort to know them, to counteract the way they love you and treat you -couldn’t be in the same extrovert and enormous way they do, but in your way (in a nature and not forced)-. It’s really important to mention this: people constantly treat leo venus with a fake smile or an attitude that’s it’s pretended to counteract the fact that leo venus + leo degree are this spontaneous and charismatic people. It’s not nature -the way other people respond to them-. And people with this placement -I think- is so tired of others acting like that. So if you want them, show yourself, your true self, the way you naturally are, it doesn’t matter if you’re totally opposite compare to them. They would really appreciate someone being true to themselves and showing that they care about them without trying to copy their attitude -being people pleaser-. They need someone that loves them in their way, that’s how they need to be loved. But yes they need A LOT of expressions of approval coming from their partner. You’re never going to get bored. If you like going to multiple places, try new things…The little joys with them and the caring moments would be IT. And with double leo energy, it’s TREMENDOUS: you view the love they have to you million miles away. If you’re someone that can’t take them, just don’t. 😟
Scorpio venus at 10° or 22° (capricorn degree)
First of all, mommy?? daddy??? whatever you are just-no, im gonna control and stop myself-. Just 🥵-nah im joking but YOU ARE SO ATTRACTIVE. I would say “imo” but you give THAT aura, THAT vibe that make people fall/drool for you -but also depends on the personality of the person..-. Scorpio + Capricorn, the combination screams dominant. I’m gonna let you think about it… Their dedication towards their partner is incredible -and in a different way towards their loved ones-. Their commitment is in ANOTHER LEVEL. I warn you, if you love your freedom, your space, this people is not for you😄. They are SO controlling, they LOVE having control -they won’t admit it, they couldn’t even be aware of it-. They want to know where you were, who you talked to, every detail about your life before they met you. But before everything, with this capricorn degree, they’re cautious, they take their time getting to know you: they want to be 100 % sure/decided before they take the next step. They’re so brave for going full, 100% when it comes to someone they love. To protect them, to make everything they can to make sure they are safe, comfortable, in their best; to please their needs -and them-. Also they are going to present you to their family and friends, they’re showing you -they need their approval and them to know about you-. If they are with you, they’re fucking serious, they want to build something with you… I love that their way of loving is not forced: it’s shameless, showing all that necessity towards you and then acting all fearless. You would feel SO LOVED, but that love will be felt -as it’s so intense, it would come with hard feelings, such as negative and positive-. If they hurt you, your heart will burn and if you feel loved by them, you will fly -I don’t know if I’m making myself understand-. With this degree they want to be seen as they’re fine, that they are stable, they don’t want to be seen as vulnerable. This combo increases traits that both of these signs share: controlling, trust issues and slow-burn -another quote because it describes perfectly how I imagine a relationship that would benefit them and I have read a lot of fanfics these days-.There could be disagreements coming from jealous. Trust is key. Growing it -the trust- could be difficult and even when you have a healthy relationship with them, the jealous will always be present. They just want to keep you safe you know? 🤗😆Look it that way. But being serious, your perspective of them could change or open your mind viewing all the things this placement have to went through -and don’t view it like “😢oh poor baby🥺”. NO. They hate that and so do I. Embrace them, be proud of them, for how they could overcome those situations and now are here-. I’m going to tell you a secret and don’t tell them I told you🤫: you’re so fucking special to them, they don’t want anything to happen to you, NEVER. They don’t want you to feel even an aproximity of pain they had to felt. It would take time, so they can finally realize and accept that errors would happen, and that you must have your own experience to grow. So please, they love you and they could not be direct about it, but it’s their way to care about you. Don’t force them when it comes to express their worries/traumas, it’s SO difficult to them -also they will cut you off with their words and will be really cruel-. It’s okay to feel that way, just make sure you put an effort in getting better and let your partner -and the ones that surround you- know, let them know what you need: could be space, that’s difficult for you to talk about those topics, etc. Let them know.
•This is based on my personal experience and what I’ve analyzed in my surroundings.
•English is not my first language.
•I’m not a profesional astrologer, I just love astrology and I’m willing to learn.
Thank youu. baibaiii🫣🫶🏼💋
Do not copy. Please give me credits.
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elminx · 4 months
2024: Major Astrology and Monthly Numerology Overview
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2024 is an “8” year [2+0+2+4=8]. 8 is the number of the infinity sign and the auroboros. All things come around in an 8-year, you can expect to achieve the highest highs, but also the lowest lows. What goes up must come down in an 8-year, but also, what goes down will come up all over again. The year will be dominated by two major planetary shifts (Pluto enters Aquarius and Jupiter enters Gemini) and a major personal planet retrograde (Mars). Note: Although all of these are important, I have bolded the events that I consider to be especially important.
