#silly little thoughts. that are very bad 😔’
ppnuggie · 2 years
    TFP x reader
   『 megatron ,, starscream ,, dreadwing ,, breakdown ,, ratchet ,, wheeljack ,, gender neutral human reader 』 
  -> gn human s/o who uses snapchat filters on the bots
  — sfw ,, crack ,, fluff
  — some hcs of this bc it popped into my head 😵‍💫😵‍💫
  ratchet ::
• bro dont give two fucks about your silly little filters ,, the only time he does is when miko and your’s laughter becomes too annoying for him
• he demands to know what it is that’s so funny !! why are you laughing at him ?? hes super confused ,, frustrated ,, and angry
• not until you show the picture of him w/ a bald head does he know the cause ,, hes very angry about this ,, what made you think this was okay ??
• he just sighs and goes back to work ,, not bothering to humor the two of you anymore
• though when he catches word that you used a filter on optimus and he got saddened by it ,, you bet he’ll be on your ass about it
• prepare for long scolding session 😵‍💫😵‍💫
  wheeljack ::
• he loves the filters ,, only when theyre not being used on him
• he’s a bad influence ,, and always convinces you and miko to use the filters on ratchet and ultra magnus ,, when you do the three of you are laughing like hyenas
• he does cover up for you two when magnus asks about the commotion ,, and hopefully he hadn’t seen the picture
• sometimes the filters work on bulkhead ,, so he asks to two of you to use some of the good ones on them ,, but being the little sly devils you are
• the said picture of wheeljack and bulkhead having hearts above their helms turns into them having broccoli heads
• ya’ll are quick to hurry and send it to raf and jack before wheeljack makes you delete it
  megatron ::
• as a decepticon hostage ,, its easy for you to use the filters on whoever ,, an unsuspecting vehicon ,, maybe knockout ,, and very many times one starscream
• megatron does become amused at this technology ,, his race may be vastly superior and more high-tech then yours ,, but theyve never come up with something as silly as these filters
• always gives a small chuckle whenever you use one on starscream and show him ,, or like the one time you got a good picture of knockout having his face on a penguin
• never use them on him. he gets super pissy about it ,, so mad ,, you’re hanging by a thread here human ,, now delete that photo of him or its a little taste of death for you
• somehow ,, just somehow ,, the filter worked on soundwave and you were quick to show megatron of your accomplishment ,,
• he was amused by it ,, impressed even ,, but made sure you had got rid of it ,, as he didn’t want to upset his friend by this silly image
  starscream ::
• hates the filters. theyre always used on him ,, what even are they ???
• always has the drag queen filter used on him ,, and he hates it
• always tries to convince you to do it someone else but it never works out ,, in the end ,, instead of getting a picture of some random vehicon with a broccoli head ,, its him with the broccoli head
• end this seeker abuse 💔💔 all humans are the same 😔🥀🥀
• knockout gets a good laugh out of it though 💪
  dreadwing ::
• he’s usually too busy thinking about his past or smt to notice you using filters on him
• the only time he noticed is when the room was particularly dark and your flash was on
• immediately ,, he thought someone broke in ,, but nope <33 just you being a silly little human
• he was curious as to what the flash was for ,, and thats when you dropped the balls 😵‍💫😵‍💫 ,, he now knows about the filters
• he doesnt really see them as amusing ,, nor does he really care ,, bro dont give a fuck ,, just don’t get yourself killed over this
• there may be a few bots who don’t enjoy them ,, and if he catches you in a pickle w/ said bots ,, he may just feel willing to help you out of your situation
• use them on him if you want ,, he wont care
  breakdown ::
• he loves them so much ,, human technology is amazing !! what other filters are there ?? will they work on him !? look ,, his face is blue now !!
• hes so humored by the filters ,, always carrying you around and letting you use filters on different bots
• the vehicons passing in the halls now have smiley faces all over their helms ,, knockout buffing himself in the medbay now has hearts above his helm
• he tries to see if theres other things you can use the filters on ,, like maybe one of knockout’s tools
• gets a bit bummed when it doesnt work ,, but you’re quick to make it up by showing a picture of broccoli head starscream
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smallestapplin · 2 years
Submas bros (separately) with an S/O who isn't super verbally affectionate. Never very wordy or talkative, but wants to convey their love really really bad. Tries their best through gestures, like leaving notes in their pockets or giving them a gentle hand squeeze.
One day, they're sitting on a bench next to eachother. S/O quietly takes the newspaper they've been reading, folds it into one of those paper hats, and hands it over to them without a word. That's all I've got I'm not good at writing lmao
Same fam.😔✌️ emotions are hard.
- he is use to be the most verbally articulate, so this doesn’t bother him. However, he saves every note you leave him.
- Emmet is witness to how in love his brother is, watching the older twin reread all the notes you left in his pockets.
