#simp gojo satoru
marblesphere · 1 year
Kitsune AU! Switch and Simp Gojo
!!Warning!! SMUT!!! Switch Gojo (mostly being bottom), simp Gojo, fluff, angst (a little). I think that's it.
Happy reading!!!
“Whoaaaa…. Amazing!!!” I looked at the scene in front of me with awe. We are in front of an entrance to a small village named, Kitsunebi. Just like the name implied, it is a village that worships Tenko (Celestial Fox).
The entrance to the village is stone steps with torii gates on every step. “Mama, Papa. Will I get to meet Tenko-sama?” My five years old brain asked my parents.
“Well, if Tenko-sama likes you, it might?”
“Really?!” My eyes sparkled. “What should I do so Tenko-sama will like me?”
“Hmmm… be a good girl and climb the steps carefully. We can’t dirty the steps.” Papa smiled.
“Okay, I will climb the steps carefully.” I nodded excitedly and began to climb the stone steps. In my hand, there is a fox plushie which I named Konnosuke. Slowly and carefully, I climb the steps step by step while admiring the torii gates. The last Torii gate is the biggest and most impressive I have ever seen. There are words carved on the base of the Torii gate using molten gold. “Awesome…” My small mind couldn’t think of anything else except awesome and beautiful.
We are going to stay in this village for 2 weeks. Mama and Papa are invited to stay here, they said. I heard not anybody can just stay in this village, they have to be invited by the villagers themselves. How? I don’t know. My mind is more occupied with what should I do so that I will meet Tenko-sama.
Because Tenko-sama has nine fluffy tails. I want to mofu-mofu with them, sleep with them and play with them. It’s my biggest dream ever. We are greeted by the mask-wearing villagers. All of the villagers are required to wear wooden kitsune masks, it’s either full-face or half-face. But we as visitors from outside are not required to wear one. “Ojii-san, can I wear one too? The kitsune mask?” I asked the ojii-san who was welcoming us.
“Ah, Fuu, don’t be so rude.” Mama tried to pull me back but the Ojii-san held out his hand to stop her. He then bends down to my level.
“Do you want to wear one?”
“Yes. It’s so pretty. I wonder if I can meet Tenko-sama after wearing one? He might mistake me for a fox and show up.” I blabbered my secret plan to Ojii-san. He and the other welcoming villagers are giggling warmly at my (silly) plan.
“I will have your mask ready in a few days,” Ojii-san said kindly.
“Thank you, Ojii-san.” We were guided to our temporary abode. It was just a simple traditional Japanese house. While Mama and Papa are unpacking, I go out to play. I just wandered around the village, waving at the villagers and got free snacks. I met kids around my age and we started playing together. Just the usual hide and seek or any available children's games. I think living here will be so much fun.
It's been a few days since we have been staying in Kitsunebi Village. Every day is nothing but fun. The moment I woke up, fluffy small animals like rabbits, squirrels and kits that had taken a liking to me for some reason were already surrounding me with their soft fur.
They woke up when I woke up, “Good morning.” I greeted the small animals sleepily. Still wearing a jinbei (Japanese traditional sleepwear) I slide open the door connected to the garden to revel in the fresh morning air.
The small animals are crawling on my body while also mimicking me breathing fresh air until I feel a sweet-smelling fragrance waft to my nose. It’s like the smell of wisteria flowers. The small animals twitch their ears and bodies and suddenly rush out. “Ah, wait.” I climbed down from the terrace, following the small animals to the woods.
I follow them crawling to bushes while forgetting the fact I am not wearing shoes. I was scratched a little by bushes and dirtied by mud. “…Beautiful…” I arrived at a breathtaking scene. A majestic otherworldly pure snow-white furred fox is sitting in the clearing. The majestic fox has nine tails blooming magnificently, they seem to change colour to white purplish every time they sway.
“Tenko…-sama…?” I muttered as I walked closer. Tenko-sama seemed not to mind me, so I walked closer and closer. My little mind was excited to touch the tails, but… a small gasp escaped my lips as I saw a red patch on the soil. “You are hurt!” I looked at Tenko-sama with teary eyes. Its front leg was adorned with a red line.
My small mind panicked how to cure Tenko-sama’s wound. Instead of doing anything, I just cried on the spot, as if I was the one who hurt instead. The small animals who led me here began to crowd around me again, trying to calm me down. But to no avail, I was still crying about how to cure Tenko-sama.
Then a soft fluffy something pats my cheek. Tenko-sama is using one of his majestic beautiful tails to dry my tears away. I was so stunned that I stopped crying. ‘It’s so soft and fluffy.’
Tenko-sama then changes into a small kit with only one tail. “Let’s have Papa and Mama heal your wounds.” I hiccupped and wiped my tears. I cradle the now small Tenko-sama into my arms and the small animals are leading me back to my temporary abode. When I came back, Mama and Papa and the whole villagers were searching for the missing me.
Mama rushed to my side the moment she saw me, crying while scolding me. I who had calmed down started crying again. After that, I told them I found Ten…no, a small kit hurting in the woods’ clearing and brought it home, asking for them to tend to its wound. The villagers look at each other and tell me I should be the one to nurse it to health since a kit is very wary of strangers.
So, with the guidance of the villagers, I tended to Tenko-sama’s wound and bandaged it with a cute bow. It’s my lifetime accomplishment, you know. I have been trying to make the prettiest bow for Tenko-sama. Since my unsupervised outing, I was grounded as a punishment by Papa and Mama. So, I spend my time talking to Tenko-sama instead. Tenko-sama nipped my hand when I was going to tell them about it which means it doesn’t want to let other people know. Being the good kid I am, of course I kept it a secret.
Aide from having the prettiest white fur that somehow changes to a lilac colour, its eyes are also the most most most fascinating. The colour is like a sparkling sky, a clear sky with visible stars. Tenko-sama lets me mofu-mofu with its tails. I have my nap and sleep on those tails. They are warm and safe. Tenko-sama is protecting me.
But the good thing didn’t last long, Tenko-sama’s leg had healed and it had to go back to its house. “*hic**hic* I don’t want to.” I refused to part with Tenko-sama. I want to stay together forever. I used all my might to wrap my short hands around the big fox. “Why can’t Tenko-sama stay with me?” I mumbled.
Tenko-sama looks at me with a difficult expression and has its tails comfort me. “I still don’t want to let you go.” I pouted, I knew Tenko-sama would coax me for a while and then disappeared.
“…” Tenko-sama is troubled now and I feel a little guilty. Because I somehow can read its expression.
“I…I can let you go, but you have to promise me one thing.” I said seriously. Tenko-sama exhales a soft sigh and dries my tears with its tails again. “After…After I become bigger, I will take you as my bride. So, you have to be prepared when the time comes.” My nose flared as I looked at it seriously,
“…” Tenko-sama is dumbfounded. I can see it from the way its tails freeze their movement.
“So that you won’t run away, I am going to seal the deal now.” With newfound resolution and determination coursing my small stature, I stand on my tiptoe and press a wedding kiss on its mouth. I think Tenko-sama’s soul just came out from its body.
“Now we have done the wedding kiss. This means Tenko-sama is my bride now. Because I am still too small to take care of you, I am going to let you live in your maiden home for now. When I get older and bigger, I will come and take you away from your maiden house.” I said.
“…” Tenko-sama’s soul hasn’t come back yet.
“Good night, Tenko-sa, ah. No, you are not Tenko-sama anymore. Good night, my bride.” I kissed its snout as a good night kiss and slipped into my futon.
“…” The dumbfounded Tenko-sama finally came back to reality, *poof* The big majestic fox transformed into a human shape, but still retained his fox tails and ears. A furious blush spread across his pale cheeks. “This brat…” He grumbled.
He, the most worshipped Tenko-sama, Gojo Satoru, blushed because of a brat’s courting?! If his friends heard this, he would be teased to death. He should be used to being courted. He is always being courted by a lot of goddesses back in God’s realm. But none of them can even arouse any sort of feeling out of him. And when he mocked back in amusement, those little goddesses who are still wet behind their ears will blush and maybe he even ruined their panties with just a few words that are not even explicit enough. Truly, the most he will say to them was, “Oh, so you wish to fuck me?” And that’s it.
But this little girl… showed him a genuine affection. Not sure if it’s a romantic affection, but it’s genuine nonetheless, something that his suitors lack. Maybe that’s why he was caught off guard. He rarely felt genuine affection after all. The most genuine affection he ever received was from his family and that’s it. Though he has a genuine friendship with few people.
Satoru looks at the sleeping little girl. “I am the bride now, heh…” He mused while having his tails to be hugged by her. “Well, being your bride might not be so bad.” He smiled lightly. Well, if he can enjoy her genuine affection, he might not mind much. It’s far better than having to face those annoying gods and goddesses anyway. “You should become a groom worthy of me then, Fuu.”
“Satoru~~~” His best friend called. Satoru looks at his best friend who wears a black kariginu with gold lining which is opposite of his white kariginu with blue lining.
“It’s you, Suguru.” Satoru glanced at the sleeping girl, making sure she wouldn’t be waking up anytime soon and then walked to his best friend.
“You were playing with a human?” Suguru tilted his head. How rare, his best friend was not someone who liked to mingle with creatures beneath him. One of the many reasons that he was hated in God Realm. There was also how his face attracted a lot of goddesses causing their suitors to loathe him instead of their own incompetence.
“Nothing,” Satoru said dryly.
“Let me see.” Suguru tried to peek because he was pretty secretive about it.
“Suguru.” Satoru hissed. “She is mine.” He glowered.
“…” Suguru blinked before he broke into laughter. “Okay, I won’t peek.” He held his hands in surrender. If Satoru is this possessive of her then she must be something special. He just hopes that this is not a fleeting attachment. His best friend has a penchant for being bored easily. But… somehow… Suguru has a feeling that it won’t be the case. Well, as his best friend, he will support him through heaven and hell. ~”~
Tenko-sama is gone next morning. But I am not sad. I already made a promise to my bride that I would come to pick him up when I got older. I just need to study and learn more so I can be a reliable groom. And, I won’t be picky anymore. I need to eat my veggies so I can grow up healthy.
“Oh…” Next to my futon, I found a mask. A very beautiful half-face fox mask. There are two blue tassels on each ear. “Is this a dowry from Tenko-sama?” I excitedly put on the mask and showed it off to my parents. Though Mama was worried that I stole it, I denied it and said it was a dow-ahem, it was a gift from the small kit I rescued.
“How do I look?” I asked my parents.
“Very cute.” Mama laughed.
“You look like a real fox now.” Papa nodded.
“Hehehe…” I giggled giddily. ‘I have to take care of his dowry.’ Another task needs to be added to my list. Being a groom sure is not easy.
Soon, it’s time for me to go back to the city. I am sad to leave this village. This village is nice, everyone is nice and this is also where my bride is living. Even though I promised to pick him up when I got older, I still feel very sad. ‘Will my bride send me off? Usually, a bride will send his groom off, right? I mean, Mama sent Papa off every morning with a kiss.’ Disappointment fills my chest as I find my bride is not going to send me off.
“What’s wrong, Fuu?” Mama asked.
“…no, it’s nothing…” I shook my head. I furiously wipe my eyes so the tears won’t fall down. Then suddenly, I feel something brush my legs, I look down and see the familiar small white kit. “Ten…” I stopped myself from exclaiming. But I quickly picked it up. “You are sending me off!” I giggled excitedly.
Tenko-sama wriggled its legs, indicating that it wanted to come closer, so I did. Tenko-sama then nip my nose. My eyes twinkle with happiness. “Thank you for sending me off, my bride,” I whispered to its ears and gave a kiss to its snout.
“Let’s go, Fuu.” Papa called.
“Yes~” I answered.
“I will come and pick you up when I am older. It’s a promise.” I whispered our secret promise again. ~”~
~Few years later~
“…Auntie…Uncle… I will be fine…. Can you please let me have some time with Papa and Mama?”
“Okay, we will wait for you over there…” Auntie and Uncle nodded.
“Mama, can I stay with Fuu?” Yae, my cousin looked at her mother.
“…okay, Yae, please take care of Fuu-chan, okay? Mama and Papa will wait over there.” Auntie said to Yae.
“Okay.” Yae gripped my hand tightly. And then Auntie and Uncle stay a little far away from us. far enough not to hear what I am going to say but still near enough to watch us.
“Fuu…” Yae sniffled.
“Don’t worry.” I smiled. “Just going to talk to Mama and Papa about something.” Right now, I am standing in front of the graves of the Mutsuki family, my family. Papa and Mama died in a car crash a month ago. It was caused by a drunk driver. But only I miraculously survived. But due to shock, I was in a coma for a whole month. Auntie and Uncle, who are Yae’s Mama and Papa arranged the funeral for my Papa and Mama which I am forever grateful for. Though, it’s sad that I can’t send them off myself.
“Mama, Papa. I am sorry that I couldn’t send you off. And I think I will stay here in this world a little longer. I made a promise to Tenko-sama that I would come and pick him up as my bride when I got older. Maybe that’s why I survived.” I smiled a little. “We even had our wedding kiss already. But… but… if Tenko-sama doesn’t want me anymore… *sniff*”
“Why Tenko-sama won’t want you anymore, Fuu? Isn’t he your bride? Shouldn’t a groom and a bride get through thick and thin together? Why won’t Tenko-sama want you anymore?” Yae sniffled.
“That’s because… I am now an orphan.” I wiped her tears. “I heard that a bride doesn’t like an orphaned groom. So, Tenko-sama might not want me anymore…”
“What will you do if Tenko-sama doesn’t want you anymore? Will you go away like Auntie and Uncle?” Yae is now full-blown crying.
“I…don’t know…I think…maybe…” ‘It’s better for me to go where Papa and Mama are.’
Auntie and Uncle came over in panic when they heard Yae's cries. When asked why, Yae just said that Tenko-sama would throw me away, which in turn caused a chain reaction of me crying. ~”~
A few years after the whole fiasco of being taken as a bride by a little human. As usual, Gojo Satoru is lounging around in his house, bored to death. He gave a little blessing to that little groom of his so she wouldn’t be sick easily. That blessing should last enough for 10 years. After the blessing has vanished, it means it’s time to see his little groom to see if she has become a worthy groom of him.
By the way, Suguru and Shoko somehow found out about him being taken as a bride by a little girl and he has to suffer even now. Curse him and his big mouth. They have been pestering him to let them see which cute groom managed to give him a wedding kiss, but Satoru refused. Since he was promised to be picked up by his later older and more capable groom, he will wait in his house like a little obedient bride.
Until… his blessing vanished suddenly… Satoru stands up a little too quickly, startling his friends who were coming to play. “Satoru?” Suguru blinked at his best friend's unnatural movement.
“The blessing vanished…” Satoru looked at Suguru with wide eyes.
“Blessing? Oh, the one you give to-“
“I gotta go,” Satoru muttered under his breath.
“Wait! Where are you-“ But Satoru has vanished.
His blessing couldn’t have vanished suddenly. It only meant one thing, the blessing was used up. For the first time in his life, he feels fear. He knew where his little groom was, the blessing was also sort of a tracker for him. So, he teleported to the last place where the blessing was. And all he saw was the aftermath of the car crash accident. He panicked, where is Fuu? Where is his Fuu? His pupils turned to slits as a low growl escaped his throat.
It’s his Fuu’s voice. Satoru snaps back to reality and tracks following where the wind carried his groom’s voice. He finally found her in a hospital room being hooked up with some machine to monitor her heartbeat. Safe…his Fuu is safe…
Satoru exhales a relieved sigh. “I was so worried…” He mumbled, long fingers tucked her hair behind her ears. She looks a little older now, well, 5 years have passed. She should be 10 years old now. The blessing was used up to save her from life-threatening danger. Really, the blessing he gave out on a whim saved her life. Satoru takes her small hand in his and presses a kiss on her knuckle, giving her another blessing.
Satoru feels her hand twitch a little but no other reaction than that. “You will be fine…. I am here to protect you now.” He watched as Fuu slept.
Fuu didn’t wake up for a month. Satoru keeps visiting her without anyone knowing of course, including his family and friends. And when he saw her awakened, the first thing she did was visit her family which she missed the funeral. And then he heard about how he would abandon her just because she is now an orphan.
Absolutely not. He is not that cold-blooded, especially to his groom. This can’t do… This absolutely can’t do. He can’t let those tears stream down her face. No no no. That is absolutely not allowed, unforgivable even. So, Satoru made up his mind. He will now take care of his groom. No one is allowed to make her cry.
“Wait for me, my cute groom. I am going to be the best bride ever for you.” So, Satoru went back to his house and brought along a lot of books. Now now, this is where it gets weird. Gojo Satoru and books and study are never in one sentence.
“How was she?” Suguru asked. He has an inkling where his best friend went.
“She’s alright,” Satoru answered as he flipped open one of the many books he brought with him.
“What are you doing?” Suguru blinked owlishly at his friend. His best friend, Gojo Satoru is reading books???? Is the sun going to rise from the west tomorrow? Actually, it’s even easier to command the sun to rise from the west.
Suguru eyes are looking at the piles of books. “How to be a wonderful cook, easy tips to clean house, easy tips on doing laundry, the way of love is through the stomach, how to be a good housewife…” The more he reads the books’ titles the more he gets getting weird feeling. “…How to please your husband in marriage and bed…” Suguru blanked for a second.
“Wait! Satoru!” He whipped his head so fast, it’s a miracle that it’s still intact. “What are you doing?!”
“What do you mean what am I doing? Obviously reading.” Satoru rolled his eyes at his best friend's exaggeration.
“Why are you reading these kind of books?” Suguru gestured to the books which in all honesty the bottom pile of them must be more ridiculous.
“It’s for my bridal training of course.” Satoru answered nonchalantly as if it was the most obvious answer to his question.
Suguru thinks his eardrums just busted and bleeding, while Shoko who was playing with Satoru’s sunglasses… well what do we have now? The sunglasses crack suddenly. ~”~
After my parents passed away, I stayed with my uncle and auntie and Yae. I still haven’t given up my promise of picking up Tenko-sama. But first, I need to finish high school first, and then only after that I can go to pick up my bride. “Only 2 more years. Wait for me, Tenko-sama.” I muttered as I looked at the calendar. I already know what date I am going to pick him up is, it’s the date when we have our wedding kiss back then.
‘My sole wish is now… I hope Tenko-sama still remember me…’ I smiled sadly. The mask he gave me is still safe. I put it in a beautiful wooden box and clean it regularly. It’s my only most precious item now. The only evidence is that I met Tenko-sama and that wasn’t a dream. Might be because I am getting older and knowing much more, I learnt that no one ever saw Tenko-sama or god’s related matters. I was afraid that was all a dream, that the promise that was keeping me alive right now was all an illusion.
“Fuu, are you ready?”
“I’m coming,” I replied to Yae.
The two of us are now in our second year of high school and the first day of the new school term. The homeroom starts with an introduction as usual, even though most of us have known each other, just a formality. Well, my seat is beside Yae, we are known as inseparable cousins.
Yae is pretty and elegant and graceful, like Yamato Nadeshiko. I suspect that she is truly the reincarnation of Yamato Nadeshiko. I think I should ask Tenko-sama for another god to take Yae as a bride, or maybe Yae take the god as the bride. Hmm… decision…decision…
“…I am not going to be a God’s bride.” Yae flicked my forehead.
“I didn’t say anything.” I pouted.
“But you are thinking about it.”
“How can you know?” I looked at her wide-eyed.
“I can see it from your face.” Yae rolled her eyes. “Besides, I don’t think God want a human bride. Humans are in lower status.”
“…Oh…” My excited face deflated. ‘It makes sense…’
“But your Tenko-sama might be different,” Yae spoke up again. “I mean, he showed himself to you, let you play with his tails and slept on them, right?”
“…Yeah… but… it might do so because I was just a small silly child.” The older I get, the more afraid I become. Unlike a child that can just say what they want, growing up means, I need to consider a lot of things. And, if Tenko-sama doesn’t want me anymore…
“Let’s go, we are going to eat sweets now.” Yae grabbed my hand.
“Eh? We just ate yesterday. I thought it’s once a week?” I blinked.
“It’s because you look like you are going to cry,” Yae grumbled.
“Oh…” A smile adorned my lips. “Thank you, Yae. I am alright. Even if Tenko-sama doesn’t want me anymore, I won’t go anywhere.”
“Hmph! If that bride of yours doesn’t want you anymore. I am going to sock him in his face. Who cares if he is a Tenko-sama. No one mess with my dearest cousin.” Yae grumbled. The more she grumbles the angrier she becomes, but I am happy.
“Then, today let’s try that new cheesecake-bwah!” I crashed into Yae’s back. “Yae, what’s wrong?” I looked at her. Her face is that one of a daze, dreamy. “Eh?” I blinked. ‘Yae is in a daze. Who is powerful enough to-‘
“Ya-Yae!?” I forgot that we are still holding hands. Yae, even though she looks like this, she is stronger than she looks. See, she is dragging me with her hand.
“I want to take you as my bride,” Yae told the black-haired boy who had his hair in a bun and bang style, who was also wearing our school uniform.
“…????” I tilted my head to the side for a bit. “Ya-Yae???!!!!”
“Me?” The bang guy smiled delightfully as if he just found a treasure. “I would be delighted to.”
“…he accepted.” I blinked. “Congrats…?”
“Suguru, what are you do…ing…?”
“Ah…” I looked at the newcomer. We lock eyes and then it’s as if the time stopped or in slow motion, I don’t know. All I know is I am running to the newcomer. I have never met him, but I know him. Because I have been waiting for this moment for so long. It’s already 12 years. Even though it’s a little early, that is not a problem, right? After my parents’ death, my only lifeline is meeting you again. I wonder if you still remember me? the silly little girl that said wanted to take you as her bride.
My arms wrap around his torso. “I come to pick you up, my bride.” I smiled.
“…Oh…” I slowly undid my hand and backed away. ‘Ah… I see… I guess so…’ In an instant, I feel as if the weight of the world is crushing me down.
“…Sorry, I mistook you for some…*sob*” I swallowed the choked cry. A hand comes up to cup my face and wipes the tears away. The boy in front of me suddenly leans in and touches my lips with his. I was so stunned that I stopped crying instantly. He doesn’t just stop there, the boy swipes my bottom lip with his tongue and gently prying it open. “…nhh…” My small moan was swallowed and a familiar sweet smell of wisteria flower wafted to my nose.