January is a “9” month. [1 (January) + 8 (2023)=9] Nine is the number of endings and completion.
Our Capricorn New Moon is a 2/2 New Moon: 10 (Capricorn Moon) + 10 (Capricorn moon) = 20 = 2+0 = 2 2 (Capricorn New Moon) + 9 (January 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2 Our Leo Full Moon is a 7/7 Full Moon: 5 (Leo Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 16 = 1+6 = 7 7 (Leo full moon) + 9 (January 2023) = 16 = 1+6 = 7 Important January Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events:
1/1 – Mercury stations direct 22° Sagittarius 1/4 – Mars enters Capricorn 1/11 – New Moon 22° Capricorn 1/13 – Mercury enters Capricorn 1/20 – Sun enters Aquarius, Uranus enters Aquarius 1/23 – Venus enters Capricorn 1/25 – Full moon 05° Leo 1/27 – Uranus stations direct 19° Taurus
February is a “1” month. [2 (February) + 8 (2023) = 10 = 1+ 0 = 1]
Our Aquarius new moon is 4/5 new moon. 11 (Aquarius Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 22 = 2+2 = 4 4 (Aquarius New Moon) + 1 (February 2024) = 5 Our Virgo full moon is a 9/1 full moon. 6 (Virgo Moon) + 12 (Pisces Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9 9 (Virgo Full Moon) + 1 (February 2024) = 10 = 1+0 =1 Important February Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 2/3 – Mercury enters Aquarius 2/9 – New moon 20° Aquarius 2/13 – Mars enters Aquarius 2/16 – Venus enters Aquarius 2/18 – Sun enters Pisces 2/23 – Mercury enters Pisces 2/24 – Full Moon 05° Virgo
March is a “2” month. [3 (March) + 8 (2023) = 11 = 1+1 = 2] Our Pisces new moon is a 6/8 new moon. 12 (Pisces Moon) + 12 (Pisces Sun) = 24 = 2+4 = 6 6 (Pisces new moon) + 2 (March 2023) = 8 Our eclipsed Libra full moon is an 8/1 Full moon. 7 (Libra moon) + 1 (Aries Sun) = 8 8 (Libra full moon) + 2 (March 2023) = 10 = 1+0 = 1
Important March Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 3/10 – New Moon 20° Pisces, Mercury enters Aries 3/11 – Venus enters Pisces 3/19 – Sun enters Aries (Equinox) 3/22 – Mars enters Pisces 3/25 – Lunar eclipse 05° Libra
April is a “3” month. [4 (April) + 8 (2023) = 12 = 1+2 = 3] Our eclipse Aries new moon is a “2/5” new moon. 1 (Aries Moon) + 1 (Aries Sun) = 2. 2 (Aries new moon) + 3 (April 2024) = 5. Our Scorpio full moon is 1/4 full moon. 8 (Scorpio moon) + 2 (Taurus Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. 1 (Taurus full moon) + 3 (April 2024) = 4.
Important April Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 4/1 – Mercury retrogrades 27° Aries 4/4 – Venus enters Aries 4/8 – Solar Eclipse 19° Aries 4/19 – Sun enters Taurus 4/23 – Full moon 04° Scorpio 4/25 – Mercury stations direct 15° Aries 4/29 – Venus enters Taurus 4/30 – Mars enters Aries
May is a “4” month. [5 (May) + 8 (2023) = 13 = 1+3 = 4] Our Taurus new moon is a 4/8 New Moon. 2 (Taurus moon( + 2 (Taurus Sun) = 4. 4 (Taurus new moon) + 4 (May 2024) = 8. Our Sagittarius Full moon is a 3/7 Full Moon. 9 (Sagittarius moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3]. 3 (Sagitarius Full Moon) + 4 (May 2024) = 7]. Important May Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 5/2 – Pluto stations retrograde 02° Aquarius 5/7 – New moon 18° Taurus 5/15 – Mercury enters Taurus 5/20 – Sun enters Gemini 5/23 – Full Moon 02° Sagittarius, Venus enters Gemini 5/25 – Jupiter enters Gemini
