#silky little head cannon that i may or may not use
rainey-arts · 7 months
Okay this is rather random and I'm making this while I'm like half asleep so if I ramble I apologize i just like to get silly lil thoughts out
I e seen some theories regarding Usurna's relations with the gum-gums and her potential relations with Gunmar and Bular (such as her mabye being blood related to atleast one of them) for example her being Gunmar's daughter because she has certain traits simaler to Gum-Gums. Like her face shape and eye color.
I personally like the idea.of her being part gum-gum for one reason or another but I don't think she's related to Gunmar or Bular
I think and here me out on this
she's related to this guy
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I have a few reasons as to why, some of them are very loose but still there reasons
1. They boy have red eyes
This is one of the weaker points . Every other Krubera has green eyes, but not Usurna. You could argue that it was just a design choice to make her look different or something but I mean maybe the more reddish eye color was something she picked up for her dad
2. Hands
Most the other Gum-Gums have claws,. including Gunmar and Bular.
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However Orlagk does NOT have clawed hands
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He has normal hands with black nails. Which means if he hooked up with a Krubera there would be a smaller chance of them getting clawed hands like Bular unlike if Gunmar hooked up with Krubera because genetics
Now you might be wondering. If she's related to Orlagk why would she help Gunmar cause wouldn't that mean he killed her father?
I don't have a very good answer for that besides that mabye she wouldn't know that's really her father or that she just didn't care for him and didn't mind if he died (I Mean Orlagk is called the OPPRESSOR so I highly doubt he was like by any of the other tribe leaders. Frankly if that was my dad I wouldn't say anything either). Given her character and status both could make sense
Why would the Krubera let her rule if she was half Gum-Gum?
This would also play on her not knowing, but if she was hypothetically related to him I doubt her mother would have said anything. A Krubera queen sleeping with Orlagk the oppressor? The next heir to the throne being related to a warlord? Yeah that's not a good image. Either that or she just didn't say anything herself.
Anyways that's my silly little rant thank you for your time 👍
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almosttenaciousmoon · 3 years
By the way, she’s safe with me
AN: So this is my first ever fic / oneshot so it may not be the best but I wrote half of this at 2:00am and than finished it first thing in the morning. It’s unedited so just ignore the mistakes. I hope it’s a ok. 
Also ‘cinta ku’ translates to ‘my love’ in Indonesian.
Summary: Gwyn wakes up from a nightmare but Azriel is there to comfort her.
Tagging @daevastanner for encouraging me to write down my head-cannons
Soft moonlight filters through the floor to ceiling windows illuminating the graphite room. As wisps of shadows adorned the walls rising and falling seemingly in time with every breathe the room’s occupants took.
The shadowsinger lay awake staring down at the strands of silky copper hair threaded through his fingers. Sprawled across his chest, Gwyn’s soft snores breath against his chest as he admired his resting mate. Her steady heartbeat and even breathing were indicators that she was finally resting having recovered from her nightmare not a half-hour ago.
Azriel had awoken from his admittedly light slumber to the raged breading and heavy panting from his valkyrie. Feeling the loss of her weight and hearing the rustle of sheets as she got up, he sat up wings spread against the headboard as he rubbed the sleep away from his eyes. 
“Cinta ku, are you ok?” Azriel asked, voice a little rougher than usual as he recovers from what little sleep he had left. “Yes.” A yawn escaped her. “Just a dream. You can go back to sleep Az. You need rest for the mission tomorrow.” Gwyn argues as she sits at the edge of the bed reaching for a cup of water on the nightstand. 
“ You need rest as much as I do.” He argues because tomorrow he and Gwyn along with Cassian and Nesta would be flying up to Windhaven to meet up with Emerie and assist her in training the Illyrian females. It seams that after the valkyries success in the blood rite, more and more females have taken to training and fighting over the recent years. Some trained as part of the Illyrian army. While others chose to join the increasing number of Valkyrie recruits, helping to build up their ranks.
“Even so, you’d be the one flying us up.” Gwyn countered disposing of the cup and crawling her way up to his lap. Now nestled comfortably on his lap with her head resting on the crook of his neck, Gwyn wrapped her arms around his middle. “Wanna talk about it?” The shadowsinger offers as he tucks the crown of molten copper beneath his chin, content in idly tracing shapes against the silk of her nightgown. His stubborn yet clearly distorted mate shook her head.
While he knew that sometimes it was good to talk about the demons that plague your sleep, he also knew that sometimes you need time to process it all and other times it’s just too much and all you need is to simply be held. To have someone to hold you and anchor you back to reality as your mind becomes a maelstrom of doubt and fears. As streams of insecurities threaten to drown you.
After some minutes Gwyn pulled away tilting her head up in order to look at him. Soft hazel orbs met slightly glazed teal and one look and he could see all to guilt and grief stifled with self-loathing he felt down their mating bond. At that, the shadowsinger’s hold tightened on her waist.
“I-I needed to process what happened first. To figure out what part of the dream was real and what my ever creative mind has contorted for me tonight.” She whispers more light-heartedly towards the end as she tries to lighten the mood. “Tonight I dreamt of Catrin.” She says, tilting her head up, she was meet with pulls dusty brown swirled in with moss and warmed by an inner gold. His hazel gaze shone with quiet encouragement silently willing her to share her dream. 
With that, the valkyrie continued.”The difference tonight being that the dream started off as a happy memory. I sat upon the boulders next to our lake in Sangravah. I lie down, content in enjoying the warmth of the afternoon sun as I read about two lovers dancing through a spring shower. Catrin’s swimming in the lake. Her head underwater blowing bubbles to show me where she is. I hear her swimming closer to me. Her laugh so care free, is suddenly cut short by a stifling scream.” Her chest once again starts to heave. The shadowsinger continued his southing stokes on her back the scent of her growing anxiety drenches the room. Dread coils low and deep in his stomach as she looked up at him, eyes dull with resignation.
That look sends him spiralling as he questions what cruel dreams have played in her head tonight? Reaching a hand to cup her face, he pushed away those thoughts, determined to keep that calming presence there for her. A deep breath as she returned her head to rest on his shoulder. “Something must have grabbed at her feet, slowly dragging her down. Drowning her” She murmurs against his skin. “Catrin kept streaming out to me. Hopelessly thrashing against the water. I tried to reach out to her, but it was as if invisible hands held me down. Restraining me.” He feels the silent tears as they slide down his back.” It felt just like Sangravah. I couldn’t save her than and I failed her again. Even in my dreams, I’m always powerless to save her.” Gwyn ads through heaping sobs. 
Two fingers slowly lift her chin. Hazel eyes trained to her face. Shining with reverence. He knew. He knew how it felt to feel powerless in saving someone you loved. He knew how it felt to wake up feeling like your back at square one. With that understanding, swallowing the emotion in his voice. The shadowsinger assured her.
“ You didn’t fail her.”  
You never have, and never cold dear sister. The shadowsinger could have sworn the room’s temperature dropped,if only for a second. He could have sworn there was another presence in the room.
She looked ready to argue but a finger pressed against her lips assuring her he wasn’t finished. “ You said it yourself, you fought against those restraints it order to get to her. You fought, objecting to whatever held you from her. Your love for your sister is shown by that simple thought you had. To get to her. To save her.” He looked at her with an intensity charged by reassurance. Reassurance for her. From his words. 
“I know sometimes that grief and self doubt can threaten to pull you under. That even as everything seams to get better, It claws it’s way into your mind and sneaks up on you when you least expect it to.” He tells her.” But with that, also remember to acknowledge the progress you make. Admittedly, it’s easier said than done but I want you to promise me that every time those insecurities come chasing. That you turn to me and ask of a reminder. A reminder of an achievement. It doesn’t have to be a big one. Even something as mundane as being abel to go back to sleep after a nightmare.” And he’s looking at her again. With that unrelenting love that she’s still working to believe she deserves.