His tongue which is not satisfied to only explore, is coaxing mine to play with and then drinking all the accumulated spit. When he pulled back, I almost collapsed on the ground if not being supported by his strong hands. My head is dizzy and aching a little because of the lack of oxygen. My eyes are also blurry.
“You finally came to pick me up, my groom.” A beautiful smile bloomed on his soft face.
“…Tenko-sama…” I breathed out.
“I am your bride, Fuu.”
“Oh…Really? You are not lying?” The stopped tears are threatening to fall down again.
“I am not lying.” He pulled me into his safe embrace. Warm, just like what I remembered. “You are not allowed to cry. Especially when meeting me, Fuu.”
“Because…” I hiccupped.
“Sssh, pretty girl. I only want you to cry when we are playing on the bed. And it has to be because of too much pleasure.” He whispered.
“…Tenko-sama is-“
“It’s Satoru. Gojo Satoru, your one and only bride, Gojo Satoru.”
“You are a pervert, Satoru.” The name that I have never known nor said, rolled off my tongue so naturally.
“It’s said that a bride has to be a little lewd to please his groom.” He grinned.
“Who said that?”
“My bridal training teacher,” Satoru answered.
“Fuu,” Yae called.
“Ah.” I forgot we are still in public. I quickly straightened my back, but Satoru refused to part from me. He just put his chin on top of my head.
“Fuu, this is my bride. Let me introduce my bride to you, Geto Suguru.” Yae smiled beautifully at me. Her hand is gripping her bride’s hand.
“Suguru, you are a bride too.” Satoru cackled.
“I don’t mind being her bride.” The bang guy, Suguru chuckled lightly. “Besides, I have also attended enough bridal training classes of yours.” He nodded to himself.
“Then, Suguru is also…”
“Yep. He is a Tenko too, Black Tenko.” Satoru affirmed.
“Nice to meet you, my beautiful groom. I am Geto Suguru, pleased to be your bride.” Suguru lifted up their still intertwined hand and placed a kiss on Yae’s knuckle.
“Oh…” Blush dusted Yae’s cheeks. “I am Kurogane Yae, Fuu’s cousin. Nice to meet you, my bride.” Yae grinned.
“…” I truly couldn’t comprehend what happened in front of me right now.
“Must be running in the blood.” I heard Satoru mutter and looked up. “Why are you looking so surprised? This is how you propose to me too, Fuu. You even gave me a wedding kiss to make sure I won’t run away.” Satoru smiled.
To be honest, I didn’t know it was that weird and embarrassing at the same time. “But I am glad that you did,” Satoru said.
“Yep, really. Fuu is just too cute. You must be protected at all costs. Throughout heaven and earth, you are my one and only honoured groom. Won’t let other people have you.” Satoru smiled. “And I am your one and only little cute obedient bride.” He added cheekily.
I blink at his cute display and giggle, “Yeah, you are my cute bride.” I smiled widely.
“…” *poof* Satoru.exe crashed.
“Ah, he crashed,” Suguru commented from the side.
“So, Fuu. Should I seal it with a kiss too? I wouldn’t want other people to snatch my bride away.” Yae smiled.
“Does that actually work?” I looked at Satoru. To be honest, I didn’t think just by sealing it with a kiss, we were officially wedded.
“That works.” Satoru.exe rebooted again.
“Well, we are Gods, a little bit different from humans. We are especially strict with promises or oaths. Fuu-chan promised Satoru to take him as a bride and even gave him a token which is a kiss. And Satoru gave something back in return which means, he agreed. This essentially already bound you two as a married couple.” Suguru explained.
My small mouth takes the shape of a small ‘o’. I never thought that the fox mask held that kind of significant meaning. “I thought you gave me your dowry that time.” I giggled at my own silly thought.
“My dowry won’t be something simple like this.” Satoru grinned.
“Oh, I will be fine if you don’t have a dowry. I might be an orphan now, but I will work hard to earn money.” I said. “Just hope, your family won’t hate me for being an orphan.” I gave him a wry smile. “God also has a family, does it?” I asked sheepishly. Granted, I don’t know much about God-related matters.
“…” Satoru blinked rapidly. “You are not allowed to work.” Satoru pouted.
“…If I don’t work, I can’t buy you things, you know,” I mumbled.
“…” Satoru.exe crashed for the second time.
“Let’s change to another place first. I do know there is one café with a private room. We can talk more over there.” Suguru chuckled at the sight of how his best friend crashed twice on the same day and not even in one-hour intervals.
We were then brought to a very high-end Japanese restaurant and were placed in a VIP room. The room with the most beautiful view of the garden. We have been holding hands from start to finish and didn’t even notice it due to how natural it was. The four of us sit in a pair, each pair sitting opposite each other.
“Satoru?” I called to the Tenko whose soul hasn’t come back yet.
“Fuu’s responsibility is only to eat and play.” He suddenly said.
“Eh?” I blinked.
“Oh, he came back.” Suguru leisurely commented while feeding Yae, while Yae was in bliss.
“Fuu.” Satoru looked at me with upturned eyes. “I will make you the happiest groom ever. So, you only need to look at me, okay? And, don’t worry about my family. They all like you, Fuu.”
“How can they like me even though we have never met yet?” I blinked.
“They were already dying to meet you, Fuu-chan. They want to see the cute groom who managed to take Satoru as a bride.” Suguru chuckled. “But Satoru didn’t allow them to.”
“Why? Are you embarrassed?” My tone was deflated. ‘Of me?’
“No no no. It’s not that.” Satoru shook his head vehemently. “I will never be embarrassed of you.” He said. “It’s just I don’t like it when your attention is not on me. I am your bride, so you can only look at me.” He pouted, batting his eyelashes.
“…Can I still meet your parents? At the very least, I want to thank them for letting me have you.” I smiled.
Satoru feels as if his heart was shot by a gigantic arrow, hearts run to his eyes and he swoons. ‘How can his groom be so cute like this?’ A primal need surges forth his body. Need, he needs his groom now. He needs to claim her and let himself be claimed right here, right now.
“Satoru?” I frowned and brought his hand to my cheek as I saw him not moving. Satoru then blinked rapidly before a huge smile broke on his face.
“Fuu~~~” He rubbed his cheek against mine while claiming how happy he was. ~”~
“I don’t want to separate from Fuu.” Satoru glared at Suguru as he still pasted himself to me.
“Fuu-chan and Yae need to go home.” Suguru sighed. “I also don’t want to separate from her.” Suguru groaned. Suguru had already given a pretty onyx black kanzashi (hairpin) with a fox design to Yae as a marriage token, while Yae gave him a kiss. Well, Suguru asked for it. So, according to God realm’s law, they are already married.
“I already trained to be a bride for so long, I want to show my capability to Fuu. I have also made our own house (read. love nest). I am so ready to welcome you.” Satoru whined. “Fuu, you also don’t want to leave me, do you?” Satoru looked at me with upturned eyes while batting his eyelashes.
“…I don’t… but, I don’t want to make Auntie and Uncle worried. They raised me like I am their own daughter.” I said.
“Fuu…” Satoru’s lip turned down. Somehow I can see a pair of flattened fox ears. Or maybe it’s not my imagination.
“How about this? I will ask Auntie and Uncle to see if I can stay in your house at the weekend?”
“It’s our house, Fuu.”
“Okay, our house.” I nodded happily. ‘Our house, it has a nice ring in it.’
“…Okay…” He nodded, even though he is still pouting and reluctant. “Wait… I can turn into a fox and follow you home.” Satoru suddenly said excitedly.
“Ah, you can turn into a fox. But what about school?”
“Who cares about school when I can spend my time with my groom,” Satoru whined.
“Oh… I thought…we can eat lunch together or do a study date together…. But I guess if I can spend time with Satoru, either way is fine. That’s too bad...” I smiled. Sadly, I miscalculated how sharp his hearing was, not that I knew that he heard about my soft mutter.
“I will make you lunch starting tomorrow. We can eat lunch together and we can also have our study dates.” Satoru suddenly said.
“But you said…”
“I want to fulfil all of your wishes. My bridal training teacher said a good bride will grant all of his groom’s requests.”
“Who is Satoru’s bridal training teacher anyway?” I have been meaning to ask this for some time now.
“Oh, it’s my mother,” Satoru answered easily.
“…Is…that…so…?” ~”~
Starting today, my lunch, no our lunches are being made by Satoru and Suguru respectively. So Yae and I didn’t need to wake up early anymore. Auntie and Uncle were surprised but happy at the same time that we found such caring boyfriends and were asking if they could meet them.
‘I am sorry Auntie, Uncle. Satoru is my bride, not my boyfriend. And he is Tenko-sama to boot.’
“Fuu, open your mouth. Aaaaahh~”
“Aaahh~” I was being fed by Satoru. His lunch is superb too. I wonder what kind of bridal training he went through.
“Is it delicious?” Satoru asked with a giddy smile.
“Very.” I nodded. “I can eat this forever.” ‘Oh.’ Here they are, the fox ears are coming out again, and they are twitching happily.
On the other side, Yae is also being pampered by her bride. “Yae, what kind of lunch do you want tomorrow?”
“As long as it’s Suguru cooking. I will eat it all.” Yae answered.
“Then I will do my best to cook.” Suguru smiled.
Meanwhile, my eyes are following the movement of Satoru’s ears. My hand unconsciously inching closer and closer and… ‘It’s soft.’ My hand touches his ear, rubbing and pinching it softly. Then I heard a low purr and soft pants. “Ah…” I finally noticed Satoru’s face was painted with pink blush, eyes half-lidded and hazy, softly panting and body twitching, he was also making a low purr as if urging me to continue. So I did, and a small needy whine escaped his mouth.
‘Oh, he sounds so pretty.’ When I pinch his ears a bit harder, I get rewarded with a strangled whimper.
“…Fuu-chan… you should stop before Satoru faints.” Suguru’s voice snapped me back to reality.
“Ah, sorry Satoru.” I released my hold on his ear. Satoru shakes his head and looks at me with his teary eyes. “Fuu… want more…”
“I will give a lot more in the weekend,” I promised. Satoru whines and glares at Suguru who stops his Fuu to play with him.
“You don’t want other people to see Fuu-chan pampers you, no?” Suguru smirked, and with that, Satoru pouted. ~”~
The promised weekend came much faster, but I also have been excited about spending my weekends with Satoru in our house. Uncle and Auntie gave an okay surprisingly easily. Well, they didn’t think that Yae and I were going to separate houses, did they? Though we are going to next door. Suguru also has started to redecorate his house according to Yae’s taste.
“Satoru… I can’t watch the movie.” I giggled as the Tenko kept bothering me by whining and calling my name in my ear. The two of us are cuddling on his living room sofa. I am of course sitting on my bride’s lap. He wouldn’t have it any other way. I have also changed to one of his black sweaters, I admit it’s the comfiest clothes I have ever had, and it smells nice too. And the cutest thing I got is sweater paws.
“Fuu… you should be paying attention to me…” He whined again for the umpteenth time. His hands snake inside the sweater and start tickling my stomach. I giggle while trying to get away from him.
“S…stop…” I cried.
“Pay attention to your cute bride.” Satoru pouted.
“Then… I want to see your tails and ears, please. I want to play with them.”
At the word 'play', Satoru ceased his attack and quickly let out his ears and tails. “Fuu…play with me please…” There it is again, the same expression he showed me at that lunchtime.
“Of course.” Now facing him, I touch his ears, earning myself a loud purr as his tails swish crazily.
‘So soft, I wonder if they are textured like mochi?’ *nom* I bite one of the ears softly and suck it.
I hear a sudden hitch of high-pitched voice. “Does it hurt, Satoru?” I quickly release his ear. I look at him worriedly. Instead of answering, Satoru shakes his head fervently, tears are pooling in the corner of his eyes.
“Fuu…give me more, please…” He sobbed desperately. The temperature of his body is rising, he needs his groom to play him or do whatever she wants to him. he needs it, his body needs it. it needs her attention, caress and her affection.
Satoru’s tails which have been swishing like crazy are now also rubbing themselves all over my body, softly and sensuously as if trying to coax me to play a naughty game.
“You cry so pretty, Satoru…” I muttered as I caressed his cheek.
“Mmn… Because you like me pretty, Fuu.” He gave me heart eyes.
“What do you want me to do for you, my bride?”
Another needy whine escapes lips. ‘My bride…’ Fuu just called him that… and asked him what he wanted…
“Touch me, Fuu. Play with my body, please. I want you to touch me.” He whimpered.
“Ssshh.” I put my finger on his lips. “Pretty bride shouldn’t cry,” I whispered as I licked his tears away. “Let me take care of you, yeah.”
“Mmn…please…” He nodded. My hand slip into his grey sweater, trailing up as I feel the muscles twitch deliciously from my touch. A sudden mischievous idea enters my head. I go under his sweater, giggling while licking the ridge of his abs. I hear another cute moan out of his lips and his tails are rubbing even more fervently. They even sneak themselves in between my thighs rubbing my slit. In response, I bite his nipple.
“Hagh…” Every time I did something, Satoru would keen so beautifully for me. With one nipple in my mouth, my other hand is playing with the other twin. I can’t let it feel lonely now, can I?
“Fuu… more…more…” Satoru is replaying those words religiously, it must have been a mantra at this point. My head pokes out from the sweater, coming face to face with his pale, unblemished neck. I licked my lips seeing a delicious meal being put on a silver platter for me to enjoy and gave him a stamp. A red flower stamp showing to other people that he is my bride.
Then I press my body closer to him, I know something hard is already up and has been pressing my stomach for quite some time. “Satoru, what’s that?” I giggled.
“My…thing…my thing…wants Fuu…”
“Oh?” I moved up and down, rubbing the entire length. I am essentially dry-humping now. But I don’t mind doing this if I can see my pretty bride cries prettily for me. Delicious friction and pleasure course through our bodies. “Like this?” I bit back my own moan.
“…yeah… more…” He nodded, fresh tears streaming down his eyes. His skin glistened delicately because of a sheen of sweat. I even wonder if his sweat is sweet, given he always gives out a sweet scent. To try my own theory, I lick the sweat on his neck.
“Fuu!” The sudden lick and the incessant dry humping are proofing to be a little too much for my cute bride and he came. The wetness seeps through his sweatpants and even wets my shorts.
“~~~~” Satoru used his hands to cover his face in shame.
“Fufufu…” I broke into a giggle looking at that action of his.
“Don’t worry, Satoru. It just felt that good, didn’t it?” Satoru didn’t answer.
“If this will make you feel better, I am also already so wet for you.”
“…really?” Satoru slowly lowered his hands.
“Yes.” I nodded. “So, did it feel good?”
“…yeah…” A small nod of affirmation is given to me.
“Let’s clean up and cuddle again, shall we?” His eyes brightened and he nodded furiously. ~”~
After cleaning and changing to another set of fresh clothes, including underwear, we are now cuddling again, watching some kind of horror romance movie.
The story is about a set of twins that were born in a famous onmyouji clan. Typical where the younger twin is better than the older twin but has no intention of being the head of the clan. And when the summoning ritual commenced, surprise surprise, the older twin summoned the strongest shikigami, Sichifukujin. The younger twin summoned a small field fox.
Now their position is reversed. The older twin is getting much more attention. However, the younger twin was satisfied with this outcome. All she did was play with her fox, sleep and eat.
“It looks like you, the fox I mean.”
“I am much better than a little fox.” Satoru pouted.
“Yeah, you are my cute Tenko bride.” I nodded and Satoru smiled giddily, his tails were swishing around again.
But the older twin was hurt by her shikigami comment about her younger twin being much better than her. Hurt and confused, the older twin asks the younger twin to disappear. The younger twin didn’t say much except to agree. She knows her older sister was hurt by being compared to her every time. She would also hate it if she was in her place. Thus, the younger twin leaves the clan and her last name.
With no place to stay, the younger twin was brought to a sorcerer's abode, courtesy of her small fox. The sorcerer is actually a Celestial Fox and that small fox of the younger twin was a piece of his soul.
“Oh, he is a Tenko too.” I peered up at Satoru.
Satoru growls while tightening his strong limbs around me, his tails hitting the poor sofa in anger.
“Don’t get mad, Satoru. He can’t snatch me away.” I pressed a kiss to his neck and he calmed down instantly.
“Fuu… kiss me more?” He asked shyly.
“Wait until the movie is finished.” I smiled.
The younger twin befriends the sorcerers, who are all actually Gods. The Tenko and the younger twin are getting closer day by day, enough for them to cuddle with each other. Tenko’s attitude is also more gentle and overprotective of her. The younger twin who only wishes to live happily once again is in the eye of the storm. Her older twin demands a match with her but the match ends up with the older twin losing. The moment the younger twin wins the match, she loses her family.
Strangely enough, she gained another family. The sorcerers took care of her as if she were their own. Tenko never left her side at all throughout her worst moment.
“Satoru, you will stay with me forever, right?” I asked again, this time I was actually feeling afraid.
“I am your bride, remember? I will stay beside you forever.” Satoru gave me a forehead kiss.
The younger twin finally remembers she met Tenko once and made him promise to take her as his bride.
“She should have just taken him as a bride. Not the other way around.” I smiled.
“My groom is the only one who can do it.”
“Yae too.”
“My groom and her family.” He corrected.
So, Tenko finally takes the younger twin as his bride and lives happily ever after.
“Fuu, where is my kiss?” Satoru puckered his lips.
“Oh, almost forgot.” I gave him a loud smack on his lips, giggling. “Let’s eat dinner.”
“I will prepare one for you.” Satoru quickly got to work while I was watching him. ~”~
After a few months of ‘dating’ in Auntie and Uncle’s words. They are finally going to meet our boyfriends (read. brides)
We are now in a private room in a certain high-end restaurant. Auntie and Uncle said we have to give our best, seeing how nice they were to us, their daughters. It’s 5 minutes to the designated time. Satoru and Suguru comes on time. we greet each other and sit down, well in pairs. I guess you can already guess who sits with whom.
Satoru and Suguru introduce themselves to Auntie and Uncle. Auntie and Uncle begin to talk with them on various subjects. Our brides hold our hand throughout the whole conversation. The more they talk, the more satisfied Uncle and Auntie are. Until they drop the bomb…
“Auntie, Uncle, we are here in the hope that your daughters will take us as their brides,” Suguru stated. Being the reasonable and sane person they are, Auntie and Uncle froze.
“What?” They were taken aback. “You want to take our daughters as brides? Isn’t this too early? You have just dating for a few months. Besides, Yae and Fuuka haven’t finished high school yet. I won’t allow early marriage.” Uncle huffed.
“Auntie, Uncle…” Satoru smiled. “We are not taking your daughters as brides.”
“But you just said…”
“We said we want your daughters to take us as brides. Will you give us your blessing?”
“…Come again?” Uncle blinked. His ears must heard them wrong.
“…You came to be brides instead of taking them as brides?” Auntie tried to repeat what she had heard.
“That’s correct.” Suguru nodded, smiling.
“Auntie, Uncle. I won’t take any other bride aside from Satoru.” I said.
“Me too. My bride is only Suguru.” Yae added.
“…” Auntie and Uncle are speechless at this declaration. “Let me get this straight…” Uncle started. “So you two want to marry over instead of my daughters marrying over?”
“That’s absolutely right.” Satoru nodded proudly.
“This…” What an unprecedented development. It’s not like they have never seen a son in law that marry over to the female spouse household. But usually, people from higher backgrounds won’t ever do such a thing. And they knew these two boys weren’t ordinary, yet they still wanted to be their daughters’ brides. Just what did their daughters feed them?
“We didn’t feed them anything.” I pouted.
“Did I say that out loud?” Uncle muttered.
“I know what are you thinking, Papa. Fuu and I aren’t like that.” Yae huffed.
“…Being our daughters’ brides… is not that complicated…” Auntie said. “But what about your parents? Are they fine with this arrangement? I don’t want my daughters being bullied for whatever reason after marrying you.” Auntie frowned.
“You don’t have to worry about that. Our parents have agreed about this matter. They have never met face to face, but they have communicated to each other. Our parents are overseas and it’s hard for them to get time off. They have given their blessings to us. Here, the letter they addressed for Auntie and Uncle.” Satoru gave them the letter.
“Dear in-laws,
We are very pleased about the fact that your two admirable daughters are taking our sons as brides. There is no bigger happiness than this. Your daughters have perfectly changed (read. tamed) our unruly sons into such a perfect bride. We will be forever in your debt. We are very sorry that we can’t attend such an important meeting because of a sudden emergency at work. But, there’s no need to be worried. Our sons have completed their bridal training flawlessly and will be taking good care of your daughters. Oh, there’s no need to worry about expenses too. From their livelihood to their grand wedding, we will be responsible for those expenses. We sincerely hope that your daughters are willing to take our sons as brides.
P.S. We will be hosting another dinner soon and hope in-laws can attend it.
                                                                                                            Gojo and Geto's parents.
“…” To be honest, Uncle looks like he’s having his worldview being reworked right now, while Auntie is already giggling in happiness.
“They are such nice couples. I think Yae and Fuuka won’t be bullied over there.” Auntie smiled. So, we have gotten Auntie’s approval.
“Satoru-kun… Suguru-kun…”
“Yes, Father?” They answered.
Uncle blinks a little before clearing his throat and continues, “Fuuka and Yae are my precious daughters. I truly hope for them to be happy. If they are happy with you two, I won’t take their happiness away. But promise me that you two will protect them no matter what.”
“Of course, Father.” They nodded.
“That’s good.” Uncle smiled. So, we have gotten their approval.
“Father, there is one more favour we would like to ask.” Suguru grinned.
“Yes, we would like for Fuu-chan and Yae to live with us.”
“…Come again?”
“We would like for Fuu-chan and Yae to live with us. Since we have completed our bridal training, we are capable of taking care of them. So, please let your daughters live with us.” They bowed.
“This…” Agreeing for future marriage in one thing, but…
“Why not?” Auntie smiled.
“Eh?” Uncle blinked.
“Satoru-kun and Suguru-kun have proven themselves enough. You see how they took care of our daughters’ lunches and then walked them home every day. And they have also spent weekends over there and there was no problem. Our daughters always came back satisfied and happy.” Auntie said.
“…okay… If that is my daughters’ wish.”
