coffeeandbatboys · 1 month
☕️ Coffee’s Fic Recs: Fives, Part 1
This man is my husband and I have way to many to recommend
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I miss you by @likeshootingstarsinthenightsky
Good Morning by @danger-xylophones
All the things You Say by @alderaani
Look at Me by @rowansparrow
Priceless by @clonewarsimagines
Reunited by @photogirl894
Coming home by @showerthoughtsonly
Reunion by @vodika-vibes
The long way home by @frostycatblr-fandom-files
Fives x Reader by @arcsimper5
Turn the Page by @the-rain-on-kamino
Be my lover by @moonlightwarriorqueen
If Trouble Smiled by @eternal-transcience
The best cake on Coruscant by @anxiouspineapple99
Rebel Yell by @moonlightwarriorqueen
Warmth by @vodika-vibes
I want you forever and always by @jedipoodoo
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stil-lindigo · 5 months
The UNRWA is concerned that if they do not receive more funding they will run out by the end of February please spread this message
in case any of you missed it, despite the ICJ's ruling for Israel to facilitate MORE aid into Gaza, the global west has responded by cutting funding to UNWRA, which is responsible for delivering significant amounts of aid into Gaza, as well as surrounding areas such as Lebanon. The countries cutting funding consist of the US, Australia, the UK, the Netherlands, Swritzerland, Italy, Germany, Finland, Canada and Japan. This was all due to a claim by Israel that members of UNWRA were Hamas-members or sympathisers which, at the end of the day, is a claim that concerns only 12 members in a total of 30,000.
Without proper funding, UNWRA is likely to run out of resources by February of this year (only another month) and urges the countries that have suspended donations to reconsider. This is a blatant move from the colonialist countries of this world to starve Palestinians even further when they are already facing unforeseen levels of famine.
Please take some time out of your day to call your reps, your political leaders and urge them to restart their funding. In the meantime, here is a link to donate to the UNWRA.
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hlurz · 2 years
Finally October is here!
And do you know what that means?
Is time to spend another October without you!
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simping-on-the-daily · 7 months
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huohuo should be a professional martial artist. it'd be really funny
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liyazaki · 7 months
me, a lesbian watching bl: the Themes™️, the motifs, the underlying currents of [insert smarty pants sounding stuff here]-
me, a lesbian watching a rare gl, having forgotten I could be attracted to characters: uhhhh PRETTY me likey oh no- fucking HELL, FOCUS. ok, so- I really like how they're carrying the- ....*chews through restraints*
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cuntvonkrolock · 6 months
i'll say it: disability aids are sexy. canes are sexy. glasses are sexy. wheelchairs are sexy. leg braces are sexy. prosthetics are sexy. disabled people are not poor childlike waifs who don't know what sex is, we're also attractive and hot and beautiful and handsome.
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pinkberry1rxx · 9 months
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ukelele-boy · 8 months
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(I wanted to practice hair so I used a reference for the face and body anatomy.)
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acidxinxwonderland · 1 year
Pretty Eyes Made of Stardust
18 plus smut shot! Minors DNI!!!
Pairing: Glamrock Freddy x F!Reader
Summary: Freddy notices how stressed you are from being a manager at the Mega Pizzaplex, he wants you to take a break but it appears there is only one way to distract you from your heavy work load. 
Word Count: 4.3k A/N: This is a very rushed one shot to get some practice in! So it’s nothing too fancy, just thought Freddy deserved more pieces about him ;o; Enjoy all the praise and some sweet smut~ You can also read it on AO3 if that’s more of your style: https://archiveofourown.org/works/47706907
You sit at your desk with the light of the computer hitting your face while you hunch over, typing away on the keyboard with tired eyes in the comfort of your office. Working here made you quickly realize one of the things Fazbear Entertainment enjoyed doing was overworking their employees, especially if you’re the manager of all attractions. Every injury, the smallest of things breaking, an angry parent, all of that falls onto you. 
It was a lot of paperwork, an endless sea in fact, every day you have to spend hours into the night at the Pizzaplex just to get what you need to do to go home and not worry about it the next day. You press send a report in only for a new one to pop right up. You let out a frustrated sigh, sitting up in your squeaky office chair and running a hand over your face, letting it settle down onto your chin as your eyes skim over the words that quickly become one, big blurry mess. You blink, shaking your head as you try once again to read the report - yet to no avail nothing was making sense. “Jesus.” You mumble underneath your breath, having to take a moment to place your elbows on your desk and cradle your face on the palm of your hands. Your body feels so tense, it was almost as if something was crawling underneath your skin as you tried to make yourself relax. 
