tinatinker · 2 months
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maia is on the MARKET
(template by @folkbreeze ty <3)
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birthday's off to a good start
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folkbreeze · 3 months
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Cupid's corner is ON! 😏🏹
Guys I think it's time... I think it's time we put our elegible singles out there. I'm leaving this template under the cut in the hopes I get to see some sexy sims in the near future. let's meet in the tag #simblr cupids corner if you will.
🥸Feel free to put sims up for download too, I will be stealing them for my simray girl
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you need this font
lmk if you have any trouble with it
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simvanie · 1 year
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✿ Totally Spies ✿
I've wanted to make the girls from Totally Spies in the sims for so long and I finally got around to actually doing it. It was one of my favorite cartoons to watch as a kid and so I was hit with a huge wave of nostalgia while doing research for this edit. I want to give some credit to @lovelymindlonelyheart because I took a lot of inspiration from her sims. The style is different from how I normally make sims, but I love how it looks and I thought it would fit the Totally Spies characters really well so I wanted to give it a try.
CC used under the cut:
hair Clover | hair Sam | hair Alex | eyes | eyelashes | Spysuit | SimRay | Backpack -> Simsfinds (previously Simsdom) | Usagi poses | power poses | action poses
Thanks to all the CC creators: @syaovu @joshseoh @wrixie @obscurus-sims @marsosims @akuiyumi @idsims @miikocc @helgatisha @simmerianne93
If anyone is interested in more CC that I found that I think fits the Totally Spies characters but I did not use in this edit:
Totally Spies collection by @qicc
Other hair for Sam by @sehablasimlish
Ponytail hair for Sam by @sehablasimlish
Other hair for Clover by @feralpoodles
Other hair for Alex by @simandy
Other hair for Alex by @meghewlett
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sims41ife · 1 year
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UFO set
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set includes 11 items. Animated cables requires strangerville, functional simray requires get to work, spaceship animated lamp requires werewolves.
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changingplumbob · 15 days
Knightstone Household: Chapter 9, Part 13
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Suzanna was out gathering minerals when she heard someone approach. Finishing off she stood up and dusted herself down. The voice behind her surprised her though.
Faye: Hey boss... can I talk to you
Suzanna: Umm, you want to talk to me?
Faye: Not really. I mean... this job is really important to me. I’ve dreamed of being a scientist since I could walk basically
Suzanna: I know what you mean, it was the same for me
Faye: I got defensive but... I thought about what you said. I did overstep with Shelley. It was unprofessional. I apologised to her
Suzanna: You apologised? That’s great
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Faye: I mean, if she had tried to give me commands I would have snapped. She had every right to be mad at me. I let my personal need for success win over the need to be part of the team, it won’t happen again
Suzanna: Does this mean we’re going to be besties now
Faye: Oh heck no. I still think you got your position because you're an alien rather than you have some great talent. But I’m going to try be more of a team player. I can’t promise to like you, ever, but I can promise to do my job and follow your instructions. I hope we can move past the simray testing now
Suzanna: *laughs* Definitely
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Back home Suzanna took some time to read while Silas relaxed. Eventually they got talking though and caught up on each others day.
Silas: The substitute said we were a good class. Normally she has to work out of town and teaches disguised but she was able to be in her alien form for our class. She said it felt natural
Suzanna: That’s good
Silas: I’m glad we moved here Mummy, it’s nice
Suzanna: Yeah I like it to
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Before bed Silas sat down with Suzanna to learn all he could about his new alien for show and tell.