“I know that sometimes, it’s hard to remember something positive when all your mind seems to recall is the failures. That’s when you turn to me. You don’t need to do it all alone. Just because we’re immortal, doesn’t mean we’re invincible. I can only hope that one day you can see a glimpse of the Gwyn I see.” Az tells her.
“And what do you see?” She retorts. A small smile graces her perfect face.
“I see a warrior. A survivor. An unrelenting fighter who even when the world owed her nothing, she demanded something of it anyways.” He smiled, tucking her smaller frame to his chest as he brought them back to the bed.
With Gwyn now resting on his chest. Head tucked under his chin. Wings gently wrapped around her, He looks out the window and at the shining stars. “I hope you know she’s safe with me.” The shadowsinger whispered to his mates sister. Knowing that she was smiling, from wherever she stud. 
She smiles from the reassurance that her sister is once agin safe with a new family to hold her.
I’ll meet you in the next life. She promisees to the mated pair. 
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notyetneedcoffee · 4 years
Soul Seer, Pt. 12
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Loki Master List
Pairing: Loki x Reader
Warnings: Angst, 18+ Smut
Author’s Note: Takes place right after Avengers 1, with time travel elements and hints of Infinity Wars. Does NOT follow cannon after Avengers.
Sorry for taking so long to update... there’s only a couple parts left to go!
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“We have a problem.” Tony Stark strode into the conference room Steve Rogers had taken over as his head quarters for the rescue and clean up operations. Cap looked up from the tablet he’d been studying. Tony didn’t usually sound that angry even in the middle of a fight.
“What is it?” Cap stood up.
Tony looked around the room. You felt the wave rage, betrayal, flowing off him and looked over at Loki with confusion. The other three men in the room, Army General Ramirez, Colonel Whitehall and the FDNY Fire Chief all stopped, waiting.
Tony flicked his mobile unit, sending a holographic display over the table. A huge group of citizens was gathered outside the damage zone. They were chanting and carrying signs with things like “Justice Must Be Served”.
“Someone leaked who our out of town help really is.” Tony flipped the display to a news anchor. An image of Loki taken from the battle sat next to an image someone caught on their cell phone of him in his “Luke” disguise. Tony crossed his arms and scowled. “They’re calling for him to be turned over to authorities.”
“He’s helping us.” Steve scowled. “He’s been held accountable by his own people.”
“Anyone know who leaked?” The General slapped his notebook down.  
For all of the confusion and anger flying around the room, Loki was a center of calm. You stood, walking slowly to Loki’s side. You placed both your hands on his chest. His eyes remained on the holo image, but his focus was elsewhere. At your touch, his hands came up to cover yours.
“The secret is out and cannot be put back. There are now but two choices. You deny your people a justice they deserve and watch as dissent and violence erupt amongst the masses, or you turn me over.” His eyes lowered to meet you wide stare.
“No.” You shook your head.
“That- “ Tony waved his finger around. “That is not going to happen. God, I can’t believe I’m going to say this! But we actually need your help.”
“He’s right” Steve rubbed his forehead. “We would not have accomplished what we have in the last three weeks without your help.”
“Loki is also right,” General tapped his pen on the desk. “If people know he’s here, even if we prove he’s helping, they’ll call for blood. People are terrified. This was an alien attack on American soil. It’s going to be ugly either way.”
“Excuse me.” Jarvis cut in to the conversation. “Sir, Secretary of State Wallace is calling for you.”
“Fuck.” Tony shut down the holo image.
“Buy time, Tony.” Steve folded his arm. “We need to talk about this before we agree to anything.”
“Yeah.” Tony brought his mobile to his ear. “Hey Jack! How’s it hangin’?” He marched out the room for his office.
“Loki, why are you so calm?” You studied his face. “Oh, no. No. You knew this was going to happen. You’ve been waiting for it to happen.”
His cool hand cupped your face, thumb ghosting over your lower lip. “Yes, my pet. I knew.”
Within an hour, you found yourself sitting beside Loki in a room filled to the brink with Avengers and US officials. You listened to the arguments fly around the room, felt level of animosity rise. Fury insisted if Loki was going to be incarcerated it should be with SHIELD. Others insisted there be a trial. Some wondered if sentenced to death, could he even be executed. What it mean in the public opinion if he couldn’t be killed. Bruce was adamant that Loki had already been tried by Odin.
“Are you alright, my pet?” Loki’s baritone voice cut through the noise.
“No.” You shook your head, realizing how close you were to tears. Anxiety, anger, and frustration raged inside. “You can’t let them take you.”
Loki stood and held his hand out for you. Before you made two steps from the table, Rogers called out. “Loki. Where are you going?”
“Captain, I believe you know my intentions in regard to the work you are doing here. I am bound to whatever order is given me. Being here, while my fate is decided, is not necessary.” Loki’s gaze moved to you then back to the Cap. “Don’t you agree?”
He understood. This was about you. “You’re right. The conversation may even be a little more honest with you out of the room. We all know the weight of Dr. Banner’s opinion. We’ll let you know when we’re done.”
Loki tipped his head and led you from the room with a hand at your back. The calm radiating off of him was infuriating. He was normally full of fire and fight. It scared you and you hated being scared. You managed to keep quiet until the elevator doors closed.
“Don’t you dare tell me you’re just giving up.” You growled, staring at the readout taking you to your floor.
“I must do as Dr. Banner orders. What is there to give up?” Loki sounded distant.
“What is there – “ You spun, instantly furious. “My entire life, my entire existence, has changed! Do you have any idea what would happen to me if they took you! Do you know what that would do to me! What is there to give up?! You selfish- “
Loki’s mouth crashed over yours. His hands roughly pulling you flush against his body, lifting you off your toes. Waves of possessive need, protective outrage, wrapped around you as tightly as his arms. Your fingers slipped through his silky hair as you clung to him.
The elevator doors opened, Loki waltzed you onto your floor. A tickle dance across your skin just before he dropped you down on the soft sheets of your bed. The cool air tickled across your bare flesh. Loki pinned you to the bed, hands holding down your wrists.
His face hovered over your, eyes blazing. “You are mine. I will not allow you to be . . . taken . . . from me. I will do whatever I must to keep you safe.”
“But you were so calm.” The tightness in your chest began to unravel. “What if they decide to. . .”
“It doesn’t matter what they decide.” Loki’s nose ghosted over yours, his breath mingling with yours. “The only word that matters is Banner’s.” His tongue slipped along your lower lip. “He is a man of reason.”
“You’re not concerned?”
“No, my pet, worry not.”
His mouth covered yours, tongue dancing around your, drawing a moan from your throat. He nipped your lower lip between his teeth. “Whatever may come, I will protect you, my feisty little pet.”
“Don’t laugh at me. I was furious.” You rocked your hips up against him, causing Loki to growl. You twisted your wrists until your fingers entwined with his. “You are mine.”
Loki fell upon you like a man starving. He bit marks across your neck. His body slid along yours. The coolness of his skin against your flushed skin sent shivers over your body. His teeth grazed your nipple. You pulled at his hair, calling his name. Loki marked your delicate flesh.
“So fine.” Loki growled. He pushed apart your legs, teeth nipping, hot tongue painting wet trails along your inner thighs. It sent fire racing through your veins. His fingers slid through your wetness, delving into your depths. With a wicked smile, Loki licked his fingers. “My sweet.”
“Loki, don’t tease.” You clawed at the sheets.
He pressed your knees toward your shoulders, his tongue taking a long sweep across your sex. His voice rumbled deep. “Don’t tell me what to do, my pet.” He flicked your clit with his tongue. “I do what I want.”