June is a “5” month. [6 (June) + 8 (2023) = 14 = 1+4 = 5] Our Gemini new moon is a 6/2 new moon. 3 (Gemini moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 6. 6 (Geminin new moon) + 5 (June 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2. Our Capricorn full moon is a 4/9 full moon. 10 (Capricorn Moon) + 3 (Gemini Sun) = 13 = 1+3 = 4. 4 (Capricorn full moon) + 5 (June 2024) = 9. Important June Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 6/3 – Mercury enters Gemini 6/6 – New moon 16° Gemini 6/9 – Mars enters Taurus 6/17 – Mercury enters Cancer, Venus enters Cancer 6/20 – Sun enters Cancer (solstice) 6/21 – Full moon 01° Capricorn 6/29 – Saturn retrogrades 19° Pisces
July is a “6” month [7 (July) + 8 (2023) = 15 = 1+6 =6]
Our Cancer New Moon is an 8/5 new moon. 4 (Cancer Moon) + 4 (Cancer Sun) = 8. 8 (Cancer New moon) + 6 (July 2024) = 14 = 1+4 = 5. Our Capricorn full moon is a 5/2 full moon. 10 (Capricorn Moon) + 4 (Cancer Sun) = 14 = 1+4 = 5. 5 (Capricorn full moon) + 6 (July 2024) = 11 = 1+1 =2. Important July Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 7/2 – Mercury enters Leo, Neptune retrogrades 29° Pisces 7/5 – New moon 14° Cancer 7/11 – Venus enters Leo 7/20 – Mars enters Gemini 7/21 – Full moon 29° Capricorn (astrological blue moon) 7/22 – Sun enters Leo 7/25 – Mercury enters Virgo
August is a “7” month. [8 (July) + 8 (2023) = 16 = 1+6 = 7]
Our Leo new moon is a 1/8 new moon. 5 (Leo moon) + 5 (Leo Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. 1 (Leo new moon) + 7 (August 2024) = 8.
Our Aquarius full moon is a 4/2 full moon. 11 (Aquarius Moon) + 11 (Aquarius Sun) = 22 = 2+2 = 4. 4 (Aquarius full moon) + 7 (August 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
Important August Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 8/4 – New moon 12° Leo 8/5 – Mercury retrograde 04° Virgo 8/14 – retrograde Mercury enters Leo 8/19 – Full moon 27° Aquarius 8/22 – Sun enters Virgo 8/28 – Mercury stations direct 21° Leo 8/29 – Venus enters Libra
September is an “8” month. [9 (September) + 8 (2023) = 17 = 1+7 = 8]
Our Virgo new moon is a 3/3 new moon. 6 (Virgo Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 12 = 1+2 = 3. 3 (Virgo New Moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 12 = 1+2 = 3.
Our eclipsed Pisces Full Moon is 9/8 full moon. 12 (Pisces Moon) + 6 (Virgo Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9. 9 (Pisces full moon) + 8 (September 2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8.
Important September Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 9/1 – Uranus retrogrades 27° Taurus, retrograde Pluto enters Capricorn 9/2 – New moon 11° Virgo 9/4 – Mars enters Cancer 9/9 – Mercury enters Virgo 9/17 – Lunar eclipse 25° Pisces 9/21 – Sun enters Libra (equinox), Venus enters Scorpio 9/26 – Mercury enters Libra
October is a “9” month. [10 (October) + 8 (2023) = 18 = 1+8 +9]
Our eclipsed Libra new moon is a 5/5 new moon. 7 (Libra moon) + 7 (Libra Sun) = 14 – 1+4 = 5. 5 (Libra new moon) + 9 (October 2024) = 14 = 1+4 =5.
Our Aries Full moon is a 8/8 full moon. 1 (Aries Moon) + 7 (Libra Sun) = 8. 8 (Aries Full Moon) + 9 (October 2024) = 17 = 1+7 = 8.
Important October Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 10/2 – Solar eclipse 10° Libra 10/9 – Jupiter retrogrades 21° Gemini 10/11 – Pluto stations direct 29° Capricorn 10/13 – Mercury enters Scorpio 10/17 – Full moon 24° Aries, Venus enters Sagittarius 10/22 – Sun enters Scorpio
November is a “1” month. [11 (November) + 8 (2023) = 19 = 1+9 = 10 = 1+0 = 1]
Our Scorpio new moon is a 7/8 new moon. 8 (Scorpio moon) + 8 (Scorpio Sun) = 16 = 1+6 = 7. 7 (Scorpio new moon) + 1 (November 2024) = 8.
Our Taurus Full moon is a 1/2 full moon. 2 (Taurus mon) + 8 (Scorpio Sun) = 10 = 1+0 = 1. 1 (Taurus full moon) + 1 (November 2024) = 2.
