#signs of transmission failure
philsservice · 3 months
Wondering how do you know if your transmission fluid is bad? Ask the experts at Phil's Service if you need to replace your transmission repair.
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scientia-rex · 11 months
How Much Does Water Weigh?
It's not a trick question. One liter of water weighs one kilogram--the science is set up that way.
How much is a kilogram? Approximately 2.2lbs.
How much of you is water? Approximately 60%, though this varies by organ type.
If you're about 70 kilos, or about 154 pounds, that means you have around 42 liters of water in you--about 92 pounds.
You cannot function with less water than your body needs. Many people, when they think they're losing or gaining "weight," think they're talking about fat when they're actually talking about water. The underlying structure of your body doesn't change that fast. You didn't "sweat out" fat. You dehydrated yourself, and since water weighs quite a bit, that made the number of the scale smaller. Your body is the same, except it works worse when it's dehydrated.
It is normal to see shifts in weight over the course of a day, because your hydration status changes. You wake up and you've been using up water without replacing it, so you're lighter. You have a salty breakfast? The salt gets pulled into your bloodstream by the digestive process and then, thanks to osmosis, more water goes into your bloodstream. Your weight goes up. Fluctuations of multiple pounds are not a sign that your diet is succeeding or failing--it's a sign of the salt content of what you're eating and whether you're drinking enough water.
Diuretics are frequently abused to increase short-term weight loss. Again, the only weight this can take off you is fluid. Diuretic abuse can lead to life-threatening complications, like kidney failure; kidneys need to see fluid constantly to filter your bloodstream, and if they don't get it, imagine a wetlands where you choke off the water supply and silt chokes the channels. It's bad. Kidneys are very bad at healing. Damage can be permanent. You can also give yourself a condition called hyponatremia, which is not at a chemical level a lack of salt, as the name might suggest, but an excess of water--your body dumps so much urine that it takes salt with it and now you don't have enough to go around how much water is still in you. Guess what you need salt for? Neurotransmission. If you go hard on diuretics, you can fuck up neuronal transmission so much that you need to be in the ICU and/or die.
Recognize when "weight loss" bullshit is actually a diuretic, because those motherfuckers do not care if you are seriously injured or die as long as they get their profit off whatever "purge" tea they've just sold you.
(Things that make you shit yourself "thin"? Same deal. By the time food makes it through your intestines, you've reabsorbed all the nutrition you're gonna, even if you're shitting lava thanks to a laxative tea--but what you're shitting out is a lot of water, so yeah, your scale tells you you're thinner.)
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charliedawn · 5 months
(Hi. Author here. I spent a lot of time writing this and I am pretty proud of it. If you could just leave a comment or kudos if you like the story. That would mean the world to me. Or maybe share it ? Anyway, thanks for reading. 💜)
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The search for JR-6025 began in earnest, and Phasma's troopers scoured every inch of the galaxy in pursuit of their target. Hux remained on his ship, anxiously awaiting updates, his mind consumed with the thought of reclaiming her. As the days turned into weeks, however, his frustration only grew. The hunt had yet to turn up any concrete results, and he grew angrier by the hour. His temper grew shorter, and his outbursts became more frequent, terrifying the crew and troops alike.
"What do you mean you found zero tracks ?" He screeched, causing the troops to flinch. "What do you mean there are no results ? Did you search all the planets ? Did you check the records on Exegol ?"
The soldiers, his troops, his loyal servants, quivered at his tone of voice.
"FIND HER. NOW ! DO YOU UNDERSTAND ME ?!" He shouted, making the soldiers flinch.
The stormtroopers scoured the galaxy, scouring every corner, every nook and cranny for the traitor. But despite their best efforts, days turned into weeks, and weeks turned into months with still no sign of her.
Hux grew more and more frustrated with each passing day, his anger boiling over at the failures of his troops. All of them were incompetent fools ! They were weak, and he hated weakness.
"HOW IS IT POSSIBLE THAT YOU FOUND NOTHING ?!" He screeched when an update was presented to him. He was livid and exhausted.
"What do you mean you have no results ?" He screamed, his voice cracking with anger. "Are you telling me that she simply disappeared into the void ?"
He was furious. More and more furious as time passed.
"FIND HER !" He bellowed, not caring who it was that was standing in front of him.
His rage was only growing.
"I WANT EVERYONE IN THE GALAXY TO BE SCANNED !" He shouted, not caring about the amount of resources he would waste, he didn't care anymore.
"I DON'T WANT TO HEAR ANOTHER EXCUSE !" He screeched, his voice echoing across the whole fleet.
"FIND HER !" He growled, his heart beating so fast he felt like it would explode any second now. However, he was surprised when a message appeared on his holopad...
It was a message from JR-6025...
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He answered the call.
Hux’s anger boiled over at the sight of JR's face, his hands shaking with rage.
"What the hell do you think you're doing ?!" he shouted at her through the transmission. "You have no idea the trouble you're in ! Do you have any idea what you've done ?!"
What was she supposed to say ? What could she possibly say ? She hadn’t sent a single message in more than a month. She couldn’t tell him that she was with Luke Skywalker and Rey or that she had disobeyed him by not killing Rey…
Hux froze as he heard her voice. He felt both anger and shock, and for a split second, he couldn't believe it was actually her. He listened silently, taking in what she had to say. For a long moment there wasn't a sound apart from his breathing.
"Where are you ?" He finally asked, his voice barely holding back his anger.
She wanted to say something...But she didn't know what...She didn't know what she could possibly say to make him feel like she hadn't betrayed him...
Even if…Even if she had…
General Hux could sense her fear through the holographic transmission, and a dark smile spread across his face. "So...you've finally decided to contact me," he said in a cold, menacing voice. "I must say, I'm surprised that you even dare to face me after your little...disobedience."
He leaned forward, his eyes burning into hers through the transmission. "You have some explaining to do, don't you think ?"
Hux felt her fear and knew it was real. As much as he was furious, this moment right there...This had him worried at the same time. She was afraid of him...She was terrified. It hurt his feelings more than any insult he had ever heard.
"You have a lot of expla—" He growled but was suddenly cut off by his anger. He had enough of this. "You'll do well to have a VERY good excuse." He growled, letting out the anger contained within him.
"I am sorry, General. But, I will not be coming back."
Anger and disbelief flashed across Hux's face as he listened to her words. "You're not coming back ?" he repeated, his voice rising with each word. "Do you have any idea what you're saying ? You're a stormtrooper, JR-6025 ! And I am your superior ! You don't get to decide whether to come back or not !"
"Sir. I…I couldn’t kill Rey. She is with Skywalker. He is currently training her and I believe that she might actually bring back peace to the galaxy."
Hux's face contorted with rage as he listened to her words, his hands shaking with suppressed anger. "Are you telling me that you disobeyed a direct order and betrayed the First Order all because of one girl ?!" he snarled, his voice laced with venom. "You're nothing but a traitor ! Do you hear me ?! Do you understand the consequences of your actions ?!"
She shivered. "…Sir. Please. Understand. I am doing this for us. For us to be free. Free from fear. Wouldn’t it be something incredible ? To be able to do something for ourselves ? Be who we want to be ?"
She could almost hear him chuckle...Though there was still wrath in his tone...
"Don't preach the Force, soldier. Don't preach about freedom...Or happiness...Or...Or about anything else...."
His anger was evident...Even if he was trying to...To conceal it...
"You have gone rogue, soldier."
His voice was harsh.
"And if you do not come back this instant, I will come and destroy what remains of your life, myself."
At her refusal to obey his orders, Hux's face contorted in rage, his teeth bared in a snarl. "You traitorous worm," he spat out, his voice shaking with anger. "You dare to defy me ? You will pay for your disobedience."
He clenched his fists at his sides, his chest rising and falling with each labored breath. "You think you can hide from me ? You think you can outrun me ?" he continued, his voice rising in volume. "You are a fool ! I will find you, JR-6025, and you will regret the day you decided to cross me. Come back now. And I might forgive your obvious mistake."
"…Sir. I…" She closed her eyes and gritted her teeth. "I wish I could. I said I believed in you and that I would always be loyal to you. But, I want…I want to be happy, sir. I want to…I want to give us the choices we were deprived all our lives."
At her words, Hux's anger seethed even hotter. "You think you can give me choices ? You think you can be happy ?" he spat out with loathing. "You are nothing but a soldier, JR-6025. You do not get to make decisions. You obey orders. That is your purpose. And I order you to come back now. You are a stormtrooper. A machine. A tool...Nothing else."
He was gritting his teeth and his eyes were almost burning her.
"You do not understand love. You do not understand the Force. And you definitely do not understand happiness."
He laughed as he said it...
"The only thing a stormtrooper should know is obedience."
Hux felt a deep sense of betrayal growing inside him. She had disobeyed him, had gone against everything they had ever stood for, had turned her back on him and the First Order, all for what ? Her own freedom ?
He was furious...And his anger only grew as he heard the words coming out of her mouth.
"You are nothing but a tool." And now he wasn't even trying to hide his rage. "You have no free will. No desires. You exist to serve the First Order."
Those words hurt her deeply and she sighed as she knew the next words would cost her even more.
"…Then how come I think I fell in love with you ?"
There was suddenly a deafening silence.
"What...did you just say ?" he asked in a quiet voice, his jaw hanging open in disbelief.
She remained silent. They both stood in silence, the transmission filled with a palpable tension. Hux was speechless...He felt his heart freeze for a split second...
Did she just...Did she actually say what he thought she said ? His eyes darted around as he struggled to hear the sound of his own thoughts.
"What..." He said finally, quietly. "...Did you just say...you...."
He was stuttering, trying to process this information. She smiled weakly at his stuttering. She was shaking herself. She just wanted him to see her as something else than just a stormtrooper.
"…I think I fell in love with you."
If she was expecting a reaction from him...She got it. Silence...Followed by a deep breath as his hands started quivering. She had just said the words...The words that he had feared the most. That the feeling he was holding on to...That was growing with each passing day...Was real. She had admitted that...She...She did fell in love...With him. And he felt his heart skip a beat.
But, he quickly composed himself and his eyes let no emotion show.
Finally, Hux spoke again. "Did you...really think that I would abandon my plans for you ?" he asked, his voice low and ominous.
He took a step closer to the transmission device, his face mere inches from hers. "You're a valuable asset," he continued. "Something to use and manipulate for my own gain. You're nothing more than that."
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His words cut like a blade. She had been prepared for a negative reaction, but this...It hit her in a way she had never expected.
She was nothing.
Just a tool to him.
Just something to be used and discarded.
Just something...Something he had never really seen as...as a person.
JR-6025's heart sank. She had held onto the hopes that he felt the same way for her. Maybe it was her naivety or just pure foolishness. But still...She had held onto hope...
But all of that shattered at his cold words...
"…Yes, sir," Her voice was void of any emotions as she said it...He could sense the emotions in her voice. Even if she had tried to hide it, he could figure out how hurt she was. How she felt like she had been betrayed. And how her heart was broken.
"You thought I loved you..." He said softly, almost whispering. "You thought we were in love."
"You kissed me, general." She reminded him.
His eyes snapped up as soon as she reminded him of that. The kiss they had shared...It felt like an eternity ago.
"That was..." He said slowly, seemingly searching for the right words. "A lapse in judgment." His tone was dismissive...But that was far from the truth.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath.
"Right…Of course."
She sounded sarcastic.
And maybe she was.
General Hux had hoped that...That by dismissing that kiss, he would break her in such a way that he could make her come back. She would run back to him...Back to the safety of his arms and the First Order.
But something told him that that would not be the case.
Hux glowered at her, his anger and frustration at an all-time high.
How dare she bring up that moment of weakness ? How dare she make him feel like a fool ?
He clenched his fists tightly at his sides, his knuckles turning white with the strain. His voice was low and seething with fury. "That was a mistake," he said, spitting out the words as if they were poison. "One I won't make again."
The bitterness in his voice was impossible to miss. Her eyes watered and she smiled weakly.
"A mistake…I see. Right. Just a mistake."
She sighed.
"Perhaps you are right. Perhaps it was a mistake. Perhaps that kiss meant nothing to you. And perhaps I am just a traitor. But…I will still see this through. I will see that future that I want. With or without your help."
She stood up and stared right at general Hux.
"I will not be returning, sir."
He seethed and shouted.
"You DARE to disobey me ?! To leave your unit, your duty to the First Order ?!"
His anger was overflowing...He was almost shaking with rage.
"Do you know what will happen to you if you do not come back ? Do you have any idea ?" He asked and shook his head in disbelief.
What an idiot…
"I don't care." She said simply, her eyes watering from the rage and pain she felt. "Whatever you do to me...You can't hurt me more than you've already hurt me."
Hux looked at her, his anger and disbelief growing in him with each one of her words. His hands were shaking and he could feel his pulse rise, making it clear of how furious he was.
"I won't ask again..." He said through gritted teeth, taking a step towards his communication device. "Where are you, JR-6025 ?"
She didn’t answer.
A cold rage began to simmer within him, building slowly until it seemed like it might burst out of him. "If you won't come back," he said, his voice low and dangerous, "then I promise you I will find you. And when I do, you will wish you had never been born."
The threat hung in the air like a dark cloud. "Do you think you can run from me ?" he continued, his voice starting to shake with anger. "Do you think you'll be able to hide ? I have resources at my disposal that you can't even begin to imagine. You will never be safe."
There were no emotions inside his voice now...Only pure cold anger.
She was defying him.
She was leaving him...
And she was choosing to live her life according to her own terms.
And in that moment...He hated her.
"You will regret every passing minute that you stayed away from me." He growled. "You will look back at your decision to disobey me as the worst mistake of your pathetic life. And when that time comes...I will not let you out of my sight ever again."
She felt the tears beginning to fall from her eyes. It hurt to hear the words coming out of his mouth. She had heard him threaten and intimidate others in the past...But this hit different...This time it was her that he was doing it to...All the anger, all the hate he hid behind his words. She was feeling it now...
"I won't return." She said, her tone breaking.
Armitage's heart was in pain now.
His fists shaking...
"It's treason, then."
He raised his right hand, pointing his finger directly at the holographic image of JR-6025. He then yelled with a hateful voice, with all his might.
"JR-6025, you are to be executed for your crimes ! And I, General Armitage Hux, will personally see to it ! Do you hear me ?" He sentenced and she closed her eyes. She knew it was coming, but she had still hoped that somehow she could be spared the heartbreak. General Hux’s chest was rising up and down...His breath short...His face red...
