#silurian madame vastra
Since it's canon that Vastra teaches Jenny some Silurian, Vella definitely teaches her cussing.
(the first few panels are a bit blurry... Idk why)
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non-man049 · 5 months
This is going to sound embarassing but just now I've discovered that Vastra isn't the same person as that one Silurian from Cold Blood/The Hungry Earth.
Like, I literally just assumed there was some line or minisode I missed that explained why she suddenly was besties with The Doctor and why she now lives in London during the 19th century and I've never felt like searching for it.
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dwimpossblog · 9 months
A Good Man Goes to War
"Demons run when a good man goes to war" - we reach the mid-series finale for Series 6 in this weekend's review!
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deviantly-seasoned · 1 year
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I miss the Paternoster gang! Especially Madam Vastra 🤌🏼🤌🏼
Feast on some sketches of the Silurian face patterns.
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doolallymagpie · 1 year
well, i’ve ordered the not-the-paternoster-gang minis, plus some heads that look like a nice middle ground between classic and modern silurians (also the not-kate and not-osgood)
not-vasta comes with an alternative head, and having dealt with crooked dice models with alternate heads, that should mean this little mockup will be no problem to make a reality (though her head will follow the angle of the one in the unaltered pic; there just isn’t a similar angle of the “saurian” head)
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storiedhistories · 1 year
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@furyisms liked for a starter
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"Well, I can see why you asked me to look into this," Vastra said, looking over the notes she'd made from her investigations so far. "It's quite the convoluted cover story." And she was one of the best in the business at getting through to the truth; OF COURSE Alisa had come to her. Vastra might not be part of the military, but she knew quite a few people who were. And she had her own connections outside of that, connections she was perfectly willing and able to exploit when she needed information.
"I don't think you're going to like what I uncovered," she added, meeting the other's eyes. "It's going to throw a bit of a wrench into any plans you've made in this particular sector."
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the-delta-42 · 2 years
Doctor Who Kitt-O! Series 1
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justahumblememefarmer · 6 months
Ultimate Doctor Who Poll Round 2 - Matchup 3
Episode Summaries under the cut
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43: Rosa - Season 11, Episode 3: The Doctor, Yaz, Ryan, and Graham land in 1943, Alabama and encounter Rosa Parks. The Doctor realizes that a time traveler intends to alter history and prevent Parks from starting the Montgomery bus boycott by stopping the inciting event where she was asked to move to make room for a white passenger. They defeat the time traveler and keep history on track.
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86: Deep Breath - Season 8, Episode 1: The newly regenerated 12th Doctor and Clara land in Victorian London where they meet with the Paternoster Gang (the Silurian Madame Vastra, Human Jenny, and Sontaran Strax). Clara struggles with the Doctor's new face and while she discusses it with Vastra, he wanders off and begins investigating an alien presence that is stealing body parts. He and Clara reunite at a restaurant which is a trap by the alien automatons.
The aliens capture the Doctor and Clara, who find that by holding their breath, they can trick the robots into thinking they are one of them. They escape and begin to run away, but are separated and the Doctor leaves Clara behind. She bargains with the alien leader for her life. The Doctor returns in disguise and rescues her. The alien converts the restaurant into a ship and begins to take off, but the Doctor questions it's purpose, and there is an ambiguous scene of the robot jumping from the ship, either jumping himself or having been pushed by the Doctor.
The Doctor returns for Clara and asks her to continue traveling in the TARDIS. She gets a call on her phone from the 11th Doctor from before he regenerated asking her to help his new self. She agrees and they go off to get coffee. Elsewhere the Half-Faced Man awakens in a beautiful garden where a woman named Missy tells him that he's made it to Heaven.
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adventure-showdown · 6 months
What is your favourite Doctor Who story?
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synopses and propaganda under the cut
The Greatest Show in the Galaxy
The Seventh Doctor and Ace head for the Psychic Circus on the planet Segonax, where they meet a disparate group of performers and visitors, including a self-centred explorer named Captain Cook, his companion Mags and a biker known as Nord.
The circus itself is dominated by the sinister chief clown and his deadly troupe of robot clowns, who organise a talent contest in which all visitors take part.
Propaganda no propaganda submitted
A Photograph to Remember
The Paternoster Gang are shocked to discover a rival group on the streets. A Sontaran, a Silurian and a human – only their intentions are not quite so noble as Madame Vastra and friends.