“Thank you, Papa, Mama/Auntie, Uncle.” We said in unison. So after the meal, we go back to the house to pack our things. Actually, Uncle is more distracting than helping. He has this kicked puppy face after being scolded by Auntie. ~”~
“Hehehe…” I giggled happily as I finally snuggled into Satoru’s arms and tails. Now that I am officially living here with him. We can do all sorts of things. There is a lot I want to do to Satoru because I want to see his pretty face. But let’s save that for later, for now, I am just happy snuggling with him.
It started with snuggling, but now, the two of us are having a hot and heavy make-out session. “fuah…” I gasped a large breath after finally separating from his soft appetizing lips. Desire burns in my eyes as I lick the drool in the corner of my mouth. Satoru’s hands are planting themselves on my hips, preventing me from getting up.
“Mmmnn~~~” I let out a small moan escaped as I feel his cock pulse beneath his sweatpants, it sends a pleasant feeling to my fold and brain. Satoru’s tails are busying themselves with going under my shirt, leaving feather touches across my exposed skin and teasing my hardened nipples by brushing ever so slightly.
“Fuu, I want you.” Satoru groaned, his voice strangled and feral. It sends a shiver down my spine in a good way. His eyes are so pretty painted by desire, it strangely makes them shine brighter.
“I want my bride too.” I bucked my hips to create more pleasant friction for both of us. Satoru’s hands and tails are pulling down my shorts and panties hastily along with a string of clear liquid. I can see and hear his audible gulp as his eyes trained on my already wet and waiting pussy, he is even drooling. “You are drooling.” I swiped his drool and licked it up.
“…Fuu… so pretty…” He purred.
“Now, it’s your turn.” I pulled down his sweatpants and boxers, just enough for his erect cock to spring out from its confinement. Some beads of precum are leaking from its pretty pink head. Satoru hisses as I wrap my hand on the base of his cock. “Let me please you okay, my bride.” I smiled and took his length in my mouth.
Satoru gasps loudly as his hands clench to fists, hard enough that the knuckles are turning white. My tongue swirls on the head, tasting his sweet precum. The rest of my hands are working on the part that didn’t fit in my mouth. Satoru is making such pretty noises for me to listen to. I can’t help but want to hear more of them. It’s natural for a groom to spoil her bride, no?
And just like that, he comes. The heavy load of his semen sprouted to the back of my throat, triggering my gag reflex, making me pull out, coughing a little, but his climax had yet to finish, so the white load of his was now painting my face and hair, then sliding down to my body.
Satoru who just came down from his high is utterly surprised by my coughing. “Ah, Fuu. Are you alright?” His hands cup my cheek as he wipes his own semen away from my eyes and nose. “I am sorry, Fuu. I didn’t mean…” He is on the verge of tears now.
“It’s okay. I am fine.” I smiled, “Don’t cry.” I patted his cheek. “You taste sweet as expected and smell nice too.” I grinned cheekily.
Satoru smiles hearing my praise. “I have to take care of all of my body for you, Fuu.” He smiled bashfully. “Now, let me take care of you, okay? It’s a bride's duty to please his groom.” Satoru placed me on the sofa and now is kneeling on the floor. But he isn’t doing anything except staring.
“Satoru…” My small needy whine snapped him back to reality.
“It’s too beautiful, Fuu. I was so entranced by it.” Satoru groaned. His hands then spread my thigh wider, so he can have a full view. “So pink, so small, so cute.” He muttered as he leaned closer. I can feel his hot breath fanning on my pussy and it’s making her drooling even more.
His nose bumps into my clit as he inhales my scent. “it’s driving me crazy.” Satoru gave me a long lick around my labia, tasting the slick covered them. “Sweet. The sweetest thing I’ve ever tasted.” He commented to himself. Satoru then gives a small pinch to my clit, sending a shock of pleasure to my body.
Hearing my mewl must have made him more confident, he takes the small puffy nub into his mouth and sucks it, while his finger is wedging itself into my entrance. A foreign object manages to get itself inside my hole, “Mmmm~~~”
Satoru starts pulling his finger out and pushes it in again slowly, and then it becomes two. After two, he pulls out all of his fingers. I whine at the empty sensation, my pussy is clenching at nothing. “Sorry, Fuu. I want to taste you like you did.” Satoru gave me a sultry smile and plunged his tongue inside.
Another gasp slips out from my mouth. My hand automatically grip his hair, pulling it, earning a growl that reverberates through my pussy. His long fluffy tails are pushing the sweater up to above my chest and some of them are playing with my nipples openly. They pinch, brushing the hardened peaks to give more stimulation.
“Nnnh!” I came and squirted all over Satoru’s face. My body is limp, waiting for my brain to come back from its high. “Satoru…?” I looked at the Tenko who was still not moving away from my thighs, for a second, I thought I suffocated him. Satoru finally lifts his head to look at me, with a dazed expression, his face and bangs are wet from my slick.
“Fuu, can I have your sweet slick in exchange for my daily sweets now? I don’t think I can eat those bland sweets now.”
“Not even my baked sweets?”
“That is a different matter. Fuu’s baked sweets were placed second. This is the first place.” Satoru licked around his mouth, trying to get my slick again.
“If you are being a good bride, I will consider it.” I giggled.
“Good bride…” His face shone with happiness. “Leave it to me, Fuu. I am the best being a cute little obedient bride.”
“I know.” I smiled. “Let’s wash up and sleep. I am a little tired.” I held out my hand, expecting him to carry me.
Satoru knows what I am expecting and scoops me into his arms, and then makes our way to the bathroom. ~”~
In the day we enjoy the life of being high school couple and at night, we enjoy the life of being a married couple. I am being spoiled rotten by Satoru, well except for bedroom matters. Today, as usual, Yae and I are waiting for Suguru and Satoru so we can go home and enjoy mofu-mofu life.
“I don’t understand why Tenko-sama wants to mingle with this lowly smelly human.” Suddenly, there is a pretty but haughty girl standing at our school’s front gate.
‘Tenko-sama?’ I blinked at her choice of words.
“This girl is not human?” Yae whispered.
“Might be.” I nodded.
“Hey you, girls over there!” She suddenly pointed at us. “How dare you two whisper about me?” She hissed. “That’s why I hate humans. They don’t know their place.” She grumbled. “You two better apologize to me!” She huffed and then suddenly narrowed her eyes. “You!” She glared at me and grabbed my hand. “Why do you have Tenko-sama’s blessing on you?!”
“Blessing? Oh, Satoru always give me-*smack*” It was too sudden and I felt a sting on my left cheek after a while.
“Hey! How dare you!” Yae roared at her.
“That’s my line, lowly human!” She roared back. “How dare you speak of Tenko-sama’s sacred name.” By this time a lot of students are watching us while whispering to each other.
“Fuu!” I heard Satoru’s voice and the sounds of footsteps came closer.
“Fuu, are you alright?” Satoru held my shoulder as he checked on me, his face worried sick and on the verge of tears. “You are hurt.” He touched my cheek and I flinched. “Ah, I am sorry, Fuu. Does it hurt? I…I will take you home now…don’t cry…” He sobbed.
“…You should be the one to stop crying…” My thumb wiped his tears.
“Tenko-sama, why are you…”
“It should be my line. What did you do?” Suguru growled at the goddess girl.
“Oh, forgive me. Black Tenko-sama, my name is Kurokawa-“
“I don’t ask what’s your name. I ask what did you do to my best friend’s spouse.” Suguru released a small part of his power. Just a small part is enough to choke the goddess girl.
“Fuu, let me see…” Satoru hiccupped. “It’s so red and swollen. Wh-what should I do?” Satoru panicked.
“Here!” Yae came back out of breath. In her hand is a cold drink. “Compress the wound to reduce the swelling.”
I let out a small hiss as the cold drink made contact with my swollen cheek.
“Te-Tenko…-sa…sama…. I…I was…”
“Let’s go back home first, Suguru. Fuu’s wound is first priority.” Satoru lifted me up.
“…That’s true…” Suguru retracted his power. “Yae.” Suguru held out his hand for Yae.
“Tenko-sa…” Satoru walked past her without even sparing a glance at her. ~”~
“Fuu…” Satoru is still crying.
“I am fine.” I tried to speak.
“No, don’t speak. What if the swelling worsens?” Satoru is worried sick. The swelling has reduced to the compress, Yae and Suguru are out buying medicine for me.
I pull out my phone and type, “Can I lay down on your tails?”
“Of course.” Satoru bloomed his tails out and formed a cushion behind him. I smile a little and lie down, pulling him with me. the two of us are now lying on his fluffy tails.
“Feel calmer?” I typed.
“…un…” He nodded. His eyes are still red and wet from crying.
“That’s good. Hug me.”
“…okay…” Satoru cutely wrapped his hands around me, making sure my swollen cheek wouldn’t be touched in any way. Suguru and Yae come back not long after with medicine and a cold medicine compress.
It was dinner and the mood was heavy. “I am fine.” I typed. “I was just a little surprised.”
“You are not fine.” Those three answered in unison. “You were hit, Fuu. How can you say you are fine.” Satoru fussed.
“That’s right. I don’t care if she is a goddess or what. How dare she hit you.” Yae hissed.
“Who is she anyway?” I typed again.
“Must be one of Satoru’s suitors. They are all pain in the ass. They don’t understand what a no means.” Suguru grumbled.
“But I don’t like her or any other person aside from Fuu,” Satoru said. “I don’t even want to see their faces.”
I let out a small smile at his indignation. But still, this really makes me aware of just how many goddesses took a liking to my bride. ‘Did Satoru…ever touch other people or goddesses aside from me…’
I know I shouldn’t be thinking about this. But I can’t help it. it was pure luck and coincidence that I made Satoru my bride. Did he even want it?
“Ah…” Tears flew down silently. Maybe it finally sinks down how hurt the slap was or the truth was… ~”~
I take a day off from school courtesy of Satoru. He wanted to make sure my wound would heal properly before I could do any other activity. I let him fuss around me, while I am mostly just zoning out. My mind can’t get out of the sinking hole of truth I dug yesterday. ‘Should I go back to Auntie… No, if I were to do that, Auntie and Uncle would get angry at Satoru, and worst even Yae wouldn’t be able to live with Suguru anymore.’ I shook my head and stopped thinking about it.
Satoru is changing his clothes to cook dinner. I might as well use this chance to clear my head outside. With that, I silently go out on my own. The swelling has vanished, my cheek just feels a little sore when opening my mouth. I take a walk near our house, trying to clear my head.
“I found you, filthy human.” The same goddess is here again. I frown, but I pay her no mind.
“Hmph! you better get through that thick skull of yours that Tenko-sama is a sacred God. He is not someone that filthy human like you could touch.” She sneered. “I know all about you. You are just a dirty pitiful orphan. Tenko-sama just pity you, that’s why he played along with your silly game.”
‘Pitiful…am I pitiful…? Ah, I guess so… I am just a pitiful orphan. Maybe that’s why Satoru is playing along with me. I am the worst, aren’t I? I selfishly make him my bride without considering his feelings…’
“Ah…” I wonder why he always shows up when I don’t want to be seen the most. “Are you…” His eyes widened. I wonder why he looks like that. There’s no need to pity a pitiful person like me.
*drip* A tear drops to the ground.
In an instant, a certain memory flashes in Satoru’s mind.
“Mama, Papa. I am sorry that I couldn’t send you off. And I think I will stay here in this world a little longer. I made a promise to Tenko-sama that I would come and pick him up as my bride when I got older. Maybe that’s why I survived. We even had our wedding kiss already. But… but… if Tenko-sama doesn’t want me anymore… *sniff*”
“Why Tenko-sama won’t want you anymore, Fuu? Isn’t he your bride? Shouldn’t a groom and a bride get through thick and thin together? Why won’t Tenko-sama want you anymore?”
“That’s because… I am now an orphan. I heard that a bride doesn’t like an orphaned groom. So, Tenko-sama might not want me anymore…”
“What will you do if Tenko-sama doesn’t want you anymore? Will you go away like Auntie and Uncle?”
“I…don’t know…I think…maybe…”
“You make her cry…. How dare you… How dare you make my Fuu cry!” Satoru snarled his tails and ears out. Powerful gusts sweep through the place. How weird, all I feel is just a breeze blowing peacefully.
“Don’t you dare open your filthy mouth.” Satoru growled. “The sin you have committed against my groom is unforgivable. I don’t care what kind of goddess you are. To me you are just an ant, no you are even beneath the lowest life form in the human realm. You dare hurt my Fuu and make her cry, then I will make you suffer the consequences. I will make your soul perish from God's realm. Your existence itself will vanish. Now, perish.” With a snap of his fingers, a ball of purple was formed and heading straight to the goddess.
“No, Tenko-sama! I am sorry! I-“ The purple ball completely annihilated the goddess and everything on its path.
“Fuu.” Satoru rushed to my side. “Why are you crying, Fuu? Please, don’t cry. I don’t like seeing you cry.” Satoru is sobbing.
“Satoru…am I pitiful?” My hoarse voice asked. “Did you play along to be my bride because I am a pitiful orphan? If that’s the case then…”
“No!” He cut me off loudly. “I am not playing with you! I didn’t play with you because you are a pitiful orphan! And you are also not a pitiful orphan! You might have lost your biological parents, but your uncle and auntie had become your second parents, and my parents also have considered you as their child. You are not pitiful at all, Fuu.” Satoru is full-blown crying now.
“You are a strong girl. A strong and gentle-hearted girl. Fuu is, Fuu is my one and only groom. I don’t care what other people say, I only want Fuu. If…If Fuu doesn’t want me anymore. I…I will kill myself.”
“NO!” A loud voice echoed. It took a while to realize it was my own voice. “You can’t do that!” I hiccupped. “If you die, then I…” I wailed. “Idiot! Satoru is an idiot! I hate you!!!”
“I am sorry, Fuu. Please don’t cry.” He panicked. “I won’t say stupid things anymore. Please don’t cry.” Satoru pulled me into a hug with his tails nuzzling themselves on me to calm me down. “I am sorry, Fuu.”
“Satoru, what happened?” Suguru and Yae ran to us.
“Fuu, are you alright?” Yae asked worriedly and then froze when she saw me crying.
“Yae?” Suguru blinked at his lover’s sudden stillness.
“Who dares to make you cry? Is it Satoru? Should I kill him now?”
“N…no…. It’s not Satoru…” I answered weakly.
“I see. It’s that goddess.” Suguru nodded to himself. He seems to have realized what happened here.
“Where is she? I will-“
“She is gone forever, Yae,” Suguru said.
“Gone forever? As in not going to show her bitchy face up anymore?”
“Yes. That’s right. We will let Satoru explain tomorrow. Let’s give some space for them, okay.”
“…okay…” Yae nodded. “But I expect an explanation tomorrow.” ~”~
“…nnh…ah…” A lewd whimper came out of my mouth continuously as a naked me was pinned between a soft bed and Satoru's warm naked body. His tails are pining my hands and legs to prevent me from doing anything. My nipple was in Satoru’s mouth while the other was being played with his tail.
His fingers are invading my hole, thrusting in and out in a rhythm and sometimes his thumb pad will press on that little bundle of nerve that sends my body into a shocking pleasure. “Fuu is mine. I won’t let anyone touch you. I won’t let you go.” He released my nipple with a pop and went straight to my mouth. His kisses are rougher than usual, but I really like them.
“Satoru…” I looked at him, pleading.
“Yeah, I will make you feel good.” He licked my lips. “My cute groom only deserves the best.” He grinned. “Lay on your stomach for me, love.” He whispered, his voice tender and loving.
“…okay…” I lay on my stomach. Satoru put a pillow under my stomach to make it more comfortable for me. I raise my hip, I know what he is getting at. I can feel Satoru’s warm chest behind me, and his pulsing cock on my fold.
Satoru then slowly rubs his pulsing cock between my thigh. The two of us sigh at the much-needed contact. My slick drips on his cock, making it slimier and easier to grind. Satoru started slow as if he was afraid to hurt me, but it was too slow to my liking so, I tried to take the matter on my own and grind it a little harder and faster. Fortunately, Satoru’s learning ability is considered the best. He gets the idea and sets the same pace as I would like.
We are not going all the way since we promised Auntie and Uncle to save it until marriage. But desperate matter calls for desperate countermeasure. I want to feel all of Satoru, skin to skin, not like the usual light petting or oral sex. Satoru’s pants sync with mine. His hands are fondling my breasts while sucking my neck.
“…more…like that…yeah…” I gasped.
“Ah…Fuu… I am close…” His hands on my breasts tightened.
“…me too…” Satoru’s thrust becomes sloppier and faster, chasing our release. And it happened, my slick gushed out, creaming his pretty cock, while Satoru’s load shot out and I heard him let out a strangled moan of bliss. We collapsed on the bed, feet tangling. I shudder when I feel his warm sticky semen touch my lower body.
“Fuu… did you feel good?” He whispered in my ear
“I am glad.” I could feel Satoru smile. The two of us lay down for a little longer before getting up to clean. Of course, Satoru is going to wash me. He is my cute little obedient bride who likes to please me after all. ~”~
After the goddess incident, Satoru told me that we should get married quickly so those annoying pests would back off. Suguru appears to be in agreement. He said if Yae was left too long, he wondered how many people would attach themselves to her.
“But Auntie and Uncle will only allow us to get married after finishing high school.” I blinked.
“No worries. We are going to get married in God Realm. Uncle and Auntie won’t know.” Satoru giggled.
“And there’s no worry about the time. It’s summer vacation now. We can tell them we are going overseas to meet our parents. And also to discuss the upcoming family dinner.” Suguru added.
“Let me call them first.” Yae dialled their number and told them about our upcoming ‘overseas’ trip and they agreed. Seems like Auntie and Uncle really like their in-laws now. Recently Auntie and Uncle’s life is going smoothly. According to Satoru and Suguru, their parents pull some strings about it.
‘God Realm. I wonder if Satoru’s family will like me?’ To be honest, I am quite scared. Even though we did communicate with each other, but we never met face to face. I am afraid that they will find me lacking after seeing me.
“What are you thinking about, Fuu?” Satoru took a seat beside me and pulled me to his lap.
“Your family.”
“What about my family?”
“I am scared that they will find me lacking after seeing my appearance,” I said.
“Silly Fuu. God didn’t only judge by appearance. Well, there are some gods that only like beautiful things. But I only like Fuu. No other human or goddesses or gods can be compared to you. You see how my mom cried in happiness when you two talked to each other. It’s not a fake.”
“Yep. Well, you will see it soon. They are already thanking gods that I was taken as a bride you know. They even wondered if I saved a planet in my last life or something.”
“But you are also god, along with your family.”
“Exactly.” He nodded solemnly and I broke into a giggle.
“Well, if it’s Satoru, I guess you really did save a planet or something in your last life.” I laughed.
“Oh? Why is that?” He cocked his brow, a playful smirk on his lips
“Because Satoru is the strongest.”
“Mmh, I am the strongest because I have you, Fuu.” Satoru then leaned in for a kiss. ~”~
“Welcome to God Realm.” The moment we opened our eyes after stepping through a door-like portal. We are greeted by blooming wisteria. The petals are flying around, creating a petal storm due to the breeze.
“Wisteria flower…” I gaped in awe. Wisteria flower is always my favourite, well, there’s also because it smells like Satoru.
“Wisteria are the symbol of Gojo Clan.” Suguru explained.
“Then, what about Suguru’s?” Yae asked.
“Unfortunately, my family standing’s is not as big as Gojo's.” He shrugged nonchalantly and it didn’t sit right with us.
“Plum.” Yae suddenly said.
“Plum blossom.”
“Yep. A flower blooms in winter. While other flowers are blooming in spring, only plum blossom is brave enough to bloom in the middle cold winter, just like Suguru.” I giggled.
“Yes.” Yae nodded.
“…Thank you, Yae, Fuu-chan.” An affectionate smile adorned his face.
“Fuu.” I felt someone lean his weight on me along with a pouting voice.
“Why are you paying so much attention to Suguru? I am your bride, Fuu.” Satoru pouted.
“I just don’t like how Suguru said like he was nothing.”
“Well, I understand but…”
“Wisteria really suits you, Satoru. Not only in colour and smell. Wisteria flower has a strong root that is not easily shaken. It’s alike with how stubborn you are sometimes. They bloom in spring but sometimes will bloom again in summer. Just like how you surprise people.” I giggled.
“…That’s actually a pretty accurate description of Satoru.” Suguru chuckled.
“Fuu…” Satoru has long been converted to hearts eyes, “My Fuu is the best!!! She understood me the most!!!” Satoru started fangirling.
“Let’s go greet your parents first and then I can take Yae to greet mine,” Suguru called. We walk for a short while, in fact, we are already in Gojo clan territory, but there is some distance to the actual mansion.
“I am back!” Satoru announced like that to the gatekeeper.
“Satoru-sama and Suguru-sama, welcome…” They stopped short when they saw us and then. “It’s an emergency!!!! Satoru-sama and Suguru-sama brought their grooms!!!!!” The whole gods in the mansion paused whatever activities they were doing and then there was chaos. The whole mansion was in chaos, some were busy preparing rooms, and meals and some even called Suguru parents here.
Then we were led to where their parents were waiting. I need to compose myself bef- “We are coming in.” Satoru casually announced. There goes my last chance, I pout at Satoru.
Inside the room, there are two couples. One couple has black hair, they must be Suguru parents. They look alike and the other pair has black hair and white hair. “Oh my.” The woman with black hair and white hair exclaimed at the same time.
“Good day.” Yae and I greeted. The two women stood up, they took each of us and then began to size us up and down, front and back.
“Satoru.” The white-haired woman, who is definitely his mother called.
“Did you save a planet in your last life?” His mother asked with disbelief. “How come such a cute girl wants you?”
“Mother, that’s rude.” Satoru huffed.
“That’s correct. You two were the unruliest brats I have ever seen. I always lament when will my son get a bride and I even suspect that the two of you are dating instead.” The black-haired woman, Suguru's mother commented.
“Auntie, your imagination is really wild.” Satoru sweatdropped.
“Mother…” Suguru sighed.
“But well, turned out you two are not suitable to be grooms. You two are more suited to be brides instead. It’s all thanks to Yae-chan and Fuu-chan.” Satoru’s mother said that as she rubbed her cheek to mine. “I can’t believe I got such a cute girl to be my in-laws. To be my unruly son’s groom to boot. Must be the good karma accumulated by family.”