- Ingo finds your gestures sweet and just so…you, he loves it. The gentle squeeze of you hand in his never fails to make him blush, and look at you with the most soft and bashful expression.
- Sitting in the park while your Pokémon played about, in silence was always nice, he enjoyed your company more than anything.
- He hadn’t noticed you fidgeting a little before the newspaper was taken out of his hands.
- “Dear?” He watched you fold the paper until a little hat was formed.
- You held it up almost like you were presenting it proudly, before you gently placed it on his head.
- “There, fits perfectly.” You smile so softly and warmly at him, his heart melts.
- His usual stoic expression softens as his face turns bright red.
- “Thank you my dear, this is very thoughtful of you, it means the world to me, I will cherish it.”
- His heart beats even faster at how happy you look.
- It maybe silly, but he loves it and he loves you. He wouldn’t change anything for the world.
- Unfortunately both of you are bad with words. Emmet can gush about his love for you but his brother is the one who’s always good with words.
- Emmet’s love language is physical touch, so he is more than happy to hug you, hold you, smother you with kisses, nuzzles, more kisses! And hold holding.
- He finds it so cute and endearing that you have difficulty expressing your love, it makes all your flustered expressions and small affections all the more perfect!
- The sweet notes you leave in his pocket are instantly put somewhere safe, a place he can constantly go to and read them.
- Anything you gently squeeze his hand he either coos or squeals, but you’ll always find yourself wrapped up in a hug and covered in kisses.
- Emmet has no shame, y’all could be in the streets and he will still be just as affectionate.
- So while on a picnic, sitting around with him rambling about something in the newspaper he found.
- The younger subway boss lets out a confused sound when you take it from him.
- “Darling if you wanted it you could’ve asked.” But he’s curious now, as he watches you fold it.
- “Ta~da.” You presented the new hat happily, and rested it on his head with a bright smile.
- “Em?”
- “Oooo my darling is so cuuute! It’s not fair! So precious and adorable!” His monotoned voice echoes into the empty air.
- You squeak while he pulls you onto his lap, nuzzling his cheek against yours as he holds you close.
- Emmet will cherish it until the day he dies.
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Hello againn! ^^ Good mornin/noon/eve to uuu~
I wonder if you could do one with a reader that has quick reflexes? But, in a wrong way??
Like they dropped their phone and while they're quick enough to just catch it, they accidentally smacked it into the wall instead of just grabbing it mid-air—
(Fellswap + two other ppl of ur choice? 👀)
lol hi I'm not dead I was just in a silly goofy mood for like a month 🤪
Also thanks for requesting fellswap!! Idk if I've said this before but they're becoming my favourite skeletons (not counting UT Sans and Paps ofc) <3
Mal (Fellswap Sans):
Ew another one (affectionate)
Rus is like this too. Sigh. Why is he always stuck with the wrong-quick-reflexes people?
Decides not to ”train you” to lose your reflexes, because it clearly didn’t work on Rus.
Ask him what this “training” would entail and he’ll tell you “dish soap” but won’t elaborate. Rus won’t tell you about it either. At this point, you are scared of the answer.
Most of the time you do something bc of your reflexes, he just sighs and shakes his head (you’re not entirely sure if it’s out of fondness or disappointment) because it doesn’t really matter, but obviously there are some more serious things that could happen that aren’t so funny.
If you accidentally hurt yourself, you get a scolding from a frustrated - but not angry, there’s a difference - Mal.
Rus (Fellswap Papyrus):
Thinks it’s super funny (most of the time).
Like, him too, but it’s only funny when you do it
You fling your phone at the wall accidentally and he’s dying of laughter. He cries from how hard he’s laughing. (AND YET HE DOESN’T THINK IT’S FUNNY WHEN HE DOES IT, HYPOCRITE-)
He relates but refuses to admit it out loud. Internally, he thinks “wow you’re my spirit animal” but he tells you, TO YOUR FACE, “wow, throwin’ things ‘cause of quick reflexes? couldn’t be me lmao” after years of the two of you throwing equally many things at walls. SMH my head Rus. SMH my head. 😔
If you break something he won’t really care that much.
Until you break some part of you, like you accidentally catch a knife in the. Uh. Wrong way. Or you grab something really hot (that isn’t yourself 😉) and get burned. Then it’s seriously not funny anymore and he’s panicking.
For the most part it’s harmless though. He won’t like. chastise you because he’s the exact same way about these things lol
Blue (Underswap Sans):
Tsk, tsk, tsk. Silly human, you’re not supposed to throw things like that!
For YEARS he acts like he thinks you’re doing it on purpose. You don’t know what to do. He won’t listen when you say it’s not on purpose. Half of you is convinced he’s not even pretending, that he genuinely thinks it’s on purpose, because he sells the act so well.
