geekchicsimmer · 9 months
After a year in the making between uni, I finally finished this fun short titled, "Viral." I had to bust out my photo editing skills so hard for this one but it was worth it! Check it out on YouTube and feel free to subscribe! My last semester should not be that bad, so I will be working on sims in between. :)
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minii-mistt · 4 years
my youtube channel where my series will premiere
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matissesims · 4 years
The Real Housewives of NYC: Opening Credits
Subscribe to my channel so you don’t miss any episodes: 💄 (click the lipstick emoji)
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rstarsims3 · 5 years
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Old school data storing... 😁 ( I kinda like this method, it's like my own personal video library with my own series, in hard copy)
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siimsandhoney-blog · 6 years
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divaqueenxoxox1 · 6 years
Episode 4 :)
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ultimatesimmers · 6 years
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H: You have a wife!!!
L: Wh-what?
H: I know Lance! Don’t lie!
L: Okay.. yes but li-
H: No! Im leaving!
L: Wait!
H: No, what could you possibly say at this point?
L: Im not a bad guy.
H: Yeah…You’ve said that before…
L: Listen to me. Yes I have a wife. But we barely speak. She and I haven’t physically and emotionally been together in a very long time.
H: I don’t know how I could’ve been so stupid…
L: Hazel… You’re not. Please… You’re all I got…
H: No! Don’t do that! You don’t get to do that! I loved you! I trusted you!
L: It doesn’t have to be!
H: Yes! You have children!… How many Lance?
L: Please Hazel…
L: I have two… Two girls…
H: Go back to your family Lance. Get a divorce or go live happily ever after with your wife, but leave me alone. Stay out of my life.
L: I can’t do that…
H: You will. Or I’ll be forced to get a restraining order. I don’t want to see you Lance. I want you to stay the hell away from me. Today, tomorrow, next month, next year… Just stay away…
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midnightsimmmer · 4 years
I decided I’m posting spoilers
In my creative writing class, I decided to take season 2, episode 4 of Bite The Bullet and make it into a short-story-esque read. Scattered scenes from the episode will be below ;) Would love feedback!!!!
“Well, have you tried… maybe like-”
“Give it up, Kiyami.” Beatrix fumbled to get her fingers untangled from her curls. Kiyami slumped onto the table and placed her cheek in her hand.
“Bee… he’s not going to stop bugging you until you tell him to stop.”
“He’s never going to stop.” Beatrix's hand flung free, nearly knocking her tea off the table. Kiyami helplessly opens her phone after a slight ding emerges, and she lets out a sigh.
“Are you still answering his calls?” Beatrix freezes, and without a word Kiyami knew the answer. She was disappointed, but not surprised. The room suddenly grew colder, Kiyami rubbing her arms for warmth, looking to see if the air conditioning kicked back on. It didn’t. She watched Beatrix pick at her nail polish for what felt like hours.
“You don’t understand.” Beatrix’s voice choked under the pressure, barely finishing the last word. 
“What do you mean I don’t understand? I thought I knew you better than anyone ever has.”
“Well, clearly you don’t.” her stare lingered from her nails to the painting Kiyami hung up above their table. It was a piece of Japan Kiyami spent an entire night telling Beatrix about when she couldn’t sleep. Kiyami practiced tai chi there every day after school as a child, she loved the way the cherry blossoms fell onto her as she swiftly moved her limbs. It was one of the only places Kiyami could be at peace, and Beatrix wanted her to always have a way to be there.
“It’s been 7 months. You need to let him go or-”
“Or you’re going to leave me, right?” The cracks in Beatrix’s voice echoed the pain she was feeling. “If you loved me you wouldn’t make me choose.”
“If you really loved me, there wouldn’t be a choice.” Beatrix’s face grew red, for the first time since she got home, she finally made eye contact. Kiyami could see the pain, the overwhelming amount of confusion, anger, frustration, sadness, everything.
“He was the first person I ever loved and trusted, I told you he wasn’t going to let me go.”
“He murdered people, Beatrix!” Kiyami’s hand slammed onto the table and the deep voice of her past crept up. Frustration overpowered the estrogen Kiyami had been on for years, and hearing her old voice broke her heart even more.
“He did it to protect me.” Beatrix’s teeth began to grind, she continued to pick at her polish without breaking from the stare.
“You’re so stuck on a man that you’re going to make excuses for the murder of your own father? What kind of hold does he have on you?” Kiyami pulled her hand off the table and rested it on Beatrix’s hands. “It wasn’t this bad when we got together, Bee. What happened?”