“Ah, Mother, don’t hog Fuu.” I was pulled and embraced by Satoru instead.
“Now you two, get out.” They were kicked out just like that. “We are going to talk about weddings with the grooms. Brides have no say in this. Go and be useful or something.”
“Now, there are no more interruptions, we can talk slowly.” The two women smiled while the men sighed just sighed in defeat.
The two women launch in wedding tirade. It has been decided that Yae and my weddings will happen at the same time. it will be a super grand wedding to show that their useless unruly sons finally become brides. They, Satoru and Suguru’s parents already treated us as part of the family. It was fun spending time with them. ~”~
“What’s wrong, Satoru?” I looked at the lump of futon that miraculously produced a crying voice.
“Fuu…” The lump of futon turned to me, exposing the crying Satoru.
“Why are you like that.” I giggled and sat down.
“I didn’t get to spend time with you. Even though I am your bride.” He cried as he buried his face in the crook of my neck.
“There there.” I patted his head. “Your and Suguru family are nice. I like them. I am glad that they like me too.”
“Silly, Fuu. What did I tell you, my family likes you very much. So much that they even kicked their son out.”
“The wedding… I am excited about it.” The two of us lay on the futon, holding hands.
“I am too. Can’t wait to be Fuu’s bride. So we can play much more…on the bed.” He giggled like a girl.
“Perverted Satoru.” I mumbled.
“I am your pervert, Fuu.”
“I know.” I nodded and giggled. ~”~
The news of the weddings spread like wildfire. It’s no secret that Satoru and Suguru are the most wanted bachelors in God Realm. There are three reactions because of this news. The first reaction is cry from the heartbroken faction, the second is the joy from the single gods, and the last is the surprise of gods who are wondering which goddess managed to get ahold of them.
So, Gojo mansion’s entrance is always full of curious gods and goddesses. Thanks to Satoru’s mother's foresight, Suguru and his parents moved in for a little while to avoid the ruckus. Inside the mansion, every single servant is busy to help with the wedding. Yae and I offered to help but were told to enjoy all the delicacies that would be put out at the wedding, whereas Suguru and Satoru were worked like labour horses.
These two brides of ours apparently will cry every night after being bullied the whole day by their parents and will ask to be spoiled by us, their grooms. Yae and I did mostly nothing, just eat, do fitting and then that’s it. So we spend time with their fathers instead. They are teaching us the common sense of gods or the wedding customs.
After a full week of preparation. The day of the wedding is near. But there’s a slight commotion before our grand wedding. Remember the girl goddess that was pulverized back then? Apparently, we caught wind of them going to do something at the wedding. The whole clan is angry? No, they are furious. The mothers and sons plus Yae combi especially. They are practically grinding their teeth. They are even more furious about how dare they pick on me rather than how dare they want to ruin our wedding.
So, the Gojo clan are pulling strings. When Gojo moves, someone else is going to suffer a natural disaster. The victims are the girl goddess’ family. The husband cheating scandal is exposed. So, it has become a domestic violence show now. Gojo clan left enough traces to be identified and at the same time, a rumour about what their daughter did to me was spread. So, the whole God Realm is now aware of the fact that the Gojo bride (read. groom) was not someone to be touched.
The wedding day is finally here. We had to get up early to prepare. The previous night we slept in a separate room because of this and Satoru was howling as if we were saying goodbye forever. It was quite hard to appease him.
“Satoru, just be patient for tonight. After tomorrow, we won’t ever sleep separated again.”
“Nooooo!!!” He refused to part from me. His hug tightened instead.
“Be good, Satoru. You want to be a good bride, no? A little cute obedient bride that will do his utmost best to please his groom.”
“…yes…” Pink tinted dusted his cheeks. Satoru really likes the idea of being a bride. Just the word bride sent him on edge like this. I wonder how should I use this later.
“Be good and tomorrow I will reward you, okay, my cute bride?”
“Yes… my groom.” He smiled shyly while babbling about being a cute little obedient bride.
“Good.” I kissed his cheek and that’s how I appeased him.
Yae and I are dressed in hakama instead of the white wedding kimono. Well, we are the grooms and the brides will be the ones who wear the white wedding kimono. As grooms we have been waiting in the ceremonial hall, waiting for the entrance of the brides.
The brides, wearing white wedding kimonos with white veils covering their faces, walk slowly from the entrance to their respective grooms. After the brides settle down, the servants put a tray with a bottle of alcohol and wine cups. We are going to perform sakazuki to finish the ceremony.
We link our hands and drink the sakazuki. I can see Satoru is giddy and blushing. To be honest, the grand wedding only consists of Gojo clan and Suguru family along with a few trusted clans. Well, lo and behold, they were surprised to see Suguru and Satoru being the brides instead of us. This piece of news will spread through every corner of God Realm tomorrow. The news that Gojo Satoru and Geto Suguru, the most eligible bachelors in God Realm are being taken as brides.
Well, that’s for tomorrow, as for now…
“Fuu… no, husband, come here now, I am very lonely.” Satoru who’s lying sideways on a red futon, in the newly decorated wedding room, wearing a messily worn sleep kimono, his legs and chest are exposed. The man is batting his eyelashes while trailing his hand up his thigh, inviting me.
“…” I blinked and then an amused smile spread on my lips. I feel like making him cry already. I walk closer, blow the candles, straddle his lap and give him a deep kiss.
“…Fuu…” A needy whine came out from that pretty mouth.
“Good night, Satoru.” I slipped back into the futon.
Satoru’s jaw visibly drops to the ground. “Fuu… husband…” He didn’t know what to say. His Fuu would really sleep just like this? Leaving him hanging for more? His dick is already hard and he is sure it can’t be appeased no matter what, it has to be Fuu. So why does his groom go to sleep without doing anything on their first night?!!!
“Aren’t you going to sleep, my bride?” I asked in an amused tone.
“Fuu~~~” Satoru cried. “Don’t be mean~~~~”
“Because you are pretty when you cry,” I answered.
“…Oh…” His cheeks are painted with that blush again. “Should I cry more often?”
“Mmm… Cry only for me.” I nodded.
“Hu…husband…please help your cute little obedient wife.” He used a coquettish tone.
“What do you need my help for, my cute bride?”
“Th…this…” Satoru lifted his kimono shyly, showing his angry, erect pink cock.
“Oh, what a pretty cock you have, my wife.”
“Please… want…want to please you so much…” Satoru sobbed.
“How do you plan on doing that?”
“Want to put this into Fuu’s cute pussy.” He batted his eyelashes.
“And then?”
“And then… gonna cum a lot in Fuu. I want babies with Fuu.” The more he talked, the more feral he became, his eyes also turned into slits, tails and ears came out.
“Satoru, my cute bride,” I called and there it was, the twitch of his body which reacted to that word. “Prostrate yourself to me.”
Satoru’s blush deepens as he looks at me with heart eyes. “…yes…your cute bride will prostrate himself to you…” And he did. After shedding off his kimono, stark naked, Satoru prostrated himself in front of me, in complete submission.
“You are so good for me, my cute bride.”
“Mmmnh~~ I want to make you happy.” He panted.
“Yeah, you make me so happy, Satoru. So, I will also make you happy.” I lifted his chin and gave him another kiss, this time it was full of passion, desire and vigour.
Now straddling Satoru on the futon, the two of us are mapping each other bodies. Sloppy open-mouth kisses everywhere, leaving wet patches here and there and a lot of pretty blooming red flowers.
“Fuu… can’t hold it anymore. Want to be inside you now.” Satoru begged. His throbbing cock that pressed against my stomach did nothing but make me wetter than I already was.
“Okay, pretty bride. Let’s make you feel good.” I touched my forehead to his. And then, lift myself a bit so my fold entrance is right above his waiting cock. I slowly lower myself, letting his shaft stretch everything inside me. “…ugh…” my brain is giving me a pain signal.
“Fuu…” Satoru is more worried about me.
“Don’t worry…” I gritted my teeth. It took a while but, it’s finally all in. I let out a relieved breath as I rested my head on his chest.
“You did good, Fuu.” Satoru kissed my forehead, eyelids, nose and lips, whispering sweet nothing to my ears while waiting for the pain to go away. His tails are nuzzling me to distract myself from pain.
“It’s okay now.” I peered up at him.
“Are you sure?” I gave him a nod. “I will help you move now.” He chuckled as his strong hands slowly moved my hip up and down. There was a slight pain for a moment but then it turned into a pleasure. A huge wave of pleasure. Maybe because the pleasure was too much for both of us, we came pretty quickly. Both of us laugh at our silly blunder.
“Hehehe, Satoru, hands.” My cute obedient bride Satoru innocently gave me his hands. I put the discarded obis to a much nicer use. One is for tying his hands, the other one is for his blindfold. Then I push Satoru down gently back to the futon.
Satoru soft cock inside me is hardening once again. The excitement he felt must have awakened it once again. I giggle at the thought, but who am I to say? Because I also feel excited. It’s exciting to play Satoru, to make him cry prettily, to make him beg and to make him drunk of my body.
I start my own rhythm, it’s now only for my pleasure, not my bride. Because my cute bride will want my pleasure first and foremost. I can’t deny his request now, can I? And of course I am also not cruel enough to ignore my cute bride’s pleasure. You see how pretty he moans because I pinch his nipple. “Sing more for me, Satoru.”
“Ah…yes…I…ah…will…” Satoru’s tails are swishing like crazy while trying to nuzzle my body again. My body is already like their playground. They knew the ins and outs of it. My pussy flutters as I move up and down, swallowing the cock whole. “Satoru, your cock fits in snuggly inside me.”
“Yes…this cock…is…made for…Fuu…” He panted, due to his sealed eyes, his sense of touch became even more sensitive. I can feel every twitch, every shudder of his muscle. They just make me have an easier time finding the sweet spot my cute bride has. Before dawn arrived, I will make sure to remember them all.
“Satoru, we are going to play until I remember all your sweet spots, okay?” With just that one sentence, Satoru is finished. Thick cloudy semen shot into my womb like a torrent. I shiver at the pleasant feeling of being filled. But, not yet, I haven’t come yet. And I still want to play.
“You came already, Satoru?” I giggled.
“Sorry…I am sorry…sorry, Fuu…” He sobbed.
“It’s okay. I am not mad at you. How could I be mad at my cute bride.”
“…yeah…I am Fuu’s cute bride.” He babbled with a silly smile.
“Yep. So you can go one more time for me, right?”
“Good. Satoru, you are really my cute bride.” I giggled. ~”~
A small accident happens where Fuu is turned into a child opening a gift. Now with only memories and a body of 5 years old, Fuu is still trying her best to make her bride happy.
“…Where is this?” I blinked. I have never seen such a beautiful house.
“Fuu, what happe…ned…?” A very beautiful person with white hair and pretty blue eyes called my name.
“…Tenko-sama?” I muttered. Somehow, I know this person before me is Tenko-sama, the one who I had taken as a bride not long ago. “Why is Tenko-sama here? Didn’t I promise you I will come and pick you up when I am bigger and older?”
“That’s because I love Fuu so much that I came to pick you up first.” My bride sat in front of me, giggling, but I frowned. “Fuu?” He looked worried.
‘Hmmm…what should I do now? I still haven’t collected enough money to buy my bride things. I wonder if there are some works that can be done here.’
“Fuu… do you not like me anymore?” My bride looked like almost wanted to burst into tears.
“Oh, it’s not like that.” I shook my head. “Don’t cry. A pretty bride shouldn’t cry.” I wiped his tears. “Wait for me here for a moment, okay?”
“Okay…” He nodded. Now that my bride has stopped crying, I need to do my part as a groom. I roamed around the mansion, asking for some work in the hope I could make some money, but the mansion’s people didn’t even give me work except to gush about how cute I was. I just want to earn some money for my bride.
“Fuu, why are you sulking?” My bride is now accompanying me to enjoy the garden of wisteria, with tea and snack.
“I am not.” I shook my head.
“I know you are. You are my groom. It’s a natural thing that I know this as your bride.” My bride giggled.
“…I just want to make some money by working around here, but nobody wanted to give me work.” I sniffled. “I know I am just a little kid… but…”
“Why do you want money so much, Fuu? I can give you some.” My bride frowned.
“No, I want to earn some by myself. Because…”
“Because I want to buy you pretty things,” I said. “A groom must buy pretty things for her bride to keep him happy. If I can’t even do this, I am a failure as a groom.”
Gojo Satoru died of heart failure that day and was revived after being called by his groom.The news soon spread through the mansion and then strangely, everyone suddenly gave me work to do. I am happy because I can earn money now. ‘Hehehe, after this I should take my bride out shopping. He can pick what he likes, I get a lot of money after all.’
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tnypuppy · 2 months
satoru who is in heaven with the way you ride him!!!
cw: fem!reader, p in v, creampie, riding gojo satoru, cervix bumping! mdni!
"fuuuuuck." his head was being thrown back into a plush pillow as his long, slender fingers gripped harshly onto your hips. a groan getting ripped from his throat as his watery blue eyes watched the way your tits jiggled with each bounce you made on his cock.
"m' i doing good?" your sweet voice was whimpering out to him; dizzying him as your sweeter cunt was swallowing his cock to the brim, heavy tip bumping up against your cervix. satoru's dick was practically drenched with a mixture of your slick and his precum, all the way down to his balls that would twitch, begging to be drained.
"it's great. so so so good. you're doing so good." satoru's groans were almost pathetic as his fingers were imprinting soft red crevices onto your hips. you felt so fucking good around him, gooey and steaming cunt giving his dick such a nice and tight hug :(( !!
if there was any time he could just drop and die, he wouldn't complain if it was in this moment. the way you were gripping him, pussy getting tighter when you'd bounce straight down onto him; a nasty wet slap noise accompanying the action each time, he already felt like he died and went to heaven with how amazing it felt. he was infatuated with the fact you were holding on this long for him, wanting him to cum first.
"ahh- shit shit." there he went, whimpering again as he started to lift his ass up from the bed to buck his cock into you even deeper than both of you imagined. you spoiling him with the satisfaction and pleasure of you bouncing on his dick like a cum-hungry bunny is close to ending with you getting spoiled back; with his cum being shot deep into your weeping pussy! <3
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s4turn-ly · 4 months
"I need to catch up"
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cowgyaru · 6 months
I just noticed the DILFS are officially extinct in JJK
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rinhaler · 10 months
ur stepdad!gojo and uncle nanami fic got me feeling things so much so i felt the need to go into anon to confess bc im just so feral for this idea LMAO
ik ur not taking requests, and this isnt really a request but i just wanna leave this here as a lil tidbit or lil scenario bc ur fics had my mind running and i have nowhere to put it, and you can do with it as you wish, but here:
reader being a camgirl as a way to earn extra money to buy nice shit (should be paying for school but lmao) ofc, this doesnt go unnoticed by stepdaddy gojo and uncle nanami. They question where youre getting the money to buy all this cute shit, and ofc u make up an excuse, but they dont buy it.
gojo or nanami, could be either one, stumble upon your little…. “operation” one night, totally by accident while trying to get their rocks off.
they confront you about it, and perhaps they both tag team you at the same time while youre “working”, on camera for all to see. and you make SO MUCH MONEYfrom just that one night 👀
do with this as you will, just felt the need to drop this here hehe >:3
-simp anon 🐚🩷🍬
when i tell u when i first got this ask my jaw was on the FLOOR
I honestly don't know which idea I like better? The thought of them both accidentally coming across you doing a show and perving over it is so hot. Maybe Nanami finds it first and doesn't immediately tell your step daddy. He has to jerk off to it first?? He's a little taken aback by how confident you are considering how shy and seemingly innocent you are in person.
And I know Gojo is going to be teasing Nanami about being on a cam girl site.
"How did you find this, huh, Nanami?" completely winding him up with a smirk on his face that Nanami just has to ignore.
You aren't live when he shows your step daddy. He just shows him your profile. They both act clueless when you get home from college, saying your hellos and goodbyes as you go up to your room to study. (meanwhile you're actually just doing your makeup and picking what lingerie to wear to your stream).
They both hang out in the kitchen until your mother goes to bed, telling her they're just having a nightcap before her dear brother hits to road.
And then you're live, the audio playing quietly as you perform. Gojo is so surprised to see you like this but he just can't ignore the tent he feels forming in his pants.
They decide to interrupt your little show, and your viewers take note of how good your acting is! Plus the whole step-cest angle is really hot.
You make the most money you've ever made thanks to them double stuffing you and pumping you with so many loads you can barely see straight 💗
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incorrectjjkquotes · 4 months
Gojo, texting: Would you rather punch a cactus or kick updog? Shoko: What’s a cactus Utahime: What’s a cactus Nanami: What’s a cactus
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merculuros · 6 months
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Gojo: *beats the crap out of Sukuna sending him through building*
Sukuna: Oh. Oh, wow 😻 did you guys just see what my wife did 😻 he is so strong 😻
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Summary: Life leads you to treacherous roads after deciding to enter the dangerous life you knew well not to follow.Having gojo by your side inviting you deeper and deeper into all that’s wrong in the world, inciting you to be selfish and carefree wasn’t supposed to be to your liking, so why do you shiver with adrenaline every time he decides to be the devil on your shoulder?
Contents: Mafia boss gojo x secretary reader.(civilian au ig)
-Secret crush!!
-Yandere Gojo.
Gojo being an egocentric bitch! Wealthy gojo! X no nonsense reader.
Warnings: Simp Gojo ig, trigger warning if you’re not interested in anything mafia related. The narration of this story is inspired by Latin and Asian mafia.
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
The car was slightly quiet, besides Gojo’s occasional replies to his phone call. The chauffeur seemed to have his mouth taped shut, only focusing on taking you to the warehouse where your boss's jets are stored.
The 3 a.m. breeze passing through the window and kissing your face is starting to make your cheeks cold to the touch. The night’s temperature makes you kind of regret your outfit choice, but what could you say? Leaving the drugs and mafia behind, it was your first time visiting China! You were so excited for every new experience there was to offer. You may be there on a “business trip,” but considering all your expenses are paid, you might as well make it memorable. That led you to go all out when choosing the first outfit you’d wear when flying private. Your chest was adorned by a burgundy sleeveless turtleneck top, a black miniskirt that hugged your waist, and some below-the-knee leather-heeled boots that combined with your top.
You quickly shook the regret away. Your priority is to progress on this week's worth of work, taking advantage of the current free time you have. Your soft fingertips quickly tapped the warm computer resting on your thighs. Unbeknownst to yourself, the tall figure with fluffy white hair scratched his undercut with one hand while the other lazily held the phone close to his ear. He couldn’t help but dare to take a peek at your smooth legs. He tried to contain himself, which he really did, but his eyes couldn’t help but wander up your thighs. The phone call is now long forgotten, only working as a background nose for his shameful fantasy, where he lies his head on your cushiony, soft thighs while your long nails trace figures along his scalp.
-“Whatcha looking at doesn’t like my outfit or what?”-You question catching him off guard after finally noticing his burning stare.
Gojo’s eyes widened in surprise, but his ego wasn’t going to let him keep quiet and possibly seem embarrassed in front of you or anyone. So he quickly fixed his posture and struck back.
-“Are those the boots I gave you for Christmas? It's the first time I’ve seen you wear them. They don’t look completely hideous on you.”
Gojo thanked whatever god still had mercy on him for giving him the perfect excuse to look your way.
-“It is the first time I’m wearing them!!! How did you notice?” - You giggled at him shamelessly, flashing him your pearly whites. How could you do this to him? Now he wanted to buy every pair of boots in the world just to see your smile as you showed them off to him and blushed at him.-“ I wish I was as easily observant as you. You’re once again correct. I just wanted to save them for a nice event.”
-“You've never been on a plane before?"
-“Not a private one.”
Poor you.
So your first time is going to be with me, huh? How sweet.” Gojo joked proudly, wearing a smug smile.
You threw some sticky notes at his head that you had in your purse, to which he just responded with a low and slow cackle.
The chauffeur looked back in surprise, wondering how you still had all your extremities together after disrespecting the boss like that.
You now rest your chin on the window as you approach the warehouse. After passing various checkpoints with armed men in the middle of nowhere, you finally arrive at his warehouse.
Geto ordered around the employees as they packed something onto the jet. You couldn’t continue snooping since one of your guards opened the door to signal you to leave the car.
As you get off, you feel the rough concrete make friction with your boots. As you start to explore the view, you see like five warehouses surrounding the pathway. As your assistants grab the luggage in the trunk, you look around for familiar faces.
You promptly see your boss appear from the side of the train and shortly walk over to you. 
-“Ladies first.” -He points with his head to the open silver jet door.
You glance back at him in a distrusting manner and soon head into the aircraft. The cabin smelled sterile, the hallways were wide and decorated with cashmere white seats adorned by cedar walls with floating tables and big round windows to your side was a twin bed with feathery pillows and cushiony covers.
-“Can i sleep here? If I fall asleep right now, I might avoid jet lag.” - You ask this question while settling down on the bouncy bed, you avoided giving any compliments to your boss, you didn’t want to seem easily surprised by his extravagant wealth.
-“Tired already? I thought you wanted to spend the night with me.”-He banters as usual.
-“As if you could offer me a good night.”- You joke back, and he simply raises an eyebrow.-“I’m feeling a little groggy, but if you need me up, I’ll be charging you a nighttime fee in USD of course, since we are traveling internationally.”
Gojo opens his mouth to respond but is shortly interrupted by his godmother.
-“Gas tanks are full; flights starting in 5.”-Comments the raven head while serving himself and Gojo a cup of whiskey from the bar.
-“Want some?” -He asks, looking toward your direction.
-“It’s 3 a.m.; what type of question is that? Pass the bottle, bro.”-You respond while tying your hair for a fun night.
Your knocked-out body is seen slugging on the before mentioned bed, neck in a creepy pose and your cheeks painted red. Your skirt is slightly riding up on your thighs,barely noticeable to the untrained eye,but still too much for Gojo's liking.
Gojo and Geto are sitting down in the seats in front of you, enjoying the spectacle of your drunken self. They’re still completely sober from their third glass of whisky.
Gojo takes his phone out and is about to take a picture until Geto grabs his hand.
-“Better not; what if she gets mad and fucks up our taxes.”- His best friend intervenes.