If you actually end up hurting yourself, THAT’S when you find out for certain that it was just him being playful and fucking with you because he thinks it’s funny. Clearly, he can tell it’s not on purpose by his light scolding on how you need to train these reflexes away - clearly, they’re not as harmless as he thought.
Anyways until you get hurt, if you get hurt, he’ll just go “YOU SILLY LITTLE GOOSE! AIRPLANE MODE ON PHONES DON’T WORK THAT WAY!” and say other shit just like that, because he doesn’t care too much. It’s actually a bit funny.
Stretch (Underswap Papyrus):
Pretends it’s fine, but it’s not. In his head, every time he sees you use your reflexes the wrong way, he repeats the very same thought: “that could be me one day”.
He lives in fear that one day, you will reflexively punch his tailbone. He is terrified. He does not want you to punch his tailbone, or any other part of him for that matter.
kjdafjkdsjk no but for real though he doesn’t care. He thinks it’s funny and will poke fun at you for it occasionally, but he also does stupid shit because of reflexes (even if he’s nowhere near as bad as you sorry lololol) so he’s not about to make it into a big thing
(Unless you hurt yourself, in which case he freaks the fuck out and there’s a 50% chance he’ll cry)
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kumaonna · 2 years
hakuouki kyoto winds and edo blossoms thoughts no one asked for:
(spoilers; in order of play)
full disclosure, it’s been a few months since i played this but i can’t get them off my mind so… :) sorry it’s messy. the first few i just did as the choices led me, but later i planned out who i was going to do in order so i couldn’t just skip all the people i wasn’t looking forward to 😩
no okay hear me out i love him but i did NOT want his route first in Kyoto winds initially solely bc of his hair😭 with those bangs!!! no sir!!!
but of course he’s the first route i ended up on and he grew on me immediately
also didn’t realize there were actual routes in Kyoto winds bc all the reviews said it story-heavy, so i thought it was just one big story
very much incorrect
anyway his route is so 😔💔
i cried a Lot because it’s just so sad seeing him go through the fury stuff </3 and he tries to stay happy for chizuru but he’s so clearly in PAIN and ugh
anyway as u can see i got extremely attached and would now protect him with my silly little life (even with the bad bangs💀 plus now i have bad bangs too so we’re twins✨)
sanosuke and nagakura are so fun in this route too!! rlly a good time when they’re around despite how much they clown my boy🧍‍♂️
it’s just an innocent and lovely pairing in which they get to grow with one another
his design in the second game is so cute
and i just LOVED seeing him in all the routes i did after, it was like he was there watching after you 😭
solid 9/10, very glad he was my introduction to the series ^^
alright okay everybody make way, the king has arrived🤲👑
look. i know he’s a little dry BUT. that’s honestly exactly what i was expecting so i wasn’t disappointed
it’s very much a slow burn with you gradually earning his trust and worming your way into his heart
but even from the start he’s just… always there for chizuru. mans shows up for you every route anytime you need him and without reservation
he’s down bad idc idc
he’s also just. genuinely very kind in his own way, which is quiet but there nonetheless
also mega badass
cute how much he loves swords. sad he feels useless with the dawn of a new era of fighting :/
but chizuru helps him through it :)
and his ENDING SCENE where he’s just out in the snow unresponsive because you aren’t calling his first name💀 mf you’re going to die out there pls get inside
also the snowbunny 💔♥️
definitely hurt my feelings in like every route it happened, but was always happy to see him again
(im just randomly remembering bits of story this is so chaotic srry😭)
anyway. i love him
also a solid 8/10
liked how active chizuru is in this route!! the medic angle was refreshing
similar to saito, wasn’t expecting much in terms of romantic gestures, but he surprised me! it was an unexpectedly emotional ride
cute seeing him flustered. also seems down bad in most routes he’s heavily in💀
don’t have much to say about his, but i enjoyed it! it was nice watching his relationship with chizuru develop
he was very sweet. 7/10
this mf 😐
i was SO excited for his route
he seemed so nice and sweet
and then he goes and gets a demon hand and is SO MF MEAN
like i get that it’s bc he cares about chizuru and feels like he won’t be able to control himself otherwise but Damn 😭
i did like how unique his route was. you don’t really get his story in any of the others
even so, he remains a lil on my shit list. but he gets a pass ig
was also really excited for his route!! he’s just so considerate in all the other routes towards chizuru and his route was no exception
his scene when chikage comes to steal you and he protects you and checks on you afterward….. one of my fav in the whole game
very grateful for the tiddy window
still loved being around nagakura and heisuke! my boys
the way he f*cks you on the floor on a whim 😭 mans did not hold back
his route was a little uneventful tbh, but that’s mainly because of the role he had to play in the other routes i think
anyway. 7/10
nagakura bby where did it go wrong………
i kinda read some stuff about his route going in so i knew people weren’t crazy about it
but i was like “c’mon, it’s nagakura! how bad could it possibly be??”