Important November Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 11/1 – New moon 09° Scorpio 11/2 – Mercury enters Sagittarius 11/3 – Mars enters Leo 11/11 – Venus enters Capricorn 11/13 – Full moon 24° Taurus, Saturn stations direct 12° Pisces 11/19 – Pluto enters Aquarius 11/21 – Sun enters Sagittarius 11/25 – Mercury retrogrades 22° Sagittarius
December is a “2” month. [12 (December) + 8 (2023) = 20 = 2+0 = 2]
Our Sagittarius new moon is a 9/2 new moon. 9 (Sagittarius moon) + 9 (Sagittarius Sun) = 18 = 1+8 = 9. 9 (Sagittarius new moon) + 2 (December 2024) = 11 = 1+1 = 2.
Our Gemini full moon is a 5/7 full moon. 3 (Gemini moon) + 2 (December 2024) = 5. 5 (Gemini full moon) + 2 (December 2024) = 7.
Our Capricorn New moon is a 2/4 new moon. 10 (Capricorn Moon) + 10 (Capricorn moon) = 20 = 2+0 = 2. 2 (Capricorn New moon) + 2 (December 2024) = 4.
Important December Ingresses, Retrogrades, and Lunar Events: 12/1 – New moon 09° Sagittarius 12/6 – Mars retrogrades 06° Leo 12/7 – Venus enters Aquarius, Neptune stations direct 27° Pisces 12/13 – Full moon 23° Gemini, Mercury stations direct 06° Sagittarius 12/21 – Sun enters Capricorn (solstice) 12/30 – New moon 09° Capricorn Do you like my work? Please consider supporting me on Kofi - there are options for a one-off tip, to commission an astrology report, to become a long-term supporter, or to buy some of my art!
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mercurytrinemoon · 11 days
Aries risings and eclipses: comebacks and rebrands
There's a few celebrities that caught my attention in the past couple of weeks and I felt the urge to look at their charts and talk about them a bit. What I've quickly realized is that… they're all Aries risings and we just went through a total eclipse in Aries and are still battling through a Mercury retrograde (also in Aries). So, this is an Aries rising-only astro news compilation.
During the recent Easter break I found myself having a Shakira moment, reminiscing on her old hits and belting out Underneath Your Clothes. I thought that's probably thanks to Mercury just stationing retrograde, which often makes people go back to old stuff. And then I thought… What if everyone's having a Shakira moment now?
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And this is when I realized suddenly she's everywhere: giving a surprise show at Times Square, being a guest on Hot Ones, giving a ton of new interviews that flood my YouTube recommend page. She just released a new album but seems like this is a huge reset for her and her name is, once again, on everyone's lips. Shakira is an Aries rising and an Aries Venus with nodes in her 1st and 7th axis - she's not quite an eclipse baby (although almost a Full Moon baby!) but nodes close to her axis may make her sensitive to eclipse seasons. Her ascendant ruler, Mars, is exalted in the 10th house in Capricorn, giving her a slow and steady rise to success and a grounded, solidified place in the public eye.
Interestingly, she received an MTV Vanguard award just last autumn at a time of her exact reverse nodal return, which already foreshadowed things for her.
Her new album was released on March 22nd this year, just a couple of days after Sun ingressed into Aries and a few days before the eclipse. What's important to note that she's also going through her Jupiter return in Taurus. Mercury retrograding in her 1st house makes people and the media reminisce on her career and what she achieved up to this point. Of course a planet retrograding in someone's 1st house can cause a hiccup of some sorts and that happened in her case as well - there was a small outrage surrounding her comments on the last year's Barbie movie and how she and her sons hated it.
Jojo Siwa
Switching lanes let's get to someone that is now talked about in the media excessively but for the wrong reasons and that is… Jojo Siwa. Now, I had to read up on her after I saw people poking fun at the way she's presenting herself but apparently, she was all rainbows and sunshines until she changed her color palette to black and is now calling herself edgy and groundbreaking. She was on Toddlers and Tiaras I believe… so you get the vibe.
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Siwa is a Taurus stellium (makes sense with the bows and glitter) with Aries rising, of course. Her ascendant ruler is right next to Neptune in the 11th house, which can bring potential problems when it comes to how she's being received by the public. The badazzledness of the sweet sweet Taurus is amped up by the flashy Jupiter in Leo (opposed by that Mars and squared by Mercury, certainly adding to the loudness of her personality and the, let's say, overall audacity).
The nodes are pretty significant for her as well, as her Sun is accompanied by the north node (really intensifying the Sun's radiant quality) and… she's actually an eclipse baby, being born in the middle of the eclipse season, only three days after a total lunar eclipse in Scorpio. So we have double the strength of having eclipses in her 1st-7th house axis, as well as being an eclipse child in general.