You wrapped your legs around him and twisted. He allowed you to flip him over onto his back. Straddling his waist, hands on his chest, you nipped at his jaw. “I wanted to stand in front of you, and dare anyone to take you from me. I would rip them apart. You are mine.”
His fingers dug into your ass as you rubbed against his hard cock. Loki’s eyes fell closed. Your declaration feeling more intoxicating than any Asgardian mead he’d ever tasted. “You are a marvel, my dear.”    
“Loki,” you breathed, lowering yourself on him. “Loki,” you sighed, relishing in the stretch and the feel of him. “Oh, fuck, Loki,” you panted sitting up and rocking on him. His cock hitting you perfectly.
His feet anchored on the bed, thrusting up. So powerful. Your cunt clenched around him. Loki growled, holding you in place and fucking you harder. You reached back, balancing with a hand on his knee. Heat coiled in your center.
Loki watched the sweat break out on your skin, delighted in your tits bouncing for him. He extended a tendril of magic. A cool vibrating thrum pressed against your clit.
“Oh fuck!” You began to quiver.
“Do not come until I say.” Loki ordered. You whined, but nodded. The onslaught of his cock and the vibration overwhelming.
An icy pinch nipped along the edge of your breast. You yipped. A series of them circles your breasts, making them feel tight and hyper-sensitive. Ghost finger pinch your nipples hard, sending a shock to your cunt that near pushed you over. “Oh, god, Loki!”
He growled, a smirk upon his face. The thrum upon your clit became stronger and pushed against you harder. “Not yet.” Loki slammed into at a brutal pace. Wet, skin slapping skin. You panted. Shook. You couldn’t help it. The pinches upon your nipples pulled hard, coming free, the flash of pain making you snap.
Heat burst forth. You flooded, squirting over his cock. Soaking everything. Shaking uncontrollably. Falling forward. Loki wrapped his arms around you, pulling you against him. Burying in you deep, coming hard with groan.
You lay boneless on his chest, breath slowly returning to normal. Loki stroked your skin, holding you gently. He allowed himself to get lost in your breath and heartbeat. You sighed and drifted into near sleep. He would not say it aloud, but if Banner makes any decision that takes you from him, he would tear everything to the ground.
You’d become his salvation. Loki once again wondered if the Norns laughed at him. A fragile little mortal.
He let you sleep, just holding you.
In short order though, Jarvis quietly alerted him of visitors. “Loki, excuse me, but Captain Rogers wishes me to inform you that he and the others are on their way to your suite.”
You lifted your head, sleepily.
“Thank you. Have they come to a decision?”
“I believe so, sir.”
“Time to get up?” You sat up, the worry returning.
“Yes.” Loki stood and held a hand out for you.
With a shimmer of magic, you were both clean and dressed. You smiled, leaning into him. “Magic is so cool.”
His lips covered yours in a gentle kiss just as the door to your suite chimed. You both walked out of the bedroom just as the living room filled. Rogers was joined by Stark, Banner, Romanoff, and surprisingly Fury.
“You’ve come to a conclusion.”
“Yeah.” Banner was smiling. Good sign.
“We explained about Odin’s orders and the oath.” Cap began. “But the court of public opinion is a pretty powerful force.”
“Indeed it is.” Loki agreed. He took you hand in his to keep you from fidgeting. Everyone’s emotions were bounding all over the spectrum.
“We couldn’t exactly ask some of the others to defy direct orders,” Fury continued the story. “So we figured we’re going to have to handle this one on our own for a while.”
Natasha smiled. “We are the spies after all.”
“So what did you finally decide to do about Loki?” You finally blurted out.
“If we’re going to get the happy ending we all want,” Tony smiled. “Loki has to die.”
@1800-fight-me​ \ @abschaffer2​ \ @alexakeyloveloki​ \ @archy3001​ \ @asgardianthot​ \ @asiaaisa77​ \ @badassbaker​ \ @bangtan-serendipity​ \ @beautifullungs​ \ @buchanansebba​ \ @buckybarneshairpullingkink​ \ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ \ @buckybarnesplumwhore​ \ @daughterofthenight117​ \ @dawnlaufeyson​ \ @dsakita​ \ @everything-is-awesomesauce​ \ @fangasm202 \ @geeksareunique​ \ @girlmadeofivory​ \ @girlmadeofivory​ \ @imma-new-soul​ \ @jesseswartzwelder​ \ @jillilama-blog​ \ @kalesrebellion​ \ @kermittheshipper​ \ @kiki5283​ \ @kneel-before-queen-loki​ \ @lbouvet​ \ @lovely-lollipops-blog​ \ @messenough​ \ @michelehansel​ \ @mindtravelsx \ @morganhoran1671 \ @myownviperroom​ \ @night-cereus​ \ @notyourtypicalrose​ \ @osric-the-l3m0n-l0v3-demon \ @person-born-winchester​ \ @rainbowkisses31​ \ @readermia​ \ @rinthehufflepuff​ \ @rogerrhqpsody​ \ @rynabarnesrogers-reading​ \ @sammghgecko \ @scarlettsoldier​ \ @sebbysstangirl​ \ @sex-cee-seabasss \ @sexyvixen7​ \ @smokeandnailz​ \ @tahiri-veyla \ @theladybiers​ \ @theneuropsychwriter​ \ @the-omni-princess​ \ @the-reading-octopus​ \ @thorfanficwriter​ \ @ultracolorfulnerdcollection​ \ @ultrarebelheart​ \ @unadulteratedwizardlove \ @vanillabunn21​ \ @vintageroses1014516 \ @vodka-and-some-sass​ \ @wwe-fanfiction-queen​ \ @itsag​ \ @neverending-space​ \ @saiyanprincessswanie​ \ @a--1--1--3​ 
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15-dogs · 4 years
queen of hearts |r.l.|
pairing: (young) remus lupin x ofc (angela kerrigan)
summary: this is an excerpt from my longer fic (that I’m currently finishing) to thank you all for 100 followers! it follows remus lupin and angela kerrigan in their 7th year of Hogwarts. remus fell for her years ago but his secret affliction is holding him back from telling her the truth. but the closer he gets to her, the more he realizes she may be hiding more than he is.
warnings: implied sexual content (sort of), very very light swearing
guide: none
word count: 3559
“I would do anything to be that little 3rd year shit,” Sirius commented to James as he eyed the girl across the hall as she sat on the first step of the staircase, comforting a boy who nuzzled into her chest. “He’s using her because she’s one of the only attractive girls on campus who rarely wears a bra!”
James glared at Sirius to get him to be quiet but Sirius shrugged defiantly. Finally, James’ eyes made their way towards Angela Kerrigan, who was rubbing the back of the young Gryffindor in her arms. The boy smirked against her breast as she looked away from him.
“I’ll be right back,” James groaned as he walked over to the clueless prefect.
As soon as James left, Remus and Peter joined Sirius. The two chatted about the Chudley Cannons game that had gone on right before school had started up again. Sirius peeled his eyes away from James and Kerrigan to talk to his friends who had been held up at breakfast.
“Last year with Minnie, mates!” Sirius exclaimed as he held his schedule in front of him.
“Last year for everything here, Sirius,” Remus adds as his gaze drifted around the building. He froze as his eyes landed on Kerrigan, James, and the 3rd year boy. James’ hands moved around animatedly as if he was explaining something to the pair.
“It’s fine,” James said through grit teeth. His lips curled upwards as his sight turned towards the boy who had finally unlatched from Kerrigan. “If he wants to talk to anyone he can talk to me about his problems!”
Remus stood absolutely clueless as he tried to read their lips. He knew his friends well, though, and could somewhat interpret their actions. Kerrigan’s brow furrowed but she remained smiling, glancing up at James who was biting back laughter at the mortified boy.