there’s just like zero character development and very little romance
and bc of that it feels like there’s nothing learned at all in terms of an overarching theme
the difficulties he faces are either ignored or solved almost immediately with zero opportunity for reflection
the little sister relationship with chizuru is cute and funny for like the first three hours and then im like OKAY CAN WE PLEASE GET ON WITH IT
idk makes me sad bc his route could have been so good >:( i love him in everyone else’s route but his own
sigh. 4/10
was really not looking forward to his route tbh but it wasn’t half bad
it was nice getting a view of everything from the other side of things after him being a villain in the story for so long up to this point in my playthrough
was still kind of off-putting for most of his route though
which i think is intentional
but instead of making me more interested in sanan’s story, i was like can i please go back to heisuke 😭😭💔 he’s like right there with you for parts of it c’mon
anyway you do get some good insight into him and why he turns out the way he does, his tragic fear of uselessness and all
on the whole didn’t hate it but wasn’t in love with it either
absolutely not 😭
i am so sorry i feel like the last few have been so negative but this one just was not for me
i didn’t like him the first time he came around in saito’s route for me, didn’t like him in his own route💀
i think he’s just supposed to be like this dashing, morally-grey rogue but i was just like 😐 yes yes guns and trading and the rise of western technology, now are you going to pull me into a pyramid scheme or something?🤨
just. not a fan of his opportunistic nature and general disregard for others
FINALLY back to the good stuff
i really loved souma’s route for so many reasons
first his relationship with chizuru as a subordinate is so cute and the way he protects her is just . sweet. naïve, but sweet 
but god DAMN did this route destroy me
probably the saddest one out of all of them
this was also the first route i really saw what was happening to okita…. or like one of the first times it really hit me ☹️
you watch everyone die. like. EVERYONE
for several characters, this was my first time seeing them actually die or hearing about it officially i think, and it was just so much
it’s extremely heavy and hard to watch sometimes seeing how much souma is suffering because of it
like when he messed up and told okita to punch him and okita hardly left a mark? then souma is sent reeling?
yeah. i was weeping
and hijikata……. also absolutely wrecked me
the pressure put on souma just grows and grows and all chizuru can do is watch and try to support him, which is heartbreaking
the romance was obviously kind of stilted in some parts because of the heavy subject material, which is expected and appropriate, i think
in my mind, the lack of romance and emphasis on just being by his side really cemented the bond between the two of them so i think it served it’s purpose
my only actual complaint about his route was the ending? the whole tongue biting thing… just felt really anticlimactic and i was like? that’s all it took to get chikage to finally go tf away?
but in a way i think it’s kind of emblematic of the story itself
souma’s story isn’t some great romantic saga for the ages
it’s a story of pain and grief, in which the ending isn’t something grand and picturesque
rather, a woman patiently awaiting the return of her lover from the other side of these terrible tragedies
anyway. not to get too deep, i just really liked his route
9/10 :)
his route probably stuck with me the most, tbh
i put off doing it for so long out of fear i wouldn’t like him lol
because from everyone else’s routes, i saw glimpses of him, but it was never enough to pin him down
so when i finally got to his route and saw his story firsthand, i was kind of blown away by how much i liked him
a big part of it comes from uncovering his past, which was devastating because, as cute as he was in childhood, i couldn’t forget what would soon happen to kondou
seeing that relationship play out finally was also pretty eye-opening in my understanding of him in other routes
and suddenly okita’s childishness and spitfire temperament began to come together for me
because in a way, okita is still just a kid
he was forced to fend for himself from so young and clung on desperately to the one adult willing to give him the time of day
and he told himself that as long as he had kondou, everything would be okay. as long as he could prove his worth to a man he respected as a father, it was okay to be alive
so when his usefulness was slowly stripped away, it became more than a fight for his life against an illness. it became a fight for his right to be alive in the first place
it explains his extreme denial and anger at facing the truth of his illness, because to him, if he was truly sick, he was as good as dead
i think some of that was alleviated at becoming a fury, if only slightly. but being confronted with kondou’s death took any semblance of normalcy away entirely
now not only was he useless, the man he devoted his life to was gone. in a way, he was right back where he started all those years ago before he met kondou
and it’s this very vulnerability that accelerates the attachment he feels to chizuru significantly
and basically overnight the entire dynamic switches
and he clings to the one thing he has left: chizuru
which isn’t to cheapen his love for her; in my mind, it just explains why all of a sudden everything felt different, why he was suddenly willing to pull her close and bare his heart