That’s when she broke. 7 months of tears all came out at once, causing every spec of black eyeliner to smear down her cheeks. She wanted to tell her everything, help her understand, but how? How do you explain the way you’ve been once again manipulated, when you don’t even know it? Weston’s smooth words through the scratchy connection of a prison phone echoed through her mind, and she couldn’t let him go. There’s no way it could ever be possible. Kiyami wrapped her arms around Beatrix, but she pushed her away.
“Hey, let me help you.” Kiyami was back to her soft and light-hearted voice, caring more about Beatrix’s emotions than whatever hold Weston still had on her. “This is part of my job.”
“A relationship isn’t a job, Kiyami!” She hid her frustrations through anger, unknowingly burying every ounce of progress she’s made with Kiyami. “I never felt like work to him.”
“That’s not what I’m saying!” Kiyami’s hand frantically flew to cover her stomach, the other smearing her makeup to the side of her face rather than down her cheeks.
“I need to go.” Beatrix struggled to stand, overrun with emotion that she couldn’t control. She practically ran out the door as Kiyami turned, thinking of following her. Instead she leaned out the door to ask Beatrix to call her, but she was long gone.
Calista opened the door to find Beatrix, who had wiped all of her makeup away on the walk to her place. Her eyes were red and glossy, but Beatrix refused to let another tear fall. With an instant gasp, Calista’s girlfriend, Aia, joined by her side to welcome Beatrix in with a warm hug. Beatrix politely asked not to be touched, and they both backed up, allowing her to sit down wherever she pleased.
“What happened?” Calista sat by Beatrix as Aia began to brew black tea, something that Calista hated but kept around just for Beatrix.
“I don’t think Kiyami wants to be with me anymore.” Beatrix mumbled as she tried to steady her hand.
“Kiyami wants to be with you, Beatrix. Don’t let your insecurity take over the situation at hand.” Aia handed the cup to Beatrix, who only responded with a dirty look. “Too straight forward… right.” Aia stood there for a few moments, and realized that there was no way she was going to help. Kiyami may be her sister, but Aia still hasn’t figured out how to talk to Beatrix. Calista turned and locked eyes with Aia, the pair communicated almost telepathically.
It’s okay, I got it. Aia read from Calista’s soft nod. I think I’m gonna go. Aia said through sucking in her lips and looking down to her right.
“Just know that Kiyami loves you, I hear the way she talks about you every day. She wants you.” Aia picked up her phone from the glass coffee table and left into Calista’s room, hardly making a noise.
“Beatrix, you have to tell me the truth.” Calista put a hand on her knee, which was cold despite Beatrix wearing thick black tights. “Is this about Weston?” the tightening grip on the mug of tea told Calista all she needed to know, and she let out a sigh. “I told you to stop taking his calls.”
“He offered to pay for me to go to art school.”
“And you’re going to take it?!” 
“What? No! I-”
“I told you to stop taking money from him! I told you to stop taking calls from him!” Calista moved a cushion away from Beatrix, eyebrows furrowing.
“I did! But then I-”
“But then you decided to take the call! You know how he affects you, and you know how his affect on you hurts Kiyami! For fucks sake, Bee, do you even care about her feelings?”
“I do!” Beatrix’s unsteadiness hurled out in her words, slowly growing more and more exasperated.
“Then why take his call?”
“He’s manipulated you. Again.”
“No he hasn’t! I have everything under control!”
“Then why are you crying?!” Beatrix paused to touch her cheeks, she can’t hide her feelings as easily as she used to. Calista’s shoulders dropped. “I can’t keep supporting this.”
“I could understand if you weren’t taking his calls anymore, but that’s not the case. You’re letting him do this to you because part of you still wants him to.” Beatrix croaked, trying to say I know, but she couldn’t. There was nothing she could do. The purgatory of emotion, trampled between anger and despair. Calista was exhausted, and Beatrix knew it was over. Not just with her friends, but with Kiyami as well. She’s let him ruin everything for her. Her family, her friends, and any potential romance she could ever have. Beatrix accepted her fate with her best friend and left, trying her best not to slam the door behind her and failing. Aia poked her head out into the hallway to see Calista turn to look back at her.
“I don’t think you should have done that, Cal.” Aia sat next to Calista, her head barely able to lean on her shoulder. 
“I don’t know what else to do, she’s stuck.”
“Not everyone needs to hit rock bottom in order to get better. This isn’t a movie.”