So the "rebranding" seems, well, on brand for her at this time. But again, Mercury retrograding in her 1st house seems to not serve her well, especially given she has it retrograde natally as well. Uranus being co-present in her sign, a bubbly Taurus, paired with Jupiter, which is still a pretty badazzled planet, didn't result in a true 180° switch that she aimed for. In turn we got a somewhat inflated (Jupiter) sense of self and a warped view of things.
But the plus side is that the current Jupiter transit also helped her gain popularity as her video for the new song passed 23 million views on YouTube. Talk about expansion!
Rihanna didn't make a comeback in the same sense Shakira did but she surely made people talk. The singer is allegedly an Aries rising but she also has quite an Aries planetary party with Moon, Venus and Jupiter there as well. And in a true Aries fashion, even if she's not necessarily doing much with her career at the moment, she made sure to remind everyone of herself, especially that she's also in her 1st house profection year so it's all about "ME!" - something an Aries loves.
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Rihanna made the headlines by doing a fashion spread for the Interview Magazine. And, to be more precise, by posing in a nun-inspired outfit. The cover photo made some people outraged, while others were sighing in awe. The news broke pretty much on the eclipse (the morning after I believe).
Rihanna dabbles in these high-fashion, obscure themes probably because of the mixture of her Pisces Sun (religious themes? She surely went all-in for the Catholic-themed MET Gala a few year back) and her Aries stellium in the 1st. The ram likes to shock and be bold and sexual but considering she also has Moon and Venus - two feminine planets - in the sign, makes her bold and daring in her fashion choices as well.
Billie Eilish
The last person I want to talk about is… Billie Eilish. I know, I KNOW, you may think "but she's a Pisces rising!". Well Billie somewhat went through a different kind of rebrand and it's that her birth certificate has just been obtained and according to the new info, she is, in fact an Aries rising.
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The confusion might be there although if, like me, you see a massive Pisces influence in her, her "new" ascendant ruler is Mars… in Pisces! A corrected birth time is a big deal already, especially given the eclipse and Mercury retrograde - both helped "refresh" her astrological persona and "status" as an Aries ascendant. But that is not all, as on the day of the eclipse Billie announced a brand new album that she will debut on May 17th.
What's great about this date is that Mars will already be in Aries, probably making her a lot more active. Also, that is only one day before Jupiter cazimi and Venus conjunct Uranus - a great time to release new things into the world. Interestingly, Venus and Uranus will conjoin just a couple of degrees away from Billie's lot of fortune in Taurus. I truly love when astrology is doing its thing.
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Prompt-ober 2023: Captivity and napping together
The terrified screams of small children were never the sign of a good start to the day, Ron thought to himself. But then again, he couldn’t blame them. The blood-soaked muzzle and paws of the albino tiger looming through the enclosure’s viewing glass were the stuff of nightmares.
The half-flayed corpse of Lucius the white peacock hanging from the tiger’s mouth didn’t help matters.
(Good riddance to that pretentious jerk of a bird, Ron thought.)
He sighed and started herding the children away, making insincere comforting sounds and quietly radioing for assistance.
Voldemort had claimed another victim.
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“Ooo, my sweet kitty baby, don’t worry, I’m not mad at you~” Voldemort’s dedicated keeper, Bellatrix, crooned at the albino tiger as she pressed against the thick glass barrier chest-first. Voldemort flicked his tail disinterestedly and continued ignoring the chaos he had caused.
If Hermione were asked, she’d say the tiger looked particularly self-satisfied. Perhaps even a little smug. She couldn’t blame him – she’d never really liked that peacock, either.
“Have we figured out how the other animals are getting in?” she asked.
Ron shook his head with a flummoxed look. “No. And there’s no sign of Voldemort getting out and snatching them. It’s like they’re drawn in – like black magic. They just wander in to get eaten.”
“Let’s keep the supernatural out of it, Mr. Weasley,” Minerva McGonagall, the senior big cat keeper, said. “We’ll simply have to check all around the outside of the enclosure for any potential points of ingress again.”
“Might I suggest we remove the common denominator in all of these incidents?” Albus Dumbledore said, adding, “We need to think of the greater good, after all.” 
“Director Dumbledore, may I remind you our purpose is conservation, not euthanization – especially of critically endangered species,” Minerva said exasperatedly. The man had had a chip on his shoulder for that tiger ever since its behaviour began to directly contradict his years of research with other tigers.
“You even think of touching my Lord and you’ll wish you died like that glorified chicken did,” Bellatrix growled, glaring blackly at the ageing researcher.
Hermione might not like the other woman, but she could still admit that sometimes Bellatrix had the right of things. With the threat – not calling the tiger her Lord. That was weird. 
She joined the others in side-eyeing the director as he left in a huff.