regardless of the reason why, i found his childishness is very endearing given his usually sharp tongue, even with his pouting and reluctant acceptance at being cared for in any capacity
could not BELIEVE this mf still had tuberculosis after becoming a fury. 😭 i was like okay surely the regenerative powers of the potion can fix that. but evidently not :(
and when he lets you dry his hair….:: yeah
also in love with the way that he just like Shows up in some routes out of nowhere to save the day. like hell yes 👏
always enjoyed the scene when you’re on rounds in the city and run off and he has to come after you
well. idk if enjoyed is the word bc he was like hacking up a lung and whatnot. but his concern was genuine, which i appreciated
his ending was also very sweet. it’s so nice getting to see him happy. he deserves good things, damnit
anywayyyy there is much more i could say but overall, 9/10
alright was also kinda dreading this mf, but ended up decently enjoying the route
main takeaway was that i want a route for shiranui 😭
but really didn’t mind chikage in the end
his willingness to accompany chizuru and arrange things on her behalf in the latter part of the story was really nice to see
also his eventual respect for her own agency and her choices
not sure if it was this route or the previous, but i had somehow ENTIRELY MISSED the route where your twin brother and fake dad kidnap you up to now
don’t know how i didn’t see that even once until so late in the game, and it’s such a big part of the story??? anyway
the ending on his was melancholy, but fitting
overall not bad and even kinda romantic sometimes, 7/10
i wanted to go for this man IMMEDIATELY but i made myself wait because i KNEW if i did I would lose motivation to play all the routes
so i saved him for very last
it’s like a reward 😀 (90 hours later)
y’all….. i just. he’s so FINE like COME ON
idk maybe my daddy issues are just actin up but the immediate attachment i felt to this man lasted the entire mf game
not to be h-word on the timeline but god damn
i don’t even wanna KNOW how fine he was in his early 20s 😭🤚(how old is he in game again?? idk)
that man… haunts my dreams
it felt so dirty going with chikage bc i felt like i was betraying hijikata😭
but being able to be his lil page was so fun
like you could tell he was just trying to make you feel useful so you didn’t feel bad (though he’d never admit it)
and i think that is very sweet
the fear of disappointing him was real 💀 (come to think of it it was def my daddy issues acting up💀💀)
lowkey like how mean he is sometimes😳 so long as chizuru isn’t on the receiving end
always got SO jealous when he was flirting with kimigiku in the hotel or whatever
like YES you’re both beautiful YES you’re perfect for each other, stop rubbing it in
love how every argument with him starts with him super mad at first and then in the next sentence justifying whatever you did or didn’t do
like “You mean to tell me you ran into a fight without a weapon?! What the hell were you thinking?!……. Well, I guess you couldn’t help it. There are only so many weapons to go around, after all.” (an exaggeration, but im too tired to find real examples rn)
like he’s just so soft on chizuru and some of the boys, especially ones from the original dojo
it was so hard seeing all the pain he had to endure as the leader of everyone. and he just takes it and moves forward :(
with this situation especially, being on the losing side and constantly at a disadvantage, abandoned by supposed allies
having played through so much of the game, i feel like i was fr mad when shit like that happened to the shinsengumi😭 like you mean to say our backup retreated AGAIN?? the cowards!!!
very strong leader and pretty badass ngl
his ending….
many tears were shed
i just really liked his route
romance was pretty eh given how emotionally constipated this mf is, but there were still some really good moments
story was great, development between the two was nice to see. and when he insisted he go alone to the final battle but chizuru shows up at the last minute and everyone was saying how sad he was…… yeah:/
anyway, i think for the amount of story that had be told, the writers did a great job
on the whole i just really enjoyed playing this game, and i can’t wait until i get the urge to replay my favorite routes so i can experience it all over again :)
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luvdsc · 2 years
hello miss cat i hope that ur doing well!! i need some advice/comfort and i decided to turn to u bc ur so sweet in all ur messages and u give supportive big sister vibes and i don't have anyone like that to talk to 😔 so im a freshman in uni and it's the beginning of my second semester and i feel like so far uni isn't all that i thought it would be? don't get me wrong i like it, def a lot more than high school and i like my campus and school and i like all the freedom and being on my own/
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hey, honey bee !!! 💛 thank you for your well wishes, I hope you’re also doing well, and I’m so sorry for the late reply 😖 oh you’re so sweet oh my gosh, thank you for thinking of me so positively 🥺🥺💖💖 you’re always welcome to come talk to me, lovebug !!! I’m trying harder to answer everything in a timely manner now that work has slowed down a bit :’) first off, big congrats on taking this huge step in your life, sweetpea 🌼🌼 it’s your first time going off into the world on your own and is basically the first step into adulthood without your parents or anyone holding your hand, and it’s scary but I’m proud of you for making it this far 🌷🌷 I’m glad to hear that you’re enjoying your freedom and independence and liking it more than hs !! 🌸🌸