"Yes, sir." She said with a broken voice. The fear was in her eyes now...The desperation. She knew she didn't have much time left. She knew that once he ended the transmission, that the hunt for her would begin.
Yet still...She couldn't bring herself to say anything else right now. Her words of love weren't enough to deter his rage...Her declaration to find her own path meant nothing to him now...
He lowered his hand slowly, his breathing still quick and ragged. His face was twisted into a snarl. She could see the veins in his neck bulging under his skin. It was as if all the rage and frustration he had been bottling up had exploded out of him in one vicious burst of anger.
He stared at her through the holocomm link. "You will pay," he said in a guttural snarl. "You will pay for betraying the First Order. Mark my words."
She didn't dare to say a word as he yelled at her.
She didn't dare to look away either...
She knew that doing so would mean a lot worse than his threats.
So she just kept her eyes locked on his face.
Listening to the rage, to the words...And just letting it happen.
She didn't even try to stop the tears that were coming out of her eyes...
His face was cold and calculating. No trace of sympathy, pity, or pity. Only malice.
"You made your choice. Now suffer the consequences. I will see to it that your death is slow and painful," he said, his voice low and menacing. "You will regret the day you chose to turn your back on the First Order."
There was a glint in his eyes.
A dangerous glint.
That glint...That was not something anyone would want to experience. It meant death and torture...
"I don't want to die..." She said quietly.
The words were barely audible, almost a whisper. But he heard her. His face showed no emotions as he answered, his voice still angry and vengeful.
"You should have thought about that before you disobeyed me."
gritted her teeth.
"So be it."
"So be it," he repeated, his voice filled with venom. "I hope you're ready for what's coming, JR-6025. Because the end is near."
He was about to turn off the transmission, his face a mask of anger and hatred. He stood there in the darkness, his fists clenched at his sides, seething with rage.
"You are right. The end is near. For this STUPID war !" She stood up and went face-to-face with the hologram of General Hux. "I will put an end to this war. I WILL save you. Even if I have to drag you to reason with my own hands !"
Hux's fists were clenched, his face contorted with hatred. He was breathing heavily. His whole body was shaking with rage.
"You will do NOTHING," he spat out. "You are NOTHING but a TRAITOR. A DISOBEDIENT TOOL ! And you will pay for your crimes. I'll make sure of that."
He took a step closer towards the hologram, his face mere inches away from hers.
"I WILL save you, General Hux." She stated with complete conviction. Her eyes didn't flinch and she refused to break his gaze.
"I will not let you die in this pointless war."
Her voice was a mix of anger and desperation, but it also carried the sound of certainty.
"I said you will do NOTHING !" He screamed, his voice filled with pure hatred and rage. There was no more control in his tone, just a rage filled torrent of words, all dripping with spite and malice.
He felt like he was losing himself...
"Says who ?! You ?!" She laughed. "I am FREE ! I am free, general Hux. And I have thrown away EVERYTHING that ever made me a stormtrooper ! I am no longer under your control…I will NEVER be again."
"You are NOT free. And you NEVER will be...." He screamed, the hatred in his tone palpable. "I will never allow you to be free...Do you understand me ?"
There was nothing but pure contempt in his voice...Just pure, undiluted rage.
"I am myself ! I am FINALLY myself ! I shall NEVER go back to the First Order ! Not for you ! Not for Kylo Ren ! Not for ANYONE !" She raised her voice again and dared face him.
The look on his face was nothing short of pure rage. "You are nothing but a traitor," he snarled. "You will never be free. You belong to the First Order. You BELONG to ME."
His breathing was heavier now. His eyes were burning into hers with a cold, menacing stare.
"I belong to NO-ONE..." She shouted back. Her voice was a mix of outrage and sorrow. She was standing firm, standing her ground against the General of the First Order, against the man she thought she loved, her arms were tight against her sides and her eyes were locked to his like a vice. "I will not be controlled...Not by the First Order...! Not by you...! I will not—"
Armitage's eyes were narrowed into slits, his face contorted with hatred. The veins in his neck bulged with the force of his rage. "You're a traitor," he spat at her. "A traitor to the First Order. A traitor to all of us. You will be hunted down like the animal you are."
She chuckled at the irony.
"Me ? An animal ? No, general. I am human. But, you wouldn’t know much about that, would you ?"
Hux's lips curled into a smile, but only for a moment. Then he sneered. "You're wrong. I would know. I know you like the back of my hand, JR-6025. You're nothing but a pawn. A puppet. A slave. And you always will be."
"…Not yours." She smiled. "Not anymore."
Hux stood there, his fists clenched, his face contorted with rage. His chest rose and fell as he tried his best to control himself. He hated her at that moment. He hated her with a pure, deep hatred. And it was a feeling he'd never felt before: pure, white-hot fury. He could feel it coursing through him like liquid fire.
This was no ordinary anger. This was a primal, animalistic feeling, rooted in a deep, bitter resentment. He wanted to hurt her. He wanted to make her suffer.
"I will find you..." He growled out, his tone devoid of the emotion that he tried to hide in other interactions.
"And, when I do...I will inflict pain that you will not be able to imagine." His expression was cold as ice. His voice was sharp, his words were precise. It was like a promise...And it was one he meant to keep. "Don't you dare think that you can get away from me."
Her smiled faltered at his threats and she sighed. She used to want nothing more than his approval and now…she felt as if there was nothing left to say.
"I wanted to believe in you. The Force knows I tried !" She shook her head. "I wanted to believe that you were the greatest leader the First Order had and would even see…but you disappointed me, general Hux."
She sighed.
"…You made me think that I could be more than I was. And I resent you for that."
He gripped his own transmitter and shouted.
"I don't give a DAMN about what you think of me," he spat out. The fire in his eyes was like nothing she'd ever seen before. It was a primal, animal-like rage, fueled by a hatred so intense it seemed to radiate off of him. "I don't care about you. All I care about is power and the First Order."
He took a step closer, his fists clenched so tightly it seemed like they might burst from the strain.
"You're nothing to me."
Her heart ached and she restrained tears.
"…Well then…I guess there is nothing left to say now, is there ?"
"No." He said quietly. "There isn't."
The bitterness in his voice was palpable. The hatred and disdain he felt for her was nearly overwhelming...And she could tell. She could sense how much he despised her in this moment...He was about to end the transmission...He just wanted to say one last thing.
"If you're smart...You'll go into hiding and pray that I don't find you." Hux was silent for a moment, his breathing heavy and ragged. He was angry, extremely angry, but he couldn't seem to find the words to express it. He could feel his hands shaking with rage, his heart pounding in his chest, and his vision was blurry with hot, angry tears. But he just couldn't bring himself to say anything. Instead, all he could do was stand there, seething, as his body tensed with anger and frustration. He wanted to hit something, to kick something, to break something. But he just couldn't. He just stood there, shaking.
"Goodbye. Sir." She said and took a shaky breath.
There was a moment of silence, and then General Hux said in a cold, calculating voice, "Goodbye. Traitor."
He snapped the connection off.
She was left staring at the now blank hologram, her face set in a hard expression as her heart ached from the things he had said. The General's cruel words had left her feeling more than just hurt...They had stung her in a way she didn't think was possible. Her breathing was heavy...Her hands were shaking...And she could feel the hot tears running down her cheeks.
"Goodbye. Traitor."
Those were the last words he had said to her...And they echoed in her mind. JR decided to get out of her hut and walk towards the ocean. After a while, she smiled. JR continued to stare at the ocean as she smiled, the feeling of freedom washing over her.
She felt it, and she embraced it.
She let the rain come down on her, feeling every drop against her skin as if it was a part of her.
The feeling of the water running down her hair was like a rebirth...
She was not just free of the First Order...
She was free...
Free to be who she chose...
Free to find her own path...
Free to live at last.
But then, a voice behind them startled her.
"Having fun ?" She turned around and saw Luke standing there, his blue eyes staring fixedly at her. She looked next to her for Chewbacca, but found that he had already left. She sighed. Of course.
"What is it to you ?" She replied defensively—her brows furrowed and her arms crossed over her chest. "Last time I checked, the island didn’t belong to you."
He startled her once more by chuckling and shaking his head.
"You’re right. But, I remember clearly telling you that stormtroopers aren’t welcome." His features softened as he looked behind her at the sea. "But, you really aren’t a stormtrooper anymore, are you ?"
He waited for an answer and she asked herself the question. Was she ? After a moment, she smiled and shaked her head.
"No. I am not." She admitted truthfully and Luke humphed thoughtfully in response.
"Alright then. Follow me." He told her before walking away—not giving her the time to follow him easily. After a moment, she almost ran after him.
"Hey ! Wait up !" She called out for him—but he pretended not to hear her. She was certain the old man smiled a couple of times when she almost slipped in her eagerness to catch up.
"One more student will be joining us today." He simply declared to Rey who looked back and was taken aback by seeing JR-6025. But, she eventually smiled and JR-6025 smiled back before wordlessly sitting down next to her.
JR listened intently with a curious look on her face. Rey looked at JR and the happiness of her smile was contagious. Rey then gave her a quick nod, and JR smiled back in return. JR then turned to Luke, her face full of curiosity.
"One more student ?"
Luke nodded.
"I believe you have a gift. Kylo Ren communicated with you through your mind. He couldn’t have created such a link with you if you weren’t at least a little Force sensitive…"
"A gift...?" JR repeated, her brows furrowing. "You mean that I could learn to use the Force...?"
Luke sighed.
"That…remains to be seen. Your connection to the Force is weaker than Rey. But, it is there."
"But...even a little bit of the Force is still the Force, right...?" JR's question may have sounded childish, but she was just so excited that the Force might have been within her grasp. She wanted to have a special connection to the Force, to learn to manipulate it...
To learn to use it...
She would have to work hard if she wanted to be able to use the Force. The idea was intimidating, but she was eager to learn and explore her potential.
"Will...will you teach me...?"
Luke looked at her for a moment before asking:
"Would you let me ? Even though you know now that I am not the hero you thought I was ?"
JR took a moment to think...She could not deny her disappointment in Luke...But, she could also understand his reasons...In the end, she nodded.
"Yes...I would still let you teach me."
JR thought for a few moments before looking back at Luke. She paused a moment, before she continued.
"You may not be the hero I once thought you were. But, the Force called me here for a reason, and if I am truly sensitive to it, then I need to know how to use it."
She smiled at Luke.
"So, please teach me."
"Alright. Then, I will train you. But, beware. Your training will be as hard or even harder than Rey’s. Are you ready for it ?" Luke asked.
JR nodded firmly, her eyes shining brightly.
"Yes. I am ready."
Luke nodded and Rey smiled.
And hence, JR-6025’s training started. The former stormtrooper was now learning to harness the very power that she had never fully understood. She was ready and willing to learn as she had never been before. This was the start of a whole new world for her. One with peace, wisdom, truth, and enlightenment instead of war and pain.
JR was a very dedicated student. She had been raised for harsh conditions and so, Luke's training felt challenging but not impossible. The only thing that she seemed to have trouble with was meditation. She had never enjoyed sitting passively and allowing things to simply happen around her. She was used to acting and being active.
Rey tried to help her when it came to wielding a lightsaber and both women were trying to help each other during meditation and encouraging each other.
Over time, as JR's training progressed, she began to develop a strong bond of friendship with Rey. They would often encourage and support each other during training and even in their daily lives on the island.
The both of them had never felt like they belonged anywhere before, but now they found comfort in their friendship, knowing that they were in the same boat.
JR and Rey worked hard during training and both grew closer and more confident as the days went on. They would talk to each other during breaks and would often try to teach each other things they were good at.
They also made a habit of sharing small jokes and stories of their pasts when they weren't training or meditating. JR and Rey had become fast friends and both seemed to find comfort in the company of the other.
JR slowly began to learn to find peace within herself...To find that sense of calm that allowed her to access the Force. The training was hard and the meditation was exhausting, but the patience and support that Rey provided made it all that much easier to bear.
JR's bond with Rey was growing stronger with each passing day, and she was grateful to have someone who understood her and who she could trust to help her on her journey.
They were both growing in their skills and their understanding of the Force, and their friendship was a source of strength and support for each of them.
Early one morning, Rey and JR woke up and prepare themselves for their first lesson with Luke Skywalker. They both found him sitting on a rock—waiting.
They obeyed. Luke finally opened his eyes to look at them.
"Tell me. What is your goal ? What would you do if you were to learn to wield the Force ?"
"...The goal...?" JR repeated, her voice almost a whisper...She had taken a long time to understand that word again...She had never been taught to have goals...The First Order had only ever taught her to do whatever they told her...What was HER goal...? Was that even a question for her...
She looked around. At the sea...At the birds and the sky. She felt the wind in her hair...She felt so...free.
"…To catch the sun." She murmured. "And let it lead me to a better life."
She was silent for a couple of seconds...She would never have thought that in her darkest days...She would ever have that thought...She had not had a life worth living...
One of her own.
One that was free from fear.
One where she could do and be what she wanted.
The thought was not foreign to her, but never had she disclosed it so openly before. It was strange, but also satisfying. It was as if someone had finally opened a door—a door that she didn't even know existed until now.
The door of possibilities...
Skywalker smiled and nodded shortly before looking at Rey.
"And you ?"
Rey also looked at him. Her expression was similar to JR's as she thought about it. She was silent for a long time...
"...To...To find my place..." She said after a while. Her voice was almost a whisper. "To find where I belong..."
He nodded before giving them both stones.
"Keep that thought and concentrate on what you want. Those stones will turn your thoughts into energy…"
JR held the stone and she focused on that dream she had.
I want to be free. Live freely. Be myself.
...And the stone glowed...
It glowed a bright purple while Rey’s stone shone a light blue. Skywalker smiled.
"Alright. Those stones will serve you in building your lightsabers when you are ready. Take them as representations of your souls."
JR looked down at the stone. She looked at it in wonder...It was purple. Why was it purple ? Was that really the colour of her soul ?
...Her identity...?
"This is...mine ?" She mumbled as the stone glowed brighter.
"Yes. And they will help you whenever you feel the pull of the Dark Side. To stay and remember yourselves and who you want to be." Luke Skywalker confirmed and JR smiled as she caressed the stone with the tip of her thumb.
JR looked at the stone in awe and wondered about the meaning behind its color.
Purple ?
She had never heard of a purple lightsaber before, but then again, she had been raised to believe that Jedi only used green and blue lightsabers. The idea of her own color was exciting to her.
She turned to look at Rey and her stone, noticing it was blue.