Gojo quietly nods and reincorporates himself into his seat, spreading his legs as far as possible , sliding his Ferragamo shoes across the carpet to touch your boots with the tip of his footwear.
After strutting back into the cabin from speaking with the pilots in the cockpit,Geto  let’s gojo know that they’re landing in Sanduzhen in about an hour, just to later disappear into one of the rooms on the jet. Meanwhile, Gojo is still staring at your freshly run-over deer pose.
You look so uncomfortable.
You may even wake up with neck pain.
He wasn’t very content with the thought of you waking up hungover and with neck pain.
He sat up and looked around to see if anyone was looking at him, then strategically hooked his arm under your knees while grasping your arms with the other hand. Once he had you in a bridal position, he crouched down a bit and grabbed your leather purse to later stand back up again. He was so tempted to just stand there and hold you in his arms like a big baby and feel your hot breath tickle his neck, but he recognized you both have a busy day ahead of you, so he simply had to ignore your sweet cotton candy perfume and lay you to rest. He swiftly headed to the back of the cabin, where his bedroom is located, to next effortlessly open the door and shut it behind himself.
He laid your limp body cozily on the comforter, and he then proceeded to carefully sit on the bed while side-eyeing you to see if you would flutter your eyes open and catch him red-handed. Once he confirmed you were out like a light, he gently unzipped your boots and put them aside to then cover you with the thickest, softest blanket he could find.
He just as carefully stood up and was just about to walk off and do whatever shady shit he usually does when he realized he deserved a treat for being such a gentleman, right?
He crouched down to your face level and took his big, cold, and scarily pale hand and tamed the wild hairs that cover your face. His pointer finger then started to trace all your factions. He could feel his cheeks burn as your soft skin met with his finger tips. As if he weren’t already testing the limits of his self-control, his gaze faltered at the sight of your pink, rosy lips, slightly agape. He was better than this; he knew better than to fantasize about locking lips with his secretary. But he needed to get something out of it, something that was worth the agony he experienced at the thought that he couldn’t just lay next to you and cuddle away the cold, something worth his jagged breaths as he tried to ignore your intoxicating scent or worth making him hate himself as he acted like a teenage boy around you, like he wasn’t beheading some messengers from a rival gang then sending some of their parts to their boss and their families.
So he said, Fuck it, and submerged his head between your neck and hair as he inhaled your essence. After getting drunk on your scent, he backed off and planted a chaste kiss on your bare shoulder. He wishes to plant many more, but one is all he can afford for the moment.
Then he decided to finally leave before doing anything crazy, and to his luck he managed to withdraw from his room a few minutes before Geto left his own.
-“Yeah?” The white-haired man replied, concealing his previous high adrenaline rush.
-“Do you think she’ll find out?”
After his best friend muttered that sentence, every drop of joy drained from his system.
-"What’s done is done.”
The godmothers face winced before an announcement was heard on the cabin speakers.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it’s your pilot speaking; we have arrived in Shanghai, mainland China.”
*     ✦   . *     ✦   . *     ✦
A/n: Hello my beautiful angels , I hope you enjoyed this chapter. What do you guys think gojo is hiding from the reader? Did you like the secret one sided romance going on? I’d like to remember y’all that suggestions and request are open. Once again comments are appreciated, until next time, kisses.💋
Poll for funsies
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cinna-stars · 4 months
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(saw someone say this about him in a YouTube video one time)
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getou-gojo · 3 months
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This is who my friend is on their knees for Gojo even after seeing this photo
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marblesphere · 2 years
Omegaverse! Alpha! Gojo Satoru x Alpha! OC/Reader
Okay, first thing first. !!Warning!! This is an Omegaverse fic, but this DOES NOT contain SMUT at all. It's a perfectly SFW, BUT I still would like MINORS DO NOT interact, because this fic still contain Omegaverse element. I do explain a little about the heat cycle. I prefer to think this is in gray zone because the genre itself. And there’s some namecalling too (bitch)To be honest, the fic could even be written without any omegaverse element actually. I put some omegaverse element just for fun. I have never wrote one and want to try it. So, with the warning out of the way, please enjoy this super long one shot.
Oh, the name is changeable by the way. And we have a SIMP Satoru here. So, I apologize if you are looking for headbutting enemy to lovers trope. I... don’t think my skill is that good to write that.  🥲
Happy Reading!!! Enjoy!!!!
It's raining…
The sound of pitter pattering rain finally registered in my ears.
I don't know how long it has been raining or how long I have stood here. But I do know that my school uniform is soaked thoroughly. The only saving grace is the color of the uniform is not white.
I exhale a small sigh, a white puff formed out from it. This shows how cold the weather is. My mind reels back to the event that happened not long ago.
"Hisaki-chan, let's break up.
"Eh?" I was taken aback by his statement. "What's this? A new type of prank?" I felt a bad feeling when they showed up together.
"Sorry, Raika-chan. I know this is wrong. But… But I can't lie to my heart. I like Hibiki-kun." My best friend, no should be soon to be ex best friend apologized as she cried.
"It's all my fault, Hisaki-chan. I… I am the bad one. Don't blame Himeka. I am your boyfriend yet… her smell…Himeka-chan’s smell is really pleasing. I think she is my partner…No, I am sure about it."
Realization finally dawned into me. Their secondary genders have manifested. Hibiki is an alpha and Himeka is an omega. It’s not like I am upset they find each other smell pleasing, but… "I see...How long…how long you two have been going out behind my back." I clenched my fist.
"Sorry, Raika-chan… I know I am wrong. I am sorry." She cried.
"Please answer me." My voice came out steadier than I would have thought.
"2 months." My soon to be ex, no it should be now ex-boyfriend answered.
"2 months… I see… 2 months…. So, why you wait until now?" I frowned.
"Hisaki-chan, don't blame her. You can blame me all you want. But please don't blame her. Aren't you two best friends?"
"Were is the correct word." I tilted my head. "You have a lot of time to tell me before you make this kind of decision. Yet, you didn't? Why? You thought of me as a spare in case something went wrong? You were waiting for my secondary gender to manifest so you will know which smell is more pleasing?! Disgusting!"
"I am not thinking like that." He shook his head.
"Whatever. I don't care and do not want to care. You could just tell me the truth and I will understand. Yet, you choose this kind of method. If you two have finished revealing your disgusting affair to me then you two can go now." I shrugged, gestured the exit to them. 'I can't cry yet…'
"Hisaki-chan!!" He frowned.
"Please don't act like you didn't do anything wrong. Don’t use secondary gender as an excuse. Cheating is still cheating. You have no right to justify it, It's disgusting. If you don't want to go, I will go." I slung my bag. "Oh, and you can consider this over, the friendship and the relationship." I slammed the door, not caring whether they answered or not.
That's the end of the flash back. "I thought… we will be those rare couple that will stay together even after our secondary genders manifest. Seems like the dream ends now.” I smiled mockingly. I…picked up some sign early, the way they looked at each other, the way they spoke to each other. I… want to believe that was not true. Because I tried, I tried hard to become his ideal.
People might have told me it's fine to be just yourself. Better search for another one if he can't accept the way we are. I understand but, even so, I want to make an effort. Loving someone is about compromising after all. In the end, it was no use. And… somewhere deep inside my heart… I feel a little relieved. I… don't need to keep up or make a wasted and unappreciated effort. I might not love him as much as I thought.
Middle school, second year, second semester is the last time I spent my time in my old middle school. Due to my father's job, we moved to Tokyo. I was put in a prestigious school, Rubrum Academy. Where I start over with my new circle of friends and a new love. ~”~
 Woman and man, the genders that exist on earth. But research shows that aside from being woman and man, there is a secondary gender. The invention of second gender shed some light to some mysterious cases of human bodily function and personalities. For example, the sudden surge of libido in a certain time and will last for a period of time. Sometimes, it’s so severe that they will attack a random passerby. Or some people getting attacked by not intentionally bumping into their partner. It’s not just simple assault, the victim suffered severe injury. Or sudden strong various smell that made people feel lightheaded. So, researchers start to do intensive research, of course with the consent of people. Fortunately, the calmed down attackers are all cooperative. They described their feelings to the scientists.
Scientists also make research by interviewing some long-lasting married couple and some quickly divorced couple. Long-lasing healthy couple usually have two patterns, either one of the partners comply with their partner’s need or they switch depend on the mood. The quickly divorced couple usually because they refused to compromise with each other, leading to a frequent fight and then divorce. Thus, they finally confirmed the existence of secondary gender.
Those secondary genders are categorized into 3. Alpha, just like the name has suggested, it’s the leader of the pack. People with this trait is usually charismatic and dominating sometimes to the point of arrogant. They have a high leadership skill, easily making other people submit to him, either with charisma or intimidation.
Beta, if the alpha is the leader, then beta is sort of like vice-leader. They have sufficient charisma and leadership skill, but fell a little short compared to an Alpha. Usually, they are in the middle zone of Alpha and Omega, the normal one. They are not dominant or submissive. Or they can be depending on their needs. And Beta is the most common secondary gender in the world.
Lastly, Omega, is described as people who aroused a protective instinct of alpha and beta. They are generally viewed as more submissive, only to their partner. They don’t like conflict, and always try to be a peacemaker.
And lastly, those are only general views of secondary genders, not all omega is submissive. Not all alpha is charismatic and not all beta is normal. Whether the secondary gender is, in the end, human compatibility still depends on their personalities, interaction and compromise.
Though existence of secondary genders is confirmed, it’s not like it affected much of people’s daily life. There are some changes, but not drastic. Secondary genders are developed in their teens, around 14-17. When they fully developed it, a new organ is also developed, a scent gland. And heightened sense of smell. And the cycle of heat. Whether you are alpha, beta, omega or gamma. Well, whatever your main gender or secondary gender are, you will have a heat cycle. It’s usually fully manifest when you are 20. There are some cases that it manifests earlier than usual, but it’s always after the secondary gender is fully developed.
Heightened sense of smell is not an ability that can track people. It's more like people can smell their body pheromone when they are in close proximity, the maximum radius is only 2 m, just to that extent.
Heat cycle is very consistent, it's once a month. The period of heat cycle is usually 3 days. There won’t be any affect in your daily life. There’s already a law that allow 3 days off when your heat cycle hits. The changes that were mentioned above include this. After the heat cycle is fully manifested, you usually need a partner… well, if you judge you don’t need one is okay too.
So, for the partner thingy. Most people after manifest their secondary gender will submit their id card to a matchmaking consultation. There, they will have an expert to find them a partner, usually a month or two months before their birthday, just like blind dates. Because the heat cycle will manifest 1 to 3 days after their 20th birthday. If their partner matches with each other, they will most likely get married at a later time. Most married couples will say their partner has a very pleasing smell, this is very subjective. I am certain no one will say their own partner smells bad after all.
Though this can be used as a reference. Scientists have made some research according to this theory. They first have a few couples smell a belonging to one that is not their partner. The result 65% said those belongings smell bad, 35% said they didn’t smell good or smell bad. And then they did another test, having single group of people divided to male and female and have they smell their counterpart belongings. The result 65% didn’t have the same opinion, while the male A might say female A smell good, female A might not say the male A smell good. 20% with the same bad opinion and 15% with the same good opinion.
Again, they put male and female with the same good opinion of their smell in a blind date. Some couples with the same bad opinion. And lastly, some couples with the same bad opinion. The result, 25% with different opinion get along very well, some even become a couple at the end of bind date. 5% with the same bad opinion managed to last until the end of blind date, but didn’t have any interaction. And 8% with the same good opinion become couples at the end.
In conclusion, having smelling good smell coming from other people doesn’t mean they are automatically your destined partner.
And this doesn’t matter if they homo or hetero, the existence of secondary genders actually make society is more open to same sex couple. So, many businesses like this are booming like there’s no tomorrow. They boasted a 100% rate in finding your future partner.
And the last change is a mating mark. Like the name suggests, a mark that is proof they are mates. It's not required to have a mating mark, but most people do to show their loyalty to each other. Mating mark can be given after your secondary gender has developed and determined. This is no small matter, because the mating mark is very restrictive. Any person who has received mating mark will become more territorial of their partner. Some even find it repulsive to have another people approaching them. And when your hit cycle hits, you can only have your partner with your mating mark, if you already have one to claim you. Or else, nothing will work, not even suppressant pill.
Fortunately, we are already at the age where secondary genders have already integrated nicely as part of daily life. Unlike the times when the existence was discovered. It can be said, chaos ensued. A nation almost collapsed due to many misunderstandings of secondary genders. ~”~
 "Do you reaaaaallllyyyyy have to go back to your hometown?" A pouty white head whined as he rocked the chair back and forth.
"It can be helped, Satoru. It's a job." I smiled.
"We can just leave it to another team. Why does it have to be you?" The chair stopped with a thump and he towered over me.
"Because it's my hometown? I knew the city better than the other team?" I blinked, amused at his antics.
"Technology has advanced so much. We could just use a map." He snorted.
"Are you worried?"
"Worried? Why would I?" He turned his head away, obviously averting his eyes.
"Thank you, Satoru." I smiled lightly. "Look at me please."
Satoru very slowly and reluctantly turns to me. I wrap my hands around his head and pull his forehead to mine. "Don't worry. Nothing will happen to me. And I will never choose him over you. Rest assured." I closed my eyes as I spoke.
"I am not worried about you choosing him over me. I am obviously way better than him. Why would you choose him over me? If you are, then your head has some problem." He pulled me closer as he wrapped his long limbs around my waist.
"It's not like I will stay there forever. Just for a few months in the name of exchange study program." I smiled. "I am just sent to scout."
"But still."
"Satoru." I pressed my lips onto his soft one. "I will call you."
"Video call."
"Every night for 3 hours."
"Then, I will give you permission to leave my side for a few months." He pouted like a small child.
"Thank you, Satoru." ~"~
 When I moved to my new school. I made a new circle of friends. Most of them have manifested their secondary genders but they don’t change their dynamics that much. It’s just their personalities. And to my surprise, my secondary gender is Alpha. I always thought I will be a Beta actually… not that it matters much. Besides, according to my friends’ opinion, I do act like an Alpha, a quiet alpha temperament.
So an alpha like me getting together with the most alpha-ish alpha like Satoru is a very very rare case. Because Satoru is a very perfect example of a template alpha… to be honest, whether he is alpha, beta or gamma actually no one is as annoying as he is. We started as friends. I know him through my new classmates who became fast friends, Shoko.
We hang out, play, getting roped into his shenanigans and then…one way or another we just end up together. And it was no surprise to the other, they have long predicted this. They even bet how long it will take to get us together. Even after I was revealed as an Alpha, they all have the same reaction. Satoru is a simp for me. He might be template alpha to the others, but in front of me, he is just an omega begging to be spoiled by their partner.
I almost sputtered my drink when I heard this. I… didn’t realize this at all. I might… have spoiled him more… because he always has this cute begging face when he did. And then Satoru said it doesn’t matter whether he is alpha or omega or beta or gamma. He only wants me… even way before my secondary gender manifests. At first, he tried to flaunt his alpha-ish traits, being reliable, charismatic or something along that line and then when it was revealed I was an Alpha, he changed his tactics, to let me spoil him. and, I think I took the bait.
Of course, it was only the start. He did all sort of things behind the scenes and well… I fell in love with him.
And another thing that I found out after I was transferred here is Rubrum Academy is the headquarters of a government organization that combat extraterrestrial lifeforms which we gave the name witch and familiars.
They are called witches due to their likeliness to human women. They have intelligence and can communicate with each other using their own language, which we call a song. Because it really looks like they were singing. And familiars because they are beast-like lifeforms with very low intelligence.
These extraterrestrial lifeforms have abducted people from earth to their plane. Scientists said they were abducting humans to seek their life force. To awaken their one and only Queen. To be honest, there are still a lot of questions about them. For example, why do they need to abduct humans? How they managed to tear a space open. Tearing a space requires astronomical energy. But they can do it with ease. Especially witches. And what is their purpose after they awakened their Queen? World domination? This is the most plausible conclusion we draw. And not to mention, during the last biggest raid in Rubrum Academy, when we were in our third year of middle school. We managed to wound the almost awakened Queen, only the hand and boy it was a gigantic hand and put her to sleep again.
My father is one of the scientists that worked in government. And I also exhibit some potential in being a hunter, a name we gave to the combatant. Thus the transfer. Anyway, whether it’s my daily life or love life. I am very fulfilled. As for our conversation just now is because a new command I have received. The spirited away rate in my old hometown is abnormal. Thus, I was briefed to scout and report any clue regarding to this. Given I used to live here, I might be the best choice. ~”~
 “I am Hisaki Raika, nice to meet you.” I smiled as I introduced myself.
"Hisaki-san is a Rubrum Academy student exchange from a study exchange program. She will stay here for a few months. Please welcome her." The teacher said. "Any question?"
The students start being noisy, Rubrum Academy is just as popular as the rumor said. "I have question." One student raised her hand.
"Okay, Yanagawa-san."
"What is your secondary gender?"
"It's alpha." I answered and here it comes, gasps of surprise. Female alpha is not that rare, but still uncommon. Because most females are either 20% omega, 70% beta and 10% alpha. While males are 30% alpha, 65% beta and 5% omega.
"Do you already have a partner?"
"...Can I keep that as a secret? I don't really like to talk about my private life." I smiled politely.
"Sorry for prying." She apologized.
"No problem."
"Are there any more questions?"
"Hisaki-san… are you by chance the Hisaki-san that lived here until middle school?" Another boy asked.
"Yes. I moved to Tokyo in my second year of middle school. Until then, I did indeed stay here." I answered.
"As I thought. Hisaki-san, I was your schoolmate. Kitamura from 2-B." He grinned.
"Kitamura…-san… Ah, Kitamura Yuhei-san. It has been a long time."
"Hehehe. I am happy that you still remember." He grinned.
"Okay, Hisaki-san will sit over there. And Kitamura-kun, you will be Hisaki-san's guide for the rest of her stay." Sensei instructed.
"Yes." ~"~
 Class 2-C, the class I transferred into. And now it's lunch time. As a transfer student with a different uniform, I stick out like a sore thumb. I almost fail to have my lunch of not for Kitamura-san's nice save.
"I am glad I can have my lunch before it ends." I laughed.
"Hahaha. Hisaki-san sure is popular. Well, we are really excited that someone from Rubrum Academy came here. Who would've thought it's Hisaki-san. You did disappear suddenly that time…Ah, sorry!!" He apologized.
"There's nothing to apologize for. I was hesitant to transfer or not, that's why I didn't say anything. Then, a lot happened, so I decided to transfer at the last minute." I said.
"...Is it because of the break up…?"
"Hm?" I tilted my head.
"Ah, no. You see, after you moved away, there was a rumor about your break up with Yanagizawa. The rumor said you can't accept the fact that Yanagizawa and Takemura-san are partner and you raised a hell of storm…" He trailed off.
"Is that so?" I blinked.
"Is that really true?" He asked.
"What do you think?" I asked back.
"Well… I don't think Hisaki-san is the type to do that. I might not know you very well. At the very least, from what I have seen, I think like that." He spoke.
"Did they say anything?"
"You mean Yanagizawa and Takemura-san. Not really, all they say was it's their fault and not to blame you." He answered.
Amused expressions etched to my face. They truly didn't say anything except misleading everyone. "Yanagizawa-san cheated on me."
"They said they are partners, but he should break up with me first before getting together with each other. Instead, they went out behind my back while Yanagizawa-san was still in a relationship with me. If that's not cheating, I don't know what is."
"What?! He did?!!!! What a scum!!!" He scolded. "No wonder you moved out just like that. If I were you, I would have done the same. And gave him a few punches before that."
"You believe me?" I blinked.
"It's a lie?!"
"It's not." I shook my head.
"Then I believe in you." He nodded. "Let's have them clear up the misunderstanding. Yanagizawa and Takemura-san are also enrolled here."
"There's no need. It's already in the past. Even you said it now, no one will believe it."
"But, it's not fair that you got wronged."
"Thank you. But it's fine. Let them think whatever they want. I do not care. Thanks to them, I met wonderful people in my new school. When you fully trust someone, you will either get people for life or lessons for life. I have experienced them all." I smiled.
"What's wrong?" I titled my head at his dazed expression.
"Ah! No! It's nothing! I think I know why you are alpha." He quickly covered his face with his hands.
"I see?" I blinked. ~"~
 Few days later news of my return spread amongst old classmates. Most of them have visited me at lunch time to catch up a little. Though there are still some that asked about a certain rumor. Apparently, Kitamura-san somehow blabbed about the truth to them, so they come to verify. I just answer truthfully to them.
Now after a week. The main hero, heroine and their entourage finally make their appearances. "Raika-chan." The now older Takemura-san, Yanagizawa-san and my group of friends back in the middle school are already waiting for me in the school gate.
"Long time no see, Takemura-san." I nodded politely.
"Aw, don't be like that, Raika-chan. We are best friends." She pouted.
"Were." I corrected. "We ceased to be best friends or whatever relationship we had 3 years ago. We are not that close. Please refer me to my last name." I said.
Her smile falters a little. "Then is Hisaki-chan okay?"
"I prefer you use another honorifics, but it's okay, I guess." I shrugged. "So, is there something I can help you with, Takemura-san?"
"Hisaki-chan, it's our fault. You don't need to hold a grudge anymore. You can even hit me if it makes you satisfied." Yanagizawa frowned as if saying I was being unreasonable.
"You seem to be mistaking something, Yanagizawa-san." I looked at him. "Do I look angry? I don't hold any grudge on either of you. I will accept your apology now, but that doesn't mean I will become your friend again. If you don't have anything to say, I will take my leave. And please use another honorifics." I walked pass them.
"Wa-wait, Hisaki-chan."
"We are going to karaoke together. Do you want to go? We can also catch up a lot. I heard you are attending Rubrum Academy. Amazing! I want to listen a lot about that." She smiled.
"Sorry, I already have an appointment. But my after-school time is already reserved."
"Then, I will come to get you tomorrow." She smiled. ~"~
 Coming back right to my temporary abode, I reorganized some facts that I managed to get this week. There is an urban legend. If you go to a certain place at a certain time on a certain day, you will be spirited away. The most legit lead I have. I will have to scout tonight. But right now, I put on a video call with Satoru.
"Rai-chan~~~~~" His whiny voice came out as soon as we were connected.