Silas: If it’s a Red Coral why does it look pink
Suzanna: Things don’t always have fitting names, but in this case it’s genetic
Silas: What does that mean
Suzanna: So female Red Coral are red, and much smaller than this one. The pink ones are boys
Silas: They are? But how can you tell
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Suzanna: MRI’s of them show their insides and let us know
Silas: And why does it have the eye stalks
Suzanna: To see. Their home planet has lower gravity and their buoyancy allows them to sort of bounce around. They spend more time in the air than on the ground so they need to see more angles, so more eyes
Silas: They’re not hurt by the gravity here are they
Suzanna: No. Remember how we can read minds? I can tell that he’s not in any pain or discomfort
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Silas: I know you found him on Sixam so how’d he get there
Suzanna: With the amount of time they spend in the air it’s easy for them to knock against each other and be propelled upwards. Their planet as far as we can tell is along a well traveled route. When they get too high they’re drawn to the ships and stick to the outsides as they approach other planets such as Earth or Sixam
Silas: And they just fall to the ground
Suzanna: As far as we can tell, they’ve never been found in vessels. They are remarkably sturdy. Think that’s enough for show and tell
Silas: I suppose. I just need to think of a good name
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Fitting in a quick workout before bed Suzanna admired her art collection. Today at work she’d collected the last My Sims trophy she needed for a complete collection, and she wondered if she would get a plaque in the mail. She had recieved one for the aliens collection but not the geode collection so she was unsure what the humans counted for rewards. She hadn’t had much time to stargaze with the winter weather but hopefully next rotation.
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The next day Suzanna called work to have another vacation day. This time Faye was more civil and promised to share the command duties with Shelley rather than bossing her coworker around. Satisfied with that Suzanna decided to give Pollock a bath, he needed it with his food flying everywhere. Adam spent the morning at the computer working on his next sci fi novel and after cleaning up her son Suzanna headed out to the garden.
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While Suzanna tended her plants Pollock played in the snow, enjoying throwing it in the air and declaring he was making it snow.
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While Adam headed off to work Suzanna and Pollock had a chill afternoon inside by the thermostat. Seeing Suzanna reading Pollock decided to copy her and set about studying the pages of one of his books. Pollock was excited for Silas to get home but since the older boy had homework to work on Pollock spent his time playing with the ring stack toy.
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Once Adam got home the family had dinner.
Suzanna: How was show and tell Starshine?
Silas: Really good, everyone was impressed with the Red Coral. It’s funny, my class is half alien right
Adam: Yeah, and your normal teacher
Silas: But some of them hadn’t realised that other types of aliens existed. Small ones that is, they thought it was just us
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Pollock: We many Silas
Silas: Yeah we are. But they were interested in your other aliens Mummy, can I take another one next time
Adam: Depends if you look after the Red Coral
Silas: I will. If it can survive a fall from space to the ground I’m sure I can
Suzanna: Technically it didn’t survive the fall as I revived it but close enough
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Suzanna got the children to bed and cleaned the dishes while Adam made a final push on his book. The editor agreed that the manuscript was excellent and promised to forward it to the publisher as soon as the physical copy arrived. Heading upstairs Adam found Suzanna reading the book he’d gotten her for Winterfest.
Adam: Are you enjoying it
Suzanna: I am. There’s a gem seed in here that sounds fascinating. Of course it’s been too cold to plant anything
Adam: Not for much longer, the rain out there is melting the snow, we’re past the middle of winter
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Suzanna: *sighs* We’ve had a good holiday season though
Adam: We have. Care for one last gift under the covers?
Suzanna: *laughing* I’m not sure if I’m on the naughty or nice list
Adam pulled her close for a deep kiss.
Adam: Why not both? I love you Starlight
Suzanna: You’re my guiding star, always
After woohoo the pair snuggled close and fell asleep to the sound of gentle rain on the roof.
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Previous ... Next (Foster)
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storiesbyjes2g · 2 months
3.146 And so it begins
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Chi Chi told us so many stories about Karmine as a baby, I thought I would never make it to bed. I hoped I didn't look crazy while I used every muscle in my body to keep my eyes open. If I was tired because of age, this adult stage and I were not going to get along. Around midnight, she finally left, freeing me to flee to my bed. I was cooked and didn't even remember changing my clothes. What I did remember was closing my eyes and being awakened abruptly minutes later by my phone. It didn't occur to me that it was too late for anyone to be calling because my brain was definitely still asleep. But I answered on autopilot. It was Mama. She said Dad had passed away and I should call her later to discuss funeral arrangements. I heard what she said, but I was too tired to really understand, so I said okay and went back to sleep, crashing harder than I ever had before.