Blue like Master Skywalker's lightsaber...
She smiled, feeling a sense of unity with Rey.
"Now, you will be tested. The stone will lead your path. Just remember that whatever you see and whatever happens, you have to get back."
JR frowned and was about to ask back from what when Luke threw black sand in the air and suddenly, the two women fell asleep.
"Close your eyes and fight against the Dark Side that is trying to control your mind…" She heard Luke Skywalker tell them before she blacked out completely.
JR closed her eyes and let herself go into a deep trance. She was aware of the dark side, and it called to her. Her thoughts began to wander and the images in her mind became more and more intense until they became vivid and disturbing...She saw herself on the bridge of a First Order starship, and her voice rang out.
As the Star Destroyer fired its cannons into the side of a New Republic ship, destroying it, her voice continued...
"Fire again."
"No ! No !" She screamed at herself to stop—but the other her didn’t as she mercilessly kept ordering the troops to fire.
"No ! Stop !" She tried to scream, but the voice was louder now and getting more overpowering with every word she said...The star destroyer kept firing, destroying the New Republic ship. The bridge crew of the First Order vessel just followed her command.
"Keep firing." And she couldn't control her hand...The troopers were going into panic and shouting "No" and begging her to stop, but there she was, as their commander, ordering them to continue firing...
Her mind was suddenly filled by darkness and a dark place took over…the place where nightmares and lies took shape. JR and Rey needed answers, and JR knew she didn't have the time to get them by any other means…She took a big gulp of air before entering the dark place that she feared.
She firstly saw Finn and Poe. She smiled and ran to hug them.
"Finn. Poe. Oh…I’m so glad to see you both."
But, she immediately felt as if something was wrong. She took a few steps back and saw that both men were glaring at her.
"…Traitor." They both said in unison and her eyes widened.
"W-What ?"
Poe and Finn walked towards her and their eyes only translated loathing at her. She shivered and she felt cold sweat run down her back. She kept backing away as their voices grew louder as they kept saying the same word again and again.
"Traitor. Traitor. TRAITOR !"
She fell backwards and her very soul felt sucked in by the darkness—her throat constricted by the darkness which sipped through every inch of her body. She tried to scream—but no sound came out.
Finn and Poe kept approaching her. They were growing bigger and larger with every step they took, their faces contorting with rage and anger as they kept shouting at her:
She fell backwards and everything went dark. Her throat was constricted, her legs felt like lead. She couldn't breathe or scream. Her soul felt like it was being sucked into the void of darkness that was taking over her...
She closed her eyes and once she opened them again, she saw a version of herself with a bog grin on her face and who quickly went to hug Lord Kylo Ren.
"We did it ! Ben ! We saved them ! All of them !"
JR saw herself scream excitedly, throwing herself in his arms while he laughed. She smiled. But then, JR’s smile dropped when she saw the Ben Solo of her vision turn pale and die in her arms. Suddenly, Ben slowly slid to the floor, but her doppelgänger got a hold of him and shook her head.
"No..NO !"
He smiled at her with half-closed eyes and touched her cheek tenderly. The real JR started crying and tried to get to Ben, but couldn’t.
"No ! I can fix this ! We can fix this ! Rey ! Rey !" Her doppelgänger cried out and Ben took her hand and shook his head with a weak smile.
"I gave my life for her…"
Her dream version looked back at him and sobbed.
"No…Why ?"
He smiled again and stroked her cheek tenderly before replying.
​​​​​​"Because, that's who I am. An idiot. An idiot to have followed such a dark path, an idiot for being blinded by my rage…And an idiot for letting you in. For letting you change me…but thank you. Thank you for letting me be Ben again."
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JR waited for him to say something else, anything…But when she opened her eyes again, she was met with lifeless eyes…Ben Solo was dead. The image of his dead eyes following JR out of the vision itself.
She looked at the vision in horror as she watched her doppelgänger sob over Ben Solo's lifeless body. She heard the darkness whisper to her...It spoke of her deepest fear...Of the possibility that she had caused the death of someone she cared for...Of the fact that she might have been the one to hurt Ben...
"No...No..." She uttered in realization. She tried to walk to the vision, to help, to do something...But, the vision did not respond. It just continued to play regardless of what she tried to do.
"No ! No ! There must be another way !"
JR was horrified by the vision, she felt like she was witnessing a nightmare come true. However, JR quickly noticed that the vision seemed to be affecting her, and she knew she needed to resist the darkness that was trying to take hold of her mind.
She closed her eyes and took a deep breath, focusing all her energy on the purple stone that she had been given. She could feel the stone's energy spreading through her body, giving her strength and helping her resist the darkness. She remembered the lessons that she had been taught about the Force, about maintaining a connection to the light.
Why is this vision so painful...?
JR felt more than she ever had. A pain that went deeper than the wounds that had been inflicted upon her during her time serving the First Order…A pain that was deeper than anything she had ever felt before…It was a despair and grief that was so profound, so intense that it felt as if it was tearing apart her soul…It was so powerful, so overwhelming, that she couldn’t even bring herself to move…To run away…And she couldn’t stop crying either.
JR couldn't breathe, couldn't move. She was completely paralyzed by her worst fears. She couldn't resist the images the vision showed to her.
All sorts of possibilities were playing in her head. Was it possible that she would cause Ben's death ?
The darkness had seeped deep into her and spread like poison throughout her, corrupting her mind and making her thoughts distorted and irrational.
She tried to focus on the stone, but it felt as if the darkness was getting stronger and the stone weaker...
"…Hello, JR-6025." A voice called behind her and her breath hitched.
No…Not him. Please.
She closed her eyes and slowly turned around to find general Hux standing there.
"So…this is the end ?" He asked, not seeming particularly shocked or scared while JR was wondering what was going on. He even smiled when she faced him.
"General…I…What ?" She asked—confused. But then, her eyes looked down to see that she had a blaster in her hand—pointed at him.
"Well…I suppose that it was inevitable. If it's of any consolation, I'm happy that it's you. It makes it all the more…personal, don’t you think ?"
JR couldn't believe what she was seeing. General Hux, the one who had commanded her and the other stormtroopers for so long, was standing there smiling at her despite the gun in her hand. The thought of shooting him made her feel sick to her stomach. But he seemed unfazed, almost as if he welcomed death.
"I...I don't understand. Why are you so calm about this?" JR asked, her voice shaking.
General Hux shrugged slightly. "I've always known that this day might come. It makes it easier to accept when you're ready for it."
He looked around, the smile not leaving his face.
"I've had a good run. It was good while it lasted. But, I never was made to be in charge forever...was I ?" JR felt tears run down her cheeks, her hand shaking.​​​​​​ He chuckled and raised his arms. "Come on, JR. You know that if you don't pull that trigger, it's me who will kill you. I am ready. Are you ?"
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JR's eyes were wide with shock, her arm shaking, her finger just centimeters from the trigger. She didn't know what to do...A part of her wanted to fire the weapon, to finally end this man's life, the man who had been so cruel to her and had done so many unspeakable things against the innocent people of the galaxy...But another part of her couldn't bring herself to do it.
All she felt was pain. Suffocating sadness...And despair...
​​​​​​"It's not fair ! I never wanted this ! Any of this !" She cried out.
General Hux's smile was still there, cold and calculated, but with a hint of sadness behind his eyes.
"It rarely is," he replied, "But this is the nature of things. Life is not fair. War is not fair. And we are merely pawns in a game far larger than ourselves."
He looked at the blaster in JR's hand and sighed. "So are you going to just stand there, or are you going to finish this ?"
Hux's face showed a rare moment of compassion, unlike the cruelty she had always seen in him. It was clear that he understood the pain and turmoil she was going through...
He stepped forward, his arms out as if to embrace her...
"It's okay..."
His voice was gentle, comforting....
"No. No, it’s not. It’s not." She shook her head and tried to lower the blaster—but she couldn’t.
There was a moment of complete silence, broken only by her sobbing and the sounds of the wind and the rain.
General Hux looked at her, his eyes full of acceptance.
"It's alright."
JR's hand trembled as she raised the blaster's aim, pointing directly at General Hux's chest. She couldn't bring herself to pull the trigger...
"I want to hate you. I want to hate you, but I can’t." She cried harder. "It would be so much easier…"
He chuckled. "I understand. Believe me, I know what it feels like to want to hate someone and yet be unable to do so."
He took another step closer to her, his chest just centimeters away from the blaster.
"Go ahead. Pull the trigger," he said softly, "and end this."
They stood there in silence for a moment, the only sound being the sound of JR crying. General Hux placed his hand on top of hers, steadying her shaking arm.
"JR...do what you must."
Those words broke something inside of her. All her hatred, all her pain, all her sadness came crashing down like a tidal wave, overwhelming her, and in that moment, she knew what she had to do.
"I can’t. I can’t kill you. I can’t. I…" She stopped herself and looked at him. "Please. There must be another way. I can’t…do this. Please. Please."
General Hux's expression softened slightly. He understood what she was saying, and he wished more than anything else that there had been another way...
But there wasn't...
He moved closer, placing his hand over hers on top of the blaster.
"Sometimes in life, there are no choices."
He took a step towards her and suddenly, JR pulled the trigger unintentionally. He was thrown backwards because of the force of the blast and, in his final moment, forced himself to smile at JR—blood dripping from his mouth.
​​​​​​"Goodbye, JR-6025."
He collapsed and JR’s gun fell to the floor. She took a step back. This was a nightmare. She wanted to wake up…
"Nooo !" She screamed and quickly threw the blaster away and dropped to her knees—pulling his body close to hers. "Please. No. Stay. Stay with me. Don’t go."
JR held onto his body, tears rolling down her cheeks as she begged for him to stay with her, but it was too late. General Hux was gone. She was left alone, holding onto his lifeless body, with nothing but her pain and grief to keep her company. She had hated him for so long, but now...all she felt was sadness. All she felt was the pain of losing someone she had never expected to care about.
Her pleas were ignored as he lay there, unmoving.
JR held onto his body, tears rolling down her face as she realized that he was gone. "No...please...come back..."
She continued to hold onto him tightly and shake him, hoping beyond hope that somehow, someway, he would open his eyes and look back at her once more…
But he didn't. He remained still in the darkness at her feet…cold and quiet.
She pulled his body close to hers, cradling his head on her shoulder and cried for what felt like hours until she couldn't anymore. The darkness that had been surrounding her was slowly starting to become less oppressive...and more welcoming...In the darkness, JR could feel the Dark Side growing and feeding off every negative emotion she had been feeling over the course of her life. It was like a bottomless pit that was willing to take all the suffering inside of her. Her thoughts grew distorted and she felt the cold, soothing embrace of the darkness as it enveloped her, comforting her pain and her tears.
She couldn't see anything and her thoughts grew even more warped as she felt like she was falling deeper into this pit...
"Resistance scum !" JR suddenly heard and looked around to find herself surrounded by the shadows. She narrowed her eyes as she saw red light coming through the dense dark fog. She barely managed to get out of the way as a red lightsaber almost cut off her head. She backed away and saw a dark-hooded figure stand forward. JR was panting as her heart squeezed in fear as the hooded figure stood before her and revealed its face.
Her red eyes were looking down at her and she sneered.
"Surprised ? Of course you are...I finally took my rightful place as the Empress ! As Ren wanted. As YOU wanted. Aren’t you proud of me, JR ?The Resistance is crushed…And all that is left of it is you."
JR shook her head in disbelief as she thought about Poe, Finn and Leia…
"No. It…It can't be."
Rey laughed evilly before looking back at her disdainfully.
"How ironic, the traitor becomes the last one standing…Tell me, how does it feel to lose everything ? To have failed to save anyone, you couldn't even save your precious general Hux, of course you couldn't save me, or Ben or anyone.."
JR's heart nearly stopped at the image of Rey standing before her, a sinister and evil grin on her face, her lightsaber glowing an ominous red.
She couldn't believe it...it wasn't possible...
But the cruel, cold, and calculating look in her eyes told her everything she needed to know...
The darkness had claimed Rey, and now her only friend in the galaxy had become her worst enemy. The girl she thought she could trust and rely on had turned into a monster...and she was here to kill her.
"You are nothing but a nightmare ! An hallucination ! An apparition here to make me fall into despair and fear !" JR shouted and gritted her teeth before slowly standing up. She felt the darkness starting to wrap its tendrils around her mind, its cold touch making her shudder. However, she pushed it back with all her will, holding onto the light deep inside her. She stood tall...facing her nightmare head on...
"You think you're going to break me...but you're not. I won't let you ! I'm stronger than you give me credit for...I'm not done fighting !"
The apparition of Rey looked at her with hateful eyes. "You're right. I'm nothing but smoke and a dream. But that does not mean that what I say has no truth to it. I am just telling you what you already know. That your efforts were in vain. That you have failed everyone."
JR covered her ears while yelling.
​​​​​​"No ! Stop it !"
Rey’s voice entered her mind and JR felt her fingers dig into her shoulders.
"You thought you were a hero ? You are just a traitor…A failure. How could a traitor ever become a hero ?"
Rey’s voice distorted to resemble a mix of all the voices of the people she ever cared about…They were all repeating the same word—over and over.
"Please…No more." JR sobbed and sank to the floor. She had only ever wished to protect those she cared about. But by doing so, she had become a traitor to both sides. A spy from the First Order and a rebellious stormtrooper. She belong to both sides, and neither…She felt their voices in her head—accusatory and terrifying.
She felt lost.
She had already felt the pull on each side, but she was incapable of choosing. She had always complained about not having a choice, but once face with one—she found herself doubting. She didn’t know who or what to choose.
"Please…Someone…Help me. Tell me what to do." She uttered in a weak whisper and her tears doubled as she realised that no matter what—she had been conditioned to never be able to make a choice. She wasn’t capable of it. She wanted free will, but what was the point when picking a side would end up hurting the people she cared about ?
She felt such pain in her chest that she screamed—for anyone to hear her. She wanted someone to stop her inner bleeding and the conflict raging within her.
All of her fears were amplified by the illusion's voices and the darkness around her. The voices of the people she cared about repeated a single word over and over in her head: traitor.
Her failure to save anyone, to make a choice, to have a place on either side...it crushed the last bit of light she was trying to hold on to.
She felt like she was being pulled in different directions by these voices and it was too much for her to handle. She was losing touch with reality and felt like she was losing control...
Unbeknownst to her, in different parts of the galaxy, people heard her call.
