#sims 4 style challenges
squea · 5 months
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@buttertrait 's forever lovely elvene in my style <33
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puretopia · 6 months
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Glimmerbrook's apartment is coming along, I basically took all of their furniture with them from the lighthouse to re-use!
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fizzytoo · 1 month
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showcase night! congratulations, karlee!
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claudtrait · 3 months
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duskbats · 3 months
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soak for a long time in a hot spring and make a new enemy ✓
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bobatrait · 1 year
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himekaji!! 💗🍥🪷🍡
hair @tekri skin @northernsiberiawinds jacket @trillyke skirt @korkassims shoes @jius-sims socks @trillyke nails @saruin earmuffs @aharris00britney
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cattermelons · 9 months
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As sleepless nights continued, Dianora faced the tribulations of her pregnancy, whilst Gianluca seemingly lived in his own world of career jargon. The poor girl became haunted with all such emotions and sought consolation from her husband, and yet she found him, awake as she, with a glass of wine as he finally concluded his work day, without an ounce of sympathetic conversation offered to her. Of course, Dianora loved Gianluca but her physical woes altered her as irritated and melancholic, discovering that Gianluca’s blissfulness could only enrage her on account of her own pains.
However, with such heightened emotions of spite, finally came calmness with the swiftness of Gianluca’s apology. He did not become defensive, rather taking note of his wife’s dismay, for this time he realised fighting for his pride was not worth Dianora’s suffering. As each day went on, their child grew, but as did the ups and downs between the two of them; as usually, Dianora could entertain herself when Gianluca was working, she was now but confined to their home, not bothering to dress, nor change from her undergarments. Thus, her loneliness could only consolidate the pain her body was inflicting on her.
Yet, despite all this, Gianluca’s light-hearted, and poorly timed, jest of her mother-in-law was still able to make her smile.
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.・゜゜・𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘸𝘪𝘯𝘪𝘧𝘳𝘦𝘥'𝘴 𝘥𝘪𝘢𝘳𝘺 ・゚゚・。
Dear Diary,
I have been spending much of my time with Beth and Ozzy lately; I'm hoping to get Ozzy to be more comfortable around me. He was still a bit uncertain whenever I walked through the front door every morning and it would take him awhile to warm up to me. But, today, I think my daily visits have officially paid off!
My little boy walked right over to me, giggling and smiling as he neared where before he looked so timid, and said in the sweetest voice, 'Mum! Mum!' with the biggest smile on his face. I nearly wept with joy and when I looked over at Beth's face, I know she felt it too.
During most of my visits, Ozzy and I have been practicing learning more words while Beth stays nearby, usually busying herself with her knitting or reading. It doesn't seem like it now because he's so little but someday sooner than I liked, we'll be sending him off to school and I want him to have a better education than Lawrence or I had.
Most of the time though, it seems he is more interested in playing than learning.
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Winter is approaching rather quickly and from what Lawrence tells me, it seems like it will be a harsh one. He spends most of his time in the field these days trying to prepare but even though he tries to hide it, I can tell he's running himself ragged. I worry about him very much.
Despite how cold and windy it's been though, we've all been trying to savor every remaining warm day. When the weather proves well-enough, Beth and I have been taking Ozzy to explore the bramble wood. He's a curious little boy and I love watching him discover things.
I can tell though that Ozzy's favorite days are the ones where Jackson can join us and brings his granddaughter, Nellie, along to play too; his son is studying to become a medical doctor so Jackson and Louise take care of Nellie often, which makes me feel sad for her sometimes.
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She's a sweet little girl but she's a few years older than Ozzy and doesn't like to share. More often than not, they will start arguing over a toy and won't let up until an adult steps in to calm the situation. I worry about this sometimes and how it will affect the way Ozzy thinks he can treat this little one growing within my belly.
I am happy he has a friend though. It warms me up to hear him laughing, and I don't think anyone gets him smiling quite like Nellie, and it is sweet to watch them chase each other through the fallen leaves.
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It does make my heart ache sometimes though, that in the moments where Nellie hurts my poor Ozzy's feelings, he still seeks Beth out for comfort over his Mother. And even though I try my best to hide it, Jackson still noticed my long face and asked what was troubling me.
After I rambled on for awhile, he confessed that he supposes if I only asked Beth, she would come help me raise Ozzy.
At first, I was hesitant to truly believe it, it feels like I'm yoking her with my troubles too much already. But he reassured me that Beth always wanted a large family after being the oldest of eleven girls and being with my little family helps with the lonesomeness she has now that her husband has passed on.
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.・゜゜・𝘢𝘯 𝘦𝘹𝘦𝘳𝘵 𝘧𝘳𝘰𝘮 𝘣𝘦𝘵𝘩'𝘴 𝘱𝘳𝘢𝘺𝘦𝘳 𝘫𝘰𝘶𝘳𝘯𝘢𝘭 ・゚゚・。
The Baudelaire's have asked me to move in with them to help take care of little Oscar. How I fretted over the day when I would have to part from the little one and now, I won't have to.