“But I feel much more comfortable talking with her!” the boy cried. Kerrigan looked between the two Gryffindors before her in blatant confusion at why she wasn’t allowed to help the boy in front of her.
“Are you going to be ‘comfortable’ telling your friends why you lost house points?” James implored. The boy looked away from James’s stare and rolled his eyes. “That’s what I thought. Now, go on.” James nodded his head towards his pack of friends who attempted to hide on the other side of the staircase. The boy sauntered off towards his friends while James laughed to himself.
“What was that for?” Kerrigan asked. Her heart looked a little broken from not being able to help the sorrowful boy.
“Let me tell you that from here it looked like he wanted you to help him, if you know what I mean.” James raised his eyebrows at the American girl, her head tilting to the side.
“Huh?” Kerrigan pondered. Her eyes suddenly went wide with realization. “Oh. Thanks, James.”
Remus stared across the room as Kerrigan self-consciously covered her chest, her eyes wandering towards the floor as blush crept across her ears. What did she have to be self-conscious about?
Remus hadn’t noticed James walking towards the group until it blocked his view of Kerrigan. A smirk grew on James’ lips as he wiggled his eyebrows at Remus. Remus’s expression went cold before tuning back into whatever Sirius and Peter were talking about. As soon as all four boys begin to talk, a familiar voice calls out.
“Remus! Hey!”
Remus whipped around as fast as he could to spot the tall brunette who had approached him. Her silky hair flounced and finally fell at her shoulders as she stopped in front of him. Remus gave her a tight lipped smile as he pretended the smell of her hair didn’t have him weak in the knees.
“We have rounds together tonight, right?” Angela asked.
“Yeah, we do. Same place?” Remus responded, his strangled smile beginning to break. Her beaming at him made him go absolutely mad and he couldn’t help but beam right back at her.
“For sure.” She nodded profusely. “Same time?”
The girl dipped her head as she giggled. She looked up at Remus with her olive eyes, a strand of her tan and gold hair falling out from behind her ear. Remus clenched his hand into a fist to resist reaching up and brushing her hair out from her eyes; partly because he wanted to see her face and partly because her hair looked so incredibly soft.
“Hi there, Angela,” Sirius intervened smoothly. 
Kerrigan did a double take as if she didn’t know that he was there. Her eyes fell across the group and widened, noticing that it wasn’t just her and Remus. She quickly adorned a bright smile that had Remus clenching his jaw.
“Hi, Sirius,” she replied. “Hi guys!”
Kerrigan turned back towards Remus with a softer, gentler smile. Remus felt his jaw release tension as he saw the little coating of blush that dusted her cheeks. The contrast between the pink tinge and her fair skin made the smattering of freckles across her face pop.
“I better go. Lily had the genius idea of signing us up for Alchemy because she thinks that Slughorn doesn’t like her,” Kerrigan explained. Her lips curled into a smirk as she rolled her eyes.
“What?” Remus questioned in disbelief, a small chuckle rolling off his tongue. “She’s one of Slughorn’s favorites!”
“That’s what I said!” Angela moved her hands through the air in wide movements for emphasis. The pair laughed quietly until the hall started to flood with students. “Anyway…”
“Right.” Remus attempted to not sound so disappointed.
“I’m gonna head out. Talk to ya’.”
Angela turned around to walk towards her next class and Remus gave her a light wave, a lopsided smile on his face. She took no more than a few steps before James stopped her.
“Say hi to Lily for me?” James asked. Angela cocked her hip and sized up the slightly taller boy in front of her.
“Depends,” she responded, her voice smooth. Remus couldn’t help but ogle the way she ran her tongue across her teeth like she was hiding something from him.
“Depends?” James’s voice became shaky as he leaned in closer to the girl.
“On what I can get in return.”
Remus sucked in a sharp breath as her hips swished to the side. He moved his eyes away so as to not draw attention to his stare.
“Bargaining? You’re not as sweet as you look, Kerrigan.”
Her facade faltered as her eyes widened, before quickly correcting herself by donning her smug grin. “Damn straight.” Remus fought the urge to hold her, comfort her, tell her just how amazing she is.
Kerrigan crossed her arms across her chest and sighed, a smile spreading across her lips once more. “I kid, I had no chip in this anyway.” She leaned in towards James and eyed the passing students. Lowering her voice, she said, “Between you and I, I think you two would make a great couple.”
“You do?” James’ eyes went wide.
Angela nodded while fighting a smile. Quickly, she dropped the grin and furrowed her brow, pointing her finger at the muscular Head Boy before her. “But if she finds out that I said that you’re a dead man, Potter.” James raised his hands in defense, gleaning a smirk.
“Wouldn’t dream of it.”
Angela took a few steps backwards towards Alchemy, her loose gaze drifting from James to Remus. “I’ll see you tonight, Remus.” She turned on her heel and began towards the basement.
Remus watched as she scurried away to her class before catching himself. He averted his gaze towards his friends but Sirius sauntered over to him, nudging him to look back at Kerrigan. Remus gulped and looked back at Sirius who finally made eye contact with his taller friend.
“I’d kill to be you, Moony,” Sirius sighed, clapping Remus on the back. Remus turned towards his friend, raising an eyebrow at him.
“We should get to class,” James said before Remus could question Sirius’ actions.
“We already have a prefect. Don’t turn manic for the rules on me, Head Boy,” Sirius groaned as the four of them made their way to class.
Remus walked into the foyer of the Great Hall, spotting Angela playing with a strand of her hair from one of her pigtails. Her eyes flickered up at the sound of his footsteps against the cold stones, a wide grin spreading across her face that made the sandy haired boy melt. She released the little tendrils of her hair she was braiding to wave at the boy who approached. With her robes off, her uniform was finally presented. Her socks went just over her knees and her skirt fell to the middle of her thigh, leaving a bit of skin exposed to Remus’ thirsty eyes.
“Hey,” she muttered, her voice a little raspy as if she’d been talking all day (which wasn’t a strange occurrence for her).
“Hey,” he replied, shoving his hands into his pockets. “Ready?”
Although the friendly American girl was tall herself, Remus was taller, causing her to strain her neck upwards at him as he moved to stand by her. The way she leaned to look up at him and the way the moonlight highlighted her features nearly made Remus want to pull her closer.
The pair walked in step, silence dawning on them. Remus continuously stole glances at the girl beside him as they fell into their normal routine. They began their routine when they became prefects together in the 5th year. Back then, they barely had rounds together, seeing one another maybe every other month for prefect responsibilities. However, Kerrigan made efforts to become friends with Remus even if they spent very little time together. Now that Lily and James were Head Girl and Boy, they organized schedules. James had them scheduled together once a month which— in Remus’s opinion— wasn’t enough.
“So, what did you do this summer?” Angela began, her eyes meeting the boy next to her.
“Not a lot. Spent some time with the guys. What about you?” As Remus leaned to look at Kerrigan, a few hairs fell into his eyes so he gave his head a swift shake to clear his view.
“You forgot already,” Kerrigan gasped, jokingly offended. Remus narrowed his eyes before understanding what she meant.
“How foolish of me,” he replied with a hearty laugh at her shock. “One.”
When Angela and Remus first started doing rounds together, Remus was quite abhorrent to the idea of socializing with her. In an attempt to become friends with him, Angela proposed a game: each person would ask questions but they had to count off to make sure each person was asked an equal amount of questions. Even after they bonded, they continued to play the game for novelty’s sake.
“Not too much. I went back to Boston. I stayed with my nonna for a few days. We cooked a lot.” Her voice trailed off and she looked off to the side as she reminisced. “One.” The grin was back on her face in an instant and it warmed Remus’s heart.
Silence fell heavy on the two. Remus watched as Angela clenched and unclenched her jaw. She stayed looking straight ahead, unable to meet his eyes. Just when he thought she forgot about asking him a question, she spoke up.