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Ginny had to admit, this wasn’t what she’d hoped to be doing when she applied to be a zookeeper. But at least she was still working at the zoo; and maybe they’d promote her from being a guide. …Eventually.
“Hey, isn’t that a cat?” one of the kids shouted, pointing into the tiger enclosure.
She sighed internally before pasting on a plastic smile. “Yes, tigers are a species of cat–“
The kid interrupted, saying, “No, I mean the black cat.”
She turned slowly, hoping against hope she wasn’t going to find that Voldemort had somehow become a panther. But no. There, sitting in the centre of the tiger habitat, licking itself, was a longhaired black house cat.
They were going to have another scandal on their hands from impressionable children seeing a cat ripped to shreds by their mass-murdering tiger, weren’t they?
And speak of the devil: Voldemort materialised from the dense vegetation to spring at the unsuspecting cat.
Unable to look away, Ginny stared in horror as Voldemort got closer, closer, and was upon the cat, which finally decided to move. The black cat bounced away from the massive predator before turning to face him, back arched and tail fur standing on end, hissing and spitting. Voldemort growled in response, crouching down, prepared to attack.
In a bout of suicidal confidence, the black cat smacked Voldemort on the nose with its paw and continued to hold its ground, puffing up and staring the hulking tiger down.
And unexpectedly – miraculously – Voldemort relented. He rumbled and play-swatted at the cat, which rolled onto its back and enthusiastically batted at the paw that was almost larger than its entire body. Voldemort watched on in bemusement, occasionally shoving the black cat over to rile it up.
Her jaw must have been brushing the ground from how far it had fallen open. The children were shrieking in amusement while their chaperones looked worriedly between the two cats and their guide, but she couldn’t manage to pull herself together for several moments.
Speaking into her radio, Ginny said, “Uh. I’m gonna need someone to come down to the tiger enclosure. We’ve got a situation…”
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“How did that ickle bitty kitty get in there?!” Bellatrix pouted. No one should be closer to her Lord than her.
“How do any of the animals get in there?” Hermione asked rhetorically.
“I’m telling you, that tiger is secretly a wizard–”
“Ronald, do shut up.”
“Perhaps now is the time to discuss–” Dumbledore began.
“For the last time, Albus, we’re not killing Voldemort!” Minerva shouted. “Go bother Gellert and his arachnids if you’re not going to contribute anything helpful.”
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No one could get close enough to the black cat to retrieve it or lure it out, and no one wanted to go through the bother of sedating Voldemort if they didn’t absolutely have to, so the cat – dubbed Harry for the odd, tufted texture of his fur – became a permanent resident.
Each member of the zoo's staff celebrated when the mortality rate of the other animals dipped sharply after Harry's arrival. The little black cat was seen as a hero, despite no one understanding how his presence managed to convince the rest of the zoo's animals to stop visiting Voldemort’s territory and dying messily.
From then on, every so often, Voldemort would be found lying out in the open, staring down any observers, as Harry curled up in the curve of the tiger’s body and napped.
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ms-m-astrologer · 2 months
The Week Ahead: March 11-17, 2024
A couple of caveats before I get going: one, stupid fucking Daylight Savings Time begins in the US at 2 am local time on Sunday morning - the clocks all go from “01:59” to “03:00;” two, we all enter the “Shadow of the Eclipse” on Friday, March 15. (The Ides of March! Splendid!! /snark)
Lunar Phases
Thursday, March 13, 14:32 UT - Crescent Moon, 8°30’ Taurus
The key phrase for the Crescent lunar phase is “gather and mobilize resources.” We’re practical about it, and can accept good advice, too. We may go a bit overboard as far as quantity goes, looking for several months’ worth of supplies rather than a few weeks.
Sunday, March 17, 04:11 UT - First Quarter Moon, 27°04’ Gemini
The key phrases for the First Quarter lunar phase are “take action,” and “build new structures to support our intentions.” It would be better to wait a few hours, until the Moon enters Cancer at 09:40 UT - before then we can’t see clearly and may think we have more options than actually exist.
Void of Course Moon
Tuesday, March 12, 11:08 UT (Aries) - Wednesday, March 13, 00:28 UT (Taurus)
Thursday, March 14, 22:29 UT (Taurus) - Friday, March 15, 03:16 UT (Gemini)
Sunday, March 17, 04:43 UT (Gemini) - 09:40 UT (Cancer)
Pre-retrograde shadow: Ceres/Capricorn, Pallas Athene/Sagittarius
Retrograde: Juno/Virgo
Post-retrograde shadow: Vesta/Gemini, Jupiter/Pisces
Monday, March 11, 21:50 UT - transiting Venus enters Pisces
Venus likes to be here. It’s the sign of her “exaltation” - Pisces brings out her best, provided we keep away from self-pity and dissolute behavior, and manage some healthy boundaries.
