#silver magpie
Self vs. Social Personas as They Relate to Marketing
Check out the new blog post! #marketing #socialmedia #personas
One of the tricky things about marketing is the growth and change of it all. You simply never know when something is a trend, when it’s a permanent shift, or when you need to change strategies. The use of personas is one such area. The Technical of Personas Personas refer to two different things, sometimes more. The first is a profile of a typical customer. The second is a business’s persona to…
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tarubunart · 2 years
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Welcome to Yueris
The long stretch of color lapsed into a bright, brilliant white... before at last, the visage of Yueris Prime was revealed in all its splendor. They soared through a sky of pale pinks and blues, over a city of brilliant blue domes and silvery and white marble. The grand city of Noblespout rested in the center of the Rosado, a forest of twining thorns and steep waterfalls.
In the very center of the city laid the Ivy Sanctum, a compound behind towering marble lattice walls, composed of multiple buildings including the main palace. As they entered the space, the skies above melded into a rich purple. The beasts which towed the carriages at last hurtled towards the ground, covered in silver grass. Blossoms of all colors spread through a spacious garden, extravagant fountains dispersed along a gleaming, opalescent pathway.
Despite the swift descent, the interior of the carriages remained steady and still until proper landing. The wide wings of the palace surrounded them on all sides, intricate rococo features embroidered onto the arches and balconies, stood stark from the classic white in brilliant golds and silvers.
(written by @celestialbathwater )
The Aestival Gate Magi are the first to arrive to Yueris for the Starbloom Gala. During the festivities of the week, they encounter a collection of interesting people...
( @celestialbathwater’s Figment, @limey-blue-arty-do’s Oriadne)
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turquoisemagpie · 27 days
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Some Void Silver doodles.
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loppy-darii · 6 months
"When you're lost in the universe (lost in the universe) don't lose faith. My mother said "your whole life is in the hand of god""
Happy anniversary to Oneshot, probably wouldn't meet the people i look up to and appreciate now without it
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maxyvert · 5 months
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♠️Ace Valentine commission ♠️ It's been a while since I used this much of pink :D
♠️Commissions open♠️
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farolero-posting · 8 months
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Post edits for your soul
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grimnirs-child · 1 year
cannot recommend enough just walking around your neighbourhood, noticing the plants, trees, birds, creepy-crawlies, mammals, rocks, watercourses, etc that are around you. looking them up and learning about them, how they behave, their seasonal rhythms and changes. learning about their presence in folklore and mythology and culture.
these are your neighbours. if you take a few minutes to learn about them, if you make the small effort to notice them, be mindful of them on a regular basis, honour them and respect them - this is animism. this is re-enchantment.
we all live alongside and in community with a myriad of spirits. it is truly so beautiful and life-affirming and sacred to appreciate that and the unique character of your neighbour-spirits.
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suppose i might as well post some art i've made recently
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orphicss · 9 months
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askprophetbot · 5 months
Silver, Prophetbot, and Magpie all travel to Magpie's Treasure vault. Magpie waves his arms dramatically and....
Magpie waves his arms dramatically and...
It uhh... it isn't doing anything.
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Magpie, we are still working on the automatic door. You'll have to turn the handle for now.
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Open the door for me. I want this to be dramatic.
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The Shepherd Sighs and says sarcastically: Yes sir. Right away sir.
Magpie waves his arms as the shepherd opens the door, revealing an almost futuristic room. The room is divided in two, by a large glass wall. A large shelf full of several gadgets and gizmos takes up most of the far wall.
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Welcome, you two, to Magpie's Future Gadget Lab, and Treasure Vault! This is where we store all of the unknown devices, and known devices, that arrive via the spikes!
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All of this came from the spikes? I don't recognize half of this stuff,
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And that's why all of this stuff is so cool! Come check some of this out!
Magpie rushes over to the shelves excitedly, and holds up a large white gadget. The center glass tube glows a light blue.
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I call this one the "Hole Blaster"! It blasts holes and then you can walk through them! It's great. Or I assume it would be if it worked anymore. Someone touched the operational end of the device and it broke. BUT LOOK AT THIS ONE!!!