“I missed you, Remus.”
“I missed you, too.”
Remus was positive that his face was entirely red. He rarely ever got flustered around her but her genuine words had him feeling more embarrassed than ever. He had no idea what impulsive idiocy came over him, but when he started to speak he couldn’t stop.
“I wanted to write you. I really did. I got nervous and I didn’t send any of them.” Remus fiddled with his hands for a moment. He couldn’t dare meet her eyes. Why on earth had he said that? His panicked thoughts got interrupted by an extremely unfamiliar smell. He sniffed around, brow furrowed, as if the smell was following them. He didn’t want to mention it to Angela, fearing that he was only picking up the scent due to his “heightened” senses.
He was grounded by the sound of her wonderfully soft voice asking, “Nervous? Why would you be nervous?”
“Because I know that you go back to the states for summer holiday and I didn’t know your other address so I was afraid someone else would find them.” Remus felt his stomach sink. Why was he running his mouth like someone had slipped him veritaserum? “Two,” he whispered meekly.
“Someone else?” Her gaze met his, her brow knit together and mouth agape.
“I didn’t want your boyfriend to think there was something going on between us. Three.” Remus wanted to run away. Couldn’t he just be quiet for once?
Kerrigan’s face went through a series of emotions. Her gaze fell to the floor as her mouth shut. She took a deep breath, chewing on her bottom lip as she figured out what to tell him next.
“I broke up with Erik when break started.”
“Oh,” Remus whispered, trying not to sound too delighted with the news. “I’m sorry.”
“Really, don’t be. That wasn’t a...healthy relationship.”
The shortness of her breath and the anxious fumbling with her hands made Remus instantly sorry. He hated to see her look so upset, even if there was a tiny nagging part of him that made him ecstatic that they were broken up. To relieve her, he decided to steer the subject away from Erik.
“Are you still working to get that club in order?” The little look that Kerrigan threw at Remus made the change in subject all worth it.
“For sure. I have a curriculum that Lily helped me work through but I can’t seem to get a sponsor. I’ve been badgering McGonagall about it because she’s right about the only professor here that would support a female empowerment club. Two.” Angela moved her hands animatedly while talking and Remus followed each movement.
“Do you need any help with it?” Remus was hoping for her to say yes so he could spend more time with her. All he wanted to do was be with her and he wasn’t quite sure what was stopping him. 
“I’m all set, but thanks for the offer Moony,” she teased, nudging into his side. He chuckled nervously but nudged her back in the same playful manner. “Three.”
Oh, right. That’s what was stopping him. Moony.
The Marauders sat down at the Gryffindor table of the Great Hall, quickly filling their plates with breakfast. As they began to eat, James eyed Remus’s plate. James quickly picked up a few more items and spooned them onto Remus’s plate. Remus groaned and eyed his friend who shrugged at him.
“You need to eat more,” James teased. “You’re a growing boy, Moony.” Peter and Sirius made no effort to hide their amusement while Remus rolled his eyes.
“I’ll be 18 in a few months, James. Quit it.” Although James was joking, Remus was still grateful for his idiot of a friend.
James chuckled, looking away from the tall boy across from him for his eyes to land on two familiar girls down the table. James took a bite of his food before he asked, “I meant to ask, how were rounds last night?”
“Good,” he answered, attempting not to perpetuate the idea in James’s mind that Remus was mad for her (even though he was).
“How is our girl?” Sirius questioned, his eyes drifting towards her down the table.
“She’s fine.” Remus was unsure why Sirius started caring about her all of a sudden. It’s not like he never cared about her, it’s just that he never bothered to talk about her.
“You’re holding out on us, Moony. What did you two talk about? I know about that little question game you guys play.”
Remus’s gaze drifted towards Sirius. His brows knit together and eyes narrowed. He was sure that he had mentioned that game before but when had Sirius ever been paying attention?
“She went back to the states over the summer like she always does and she’s having some issues getting a sponsor for her club, but that’s about it,” Remus lied. He shoved the food around on his plate to avoid making eye contact with his friends.
“She always seems to be running around doing that sort of thing,” Peter added, nodding thoughtfully.
“I’m not supposed to be saying this,” James began, “but I heard from Lily that Kerrigan has been working awful hard to get that club in order to keep her mind off the breakup with that boyfriend of hers. What was his name? Erik?”
Remus’s head shot up to eye the scruffy haired boy in front of him before letting his eyes drift towards Lily and Angela. Remus’ eyes softened as she moved her hands wildly while she told a story, the red head across from her tilting her head back in harmonic laughter. He quickly became encapsulated with the view, the sound of Sirius asking him questions becoming mere background noise.
“You’re friends with her, right?” Sirius asked. His voice was strong and steady as if he were full of determination. 
Remus halfheartedly hummed in response as he continued staring at Kerrigan, not exactly caring who saw him. Kerrigan leaned forward slightly, muttering something to Lily before slapping a hand over her mouth and bursting into laughter. Lily sat there, mouth agape, clearly trying to process whatever Kerrigan had told her. After a moment she, too, joined in the laughter.
“She seems like a great person.”
If Remus was paying any mind to his friends around him, he would’ve noticed as James’ and Peter’s faces contorted with bewilderment. James leaned his head slightly to get into Remus’s frame of view but it worked to no avail as Remus continued to stare on in a daze.
“Sure,” Remus responded, not exactly knowing what he was responding to.
“I think we’d get along well, don’t you think?”
“I think I’m going to ask her out. I mean, if that’s okay with you.”
“Yeah,” Remus droned; anything to get Sirius to be quiet.
Suddenly, Remus felt a sharp pain in his shin as James kicked him from underneath the table. Remus groaned, rubbing his leg before realizing why he got hurt. He let go of his leg, his wide eyes drifting towards James who raised his eyebrows in horror. Remus turned towards Sirius who was still eyeing the brunette who Remus always imagined would be his— even if he’d never admit that he had feelings for her.
James looked at Remus as if to say just-say-the-word-and-he’ll-back-off but the fear of admitting that he wanted her outweighed the fear of her wanting his best friend. Remus shook his head ever so slightly, turning his view back towards Kerrigan. This time, Lily told her a story while she sat there making comments every so often, a teasing smirk adorning her soft lips.
“Pads, why did you ask Moony instead of me? I’m friends with Kerrigan too,” James protested. Although Remus was too glum to realize it, James was fighting to get Sirius to back out of his plan for Remus’s sake.
“You just want to shag her best friend, you tosser. Moony here has been friends with the girl since 5th year.”
Remus tried not to let himself imagine what would have happened if he had just been paying attention— if he had said no. At first he was mad at her for being herself and distracting him but soon realized that that wasn’t a valid reason. He just felt so stupid to be so crazy about her to the point where nothing else seemed to matter but her. He wanted to be mad at Sirius, too, but he couldn’t. Remus could barely admit to himself that he had feelings for her, never mind admit that to his friends. All he could do was blame himself.
He wallowed in his anger and sorrows in the following days, but his attention shifted when he realized the full moon was quite soon. The days leading up to the full moon caused him to feel sicker, but the constant nagging of seeing Sirius around Angela made him feel a thousand times worse. The Marauders had most of their classes with Angela, excluding the advanced classes that she and Lily took for the N.E.W.T.s. When Sirius wasn’t taking Lily’s or Remus’s seat, he was waiting outside her class to pick her up. Once Remus had spotted Sirius against the wall, waiting for her to leave Alchemy. He pushed off the wall when she walked past. She glanced over her shoulder, a teasing smirk on her lips as she continued walking, Sirius trailing after her like a puppy.
