#silently and very fast
I can't even begin to describe just how much Catherynne M. Valente's works make my heart and soul bloom.
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Hi Muffin, hope you are well! I would like to ask if you could permit me to translate three of your works, Silently and Very Fast, Between Scylla and Charybdis and Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep into Chinese. I plan to post them on Lofter (a Chinese blog site) - I will link back to your original URL and note you as the author. Your works are so wonderful that deserve more love. I like all your works, hopefully you can continue your unfinished work someday, but of course only if you want to.
So long as you link back to the original and not me as an author I am cool. Glad you liked the fics!
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k-kaez · 15 days
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he's such a romantic guy
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luvbowe · 10 months
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are you confusing me with someone else? you were always so forgetful.
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derbophobia · 6 months
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hellboy you will ALWAYS be a butch lesbian To Me <3
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vamptastic · 4 months
Idk it's weird because when discussing discrimination against trans men specifically, people tend to bring up like... being told men are gross or that you're betraying the feminist cause or something. And while those are shitty and mean-spirited things to say to somebody, what I would actually identify as a kind of specific systemic form of discrimination is the exclusion of transgender men from studies and surveys, and the relative ease with which people simply forget that we exist. Erasure, basically. Which honestly, seemed to be discussed more before the advent of whatever the current movement around trans men's struggles is called now, because there wasn't a metric fuckload of incomprehensible discourse surrounding it.
Most other things that seem to come up, while very real and very shitty, are not unique to us per se, though I do feel we are often left out of the conversation because it's assumed that they won't apply to us (ex domestic violence, fear of sexual assault, fear of being seen as a predator, accusation of transitioning for fetishistic purposes, assumption that we are transitioning to escape being gay, being denied access to fertility procedures without detransitioning, on and on and on). Which is also annoying.
I just find myself irritated by the current movement around trans men's experiences because there's some really pervasive problems in there that I do feel are systemic and underaddressed, mixed in with some stuff that's a problem but better addressed by putting one's energy into existing movements, mixed in with bonkers intercommunity drama that only matters if you're only friends with other queer people in an accepting area.
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hedgehogcryptid · 1 year
I'll believe this till the day I die: Zabuza is a great manipulator on the social/political scale. We have him saying "oh yeah. This exam was brutal and terrible. Can you imagine being a child having to kill their own friends?" and then, immediately after, Kakashi goes "then this random kid no one knew from adam invaded a class that wasn't his own killed a whole lot of people earned himself a shinobi rank a fearsome reputation and stopped this horrific practice. Isn't that kid scary and bloodthirsty?" like he didn't just reafirm that Zabuza did not, in fact, kill his own friends. He killed strangers he didn't care about, something every shinobi does on the regular.
And he did this very normal thing in such a way that it seemed particularly cruel while also achieving a positive change. But since the change was carried out by other people his reputation took no hits. He was not considered weak nor a rebel of any kind. And while this change might not have been his objective, I'm sure he took it as a nice plus.
So he spared his own feelings, which was the exact opposite of the exam's objective, and got a nice amount of perks from it without taking any kind of serious backlash. And he did that in the place that prided itself on being the bloodiest place around.
So yeah
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sharpsuite · 5 days
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You never really knew how to be yourself, distancing yourself from your own existence - standing outside of the house even as the storm closed in. You are going through the motions of everyday life, uncaring except for the toughest storms. Each one feels like the one - the one that will finally be too much for you. Somehow it isn't - it never is (except the last one). And as the people around you pick their lives back up and move on, barely bothered by the storm, you still carry it in you - one foot in your life and one out of it. And when they'll ask about you, asking questions about your future, your plans, your dreams the only honest answer would be "i don't know, i never thought i'd make it this far".
tagged by: i stole it from my other blog <3 tagging: you! say i tagged you, i want to see your muse(s) results ✨
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fruitsclipper · 5 months
my teath hurt (got new thicker braces wire) but i dont want to take pain meds even thouu it will probably not affect my blood tests. they r just sore and its annoying but i cant eat anything anyway (fasting for blood test) so it will be fine. love u everyone good night ♥︎
aster if u see this in the morning dont fucking look at your mints. do not even put them in ur purse "for later"!!! Not allowed!!
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akkivee · 1 year
somewhere on this blog i pointed out that dice and kuukou have both said they’d die for their team (even if the vibe on their statements varied lol) and i think saburo’s equivalent of that would be requiem actually?? so now i’m once again wondering about the themes of self sacrifice between dice and kuukou lmao
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dismembered-narrator · 8 months
playing ocarina of time is just making me realize how few original ideas the rest of the 3d zeldas have. i was like "wow the day/night cycle in twilight princess is so cool i bet that was new technology in 2006" and then i played oot. which did the same thing in 1998
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the-heaminator · 1 year
I’m still surprised you don’t pull more people tbh you seem very endearing and fun to be around
The thing is I tend to be a bit too much or a bit too little, and same here, you seem to have such a cosy vibe around you I'm surprised you dont pull more either.
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lil-gremlin-gal · 7 months
NaClYoHo Days 23 & 24
Day 23
usual daily dishes
second doctors appointment this week
sent trial return to work forms to doctor for signing/review
called sister to check in
put in an order to take advantage of the ordinary's slowvember sale
updated Christmas shopping/budget list
Today (day 24)
usual daily dishes, laundry
threw away some expired food
threw away dead table flowers
wiped bathroom counter
moved meat from freezer to fridge so I can try to cook dinner tomorrow
I haven't felt too much more sucky than normal the last couple days, but in addition to thyroid problems and whatever undiagnosed dysautonomic problem I'm having, I also have you-feel-shitty-disease (ME/CFS), so my normal "feeling normal" is already pretty sucky. If you feel 100% normally and drop to 30%, you feel it! But if you feel 35% normally and drop to 30%, maybe it doesn't impact you as much? idk
Did lots of sleeping and resting yesterday and today, and will hopefully perk up back to normal next week to finish the month strong.
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hyaciiintho · 8 months
🌸。*゚+. I'm thinking I'm gonna start doing things a little differently in regards to my queue. I'll keep answered asks, memes, and random aesthetic posts in there, but as for thread replies, I think I'm gonna post them as they're done..? Just so people aren't waiting too long anymore when I finally get around to replying.
Unless people would prefer I keep queueing their replies (for staggering drafts-- I know some people prefer slower replies!), so just let me know if you'd prefer me posting them immediately or if you want yours to continue to be queued!
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Can't believe people are still reblogging my post about the Kazui voting situation and the "unforgiveness shrine" even though it's kind of outdated now... like this is by far the post I've made that has gotten the most notes (almost 300 as of today) and it's so embarrassing for me because that was like my third? fourth? original post on tumblr and one in which I was being pretty negative and bummed out, but of course it had to become my most popular post... it's not that surprising seeing the content or even the goal of the post (informing the English speaking part of the milgram fandom of the voting situation) that it has been reblogged a lot (and by rather big accounts too), but every time I see "x like/reblogged your post" and it's this one I'm like "noooo stooop this is oooold, why would you do thaaaat" and I cringe a little inside because I feel so embarrassed for some reason
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mainfaggot · 1 year
My chem lab partner and i started giggling about the glitch in the software we're writing our report on and we were acting like it was the funniest thing in the world. i didn't realise how much i missed being able to laugh so freely around people at uni until today like wow . i am always trying so hard to give off a certain image and be perceived in a specific way and also i miss my friends and im lonely
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