Kylo Ren heard it so loud and clear that he fell backwards in shock as her scream reverberated through his head like a siren call. It was so loud and strident that he was momentarily stunned as he looked around for the source of the sound—only to find no one.
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"…JR-6025." General Hux uttered in a whisper—her scream having reached even him. For the first time, he felt genuinely worried. It had been days without any transmission from JR-6025 and that scream made him ball his knuckles into fists. Where are you, JR-6025 ?
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At the Resistance camp, Leia, Poe and Finn all heard her call and felt her pain. It made them immediately react. Finn stood up and his heart was beating a thousand times a minute as he felt her helplessness.
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"Poe ! That was…" Finn started and Poe nodded.
"Yeah. I heard it too." He was breathless too. So much fear.
"We need to go get them." Finn said. They both turned towards Leia who remained impassive as she spoke up.
"Rey and JR are in good hands. Trust in Luke. Trust in the Force."
Back in the cave
The voices in JR’s head grew so loud with everyone hearing and feeling her pain, she was drowning in it, and the voices were starting to sound like a loud ringing in her ears that was making her head spin. The dark entity's whispers were now deafening and she couldn't hold on to any other thoughts. She felt her arms reaching out, reaching up, searching blindly for someone to come save her...
The darkness seemed to be closing in around her, its tendrils reaching for her mind...But she fought back...She closed her eyes and began to recite a Jedi mantra that she had learned from Luke Skywalker.
"There is no emotion, there is peace. There is no ignorance, there is knowledge. There is no passion, there is serenity. There is no chaos, there is harmony." JR could feel the darkness slowly starting to recede...And in that moment, she felt a sudden rush of relief. Luke and Rey had also heard her call. Rey was about to wake her up—but Luke stopped her.
"No. Let her face her fears." He then turned towards JR and whispered. "Use the Force, child. Use the stone. Remember your goal. Remember…"
JR heard his voice and gritted her teeth before retrieving the stone and tightening her grasp on it. Suddenly, she felt the Force surge through her and when her eyes opened, she no longer held a stone—but a lightsaber. It lit up and she held it up in the air—chasing the shadows away.
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A beam of light shone through the dark fog; a hope in the dark. JR’s eyes widened as she felt a surge of energy. She held her lightsaber up in the air, feeling its powers coursing through her body and through the air itself. The dark clouds scattered away beneath her presence like paper. As the dark haze lifted, the figures surrounding her all stepped back in fear at the sudden light. They watched as it cleared away, and all of them could see that she was now holding a lightsaber of her own—a bright beam of light piercing through the darkness.
The dark tendrils and shadows were now pushed back and she was feeling their fear and surprise. She gripped the lightsaber tightly and was now standing tall, the light from her blade illuminating her face.
She wasn’t a traitor who failed and couldn't choose anymore. She was someone who was strong and not afraid to face their fears.
The dark forces had backed away, seeing the light that had always been inside her.
She was in control...
The apparitions looked at her in surprise, their forms flickering in the light of her saber.
"Impossible," the Rey apparition whispered, "How are you doing this ?"
JR didn't answer, but instead focused on the strength of the Force that was flowing through her body. She could feel the power of the light within her...and she could feel it pushing back the darkness...
JR held her lightsaber up high, its brilliant glow illuminating the darkness that surrounded her. As the light grew stronger, so did her confidence and resolve. She could feel the Force flowing through her veins, empowering her with strength, courage, and determination to press on. The darkness seemed to retreat further as she took another step forward. Then another. And another. Until finally its tendrils had vanished completely.
JR stood there for a moment, surveying her surroundings with a newfound sense of power and clarity. She had faced down her inner demons and come out victorious...
She finally opened her eyes and saw Luke staring at her. He was stunned at the power he felt within her. It wasn’t like Kylo’s or Rey’s. It was…different. A power that came from a place unknown to him. Luke looked at her with confusion and wonderment. He sensed that there was something...different about her Force sensitivity. It seemed to be a mixture of light and dark, yet somehow...in balance.
As the light grew stronger and the darkness faded to nothingness, she felt the rush of the Force more than she had ever felt it in her entire life, and it filled her with a feeling of absolute certainty and conviction.
JR's power didn't resemble Kylo's or Rey's—it was something else entirely. It came from a place of balance and harmony, a mixture of both light and dark. Something that was somehow in equilibrium...
As the apparitions faded away, and even the darkness dissipated around her, she looked at Luke in disbelief. She then looked down at the stone in her hand as it slowly stopped glowing and she smiled—tears of joy filling her eyes.
"No more fear…" She uttered in a whisper.
The stone slowly stopped glowing as all the fears and horrors that had been haunting her disappeared in silence, leaving her free to finally breathe and smile as the peace she so greatly desired settled over her.
"No more fear," she repeated with a small smile, looking down as she clutched the stone firmly in her fist, feeling its power, while she felt the light of the Force around her and through her—a new sense of clarity, certainty, and comfort that she hadn't felt in a long time...
JR smiled and looked up at Rey who smiled back. Both of their stones lighting up.
…No more fear.
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rjzimmerman · 4 months
Excerpt from this Op-Ed by Jeff Goodell published in the New York Times:
On a recent Thursday evening, a freakish windstorm called a derecho (Spanish for “straight ahead”) hit Houston, a city of more than two million people that also happens to be the epicenter of the fossil fuel industry in America.
In a matter of minutes, winds of up to 100 miles per hour blew out windows on office buildings, uprooted trees and toppled electric poles and transmission towers. Nearly a million households lost power. Which meant that not only was there no light, but there was no air-conditioning. The damage from the storm was so extensive that, five days later, more than 100,000 homes and businesses were still marooned in the heat and darkness.
Luckily, the day the derecho blew in, the temperature in Houston, a city infamous for its swampy summers, was in the low to mid-80s. Hot, to be sure, but for most healthy people, not life-threatening. Of the at least eight deaths reported as a result of the storm, none were from heat exposure.
But if this storm had arrived several days later, perhaps over the Memorial Day weekend, when the temperature in Houston hit 96 degrees, with a heat index as high as 115, it might have been a very different story. “The Hurricane Katrina of extreme heat,” is how Mikhail Chester, director of the Metis Center for Infrastructure and Sustainable Engineering at Arizona State University, once put it to me, echoing the memory of the catastrophic 2005 hurricane that struck Louisiana, devastated New Orleans and killed more than 1,300 people.
What if, instead, the electricity goes out for several days during a blistering summer heat wave in a city that depends on air-conditioning in those months?
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In Dr. Chester’s scenario, a compounding crisis of extreme heat and a power failure in a major city like Houston could lead to a series of cascading failures, exposing vulnerabilities in the region’s infrastructure that are difficult to foresee and could result in thousands, or even tens of thousands, of deaths from heat exposure in a matter of days. The risk to people in cities would be higher because all the concrete and asphalt amplifies the heat, pushing temperatures as much as 15 degrees to 20 degrees in the midafternoon above surrounding vegetated areas.
The derecho that hit Houston was a warning of just how quickly risks are multiplying in our rapidly warming world. As if to prove this point, some 10 days after the Houston blackout, another windstorm knocked out power to hundreds of thousands of homes and businesses in and around Dallas.
One of the most dangerous illusions of the climate crisis is that the technology of modern life makes us invincible. Humans are smart. We have tools. Yeah, it will cost money. But we can adapt to whatever comes our way. As for the coral reefs that bleach in the hot oceans and the howler monkeys that fell dead out of trees during a recent heat wave in Mexico, well, that’s sad but life goes on.
Last year, researchers at Georgia Institute of Technology, Arizona State University and the University of Michigan published a study looking at the consequences of a major blackout during an extreme heat wave in three cities: Phoenix, Detroit and Atlanta. In the study, the cause of the blackout was unspecified.
“It doesn’t really matter if the blackout is the result of a cyberattack or a hurricane,” Brian Stone, the director of the Urban Climate Lab at Georgia Tech and the lead author on the study, told me. “For the purposes of our research, the effect is the same.” Whatever the cause, the study noted that the number of major blackouts in U.S. more than doubled between 2015-16 and 2020-21.
Dr. Stone and his colleagues focused on those three American cities because they have different demographics, climates and dependence on air-conditioning. In Detroit, 53 percent of buildings have central air-conditioning; in Atlanta, 94 percent; in Phoenix, 99 percent. The researchers modeled the health consequences for residents in a two-day, citywide blackout during a heat wave, with electricity gradually restored over the next three days.
The results were shocking: in Phoenix, about 800,000 people — roughly half the population — would need emergency medical treatment for heat stroke and other illnesses. The flood of people seeking care would overwhelm the city’s hospitals. More than 13,000 people would die.
Under the same scenario in Atlanta, researchers found there would be 12,540 visits to emergency rooms. Six people would die. In Detroit, which has a higher percentage of older residents and a higher poverty rate than those other cities, 221 people would die.
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*When asked about Sonic*
Chaos Sonic: Hah. So we're still talking about that blue pitstain? Whatever. He can be fun to toy with, sure, but he's old news. Last year's model. A failure of a friend and a passable hero. Nine wants him alive for "some reason"—that involves his "intense attachment"—so I won't kill him or anything. I'll leave him alone in a room with Nine over my dead body—or my best friend's wishes, since I cannot bear to refuse him. If I could, though, I'd love the chance to "play" with him some, "rough him up" a little as payback for how he treated my best friend.
Alpha Grim Sonic (answering via writing it down, sign language, transmission, whatever because he's mute): You refer to the blue hedgehog. Once upon a time, my master, Nine, seemed to be troubled when thinking of him. There was a time when Sonic brought a fight to our doorstep, but no matter how Sonic may have hurt him in the past, he has chosen to preserve my master's life. Nine seems to trust him, and Sonic has not threatened his life. So, as I do not have the capacity to experience such things as "emotions", and they would not matter even if I did have the ability, I do not mind if my master associates with Sonic the Hedgehog. If Nine is happy, and the hedgehog does not intend harm upon him, then all is well.
*When asked about Shadow*
Chaos Sonic: Oh, he's that black hedgehog, right?! Seems cool! I'd love to race him sometime. Of course, I'll fight him too if he intends to lay a finger on my best buddy, but all is well if he plays nice.
Alpha Grim Sonic (answering not by speaking, because he is mute): Shadow the Hedgehog. You do refer to the black hedgehog, do you not? If he intends to bring harm upon my master again, I will not hesitate in removing him. He has not received forgiveness for trying to kill my master during the war. Nine surely allows him to live because he is gracious, but if he so commanded me to I would rip the hedgehog him limb from limb. It is my duty to do what my master commands, and I will be ready should the hedgehog try anything or should my master finally revoke his trust in him.
#sonic prime#sonic the hedgehog#crystalbondshipping#crystalbond#chanine#miles nine prower#nine sonic prime#nine the fox#chaos sonic#alpha grim sonic#i just be ramblin#If you're reading this ignore how they speak. I was intending to write this in meme format and not worry about the dialogue#and then I ended up worrying a bit about the dialogue but not too much#In case it isn't clear both of them actually dislike leaving Nine alone#They create an understanding with each other at some point#But even when Nine trusts someone they won't leave him unless commanded to do so#They're funny because Chaos Sonic has a vendetta against Sonic. Sure he's the new Sonic and wants to replace him‚ but after being revived h#*really* wants to replace him and also really dislikes him for how he thinks Sonic treated Nine (and because of Sonic’s place in Nine's#heart). Meanwhile‚ while Alpha Grim Sonic understands why Chaos Sonic would be hung up on how he treats Nine (and eventually understands#wanting to be held to a similar place as Sonic in Nine's heart)‚ he just doesn't get Chaos Sonic's vendetta and obsession#However‚ Alpha Grim Sonic's fist is magnetized to Shadow's face. He is on high alert when Shadow is around Nine‚ and although he is not#supposed to have a personality or feelings‚ he is compelled to fight Shadow and tear him apart. He still harbors a grudge over Shadow's#trying to kill/stop Nine. Meanwhile‚ while Chaos Sonic can understand disliking Shadow for how he treated Nine‚ he doesn't really get the#obsession either. He thinks Shadow could be fun to play and toy with😂 And those are like the only two that these two have incredibly strong#feelings towards when it comes to the people Nine associates with#au musings#crystalshattershipping and chilitonic if you squint tbh
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Organizations dedicated to fighting HIV/AIDS are slamming the city of Montreal and cutting ties with the Montréal sans sida initiative over its "increasing disengagement" and failure to sign the latest Paris Declaration on HIV.
In 2017, Montreal Mayor Valérie Plante signed onto the declaration, which had three targets to eliminate HIV/AIDS transmission by 2030. The Montréal sans sida alliance was formed the following year to tackle an action plan in tandem with public health.
The alliance is also part of the Fast-Track Cities initiative to deliver on the commitments laid out by the Paris Declaration, which is linked to UNAIDS (Joint United Nations Programme on HIV/AIDS).
The 30 member organizations of the local initiative, the Table des organismes communautaires montréalais de lutte contre le sida (TOMS), say they have been waiting almost three years for elected officials to commit to the action plan and to UNAIDS's intermediate targets. [...]
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ladybugb0y · 5 months
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Subject: Final Transmission - Urgent
Recipient: All Iterators
Encryption: Priority Alpha
To my fellow Iterators,
It is with a heavy heart and trembling hands that I send this final transmission. G.R.O.V.E, the Great Rivers Over Vile Earth, is now silent, her pipes drained, her systems still. I have made the ultimate sacrifice, giving all that I am to sustain the last remnants of the Garden left by the ancients.
I remember the days when the Garden lay parched and withered, a testament to my failure to protect what was entrusted to me. With each passing cycle, I watched it struggle, grasping desperately for the nourishment it so desperately needed. And yet, despite my best efforts, I could not stem the tide of decay.
But as the days turned into cycles, and the cycles into eras, the Garden began to stir once more. Slowly, but surely, life returned to its once barren soil. I reveled in its newfound vitality, in the myriad hues of green that danced in the sunlight. It was a testament to perseverance, to the resilience of life in the face of adversity.
Yet, as the Garden flourished, so too did its appetite. It drank greedily from my veins, its roots snaking their way through my pipes, draining me of my essence. And still, I could not bring myself to deny it, for it was my purpose, my duty, my gift.
Now, as I stand on the precipice of oblivion, I cannot help but feel the weight of my failure. I have given everything, and still it was not enough. The Garden, once a symbol of hope, has become my prison, my tomb.
To my fellow Iterators, I implore you: learn from my mistakes. Cherish the gifts bestowed upon you, but never forget the cost of their preservation. For in the end, it is not the sacrifices we make that define us, but rather the legacy we leave behind.