Remus was more apprehensive about the full moon that night from the fear of his subconscious taking over. Sure, he was upset with Sirius but he didn’t want to hurt him. The feeling deep in his gut told him he wouldn’t have all that much control over that.
He was escorted to the dilapidated shack across campus by the school nurse. His shoulders slumped and his face turned pale, dreading the night ahead.
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remedialpotions · 5 years
Oh number 6 please! You do angsty stuff the best! Maybe something with the war? After it? During it? Whatever you go with for the word will be fab anyway!
Thank you! This definitely got pretty angsty and more Ron-centric than Ron/Hermione but I hope you like it! 💕
hiraeth - a homesickness for a home to which you cannot return, a home which maybe never was; the nostalgia, the yearning, the grief for the lost places of your past
Ron was not exactly picky where he slept. He had never understood all the fuss over lush pillows and silky satin sheets; he had slept with the same Chudley Cannons blanket since the age of seven, and it had suited him just fine for ten years. He had also been perfectly happy to spend the night, for weeks on end, in a sleeping bag on the unyielding wooden floor of his brother’s cottage. He always sort of felt that when push came to shove, he could pretty much sleep anywhere.
But he couldn’t sleep here.
The Burrow was still standing, strictly speaking. There were signs of spell damage, charred streaks on the walls and overturned furniture, and all of the food in the scullery had gone rancid, but the bones of the house were still there; the thing had not toppled over completely. Strange, though, because it felt so cold when they all first stepped inside. Back in Scotland it had been uncharacteristically warm and sunny, verging on hot, even, but the Burrow had gone cold in a way it never had before.
So they’d all gotten back to the house, and Ron’s dad had briefly assessed the damage and then begun dutifully picking up the shards of shattered dishes on the floor - not for long, though, because Bill and Percy had exchanged a glance and then pushed him out of the way, insisting on tidying up themselves. Charlie had gone into the sitting room to heft the bookcase back into place. Ron’s mum and George were still back at Hogwarts, unwilling to leave Fred behind.
And Ron, flanked on either side by his two best friends - or rather, his best friend and his almost-girlfriend (he hoped, at least), had drank in the sight of his childhood home, hungrily, searching for something he could no longer find.
His parents weren’t messy or unclean people by any means - his mum was always bustling about, casting cleaning spells and sweeping the floors - but the Burrow had always been prone to clutter. It was inevitable in a house of that many people. Stacks of cookbooks always lined the windowsills and parchments boasting particularly impressive OWL results were plastered the cupboards and yet now, even though the Weasleys had likely not had time to pack up everything they treasured before their escape to Aunt Muriel’s, it seemed quite bare. Devoid of everything that had once given it personality and heart.
Ron had found his legs carrying him toward the stairs, which were coated in a thin, even layer of dust. Vaguely he realized that his hand and Hermione’s had locked together, and he didn’t know who had reached for whom. He also hadn’t thought it mattered.
The stairs had creaked and groaned under the weight of the three of them, the wood cracking and splintering. Doors on each landing were left ajar; Ginny’s bed was left unmade. All Ron wanted was his own bed, and the trip up to the top floor had never taken so long.
Finally, he had reached the landing. The little placard on the door reading Ronald’s Room was still there. It had been there for years and years, so long he had stopped noticing it, but he couldn’t remember now where it had even come from. He wouldn’t have made it himself; he hated being called Ronald. It seemed like something Percy would have done - labeling everyone’s stuff, everyone’s space, putting people in their place.
He wanted to rip it down.
“Oh, Ron,” said Hermione urgently as he reached for the doorknob, “maybe you should-“
But before he could really register her voice, he turned it, and he had barely pushed the door open an inch when an acrid smell like a moldy drain smacked him in the face. Stumbling back, he slammed the door shut again.
The ghoul. He’d forgotten about the bloody ghoul.
“Well,” stammered Harry, “we can just - like - put him back into the attic, can’t we? And do some charms for the smell?”
Ron shook his head, so many words fighting to escape his throat that none of them did. There was no way Harry could know - to him, the ghoul was just the thing that made noise in the attic whenever he came to stay - but it was not so easy to just banish it back to its original home. Dealing with the ghoul was the twins’ thing, it had taken both of them to accomplish the task of dressing it in pajamas in the first place. And now Fred was gone - Ron closed his eyes against the thought, he’d seen it but he still couldn’t believe it - and there was no quick and easy way to put things back how they’d been.
“Forget it,” said Ron, Hermione’s hand still in his as he moved to the stairs again. “I’ll just sleep on the sofa, it’s fine. I don’t care.”
But he had been lying on that same sofa for hours now, and he just couldn’t. He knew that if he would just do as Harry had done, and down a dose of Dreamless Sleep, that he might find some respite from the anxious whirring in his head, but he couldn’t bring himself to do it. Instead he let himself fidget, tossing and turning on a sofa that he had not remembered being so cramped and stiff and scanning the room to find just one solitary little thing that hadn’t changed.
The whole time they’d been out searching for Horcruxes, he had just wanted to come back home. Even after he’d pulled his head out of his arse and returned to them, he had missed it: his mum’s cooking, the petrified gnome atop the Christmas tree, the clucking of the chickens and the sweet scent of the apple orchard. And now he was back, and none of it was here. Fred was gone, and George was a mess and Mum was a mess and they were all messes and none of it was ever going to be how it was. Nine months ago, he had Apparated away from an ambush, and he hadn’t known then that he would never really return.
The stairs creaked again. Ron rolled over on the sofa, the soles of his feet crammed uncomfortably against the armrest, and then sat up. From inside the kitchen, something glowed - not a wavering, flickering glow from a lantern, but steady and bright like from a wand. Both out of curiosity and a concern that they there may still be Death Eaters at large, he pulled his wand out from under the cushion he was using for a pillow and padded cautiously into the kitchen.
It was not a Death Eater, just Hermione (not that she was just Hermione, she had not been just Hermione to him for years now), kneeling on the work surface with her lit wand held aloft and her head inside a cupboard. If he called out to her, he’d probably startle her and cause her to fall, so instead he approached until he suspected he was in her peripheral vision.
“What’re you doing up there?” he asked, voice barely above a whisper.
She started, a bit, then relaxed. “I couldn’t sleep,” she explained as she peered down at him. “I just thought I’d make tea.”
“Get down from there, I’ll get it.”
He set his hands on her hips to help her, and as her feet touched the floor, her eyes darted up to his, then away. He swallowed; Merlin, he wanted to kiss her again.
“Tea’s usually in here,” he said instead, opening the cupboard next to the one she had open, only to find it contained a glass jar of flour, some dried cherries (with fruit flies swarming in the air around them), and not one single tea bag. “Oh. Guess not.”
Likely they’d just run out in those tense final days before going into hiding. Or his mum had grabbed the last box of the earl grey on her way out the door - it had been her favorite, last time he’d been around enough to know things like that. Or maybe he was just remembering wrong. He reached up and opened another cabinet, but that one just had a big tub of uncooked porridge, and the next one was completely empty, so he dropped to his knees and checked under the sink, but there was just an empty jug of Mrs. Skower’s All-Purpose Magical Mess Remover and a big pile of rags.
He slammed the door shut; his legs didn’t quite feel strong enough to stand. You’re just knackered, he told himself. You just need sleep.
Small, cool hands rested on his shoulders. “It’s fine,” said Hermione gently. “I don’t really need it. I’ll just make hot water and lemon-“
“The lemons‘ve probably all gone off by now,” he muttered.
“Honey, then. That lasts forever.”
Ron sat back on his heels and looked down resentfully at his shaking hands.
“I just want you to have what you want.”
She sat next to him, her arm slipping through his. “It’s really fine-“
“It’s not,” he said, his voice oddly strangled. “The tea used to always be in that one cupboard, all right? My parents have lived here for thirty years and nothing’s ever changed, I know that’s where they keep the bloody tea.”