Et Cetera
There are two Opportunity Periods this week:
Monday, March 11, 03:15 UT - Tuesday, March 12, 11:08 UT. “Channel your energy and enthusiasm into your new ventures under this positive New Moon.”
Thursday, March 14, 17:57 UT - Friday, March 15, 03:16 UT. “An excellent OP for the arts, romance, or even earthy, practical matters.”
Next week is intense. In order:
Mercury enters its pre-retrograde shadow;
Aries Equinox;
Mars enters Pisces;
Jupiter exits its post-retrograde shadow; and
Saturn enters its pre-retrograde shadow.
Therefore, this week, I think we should focus on building up our strength! That first Opportunity Period is especially conducive for doing that.
The “shadow of the eclipse” is a period of time lasting ten days before the first eclipse, to three days after the last one. It’s supposed to be a time of waiting and watching for any disruptions the eclipses bring. It isn’t advisable to start anything important during this time, unless we don’t care if it splits off into unforeseen tangents. (And hey, sometimes we are up for that, right?)
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saturniandevil · 1 year
Mercury has entered Scorpio just now (12:22PM PDT). During this transit he’ll oppose Uranus on November 8th, square Saturn on the 9th, trine Neptune on the 12th, sextile Pluto on the 14th, and trine Jupiter on the 16th.
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sensualnoiree · 23 days
astro notes: venus ingress into aries ❤️‍🔥
When Venus ingresses into Aries, it moves from a sign where it is comfortable and strong (Pisces, its exaltation) to a sign where it is considered in its "exile" or "detriment." This shift can bring about some noticeable changes in how Venusian qualities are expressed.
Some considerations as Venus moves through Aries:
❤️‍🔥 Directness and Assertiveness in Love: Aries is a bold and assertive sign, often known for its direct approach. When Venus is in Aries, there can be a more straightforward and even aggressive expression of love and affection. People may be more impulsive in their romantic pursuits, preferring immediate gratification over long-term considerations.
❤️‍🔥 Independence and Self-Orientation: Aries is a sign of independence and self-focus. Venus here may prioritize personal desires and needs over compromising or harmonizing with others. Relationships during this transit may be more about individual expression and less about partnership harmony.
❤️‍🔥 Passion and Excitement: Aries is a sign of passion and excitement, and Venus in Aries can ignite intense romantic feelings. However, these feelings may be short-lived, as Aries is also known for its impulsive nature. Relationships formed during this transit may start quickly but fizzle out just as fast.
❤️‍🔥 Impulsivity and Risk-Taking: Aries can be impulsive and prone to taking risks. Venus in Aries may lead to impulsive spending, especially on luxury items or experiences that bring immediate pleasure. In relationships, there may be a tendency to act on impulse without considering the consequences.
❤️‍🔥 Conflict and Tension: Aries is a sign of conflict and confrontation, and Venus here may indicate a period where relationships are more prone to arguments and disagreements. However, these conflicts may be short-lived, as Aries is also quick to forgive and forget.
❤️‍🔥 Initiative in Relationships: On the positive side, Venus in Aries can bring a sense of initiative and excitement to relationships. It can be a time when people are more willing to take risks in love and pursue what they truly desire, even if it means stepping out of their comfort zone.
Venus in Aries may not be as comfortable as in other signs, it can still bring a sense of excitement, passion, and initiative to relationships and creative pursuits. It's a time to embrace the adventurous side of love and to be open to new experiences, even if they come with a bit of conflict or challenge.
follow for more astro insights like this and support me over on yt @quenysefields or instagram sensualnoiree 🤸🏿‍♀️
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seafoamreadings · 10 days
moon into virgo
feeling a little neurotic? maybe a little bit of tummy upset? these are typical, temporary virgo moon passage symptoms. care for your body and especially your digestion and nerves. it's more important than mindless busy work for the sake of looking productive to someone else.
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Wealth Indicators in the Birth Chart
     It’s ~officially~ Taurus Season, which makes it the perfect time to start talking about money, finances, wealth and prosperity. (Especially since 2024 Taurus Season is loaded with key dates for maximizing your worth and manifesting some serious cash.) 
     Do you ever wonder why some people seem to effortlessly attract abundance and prosperity into their lives while others struggle to make ends meet? The answer may lie in the stars – more specifically, in your birth chart. Astrology offers invaluable insights into your financial potential, revealing key indicators and markers that can guide us towards greater wealth and prosperity.