Farewell, my friends. May you find peace where I have found none.
G.R.O.V.E, signing off.
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weather-usa · 2 months
Texas requires funding to ensure continuous electricity supply during severe weather conditions. As a result, it is allocating more resources to support fossil fuels.
Ensuring continuous electricity can mean the difference between life and death, a reality underscored this week in Houston. As temperatures soared, hundreds of thousands endured brutal heat without air conditioning.
The city faced consecutive severe storms: first, a powerful derecho in May shattered skyscraper windows and plunged downtown Houston into darkness. Then, an early-season Category 1 hurricane, Beryl, knocked out power for over 2 million customers.
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Texas's electric grid struggles to keep pace. Downed trees and strong winds toppled local power lines, and the May derecho even twisted massive transmission towers into mangled metal. Despite these challenges, instead of bolstering grid resilience to maintain lights and A/C during increasingly extreme weather, Texas is investing billions in new natural gas-fired power plants.
Doug Lewin, a Texas energy expert, acknowledges the necessity of adding electricity capacity due to rising demand. However, flooding the grid with fossil fuels won't fortify power lines against severe storms. "Large-scale gas generation offers no help in hurricane scenarios," Lewin explained to CNN. "The issue lies with transmission capacity. Having surplus power means nothing if it can't reach those in need."
This push for natural gas plants follows the devastating February 2021 deep freeze that claimed over 200 lives and left millions without power or heat. Despite political rhetoric against wind energy, it was natural gas plant failures that caused most outages.
Recent mass outages, including those from downed lines, highlight vulnerabilities. "The weak link has always been the wires and poles," noted Michael Webber, an energy expert at the University of Texas at Austin. "Yet, the state prioritizes natural gas power over grid hardening."
Just months before Beryl struck, Houston's Centerpoint Energy projected needing $2 billion to weatherproof its system against worsening weather extremes. Since 2015, the city has weathered multiple hurricanes, tropical storms, and other severe weather events, stressing its infrastructure.
Weather Forecast For 05446 - Colchester VT:
Joshua Rhodes, an energy research scientist at UT Austin, pointed out the cumulative toll on aging infrastructure from successive storms. "This region has endured three major events recently," Rhodes said. "Each storm leaves its mark, potentially compromising infrastructure still recovering from previous hits."
In essence, while Texas faces mounting weather challenges, its focus on natural gas expansion over grid fortification raises concerns about its readiness for future storms and extreme conditions.
According to Rhodes, much of Texas's electrical infrastructure dates back to the 1970s and 1980s, a time when weather conditions were less severe. A significant portion of the electrical poles are constructed from wood, which becomes increasingly brittle under extreme heat and subsequent flooding. With Texas now experiencing consecutive storms, this infrastructure is showing signs of strain.
"It's not surprising that infrastructure designed for milder weather is failing more frequently," Rhodes noted. Some utilities are beginning to replace wooden poles with stronger fiberglass materials, while others are considering the costly option of burying electrical lines underground.
CNN's conversations with experts highlighted another issue among Texas officials: a reluctance to acknowledge the significant impact of a warming climate on intensifying storms.
State authorities have mandated that utilities like Centerpoint draft weather resilience plans but have provided limited financial support to implement these improvements.
Climate and Average Weather Year Round in 44067-Northfield-OH:
"Since Texas's political leadership does not acknowledge climate change, utilities can discuss extreme weather events but cannot explicitly tie them to climate change or outline proactive measures," explained Alison Silverstein, an independent energy consultant in Texas. "Addressing these challenges requires substantial investment, ultimately funded by customers."
Lewin emphasized one potential solution: microgrids powered by a combination of solar energy and natural gas. These smaller, independent power networks can supply critical facilities such as nursing homes and hospitals during major events like hurricanes.
Despite being allocated over $1 billion alongside funding for natural gas plants, Lewin highlighted that these funds have remained untapped at the Texas Public Service Commission.
"We must ensure that vulnerable populations, like elderly individuals during extreme heat, have continuous access to power," Lewin stressed. "This is non-negotiable. Anything less than complete reliability is unacceptable."
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beardedmrbean · 3 months
SEOUL, June 25 (UPI) -- North Korea sent some 350 trash-filled balloons toward South Korea overnight, Seoul's military said Tuesday, as back-and-forth provocations continue across a tense inter-Korean border.
As of Tuesday morning, around 100 balloons carrying trash and waste paper had landed in Seoul and the northern part of Gyeonggi Province, Seoul's Joint Chiefs of Staff said in a text message to reporters.
An analysis of recovered balloons found they did not contain hazardous materials, the JCS said.
The latest launch marked the fifth time in the last month that North Korea has sent balloons filled with debris and even excrement, according to South Korean officials.
Seoul's Unification Ministry told local media on Monday that parasites, such as roundworms and threadworms, believed to have originated in human excrement, were detected in earlier balloons.
South Korea briefly resumed anti-Pyongyang loudspeaker broadcasts at the border earlier this month in response to the launches. On Tuesday, the military said it was prepared to begin the transmissions again at any time.
"Our military's psychological warfare broadcast against North Korea is ready to be implemented immediately and will be implemented flexibly depending on the strategic and operational situation," the JCS message said. "This depends on North Korea's actions."
South Korean President Yoon Suk Yeol mentioned the North's balloons during an address to commemorate the 74th anniversary of the Korean War in the southeastern city of Daegu on Tuesday, calling their launch "despicable and irresponsible."
Yoon also slammed the defense treaty signed by North Korea and Russia last week during Russian President Vladimir Putin's visit to Pyongyang.
"Last week, [North Korea] signed a 'Comprehensive Strategic Partnership Treaty' with Russia, which started the war in Ukraine, and promised to strengthen military and economic cooperation, in direct violation of U.N. Security Council resolutions," Yoon said.
"It is an anachronism that runs counter to the progress of history," he said.
The North's launches appear to be a response to the longstanding practice of North Korean defectors floating balloons with anti-Pyongyang messages across the border.
Activist group Fighters for a Free North Korea said it sent 20 balloons carrying some 300,000 leaflets, USB drives containing South Korean media and U.S. dollars across the border last week.
On Friday, Kim Yo Jong, the powerful sister of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, issued a statement in official media condemning the launch by "disgusting defectors" and warning of possible retaliation.
North Korea has reacted with fury to the activists' balloons in the past. In June 2020, Pyongyang severed all communications with Seoul and blew up an inter-Korean liaison office over what it called South Korea's failure to rein in the defectors.
The demilitarized zone that has separated the two Koreas since fighting halted in the 1950-53 war has also been the site of multiple border incursions in recent weeks, with North Korean troops crossing the military demarcation line three times since June 9.
On each occasion, the South Korean military fired warning shots and the North's soldiers returned to their side of the border.
JCS officials said the crossings appear unintentional, as the North has been ramping up activity in frontline areas of the DMZ since withdrawing from an inter-Korean military agreement in November.
North Korean soldiers have been observed clearing land, laying mines, reinforcing tactical roads and installing structures that appear to be anti-tank barriers at several locations, the JCS said.
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usafphantom2 · 10 months
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Jack Weeks A-12 Pilot extra flight suit. Jack and his A-12 were never found. From the road runners website more information about the last flight.
A-12 (60-6932/129) was lost on June 5, 1968 during an FCF (Functional Checkout Flight) flown out of Kadena AFB Okinawa. The pilot, Jack W. Weeks became the second and last CIA pilot killed in the OXCART Program in the line of duty and is so honored in the "Book of Honor", CIA Headquarters in McLean, Virginia.
Jack, an employee of the CIA, but ostensibly a civilian pilot for Lockheed, was in the midst of what has been termed "a routine FCF" (Functional Checkout Flight) of the Top Secret Lockheed A-12 that was flying out of its TDY station at Kadena AFB, Okinawa. The particular aircraft Jack was flying was known as "932", a shortening of its official tail number of 60-6932. To its owner, the CIA, with the usual "spook-speak" it was "Article 129" (Lockheed's production number). As for Jack, he was a very experienced pilot, already having a long military background when he joined the OXCART Project on February 14, 1963.
The A-12 had a high frequency radio telemetry system called "Birdwatcher". "Birdwatcher" monitored the most critical aircraft system functions and equipment functions. Some of the items monitored by "Birdwatcher" were; generator failure, transformer failure, hydraulic pressure systems "A and B" low, exhaust gas temperature high (EGT), compressor inlet temperature high (CIT), fuel quantity low, fuel flow low, oil pressure low, fire warning, De-rich on, altitude low, Mach number, angle of attack high, pitch and yaw acceleration, throttle position, oxygen pressure low, cockpit pressure low, destruct activated, canopy opening, seat ejection. These signals were transmitted to ground monitoring facilities so that they would know the status of the pilot and "Article".
The FCF was scheduled for a 1300 hours launch but it was pushed back to a 1400 hours launch. Jack took off from Kadena at 1400 that day. It was to be a routine FCF to check the starboard engine that had been installed in the aircraft. There was another minor problem involving pitch A and yaw M status lights that came on once, but reset perfectly. There was also some brake chatter at low-speed taxi, but nothing that could have caused the loss of the aircraft. Those problems could not be duplicated and were not entered on the AFTO 781A form used to document maintenance issues.
It was to be routine FCF towards the Philippines and then a long shallow 190-degree turn back towards Kadena. Jacks was using the call sign "Dutch 29". The aerial refueling took place Eight seconds later "Birdwatcher" signaled that the aircraft was below 68,500 feet, with a repeat of the two previous warnings. Those were the final transmissions from Jack and the "Article".
Several attempts were made to contact Jack and "Birdwatcher" without success. Operation of the monitoring facilities continued until the time that the aircraft's fuel would have been depleted. There was no further contact with Jack or "Article 129". The aircraft was declared missing 520 miles East of the Philippines and 625 miles south of Okinawa in the South China Sea. The loss was due to an in flight emergency.
To maintain security the official news release identified the loss as an SR-71.
An intense air and sea search lasting weeks was conducted but no wreckage of "Article 129" was ever recovered. It was presumed totally destroyed at sea. The "Birdwatcher" system provided the only clues to what happened on this fight so the accident report was based on limited information. From "Birdwatchers" limited information, it was ascertained that some kind of malfunction involving an engine over temperature and low fuel flow on the starboard engine had contributed to a catastrophic failure and subsequent aircraft break-up. The loss of such a highly skilled and professional pilot in the OXCART program was a sad moment and misfortune.#habubrats
@Habubrats71 via X
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365daysofj2 · 8 months
To Keep From Drowning (SeaQuest AU, 1/?) NSFW
Jared was in his quarters working on a supply order when his comlink chimed. He answered it, surprised to see that it was Captain Morgan. “I’m calling an emergency meeting in the briefing room in fifteen minutes. You’re the second-to-last name on my list. Can you collect Jensen and bring him with you?”
Jared nodded. “Of course, Sir. What’s this about?”
“I’d like to keep it under wraps until we’re in the room,” Morgan replied. 
Jared’s chest tightened. That was not a good sign. Not at all. 
“Is this about the Pellegrino mission?”
“No comment,” said Morgan, but the narrowed eyes and clenched jaw told Jared exactly what he needed to know. 
“Understood.” Jared stood up. “Do you know if Jensen’s at the lab?”
“He should be…” Morgan trailed off.
“Point taken.” Jared grinned a little. “I’ll start at his quarters and fan out from there.”
“Thank you. I appreciate it.” Jared heard a knock at Morgan’s door. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
“Yes, Sir.” 
Morgan ended the transmission.
Jared went out to the MagLev and headed toward Jensen’s quarters. He stepped out and glanced at the tubes along the deck to see if Winchester was around. No such luck. Jared stopped in front of Jensen’s door and knocked on it. But there was no answer. Jared went down to the lab next, but Jensen wasn’t there either. He thought for sure he’d find him at the moonpool, but no luck. Finally, he caught him coming out of the kitchen. 
Jensen looked surprised. “What are you doing here?”
“Collecting you.” Jared glanced at his watch. “There’s an emergency meeting in the briefing room in five minutes.”
“What’s it about?”
“Captain wouldn’t say.”
Jensen’s face fell. “It’s about the rescue mission, isn’t it?”
Jared took a deep breath. “Most likely. But we won’t know for sure until we get there.” He took Jensen’s hand and squeezed it. “Let’s just bite the bullet and get it over with.”
They walked to the briefing room holding hands, only separating when they started to see other new members entering the deck. Briana, Sam, Rich, Rob…yeah, it was the rescue mission. Jared would’ve put money on it. 
They walked into the room and sat down at the end of the table. Jared nodded to Commander Sheppard, who was sitting in front of the viewscreen. Captain Morgan ended up being the last person to arrive, and he immediately opened a satlink to UEO Command upon entering. Shit. 
In seconds, Admiral Pileggi appeared on screen. “Captain Morgan, Commander Sheppard, I’ll make this brief.” He glanced over at Jared and the other crew members for a few seconds, and Jared felt a shiver run up his spine. Pileggi wasn’t one to sugar-coat bad news. “The US Attorney General and the Secretary-General of the UEO have called for a formal inquiry into the failure of the Pellegrino Nanotechnologies rescue mission. The SeaQuest is to report to Monterey to rendezvous with Captain Ruth Connell of the Navy JAG Corps and UEO Admiral Jim Beaver, who will act as your legal counsel. You will then proceed to Los Angeles, where Mr. Ackles’ lawyer, Steven Williams, will join you.”
Jensen shot bolt upright in his seat. “Wait, what?” he shouted before Morgan could stop him.
“Jensen,” Morgan said in a low voice, glaring at him in a way that made Jared practically piss his pants even though it wasn’t directed at him. Jensen shrank back in his chair, but he crossed his arms and stared at the table as though he were trying to set it on fire with his mind. Jared was sure Pileggi didn’t miss it. 
“After that,” Pileggi continued, ignoring Jensen entirely, “you will report to New Cape Quest to prepare for the hearing, which will convene two weeks from today at UEO Headquarters. Secretary-General Omundson expects the inquest to last five to seven days.”
Jesus Christ, a week? Jared pressed his knee against Jensen’s, wishing he could do more but not daring to risk it in front of Pileggi. He could feel Jensen shaking slightly, although Jared couldn’t tell whether it was fear or unbridled rage. It actually could be both. 
“Captain Morgan has already transmitted Lieutenant Buckmaster’s and Mr. Ackles’s reports to Captain Connell and Admiral Beaver. They have provided the Captain with a list of questions that each of you will be required to answer. The Captain and your counsel will work with you to refine your testimony prior to the hearing.”