And when the recently-photographed dead begin to return home, strangely altered, will this 'Bloomsbury Bunch' be more of a help or a hindrance?
a lovely story about the gang with the first appearance of my beloved Bloomsbury Bunch (anonymous)
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capybaraonabicycle · 2 months
for the reverse troupe prompts, "Soulmates who are fated to kill each other" with Jenny/Vastra mayhaps? 🐝
Okay, it is way too late and I might not have caught all mistakes and errors. But I have posted the fic! 🥳 I hope you will enjoy it, @temultlaudna!
Here you go:
Silurian Venom (Jenny/Vastra)
Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Doctor Who (2005) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply Relationships: Jenny Flint/Madame Vastra, Jenny Flint & Strax, Jenny Flint & Clara Oswin Oswald Characters: Jenny Flint, Madame Vastra (Doctor Who), Strax (Doctor Who), Clara Oswin Oswald Additional Tags: Minor Clara Oswin Oswald/Danny Pink, Mentioned Danny Pink, Minor Thirteenth Doctor/Yasmin Khan, Minor Amy Pond/Rory Williams, Mentioned Thirteenth Doctor, Mentioned Yasmin Khan, Mentioned Amy Pond (Doctor Who), Mentioned Rory Williams, Alternate Universe - Soulmates, Alternate Universe - Fantasy, Alternate Universe - Monster Hunters, Minor Character Death, Doomed Relationship, Friendship, Fluff and Angst, Flirting, Kissing Summary:
Ever since Silurians have cursed humanity, it can be fatal to fall in love, everyone knows that. Strax is aromantic and non-human, he is in the clear. Clara has a strict 'no third date' rule, lest she develops feelings. And Jenny doesn't let anyone close enough she could potentially fancy. They have lost friends to the curse, but they are still standing, still together. Until one day they hunt a Silurian and Jenny barely escapes with her life. But has she really escaped if she keeps wishing she could see the Silurian again?
Thank you so much for the prompt and for inspiring this fic! I have been having a lot of fun with this little AU 🥰 I hope you will, too!
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jennyandvastraflint · 11 months
"I am a wreck when I'm without you" so Vastra-coded literally here at all times :)
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nethnad · 4 months
clawing at the walls of my enclosure i want a full-time silurian companion in doctor who so badly. i love madame vastra to bits but she’s very much. a supporting character who doesn’t travel with the doctor, only helps out when they’re on earth. which is still awesome!!! but there’s So Much Potential with silurians as companions and i desperately want to see one actively traveling with the doctor as a full-time companion.
cause i’ve just been thinking over the past couple weeks about how silurians are largely confined underground. imagining one who hasnt seen the stars in so long (or ever, even) finally getting a chance to not just see the sky reaching out endlessly above them (and its their sky, too) but getting to go far, far beyond it. seeing alien skies and feeling the heat of alien suns. and traveling through time (which, when your entire life has been marked by this drastic shift in time from when the silurians initially went into hibernation, to when theyre gradually waking up and finding out Oh Fuck Wait Theres Other Sentients Here Now… that must be a mixture of familiar and unfamiliar? idk im spitballing here). there is so so much you can do with the themes of change, growth, freedom, identity, etc… it makes my brain go brrr
it also has. so much potential for earth interactions? cause they’re not human but they’re from earth. so they go to stop some alien invasion and maybe someones like “oh fuck not another alien” and the companions like “bitch i live here???” idk its just. a hilarious scenario to imagine the doctor and this companion going around like “one of us is an alien from another world. you can only guess once which is which” when the alien one looks like any other human and the lizard one is. from scunthorpe or some shit. and i’d love to see their perspective on humans like. silurian companion trying fish n chips. silurian companion listening to early 2010s pop. silurian companion takes on rampant capitalism.
just. silurian companion. you agree. reblog
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loreholdlesbian · 6 months
Changes I would make to the creature typing in WHO
I'm sure there were specific requests by the BBC not to mention numerous other factors going into deciding how creature types for any set let alone a UniBey one are determined that I don't know about. However, I have Opinions anyway and wanted to share.
Long post ahead
Honorable mention
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For a while, I was of the opinion that silurians like Vastra should be given the creature type "Dinosaur". Is it phylogenically accurate? No absolutely not. But let's be honest, neither is lizard. Silurians would be far enough removed from either category that scientific accuracy is not a factor here. I preferred Dinosaur though, because I think it's more evocative of being from earth's primordial past than lizard is. It also is better for creature type synergies, and is just more fun imo. I eventually got swayed in the opposite direction though when someone pointed out that Vastra refers to herself as "A lizard woman from the dawn of time". Who am i to argue with the lady herself?