Oh, how relieved I am! So many nights I prayed for God to light the path and guide me through my worry of being alone once again, and He has answered my prayer with his His love!
I could not find the strength to ask, but in his wisdom, he passed it onto Winifred and I am so grateful for that.
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kazuaru · 4 months
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Doing @buttertrait's cas challenge with @fangs-trait's Rudolf
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wastelandwhisperer · 6 months
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Marianne: You're pulling my hair!
Catherine: Well, stop moving so much and we'd be done already. I don't even want to go to this event, but it's for your benefit.
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M: Are you not even the least bit excited? What if someone catches your eye tonight?
C: I highly doubt that. Now stop moving. I am more than perfectly content right now and one of the many reasons I haven't run off with some rich and boring partner.
M: You know one of these days someone will catch your eye and make you regret saying that.
C: Remember we are only sent here in the first place because mother wants us to settle down and find someone rich. She doesn't care if we're happy.
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M: That's a rather horrible thing to say. Fine, I'll let the matter drop for now.
Dom: Ah, my darling sisters! I couldn't help but overhear, well I could but chose to listen anyway, and I have a wonderful game we could play tonight.
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C: You know I detest your games.
D: Well since mother doesn't care about our happiness anyway, why don't we do a little wager. The first person to be seriously courted by the richest person wins.
M: And what do we win dear brother? I don't think you enough Simoleons stashed away.
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D: We'll figure something out. For now it might just be bragging rights.
C: Fine, only because it will make you all stop discussing my love life like it's the weather.
M: Of course I am going to join you all. Also Dom, sleeping with the person doesn't count. Remember you said seriously courted.
D: Let the games begin.
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aheathen-conceivably · 11 months
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I see no historical inaccuracies, your honor, not a single one. Only the cutest father daughter bonding time I have ever seen and a hot-headed little bean who is trying her hardest 🥹
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seyvia · 10 months
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Darling Ofelia.
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I am uncertain of how to start this letter. So I'll simply begin with my recent feelings. I am very grateful for the love I've received from my parents. I would have spent my whole life trying to repay them somehow, but fate had its own plans. My name is Fable Flickwick. Growing up, I was a sickly child. I would have never expected at the age of 9 to be adopted by two of the most lovely people you would have ever met. They loved me despite my fragile nature, and their help and encouragement probably saved my life more times than I would like to admit. With their sudden passing, I find myself more lonely than I ever thought possible. I'm doing my best to keep my mother's antique shop afloat, as I love that old shop. But I've been feeling doubtful of my capabilities to do so on my own. I didn't realize how physically taxing the job would be. I'm rambling, I know. That's enough of my story of woe, I suppose... What else should I say? I am 24. My favorite pass time is photography. I had originally intended to make it a career, but I was always too busy helping mom at the shop to take it seriously. I am healthier than I was as a child, so don't worry about that! I can at least take care of myself despite my appearance... I grew up in Brindleton Bay by the coast, and the shop is right beside the docks. It is quant and quiet here but sometimes I think I need to get away from it all. I understand that you have a farm? I would love to know more about it and what you do there. I'm sure I have over romanticized it in my head, haha... I could rewrite this letter a thousand times and still not be confident in it, so I hope you will accept it as is. Messy but hopeful. Yours, Fable♡
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@oatberrytea my humble offering<3
she/her. Clumsy / Gloomy / Socially Awkward. Aspiration: Inner peace.
likes: photography/ wellness/ handiness/ knitting/ pink/ blue/ vintage decor/ shabby decor/ cottagecore music/ focus music/ deep thoughts/ talking about hobbies/ stories/
dislikes: fitness/ fishing/ gray/ gossip/ arguments/ modern decor/ electronic music/
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fizzytoo · 7 months
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market day: 02, the final day!
the kamealoha siblings enjoy mae's sweet berry waffles and lemonade on the final day of the weekend market. they also partake in some chestnut ridge gossip with a local named devin
karlee does a few more portraits before the day is done, including one for an older brother and a cheeky little sister (karlee thinks they're both very puppy-like and can't help but to tease libby)
mae by @pearlean devin by @maelfe jack & libby by @squea
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karlee getting the adoring sentiment the very first time she talks to jack,,, no i get it he's so puppy
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strangecowplant · 1 year
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new horror themed simb who i love a lot
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thebramblewood · 1 year
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A couple groovy vamps before and after a big night out for @buttertrait's base Sim challenge! Genie and Mo are very proud of themselves for passing as such hip and fashionable humans, but what they don't realize is they're several decades behind the trend and not blending in at all.
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maddieplum · 1 month
💙🩵Floral Legacy Challenge Pt. 5🩵💙
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🪻let's find where Bella's loneliness will take her...🪻
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Meet Ember Black: cute bartender who's just Bella's type
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(Now what could possibly come of this??)
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