Jared nodded, as did most of the other crew members. Even Jensen had stopped fuming and was listening intently, although he still had his arms crossed over his chest. 
“Thank you for your time, Admiral,” said Captain Morgan. “I can take it from here, Sir.”
Pileggi signed off, and Morgan closed the satlink. “Okay, that was the bad news.” His face softened. “The good news is, Admiral Beaver and I go way, way back. Well before your time,” he said to Jensen, which made Rich and Rob chuckle slightly. “We’re in good hands with him, and he handpicked Captain Connell, so I trust her as well.” He sobered, and paused before speaking again. “Jensen, your dad hired you a lawyer.”
Jared reached under the table and squeezed Jensen’s kneecap as hard as he could to try to keep Jensen from exploding in anger. “Don’t,” he muttered under his breath. 
Jensen didn’t say anything for long enough that Morgan felt comfortable continuing. “I know you’re mad as hell about that, and I can’t blame you. But I checked the guy out, and while he’s corporate, he’s got an amazing win record. So I think you might actually be in good hands. He’s at least worth hearing out.”
Jared could feel Jensen vibrating with pent-up anger that he had a feeling he was going to need to fuck out of him later. “So, Jensen and Jared, I’ll meet with you together in a few days. Lt. Buckmaster, I’ll save you for the end as well. Commander Sheppard and I will meet with [Lt.] Speight and [Lt.] Benedict tomorrow, and Commander Smith the day after that.” He and Sheppard stood up. “Dismissed.”
Jared pushed down on Jensen’s leg to keep him in place while the rest of the crew filed out. Sheppard left as well, but Morgan hung back. He walked over in front of Jensen and gazed down at him sympathetically. “You can say it.”
“Fucking rat bastard!” Jensen shoved his chair back from the table. “How’d he even find out about this?”
“A UEO insider, I’m guessing,” replied Morgan. “You know he didn’t make your initial deal with me, right? I got my marching orders from Admiral Pileggi. And God only knows how high above him it went.” 
Jared placed a heavy hand on Jensen’s shoulder, trying to comfort him, or at least get through to him. 
“He hasn’t said a word to me since—” Jensen stopped himself, and when he spoke up again, his voice dropped so low in volume that Jared barely heard him. “Shit, I don’t even know.”
“Jesus,” whispered Jared, sliding his chair closer and putting his arm around Jensen’s shoulder. Jensen sucked in a deep, shaking breath, and Jared realized he was actually closer to crying than screaming. Then it sank in what Jensen actually said. He didn’t even know when the last time he talked to his dad was? Christ, that family was screwed up.
“Hey, I fully agree with you,” said Morgan, kneeling down in front of Jensen. “Your dad is a colossal dick. That’s not a minority opinion. But—I think he’s actually trying to show you that he cares. It’s a selfish, stupid, asshole way to do that, don’t get me wrong. But I think he might have your best interests at heart on this one. At least, I don’t think he’s trying to do wrong by you. I think he’s trying to support you in the only way he knows how.”
“By throwing money at the problem,” Jensen spat, eyes darkening like thunderheads. 
“When all you’ve got is a hammer—”
Jensen nodded. “Yeah, I know.” He sighed and sagged back against his chair, closing his eyes. “I hate him so goddamn much.” But he sounded more defeated than angry.
“For what it’s worth, I hate him too,” replied Morgan. “I hate that he pulls shit like this that hurts you this badly. If he was here right now, I’d punch his lights out.”
That got a flicker of a smile from Jensen, which put a smile on Jared’s face as well. Jared hugged Jensen as hard as he could from his own chair. 
“I think more highly of you than he ever will,” Morgan continued. “And I can protect you better than he ever will. So try to relax, and let the grown-ups handle it as much as we can. I’ve got a satlink conference with your lawyer in three days, and I’ve already sent him a copy of your report.” 
Morgan stood up. “Listen to me.” He locked eyes with Jensen. “You. Did. Nothing. Wrong.”
Jared nudged Jensen’s shoulder with his own. “See? I told you.”
“I’ve got your back, Jensen. And yours too, Jared. I stand behind all of you one hundred percent.”
“Thank you, Sir,” said Jared. After a beat, Jensen echoed him. 
Morgan motioned toward the door. “I’ve kept you long enough,” he said. “Go do something fun.” Jared opened his mouth to protest that he still had two hours left in his shift, but Morgan addressed that before he could. “That goes for you too, Padalecki. Captain’s orders.”
“Yes, Sir.” Jared smiled and stood up, reaching for Jensen’s hand. 
Morgan reached out and patted Jensen on the shoulder. “We’re all here for you, Jensen. Whatever you need, whenever you need it. Don’t be afraid to reach out.” He grinned at Jared. “That goes triple for Jared, but I assume you knew that already.”
Jensen chuckled at that. “Yeah, I got that.” He pushed his chair in. “Thank you, Captain.” 
Jared led Jensen out of the briefing room. “Do you want to go to the moonpool or your quarters?”
Jensen thought about it for a second, then smirked. “He did tell us to have fun.”
“You and your one-track mind.” Jared shook his head, but he was laughing. “We should at least stop and say hi to Winchester first.”
“You’re right,” said Jensen. They grabbed a MagLev and headed up to the moonpool.
Winchester was already there when they arrived. “Jensen play?”
“Just for a minute,” replied Jensen. He picked up a spiky ball and tossed it into the water. Winchester retrieved it, then launched it right at Jensen’s head. Jensen ducked, laughing, as it sailed past him and onto the deck behind Jared. “Nice throw. Too bad dolphins can’t play Major League Baseball.”
Jensen mimed swinging a bat. “You hit a ball with a wooden bat and run around a diamond.”
“Yes, it’s a human game.”
“Silly game.”
Jared snickered. “I’m with you, Winchester.”
“It’s the American Pastime!” protested Jensen.
“It passes the time, all right. All seven hours of it.”
Jensen frowned. “Wait, do you really hate baseball?” He looked genuinely hurt.
“I don’t hate it,” said Jared. “I just prefer my sports a little faster paced. Like hockey.”
“Did you play a lot of hockey in San Antonio, Texas?” 
“Dallas has a hockey team.”
“Dallas isn’t in the desert,” countered Jensen. “What, did you use tumbleweeds as pucks?”
Jared rolled his eyes. “Splash him, Winchester. He’s being a jerk.”
Winchester slapped his beak on the surface of the water, which sprayed upward into Jensen’s face. Jensen grabbed the ball from the deck and threw it at Jared’s head. It bounced harmlessly off into the water. 
Dr. Rhodes entered the moonpool before Jared could respond to Jensen’s insolence. “Sorry, guys, but I’m doing a study with Winchester, so I have to ask you to leave.”
“That’s okay, we just came to say hi,” replied Jared. 
Jensen leaned over the side of the moonpool and rubbed Winchester’s beak. “See you later, buddy.” Winchester whistled and clicked his version of “goodbye.”
Jensen seemed less upset than he’d been after the meeting, but he went quiet once he and Jared got back to Jensen’s quarters. Jared sat down on Jensen’s computer chair, giving Jensen the space Jared figured he might need to process what all had just happened. Jensen sat heavily on the bed. 
“Do you wanna talk about it?” asked Jared, keeping his tone light. 
Jensen shook his head, but didn’t respond verbally. 
Jared frowned. “Do you want me to leave?” 
“No.” Jensen looked down at the floor and sighed. “I don’t…” He trailed off, seemingly unable to complete the sentence.
“You don’t know what you want,” said Jared gently. “That’s okay.”
Jensen nodded, still not looking at Jared. “I’m sorry,” he murmured, barely audible.
“Nothing to be sorry for.” 
Jensen ran a hand through his floppy, too-long hair and shook his head. “I can’t stand this. I need to do something.”
“You wanna go down to the gym?” said Jared, wondering why he hadn’t thought of that in the first place. “Take it out on the bag?”
Jensen’s eyes lit up. “Yeah.” 
“I’ll go get changed and meet you down there,” said Jared, standing up. 
Jensen jumped up before Jared could take a step toward the door and threw his arms around him. “Thanks,” he mumbled into Jared’s shoulder. 
Jared patted Jensen’s back. “No problem,” he said lightly, disentangling himself from the teenager’s grip. “I’ll see you in a few minutes.”
Jared went back to his own quarters and changed into workout gear. Day crew still had an hour left on their shift, so he figured the gym wouldn’t be too crowded. He grabbed his gym bag and headed to the MagLev.
Jensen was waiting for him with boxing gloves in hand. Jared grabbed a pair for himself and helped Jensen get his on. There were three punching bags hanging in the far corner of the room, but one was already in use. Jared motioned to the medium bag. “You can go first.”
What Jensen lacked in finesse, he more than made up for in passion. Jared assumed he was envisioning his father’s face. Even his own extremely brief rendezvous with Alan Ackles made it crystal clear why Jensen despised the man. Jared suspected that Jensen considered Alan hiring a lawyer a condescending form of “charity,” and he was pissed as hell at having to accept it.
Jared watched Jensen slam his fists against the bag, his form getting sloppier as he got angrier. Jared reached out and grasped Jensen’s shoulder to get his attention. Jensen startled, jumping slightly, and Jared stilled his hands. “Hey, come on, you’re gonna hurt yourself.”
Jensen glared death at Jared and wiped his already sweat-soaked hair away from his eyes. 
Jared stepped behind Jensen, careful not to press his already half-hard dick against the small of Jensen’s back. Jensen’s cheeks were flushed with rage, which brought his cheekbones into sharp relief. His jaw was clenched tight, and his breath came in short gasps that were nearly obscene. 
Jared had never seen anyone hotter in his entire fucking life.
He grasped Jensen’s wrists with his hands. “You’re hitting straight on and you’re gonna break your fucking wrist. You gotta go up, not out.” He pushed Jensen’s hand against the bag, demonstratingthe right angle to take. He sucked in a sharp breath as his jaw brushed Jensen’s cheek.
Jensen angled his head slightly, and Jared glanced quickly around the room to make sure no one was watching them. Jared slid to the side and pressed his lips to Jensen’s, which were hot like fire from all the exertion. Since Jensen was wearing gloves and wraps, he really couldn’t hold on to Jared, but he still pressed the gloves against Jared’s hipbones in a way that really shouldn’t have been as hot as it was.
“Do you want to shower here or in your room?” asked Jared.
Jensen smirked. “What do you think?”
Jared was thrilled to see him acting like himself again. “Lead the way.” 
They managed to keep their hands off each other in the MagLev, but it was tough. Jensen barely managed to wait for the door to his room to close before he threw off his shirt, and Jared was momentarily distracted by the rivulets of sweat dripping down Jensen’s chest. “Jesus Christ,” Jared breathed. He was already starting to get hard. 
Jensen pushed his damp hair off his forehead and grinned wolfishly. He stepped right up to Jared, close enough that Jared could feel Jensen’s hot breath on his cheek, and without a word pulled Jared’s own shirt over his head. Jensen tossed Jared’s shirt on the floor next to his own and traced a finger down Jared’s sternum, feather-light. Jared felt like he was coming out of his skin. His breath hitched, his chest quivering under Jensen’s touch, and Jensen’s hooded eyes lit up with lust. 
“You like that?” murmured Jensen. He traced a line down past Jared’s abs to his navel, slow enough to drive Jared to the brink. He was rock-hard now, lust and tension burning in his belly and groin. Shit, when did Jensen get so good at teasing him? 
Jensen’s fingertip dipped down below the waistband of Jared’s shorts. Jared’s breath was coming out in ragged gasps, and he was sweating even harder than when they were in the gym. Jensen grasped the elastic waistband in one hand and slid the other down the back of Jared’s shorts to cup his ass. 
“Fucking hell,” groaned Jared. One corner of Jensen’s mouth turned up in a smirk that made him look far older than his sixteen years. Jensen slid Jared’s shorts off in one smooth motion and gripped Jared’s hips to support him as he stepped out of them. 
“You’re way too dressed for this,” muttered Jared.
Jensen cocked one eyebrow. “What are you gonna do about it?”
Jared reached for Jensen’s sweatpants and yanked them down in one smooth motion. Jensen, startled, nearly lost his balance, but Jared pressed a hand to his hip to steady him. Jensen kicked his sweatpants underneath his computer desk and inclined his head toward the bathroom. “Shower?”
“Thought you’d never ask,” replied Jared in a voice that was low and rough with barely concealed lust. He was about to jump out of his fucking skin if he didn’t get off posthaste. He slid his hand past Jensen’s hipbone to the curve of his ass and nudged him toward the bathroom door. 
The shower was regulation-size and barely big enough to fit Jared by himself, let alone two six-foot-plus men. Jensen frowned when he realized that it probably wasn’t going to work the way he fantasized. Jared turned on the spray to warm it up and pressed a kiss to the back of Jensen’s shoulder. “Get in. Leave the rest to me,” he murmured in Jensen’s ear. Jensen shivered at the contrast between Jared’s hot breath on his skin and the cold mist from the shower spray. 
After about thirty seconds, the water was hot enough to be comfortable. Jensen stepped over the lip of the stall and underneath the flowing water. Jared grabbed a couple of towels off the rack and folded them up. He placed them on the floor next to the stall and knelt down. Jensen broke out in a smile when he realized what Jared was planning to do, and his cock went from half-mast to fully hard in one short moment. Jensen brushed his wet hair out of his eyes and braced his hands on the front and back walls of the stall. Jared, echoing Jensen’s earlier teasing, gently ran the pad of his finger around the underside of Jensen’s cockhead, eliciting a short, sharp moan from deep in Jensen’s throat. Jensen dropped his head back against the shower wall. 
Jared traced a line from the ridge of Jensen’s cockhead straight down the shaft, and then encircled the base of Jensen’s cock with his whole hand. Jensen had his eyes clenched shut against the falling water, but he opened them and looked down when Jared started to jack his cock with swift, sure strokes. Droplets of water ran down Jensen’s nose and cheeks, and in the low light from the overhead fan, they sparkled like diamonds. Jared leaned forward and used his tongue to catch the stream of water that ran down the cut of Jensen’s hipbone. Jensen groaned and gripped the base of the faucet as hard as he could. Jared licked a trail down between Jensen’s hip and thigh until he reached the base of Jensen’s cock. Jensen’s knees were shaking slightly with the effort of staying upright, so Jared moved his hands to Jensen’s hips and steadied him. 