oh 🥺 I think not a lot of people talk about this, but I understand, college can be an incredibly lonely period of time because you see everyone else having fun with their friend groups and fitting in, and you’re trying hard to do the same but it’s difficult when people already found their groups or you don’t click with people, and you don’t know where you fit in. It’s hard because the way social media and college culture is portrayed in media shows that everyone is so social and has their little niche and best friends, it builds up these expectations and it just makes it all the more disappointing and lonely when you don’t have that positive experience because it’s like what am I doing wrong ?? It’s like… you can be standing in a crowded room full of people, full of people you can even consider as friends and more than acquaintances, and you can even be talking to some of them, but it still feels so lonely because they don’t understand you in the way you hope to be understood nor do you feel completely comfortable with them. I’m so so sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way, lovebug, and I honestly don’t know what to say except that I understand how you feel and I sincerely hope that you’ll be able to find your people, your group of friends, and form those close bonds as well 🤍
also, I’m really sorry to hear that your chemistry class did not go well, lovebug ): I hope this semester is going better !!! how are your classes going? 💓 oh goodness, are you fully recovered from covid now ??? how are you feeling, honey bee? I’m sorry to hear that you missed class and clubs ): were you still able to join those clubs and meet new people? were you able to catch up on all your classes too? I hope you were able to still make friends with fellow club members and your classmates, lovebug 💗
i’m so so sorry to hear that you’re feeling this way, sweetpea, and if you had gone to my uni, then I would definitely invite you to come with me on all my social outings and hang out with me and my friends !!!!! 💛💛 I completely get it, I know that I too am guilty of saying things will get better and to have hope for the future, but I know that right now, it just, for lack of a better word, sucks ass, doesn’t it? It’s hard and it hurts and it’s so very lonely, and when I felt that way, I thought I was being silly and a little stupid for crying over something like this, but it’s not. It’s not silly or stupid, it’s valid and real, and it sucks really bad, and if there’s anything I can do, if you want someone to talk to, then you’re always welcome to talk to me, honey bee 💟💟 and I hope you hang out with your roomies a lot too !! You mentioned that you’re close with them, and although I know you want to meet new people and branch out, it’s always nice to still hang out with old friends and maybe you all can get lunch together or do something fun together every week 🌷🌷
From my own personal experience, I met all my college best friends at different times throughout uni. For instance, my two bestest friends are two girls who I sat next to randomly in an 8 am class my junior year and never thought we’d be this close four years later. My other best friend is the random roomie I was assigned my freshman year. Another best friend is the random roomie I was assigned my junior year after my friend had to bail out because she got into her foreign exchange program. Another best friend is someone I actually met in my freshman year once because she was the roommate of one of my friends, and then she was a mutual friend of one of my suitemates sophomore year, and then, I saw her around due to mutual friends in junior year at events, but we still weren’t close yet, and then we suddenly just clicked in senior year and now she’s one of my closest friends and we’re travel buddies and hang out every two weeks. So, I basically met all my close friends during my last two years of uni. I didn’t have that in my earlier years, like I was very social and had so many friends but none where I had a tight friendship with, aside from my freshman roomie like you. And it was lonely at times when I realized I didn’t have someone I wanted to share everything about myself. I know how you feel, sweetpea, and I hope by sharing my experience, you feel a little less alone because I went through a similar experience my first and second years too 💘 I hope you’ll also be able to find the friends you’re looking for and that you get to have the college experience you want, sweetpea 💖
And omg it’s okay, you don’t have to apologize, lovebug !!! 💕 Thank you for trusting me with your experience, and I hope that my response can provide a little bit of comfort at least :’) please feel free to send in asks whenever you’d like, honey bee, and I’m trying my best to answer them more on time from now on !! 💗💗 and thank you for enjoying my writing and for your compliments 🥺💜💜 I hope my blog can continue to be a source of comfort for you, lovebug 🤍🤍 I know you sent this in a while back, so I hope that things have gotten better for you, sweetpea, and that you’re feeling a little less lonely and feeling happier at college now 💛💛 sending you all my love, support, and well wishes, angel 💌💌✨✨ and I hope you have the bestest day / night too !!!! 🌷🌷🌷
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gardenerian · 3 years
Gallavich- Bedtime singing.