Even as he spoke, the words flooding out of him before he could even hope to stop them, he knew he was wrong. The whole house had been constantly changing from the moment his dad had gotten the wild idea to turn an old pigpen into a home for actual human beings. They’d built room after room, one right on top of the other, with the birth of each child and Ron distinctly remembered, with a lump in his throat, the day his dad fire-proofed the twins’ room after they had set the carpet ablaze.
“Tomorrow,” said Hermione, and Ron craned his neck to look at her, thrown by this sudden shift, “we can get things sorted with the ghoul.”
“I’m not worried about the ghoul.”
“But he can’t stay there forever, can he?” she said reasonably.
“It doesn’t matter.”
“Yes, it does.” She squeezed his hand, and he gripped her just as tightly back. “I promise you, we’ll get everything sorted in the morning. It’s - it’ll be all right.”
Their faces were already so close, she needed only to turn her head the slightest bit to brush her lips against his cheek. Her breath fell soft onto his skin as she pulled back, and he moved in to kiss her, as gently and lightly as he could. There didn’t seem to be any need to rush. There was time, now the war had ended, to figure out how to move forward.
He nodded. “Everything’ll be all right.”
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bbaba-yagaa · 5 years
It”s What You Deserve
Author's note 1 : This fic was written using the Valentine's day prompt "Let me love you" posted by @endlessly-searching-for-you and as requested by @queerchoicesblog
Author's note 2 : The idea for this little blurb is actually the love child of several different conversations that @brightpinkpeppercorn , @mind-reader1 , @roonarific and I had so they deserve equal credit here. They were very generous to let me run with this idea.
Summary : Our little braintrust feels that Michelle was always short changed or cheated in cannon so this is a brief AU blib/blurb centered around the NYE party at the Elysian (however it's spelled) Lodge in book 2 chapter 10 of ES.
Characters/Pairings : Many of the ES cast are briefly mentioned but this short story belongs to Quinn and Michelle 100%
Rating : PG? PG13? (Maybe? Idk, there's some brief suggestive stuff.)
Word count : 1,211 
Author's note 3 : I know it's not Valentine's day yet, but I'm feeling antsy and I wanted to post this early. Also, I do not own these characters, i am simply borrowing them.
Tagging : @sceptilemasterr (if you don't want to be tagged or would like to be tagged in future fics, feel free to let me know and I will happily add/remove you!)
One last thing : @brightpinkpeppercorn made an edit for me and I'm adding it to this because it's amazing just like her and I love it!
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Michelle Nguyen watches in wide eyed wonder as Quinn Kelly descends the staircase of the Elysian lodge with an otherworldly grace. Several mouths hang slightly agape at the radiance that seems to cascade down the steps along with her. Jake, Estela and Sean reach the landing of the stairs and they disperse to mingle with the rest of the group. When the redheaded goddess reaches the landing herself, Michelle is fully enraptured; unable to take her eyes off the elegant blue dress and pale skinned, slender framed beauty wearing it.
Quinn's sparkling blue eyes meet Michelle's adoring gaze amidst the commotion and the two young women quietly gravitate towards each other. The two of them exchange timid smiles as their cheeks redden ever so slightly in one another's company.
“Hi, Meech. What do you think?” Quinn's voice comes out as a breathy whisper that sends a wave of desire running through Michelle's body.
The pre-med finds herself lost for words while tentatively brushing a loose tendril of her companions hair aside with a tentative hand. “I don't even know where to start, Quinn. You look angelic; divine even.”
The beautiful redhead beams brightly at Michelle who doesn't seem to realize her mouth is slightly agape. “Thank you. But I think you're forgetting something.”
“Oh, and what's that?” Michelle cocks a playful, curious eyebrow at Quinn who takes her hand and gently squeezes it.
“You're forgetting about yourself! I found something upstairs I think you'll like. I can help you try it on if you want. Maybe we could even do your hair?” Quinn interlaces her fingers with Michelle's and nods toward the staircase: her luscious red hair bouncing elegantly in it's gorgeous updo.
For a brief moment, Michelle hesitates and debates internally with herself whether or not she deserves such kindness. But her amber eyes shimmer with appreciation when she relents, nods in acceptance and allows Quinn to guide her up the red carpeted stairs.
When the two young women reach the entrance to the aforementioned suite, Quinn positions herself behind Michelle and places gentle hands on her companion’ shoulders.
“Promise not to peek?” The redhead's soft words send yet another set of chills throughout Michelle's body as she nods, enthusiastically answering Quinn's question.
With her eyes tightly shut, the pre-med allows herself to be led until Quinn brings her to a gentle halt.
“Are you ready?” The redheaded beauty squeezes Michelle's shoulders excitedly in anticipation of her companion’s reaction.
The young pre-med feels as though she is about to burst from the amount of hype Quinn has built up. She takes a slow, deep breath in an attempt to retain control. “Yes, I'm ready! Can I open my eyes now?”
“Yes you may.” An ear to ear grin forms on Quinn's face as Michelle opens her eyes and all but melts onto the bed which the surprise is laid.
The pre-med runs her fingers tenderly along the silky smooth material of a rosy pink colored, high low halter top dress. Crochet roses line the upper segment and the lower half of the dress is completely smooth. The knee height hem appears to levitate, like a halo around the bottom of the dress; separated by a thin, transparent mesh. Tears of joy begin to cloud Michelle's vision as she wraps Quinn in a grateful embrace.
“It's beautiful Quinn. Thank you, really. I can't remember anyone ever doing something so nice for me.” Michelle pulls back to meet the scarlet haired beauty's gaze as she passionately brushes her lips against Quinn's.
“Of course! It's what you deserve Meech.” The two share a heated moment of desire as their lips meet again and again. “Now are we going to sit here and admire it all night, or will you let me love you?”
Quinn's question echoes in Michelle's mind and the young pre-med raises a curious eyebrow at her. “Let you love me?”
“Yes. I'll give you everything you deserve and more. Over there on the nightstand, I laid out some gold jewelry we found. There are some dainty, layered hoop earrings, a few bracelets and necklaces and I have a really cute idea for your hair. Also…” Quinn pauses and runs her hands along the contours of Michelle's arms before continuing. “I'd like to be your date to the festivities if you'll have me.”
Michelle all but dives into Quinn's arms; capturing the beautiful redhead in an emotional embrace. “Yes. Of course yes. I can't think of a single thing that would make me happier, Quinn.”
The young pre-med releases her companion and scoops up the rosy pink dress and walks over to the nightstand. She carefully selects a few trinkets and heads for the suite's restroom. Pausing just before she enters, Michelle looks back over her shoulder and gives Quinn a coy look. “Help me get dressed?”
The scarlet haired beauty places both hands on her own hips and returns Michelle's challenge. “Are you asking me to undress you?”
An enthusiastic nod from the young pre-med before she enters the restroom entices Quinn to follow her companion. Once inside, the two close and lock the door for privacy while they prepare for the party.
A little while later, Michelle and Quinn reappear at the top of the staircase and are met with thunderous applause. Together, the two of them are an absolutely dazzling sight. The rosy pink dress selected for Michelle compliments everything about her perfectly. Several dainty gold bracelets, a necklace and the layered hoop earrings she chose, add to the magnificence. Her voluminous, dirty blonde hair is now swept into a high arc above her forehead and pulled into a loose bun at the nape of her neck. The two gorgeous young women share a triumphant and loving look before they descend the stairs hand in hand with their fingers interlaced.
After being showered with compliments and soaking in all the bedazzled looks, Michelle leads Quinn over to the parlor and takes a seat on the piano bench while holding her companion’s hands. While the two of them discuss who is more beautiful than the other, Aleister quietly saunters over and stands nearby. He clears his throat politely to gain their audience.