Magpie rushes over and picks up a bucket.
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This, is a BUCKET!!!!
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Dear C:// drive!
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You know it says here this bucket is the property of someone called "Stan Lee". I can't read but that's what Calamus told me it said.
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IT'S MINE NOW!!!! HAHAHAHA!!!! Anyways look at these!
Magpie pulls out two different sized metal tubes. The tip of the smaller one glows a bright blue, while the larger one has a deep recession in the top.
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Ok so these two look pretty similar but are really different.
Magpie holds up the small glowing one
This one, when i turn it on, makes a really loud noise. Ready?
Magpie turns it on, and it makes a high pitched noise.
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Huh i did not know that was going to happen. how do i...
Magpie turns a dial on the device and points it at prophetbot, then turning it on
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i have seen god and they have no mercy
(plaintext: i have seen god and they have no mercy)
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Yeah he's fine. Anyways, look at this other one! This one makes extra light!
Magpie turns on the second metal rod, and from the hole in the rod comes a long beam of light, that ends at a point. Magpie waves it around estatically.
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SUPER DUPER GLOWSTICK! Perfect for lighting up dark areas.
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May I see?
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Plus, you might break something. I think this thing took an arm off of Remige earlier. I could be wrong though.
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What does this one do? Silver points to a metallic box plugged into one of many outlets.
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That's a toaster. It turns bread into toast. I don't even know why that's in here.
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Sigh. Of course...
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Anyways, let's get you two kitted out with some LOOT!
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silvermagpiewriting · 14 days
Finding the Human in Writing for Marketing and Sales
Let’s face it, humans have created massively complicated systems as part of growing economies. As a single consumer in that system, it can sometimes be overwhelming and feel vaguely predatory. Feeling like a human, especially while looking at marketing writing and sales copy, is becoming rarer and rarer. How Writing for Marketing and Sales Works There are many potential reasons to write, from…
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magic-magpie · 6 months
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Lee Chaolan Miss Sugar Pink Liquor Liquor Lips real <3
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mikhailasmo · 2 years
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Pierced, 2022 ⫸Print⫷
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loppy-darii · 12 days
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Wow who knew that watching dungeon meshi would inspire me to make a fantasy themed oneshot au! (Please help)
May make more in the future depending on whatever my body wants to do
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dansnaturepictures · 8 months
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11/10/23-Phone photo of beautiful cat mint in Abbey Gardens today, and six photos from this year not yet posted of; Clouded Yellow on Friday, Fox moth caterpillar at Thursley Common last month one of a fair few I've enjoyed seeing this year, a view at Pig Bush in the New Forest on Sunday, Silver-spotted Skipper at Old Winchester Hill in August, Spoonbill on Brownsea Island a couple of weeks ago and a beautiful Peacock butterfly on hemp agrimony at Winnall Moors on Saturday.
Today I also enjoyed seeing Carrion Crow, Jackdaw, Magpie, Woodpigeon, Feral Pigeon and Mute Swan and Mallard on the River Itchen, with Ring-necked Parakeets heard cutting across Lakeside and at the station as I got on the train and Robin singing a nice atmospheric opening to the day. Red Admiral, white clover, nice clumps of herb-Roberts beside the River Itchen at lunch time, ivy-leaved toadflax, forget-me-not, common mallow at Lakeside and stinking iris berries in Winchester were nice to see too.
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magpie-trove · 4 days
Read a weird historical mystery novel from the middle of a series (Pinkertons and Teddy Roosevelt adventures in the badlands! But turned out to be magic mystery which was too technical/jarring would have been better without. The monster was fine but all the magic hubub was too much) but there was a scene with a girl and the ghost of a man that had been killed by his cousin for envy and riches, and the man tells the story of his association with his cousin, who was always hanging on to him, and he was trying to shake him off, and the girl to get rid of the ghost says I’ll bring your cousin to Justice! So you can have peace! And the ghost! Says but. I don’t want to see him hang. He’s my cousin. And the girl is confused and says well then what do you want? And the ghost says to know if you thought I’d done him wrong. And I guess you do. There’s so many little things I’d do different now. But how was one to know they’d add up to this? And when I tell you I was Shook
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