greenplumbboblover · 8 months
Hey Lyra, Hypothetically, and based on recent developments in AI and being able to use chatgbt to pretty much get an answer for most things, I've noticed some games are being completely remastered by modders/community in UE5 (eg: 2unreal5underground) and I wanted to know if you ever imagined ts3 to be "remade" in the future by the community? You are an OG so I thought it made sense to ask you as you've developed a lot of stuff for the game. So just an idea and wanted to know your thoughts???
Oh I love this question because I have checked this out actually! (and have thought about it many times lol) :)
So we all know that TS3's scripting API runs on C#. Unity is also purely C# in that sense (well okay their engine is also written in C++ but generally speaking, it's C#). So, in theory, this would be possible. Unreal would be harder as you'd have to create the game basically from scratch. Including the code.
However, the bottleneck comes to stuff that needs to be rewritten. For example (assuming we'd use Unity as a reference), some things that come to mind that are handled by the C++ side of TS3's engine would need to be "Unity-fied" such as:
Thumbnail creation. That one is easy.
Package reading/loading/writing. That one is doable because of the amount of wiki info on it. Though, not everything is reversed engineered, unfortunately.
Convert everything to use Unity's calculations and helper classes. Since those are, often, 10000x better than EAs more "cheaper" methods. (they're often made for one purpose rather than multiple in mind, which makes things much more challenging than they have to be.)
Routing needs to be completely redone, since Unity also has its own (better) routing system. \
Somehow make EA's custom UI elements work with Unity's UI. Or completely rework it.
Save readings. Although if it was totally up to me I'd rework that myself to be much lighter.
I do know what needs to happen, but I haven't really attempted it because by myself it's A LOT of work that definitely will take years to do on my own.
However, I do have a secret thing to share :p
I had for funs, made a TS3 bodyshop thingy as my first Unity project. It looks cool right now, but it's a bit shit in regards to the coding, because I was really new to Unity). Plus it's SO SLOW!... I was thinking of redoing the whole thing after the core mod for Hobbies and Interests was out.
Here are some pictures!
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Anyways, I may check it out. But I may just stick with my little bodyshop program for the time being :p
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londonsimblr · 8 months
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Thanks for the tag @hexlogica !! It was very difficult not to cheat lol
go to pinterest and search: "celebrity", "outfit", "quote", "aesthetic". post with the FIRST picture in each category that appears that is your vibe.
Oh, I tag @kevinvoncrastenburg and @simdims
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enbastanbasla-v · 4 years
Her gece ben seni bir daha sildim bir daha sildim bir daha sildim bir daha bir daha bir daha sildim. Yaktım herşeyi anıları sildim. SEN KİMSİN BEĞ Kendimi simdim...
NOT: 😂😂😂
Rica ederim... :))))
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devic-pixie-s · 8 years
Bişey diyim mi şu an içimi okudun gibi yıllardır izmir aşkıyla yanıp tutuşan biriyim :D inşallah bu sene gelir o kadar mezuna kaldık bi sene bosyere kayıp yaşamak istemiyorum. Bu arada az önce yanlışlıkla kendimi ifşaa ettim nfndn :D
Bir sey olmaz :D Ben de Izmirliyim cok seviyorum ama iste puanlari dusuk diye Hacettepe yazdim mutsuzum simdim . Belki gecis yaparim bilmiyorum
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