As you practice slow deep breaths you hear a knock at your door, causing you to straighten up from surprise as your gaze shoots over to the sound. You take a moment to regain your composure, wondering who on earth would be visiting your office so late at night. “Come in!” You call out, swinging your chair to the side to greet the late night visitor.
The door opens to reveal none other than Freddy Fazbear. You are surprised to see him but a small welcoming smile appears on your face. You have always considered Freddy to be one of your friends, something that gave you company you truly enjoyed. He has made this year of working enjoyable, in more ways than one. “Ah, Freddy. I’ve never seen you at my office so late!” You say, adjusting in your seat. “Is everything alright?” Once you ask this question you immediately begin to pray that it wasn’t some last minute report that only added onto your workload. 
“No need to worry, everything is alright.” Freddy replies, his piercing blue eyes roaming around your office before settling back onto your face. “I wanted to check in on you, I’ve noticed this is your fourth night staying this late.” 
Your soft smile widens, a laugh leaving your lips as you nod your head. “Yeah, things seem to just be going wrong at all attractions recently. A lot of work to do so… Here I am!” You gesture towards your computer and he takes a step in, making everything in the office dwarf compared to him. 
“I see… That doesn’t sound too good.” His face seems to be scanning yours, you can only assume he is checking your vitals like he does everytime the two of you see each other. “You seem to be quite stressed, superstar, perhaps it would be in your best interest to take a break or even come back early tomorrow morning so you can get some well deserved rest!” 
His concerns were sweet and you were tempted to follow his advice but you knew what had to be done. You wave your hand at him dismissively. “Psh, nah. I’m fine! Nothing I can’t handle, I’ve been getting pretty good at this.” You lie right through your teeth, if it wasn’t for your tired eyes and tensed up body you might have been able to fool him. 
Freddy falls silent for a moment once you finish reassuring him that you were okay. All you can do is look up at him with a forced smile. “Are you… Sure superstar?” He asks in a cautious tone, seeing right through your lie.
Your smile drops immediately from the question. The jig was up. Your shoulders fall while you shake your head. “No. I’m not sure.” You look off to the side, letting your guard drop around the animatronic bear who always has brought you a comforting warmth. “It’s uh… It’s a lot. All of it is just… a lot.” You let out a sigh, gaze landing upon the document on your computer screen. 
The sound of large metal feet fitting the ground falls upon your ears as he comes closer to you, a large metallic paw landing on your shoulder. The contact causes you to immediately relax.
“There’s nothing wrong with it being too much. After all, you are only human superstar. Please don’t feel like you ever have to pretend you’re okay when you’re around me.” His soft tone feels like a warm fluffy blanket wrapping around you, each kind word leaving an impact on you. 
You feel your eyes begin to sting, heart skipping a beat as you finally look up at him with a sweet smile. How could something not even human show you so much compassion? “Freddy…” Your voice breaks and you try your best to not feel embarrassed from your vulnerability. “Wow, um, thank you. That’s really sweet of you to say.” His eyelids lower, looking at you with affection as you continue to talk about your issues. “It’s just hard, you know? Never ending pile of paperwork, having to check on your guys handlers, making sure the employees of the attractions are doing their best. It’s… Like god, it’s terrible. If I’m going to be honest I would have quit by now if it wasn’t for…” You trail off, feeling a small warmth dust across your cheeks from what you were just about to confess. 
“If it wasn’t for what, superstar?” Freddy asks with curiosity laced in his tone. 
You take a moment but decide to admit what you were going to tell him, why not? He’s a robot, he wasn’t capable of judging you. “For you.” You breathe out, giving him another smile. “I mean it, I know there are days where we don’t see much of each other, but even a kind look from you can make me feel better about… Well everything really.” 
Freddy seems a little taken aback from your admission but a warm look remains on his features causing your heart to skip a beat. 
“I can’t express how much that means to me to hear you say that. If I may tell the truth as well, I feel the same way. Ever since you started working here, you added a splash of color to my daily routines, the days I don’t see you… It feels as though something is missing. It’s strange really.” 
It was strange, you didn’t expect an animatronic of all things to say something so sweet to you. A tear slips down your cheek as you let out a laugh, your cheeks heating up more. 
“Well, I guess I just have that effect on people, even on animatronics apparently.” You say jokingly, giving him a look of admiration. 