That's three words. Gross 😔🍊. Btw which other ships are you into?? Your hcs are the bestt 🥰
bedtime SINGING? i can’t believe i had not thought of this before. hmm. ian and mickey love singing to their baby. they very much want to give their kid the sweetness and silliness they never got from their parents. so they sing and make up silly stories and dance around for their amusement 😌 they’re not excellent singers, but their baby loves to hear their voices together. maybe when ian’s a little low, mickey borrows one of their baby’s favorite songs and sings it to him bc he knows ian loves random acts of singing. he’s knows it’s not so bad when ian eventually joins in ❤️
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cheolbooluvr · 3 years
look wonwoo is just very friend shaped imo and i love that for him? like i would love him as a pal he looks like such a fun guy to chill with and ive always thought he'd be the perfect person to have late night chats with...
hehe i'll do my best! i can unfortunately have a bad attn span with reading things (my to read list... actually straight up my to watch/to read/to play list is horrendously large and will never be defeated 😔) but i wanted to check out your stuff since its always neat to see what other creatives on here are up to! also i had a feeling but i think that definitely also added to it i think! when you are writing for a friend and have that kind of sweet (and a little bit of a 😈) intent by it it does have an impact on the story in a good way! and up to u hehe! what kind of y/ns or mcs in your stories do you tend to go for?
hoshi is a VERY good answer and i commend your fighting taste HAHA. he always seems like he's having a riot when seungkwan is about to dropkick him too, so he does seem very fun to fight!!!! also seungkwan is a lovely person to be like! in general i actually don't know a lot of boo stans so it did make me happy to find out you're one!!!!
and yes 100% hahaha. i would fight minghao and i want it to be an epic battle, like I'm talking we are bound by fate to fight on a rickety bridge that goes from one end of a volcano to another fight. or i guess if it has to be mundane he just looks like he'd be fun to get into a lot of like... fake arguments with you know? mingyu (like if u told me that the tallest, and one of the most conventially attractive guys in seventeen was the butt monkey... I would not have believed u) and hoshi (I pretty much agree with everything you've said) are other options but mainly I am focused on fighting minghao hahaha
ok so another question (or sets of questions, rather) I'm always curious about... how long have you been a carat, what had u tip into caratdom, and... who was ur first bias?
(honestly its inconsistent in general but it is very strange that desktop seems to still have a word limit and u gotta squeeze everything into one paragraph which... tbh makes me a little insane like I tend to be the type to write a lot djdhskdjdhd... which... I am a little apologetic for HAHA)
- 😺 carat anon
yes!! i agree i feel like wonwoo would be a great friend to just hang out w and have deep talks but also just be silly w!! i think he and i would def have been friends post-hs.
ahhh dw and plz don't feel pressured to read anything haha i totally feel you, my list of to read/watch is suuuuuper long as well D: you said "other creatives" so can i ask what kind of creator you are?? you don't have to tell me if that will spoil anything tho!
mmm to answer your question, my mcs tend to be similar to me LOL or like versions of me i wish i was irl (idk if that makes any sense). usually kinda cool, bit of a klutz, that kind of vibe! but now i'm wondering if i should start branching out.... 🤔
i AM a boosadan and a proud one at that 😌 seungkwan is truly the ultimate bestie vibes, i know we would get along so well if we ever met bc we're so similar in so many ways!
omg fighting minghao over a volcano :o you're insane!! but awesome!! that sounds so freaking epic plz lemme just watch from a helicopter!! also mingyu a butt monkey sdtcvjjdswtkl LOL that's so funny plz 🤧
i actually only became a carat last year on left and right day (june 22?) what's funny is that my friend started stanning svt the same time i started stanning sf9 last march, so she would send me pics of dk and i was like aight cool i'm only gonna stan sf9 okay. but then she kept spamming me content and told me to watch svt play mafia (don't lie 1) and so i put it off. eventually i got around to it, and then just started watching gose in the bg until i realized it was FUNNY (omg who would have guessed). also somewhere before that, i learned all the members for her lol!!
my first bias was actually seungkwan! and it was in boo's past life destiny that i decided he was the one for me. but my bias wreckers have changed and been so volatile that i made a bias tracker for that asfdfgjkikl
what abt you? who was your first bias vs now? bias wreckers? how long have you been a carat? :o
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foxymoxynoona · 3 years
Foxy I wrote a whole LONG long ask about the new flux chapter and it got deleted so here is the shortened version — so many 🚨🚨🚨 I see pain in Sasha and JKs (and I guess my) future 😭😭😭 - biggest 🚨 - they’re not talking anymore! They’re assuming they know what the other is thinking/saying 🤨 also seojoon being back makes me very nervous (and JKs non reaction was 🧐 - did he not hear Sasha of something??) also the amount of stress Sasha has has me very worried for her - 🛸
:( I don’t know if it’s just me but I kinda wanted to give JK a mini thump on the head after this chapter. Feel like yes things are bad and they’re both making assumptions about what the other is thinking/feeling/doing but on top of that he’s kind of being an ass. Especially with the comments/grumpiness about her work (especially with her having been so flexible for him!!) I feel like if it was him being like “I’m worried you seem stressed and overworked” it would be different - 🛸
But it felt less caring and more “why don’t you have more time for meeee” which made me a little 😤 at him. Also I didn’t catch this until my second read through of the chapter but a soldier LIKE her dad??? the crumbs!!!!! I envision their being a lot to unpack there 😬
Ok I guess I ended up writing a big long ask anyways but just much less well thought out (wait oops that last one or two might have been missing my lil 🛸) — all this to say pain incoming for flux 🚨🚨🚨😭😭😭😔😔😔😭😭😭🚨🚨🚨, TALK U SILLY GOOSES and JK be less of a butt to Sasha please - 🛸
Nooooooooooo, I hate when that happens! See, this is why I always type my long things in notepad and then copy-paste, I HATE lost thoughts like that. But I appreciate you took the time to still tell me so much again!