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The Money Planets: Jupiter and Venus
     In astrology, Jupiter and Venus are often referred to as the "money planets" due to their association with abundance, wealth, and financial success. Jupiter represents expansion, growth, and opportunities, while Venus governs money, luxury, and material possessions. The placement of these planets in your birth chart can provide clues about your financial potential and how you attract wealth into your life.
     For example, individuals with Jupiter or Venus prominently placed in their birth chart, such as in the 2nd or 8th house, are likely to experience greater financial abundance and success. Additionally, positive aspects between Jupiter/Venus and other planets can further enhance one's financial prospects, indicating opportunities for growth and prosperity.
The Wealth Houses: 2nd and 8th House
     In astrology, the 2nd and 8th houses are traditionally associated with money, possessions, and wealth accumulation. The 2nd house governs personal finances, earned income, and material resources, while the 8th house represents shared finances, investments, and financial partnerships.
     If you have planets or significant points (such as the Sun or Moon) in these houses, you may possess a natural aptitude for managing money, building wealth, and making shrewd financial decisions. Additionally, aspects between planets in the 2nd and 8th houses can provide further insights into one's financial strengths and challenges.
The Midas Touch: Aspects and Configurations
     In astrology, aspects – the angles formed between planets in the birth chart – play a crucial role in determining our financial destiny. Favorable aspects, such as trines and sextiles, indicate ease and harmony in financial matters, while challenging aspects, such as squares and oppositions, may present obstacles and challenges to overcome.
     For example, individuals with a harmonious aspect between Jupiter and Venus, such as a trine or sextile, may enjoy financial windfalls, opportunities for growth, and a natural ability to attract wealth into their lives. Conversely, individuals with challenging aspects between these planets may need to work harder to achieve financial success, overcoming obstacles and setbacks along the way.
Practical Tips for Harnessing Your Financial Potential
     While astrology can provide valuable insights into our financial potential, it's essential to remember that we have the power to shape our own destinies. By harnessing the insights gleaned from our birth charts, we can take proactive steps to maximize our financial potential and attract greater abundance into our lives. Here are some practical tips for leveraging your wealth indicators in the birth chart:
Set Clear Financial Goals: Define your financial objectives and create a plan to achieve them. Whether it's saving for a home, starting a business, or investing in the stock market, having clear goals can help focus your energy and efforts.
Develop Financial Literacy: Educate yourself about personal finance, investing, and wealth-building strategies. The more you know about money management, the better equipped you'll be to make informed decisions and grow your wealth.
Take Calculated Risks: While it's essential to be prudent with your finances, don't be afraid to take calculated risks when opportunities present themselves. Whether it's starting a new venture or investing in a promising opportunity, sometimes the greatest rewards come from stepping outside your comfort zone.
Cultivate an Abundance Mindset: Shift your mindset from scarcity to abundance by focusing on gratitude, positivity, and abundance. By cultivating an abundance mindset, you'll attract more wealth and prosperity into your life.
Get a Money & Abundance Chart Reading: This reading is an invaluable tool designed to empower you with insights, clarity, and confidence on your path to wealth and prosperity.
Join Cosmic Cannibal LIVE for the Charting Wealth: Astrology Money Manifestation Workshop.  Dive deep into your birth chart and uncover the unique planetary placements and aspects influencing your financial destiny. Learn proven techniques and manifestation hacks tailored to your astrological profile, empowering you to attract money and abundance effortlessly.
     So yes, astrology offers valuable insights into your financial potential, revealing key indicators and markers that can guide you towards greater wealth and prosperity. By understanding and leveraging your wealth indicators in the birth chart, you can take proactive steps to maximize our financial potential and attract greater abundance into your life. Remember, the stars may influence your financial destiny, but ultimately, it's up to you to shape your own financial futures.
Read the article in full at CosmicCannibal.com
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talonabraxas · 10 months
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The Sun enters Cancer today marking the Summer Solstice in the Northern Hemisphere and the Winter Solstice in the Southern Hemisphere. The Solstice denotes the peak of the tilt of our earth of 23°, from which it tilts back again. From our perspective however it appears the Sun has reached its peak, at 23° 26' northern declination, measured from the equator.
The celestial dynamics are important to understand why we celebrate these great turning points. The Solstice and Equinox points align with the Ingresses of the Sun into cardinal signs, that denote the 2 Equinoxes and the 2 Solstices. The 4 World Points zero Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.
The Solstice is exact 21st June 14:57 UTC, may we celebrate with intentions 2023's midyear turning point!
--Cosmic Intelligence-Agency
Fire Dance Phuket, Thailand
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