Moving on from the silurians to earth's other nonhuman primordial inhabitants: the sea devils!
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The sea devils aren't aliens! They're native to earth! They got this right for silurians and even the sea-devil related fish in the temur deck, why couldn't they for sea devils??? What's really frustrating though is that, if you cut "Alien" from the token's type, you could Universes Within that saga as "Cryptohistories" and make it a perfect reference to Gor Maldruk. I don't think universes within versions of cards should really affect this kind of decision making necessarily. Make the best decision for the card in its original conception and work backwards from there. If sea devils should be aliens then make them aliens, but they SHOULDNT and now we miss out on that opportunity for nothing.
Another one that, like madame Vastra, I originally had a different opinion about but changed is the use of "Cleric" for characters who are doctors. The two relevant cases here are Martha Jones and Strax Sontaran Nurse.
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While going forward, I think they should consider using "Doctor" in cases like this where it makes sense, I think that that would be the wrong choice for WHO. In this particular set, "Doctor" should (and does) mean The Doctor. That part's fine. I just think it makes more sense to have no class type than "cleric" when a character is a healer but very much not a cleric. Eventually though, I decided that while Strax shouldn't be a cleric, Martha should. This is depicting her in her time as "The Woman Who Walked the Earth", going around the planet and sharing about everything the doctor has done for its people to get them to have faith in him at one particular moment in time. And you know what? Yeah, she is a cleric here. Fair enough. Strax should just be an alien though, which is why this isn't also an honorable mention.
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Astrid Peth should not be a human, on account of she isn't a human. Simple as really. There are several times in doctor who where we meet aliens who look identical to humans, and Astrid is one of these cases. In most instances, the WHO cards took the approach of giving them only a class type. I assume they didn't want to do the type "alien" on cards that people won't realize are aliens. Personally, I would do alien anyway, but I can see the reasoning behind not. If that's what you're doing though, stick with it. Don't make astrid a human when she's not. Maybe this decision was made because she didn't have a class type to do instead- magic doesn't have a very wide selection of classes to refer to non-combat jobs. But something like "citizen" would work perfectly fine.
Now I'd like to address the important ones, the new types:
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Dalek and Cyberman should not be creature types. They should be Alien Mutant and Robot Zombie, respectively. I admit, there is good reason to want the actual words "Dalek" and "Cyberman" on cards. They're words with a lot of meaning behind them. But in most cases, those words are on the cards, in the name. So I don't think you're losing much by not having them also be in the typeline. But I do think something is lost by having them in the typeline. If a non-whovian magic player wonders "what's a dalek", the typeline "dalek" doesn't tell them anything. "Alien Mutant" does. Not a lot, sure, but a bit more. It might tell you enough to hazard a guess that they're some kind of genetically engineered species, like a lot of mutants we see in magic via the simic. Cyberman -> robot zombie tells you even more. One, it lacks the "alien" type which is very notable. It suggests these might come from humans. "Robot" doesn't tell you much that cyberman doesn't, but adding "Zombie" in implies the cyborgness and the way people can be converted into cybermen. And since the cards very much lean into that conversion, I think adding that type would be a serious boon to the flavor. Additionally, these changes make both synergy and reprintability a lot easier. "Alien", "Mutant", and "Robot" don't have much in the way of typal support but are all far more likely to get it than these creature types tied to a very specific UniBey set. And zombie very much does, and I think it'd frankly be really cool to let zombie-matters necromancy effects interact with cybermen. I think that's frankly interesting flavor. And like I said earlier, I don't think that should be the primary concern with UniBey types- if something wants a new creature type give it to it. But I don't think Dalek or Cyberman does.
Time Lord and Doctor are a bit more complicated. Doctor, I'm totally fine adding for this and then having in the roster as a potential class type. That's fine, "Doctor" isn't an issue. "Time lord" I do think should be the type Alien, but the existence of the doctor's companion mechanic complicates things. With that mechanic, I think it's *better* to have a very unique creature type that's not going to get used in other circumstances. In a vacuum I would be criticizing it, but I think in context it was the right decision.
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What I don't like, though, is the typal cards for these new types. It makes them feel extremely insular, only working with the cards from this set.