“Then what do you suppose I do?” Calista rested her head on Aia’s, letting out a sigh that drew on for what felt like forever. Silence echoed through Calista’s apartment, doubt filling in any cracks left over.
Three days had passed since Beatrix called Kiyami from the corner of Arcadia Way and Charles Lane. She sulked on the bench painted blue in front of Mike’s Cornerstore, slowly typing in Kiyami’s phone number. The skips between words weren’t because of poor cell service. Beatrix crashed on Malachi’s couch, which only bugged his parent’s a little bit. As long as she paid a little rent for their troubles, everything would be alright… right?
“Beatrix…” Malachi shook her awake, no light shone in through the curtains yet. “You were sleep-talking again, my baba asked me to take you into my room.”
“I’m sorry.” she wiped the mixture of drool and tears from her chin and strained her eyes to see the clock on the wall. “What time is it?”
“Late.” He stood from his knees and went into his room, opening his dresser drawer for a t-shirt. Beatrix awkwardly followed in, hesitating to sit on his bed at first. 
“You’re sure they don’t mind I’m in here?” 
“Just as long as we’re fully clothed, not sharing a blanket, and the door is wide open.” He closed his dresser with his hip as a white v-neck was pulled down to cover his thin but toned waist; Beatrix failed to notice. Instead of laying back in bed to sleep, he leaned against the wall parallel to Beatrix. “Why did you come here?”
“Because I have nowhere else to go.” she bit her lip, eyes avoiding his.
“I know that’s not true. You came to me before your brother.” A wall of awkward silence built brick by brick as the clock ticked on. 
“I don’t want to explain everything to him.”
“Don’t you think your own twin would understand what’s going on in your head more than your eh- uh, whatever I am to you.”
“I think you count as an ex.”
“Cool, so you ghosting me hurts a little bit more now.”
“Aren’t you happy I came to you?”
“Don’t get me wrong, I am. I just... don’t get why. You haven’t talked to me since you left.” His arms crossed with defense, preparing himself to say something that could set off what he knows to be a ticking time bomb. “You haven’t even apologized yet.” 
“I know.” She looked at all the baseball trophies Malachi’s parents demanded be kept on the shelves. “That’s because I’m not sorry.”
“What the hell kind of response is that?” Malachi’s arms fell in dumbfoundedness.
“It’s my response. It’s the truth.” She bit her lip, the taste of blood spilling onto the side of her tongue. Malachi was perplexed, there was no way he could possibly respond to that. The two of them sat in silence for a while, until Malachi muscled the ability to ask the question that’s been lingering for months.
“Why’d you do it?”
“There’s a lot going on that you don’t know about.”
“With Weston?”
“With… Weston…” Malachi could see she was ready to open up, and maybe give him the answer he’s been longing for. She explained everything. How she fell fast and hard for Kiyami, simply because Kiyami made her feel like Weston didn’t exist anymore. Malachi had a lot of qualities Weston had, and whenever he said something Weston had said before, it threw Beatrix off guard and she felt reminded of everything he’d done for her. Even though everything Weston did was monstrous, it was still for Beatrix; The deep-set manipulation was making Beatrix feel that maybe, just maybe, murdering 6 people wasn’t so bad in the end. Beatrix told Malachi about Weston paying for her rent up until she moved in with Kiyami, and how Weston offered to pay for art school on top of that.
“Wow…” Malachi looked out to the sun rising through his window, suddenly sitting next to Beatrix on his bed. “That’s… a lot.”
“I know.”
“I really liked you, Beatrix.”
“Do you still?”
“No, not the same way.”
“Good.” The sound of an alarm buzzed through the walls, Malachi’s mother was getting up for work.
“Coffee?” Beatrix shook her head. “Oh, that’s right. Tea only.” She failed to hold back her smile. They sat there for a while, enjoying each other's aura in the silence. Malachi turned to see the bags under Beatrix’s eyes, the restless nights were really beginning to show, especially since she hasn’t had the chance to put makeup on since the last time she cried it all off.
“What do I say?”
“In my sleep.” Beatrix looked to the ground, twiddling her thumbs.
“Oh.” Malachi pondered for a moment, wondering whether he thought she was ready to hear the truth or not. “Maybe I’ll tell you later.”
“Maybe you’ll tell me now.” a stern tone rode over her voice.
“Maybe I’ll tell you never.” A cheesy smirk made Malachi’s left dimple show, and he got up to grab his towel. “I’m gonna shower.” Beatrix kept her eyebrows low until the door was completely closed before letting her face relax as she flopped backwards onto the bed.