"Good evening, Satoru." I smiled.
"I am so lonely."
"Be patient."
"I can't." He sobbed.
"Don't be so needy." I rolled my eyes.
"Because Rai-chan didn't give me my daily hug. I can't even smell your scent in my body anymore." He pouted.
"I gave you my blanket."
"It's not strong enough."
"I did imprint my scent on you."
"It's starting to fade."
"...But you said you gave me permission."
"...I don't know it's this unbearable. If I have known, I won't let you go."
No, this had nothing to do with secondary gender. It's just Satoru being needy and whiny and clingy.
"Be good, Satoru. When I come back, I will let you cuddle me all day."
"Really." I nodded.
"...okay…" He nodded.
"I will tell the dorm leader to have you sleep in my room."
"You will?" His eyes lit up.
"I am going to pack now."
"Oh, should I hang up?" I teased.
"No!!! I still want to talk." Came the reply. "Do you know…" So we continued chatting while he packed his things. Most of the chat just him complaining how lonely he is, how dreadful Suguru and Nanamin are. Maki, Nobara, Shoko and Tsumiki keep showing off their partner to him. Yuuji didn't get his jokes, while Megumi just straight up ignored him.
…Now that they have pointed it out. He does seem like an omega is to their partner. Maybe it's because he is Satoru?
"Rai-chan, you can't think of another man while I am with you. I will be so jealous that I might have just locked you up and kill whoever inside your mind now."
"But I am thinking about you." I answered honestly.
"Oh…" A pinkish tint appeared on his cheeks. He was so caught off guard that he didn't make a comeback as usual. "What a coincidence, I am also thinking about you too. I always think about you." He grinned as he stroke the tribal tattoo like mark on his right side of neck. The same mark is also on my left neck which I covered up with make up in school, to avoid troublesome questions.
"Have you finished packing?"
"Then I will call the dorm leader. I will call again after you settle down in my room."
"Okay." He nodded quickly.
Dorm leader agreed as long as he didn't set foot in another place that is not my room or cafeteria. It didn't take long to convince her since alpha Satoru becomes omega Satoru to his alpha Raika is pretty much an open secret to everyone in Rubrum Academy.
Another call from Satoru is here again. "Rai-chan."
"Have you settled down?"
"I have. Smells like you. Want to stay here forever." He took a deep breath to take in my scent.
"The bed is too small to accommodate two people."
"Let's change to a bigger bed."
"Let's not do that. The school will scold us." I sweatdropped.
"When we get into college, let’s have a bigger room for the two of us and of course a bigger bed." He pouted. "And then we can lay there all day cuddling."
“But I haven’t agreed to anything yet.” I smiled. “I don’t even know that if we are going into the same college and it’s still 2 more years?” I giggled. Then I see his jaw is hanging down as he gapes. "Satoru?"
"Noooo!!! Rai-chan, move in with me! We will go to the same college too!” He cried out.
“Eeehh? I wonder about that?” I knitted my brows in fake thinking pose. “What should I do?”
"Why don't you beg?" I smiled with a commanding tone.
His breath hitches at my tone. "Ra…Rai-chan… want… want to stay with you, please… need you…" His eyes watered as he spoke with a desperate tone. "...please…"
"Good boy. I will ask permission from my father later."
“Yep, really.” I nodded
"Th…thank you…" His pretty smile bloomed. ~"~
 When the clock strikes 11 at night, I donned up my gear. Just the black version of our school uniform but without school emblem. Instead, there’s a button indicating we are student of Rubrum Academy and a function to camouflage my scent. I grab my chosen weapon, an ootachi. The height of it is even taller than me, but I still can swing it like there’s no tomorrow. So, it’s not a problem at all. now, off I go.
The place that the urban legend said is a park near the center of the town. A certain day and a certain time, they have to be Wednesday and midnight. And today is Thursday, but I don’t think what day matter at all. They are witches and familiars we are talking about. I put on a goggle vision that will allow me to see whether there’s disturbance in the space and if there’s witch or familiar nearby.
“…I am just trying to do my mission, but I met annoyance instead.” I sighed, pitying my luck. But my goggle gives me a reaction. “A familiar.” I who have been standing on a lamp post quickly jump to another one until I arrived at the crime scene. I see 2 familiars are chasing 2 people. “Ha…” I exhaled. Half having the mid of leaving these two being abducted, but then against it. So, even if it’s annoying, I still save them….half-heartedly.
“Wh-who are you… wh-what’s that thing? Wh-what are you going to do with u-us…” He stuttered, standing in front of Takemura-san who is peeking behind him, clutching his uniform sleeves and is forever having her watery eyes. I roll my eyes at them and then jump back to the lamp post and go back to my abode. I don’t think they will leave there anytime soon. So, it’s a waste of a time waiting for them to disappear. ~”~
 Next day, I go to school like usual. “Good morning, Hisaki-san.”
“Good morning, Kitamura-san.” I greeted.
“Have you heard the latest gossip?”
“Gossip? What kind?”
“Apparently yesterday Takemura-san and Yanagizawa-kun were attacked by some sort of monsters. Those two were trying to investigate that famous spirited away urban legend.” He whispered.
“Attacked? Monsters?”
“Right. I am sure they are just saying that for attention.” He snorted. “There’s no way that monsters exist. Tsk tsk tsk. They become more and more despicable. I wonder why those two still stuck with them.” He clicked his tongue.
“You mean Kurokawa-san and Kunnugi-san? Well, because they are best friends?” I blinked. “They are betas, right? Takemura-san is a template omega, you know. One look at her will arouse any protective instinct of normal human being.” I blinked.
“…Will you?”
“Do I look like someone who has any protective instinct to her?” I raised my brows, amused.
“I guess not.” He laughed.
“How about you, Kitamura-san?”
“Hmm… I don’t. I don’t dislike her nor like her. Moreover, after listening how they treat you made my impression of her turned worse.” He said.
Our class is also buzzing with this new gossip. “That’s just a load of bull.” Kitamura-san rolled his eyes. “If they were truly attacked, they should have just reported to the police. Why bother saying it now? And you think they can escape without any injury if they were attacked?”
Kitamura-san’s reasoning seems to make sense for them. And they also begin to lean more into Kitamura-san. “Think carefully, why a couple go to a park at dead of night. If not doing something that should not be seen.”
“…Why are you so against them anyway? Did Takemura reject you or what?” One of the students asked suddenly.
“That…” Kitamura-san looked at me. I just smile and nod my head.
“Why are you looking at Hisaki-san?”
“Don’t tell me this involved Hisaki-san?” Female student A gasped and the whole class got rowdy.
“A rectangle love?”
“Is this related why you suddenly moved back then?” Female students B looked at me.
“A little.” I smiled.
“What? What? What? We are curious! Can you tell us?”
“I don’t really mind. It’s all in the past anyway.” I answered. “Then, Kitamura-san, please go ahead.”
“Hehehe. Now, let me tell you this story.” He grinned as he narrated the story of my first love.
By the end of the story, they are all ahh'ed and ooh'ed and finally understand why I take such a stance against them. Suddenly, I am the baby of the class. I mean sure, I am a little bit shorter. Everyone suddenly crowds around me, some are patting my head, some are speaking some encouragement words, some even said they will chase her away the next time she comes here.
“Let’s not go that far, okay? There’s no need for you all to trouble yourselves like that. But I appreciate your thought.” I laughed lightly.
“…” They suddenly in a daze.
“What’s wrong?” I blinked.
“No, we just finally realized why you are an alpha.” They said in unison. By lunch time, everyone already knows about my past involvement with them. The power of technology and internet are so scary. And now, two angry beta females are glaring at me.
“Why are you spreading false rumor?” Kunnugi-san growled.
“False rumor? I did nothing of such.” I blinked.
“Don’t play dumb! You told people that Himeka stole your boyfriend! Who do you think you are! Just because you are jealous of Himeka, you did that despicable thing!” Kurokawa-san slammed my desk.
“You got it wrong.” I sighed. “I have never once said Takemura-san stole my former boyfriend. What I said was only the truth, it’s Yanagizawa-san cheated on me with my best friend. I never once said it’s Takemura-san that started the whole thing? Or did she?” My voice lowered.
“Of course she didn’t!” Kunnugi-san retorted.
“Then, it’s no problem. All of the students here also heard it’s Yanagizawa that cheated, not Takemura-san stole. Was that right, everyone?”
“Yes. That’s true. We all heard that it’s Yanagizawa-kun got together with Takemura-san behind Hisaki-san’s back. No one said it’s Takemura-san stole her boyfriend.” All of my classmates nodded, agreeing with me.
“I do not know who started twisted the truth. If you want to search the culprit, it’s best to trace the rumor. Not come to me.” I yawned.
“Even so!” Kunnugi-san yelled. “Even if Yanagizawa-kun got together behind your back, what right do you have?! They are partner, of course it’s natural they got together! If you want to blame, blame yourself for not being his partner! You don’t need to slander them!”
“Oh? Well… Yanagizawa-san did say they were sure they were partner by smell alone. Yes, if they are partners. It’s natural that they got together. I just didn’t understand why he chose that kind of method to break up, rather than make a clean break with me. If you were on my place. What would you think? Having your then best friend and then boyfriend dated behind your back, while you two were having a relationship? Don’t use secondary gender as an excuse. Human is high intelligence animal. They should be able to think the consequence of their own action. Human relationship is not based on how good they smell. It’s interaction and compromise.” I sighed. “If it’s only based on how good they smell. Then half of the male students back in our middle school is Takemura-san’s partner then. They all said she smells good.”
Kitamura-san bursts out in laughter at that. “Indeed. That will be the very case. Don’t justify cheating by using secondary gender as excuse. If they were so-called destined partner, why didn’t Yanagizawa like Takemura from the start. I heard you all meet him few days right after Hisaki-san got together with him. At that time, he didn’t have any reaction. Rather, he is very devoted to Hisaki-san. He started acting weird after they got their secondary genders.” He snickered nastily.
“Uwaa… the worst. So he judge people based on their scent? So creepy. Besides, scent is very subjective thing. If you don’t like someone, of course you find their scent repulsing.” Female Student D shuddered.
“Then, does that mean he was waiting for Hisaki-san’s secondary gender manifested and judge who smells better?” Female Student F questioned.
“I heard Hisaki-san is a late bloomer. Her secondary gender manifested at 15, almost 16. Maybe he didn’t have the patience anymore?” Male student A added.
“Scary… what a scum…” They murmured.
“You all!”
“Hisaki-chan!” Our classroom door slid open for the second time. A watery expression Takemura-san walked to my table. “Hisaki-chan, I know I was wrong. I shouldn’t like Hibiki-kun. You can hate me all you want. But please don’t slander Hibiki-kun.” She sobbed.
“I didn’t slander him. I only said the truth. He was cheating on me. No matter what the reason. If you still feel he is not cheating. Why don’t we ask all other people in the internet anonymously. Let them judge whether he was cheating or not.” I smiled maliciously.
“No… Please don’t.” She shook her head pitifully. “Hibiki-kun was just didn’t know to bring it up without hurting you.”
“Oh? You sure about that? All I saw was how happy he looked like while spending time with you right after he told me he was busy.” I smirked wider.
“That’s…” Her eyes widened.
“Did you know? I knew you two were having an affair even before you two told me. Some of nice classmates told me. But I wanted to believe in you two. I keep praying you two would bring it up yourself and cleared your names. But you didn’t. instead, the time he got busier increase. Even though he doesn’t have club practice. How weird.” I giggled. “I was in denial. Until you two snapped me back to reality by justifying cheating saying you two were partner, soulmates or whatever.”
“I…” Her tears drop like crystals.
“But I am very much thankful to the two of you. No, to all of you.” I looked at them. “Thanks to you, I learned a lesson for life.” I smiled.
“Hi…saki…-chan…” She hiccupped.
“Himeka!!!” It’s the third time for today, I pray the door won’t be broken. His eyes widens at the sight of his crying girlfriend. “You…” He stomped to me. “What did you do to her?!” He roared.
“Oi, Yanagizawa. Don’t go too far!” Kitamura-san got up from his desk.
“Shut up!” He bellowed. “This has nothing to do with you!” He then turns to me again. “What did you do to Himeka?” He growled. “You better speak or…”
“Or what?” I taunted. “What are you going to do?” I rested my chin on the back of my propped up hands, eyes narrowing slightly.
“I will do this.” He gritted his teeth and grabbed my collar pulling me out of my desk. “Speak!” He glared.
“Oi! Yanagizawa!” Kitamura-san walked to us.
“Don’t worry, Kitamura-san. Don’t come any closer or you will get caught in this.” I said, eyes shining brighter than usual. I grab his hand and twist it away like it’s nothing. “Don’t touch me. You are filthy.”
“You!” He lunged to me.
“You better stop it if you want to stay forever cool in your beloved eyes.” I rolled my eyes and dodge the very easy attack and swiped his feet, making him tumble down magnificently.
“What’s happening?!” Sensei roared. Someone apparently reported our fight. And now we are in principal office. I narrated the story but their version includes how I make Takemura-san cried and how I spread nasty rumor about them, and how Yanagizawa-san stepped in to defend his girlfriend’s innocence.
“I see. I understood the problem. But Yanagizawa-kun, you raised your hand first. No matter what’s the reason, violence is not allowed. You will be punished, suspended for 4 days. Is that clear?”
“Yes…” Yanagizawa hung his head.
“Sorry, Hibiki-kun… because of me…”
“It’s fine.” He assured her.
“And, Hisaki-kun.” He turned to me.
“Just because you are a exchange student from prestigious school, that doesn’t mean you can just do whatever you want. Slandering people is not a good conduct. I believe it’s just a misunderstanding.” He sighed.
“With all due respect sir. I did tell an old story of mine to my classmate, but I didn’t twist the truth. I do not know who changes the content and uses that to slander Takemura-san. And frankly, I do not care. It was all in the past. It has nothing to do with me.” I shrugged.
“…Then, you shouldn’t tell that story of yours.”
“My classmates asked me, I figured it was just an old story anyway and won’t do any harm. It’s just a story about me being heartbroken by Yanagizawa-san. That’s all. And I want to get along with everyone since we have a sharing story session.” I replied.
“Fine. Hisaki-kun, I know it’s a self defense, but you also provoked Yanagizawa-kun. You will be suspended for 2 days and I will have to tell your school about this.”
“Now go back to the class.” He sighed, rubbing his temple. ~”~
 “Are you okay, Hisaki-san?” Kitamura-san asked worriedly. He has been waiting outside the office.
“Yes. I will be okay. I just got suspended by 2 days and they will report this to my school.” I nodded.
“You are not okay at all.” He cried.
“No problem. I am glad you didn’t meddle or you will get punishment too.” I laughed.
“But it’s not fair. You were only doing self-defense.” He grumbled. “And, your uniform…” He sighed, referring to my in not so good state uniform. The collar has been pulled forcefully that it become a little loose. The buttons are also popped out broken, only the first two, so it didn’t show much, but my collarbone. “Here.” He offered me his blazer.
“No, someone will be fussy if I have other people’s scent. Don’t worry, I still have my track suit. I will change to that.” I declined his offer.
“You…have a partner?”
“Yes. But keep this a secret for now.” I grinned.
“Roger.” He laughed. He has a feeling he will have a good laugh later. Then, I change into track suit and continue my lesson. ~”~
 “Rai-chan~~~~” This is what happened every time after the video call connected. Satoru is wrapping himself with my blanket and hug my pillow.
“You fit in nicely, Satoru.” I giggled. “You are not in my room, how rare.” I commented.
“We are here too, Rai-chan.” I heard Shoko’s voice and the angle changed showing all of my friends and kouhais together.
“Everyone, long time no see. It’s only 2 weeks though.” I waved to them.
“I heard you requested new uniform? What happened?” Suguru asked.
“The news spread fast. I just barely finished the call about that.” I sweatdropped.
“I was there at that time. Did you meet horde of familiars or witches?” Megumi inquired.
“Really? Are you okay, Rai-chan?” Tsumiki quickly quipped in.
“Don’t worry. There was horde of low class familiars. They weren’t enough to tear my uniform, this is because…” I told them about the accident and how I got suspended. Right after I finished, Satoru stood up and then there’s chaos.
“Wait, Satoru!”
“You are seriously going there? Right now?”
“There are no more train.”
“I don’t care!” He practically roared. “How dare he, how dare he!”
“Satoru.” I called. “Sit.”
“Rai-chan…” He gave me a kiity eyes. I can see the ears flattened and tail tucked in between his legs.
“Don’t be hasty. Sit down first.” I said again.
“…yes…” He sat back down and curled himself with my blanket and pillow again.
“Amazing as always.” Yuuji blinked.
“Bizarre as always you mean.” Megumi sighed.
“I have reported my findings to principal. Indeed, the number of the familiars are abnormally large. They might have sent you guys soon. So wait until then, okay Satoru?”
“Okay, I hope the quicker the better. Need to scent Rai-chan soon. He mumbled. We then chat about anything, the usual mundane thing and I continue my work at night, exterminating familiars. Until now, there is still no witch spotted. But I have a feeling one will pop out soon. ~”~
 Since I have been suspended for 2 days, I didn't do anything except enjoy my free time. Principal Yaga has called me to assure me, there will be no problem at all and to just enjoy my free time or collect more information on familiars.
This is what I will do. Going out to town to take a walk, while keeping my ears open on new urban legends. Or anything that might be related. So far, the most famous one is still in that central park. What a coincidence tomorrow is Wednesday. Let's try it out.
I spend the whole day dilly-dallying until the school is over and back to the house, video calling Satoru.
The next night, again donning the black uniform and vision goggles, I checked out the central park.
The park is more eerie than usual. There's no sign of life, not even a small animal. My goggle hasn't picked up anything yet, but my feeling told me something is here.
A faint song entered my ears. "Bingo." I grinned as I sped through the park, avoiding anything that can produce a sound. I stopped short and hid myself behind a tree when I finally found them. A horde of familiars and a witch. The witch is communicating with those low intelligence beasts and then produces a barrier.
'Uh oh.' A warning bell rang inside my head. If I am trapped in a barrier, I will be instantly found out. The caster can sense everything that is inside the barrier. I make a mad dash to the outside, hopefully out of her range. I panted roughly as I just barely got out of it.
"Need to report this quickly." I murmured and pulled out my phone. My team will come here as first part of reinforcement. Which means, Satoru is coming. ~"~
 Satoru has been hugging me ever since he arrived and refusing to let go. The first thing he did right after meeting me was scenting me. He will whine if I pull away so I let him be for now. "How do you feel having a bear crushing you?" Shoko snickered.
"Very heavy." I answered dryly.
"I am not a bear."
"You are a teddy bear."
"Okay, I am a teddy bear."
“…” Shoko and Suguru looked at how quick he changed his stance.
"So we are going to check later?" Suguru asked.
"Not today, let's do it tomorrow. You guys have just travelled here. Rest up, we will do it tomorrow. We most likely have to fight hordes of familiars. Right now, I only spotted one witch. I am not sure if there are more hiding away.
"Okay, I will have my shikigamis to collect more information." Suguru nodded and pulled out human-shaped papers. "Go and become my eyes and ears." He commanded. Those papers then flew outside of the apartment.
"Where will you guys stay?"
"Next you." Shoko grinned.
"I will stay here." Satoru tightened his hold.
"Yeah. We didn't count you when we rented the rooms." Shoko said, rolling her eyes.
"Is that so? Then, let's eat outside. I found this cozy new cafe. It matches our taste. We can have private rooms too. Lest you know his alpha pheromone attracts annoying bees."
"No, I think his omega-ish attitude makes him even more confusing and more annoying bees are coming for him. So yes, we would like a private room."
"I am not annoying."
"Yes you are." Shoko and Suguru deadpanned.
"Rai-chan~" He looked at me.
"Satoru is cute." I smiled. His smile also blossomed. "But I don't like it if you attract annoying bees."
"I won't. I promise, I won't. I don't even want other people approaching me. They are going to make your scent go away. I don't like it." He shook his head vehemently.
"Then you better stick to me all the time."
"Of course. Nothing is better than that."
"...Don't forget we are here too." Suguru sighed.
The four of us then have a nice meal in a private room. And yes, we do get weird looks. It's like they were trying to determine whether Satoru is an alpha or omega. His scent is clearly an alpha, but he acts like an omega. Though it's said that not all alpha is dominant. Most of the alphas they have met are like that. They must also have realized that I am also an alpha. Alpha couple is the rarest couple. Because they usually clash with each other. But then again, people's relationships are not completely determined by their secondary genders, so they didn't let their stares linger too long.
"Actually, I think most people in Tokyo have somehow got used to how Satoru is like this, so when we get the weird stares it kind of feels refreshing…?" Shoko started to question her sanity now.
"I know right. Even I feel it is a little refreshing." Suguru agreed.
"Satoru, order."
"Yes." Satoru quickly pushed a bell implanted on the table to call for a waiter and then proceeded to list every menu that fits my taste.
"If other alphas see him like that, they will mock him as pathetic." Suguru laughed.
"And then got demolished by said pathetic alpha." ~”~
 “Here are your orders.” The waiter is back with our orders.
“Thank you.” I smiled politely.
“Please do enjoy.” He then left the room.
“Satoru, feed me.” Overjoyous Satoru quickly picked some dishes and put them on a plate then slowly fed them to me.
“This alpha power couple really doesn't shy away from PDA.” Shoko sweatdropped.
“Acting shy will only encourage some idiotic people to push their already pathetic luck.” I answered as I munched my food.
“And you were surprised when you came out as an alpha.” Suguru sweatdropped. They then told me any interesting news from school no, they were complaining how annoying Satoru was. He was annoying even before meeting me, getting a little more annoying after meeting me and becoming much more annoying when I am not at his side.
As for the source of their problem is floating in cloud nine being fed by me. In short, he didn’t hear anything they said. Or he most likely filtered out anything they said. After a meal, we decided to walk around in the garden not far from here to help us digest food. ~"~
 The next day, I am back at school. While Satoru and the others already got permission to leave for a week. Until we complete our mission here.
So here I am, surrounded by my classmates again. After the whole ordeal, my classmates are all completely on my side. Takemura-san and Yanagizawa-san's reputation took a hit. Though no one say it out loud, sometimes they whisper to each other when she is there. Actually, I am in the same situation. There are some believe I am still madly in love with Yanagizawa-san and are doing everything in my power to break them up.