Going by the earlier changes, the two Dalek typal cards could be Alien typal. Admittedly, there's good flavor in dalek typal since they're a genocidal group who wants to eliminate anyone who's not a Dalek, and that would be lost. But that flavor's already a bit funky by having them as part of a generic "villains" deck anyway so it's not a huge deal, and this change would make these cards a lot more synergistic with that deck. It also makes them a lot less insular in general, working with Aliens from Unfinity, presumably other UniBey sets down the line, and the upcoming space magic plane. Exterminate! might need a power level level adjustment, but the Dalek Emperor is definitely fine as is.
Doctor typal, I think having some is fine, I just think they way overdid it. Especially with the tutors. I'd pare it down to 14, Clara, Gallifrey Stands, and The Day of the Doctor. 14 and Gallifrey Stands are meant to encourage "Play all the doctors in one deck!" and like, ya know what that's fine. It's insular, but that's something people are gonna want to do anyway, so it makes sense to lean into it. Maybe I'd add Rose Noble to the list as well, since she's clearly meant to be the companion for that same "play all the doctors" deck though clara can easily fill that role. I'm not sure what else a rose card might do though. Clara is meant to be a companion good with any doctor, and doctor typal is the clear best way to do that given the disparate mechanical themes. And Day of the Doctor, while a little bit typal, doesn't feel insular. I could easily imagine playing that in a deck even without any doctors, or with just a doctor commander. The rest though, all the tutors and such, I don't like so much. They feel very insular.
The time lord cards... im not quite sure what to do with tbh. Time Lord Regeneration I'd rather be more generic, I think a more general "target creature dies and turns into a creature that shares a type with it" would be fine, though that would have to be decently more expensive. TARDIS and Trenzalore Clocktower are hard though, because the "If you control a time lord" condition is meant to be something pretty easy for these decks to do while not being generically powerful, and I'm not sure of a better way to do that even though I don't really like the restriction. I think it'd be cool to be able to put these cards in other decks that aren't specifically doctor who. Maybe like, "If you control two or more commanders"? Idk.
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doctorwho-rewatch · 1 month
S5E8 & S5E9 - The Hungry Earth & Cold Blood
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I have no recollection of watching this two-parter before, but I found it so interesting, having never seen the Silurians (apart from Madame Vastra) as an entire race before.
This seems to be the closest metaphor for colonisation that the revised series gets to. An ancient indigenous race living off the Earth amongst themselves. Humans coming in and extracting resources to the detriment of the Silurians. Retaliation. Attempts at brokering a treaty so they can co-exist. An uneasy balance.
The parallels between Ambrose and Restac were interesting. Ambrose's father, son and husband are being held hostage by the Silurians, Restac's sister Alaya is being held hostage by the humans on the surface. Ambrose kills Alaya in a fit of anger. Restac tries to overthrow her leader and order that all humans be killed in revenge. Both of their actions are rightfully condemned. Were either somewhat understandable though?
As the Doctor, Amy and Rory run back to safety, Restac emerges and kills Rory before he can reach the TARDIS. It's all Amy can do to watch in horror as Rory dies and his body is consumed by the crack in the universe. The Doctor desperately holds her back, telling her thing only thing she can do is to remember him. We know it's not forever. But in the short time Rory was on the TARDIS, he absolutely made his mark.
QUOTE: "Oo! Lovely place. Very gleaming." "This is our court. And our place of execution."
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k9mark69 · 1 year
the paternostergang met another human/silurian/sontaran trio except this time the human and the sontaran were the ones having gay sex and also they were a little bit evil and at the end of the adventure the gang said "can you guys be slightly less evil so we can hang out" and the other gang said "no way see ya suckers!" and then teleported away while all flipping the bird and jenny said "miss isnt that the teleporter that has a 20% chance of killing anyone who uses it" and madame vastra said "oh yeah"
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thedoctorwhocompanion · 8 months
Madame Vastra Actress, Neve McIntosh, to Star in New All Creatures Great and Small
Madame Vastra Actress, Neve McIntosh, to Star in New All Creatures Great and Small
Neve McIntosh, who Doctor Who fans know best as Madame Vastra, stars in tonight’s episode of All Creatures Great and Small. McIntosh made her Who debut in 2010’s The Hungry Earth/ Cold Blood as Silurian sisters, Alaya and Restac, before being welcomed back as Vastra in A Good Man Goes to War. Now, she appears as Miss Harbottle in Channel 5’s revival of All Creatures Great and Small. Rachel…
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