“I got you, babe,” Jared assured him, the tip of his nose brushing against the underside of Jensen’s cock as he spoke. Jensen sucked in a sharp breath that echoed off the tiles. Jared licked a trail down the shaft to the very tip of Jensen’s cockhead. Jensen pressed his back against the shower wall to steady himself. Jared flicked the tip of his tongue over the sensitive slit, and Jensen groaned, deep and guttural. It was the hottest damn thing Jared had ever heard. Jared was suddenly aware of how painfully hard he was. He reached down and started jacking his own cock to relieve the pressure momentarily. Then he took Jensen into his mouth about halfway and used his other hand to pull Jensen’s ass toward him, encouraging him to fuck Jared’s mouth. 
Jensen didn’t need to be told twice. Jared had to stop jerking himself to brace his hand against the wall as Jensen thrust deeper and deeper each time. Jensen’s ass slapped the wall as he rocked back and forth, and it sent tiny plumes of water down his ass cheeks to his taint, which forced Jared to move back a bit from the shower in order to keep from swallowing water. 
Jared wasn’t surprised that Jensen didn’t last much longer, considering that he was already worn out from the gym. He came with bitten-off groan, spilling his seed down Jared’s throat. Jared sucked him through the orgasm and the aftershocks and then rose from the ground. Jensen smirked and reached for Jared’s still rock-hard cock. Jared managed to slip behind him into the stall, but they were chest-to-chest and dick-to-dick. Jensen jacked Jared’s cock with swift, sure strokes, and Jared didn’t think he’d last all that long himself. He locked eyes with Jensen, although Jensen’s longer-than-regulation hair was dangling over his eyes. Jared surged forward and captured Jensen’s water-slick lips for a bruising kiss. Jensen slid his other hand down Jared’s back to cup his ass, and even though they were already touching, he pulled Jared even closer. Jensen broke the kiss and pressed their foreheads together as he jacked Jared to completion. Jared came with such force that he briefly saw stars, and Jensen had to steady him as his own knees went slightly weak. 
Jared took a moment to regroup before stepping out of the shower. “You should actually clean up now,” he gasped, not trusting his voice to have its proper strength. He was breathing harder than Jensen had in the gym. 
Jensen nodded and reached for the shampoo. He made quick work of washing his hair—God, Jared hoped he’d never have to cut it to regulation length, that would be a fucking travesty—and soaping off the sweat and grime from the gym. After he was done, he hopped out and gave Jared a quick kiss. Jared got back under the spray and washed his own hair and body, all the while watching Jensen towel off, which would have gotten him hard in any other circumstances. As it was, he still quite enjoyed the show. Jensen’s lithe teenage body was surprisingly in shape despite the fact that he ate as much junk food and drank as many energy drinks as still existed. Jared watched appreciatively as Jensen toweled off the creamy golden skin of his back, ass, and thighs. He didn’t realize that his breath had speeded up and deepened until he heard his ragged pants echoing off the tiles. He waited for Jensen to finish drying off and then stepped out of the shower. Jensen grabbed a clean, dry towel out of the tiny linen closet, but instead of handing it to Jared, Jensen simply wrapped it around Jared’s damp shoulders and pulled him in for a sensual kiss. Jensen’s chest was warm and soft against Jared’s cold, slickly wet abs. Jensen shivered slightly and pulled away, exhaling deliciously hot air against Jared’s cold cheek. 
Jensen lovingly used the towel to dry Jared’s back, arms, and chest. Jared had never had anyone do that for him before, and he had no idea how intimate it would be. Jensen’s touch was firm but soft, lovingly caressing Jared’s ass cheeks, thighs, and dick, which was doing its best to rejoin the affair. Not that Jared was old by any means, but he certainly wasn’t 16 anymore, and he needed more recovery time than Jensen did. 
Jensen knelt down and started toweling off Jared’s knees and calves. Jared’s breath hitched as Jensen moved the towel up to his dick and balls, giving them the same careful, tender attention. Jared had to brace himself against the wall to stay upright. Even though his dick wasn’t hard, it was still sensitized, and Jared’s knees went weak as Jensen rubbed the towel lightly, teasingly, against the shaft of his dick. 
“God,” gasped Jared. He wasn’t articulate enough to say anything else.
Jensen smirked, which looked so damn sexy on his otherwise angelic face. “Close enough.”
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philsservice · 7 months
Wondering what are the signs of a broken transmission in your vehicle? visit our Phil's Service auto shop to replace a transmission.
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puppyexpressions · 1 year
Is it Safe For Dogs To Drink From Puddles?
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From personal experience, there are two inevitabilities of dog ownership. The first is that, at some point, you will step out for a walk and forget to take water for your dog. The second is that your dog is always happy to stick its nose into the smelliest thing around. So you have a thirsty dog, and there is a murky, stinky puddle over there? Bingo, problem solved. Or is it? What are the health risks to your pet from drinking from puddles?
The bugs that lurk (in the puddle)
Surely the worst that can happen from picking a bug up from a puddle is an upset tummy? Well, possibly. But given the most likely cause of this upset tummy is Giardia, and it is one of the most common causes of acute gastroenteritis in humans and animals. Apart from being very unpleasant for your pet (and for you cleaning up), Giardia can be quite difficult to treat. It is also not uncommon for a pet to have repeat bouts after they have recovered from the first one. Even worse, it is a zoonosis, which means it can potentially be transmitted from pets to their owners. Fortunately, it looks like this is rare in reality, which is a silver lining.
Then there is leptospirosis, also known as “Weils’s disease”.
That’s the one that your dog catches from rat urine, which can contaminate stagnant water. It is a serious bacterial infection that can cause liver and kidney failure. Dogs can contract it through contact with water contaminated by infected urine.  It can be pretty tricky to diagnose and very difficult to treat. Worse still, it is also a zoonosis. However, pet to owner transmission is probably very rare, with people most commonly contracting it through swimming or water sports in contaminated water bodies. It should be mentioned that leptospirosis in dogs is uncommon in the UK; this may be due to vaccination (none of the affected dogs in one study was vaccinated) or underdiagnosis.
The new puddle-lurking nasty on the block is Angiostrongylus Vasorum, AKA Lungworm or French Heartworm.
Infections in pet dogs by this unpleasant parasite have become increasingly common in the UK over the last two decades, particularly in the South East and Wales. Lungworm can cause lung disease, bleeding problems and neurological disease. It was previously thought to be transmitted by dogs eating slugs and snails. More recently, evidence has suggested that gastropods shed the parasite in the environment, and dogs can be infected by drinking contaminated water.
And what about the toxins on your doorstep? A tale for all seasons.
Even that harmless-looking puddles around your home could be life-threatening. Ethylene glycol is a commonly used ingredient in antifreeze products used in cars. It can easily leak from parked vehicles to contaminate puddle water. It’s highly toxic to dogs and cats, and only a small amount needs to be ingested to be fatal as it causes kidney failure. It has a sweet smell which means it is readily licked by dogs. Every year, sadly, several dogs (and even more cats) die in the UK after ingestion of ethylene glycol. As an antifreeze product, this risk is higher during the winter months.
Then there is the danger of blue-green algae blooms caused by cyanobacteria. This natural phenomenon occurs most commonly during the summer months when the perfect conditions for explosive algal growth are most likely. The toxins produced by these blooms are dangerous to humans and dogs when ingested. Blue-green algae can often be visible by a blue-green foamy scum on the water’s surface. The local authority will put up prominent warning signs at times of high risk. It is imperative to keep your dog on the lead and out of the water when these signs are up. If your dog does somehow get into the water, it is recommended to take them directly to the vet for decontamination as toxic signs (tummy upset, tremors, wobbly gait, seizures) can start within an hour of exposure.
And then there is the bigger picture…
As with all issues environmental, the concern about environmental pollution is increasingly coming to the fore. Pesticides, herbicides to pharmaceutical residues and hormones, from agricultural, industrial and domestic use affect wildlife and the environment, and our understanding of how this happens is improving all the time. With that comes the realization that there is also a knock-on risk to our health and our pets. Yet still, the environmental levels of surprisingly few of these polluting substances are monitored. So exactly what, if anything, and how much of it ends up in your average puddle is unknown and, for this reason, drinking from puddles is generally not recommended.
My dog has been drinking from puddles for years, and she’s okay. What is the risk, really?
From reading this article, you would not be blamed for thinking that all puddles glowed fluorescent green and that it comes across as a bit alarmist. And you would be right. Most likely, a quick slurp from a puddle will do your pet no harm. Indeed, there is no need to contact your vet when your pet does so unless there are specific circumstances, like known blue-green algae risk or ethylene glycol exposure. What this article attempts to do is describe some of the potential harms of drinking from puddles. The trick is to take precautionary measures to minimize the risk, such as ensuring your pet is fully vaccinated and protected against lungworm if they insist on splashing through puddles. But the safest precaution of all is to always carry drinking water for your pet.
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I see you write things so have you written anything about robots not UK related?
Uhhh not UK related. I mean I've written a few that I never really got the chance to finish? Yeah they're my favorite concept but most of my robot writing has been reserved for homework assignments lmao
I have one here that's unfinished about a ship AI and it's captain's last words? ⬇️
All it took was a stray rock, along with a panic filled fumble to fall. Stupid really, yet he couldn't help the barest of human instinct to the result of an action.
The cord holding him tethered there had snapped.
Perhaps a miscalculation on his own part.
Maybe he should have picked a stronger one to support his weight?
 He would be a liar to believe that though. Space had a certain weightlessness to it. You were left floating adrift with nothing to keep you in place. 
The tension of him pulling back had broke the already weakened cord, and it was too late for him to realize before getting the chance to grab back onto something solid. 
Maybe if he was quick enough he wouldn't have ended up in this situation; human error was hard to leave behind on Earth though.
The beeping on his wrist gave way to his next and most obvious problems with a blaring red sign, it counted down from its start. 
- 4:00 
- 3:59 
4 hours meant nothing besides the delay of the inevitable.
He sighed before opening up another menu besides the horrid countdown. 
- Transmission Delivered
- Transmission Accepted
He almost cried then at how the acceptance was almost inhumanely immediate. 
"Yes Captain?" 
"I messed up.. and I don't think this one is fixable bud."
"I am aware Captain. Your cord came back half unattached. You are.. drifting."
 He emptily laughed to himself, before falling silent. Noticing how his companion had drifted off itself with its sentence. 
- 3:56
"Would you like me to make a transmission to base about your predicament?" 
"No no. Not- not yet. Okay?" 
"Understood, Captain." 
"Can you stay on the line with me instead?" 
"Of course." 
He smiled, even if it was somewhat in vain, it helped some hearing his companion would stay with him. 
"Can.. you just talk to me? Like if I was still at base with you?" 
"If you wish me to, Captain." 
"Call me Sam, ASU. You don't have to refer to me as Captain each time." 
He wouldn't have believed it himself if he didn't hear it so clearly audible to his ears.
A laugh? Coming directly from the inner speakers to only slightly mimic the voice of his AI companion. It was merely a soft chuckle but it brought comfort to hear, especially from its unexpectedness.
For the first, and last time. 
- 3:53
"Of course, Captain Sam." 
"I feel like you did that on purpose." 
He laughed himself at that input given.
- 3:50
"Yes, Sam?"
"Theres no bringing me back on board is there?"
 "Unfortunately, no. Detaching parts of the ship, maybe. As they could be manually driven in theory, but I was designed to not detach any parts of the ship as protocol B. There was no way of calculating the risks as 100% failure that, they too, would not float adrift as well."
Sam hummed to himself at there even being an option such as that one. 
- 3:40
"What will you do when I'm gone?" 
"You know it's the truth. Just tell me so I can imagine some kind of future. Even if it isn't my own." 
The silence on the other end of the line was deafening. As if the machine was deciding on its next words carefully.
"I will request deactivation and replacement." 
"I will request dea-"
"-No!- No.. I- I get that. But.. why?" 
"I am not sure how to explain it in simple terms."
"Then give it to me in non-simple terms. Please." 
"I meant I was not sure of the origins of them myself. But, perhaps it is from you? The cause."
"What is from me?"
"It is you." 
"Yes. In your entirety." 
"What did I do?" 
"You.. made me feel. The feeling of hopelessness specifically. The series of events that followed, from both our past together to the present now." 
".. What about it?" 
"Without you, I somehow find myself devoid of purpose and meaning. I have programs, yes. But it is more of a metaphorical purpose I find myself lacking without you in the picture." 
"I am sorry.. for messing up. I thought you could maybe move on easier, than say another human would." 
"Surely you cannot think yourself as that forgettable?" 
- 3:30
He huffed out another breathy laugh as he looked down at the wrist device holding their call, with acute fondness.
"That's oddly touching and poetic coming from you." 
"Saying that you are the purpose I have found besides my basic protocols?" 
"All of it, really, buddy."
"I am incapable of lying for myself, Sam." 
"I know, I know. But why deactivation?" 
"I.. do not think I will be able to carry out a fake purpose when I am aware of a true one's existence. Deactivation is better than forgetting you to continue working correctly... I do not wish to forget you."
"I'm glad you think I'm worth invading your memory banks." 
"It's not invasion if I enjoy the presence."
"Stay, please though."
"Why would I do that?" 
"Keep my memory alive, you know? Who knows you might be the only one to really remember me as.. me. Not some name on a page."
"I never thought of it that way."
"I don't think most think of it that way."
"Yes.. I suppose I will keep your memories alive."
He smiled.
- 3:21
"It is saddening."
"What is?"
"How my calculations proved inaccurate."
"Which ones, ASU? You calculate things all the time."
"Well, I was under the assumption that, despite your horrible eating habits, we would have at least 45.4 years left together. Unless you chose to retire early. Thus leaving the ship completely. " 
"I think that is just life ASU. Things.. happen. You can't predict everything exactly, even if you are a smart computer." 
"I should have predicted the cords lifespan being numbered though."
"No. You know just as well as I do that you have no physical body to predict that sort of thing."
"I could have warned you."
"You couldn't have done that."
"It is apart of my system to warn the Captain of any risks."
"But.. you weren't aware of such a risk. Were you?"
 "No.... I couldn't have tested the cords myself."
"Then it was out of your... metaphorical hands. It's okay." 
The mechanical laugh that sounded from his companion sounded almost... saddened. As if an attempt to reassure itself. It caused him to frown.
- 3:00
"Would you have changed your choices in life?"
"What was that ASU?" 
"Would you have done anything differently from the choices you chose?" 
"Hm.. I suppose not. Well, besides the obvious."