"...Their nose must be clogged." My classmates shook their heads.
"Yeah… They didn't know there's already another smell on Hisaki-san. A scent of dangerous alpha at that." Another lamented.
"No wonder Hisaki-san is thankful for them. She already has another partner. And a strong one at that." Another added.
"We will definitely have a good laugh at them later. I can feel it." They broke into laughter.
"When that time comes, we better get our video camera ready."
"Don't worry. My old man is a pro. I will ask him to lend me one."
"Huehuehue." They cackled evilly.
It's decided that we will have a celebration for me after school. They even have booked the cafe we are going to. Only I didn't know anything. But I do appreciate their effort so I went along with them.
We talked, nah they gossiped how does my partner a.k.a Satoru looks like. All I give them is the hint of him wearing round sunglasses. We only booked part of the cafe. So regular guests are still here. And we take care not to be too loud.
Apparently there's another group that booked the cafe too. Their table will be beside us. "Welcome."
"We came here for the reservation we made. On Gojo's name." A very familiar voice said. I look at the entrance and see Shoko smiles while pointing to Satoru secretly. Satoru looks absolutely disinterested and left all the talking to Suguru… until he spots me. His eyes lit up like Christmas tree, but was elbowed by Nobara. Satoru might not notice it, but when he looks so disinterested, that is when he looks the most handsome, according to strangers. Though, I like all of Satoru. I mean rather than handsome, I will say Satoru is on the cute side.
"Ah, it's R-" Megumi quickly clamped Yuuji’s mouth shut. While Nanamin is looking like he wants to just leave the whole group and go home.
"Wow, they are so good looking, I wonder which one is alpha?" My classmates whispered.
"I feel like all of them look like alpha."
"Why can't we smell their scent?"
"They must be taking a medicine to suppress it. But my guess the tallest one is alpha. He is exuding the whole demeanor of a template alpha."
"I think so too. If they are all alpha, it's a wonder why they didn't get into a fight."
"Well, their personalities match? I mean just because they are alphas, doesn't mean they will literally start fight when they meet with another alpha."
"While it is true most alphas are all prefer to be alone, or having a group to lead. Not all of them are like that. If all of them are alpha, then they must be in the odd side of alpha."
"Nah, I doubt it. I bet the tallest guy is the alpha, the rest is beta. Template alpha is very hot-headed. They want to be number one."
I can't deny that. It's true that we are all oddities. They took the tables beside us. They are eye catching, because they are a group of alphas and all bishounen and bishoujo. Our group are entranced by them. Can't be helped, they are just that good-looking. Satoru even positioned himself so he sits in the most outer part, the closest one to me. See, how cute he is when he is trying hard to get my attention.
"Are we going to stare them the whole day? I thought we are going to celebrate?" I teased.
"Eh? Ah…" They finally snapped back to reality and cleared their throats, shaking their head to clear the blush. They continue to gossip again about how they think Satoru looks like.
While the other table are silently watching what kind of random act that Satoru will do. Much to their surprise, Satoru did nothing more than stealthily linking his long pinky into mine, while pretending not to see but keep glancing at me secretly. The whole table snorts and boos him. The loudest one being Shoko and Suguru.
They also trying to hold their laughter when they heard my classmates description of Satoru. They even add little something or correct something amongst themselves.
I got a text from Shoko showing Satoru's mark is covered. 'What a naughty boy he is.' I raised my brow and continue reading it. Apparently, Satoru has this idea to seduce me once more. 'How cute. Let's see how much effort he put in then.'
"Hisaki-san, please give us another hint aside from sunglasses." They pouted.
"Okay." I withdrew my pinky and put my hand on the straw, drinking my beverage. Satoru looks like he wants to pout to me, but hesitated. He was at loss. "He has black hair." I started and the table beside me are trying their hardest to stop laughing. "His eyes so deep and dark like night veil." When I finished describing someone that is total opposite of Satoru in appearance only. My classmates are trying to piece them together.
Our neighbors are torn between to laugh or pity him. Satoru's expression is so cute. He looks like he is going to burst into tears. He looks at me, opening his mouth and then closing it again. Not sure what to say. I mouth a naughty boy to him and point to his neck, smirking. He looks like a deer caught in the headlight, his head hanging down pitifully. I text Shoko to tell Satoru that I am looking forward how he will seduce me away from my imaginary partner.
Shoko shows that to him and he quickly regains his confidence. He looks like a small kitty puffs his chest to look bigger. He then keeps staring at me, throwing winks and smirks, but I didn't heed it. I am just chatting away how wonderful my partner is. My classmates must have caught on that our neighbor alpha is trying to flirt with me.
They even whisper in my ear. But I told them not to care, because I already have a wonderful partner. By the time we have finished our celebration, Satoru didn't even manage to get a word out from my mouth. Even my classmates are starting to pity him and urge me to say something. Even a rejection is okay. But nope, I still didn't say anything. ~"~
 "Rai-chan~~~~" He hugged me tightly, refusing to let go.
"I want to sleep, Satoru."
"But you didn't talk to me today, let alone looking at me. I am so lonely."
"Oh? I thought you said you will never cover up your mark no matter what?" I smiled.
"That's… I just…want Rai-chan's attention." He mumbled, playing with my fingers.
"Do I not give you enough attention?" I pressed.
"I…I am jealous!" He suddenly admitted. "I know Rai-chan covered the mark to avoid unnecessary attention from your former friends. But…but… because of that some people still thinking they had a chance to take you away. I don't like that. That's why…"
"I thought you said you are going to seduce me on public again."
"There's that too…. But Rai-chan didn't even look at me, how can I start seducing you?" He pouted.
"You see, Satoru. That is what I will do to any other man that is not you."
"But you just did it to me."
"That's because you are being naughty. Covering your mark like that. Did you see how many people are looking at your way, wanting to devour you?" I hissed. I feel irritated every time I remember it. how dare they look at mine like that.
"...Sorry… Rai-chan… I didn't mean to make you angry. I am sorry. Please don't get mad."
"I am tired. I want to sleep." I slid down inside the cover.
"Rai-chan, I am sorry. Please forgive me. I won't ever cover my mark again. I promise." He knelt on the floor.
"Promise?" I scowled.
"Promise." He grinned happily. "I won't ever cover up my mark or else I will have to feel Rai-chan's wrath." He raised his hand and made an oath.
"Okay, then. Come here, I am cold."
"Right away." He dived into the cover, pulling me to his chest, humming a random tune. He then easily lulled me to sleep. ~"~
 "Are you guys in position?" My ear piece that served as communication device, called RAID transmitted Nanamin's voice.
"I am." I answered. Then chorus of okay and in position followed.
"Let's get this thing quickly so I can cuddle with Rai-chan."
"Don't speak unnecessary thing using RAID." I sighed.
"...okay…" I can already imagine his pouty face.
A faint song floats down to our ears. "She is coming. Get ready and….NOW!" We jumped out simultaneously to ambush the witch. We have been killing her familiars to reduce their numbers, but as expected she quickly summoned replacement for them.
"Just like we planned. Team A will deal with the witch, team B draw familiars’ attention." Suguru instructed.
"Roger!" ~”~
“This is the last.” Yuuji delivered a finishing blow to the last familiars.
“What a number, is there something so valuable in this town?” Nobara frowned.
“The witch was destroyed. I doubt they will amass this many again in a short time. But this matter is quite concerning. Why would they amass their force here?” Nanamin pushed up his glasses.
“In any case. We will need to report this.” Megumi said. After finishing our report to Yaga-sensei. Yaga-sense told us to come back, another group will be stationed there permanently. With this our mission is officially over. We will go back the day after tomorrow. Yaga-sensei will handle all transfer procedure tomorrow.
“Everyone is nice to me.” I smiled at the thought of my classmates.
“Rai-chan, I am here.” Satoru pouted.
“I am thankful for them for making this exchange more enjoyable. Don’t be so jealous.” I poked his cheek.
“Because Rai-chan can only think of me.” His finger brushed over the mark. Small electricity flows into my body every time he does that.  
“Don’t be so cheeky, Satoru.” I pouted, blushing a little.
“I am your cheeky.” He brushed my hair away and pressed a forehead kiss.
I roll my eyes at his soft subtle signal. “Kissing is like this.” I wrapped my hands around his neck and pulled him into a kiss. Tongues battle for dominance which he lets me win and explore his cavern to my desire. “You better always kiss me like this.” I panted as I pulled back.
“Rai-chan, you are just too adorable.” He chuckled and leaned for another kiss again. ~”~
 “And so, Hisaki-san’s student exchange program has come to the end.” Sensei told them.
“Hai, please calm down.” Sensei sighed. “But I am happy that you have become friends in such short time.” Sensei smiled at the last part. “Sensei is also happy that Hisaki-san is very cooperative, even though you got suspended.”
“I am very sorry.” I apologized.
“So is that true that you were still madly in love with Yanagizawa-kun?” She whispered.
“Sensei, you think two people in love will have a fight like that?” I sweatdropped. “I do wonder what did I see on him anyway?”
“Sensei, you don’t know the inside story. It’s like this…” She then narrated the whole thing again. The old story from middle school.
“What?! Isn’t that cheating?! How could he do that?!” Even sensei came into the same conclusion. “Well, I do understand that he didn’t know how to bring it up. But he is also wrong for not telling you first. Because relationships doesn’t only involve one person.” Sensei huffed indignantly.
“But I was thankful to them. I am able to meet my current partner thanks to them.” I said.
“Ah, yeah… Hisaki-san.” Sensei called.
“Your current partner…is not some kind of delinquent, right? He smells dangerous.” Sensei spoke.
“No. He is not a delinquent. I can promise you that. He is a little annoying, troublesome, pretentious, eccentric. Not to mention a little narcissistic. But he is cute.” I smiled.
“…I become more worried after you describe him.” Sensei sweatdropped.
“At least his scent keeps some annoying people away.” My classmates giggled.
“We should celebrate today again.” Kitamura-san suggested.
“Ah, sorry today I have an appointment.” I apologized in advance.
“Hoho, are you meeting him?”
“Hohoho…should we…”
“You will meet him tomorrow.”
“Then we will refrain until tomorrow.” They sighed in defeat. “We will let you two lovebirds have your own time.”
“Hisaki-san, you might think sensei is meddlesome. But do not give your mating mark just yet. I know teenagers will always feel like he is the one, I want to give him everything. But I want you all to think about this long and hard. Mating mark is a no joke.” Sensei said seriously.
“I know, Sensei. Don’t worry.” I assured. ‘Sorry, sensei. My mating mark, I have had given to him long time ago. Just like how he has had given his to me.’
After school, we change into more comfortable and casual clothing and then go out. I am taking Satoru out on a date. I didn’t bother to cover my mark to deter some annoying pushy people. Hands intertwines with each other, I take him to shopping district. That district is crowded as always. There are a lot of food stalls too. We bought one and share it, so we can taste a lot more food.
We have our own little culinary tour. I didn’t know many stores owner still remember me and even give me some freebie because I got a nice boyfriend. Though, we are not complaining. We then finished our last meal in the park bench. “How was it?”
“Date with Rai-chan is always wonderful.”
“I mean the food.”
“It’s sweeter when Rai-chan is feeding me. I like it very much.” He smiled.
“I take that as delicious then.” I giggled.
“There’s more here.” He leaned in and licked something off from the corner of my lip. “The sweetest one.” Glacial blue eyes kept staring at me as he said so. I take that as an invitation to close my eyes and press my lips against his. Kissing with Satoru is of course won’t end with just lips touching. Because he has been trained we have established the fact that he always eager to literally devour my mouth. ~”~
 Today is the last day I am in my hometown. I am supposed to go back now, but my classmates want to see me for one last time and exchanging chat id, that’s why I go to school. Satoru and the others will pick me up after they finished packing. They said they will be picking me up on lunch time. Sensei also gave me permission to stay in the class until then.
"Hisaki-chan." Takemura-san called me with her soft voice. It’s the first time she comes alone, usually she will be stuck with Yanagizawa-san or two others.
“You are not welcome here, please go back.” My classmates scoffed at her pretentious attitude.
“I…I just want to ask Hisaki-chan something…Don’t be so mean to me…” Her eyes watered. Her eyes might be really made up from water after all. How can she just will her tears like that. What a frightening kid.
"Is there anything I can help you with, Takemura-san?" I asked.
“You see… yesterday… I saw you…”
“Oh, you saw me have a date with my partner?” I nodded in understanding, no wonder she is here. “So, is there any relation with you?”
“No…It’s just…I don’t know you have a partner…” She fidgeted, trying to act cute. So disgusting.
“Why would I tell you if I have a partner. You are not my friend or something.”
“I thought…we were best friends…” She sniffled.
“Whatever relationships we have had ended 3 years ago. I told you such. You were the only one thinking we were still friends….No, I am certain that you didn’t even think me once as a friends.” I rested my chin on my hand, smirking maliciously.
“I…really think of you as friends even now. That’s why I want to transfer to Rubrum Academy too. I want us to get along like before.”
“Then you can consider the dream is crushed. I don’t know how to get into Rubrum Academy. My father arranged all that to me.” I snorted. “Because I can bet my life, you want to go to Rubrum Academy not to get along with me. But to get along with my new friends and steal them away along with my current partner.” I giggled at her shocked expression. “You know, I keep thinking that you really like my things.”
"People are…not objects."
“But he is so happy being called my thing. What should I do?" I put on a troubled expression. “And when I said my things, I actually didn't refer to him or any of my friends. I refer to many things, literal objects that I gave to you back then because you always say how envious you are. And you won't stop saying it until I give them to you."
"I didn't…" She staggered back.
“Besides why are you here alone? Usually you will stick to Yanagizawa-san like he is your oxygen. What? You come here alone to ask me about how to get into Rubrum Academy right after meeting my partner yesterday. You do know people are not stupid, don't you?" I pressed. The paler she is the happier I am. "Your life-long partner will become so sad that you dump him for another taken man." I taunted.
"Himeka-chan!!" Our classroom's door slammed open. Yanagizawa-san stomps through to my table.
"Hi…Hibiki…" Crystal tear fall down, making her look more pitiful. Truly a perfect visual to invoke any normal humans' protective instinct.
“Your partner has come. Please take her away. We don’t want to repeat another violence. The only difference is this time, I will crush you.” I glared.
“What did you do to Himeka?!" He glared.
"I didn't even lift a finger. You can have the whole class as a witness." I shrugged, feigning ignorance.
"You!" His eyes swept through the classroom. All of the eyes are currently on us.
"Hisaki-san didn't do anything." Kitamura-san was the first one to open his mouth. "Are you okay in the head? Takemura-san was the one came to our classroom, not the other way around." He snorted.
"So, why did Himeka cry?" Yanagizawa barked back.
"How should we know? When Hisaki-san said she didn't know how to get into Rubrum Academy she started crying." Another girl rolled her eyes.
"Rubrum Academy?" He turned to his lover.
"...I just want to stay together with Hisaki-chan. If I made it over there, we might become friends again." She sobbed.
"If you believe her, then you must be a full blown idiot. I wonder what did I see in you? My eyes must be covered in shit." I pity myself in the past crying over an idiot.
"Himeka…Himeka is not like you. This part of you is what I don't like. Even before your secondary gender manifested you were always a control freak. Always planting yourself beside me, monitoring everything I said and do!" He screamed.
"I see." I sighed softly. "I guess it can be seen like that. In any case, it's already in the past after all. I do sincerely wish you two happiness forever. So you two can also sincerely wish me happiness with my current partner." I smiled.
"Let's go, Himeka-chan." Yanagizawa-san dragged the unwilling Takemura-san away.
"He seriously thought like that?" Kitamura-san blinked his eyes bewilderedly.
"He said like that." I smiled.
"Wow, he must be truly blind." Kitamura-san shook his head sighing. "All I see, no I think all people who saw you that time knew how much love you look at him with your eyes. In fact, there were some people even jealous of how he was so lucky getting someone to see him like you." He grinned.
"Thank you. But now, I am fine. I already have a partner. A wonderful partner that appreciates my effort." I thanked him. “It’s time for me to go back. If you come to Tokyo just give me a call. I will guide you to famous hotspots.”
“Will do. And you promised you will let us see your partner.”
“He should be waiting in front gate.”
“What?! Let’s see.” They crowded the windows to take a glimpse on him, while I just walk down to the school gate.
As expected, Satoru came to pick me up. He has been waiting with everyone in the school gate and I think I heard my classmates screamed that he is that alpha from café.
"Rai-chan!" He flew to my side, smothered me into his hug. Gone was his cool appearance. "I am so lonely, Rai-chan. Why didn't you take me to school?" He cried.
'Is that really an alpha? How come he is different from what we saw back then.' Is what my classmates thought.
"Here, good boy." I patted his head. He smiles blissfully while having his head rested on my shoulder and let out small purr.
"It's good?"
"So good." He nosed my neck.
"Ah…Hisaki-chan, it's not nice calling people as 'thing.' A disgusting smell approached us.
"So what?"
"You called your partner a 'thing.' That's very rude." Takemura-san stood there with her cheeks painted red, watery eyes. Her soft doe eyes are looking at my omega-ish alpha.
"I am your thing?" Satoru pulled back and looked at me. Takemura-san looked so happy when Satoru asked me that.
"Yep. You are my thing." I nodded.
"How rude. No one wants to be your partner if you don't treat them right." She huffed.
"Rai-chan." Satoru fidgeted as he played with my fingers. "Can…can you say it again?" He practically has heart eyes.
"You are my thing, understood?" I repeated it again.
"Yes…" His breath hitches. "I am your thing. I am Rai-chan's thing. So happy…I am Rai-chan's thing." He babbled with pink blush dusting his cheeks.
"Wh-what?" Takemura is flabbergasted by the unexpected turn of events.
"See what I told you? He likes it when I say he is my thing." I sneered.
'Is that really an alpha? Did the result come out wrong?' Again, the whole students think the same thing.
“Is she the boyfriend stealer?” Nobara pointed at her.
“Is she seriously aiming for Gojo-senpai? Did she hit her head?” Megumi knitted his forehead.
“Gojo-senpai is Raika-senpai’s boyfriend. He is a taken man. I thought she already has a partner. Raika-senpai’s former partner. Why is she aiming for Gojo-senpai?” Yuuji tilted his head, not really understanding.
“Itadori-kun. There are a lot of people that never satisfied with what they have. Your neighbor’s grass is greener than yours. It means, other people’s thing looks more desirable than their own.” Nanamin pushed up his glasses as he explained to him right there.
“That means she is a bitch who likes to steal people’s thing.” Nobara simplified it for him. “You don’t need to be so pretentious. Your act is not fooling anyone. Well, if it does, then sucks to be them too. They are far more idiotic than Yuuji then.”
��I think she is more better to be called garbage collector.” Suguru added brutally, he has no tender heart for fairer gender at all. “She likes to take people things after they are being used after all.”
“Ah, it can be seen that way too.” Shoko ahh’ed.
“I am not idiot.” Yuuji complained. “Nobara, your English test is lower than me.”
“Shut up, idiot.” Nobara smacked his head upside down.
"Himeka!" Again, another repulsive smell approached.
"Haaa… one after another… They bothered at lunch time, now they bother me again." I sighed.
Satoru notices my mood's change again. "Rai-chan." Satoru pulled me back into a back hug. "Let me handle this." He patted my head and then his hand slid down to cover my eyes. I pout and pull his hand down a little to take a peek.
"Did you not understand what human language is?" He growled at them. "Rai-chan said she doesn't want anything to do with you yet you two are just like pests, buzzing around her. Don’t ever bother her again.” He hissed. “The only reason I haven’t ended your whole existence is because thanks to you, I got to meet Rai-chan. I am quite thankful for you especially.” He leered at Yanagizawa-san. “Your mistake is the best thing that ever happened to me. You can rest assured, unlike you, I won’t ever let Rai-chan go. Now that you have served your purpose, please disappear completely from her sight.” Eyes glaring with such ferocity and hatred, yet to me it's beautiful.
"Satoru." Satoru looked down at me when I called. His eyes softened considerably, smiling softly while looking at me. I can see how his eyes are cooing how precious I am to him. "You are pretty."
"Mmn. I am your pretty. Let's get you home, yeah?" He whispered.
“Okay. I want to meet everyone soon.” I nodded. ~”~
 We finally go back to our school. And Satoru is regretfully moving back to his dorm. But not before imprinting his scent to every object in my room. Even left some of his shirts to me, fortunately he gave me back my blanket or I will freeze to death at night. On the bright side, he is happy that he won’t have to spend his time alone in school.
Yaga-sensei also situated another group to my hometown. He apologized for making me go through something like that. Of course it’s no problem at all. They are annoying, but do not count as a trouble. And the case is closed, or so I thought.
It has been few months after my mission in my hometown. Another case happened over there. The team that was situated over there are all annihilated and abducted. The last communication they gave us is 2 people are seen to command witches.
“They are not abducted?” Suguru frowned.
“No. it’s said that the witches willingly protect them.” Yaga-sensei shook his head.
“Did they see how they look like?” Shoko inquired.
“That’s…” ~”~
 "So they look like boyfriend stealer and her lover? Unbelievable." Nobara made a face.
"Don't tell me, she is jealous of Raika-san so much that she is willing to make a deal with alien? Really unbelievable." Panda added.
"She might actually do that. I won't put her past that. I wonder why she is so fixated with my things anyway?" I sighed.
"...Maybe she has no reason at all…?" Toge murmured.
"That kind of person is the absolute scum." Maki replied.
"So, what if we met her on our mission? Fire on spot?" Yuuji asked.
"Capture her if possible. But that is a low priority. Our highest priority is to eliminate the threat. That includes the other one." ~"~
 "Why?!! Why is it always you?! Be it Yanagizawa or him! Why is it they always want you?! Why not me?!"
"I don't know about Yanagizawa-san, since he has chosen you in the end. Frankly, I don't want to know too. I don't want to divide my attention from Satoru." I rolled my eyes at the former human which named Takemura Himeka.
I am not sure what happened to her since she has changed physically to something that we can call a monster. Tall and unbelievably long limbs that are now shaped like spider feet. Not that this matter much to me.
"But I don't like how you covet my things." My eyes shone, glaring at her. "He is mine. Satoru is mine. And don't you ever have this foolish idea to take him away."