I woke up feeling restless and sat on the edge of the bed, gripping my head in my hands, trying to make sense of it all, but I couldn't pinpoint what was troubling me. A sense of unease overwhelmed me because I had a nagging feeling that some unfinished business weighed heavily on me, but couldn't recall the details. I sat there, combing over my thoughts until it came to me. My dad was gone. I waited for something to happen, expecting a deluge of tears, a flurry of anger, a vast emptiness...something. But I felt nothing. How? Was this...peace? After all, we had a great, fulfilling relationship. I got to say goodbye. Was there really anything to be sad about?
Desiree called for me, so I shook myself out of my thoughts and made a bottle.
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"Hey, sweetie. Do you remember granddad? He gave you your eyes. He taught me everything I know. He, uhhh...he's gone now, so he won't come see you anymore. It's okay if you're sad. Mommy and daddy are here for you."
I knew she had no idea what I said, but it just came out. Maybe it was my own inner dialogue, trying to convince me it was acceptable to display my emotions. Still, I felt nothing. After she was satisfied, I showered and waited for Sophia to wake up.
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She giggled in her sleep a lot. I always wondered what she dreamt about and wished my sleep was as entertaining as hers. I loved her playful spirit. She might have tiny gray hairs sprouting here and there, and little lines creasing her face that weren't there before, but she was every bit as youthful and gorgeous as she was the first time I saw her. When she finally opened her eyes, she asked if I had been watching her, and I admitted to it.
"Like what you see?" she asked.
"I love what I see."
"Good. What's going on?"
"I've been waiting to tell you something."
"What is it?" she asked, her voice still heavy with sleep. She slid from under the blanket and sat next to me with worry and concern written on her face. "Why didn't you wake me?"
"You need your rest."
"I'm fine, Luca. What's going on?"
"It's Dad. He's gone."
Her eyes welled up. At least one of us could cry for him.
"So soon?" As the news settled within her, her shoulders slumped, burdened by our seemingly sudden loss. "Oh, Luca. I'm so sorry."
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She flew to me, squeezing even tighter than she did the other night, thinking I needed comfort, but she needed it too.
"I need to go to Mama's house for a few hours, but I'll be back."
"Of course. Take all the time you need."
Lately, it seemed all I did was leave Sophia and Desiree at home. I didn't like it, but that was daily life for many parents. Most men had jobs outside the home they went to every day and only saw their families at night. It was normal, but I still felt like I was abandoning them. I just wanted to be there with them, but life kept pulling me away.
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I ended up at Dad's house on my way to Newcrest. I couldn't explain how I ended up there if someone asked me to explain it with a SimRay at my head, but there I was, standing on the sidewalk, gazing up at this place that used to be my home. It called to me, I guess, so I went inside and looked around. He didn't have much, like he said, but I was surrounded by so many good memories.
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It occurred to me that I should look for his urn while I was there, but I never found it. I must have walked around that house three times searching for it, but it was nowhere to be found. How could we have a funeral with no urn? And if it wasn't there, where in the world was it? How would I be able to find it without knowing where he died? Defeat set in, but I refused to give up and hoped Mama could help me.
She met me at the door and threw her arms around me.
"I'm sorry for your loss, buddy. Can I do anything for you?"
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"I'm oddly fine. Is that weird? I don't know if I'm at peace or I'm gonna fall apart later."
"It's not weird at all. One thing I learned from him and Mommy is sims grieve in different ways. Maybe yours isn't a loud, sobby grief. Maybe it's quiet and reflective."
"I went by the house. There wasn't an urn. How can we have the funeral without it, Mama?"
She averted her eyes.
"Ummm... You didn't find it because... Well...okay, he was here last night."
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"He was...here?"
My second question was going to be what was he doing there in a suspicious tone, but he could have been hanging out with Alessia or helping with the babies. But he never once touched those babies, and he and Alessia didn't have that kind of relationship. And given how weird Mama acted, and how she'd been looking at him lately, and how much he'd been talking about her, my very educated guess was that neither Less nor the babies had anything to do with his late-night visit, and I didn't want to know anymore. Besides, now it made more sense why she was the one who called me.
"So, you have it then?" I asked.
"...That's it?"
"It's none of my business, Mama."