The way Malachi’s hair fell into his deep brown eyes when it was wet could weaken the knees of any girl, or guy for that matter. Droplets of Old Spice scented water drizzled down his jawline, which was the perfect mix of smooth and angular. He shook his head as water flung everywhere, annoying Beatrix, but causing the group of teen girls at their bus-stop to melt in the 40-degree cold.
“Can you fucking not?” Beatrix wiped droplets off her cheeks as she glared upwards. “You’re practically giving me a shower over here.”
“Oh come on,” Malachi pulled his hood up before opening his car door “It’s not like you didn’t need one anyway.” Beatrix reached out to him from the other side of the car, only for him to poke fun at the fact that she’s far too short to reach across his car. 
“You’re lucky it’s cold.” she grimaced.
“You’re lucky I’m letting you come to work with me, again.” her eyes rolled so hard she could see her brain, if there was any light.
“I don’t want to sit at home all day with your father watching a jewish priest read the Torah. I’m sorry.” Malachi let out a laugh.
“Me neither. That shit’s awful.” He pressed a cigarette between his lips before turning the corner, the teen girls once again gushing over him.
“Looks like you’ve got groupies.”
“They flunked classes so bad they need to go to summer school.” He lit his cigarette and drove off from the girls, who were still looking at him and waving to his car. “They’re also sophomores.”
“And for a moment you had me thinking bad grades were the only thing holding you back.” Beatrix joked, but he didn’t seem to take light to it.
“I’m not going to fuck a 15 year old.”
“It’s a joke, dude. I know you’re not like that.”
“Kay well that doesn’t make it funny.”
“I’m sorry, holy shit.” A few seconds of silence were cut off with Beatrix awkwardly turning on the radio, alternative music blasting through the speakers.
Kenji looked over to Cedric, both of them with concerned looks on their faces.
“You’re allowed to ask her what happened, you know.” Cedric rolled his eyes.
“She doesn’t respond when I do that, she has to tell me herself.”
“Maybe she’s doing that thing where she wants someone to reach out to her, but she’s too scared to ask.” Cedric looked over to Kenji, telepathically asking: are you sure about that one?  “Yeah no, you’re right. It’s Beatrix we’re talking about here.” Kenji’s british accent stumbled over her name, as it always has. Seeing Cedric worry about his sister made Kenji frustrated, he can’t solve problems that have to do with Beatrix because of her stubbornness. A slight knock on the open door revealed Kenji’s dad, with slicked back blonde hair and a dark 5 o’clock shadow.
“You lads all set for lunch?”
“I’m not hungry.” Cedric spit out, Kenji’s muscles tightened.
“Well, your mother and I are going out for lunch with your sister. I assume you boys can make your own once your appetite comes back.” He stepped back to head down the stairs before facing them again. “I hope everything gets sorted, Ced.” Cedric rubbed his temples as the footsteps down the stairs echoed into the room.
“He’s trying to father me.”
“It’s not like it makes me any more comfortable than you.” Kenji sighed, trying to think of any possible way to make Cedric feel better. “How’s chocolate chip waffles sound for lunch?”
“Extra chocolate chips?”
“Extra chocolate chips.” Kenji smiled before the two of them rushed down to the kitchen, pulling the waffle maker from the cupboards. Once they noticed the van pull out from the driveway, Kenji turned on the radio to its highest setting. Cedric’s awkward and lanky dancing paired with off-pitch singing brought warmth to Kenji’s heart, who sang along in perfect pitch as he put the waffle mix together. To Kenji’s surprise, Cedric’s elbow wacked against the bag of flour. White powder filled the air, sticking to Cedric’s black jeans and Kenji’s dark green pullover. They stood in silence, Cedric’s large brown eyes widened and staring right into Kenji’s hazel deep-set eyes, before breaking out into laughter, hugging the flour even deeper into their clothes.
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autumn---hill · 8 years
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divaqueenxoxox1 · 6 years
Here’s episode 3!
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ultimatesimmers · 8 years
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Its moving day and Carson does not want to leave. 
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cultivate23 · 7 years
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I love Mxims Custom Content. All of this Apple Clutter looks great.. #apple #imac #drebeats #ipad #macbookpro #macbookair #iphonex #iphone #sims4cc #ts4 #simsstory #sims3story #sims3series #sims4stories #sims4series #sims4story #simsccfinds #simsinstagram #simsinterior #goodmorning #goodnight #goodafternoon #cultivatedproductions
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radrunawaybear-blog · 7 years
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ali-s4cc · 6 years
Bringing it back. Please check it out!!!
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