"I will… I want… all of yours… not fair… I am cuter… why I can't have him?"
"If people got the thing they want just because they look cute. Then human will face extinction then. Because cute is subjective. To him, I am the cutest, the most precious treasure. And look at you, objectively you don't even look human anymore. And going by your standard I will say you look like monster." I mocked. "And you see this mark. He gave it to me. I also gave mine to him already. So give it up." My voice is an octave lower.
"Lie…lie…lie…lie…LIE!!!! I WILL TAKE HIM AWAY FROM YOU!!!"
"Then you will have to die. Everyone that looks at him with greedy eyes will have to be gouge out." I swung my blades. I hear slicing sounds and then the abomination is sliced cleanly into parts.
"Shut up, don't even think about him." I stabbed the head on the brain, effectively silencing her forever. "Disgusting bitch. Satoru is forever mine. I won’t let you take him away, let alone look at him. Know your place." ~"~
"Wow, you can't even comprehend human language now. Or are you learning a new language?" Gojo mocked the boy in front of him. The boy is none other than brainwashed Yanagizawa. He still retains his human body. But the shape of his body is sticking in weird places.
"Guess you can still show some hostility to me?" He snorted. "Let me tell you one thing. I know you have been trying to reach out for Rai-chan after you two saw us in the park. You think you are being so subtle, huh? Coming all the way to Tokyo to secretly meet Rai-chan. Don't get ahead of yourself." He glared.
"Didn't I tell you do not ever show yourself to Rai-chan anymore. Because I will end you instantly." His deep ocean blue eyes shone. "I tell you, Rai-chan is mine. She has given me her mark." He proudly showed him where the mark is, earning another incorrigible word from the former human.
"You can just stay with your new lover. I won't have you see Rai-chan again. I loathe you from the first meeting. You stole Rai-chan's firsts. You breathed in the same space as Rai-chan. Because of you, I can't be her number one in everything. I can't forgive you." He growled. "Even though there are still a lot of Rai-chan's firsts I will have later, that is why you need to disappear. Dead people won't talk. You won't be able to tell people that you are her first boyfriend." He giggled.
"Arrgughh!!!!" He lunged.
"Die. Don't even leave your ash." Gojo snapped his fingers as hollow purple annihilated everything on its path, including the brainwashed Yanagizawa. ~"~
 "It's a shame that we won't be able getting a complete sample. But still thank you for at least getting the corpse. This might aid us in our new discovery." The head of R&D department lamented.
"I don't think I have enough time to subdue it without killing it before it calls new familiars. Sorry."
"Well, it was quite a hassle with only one team. So I understand. Even if it's only a corpse. This is the first case of human allying with witches. We might find something out of this. Thank you."
"It was no problem." Then I was dismissed to have my own rest. Coming back to my room, Satoru somehow has been waiting me. “You sneaked in again?” I blinked at the intruder.
“Rai-chan. Here.” He patted his lap as he has comfortably settled down on my bed.
“Let me change to my pajama first.” I turn to the bathroom and changed out of uniform. I come out wearing the shirt he left last time. I have decided it become my most favorite pajama and crawled to the bed.
“Rai-chan is wearing my shirt.” He sniffed. “Smells good. I will change it to other shirts tomorrow. I want to smell like Rai-chan.” He nudged his head onto my shoulder, hands on my hip, tracing patterns.
“We need to wait until we are 20, Satoru.” I hummed as I buried my hands into his soft tresses.
“I know. Just want to hold you.” He sighed blissfully. We just spend our time like this, basking in each other presence.
“Satoru…” My eyes started dropping as I listened to his heartbeats.
“You are not allowed to leave me…” I mumbled, already half asleep.
“Never dream to.” I heard his airy chortle, but I am already gone too far in sleep. “Sleep well, my precious. You are my one and only, just I am to you.” ~”~
 A very long omake
"I am Hisaki Raika, nice to meet you." This is my first day on coming to my new school. Not sure if it's because they are students of prestigious school or something. They just look really calm.
"...Where is Gojo?"
"Sensei, Satoru is late. He was gaming until late night." A girl raised her hand while talking it nonchalantly.
"Gojo Satoru…" I saw how sensei grinded her teeth and crumpled the paper on her hand.
I take that back. Wherever it is, students never change. "Haaa…." Sensei exhaled and recomposed herself. "Is there anything you want to ask to our new student?"
"Yes yes. Here here." Another one raised her hand.
"Yes, Takamichi-san, go ahead."
"Have you got your secondary gender?"
"I am sorry. But I haven't got it yet." I answered.
"Oh… Please don't be sorry. I am Takamichi Sora, my secondary gender is beta. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you too." I smiled politely. To be honest, after what happened I don't think I will be making new friends soon. At least until I can sort out my own feelings first.
The questions and answers session is filled with usual questions, what do I like? My hobby? Favorite food or drink? Pet? Or something like that. After 10 minutes or so, Sensei ended it and have me sat on my would be seat, in front of this still not anywhere to be seen Gojo Satoru.
"Pleased to be your acquaintance." I smiled politely to my desk mate. The girl that tattled to sensei why this Gojo student is late.
"Ieiri Shoko, nice to meet you. The student behind you is the Dumber of the duo dumb and dumber." She casually introduced and mocked the still elusive student.
"Ah… Dumber? Then there's the Dumb?" I blinked.
"That one with bun head and strange bang. Just call him bang guy."
"I see."
"Shoko. It's not nice to introduce people like that. And my bang is not strange." The said bang guy chimed in into conversation. "I am Geto Suguru. Nice to meet you."
"Nice to meet you." I nodded.
"You don't deny that you are the Dumb then." Ieiri-san giggled.
"I am also not dumb. Only Satoru is dumb." He protested.
"Hai, calm down. I am happy that you are getting along, but now focus on the lesson first." Sensei clapped her hands.
"Sorry, sensei." I apologized.
"It's okay. I will have you share with Ieiri first."
"Yes." Ieiri-san motioned to move my desk over, so I did. Ieiri-san became sort of my study buddy. She also guides me around the school.
"So where is Satoru?" Ieiri-san looked at the bang guy who tagged along in our little excursion.
"He was punished for writing a report because of yesterday. But he spend his time gaming. And the rest is history." Geto-san snickered.
"Does that mean you did too?"
"I have completed mine." He shrugged.
"This Dumb and Dumber duo. Sooner or later Yaga-sensei will kick you two out of school." Ieiri-san rolled her eyes.
"Not happening." Geto-san countered confidently.
"Like he can kick us out. Not when we are the strongest." Another voice suddenly joined in. A white haired boy with very very pretty pair of glacial blue eyes, wearing small round sunglasses which fortunately didn't completely hide his eyes snorted.
"Yo, Satoru, you finished your report?" Geto-san waved to him. He must be the Gojo Satoru that Sensei talked about.
"Suguru. Why did you run off on your own?" Gojo-san scowled.
"I didn't run off. I finished my report."
"You still ditch me to my own, nonetheless." He scoffed.
"Let's just ignore this Dumb and Dumber or else we will be also dragged into their stupid argument."
"..." Gojo-san looked at me strangely intensely.
"...Did I make you uncomfortable?" I blinked at his obvious stare. "Sorry, I will get going now." I knew I had intruded into their circle and quickly made myself scarce.
Unbeknown to me, even after I walked away, Gojo's stare didn't leave me at all. "Why are you staring at her like that? She hasn't done anything to you? Not even fawning." Shoko grumbled as she hit him.
"That one. I want that one. I want my mating mark on her. I want her."
"...Did writing the report mess up your brain?" Geto raised his brow, amused.
"No. I just want her. I can feel it, she is the one." He shook his head.
"Yeah right…" His teammates and best friends thought he was in that phase. The usual teenager's phase.
So my first day passed without a hitch. As per rule, I should be in the school dorm. But my room is still being prepared so to speak. For now, I am just going to commute from home to school. ~"~
 It's been a week since I transferred to a new school and everything is going smoothly. Now that I am here, Rubrum Academy is just like any other school. Maybe their curriculum is more advanced, not to mention their uniform design is cute. But it's not that different from other schools.
Today too, just like any other day, I walked home alone. Gojo-san was…very kind to offer to walk me home on my first day. But I declined. I almost feel bad when he looks like an abandoned puppy. Later I found out from Shoko that he is very (in)famous. Because of his looks, he has a lot of fans outside school, not to mention he is exuding alpha pheromone everywhere he goes.
I…don't want to get caught in another troublesome situation after what happened in my old school. I just… don't have the energy to care or deal with whatever trouble will come if people saw him walking me home, that's why I declined.
"...weird…" I mumbled as I halted my footsteps. Too quiet. I didn't see anyone on my way home. It's like everyone just vanished or maybe I was the one who vanished? Then I remembered that Shoko did tell me about an urban legend. About how people suddenly spirited away in the crowd or in any other places.
Sense of unease resurfacing in my mind. I clutch my bag tighter, hand inside it, feeling a cold temperature of an object to calm my mind. My father gave me a gun as a form of protection. Well, it's a very real-like model gun with rubber bullets. Enough to scare some shady people.
I gulp and start walking again, while darting my eyes left and right, praying that nothing will happen. But yes, the universe always answers differently from your wish. The wall of the house on my right suddenly exploded and broke. I let out a scream due to shock, covering my head and closing my eyes.
"Grrooaoarrr!!!!" A loud roar echoed.
"Wh…what's this?" I looked at it, eyes wide in shock and fear. The monster looks at me and let out a low growl, preparing to pounce on me.
'Run!' My mind screamed. I desperately lifted my legs that were like lead, rooting firmly on the ground. I turned back and ran, but my feet stumbled on the rubbles, making me tumble down on the ground. My bag and the content inside sprawled out near me.
The monster stomps leisurely as if savoring my fear. I scramble to take the gun and fire it. Fairly certain that it won't work but desperately hope it to buy me some time. Though I don't even know what should I do next.
To my surprise, the bullet works. This is not a rubber bullet at all. I was so stunned. I am sure that I see father put rubber bullets inside. But…how come this come out like real bullets?
The monster groaned in pain and became angrier. Scared, I keep firing the guns, not stopping even after all the bullets are gone and the monsters stopped moving a few feets from me. The gun clatters down while I try to steady my breathing and trembling body. A lot of questions are running through my head. But I do know I need to get away from here first.
Shakily, I lift myself out. Not even bothering to pick up my bags anymore. Just as I take a step another one falls down from the sky, the gust knocks me down onto the asphalt again. I look at it and just close my eyes, waiting for my imminent death.
I hear a loud roar and then nothing. I take a peek and see the monster is laying on the ground, unmoving. In front of me is a giant human shaped paper? Literally a paper shaped like a human. It's moving around.
"Hisaki-san." I saw Geto-san standing behind me, smiling.
"Rai-chan." Shoko peeked out from his back. "Are you okay?"
"...I…am not sure…?" I answered. I was so shocked that my brain stopped processing the whole thing.
"Can you stand?" Geto-san offered his hand to me.
"Thank you." I let him pull me up.
"I am glad we are on time." Shoko heaved in relief. "I don't want to know what happened if we were not."
"...What's that…?"
"We will explain to you later. But first let's get you back to school." Geto-san said kindly.
"Does the school know this too?" I blinked.
"More or less."
"Oi, Suguru did you find… " He stopped short when he saw me?
"Oi, Satoru. Your hunch is right. We are glad that we find her." Geto-san waved to his friend.
*Slap* Gojo-san slaps Geto-san’s hand away. The hand that still holding into me. ‘Ah, he must be the type that doesn’t like when his friends being touched by another stranger.’ It’s territorial thing.
“Sorry… I will get going to school on my own.” I frowned when my voice came out shakier than I would have like.
“Are you alright? Are you hurt? Did they scare you?” Gojo-san scanned me from head to toe.
“I…think…I am…”
“You are hurt.” He frowned as he spotted my left ankle. I follow his line sight and see indeed that my left sock has some blood on it.
“I didn’t feel-“ I let out a gasp as I suddenly being lifted bridal style. “G-Gojo-san?”
“It’s Satoru.”
“Uh….” I looked for the other two for help.
“Satoru feels formalities should just go to hell by its own.” Shoko shrugged.
“That’s why he is always being scolded for being disrespectful.” Geto-san nodded.
“…Gojo-san…” I called softly, but he gave no response. “Gojo-san?” I called louder but still no response. “Gojo-kun.” He just walked without any care. “Sa-Satoru!” I yelled and he stopped.
“Are you feeling uncomfortable?” He finally looked at me.
“Uh…” I tried to formulate my words. ‘It’s not uncomfortable per se…’ “I can walk on my own. Please let me down.” I spoke softly. ‘Being carried like this is a bit embarrassing.’
“Oh…” Suddenly I feel like I just scolded a kitten for being naughty. “But you are hurt.” He…pouted?
“It’s not that bad. I feel a little embarrassed being hold like this.” I finally blurted it out.
“I see.” He slowly, very slowly and gently put me back down. Only after he is sure that I won’t suddenly fall down, he releases his hold. Only for him to squat down with his back to me.
“If you are embarrassed being hold like that, then piggy back won’t be a problem, right?”
‘A fair point. But still…’ “I can walk slowly on my own.” I answered.
“Hop on, Rai-chan. We just got the report that the witch is disposed. The barrier will dissolve soon. And we then will have to deal with people’s stares.” Shoko nudged her elbow to me.
“Witch? Barrier?” I tilted my head.
“It’s better if we explain to you after you got treatment. Can’t leave your leg like that too long.” Geto-san added.
“…okay… but promise me you will tell me everything.”
“Of course. No worries.” Shoko grinned as she packed up all my things. I then wrap my hands around Gojo-san’s neck and he in turns secures my legs with his hands. Faint smell of wisteria flower wafts to my nose.
‘Weird. I haven’t developed my secondary gender, yet…’ The smell is really calming and I feel my eyelids drop. The adrenaline must have worn out. “Smell nice…” I fall asleep like that.
Gojo stopped on his track right after being told smell nice by his crush, ears turn red because her steady breathing. And by God, she hasn’t even developed her scent gland yet but, he swore she smells very heavenly, her smell mixes well with his own. It’s like their smells are supposed to be one but split into 2 instead.
“Wow, never thought I will live the day to see Gojo Satoru blushed.” Shoko snickered.
“Let’s snap some pic.” Geto pulled out his phone and snapped some. The flashes are hurting Gojo’s eyes
“Shut up. She is sleeping.” He growled.
“Yeah yeah, you better thanks us for helping you just now. There is no witch in this area. The barrier is made by Suguru’s shikigami.” Shoko commented. When they are going inside to a barrier, Geto uses his shikigami to make another one outside the already existed barrier. So, they are trapped inside double barrier. That’s why when the final familiar is dead the barrier hasn’t dissolved. ~”~
 After I woke up in a room that would be my room in school dorm. Father explains everything to me. From witches to familiars to why this school exists. The school itself is a secret organization, funded by government. All of the students here are either hunters or training to be staff in the said organization.
Father is also one of the scientists that studied the extraterrestrial life forms that we call witch and familiar. Hence, the always out of town business trips. Father said I have potential to be hunter, if not he also wants me to get involved in his research, since I will find out sooner or later. But he would have never thought that I will encounter familiars on my own. And is glad that I am safe and sound.
I told him about the gun and he answered that’s the proof that I can be a combatant. I subconsciously poured my energy inside the rubber bullet to change it into a bullet that is effective to kill familiars. And then I was put into Gojo-san’s team, because the team leader, Gojo-san said so. ~”~
 Gojo-san is…very strange and unique. Those are my assessments of him. I heard from Shoko that he is an alpha. A very template one. It's no wonder that he is like that. Though he is not as hot headed as template alpha usually would.
How do I describe him…. He is very unique… and strange…? He is… a very template alpha, very charismatic and likes to be the one who gives orders. But at the same time, he is very open to suggestions or ideas. Usually template alpha likes to go his way whether he is right or not and hates it when other people question his means…. That's how he is to another person. He will even happily put them in their place. But when I questioned him, somehow, he kept praising me? Even pondering about my suggestion? I mean, in the end his strategy is always the best though. But he took time to consider it.
And then all of them will have this…how do I put it? Very tired face. Though they said they are all very fine. Nothing is wrong. Maybe they were just being nice to me because I am the newest member of the team. I basically have zero experience in this alien hunting field. Gojo-san might be just trying to make me feel welcomed in their team. ~”~
An alpha. That is what my secondary gender is. I was really surprised. I thought I would be a beta. I don’t think I have an alpha quality. But my friends digress. They said I have the most alpha quality, that quality being can put the most annoying and template alpha in his place properly.
I have vaguely aware that most of my friends are alpha. I didn’t really ask about their secondary gender, but after I got mine. I realized all of them are alphas. We are alpha groups, which is very rare indeed. But that is just a small matter, we just clicked with each others. Even though we all have weird personalities, it’s like we complement each other. Though our alpha trait sometimes made us butt our head with each other.
Today I took a day off from school. The smells are so overwhelming that I feel a little nauseated. This is understandable, after living for 15 years without the ability of smelling body odors when you are not practically sniffing them yourselves. You are suddenly assaulted by many smells at once. Now, I am resting in my room and trying to get use to it by having some students and senseis or even some staffs to check on me.
Gojo-san made a point to visit me everyday and I was thankful for it. His smell is helping me calm down, but I do feel bad having taken his time away. “Gojo-san… I am very thankful that you visited me everyday, but I do think you should also spend some times for yourself. You don’t need to come just because you are my team leader.” I smiled.
“…Does this mean I am not welcome?” Here it is, that look again. The look of abandoned kitty in the rain. Does he realize that he looks cute when he does that. That makes me want to tease him more.
“You are very welcome.” I answered quickly, before I blurt something that will make him cry. Even though I kind of want to see that.
“Then, can I stay here?”
“I don’t mind… But I think you will get bored without having anything to do.” I said.
“I won’t be bored. Never.” He grinned. “…Do you realize how heavenly you smell at all? I can just stay here to integrate your smell into mine forever.”
“Hm? What were you saying, Gojo-san? I didn’t catch it.”
“I said, how long are you going to use Gojo-san on me? I thought we have long past that.” He pouted. This time he pouted.
“But you are my team leader and you are older than me. Even if we are in the same grade.” I blinked.
“Then as your team leader, I will order you that you have to call me by my first name.” He declared.
“Eh?” His jaw slacked, his sunglasses skewed a little. “Rai-chan~~~~!!” He cried.
“Sorry. When you said it like that. I suddenly have the urge to make you cry.” I scratched my cheek, admitted it’s a little shameless.
“…So, if I cry and beg, will you do it?” He asked me very seriously.
“Okay.” I agreed without much thinking. I mean, there’s no way he’s gonna beg and cry. Gojo-san is a proud alpha, you know.
“Rai-chan…can you…can you please call me Satoru?” He shyly grabbed my hand and played with it, while asking me with watery eyes, batting his eyelashes. “I…want you to call me, Satoru. Please please please. I will be such a good boy.” He sobbed.
I feel something inside me snapped and my hand reached out to his head. “Okay, Satoru. Since you cried prettily for me.” The joyous look he had in his face will be forever engraved in my memory. I can’t help but coo how cute he is looking right now. And I hope he will only show this side of him to me. ~”~
 To finally celebrate of me coming out from my room after getting used to it. We are going to a beach this weekend. The girls took me to a swimsuit shopping trip. In the end I choose a bandeau two pieces bikini in icy blue color.
And the day finally arrived, 2 hours of bus from school. A beach. Boys and girls quickly went to respective toilet to change into swimsuit. When I finished changing into mine, everyone is already playing. I am the last to be out, but Satoru apparently is waiting for me. He is wearing a high wide collar zipped jumper and navy blue swimming trunks.
“Satoru, are you okay?” I waved my hands in front of him when I saw him not responding to my call.
“Yes?” I blinked when he suddenly unzipped his jacket and zipped it on me while mumbling something incoherent. “Satoru?”
“Rai-chan, you are not allowed to take off the jumper because you will get sunburn.”
“But I applied sunblock.” I tilted my head.
“Still no.” He huffed. Satoru is acting weird again… There’s time when he suddenly becomes this stubborn, refusing to heed anything. Somehow, he looks cuter? It’s like a kitten you are petting suddenly went into sulking mode because not enough attention. It’s almost like that. Of course I am not going to say it out loud. It’s quite disrespectful… but… I do want to see his reaction.
“…” I looked at him looking away like that, while some passerby are giggling at him. Somehow, they make me feel irritated. “Then, Satoru do you have another jumper?”
“I do.” He nodded slowly, not understanding my intention.
“Okay, I will wear this on one condition. Satoru, you have to wear a jumper too and can’t take off without my permission. If you do, I will call you Gojo-san forever.”
“Okay.” He nodded his head frantically. “I promise I won’t take it off, so you can’t call me by my last name.” He whined.
“If you don’t take it off, nothing will change. Can I trust you on that?”
“Of course.”
So I spend the rest of my day swimming with the jumper on. Though I sometimes tease him by unzipping the jumper and pretend to take it off. Every time I did that, he looks at me wide eyed, mouth quivering while stopping everything he is doing and stomps to me, zipping it up all the way again. I feel like I can get addicted at his reaction.
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goatyuuji · 8 months
When I am in the “who can stare at Gojo Satoru more” competition and my competitor is Geto Suguru (I know I am losing)…
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353 notes · View notes
geniewithnolamp · 16 days
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You know nothing, Husbandohub.
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tartigglez · 1 year
nsfw, dom!satoru, fem!reader, degradation, praise, brat taming
satoru is the meanest dom ever. he gets so high on the power trip of knowing he can get you to do practically anything and you will oblige simply because he told you to do it. he will make you beg and beg for whatever it is you want.
he's vocal too, he will instruct you, order you around and punish you when you don't do as you're told. you want to be a brat? oh, two can play at that game...
"ah, you want my cock in you huh? say please sweetie. c'mon, you have better manners than that don’t you? good girl~"
"dirty fuckin' whore likes it when i eat her pussy huh? hah, keep whinin' like that an' i'll have to fuck you dumb again"
nsfw masterlist
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all-thingz-me · 2 months
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ssaraexposs · 5 months
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Fuck Shibuya. Gojo brought the kids on a trip to Kyoto (and of course Todo invited himself, since it's Kyoto)
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