The hand on your shoulder goes up to your cheek, the cool metal against your warm cheek was soothing even if it increased your heart rate. “I guess you do.” He says in that deep voice that you’ve come to love. He leans down closer to you and you tilt your head up more, blinking up at the bear with intrigue. “You know. Your eyes are like big pools, I adore it. It hurts to see tears in them.” Your breath hitches in your throat as every word of his sinks in. You can’t help but let out a nervous laugh. “Freddy, if I didn’t know any better I’d think you were flirting with me.” Freddy lets out a deep chuckle. “What if I am?” 
What… The fuck is happening? 
The large thumb of his paw gently strokes your skin as you try to keep your cool. You are completely taken by surprise, not expecting a family friendly animatronic to be making moves on you. 
You force yourself to speak, wanting to let him know you are one hundred percent on board with this. “Then I must be the luckiest girl on earth.” You utter out, finding yourself leaning against the hand on your cheek.
“Is that so?” He rumbles, his hand sliding down to your chin and gently lifting it up. “Then… You wouldn’t mind if I kissed you, would you?” His question made your cheeks bloom into a brilliant shade of red, eyes widening as you feel as though you could die right then and there. You take a moment, staring up at him as your heart pounds in your ears. A slow shaky breath leaves you as your hands go up to his shoulders.
“I… I wouldn’t mind at all.” You manage to say despite your lungs feeling like they're getting crushed by two large hands. 
“That’s good.” Freddy gives you a wink before leaning in at an agonizingly slow pace, his lids sliding shut. You don’t hesitate, posture straightening so your warm lips can meet his muzzle. It wasn’t like kissing another person, of course it wasn’t, but it was more enticing than anything in the entire world. Your hands slide up further on his shoulders, tugging to bring him even closer to you. 
The hand on your cheek slides to the nape of your neck as his head tilts to the side, pressing against your lips harder as he gives a gentle squeeze to your skin. Your racing heart begins to calm, muscles relaxing as you find yourself getting lost in the feeling. You let out a sigh through your nose, melting into the warmth of the contact between the two of you. 
After a few passing moments Freddy pulls away and you have to suppress a whine from the loss; you open your eyes to see electric blue ones staring right back at you. A smile tugs at the corners of your lips, letting out a laugh of disbelief. Did this really just happen to you?
“So beautiful.” He admires, running a hand through your hair as he lets out a deep chuckle. “I’m surprised you allowed me to do this…” 
“Are you kidding me? I’m surprised you even wanted to do this in the first place. It’s um… For sure not in your programming.” 
Freddy lets out a mechanical hum, taking a moment to think before responding. “It isn’t in my programming at all. Sounds like you’re a bad influence on me, superstar.” 
You let out a breathy giggle, shrugging your shoulders. “I suppose I am.” Your hand goes down to his chest, rubbing up and down tantalizingly. “Does that bother you?” 
“Good. Because now that you’ve given me a taste, I want more.” You murmur, feeling a bit shy from your confession. 
“If that’s what you wish, I can give the world.” He leans back in and presses his muzzle against your lips again but this time with more pressure. You let out a small squeak in surprise before immediately melting, kissing him back with a matched eagerness, bringing your arms back up to wrap around his thick neck. 
You feel your breath becoming more uneven, your heart beginning to pick up its pace as you pour all your feelings into the kiss, eyes screwed shut as you move your lips against the metal. You feel large paws fall to your hips and before you know it he lifts you up as if you weigh nothing more than a feather. Without skipping a beat your legs go to wrap around his large torso, keeping your mouth upon his as you feel the air escape your lungs. 
He turns towards your desk, one hand leaving your body to push everything to the side in one swoop before placing you on the desk, not breaking the kiss once. The large metal paws begin to run up and down your sides causing you to shiver as you let out a small noise. 
Freddy pulls away and you let out a gasp for air, looking up at him with desperation now. He lets out a deep chuckle that sounds like a beautiful melody to you. 
“Why don’t I help you relax, superstar?” He says in a seductive tone that feels like pure honey. His paw finds its way to your thigh, rubbing up and down in a slow, teasing way. You only take a few seconds for you to put the pieces of the puzzle together.
“Uh, I-I-” 
“We don’t have to do anything you don’t want to do.” He says firmly, staring into your eyes. “The last thing I’d like to do is ruin what we have going on here.” 
“No, it’s n-not like that.” You say, letting out a shaky breath as you look down to see his immense paw covering up the entirety of your thigh. He was so big, you feel as though you should be threatened by this fact but you feel more safe than you ever have with another. “Just a little nervous, I.. Want this more than anything.” 