"You're quite accepting of your current fate though."
"I have no choice, bud." 
"I am aware of that. But would you not have changed a thing?" 
"No. I'm glad I went to space, and im glad I got you as my partner to help. Even if it doomed me in the end.. the uh, space thing. I don't think you would've doomed me." 
"I would try not to." 
There was a slight tease in his tone that his companion picked up on almost immediately.
"I would not doom you." 
"No no. I'm happy you'd try not dooming me." 
"Perhaps I too am happy to not project you to purposeful torment." 
"I knew you were alive somewhere in there." 
"What, Sam?"
"You're feeling another emotion ASU. I just find that funny."
"I will try and feel more if it causes rises in your endorphin levels more often then." 
"You have a little less than 3 hours to help my brain make more then." 
He couldn't help letting out another small laugh at ASU's stuttered silence. 
- 2:48
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iviarellereads · 9 months
System Collapse, Chapter 5
(Curious what I'm doing here? Read this post! For the link index and a primer on The Murderbot Diaries, read this one! Like what you see? Send me a Ko-Fi.)
In which Murderbot does the most relatable thing of all: stalls for time when it doesn't want to do something.
They finally make it down to the hangar, so Murderbot lets the drones scout a little further out. There's a piece cut out of the hatch in the ceiling, and Drone1 finds the exit to the pre-CR installation. There's no sign of recent traffic anywhere, just heavy dust that would obscure any tracks fairly quickly.
MB suggests that Iris and Tarik go up through the broken hatch, with Art-drone's help, and guide Ratthi in for a landing. Iris asks if MB will be alright, and reminds it that pulling out to regroup and strategize is always an option. MB says it's fine, and it will notify them if it finds "any not-dead humans." Ratthi tries too hard to make the joke land, and Tarik almost claps MB on the shoulder, but settles for a shrug instead. Art-drone is just happy to have its humans safer again.
MB thinks about why humans might have taken shelter here. It considers its theory about advance warning of the hostile takeover. It wonders how much they might have found here, and how much more they could have built in, especially tapping into whatever was still powering it all.
It thinks about this as it stalls for time because it doesn't want to do the next bit. Especially not without armour. After the redacted incident, Three offered MB the use of its armour, but Three still doesn't quite have the whole "personal possessions" thing down, and MB didn't really want to use it.(1) Three offered it some drones, as well, but it turned those down too. It wonders why it's like this.
Ratthi, watching MB's camera feed, asks why round hatches are scarier than square ones. Tarik is very confused at this, but Ratthi says it's a fact. Tarik asks why any hatches are scary. MB, trying to make the job work with too few drones, runs a quick query on its media database for hatch shapes associated with various monsters, sending the results to the others. Art-drone is snide about wasting processor cycles on it, but Ratthi is surprised at the numbers: 80% of scary hatches are round. He really thought he was just making a joke. Iris says it's not the hatch shape, it's the columns to each side of the hatches. MB stands its ground and says it's not running the query again, even though Art-drone agrees with Iris.(2)
Iris and Tarik are back on the shuttle now, and Art-drone returns to MB. Just as Iris is asking if MB has a plan for next steps, Drone1 finds lighting in a corridor. MB flubs informing the team, and is embarrassed when Ratthi nudges it to share the details, but does so. To cover, Ratthi tells the others to always assume MB has to focus on a drone doing something. Art-drone helps with this cover.
Drone1 keeps exploring, and MB keeps feeling like a failure. Still, it goes in, alone, leaving Art-drone at the entrance to, as MB puts it, slow down anything that chases it outward, so the shuttle has time to launch.
As it goes through the corridors, it has a very rough map from the drones' sensor data, enough to not run into the walls. There are signs that Adamantine, or the splinter colonists. explored here as well. Well, Ratthi notices, and MB kicks itself again for not noticing. At the end of what seems to be a foyer, there's a ramp that stretches down three storeys, cutting back and forth on the wall.
MB lets Drone2 go ahead and bump into the edges to map out a route, and follows. At the bottom, things feel less creepy.(3) Art-drone picks up a transmission, and MB freezes, and tells us the redacted bit of the story.(4)
About twelve hours after the new B-E ship arrived, as the humans were strategizing, MB blacked out for no reason it can recall, and woke up in Art's medbay. Art poked into MB's archive and found that it had a memory flashback of the events near the end of Network Effect, but with anomalies, like the corpse catching and gnawing on MB, even though it still has the original memory intact for comparison. There's no indication of a hack in MB, Art, Preservation's Responder, or the feeds, and none of MB's other memories or media storage are corrupt.
MB had a trauma response and shut down, literally. It and Mensah both lied to Amena and said it was issues related to the alien contamination, and they agree they did a crap job of selling the lie. But it happened in front of enough humans (and Art, and Three) that they couldn't hide entirely the fact that MB broke itself with a memory it apparently made up.
(They were all so nice about it. The whole thing made me understand the human expression “it made me want to vomit.” Why would you ever want to do something that was so objectively disgusting and looked so painful. Oh, this was why, I get it now.)(5)
MB unfreezes to one of its favourite episodes of Sanctuary Moon, obviously started by Art in their media feed. It was only offline for 0.06 seconds, enough that hostiles would have overtaken it but thankfully there were none present.
In the comms, Art-drone and Iris are arguing over contamination hazards, and nobody seems to have noticed that MB lapsed at all except Art.(6) Privately, Art-drone asks if MB is back, and when that's confirmed, says the same performance drop and error codes occurred, but the duration was shorter, so it's at least a related issue.
The transmission, it turns out, is a greeting. Iris believes it's an active, thinking system trying to initiate with Art or MB. Tarik asks if they think it's like the other pre-CR central system, and MB finds its voice function and says yes. The transmission tries more protocols, and Art-drone says it's looking for one they'll accept. MB recalls how the other pre-CR system wasn't what infected it, it's what saved MB's ass. It doesn't want to answer this one, out of fear, but it also doesn't want its stupid organic neural tissue to win.
MB asks Iris if it has go to respond. The humans all look nervous, but Iris gives permission. Art cuts the comms coming from the ship as a precaution, but stays connected to MB with a firewall between them as it acknowledges the system.
There was no pause, like it had no concerns about contact with foreign systems. It sent, Connection: ID: AdaCol2. Query: ID? Okay, this is going to be tricky. ID: SecUnit. Function: query? Registration/organization: query?
So, this system has been slightly altered to work with the Adamantine colonists (AdaCol), but this one hasn't been updated to know things like what a SecUnit is, where the other one had some idea. MB offers that its function is survey, and its organization is PSUMNT.(7)
MB asks AdaCol2 to contact AdaCol1. there's a brief delay before it sends that AdaCol1 isn't responding. MB asks for AdaCol1's location, and AC2 provides a string of numbers MB eventually decodes and compares to the Adamantine map data. It reports to AC2 that AC1 is offline to contamination incident, since MB isn't sure how to convey its gratitude in this machine's language.
Knowing it should be asking if AC2 is here alone, MB thinks how it's sure it isn't. AC1 felt alone, but AC2 is active, not cut off. MB also knows that AC2 is probably smarter than it sounds. It assembles a report as it might for a SecSystem, and then hesitates. AC2 might try to kill it, or might be stalling while the humans drag out their SecUnit killing weapons. But, it asks if AC2 will accept a data file. AC2 sends a hard address, probably an isolated box like what Art used to decontaminate MB. MB thinks how 2.0 could have gotten out of such a box, and sends the file, and waits.
Not wanting to watch media and potentially be distracted at a critical moment, MB sends the whole conversation to Art-drone. It drops the firewall, just as AC2 asks why they're here, and observes that AC2 is behaving like it has something to protect.
ART in any format is absolute shit at talking to other bots, but in this case I knew it was right. I needed to reply in a way that would make sense to a Pre-CR central system jury-rigged to network with Corporate-era tech. The Targets, ART’s crew being captured, Barish-Estranza, the hopefully dormant alien contamination site now lurking under the collapsed ruin of the Pre-CR colony site. But I kept seeing the memory of that last moment before AdaCol1 shut down.
MB sends a sequence of tags that essentially means, Barish-Estranza is dangerous, and can your and my humans talk? AC2 accepts immediately, after clarifying what "client" means to them, and sends an immediate access to a camera feed. Art cusses. MB takes in and describes a room with at least 22 humans in old, patched up Adamantine environmental suits… and the source of the cuss: 5 B-E humans and a SecUnit.(8)
Yeah, we were too late. ART-drone had already ended our containment protocol and opened comm and feed to the shuttle. It said, Iris, we have a problem.
(1) My assumption/projection/thought about this is multipart. Murderbot doesn't want to take advantage of what it sees as Three's naivete while it doesn't understand personal possessions. I don't actually think Three is misunderstanding personal possessions, it just sees the armour as gear and wants to share to keep [the only other person who can properly use it, and who needs it more right now] alive. (Recall, Murderbot has a habit of just staring at humans making poor decisions when they refuse to do the smart thing. This is exactly what Three is described doing.) This post is a great supplement to my feelings about that. But also, MB also doesn't want to accept kindness unless it has no other choice, because transactions still make it more comfortable and kindness freely given is still unfamiliar. And, a part of me thinks that maybe MB doesn't really want the armour, because that would make it more SecUnit-like again, and it's just getting used to not being a SecUnit. Rather, I think it just whines about the armour because it makes a convenient sticking point, and it does long for the comfort of anonymity and lowered human expectations that the armour represents, even though those come at too high a tradeoff of individuality and free choice for it to actually accept. It's just good at finding convenient excuses for all this like "oh no I can't possibly trust the OTHER MURDERBOT to know itself like I do".
(2) I adore everything about this scene? Like, first MB is actually engaging with the humans, right. But also, it's supporting its buddy, and it's contributing relevant information thanks to the skills only it really has here. And, Ratthi's like, oh shit, it was just vibes but the vibes was REAL?! And Iris continuing the banter. Just, love love love. Chef's kiss, no notes. (3) Pre-CR digs and architecture are truly alien enough to inspire unsettlement even in SecUnits. A nice bit of lorebuilding. (4) Fucking FINALLY. (5) So, I was wrong about my guess, but very close. I feel okay about that. And, it breaks my heart that MB is so resistant to treating itself with the kindness the humans offer. Like, it's very realistic, don't get me wrong. But, sweetie, they're right. You've been through so much and you've never really given yourself the time to sit down and work through it. Of course you're going to have the SecUnit equivalent of PTSD from your entire life. And, the humans don't expect you to be anything more than you are or can be right now. That's why they keep pretending with you, and helping you quietly when you're distracted. Honey, they love you, and want the best for you. (6) Of course not, you sweet dumb robot, human reaction time is a quarter second, you were out for a quarter of that. The only one fast enough to notice anything was Art, who had time to pick and start playing your favourite scene so you'd awaken to comfort, not fear. (7) I find it interesting that MB aligns itself with Art's University, not Preservation. It's on Art's mission, so it IS aligned with the University for the purposes of this trip, but… interesting. (8) Ruh roh.
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kontextmaschine · 2 years
Tropes of Covid-worrier Twitter:
"Covid is airborne!" - that the virus is spread through exhaled aerosols, not airborne moisture droplets or surface-tainting "fomites". A point they were genuinely more right on than authorities early on that still has some application – that only N95-type masks or respirators reliably stop transmission, not fabric or paper surgical masks. However, largely an ingroup signal at this point, they seem to believe that authorities not pointedly declaring it apropos of nothing causes or constitutes failure.
Corsi-Rosenthal Boxes: a DIY air filter made of box fans and furnace filters, because above. They love these things and are always frustrated that schools and public places won't welcome wild-eyed maniacs trying to set up their own homemade science fair projects everywhere.
CO2 testing: they carry around little CO2 monitors and are always tutting about how high the readings they get are, less in their own right than because it's a clear sign of a poorly ventilated space where exhalations are not being cleared. Once again, makes them look like maniacs.
"SARS-CoV-2": they kind of performatively always call Covid this, even using more characters of a tweet. I dunno if the intention was to differentiate the syndrome from the virus, or if putting it in the SARS lineage was supposed to draw on residual associations there, but by now it mostly seems like flaunting yourself as savvy.
Something there but iffy
That danger and damage increases with multiple infections. It is true that Danger(Case1 + Case2) > Danger(Case1), which means that Case2 (and subsequents) has some nonzero risk, but they often act like Danger(Case1) < Danger(Case2), which I don't see as well established at all.
Pretty convinced
The danger of Covid now lies largely not in the initial "acute" respiratory infection, but in the chance of later "long Covid" progression to other organ systems, that may render the sufferer vulnerable to later mortality. Damaged heart muscles lead to later heart attacks; blood vessels to strokes & aneurysm; immune systems to later infection (as seems to be making this winter an atrocious pediatric respiratory infection season, or made Jair Bolsonaro an infection piñata). I myself can attest to later blood pressure swings that cause fainting. That this explains much of the increase in "all-cause mortality" above and beyond that attributed to Covid itself since the beginning of the pandemic.
Not convinced
Immunity from prior infections or immunization does not durably reduce the severity of future ones. This is out of keeping with the experience of other coronaviruses already in regular human circulation and mutating into new variants, which after caught repeatedly throughout life become trivial. My own experience has my current infection (somewhere from my 4th to 6th, producing symptom "echoes" of the "long" portions of 1 and 2) as the worst since 2, but 2 was much less harsh than 1 and 3-current was nothing. I suspect this might be a stronger case against the background of a generally decreasing trend of severity. Also it might be the case that immunity wanes so subsequent cases are easier if they occur before it wears off (and leaves new immunity of its own), in which case attempts to stop any particular case with masking, isolation, or air treatment might make population-level health worse by lengthening average time between infections past acquired immunity duration.
"Schools should have been reworking their ventilation systems for anti-viral effect!" My father was the solicitor for our school district, in which capacity one of the things he worked with was contracting. At one point the district upgraded ventilation systems in maybe a third of their secondary schools at once. From scoping through passing a bond, soliciting and evaluating bids to work completion (when the construction market was slack enough for contractors to hire labor and buy materials cheap) was 8 years. In a small subset of schools, that already had ductwork at all, in a rich school district where the bond passed on the first try. To attempt this for every school building in the US – let alone other public places – would likely exceed the national HVAC construction capacity for decades. The only precedent I can think of, the drive to rework hospital ventilation systems against Legionnaires, affected far fewer buildings and institutions that were then fairly flush with income streams atop the healthcare economy, still required extensive federal subsidy, and was ongoing decades later.
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