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It was all hands on deck later when the taxing trio were unhappy all at once. Less was outside swimming, so I went and got her so we would be evenly matched. Arvin seemed to be the easiest one to care for. He had a rather sunny disposition, only crying when he needed something vs. his brother who cried for just about any reason. He seemed to be really sensitive but didn't enjoy being held for long. I knew he was going to be a handful. Breanna was rather calm, but man did she love to eat. I tried to put her down several times after feeding her, but she kept crying for more.
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Alessia and I must have been alike in our grief, because she seemed relatively okay too, not that I expected her to be all broken up. She loved our dad in her own way, but their relationship wasn't like ours. When Mama passes, it might be a different story.
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crymics · 4 months
Functional Portal Gun
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Aperture Science is proud to present you the Portal Gun. This device is designed to solve challenging tests in the Aperture Science test chambers and, with the results obtained, to further update the device in order to take the "Best Science Laboratory" award from Black Mesa. This mod transforms the Simray object in the game into the Portal Gun. Unfortunately, it seems impossible to access the original Simray in the game while using this mod (at least I couldn't manage it). If you would be able to help me in this situation i will appreciate it!
Special Thanks to @mauvemorn
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lilacacia · 8 months
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Jade was starting to Burnout with all the hours spent at the lab so they did some digital painting to ease their nerves (best thing, we didn't even have to buy a tablet, we got it with the SimRay!)
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allisas · 8 months
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Another day at the lab doing lab things, like adding new manipulative features to the SimRay. I'm not convinced that Colin is a particularly popular coworker. 😅
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tipsy-clouds · 1 month
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Extraterrestrial Researcher gameplay is back! We come back to Natasha taking a DNA Sample from her coworker Ben who is in his underwear because Natasha used the brain control feature from the SimRay on him beforehand 😅
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theplottdump · 9 months
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[ 𝘽𝙊𝙊𝙈 ] An explosion shook downtown Britechester. Pre-rigged fireworks rained down from Darby Tower as miles away, in an abandoned countryside warehouse- one carefully designed to duplicate the interior of the famous clock tower, Vexus concluded his monologue.
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The fireworks were largely harmless- a simple distraction to pull the authorities away from a higher stakes prize.
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Loot from the royal vaults- which Leanne was currently making a swift and painless getaway with, clear on the other side of town.
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Ill gotten gains successfully in tow, the Princess would be let free to wander out into the countryside at her leisure. After a cursory and experimental short term mind wipe from Val's simray of course.
It was nice to have a more or less willing human test subject for a change.
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And Valerian would be free to race backwards against time to ensure his fiancé wouldn't have to spend New Years Eve without him.
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Chad: You constructed an entire fake clock tower? Val: I'm sorry I'm late. Chad: You're ridiculous. Val: I'm meticulous. Detail oriented even. Chad: Sure Sure.
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Chad: Blowing up landmarks, almost late for our New Years kiss. What am I supposed to do with you Valerian Plott?
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Val: I may have something specific in mind.
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academic prestige (memoirs by mitzi's co-workers about how they were constantly antagonized by her) and scientific achievements (nobel prize for not getting fired despite the overall sense of chaos she brings to the workplace) await our newest extraterrestrial explorer <3
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woohoojuicesimoleons2 · 4 months
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Get this machine away from this man. Jon was toying around at work and invented the SimRay, but he keeps freezing this one coworker lol and the way he looked at homegirl while she was freakin out lmao
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tiptoesims · 6 months
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"But you've always had such grace where they're concerned."
"That's me, a bundle of grace & love for all!"
Another big gulp of wine.
"Well, if you ever want to give her a good freezing, you let me know. I always keep my simray charged."
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grimm-haven · 1 year
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Rosabelle's charity benefit party (2/2)
▸Araminta refused to wear her formal wear or interact with any guests, choosing to isolate herself in the bathroom or out at the bar with her family - though this time, she and Minthe have teamed up to tease Thorne, his cute alien handshakes, and his gushing over Rosheil in a white dress. ▸Rosabelle found herself in the arms of a handsome stranger. ▸And of course, the press. The press adored Rosabelle and her iconic red dress. ▸Lastly, Minthe used her little SimRay to freeze another neighbor (the last one moved away after the incident), but this time, she made sure to post it on Simstagram. . . for advertisement purposes.
Beginning of Rose Gen // Previous // Next
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