Freddy lets out a deep chuckle, giving your flesh a light squeeze that sets your nerves on fire. “Oh I know you’re nervous… Don’t think I don’t notice how fast your heart races whenever I do something as little as grazing against your arm. I can practically feel it.” His free hand goes up to your neck, gently wrapping his hand around the base and placing his thumb over your pulse. “It’s adorable.” 
The other hand slides further up your thigh before reaching your stomach, sliding underneath the hem of your shirt to go towards your chest and you feel like you’re going to die from what was taking place. Your gaze goes back up to his, completely memorized as the palm of his hand covers your breast, giving a gentle squeeze that entices you further, thighs spreading apart as you feel a wetness building up. 
“Look at you… The smallest of touch and you’re practically begging for more.” Freddy muses, a rumble vibrating his chest plate. You feel yourself tremble against his touch as your body begins to feel impossibly warm. “Lovely girl.” 
“F-Freddy…” You whimper out, a gasp leaving your lips as you eagerly lean into his touch. You cannot believe this is happening to you, never once in your life did you think an animatronic like Freddy would come on to you and then proceed to grope you in your own office. It left your head spinning, making every second a bit harder to breathe. 
The hand leaves your breast, going back to the end of your shirt to carefully lift it up over your head and place it beside you on the desk. You can’t help but feel timid exposed to him like this in your bra, his gaze roaming up and down your torso with half lidded eyes. 
“Wow.” He finally says, bringing his hands to your back to unclasp your bra, letting the straps fall down your shoulders to take in the sight of your bare breasts. “Superstar…” He murmurs, bringing his hands back to your breasts, gently squeezing them together. “You are otherworldly.” 
Your heart skips a beat from his amorous words, each compliment ingraining itself into your mind. You can’t help but look away, getting more timid as soft moans leave your mouth as he begins to massage your chest. 
“Don’t shy away from me now, I admire those lovely eyes.” Freddy was just saying all the right things, no one has ever made you feel this way. You bring your gaze back onto his, despite being an animatronic it was clear he was looking at you with pure adoration. “That’s my girl.” 
His thumbs cover the expanse of your nipples, rubbing in slow circles that sends delightful shivers throughout your body. “You have no idea how long I’ve been wanting to do this, how much I have daydreamed about you.” 
You are surprised by his admission. You always felt an attraction towards Freddy, something about him enthralled you but long ago you came to terms with the fact he could never return those feelings. Yet, here you are now, feeling drunk off the strong feelings the two of you seem to have for one another.
“Really?” You squeak out, letting out another sigh of pleasure as his thumbs press down. The feeling of arousal between your legs only grows, wanting nothing more than to feel more of his touch. “I… Wish you told me sooner.” You admit in a quiet tone. You find yourself wrapping your arms around his shoulders, pulling him closer, having to spread your legs even farther so his large frame can fit in between them. “All those restless nights thinking about you and yearning for something I didn’t think was possible.” 
“Oh superstar, I am so sorry that I caused you those feelings. I wish I said something as well, but…” He presses his pelvic plate against your sex, the smallest bit of friction causing you to gasp. “Here we are now, let’s make the most out of it.” 
You nod your head, feeling as though you were in a dream. You lean in closer, pressing your lips against his muzzle as you gently grind up against him while he continues to massage your breasts. You let out a pleasurable moan against his metal, grabbing one of his hands to bring it down towards your sex.
Freddy pulls away, resting his forehead on yours as he stares deeply into your eyes. “Eager, are we?” 
“You have no idea.” You laugh out, feeling a sense of excitement as he takes a small step back, his other hand leaving your breast to grab onto the edge of your pants. You lift your hips up to assist him as he slowly slides your pants down your thighs and off your legs. 
You spread your legs for him, watching as he drinks in the sight of you. “Even better than what I imagined.” He says in a soft tone, eyes not leaving your crotch as he places the palm of his large hand against your clothed sex. You immediately push into his touch, letting out a low moan from the contact. “I can feel how wet you are for me through your panties, desperate little thing.” 
His words left you squirming in place, the Freddy Fazbear dirty talking to you had a very strong effect on you. It seems he quickly noticed the pleasure it brings to you, beginning to move his hand against your panties as he leans in to talk into your ear. “Look at you, I’m barely doing anything to you and you’re already coming undone.” 
You push your hips up against his hand, your noises getting louder as your face flushes red. “Can you blame me?” You say through shaky breaths. “I want you so bad.” 