“Firstly, the two of you look absolutely astonishing tonight and I don't mean to impose. I just thought I might play the piano if you don't mind.”
Quinn and Michelle smile at the pale young man's unusual courtesy, thank him for the compliment and happily move aside to grant him access to the piano. After nodding thankfully, he takes a seat and begins to strum a tune. Michelle's amber eyes light up in amazement at Aleister's beautiful playing and an idea presents itself to her. She gives Quinn’s hand a gentle squeeze before turning to whisper something in the pianist's ear. While continuing to play his piece, Aleister's face lights up with excitement and he nods enthusiastically at Michelle. The notes coming from the piano change swiftly and the beautiful young pre-med turns to her scarlet haired companion.
“This one's for you Quinn.” Michelle clears her throat and begins to sing to the beautiful tune Aleister creates. Quinn leans against the piano and rests her chin on folded hands while soaking in the performance of the duet.
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msdrproffangirlmd · 6 years
The Spider x Female Hunter (NSFW) (Part One)
*Behold! I come bearing Destiny 2 fiction of ill-repute! May you feed well on the bounty that I have provided! (Simplified version: Have fun reading my D2 porn!)
“Good shot, guardian. That’s the kind of shooting even I’d bet money on.”
“A fine kill. An equally fine guardian doing the deed, as well.”
It was everyday complements like that that kept the guardian coming back to the Spider. The arms dealer consistently kept her vocal company over his private comm as she patrolled the Tangled Shore, mostly finding more of his stolen goods that the enemy had swiped. As she completed her latest task, the guardian wondered: is he just keeping me buttered up, or is he truly sweet-talking me?
This question only arouse from that day’s comments she had noticed, among other things.
When she visited him at the heart of his ‘web’ to scope out his bounties and jobs to do today, she could absolutely feel his eyes on her, scanning up and down her body. ‘Perhaps he was imagining her wrapped even tighter in his metaphorical spiders’ silk? Or maybe he was wondering what she looked like in nothing but silk?’ This thought kept the guardian smiling as she walked back out into the battlefield that was the Tangled Shore. Honestly, both ideas were equal in making her excited.
Then came the comments. But, the only real one that made her start thinking, is when he made the simple remark of “Quite nice” right after bending over to pick up an engram off the ground. ‘He could’ve been looking at something and just accidentally hit the button to talk, right?’ Wrong. Something in the back of her mind was definitely screaming ‘bullshit’ at that assumption. Plus, there was a good reason why she wore only short cloaks. A damned good reason.
Last, but not least, came the nickname.
“I never thought my web would play host to such a deadly little black widow such as you, guardian.”
Little black widow. It was a name that invoked images of a venomous, yet highly graceful, hunter and trapper of insects and others of its kind. One that could weave magnificent webs above even the most treacherous terrain and survive. Thrive, even. And what was it he had said after all the Barons on the Shore were dispatched by her, and her alone?
“Death suits you.”
Whatever all of these happenings meant, she was enjoying each and every one of them. But, this brought on the inevitable question: is he treating this like an unspoken deal? Would he let her know that he had been doing this for a long period of time, then demand payment? She knew the spider could be sneaky if he wanted to, but she truly wasn’t sure.
More thoughts like this kept her mind occupied while she was on her latest retrieval mission for the Spider. The hunter was slinking around in one of the many bunkers on the Shore, deftly dispatching enemies left and right. They never saw her coming. She was a precise force of nature.
“Excellent, my little widow. Proceed further, find my shipments. And do empty the place of the opposition. They’re stinking up my place of business.” The Spider chimed in over his private comm.
My little widow, she repeated in her head. Why was the thought of being owned by an alien businessman so appealing? ‘Blame it on too many of Cayde’s cheesy romance novellas.’ She remembered her late vanguard’s affinity for the genre.
The guardian eventually came to a room chock full of generators, ones she assumed were used for producing ether. Her head snapped to the side of the room, where dregs and vandals, plus their captain, were pouring in. Her hand flew to her side, easily slipping her hand cannon out of its holster, and raised it to shoot. The first dreg’s head popped off from two well-placed shots. Two vandals came at her from the sides and she jumped straight up, making the charging enemies crash into each other. Her free hand caught hold of a low-hanging beam and she flipped up onto it, crouching in the shadows. She dropped a low-impact grenade directly below her and coated the area in blinding smoke. The fallen’s vision was obscured, but hers wasn’t. With one bullet to spare, the guardian, from her perch, took out the rest of the Eliksni pack, the second to last bullet cracking the glass of the mask and burying itself neatly in the captain’s third eye from the middle. Once she was back on the ground, she removed her hood and helmet, and allowed herself to smile at her good work.
“Grace and style in battle like that really should be documented for posterity’s sake, guardian. I do consider myself a lucky man to get a show like that all to myself.” The Spider commented, suggestively drawing out that last fact.
The guardian’s eyes widened. Her heart raced in her chest. She had an idea. ‘A show, huh?’
“Oh that? That wasn’t even half of the show.” The guardian piped up.
“Oh?” Was all the Spider could muster after a few seconds of stunned silence.
The guardian walked over to one of the bigger generators, searched around on its panel, and flipped the switch to turn it on. The machine revved to life and settled to a steady rhythm quickly, its engine quietly humming.
Before she could make her next move, he came back on the comm.
“Guardian, don’t even think about what I think you might be doing with that cargo.” The spider’s voice was threatening, deep and rumbling. It made the guardian shiver in delight. “It’s rightfully mine.”
She laughed lightly. “Don’t worry, big guy. This stuff is all yours.” The Guardian bit her lip, amused that he would even think she would steal from him. “What’s about to happen is all yours, as well.”
She completely stripped herself of her boots and pants, revealing her silky panties, and sat atop the vibrating machine, spreading her legs as far, and comfortably, as they would go. The cold, harsh metal felt heavenly against her scantily clad sex, a metal bolt pressing against her clit through the fabric of her panties just perfectly. Her moans began to fill the room, her body arching from the pleasure. This was it. This was how she would pay him back for all of his praise. He wouldn’t catch her in a debt. But, somehow, she felt like this wasn’t enough. So, she turned up the heat.
The Spider’s name began leaking out from between her swelling lips, mixed with lewd ‘yes’s and ‘more’s, as she ground against the pulsing surface beneath her.
The giant Eliksni was the only one in the room who could hear her lewd moans over the comm. His two guards were getting a little weary, however, of how much their boss had begun to growl into his comm receiver. Without him noticing, the two slipped out of the room, not going far, but far enough to avoid any possible impending wrath.
The spider gripped the side of his large chair, causing it to creak under the weight. He was rendered speechless, for once. Not angry, just very surprised.
The guardian was the next to speak. “You’re always complementing my fighting, and looks, ah...but it always feels like I’m not giving you enough bang-mmmm-for your buck!” She stopped to catch her breath, slumping over the machine, just on the precipice of her climax. “Consider this my fixing of that problem.”
The Spider chuckled darkly. “I do believe, little guardian, that I’d appreciate this a lot more if you were performing this act in my presence. I’m sure that it would be a well spent investment of my time.”
The guardian reached down and switched the machine off, denying herself release. She slipped down to the floor and replaced her pants and boots, wondering in the back of her mind if he had cameras watching her. She was shaky in the legs, her light dimming from the climax denial. But, if she was certain of what was going to happen next, it would be worth it.
“Beckoning me back to your web, are you?” She playfully asked as she walked out of the bunker.
His low laughter resounded in her ear. “More like reeling you in where you’ve already been entangled.”
*This will also be up on my AO3 account soon enough. Look me up at TheMadWriter121, and enjoy some Bloodborne smut as well. :) Also, please tell me how I did! Thank you!)
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