I think you're onto something about the missed communications and how he is coming across to Sasha. 😉 She's obviously incredibly over-thinking things right now, but he's certainly not helping, even if he thinks he's just being funny sometimes, or --I'm going to say it-- that "she's one of those cool girls who just gets it, she knows I'm just joking." Yes. I said it. I think even our beloved LBJK can fall prey to that kind of stupidity. Like "she knows I'm not really upset about her being on her period, I'm just an ok amount of disappointed."
And yes, you did notice a little crumb there about Sasha's past. When her guards are shaky, little things like that tend to peek out, you'll probably find other little things like that until she gets control of her guards again!
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happy new year!! 🎆
[long post]
i started this blog almost exactly a year ago (january first or second i can’t remember) as a fun little idea i had! like oh yeah let’s post every picture of mitsuba sousuke out there i’ll probably finish it in about 2 weeks (i genuinely thought i could do it before the anime started airing 😔) well here’s boo boo the fool!! i guess i officially finished This Fucking Morning, thanks to @mitsukouing helping me out with tags n stuff. klu i am immensely grateful 💕 ofc this blog isn’t ”finished” it’s not gonna be until they release the last official mitsuba, which i hope won’t be too soon. this has become such a wonderful experience! it’s served as a welcome distraction from,, all of this. i really appreciate all 234 of u for sticking around! i’m very bad at wording things but this blog has really been a blessing! it’s nice to feel like i have something i have to do,, silly little tasks yknow? anyways i’m rambling a lot. i’m really proud of this blog and the tiny tiny impact it’s had! (shoutout @akane-aoi-archive !! ily i’m so glad you liked this silly little blog enough to make ur own <3) to all my regulars, ty for always liking my posts within,, minutes of me uploading them. don’t know how u do it! sometimes i just sit here refreshing my notifs in disbelief as somebody goes thru all my posts in realtime and likes em. cool stuff. the creation of this blog also inspired me to make my silly little twitter acc (@/yoroizukas), if it wasn’t for that damn account i would’ve been so much lonelier this year and i’m so glad i made that decision. twitter is a hellscape, yes, but god if there aren’t some amazing people on there. shoutout kluney, anikla, rosie, miles, ley, mar and all my other mutuals!! ily all so much! this post is becoming very long, so
tl;dr this blog means a lot to me, no matter how silly that might sound, and i’m so glad you guys like it too! i’ll keep posting mitsubas until the day they stop releasing pics of him <3 ily all so much and i’m so grateful for being able to spend this year with u
aah if u read this far,, have a mitsuba loaf as compensation
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llycaons · 2 years
I finished ro/tk! this was the one I remembered least so it was really fun
I don't think it was as good as fellowship honestly...there was so much to wrap up that they missed a few characters. eo/wyn and fa/ramir had a sweet conversation but I would have liked to see more of their relationship from the book
some of the effects did look very silly. and I love an honest corny story but sm/eagol being swallowed by lava while also not being burned or hurt by it in any other way was???? weird
sam/wise gamg/ee is THE best character in that entire series and I will die on that hill. he is the world to me I adore him he is everything. MVP ...killing sh/elob...saving fro/do...getting the ring to mount doom....ugh king
I may not be able to carry it but I can carry you!!! don't you let go!!!!
gim/li was really hamstrung by the movies because every single scene he's in is comic relief and I got so sick of it. not every scene needs a joke and that style of humor got grating very fast. most of the humor in these movies was kind of bad ngl
le/golas is kind of...he doesn't have much internality of much of an arc. he's there, he's pretty, he makes friends with his people's ancient enemy. that's kind of it. and that counting competition was SO out of place. people were DYING you assholes
the cinematography and atmosphere for when sam and fro/do were climbing mount doom was so cool I love it. filthy little dudes at the end of their ropes. doing their best.
I thought the actor who played eo/mer was ugly but my mom was obsessed with him 😔
sam marrying rosie is very nice and all and I'm glad he's happy and he was a family but like. frodo and sam, man. I love their friendship and also I think they are in love
still. good ending. poignant. I don't care about the king being crowned or whatnot and there's a lot of other baggage here I just like the ships leaving to the undying lands I think it's neat and I don't forgive er/agon for so shamelessly ripping it off
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cithaerons · 1 year
love how self-deprecative machiavelli is it’s hilarious
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