“And you have me.” He replies with a warm tone, stopping his movements to push your panties to the side. He leans back to look down, letting out a mechanical groan just from the sight. “Oh my, I…” His pause makes you feel a twinge of nervousness creeping up in the back of your mind. “I don’t think I’ve ever seen such a lovely sight before.” 
His thumb moves to rub against the outside of your folds, making you shift in place with this almost uncomfortable desperation deep inside your core. “Please…” You whisper, trying your best to relax. 
“Hm, please what superstar? Is there something you’re wanting?” He says in this teasing tone that makes you giggle, shooting him a playful glare. 
You still give him what he wants, not wanting to put up a fight, for now at least. “Please touch me?” You ask sweetly, spreading your legs further apart for him. 
“As you wish.” Freddy murmurs, his large thumb going past your folds to cover your clit. You instinctively push against his touch, feeling as though you were touch starved. “There we go. Let all your worries melt away my star, you’re doing such a good job.” He praises, beginning to rub up against your sensitive nub. 
You let out a moan from the sensation, twitching underneath his touch as his free hand soothingly glides up and down your side. “Ah, so good.” You breathe out. 
“Yeah? You like that?” His tone dripped with arousal and desire, causing you to become even more desperate for the stimulation he was giving you. “You look so beautiful like this, I could play with you all night long.” 
You’d gladly let him, no one has ever brought you such pleasure. He applies more pressure and you let out a louder moan, it’s been so long since you’ve been touched like this, you needed more. 
You grind up into his touch, your soft pants and moans growing in volume as he rubs you at a steady pace. “Oh, oh fuck Freddy.” 
Freddy’s thumb pauses its movements and you let out a small whine. “Watch your language.” He practically growls. “A delicate flower such as yourself shouldn’t say vulgar words like that.”
You blush deeply, nodding your head. “S-sorry… Please keep going.” 
His gaze softens. “Good girl.” Freddy murmurs out, returning to rub against your engorged clit, now with a faster pace. “So fragile. So perfect for me.” 
Freddy’s words and touch sent your mind into overdrive, having a hard time keeping up with what was happening. At this point you’ve completely forgotten about your work, the only thing that mattered was the bear right in front of you. 
“Would you like me to go faster?” He asks and you immediately nod your head in response. He chuckles out, quickening the pace of his movement without wasting any time. You only grow louder with your noises, leaning back as you feel your stomach tie up in knots. 
“Ah, oh god… Y-you’re going to make me cum.” Your hands squeeze at his shoulders, writhing underneath him as you feel your body beginning to tense up. 
“Already? Mm… Eager little thing, cum for me superstar. You sound so gorgeous when you’re like this.” 
Your grip only tightens as you feel a pressure in your core, thighs tensing as you are easily pushed off the edge. Something about him saying such dirty things really did it for you. Your head falls back as a loud moan pushes past your lips, twitching as you go through the motions of your delightful orgasm, enjoying every second. 
Once you finish Freddy stops his movements, still keeping his thumb on your sensitive nub. “Wow… I can feel you twitching.” He marvels, looking down in between your legs. “What a mess you left, superstar. You really needed this, didn’t you?” 
Your body slumps against the wall as you slowly nod your head, shivering from the best orgasm you’ve had in your life. “Yeah… Especially from you.” You stare up at him as you come down from your high, feeling a warmth bubble up in your chest. “I… I can’t believe we did this. I mean, how did you even know how to do this?” 
“I may be an animatronic, but I am not dumb.” Freddy says, chuckling out. “It’s always been basic knowledge, especially when you have access to the internet all in here.” He brings his arm up to tap a finger against his head. “As well as some other tools you never knew you had had.” 
“Tools?” You repeat, sitting back up as you tilt your head. “What do you mean tools?” 
Freddy looks down at his pelvic area and your eyes follow. It doesn’t take long for you to put two and two together. “No… Way.” You say in pure surprise. 
“Yes way. I actually figured out I had this when I met you.” He admits rather sheepishly, making you even more curious. “One night I was erm, thinking of you in not the most appropriate of ways. Then I felt a pressure and I opened up my pelvic hatch to reveal… A shaft.” 
“You’re-you’re kidding me. Oh my god, I seriously am a bad influence on you.” Your eyes are trained on his pelvic plate, biting your bottom lip. You really wanted to see it and he easily reads your expression, letting out a deep chuckle. 
“We can explore it another time, but I have kept you from work long enough.” 
“Work…?” You ask out, eye brows knitting together before the realization dawns on you. “Oh, oh god! Work!” You look back at your computer, feeling a sense of panic. 
“Hey, hey. It’s alright.” Freddy says comfortingly, running a hand through your hair to soothe you. “How about I help you? How are you feeling now, a bit more relaxed?” 
You gaze back up at him, feeling your worries melt away from his touch alone. “Yes, I do. Th-thank you Freddy for, uh, taking care of me. I really enjoyed it.” 
“I did too, superstar, you were so hot.” He admits and your face flushes red for the umpteenth time. Him of all things in the world calling you hot causes your heart to race. 
“Y-you were too.” You squeak out, taking a deep breath. “And, I’d really like some help. Even just having you here is more than enough. You can uh, sit on the chair and I can sit on your lap?” 
“Are you sure? That might not be very comfortable for you.” “Oh trust me, it’ll be more than comfy.” You say, giving him a bright smile. “You chose this, good luck not having me all over you whenever we are alone together.” 
Freddy lets out a loud laugh, leaning to press his muzzle against your forehead. “I wouldn’t have it any other way.” 
You can already tell this was the start of something beautiful.
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transgayhawkeyepierce · 3 months
Another cognitive dissonance I have with y/n stuff, is that the reader is always very shy and subby. Like, what if EYE want to slam HIM into the wall? Hmm?
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snail-studios · 2 months
unpopular opinion but i absolutely despise mipha's english voice acting and am so sick of hearing everyone act as if that's her only voice when there are so many better ones in japanese, german, almost any version other than english .3.
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ninjautistic · 5 months
helo fellow lloyd lover (are you a simp? Idk i always say to my friends that it doesn't count as simping if the character would be down bad for you)
ANYWAY are you like me and also just kinda wanna stuff him in your mouth and just "ARRGG *GHOMP* HAKDKDJ"
GAHHHH YES I LOVE HIM SMMMM 🥹💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚💚
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He's literally MY WIFE 😋💚
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Self Aware Qlipoth who is. So mad you switched to Harmony. Like come on they only have four preservation characters not including you!!! Ruan Mei already exists the Harmony path doesn't need another Break focused Support!!! They curse Xipe for stealing you and do everything in their power to make you return to Preservation
No Imaginary weaknesses anymore, everyone has fire now. Oh you wanna try and use Hook or Himeko??? Too bad they're dead, Nat and Lynx can't help ya.
But you switched to Pres MC and wow!!! Your shields are so thick they cover the whole health bar!! They never even budge!!! Every attack crits regardless of Magma Will stacks and your taunt seems near infinite. See you still do damage to the Toughness Bar but you won't even get to break before the enemy is fucking dead by your hands. Isn't this so cool don't you regret ever switching off Preservation??? Big fire lance!!! How can you resist that???
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alasarys · 6 months
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Quien Magazine – January 2024
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Writer's Guide
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Headcanon : Where their Crime Writer! S/O asks a question ft Akutagawa, Atsushi, Ango Masterlist Please look at the request rules in masterlist before requesting.
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I still question how you made him like you back
All it took you to ask him and this babygirl experimented it.
"Hey Akutagawa Do you think if a body is fed to the dogs, there are any remains?....Where are you going......And he left"
Babygirl comes back and tells you one thing : "Yes"
Nevertheless you still love him
He just assures you that your writings are accurate like his love. even if it means he will experiment it
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Ah yes, the joyful couple
He was surprised to find your interest in writing :0
Honestly I am pretty sure he will get concerned most of the time when you ask him stuff
"Aye Shushi, Do you think if someone buries a body in the graveyard, he can get away with the crime?" "Y/N I love you but are you okay?"
Bro loves you no matter what.
Ofcourse he wouldnt start killing people for you like akutagawa but he will give you advice once in a while on your writing style
"Atsushi If I-" "Y/N sleep its 3 am in the morning"
you scare him sometimes but he still loves you <3
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Bro look, he is a government agent and you are a crime writer
Imagine the looks people will give him if they find out about your questions
"Hey Ango, if you inject someone with air in their bloodstream how much does it take to make it look like a fake heart attack?"
"Y/N sometimes I wonder why did I bother interacting with you?" "But you still love me darling....please answer me" insert cringe wink
He actually take this relationship as taking care of a baby rather then an adult. But hey, least your his baby (umm bro you have rizz?)
Idk bro he is just fed up sometimes but nevertheless gives you tips from his experience
Least as being a double, triple , quadruple agent
Look y'all better appreciate this because I am sacrificing sleep to complete my pending drafts.
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